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No. 1075
>>1058Uh… Well, my first crush (I still love him. It's been 8 years) is ugly to other peoples eyes, short but has a 17 cm penis.
I guess it depends on the person, anon. If a girl really loves you, and if she is an obsessed psycho like me, she'll love you even if you're a semitic looking 5'6 faggot with glasses who basically looks like an alien, black version of Woody Allen.
No. 1077
>>1074nice try manlet.
when will they learn?
No. 1078
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Yall should know that this site has been linked on 4chan /fit/, and OP is memeing a copypasta.
No. 1081
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>>1080>I hate feeling physically inferiorYou say that now, but would you also say that if this guy in the pic was your boyfriend? Didn't think so. It's every girls wet dream.
No. 1083
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Nice Thread manlet
No. 1085
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Ranch Pinata
No. 1086
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scoop nukem
No. 1089
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>>108220, and he has to slap the shit out of a mentally handicapped guy
No. 1090
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>>1058at least 12" cock and decent girth
(cannot look like a tap worm) so I can feel it in my tonsils
his height must start with 7, I don't mind if he rounds to the nearest quarter of an inch.
I don't care what his face looks like as long as he has bank accounts in foreign islands
ALSO confidence is KEY, not looking for validation ay OP :^)
No. 1105
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>>1103what do you guys think of this body? too cut?
No. 1107
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>>1098Its pretty widely accepted among men that women dont know what they want. We're just asking cus we're curious what you'll say.
No. 1108
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This good or more lean?
No. 1111
Face is the most important (smile is my favorite feature and the first thing I notice), then body, then height. I love lanky borderline skeletal guys but I don't care about height at all.
>>1107That's retarded. Women not being a hivemind and having diffrent opinions means that we don't know what we want? By that logic, I guess men don't know what they want either because there's guys that like skinny girls and fat girls, girls with big boobs and small boobs, etc.
No. 1112
>>1108>>1105dont ask autistic weebs plz, they dont have taste. I love their bodies so much!
as for me it is the body that is 1#
No. 1114
>>1058honestly face I guess. I personally don't have intense standards for men because I'm not really into hookups and tend to only go for people I want to date. Once you like someones personality/they are a good/nice person it almost radiates from their face you know? so it makes them attractive
I guess I prefer someone who is at least average weight-chubby but I don't really care much. As long as they are not morbidly obese. Same thing with height, as long as they are my height or a little taller it's cool. I guess the most attractive guy for me thought would be someone around 5'10-6'00 who is at least average weight wise.
No. 1115
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>>1111I wasnt saying diffrent tastes was the same as having no idea. Women fantasize about a guy like edward cullen but typically guys that act like edward cullen do not attract alot of attention. The men women say they would choose (sensitive, lean, not to hunky, in touch with feelings) is consistantly very diffrent from the one they do choose
>>1113Curious, like i said.
No. 1119
>>1115>>1118I think a better question is why you don't believe women when they say they find someone attractive. Like, I don't find Edward Cullen attractive, but if I date a guy that you think resembles him, isn't it likely that there are other traits in him that I would be attracted to?
It is so arrogant to be like "lol men know women more than women know themselves. They don't know what they want!" And then in the next comment, you wax poetic about how you don't understand why women pick certain partners who are the opposite of your weird "universal truths".
And you keep being all "women say this…women say that…" Which women? Where? What if I told you that they all have their individual tastes and desires?
No. 1121
>>1116They are marketed to women, but that doesn't mean those books are an accurate reflection of what women want. It is a reflection of what the publishing companies think women want.
None of my friend even read romance novels. I was actually given one as a joke gift by a friend who worked at a used book store. The only people who bought them were little old ladies, but the store was constantly getting donations of romance novels. They became a joke in my group of friends.
No. 1130
>>1127I said majority, not all.
>>1128He is very much real.
No. 1136
>>1133Because believing in a conspiracy like chad sets you up for more misery. Chad is a symbolic target for your failures, and believing it in just works you up into a more depressed state.
You say you see guys "like him" succeed…but what are they succeeding in? Getting dates? Good grades? A good job? That's life. There is always going to be someone better than you at something. But not everyone takes it personally.
I find that guys who obsess over chad are looking for an external source of their unhappiness. They don't see themselves as the common denominator in their situation. It is much easier to say "Chad sabotaged me!" Than it is to look at your own, self described mental and physical deficiencies and say "okay, how do I improve myself?"
It is easier to say "women only want one thing (Chad)" than it is to examine your own behaviors, or find someone who you are truly compatible with.
No. 1138
>>1135Those are all such generic traits.
Why do you guys think women care so much about genetics? You understand that birth control exists, right? You know that not everyone wants yo reproduce, right?
>big dickOkay, if I see a chad on the street, how on earth could I determine his dick size? Is it just apparent? Does he have a large dick aura?
No. 1140
>>1137So you think that if you don't fit a certain masculine stereotype that you don't deserve to live?
Get a therapist, man.
No. 1145
>>1141Which do you think is more likely? That your mental illness and low self esteem is skewing your view of the world?
Or that there is a global conspiracy where "chad" is always destined to beat you?
No. 1146
>>1144I'm not blaming guys like him, I'm just envious of them. I'm the only one to blame here becuse I still didn't killed myself.
>>1145A bit of both.
>>1143Happened a couple of times.
>>1142I'm doing it, it just doesn't work.
No. 1147
>>1146So you're so jealous of a stereotype that you think you should kill yourself because you can't compete?
Tell your therapist about your chad obsession asap.
No. 1150
>>1147I did actually, he basically told me to deal with, you will never be like him so just accept that you're inferior. Literally told me this, I shit you not.
>>1148There is no conspiracy here, it's a simple fact of life. Superior beats the inferior, the rule of nature.
>>1149Because he's everything I want to be but can't.
No. 1151
>>1146>>1150That's how life is for everyone. If Chad was a real person, there would be another Chad that he was envious of. You have to get over it and stop comparing yourself to other people, everyone has flaws. It's cheesy but it's true - Accept what you can't change, and change what you can.
>Superior beats the inferior, the rule of nature.Yeah, and you're still here. You were born and you've lived up to this point so you obviously weren't inferior from birth or whatever. It honestly seems a bit ungrateful to think like that, you were given a life and you've survived up until this point which is actually a massive feat. Don't take your life for granted, Anon.
No. 1152
>>1150Well he's kind of right. You can never become the perfect stereotype, and there is always going to be someone out there who is better than you at something. It is one of the cold facts of life.
I think you can't "be" chad because his characteristics are all vague and external. Like height. Chad is tall, right? But you can't make yourself taller. So what is the point in getting worked up over it?
Also, if chad is tall, does that make all tall men chads?
No. 1154
>>1153Polished turd etc.
>>1151My parents aborted my would be brother before me, I always think I wish it was me. Maybe he could be a better person than me, more successful, not a complete fuck up. Wish I was the one that got aborted.
No. 1155
>>1154So because it won't be perfectly executed according to your weird internal standards (improving self esteem, social skills), you're just not going to try? Wow. You have a perfectionist complex to a high degree that's insane. 'why try, i'll probably fail or at least people will pick up that it's not natural I should just not try' - is basically what you're saying in this whole thread.
I'm currently with a 5'6 guy that has a baby face so fuck right off with your unlovable bullshit.
No. 1156
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>>1155Yeah, I'm such a lovable person.
No. 1157
>>1156Facial hair choice is poor, take out moustache because the distance between your upper lip and nose is already short, and no facial hair along the folds of your cheeks - it just emphasizes those lines in general and ages you. Grooming the brows would help as well, and after that you just need to look into some kind of hair treatment. There are some threads in here actually about women suffering from hair loss and male pattern baldness, they might have suggestions on products that work or treatment options.
If you're just going on the physical alone, dude. You're fine, you just need to clean yourself up facial hair wise and try a little harder with grooming and style each day.
No. 1159
>>1156Your appearance has nothing to do with your value as a human being or how lovable you are.
But if you want to change your appearance for the better, shave the rest of your head and facial hair, get diffrent glasses, head over to /r/malefashionadvice, and start working out. Sounds like cliche advice but it's cliche for a reason - it works.
Your confidence and personality is the first thing people will notice, as exhibited by this thread. Nobody likes negativity and it can easily become a endless cycle of being a negative person then surrounding yourself with negativity.
Surround yourself with positivity and stop looking at things like /r9k/, they do nothing but bring you down. Get some new friends if you need to and go outside in nature often. You will feel much better, even if you just go for small walks every now and then.
>>1158We had a bit of an invasion these past few days, hence this thread in the first place.
No. 1160
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>>1159Your confidence and personality is the first thing people will notice
No. 1162
>>1157>>1159Stop giving the poor guy false hope, he'll crash even harder.No amountof grooming or personality will make him attractive, he looks like a fucking goblin.
>>1161Better than an ugly person, at least they're nice to look at.
No. 1163
>>1156>doesn't know how to groom self>boohoo I'm so ugly y don't girls want meYou're not fat. You're not deformed. You aren't even particularly ugly. You're just a poorly dressed bald guy with bad facial hair and shit eyebrows.
>>1162Nigga, please. He's not going to become Chad but anon is not beyond help at all.
No. 1164
>>1138>Why do you guys think women care so much about genetics?>what is natural selection>why would the sex in control of what genes are passed on care about what genes she passes on?i'm not even the guy you're replying to but come on. women are more attracted to features that indicate high testosterone because their children are more likely to survive, and this isn't even a conscious choice
related study, women like height, broad shoulders, and big dicks: No. 1167
>>1165His jawline+chin really aren't that bad, he doesn't have that bad overbite and chinlessness some guys do.
>his head has a weird shapeYes, but it's exacerbated by the unflattering, poorly fitting glasses.
As I said, he won't be Chad but he's not a goblin either. But that's just, like, my opinion, bruh. You're free to think that anyone below average is repulsive.
No. 1170
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>>1156Get better glasses, wear better clothes, smile more. You're never going to be belle of the ball but who cares, you aren't ugly or woeful, you're average and can even make yourself look more attractive with some know how and that's fine!
You can learn to exude more charisma by simply presenting yourself better and focusing on building upon yourself as a person rather than punishing yourself.
You look like shit there because you actually look self conscious - try radiate happiness instead. Just focus on your talents and your interests instead of comparing yourself to others because it's futile.
No. 1175
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>>1164when i was watching Lost, i really liked Daniel Faraday. His massive IQ was a huge turn on. There are other ways for a man to be 'alpha' and attractive.
No. 1184
>>1182The guy in that story is clearly creepy for a multitude of reasons. Are you really
triggered just because she mentioned his height?
No. 1189
>>1188But how is that my problem? Why do you get to molest random girls just because you're short? The world owes you nothing buddy, the sooner you figure that out the happier you'll be.
I have friends that are married to manlets. In the real world manlets can and do have great lives. But if you have a robot mentality then your small dick, shortness, skin colour or whatever else you want to blame your lack of gumption on will "hold you back".
No. 1192
>>1190>>1191They're normies with good jobs, great personalities and kids. Their wives are loyal normie girls. One is a chubby shy asian, another a super skinny aspie girl and then a dumb skinny super short girl. Hardly cock riders, but I do know some cock riders. Cock riders don't particularily settle with short guys, shy, unusual or weird normies settle with shorter guys. In fact I wouldn't even call it "settling". Height isn't such a big deal here, unless you're andre the giant or danny de vito. Maybe it's a cultural thing?
The one guy I know is getting cucked by his wife ( she's my friend) is ironically tall.
No. 1193
>>1175lel, you're so naive…
Daniel seems attractive in LOST because it's a TV SHOW, not real-life. Everything in that show is taylored to sell his persona, from the lines he says, the way he says them, the camera angles that show him, what is shown of him and what isn't, … You don't get that in real-life.
People in the real world with high IQ don't work that way. They go to college to study, not to party, often end up in boring (or at least boring-sounding) jobs like consultants, economics, … are often not all-too social, etc.
Secondly, he already has A+ genetics anyway. He's not banging hot for hollywood standards, but for normal people standards, yeah, he's hot and masculine. There isn't really any genuinely unattractive person in LOST (at least that I remember), even the fatso has A+ face genetics.
No, trust me, IQ is not a turn-on for you, you're just in love with the idea of IQ being a turn-on, because it feels sophisticated. If you don't think that's true, you're either not very honest with yourself or naive.
You're a great example of why the meme "men/women don't really know what they want, they just think they do" is 100% true.
No. 1196
>>1193Holy shit did you ever read into a two sentence comment.
Let me guess, you have a high IQ but you are unsuccessful with women, making you salty?
No. 1199
>>1198I think there is something wrong with it, if you don't deal with it and instead bitch about women riding the "cock carousel".
If you want to play at being an alpha, then be brave enough to own your insecurities. The cock carousel isn't the problem. Your inferiority complex is the problem.
No. 1200
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this thread is so bizarre. the most important feature is obviously whether or not he can play the drums
No. 1202
>>1199I don't wanna be alpha and never will, I don't have the genetic potential. I just want to be normal instead of a disgusting goblin.
There is no complex here, only facts.
No. 1203
>>1116Those covers don't contradict that comic. The guys on those covers still have long hair and pouty faces. They are strong, but don't look scary or threatening like Batman usually does.
There is a big difference between Fabio and Batman.
For examle, here is Hugh Jackman on a Men's Fitness magazine…
No. 1204
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>>1203dropped my pic like an asshole
No. 1205
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>>1203>>1204And here he is on a magazine for women. Same guy, but totally different presentation.
No. 1208
>>1202I'm sure you're not that bad anon. Self hate and a lack of self esteem can really do a number on our self perception. Whatever cards fate has dealt you, play them to the best of your ability. I mean even someone like hotwheels can have a cool and fun life. He gets to travel, has a well paying skillset, a website and uses his disability to get female attention at clubs. It's all a matter of perspective.
I hope things get better for you anon. I hope that flame of self love deep within you never dies out.
No. 1211
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>>1156Shit or get off the pot, guy.
Either do something to fix your life - take some of the fashion advice in this thread, change your hairstyle, start working out, start focusing on a hobby that will allow yourself to improve yourself and meet women - or just crush your biological imperative and cut your fucking balls off. Just stop wasting people's time on the internet whining "woe is me, I'll never be loved by women ;_;" if you're just going to ignore everyone's advice.
This guy Sam Gibson is less than 3 feet tall and lives in a motorized wheelchair because he has a medical condition that makes his bones as fragile as glass and yet he managed to get married and have children. So don't blame your problems on your receding hairline, your eyebrows, whatever - it's entirely a problem with your attitude toward life.
No. 1213
>>1156Shave your head, fix your facial hair, learn to dress yourself.
I can't help you with the personality aspect, though, which I'm sure is your major hurdle. Seriously, you're not terribly ugly, so I'm sure the problem isn't your appearance. It's your personality.
No. 1236
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>>1233tru, see pic related