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No. 2239
is @thongria lolcow material yet? does anyone else even know her? Internet it-girl whose rise to fame was an article about how she slept with 100 men. now she seems to think that she is a feminist icon for posting racey selfies and talking about every yeast infection she gets and bragging about giving dudes std's.
bff's w/ molly soda and self proclaimed sexpert because she writes totes empowering articles about how tough it was to go a week not dressing "sexy".
her insta is pretty entertaining because of comical self absorption. tell me i'm not the only one that's heard of her before. idk i think its annoying af to have hyper sexual narcissism parading as feminism, as if women suffered for all those years just for some rich white girl that sells dildos for a living to sit on instagram all day. I'm so done. where do all these white feminists come from and why No. 2255
File: 1466990622081.jpg (91.53 KB, 640x640, 13328992_1096494510396773_1458…)

>>2239Well this is a nice picture
No. 2258
>>2255Your thread is shit tier.
Give it up.
Not interesting, no one cares.
No. 2260
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No. 2261
>>22602 edgy 4 lyf
Because creating a Google Alert for yourself doesn't scream insecurity.
No. 2264
>>2260lol girl no one cares about you on here
there's girls with threads that have well over 1k posts, your little thread where everyone is calling you boring doesn't make you important
No. 2265
File: 1467043732718.jpeg (129.07 KB, 587x856, 1461620132105.jpeg)

>>2260Careful Zoe -
You don't want to get so edgy that you do something REALLY drastic, like flipping the bird in a photo, oh gosh.
No. 2266
>>2260Hi Zoe, glad you took the time out of your day to hand-write a sign for us and take a picture of yourself. Boy, you really showed us, huh?!
Please fix your bangs.
No. 2267
File: 1467044156122.gif (1.48 MB, 400x225,…)

What is it with sex-posi feminists and old-style Choo Sarang bangs?
No. 2273
>>2272ok, Taylor
"original post" kek
No. 2276
>>22751. I have had sex with 105 dudes but I WISH it was 5 mil
sigh2. herpes is no biggie, but I
somehow haven't managed to get it. Sheer luck, huh? Also I wrote about this already since I write totes empowering sex ed articles: I was already slanging the dils before my dad died
4. I don't cam but I love watching cams! Also I have never been aware of HIV/AIDs being transmitted to a building or apartment, any links to back this up?
<3 really wish we'd connected more in college <3
No. 2278
>>2275>>2276These posts are garbage, but so is this entire thread. Who fucking cares about this slut. They're a dime a dozen. Get your boring instagram bitches off of cow.
>>2277You must be Zoe again. If you were aware of lolcow you'd know this is chan is predominantly female based. You're clearly here to self-post in your own thread. Fuck off.
No. 2283
>>2279Oh fuck off about herpes.
I have it. Haven't had a outbreak in years, I'm less likely to spread it others because I know I have it and I know when to avoid contact. Are you fucking 16? Do you not realize how many people have it?
Do some research retard.
No. 2285
File: 1467068606642.jpg (34.26 KB, 500x300, 1307482914909.jpg)

So many posts in this thread reek of self-posting and samefagging it's downright embarrassing. This thread needs to be sent to manure.
No. 2286
>>2284Not sure of who that is, not me, but ok.
I was actually cheated on and it was given to me by someone I had been with for years, so um yeah my fault I guess.
I'm getting married in the fall, I must be really good looking or I have a great personality or something. I'm always up front with my partners, and I take very good care of myself.
I'm so thrilled to be a wife! Thanks take care.
No. 2302
File: 1467084695459.png (1.06 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

As if this bitch couldn't be anymore depraved, she fucks rocks now. That's right. A giant piece of earth deep inside her. Fuckin' freak!!
No. 2312
>>2260We're seeing right through your selfposts, this is embarassing, please stop.
We don't care about you. We know it's you trying to get an article out of it, you won't fool anybody.
No. 2323
Who's even in this thread?
I can't pick between /r9k/, preteeen trolls or just a bored samefag, but PT users don't even type like
>>2315>>2304>>2320Admin where are you? Sage because this thread is bullshit
No. 2324
>>2319>>2320>>2322At least make your posts look different and stop acting like a brat.
>>2323It's most likely just samefag.
No. 2327
>>2325"Hehehe" please just shut up "lol"
No one cares
No. 2337
>>2334>common word used on the internet indicates samefagI'm
>>2332 btw, I don't really care because it doesn't even have anything to do with the thread, just thought your "observation" was kinda funny.
No. 2339
>>2337I don't know if you realized it yet fam but people on lolcow hardly ever say lol.
Lurk more
No. 2343
>>2341Literally no one cares and you're not even posting juicy screen caps so why the fuck are you trying to make us care?
Mods pls, pls baby Jesus. This fucking thread is awful and boring and full of same fag, self post and maybe 1 other who doesn't know how image boards work…
No. 2344
File: 1467145853712.gif (2.02 KB, 270x101, sage.gif)

>>2341Fuck. It's not hard to type out you, yourself, etc. You spent the time typing up this garbage post, you can fucking type out 2 additional letters so you don't come off as a retard.
Looks like Zoe is desperately trying to become a victim of online bullying so she can get more than a handful of neckbeards reading her fisting "articles." Listen bitch, you do nothing special, so stop screaming for attention. Sexual expressionism and other issues on taboo subjects are overdone and usually articles talking about them should be left to academics and medical professionals such as therapists. Go back to instagram to get views. No one here hates you enough to harass you, nor like you enough to talk about you on reputable sites. Get an education or make yourself into a hideous mess and maybe you'll have an audience.
No. 2346
>>2341>>2345Fuck off, no one here cares about you or your friend. You're not relevant. You never were.
Don't selfpost/vendettapost here again.
No. 2350
File: 1467148234751.png (260.43 KB, 513x682, Screen Shot 2016-06-28 at 5.09…)

still no read-receipt, she must have her profile set to the "other" folder lolololololololololololol
No. 2352
>>2350Also, she's an adult, wtf is her mother going to do about it?
This whole post reeks of underage. I don't have any personal feelings towards this girl (just heard about her in this thread) but this is the most immature shit. Fuck off and leave her mother alone, you're being a gigantic asshole right now.
It's one thing to dislike the lolcow, it's another to harass an innocent person like you're doing to her mother right now.
No. 2363
>>2362This must be one of the dumbest posts I've read on an image board in a long time. This includes robot threads.
You should probably kill yourself. I think your IQ dictates that your quality of life will always be shit. I hope your boyfriend gives you AIDS after fucking girls that are way hotter than you.
Thanks for moving this to /manure/ admins.
No. 2365
File: 1467156729080.jpg (30.45 KB, 265x275, image.jpg)

now this is some quality content right here.
Also please stop this Zoe, no1curr
No. 2371
>>2367It's been taken care of. It's currently in the trash bin section of lolcow, ya dingle berry.
>>2369Troll or full retard? If a troll then it's attempt at trolling is so bad it's circled around to 10/10.
If you're serious and just retarded than don't worry, your boyfriend is safe. Not many women will cheat with a guy who fucks Special Ed girls like you.
No. 2383
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>>2380I guess he's good at hiding at it.
No. 2499
File: 1467867247807.png (148.58 KB, 200x196, consider the following.png)

How much money do you guys wanna bet that this chick made this thread so that she could position herself as a victim of cyberbullying and start a patreon/''''journalism''' career?
Like 90% of the posts in this thread consist of obvious samefagging from someone trying and failing to emulate chan culture and people calling her out on it. What would the purpose be of posting yourself to lolcow and pretending to be cyberbullies if there weren't some sort of material gain?
No. 7220
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Ew I woke up thinking about her this morning and look…the troon shoulders are unbearable