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No. 318
>>317Hey aren't you that bitch who fetishises pedophilia? I liked all your shit on facebook but never once did you ever like anything i posted. Too famous for your fans? Also, my dad commented on one of my pictures saying "forever 12". Does it
trigger you that I don't even have to fish for that sort of comment? And now I discovered its your tagline on instagram. Not saying these two instances are related, but I just thought it was kinda funny. Why do you want to look 12 so bad?
No. 322
>>320>>321Lmao "copying" you? Who tf are you hahahah you wishhh
Also I was emo way back in eight grade try harder little angry-Chan bai
No. 325
>>324Uh, yes I was emo in eight grade
also I didn't even know emo was popular again calm ya titties
No. 326
>>324Listen babe it isn't your business what I wear.
I like how I look. Sorry that you don't have that confidence darling
No. 329
>>328Damn honey who poo-ed in your cornflakes this morning? Your hate boner for me is very sad :'c
Get well soon.
No. 335
>>334I wasn't threatening him. I was just trying to make you
triggered. I'm sorry though, I am done now
No. 336
I've noticed that there is no contact system on this site, and so am posting this publicly. If I am contacted with another means to send this I will be more than happy to do so.
Thirteenth of April, Two-Thousand and Sixteen
RE: Cease and desist from Defamation, Death Threats
This CEASE AND DESIST ORDER is to inform you that your persistent actions including but not limited to death threats, defamation, and slander have become unbearable. You are ORDERED TO STOP such activities immediately as they are being done in violation of the law.
I have the right to remain free from these activities as they constitute Stalking, Threatening, Defamation, and Slander, and I will pursue any legal remedies available to me against you if these activities continue. These remedies include but are not limited to: contacting law enforcement to obtain criminal sanctions against you, and suing you civilly for damages I have incurred as a result of your actions.
Again, you must IMMEDIATELY STOP making death threats against myself or any of my family, friends, or accquaintinces, slandering my name, and defaming my reputation and send me written confirmation that you will stop such activities. You risk incurring some very severe legal consequences if you fail to comply with this demand.
This letter acts as your final warning to discontinue this unwanted conduct before I pursue legal actions against you. At this time, I am not contacting the authorities or filing civil suit against you, as I hope we can resolve this matter without authoritative involvement. I am not under any circumstances, however, waiving any legal rights I have presently, or future legal remedies against you by sending you this letter. This order acts as ONE FINAL CHANCE for you to cease your illegal activities before I exercise my rights.
Mackenzie Ankrom, also known as Luna Lee Swiizka or Princess Doll.
No. 345
>>343cry about it more MacKenzie
>>344You're right, Kenzie. I forgot I too am Kenzie.
No. 378
>>358WHY won't Admin just ban you already, honestly knock it off idc if this is MacKenzie or whoever you are but that shit isn't funny. Like I don't like her ass either but come on now that's just fucked up to even say.
Unless you are yourself just trying to garner pity from 'bully anons' on here. Either way you need to be banned already.
No. 382
>>381Agreed, I avoid the ana thread like the plague so I wouldn't know, but I honestly just wonder if there's truly autists who go this far or if it's all her. Honestly she was quiet and not posting a lot right before all of this shit got posted so I'm wondering if she just had a meltdown because everybody stopped giving a dick.
I really think she's sick in the head, more than she let's on. I remember seeing insta posts about her being off her meds and having mental days, even a post about wishing her father was dead because I think he wouldn't take her to see her boyfriend or something like that.
And to be more honest we should just stop posting here all together, but now she's threatening with police and illegal underage waaahhhh people are talking about 'nne'. I noticed before PULL talked about her again, she was quiet, then blew up about bullies, then they stopped talking about her, she got quiet again, now this shit.
Sorry for wall of text holy shit lol I just get for frustrated and wish she would just get her shit together already.
No. 386
>>384(Read that wrong at first lol)
So, I mean do we think it was Kenzie herself or just some rando? Cause if that was her then… omg.