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No. 3589
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Not under 18, but I can't for the life of me remember this lolcow's usernames :/ Does anyone else remember? Fat lolita chick who was obsessed with Marquis de Sade
No. 3593
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>>3589Took a lot of scrolling, but found her on CoF.
Саша Естерхазй ->Sasha Esterhazy?? (google translated)
Her fb: think she's that flappy tits Loki "cosplayer".
No. 3594
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this one is older too, but I've lost track of her drama. I think she's australian, old as fuck, went by a harry potter fanname and has a kid she basically abuses. Basically a weeby raven, I think this one married a kid half her age only hers was a chick. anyone know what she's been up to?