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No. 426
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Op here i got banned for inciting a raid by posting this girls tinder, we were having a good time too, i actually might have got a date out of it
No. 428
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>>427Haha thanks and it was stupid! Any tips btw? I can feel my autism growing now that i actually kind of like her and idk what to say. I even said weather lookin like HEIL lol
No. 430
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>>429Yeah it was stupid, it sucke because i was getting a lot of good advice from anons and now im dropping the ball
No. 432
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>>431Wew, i still havent messaged her today, i want to think of something funny and witty first
No. 433
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She ended up chewing me out because i took r9ks advice and acted alpha, i recovered after this though
No. 434
>>433Honey, you're on tinder. Who goes on tinder without the expectation of hooking up.
You should ignore any advice from r9k or you might end up like this guy >>84543
No. 435
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>>434Thats what i was thinking, also jesus christ what a moron, also halp im losing her. I will put pretty much anything you guys say
Tfw pepe le pew quote was the best i could come up with
No. 437
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>>436Fug, i kinda got away with the alpha thing by blaming it on her. She said she didnt have a couch or a tv so i thought she meant she wanted to fug on the bed. Anyway here you go haha
No. 438
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Aw shit fam! its working, what do
No. 440
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She playin hard to get now
No. 443
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>>442Tfw too autistic
Should i wait for her to answer this though? Seems like shes on tinder to try and meet a dude she can "fall in love with" who will take care of her kid. Did you also find her on facebook?
No. 447
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>>445I literally was just posting what people told me. Whats your idea of top tier trolling? This place? HAHAHAHAAHAHAHA