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No. 4423
Hey /pt/, I feel like you guys may be able to shine the light on this particular thing?
So if anyone knows MissHannahMinx, that big boobed youtuber who taught japanese, apparently she has been missing for a year….
things that are known:
1. That movie SlayBelles she was supposedly filming in was supposed to be released November 1st. The director of the film has already taken on other projects and the other actors have not mentioned one iota about it.
2. Apparently shes married according to a facebook profile but its private and no one has screenshots or proof that her private profile has said that. Looking at her minxyandjinxy facebook profile it seems like there is implication that the profile itself is fake.
3. Onision apparently has said that her phone has been disconnected.
4. /b/ looked for her possible address and found out she might live in a really bad part of brooklyn but nothing else, (they chickened out on calling her or finding out)
5. She might have had a website that is completely blank now.
If she was pregnant or getting married there would definitely be a sign of life somewhere from her, a tweet is literally no time at all to have been made, or a facebook post on her official page.
Lets say she did get married and her spouse wanted her to quit youtube? It seems very unconventional to stop posting with no mention of leaving right?
But her youtube stats apparently say she was active five weeks ago, which makes no sense, and apparently she is making videos private now?
My theory is that something may have happened to her maybe not death, but it is really weird that she wont just shut her youtube page down, or say something on facebook.
I wish IMDB had a list that showed who made the Slay Belles page, because something tells me that film was never actually a thing and Miss Minx was filmed as a lie.
No. 4426
>>4423She indeed was pregnant and was due in August, she already got her baby.
Her private FB is: No. 4432
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She's married to this guy. I forget what his name is, but apparently he's really rich and they live in a mansion. He owns some company or some shit. I literally don't remember jack shit as far as details go except that he's really rich. This was from a /cgl/ thread like last year.
No. 4434
>>4425See but things don't add up, because she was supposed to be in a new movie that didn't even get released….
>>4431thanks anon
>>4426I want more proof that this is a real fb page than some locked profile with a cruddy photo.
How can people say that any info on that page is real without screenshotting it?
No. 4438
>>4435Sorry if I sounded kind of demanding, I didn't mean to. I meant that i've looked through archives of different sites, looked at youtubers dedicated to finding out if shes alive, checked comments in onison's vids, and other youtubers as well. Checked her twitter replies….
You don't have to do any of that, I just meant that i've been hearing all of that and none of it comes from a credible piece of proof…
They keep saying her personal facebook page but no one has a screenshot to back up their bull? I just feel like its easy to discredit those assumptions
No. 4441
>>4439>>4440Yeah it could be a health issue, I definitely think its weird that she was active 5 weeks ago but didn't post anything….
If she has enough strength to log onto youtube, I'd expect a tweet or something…
I don't think anyone like her deserves anything bad to happen to them, I wonder if maybe she had a miscarriage or something..
I guess I could see it that she wouldn't be the kind of youtuber to share a lot of her personal life, I think Minxy is her persona and she doesn't go off character too often…
But still, I think its bizzare that her phone is disconnected..
No. 4445
>>4443See but even Givemeabreakman claimed that she emailed him and told him she was fine w/ baby but didn't show any proof
I think even jvloggers have been spreading what they've heard…
>>4442I just make assumptions, i'm sure i'm wrong, but I would have expected her to have shed her persona if she was determined to, and would have said something about her marriage or baby (she wouldn't have to show proof, just a word or two about it)
I think its strange that she had all these projects lined up but suddenly they do not exist, she does not exist, her facebook photo is a crappy blown up photo of her and there are no screencaps of messages or anything to say shes actually alive and well
No. 4447
>>4445I don't really understand why it matters whether or not she told people about it. If what
>>4443 said is true, why would she? If everything was negative and overwhelming, why even mention that she moved on? Just let her move on.
>she does not existyeah she does, but her persona doesn't. let it die.
No. 4457
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surprised you don't have this posted
No. 4469
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No. 4470
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No. 4471
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No. 4482
>>4457Where are the original photos ?
I remember there was a video too
No. 4484
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This picture taken from Niagara Falls on the Canadian side not in West Virginia as claimed on the picture. No. 4485
>>4484So he killed her…
I knew it!
No. 4493
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This picture of her was posted about 6 months ago by the people who are filming Slay Belles.
No. 4494
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>>4493She seems to have lost weight and her face looks less "tired".
No. 4498
>>4496it seems like the movie was practically done
if they really wanted to they could have finished it think the director is just lazy
No. 4502
>>4500I think the channel was called La Minxette or something like that?
Anyways, I googled it and this was all I could find -'s actually a ton of them in the related videos section
No. 4507
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Aight, story time. Three months ago I go into the hospital for a bad appendix. I get admitted to my room, and the nurse puts on my wristband. The next morning I'm wheeled into OR intake, and the nurse is going over things. She finds out that I am not who is on my wristband. I look, Hannah Somelongforeignname. Birthday, Halloween 1988. Halloween birthday filed to memory.
Later on, im sure I saw a black haired, thin girl with stark blue eyes. I say I'm sure, because I don't know if I can completely trust my memory of what all I saw.
However! There at the hospital I Facebook search Hannah Osterhagen. I don't know this girl from anyone else on the planet, but I at least wanna check her out and see if she's single. I remember the page being a dead end with nothing on it. I remember feeling disappointed to not find anything.
Fast forward to a couple days ago. I'm looking over my hospital bills and they look screwed up. So I wanna find the girl and ask her if hers was too. I remember I have her name, so I look her dead page back up. This time I notice @jinxy.and.minxy so I google that and find out who she really is, or at least was.
At this point I don't know if I'm crazy, and this is all a figment of my imagination, but I honestly don't know this person and I don't know why I have her name. I've posted my story to friends, on another page for her, and now on a chan.
I'm not gonna give out more details here in public like this, but I'll keep the page open in case anyone wants to help me find her.
No. 4510
>>4509If you read the whole fucking thread, you'd learn that she's no longer around online, and if there was some way of privately contacting her when she may not want to be found, you wouldn't get it here as doxxing isn't allowed.
You sound creepy and desperate as fuck, dude.
No. 4511
>>4510We care about rules here guys, don't go breaking any!
Step off asswipe. I guess y'all suckers don't wanna find her. and I guess if someone did it would be breaking the rules to say. Take your self righteousness, ball it in your fist, squeeze real tight, turn it sideways and shove it directly up your ass.
No. 4514
>>4507>but I at least wanna check her out and see if she's singlejesus christ, what? you get someone's name on your wristband mixed up with someone and your first thought "is she single?"
i bet you have a closet full of fedoras
No. 4515
>>4511Noone here is gonna buy your "hospital hazy dream girl" story to help you connect with her.
Congrats in skeeving up an old thread though, it's rare that this happens.
No. 4517
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>>4507Cucky, is that you?!