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No. 104867
Edgar is a 'trans' woman popular on tumblr.
Known for getting into fights with random tumblr users, sexually harassing women, and whining about transphobia. No. 106121
>>105863pretty sure he's not even trans, just pretending to be because he got called out for being transphobic.
not that i care, but lol at his hypocrisy.
No. 106134
>>105863He's one of the pack leaders.
Honestly a lot of his followers are 'ex'gay guys who have jumped that weird pseudo-trans but excessively masculine bandwagon. And they're all extremely pigheaded idiots.
I hope none of his fans find this thread because holy fuck are they annoying as shit. And they're the kind to just reply to posts with "lol bitch" and think its the greatest clapback and that they owned the person.
No. 106147
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God, he is so annoying. His music sucks too (
I can't believe he calls himself a woman when he's obviously a gay man and he doesn't even try to be feminine.
Fuckin' chubby lizard lookin ass.
No. 106151
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>>106147I mean, look at this shit. Gross.
No. 106161
>>106151imagine being pregnant for months, struggling, giving birth for hours of agony, reading to your child in the hopes that they'll grow to be the best person they can be
and your child ends up like this
No. 107942
So im surprised i have come across his begging post on a blog which i didnt think i would find it on. he is really playing the trans angle to get people to give him money and pity him
"hey y’all so my living situation was becoming increasingly unsafe for me to be in and i had to remove myself for my own wellbeing but now i’m stuck without a place to stay. i’ve been offered couches for a few nights in san diego for the time being but within the week I won’t have anywhere to go unless i can get some sort of assistance from housing services. in the meantime, i’m in need of any financial assistance you can offer for food and gas to get around the city and other expenses, so please donate to my paypal if you can. literally like a dollar or two will help tremendously. i’m a xicana trans woman currently seeking employment and medical treatment. i could use all the solidarity i could get."
what a fucking joke with so many reblogs.