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No. 104867

Edgar is a 'trans' woman popular on tumblr.
Known for getting into fights with random tumblr users, sexually harassing women, and whining about transphobia.


No. 105760

He lives in a rich neighborhood, has a macbook and can afford ableton. Still cant make listenable music

No. 105789

"ok not to be nasty and stuff but i haven’t jerked off since like more than a week ago (but i boned somebody a couple days ago so smh…) and i like haven’t watched porn cause it stresses me out but then like i see one image on my dashboard and i feel aroused but also just like frustrated and upset cause it’s a stupid ass white dude… like i hate that those things can elicit this reaction from my body and mind i wanna be an aromantic asexual agender angelina jolie"

good luck with that, sport

No. 105795

Ugh gonna try this again because its confusing his blog posts are sick he talks about being a transwoman and a gay man simutaniously and although hes not the first transwoman on tumblr to do that i am starting to understand why people think being transgender is totally made up and a mental illness/form of confusion.

No. 105831

He calls his disgusting asshole a "bussy"

I hate gay men who want to be women/be better than women when it comes to attracting men. With a passion.

Having trouble finding pictures of him tho

No. 105837


Holy shit I remember seeing this guy constantly harassing radfems. Still with the gross blog header too, damn.

No. 105863

What makes him stand out from the other angry Tumblr autogynephiles?

No. 106121

pretty sure he's not even trans, just pretending to be because he got called out for being transphobic.
not that i care, but lol at his hypocrisy.

No. 106134

He's one of the pack leaders.

Honestly a lot of his followers are 'ex'gay guys who have jumped that weird pseudo-trans but excessively masculine bandwagon. And they're all extremely pigheaded idiots.

I hope none of his fans find this thread because holy fuck are they annoying as shit. And they're the kind to just reply to posts with "lol bitch" and think its the greatest clapback and that they owned the person.

No. 106147

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God, he is so annoying. His music sucks too (bestpal.bandcamp.com).

I can't believe he calls himself a woman when he's obviously a gay man and he doesn't even try to be feminine.

Fuckin' chubby lizard lookin ass.

No. 106151

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I mean, look at this shit. Gross.

No. 106161

imagine being pregnant for months, struggling, giving birth for hours of agony, reading to your child in the hopes that they'll grow to be the best person they can be
and your child ends up like this

No. 106163

I feel like that whole group is just self-hating gay men. You know whenever anything gets too trendy they have to turn on it, and over the past couple of years its been gay men (stealing from black culture, being transphobic, biphobic, not respecting women, cis white gay men are scum, etc), and I think they're just hopping on the trans bandwagon to spout TERF and sekrit trans klub bs (while still stealing from the black community, ignoring women and cyber bullying anyone who has the galls to ask them to clarify their nonsensical gender identity)

No. 107942

So im surprised i have come across his begging post on a blog which i didnt think i would find it on. he is really playing the trans angle to get people to give him money and pity him

"hey y’all so my living situation was becoming increasingly unsafe for me to be in and i had to remove myself for my own wellbeing but now i’m stuck without a place to stay. i’ve been offered couches for a few nights in san diego for the time being but within the week I won’t have anywhere to go unless i can get some sort of assistance from housing services. in the meantime, i’m in need of any financial assistance you can offer for food and gas to get around the city and other expenses, so please donate to my paypal if you can. literally like a dollar or two will help tremendously. i’m a xicana trans woman currently seeking employment and medical treatment. i could use all the solidarity i could get."

what a fucking joke with so many reblogs.

No. 113779

The funniest thing is that he's said that sometimes he gets so dysphoric that he wants top surgery.

Even though he's DMAB

No. 113780


He probably means he wants implants, even though that would just make him look more like a circus freak lol

No. 113781

I can smell the hepatitis.

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