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No. 106059
Because the previous thread is reaching it's reply limit
>>99329A place to discuss
ALL of the edgy attention whores, proana wannarexics, and eating disordered snowflakes on Instagram/Tumblr
or elsewhere.Original thread:
>>44088Second thread:
>>74624Third thread:
>>79031Fourth thread:
>>83974Fifth thread:
>>89109Sixth thread:
>>94114 No. 106100
File: 1458077290130.png (1.11 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

She was fine before tbh ?
No. 106104
>>106100Well, you know how Mess Holliday and her crew are. Anyone who's not a fatty must be "sick."
She doesn't look especially bad in the after, but she was better looking before.
No. 106119
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>>106100>>106101Just because she wasn't underweight doesn't mean she didn't have an eating disorder nor does she seem to be proana.
Chances are, she stopped engaging in whatever disordered behavior that caused her to maintain her weight and posted these before and afters as a way to feel better about her weight gain.
Besides her obvious struggles with weight and eating, why did you post her? Maybe I am missing something but she does not seem like an attention whore or a wannarexic.
>>106115My point exactly.
No. 106132
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>>106119 said, she seemed to struggle with eating and weight. Plus, according to this (which I can't confirm if it's true or not), she was underweight - enough for the criteria of anorexia.
No. 106160
>>106157Picture or something.
I don't know if I believe you but if it's true, what a desperate fuck.
No. 106193
>>106169Kek setpoints.
Nobody has a set weight, that's retarded anon.
No. 106422
>>106399I've posted a little bit about her in the past thread. I agree wholeheartedly. Have you checked her blog today? She keeps bitching about Freelee (has done so multiple times in the past) and how Freelee is an ass for commenting on other people's food, but Jenna has done literally the same.
Plus blatantly lying about her weight and diagnosis and bragging about her disordered ways.
Add to that supposedly lying about cancer in the past and she's the biggest cow in the recovery community.
No. 106423
>>106399She's been discussed in these threads before (complete with full frontal body check pics). If there's milk on her then post it. I've been on her tumblrs and it's just a posh face kid loving her body and trying to appear anorexic. Believe me, if I'd seen something worth posting here, I would've.
Where're screenshots of the fake cancer fiasco?
No. 106539
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Bruh. This chick is so weird. She's also trying to pretend to be the amazing delphicity to attract followers. What a loser. If u visit the profile go ahead and report her while you're at it if you'd like
No. 106540
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No. 106541
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2/2 lol she's so dumb and bitter about a guy she broke up with idk how anyone follows her
No. 106542
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literally posts endlessly about how weight doesn't define an ED, can have an ED at any weight, constantly spewing those "friendly reminder that…." bullshit posts about how you can have an ED and not be skinny but turns around and gets pissed when ppl who are recovering are still thin. pretends to be healthy but constantly posts about wanting to be thinner lol like please delete honestly just because you reblog pictures of brownies doesn't mean you're a good role model. omfg I don't even know or follow this bitch but everything about her feels fake and attention seeking and snowflakey
No. 106553
(This girl reminds me so much of Chin-Chan if she'd had a chin. Posting only because I thought I'd found her and she'd had a prosthesis
No. 106564
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I honestly don't think Aly is mentioned enough on here
Who the fuck starts in recovery over a year ago and has stayed skeletal
No. 106630
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I'd like to say she scrubs up well, but I'd be lying. Not sure what ED she has, but IP x 10.
No. 106640
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>>106399She copied everything about her ED from birdyally - symptoms, behaviours, diagnosis, veganism, safe foods, recovery, "look how cute I am today" attitude. She only became popular/well known because of Ally. Now that Ally's left tumblr she doesn't know what to do with her recovery anymore, so she's gone back to trying to get attention as a fitblr.
Before and after pic she posted a while ago.
No. 106663
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>>106640That must be almost a year old. What bothers me about her old before and afters is that she is like "Thanks to 25 pounds weight loss" when she admitted she lost weight by purging. It's like those fucked up pro ana before and afters.
And she said she was never overweight lol.
She still has an active myproana account that she made as a backup for the account that was outed. She used her old account to post purging tips.
She tries so hard to become Tumblr famous with her annoying captions. Bitch your face is not inspirational.
She said she lost the password to her
triggering side blog but she recently deleted posts there (like when she posted she was 94 pounds)
No. 106697
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Ew, those nails. And she went on a date like that. Is it really so hard to take off your nail varnish if you include your nails in a picture you intend to share on your blog that supposedly has tens of thousands of followers?
No. 106700
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admitting a few days ago on March 13 that she still purges and "doesn't see it ending any time soon". maybe stop posting body shots and acting like a fitspo/recovery blog if you can't stop talking about purging? she didn't have to answer that ask. she supposedly "gets so many messages" and chooses to answer one where she gets to slip in a subtle "look at me I still b/p". if she were thin she would get reported for encouraging ED behavior but because she posts about working out and isn't a skelly she gets a pass. she should have her own thread
No. 106703
>>106700I saw that. Interesting that it's ok for her to share that she is still b/ping all the time but if anybody else mentions it she attacks them. And also interesting that she chooses to answer that but no questions about her "cancer".
And if she's "recovering" why does she drink sugar free drinks at Starbucks? She didn't post it on her Tumblr because she knew she would get shit for it, but I saw it on Snapchat.
At this point I'm convinced she made up her anorexia diagnosis and either didn't see a doctor at all or was diagnosed with bulimia and said her dx was anorexia to fit in with the rest of Tumblr.
No. 106719
>>106716I didn't know Ally was active in Instagram now. When Jenna saw her account she probably got jealous when she saw Ally didn't gain any noticeable weight lol.
What did Ally ever do to Jenna? Is it just jealousy? I remember when Ally was healingally on Tumblr and she made a post like "I have to remind myself that I either recover from this disorder or I die from it" and Jenna promptly made a post saying that's not always true, there's an in between etc her obviously trying to get people on her side. In the end barely anybody agreed with her
No. 106748
File: 1458235087062.jpg (989.83 KB, 450x254, UETtr4K.jpg) an "anorexic" cannot imagine that there are anorexics who can go a whole day or more without eating. So anorexic.
No. 106751
>>106748She sounds like she needs to get off the internet/Tumblr and keep herself away from ~
triggering~ crap.
No. 106754
>>106751She's constantly spouting about how it's your own responsibility to stay away from things that
trigger you, but she's still on Tumblr and still has anon on. Or how she complained about someone posting before and afters all the time a few days ago, said she unfollowed and yesterday whined about them again.
>>106752Yes she says restriction is her main behavior but she is always referencing to not keeping anything down, struggling with bingeing and purging and so on. That's bulimia, not anorexia.
No. 106756
>>106753Omg so she's definitely reading here. Hi Jenna! I thought you were a responsible adult that stays away from things that
trigger them!
No. 106765
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Bitch step off your high horse. Half those messages are from people calling you out for being a whiny wannarexic trash can
No. 106768
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>thinking about making one of these but related to proana scumbags
No. 106769
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Hey Jenna I have a new diagnosis for you
No. 106782
>>106748Holy shit that's pathetic kek. Sorry Jenna, but
yeah it does make you less sick. Most people with eating disorders (including bulimia) have succeeded in fasting for at least a day. Even most wannarexics have fasted.
The fact that she tries to play it off as "they're lying" just makes it that much more sad and pathetic.
No. 106786
>>106782Yes, I fully agree. It's not even a "wahhhh I am a failure I can't fast for a day" type post, no, she accuses other anorexics of lying about this which is so pathetic, she puts other (real) sufferers down because she feels inferior to them.
She simply is unable to comprehend not eating anything for a whole day which is a clear sign she's not anorexic imo. There are so many reasons why anorexics feel the need to fast like feeling unworthy of food, punishment, not being able to push themselves to eat etc and she cannot relate to any of them?
No. 106871
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Bad bad shooping
Fuck man, she looks like an freaking stick
breathing_brea on inst
No. 106880
>>106878Not the poster but are you blind?
I mean if you can't see the giant warp maybe you can at least spot the corner of carpet coloring that shows up on the blue trunk
No. 106890
>>106884Yes they need to stop but Jenna has always tried to copy Ally AND they are on different platforms now. Ally = Instagram, Jenna = Tumblr. It's not like they are forced upon each other.
And I am more willing to cut Ally some slack because she seems legitimately sick and doesn't exaggerate her illness and she's much younger than Jenna. They wouldn't even know each other probably if it wasn't for Tumblr so it's pathetic that Jenna seeks out Ally's social media only to post hateful jealous vague-posts.
No. 106891
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Oh boy.
No. 106903
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>>106891>I ordered two punk wigs by accident That's a blatant fucking lie if I've ever heard one lmfao. Emily, since you obviously lurk here, post an image of your two pink wigs! Would love to see them ahah. I mean, she has bragged about her online shopping for years, pretty positive she wouldn't ACCIDENTALLY spend more money than she intended, especially when she has to penny pinch for alcohol lol.
Soooo, Emily is now trying to sell an overpriced wig that she has already worn. Why spend $20 on something that probably has lice when you can get a NEW one for $13?
I love how she immediately starts to lie and attempt to deceive future customers into buying her shit. What an amazing business tactic lmfao, she sure is going far.
No. 106920
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>>106891Hey obviously I (Emily) lurk because who doesn't want to know what people are saying about them? Also I do want to just say that yes, by accident I DID order two wigs by accident without knowing. I'm selling the other unused one for the price that I paid for one plus shipping. I just need to get rid of things I'm not going to wear/use. I don't see anything wrong with that.
No. 106924
>>106920Honestly I'm not tryna bullshit people like I genuinely need to get rid of things and I'm very low on money so if people buy things from depop then yeah cool that's great for me, but if not then I will just donate stuff to free-will or give them to my friends who like them. The only reason I'm on depop is to
HOPEFULLY make even just a little bit of money to pay bills and such. Student loans and car insurance will be the death of me tbh :/ if anyone has an issue with me seriously just don't be anonymous and come send me a message on tumblr or email and we can privately talk. I don't wanna start drama guys
No. 106928
>>106921Emily are you responding to yourself?
>>106920I don't know how this works for Amazon US but isn't shipping the same for two items as it would be for one item…? I really doubt you paid $12 for shipping
No. 106937
>>106936Have you noticed how she always mentions being proud of being a 'white girl'? Yes jenna we get it you're so white for liking Starbucks and Lush bath bombs.
In the thread someone made about her on snow (that's closed now) I'm pretty sure she posted twice, but at least the "she never said that lmao" comment.
No. 106974
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>>106920Thank you for taking the bait. I didn't think you actually would, this is glorious.
No. 106975
>>106920>>106974Well now that I know Emily C lurks, I can't help but be convinced she posts.
Wonder how many of these are self posts.
No. 106997
>>106748in fairness, you don't have to have fasted or eaten next to nothing to fit the criteria for AN. in fact i'd probably put fasting as more of a purging behaviour considering it will usually lead to a binge if it isn't in response to one. i do see her point with the post.
certainly not saying she was AN but this post alone doesn't make her less legitimate.
No. 106999
>>106997How can an anorexic absolutely not fathom someone not eating for a whole day? And that post combined with everything else she's shared about her ED imo shows she's bulimic not anorexic.
She was also active on MPA long after she claimed she deleted her account, bragging about purging lamb and broccoli or some shit.
No. 107008
>>107002What is important to take out of that post is that purging is her main behavior. And she recently said she majorly struggles with bingeing and purging. Anorexia b/p subtype is characterized by mostly restricting and then bingeing and purging on top of that. Bulimic main behavior is bingeing and purging, but that doesn't mean they never restrict - bulimics often tell themselves "I will restrict/fast tomorrow".
I think it's still telling that she has such difficulty imagining not eating for a day that she feels the need to accuse anorexics of lying about it. The accusation (that reeks of jealousy, by the way) is what bothers me most about the post and that she desperately tries to put herself in the same category as restrictive anorexics. She wants to hear "You are just as good at anorexia as them". (And I still doubt she was diagnosed as anorexic to begin with)
No. 107010
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>>106999>purging lambI hope she chokes on her vomit
No. 107014
>>106999Very low-bmi anorexics find it hard to fast for an entire day because their body is already pushing its limits. There are studies that show "high intake anorexics" (meaning restricting between 800 and 1500 kcal for a long period of time) are more successful as far as success goes regarding anorexia. They have lower BMIs and binge less.
Fasting -> Binging. Fasting is more of a wanna than an ana behaviour. Anorexia is about controlling your intake, eating specific things, calories, math-games… eating nothing wouldn't really satisfy those urges. But „I need to lose 20lbs for prom so I’m going to fast the entire month“-wannas will never understand that.
Jenna’s still dumb though.
No. 107016
>>107015that's why I said she's dumb. a+ reading comprehension.
I just stated that it isn't true that level 10 anas totally must be fasting like some anons here claimed.
No. 107026
>>107021See, I disagree because eating like, 1200 cals or so is not binging. Also sometimes with the b/p subtype, there's laxatives involved or diuretics. But if someone just exercises their calories off then IDK, I don't think it fits the b/p subtype. Maybe there needs to be another category for people who just overexercise.
And I wasn't talking about Jenna, but I agree, Jenna wants attention and asspats and not fitting into a certain category won't give her the attention she wants.
No. 107033
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Are we going to completely ignore the fact that Emily in her wig photo is wearing the same shirt Felice has…..
No. 107051
>>107014Anorexia can also be about purposely pushing your limits though, and that's where fasting comes in. I've seen plenty of underweight non-wannas go on water fasts just to test themselves. The difference between them and wannas is that if they do set a time span, it's realistic, whereas wannas will say it's for an entire month, like your example. Different people are different and all, but fasting is still a common behavior among anorexics (in which they've at least tried it or can fathom why someone else has.)
>>107015Was she ever underweight to begin with?
No. 107056
>>107051She claimed a weight that put her at 15-16 BMI at some point but never looked it. Now she looks BMI 20+ after gaining "10 lbs".
If she was really restricting and purging as much as she pretends wouldn't she have a really hard time building muscle so "quickly"?
No. 107060
>>107057"What kind of sick…twisted douchebag…"
Nika hon, those are facts. It's called being honest ;)
No. 107064
>>107053>>107056Exactly. She
claims she was underweight, but was she actually ever underweight? As far as pictures show, no.
No. 107087
>>107051I’m the anon you were replying to: I don’t disagree. I didn’t meant to say fasting doesn’t occur among anorexics. I just don’t think it’s the typical or most common behavior like many seem to believe. True anas survive on air and diet coke blabla… bullshit.
A lot of girls who’ve been through different BMI-stages will say: Fasting at a BMI of 21 - A breeze. Fasting at a BMI of 17 - difficult. Fasting at a BMI of 14 - Results in fainting after a couple of hours. If you don’t want to draw attention to your disorder you try to stay within your limits, no fasting. The most „successful“ anorexics I know are those who consistently eat a specific amount of calories. They can go like this for years. Walking skellies like Ally.
Those who try to push their limits on the other hand end up in hospital much faster.
To the people discussing Jennas diagnosis if she has one at all: you guys have to drop it. Yes, the DSM exists but it’s still a matter of interpretation. You might go to several doctors and one will classify you as bulimic, the other as ednos, the last as AN b/p subtype (if you’re not a lardass.)
No. 107098
>>107097lmao seriously?! With that face I wouldnt even think about camming.
Was that before sbe said she had an ed or after?
No. 107099
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>>107098Nude body checks: check.
No. 107117
>>107111I'm not Jenna :( but you can see her hair is brown in the nude which it hasn't been for a year. I remember when it was first posted and she vague posted about "old nudes not being
problematic if they were taken at a healthy weight" or some shit but quickly took the post down lol
No. 107128
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Lmaoooooo! You're kidding yourself, Jenna.
No. 107175
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Nice subtle thigh pose. If she's gained she's trying really hard to hide it.
No. 107197
>>106059"Then they made me eat my own child's flesh. "
No. 107216
>>107197>>107197>>107197Absolute shit. Dee from hardly_whole claimed that ages ago and now dunt talk about it and now the same thing happened to her
Both a load of bullshit
No. 107237
>>107235The only person I've known to have DID is that Autumn person and a lot of people seem to think she's fake, too.
But I have heard that the validity of DID is controversial as well.
No. 107244
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First off, when did Emilys chest bones become prominent again? Second, how is she friends w babytrash?
No. 107248
>>107197I just saw that. Wtf.
Something I thought about the other day; she posted a picture in a car (possibly driving), saying she was on her way to an interview or something. What if one of her babypersonas came out during either one of those? Does she supposedly have control over her alters? Some posts suggest not.
No. 107250
>>107248No, don't alters come out as a response to something
No. 107252
>>107229Odd how every alter of every ig and tumblr person has the exact same way of signing off which "little" is uploading, eg ~Skye.
A few years ago I subscribed to a youtube channel if an older woman (50plus) who had a DID diagnosis. She was the only internet person I've ever truly believed wasn't faking. It wad always her, the host, speaking and her vlogs taught me a lot about her mental illnesses.
She suddenly vanished from youtube and now all I see is kids pretending to be 6 years old and doing the ~Skylar thing.
As for ~Cassie and her #satanicritualabuse, she's spent too much time on abovetopsecret/Ickes forum.
No. 107269
>>107197This is such a RA cliche (I was made to eat my baby). It's these claims that started the whole panic in the 90's.
I believe Cassie is mentally ill but the DID is too tumblr-esque.
No. 107406
File: 1458409054000.png (905.54 KB, 1043x719, jiljkl.PNG)

same anon as
>>107405i'm lurking this did chick's insta and came across this and if this isn't such fake bullshit i don't know what is.
like this looks like an adult specifically going out of their way to over-fuck up their hand writing to make it look that of a child's
p sure even if one of your ~multiple identities~ was a child, their writing still wouldn't be this laughably atrocious
this is one special lil snowflake
No. 107426
>>107408Not to mention, if this were actually from a child, it wouldn't makes sense for her to show knowledge of the "ee" sound (in "see") and then not apply it when writing "keep" and "keeping" as kids that age write/spell based on the sounds of the words.
>>107414I was going to suggest that too! It's definitely an adult writing with the non-dominant hand while attempting to write/spell like a child.
No. 107430
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Yes I bet those 12 hours were so cleansing
No. 107431
File: 1458416678843.gif (143.47 KB, 489x378, innerskelly.gif)

>>107416Anyone else notice this?
No. 107433
>>107432Notice how she always said pasta was a safe food and that she never had a problem with it so it made her feel less sick…so she finally made a post the other day about how she ate pasta for the first time without binging.
Gotta pretend like things bother me for the ana points
No. 107441
>>107433Or how she always said carbs are her safe food and she only restricts fats and then suddenly it was national cereal day and she said ~in honour of national cereal day I challenged myself with cereal even though carbs are a fear for me~ lol she's so fucking fake.
And she ALWAYS said pasta was her safe food, it's obvious she just wanted headpats for eating pasta without bingeing.
No. 107442
File: 1458417655058.jpg (156.46 KB, 750x1047, image.jpg)

Dem chest bones
No. 107447
File: 1458417952427.jpg (133.72 KB, 750x897, image.jpg)

Can we talk about this…
No. 107473
>>107442maybe the artist wanted to draw her with big boobs but failed? lmao ok I cant even make myself believe that.
I also wonder who the artist is? Emily herself or some ana chan? because it looks way worse with the "bones" sticking out
No. 107477
File: 1458425662065.jpg (63.72 KB, 619x497, bm.JPG)

>>107406I see this trend increasing.
Pic related.
No. 107503
>>107500wow ur so clever omg i wish i could come up with that geez sooo cool
(Really hope,
>>107502 , that you're actually trolling us though and don't do that. That's pathetic.)
No. 107505
File: 1458431860334.jpg (45.7 KB, 600x547, ankles together is one of the …)

>>107447Do her thighs look insanely blurry in this first photo? She has a normal thigh shape, but they just look blurry. Or am I just over-focusing?
No. 107506
File: 1458431980616.jpg (780.56 KB, 1484x1900, IMG_20160319_185559.jpg)

So you're just taking over as Photoshop liar queen while Ember is in hiding/in treatment/in her pedophile basement trolling while still blocking people? Fatass cunt
No. 107523
>>107519seconding dis
i need 2 see the orignial if i am going to believe any of the shit on here…..
No. 107533
File: 1458435908257.jpg (631.1 KB, 1920x1920, SI_20160319_195527.jpg)

Emily posts her own Photoshop proof so we don't have to. (both pics posted today)
No. 107547
File: 1458437700489.jpg (79.35 KB, 595x599, trashy tights.JPG)

>>107533Again. All angles and shit.
In this pic her thighs are of a slim person. They spread out because she's sitting down on the floor naturally.
She's a healthy weight. Chest bones aren't the realms of anorexia. I've got them but my thighs and ass are fat. Her tits are too big to ever get the skinny looks she's after. Can't suck your bangers in, hey.
No. 107609
File: 1458452584441.jpeg (108.85 KB, 750x728, image.jpeg)

1/2 posted on friday 3/18
No. 107610
File: 1458452627569.jpeg (252.06 KB, 750x1290, image.jpeg)

2/2 posted saturday 3/19
No. 107623
>>107610She wants to be pitied so bad. Like, wahhhh feel sorry for me that I am a healthy weight.
And notice how she makes it sound like she has much more weight to gain?
No. 107649
>>107637Yep so embarrassing. I highly doubt she has a special snowflake metabolism that somehow stores every calorie she eats as fat. She says she doesn't have a metabolism because of MUH THYROID CONDISHUN even though she's been medicated all her life.
Oh and anybody remember when she got all the messages about her body not looking underweight? Someone came to her rescue and said "it's ok you just have a small frame" and she said she didn't. Now that she wants pity she says her frame is small.
No. 107656
>>107619Tedious yes, but it's less about thinking these people are actually fat more about contrasting what they're saying to what people with their heads out of assholes are seeing.
We are as mean as all the other people on lolcow tho ;)))))););););!:));)4)-)$2)3!72!-!/!
No. 107686
"I don’t have a thyroid (literally, there is no thyroid gland in my body) and therefore my metabolism is recreated by a pill that i take daily. super easy, low maintenance, nbd, but it’s less effective than a regular metabolism, and hypothyroidism caused by not having a thyroid means i naturally sit at a higher weight. my dosage changes constantly as my body does and with a normal person, the metabolism would follow suit. mine doesn’t, because it’s recreated by a pill. just something i have to come to terms with and accept. i spent my whole life resenting that, but if i want to break the restrict/b/p cycle, accepting that my weight is naturally a little higher has to happen. "
Ok….so Jenna had a complete thyroidectomy. So did my friend. She had absolutely no thyroid and guess what…she's on meds and gasp, is even on the thin side!
Jenna is just bs'ing, as usual.
No. 107703
>>107690She had sort of already done that. You know the quote "if you're not recovering you're dying"? Many in the recovery community use it as a motivation to get better, but special snowflake Jenna made a post about how that's not true at all and it's totally possible and not dangerous to live between recovering and dying. She did receive a lot of backlash though.
Or how about "going vegan to restrict in recovery is ok because at least you will eat something" (even though she previously said it's a misconception that anorexics never eat)
No. 107714
>>107619You're right, that's the problem with this thread, most of the posters seem as delusional/disordered as the girls they're posting about it's so exhausting to see, you just have to roll your eyes and bite your tongue and scroll past it everyday.
And there's such a huge lack of milk, people like Ember and Emily (and now this Jenna girl) who are boring as fuck are obsessed over while that DID girl isn't even being discussed anymore despite being the most interesting topic this thread has probably ever touched on
No. 107730
File: 1458498596895.jpg (302.36 KB, 719x1207, IMG_20160320_122824.jpg)

This fucking hoodie. Every attention whore has it.
No. 107740
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No. 107749
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how do people even know she's dead… lmao
No. 107751
>>107746It happened suddenly. I used to like her feed but really recently she mentioned DID once and from then on she went berserk with the idea.
>>107749Yeah, this is way too obvious. So dramatic. "How do you know she's dead?" "Cassie told us"…oh right then, she's reliable.
>>107750YES! Didn't think of that one.
No. 107757
File: 1458500934887.jpg (28.74 KB, 330x361, o hai.JPG)

Here's another joke. This shit. Seriously., hi Jolto!
No. 107776
>>107751cassie seriously enables this boy i know on ig, one day he just suddenly had alters despite not having a disassociative disorder (and we would know about it if he did because he overshares his whole life) and when i called him out on how suddenly he had these alters, cassie butted in and made me feel like it would be
TRIGGERING and ABLEIST to question him any more about it. but his alters are obviously fake and whatever is wrong with him isn't DID but she really took him under her wing.
No. 107780
>>107766 i'm not sure if anyone's posted this but this is cassie/ohchickpea's tumblr: i think it's kind of weird how she's using pictures of other people's children to represent her own alters? idk
No. 107784
>>107782She's got a lot of time to kill, and being surrounded by mental illness doesn't help.
She pisses me off too. There're already debates about the validity of DID, but before it became "popular" I knew of people who claimed multiple personalities and they seemed legit, like not making it up for attention. This Cassie's jumped on a bandwagon and it pisses me off for those really dealing with symptoms of DID. Just like fake anas.
No. 107799
>>107794Yes it seems to have just sprung up. Surely if the trauma was childhood it would have been
triggered then or even earlier, not just something that develops in your adulthood within weeks?
To me it seems just like playing pretend, like when you are a child and you have to challenge yourself so you pretend to be a brave, strong character or in her case as an adult and you want to be devoid of responsability you start acting like a child/baby/bear kek. She seems to be backing out of adult responsability like living independently, talking to the police etc and instead plays like a child instead ?
What I find concerning is ho her followers basically egg her on and encourage all these pretend characters/ "alters" which I'm sure goes against her teams medical advice.
No. 107807
>>107802I guess it's possible but why? Then again I'm 99% sure she lied about having cancer for no apparent reason so who knows.
Btw looking back on some of her old cancer posts, what does " not tolerating chemo" mean? She posted a pic of her still having her saying "shoutout to my body for not tolerating chemo". ?? Kind of assuming she meant she didn't tolerate chemo and thus can undergo treatment that let her keep her hair. But doesn't literally everybody not tolerate chemo which is why it's such a bad experience?
No. 107808
>>107807Maybe for sympathy? maybe as an excuse for her to say she has an ED but she's "naturally" bigger because of no thyroid.
Not tolerating chemo would probably mean having crazy side effects, but that would include hair falling out. My boyfriend's mom's bff had breast cancer. Lost both her boobs and her hair fell out.
No. 107814
>>107811You see, if someone was undergoing some kind of cancer treatment, getting "intensive surgery" and regularly in the hospital, they wouldn't look perfectly healthy and they wouldn't go to the gym every day. Those were some clues she never had cancer.
Then the sudden stop of mentioning the cancer on her Tumblr and no mention on her Instagram where she is connected with people from real life.
And now scrubbing all her "cancer" posts.
She's disgusting. Faking cancer for pity and popularity points.
No. 107848
>>107800Exactly. Each persona would have their own things. They are all "individuals." They wouldn't all use one account. and all her alters wouldn't have the same accent
Her videos of "Eva" have different voices. One sounds super baby the other just sounded like she was talking higher pitched
No. 107874
File: 1458514627604.png (431.07 KB, 1242x2208, image.png)

Googled her real name (Rachel Temple-Simpson) and this was the first thing to pop up.
From March-July of 2014 she did "Ed advice"
No. 107876
File: 1458514953800.jpeg (320.94 KB, 1936x1936, image.jpeg)

>>107874Posted on 3 July 15
Yep she definitely ate her child's flesh. (It was a burrito)
No. 107877
>>107869She is such a pathetic liar. You cannot password protect primary blogs, so this means her whine blog is the secondary blog - she never even needed any login info to access it. She lied about forgetting the login info as an excuse for posting
triggering content on her blog.
Jenna no wonder your boyfriend dumped you, ignored you and cheated on you multiple times. You're a big fat adult baby mooching off your parents, lying about cancer and your eating disorder, lying about your weight, lying about being vegan, romanticizing excessive alcohol when your mother is allegedly an alcoholic and you're pro anorexia. I wouldn't be surprised if she lied about her mother being alcoholic for extra pity points.
No. 107879
>>107804no shit
you can scroll through her insta and even a year ago there's not a single mention of DID. just a normal girl with an eating disorder
No. 107886
File: 1458515715805.jpg (221.67 KB, 1062x1619, h0aJFpb.jpg)

Lord–swoledemort "not tolerating chemo" for her fake cancer
No. 107890
>>107888ok jenna
(sorry lol I understand this argument, but I can also imagine Jenna coming here and saying this so none of her Tumblr fake friends find out what a bitch she is)
No. 107895
File: 1458517065485.jpg (89.68 KB, 921x587, uhhuh.JPG)

>>107879I'm struggling to find Cassie's first mention of DID, but I found this which is a taste of things to come.
No. 107898
>>106871Really fucking stupid when normal girls twist themselves to look thinner. She's a random, dime a dozen, scrawny girl with a ugly face attaching herself to a sick online eating disorder fetish community for attention instead of working at developing her skills.
Same as Emily, same as Ember, etc. etc.
No. 107900
>>107895(also odd how her "alters" never make an appearance on her facebook )
No. 107904
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>>107895i couldn't find a post that first mentioned it either but this is the first one where she actually used some of her "alters" names and someone asked wtf she was talking about
No. 107906
>>106920Can you drink some fucking water instead of stealing your mom's wine already- you're an adult, take care of yourself.
You don't seem to fucking get it, posting here is the worst thing you can do. Stop self-sabotaging your own personal growth and get the fuck off the internet, especially some shitty gossip site where I can promise you no one actually gives a shit about you. The people that are the most obvious idiots get posted here, and you actually answering us is extremely pathetic. Take this site and tumblr as a whole out of your obviously too small world, because you're already too old for this dumb shit and no good can come from it. Grow the fuck up enough that you don't care what some bored people who just want to roll their eyes at desperate girls online think about you, and marvel at how much your life improves, I dare you.
Your life has only gotten worse, stop being this fucking stupid please.
No. 107913
File: 1458519210483.jpg (34.5 KB, 332x404, the beginning.JPG)

So…24 weeks ago Cassie was confused about feeling dissociation. Pretty common with anxiety, yeah? Then she talks to her therapist about it and suddenly dissociation is DID No. 107914
File: 1458519392004.jpg (90.89 KB, 928x594, f.JPG)

Four weeks later, they're beating her in the face.
No. 107918
>>107913So the theory that DID is therapy-induced holds true in her case.
Thought this post was interesting (too long for me to screencap, sorry) : sounds like her alters were also excuses for relapsing and recovery stints.
No. 107919
File: 1458520072291.jpg (235.08 KB, 1271x953, tumblr_nr2tnl4dSp1qcdl07o1_128…)

>>107547She doesn't have "bangers" how the fuck did you mess that up.
No. 107920
>>107918In her earlier posts she struggles dealing with housing benefit and sorting out ESA. It's almost as if she's playing the mental card to get out living independently.
So weird if this is therapy induced because I've never known of any place in the UK that takes DID seriously, and with the SRA scandals in the recent(ish) past, they kind of…don't go there. My old shrink doesn't even believe PMS exists.
No. 107925
File: 1458520850676.png (458.12 KB, 947x812, dfgh.PNG)

another ana snowflake begging for money ( i follow her on my sock puppet account so idk if she's public or not, sorry )
but she's claiming she doesnt have enough money for rent yet she's posting all these photos and videos of her smoking? like- maybe if you didn't spend all your money on weed you'd be able to afford your place.
No. 107932
>>107931Hmm. it could also have been "
triggered" by therapy. Talking in depth about the abuse could have been what made her resort to DID as a coping mechanism.
No. 107953
File: 1458526574830.png (14.18 KB, 754x299, yualwayslyin.png)

>>107936Alright I couldn't help myself this is too funny - she mentions the abbrevations 'RA' and 'SRA', and a fair number of asks are vocal support to anyone who is a survivor of RA/SRA.
Satanic Ritual Abuse. Legit what she is claiming happened to her as child.
I thought it might be too good to be true but no, going to wiki about this and moving to the 'evidence' section produces the best kind of lulz.
"The evidence for SRA was primarily in the form of testimonies from children who made allegations of SRA, and adults who claim to remember abuse during childhood,[90][97] that may have been forgotten and recovered during therapy."
It's too good I can't anymore, someone help
No. 107957
>>107953I'm open to "out there" ideas, but the guff I've read from SRA "survivors" is reaaaally far fetched.
I really do think she's been googling DID because she got confused about dissociating. This lead on to her discovering SRA. I wonder if she posted the Monarch butterfly recently because she'd been reading up on Project Monarch/MKUltra. She spends a lot of time online.
I remember all those kids being taken into care in Rochdale in the 90s because they made up stories about SRA.
No. 107959
File: 1458527579716.jpg (54.37 KB, 316x533, cool story.JPG)

Oh, and here's one of chickpea's friends.
No. 107965
>>107964I feel the same way reading chickpea's tumblr. She makes it up as she goes along.
She gave birth at 11 and ate it. It's going to get even more ridiculous.
No. 107968
>>107965It'll be amazing to watch it all crumble because even among professionals, most of them are skeptical that DID is even a real separate disorder. Trying to fit the 'clinical' definitions is so vague, and changing all the time she'll get tied into knots trying to cover all the bases. Reading this, confirmed a lot of my doubts about DID sufferers.
No. 108643
>>106542jenna pretends to be smart, waves around her english degree and rants about muh feminism and then says that restless leg syndrome isn't real despite the science behind it.
She's so annoying. Anyone remember that time she threatened an outing blog with her daddy lawyer, and when screenshots were posted she starting playing victim lol
No. 108644
>>106640honestly birdyally was a shady cunt, disgustingly pro ana until she left.
Jenna claimed to be bulimic then claimed to be anorexic to copy birdyally, now she's lost weight but i doubt she has a diagnosis, definetely an ED though.
The dumb bitch claims to be allowed to workout because her therapist said it was okay, but no nutritionist or medical doctor? Would someone with b/p tendencies really be allowed to do cardio and heavy lifting? Nuh uh
No. 108654
>>106719a certain recovery blogger messaged me (they were in ally's recovery squad attention whoring group chat)
Word is that ally and thegirlwithouted became annoyed with jenna for blatantly being an attention whore, even though ally was more like jenna 6 months ago >_>
No. 108656
>>106890birdyally isn't so innocent, she pulls the age card way to fucking often and if we look at her past she's just as bad as jenna, shes just better at what she does with the whole attention whoring act
She has "improved" a bit, less body checking and admitting to her faults. I'm happy she has apologized to people and stuff and I wish her best in recovery.
No. 108672
File: 1458558183220.jpeg (318.21 KB, 1276x1645, image.jpeg)

Turtl.ed is one of the rudest people I follow on my sock puppet account. She had some give away and a few people asked today what this post was about. The pic was just of a number generator.& as always she's banging on about people being active. If you're so hungry for attention & affection get some real friends & maybe a puppy fuck.,.
No. 108685
>>108682I wish someone would, too. Jenna would probably like "Guys I didn't lie I was just so traumatized from the cancer treatment I stopped talking about it :("
Justjennanicole aka jennanicole92 aka lord–swoledemort you're a piece of poop :~) and no amount of scrubbing the evidence will ever change what a horrible shameless person you are
No. 108686
>>108684Yup. Thats what I said.
Guess we can all hope she just fucks off or sets herself up to failure somehow
No. 108704
>>108703Yeah healingally on IG where she posts pictures of dressing-less salad and whines about her ED being so hard. She was more likeable when she was healingally on Tumblr, at least she pretended she stopped glorifying anorexia.
I see she is wearing her fitbit again when she said back on Tumblr it fuelled her ED because she obsessed about her steps and calories. Sad.
No. 108707
File: 1458572673864.png (18.58 KB, 493x310, Screen Shot 2016-03-21 at 10.0…)

Lol she's too scared to delete because she'd lose all of her followers so she just 'fake' deletes. Ok Jenna, too bad everyone knows you're not really gone and you'll be back after your ~break~.
No. 108709
>>108706Well Eleri says it was good because they motivated each other to eat. Tbh I always found it really
triggering eating around other people with EDs because these things always turn into an unspoken competition
No. 108711
>>108710Yeah of course. She's so stupid she thinks the people on here won't find her. There's also a thread about her on Myproana. It's actually the second result when you Google her username + Tumblr. She says she got a new job as social media director for a non-profit. Maybe she's scared they will find her lol.
Jenna Lewis aka lord–swoledemort aka justjennanicole from Tumblr is a wannarexic asshole :~)
No. 108726
>>108724one day she complains about how
triggering her mom is, the next day she complains about her mom passing out drunk from her alcoholism. can't really expect an addict to focus on your problems instead of their own, jenna.
No. 108748
>>108740eleri seems to be real in her own recovery but when it comes to her "recovery warrioz frands" she seems to keep her mouth shut. Typical enabler.
All those attention whores complain about the things they all do and when a specific name is called out they keep quiet and defend them
No. 108751
>>108749they both are, the only difference is that jenna lewis is a 23 year old who needs to grow the fuck up. At least allison can be a fuckup at a young age without much pentalty.
The fact that aly left residential treatment because she couldn't last a week without posting body checking selfies is pathetic. So many girls with EDs would kill to have the privilege for such expensive treatment. She may be off of tumblr but like another anon said, to restrict without judgement.
Fuck both of them
No. 108778
>>108770>You can't have disordered eating habits if you're within the normal weight range.Okay. I mean no one in the medical world thinks this but okay.
Anyways on topic -
>>108768 Yeah I know a few satanists and they are very nice, very friendly. The hysteria in the 1980's and 90's I thought had been put to rest but no. TBH I think she was sexually abused when she was younger, by an uncle or family friend, and that's it – but there's a thousand girls with stories like that so how to make herself stand out, hmm.
No. 108780
>>108775Because it's an attention grabbing claim
>>108778Are you a fucking idiot, I said anorexia
No. 108787
>>108781I don't know if she told her mom, but she told her mom who her abuser was. One can only assume with all the therapy and issues, her mom or parents would be privy to a large section of these traumatic memories coming back - but so far I haven't heard a pip. It's on her tumblr tagged under her alter annabell I think? Or Anna? It's not a long tag list, maybe 3 pages.
>>108782Done arguing with you, why don't you fucking check the DSM-V and look at the criteria list? Low body weight + disordered eating habits is not the only way to get diagnosed as anorexic. No. 108797
>>108794Most psychiatrists actually are, but if they want to diagnose people incorrectly then obviously that's their choice.
Why do you care? Is it because you desperately want to be labelled under the same name as the aforementioned waifs? Sounds that way.
No. 108803
>>108798The story is funny to me in a sense that one of my friends is a bulimic that says she was abused by a cult.
I didn't realize the whole cult thing was so popular, but at least she didn't take it this far.
No. 108813
File: 1458587651826.jpeg (76.94 KB, 750x592, image.jpeg)

"it was time for a change" like when a message board discusses your lies and inconsistencies, that seems like a good time for a URL change
No. 108814
File: 1458587791499.jpeg (190.33 KB, 750x948, image.jpeg)

says she can't afford to see a dietician but suddenly has an appointment when it's mentioned here. I hope she tells the dietician about all of her really bad super ana b/ping
No. 108820
>>108815I actually find people faking mental illnesses both hilarious and interesting, that's why I post in this thread
The fake anas, the fake BPD, the fake DID
It's funny af to watch them scramble to pretend to have it the worst
No. 108821
>>108814Were you around when she acted like she was too poor for therapy and that she didn't want her parents to pay for that? Yet her parents funding literally everything else in her life including her binge food is fine.
Or when she said she made lots of money freelancing and now she claims to be poor
No. 108822
>>108817I think because a lot of people haven't been to an anon image board before that they aren't used to seeing fat being thrown around
It's because:
1. We know they're reading it
2. Just board culture
Also I hope Ember never comes back, the ember hate gang knows nothing about boundaries and a lot of people posting about her are way too invested
No. 108826
>>108823I consider the fake DID to be on a different level, like if someone was faking schizophrenia or like how Sarah (blueeyedbarbie) was faking CF (as in there's a whole new level of commitment than just saying you aren't eating enough)
I actually like Jenna being posted because I think the fake ED and then fake recovery crowd (aka the special snowflake fitblrs) always delivers some decent milk
No. 108827
>>108825I do, there isn't anything new.
Same old "I'm so fat" posts
No. 108828
>>108826same to all of this but with Sarah it was easy to tell she was faking, with stolen photos, fake medical equipment, way more followers and scamming people out of money. we'll never get that satisfaction with Cassie unless she straight up admits that she's lying so it's boring as hell talking about her hallucination of eating a baby. unless she does something that produces actual milk, the Ana snowflakes are better discussion material
someone needs to get access to Jenna's private blog. I know she's posting somewhere, I can feel it
No. 108847
>>108825Fucking hell, don't bring her here again.
>>108828Different tastes, I suppose. That Jenna's boring to me and her face is hella punchable. I like the ana/DID chick because I want to see how ridiculous it gets.
There's room for them all on here though and really appreciating the break from Whann.
No. 108860
>>108856England here.
>>108858I'm waiting for her to "involve" a celebrity or politician.
>>108859Surprising considering that one of them is supposed to be an abusive twat who beats her up. You'd stick steak pies down her gullet and not ~respect~ her veganism, wouldn't you.
No. 108865
>>108859That's hilarious.
One of them needs to be a freegan dumpster diver, and a fatty who only eats meat, taters and candy.
No. 108869
Is this person anywhere else other than tumblr? The selfie body pics are flat out bragging., it's not me.
No. 108881
>>108872You wouldn't think she was that bad without clothes. If she doesn't die soon, she'll be like Ash the Second.
>>108876Oh, he did that with me so I'd believe her.
No. 108883
File: 1458599235506.png (688 KB, 814x606, emily-and-her-ugly-hair.png)

>>108853There you go, anon
No. 108884
>>108883Thanks anon.
WHY is she keeping the mullet? She should cut it short like a pixie cut. Does she go to a hairdressers in the 1970s or what?
>My dissociation is getting worseHi, I'm Alice and I'm going to have lots of fun today.
No. 108885
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No. 108887
>>108869wow i expected her to be a lot younger than 30 or so. i like to think that one might have more to do in life than post emaciated selfies on tumblr at that age. her face looks like a little boy's and her body looks like an ancient grandma's
damn =[
No. 108890
>>108885She looks .. exactly the same.
Why is she keeping this weird scene hair / mullet cut?
It honestly looks like she cut it herself.
Her eyes are very pretty through, I must admit
No. 108961
>>108956Actually yeah I do.
The entertainment.
No. 108985
>>108961she's a dyed in the wool dweeby girl and her fake eating disorder has allowed her the illusion of authority she knows she could never command in any other way. She exists solely through interaction with us yet for some reason her eyebrows are eternal and remain untouched…
when will she be "released" from her "ward" anyway?
No. 108997
>>108869Holy shit, I remember her from like 2012 or so. I'm kind of sad to see that she's just gotten worse. I'm surprised her Tumblr wasn't deleted at some point too.
>>108877Sadly, she's 30.
(She posted a picture that she said was "from 2009, just before I turned 23.")
No. 109008
>>108987Anon you replied to here
I'm ngl I enjoyed that too, but after awhile it made me a little uncomfortable how crazy the anon were about it
Also, her face was so tiring, and every post became about her it was like the plague
I feel like I have Ember PTSD and you guys saying you miss her is
triggering me
No. 109017
File: 1458639822934.jpeg (151.35 KB, 1536x931, image.jpeg)

End of caption reads "please ignore all the FAT on this picture.." All this kid does is photoshop all her photos and is very clearly sucking in until she turns inside out in this photo. Then writes captions about how fat she is and looks for asspats and shout outs. But next to no one seems to call her out on this shit.. Not pro anything my ass..
No. 109035
I think I've found the film that the DID girl seems to have watched? the whole thing was based on a psychiatrist who was eventually outed for lying about the whole thing
No. 109036
>>109029Their original use was to help stretch your lobe and make the transfer for plug you actually want to wear easier, rather than dead stretching. if that makes sense.
Tapers also (with how heavy they get as they grow in size) can cause your lobe to form at an awkward angle. Just Google it anon.
No. 109044
File: 1458655474402.jpg (74.4 KB, 640x640, 926364_201843046853906_1014382…)

>>109038Holy fuck, recovery_fit_police's gut. That and there's tons of pictures of huge meals she's eaten. Anorexic, my ass.
No. 109062
>>109039I'm the one who recognized her (
>>108997 ), and derp, I didn't realize that either. Makes me wonder if she died or was just sent inpatient (her last post was about a weigh in).
No. 109075
>>109068Just want to follow up with this. I just rewatched the documentary and am almost 100% convinced the DID girl watched this one.
Helen (the woman in the documentary) says that when she was 16 she got pregnant from one of her abusers and was forced to abort the fetus and eat it. Sounds almost exactly like the instagram girl doesn't it? Not to mention the documentary also touches on Satanic Ritual Abuse (Helen believes it happened to her if I recall correctly).
No. 109102
>>109062I'm the one who posted her and I didn't realise her last post was so long ago.
I googled her and someone asks if they know what happened to her on mpa, but nobody knows.
No. 109104
>>109102(Found an account on there called headology, but not sure if it's her
No. 109207
File: 1458687750321.png (23.52 KB, 2019x240, Capture.PNG)

no idea why i decided to look at headology's posts
dear god this is pathetic and disgusting.
No. 109213
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>>109207Kekeke that's fucking insane
No. 109337
File: 1458695937285.png (1.2 MB, 971x863, Capture.PNG)

now at this point i'm just lurking mpa and posting the grossest proana shit here
like it sounds like people are proud of how low they are lmao then again i shouldn't expect much from a website called "myproana"
No. 109343
>>109337I've been on MPA for 2 years simply because I'm close friends with a lot of the girls, I don't post in any subjects to do with my actual disorder but I get the community feeling with the posts I do make
So it's safe for me to say that that girl you've just posted is a total fraud, she's one of the most special of snowflakes because a lot of us don't believe she's disordered, just milking what attention she gets from actual disordered girls.
Seriously go through her posts
No. 109476
File: 1458711151609.jpeg (382.77 KB, 2048x1687, image.jpeg)

>horribly edited photos
>tags photos with proskinny/skinny girl/etc
>knows she's sick/thin and brags about it
No. 109479
>>109477Good job confirming that
>>109337 is a self-post. Otherwise there's no way in hell you found this site so fast.
No. 109539
>>109477"We're all mentally sick"
Mmm nah there's a lot of fatty wannarexics on that site. "Help I'm stuck in a 3 day binge!"
"I'm on a wait list for inpatient… omfg can't stop eating KFC"
No. 109645
>>109476<<horribley edited
Not edited at all fucktard
Why does everything have to be fake.
Just because she's not fat doesn't mean she uses Photoshop
No. 109666
>>109645>>109542I mean the fact that she over uses filters to make her bones more prominent
Did you not read the caption of her photo?
Lurk moar idiots
Either way she's still proud of her eating disorder and wants the world to know it ie
>proana scumbag>attention whore>eating disordered snowflake No. 109699
I haven't checked this thread in a while but I'm curious.
Did that Ember bitch manipulate her ass into an inpatient center under the ruse that she has a severe eating disorder, only to be found legitimately insane and is now unable to leave due to just how psychotic she is? Like I assume she went in, thinking she would finally be able to have an IP story to tell all her lil proana followers, only for her to be actually psychoanalyze by a licensed therapist and almost all of her real, underlying issues were discovered and addressed?
I like to imagine Ember, spending the majority of her time alone, in her room, hair tied up while wearing ugly stained sweats, waiting for her daily therapy sessions, where she breaks down about all the years she wasted on the internet, obsessing over anorexic girls, running hate blogs for them, fan blogs for herself, lying to every single person who gave her the time of day, getting so caught up in the attention, she cheated on her fiance of 4 years, and completely ruining her own name by the age of 19.
Ember has a lot to get off of her chest lol.
No. 109742
File: 1458767392944.png (378.63 KB, 898x545, 1454559961621.png)

>>109030Edited, Her innie bellybutton would prove she was sucking in.
No. 109872
File: 1458780917393.jpg (223.91 KB, 750x1138, image.jpg)

3 lunchables. So anorexic.
No. 109877
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No. 109878
File: 1458781860524.jpeg (606.31 KB, 1936x1936, image.jpeg)

She's always facing the same direction??
No. 109907
File: 1458786064397.jpg (42.08 KB, 750x477, image.jpg)

This is why she doesn't post front face shots lol
No. 109909
File: 1458786628576.png (106.61 KB, 566x445, Screen Shot 2016-03-23 at 9.28…)

ten bucks says she literally didn't do shit today with a dietician. why didn't she do the typical jenna attention whoring and post about how 'nervous' she was days prior to the appointment? I'm calling bullshit.
No. 109915
>>109872I mean, in her defense, she is attempting recovery. Recovery looks different for everyone. And in the caption it says 900 calories, which isn't an uncommon caloric requirement when recovering from anorexia.
>>109874Heh, I eat in my bed. I'm weird about eating at "normal" places… I have to be "comfy" when I eat.
No. 110010
>>109909And how the dietician supposedly makes her weigh all her food when she just recently overcame that. I just can't believe that a dietician would force you to re-adopt disordered behaviours.
Did you see her post about how much money she makes freelancing? When she just recently said she's struggling with money
No. 110026
There are many skinny fat wannarexics who abuse tools.
Yeah I am looking at you Ember and McKenzie !
No. 110084
>>109878 wow in the 1st pic, inferior row, she looks way skinnier. I mean, her face. I'd say the same about the upper one ubt it looks more like only an angle game. Also emily that style fits you nicely, unlike the third upper one.
But I also kinda like her features so whatever.
About the face direction, it's really common, if you see my pics I make the same face-angle-stuff combination in almost every one of them. I admit I'm basic(?
>>inb4 hi emily No. 110086
File: 1458829155461.jpeg (162.05 KB, 750x1062, image.jpeg)

someone submitted to edcynic about Jenna Lewis aka justjennanicole aka lord-swoledemort. there is no way this isn't about her
No. 110088
File: 1458829420181.jpg (133.08 KB, 640x960, image.jpg)

Arms above head, sucking in so hard, and still looks fat.. I get so much secondhand embarrassment from turtl.ed. Does she claim to have anorexia? Or is it bulimia, or something else, bc that would be a little less obnoxious. And referring to her as "my tiny turtle"? What's tiny about her?
No. 110097
>>110088Tiny, right ?
It shows the idiocy of the wannarexics gang. One photoshops her waist to the size of a toast meanwhile she calls a BMI 20 girl 'tiny' ? WTF
No. 110099
>>110089It's embarassing that she posts these photos and claims to be anorexic. I swear some of these wannarexics have reverse body dysmorphic disorder. She wouldn't have posted that, and wouldn't have wanted the pic used for a shout out, if she didn't think she looked thin in it.
And I think she's in her 20s? Not sure, but if she's 20+ I wouldn't consider her a "girl". She's not "fat" but she is thick and there's nothing tiny about her, no matter how hard she sucks in. She actually looks like she's gained weight since joining the wannarexic community.
No. 110114
>>110099I wouldn't class her as "thick". IMO she's more doughy, like a chick that was chubby and lost weight without workout out and toning up resulting with them still having chub in certain areas.
She definitely gained weight since she joined forces with the others. If I can recall correctly, she was actually thin and slightly, if not completely toned. I think she couldn't keep up with looking as /skinny/ as her photoshopped "friends" and started binging because she felt bad for looking bigger.
Didn't she also have problems with Ember or rather, Ember was talking shit about her on Twitter and she was responding on Instagram in her captions. (The comments she responded to were screenshots of Embers Twitter,) I'm pretty sure Ember told her to enhale more cheese burgers or something song those lines which is funny now, considering she did end up gaining an obvious amount of weight since that ~
triggering~ comment lmao.
No. 110162
>>110161Excuse me?! Oh yes, I forgot, that ~true depression~ right der!
OMG, I'm totes gonna kill myself yea but ONLY after ma fav band releases der new song <3 then I can hang maself to der new tune! I might even write der lyrics on the wall in my blood! #realdepression #thinspo #depressionqueen
What an idiot.
No. 110186
>>110183She didn't even enter recovery, she just gained weight after drinking alcohol every chance she got for a year and a half but try to pretend she was getting better, when her life was actually falling apart.
Turns out, she got kicked out of college because she wouldn't stop getting drunk in her dorm room, was sent back to her parents house for underaged drinking, and her mom caught emily stealing all of the vanilla extract (apperently she would drink it and get drunk?). She's a fucking mess lmfao.
No. 110190
>>110185Ok Emily lmao.
Emily is FAR from skinny. What about those ~lingerie in the sea~ shots where the panties dug into her chub? She's not fat but she's not as skinny as she wants to think she is
No. 110195
File: 1458848523228.png (2.93 MB, 2048x2048, PhotoGrid_1458847929349.png)

…… I am just going to leave this here…
No. 110196
>>110189Someone already baited that dumb cow into proving she lurks lmao
>>106920If you really think she isn't white knighting herself, you're in denail. I almost think every post in this thread about her, are Emily herself but who knows.
>Emily from two years ago was my favorite though. She's definitely a lot fatter nowadays. No. 110200
Emily used to be p adorable back when she looked like this
>>110197 but her new look
>>110195 is atrocious wtf
No. 110205
File: 1458849774463.jpg (31.36 KB, 333x500, d287af078cb2bc69cbd3a99d36a6a8…)

Does she think they make her look.. smart or sophisticated or something?.. She almost reminds me of a uglier version of Zoey Deschanel.. Is that what she is going for?
No. 110223
>>110219>really underweight Point? she currently looks overweight and it's disgusting. Majority of society can agree skinny looks better on everyone. Emily looks like her old 12 year old self again.
Also, if Emily didn't still shoop herself thinner and burn chest bones into her body, I wouldnt give a fuck about her weight gain.
There's a reason everyone hated Felice for "recovering" and it sure as hell wasn't because she "got fat". It was because she gained weight yet continued to shoop her body down to half it's size. Emily is god awful at editing, so it's more obvious when she is attemptingto look skinny again, but regardless it's still fucked.
No. 110237
File: 1458854277533.jpg (176.01 KB, 667x500, image.jpg)

>>110229please control yourself
No. 110253
>>110225Why won't you just fuck off Emily? No one ever white knights anyone here, espically a big fat cow like yourself. We get it, you don't appreciate us pointing out how gross you now look. Get the fuck over it or get back in shape.
Just stop self posting on lolcow already, it's obvious when you're doing it.
No. 110257
>>110253Come on, you can do better than that. Anyone can check my IP address. I'm thousands of miles away from Emily.
I don't mind ripping shreds out of pro-ana wannarexics but a bunch of wah-wah babies pointing out every flaw is what they do on myproana.
No. 110261
>>110257Emily isn't fat she's totally normal.
It's just that the difference between her selfies and normal pictures is so obvious, but yeah the anachans need to fucking relax.
No. 110272
>>110223Emily looks like an average weight, she's bloated from the alcohol too
Idk why you care so much about her weight gain
No. 110287
File: 1458862931318.png (463.24 KB, 525x842, Screenshot_2016-03-24-19-40-49…)

>>110257Emily is doughy as fuck, get the fuck over it already.
No. 110289
>>110286Why do you guys think everyone is self posting, are you ok?
I live in Canada m8
No. 110292
>>110291I'm considering baiting you lolcows ITT now
This paranoia is getting amusing
No. 110303
File: 1458865237499.jpeg (167.12 KB, 750x1169, image.jpeg)

Wtf is this shit. I don't follow sofie so I can't see her shit but why is she begging for money from her followers to meet someone?
An online friend? Wtf raise money yourself you lazy bitch?
No. 110317
>>110313Wtf aren't they both underage? (Assuming so since Zoe is like 16 or w/e)
This has to be illegal in some sort / against the rules of the website they're using to raise money
No. 110320
File: 1458865803929.png (199.72 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

"We do not know how to raise money"
Get a fuckin job??????
No. 110331
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Not anorexic but a huge Lulzy attention whore
No. 110397
>>110363bruh emily shoops herself thinner so she can still appeal to the proana followers she gained back when she was literally a thinspo blog, and didn't she just have another thinspo blog exposed a month back
emily will always be proana scum kek chill
No. 110400
>>110397Ok but she's just boring now. I'm not whiteknighting her like most drama blogs do nowadays, but there's no real milk.
I mean sure post the occasional thing about her thay's cool, but dont post about how fat she is 20 times in a row, no one cares.
No. 110401
>>110228I had to look through her Tumblr for that since she has it on "other Tumblr users only" and search somehow doesn't work. Wasn't worth it.
I think one of the things that annoys me the most about Jenna's Tumblr is how much of a failure at Tumblr etiquette she is. This text post explained it perfectly:
>writing comments in the tags vs in the caption is sort of like being on a school field trip and whispering something to your buddy while the guide is talking vs. raising your hand and stopping the tour to let everyone know that you think that painting kinda looks like a buttJenna
constantly needs to comment rather than write in the tags. She honestly thinks people care that much about her opinion.
No. 110411
>>110401This is the thing about Jenna.
She thinks she's smarter, skinnier, sicker, more popular, and funnier than she actually is. Being humble is a completely foreign concept to her. There's a difference between being confident and falsely bragging about how you're a certain way when you're really just not.
Fuck. Get over yourself Jenna. You've never been underweight, you're definitely not as sick as a lot of people, and your life is pretty sad and pathetic at the moment. Not that you can't bring yourself up, but it's time to grow up and stop whining and bitching about things you can clearly change.
There's nothing more annoying than people using their disorders as an excuse for not doing anything with their lives, when help is accessible. Jenna is so privileged and lucky to have access to help but chooses to complain about every little thing that's not perfect in her life to gain sympathy and attention.
No. 110426
>>110411And her constant attention seeking… She acts like she's so adult, but every issue in her life is portrayed in a way that will get her pity.
-Still talking to her ex after their breakup and then whining that he cheated on her multiple times
-One day saying her boyfriend is the best, he makes her so happy bla bla then she says he's ABUSIVE?
-Saying her freelancing doesn't get her much money vs now saying she makes a lot with it
And so on. Jenna is a lying, wannarexic, cancer faking attention whore. And you know she wanted to become famous for being ~*the cancer survivor fitblr*~
No. 110436
>>110434Oh her ED
made her post purging tips! She couldnt help it!
She tries so hard to be special. First ~fitblr in ldr~ then ~fitblr fighting cancer~ then ~fitblr mixed with ana working at Lululemon~ and so on. Her next venture is supposed to be ~cooking blogger recovering from ED~ Also, Jenna, hint: your degree in English and liking Harry Potter do not make you special.
No. 110438
>>110434And about self sending hate, I remember when she was discussed on another thread here and she obviously lurked and got an anon saying "People on lolcow say you're fat" when nobody even did that. Making up shit for pity as always.
Her parents don't even know about her blog. Would have been hilarious "Daddy, plz use your ~white male privilege~ to shut down these meanies for exposing that I help other people throw up their food!!!!" She said not even her friends know about her blog or that she has an eating disorder. Would be hilarious if someone she knows was on here and found out about her wannarexic ways
No. 110439
>>110436She's the typical English major liberal feminazi pseudo intellectual.
Her food obsession is gross, why post food you're just going to binge and purge. I remember she said she appreciated that her ed made her eat vegetables more like what the fuck?
Does she actually think her shitty rice cakes with hummus constitute a healthy meal? Her food pictures are shit anyways lol
No. 110441
>>110438She claimed that I and other mods were defaming her, no bitch you did thst yourself. She's claimed that us, exposing her for giving a child purging tips through pm was going to ruin her future career and reputation.
She bitches about not getting hired and maybe it's because of her camming and the fact she's a 23 year old Taylor Swift obsessed child that needs to grow up and act like it. You don't use her full name on the Internet on your shitty blog that has all of your disgusting lies plastered all over it. Fake cancer, wannarexic bs, camming. She needs to stop blaming other people for her own shit
No. 110444
>>110439Yup she thinks she's sooooo smart and a gift to this world.
Her food obsession and the way she broadcasts it is disgusting too. She just wants worried anons saying she's into cooking because of her ED. Or how she posts about her funny ironic obsession with tv shows like chopped and super size vs super skinny.
And I remember that. Her ED makes her eat more vegetables and fruit? Wow surely something to be proud of, Jenna. You're disgusting and obviously pro anorexia.
No. 110452
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>>110215dem jowls are from b/p. that's why the glands are so swollen
No. 110485
>>110435jfc. i dont understand ed's? k, i've only had one for half my life, so about 15 years, but ok. more like you don't understand why people mock these girls.
no one would be calling these girls fat, doughy, or thick if they weren't
contorting, sucking in, and photoshopping themselves in an attempt to appear thin/sick nobody actually thinks they're obese or something. though id probably kill myself if my body ever resembled turtl.ed's.
No. 110518
>>110510Umm… I think it's safe to say that anon was being sarcastic, little one. Ember didn't travel roughly 2,500 miles to drink Starbucks in Canada.
(Links to the posts:
>>106157 >>106162 )
No. 110522
>>110495I am sure she said ovaries.
Who is DID by the way ?
No. 110529
>>110517Just lurked. She looks normal in clothes no wonder she posts to prefer ribcage.
she follows the afwul thiinly, who photoshops
No. 110537
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>>110481This girl ebony has been getting more & more attention seeking and full of milk for months now. She has ig & At first i genuinely felt for her & her experiences seemed genuine & legit, then as her profile got more popular, she started claiming to uave an ED and posting pics of fortisips whenever she could, despite being normal weight, then as her 18th drew nearer she was literally desperately trying to get herself sectioned and in hospital so she could validate all her suspect claims of mental illnesses which she would always avoid directly stating what she was diagnosed with stating her "team" didnt want to diagnose her cos she would be going to adult services shortly. This girl (18yrs old) "runs away from home" threatening to kill herself knowing full well every time her mum calls the police and she gets sectioned by them, only to be assessed by a doctor and sent straight back home!! (This was happening on a daily basis). Then when that wasnt workinng she started taking overdoses, getting "found out" by her mum & taken to a&e (where she posts constant pics & updates on her ig) but then refuses to get treatment until they have to sedate her and waste an ICU bed so she has the antidote…. This has happened more than once. Now shes trying to get the government benefits to pay for her to have horseriding lessons cos she thinks shes entitled to it despite claiming shes too ill to work even a few hours a week!! So many ppl have called her out on her BS and she just keeps on going…. So much milk!!
No. 110558
>>110435We arent moralfags.
If you want social justice, go to PULL, Tumblr, or MPA ffs.
No. 110566
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Is this normal behavior for a military ball?
No. 110568
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People should stop kissing her ass saying she's 'human embodiment of sunshine' lmao
No. 110691
>>110685Stfu attention whore. You want Ana points? This thread isn't about you so you don't need to mention your 15 yr long Ana mode unless you want to be one of the snowflakes yourself. You've now posted 2 posts bragging about fuck all.
>probably kill myself if my body ever resembled turtl.ed's. Stfu and please go back to mpa.
No. 110710
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>>110574>>110685If you're so smart, why you get an ED?
Your move, cow
No. 110718
>>110710most anorexics are smarter than average.
most people on MPA are not anorexic.
i like your pizza cat.
No. 110727
>>110718That's just a stereotype, the young, intelligent, perfectionistic overachiever.
I'm a granny-chan who has been around ED "communities" both on and offline for over a decade, and one thing I've learned is that there are a helluva lot of ED patients who aren't the brightest crayons in the box.
No. 110741
>>110718>Suffers malnutrition but expects their brain to function higher than everyone elseOk, Lia
From my experience people who brag about their intelligence are some of the biggest idiots I've ever met
No. 110743
>>110741That's everyone's experience dude.
If you have to say it out loud, you're trying to convince yourself more than anyone else.
No. 110744
>>110741Yup, this.
I actually used to be considered fairly bright. When my ed got really bad I was essentially I fucking idiot with less brain cells than Ember.
No. 110746
>>110744That's not how you sage.
Type in sage with a lowercase s in the email field.
No. 110767
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>>110754Omg kek. I am following her and had screenshotted some of her more tell-tale ask answers cos shes so damn fake and i had a feeling she wuld delete cos she has in the past so many times. Its like shes trying to pretend she never said half the stuff she did but she forgets once its been on the internet its there for good! Shes such a 2 faced attention seeker.
No. 110770
File: 1458956436602.jpeg (162.39 KB, 640x958, image.jpeg)

Does anyone else still follow crying emilys ex friend laura? Omg shes not so much an ana snowflake as she genuinely struggles with an ed and doesnt seem to flaunt that around on her social media profiles like the other wannarexics do, but fml she posts staged selfie after selfie, day in day out, wirh comments asking if she looks 'fat' or ok? For someone with such supposed low self esteem she posts more selfies than the mf kardashians put together!!! ? Dont know if she deserves any thread of her own just yet but shes deffo attention seeking and constantly crying out for validation from the rest of the wannarexic community.
No. 110775
>>110770I stopped looking because those wide eye selfies freaked me the fuck out.
>>110773I agree. Idek of Ebony, but I don't give a damn. Depends what benefit she's on, but it's a piece of piss to dob her in if she's saying she's unfit for work but horse riding.
No. 110778
File: 1458960196218.jpg (94.23 KB, 860x592, Capture.JPG)

Okay, so just looked at Laura again. Ffs.
>>110777Go away please.
No. 110780
>>110779e.e i hope i live that long
but tbh im scared cut of my bulimia o.o
No. 110782
>>110780Yeah its hard because I've had ana since I was 11.
I was diagnosed with BPD at 15.
It's really fucked me up.
My body is so weak now…
Every morning I break my legs, and every afternoon I break my arms.
At night, I lie awake in agony until my heart attacks put me to sleep.
No. 110786
>>110782Those feels.
Not that EDs are a competition, but I'm much worse than you :( I'm actually rotting from the inside AND the outside, yet I'm still alive. The stench is ungodly. I'll never be a mother :(
No. 110853
>>110782>>110786STFU. nobody cares about your stinky ass, your exaggerations or lies. Go get some info from Ember on pedeatric ED units, she should be able to give you great info.
WTF is happening here, serously?
No. 110900
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No. 110949
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>>110901Who does this bitch think she fooling
No. 110977
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Nice shop on the gap crying Emily
No. 110980
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Lurk more eat less budah belly
No. 111011
>>110997She's right guys, there's nothing wrong with sharing body checks when you have an ED
If you
trigger your friends by sucking in and posting so you look thinner it's their own damn fault for looking at the pictures
I mean, it's a mental illness! So you can excuse all the shitty stuff they do because the ana goddess has come down from heaven and said it's OK
Besides, recovery means posting body checks and saying you're not pro ana
No. 111021
>>111019That's cold… But very accurate.
Why are we even tolerating them. Ignore them and they will leave
No. 111022
>>111011I'm glad someone understands. How can you be in recovery if you don't call your followers "lovelies" and have "don't report, just block" in your bio
People don't understand the commitment
No. 111025
It really inspires my recovery to see people exploiting their followers and eating disorders
No. 111047
File: 1459028062568.png (142.96 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

Regarding Cassie's SRA story…
No. 111255
>>110992>such an inspiration recovery wise >has THIN in username stfu. i assume you don't want to share your age bc you're a minor. so get out.
trying to white knight her will only get her posted more anyway.
No. 111274
File: 1459104684592.jpg (461.14 KB, 1280x1707, sT4Khxe.jpg)

Why does she think this is a good look?
No. 111275
File: 1459104838400.jpg (376.83 KB, 1280x1707, G7lGlDN.jpg)

Does this look like sub 100 pounds to anybody? Honestly wondering
No. 111280
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>>111274I wonder if she enjoys dressage.
No. 111281
>>111275That off the shoulder exposed tan line is so classy.
No way under 100.
No. 111290
File: 1459106207175.jpg (131.79 KB, 1078x1417, cfluM2t.jpg)

Shit pro anas post. Bonus: Jenna said she never was overweight in her life.
No. 111298
File: 1459110057574.jpg (146.92 KB, 1078x1371, YmFAQUU.jpg)

More from when she said she was 97-100 lbs, BMI around 16-17. She is obviously sucking in and it's embarrassing that she even posted this.
No. 111299
File: 1459111049845.jpg (153.7 KB, 1078x1678, o4lCRm4.jpg)

Some of the now deleted posts about her made up cancer.
No. 111300
File: 1459111088306.jpg (43.51 KB, 1078x621, psUsPf6.jpg)

No. 111301
File: 1459111130725.jpg (140.31 KB, 1068x1596, ShwaVQk.jpg)

"cancer sucks lolz"
No. 111338
>>111337Every time Jenna gets brought up, some anon says she's boring and to not post her
I'd be happy to see MORE Jenna
No. 111432
>>111424don't call it a hate blog. call it a truth/exposing blog lol
you can get around those rules verrrry easy
i had one about felice/kiki/ kotakoti/ and some bitch named aly antorcha that lasted quite a while because "exposing" efamous people and saying you want to keep them from negatively influencing younger people seems to make it ok
No. 111449
>>111448there are way more proanas on instagram who photoshop their pics/lie/crave attention but everytime we post them it;s like
"yeah they been mentioned yawn. next one pls"
i read something earlier about thiinly editing her pics
i follow her and she genuinely seems thin so i want someone to point out the shoops
imfuck_ed was also fun too. just waiting for her to have her baby because i'm 90% sure she's going to go back to photoshop her body sickly thing like she used to before pregnancy
No. 111450
File: 1459144608497.png (1.37 MB, 997x898, tr..PNG)

like all her other side photos of her bump look normal as hell but that first one where she's sitting on the ball… is that fucking normal??? it looks like the entire pregnancy is in one spot of her stomach or something wtf
No. 111451
>>111448I still hope she never comes back
It's healthier for everyone, everyone was stuck in an Ember cycle
No. 111459
>>111458@ imfuck_ed is horrible at her shoops. you just have to scroll down to her pre pregnancy pics and all of them are fucking awful. they were posted in a previews wannarexic thread.
shes young as hell, has a drinking problem, claims to have an eating disorder, she already has one other child and i think she once said she tried commiting suicide like… WHILE THIS CHILD WAS STILL WITH HER.
her arms are beyond repair and she walks around the house and shows her kid all of it
she's honestly so fucked up lmao
No. 111465
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No. 111466
File: 1459148302892.jpg (205.37 KB, 1280x1280, TXWpFqU.jpg)

This might be one of the ugliest pictures she has ever posted.
No. 111500
>>111282>>111291Kill yourselves.
>>111288Closer to 115-120 imo.
Use it.
No. 111502
>>111449She shrinks her waist. Most snowflakes literally rape their apps to achieve it.
You can see it when their stomach looks mini compared to the rest and then their proportions look way off. McKenzie is the queen when it comes to that. Bad enough that no one tells her how stupid her editing is when her shoulders are double as broad as her waist.
Let us not forget that these girls don't spend much time to photoshop the pictures. The apps are very easy to use.
No. 111628
>>111542Are you Eleri? She refuses to go to treatment because then she would be
forced to lose weight before. But she's the skinniest in her therapy group!!!!!1!!!!!!!! She says she doesn't care about the physical consequences of her ED. Etc etc.
No. 111642
File: 1459174056843.jpg (108.04 KB, 528x759, IMG_20160328_090558.jpg)

Oh how I'm waiting to see the fatness spilling off her ass
No. 111655
File: 1459175145578.gif (6.22 KB, 400x400, transparent ghost.gif)

>>111639preparedness intensifiesI'm pleased she is returning. Thread is getting way too Wintergirls without Ember's consistent dramatics.
No. 111715
File: 1459181118181.png (82.22 KB, 612x534, 70.png)

DAYUMM EMBER, back at it again with the fake followers
No. 111728
File: 1459183239141.jpg (209.46 KB, 962x890, ember whann emily crocker.jpg)

No. 111749
File: 1459186017544.jpeg (722.37 KB, 1536x2048, image.jpeg)

>>111733Here's Ember's screenshots. I had to take pictures of it with my iPod bc if I screenshot them she would immediately block me but here! She posted some food pics too. She's at a restaurant as we speak
No. 111750
File: 1459186062653.png (144.1 KB, 788x304, 70.png)

>166 likes in 3 hours
What a sad lil life this cunt lives. No one currs, not even her fellow proana scum fans.
No. 111751
File: 1459186085860.jpeg (644.1 KB, 1536x2048, image.jpeg)

Here's One of Ember's meals that she posted too
No. 111753
File: 1459186161886.jpeg (335.09 KB, 1536x2048, image.jpeg)

Oh and in case you guys think I made it up I took a picture of her name on Snapchat to show that I actually did view her snapchat
No. 111754
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>>111749Did they stretch her out in that IP center???
No. 111755
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But she was never overweight you guys. Not when she had the gut like here
>>111290 and not in this picture.
I don't even care if she was overweight at some point personally, but she's not exactly helping people with EDs by making a taboo out of developing an ED when overweight and lying about it.
No. 111766
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>>111764You seem to be correct. So that means she ate a 550 cal dessert, way to go Ember!
No. 111767
>>111750A 14 year old kid just commented on this post, saying that she missed Ember.'s creepy how she attracts all of the youngins, why does she have no friends her age? She only seems to talk to 12-16 year old girls and her 32 year old boyfriend.
No. 111770
>>111768I don't think that's Creme Brulee… The inside reminds me of potato mash texture-wise and she has a corn emoji on the picture.
Also, funny how Ember is playing rich lol.
No. 111775
>>111770Brulee can appear lumpy, it's a difficult consistency to master. Also, I am unaware of any other dish that crystallizes on top with a cream interior.
As for the corn emoji, who knows, but thats undoubtedly a shitty brulee.
No. 111777
>>111772I found a calculator that gives you the "ideal weight range" for your height and frame size. I entered my height 5'5". For a small frame the ideal range is up to 130 (which really happens to be the weight where I start looking fat) Medium frame 141 and large frame 155.
I'm not sure if it's anachan shit. Someone at 5'4" who weighs 145 and has a small frame will have a higher body fat % than someone with a medium frame at the same weight. More fat around the middle = increased risks for diseases related to high weight.
Doctors look both at BMI and waist circumference (where I live). The "dangerous" waist measurement cut off is pretty high so I doubt Jenna was at risk for obesity related diseases in that picture with the shorts, but a) she looks pretty big b) from the hints she has given about her "HW" she used to be in the overweight range. The problem is that she now denies it to sound like a super sick anorexic that was hot and skinny all along.
No. 111780
>>111778Same and I looked like this
>>111298 when I was ~125 (let's not ignore she is obviously sucking it) but Jenna claimed she was below 100 pounds in this. (This was posted a few days before she said she was 97)
No. 111782
>>111779Fuck knows, but I can't find any polenta with that glaze.
Also it's sure got 32in waist chan in here all of a sudden.
No. 111785
>>111783Anyone can have an ED at any weight, fact, jenna preaches this religiously.
But then why does she feel the need to lie about having anorexia? This bulimic wanna-ana is losing weight purposely in ~*recovery*~
I just wish her stupid followers would see through it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
No. 111786
>>111785She is obsessed with spouting that EDs come in all shapes and sizes yet she makes sure to convince people she is scary skinny.
Does anybody else find it disgusting when the "recovery" bloggers compliment each other's bodies?
At the time when she saw a doctor for a diagnosis (allegedly) she posted "I got a different diagnosis than I thought, but that's ok" or something. I think she thought they would diagnose her with anorexia but they slapped the OSFED or bulimia diagnosis on her. Of course she couldn't admit that because then she would not fit in with the cool kids.
No. 111789
>>111786exactly, and she's right EDs come in all shapes and sizes but lying about your diagnosis just makes you a lying piece of shit. I'm pretty sure she came up with AN b/p on the spot because of birdyally and her obsession with her. Just couldn't admit to having bulimia.
Does anyone remember when ally would vague blog about someone copying her? Pretty sure it was directed towards jenna for posting her shitty diet popcorn she copied from ally looool
No. 111793
>>111786exactly. this is why this needs to be on tumblr, on a truth blog (not a hate blog, that won't last)
all of the screenshots are here. someone with a tumblr account post them there! maybe Jenna will respond if everything is public. or maybe she'll just go away
No. 111797
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Emily posted a pic of her wearing a white fur coat 17 weeks ago and now Ember has one too. She will neve give up her obsession with Emily
No. 111798
>>111789>>111791In the countries where the DSM is used, you
might be diagnosed with AN at a normal BMI, but realistically only if you started starving yourself at a very high BMI.
In my country the BMI criterion is still 17.5 as far as I know.
And yes EDs do come in all weight ranges, that's right, but she doesn't practice it. She feels the need to lie about her diagnosis and contradict herself.
No. 111802
>>111798Not true, atypical anorexia is a subtype of OSFED.
Anorexia requires a low bmi for treatment purposes.
No. 111804
>>111768Ember doesn't have an eating disorder, so you never have to worry that she isn't
really eating the shit she takes photos of. Trust me.
No. 111805
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>>110754New lolcow potential: As predicted ebony has reactivated her Scroll down to the meaty stuff Which is pretty entertaining reading of her trying to appear like she isnt an attention seeking wannabe.
No. 111807
>>111802"Persistent restriction of energy intake leading to significantly low body weight (in context of what is minimally expected for age, sex, developmental trajectory, and physical health) ."
All the wannarexics were happy when this change was introduced because it meant they had a chance to score the magical AN diagnosis. The fact is that there is no specific number as to what a "significantly low body weight" is anymore. And unfortunately there are some HAES doctors out there :(
No. 111809
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>>111715Her follower count jumped up 200 followers but she can't even get 200 likes on a post that's been up for 5 hours, so so transparent.
No. 111811
>>111797Fuck off Emily, no one is copying you. You wear generic as fuck outfits, stop being so surprised that every other white american girl dresses just like you.
You are not special. I don't care how many times you talk about the cheap, rusty clothes you get from goodwill.
No. 111814
>>111789Ally vague blogged Jenna, then Jenna went and stalked her IG and vague blogged about how jealous she was of people still 'early' in recovery (Even though they've been 'recovering' for amount the same amount of time now?) that don't gain weight. So basically she's jealous of Ally because she's probably not really in recovery. She also bitched about Ally posting close ups of food etc. then said that she was a worse version of Jenna. LOL
Jenna likes to cover up the fact that she's a shitty anorexic by pretending like her non-disordered behaviors (liking pasta, not being able to fast) are just her disorder being invalidated uhhh
No. 111832
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Birdyally follows ember Emily and alyrealrecover bwahaha
No. 111833
>>111809Ember actually has the start and end dates of her "IP treatment" in her description now..
Seems like all she did this past month was waste every fucking bodies time. Wasted the hospital staff's time, her boyfriend who drove 20 fucking hours total to drop her off and pick her back up. And she wasted her own damn time, I wonder if she is out of a job now due to her stunt. Idk, doubtful, her mom is fucking the boss which is how Ember got the job in the first place.
So far, she has still acted like a lil attention whore. What the fuck.
No. 111836
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Progressing well lol, gaining shit load of weight is more like it.
No. 111844
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No. 111853
File: 1459196550032.png (315.88 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-03-28-13-21-36…)

Ember is lurking. She just went private
No. 111884
>>111873Achievement unlocked! Inpatient
Next achievement: feeding tube
Next achievement: death
No. 111903
>>111847I am also going to make a blog about Jenna (I'm just tuning in sorry). I don't think she should get to run away from lying about CANCER ffs.
On the off chance she really has it, why not just say so and take the sympathy points
No. 111918
>>111676It's gonna be even better than my immortal.
'Anorexia since breast feeding. Bottle feeds x120000. So bullied. Feeding tubes in middle school. Internet bullies since she was five. Left school because 500 bullies gave her anorexia again. Anorexia ^2. Then lolcow, then force fed and strapped down in tragic tragedy, group therapy reveal about being raped 100 times by either her mums bf or aj,whoever she feels like at the time. Feeding tubes everywhere. Imminent organ failure because she missed Instagram, more bolus'. Mean other jealous patients. Coma. Everything's fine now! Pat my ass so good. '
No. 111924
>>111903I so agree!!! Jenna can't just lie about having fucking CANCER and expect to get away with it.
Wouldn't it be funny to act concerned to her actual friends and family about her "cancer" and then "Oh you didn't know? She posts it constantly online"
No. 111951
>>111947She could've said she did it for attention and apologized, people would be disappointed but she's an adult and should take responsibility
Idk why these people never own up to shit, it just makes them look shadier
No. 111997
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>>111981I'm so confused.. it says she's still there and she reblogged the cancer post??? also why is that one person wking her so hard on tumblr lmfao
No. 112202
>>112185You're stupid and clearly trying to get a reaction.
Did anybody see ember showing off her "fall risk" bracelet on her snapchat? Did she steal it from her grandma?
No. 112211
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>>112198the tumblr/instagram friend circle is a contrived reality. some may say kind things and try to be "supportive" but the grand majority of the time, friendships on these platforms provide an escapist community and not real relationships. people can't form lasting friendships from liking/blogging each other's
triggering posts, always one upping each other's traumas and stuff. all that to say that the ed/recovery community (same difference) is generally toxic and either too young to understand, or too old to be pretending to not know better. you sound more conscientious that most and i hope things are improving in your life
No. 112246
>>112239At the peak of my disorder I was 86lbs and used Instagram as some kind of fuel to inspire weight loss via posting body checks and such. You could clearly see how much weight I was losing.
But then I avoided photos taken by anyone else and was pretty isolated in real life by my own choice so…
Basically not all people with body check accounts per say are wannarexics but I agree, a lot of them posted here just like the idea of being anorexic. They take the, for lack of a better word, "good bits" of the disorder and they force themselves to fit into the lesser damaging criteria.
No. 112252
>>112249I was more going for the angle that they're not really fine when you're not at the height of a disorder and reality is kind of all messed up. Like they're not okay to any rational thinking person.
Recovery instagrams have no reason for existing, they're still part of a disordered way of eating by counting calories etc, I understand that's obviously part of recovery to make sure you hit targets but a lot of recovery pages list specific calories, like in their gum or something minuscule like that. Any kind of documentation of your disorder, start to finish, in my eyes is just your disorder being present and running the show from behind the curtains. Call it whatever you want but recovery pages are bullshit and all attention seekingy, body checks or not.
No. 112262
>>112246You're. I should have added that if someone with an eating disorder does choose to post body pics or other information like that they are using it to
trigger themselves, which unintentional (or intentionally in some cases)
triggers their followers. I'm sorry if the way I wrote came across as "If you do this you are/aren't eating disordered."
No. 112267
>>112183I just had a look at her followers and they seem to be mostly recovery accounts and mentals. I follow but that was from before she had to approve. Maybe she'll accept anyone if you don't come across like a troll.
You're not missing much tbh. She posted how she was worried she was gaining weight because she drank so much watter.
No. 112280
>>112239>>112246These two posts basically confirm that proana scumbags
are in here. But idk what else we could have expected. There's always will be a snitch.
No. 112284
>>112282Honestly, Cassandra just seems like a cunt who just so happens to have an eating disorder. She would probably be a huge bitch if she were fat too.
Proanas are just people encourage eating disorders and think it's a
choice. I don't believe Cass purposefully tried to fuel her own disorder but just feel victim to it without realizing exactly what was happening until it was too late which is why she is being face ultimatums and an interventions.
No. 112285
>>112249Don't forget the cringe worthy
I feel sorry for real anorexics, recovering or not. I need a list of wannarexics !
No. 112289
Just made a new thread
>>112288This post is currently 60-70 odd posts away from hitting it's limit, by the way.
The max reply limit is 1,200.
No. 117511
>>117510No because this person is probably her and doesn't know how chans work, probably saved this thread in her bookmarks and freaked out that nobody mentioned her for over a week.
Kind of stating the obvious here but it's mostly for the benefit of that person.
No. 117690
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Does this look like thinmissyy to you? I'm not her I don't know how many times I need to tell you that
No. 117692
>>117690Hahaha what the fuck newfag
Does anonymous not mean anything to you also?
No. 118097
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How stupid can she literally be
No. 118100
>>118097She gets
triggered by the color brown? That's racist.