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No. 1174665
>What is Breadtube and the leftist sphere?A new leftist movement aiming to address, fight, and destroy the growing presence of fascism in the USA. AKA, breadtube is keyboard warriors making response videos to anti-SJW’s and the leftist sphere is a place that preaches diversity while all their biggest players are White, TIMs or upper class minroties
>General summary of their beliefs- They are not liberals. Liberals believe first and foremost on changing the system from the inside while Leftists want to destroy it.
-They have slap fights over the intricacies of their political beliefs every other wednesday. The only thing uniting them is leftism.
>Breadtube: The big players only. Other tubers exist, but these are the ones pulling the shots. - HBomberGuy (
Defended his rapist script writer because they were trans and made an entire google plug in the block anti-SJW videos from appearing in ones feed.
-Philosophy Tube (
Trooned out recently, might be simping for contra
-Contrapoints (
Anti-SJW college dropout turned communist troon. Hates capitalist exploitation, but blows hundreds of patreon dollars on buying fancy clothes made from exploitative labor.
-Peter Coffin (
Faked a girlfriend once. He also didn't do anything about Laurelai Bailey, a serial rapist, who ran his discord server. Peter Coffin also went so far as in to say he didn't believe one of the
Wants to reclaim the skull form the anti-SJW’s. Is dry as bread.
>Leftist sphere: places where leftist congregate. Only ones big enough to stir drama are listed. -/r/GenZedong
The current refugge camp for former r/ChapoTrapHous users, Virgin upper class males who have never known true tyranny and hate the west. They will support Islamic theocracies and fascist states If they nominally say something against the west
It’s just Chapolight.
The incels of the communist movement. They spend all there time browsing and posting about how capitalism has ruined everything, but refuse to fix their situation because it’s to late or they’re vote doesn't matter. Latestagecel
It’s just latestagecel light.
- /r/ShitLiberalsSay
A place to shit on conservatives, Nazis, and leftist that go against the circle-jerk.
The real underdogs of the leftist community. The only thing leftist can agree on is the fact AnCaps are retarded.
>Actual communist reading if that interests youhttps://www.marxists.orgPast thread
>>>/ot/419669>>>/ot/431610>>>/ot/431610 No. 1174667
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>>1174666he always caped extra hard for trannies and apparently was a chaser, both things tend to correlate to trooning out in my experience. He's comfortable as a man because he's an autogynephile like hontra, he self-admittedly never had gender dysphoria
No. 1174730
I appreciate someone making the thread but the OP image is kind of autistic when they’re all “sex work is work!” types
>>1174669Yes, they’re all male except for Lindsay Ellis, but they aren’t the ones sucking up to shoeonhead. Her main wk vaush has a thread of his own, but I don’t think it ever took off
No. 1174790
>>1174780Honestly I unsubbed from her a long time ago, when she spent a large section of a video caping for Islam(cause of course)
I don't think anyone would ever dare to criticize the faith of the pedoohile propeth
No. 1174967
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>>1174668re: pt and hontra, some of this is spergy because i think this is from /tttt/
No. 1175008
>>1174666I was one of those people kek
I thought he was on the way to troon out the moment he put up a video of himself with plucked eyebrows
And now later on I heard he also did streams while dressed as a woman so it's no surprise. He did strike me as someone secure in his male identity too though
No. 1178196
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Most breadtube content is just pretentious over analysis of media that they subscribe deeper meaning to
Like this faggot, trying to make parallels between Legend of Korra and Communism when the main writers never once said that was their intention
No. 1178750
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>>1174666I didn’t predict that he would fully troon out, but I was certain he was going to come out as some sort of non-binary following his Queer video. In it, he dresses up as a woman, and he also skirts around the topic of his queerness for the entire video before very lamely coming out as bisexual at the end. I felt like the subject matter of the video, which focused a ton on trans and gender nonconformity, didn’t line up with the conclusion at all. ofc I’d expect some pandering to the troons, but it really went overboard with it.
His video on ment@l he@lth and suic!de (he seriously writes the title like that) is dogshit and obvious attention whoring. The entire thing is a pity-fest that shows no understanding of what depression is like. (For contrast see thoughtslime’s videos on depression; he’s a wokescold, but he is very obviously genuinely depressed, since he can actually describe the thought processes of a depressed person. See if you're curious.) This is when I first noticed PT’s obsessive need to be included in oppressed groups whilst being the furthest thing from it.
The video right before PT's trans coming out video was a great example of it. In it, he uses a bunch of language implying that he is one of the poors and that the struggle of the poors is his struggle. video + some of his tweets prompted a three-hour debate between Vaush and Destiny. It goes off the rails a lot, but for the most focused shitting on Olly, go to around 2 hours and 52 minutes (should be timestamped). If you don't care to watch all this shit-flinging, just know that Vaush simps incredibly hard for Olly because he's now a beautiful twans woman, despite his obviously intentionally deceptive wording and behavior.
picrel: I calculated PT's minimum monthly earnings as of March 2021. At a minimum, he makes roughly $336,000 per year.
repost b/c i fucked up the image
No. 1178776
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>>1178750anyways, fuck this guy. his most recent video was so painful to sit through, even though I went in knowing it would be a hate-watch.
No. 1178804
>>1178776He just thinks he's so clever and he's so smug, I think this is 50% contra skinwalking/fetish and 50% trying to get ahead in his acting career/money.
He knows there's a lot of sympathy money in being trans. Justin Bieber could troon out today and he could be like, "i'm now apart of one of the most vulnerable women in the world. I'm a lesbian woman" and no doubt he'd have 80% of troons/tras falling at his feet.
This dude immediately started doing interviews and comparing himself to black women. He knows what he's doing. He failed at being a "Cis" male and he let the trans shit groom him.
No. 1180650
>>1179512>>1174665I posted this on a thread but it really fits better here
what leftist online spaces used to be like, before the rise of the degenerate dirtbag left and the troons, libfems and soyboys of breadtube online leftist spaces were just something else
they were much smaller but they had a more diverse array of people (men and women, gay and straight, black, white, Indian and Hispanic) and we would discuss social issues, what we could do with our limited resources, activism and in those spaces real hateful speech like racism, sexism and any specifics of violence against women would get you banned
Now you compare that with twitter leftism or spaces like r/ChapoTrapHouse and breadtube comment sections and you see nothing more then a much of degenerates spewing bullshit, talking about cat girl skittles and how much they hate their Chud parents or analyzing random films
I'm saying that ChapoTrapHouse. vaush and breadtube ruined leftist spaces and discussion online and IRL
No. 1180725
>>1178776>>1179966Like most "transwomen" he's clearly just a fag who wants to dress up as such.
Why do they have to hide behind the gender dysphoria bullshit excuse, just cross-dress and be done with it. A cishet white man cross-dressing is more progressive than yet another troon contrapoints 2 electric boogaloo.
No. 1180919
>>1180650CTH and dirtbag left are more palatable than vaush. holy fuck i can't even listen to him for 5 minutes hes so disgusting and annoying.
but i agree in terms of the fans of chapo etc, all are horrible. the comment sections suck
No. 1181558
>>1180919>>1180982>>1181500What kills me is that they'll go send rape threats to any woman who doesn't perfectly toe the TRA line but no one shits themselves over Vaush saying sexual dimorphism exists and trans women have the physical advantages of being male
broken clock and all that I guess cause I guess it's still woke if it comes from a fellow moid. I really think that the main thing holding them together is just misogyny and perceived intellectual superiority.
No. 1181889
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Okay I said before he trooned out if 50% Coom and 50% attention but I really feel he trooned out so that he could advance his career more so anything.
I think he knows as a troon he can get more attention and feels entitled to it because, "I'm a part of the most vulnerable group of people now"
No. 1183707
did anyone watch this? the fake high voice and the feminine gestures (fixing his hair every other minute and the high pitched nervous laugh) made my skin crawl
here's the link since it's not letting me embed it No. 1183734
>>1183707I didn't want to sperg out about his mannerisms in the MTF thread around the time he trooned out, but god, his voice is somehow even
more grating than Contras deflating-balloon-tenor. Also, the arm flailing, exaggerated facial expressions and head tilts, etc., etc. It really does seem like he's just wearing a skin suit of mannerisms, things and clothes he
thinks women do/wear all the time. It really creeps me out, and I'm not even being skinwalked.
Lol at him saying "I dont even have to do 'the voice' anymore!" in his first video - kek, we can tell you're putting in a massive effort just to sound like a gay male.
No. 1184280
>>1184105Nta, but if really is just for clout and skinwalk/fetish reasons, it will eventually wither away, just like his obsession with contra will, too, and then he'll basically have no reason to keep up the facade, which won't rake in as much wokepoints as it did from the start, anyways. So that's a surefire way to become miserable already. I think he genuinely enjoys being a male, even if he likes to dress up as a woman.
From here, he has two options - either detransition, which will make everything he said about transitioning false and undoubtedly leave a huge dent in his youtube stint, or join the 41%, since he's been open about being suicidal and having bad mental health even before taking hormones. Plus contra could open up about being sexually assaulted by PT (if it really did happen), and i know he has no qualms about calling a trans person a shitstain regrdless - that could open up a can of worms.
I can't see the result of this ending any other way other than, well, badly - for him, of course.
No. 1184313
>>1184300Well, I said it was
plausible PT would be called out IF it even happened. There's no really solid evidence, and Contra has said he won't #metoo him because he doesn't believe in the twitter mob's cancelling power, but he also said he'd be leaving twitter forever, and look at where we are now.
Also, just imagine the milk, kek.
I mean, a "fairly prominent figure in leftist politics" could be their egotistical way of calling themselves - i don't see Nik hanging out with any major political leaders in the US, lol. His only bf in 'Shame' sounded quite a lot like Ollie, then later, him and his bf broke up when contra said he was a transbian. PTs transition could also be attempt to make contra attracted to him again, not just escaping critisism for sexual assault. But again, this is all just kinda baseless speculation.
No. 1184421
>>1184313yeah, i initiallly was confused by calling the person "a prominent figure in leftist politics" since "the left" in America, as a formal, coherent political force, is basically nonexistent. hontra and breadtube types don't really consider your average American liberal or biden voter a "leftist" so that just leaves a lot of terminally online people who listen to chapo trap house.
>His only bf in 'Shame' sounded quite a lot like Olliei also thought that this was the case in the shame video, since it really did seem like they had been dating for a while back in 2018. idk how plausible it is that PT is the person hontra wants to me too if they had been dating for a while
No. 1184540
>>1183734Well he is an actor after all
It's hilarious how he switched up his behavior to a dumb air head so fast after coming out. Bit sexist innit
No. 1184572
>>1184540Ye, bit enraging, too, innit
>>1184559If you're planning a non-serious fling and nothing more, its probably fine. Absolutely do not consider anything beyond this, however, if you're a
terf (and even if you're not, there's a big likelihood of him trooning out, being a coomer, being uberwoke, etc.). I hope I don't have to spell out why.
No. 1184890
>>1184280There’s a third option: non-binary.
I predict he’ll begin “Drag King” shit and start presenting flamboyantly masc as a shtick, after which he’ll come out as formally genderfluid or something and just present androgynously from that point on.
I unfortunately don’t think we’re going to get a big “oh shit” moment of him revealing the whole thing was a charade or anything. Gender ideologies are so nebulous that literally anything besides detransing is brave and
valid uwu
>>1184559better than a mgtow or qtard. If he can intelligently disagree with a breadtuber he likes on something, I’d give him a chance.
Oh, but if he’s over 25 and watching breadtube, drop him.
No. 1187176
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someone asked contrapoints about philosophy tube's transitioning and his response seems pretty telling. i think it's safe to say that they're not on speaking terms
No. 1187182
>>1184559Let's set the timer and see how long it takes for him to troon out.
You can probably do better, anon.
No. 1187191
>>1187176Goddamn, for someone who screams about "twans wights" from the rooftops, thats a cold fucking response to someone transitioning. More so because he doesnt even want to talk about it.
PT's using the transition as a preventative measure for sure
No. 1187192
>>1187176philosophy tube definitely assaulted contra
that neck clench and choke
No. 1187411
>that personKek not even tossing a she/her for stunning brave PT? Guess not all skinwalkers are
validNick seems heavily sedated too, how's that opiod recovery going?
No. 1187500
>>1187489I used to think transing out ruined his life, but real talk, I think it just made shit that was going to happen anyway happen sooner.
He just seems like someone who was going to go down a bad path regardless.
Having money, attention and fucking with his body only made it worse.
No. 1188627
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>>1187500i feel like it's just an outlet for his narcissism and vanity… having a ton of surgery and constantly picking at your appearance must really fuck with your head
No. 1189183
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Has anyone come across this channel? It's completely bizarre. This guy is grey-haired and pushing 50 and has spent the past few years trying to pivot from Marvel soy content to making Breadtube-styled videos responding to Breadtuber drama. Really bizarre.
No. 1189265
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>>1189259it's a reference to the thumbnail of the contrapoints video he's referencing
No. 1189267
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>>1189049>>1189055>>1189047>>1189030>>1189024>>1189018He comes off as raging narcissist with delusions of grandeur. He doesn’t even have 1 million YouTube followers and yet he thinks of himself (and refers to himself out loud over and over again) as being extremely famous. It’s very secondhand embarrassment-inducing.
Also, this is completely off topic, but I hate-watched a few minutes of his most recent stream and nearly threw up when he started performatively eating grapes (or something) in an over the top forced “feminine” way. I can’t even describe it, it was just so gross and troon fetishy
No. 1191636
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um… there literally is
16 year olds working as cashiers are taught the correct order
its not an old lady thing
your larp is transparently bad
No. 1191683
>>1191636Does he mean shit like heavy on bottom light on top???
That's common sense even my retard dad knows that
No. 1191742
>>1191739oh i can totally see them hooking up. Man i was not aware of their falling out, ESPECIALLY bc PT is completely in denial about it (last he referred to Contra, he called her "a dear friend".) damn i want to know more lol
>>1191740unsurprising that an actor is a narcissistic egomaniac lol. In his defense, the UK is a much smaller country than the US, and having 1mil subs is a pretty big deal, especially in the smaller circle that is Left discourse, and especially especially bc he came out as trans in a moment where that is the big debate over there.
No. 1191799
>>1191742I noticed I goofed in my last post, I meant "last year" not last month. I just remember reading about them meeting up on the Kiwi Forums and how many speculated they most definitely hooked up lol But I can't say I'm surprised that Contra wants nothing to do with him now, he's just as narcissistic as Ollie and two narcissistic personalities cannot coexist together, at least not for a long period anyway and also because Contra can no longer claim the token troon of Breadtube since now Ollie is doing it too lol.
And ah I see. Yeah I'm American so it probably is different in the UK when it comes to YouTube fan.
No. 1194303
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Lindsay Ellis tweeted some dumb shit that her hyper-sensitive following would hate to hear from a white woman and then doubled down, and then deleted her twitter.
No. 1194356
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>>1194303That's a tweet from last year. This one about Raya is what set her followers off and got her to delete. Funny thing is, I actually agree with her, but this is what she gets for courting the kind of audience she has nowadays, lbr.
No. 1194365
that is what she's being cancelled for? I thought people just found the one I posted and got mad retrospectively. The one about Raja isn't even offensive.
No. 1194432
>>1194356I think the issue they had is that Asian culture inspiration =/= Avatar.
I haven't seen the movie yet but the 'avatar reduxes' are just movies inspired by Asian culture so it's all kind of dumb.
No. 1194608
>>1194356it isn't offensive but it is funny as shit. Raya and Avatar's only common elements are taken from the mithology of the countries they take place in.
>>1194359Quinton has mentioned that she's more edgy behind the scenes than she tries to appear, I don't like the guy but I believe him on that 100%.
No pity for her, she tries way too hard to appeal to the woke crowd and unironically says shit like "yikes" out loud. Her Mel brooks video is still good, the bush era music one is so limited, the transphobia one was just the last straw.
No. 1194653
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>>1194608Sad thing is, I became a fan
because of that Mel Brooks video essay because she understood that audiences today are satire-illiterate and too quick to "cancel" based on subject matter alone. And now look at her.
Anyway to make this comment not so useless, people have been bringing up receipts left and right and it turns out that she's guilty of the gravest SJW sin of them all - coming after the poor twans
No. 1195557
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Just posted to her patreon. tl;dr twitter was making her "so unhappy" which is why she's been so rude lately or something. She thanks everyone who's still supportive. The comments are full of people simping for her. You know what, I honestly hope she DOES fuck off twitter forever. It's for the best.
No. 1196147
>>1196131Sarah Z is also honestly irritating in how full of herself she is in her videos. She used to post a ton on the Killing/Stalking sub when the webtoon was still coming out. Though it’s a tough call on whether her whole mob followers would find that comic
problematic or “realistic portrayal of
toxic relationships where no one is happy so it’s ok”. Could go either way for her.
No. 1196204
>>1196147The way SarahZ talks is so long winded and annoying. She’s always pre-clarifying things she’s talking about, to try to preemptively argue with anyone who might comment.
>>1196131How is this a nothingburger? Hbomberguy caping for a sex pest and trying to gaslight a woman about what she is claiming to have experienced, straight up telling her he doesn’t believe her. That’s a pretty bad look.
No. 1196227
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Gotta love it when Contra inadvertently defends actual confirmed pedophile-enabler Aimee Challenor. Only like 1 out of every 10 replies is trying to explain the reddit situation to him.
No. 1196338
>>1196131Sometimes I enjoy watching sarahs tumblr history videos but good god is she annoying with the constant shoehoring of tra shit. I can see the "cis women aren't allowed to read/watch mlm content because it fetishizes them and makes them uncomfortable" crowd to cancel her. And what's up with that claim anyway? Porn in general fetishizes anything and everything.
>>1196147>>1196210I'd love to see this too kek
No. 1196640
>>1196131jenny isn't an anti reylo? she skirts the line around it definitely, but it wouldn't surprise me if she was. she has mentioned it in videos but i think it's so that she gets reylo fans to watch her videos (she has made jokes about wanting to get te 40 year old Disney mom and reylo shipper demographic)
plus, people were getting mad at her over that one old clip of her from 2015 where she makes a joke about the janitors in Disney parks looking like finn. sarah z just comes off as a fandom tumblr containment breach. she's mostly harmless
No. 1197137
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Straight to begging corporations for money from their virtue-signaling funds. Oppression: profiting off being a non-passing troon after a measly 2 months of being out.
No. 1197455
>>1197137he's not even hiding it. He's about to cash in on troon shit, while pretending he's doing it for some greater good, when truth is he failed as a man trying to act/produce now he's trying it as a " woman" but a "Special" woman, a trans woman.
notice how demanding he's being? Wow. I feel like he's going to cancelled soon, he's way too cocky. In fact if he does get big, I can see Contra's depressed ass spilling something negative about him.
No. 1197789
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Oliver sees someone talking about their autistic son’s developmental accomplishments. Olly responds, making it all about himself and his trans-ness.
No. 1198050
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patricia oliver thorne bateman's new video is on jordan peterson… cow on cow violence
No. 1198155
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>>1198050That hideous feathery thing immediately made me think of (picrel)
No. 1198220
>>1198169>that person>she’llIt’s ok,
nonnie, you can say he/him.
No. 1198225
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>>1196338>>1196210Sorry anons, I was the anon who posted about her posting on the K/S sub and totally forgot to check this thread. I noticed it about a year ago when she posted on the r/BreadTube sub, posting her own videos and answering fans’ questions. When I went to her profile I saw she used to post in the K/S sub frequently, but shes since deleted the posts and comments of her confirming she is Sarah Z. I guess so people can’t link her back to her old shit.
Pic related, her account (u/Sazley) posting about a K/S fan game 1/3
No. 1198228
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>>1198226She deleted comments admitting to being Sarah, but couldn’t hide from removeddit
No. 1198230
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>>1198228It’s actually very easy to hide from removeddit. She’s apparently just been drinking too much dumb bitch juice.
No. 1198250
>>1198242Depends on who you ask and how well Sarah can spin her liking it as just “from a critical standpoint” for the “story” and not because she likes it for the
problematic gay shit like everyone else who read it.
Like with Lindsay, she is too deep in the woke community she helped create and cater to that will cancel her over anything they see as “
>>1198245 funny how she reads tons of m/m content but SHE isn’t the fujoshi guys! She’s just here for the story, not like the rest of you!
No. 1198255
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Samefag but looks like the mob is already turning on Sarah anyways because she told a fan who was being harassed to “go outside” but when Lindsay got cancelled she went off about cancel culture
No. 1198264
>>1198262As much as I dislike Sarah I also agree.
Funny how breadtube ranks are dropping like flies. Is PT still delusional that he and contra are besties? I’m surprised I didn’t see more people talking about contra snubbing PT and saying “that person isn’t in my life anymore”. I thought that was gonna blow up more than it did
No. 1198274
>>1198242in addition to what all the other anons have said, killing/stalking is also massively controversial in the wokesphere because it contains rape and murder but also it's gay. so if you're not treating it like the bible of the antichrist, not only are you fetishizing mlms but you are also fetishizing abuse, and people tend to go ballistic over that. the only permitted mlm shipping content they stand for is ~pure and wholesome uwu beans~ where the hyper-femme uber-twink bottom is totally not cope for hating women and is totally not fetishistic of mlm in and of itself
that said since ks is over and its peak of controversy has come and gone, i don't think the cancellation can start there unless some fannibals tried to nail her for hypocrisy. but i do think it's some pretty solid shit people will sling at her once she starts going down
No. 1198276
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>>1198264>>1198267>I’m surprised I didn’t see more people talking about contra snubbing PT and saying “that person isn’t in my life anymore”. I thought that was gonna blow up more than it didMe too! I think the only explanation is that not many people saw it, because the comment occurred about 11.5 hours into a 12-hour stream. Who was even still watching at that point? The clip has been posted here and on KF, but I’m sure most wokesters don’t frequent these types of sites.
No. 1198346
>>1198255>>1198264Its interesting what's happening, breadtube was sorta created (or more accurately forced created) as a way to counter the right wing influencers on the Internet and it seems to have a worked, I mean right wing YouTubers are seen as a joke by most of the internet and mostly mocked but now the breadtubers are tearing themselves apart or are being torn apart by their own community of fans that they helped create and its over shit no normal human being cares about
I honestly think the whole thing will collapse in less then 2 years
No. 1198448
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how many glamour shots does one """woman""" need. surprisingly, people in the comments are actually pushing back on the tweet instead of the usual choir of "Stunning and Brave"
No. 1198507
>>1198495his diseased mind imagines only have one consultation for troon procedures, where the only information they give him is that surgery is going to hurt and estrogen can make him emotional.
of course he'll never admit it but he and most troons think that actual serious warnings on hormones and various surgeries are
terf bullshit.
No. 1198517
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>>1198448I’m really enjoying these replies.
No. 1198743
>>1198564Sage for OT used to be a part of group of "antis" and I don't think there were any sort of non-binary or Troons(In fact a lot of them were explicitly gender critical) but they were like extreme moral guardian's who belived straight characters should be shipped with the opposite gender, no age gaps, no power difference, no sort of
abusive dynamics, no bdsm e.t.c
On some level I did agree with them, cause I do feel that there ware a lot of
problematic aspects with ships(especially the m/m ones) that should be called out but they often went way extreme and were
abusive and hostile
No. 1200501
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did contrapoints move homes? also peep lindsay's book in the stack
No. 1201148
>>1200520>Gyogashunk gashunk shark manga lmao.
contra is such a grifter, how do his fans not see right through his act?
No. 1201299
File: 1617489650897.png (591.24 KB, 1279x735, rweugfifDQ.png) Thorn was on the bbc. Don't think this has been posted yet. Must have hella connections to get yourself covered like this honestly
No. 1201301
>>1201299I guess
>>1200529 might be true then.
No. 1201456
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Contra made and quickly deleted these tweets about getting srs
No. 1201462
>>1201304He used to brag about how rich and noble and connected his family was before it went out of style, even admitted that they pulled strings to get him into university. I don't have caps on me but I remember someone posting them in another thread forever ago.
>>1201456I really wonder what he's gonna do when he gets botched. Lie and pretend it's everything he wanted? Throw a fit and make himself out to be the
victim? Time to start placing bets ladies
No. 1201485
>>1201473Oh my god is contra getting cancelled over wanting a surgery? I love these crowds, "my body my rules!!" Until it's something that
i wouldnt do lol
No. 1201548
>>1201522but now he's a the most famous trans woman in the UK and he's fighting for trans women because he can't get married, he can't get decent healthcare or adopt. He really thinks he's a fucking hero and he's done NOTHING but talk about himself.
>>1201456I predicted he'd want to get the surgery, it's weird how coomers get their dick chopped but they love tranny porn and trans pornstars who ALL have working decent sized dicks.
Trans without dicks are unpopular. I guess he'll find some dude to fuck his neo-pocket. Also do your own reasearch, that is a serious surgery, every troon is going to say, "oh my doctor did this or that" and make it seem like it's the best in the world.
No. 1201550
>>1201511>he claims his family lost most of their money through gambling but somehow still went to private schoolidk but this is just making him sound like more of a pathological liar
he's definitely a narcissist, i'll give you that
No. 1201621
>>1201456I don't think Nick will last long if he gets the chop. Long enough to have sex, probably. I'm not entirely sure what sort of "lesbian" activity he's looking for after the fact, though. Even if he pulls in some self-loathing handmaiden, they usually start having panic attacks or refusing sex once they realize what they're working with. He's already depressed, so he'll probably 41% after he becomes even more alone and stops being able to coom.
Also, I feel like I remember him bragging about his dick size, before he trooned out. Let's test that theory. Will he invert his schlong, or make a second butthole?
No. 1201692
>>1201548He's nowhere near the most famous trans woman in the UK. Off the top of my head -
Debbie Hayton
Kellie Maloney
Paris Lees
Miranda Yardley
Eddie Izzard (genderfluid but in 'girl mode' now apparently)
No. 1201979
>>1201975ehhhh I’d say that all of breadtube is incestuous enough that having individual threads for PT and contrapoints would just be a bit of a headache
The milk is more of a steady trickle than a stream, too. I’d say this thread is at a good level of activity.
No. 1202179
>>1201979, contra and PT have separate threads on kiwifarms but they might as well be the same one since they overlap pretty frequently
No. 1202471
>>1202466Learn 2 sage.
The topic you mentioned has been discussed extensively in this thread already.
Here are some posts, out of order:
>>1187227>>1187213>>1187192>>1187191>>1187176>>1184421>>1184313>>1184300>>1184280>>1184023>>1183729>>1174967>>1174668 No. 1203203
Sorry to samefag but when I said
>>1202471I wasn’t trying to shut the entire conversation up, or imply that it had been discussed enough already. I was just responding to a post asking if anyone had heard of the PT/Contra assault rumor.
No. 1203281
>>1203203is there any archived version of the 4chan thread on that? i don't really use those boards an my understanding is that everything is now lost. I guess the only thing we have is the masterpost posted here earlier? I really wish Olly would piss someone off and they'd spill the beans, breadtube is due to a honest to god scandal that's a little more substantial than "by having a .02 seconds cameo in her video, contrapoints said that XX is NOT
valid!" you know?
No. 1203579
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No, Olly. Stay the fuck away from us.
No. 1203583
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No. 1204001
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>>1203970the 'tube just likes whatever makes his girlscythe hard
No. 1204059
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uh oh!
No. 1204085
>>1204059has he always behaved this way? I really feel like he thinks being a woman means being "sassy" and not having normal "rules", but also because he's a "trans" woman, he has even less rules and can do whatever he wants without expecting any backlash.
I don't know if that makes sense.
No. 1204139
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Anyone else get a huge woke black Incel vibe from T1J(he's as of now the main Token black guy of breadtube)
He seems way to much interested in white or Asian women and almost never mentions black women in any context
No. 1204147
>>1204139Whenever men/trannies make this exact point as a "gotcha," they're just admitting that they see no difference between sex and gender. Blatant homophobia and conversion therapy rhetoric aside, it's basically an invitation to point out that, if TWAW to
that degree, surely we should be giving them medical treatment for female bodies instead of male bodies and not bothering with HRT, GRS, implants, or FFS/FMS. Your body is already female, no?
No. 1204214
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The swedish murderer is bragging how him and his girlfriend had a baby through state sponsored IVF
No. 1204218
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>>1204214And how he was only on probation for a year.
No. 1204307
>>1204140>>1204148I swear hbomberguy used to be too. His earliest YouTube videos (now deleted) were rebuttals to Anita Sarkeesian. Then I guess he spent enough time on the anti-sarkeesian side of YouTube that he realized what a bunch of losers they all were and he switched to making fun of them.
I remember finding his videos making fun of the sarkeesian effect guys when they were new, and liking his humor. So I went and checked his older videos and was surprised that he seemed to be arguing both sides.
Now if you go to his YouTube channel and sort by oldest first, his “sarkeesian effect” response videos are the oldest ones there. I can find no evidence of his older videos but I’m 99.99% sure they were on there. I am starting to doubt my own memory though. I wish I had downloaded them at the time but I didn’t know he’d become a thing. This was 5-6 years ago.
No. 1204327
>>1204307sorry for samefagging, the furthest back his waybackmachine archive shows is mid-2016 so I can't find any of his older videos. There's a chance I am mistaken but I really believe I remember seeing this.
Any chance anyone else remembers this, or was he not really on anyone's radar yet back then?
No. 1204704
>>1204307Hbomberguy used to be an admin in the Metokur forum, which was dedicated to trolling and
triggering people online with offensive remarks, as were many groups like encyclopedia dramatica forum, something awful and butthurt brigade. The proof of this was in a mister metokur video where he showed a screenshot that had hbomberguy on the admin list, and a few testimonies. I'm sure he genuinely changed since then, but it's interesting that he's feeded by trolling remorse.
No. 1204903
>>1204884At about 7:05, she brings up "an old friend who is a transwoman". I bet it's contra. She wants to be acknowledged by her soooo bad.
Also everytime she talks about trans things it sounds exactly like videos that contra has already made it's so creepy
No. 1204932
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>>1204704Thanks for the info. Got any screenshots or videos? I think it was right around 2014/2015 that he switched to his current politics, most likely be realizing he was surrounded by idiots in the anti-sarkeesian circles he probably used to actually believe in. I wonder how involved with gamergate he was before that, if at all. I’ve been having trouble finding any other dirt on him, or really anything on him at all from before 2015/2016. It would be funny if some things came to light and he was forced to address it. Then again, he’s male, so I doubt he’d get crucified as badly for maybe being an ex-gamer hater as Lindsay Ellis did for having a mildly spicy opinion about cartoons.
No. 1204951
>>1204932didn't he excuse friend who a (woman)trans man accused of sexual assault or something like that? I can't remember the details but I think thats what happened.
And yeah he's a man, women get cancelled for anything but men will get three strikes unless they really do something fucked up.
No. 1204975
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>>1204951Something like that. I’ll try to sum it up briefly but this is bound to be a long comment:
Apparently someone who was working for him (hbomberguy) said that she had a problem with someone Harry was friends with, but didn’t want to talk about it because she needed to keep her job to avoid becoming homeless. She was worried that telling Harry his friend was a maybe-rapist would lose her that job. (Spoiler: it did)
But Harry pushes her to talk about it anyway because it’s been really bothering him. (Instance #1 of him prioritizing his own feelings when approached by a woman saying she’d been victimized in some way.)
So she tells him this story about how his best friend invited her on a date and then said a bunch of creepy stuff implying he was going to rape her on the date. Or that he wanted to do rapeplay, or purposely get each other drunk to have sex “without being able to say no” or some gross weird thing. She wasn’t into that idea so he called off the date. Then she felt weird about it and didn’t tell anyone for a long time.
Harry’s response: he doesn’t try to ask her any followup questions or anything that could maybe verify what she’s saying. Instead he basically says she waited too long to bring it up, and he doesn’t believe her now, and he even tries telling her that her memory can’t possibly be correct.
Then he again makes it all about himself by being like “I have to go, I feel awful about this.” He says a bunch more self deprecating things about how he’s awful and such a terrible friend for not believing her, but he confirms he’s going to stay friends with the alleged creep and does not in fact believe the accuser at all.
They then agree to part ways and never speak again.
I am just recounting a weak secondhand version of what I remember from this, so I could be wrong. And I’m not even saying I agree with the accuser that “some guy said he wanted to do weird kink shit I wasn’t okay with and then called off our date when I didn’t consent” necessarily counts as a violation of consent. According to her, he didn’t really do anything to her.
My issue is with Harry’s public persona of “one of the good guys” and “male feminist” compared to his reaction to being told a male friend of his violated a woman’s consent. Instead of asking more questions about it or discussing why she felt that way, trying to clarify things, etc. he just jumps straight to “no, you must be misremembering things. This whole situation makes me feel like shit, goodbye” with an unspoken “and by the way you’re fired.”
If you think the person approaching him is full of shit or their story doesn’t make sense, that’s fair, but his response is still a bit shitty and insensitive. Does fit with his “hashtag believe women” public image. There are better ways to discuss sensitive topics than patronizing instant messages implying the accuser is delusional.
No. 1205136
>>1204975I agree with you in the sense that that conversation truly reveals that even the best most feminist of men will always put his male friends over the female ones.
But how was the dude violating consent? They were on a date, he said creepy things, she said no and they broke it off? Isnt that textbook "respecting consent"? Man this dating thing is hard lol
No. 1205164
>>1205128Did i miss something or was the storyline with the smoking and lover/brother/what even? poorly executed and didn’t really make sense? I think they made a dew interesting points on JP but the storyline-elements left me really confused.
Are they trying to make a joke that even tho they are not “technically” calling JP a bigot they indirectly are?
No. 1205177
>>1205136They weren’t even on a date. She’s accusing the dude of being creepy before the date. Like she agreed to go on a date with him and then he started saying gross sexual things about what they were going to do on the date, including “get you so drunk you can’t say no to me.” When she expressed discomfort with this, the perv called the date off.
So, yes, he didn’t technically do anything to her. That being said, he’s clearly a creep.
My point isn’t so much that Harry should have canceled the guy. It’s more that his response was so lame. “You’re remembering wrong and also this is making me feel soooooo bad!” is a lame response. Maybe if he had some balls he could have actually engaged with her on the topic.
If someone came to me with a story like that, I wouldn’t just be like “you’re wrong and making me sad.” I would thank them for bringing attention to the fact that my friend apparently had a darker side. I’d assure them that I’d be keeping a closer eye out for anything weird with that friend. I might point out that the friend did in fact cancel the date when she expressed discomfort with what he said he wanted to do on the date, but I’d also be reassuring and wholeheartedly agree that what he said was inappropriate.
Harry could have definitely handled it better, especially for a person who thinks of himself as being soooo feminist. But male feminists can botch things very badly (like firing a female employee for coming forward about harassment) while women like Lindsay Ellis get canceled for the tiniest and most mundane things.
No. 1205666
>>1204975here's the actual FULL GALLERY of the convo hbomberguy had with the accuser
i honestly have no idea why you would just post one part of it and then write a long summary. it's not even that hard to find.
that being said, your recollection is still pretty accurate. he made it all about himself and projected his own memory of the conversations he witnessed between these two people, and therefore accused her of lying. - hbomber's apology which starts off okay but fails to address anything, doesn't do anything about his creep mod, etc. - the accuser's response. she also includes screenshots of his mods defending him, one saying that there's more to the story and another saying that the callout post has a clear agenda to drag him. can't imagine why anyone would be upset with how someone who claims to be a male feminist being a creep apologist.
im glad this is brought up because this is one of the things that breadtube loves to forget about. i have a few male friends who love him but don't understand how bad his behavior was here no matter how i try to explain it to them.
No. 1205796
>>1205666Thanks for adding all those screenshots. I just had the one screenshot and was recounting the rest from memory.
He comes off as such a pathetic scrote. He could have easily handled this better but instead he made it all about his feelings. What a pissbaby.
No. 1206141
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No. 1206175
>>1206141Ok so PT is playing up their shitty Brit accent. I thought I was going insane on that theory.
>>1206157The bigger issue is that JP knows jack shit about communism. It's clear he has never even read the Communist Manifesto outside of some cliffnote version. Should have had Thomas Sowell or someone else on the right that has actually read the damn thing (and more shit by Marx and other leftists), but of course boring black conservative man doesn't draw the crowds like piggish Slav man with weird ticks and druggie Kermit the frog meme professor.
No. 1206453
I saw someone claiming that ContraPoints had rich parents and quit academia because of a sex scandal involving students or something. Didn't found anything on the rich parents, but I went to find stuff on the sex scandal thing since it's really strange that someone would drop a PhD to work as a Uber driver. There is some circumstantial evidence of him being involved with the Ludlow scandal, but no smoking gun.
From the start the story on why he quit is weird as he claims that he was bored by old gay philosophers, or moved to Baltimore because of a relationship, or wouldn't had job opportunities as a PhD, or because he wanted to work as a fiction writer. Also a detail that often goes unmentioned is that he also worked as a professor for Northwestern University, just before the sexual assault controversy hit.
In the Jesse Signal interview he claimed that he quit Northwestern in the summer of 2015 which was at the same time philosopher Peter Ludlow was being accused of assaulting and harassing students. The controversy started in 2014, intensified mid 2015 and he was fired in November of that year. From this student newspaper it seems there were student protests and there was a larger push to prosecute sexual assault at the University and the philosophy department in particular. was facing dismissal around the start of the Summer 2015 and was planning to basically run away to Mexico, which was around the same time Contra quit his PhD program and ran away to Baltimore. interesting bit in there is that Laura Kipnis was another philosopher from Northwestern who wrote several articles defending Ludlow, I think she even wrote a book about it. If you check Kipnis followers on Twitter you can see that ContraPoints actually follows her, which is really interesting. Peter Ludlow was heavily into linguists like Noam Chomsky and anti-war people like Bradley Manning, which are people that Contra also admires.'s easy to confirm that William Parrott (Hontra) was on the graduate philosophy program for Northwestern at the same time all this was happening, and I think the controversy might have been mentioned in some deleted streams, but I haven't found anything. An interesting detail it that the list includes other students like Chelsea Egbert and Debbie Goldgaber, both of which signed a letter expressing concern about sexual assault, but Parrott is did not signed the letter. apparently there is some dirt on this one stream but I don't have the energy or patience to actually listen to it. No. 1207040
>>1205164It was a call back to a previous video that uses the arson metaphor to talk about white supremacy or something.
That's why PT does an insufferably smug smile at the start while saying "Smoking is not allowed in the cinema". Weird narcissistic attempt at a leftist dog whistle I guess?
No. 1207293
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Lindsay just got nominated for a Hugo Award for Best New Writer; let's see if this makes her reactivate her twitter to acknowledge it. Announcement of all noms if anyone's interested: No. 1207326
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>>1207040More likely a reference to an anti smoking PSA that had John waters in it
No. 1208011
>>1207572nah, hard disagree.
If anything this will be the real proof if people consider him a woman or not, as women (both cis and trans) get cancelled for the MOST INANE of reasons (ex: Contra for a .30 seconds cameo, Ellis for a fucking cartoon opinion, Teigen for not hiding the fact that she's very rich), while men are basically immune to it unless they fuck very young children as even with teenagers there are people who would quicker put the blame on a horny and impressionable 16 year old than a fully capable grown adult lmao. We'll see!
No. 1208029
>>1208011Ooh, calling PT a woman and not a-logging chrissy teigan in the same post. Girl, you brave doing that here.
Point taken though. Contrapoints was cancelled a lot post-transition so there has to be something else. Phil Tube just is better at optics? Or maybe the smug self congratulatory attitude has an effect on people's reactions compared to the self deprecating sad alcoholic? I don't really understand why the former gets more people on side than the latter but here we are.
No. 1208505
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philosophy troon considering a move to the U.S., specifically the east coast
No. 1208584
>>1208505can someone tell me whats "Equal rights" and "proper healthcare" he's not getting? Seems like he wants to move to new york/us and he's making it out to be some herioic shit because he was just saying how he was the "most famous person…" and all that "
Terf island" shit.
He really thinks he's a
victim, when he can afford to leave and go somewhere new. When is he going to be called out?
No. 1208868
>>1208505is he really trying to sneakily prepare everyone that the reason he's moving to nyc is because of tranny rights and not conta kek
he just ends up sounding like a privileged pos
No. 1209140
>>1209119started watching the video. seems like she's gonna explain all the factors that lead to her getting cancelled, like a medley of video essays.
definitely not watching it past the 5 minute mark.
No. 1209146
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>>1209119Will listen and report findijgs later but its not looking good.
No. 1209177
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Her twitter’s back up. I don’t know if she lost half her followers from the cancellation or some consequence of deactivating, but it’s down from 315k+. And I’m willing to bet this is also to bask in her Hugo Award nom
No. 1209226
>>1209119so I'm around the 40 minute mark but it already feels like 2 Hours and her virtue signaling is even worse then I'd thought be
I mean can't she act like a normal person, why does everything she say have to be layered in sarcasm or wokeness, like Jesus Christ just act like a normal person, also kinda shocked she so causally called her own family white trash and claimed they were all covertly racist
No. 1209283
>>1209119What's up with her face? She looks decrepit, and like she's wearing a wig. I hate talking negatively about women's appearances, but the comparison between the two images of her in the thumbnail is so stark. She's not
that old, is she?
No. 1209336
>>1209119I think it take a lot of balls to stand up against “woke scold” Twitter, and also open up about her “rape rap” video and why it was created/published.
I’ve watched a lot of this video and tbh I think you have to be grasping at straws / knowingly fake-moralizing to be offended. And she’s going back online, which is even ballsier, because obviously she’s going to receive backlash for making a response video.
I think it’s kind of funny how breadtubers are often made fun of for being “woke” but then when it comes time to “cancel” someone, both the not-woke-enough crowd and anti-leftists ban together.
Like if anyone on this board said “I think Lindsey ellis is an offensive person” people would be like “what!? If anything she just virtue signals” stop looking to get offended loser”
And you think with this board being primarily female, you could empathize with her citing making light of her own sexual assault as cathartic and be like “oh, literally the only people trying to cancel her were people who wanted her to suffer” because none of those people actually gave a shit about women being raped
I know I’m gonna get accused of being a Stan but I just don’t understand how anyone on lolcow has an invested, heated opinion of her
Sure you don’t like her clarification and wokeness but you can’t at least empathize at all with how bold this is
Sage because drunk ramble
No. 1209475
>>1209283She just looks tired and unhealthy, nothing out of the ordinary.
The video itself was really good though.
I hope more left creators start standing up to the whole moral witch hunt the lefty internet loves to do.
No. 1209540
>>1209534Did you watch the whole video?
She acknowledges how she has taken part into cancellations before and how it was wrong.
But yeah, while writting the above then I remember her and her bffs takes on JK Rowling and suddenly I feel way less sympathetic lmao.
No. 1209552
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No. 1209575
>>1209549So let me get this straight, a guy kissed her spontaneously(which was dumb thing to do) but she made a much dealer of it then it actually was and she asked her friends told her it wasn't that big of a deal she made it somehow about how white privilege
Christ these people need to get out of their own weird woke world
No. 1209577
>>1209540Interesting, I'm satisfied to hear that, even if I think my previous point still stands. I don't have trouble believing Lindsay could write an interesting dissection of cancel culture (I was a fan of her videos after all), but I think the rest of this year will determine whether or not she's being sincere. If I see her going back to gleefully joining someone's pile-on just because they're a non-leftist I'll know this was all for show.
>>1209574Honestly, I agree with this. The way a nonzero number of her former friends immediately starting talking shit after she deleted makes it clear she's not a super warm person, but I don't think that's grounds for depriving someone of their audience or income. This thread is also unfortunately vague enough that people will have trouble bringing it up as one of her crimes.
No. 1209591
>>1209589They do point out the community is overwhelmingly white and just virtue signal around the whole topic
Honestly I'm starting to miss the "I don't see race type" people more and more
No. 1209602
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>>1209589For all his faults, Contra wrote one (1) pretty good argument on this. A lot of it comes from the fact that white left-leaning youtubers are automatically considered "breadtube", while black left-leaning youtubers are sorted into, well, "Black Youtube." That being said, I don't think the conversation ends there. Like you said, it's still worth pointing out that the type of people who enjoy uploading hour-long video essays about politics and pop cultures do tend to be rich college grads, whether they get famous or not.
No. 1209612
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Meanwhile, PT continues to act out his parody of a vapid floaty woman. It's so transparent
No. 1209616
>>1209552I saw that thread too and while googling the name because i had no fucking clue who they were, i found out she's kyle kalgreen ex-gf and that a few months back they apparently went on a twitter tirade about how lindsay and Todd are "cult members". Anyone have archived versions of those threads?
Im an ex twgtg trash and any type of milk from those has beens bring me joy
No. 1209617
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>>1209616Oh BrowsHeldHigh I forget about him, its weird he seemed to be the only one at channel awesome that had decent level knowledge about history and philosophy but never got any decent views despite objectively being the smartest person at channel awesome
No. 1209662
>>1209617Well he was trying smart analysys of obscure arthouse movies in a period of time (2009-2012) where the style was "a cartoon from your childhood made with corporate interests in mind is BAD actually". You could say he was before his time, and, you know, not very entertaining in his style.
Exactly like stated above, with these people i assumed were her friends i was very surprised they were seeming only just waiting for such an occasion to air their dirty laundry against her and her posse. I guess no philosophy degree or past as a popular child actor saves you from being a petty bitch
No. 1209697
>>1209119Having watched this video, this is why I hate cowtippers. If you just have a bitch about people, you don't have to be measured or even fair, you can make fun of their shitty rape rap, but as soon as it turns into a brigade, the tragic context matters and they're actually the
No. 1209789
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The guy who originally wrote that tweet confirming Lindsay is a "not-nice person" and called Doug Walker kinder/warmer (whose tweets were screenshotted for her video) is being extremely petty right now. Saged because not that major
No. 1209790
>>1209789God, this woke community is nothing but adults refusing to grow up and turning everything into a teenage drama. If you actually were ~ responsible ~ you would have not wrote anything about it and realised that there's no point in throwing petty drama or interacting around it. What's it gonna give them? Five minutes of fame and egoboost?
Honestly, these passive aggressive tweets are more pathetic than random "We were friends a second ago and I will throw you under the bus" threads. All these people need to get a life instead of spending it witchhunting around.
No. 1209797
>>1209789honestly people like him are even worse, what a clout chaser. Is the only thing you have to offer your followers petty drama?
I mean, i don't complain, just, what a pathetic excuse of a person
No. 1209829
>>1209819>>1209790I'm glad I made this theaad, Like I expected to be bad but these people are worse then literal teenagers, constant drama, cancellations and woke one-up man ships
Is it really that hard to act like a normal person
No. 1209920
>>1209119Blogpost, but I'm kind of surprised and confused at how much praise this apology video is getting on pretty much every platform, including this one, except for KiwiFarms.
There's zero reason why this video should exist. Lindsay wasn't cancelled. She's not a
victim of "cancel culture." There wasn't a witch hunt out to get her until she threw a pissfit and deleted her Twitter account to hide instead of handling criticism like a grown woman. A handful of small Asian artists were slightly disappointed with her for comparing a kids movie to another franchise because both pieces of media drew inspiration from Asian cultures. She easily could've stayed on the platform and written a short, sweet, and genuine apology for her Tweet in her notes app on her phone. If she really wanted to win back the good graces of the 2-5 people who were slightly upset with her, she could've donated a few dollars to a charity that helps underprivileged Asian communities and taken a few weeks of absence from social media. Everyone would've forgotten about the entire thing within the four weeks that it took her to draft, edit, and publish this video.
This is objectively a really poor way to handle an extremely minor crisis situation from a PR standpoint. Everything about this video's execution would've ended the career of any "mainstream" YouTuber and it will come back to bite her when Breadtube inevitably falls apart due to other controversies. The video is long enough to be monetized and bring in a fuckton of cash. It's complete with background music, annoying editing techniques, and distracting visuals. The disheveled alcoholic character she's playing is a pitiful attempt at garnering sympathy from her viewer base. People ragged on David Dobrik for having his Nickelodeon awards in the background of his first shitty apology video, but for some reason, Lindsay can get away with explicitly bragging about getting a book on the NYT bestseller list with zero scrutiny (not comparing their actions here, just their apology videos). Somehow she is both a "nobody" YouTuber with the 21,000th greatest amount of subscribers with racist Tennessee hicks as parents, while simultaneously being privileged enough to attend some of the most prestigious liberal arts schools in the country and have a net worth of $1.2 million. She's able to brush off a joke about autism and wearing a niqab for comedic affect during Autism Acceptance Month and Ramadan. She spends the first half hour of her video condescendingly explaining how social media works to her extremely online fanbase as if they're Amish farmers.
She hasn't been cancelled yet, but this video will inevitably give people more reasons to go after her when she spergs out again. This weird theatrical, melodramatic bullshit is only really accepted by her pseudointellectual orbiters. She really needs to hire a publicist.
No. 1209928
>>1209920Anon-chan, honestly…
> There wasn't a witch hunt out to get herthere was, lol! I kept seeing people being butthurt over her on Twitter, throwing meltdowns here and there, along with mass dislikes and shit. It all looked like a typical 'DIS PERSON BAD!! IVE BEEN TELLING YOU THAT FOR YEARS' situation on Twitter. There were lots of people who were having a meltdown over how bad Elis is kek
No. 1210147
>>1209549the plot is fine. this is nothing. i didnt like linsdays video but this fucking "expose" is over literally nothing
>"…Someone else in our friend group kissing me without my consent">"they slutshamed me">"i tried to explain that both the kiss and being told what to tweet made me uncomfortable because it was a group of white people">"the nonconsensual kiss"so,
>this bitch decides to hang out with white people>then gets mad that at them for being white>doesnt realize that if she had black friends instead they would have also have told her it wasnt that big of a deal. someone kissed her without asking "can i kiss you?" who gives a fuck.>she paints this as the worst sexual assault ever. but its totally possible the guy just misread the situation. maybe it was forceful and he had always been creepy to her, yeah that wold be a problem, but she didnt say this was the case. so, it was just two friends and one not reading the room. >she doesnt mention something that would make it matter: like that the friend was creepy and always made advances on her without consent. >she said this happened one single time. the friend didnt keep harassing her. there wasnt any pattern of behavior. this guy just kissed her one time because he was stupid and shes acting like her friends slut shamed her for being raped or some shit>"How dare they not treat me like a fucking survivor over petty friend group drama?"who gives a shit. dont hang out with whitetube if youre just going to minimize their thoughts as "white people not respecting my agency". any race would have told her this shit was stupid. what an idiot. the likes on the first tweet too, ugh the woketards probably didnt even read the full thing because i feel most people would realize this is a non issue.
No. 1210181
>>1209119Maaan I really wish she would go back to talking about musicals and stuff, she clearly knows how to make an entertaining video but they've just been all so dull and whiny lately.
I love your stuff Lindsay but christ almighty this one was a slog to get through.
No. 1210253
>>1210181I expect she'll do more of that the longer she's off twitter.
I also don't mind the political element when it's tied to talking about stuff beyond social media.
Fuck, imagine if you could talk about things like gender and race in pop culture without everyone losing their minds in vendettas and crusades.
No. 1211547
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>>1209119even the description of the video is funny as fuck condescending. she knows she wasn't cancelled this is just more dramamongering for $$$. pathetic
No. 1211944
>>1211547i mean, that's the whole point of the video: she's not responding to the Cancellation, she's reflecting on being dogpiled over a very minor "infraction" (having an opinion over a cartoon by an american corporation that COULD be interpreted as racially insensitive if you're so used to microaggressions that you perceive them everywhere) and seeing people using the excuse of said infraction to pull out decade old "receipt" to empirically prove that she is a Bad Person.
She even says that she knows she's fine, that she's going to be fine, she's not self pitying at all. But when you have people sending to your publisher or collogues a crude sketch you did in your twenties that was not meant for public consumption in the first place, are you supposed to stay silent and take it because you didnt like fucking Dragon Elsa?
i don't get you people
No. 1212152
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i know this is old, but i want to discuss it because its related to lindsays mask off video. she sounded so fucking condescending about everything. and shes a classic SJW that get off on witch hunts. seeing her go into the "cancelling is bad and people should not be cancelled dont follow the mob!!!" shit was weak to me. anyway, i wanted to compare it with how she acted on the Quinton situation
>Quinton follows Lindsay, comments on her videos about how much he admires her
>Lindsay is fine with his simping
>Quinton sees her in some youtube event with filler breadtube girls and takes a picture with all of them
>Because of the interactions online and talking IRL one time Quinton stupidly thought they were friends now
>Quinton goes outside his town and sends messages to all breadtubers including filler ones like Sarah Z
>He sent messages to all his mutuals and none of them wanted to hang out
>The one person that did was Comment Etiquette
>This means he wasnt sending messages only to the breadtube girls, he was sending messages to men and unrelated people to the breadtube world too. Erik is not into that crowd but Quinton contacted him anyways cause they had interacted friendly online, thats it.
>Quinton even said this in a video before the accusations, he invited people to hang cause he thought they were friends. not because of something sexual involved. unless he secretly wanted to comment etiquette
>Sarah shares the screenshots of Quinton trying to hang out and getting ghosted
>Lindsay shares the screenshots of Quinton too
>painted Quinton as a creep and me too'd him just cause he invited them to hang out. i dont think they ever liked him at all
>she had no issue causing this witch hunt, didnt even blacked out his profile pic completely in one of the pics
>both of them treated this like they had been sexually assaulted just cause a simp simped too much
>they acted like sharing this petty story was important and brave and that they were so distraught by some rando asking them to hang
>dude didnt send dick pics, didnt act weird when meeting them last time, nothing. he sent embarrassing texts. not sexual texts.
>Lindsay and Sarah cancelled some guy over stupid DMs that were an absolute non issue and didnt need to be "exposed"
>now that she got "cancelled" she hates cancelling. but some months back he was fine cancelling Quinton because of this petty shit that she exaggerated
>she had no issue at all playing victim just to paint someone as "the scary perverted bad guy"
>even hontra, who was actually assaulted by another youtuber. even hontra didnt give any details on who it was cause hontra truly believes the whole cancelling thing is a stupid witchhunt with no end goal
how convenient of her to change her mindset
No. 1212408
>>1212152I don’t know, it doesn’t look like they named him there, how can it be a cancelling? He was being annoying, and dming someone like “you don’t like me so I’m unfollowing”
is uncomfortable and unnecessary, it’s obviously trying to bait her into saying she does like him to cheer him up. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with blocking out names and telling people not to be weird like that. They didn’t even call him a pervert or a rapist or anything there, so I’m not sure where you’re getting all that from.
No. 1212467
>>1212152God I hate these passive aggressive whiny men with no social skills. I wouldn't wanna hang out or be friends with him either. Being pity-pushed into a friendship.
Idk about metoo or being a creep but he's definitely continuously sending messages while ignored and that's pretty uncomfortable.
No. 1212656
>>1212408Seconded anon. Imagine some dude who you are otherwise casual acquaintances with hitting you up to hang when you don’t really know much about them. And they live in a different area AND you previously have an experience being sexually assaulted. So you don’t really respond and then said guy responds to you with some guilt tripping bullshit that you either have to a. Ignore, fully validating their guilt trip bullshit, or b. Respond to in a positive way to do emotional labor for some dude attempting to guilt trip you and clearly needing reassurance that you don’t want to give him. You could go scorched earth and tell him to fuck off but that would be a disproportionate response that could be used against you.
Maybe quinton or whatever realized later on how awkward it was and how weird of a position he put her in. Also, she might not have known that he hit up a bunch of different people, so from her perspective, it could potentially be more personal.
Sometimes ladies need to be cold to protect themselves. I think if quinton knew or understood that position women are put in, he might have different considerations about how he approached trying to meet up.
Sage because wtf am I doing
No. 1212786
>>1212408i respect what you're saying. you are right, they didnt call him by name. i just think its shitty they wanted to act like survivors over this non issue. this could have been easily dealt with privately but they decided to post it publicly for what? there was no reason to post it to their following other than to get RT and tweets saying how strong they are and how gross this mystery guy is. so naming him or not, they wanted their audience against some guy and painted the situation as something it wasnt. but i see your sentiment.
to me it felt like a witch hunt cause their followers were obviously going to know who they were talking about in two seconds so why make it public. and one of the messages lindsay showed didnt even blur quintons profile pic correctly so everyone immediately could tell it was him but i do think it was accidental. regardless, should have stayed in the drafts in my opinion
No. 1212806
>>1212152If you humour dudes like that to be polite because they make a big deal about being sad and lonely, you will end up with a stalker who makes you hate your life and have to shut down all your social media. Erik either knows how to handle it or is just naive to how it all starts.
It's not like Lindsay just has had it so good with scrotes she doesn't know how bad they can be - she goes into that in the video. Do you really think subtweeting is such a high penalty it should only be reserved for rape? What witch hunt?
No. 1212827
>>1212144people in america can't reconcile the fact that they're AMERICAN and not whatever culture they're parents or grandparents or gggggparents were from. And i get it that i might suck, it is what it is. I'm in animation twitter and i actually saw the visual artist for the movie being extremely offended by the atla comparison because oh, you're lumping all of asia together then, and i was like BITCH!!! YOU'RE OF CHINESE DESCENT! you're lumping YOURSELF with SE!!!
sorry for sperging but JESUS american are SO. THICK sometimes.
No. 1212829
>>1212408i personally thought sarah z was more out of line, like, if you have an issue with someone talk to him personally and don't blast it to the internet at large: but lindsay was the real savage there because it corroborated that he was a sad loser (and on the internet there's no greater crime than being lame and cringe) and because they were more interested in the immediate clout of making fun of a dude who was 100% going to see it they didnt make good of a job hiding the profile pic and of course people figured out from 4 pixel total that it was his twitter avatar.
like yeah he's lame, he's an adult guy who shouldn't be clingy to what are strangers, and i honestly like how unlikable lindsay is, you go girl, you have the right to be a standoffish bitch if you want. But they also there was no need to blast him like that, they really cause him a couple of bad days bc of that.
idk maybe i'm a fag but i think they all could stand to be a little more compassionate sometimes, i can what she meant when she said that twitter was enabling her to be a bad person.
No. 1212843
>>1212152>shes a classic SJW that get off on witch huntsanon is right and all responders are utterly retarded cunts. There is absolutely no excuse for shaming someone publicly like that and then whining about cancel culture later. Anyone on social media that has joined in and reveled in the cancelling of people or even all the outright bans/blocking deserve to have it happen to them, and it's just so satisfying when it does.
+ If you don't like someone just ignore them, or better yet get some actual social skills and say thanks but no thanks.
No. 1212877
>>1212859yeah it's not ground for cancellation or witch hunt or whatever, it was just a shitty move by a mean person. More than anyone she should know that internet people can and will deduce who you're vaguing if you provide them with a shred of evidence to obsess over (examples: those who guessed that the channel awesome groomer and rapist was jewwario from a single pixel left from a censored chat log mentioning his behaviour, and even ellis herself re: mara wilson, people guessed it was her being the shitty friend to wilson). I think these are all examples for people using twitter as their own private chat room instead of a public forum where E V E R Y O N E can see your dirty laundry being proudly displayed.
To reiterate, no one in this deserves dogpiling or whatever; it's just an observable fact that she used to gleefully join or even initiate the shaming of cringe if given the chance, and it's a thing she even addresses in her video
No. 1212883
>>1212870>>1212877>>1212860Jesus stop coddling pushy scrotes. It's naive if you think he's just socially inept or poor clueless guy.
She did not name him and I don't doubt this isn't the first time he's being like that - both of those women admitted he's been pushy before and I don't doubt it's a reason why only 1 person replied to him.
No. 1212889
>>1212883i don’t want to coddle him, i truly dislike that guy and i’ve dealt with men like him who could be malicious.
what i’m saying is, if they’re gonna expose messages online, they should’ve keep that energy, been upfront and told him to fuck off. some people love to complain endlessly about the annoying tards around them but won’t say shit to their faces. a guy with a garfield and tranny dick obsession is not going to take a hint.
No. 1212918
>>1212883anon it's okay to say a woman was mean once, you know
I understand this is
terf central but something you guys really push it. Posting private DMs that can be solved in private with no issues is douche behaviour
No. 1213874
Why does this thread suddenly have so many morons, it didn't use to.
>>1212830It's in the post I replied to, Comment Ettiquette, Erik, the guy who agreed to meet up with the stalker bloke who plays up how pathetic and "awkward" he is to lure idiots in.
>>1212925No one fucking said it facilitated rape. People aren't douchebags nor radfems just for being wiser to bullshit than you. "Solving it in private" is how these losers get to move on to someone else again and again.
No. 1214628
>>1214627It's @shadowtodd, todd in the shadows.
Goddamit they're all such children
No. 1214631
>>1214628The piano guy? I kind of like his videos actually. I forgot they dated.
>>1214616I can’t believe I just read that entire nothingburger. So there’s Kyle, Jourdain, and Lina… and they all… are mad at each other for whatever reason, and they’re all lobbing random accusations of KISSING at one another? What the fuck? What did I even just read? This all sounds so retarded.
No. 1214644
also fwiw, Todd has defended other mtf troons like Sarah Butts who are self admitted pedophiles. he, ofc, did so on the basis of gamergate rules.
No. 1214650
>>1214642Okay but Jourdain had been hitting on the troon too? It sounds like these people just had an on and off flirtation that went south, or something.
I don’t really know who all these people are but if friends came to me like “I tried to kiss him and he said no but then he trooned out and wanted to kiss me” I’d probably also be like “uhh… okay?” Like, who the fuck cares? This is stupid interpersonal drama that didn’t involve Lindsay nor Todd directly, and yet people want to cancel either of them for… some reason that is apparently related to this whole incident? This all sounds so retarded.
IMO there is a difference between misreading an ongoing mutual flirtation and trying to kiss, versus forcing a kiss on someone and continuing to kiss them even when they’re clearly not into it and trying to get away. Is anyone even claiming that the latter happened? I’m not usually one to defend a troon but this sounds like it was just an awkward autistic misreading of the situation kiss between flirting friends.
No. 1214774
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>>1214674Fair point. Todd is definitely not bread. Merely bread-adjacent.
Let’s get back to posting terrible philosophytroon fan art and tinfoil theories about him being
abusive to hontra.
No. 1215641
>>1215216I used to have a bit of respect for Philosophy Tube bc it seemed like she was very responsible about having a lot of fans, talking about “parasocial relationships” and the limitations of being a “youtube celebrity”. It was definitely a lot better than other YouTubers who acted like they didn’t have any responsibility or influence despite having a huge platform, but ngl now it just seems like a case of unchecked narcissim, with PT being so very into the idea of herself as a “public figure” and the “transgender princess of
TERF island”. it’s just a massive over estimation of her importance, like she doesn’t seem to get that all the interviews and articles are just a novelty/ flavour of the month thing, not a expression of genuine interest or respect
No. 1216108
>>1215892That made me fucking cackle when I saw it.
>>1216093There is zero proof whatsoever and contra hasn’t made it sound like it was a youtuber who did it. I think they just had a normal boring breakup and that’s why they’re icy. (Well, contra is icy. Olly still seems obsessed.) I would like more milk on their falling out though.
No. 1216155
>>1216093According to KF the timeline doesn’t match up as they were still doing live streams together and seemed cordial at the time contra started talking about how she could metoo a “prominent leftist figure”. does make you wonder who else it could be since there aren’t that many other men in their circles who haven’t been outed as sexpests already.
However, if PT’s claim that they started transitioning about a year ago is true, that matches up more with the falling out, maybe contra just got scared off when it seemed that she was going to get single white femaled. tbh I don’t think they were ever in a very serious relationship anyway, fuck buddies at most.
No. 1216159
>>1216155If anything these people are good at trying not to purposely throw shit at the fan, they must know that giving one ounce of validity to the rumors would be ground for pestering/cancellation (i mean, we're gossiping over nothing, just imagine the field trip we could have with even a shred of evidence lol). Even though i dont think they were dating cus long distance never works, i think that: olly was the young fuckboy that gave contra validation as both a woman and a milf; contra lost interest because she realised she likes women + olly is an insufferable prick and called it off; he probably didnt take it very well and the "break up" didnt go super smoothly; contra is fed up, olly is very much still hang up. At this point im not saying he's transitioned for contra but can you imagine? If the Trans Queen of
Terf Island turned out to be a stalker man fixated with another trans from a whole another continent? Lol he'd be burned alive by both queers and terfs kek
No. 1216161
>>1216155>>1216159it’s true most breadtubers don’t deliberately create drama, but what they are really good at is being able to stir shit without anyone realising that they’re the one holding the spoon. that way they can mobilise their fan base against someone while still being able to claim innocence in the situation. for instance the whole Lindsay Ellis/ Quinton reviews drama, where she left just enough of his icon showing to make it clear that he was the one sending her creepy dms, all the while saying “I censored the identity for a reason, don’t attack anyone on my behalf UwU”. that’s what contra is doing in
>>1215892 I think, refusing to refer to PT with female pronouns or even say “Abigail” instead of “that person”. I doubt that PT is the person she’s talking about in regards to MeToo, but I don’t think she would be sending those kind of signals if something serious hadn’t gone down, or if she didn’t believe that PT’s transition was not as genuine as everyone was making out.
No. 1216232
>>1216155>>1216093the video where contra first mentions being sexually assaulted is the canceling video from January 2020, and PT is included in that video of being a
victim of the mob that contra thinks was out to get her. she mentions that PT was attacked and expected to apologize for even associating with her, and at that point it seems like they're on good terms and still speaking to one another
No. 1216695
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Ladies, thanks god we God a male to show us how to do feminism properly.
Not sure if this was supposed to be sarcasm but most of the replies are mind-numbing dumb takes from scrotes.
No. 1216781
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>>1216701>that was me! but i’m a woman now!god.
No. 1216792
>>1216695OT but i would honestly be really interested to see what would happen if contra did a video that was completely on a feminist topic, what would that even look like? what would the reaction be?
"feminism" videos used to be pretty prevalent on breadtube a few years ago, but it was mostly people like shaun and hbomberguy picking the absolute lowest hanging fruits ("manosphere" nuts etc.) instead of actually engaging with feminism in any academic way. it was all reactionary and very easy to make fun of, which i think paradoxically lead to a lot of their fans concluding that feminism wasnt really such a big deal if misogyny could be easily combatted with common sense and mockery, like in those videos. plus like lucy pumpkin said, online leftist discourse is completely dominated by women-hating men and self-hating women (contra could be classed as either depending what you think of her). add to that the fact that feminsim is very vulnerable to being corporatized, so you end up with people's only view of feminism being boss-babe, "more female CEOS!" bullshit. i predict that with the rate BLM/ trans rights is becoming mainstream the same thing may well happen to those movements in a few years too.
No. 1217254
>>1217041After a bit of googling, his name is Dany Roth, I've never heard of him before.
(And yes,it was weird seeing someone use the name of a very well known comedy actress and showgirl in my home country. She never did telenovelas though haha)
No. 1217846
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>>1217490No one but the libtards on Majority Report give a fuck about Jimmy Dore, get that shit out of here.
No. 1218489
>>1217846Known Hontrapoints simp
and suspected pedophile Vaush regularly rants to his audience of incels about the evils of Dore and Greenwald and anyone who associates with them, but he wouldn't dare cancel The Hon
No. 1218664
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So one of the new rising stars of breadtube is khadija mbowe, a Canadian black woman
As a black woman I wanted to like her but I have only been disappointed, every video about black women she has to bring up troons, and how their treated just as bad as black women and rejecting troons from feminist spaces enforces white supremacy, she also seems to blame the abuse black men do against black women also on white supremacy, she also speaks way too much authority on issues regarding black American women despite being Canadian and the daughter of middle class Gambian Doctors,
No. 1218672
>>1218664its funny how all the black women who correlate being a black female to troonery are all unattractive. its almost like theyre treated bad because theyre ugly and more attractive black women dont have the same experience
(inb4 some autistic racebaiter with uncontrolled retardation replies to me)
No. 1218679
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>>1218672I don't think she's ugly or anything, but if you've watched her videos literally all her sources are just pretentious books and papers written by neo-liberal academics and professors , who over analyze random unrelated movies, often taking scenes out of context to create their dumbass takes
Modern academia is literally this tweet but people take it seriously
and this becomes her only source for the outside world, cause I don't think she's ever been outside her for woke bubble in Canada so she's sheltered
No. 1218929
>>1218822>Like when a piece doesn't accommodate to the poor endangered troons, it's sacrilegious and just absolutely haram and should not even exist.That’s one of the things I envy about troons, they get all the upsides of being a man while also being treated like a defenseless
victim who can do no wrong.
No. 1220620
>>1220177When you said
>some autist on kiwifarmsI knew it was going to be that particular user. I wonder why they are so obsessed with contra.
No. 1222188
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Why are men all the same?
No. 1222198
>>1220620The only thing that makes sense to me is that it's contra himself. People only talk
that much about themselves.
No. 1223153
>>1222188>>1222244We’re pretending this is milky? “You can still be friends with people even if you hook up” is a pretty lukewarm take from a lefty scrote. I hope the PhilosophyTroon/Hontrapoints drama finally blows up soon, because this thread is dry as fuck.
My prediction is that if Hontra starts to seem like he’s going to come forward with whatever it was Olly did that caused their falling out, Olly is going to beat him to the punch by quickly releasing something calling out Hontra first. Bonus points if they (or their fans) somehow manage to drag Lindsay Ellis into their falling out drama despite her not being involved at all.
No. 1223862
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>>1174665Just girly things!
No. 1225674
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Idk how many people here follow the leftthots thread, but this was posted on KF and it seems like a broken clock is at least partially right twice a day. It's a pretty decent take on CP
No. 1226226
>>1226224>troonsAnyway, he's a cow because he trooned out and immeditley started pretending like he was the most attacked person on this planet. Lying about "rights" he does or does not have. Pretending like he's the "most famous trans person in the UK"
Comparing his white ass to black women, and how entitled he acts.
He seemed to troon out to do better in his acting career, skin walk contra and ego. He's a weirdo. He's not a big cow, but he's a cow.
No. 1226261
>>1226224Narc, probably sexually assaulted Contra, trooned out for fame and acting gigs, like what more do you want in a cow? Also
>SheJust go away
No. 1226423
>>1226224even vaush said that PT gave him "clout chasers vibes".
I find just a bit sus how before transitioning Olly was just a small theatre actor and c-list youtuber, and now he keeps boasting about revolutionary tv roles. If he had always been this talented and requested where were those offers before? i'd add a pensive emoji here but then i would get banned
No. 1226436
> Vaush said he gave some clout chaser vibes. Firstly sauce.
Secondly, his constant Hontra girldick suckery and now skinwalking is enough indication. The only positive about him trooning out is that he is progressively going to get more milky.
No. 1226792
>>1226224There's dramatic and then there's Olly, who even made a video about suicide seem like a stage production. The vibes have been off for me since then and you can't just dismiss how many people say that.
With the current trajectory of constantly needing a new "coming out"/"speaking my truth" to top the last one (depression, bisexuality, trans) to feed an increasing appetite for arse pats, Olly will have to be a wheelchair-bound double amputee adopting downs syndrome kids from North Korea by 2024. Huge cow potential.
No. 1227073
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>>1226792Even before making his videos, the way he hypes up “mysterious new characters, so disturbing and edgy the whole crew gagged!” that he’s going to introduce, when it’s always just himself in a wig and some facepaint. And his fans all go “ooooh abi you’re giving me goosebumps! Your characters give me such chills!”
It’s just so embarrassing. It’s the level of secondhand embarrassment that only a narc troon can provide.
No. 1227366
>>1227073wow you're right, i forgot that he hyped up the "new" character as sinister. At the end the only creepy thing about it was the incest making out with the "brother" character lol. There was a feeble attempt at cancellation over that but eh, it didnt stick. I'm guessing this will become a receipt to pull up later when the proper scandal finally happens, who knows.
Also jesus that fanart looks like a read ahaha. Maybe demi lovato had a point in being openly offended by shitty fanarts
No. 1233454
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Is he including himself in this? If you go back early on his channel he just seems like a normal dude into boring philosophy. Now since doing YouTube he’s become so mentally ill that he literally thinks he’s a woman.
No. 1234192
>>1216823all it is trans rights now and "you're a
terf if you say 'women mestruate'!"
honestly, they're erasing women from everything
fucking PT makes a fool of himself by dressing "feminine" and basically adopting a stereotype of what he thinks is a woman
he has no fucking idea of what a real woman goes through in society and he never will
No. 1234560
>>1234192Part of his statement coming out as trans said:
>“In England and Wales people under 16 can get an abortion, which is permanent, but trans children can’t get life-saving puberty blockers, which are reversible.“This alone proves he will never understand what it means to be a woman. An abortion takes less than five minutes in most cases, and then life goes back to normal. You know what’s actually permanent? Having a baby. That can never be undone. The bodily changes an underdeveloped child goes through from being forced to carry a pregnancy for nine months. Those are permanent. Having an abortion at age 16 doesn’t mean the rest of her life will be somehow changed. Having a baby does mean that, even if she gives it up for adoption.
It’s already such a false equivalence without even addressing the fact that puberty blockers are not even reversible like he says they are.
No real woman would talk about abortion like this unless she was a koolaid-drinking anti-choice churchmarm, and even then she’d probably have the sense to make an exception if her own teenage daughter was raped into pregnancy. But troons - like all men - don’t have to worry about stuff like that.
No. 1234703
>>1234560can't follow you, he's saying abortions are a controversial surgery that permanently solves the problem at hand, you know, the pregnancy. For a trans kid, taking hormone blockers can prevent the lifelong changes teenage hormones cause (look at how well Kim Petra passes vs well… olly himself). Seems like a pretty apt comparison to me?
I know this is anti-trans central and all, and I'm no fun of olly's antics either, but you're bending over backwards to put words into his mouth and there's no reason for that, he has said much more irritating stuff lol
No. 1235043
>>1234703NTAYRT The subtextual implication is that teens having access to abortion is, at best, less important/ethical than medically transitioning children, or, at worst, unimportant or unethical on its own. Much of his "coming out" message was about how privileged "cis" people are, with special emphasis on women, but not men. The point he was
trying to make was that transitioning as a child is a human right (instead of unethical medical experimentation), but it was written as if actual human rights were special privileges, much less important than what he wants. Any intent he may have had is crushed by the sheer ignorance and pettiness of how he actually decided to argue his point.
No. 1235056
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>>1234703Lupron has permanent side effects. Being on Lupron can shrink genitals so much that by the time the TIM is 18, he doesn’t even have enough skin there to get SRS. That’s why Jaz Jennings SRS didn’t go so well. Years of lupron gave him a micropenis and that is not reversible. It also causes osteoporosis longterm, which is not reversible either.
Please do more research into lupron.
Additionally:>Puberty blockers do not alleviate negative thoughts in children with gender dysphoria, finds study (2021)Life goes back to normal after an abortion, no matter how “controversial” the procedure is to idiots. Teen pregnancy is a lifetime hardship.
Puberty blockers cause lifetime symptoms and are irreversible.
It’s irrelevant how well you think Kim Petras passes. He will never be a woman. He, like Olly, is male.
No. 1235348
>>1235291I'm sorry I couldn't even make it past 5 minutes, I have watched full contrapoints videos without skipping ahead, I might have paused when nick would say something fetishy or dumb but I could tolerate it, but this Is just pure awful
Like nails on the chalkboard, the fucking fake voice and accent, the mannerisms and costumes, It kills me
No. 1235490
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>>1235291first second and you get this shit. what a pretentious faggot
No. 1235580
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>2021 almost halfway over
>only one video from hontra so far
No. 1235581
>>1235291This video and the coming out video both imply that this transition has been a long time coming, but looking at the Philosophy Tube video back catalogue, it doesn't look like that at all.
In this video he says that he didn't know what being trans was until meeting a trans woman at university (sure jan), and makes out like that was revelatory in some way before deflecting with a joke. So that's years ago.
However, the video before the goatee went and the eyebrows started serving up 2009 realness, he's referring to himself as a himbo and relating to male characters in apocalyptic literature rather than female ones. It's not a pre-record either, because it talks about covid lockdown and was posted in April 2020.
No. 1235591
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Is he implying that he is a translesbian because all his ex-girlfriends became lesbians after dating him?
No. 1235617
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There's an obvious profit motive to lying about the safety of cigarettes and opioids and lead paint and guns in order to sell them. funny how it's somehow supposed to be different for trans shit tho
No. 1235620
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Also, obligatory closeup of the feet. Of course.
No. 1235621
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uh ohhhhh even the youtube comment section is noticing
No. 1235628
>>1235591…this dumb ass stupid AGP ass. I'd three of your GFs became so called lesbian after dating you it's not because you were soooo girly secretly and a woman inside they recognised this.
It's because you were an awful dude and they said fuck it to ever dating men again. I don't this is true but way to out yourself as a dumb lesbian fetishist. I'm so tired of this transbian shit. I'm not even lesbian I just want gross AGP men to leave women the fuck alone.
No. 1235634
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>>1235585Harris said one time on a stream that he regrets putting “guy” in his username “in case he ever transitions” so I think we all know where this is leading.
Maybe he can ask Janet Mock for hair advice.
No. 1235696
>>1235628That's exactly what I thought. If all his gfs became lesbians after dating him, it literally means he has to be such a shitty partner they don't ever want men again. Becoming lesbians and leaving him because he's trans doesn't even make sense in any way.
How can a person be so egoistic to not realize this is
not something to brag about.
No. 1235732
>>1235291The way he has to dress up Baby's-First-Philosophy/PR Theory in boring characters and 2015-hipstercore sets to make it seem like he's saying something new instead of saying things most people have already figured out long ago as edgy teens, but translated into Pompous Prat-ese, really shows he's running out of ideas. Does he think 'becoming a woman', whatever that is, means you immediately drop 30 IQ points and no longer have to say anything actually interesting because becoming a troon is personality enough? Or does playing a woman take so much constant time and energy that you don't have room in your head to think outside your lines?
Also, Ollie, you really did turn them gay yourself. By being this insufferable.
No. 1235759
>>1235591>>1235628I'm taking it with a grain of salt, because there's a chance one of the "lesbians" he's talking about is Contra, who "turned" into a "lesbian" (straight man) because he realized that fucking dudes wasn't making him feel female, since he's straight.
Aside from the possibility of bi women giving up men after Olly turned out to be the final straw for them, I do want to talk about the comphet angle. How he's phrasing it makes it sound like he thinks they were actually attracted to him because he's a ~totally
valid woman.~ He doesn't understand that comphet lesbians aren't attracted to the men they dated, and the implication that they are is
horrible. No. 1235763
>>1235633The lying to cover up the rapid onset is what intrigues me, retconning a whole different past. Contra felt no need to do that.
Same goes for pretending to go to school with anyone working class.
No. 1236017
>>1235759This is it, Contra's definitely one of them. Also wondering how many more of the "lesbians" he's referring to were troons, since he's a confirmed chaser?
If they were actual lesbians from his youth, though, he was likely chosen because he came off as nonthreatening and/or possibly gay in their eyes. Less chance of having to touch dick. They didn't see him as a woman, lmao, the delusion.
No. 1237657
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contrapoints trying to get sober, wonder what it was this time
No. 1238048
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Don’t let this distract you from the reality that leftist men aren’t feminist allies
No. 1238109
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>>1238077He claimed to have gotten hooked on opium during the pandemic - picrel is an older post from December. Maybe he started chasing the dragon again?
No. 1238123
File: 1621992877704.webm (2.16 MB, 852x480, vaush.webm)
>>1238048This is all you need to know about him.
No. 1238206
>>1238109Unrelated, but has anyone noticed troons type in very specific ways that women don’t,
“Vampire goth, lurking in princess bedroom”
It’s strange and cringe.
Also imagine looking like an aging twink in drag for the first time after a 100k of surgery to make you look like a women.
>>1238048Genuinely believe leftist males are the biggest degenerates out of all of them they are coom brained to an unfathomable extent.
No. 1239590
>>1239567>>1239561hbomberguy is the exceptional breadtuber who is actually good at "film"
contrapoints has learned like one film trick wihch is to put complementary color lights on opposite sides of her face, and that's it
philosophytube has got a philosophy degree that she thinks people will care about for some reason, and somehow even fewer film techniques than contrapoints
vaush is a streamer, which is the laziest video you can possibly make, might as well be a radio show like seculartalk
shaun just doesn't even do video at all, which is actually an improvement on being a streamer if you ask me
to be fair i haven't watch a pt or contra video in years so maybe they improved their games somewhat. i hope so for their sake
No. 1239593
>>1239561All of them keep making longer and longer videos less frequently, instead of shorter videos more regularly. Even Shaun is going 2 hour monologue book reports.
I guess some people like the longer stuff but fuck man, some of us have jobs and just want something to watch on smokeo.
No. 1239778
>>1239726Hbomberguy says in the video that it’s basically impossible to change anti-vaxxer’s minds, and his video doesn’t seem aimed at anti-vaxxers. He doesn’t address them, even in the preachy conclusion of the video, he just describes pitying them for getting ripped off. It’s an educational video for people who have some notion that there was a study once linking vaccines and autism, and that it was retracted, but who don’t really know more about it than that. I thought it was a fascinating deep dive on the con artist Wakefield, and I enjoyed it for what it was. I also appreciate that he didn’t bring up tranny bullshit like he almost always does.
The guy in the video you linked seems to think anti-vaxxer’s minds can be changed but Harris’s video shows a study where every single method of changing their minds only made their resolve even stronger, so it really doesn’t matter. Anti-vaxxers gonna antivax.
No. 1240290
>>1208077> At this point i'm starting to tinfoil she has a secret fetish donor that gives her money for every time she drinks and gulps liquid??Some fuel for this
nonnie’s tinfoil theory: yesterday SarahZ released a supercut just of herself drinking out of her cup.
No. 1240382
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>>1240290She reminds me of Jessica Yaniv in her nlog thumbnail, the wig is really brining the look together.
Also sage because nitpick.
No. 1241947
>>1241472I agree, he’s definitely one of the better ones. I kind of like when he gets all crazy on his videos because even though he’s covering himself in cake, he’s still making more sense and coming off less crazy than the flat earthers, the men’s rights activists, the anti-vaxxers, etc. so it’s a funny contrast.
Now if only he’d do “Trans Rights Activism: a measured response” but sadly he’s drunk on their koolaid.
No. 1244049
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No. 1244187
File: 1622632551407.png (679.71 KB, 720x1320, Screenshot_20210602-161518.png)

2 fucking Hours long, even Hontras arent this lengthy like who has the time for this shit
No. 1244230
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>>1244224>Watching a 2 Hour video about the slight decline of popularity about a bunch of podcastersYeah no, I watch long format videos but not this
No. 1244276
>>1244224internet historian does what she does just 100 times better and without the annoying cup slurps for her secret weirdo pimp slurp feticist
Just compare their dashcon videos, no contest
No. 1244504
>>1240382How is her homely face masculine yet formless at the same time?
She's simultaneously matronly and a tumblr teen spaz. Her sense of style is as bland as her corporate friendly libfem politics.
No. 1244839
>>1244187As anon said here
>>1244308 I prefer these Internet history and culture recap videos over 99% of breadtube content, which is making the same woke liberal twitter talking points but in a pretentious video format or over analyzing random unrelated media, taking scenes out of context to create their dumbass takes and narratives that don't actually exist
No. 1244875
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>>1244504She also looks like she puts on her makeup without a mirror.
>>1244839Same, I liked doubleca5t's videos about Internet lore… until he decided to troon out and be an unapologetic AGP.
No. 1244876
>>1244187i honestly thought travis mcelroy was tv show character so this video was pretty enlightening for me. too much irrelevant info about dnd though for my liking.
it’s crazy to me because she was speaking about the mcelroys being like crazy big with a massive fanbase but i had never heard of them before this. and i’m a long term tumblr user
No. 1244891
>>1244876that sounds like you either followed the only three people on the whole tumblr who weren't even tangetially interested in the mcelroys, you saw mcelroys stuff but never connected the dots to them or you're plain lying: i ASSURE you they were inescapable for mbmbam, TAZ or Monster factory (hell even Vine now that i think about it, Griffin had a massive presence there), just like homestuck, sherlock and the such were.
Sorry i don't mean to be an asshole but seriously it was impossible not to stumble on mcelroy's stuff on tumblr if you followed more than 50 accounts
No. 1246002
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Maggie Mae Fish is someone I keep track of, she often self posts on the r/breadtube and left wing subreddits and is basically a Wanna be Lindsay Ellis but without any of the redeeming qualities Lindsay has
she's the unironic stereotype people have when they think of an upper middle class white female SJW
Her most famous video's were a series of "retrospectives" on the carrier of Zack Snyder, I don't like Zack Snyder's films but I've watched them and know them well enough to know that either she is very dishonest or she is really bad at Editing. There's this video her either deliberately or badly cutting off a part of the film for her to misrepresent and make a point that is direclty debunked by the next few seconds that she coincidently cut right before.
No. 1248124
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he is 100% crying inside about his massive caveman skull that will never allow him to pass as female
No. 1248325
>>1246002I hate to encourage you but didn't Snyder only direct Dawn of the Dead? He didn't write the new screenplay nor produce it. So how did his direction do that? Did he direct the editing too?
No. 1248414
>>1246002Why is it spelled Z
ck Snydr? Does it
trigger people?
No. 1248418
>>1248414because fanboys just look for the mention on this particular director to start fights with those who dare to say "maybe his shit doesn't smell like roses, MAYBE". I have no idea why Snyder has this much cult of personality, i get he makes hypermasculine movies and losers tend to make those their whole personality with little to no thought, but it's honestly ridiculous how much people are defensive over him.
Then again Maggie's recent youtube brand is shitting on snyder's movies, so much so that even someone on this board defends him lol, so i'm guessing she has a lot of hate followers over her opinion on him and censoring his name won't do her much help
No. 1257365
>>1218664I can't stand the fake forced AAVE accent she does, I mean she's the child of Gambian immigrants and grew up in Ontario so I doubt she'd the learn to speak the way she does naturally
Watching her recent video she really hams it up, she uses black twitter slang and vernacular in between her normal speak and it sounds forced and fake as hell
No. 1257569
>>1257365it's really obvious she's doing it for woke points, it literally makes no sense to have an accent that originates from the american south- while she's lived majority of her life in northern wokeville.
>>1257465From my experience, a lot of African Immigrants are really good at handling money and are pretty successful. She should be proud for her parents instead of faking an accent and entering breadtube brainrot.
No. 1257576
>>1257569>>1257365Most of the non-white breadtubers share the same story, upper middle class and grew up in a liberal area of a western country
I think what's really offensive is that she's literally commiting cultural appropriation against African Americans, she's aping Black American culture and vernacular so she can appear more "authentically" black
No. 1257897
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I weirdly admire Thought Slime despite his looks.
> Genuine about his mental health issues
> Has owned up to having bad takes before
> Came out saying he hates doing political videos and he’s since gone back to awkward stand up comedy style videos again
> Actually vegan instead of cutely pointing out meat eating isn’t ethical uwu and ending it there like the other rich lefttubers
> Claims to be nonbinary, no showy coming out, no they/them pronouns
> Namedrops organizations to encourage viewers into direct action rather than to have a philosophical discussion
His anarchist politics are very weird but at least he never claims to be an authority on it. I feel like I’m watching some dude vlogging rather than a lefttuber.
Milk on this guy or opinions more substantial than “lol soy boy”?(wking)
No. 1258061
>>1258027didn't she go for him first though (hence soy boy)
also what is with people getting fake
triggered over the possibility over PT possibly having sexually assaulted hontra on here and kiwifarms (though that seems to be largely debunked by now)
it's such cringy virtue-signaling, let the degenerates be degenerates among themselves
No. 1258086
>>1258061Sexual assault is still sexual assault, even if the
victim is a degenerate scumbag. If PT assaulted Contra, it's highly likely that people who aren't degen are also unsafe around him. Predators aren't picky.
No. 1258169
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>>1257897I agree wholeheartedly. Though I don't agree with a LOT of his takes, he made me a lot more sympathetic to overly-sensitive snowflake cultured even though I think it's still bad overall. But I now understand how a fairly rational person can become part of Twitter wokeshit and I can engage with them and their beliefs a lot more effectively now.
I really like how willing he is to wholeheartedly engage in cringe comedy at his own expenses. His depression really resonates with me as well, and he's able to intelligently and accurately describe the thought processes and hopelessness felt by depressed people. He is, however, kind of prone to having meltdowns on Twitter which is cringe lmao
I've bitched about it in this thread before, but I fuckkkkkking haaaaaaaate philosophytube's depression video. He has the same super shallow take on depression that every sad 14 year old has, and it's agonizing to see people listen to him, believe him, and then use that belief to convince themselves that they have depression as well. Like hooooly fuck that is NOT what depression looks like. It's what attention seeking by a normie feeling down looks like.
Im also not saying that every YouTuber that claims depression is faking and/or stupid. I legitimately believe contrapoints is depressed as fuck, even though (s)he's not willing to do a deep dive into it on video. I'm not familiar enough with hbomberguy to make a judgement either way, but nothing has made that he's just using the label for cloutchasing either.
>>1257998I personally don't think thoughtslime is at risk of grooming out. he's casually ceasing to identify as non-binary (changed pronouns from he/they to just he/him). I think like many non-grifter creators, he's becoming gender-abolition-pilled while still signaling support for trans people because 1. trans people and zealous trans allies are a huge part of the breadtube fanbase, and 2. having troons everywhere does indeed erode the meaning of gender
sage for massive sperg
(redditfag blogposting) No. 1267770
>>1267725Actually one of the more reasonable troon names I've come across, wonder where he got the idea from.
>>1267752Hbomberguy or Shaun? Who is even left?
No. 1267827
>SA goon>skinny white guy>into videogames>donated to a tranny group>made a 3+ hour video criticizing fucking RWBY of all things>furry>probably has autismyuuup I'm thinking he's next.
No. 1268156
>>1267848>skinny fatYou're right, kek. I'd also like to add:
>gamergater>skin that's never felt the sun's touch>receeding hairline>chasm deep eyebags with soulless eyes to match>smug>to the point where he's already mastered the troon smirkHe's already halfway there!
No. 1268216
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>>1267725Hontra's law: if a male breadtuber has not come out as trans yet, he will troon out within 2 years.
No. 1268238
>>1267725>but the files got corruptedit's the universe stopping him from trooning out
more like he's not FULLY committed to the bit and he's pulling a jim sterling, just wants to bask in the attention and money.
No. 1268374
>>1268212>>1268234I despise every single one of them, but if I had to pick the absolute worst ones, that would be a tie between Vaush and Contrapoints. The former for being a pseudo-intellectual jackass and the latter for his cringy as fuck "humor" and obsession with internet culture war that nobody should give a fuck about.
In breadtube solving trans issues is clearly more important then addressing class or actual misogyny, that 0.05% of people more important then half the country because a trans person might have gone to the preppy college as them but it's highly unlikely the working class person did.
No. 1268761
>>1218664I knew she wasn't perfect but I expected better from her, its a video essay about how WAP and Thot Shit are actually feminist masterpieces and anyone who disagree is a racist white conservative, also she brings up how even though Megan is a multi-millionaire she is closer to the average black woman then other multi-millionaires somehow(class solidarity be dammed) and the comments are also incredibly depressing
There is something sole crushing seeing so many black women defend this, act like twerking is part of our culture and that to even criticize it mean were somehow sell outs to white people. I have lost any hope I had in black feminism
No. 1268763
she also declares
>"I'm queer, I'm non binary, I'm dark skin, I'm American and Canadian with a Muslim background who is now more spiritual" No. 1268767
>>1268761I guess Lipstick alley is 90% Racist white conservatives because theres been more then a few threads where they call out how fake the "WAP/Thot shit is feminism/empowering" angle. I guess all
WOC agree that singing about having a wet pussy, stealing someone's man, how rich/sexy you are is feminism and empowering.
I guess all
WOC agree that watching Megan and troons twerk and give a white man a vagina mouth is "Empowering".
I hate this shit so much, it's racist to me. Everything woke they assume
WOC is down with and always say it's, "White cis conservative men/women/people" who only have a issue.
Then if a black person does speak up, they are a "Coon", so any
POC who doesn't think how they think is white or cooning.
No. 1268775
>>1268761 SA- Also, it's funny how people who don't even want to identify as a woman, are always running to talk about what feminism is or isn't. What WOMEN should feel empowered by or not.
Hilarious how that works.
No. 1268878
>>1268761How is perpetrating the same old western stereotypes about black women being sex machines "empowering"? lmao
>>1268763This is the big brain logic behind it:
>all black women are hypersexual and that's like super empowering>however, i'm not comfortable being sexualised just for being black>therefore, i'm non-binary uwunot the first or last black woman who'd rather become a "they/them" than reject America's rotten culture.
No. 1270308
File: 1625267960794.png (862.57 KB, 1288x862, mildred thoughslime.png)

Thoughtslime looking pretty unfortunate as "Mildred"…
the shaving hack job oml
No. 1270391
>>1270308this fucking retard making fun of the conspiracy that the left is attacking masculinity while making himself exhibit A. I'm starting to believe that degeneracy and autism are so ingrained in the y chromosome that ~
toxic masculinity~ or whatever is a necessary evil. As long as they're violent with each other and leave us alone I don't care, no point in trying to change that if it's gonna result in them wearing lipstick and calling themsleves mildred
No. 1270563
File: 1625302049155.jpeg (312.56 KB, 2048x1366, 5CEE31CA-01ED-4A92-8D0A-9AAB0C…)

~*not a fetish*~
No. 1274649
>>1274133Guess I'll try to sum this one up as best I can
>starts off with self-masturbatory poses in a car repair shop, off to a great start>goes on to cite a quote from a mother saying that birthing her child was not a social construct, after which PT brings up social constructs, implying a nefarious connection with literally birthing a child and something abstract>surprise, surprise! It's another "let's talk about my twans-identity!" video! Bet you didn't expect THIS scathing question to be brought up.>imagines a magical land where there are, at the same time, no distinctions made between humans of different physical attributes and perpetual "chill vibes" where no one notices said attributes and don't care, like humans are ever going to stop having pattern recognition and categorization when it serves a real purpose.>says there's no answer to how many physical properties you have to have to classify as an object. Olly certainly meets close to, if not zero criteria for what actually makes a woman. So I guess he's a real woman guys!>cue sob story about how hard it is to survive as a poor trans woman in the UK, a first-world country where hormones and srs, essentially cosmetic proceedures for trans people, are payed for out of taxpayers pockets. Calls the aforementioned privileges "basic human rights".>Argues that one could change the concepts of "woman" and "man", and also fails to acknowledge that calling himself a "trans woman" completely destroys the purpose.God, this was so fucking devoid of any real meaning. Was this script written by some sort of algorithm? It's so predictable. Complete waste of half an hour of the rest of my life.
No. 1274875
>>1274793Even if there was no rape or aggression between the two groups (unlikely, but this is a hypothetical), the words would still come back, because there are several important distinctions between men and women. The biggest one is obviously the distinction between people that can get pregnant°, or people that can impregnate other people°. There are also several other differences that impact daily life, like height, weight, lung capacity, heart size, symptoms of illness, peak strength, peak speed, peak flexibility, etc. It's a complete cope to imagine a world where the distinction isn't made, because that world would require the diversity to not exist, which would mean there would be nothing to "transition" between.
°Or have the biological structure and features inplying they can.
No. 1275230
>>1269636Megan is trying to say men should respect the women they jerk off to. By paying them, protecting them, etc.
I feel like she has a cohesive POV, I just don't agree with it since imo men are retarded sex pests.
No. 1275251
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>>1275211contra screwed themselves on this one, after making that video about transtrenders and how you should accept someone even if you know they are only transitioning to be trendy or get sympathy/clout etc. now contra is stuck between a rock and a hard place and is expected to cheer PT on and accept PT as the "trans sister kween she is"
I'm sure contra peaked with the buck angel controversy ages ago and PT "coming out" was the final straw
No. 1276438
File: 1626274883990.webm (4.19 MB, 720x720, bPzvfPe4h9-uJF-c.webm)
new contrapoints video sometime soon, this one even gets a trailer
No. 1276598
>>1276438Objectively a terrible trailer. What is the topic? Why so many characters? Why flex your housing? At a certain point, you should just cave into the vanity and become a beauty or vlog channel.
>>1276491 is a perfect summation of the content. Narc makes a film where he can't stop looking at himself and attempting to be witty while absolutely plastered.
No. 1276972
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>>1276438Why do we need CP, when we can just watch giallo on mute alonside droning synth music and TTS of tweets/quotes from our personal (least) favorite TRAs? I recommend Alok, he gives very similar mindnumbing, pseudo-intellectual AGP drivel to Contra.
No. 1278545
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So the autists at kiwifarms have stumbled upon a twitter account ( entirely dedicated to defending philosophytube. Every single retweet and like is about philosophytube or philosophytube-adjacent. They rarely tweet, and rarely @philosophytube, which is strange since a fan dedicated enough to have a whole account to whiteknight olly would probably try to get his attention. They claim to be an intersex cis woman who knows a suspicious amount of TRA rhetoric and UK healthcare facts. Also uses "babes" a lot. Could be olly using a sock to fight with terfs and critics in the replies of his main account without ruining his image. The kiwifarms thread has a lot more sperging about the writing style, timelines, and all that.
No. 1278742
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why do men do this
No. 1278839
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Thought Slime has always reminded me of Greedent from Pokémon.
No. 1278867
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>>1278742How does he look at this and say “yes this looks good”… literally try just a little bit harder I’m begging you
No. 1278986
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>>1278751h-hey!! there's, like, two of us!
anyways, I'm eagerly awaiting the an hero.
he's a rather anxious dude and I can't help but feel like this is a last-ditch attempt to find "the" root cause of his issues.
once/if he gets past the "now all my problems are cuz of twansphobia!!1," he'll return to the realization that he's fundamentally broken, there's no point in living, life is suffering, etc etc, and do it. hopefully the journey will be milky
No. 1279569
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This is now a failed men in badly applied eyeliner thread.
No. 1279636
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>>1279593Idk but they’re scaring me.
No. 1279673
File: 1626636253383.png (1.95 MB, 1024x1098, new pt stream.png)

new PT stream today, more narcissistic drivel
No. 1279736
>>1279687I dunno, i find natalie very entertaining, full of fluff sure but it's a show through and through.
PT was insufferable in his narcissism before transition, but now there are even more sycophants ready to pounce you if you're not kissing the ground he's standing.
Gotta say though I don't think the assault theory holds water, I can't see Lindsay Ellis making such a fuss over her BFF status with Contra and then employing her supposed rapist for a role in her audiobook.
No. 1279758
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No. 1279763
>>1279673Imagine skin walking a dead eyed troon and manage to look even more depressed and corny then they do.
I don't think I've ever seen a troon skinwalk another troon or a chaser skinwalk a troon. Usually they skin walk a woman/type of woman while claiming they make a better woman then those women. So this is interesting to see. Ollie is more mentally ill then I thought.
No. 1279878
>>1279569DemonMama. That pic, btw, is the most passable pic of him I've ever seen.
Just over the past week, demonmama has been chimping out because he wasn't voted to be the winner of a debate tournament (see vid) where he defended his claim that self-diagnosis is actually more important than a professional diagnosis because you have to self-diagnose in order to get a professional diagnosis(???)
He's literally been doing a trump #stopthesteal. Vadim (a breadtuber, known as HeyItsVadim or CreationistCat) is currently breaking down on Twitter because he voted for demonmama and he's been tweeted at
No. 1279918
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>>1279879Realized I forgot to clear the YouTube field so it linked the same thing twice. Another 45 minutes later, and Vadim is still going strong.
No. 1280028
File: 1626672109761.webm (17.11 MB, 640x360, p00ua8_1.webm)
[Warning: cringe editing from a cringe Destiny fan.]
here's Demon Mama being a smug fuck, losing the debate championship, encouraging a re-vote, being a smug fuck again, losing again, and then asking for a rematch.
No. 1280038
>>1279918Goddamn, grow a fucking spine, Vadim.
Why are you so fucking terrified of what might happen if you tell the stunning and brave transwomyn 'no'?
No. 1280040
>>1279982Self-diagnosis is basically just 'give the troons whatever they want, no questions asked'.
It's no surprise to me Demon Mama would be in favor of it.
No. 1280124
>>1280041>>1280076Her voice is so grating to me, and you're right about her constantly interjecting her Americaness, she also gives me the vibe of those people who post retarded takes on twitter but in video format
also this video is a good example of her lack of knowledge, not understanding that Tiana's dress is for Mardi Gras and Rapunzel is literally locked in the tower since childhood made her own dress because where would she get noble clothing from? her mother who doesn't want her to know she's a princess? she really has such an American worldview she does no real research on the cultures a lot of these characters/films have and tries to base most of commentary on the general historical period
No. 1280205

>>1280041>>1280076Her video about corsets was especially cringeworthy. She had a whole segment emphasizing how they're completely safe to wear and that the stigma around their use was tied to fertility myths from the Edwardian era. She completely and purposely overlooked the damage different types of shapewear have done to women's ribs, spines, and abdominal muscles due to improper fitting, even though she mentioned that they were unpopular during the 1920s and 1960s (which was also conveniently when First and Second Wave Feminism came about) specifically because they inhibited women's ability to move and exercise freely. Cognitive dissonance.
I don't think they're Breadtubers, but this particular brand of young, "feminist" YouTubers is strikingly embarrassing. In some ways, they're almost worse than Breadtubers. They copied the Breadtube formula of centering their videos around lackluster analyses of children's media and pop culture and never provide critiques of popular adult media like pornography, political talk shows, classic films, etc. that are arguably more harmful for the general public to revere and consume. However, they rarely cite sources even though they regularly borrow and repackage ideas from radfem thinkers like Dworkin, Bindel, MacKinnon, and more. Even Contra and Philosophy Tube are better at doing that shit. Like
>>1280124 mentioned, all of their content is centered about Western and American ideas and they never talk about Eastern, South Asian, or Latin/South American feminist movements. This woman, Jordan Theresa, Tara Mooknee, and Intelexual Media fall into this camp of creators.
No. 1280374
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>>1280366sure! here's a tweet i found from june. i guess i'm just surprised that she's screenshotting comments when she has a huge fan base- more than 400K subscribers iirc (or maybe it's close to 500K). it just seems like a bitch move to (imo) screenshot comments and rant about them, rather than replying to the person directly.
No. 1280378
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>>1280366aaand here's another i found, this one seems to be more recent. idk, these comments to me are not offensive at all and idk why she chose to respond so aggressively, not everyone is well versed in her interests
No. 1280390
>>1280374>>1280378thanks so much, i appreciate it! i definitely see what you mean.
irt that second comment - i watched the video that comment is under. the video is about how fast fashion isn't sustainable for many reasons, but particularly because it uses cheap materials that often contain microplastics and other assorted shitty fabrics. she compared these cheap materials to this other company that handmakes lace for lingerie (which takes months, and is understandably expensive), but she did slip in very quickly that the piece she was talking about only really cost over $1000 because it included freshwater pearls and 24K gold after implying that it was only so expensive because of the handmade lace. she can whine all she wants about 'fashion as art', but the video objectively wasn't about that at all. ironically, the comment she screenshotted to bitch about was genuinely absolutely correct - it's also exactly what i was thinking as she tried to brush it off after going on and on about this expensive lace.
she definitely seems to be a huge hypocrite, and i agree that it's super weird and unnecessarily bitchy to post this shit on her main twitter account - like, if you're that mad, get a fucking diary lmao. weirdo behaviour, she's definitely less likeable than her youtube persona implies
No. 1280455
>>1280378There's a big difference between wearing ethically made clothing and wearing freshwater pearls on lingerie and then acting hugely pretentious about it…then it just turns into sucking the cock of rich people who can afford bougie stuff.
I'm super pro ethical fashion and try to buy second hand on the majority of my clothes (aside from underwear, tights and shoes) but this has just gone from 'we shouldn't support people who use slave labor to manufacture their clothes that will be thrown into a landfill within a few months' to 'rich people wear such beautiful works of art that commoners can't understand uwu'
Sage for n1curr sustainability rant.
No. 1280838
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>>1280253>>1280205Reminds me of this chick, she makes vides about Chinese history and culture in media, I followed her on twitter before that channel though, but she has some very biased and dumb takes regarding "white people" and Christians
like who the fuck makes conclusions like this
No. 1280888
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>>1280838every second post is either about her awful sounding YA fantasy book or her complaining about white people, the posts above this were her complaining of why there wasn't any ethnic Merina people representation in the Madagascar film, the post below this is her complaining against a mommy home making blog who decided to adapt some East Asian prodigie recipe and calling her a Hoe for "not getting it right" and being a "karen colonizer"
No. 1281223
>>1280993ding ding ding. and for extra woke points sometimes they'll even refer to the
victims of pedo culture back then a "third gender". vomitrocious.
No. 1281279
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>>1281117Oh most definitely, plus she identifies as non-binary so that autonomically means she's dating a dumpy looking bereded white guy
>>1280838also her book's description
>"Pacific Rim meets The Handmaid's Tale in a polyamorous reimagining of China's only female emperor" No. 1282731
>>1281451What are the chances this ~heckin'
valid enby~ self-projects on Wu Zetian, and wrote her as a self-insert? It would mean that a certain someone identifies with the female experience, considering she specifically chose the only female emperor of China
and felt the need to make that distinction. I thought sex wasn't real to TRAs? I think
>>1281507 is onto something, this is just her self-insert in her little fantasy world, where she's emperor of China and gets to be with pretty gay men.
No. 1282777
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>>1280064>>1280063Agreed. Besides, some shows pull it off really well. Pic related, all these people are mid twenties to mid thirties, but their characters are believable as teens because of the way they act and dress.
No. 1285351
>>1268761she made a defense video of Cuties cause of course she did
her argument is that people judged too harshly "without understanding the context" and also mentioned the entire biography of the Director who is a black Muslim woman is that somehow changes it
reviewers who watched the film pointed out the ham fisted message of cuties but they didn't trash it cause of the "deep message' that they simply didn't get, they trashed it cause featured 11 year old girls twerking when it really didn't need to show that shit
having 11 year old girls is never gonna be deep or meaningful no matter what message your trying to say
No. 1285389
>>1285379Uh, that’s pretty easy anon.
>acknowledging people’s identities often impact the way they are treated in society Non-retarded.
>using people’s identities to claim you can never criticize their actions Retarded.
(derailing) No. 1288086
File: 1627751772427.png (147.35 KB, 1184x462, Screen Shot 2021-07-31 at 10.1…)

New Contrapoints video tomorrow (allegedly)
No. 1288214
>>1288153loved Bernadette before but she got boring in the span of one year. Used to make actual informational videos, now just does
aesthetic bossbabe stuff
No. 1289420
>>1288086Still not up. Pathetic.
>>1288153Thank you! A lot of costubers are lowkey trad and keep their videos strictly apolitical, but Bernadette is determined to fit in with the Breadtube-adjacent woke crowd while churning out shit like vidrel, another iteration of her
>objectifying and oppressing women is good, actuallyphilosophy masquerading as a hot take.
I swear between her and Contra, it's scary how much nonsensical bullshit people will believe when it's presented in an uwu aesthetic format.
No. 1290810
>>1290584tbf replying to someone with a kpop fancam over a Solanas quote is pretty fucking retarded, its like putting on a Che Guevara Shirt while also wearing a MAGA hat, Also Solanes seemed to okay with TIMs, she had sympathetic Transvestite prostitute character in her play and in the SCUM manifesto she states her for remaining males to be feminized as Drag Queens
>Women, in other words, don't have penis envy; men have pussy envy. When the male accepts his passivity, defines himself as a woman (males as well as females think men are women and women are men), and becomes a transvestite he loses his desire to screw (or to do anything else, for that matter; he fulfills himself as a drag queen) and gets his dick chopped off. He then achieves a continuous diffuse sexual feeling from `being a woman'. Screwing is, for a man, a defense against his desire to be female. He is responsible for>The few remaining men can exist out their puny days dropped out on drugs or strutting around in drag or passively watching the high-powered female in action, fulfilling themselves as spectators, vicarious livers*[FOOTNOTE: It will be electronically possible for him to tune into any specific female he wants to and follow in detail her every movement. The females will kindly, obligingly consent to this, as it won't hurt them in the slightest and it is a marvelously kind and humane way to treat their unfortunate, handicapped fellow beings.]>when in fact the male, short of being a drag queen, is least miserable when his dogginess is recognized – no unrealistic emotional demands are made of him and the completely together female is calling the shots. Rational men want to be squashed, stepped on, crushed and crunched, treated as the curs, the filth that they are, have their repulsiveness confirmed.It's basically Troons Ideal fantasy, to be humiliated and feminized in Drag
(Derailing ) No. 1291311
>>1290584Wow, a leftist making leftism as unappealing to the masses as possible? Something something tragedy, something something farce! We must win that crucial CoD lobby incel support, it's not at all gonna backfire by making normal people retch at your meme ideology even more! You totally won't end up like the ancaps and other clowns.
Leftmoids already tried this with the whole muh anti idpol muh bernie shit. The only thing this will do is peak well-meaning succfem useful idiots to the fact that men can't be leftists, and the only "class war" they have is mindless penile rage against female-driven selective pressure. Siding with trannies over 50% of the world's workers will further solidify the view of leftism as a degenerate western ideology of wealth and excess. Moids will continue schizotweeting self important drivel about how it's all CIA's fault while normies continue being enlightened centrists. Honestly, a W all around.
No. 1291339
>>1289420What's wrong with this video? She just tells us that photo editing was a thing in the past too so we shouldn't be fooled by "perfect" portraits.
She does have a blind spot about corsets, likely because she had to wear supportive underwear because of her scoliosis. Which really isn't the same thing.
No. 1293347
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>>1293244>1h48min… ok. Let me guess:
>shiny things>costume change, 3x throughout the video>self-aggrandizing takes>self-deprecating jokes that makes him seem relatable>lesbian takes with sexual overtones from a very valid lesbian>muh womanhood, muh fame>woe is me>sophistic arguments in between all of the above>more navel-gazing>"really makes you think" endingIf there are still people here who can tolerate this narc, tell me if I got it right
No. 1293523
>>1293244watched it and
>>1293347 is a pretty good summary.
i will say that CP's videos, while all style over substance, have a lot more substance than whatever it is PTroon is doing
No. 1295139
>>1294065>the trans friend Contra was in love with was actually Olly?Nah, it was Theryn Meyer (the one he called
Joanne in Shame, I think), not Olly. Hontra never got over the tran he was chasing… now he has another tranner chasing him, kek.
Olly holds a mirror to Hontra's bullshit and that clearly bothers him.
No. 1295334
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>>129324416 minutes into this crap and I can't take it anymore.
What's the point of this trash video? To bitch about celebrities that are privileged specially during the pandemic? When CP himself is privilege? wtf
It's so funny that he tries to be down with all your trans commies uwu, when he's the image of consumerism (plus trans surgeries would not be a thing in a communist society since it's based in wishes).
13 mins into the video and he's already talking about his childhood and his mommy issues. His videos are now just about him: "I'm a total
valid transbian, look how pretty I am, my mommy issues and see how much money I have".
His videos are like the Buffalo Bill mirror scene extended for almost 2hrs
No. 1297423
>>1296864She's a homestuck fan
nonnie, of course she's an aspie.
No. 1300754
>>1279763>>1299322I would argue that contrapoints is really envious/obsessed with blaire white.
philosophy tube <- contra <-blaire white/other hsts <-real women
No. 1302248
>>1302224I always remember this video of his, When I was semi-into Game of Thrones, he gives a fairly decent analysis of the Historical inspirations of Game of Thrones and also about the History of Neo-Medievalism but then around 6:40 he goes an aboustetly pretentious rant, trying to connect Game of Thrones with modern world politics and that George R.R Martin actually meant this be the true meaning of Game of Thrones all along
this is the definition of breadtube content and he made this in 2014
No. 1302571
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>>1302072Just watched the whole thing. I was a tumblrfag in my early teens, so this was interesting to me in a few ways.
Most prominently, it's funny to see the parallels between stupid fandom bullshit and stupid trans bullshit.
Sarah talks a lot about how both people that are pro-
problematic-shipping and people that are anti-
problematic-shipping tend to massively overstate the harm caused by the things they think are bad. Take, for example, the statement, "this media depicts an unhealthy relationship, which can be
triggering to people, and it literally
triggered me and made me have 10 panic attacks, and stuff like this literally kills people all the time." This is obviously just hysterical fandom nonsense, but the exact same overstatement of harm happens (and happened back during the peak of Tumblr) in the trans community.
This connection wouldn't mean much if it weren't for the fact that it is the very same people overstating harm in both fandom contexts and transshit. I saw this a ton in the cosplay community– FtMs screeching about 14 yr olds needing access to binders (or else suicide) and how shipping CielxSebastian makes you a child rapist, and MtFs viciously seething at anything they find invalidating (because it literally kills transwomyn) while defending jacking off to 3D-rendered ScootalooXApplebloom anal vore as good, actually.
I think this trend is one of the first things that made me doubt the honesty and good-faith of internet trans people. So many are willing to go extreme lengths to demonize whatever menial thing they find bad or to defend wholeheartedly every single guilty pleasure they may have. When I see enbies use the same moral arguments to get others to use they/them pronouns (u are literally hurting trans people) that they use to decry literally any dissenting opinion (u doing x slightly bad thing causes immeasurable harm), it really makes me doubt whether you actually believe the shit you're saying, or if you're just being a crybully.
Maybe I should turn this into a 2 hr video kek
anyways, definitely not an especially good video overall. There was a notably high amount of preemptively defending herself and walking on eggshells for fear of invoking the ire of her sjw fans. These are staples of every breadtube video about Discourse in left-leaning spaces, but my god it gets super fucking repetitive in this video.
4/10 I enjoy even the most retarded of drama. too much filter though.
No. 1304616
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Does Hasan Piker count as a breadtuber? I know he mostly is just twitch, but I feel like he fits here better than in the leftcows thread. He's getting shit because he bought a multi-million dollar house, and Twitter is split between defending him and shitting on him. My question is how does he "champion for the poor and underprivileged" - like what does he do other than react to stuff on stream? I know he likes to fashion himself as some for-the-people anarchist socialist guy, however he's nothing but a nepotism baby who makes a ridiculous amount of money for looking above average and totally pwning le conservitards
No. 1304655
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>>1304616Don't give a shit about his ugly mcmansion, he has worse takes.
No. 1304718
>>1304631personally idgaf about the house, 3m for a house in west hollywood is cheap honestly, but it's just funny to see all of his self-proclaimed leftist fans be so offended by him using their money to buy it. imo it clearly shows how much he and the rest of this crew have lead their fans to be incredibly ill-informed on just how wealthy the 1% that they rail against really is. I don't follow him at all but his advocacy for all of these issues he claims to care about seems to only go as far as mentioning them on stream sandwiched between reacting to a tiktok and a tweet. I googled to see if he actually does anything and can't find anything other that twitter hot takes - which I don't think is real advocacy
>>1304703yes, like I said his a nepo baby. his uncle is cenk uygur; doubt he would have a career without that connection.
>>1304711who said that
No. 1304723
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also I saw this recent pic of him, who knew he was this ugly underneath his facial hair kek
No. 1304747
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>>1304741he wears some of the ugliest outfits i've ever seen on men. i was shocked to find out he's (allegedly) over 6ft tall because the way he dresses i'd guess 5ft8 tops
No. 1304749
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>>1304747it's hard to pick a singular outfit to exemplify just how bad his style is honestly, I encourage all anons to google
No. 1304753
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>>1304747He is the rich tho
No. 1304763
File: 1629484353279.webm (7.09 MB, 1920x1080, 2462709-1da8dce91e0cd156855cbe…)
our troon princess of terf island has a role in a BBC drama playing a man in a dress
No. 1304772
>>1304749every time I see him i think about how he said he had to get over his dislike for penis because it's "transphobic".
Despite not liking him in the first place, any attraction i towards his looks went away.
No. 1304778
>>1304763>troon princess of terf islandWho is that?
>Don't deadname her manBros sticking up for bros, how nice.
No. 1304779
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>>1304753He exploits workers
No. 1304782
>>1304763His voice is okay, I'm kind of getting why people think that dude who looks like a straight-up dude passes from that Euphoria show. A decent voice coming from an obviously male face & body can trick you for like 3 seconds into thinking, "Oh, maybe thats not a man".
Did they change his voice? Also did I spot some five o'clock shadow?
No. 1304795
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>>1304782>I'm kind of getting why people think that dude who looks like a straight-up dude passes from that Euphoria showhunter shafer is the only troon who passes somewhat imo, i think it's because he doesn't have terribly masculine facial features and didn't get the same FFS disaster that contrapoints and that one MTF in the new gossip girl reboot (picrel) has. PT just has a really masculine face (mostly the jaw) and linebacker shoulders, so it's funny to see what he looks like outside of his highly stylized
narcissistic vanity project youtube videos. even though
>>1304763 is on a professional set probably with a makeup artist and costume designer, he still looks like a guy in a wig.
No. 1304807
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>>1304795>he doesn't have terribly masculine facial featuresMight want to rethink that
No. 1304935
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>>1304522 seem to be right. None of the old contrapoints videos present in this archive seem to be specifically about Islam, though I wouldn't be too surprised if there were quips against Islam in a lot of the videos about Christianity.
No. 1304982
File: 1629496953621.png (1.22 MB, 796x1438, pt.png)

Philosophytroon getting to record the audio for Lindsay Ellis's book. This makes me think that whatever happened between him and Contrapoints wasn't a big thing and probably interpersonal drama. As far as I know, CP and Lindsay are still friends. (People on /lgbt still think that PT is the "figure in leftist politics" Contra could metoo.)
Nothing says oppression and marginalization like getting to feature on a book being published by one of the "big five" publishing companies. (Especially when the book is being written by someone who only has their platform because they make baby's first media studies youtube videos.)
No. 1305238
>>1280041I originally enjoyed her modern film costume review-esque stuff but she really sucks at analysing media. She has a clear bias when it comes to what she watches and it comes across as completely naive and yet so condescending. She doesn't like teen dramas, says they aren't her thing (Honestly, she seems like she's only into artsy, high-concept films) and yet still feels she's a voice of authority on criticising them? Chile…
She really needs to just stick to what she knows.
No. 1305294
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>>1305265>what are those facial expressions.I call this one: absolute disgust.
No. 1305359
>>1304763Kek of course it's the BBC who gave him a job.
>>1305294Jesus Christ. He didn't hit the wall, the wall hit him.
No. 1305731
>>1304655i love how the narrative has gone from
>onlyfans isnt banning porn its all media fearmongeringto
>onlyfans is banning porn because of mastecard/visa!!!to
>onlyfans is banning porn because christian fundamentalists!!!when we know the real reason onlyfans is banning porn is: No. 1305913
>>1305891i like videos from this circle of yters (moderngurlz, mina le, mila tequila) when they discuss fashion, aesthetics and culture, but eeevery political/moral take they have is 100% predictable. anybody could pause the video and say it before they do, they just regurgitate what every other mild sjw person on the internet also says, so that it adds no interest to either the video or the conversation. it's like they think those are necessary disclaimers to never have people turn on them should they misinterpret something and see them as "not on their side".
shanspeare's "analyses" are always really surface-level maintream goodthink, even though she does know how to produce a video and tries her best to be articulate. she strikes me as insecure or harboring a lot of subdued aggressivity, don't really like her and don't watch her anymore.
No. 1305981
>>1305913I don't get why fashion and make-up channels make videos about some lukewarm feminist takes. Shanspeare talks about female body hair but in the same video says how she
>got a brazillian>hated it and decided to never do it again >went again anyway>bought a ton of products on top of it because they're shiny>doesn't say she changed her mind eventually, just criticizes the practice but does it anyway after a long rant on why it's infantilizing and creepyI get it, she's very young, but this dissonance between criticizing something and then doing it anyway confuses me.
No. 1305988
>>1305981yeah that's a really bad copout. the system made her do it, it's totally not her fault that she wants to indulge in practices that conform to what she's against. libfems don't have any free will bc they're coerced
victims, of course.
No. 1308892
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>>1308846lol once a chaser, always a chaser.
>>1308868The comments are just as autistic.
No. 1309462
>>1308892"Some times I feel one way, some other times I feel another way. I must be a special 2 in 1 deal!"
Women are dainty and happy and men are angry and practical so you must be two genders cause there's no way one cis person can flip between those things at different times.
I like it when we're so woke now that we're applying sexist old tropes to ourselves and making it mean that we're special. And by "I like it" I mean I want to grab these bitches and shake them till their brains start working right.
No. 1310622
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the skinwalking continues
No. 1310641
>>1310622I love how Conta looks like a drag queen getting ready and PT looks like a dude in his girlfriend's top and bra joking around.
Every face he makes now makes him look goofy as hell.
No. 1312472
>>1312469>citing as many bullshit philosophers as possiblethis is the part that annoyed me the most and made me nope out of the video. not only are a majority of these philosophers
male in a video about
female beauty standards, but their quotes don't even have anything to do with the topic at hand? Also kek at the black and white filter that's only there to soften his manly features.
No. 1312556
>>1312461TIMs get away with being eating whatever they want more than women because they're male and people know they generally have better metabolisms, and they give more credit to men than women ("he knows what he's doing, I'm sure he works out" vs "lol this bitch will get fat") but he decided that being under constant scrutiny gives him euphoria. It's tasteless. It would be like someone IDing as white to black transracial and straightening their hair because "people would treat me as lesser if I had curly hair, as a black person".
Also, the "I'm totally catcalled uwu" shit pisses me off. I was having my appearance scrutinized from birth, and men leered at me from the moment they could ID me as female (also from birth, considering how my mother dressed me). I even had pictures taken of me without my consent by people I didn't know, or didn't like, who had no relation to me, and I was groped without consent, all before I even reached age of maturity (18). Strangers commented on my boobs and asked me to do sexual things by the time I was 11; And that's not even the earliest this starts happening to girls. And yet this moid has the
audacity to say he faces the same thing, despite transitioning within the last year? People don't even see him as a woman, but even if they did, it would have only been one year of his adult life that people treated him like that. He's a monster.
No. 1312685
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>>1310604just lol at the ham fisted girlboss character. of course he jumped at an opportunity to play a mom and talk about pregnancy.
No. 1313002
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>>1312985Makes me think of Chris Lilley (who was a convincing enough teenage girl on the histrionics alone)
No. 1313316

>>1280041>>1280838I believe that these "historical" breadtubers like Xiran Jay Zhao and Kaz Rowe are more harmful then typical breadtubers, cause the latter simply spout their dumbass woke takes on society or give a deeper pretentious meaning to some random peace of media, historical breadtubers actively create false narratives about history and present them as actuality
I recently watched Kaz Rowe's video on Dracula and almost everything she presents is just plain wrong
For starters she insists that Bram Stoker (the author of Dracula) was a closeted self hating gay man and expects her viewers take that as a fact, then she just spouts some random made up bullshit about breaching and how boys were "dressed as girls" as form of gender bending, now that is pure bullshit, young male toddlers were not dressed as girls, they were dressed in skirts as it was easier to change a boys nappy in a skirt rather then pants, when the child was potty trained the skirts went away, she also inaccurately tries to connect the decline of breaching with the Oscar Wilde trial which increased Homophobia, which again is bullshit Breeching went away cause of Knickers and shorts, even her woke viewers pointed that out in the comments cause it was so easy to spot as being made up
She generalizes the entire history of the Roma People(Gypsies) and says they were persecuted simply cause they were darker skinned, Even thought they've been treated like Shit, in Greece, Turkey, Italy, Syria, Palestine and the rest of the Middle East and even in places where they were lighter skinned then the native population like Egypt
she also links Crucifixes which weakens Vampires as a symbol of White Christianity and Masculinity(all based on some Gender Study Professors take on Dracula)
Then the Novel its self, she claims that Stoker was the one made Vampires "sexy dark and mysterious" and how Dracula is actual representations of "foreign men" stealing vitreous white women, now she's correlating the films that did depict Count Dracula as a tall, dark and mysterious count and her woke politics with the Novel, see compared to previous works such as Carmilla(which was explicitly an erotic novel) and the The Vampyre by John William Polidori(which depicted the Vampire as a suave British nobleman) Stokers Novel was a return to form really with regards to how Vampires were depicted, but in a more coherent and consistent way
Dracula is a monster, when he was a man he was great and powerful but as a Vampire he is revolting creature that has to steal the blood of others just to survive, the Vampire isn't something sexual, taboo or devious rather its a human parasite
She also glosses over Stokers history and heritage as an Ulster Scot(Irish Protestant) who still supported Home Rule, which was a radical position for someone like him to have, she ignores the love shared between Stoker and his wife who fought tooth and nail to protect his work during the controversy around Nosferatu and just countless other things that I don't have time for
Anyway this entire Video is just false narrative after false narrative and this can potentially do a lot of harm, Generalized views about history, religion, peoples and other complex concepts by morons who majored in Gender Studies and not actual history or theology are a good way to spread misinformation
No. 1313880
>>1313328Because woke breadtube loving commies aren't real anti-authoritarians or communists, they're just useful idiots for capitalists to use as puppets to cause infighting among the working class, to distract them from realizing how they're exploited by the 1%.
Think Dracula is a metaphor for the rich being bloodsuckers? Actually sweaty he's just a poor oppressed homosexual. Say anything negative about Soros? Yikes sweaty that's antisemetism. Think the billion dollar porn industry harms women? Wow just wow that's whorephobic.
No. 1313918
>>1310604What a load of bullshit. This man saying that him eating on camera is a big deal has never watched his own streams (or thinks his viewers are stupid). See
>>1189018>>1310622Olly talked about having a stylist, kek. I see no proof. That cardigan must have been the only thing that barely fit him as the nude colour looks terrible and it's straining.
Say what you will about Contra, but his clothes are far better suited.
(sage) No. 1314489
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Vaush is a pedophile. More at 11.
No. 1314575
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>>1314569In the words of the last decent man who held office
>Prostitution is not the “oldest profession,” as the saying goes; it’s the oldest oppression. No. 1318731
>>1318575i'm completely sperging and not serious at all, but WHAT IF SHE'S SAVING FACE FOR CONTRA'S SAKE……
the assault rumor is very prevalent and Contra shuts down any discussion about it telling people to go back to 4chan/lolcow, clearly she (yeah i know i'm a normie please spare me the greentext) doesnt want to be discussed or speculated; if Ellis would suddenly not call PT back for the audiobook that would give credit to something very serious having gone down, right?
I dunno it's just that Contra has been trying to make amends with literal fascists, it seems weird she just would get out of touch with the other big philosophy channel, especially when they were seemingly so close, and now that also PT is trans.
It's either something incredibly serious like assault, or like, PT got so obsessed with Contra to the point of making her uncomfortable and she had to cut the shit out of her life for PT's sake as well.
anyway i really hope they piss a close friend off and they come here to spill the tea lol. I'll see my ban out now
No. 1319038
>>1318575They clearly had a falling out shortly before PT publicly announcing he's trans, but it's just narc on narc drama, imo.
>>1318731Are you one of those /tttt/ posters who completely ignores the series of events between those two? The timeline doesn't even fit, they were dating in 2019 and still on good terms in mid 2020 (showing up on each others livestreams), ffs. If PT was the one who assaulted CP, he would've talked about it back in 2020; both of their audiences would side with CP, since everyone is noticing how weird PT is behaving, then easily got rid of his skinwalker for good. Besides, PT isn't even remotely an "important figure in leftist politics", he's another grifter just like CP.
CP and PT told people to shut the fuck up about it because it was getting completely out of hand, /tttt/ was swarming both of their livestreams with this shit.
No. 1319150
>>1319003>>1319038The thing is, if PT and CP were dating and broke up and it was even somewhat amicable, I could understand Ellis still being on good terms with PT and still being friends with both. We've all been in friend circles where two people break up but it's all good, and they can tolerate each other.
But it's obvious more is going on here. PT is acting like absolutely nothing happened and keeps trying to pander to CP like they're still close, obviously making CP uncomfortable which would be enough for a super woke lefty friend group to ostracize PT.
while CP very gruffly brushes anything to do with PT off. Not even saying like "oh PT is a good content creator, we just aren't that close". CP will full stop shut down anything to do with PT and call them "that person" and say "they're not in my life anymore". That's what makes it seem like something happened that CP is still super salty about.
The fact that Lindsay memes about CP so hard in her videos (calling her whore, etc) is pretty indicative of just how close the two are. You don't joke around about your friends like that unless they're your ride or die, no one else would tolerate it. So Lindsay and CP being in the same friend group and liking each other is one thing, but the pair are obvious BFFs and even if the PT/CP breakup wasn't that serious (no assault, etc), it would still be super fuckin weird for Lindsay to LET PT NARRATE HER ENTIRE BOOK if her ride or die bottom bitch CP hates him so much or is so creeped out by his skinwalking. it's not like no one else in that circle hasn't noticed Philosophy Tryhard's skinwalking?
I know, I know. I'm sperging about this drama but let me have this one thing to sperg endlessly about. The drama is fascinating. Who is gonna be first to crack and spill the beans? PT or CP? My bets are PT, too much of a narc not to.
No. 1319172
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>>1319150>>1319038maybe i'm just being too cynical but having been around extremely online, social justice-oriented types like ellis, CP, and PT who basically treat all of their personal relationships like transactions, act like soulless HR workers, and couch their petty dislike of others in pseudo-woke platitudes about how they're "
toxic and manipulative!" or a "gaslighting abuser", the need to cultivate a positive/"woke" brand image is a big element of this whole thing. online liberals are always cannibalizing themselves over anything that can be seen as bigoted transgression and for ellis, she probably keeps PT around for woke cred ("im sticking to boogeyman JK rowling for having a twans woman narrate my book!"), and CP probably keeps quiet about whatever interpersonal drama between him and PT because he doesn't want the picrew catgirl anarchists of the jury to find something else to consider him a reactionary/truscum about. im willing to bet if CP said anything about PT publicly (people think CP is talking about PT when he talks about people whose gender presentation doesn't match how he really sees them) PT wouldn't hesitate to throw CP under the bus as a truscum gatekeeper and is invalidating his status as a real and authentic wammen. these people only care about themselves and cultivating their online brand.
also lol at this contra shade from PT.
No. 1319203
>>1319150Alright. Sperg on, nonita.
>So Lindsay and CP being in the same friend group and liking each other is one thing, but the pair are obvious BFFsEllis is just CP's drinking buddy and personal narc supply machine, it ain't that deep. He's drowning in addiction and has no one besides her, Jenny, and some random associates that help with his videos.
>Who is gonna be first to crack and spill the beans? PT or CP? They will throw shade at one another but not one is gonna spill. They have the same viewerbase (people who fawn over men pretending to be caring intellectuals), it would create way too much trouble than it's worth.
>>1319172Nah, you're not being too cynical. Modern social justice/left-leaning scenes are like this IRL and online just like you described. Crabs in a bucket and all that.
PT can't use the "truscum gatekeeper" argument against CP, btw. Just like PT said that he hadn't experienced dysphoric feelings ever (can't remember if it was a pre-trans or post-trans livestream), CP told in a chat with Milo Stewart that he didn't experience dysphoria as well and he wasn't diagnosed with it either. CP bought sketchy hormones online, then went to a informed consent clinic to get the real shit.
It would be hilarious if they both went on with a "I AM MORE
VALID THAN YOU REEEEE" slapfight, but it won't happen. Their whole scene is a tiny island surrounded by piranhas, they can't veer off of the Approved Positive Image™ without putting their brand/livelihood at risk.
No. 1319207
>>1319203>PT can't use the "truscum gatekeeper" argument against CP, btw.but none of that really matters here. the only thing that has currency in online radlib and breadtube circles is how successfully you can play the
victim, which PT is 100% not above doing (he basically transitioned to get more popular online and is clearly an egomaniac). and since CP gets called out for something every other day, all of his videos are filled to the brim with qualifiers and equivocations (to where he basically doesn’t take a stand on anything) and “i’m not saying i believe x!” and yet within a few minutes trans/left twitter accuses him of being whatever it is he vociferously denies being. if PT and CP ever get into public online drama, the winner is whoever crafts a better victimhood narrative
No. 1319242
>>1319207>he basically transitioned to get more popular online and is clearly an egomaniacRight? It's so in-your-face and it's fascinating how no one in his circles dares bringing it up. It even boosted his career as an actor, which was pretty much dead in the water, now all of a sudden he's getting roles. kek
>if PT and CP ever get into public online drama, the winner is whoever crafts a better victimhood narrativeGood point. Honestly don't know who would win, they both mirror each other's bullshit.
No. 1319311

>>1319242>It's so in-your-face and it's fascinating how no one in his circles dares bringing it up.that one book by abigail shrier says that in liberal/progressive circles, being a straight white cis male is a fate worse than death since it makes you "uncool", so a lot of white people grasp at straws to claim as many oppression points as possible (self-diagnosing as disabled, whoring out how bad your ADHD is on twitter, getting really into fat activism). eventually this leads to a lot of affluent white people identifying as some sort of "queer" or nebulous nonbinary gender (as if every other person on earth doesn't feel absolutely 100% comfortable with the roles and expectations with whatever gender they were born as). i think identifying as trans or non-binary in particular is really attractive to this kind of person, since you can put in little effort (slap some he/they pronouns in your twitter bio) to identify as whatever dumb tumblr microlabel and then anyone who actually questions you about it is invalidating you or being a bigot. glenn greenwald (guy in vidrel) has cowish tendencies himself but makes interesting points about this person who was interviewed by some media outlet about being non-binary when he's a masculine-presenting white guy who comes from a wealthy family.
>Honestly don't know who would winmy money is on PT mainly since CP has been through how many attempts at cancellation? especially if PT makes it about CP invalidating his transition or something (even though we all know it's just attention seeking behavior)
No. 1319503
>>1319038nope, casual viewer woman (born as, if that matters) who loves drama.
Was it ever confirmed they dated, and not just buddy-fucked when PT was visiting america? I get long distance is a thing but no dick is so bomb to sustain a whole ocean divide kek
No. 1319512
>>1319477Only a year before coming out as trans, though, and he didn't seem especially committed to that either.
But I agree– claiming bisexuality for clout is sooooo 2008. Nobody really cares or takes it seriously anymore lmao
No. 1319608
>>1319311I'm not 100% betting on PT because he's way too flashy in his coming out as a brave wahman and CP could still use the "muh depression, muh addiction" card to harvest more
victim points.
>>1319503Their "dating" wasn't as serious but yeah, they were a thing. Openly flirting online through 2018, then being fuckbuddies in 2019. CP went to bongland as well, but he was more hung up on Theryn not wanting his hon ass. It was all fine until PT trooned out, then people noticed that PT blocked "ContraPoints" from being mentioned on his YT comment section and CP deleted his replies to PT on twitter.
>>1319477>>1319512It's also not enough when you're a rich white guy. However, being a transwoman is bulletproof in progressive circles, regardless of your class and ethnicity/race.
No. 1319637
>>1319512i think it's 2008 for women, it's very now for men. Saying you're Bi/pan is claiming queerness without doing any work lol, just screech "you can't invalidate me!!" when people note you exclusively date the opposite gender.
As usual, women have to work more and so more and more ID as non-binary (again, a very low effort queer identity, just change your pronouns to she/they) to gain those precious woke points
No. 1326354
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>>1278545the account deactivated after kiwifarms users linked it to a youtube account named Stephanie L that had been incessantly commenting on PT's videos to defend him— almost instantly after negative comments had been posted (making it seem like the Stephanie account was either PT or had notifications on for comments on PT's videos)
No. 1331410
>>1331402>>1331387My husband is white and I'm black, we grew up during an era which embraced racial blindness as the Ideal, we grew up in an extremely white area and we never had any issues… But then around that time we began getting bombarded with all this white guilt tripping everywhere. talking to people who were figuratively eggshells all the time around Blacks and constantly overcompensate, compliment, ask questions.
It's ridiculous.
No. 1331999

>>1331387She doesn't even try to give a nuanced view, in her "cons" section she strawman's any sort of criticism of CRT, like the criticism that CRT teaches that all white people are racist, she claims that Individual white people aren't racist but all aspects of white society and white culture are inherently racist
I'd probably end up some type of Neo-Nazi if I went through this
Also her video about racial pseudo science is filled with so much false history, like Oh my god she gets Plato's whole era wrong by a complete century, gets literally everything about Greek civilization and history and how they thought of themselves(they didn't view themselves as European or white, they viewed themselves closer to Eastern peoples of Phoenicia, Egypt and Syria rather then the Barbarians of North and Europe) she didn't even talk about Arab/Islamic racial pseudo science, which came after the Romans and was just as dumb but lasted up until 1960s as justification for slavery
No. 1332014
>>1331999Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think "white" was even a concept back then? I'm pretty sure that term originated in America and even Irish people weren't considered white at first.
Also I just find her annoying in general, she tries way too hard to be ~quirky and relatable~ and using annoying zoomer slang that feels really shoehorned in.
No. 1332061
>>1332014She tries way too hard to sound African American, she's a classically trained Opera singer who has upper middle class Gambian parents, does she expect anyone to believe she naturally just talks like that
here's an Interview she did with Britney King and her standard north american english dialect reveals its self
No. 1332183
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>>1332061>>1331999I think I need to post this as well, this is Khadija "I'm queer, I'm non binary, I'm dark skin, with a Muslim background" mbowe's ex-boyfriend who appeared in one of her video's
I expected a white guy but this is even more hilarious
No. 1332210
>>1332194Its a dumb pretentious theory that states that all of society is inherently racist and that we all have racial biases and its all based on the previous theories of a degenerate French Pedophile who should have been thrown in the Gulags like all the other degenerate degenerate bourgeoisie
CRT is a perfect bourgeoisie ideology, further dividing people while the degenerate pedophile professors who spout this bullshit enjoy living in decadence
No. 1332540
>>1332210Dang sugar, that hit a nerve? calm your tits down. We get it, we're all just
one human race and it's the pretentious intellectuals that are really keeping us divided.
No. 1333078
>>1332183of COURSE she's nonbinary lmao.
well at least she upgraded to a hot girlfriend, this dude looks 45
No. 1334656
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Contra is BEGGING to get canceled again.
(This tweet had already been deleted lel.)
No. 1334675
>>1334656Tried to mock the zoomers but he accidentally mocked himself. I mean…
>casual reminder that heterosexuality doesn't make your gayness any less validSaid the straight man LARPing as a lesbian. I guess the kids are just as trans as you are, Nick.
No. 1334998
>>1334656someone needs to change the account password and forbid her access when she's holding a bottle of liquor in her hand.
(she's right though kek)
No. 1336082
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No. 1336095
>>1336082He's joking but I can see him changing back to William Nicholas after this whole trans craze loses its shine.
>>1336089He always deletes.
No. 1336102
>>1336097Yeah, that won't happen rn because he's still receiving praise & money. Doubt he gives a shit about the seething kweers that he pisses off. It's free attention, they can't cancel him and he can always play the
victim anyways.
No. 1336103
>>1336095I doubt he'll ever detransition, he's too proud, and detransitioning requires that you acknowledge that you made a mistake, which narcissists are incapable of. Not to mention scrotes love the sunk cost fallacy and will stick by any lost cause if they wasted a lot of time and money on it.
The most he's likely to do is be "non-binary" and continue to use "Natalie" as a sort of drag persona for his videos.
No. 1336118
>>1336103Fair enough. The non-binary route makes sense.
I'm kinda still betting on detrans because Nick won't have much of a career left if he maintains a womansona after people get tired of the trans fad (or, mostly, get tired of white guys telling them to comply with their fetish or else).
No. 1336211
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Do PT's fans know how posh he is? As a britfag I wonder if it might not be so obvious to people who aren't in the UK. He said he grew up in Northumberland (not sure why wiki says Newcastle which is a different area unless he really plays up being northern/geordie) which has some pretty rich areas and went to St Andrews university which is extremely prestigious, like Oxbridge level. Picrel are the fees for the high school(?) he attended, that's over $19,800 a year apparently not including the lunch.
No. 1336314
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>>1336103I think you're underestimating the power of fact-fluid narc logic. He has no shame so when the time is right, he'll say
>trans is an ideological cult and I'm the only one smart and brave enough to admit itAnd it will be his most viewed video ever. It won't be framed as him making a mistake, but him having a eureka genius moment to save us all. Bonus points for blaming his audience and fame for "grooming him" and blinding him from the truth, picrel.
I think this will happen in the next few years because the tide is turning and people are peaking. As soon as he has a good chance of gaining a bigger normie audience through detrans than he has now (rather than now when it would be mostly right wingers who are considered fringe) he'll go for it. You have to remember Nick started wearing corsets and smudged makeup in his atheist bro videos because he has a humiliation fetish. He's not afraid of looking a mess as long as people are looking at him.
He is also chronically bored and never satisfied. I think the PT skinwalk really took the shine off his own womansona and he is aching to be different and edgy again,thus the cancel bait tweets.
No. 1338134
>>1338099I think she's just not smart enough to make a real analisys anon(and kind of trashy too).
Let's be honest, women that actually know what they are talking about are not going to make clickbaity videos while copying Contra points aesthetic.
No. 1338167
>>1338134Yep, none of the girly breadtubers are that smart and none of them have original ideas but some are articulate or do research. Shanspeare though can't even pretend in a semi-believable way that she's well-read.
It's crazy to make 1/3rd of your video about Freudian concepts when you barely touch the surface of them and don't even know where the dude was from, which is general knowledge 101 since the he isn't exactly ancient nor unheard of. Assuming without a doubt that everybody is American is really a sign you aren't curious about anything beyond yourself and your cultural neck of the woods.
No. 1338860
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>>1338813I think she called him that cause he had made comments like this
No. 1344467
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How narcissistic do you have to be to make a video about a topic like this and choose this as your thumbnail?
No. 1344555
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>>1344467why is he using the cyrillic letter "Б" in place of the english B in the thumbnail? he wants that "uwu such russian much commie" aesthetic….on a video about muslims? absolute retardation
No. 1344703
>>1344591It's because he talks about Russia in the video as well as Islamophobia (they tie together, as odd as that may sound) and has a character around it too. The narc display is gross but there
is a point to some of the stylistic choices. As with all his videos, you're better off reading Wikipedia than watch them for info ofc.
Also he emphasizes early on that he hired a muslim sensitivity consultant or some shit and Alice Avizandum's in it as a voiceover so I'm guessing the "muslim" he hired is the
>white Britbong man>larping as a muslim womanlol…
No. 1346219
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>>1345122The main point of the video was that anyone who criticizes Islam is a covert racist and Muslims can do no wrong. He pretends to be a KGB spy and talks in a painful Russian accent complete with a few phrases in Russian. The connection between Russia and Islam is that communists were at one point targeted and under surveillance as Muslims nowadays. Our attitude towards Muslims creates resentment and terrorism. Islam is not responsible for that.
He also mentions 3 Muslim consultants who helped him with the script, one of them is a white AGP who wears a hijab (Alice Avizadum) and the other one calls himself the first Muslim drag queen in Britain (Asifa Lahore).
No. 1346237
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>>1346219Ohhhhhh my god it's THIS person
No. 1346388
>>1346219well, i was going to watch it but now that you summed it up, i know i couldn't bear the second-hand embarassment of witnessing something this deeply retarded for this long.
how can you spend that much money and time making a grimacing fool of yourself, record it, edit it, and say yup ! that's fine for thousands of people to watch.
> The connection between Russia and Islam is that communists were at one point targeted and under surveillance as Muslims nowadays.the comparison is SO stupid and baseless, even stupider than anything an american atention-seeking philosophy dude would say, i'm convinced he just wants to fulfill a KGB fetish.
No. 1349401
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>>1346237holy fuck that's bad. What compels a person to share this with the world??
No. 1349463
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>>1349420Can someone make a collage of
>>1304747 and pic related?
No. 1349500
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>>1304795i think kim petras is cute and passes for sure, i didn't know kim was a troon until someone posted them in here. kim's boobs look real too but idk
No. 1349527
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>>1349500he has a giant square head like minecraft steve and male pattern baldness
No. 1349535
>>1349526hasbollah is the perfect definition of a narcissist with a
victim complex. not only is everything about him, everything is an attack on him
No. 1349574
>>1349550nayrt i guess he could pass if you only ever see him in the usual carefully posed, styled and airbrushed pics in magazines
rather than candids like
>>1349527 where the mf looks like humpty dumpty
No. 1351121
>>1349526I still can’t believe his fans on Twitter (and weirdly enough some ppl in this thread) said that 3 million is not much.
>that’s cheap for West Hollywood!!!1Maybe that’s because West Hollywood is for rich people? Just a thought. The majority of people in LA don’t even have a couple thousand dollars after paying rent. It’s pricey to live there, but no not everyone has the money to put a down payment on a piece of real estate in West Hollywood, speaking as someone from the area.
>>1349527didnt petra get cancelled on Twitter for either saying racist shit or her producer is a rapist,? can’t remember which one.
She’s been on hormones since early childhood, I wonder what deficiencies come from it? Are petra’s bones fragile? The transgirl jazz from TLC has so many problems now from taking hormone blockers as a kid.
No. 1351141
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Ellis' new book is going to be narrated by PhilosophyTube apparently. I can't imagine who would buy the audiobook with his breathy falsetto bullshit.
No. 1351170
>>1351141iirc, thankfully PT only voices the dad, and i guess now some other characters, but not the whole thing.
I really like LE, it bums me out so much she's friends with PT cus i would have bought the audiobook otherwise but i can't stand the idea of the auditory assault it would be to randomly subjected to his performance in an american accent
No. 1351307
>>1351170he voices a man? i am surprised that he didn't claim that it
triggers his dysphoria and demand that he voices a woman
No. 1351321
>>1351307Nah, he made a tweet or a tumblr post saying it was cool he could do both male and female voices.
I tried listening to the musicalsplaining episode and had to stop immediately, he started going off on a tangent about His Transition, and His Safety and shit like that, jesus i wanted to listen to shittalking about musicals, the dude is such a narc i cant wait for when he's cancelled for good
No. 1351438
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>>1351170The Amazon page says PT is the narrator of the book alongside some others. Does not seem like just a side character to me, at least a PoV character.
No. 1354338
>>1351438Welp, there goes my theory PT did something truly horrible to Contra, the fact he's still buddy buddy with Ellis denies that.
Honestly as much as i find his personality grating, i wouldn't hate so much hearing the audiobook or even his cameos in LE's videos if at least he was a good actor, but damn he SO fucking hammy, chewing the scenery at any occasion he gets. Cant fucking stand it
No. 1358879
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No. 1359383
>>1358883Wait, I just realized that this is the same dress from
>>1346219 here. Did he really think this was
the look for him?
No. 1361049
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Contrapoints waxes poetic about not attracting any lesbians.
No. 1361438
>>1361088Not really. Once a person troons out (especially if they get the chop) they become an incel regardless of whether they were one before. It's always going to be
>incel to transcel>soy to transcel>chauvinist to transcelHontra is a combination of the last two.
No. 1363009
>>1361049>>1361050Yeah, how very odd no woman wants to date this well of emotional intelligence. Contra's been really saying the quiet part aloud for a good while now; the gamingh livestreams are especially full of "funny" misogyny and hatred of female characters, with a "lol so quirky" side of objectification.
It's not cute. In fact, it's fucking disgusting coming from someone who's supposedly oh-so woke, and who's very comfortable lecturing others about their moral failings… Guess you really can't just stick a wig and a cat-ear headset on an incel and make them into anything but a fake gamer girl, huh.
No. 1367102
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>>1361049He posted another one of these rants about how he can't pursue lesbians. LEAVE LESBIANS ALONE.
No. 1367191
>>1367102It's not women's fault that you decided to be something they have no interest in. Bihets don't want you because you're a broken, worthless coomer who will rage at them for seeing you and being attracted to you as a man (never a woman), and lesbians don't want you because you're a man. You can't change the latter, so your only hope is to find someone equally disgusting as you, or end this perverted, narcissistic charade. You can't have your cake and eat it too, Nick.
>>1367105It's fucked up, but he apparently did get pussy before he trooned out. Bihets in previous threads thought he was attractive back then, so I guess he got by on looks alone. But now he's mad that he doesn't have the same market value as a troon. It's pathetic. Maybe he thought people liked him for his insufferable personality?
No. 1367192
>>1367102His hair looks like it's thinning and very dry and also,crazy how you can throw a rock and find a female TRA claiming they'd TOTALLY date a TIM and Transwomen are women, but when they try to find a woman they can never find one.
It's almost as if they let the hug box of lying women and chaser men, make them think that they are 100% attractive women that ANY lesbian/bi women would want. Then when they try, they can't. There's PLENTY of transbiens he can date though. Didn't he date a few?
No. 1367229
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>>1367211He used to have a Sappho painting up lol he's so embarrassing
No. 1367422
>>1367102>a lesbian predator if I pursue straight/bi women…unironic bi erasure? Why would anyone think you were a predator (in the lesbian way, not in the male way) for going after bi women? This only makes sense if contra thinks that bi women have the same relationship to lesbians as straight women do.
Or is this what contra tells himself to cope with getting rejected by bi women? even that's bizarre, though.
No. 1367582
>>1367102Who are these 54 500 people and why are they liking what is basically an incel post?
So transparent of him to pose and try to look uwu feminine in front of a large bed while whining about not getting laid.
Leave lesbians alone bro. And other women too.
No. 1367704
>>1367102>Severely depressed>alcoholic>pretentious>got his dingle chopped offI wonder why no ones pursuing him romantically. He seems like such a fun person to be around.
Also lol at him whining about his autistic commenters treating him like a mommy dom when his entire career is built on his hyperstylised coomer aesthetic.
No. 1367773
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>>1367102that last paragraph makes me think that what makes him "feel" like a predator is that he isn't disclosing that he's trans to these women on dating apps. Then he meets them in person and they are visibly turned off by his giant male self, and "turn him down" gently. Somewhere deep down he knows he was a creepy male catfish in this scenario, so he copes by posting this nonsense and getting his audience of teenagers and retards to tell him what a
valid lesbian woman he is
No. 1368051
>>1367917I'm not going to lie, that picture's presence online almost singlehandedly makes me believe the Jenny Nicholson
TERF tinfoil.
No. 1368150
>>1368006It helps a lot that he owns the fact that he's tall and has no curves, rather than wearing horribly unflattering stuff like
>>1358883 just because he likes how it looks on the women it's designed for.