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No. 1187195
>25 year old musician/entrepreneur/instathot>Has fetishes for DDLG, incest, rape, etc>Was a camgirl/sugar baby at 16 years old, used to post pornography with themes of child abuse and sexual assault>Has a lot of minor fans (due to being friends with Melanie Martinez), still posts pictures of herself in lingerie/topless (but still technically sfw) <Romanticizes serial killers purely for the edge points
<Admitted to some very fucked up shit on her old Tumblr blog (which has since been deleted)
>Now makes shitty sadgirl music, owns a jewelry store online, and makes YouTube videos promoting said jewelry.Socials:
Instagram: @yungelita, @elitamusic, @elitasjewelry, @elitaharkov2
Tumblr: @elitaisdead (inactive), @yungangelita (deleted)
Twitter: @elita_harkov (inactive)
Jewelry site:
YouTube:'t see a thread about her yet, but she definitely qualifies for one.
(shit thread) No. 1276862
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Does anyone know why she’s losing followers all of a sudden? She has 1 million, then I saw she had 992k, now it’s 988k. What’s going on?
No. 1277666
>>1277068Yes please post more! I have a vague recollection of her having beef with holli vale as well? I remember Holli actually calling her a butter face
>>1277220 (kek)
saying the only nice thing about her was her tits, or something like that. I hate how this was deemed a “shit thread” bc I’d always wanted more milk on her as well. In fact I’m going to check out her PULL thread if it’s still there.
No. 1277673
>>1277671I don’t remember them all. Most recent was @hollirx on Instagram?
>Her sister was h00dbrat (Sophie or Sophia) and they were apart of/friends w those LA rich benzo kids. >Attended those lame ass “heaven” party’s thrown by that troon Lulo. >Had a drug “fling” with Clare Buley.And there was drama around a girl (forget her name) overdosing and causing brain damage. Holli was connected because she provided the drugs. Again, this was like like 2012-15 or some shit so I have no caps, it’s just what I remember.
No. 1277675
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>>1277673Samefag, I just remembered she was heroingranola on tumblr. That was how I found her. She’s been posted on lolcow before but I’m not sure where.
No. 1277943
>>1277666Yes sure i will post all that stuff in the evening when i get more time, cause i want to include photos. I watched the drama unfold. I dont remember her beef with Holi but thete was another girl posting similar risky photos like her. Dont remember the name ill post later. She followed yungelita and they were sharing messages but later she was told Emma was often reporting her account just to get rid of a rival. Yungelita was often hostile or indifferent to her female fans and copied a whole bunch of slavic instagrammers.
Anyway her name is Emma Harvey and she's canadian not some etheral russian nymph kek.
No. 1278364
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Incoming info and photo dump. what i remember for now:
>Real name is Emma Harvey, she was from New Foundland, Canada. Her father is an "award-winning, international, bestselling novelist, filmmaker, and journalist", Kenneth Joseph Thomas Harvey. Emma acted in a couple of his short movies with titles like "I'm 14 And I Hate The World" (i'm not kidding lol). These videos were once available on his Vimeo but he deleted them after people discovered Emma's identity and they started messaging him about what his daughter posts on tumblr (which he didn't know about and he got rightfully pissed off).
>She and another chick used to run a typical 2012-2013 hipster fashion blog called Wolf&Harkov (
>Used to run a horrible quality clothing store called Pill Princess, handmade stuff with her sister. She later studied clothes making and posted photos from her fashion show. it was hilarious cause she couldn't even bother to iron her "designs" so models were walking in visibly wrinkled shit.
>Scammed people on Depop, wouldn't send clothes or send them wrinkled/stained. Scammed people posted on PULL more on that
>claimed someone stole money from her bank account and made gofundme moneybegging scam
>at one point was prescribed and further addicted to Xanax, but even when she quit it she continued to milk it and romanticize drug use for years after
>claimed to be 12/13 at various points when she was 18/19. lies frequently about age. Born August 1995.
>claims to be Russian nymph living in some forest etc., pretends she doesn't come from rich family
>claimed to be "celibate" etheral virgin but at the same time posted about losing virginity in 2013 or 2014 and posted stuff like photo of her sleeping in bed with Hedley vocalist
>photoshops to hell and back and uses waist trainers but denies it all
>it is speculated her boobs were a graduation gift by her father. Emma always ignored praise comments from fans but she ALWAYS replied to people saying she had a boob job just to yell it's all natural and "it's called puberty!" lol; her old photos claim otherwise
>on her insta stories posted gore, self harm, serial killers, scenes from porn, rape kink and torture photos, people gagged/bound, as well as couple having sex with a girl asphyxiated with a plastic bag on her head (screenshots of this exist if you want to see but i decided to leave out it)
>admits to liking incest and all that daddy nonsense
>associates herself with shady people and businesses including Dollskill and Doe Deree. Ofc loves Terry Richardson (he follows her back). For Lime Crime shoot she dressed as Lolita
>she was a camgirl and a sugar baby, which she once bragged about and posted stuff she was sent from her daddy just to vehemently deny sugaring and camming later
>posted a selfie with cum on her face
>posted and sold her "art" on Depop, read horrible scribblings of people fucking made on a wallpaper scraps/Spongebob porn
>steals look and vibe ideas from slavic insta girls like Joanna Kuchta and Hoffmanita. These girls follow her but Emma wouldn't stoop so low to follow them even though their her main source of ideas
guess it's going to be longer, it's hard to bring everything at once. good news is her entire PULL thread is archived on Web Archive, you can go through all pages (just open them in new tabs cause for some reason PULL freezes when switching pages in same card). it's a goldmine of her old photos, kekworthy photos and proofs of her disturbing shit. i'm posting most i can recall now but it's not nearly all
No. 1278365
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Emma admitting to being into incest on old tumblr. There was an option to see what she likes on tumblr and people discovered it was full of ddlg and incest porn
No. 1278369
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sugaring receipts
No. 1278370
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part 2
No. 1278372
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camgirl receipt
No. 1278376
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lying about her upbringing. no way father didn't give her money. it was a direct reaction to PULL, she read her thread constantly and passive aggresively responded to small things in a way that you knew she was aware. it was suspected she could've used some sockpuppet accounts to defend herself, you could guess from the way it was written.
No. 1278378
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screens from her father videos
No. 1278379
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her old photos pre Yungelita persona lol
No. 1278380
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add more Avril Lavigne lol
No. 1278384
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same bra, different tits
No. 1278393
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Melanie Martinez vibes.
there's so much more to unpack but enough for now. i can post more depending on what you anons want to talk about or you can find it yourself on archive.
No. 1279851
>>1279431on paste this: will show you a calendar of screenshots, hover over some blue circled date, it will show you 1 or more snapshots numbers (hours when snap was taken i guess), click on whichever one. to go further you can just replace numbers of the site in page=1 part of the link, in your usual browser link tab or in wayback machine one. you can also use 1 2 3 next page forum thing that was usually on PULL but if you do this, i advice to open it in a new tab, it oddly freezes otherwise. you can also access PULL main clicking on the header but remember not every thread of the site was archived. I personally archived some i wanted before PULL closed and i can tell it was a lot of work
No. 1299963
>>1187195Had no idea this was the girl in the Melanie Martinez film, didn't even know she was a cow.
Wild, also l2sage
>>1299955 No. 1313509
>>1313397why do you think she changed? i remember only a year ago she still played her "psycho girl posting porn gore and liking incest" schtick and read her pull thread obsessively. don't know if she continues that "psycho" shit but she still wears childish clothes, posts nudes and boring playing with knives photos/clips. she posts minimally less nudity and gained weight but she's pretty much same. i agree though that she's long past her popularity peak and probably alot of people moved on.
OP didn't mention but she has a tiktok too as elitaharkov
No. 1376530
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No. 1377234
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Since someone bumped… i wonder does she have any job? or still using rich father's money? cause how much money could she make on instagram, or "Elita music" (cover "art" related). also curious if Melanie finally dropped her. she's been literally lying around in lingerie and showing off kawaii knives for the last 8 or 9 years lol. she used to be way more milky a few years ago, with her disgusting interests & beef with other tumblrinas. even she seems bored with herself now.
at least she seems to have stopped with "daddy" shit, but could be wrong.
No. 1454370
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A question about this "sour switchblade" CD cover:
Wiki says the single was released on 2021-10-07.
But I could swear I've personally seen this specific image prior to that…like, back in 2017. It would have been within the context of a discussion related to Melanie Martinez, so I'm not confusing it with some other random Tumblrina's emo bullshit. It might not have had the wording on it at the time. (For all I know Elita plagiarized it.)
Can anybody recall having seen this image posted anywhere (by Elita or someone else) prior to release of the single?
Screenshots are ideal but anecdotes are helpful too. TIA
No. 1454476
>>1454370Ok so i don't keep up with her anymore since she turned milkless and pretends she's pure angel who never liked incest and daddys xanax and stuff. however… Do you mean she plagiarized the photo idea or stole someone's pic entirely? Cause "concept" wise that photo is absolutely unoriginal, and more or less a copy of a copy of a copy anyway. Tumblr is and was full of bitches taking "edgy" photos with pink kawaii knives, and stores countless photos just like that. i believe it's 99% stolen visuals, but i'm afraid you won't find the "original" - it's such a repetitive, such overused pic, a girl lying on the floor with a pink knife. There's no way to find who "did it first" cause literally every tumblrina had a pic like that.
I don't think it's a pic of a different girl, looks like Emma to me. same short, stumpy fingers. Emma Harvey posted plenty of those stupid knives pics a few years back and looks like she didn't move on from that phase at all. so that's possible she took this photo a few years back and reused for a CD cover. Or you just can't tell the difference cause all of her photos are identical, lol.
No. 1454496
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Old milk since she it's 2019 and she got really fat since then, but lol what a fucking hypocrite. Writes such caption while posting literal bodychecking video in which she sucks her stomach and pulls up and down pants that are visibly too big for her, several times in a row. pics don't show it off properly enough but idk how to post a video here. "Insecure", maybe about your butterface but not about body. she literally has 2 main accounts and like 3 side accounts for her music and necklaces and she posts her tits and butt on each almost every day. people weren't buying it at all though
No. 1911893
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Haven't seen anyone talk about this but apparently in 2016 Elita slept with convicted rapist Jacob Hoggard of the band Hedley and posted it on Snapchat (third picture is a comparison photo from google to show it's really him)
No. 1911932
>>1911893yep, she did, i remember people talking bout it online. Btw it's kind of mindblowing how she "cleaned up" her image and now posts sweet coquette pics instead of porn, and how she mostly has dumbass impressionable teen girls as her audience while in 2016 her fans were primarily old pervs, pedos and married scrotes jacking it off to her pics behind wives back (which she boasted about and showed convoscreenshots).
I'm sure she doesn't mind rapists, she used to post incest porn on her tumblr and kidnapping/rape fantasy photos straight up to her insta stories, all of this is still on PULL archive but guess her current fans have no idea.