File: 1418505149635.jpg (63.17 KB, 500x882, IMG_20141113_002310.jpg)

No. 11991
File: 1418505836475.png (873.72 KB, 474x756, woof.PNG)

she looks so creepy to me. if you're going to photoshop yourself beyond recognition at least make yourself look cute
No. 11995
File: 1418520309162.jpg (107.93 KB, 500x337, 1358640737699.jpg)

>>11994She is, she answered that multiple times in her aks in the past.
Here some pic that got posted some years ago, it's not like if she wasn't unconfortable speaking about shoop and how she looked before she started to edit her pics, wear circle lens and use makeup.
No. 11997
>>11995 If she isn't uncomfortable, then why did she care that a PULL user made a thread about her? I mean, I guess I can see that being on there would make you uncomfortable, but it's not ED tier.
She's the only one on that site who asked for their thread to be removed and the admins actually complied, but when kittyphina asked they didn't do shit. Well…then if flakes started asking for their threads to be removed then PULL would become a fucking hugbox….I'll shut up now.
No. 12001
File: 1418532561165.jpg (79.01 KB, 600x903, 10168037_880278818662453_37834…)

she's ugly. this is the only pic of her being not ugly. just another ugly-average asian girl using a lot of makeup and ps that gets praised because shes asian. it's quite common on fb
No. 12003
>>11998Idek who dollymilk is…
Lol I think that's before me. I only knew of Berry and Seraphina requesting theirs taken down.
No. 12007
>>12006I don't think they're talking about like, teenagers but people who try to look like 12 and under? Like kawaii loli desu~~~
The thing I noticed with Ichigoflavor though is in a couple of body pictures, she squishes the images from the side to make her look smaller framed.
No. 12010
File: 1418561293462.jpg (63.94 KB, 500x832, 1450917_877395928950742_550812…)

>>12007>a coupleKek.
She stretches them maaassively to make herself look taller and thinner.
No. 12016
File: 1418612821717.png (962.43 KB, 845x795, Untitled.png)

How is she any different from kittyphina or Dakota before she went to Japan? She's doing the exact same thing these two were criticized for.
Berry is photoshopping herself drastically thinner, into something unattainable and lying to her massive following that this is unedited. This is seriously irresponsible and is the kind of shit that sparked the prettyuglylittleliars blog in the first place.
Her request to have her thread removed should not be accepted. Not when she is this irresponsible.
Do any PULL mods lurk here or do I have to message them myself and make a case for this.
No. 12017
File: 1418616757413.jpg (253.53 KB, 1000x842, 10407959_877023148988020_18124…)

Why is she lying?
You can even see in previous unstretched images how she's stretched it, look at the tiger backpack and the chair in the background.
No. 12019
>>12017I'm starting to think this kind of girls pick cameras with very shitty resolution so their "edits" don't look that obvious.
You'd have to be pretty fucking stupid to believe that waist is in any way real, in both of her pictures.
No. 12020
>>12019Waist on the left could b real. She'd have to be skinny with a high waist to hip ratio, a rarity, but I've seen people like this.
You're probably right tho, it's shooped.
No. 12021
File: 1419883364030.png (367.32 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2014-12-29-13-07-25…)

Berrys real name is Korinne Tigno , there are still some of her old photobucket accounts (also some from her sister,whos real name Michelin is) and there you can see how she really looks without ps
No. 12023
File: 1419886741504.jpg (48.11 KB, 384x512, DSC06201.jpg)

Her without shoop.
No. 12024
>>12023Damn, she's dark.
Did she use lightening creams/bleach for years or something? Because if so her skin must be destroyed by now.
No. 12026
>>12023She honestly looks cute here.
Then again, it's myspace angle
No. 12039
File: 1419937424716.jpg (927.62 KB, 1071x1722, giveitupluffy.jpg)

Reverse-shooped (kinda) her body pics and un-stretched them back to what I think seems close to what they were originally when she took them. I put the ones she uploaded underneath for comparison. Also put borders around the ones I reverse-edited to show the white parts from how much I squeezed it back into regular size.
This doesn't take into account any amount of liquefying she might have done on her waist or anything.
No. 12044
File: 1419963876612.jpg (62.14 KB, 590x858, berry tsukasa too moe.jpg)

No. 12047
File: 1419965420727.jpg (123.85 KB, 484x448, tumblr_lw2iffmATQ1r0cgko.jpg)

>>12045Just in case somebody asks:
japankorealove was her Tumblr name in her most annoying weeb phase, people called her a fake because they didn't believe asians can be weebs too.
No. 12048
>>12043The difference is just too much,she shoops herself to hell and back - its not just the different make up.
But what annoys me the most are her lies about her ps, she shoops much more than she admits to.
No. 12050
File: 1419973441206.jpg (255.5 KB, 268x477, 2cr6khl.jpg)

Berry shoops her
- Jawline and Chin smaller
- Eyes bigger
- Nose tiny
- iris smaller
- Skin lighter and smoother
And lets not forget her crazy body shoops
No. 12051
File: 1419973484405.jpg (9.61 KB, 250x220, 1412439068423s.jpg)

No. 12052
>>12050Her nose and eyes look the same size as in her old pics minus the circle lens and eye-enlagring makeup, her jawline can't even be seen with all that hair that is always covering it.
Still nothing lulcow-worthy anyways, the only thing lulzy is her weeb-behavior.
No. 12054
>>12043lol the fucking Berry whiteknights are pathetic. How can they defend this crap? Because she's Asian?
>>12050 is particularly awful.
No. 12056
>>12054> Because she's Asian?Yeah pretty much. Plus her fanbase/whiteknights are usually fedora weeby basement dwelling types that get extra butthurt over everything.
>>12055I vaguely recall her saying she worked at a cafe or something as a waitress at one point (I might be wrong though) but other than that I don't recall anything else.
I like how she's just as much of a weeb as the weebs she makes fun of, if not more, but acts all high and mighty and above them for some reason.
No. 12057
File: 1419981069146.jpg (60.92 KB, 384x512, 1419886741504.jpg)

>>12054Not a whiteknight but posting pics of somebody of when they were 16 as "proof" is just fucking stupid. If I adjust the brightness of that photo and add some skin-smoothing filter it looks the same, minus the circle lens and makeup.
No. 12059
>>12057lolno, she doesn't.
whitewash her more, shrink the chin/jaw line
No. 12063
>>12057Shoop her chin to chin-chan level and enlarge her eyes 10x and maybe you'll get a resemblance.
>>12062I think it's Kooter level but at least Kooter was better at photoshopping her body.
>>12050 is so lulzy, I don't know how anyone can delude themselves into thinking that's natural. She looks like a fucking alien.
No. 12065
>>12062ah I see. it comes off as though she doesn't with what
>>12057 said.
>>12063she looks like those Chinese net idols when she shoops her bod. (I.e. Wang Jia yun)
No. 12077
File: 1420149330542.png (587.87 KB, 404x536, berry12.PNG)

No. 12078
>>12056She thinks she is every weebs dream waifu, crossing out her weebieness.
Which is shit logic.
No. 12079
File: 1420213466606.jpg (51.69 KB, 720x482, bL7Q0zE.jpg)

berry back in 2010 lmao
No. 12080
File: 1420215781860.jpg (17.85 KB, 347x457, 17Ony_rt3vE.jpg)

I think Berrys skin is about this tan rn
No. 12082
File: 1420250872950.jpg (7.87 KB, 275x183, she wishes.jpg)

>>12079i think she actually kinda looks like erika sawajiri in helter skelter, only about thirty lbs heavier and more cross-eyed.
pic related.
No. 12085
>>12084>At least you can recognize Dakota if you find her on the citykek
by her awful fashion sense, maybe
No. 12090
File: 1421148472551.png (676.53 KB, 1256x1136, Screen Shot 2015-01-13 at 8.26…)

Bumping to post her openly admitting her ethnicity not being Japanese. She might have done it before, but this tweet is from yesterday so she didn't magically become Japanese again.
No. 12091
>>12090She always mentions it and even writes replies to other filos.
Honestly she doesn't look Japanese.
No. 12097
exclude the chubby part, cause no.
No. 12104
>>12101Stupid anon is stupid.
Hormonal changes effects appetite and weight (Puberty, stress, contraceptives, other hormonal medicine ect ect ect)
No. 12106
>>12105How original.
Have you even gone through puberty yet? I seriously thought this was pretty common knowledge. Anon doesn't mean all girls balloon up to the size of a Quirkplanet– he just means girls generally fill out after puberty.
No. 12107
>>12102Yes. We all know she's Chinese. She changed her ethnicity many times too.
I believe everything she said was: Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish
No. 12113
>>12112She already had quite the huge amount of followers before starting to post all these pics of herself.
How you ask?
Posting food with japanese text on it, weebs reblog the hell out of that stuff.
No. 12115
>>12111I have a similar feel with Dakota and this girl. Their pics are shooped into oblivion but are something pretty to see, like eye candy.
I don't know if she has some drama around her so I don't really care.
No. 12117
File: 1421724799039.jpg (243.21 KB, 720x854, image.jpg)

No. 12122
>>12121Fucking idiots.
No. 12124
File: 1422153577365.png (580.53 KB, 500x882, ayylmao.png)

No. 12126
No. 12132
File: 1422838221648.jpg (79.25 KB, 407x720, 1623656_927141313976203_434463…)

Lmao #photoshop
She even photoshops her lenses like Wylona does
No. 12136
File: 1422857883488.jpg (83 KB, 453x604, mary3.jpg)

bless i've been waiting for someone to call her out on her ps bullshit. known this girl 5 years ago, she really stepped up her photoshop game
No. 12138
File: 1422858830171.jpg (21.31 KB, 250x252, peter.jpg)

>>12136Maybe I've been spending too long on /pt/ and /cow/ but the way she shooped herself totally makes her look like some kind of realdoll to me
No. 12139
File: 1422859302065.png (420.85 KB, 797x482, Untitled.png)

her new shoops are looking TOO much wylona. notice how she only responds to someone paying attention to her samefacing. ur guilt is showing korrine
No. 12142
File: 1422860386456.png (638.3 KB, 820x566, wylnonaberry.png)

>>12141oh man, she shoops her contacts brighter
No. 12151
>>12150 That's stupid.
Why on earth would she prettend to..oohhh i see.
No. 12159
>>12156mehh don't think so, they don't seem to be a family like this.
>>12157Yes, Myk is her older sister.
As I know, Korinne has 3 Siblings :
[name removed]
Luke Tigno
Michelin Tigno
No. 12163
>>12162She's a hermit and deletes anyone or become a bitch to anyone that calls her out
Does anyone know what happen to the chick that looked like berry and gotten hate for it
No. 12164
>>12163Holy shit, I remember her now.
I want to know where she is. I actually liked her.
No. 12165
>>12164>>12163She's "Amikoto".
can't find her tumblr tho. Berry raged all over her.
No. 12166
File: 1422935434997.png (358.34 KB, 805x866, lololol.png)

>>12155We are talking about this. She was hyping about him going to visit her earlier.
but then, it was as if nothing happened.
No. 12171
>>12169Cuz he aint real
or very ugly.
No. 12172
File: 1422937474912.png (621.81 KB, 600x432, Capturehhhhhhhh.PNG)

This is him..
No. 12173
File: 1422937487540.png (318.44 KB, 343x438, Capturem.PNG)

No. 12174
>>12173Its always the stupid angle, and a few pics.
No. 12175
>>12166Also, can anyone explain me where is he/myk/it facing at? I cant understand his head.
And lolz at tiny tiny berry head
No. 12177
>>12176But the back of his head is almost facing her direction.
Look at the top the neck, where hair starts growing
No. 12183
File: 1423098903017.jpg (55.93 KB, 543x960, 1795576_929532750403726_775177…)

"50 shades of dark circles"
More like 50 shades of makeup and Photoshop
No. 12185
>>12183she's gone full wylona copycat wow. this is fucking hilarious.
and of course those dark circles aren't even real.
No. 12192
File: 1423156537843.jpg (203.91 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg)

She's looking more mature and wylona-esque. She doesn't even look aegyo anymore.
No. 12194
>>12192I thought that
was Wylona
No. 12195
File: 1423158814437.jpg (38.33 KB, 250x376, tumblr_nig4rjCda01r3wd4to2_250…)

>>12192She still looks the same as before minus her usual cosplay wigs, she had the same dark undereye aegyo sal in
>>11991 No. 12196
>>12190I got your point.
She always edited her circle lenses, and had no expression in photos. just the fact that she cutted her hair short (and poses?) makes people think she's copying wylona.
No. 12199
File: 1423430227650.jpg (37.85 KB, 640x195, image.jpg)

She didn't say that when she was shitting on amikoto
No. 12200
File: 1423430586722.jpg (166.14 KB, 960x1280, image.jpg)

Why does she deny photoshopping her body when it's so obviously painful like those Chinese net idols?
No. 12203
>>12200this shit is so pathetic
just lose the fucking weight if you want dem little legs
No. 12207
>>12206Ahhh, thanks! Because I found a really bad "nomakeup" picture of her that she had on her IG for 5 seconds. Thought it was Berry but I guess it doesn't matter now.
oiomoo was the Berry copycat, right?
No. 12221
>>12218A lot people do that with makeup tho.
>>12220No, she doesn't.
No. 12229
>>12221pretty sure she said they were her moles, which i think implies they're real. i do think the one near her chin is real? she has it in a lot of photos. the other ones are completely new.
also, you can get new moles. not that i think hers are real, but it is possible.
No. 12231
File: 1423937011091.jpg (30.98 KB, 288x464, 208368_207274732629535_1000004…)

It's so annoying how she always showed off her body (picture is from 2011)
No. 12236
>>12235this. i want more stuff like in
>>12231. i feel like i have never seen a picture of her that includes body and face. and the only body pics are from weird angles with hoodies on or with a shitty quality camera.
No. 12239
File: 1423994783997.png (603.63 KB, 430x540, berry2.PNG)

I have some old pictures of Berry , i will post them , every once a while
No. 12240
File: 1423994865121.png (904.87 KB, 635x534, berry.PNG)

No. 12246
File: 1424030604408.jpg (53.88 KB, 500x667, hgtrfde.jpg)

There are many photos where her Fangs aren't there (well in EVERY photo which was made before the "Fang-Photo" one)
No. 12247
File: 1424030792370.png (469.28 KB, 419x460, kkk.PNG)

No. 12248
File: 1424031990825.png (481.76 KB, 473x534, berry26.PNG)

totari legitu right ?
No. 12250
File: 1424033287996.png (183.27 KB, 315x284, mmmoooo.PNG)

didn't she said that this gif was unedited ? She hasn't got any fangs in it
No. 12261
File: 1424047142301.png (437.48 KB, 419x460, iris.png)

>>12260They are just very large lenses. Her actual irises are visible behind the lenses and the sizes matches with
>>12079 No. 12262
File: 1424047224812.jpg (32.95 KB, 400x200, kingsizebrownseries.jpg)

>>12261The lenses she wears here are pic related.
No. 12264
>>12259Good lord Circle lenses evolved.
Idk, i own many CL and they arent THAT FUCKING BIG. Even the ones claiming to be "big sized" ones.
No. 12267
File: 1424060951968.jpg (44.28 KB, 480x823, bt.jpg)

i think this shooped pic most resembles her actual face
No. 12272
File: 1424087397507.png (403.28 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2014-12-29-13-11-23…)

>>12261It Also matches with this photo so ya
No. 12274
>>12273In a japanese dialect
Edeewardee kun
No. 12275
File: 1424125797287.png (22.8 KB, 113x89, nos.png)

her nose is so pointy in this pic
No. 12276
File: 1424129225133.jpg (28.61 KB, 453x604, mary4.jpg)

here she doesn't look bad, but her eyes are not what she photoshops
No. 12277
File: 1424131068747.png (406.65 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2014-12-29-13-11-47…)

>>12275Actual (or nearest image of her real) nose
No. 12280
File: 1424135513449.jpg (70.21 KB, 495x660, 6b605f52-s.jpg)

It's said she uses these lenses, but how can she afford them? it's so fucking expensive and she's not rich No. 12288
File: 1424148044218.png (214.15 KB, 1080x778, Screenshot.png)

Is it hard to just tell your curious followers what are they? Why trying to be mysterious about lenses for??
No. 12300
>>12298lololol maybe it's the money his parents saved for his future but waifuu needs ugu anime eyezz~
jk jk , mybe he's out of a wealthier family but who knows.
No. 12304
File: 1424211867879.png (330.62 KB, 345x381, dis5.PNG)

>>12301Her cleavage photos are the best, i can't stop laughing like omg it looks like her breasts are hanging down to her belly
No. 12306
>>12304what the fuck is this shoop lmao
dat tongue
No. 12307
>>12304lol what how many asians have tits like that
also the eyelashes in front of the wig are ridiculous
No. 12308
>>123051. she does when not using a MySpace angle
2. it is always drawn on
No. 12310
File: 1424214218707.jpg (29.04 KB, 400x534, hey.jpg)

>>12305Just look at this pic
No. 12312
File: 1424215055883.jpg (19.65 KB, 500x486, webcam.jpg)

Her friend posted this picture around the time Berry bleached "her hair" to that color. Is her friend dumb or just going along with "it's my real hair" thing.
Why does she even lie about her hair? How does it benefit her?? Does she really think her wigs look like real hair???
No. 12313
>>12312lol christ that volume plus the beanie is the oldest trick in the book
why do the white knights keep falling for this shit?
No. 12315
>>12314she had dyed her hair pink, purple, grey, blonde, blue, half pink and purple, and red
check her fb.. well if they aren't deleted yet
No. 12319
File: 1424218470804.png (198.71 KB, 318x316, damn.PNG)

>>12314And I'm 100% sure she said she dyed her hair pink back in 2012. People said it was fake but she kept on and on about how she went to a salon and spent a lot of money on it. And in this comment she says it was a wig…. It was black then pink then blonde then black THEN light lilac. And she claimed that she dyed it back to black again then off with blue, purple, and red bullshit. She always goes back to black (which is her real hair color) which is really strange. Who dyes their hair back to black after many attempts to bleach it light? then goes back to some fun color right after?? like who the hell does that?
No. 12321
File: 1424220283931.png (573.28 KB, 500x676, 5675.png)

Why delete it, anon?
No. 12325
>>12307i've seen a few, but they are usually at least a little chubby if not fat. this one chinese girl had a flat stomach and cow tits, and i've seen her bikini. it's rare, but it happens. berry's tits seem to change size all the time, though.
in that pic, she actually looks like a shopped version of a really fat japanese girl that used to hit on one of my friend. she was fat and disgusting… only took pictures from lips to boobs.
No. 12326
File: 1424314268020.jpg (113.93 KB, 500x809, image.jpg)

Found some pics in tumblr I've never seen before
No. 12327
File: 1424314311243.jpg (47.29 KB, 350x594, image.jpg)

No. 12328
File: 1424314339927.jpg (30.69 KB, 400x534, image.jpg)

This one is ridiculous
No. 12329
File: 1424314392104.jpg (85.87 KB, 500x667, image.jpg)

Less editing
No. 12330
File: 1424314430418.jpg (96.36 KB, 456x640, image.jpg)

No. 12334
>>12333which one?
>>12327 if it's that one, i think that could be her real hair. she has tons of pics with it at that length (not that it makes it real), but i don't think it's believable.
and wow, does she support 50 shades of grey or something?
No. 12346
File: 1424374792816.jpg (Spoiler Image,4.77 KB, 320x240, 300x300.jpg)

Is he [name removed]?
No. 12348
>>12346Yes , pretty sure thats Levin.
Where did you found it ?
No. 12350
File: 1424382735559.png (698.46 KB, 498x539, berry20.PNG)

>>12349is it your vk ?
i have some more
No. 12351
File: 1424382782590.png (1.01 MB, 866x535, berry5.PNG)

No. 12355
File: 1424383143415.png (803.08 KB, 561x535, berry13.PNG)

shes so ugly in this one lol
No. 12356
File: 1424383158747.jpg (8.84 KB, 320x240, рибо.jpg)

>>12348tbh I don't remember
No. 12357
File: 1424383184579.jpg (12.96 KB, 400x300, кпавр.jpg)

No. 12358
File: 1424383221517.png (753.43 KB, 744x527, berry34.PNG)

No. 12359
File: 1424383299336.png (1.79 MB, 1457x524, berry38.PNG)

No. 12360
File: 1424383412232.jpg (33.22 KB, 364x235, 178289657_100000410286229_7954…)

(I didn't do the markings)
No. 12361
>>12358I still remember when she acted like she hated anime and have only watched 2. She was a huge weaboo why deny it??
She even recorded someone else's covers and acted like she sang them. So disgusting.
No. 12362
File: 1424383567707.jpg (58.86 KB, 720x482, -dB7HQP8Wtw.jpg)

No. 12363
File: 1424383586382.jpg (5.17 KB, 191x160, 1979532_857935307563471_542745…)

>>12361"i don't watch Anime !! I am anime !"
No. 12365
File: 1424383731605.png (729.54 KB, 475x539, berry37.PNG)

No. 12371
File: 1424384006216.jpg (51.11 KB, 543x960, 2SOIFQ2bxoA.jpg)

But Luke is cute
No. 12374
>>12370no its definetely not him. he doesn't look like Ouji and she would sit next to him.
And she said that her brother wears glasses.
No. 12379
File: 1424384646706.png (87.17 KB, 275x170, 1424382782590.png)

Where is her beautiful lips on this photo?
No. 12380
File: 1424384846027.jpg (36.52 KB, 340x604, ew.jpg)

I'm saying this is the nastiest edit of hers.
Look at those pupils..
No. 12384
File: 1424385612936.jpg (187.27 KB, 329x800, tumblr_muxvbdyo6I1r3wd4to1_128…)

Is she so tiny?
No. 12388
File: 1424386818084.jpg (16.08 KB, 306x306, 46f882400a4b11e3957422000a1f8a…)

No. 12395
File: 1424394649301.jpg (44.05 KB, 432x720, haha.jpg)

No. 12399
>>12351wow, she really isn't cute here at all
>>12353i like her hair here, to be honest.
>>12365is it just me, or do her tits look strange in this?
>>12381everything about this is awkward.
No. 12401
File: 1424413020591.png (19.83 KB, 598x110, Screen Shot 2015-02-20 at 1.14…)

No. 12406
Shes annoying as hell
No. 12409
>>12408Well somebody found out her adress.
43 (?) cedarwood drive toms river, nj I think
No. 12412
File: 1424491244957.png (63.69 KB, 419x411, ugh.png)

her getting called out by the ariana grande tweet
No. 12414
>>12410based on her twitter pics, she likes to hang out at the local walmart…
surprised no one goes to her college
No. 12416
File: 1424510351166.png (1.36 MB, 952x537, berry28.PNG)

old pic
No. 12423
File: 1424541808463.jpg (51.92 KB, 486x750, tumblr_ni3ev7Ecii1tao009o1_500…)

one of my favorite berry shoops
No. 12426
>>12383Thats definetely not a photo of wang jia yun, I follow wang j. Since 2 years and I have never seen a photo llike this of her.
Btw berry has a teddy bear like the one on the photo and I can remember her showing this pink dress in a picture .
Her face just looks retarded af Because of her shitty ps.
No. 12437
>>12429and those bangs, damn
>>12434oh, this was recent. i remember this as well.
>>12436why does she find the need to do this and also frequently mention becoming a doctor? and how much her tuition costs? she obviously lives at home, so is there even a university nearby?
No. 12439
File: 1424568309470.jpg (61.94 KB, 500x752, B-Z9AhUCQAAmVL9.jpg)

I love that wig tho.
No. 12440
File: 1424568489212.png (79.46 KB, 726x336, berrywhat.png)

>>12439i will say that she takes care of her wigs nicely. like in
>>12380 No. 12442
>>12440idk how photoshop e-idorus make those mistakes….
No. 12445
File: 1424572214119.png (291.32 KB, 398x598, Screen Shot 2015-02-21 at 6.24…)

>>12444As far as I can tell, her eyes and lips are a different shade, meaning she might've psed it in some way probably brightened it or something (?) same goes for her hair outline– probably blurred out strays and that black patch on the right wall and her shirt(?) is probably edited in some way also. I'm no expert tho
No. 12449
>>12438i think she's young too. she made a post talking about how she got introuble for using her phone in school. like colleges give a fuck.
tbh three years ago she would post multiple videos of herself and she looked really chubby but would delete them like five seconds later.
No. 12453
File: 1424610989971.png (70.19 KB, 175x275, b291e8dd2ad1fbcba1acbd5d2470fd…)

>>12451this is so funny tho
No. 12454
>>12452Tested my own shooped images. And it didn't get it right.
It marked my hair and shirt which i didn't even bother to look at but gave no attention to my contact lens which i brightened. Depends on the picture, sometimes it gets it right.
Tried a photo with a similar quitally like
>>12453 and marked everyfucking thing.
No. 12461
>>12455I agree. Not even a fan of Ariana Grande at all but I think the whole 'ew she looks like a 10 year old girl trying to be sexy' stuff is dumb. It's not really like she can help being super petite and young-looking and like you said, she
is an adult so she can 'act sexy' if she wants to. She doesn't even seem to act overly sexy in my opinion anyway. There're a lot of female artists out there who do it to a further extent than she does.
No. 12464
>>12449in over half of my university classes, you got kicked out if caught using your phone… i've gone to university in canada and community college in the usa.
>>12461>>12463Well, I don't think Ariana Grande necessarily has a baby face. Her statue is just so tiny. Also, she always looks at least a little scared. A lot of female artists these days have sexy expressions, if that makes sense, and Ariana doesn't.
No. 12465
File: 1424628619320.png (1.13 MB, 961x538, berry18.PNG)

No. 12466
File: 1424629214030.png (1.06 MB, 846x533, berry33.PNG)

found another old pic
No. 12467
File: 1424630318707.jpg (111.56 KB, 438x720, yi.JPG)

No. 12468
>>12467It's like she get offended by the truth.
Like how Light gets offended when he gets called out on killing people
No. 12469
File: 1424633105087.jpg (40.73 KB, 640x480, image.jpg)

>>12467i feel like these are related
No. 12472
>>12464ummm berry used her phone to record a fight … in her "college" i highly doubt she was in class when the fight was going on. and i highly doubt the concern would be on her phone. it sounds HIGHLY unlikely unless she's like in highschool.
i think she's like not even in a university.
but referencing towards her ethnicity i really do think she's filipino and chinese though.
No. 12475
i remember an anon on cgl a couple of years ago (2012, i think?) saying berry went to her high school. the anon said that berry looks pretty much the same as her shooped photos except tan. and i'm pretty sure it was said that berry doesn't talk much or have many friends
>>12474>>12472same, i've never seen a fight happen in a college or university. only "college" in quebec, but that's because college there is for people 16-19.
i also think that if anything, she goes to a community college.
>>12468ahaha, so true
No. 12477
>>12467that wasn't even rude lmao
guess the truth hurts b
No. 12479
>>12476yeah but since shes trying to be like wylona ?? her ethnciity sounds like lies. i mean look at that korean girl text on her old photos.
berry is just a really good liar whats up with that anyway
btw how did the other anons get a hold of her old photos does anyone have her really old videos and not the gwiyomi one. the ones that show how chubby she is
No. 12482
>>12475lol except that's bullshit because we've seen pics where she hasn't gone to town with ps. her nose and lips aren't that small, her eyes aren't that big and shiny, boobs aren't that big (when she shoops her cleavage) skin isn't that pale, etc, etc.
it was most likely berry herself or one of her fans/followers/friends or whatever. Or someone who is blind.
No. 12484
>>12483They're all throughout this thread. Ones with least shoop are probably this one
>>12023 and this one
No. 12486
>>12485You saying you think her skin magically changed from dark to pale and her entire face structure changed?
Sure your face changes but not from butt ugly to ~kawaii uguu elf-chan~
No. 12492
>>12489No, it can't. Magibon's eyes, lips, nose, skin colour, whole facial structure
doesn't fucking change between the videos she posts online and irl. You've got to be some special kind of stupid if you can't see that Berry uses Photoshop to the absolute extreme. You can't put that shit down to angles. The shoop is so goddamn obvious, you have to literally be blind if you don't see it.
No. 12493
>>12491Nope. She even posts TBT- Pictures as a "proof" that her face didn't change.
you don't notice all those " Asians don't age" posts in her Twitter/Facebook ?
No. 12500
>>12435nigga that isn't even a big age gap. she is near your age.
>being sponsored and being all day in the say that as if it's a bad thing but if that was me i'd be chillin tbh.
No. 12502
>>12423i hate shitty closet cosplays.
i also hate people that cosplay the me!me!me! bitch and think it's cute.
No. 12510
>>12479that korean girl shit is from when she was younger and showcased her weebness with the web. she's
been posting about her ethnicity.
No. 12513
>>12511 that's old and the only one she has not taken down. she has other videos and theyre REALLY bad it shows her figure kind of. she's not thin from what she photoshops.
>>12510and btw yes you can edit gifs…. she has photoshop.
>>12510btw yeah but she just says any ethicity honestly that was similar to WYLONA
so there was a debate on her real ehtnicity because both of them are fucking liars.
i do know she's filipino and chinese. at least
No. 12519
File: 1424747369267.png (413.04 KB, 487x593, evenherlips.PNG)

Does this mean she edited her lips too?
No. 12521
>>12513no one would lie about being filipino. her last name is filipino, and she definitely looks it in her older photos, even with shoop. when she used to say part spanish and part chinese, that's lols as it's like any mexican person saying they are part spanish.
>>12513i need to see these old videos
No. 12524
>>12523i really wish people that live near these people would do this. it's no different than a paparazzi. you wanna be famous? well that;s something you have to deal with. If i lived near wylona "hayashi" she'd of been all the way exsposed by now.
everyone should send me plane tickets and i'll take the fuckin pics. idc.
No. 12527
>>12524>>12523love you guys.
>>12525i will say that if you don't look like your race, people will pester you until you say you are mixed and what you are mixed with. in her heavily shooped pictures, she doesn't look definitively filipino, so maybe she listed it to not only seem more interesting but also shut people up.
>>12526but he looks filipino. i don't think anyone would guess he is chinese. a lot of filipino people look like that, and they identify as filipino, not chinese or even chinese-filipino.
No. 12538
>>12530 idk she's going to japan and shes not gonna meet him
i dont think they even met
is he a real person
No. 12544
File: 1424810847966.jpg (148.86 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg)

Lmao foshing so hard
No. 12545
File: 1424810871501.jpg (31.87 KB, 640x321, image.jpg)

No. 12548
>>12545awww dear have you realized that you can't ps your face in real life so you're asking for someone to make you cute aka paying for your surgeries?
lmao just joking
sounds like that.
No. 12549
>>12545they're always cute because you have a fucked up nihonjin fever.
also because japanese girls have special asian nihonjin pAWAAAA DESU called makeup, colored lenses, fake eyelashes and wigs desuyone!!! ^ ______ ^
No. 12557
File: 1424833065836.png (102.99 KB, 480x800, Screenshot_2015-02-24-21-53-50…)

>>12513she doesn't say any ethnicity like Wylona?? she's stated that she's Filipino and Chinese publicly (and repeatedly might I add)
you're confusing me, honestly.
No. 12559
>>12557you can scroll up because she said it was similar with ethnicity
and yeah i agree that she is filipino and chinese
not like three years ago where she lied about being korean in reference to her ethnicity hellllo
No. 12562
>>12557Tfw I agree with Berry
But to the anon that knew Ouji back in the day, why don't you want to share more since you haven't been friends with him for years?
No. 12564
>>12563>Think about it and stop wasting your time here hating a girl you will never meet or have involved in your life.You're on lolcow. Stop acting like we pass all our time in this thread.
She's a lolcow. She's delusional. She claims her photoshopped pictures are natural. She thinks asians cant be weeaboos when she's a huge weeaboo. She has a shit personality.
Nobody cares that she was your friend, gtfo whiteknight. I don't care if she feels bad about herself. She exposed her to the internet. It's her fault, smh. Don't wanna be insulted in the internet? Then don't put your face on the web, dumbass. This girl insults weeaboos when she's a lolcow + weeb smh this girl is shitty
No. 12568
>>12545>TELL ME I'M CUUUUTETotally not fishing. People will always fall for it too. I don't know if I'm a bitch, but whenever i see people fishing I just want to say something bitchy.
>I'm so fat!Yeah, you kind of are.
Though, that would just turn bad for me in the end.
No. 12572
File: 1424849189799.jpg (42.96 KB, 640x212, image.jpg)

She's found us.
And tbh we don't care if she doesn't give a fuck, lmao
No. 12578
>>12572Nah, she wrote similar things before when we didn't even exist.
>>12574It's not like if people didn't post links to the sources, they are from very old profiles and fanpages.
No. 12586
File: 1424890229130.png (58.36 KB, 587x780, berrypoem.PNG)

>>12585Are you sure ? Cause Berry once wrote a poem about her life :
No. 12601
>>12600..uh. lol. ok. not samefagging but believe what you want.
and LOL. like everyone else here has perfect A+ grammar. alright.
No. 12605
>>12603does she even have pedo fans? i thought most of her "fans" are her age at most?
>>12592she's a gamer girl, anon, what can we do?
No. 12606
>>12605yes, her guy fans
i hate gamer girls like her that post things about videogames only for attention. Shes shit
No. 12610
>>12608Nekoloid ? I remember that berry once wrote something about a group or a person called something like nekoloid (at least they had this "loid"
part in their name ) and Berry was calling them fagloids because they used a picture of her which she forgot to watermark. This was 2010/11 on her facebook.
No. 12620
>>12567Im not a weeb nor butthurt.
I just laugh at whiteknights like you that defend fake people like berry lol
No. 12621
>>12620I'm not the anon that was protecting Berry I just thought you sounded butthurt lmao
No. 12629
if u find it pls post it holy shit
No. 12631
>>12630That one is the most surreal ones i've ever seen psed of her.
But i feel ya anon, it would be nice to look like a cute doll– heck i even felt bad about myself at one point when i found out about "berry tsukasa". I'm passed that now tho and i hope other people will see past her psed look
No. 12637
>>12635Theyre so obviously photoshopped though. You have to sit back and ask yourself this…
Have you ever seen an actual human being who looks like this without Photoshop? Imagine a face like that in real life, itd be horrifying.
No. 12639
>>12638The only thing i feel jealous about witb these girls is the fact the can buy so many clothes. Sure they might be cheap taobao clothes but i cant even afford that.
But no human being looks like that witbout makeup, after effects and photoshop.
No. 12645
File: 1425068255838.png (441.95 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2015-03-06-00-11-55…)

pic of ouji, you can see his face much better
No. 12657
>>12655Yeah to be honest I did that for a while
but then
I remembered I have real life friends who know me and know I don't look like that
how to become even more reclusive
No. 12660
File: 1425142413757.jpg (29.48 KB, 992x212, Screenshot_2015-02-28-11-43-58…)

As if she doesn't look different in person -___-
No. 12663
File: 1425161707681.jpg (346.71 KB, 1792x771, tumblr_mjefid0NLw1rgpyd2o1_500…)

So this should be her real house and it looks kinda rundown (the whole neighborhood too) to be honest. I'm not from US, I don't really know much about proper downtown neighborhoods, but
her house remind me of those cheap one-store 4-family country houses we have deep in the rural areas. The only thing it lacks is chickens in the front yard.
No. 12668
File: 1425164214355.png (474.58 KB, 498x667, untitled.png)

she took this picture of her niece at her house..i can see how that picture could actually be her real house since you can see the outside is blue
No. 12677
>>12676From now on, carry a camera around with you.
Get a photo and take down her address so no serial killer goes after her.
No. 12683
File: 1425176458082.jpg (98.46 KB, 604x416, 0Shh8I6QpSw.jpg)

>>12673that was the house she said she lived in!
No. 12685
>>12684there's an american eagle store behind the area she's sitting in across from champs and I work there and see that fucking spot every day.
she's lying.
No. 12695
>>12694omg thats tru idk i look bad far away
but hot close up
omg does anyone else feel the same way
No. 12699
>>12683Thats the thing with Berry , she never really SAID that this house was the one she lived in. She only posted it and people were writing comments about how lucky she is and everyone thought it really was her house.
She often does this,posting things and acting like they belong to her.
No. 12700
>>12699agreed. Even though she would go as far as saying "i never said it was mine!" (if anyone pointed out her bs), she misleads people thinking the picture is hers or something.
I even remember her posting a pic of a japanese girl (back view w/no face showing) on twitter saying she was out at the beach or something? I got really confused cause there was a sign with japanese kanji and people thought it was her and she was in japan and stuff but she never responded to anyone who questioned her
No. 12707
>>12705I don't exactly remember mother's occupation, but I've seen some phone books and property selling websites with house owner's small description attached (like graduation, occupation and ethnicity) in case of buyer wanting to know more about the neighborhood. Those might not be true, but still believable. I think that the most income in their household comes from their oldest son. Can a nurse earn a lot being 50?
I am also wondering about when did Korinne exactly came to the US, because she posted a tweet sometime ago claiming that immigration lady was testing her English skills when she was 10 and that she was the best of her class in elementary school. House on Cedarwood Dr. was bought in 2009 and at that time (according to yellow pages) her oldest brother was still living with them. Sure, renting a house was a possibility, but all of this just looks very sketchy.
No. 12709
File: 1425201095002.png (174.56 KB, 540x960, IMG_20150301_1.png)

>>12703Thats right, her mother is in a yahoo group for seminar teachers
No. 12710
>>12707My english was tested when I switched schools in elementary even though I was born in the USA and only speak English. They will send anyone that isnt white or black for a speech evaluation, so Berrys post doesn't necessarily mean anything.
She did also tweet about how difficult school was in the Philippines even though she was 8 at the time.
No. 12712
>>12704 My sister still lives in our house even if she's turning 24 this year. I don't think there's something wrong with being in your 20's and still living in your parents' house.
I'm not being a whiteknight but I'm just saying. Not all people in the U.S. are individualists.
No. 12713
>>12712Exactly. Especially if you live in a state with higher priced real estate, it isn't uncommon for rent to make up 30+% of your income.
Even if you pinch pennies and
only have student debt, it's quite possible to a) not get a job that's above minimum wage or b) simply be priced out of the area based on your salary.
No. 12720
File: 1425228345194.jpg (43.56 KB, 571x369, s2a7e511356a92f144a9192dc33ebb…)

>>12023um…yeah, of course
No. 12722
File: 1425229324180.png (87.98 KB, 480x800, Screenshot_2015-03-01-11-58-13…)

lol OK berry
No. 12729
File: 1425234008135.jpg (86.17 KB, 456x810, wow.jpg)

>>12728no, she says she lives there
No. 12734
File: 1425241689793.jpg (85.77 KB, 640x629, image.jpg)

yes, and that's called fetishization you fwuacking weeb.
No. 12742
>>12741I know i meant for berry
I know some asians have naturally big eyes and theyre cute as fuck
its just berry tries to act like shes confident when shes really insecure lol
No. 12747
>>12746I remember one time Berry wrote in her twitter something very similar to : " My friends told me I look white
__ "
Kinda dump to jump on the "I'm proud to be asian blah bla - wagong now
No. 12755
>>12754She went into my store yesterday, but I left the store before she came in :(
My coworkers and I were talking about how she was denying that she wasn't in our mall.
No. 12757
>>12755omg i would love to work at game stop! but they always say you know that theyre not really hiring idk!
>>12749 what does her real nose look like? in that pic it doesnt look huge
like is that shopped ?
No. 12763
>>12714>>12735I found the image on Google as far back as 2012
She didn't say "This is me" though
Even though she included "me", it just looks like one of those random pictures people would say "same" or "me in real life"
No. 12765
File: 1425308196737.jpg (84.66 KB, 640x576, image.jpg)

>>12764I forgot to put in the photo lol
No. 12775
File: 1425333688707.jpg (77.59 KB, 600x800, lol.jpg)

>>12021Are you sure that's her real name? Korinne is probably an alias.
So is this "Mary" picture. I remember her BF, Ouji, tweeted that he met her when she was going by the name "Yui"
Korinne, Mary, Yui, Berry are all aliases probably.
No. 12776
File: 1425333804456.png (210.91 KB, 512x572, yin tigno.png)

>>12775And this too..
Yin? as Berry Tsukasa?, Mary, Yui, Yin, Berry.. What else does she have?
No. 12780
File: 1425340143673.png (308.48 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2015-03-03-00-46-06…)

>>12777>>12776>>12775On the facebook of her brother ([name removed]) was a picture of Berry and her family (pic). One woman made a comment and wrote :" I supa like your hair koreen !"
There are 4 woman on the picture, her sister (Michelin), her mother (Agnes), and her brothers wife (forgot sry )
Soo, its logical that Berry is koreen , also because shes the only one with "special hair " in this photo.
So then I searched after a "Koreen" in his fb and found a private account called "Korinne Tigno " and Tigno is their aftername , as we all know.
Yep, her name is definetely Korinne
No. 12792
>>12644you must be like 12…..
you can have a job and still hardly be able to afford to feed yourself.
taobao is cheap but not everyone can afford to be buying new clothes all the time, or have more important things to spend their money on. don't be an ignorant twat.
No. 12801
File: 1425537726349.jpg (86.51 KB, 1080x854, Screenshot_2015-03-05-01-37-54…)

here she goes again
No. 12809
Anybody here suspect she's lying about her age/schooling?
I dunno but I found this. Left back couple of times/returned to school? Lied about age online? Or inaccurate records?
And before anyone says that could've been someone else. She went to Toms River North High School. Long ago she posted her report card from high school about getting all A+s. I googled her classes/program # exactly and it took me to Toms River HS page.
No. 12812
File: 1425580019626.png (21.98 KB, 268x372, Screenshot (10).png)

>>12811ss in case she removes it
No. 12818
>>12813 It's possible she was left back once when she first came to America. Immigrants who come later into the school year often get left back to "catch up" with the other kids.
Any maybe she got left back once again for failing a grade.
No. 12824
>>12823 Probably both immigrant-left back + slow-left back (since she was born 1994). Maybe she was slow as a kid and had issues learning English/adjusting.
Depends on the school/your parents' choice and when you enroll in the year. I don't know about you but kids who come in the first semester of school or already speaks English usually don't get left back.
I don't know how it works in the Philippines but in (east) Asian countries you are 1 year older than you are in other countries. In America where 1st graders are 6 year olds, East Asian countries, you are 7.
No. 12826
>>12825What do you mean?
What kind of made up stories than false info?
No. 12827
>>12824Immigrants from the Philippines to the USA aren`t usually held back – many of my friends and a lot of my relatives weren`t held back as English is the language of instruction in schools and spoken at home. Even the friends of mine that didn`t speak English when coming to the USA weren`t held back BUT they did get here in kindergarten when learning languages is much easier.
If she didn`t speak English when she immigrated at an earlier age, she probably did get held back. I had several Chinese and Korean classmates that were held back 1-2 years in middle and high school so their English could catch up.
No. 12828
>>12827Yeah, kindergartners usually don't get left back but first/second graders and above do.
IIRC Filipinos who speak English come from middle-high social class or well-educated/parents who taught them. Like with Singaporeans who speak fluent English and some Singlish, and some don't even speak English at all.
I don't know how old "Berry" was when she came to the USA but I doubt the young-her knew English well enough (if she did get left back).
If those records are true, it's probable that she got left back due to late enrollment + not being able to catch up (2 yrs). Or… she entered at the right grade but got left back twice due to whatever. AFAIK we don't know much about her other than her annoying cunty weeaboo personality. Maybe she had issues with bullying or depression/anxiety/w.e. Or left back twice because of failing grade/attendance. I don't know.
Not trying to be an internet armchair psychologist but it's possible.
No. 12835
>>12829>some>>12831Then I guess you were able to keep up with it.
Again, it all depends on the school/parents/kids.
We all progress at different pace. Just because you or yours peers haven't been left back doesn't mean others aren't. It happens and I've seen it happen -even as far as 3 years.
No. 12836
>>128345-6 years spent in high school.
2 rounds of applause to Ms. Berry Tsukasa!
No. 12837
File: 1425606292612.png (236.99 KB, 568x600, Screenshot (12).png)

> She repeated her high school years.Do you mean that or are you just saying that?
In 2009, she was 15. She was in high school.
Anyway I agree, I think so too.
When she posted a photo of her report cards, she posted a photo of her sitting on the table-chairs with really long thick black hair with gray sweater and said that was her back in high school during senior year.
But what I just came to my mind is Berry didn't have long/thick hair in HS. She had an Asian mullet. yr of hs = 17 yrs old.
Berry was 17y/o on 2011
2010 throw back pic = asian mullet that comes up to breast
2011 "high school" senior photo = thick hair with little/no layers up to waist? No genes, products or massages makes your hair grow that thick.
I wish I can find that picture again.
No. 12840
>>12839Idk about extensions. Even if that were true, it doesn't make sense that within 1 year she grew long thick hair so quick. And believe me, it wasn't a wig. It was like her original hair in early 2014 or whatever.
I honestly believe that she got left back and when she posted that "tbt" photo, it wasn't too long ago.
No. 12841
File: 1425607311800.jpg (198.48 KB, 480x640, B1vWdHLIEAAnHLA.jpg)

>>12840What long thick hair?
No. 12842
>>12841Not that photo but she posted a throw back photo of her in high school senior year.
Someone else took a photo of her facing back with long thick hair up to her waist. Senior year was 2011.
THAT (the pic you posted) was 2010.
So it doesn't make sense she grew that much hair within 1 yr.
What I'm saying is, the photo she claimed to be her in senior yr of HS wasn't really in 2011 but later by 2 years (yet still in high school).
btw, that's called an Asian mullet + some kind of teasing + those anime side hair or whatever they're called. They can be extensions but some people really have hair like that lol
No. 12844
File: 1425607881305.png (927.74 KB, 1080x1475, Cas4Fi.png)

Here you go.
Her hair was never that long in 2011. It was actually a recent photo as the hair matched up with all other photos she posted then. Basically she was still a high school student last year.
No. 12848
>>12847She's been in high school since 2009.
It's 2015 and that's 6 fucking years?
No. 12851
File: 1425661607269.jpg (81.56 KB, 500x667, image.jpg)

>>12850this one? You must be right.
This pic was taken January 2014
(it wont let me link to the Twitter post but it's still on her tumblr)
No. 12857
File: 1425666383794.jpg (57.09 KB, 569x446, 1424129225133.jpg)

She actually been mentioning on her Twitter about how pretty lolita clothes are and THANK FUCKING GOD it's WAAAAAAY out of her price range bc I honestly don't want this girl to get into the lolita fashion. I can only imagine all the tacky kawaii uguu animu cosplay coords she's gonna put together.
//mfw I pray to satan she'll never get sponsored by Milanoo or some shitty Taobao reseller
No. 12863
File: 1425672741933.jpg (254.09 KB, 1080x1422, Screenshot_2015-03-06-15-07-12…)

Definitely 43 Cedarwood Dr. Toms River XD She posted this 2 hours ago.
No. 12865
I may be late but this? old picture of herself and the rest being pictures of chinese net idols she seems to have stolen?
No. 12868
>>12867Was confused because everyone is saying her real name is actually Korrine. Well, maybe someone here knows.
Maybe Korrine is her middle name?
No. 12869
>>12866Michelle is her sister. Also goes by the name Michelin now or Myk or something.
fei zhu liu isn't a person. it's a type of style from China. like the chinese version of japanese gyarus or korean ulzzangs.
some of those pictures of her too.
No. 12871
>>12870guys most of those pictures on there are fake……….
fei zhu liu is a chinese version of ulzzang
No. 12872
>>12871 and by fake i mean not her
anyway btw did that anon that said they have friends that went to her highschool have pictures of her on their yearbook find it
No. 12873
>>12870No, they're not.
Just an example: other images can't be found because of her using the oldest trick in the book, overly editing a picture and putting a text over it. seems most likely that she's been faking to be some japanese/korean anime god online before?
No. 12875
File: 1425758020468.gif (Spoiler Image,29.2 KB, 120x90, anim_b3a169dd-1dd6-54f4-c124-0…)

>>12874Same goes for this stupid gif. Also the photobucket galleries of most people include random images they found on the web anyways because it was the easiest way for reposting without direct linking.
No. 12878
nice ameblo source! youre right damn
No. 12881
>>12880what? is the other picture she's edited and put text over
No. 12887
>>12884I honestly can't imagine her having friends, because if she did I feel like she would be constantly posting pictures of her with them hanging out and bragging about it.
Even if she does, and did, I don't know if she would just let old photo's stay up of her unedited.
No. 12890
>>12889Many filipinos has spanish (and chinese) descent. Although she only points it out to seem more ~*special*~
Maybe because she's embarassed w/just being filipino cause it's not kawaii enough so she adds in other ethnicities that doesn't count cause it's so far in the bloodline
No. 12891
>>12889 The Philippines were part of the Spanish Crown, so yeah, as
>>12890 said >Many filipinos has spanish (and chinese) descent. Although she only points it out to seem more ~*special*~
Reminds me of Kiki with her 'Irish' blood
No. 12894
At one point the Spaniards colonised The Phillipines and forced many Filipino to take Spanish names and husbands which is why you'll see so many Filipino which Spanish last names and ancestry.
A lot of the Filipino people today aren't like the Filipino people of then due to racemixing with Spaniards.
No. 12902
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No. 12905
>>12889>>12890>>12891>>12894can we not have a history lesson in every thread
google is literally a tab away
No. 12908
>>12907Oh my god, learn to read.
The poster said ANON not berry.
No. 12910
>>12909Because she is.
Remember the guy she said threw her a scribbled paper about AoT in the hallway? That's not what people do in college. At least in my opinion, that happens a lot in high school.
If she was in college pursuing to be a plastic surgeon she would have bragged about her classes. Wouldn't have time to game, photoshop, and make online friends.
No. 12912
File: 1426005734432.jpg (66.14 KB, 1074x546, Screenshot_2015-03-10-11-56-52…)

Is there such thing as "popular guy" in college? College people help xD cuz she posted about this popular guy who approached her…
No. 12919
>>12917i agree w/this. Someone said she is 20 tho
and loll
>>12918 No. 12929
>>12928kinda hypocritical of her to say she hates anime cause she tried cosplaying haruhi in her old photos.. maybe she's only saying it to not seem like 'everyone else' ?
I'm sure one of the main reason she's only learning japanese is to gain popularity there like dakota and because she's a true weeb no matter how hard she denies it. I mean she even used to make gifs of japanese stuff on tumblr,, which lead to more followers and so on
No. 12931
>>12929She also tried to cosplay as Super Sonico
and Mikasa
and the girl from Me! Me! Me!
and various other anime characters I can't remember
She's 100% weeaboo and is always jumping on the latest weeby bandwagons (like that one "i'm late for anime school!" thing from a couple years ago. She tries so hard.
No. 12936
>>12933Naaah not a whiteknight, just wilfully ignorant.
Japanese fans? Top kek
No. 12937
File: 1426069682227.gif (1.38 MB, 400x225, laughingFloor.gif)

>>12933My fucking sides. If you're a troll you did a great job.
No. 12942
File: 1426073391221.jpg (132.61 KB, 640x621, image.jpg)

pretty sure she's trying to be a j-sensation just like dakota
i do like the wigs tbh
No. 12945
>>12944I mean, I'm no expert in japanese, but aren't they saying アジア系アメリカ人
cause she is Asian-american?
No. 12947
>>12942From what I understand their website it's somewhat of a supercheap "390 yen" all-you-can-get store.
So I guess it's incredibly fucking cool if your photos are used as a promotion material for a dollar store. I mean, as long as it's in Holy Land of Japan everything works. Sure, ok, Berry.
No. 12949
File: 1426098604591.jpg (495.77 KB, 1024x696, 124hjg1r.JPG)

>>12942um…ok lol, everything here is just as cheap and fake as she is
No. 12953
>>12946" I hope that when people make comments about someone on the internet, they know that the person reading it is a human being like them….." - Korinne Tigno, alias "Berry Tsukasa"; 6/01/2015
( )
No. 12955
File: 1426113758724.jpg (98.56 KB, 1080x910, Screenshot_2015-03-11-18-38-29…)

looks like she's making easy money now
No. 12961
>>12955why the hell would she need another camera she didnt even use her own money to get the one she has now
I realized the ones who like to gloat about $$$ or other stupid things are the people who have nothing better to do in their lives
No. 12962
File: 1426126619912.jpg (29.1 KB, 350x575, RzLfgQBspQw.jpg)

>>12946me too!! and when she called her ugly monkey it made me so mad ugh!…
time after that she posted this photo and i was like "who's the monkey here!"
No. 12964
>>12962I felt so bad because amikoto was really fair with it. She didn't retaliate or say mean things about berry, instead she changed her theme, and told her followers to just let it go; she even fucking apologized.
Now though, I guess amikoto's name is Jenn now, or maybe its a nickname. But I follow her on tumblr and she's not too nice to her followers like she used to be; but I don't think she's mean. She just stands up to them more, like if someone says "your eyebrows are ugly" she'll respond with "they look so good, i don't know what you're talking about!!!" when before when she was amikoto she would have apologized.
She even said recently to an anon ask that she is mean, and I believe it because everyone has some meanness/rudeness about them; but I never found her as malicious as Berry was.
Berry practically assaulted her, forcing her minions to go and attack amikoto on her blog. She repeatedly called her out, saying ami's theme was the same, and the links on her blog - meaning ami's little link that you could click 'about me' 'my pictures' 'reviews' the images used for the links were similar to Berry's (they weren't the exact same) bu t they were so similar that Berry threw a fit and said ami was just trying to ride the coat tails of her fame.
So, along with the same theme, same button images, she even complained about the same sponsorships, and how ami was photoshopping herself to look similar to Berry.
I find that wig so ugly though, it totally looks like a wig and so unnatural with that part line.
No. 12967
>>12966I think it's ridiculous too.
Fans sounds so full of yourself, as if they've let the little internet fame go to their head; they're not celebrities.
No. 12969
>>12968Her personality is so bad! I don't know why her followers stick up for her, because she's been mean to people who've asked her things on tumblr before, even if it was something simple.
I know she asked the PULL admins to not make a thread about her, and I'm guessing it's because she knows they're pretty good at digging up past shit other people have done, and she doesn't want the same to happen to her. Honestly surprised they've complied with not opening a thread about her, despite her bad attitude, lies and inconsistent photoshops; but what does that say about PULL
No. 12974
>>12973A lot of the things people post and say are a reflection of who they are. The slang talk that she uses I'm sure she says to her online friends in regular conversation. And the way you treat people, even if you don't know them or you're just acquaintances - like a waitress, store clerk, or even followers - says a damn lot. Why be rude to people you don't know for such a simple question like asking what lens you're wearing, or where you bought your clothes?
I could see if if people are being too invasive and snarky, then yeah, but I've seen her lash out at people for the most ridiculous things and act so haughty about it.
No. 12977
>>12976Not everyone here were saying bad stuff. In fact, you were mentioned very vaguely. People stood up for you because they saw you had changed/decided you weren't actually Berry.
Check out:
>>12210>>12930 (I guess this might be your friend)
>>12946It's safe to say that no one here likes Berry, so I hope that you won't feel bad about stuff anymore, because we'd be ready to defend you, in all honesty.
>>12964 No. 12980
>>12976I follow you now and I'm definitely not going to post your new url, and I wasn't the one who posted your instagram or anything like that; because I can see where you're coming from.
>>12979Tbh, I've followed her for a long time and it does sound like her? Like, most people will think that she deleted because of Berry, but she didn't. About a year after the whole Berry feud happened, she deleted because she didn't like the spotlight she was put in.
No. 12982
>>12981I've seen her made a post about it before saying a similar thing during this whole berry thing a few months/year back; so im sure it is her.
Although i dont think she deserved what berry did to her cause im pretty sure jenn was/isnt the only person trying to imitate berry's falsp looks and style.
I even saw a retweet from berry's good friend Mocha (or something) saying "back when i used to copy berry lol
posted pics" [im too lazy to source srry] but she didnt lash out on her like she did on jenn– why? cause for one she isnt as popular
i'm just gonna end it there cause jenn doesn't want to be talked about anymore in this thread
No. 12983
>>12979Same with this person who said he was the friend of ouji.
Like no one in this thread questioned them.
No. 12993
>>12992Dude people throw out the word ugly everywhere and not everyone is going to get SO offended by it? Maybe Jenn just doesn't give a fuck about it anymore since she admitted she was the one copying Berry. Some people just grow up and don't hold grudge on silly shit. She learned her mistakes and doesn't want to have anything to do with Berry anymore.
Done with Jenn so please move on.
No. 12995
why do people keep going on about berry lying about her ethnicity?
she's admitted many times now that she's Filipina. do your arms hurt from that reach?
>>12988she's only lying about her location, age, and editing. and then her hypocrisy.
No. 12996
File: 1426224465658.jpg (92.82 KB, 450x796, B_7jtPXWsAAgkAM.jpg)

Another proof she's not in NY although there are plenty already lol."Wawa Inc. is a chain of convenience store/gas stations located along the East Coast of the United States. It operates in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, and Florida."
No. 12997
>>12996there's a wawa down the street from where she lives. I used to frequent that wawa when I lived in an apartment complex by her house
btw wawa is amazing
No. 12998
>>12995no, but we have posted repeatedly about how she is much like wylona in that she claims to be several different ethnicity.
she's still lying about everything else, like you said.
No. 13002
File: 1426363943295.jpg (30.07 KB, 562x221, TB2YpbWbXXXXXb.XXXXXXXXXXXX-75…)

um, this sounds creepy
and stupid. I mean, someone in her family just died and she's all like "LOL SOMEONE DIED LOVE CHU"
No. 13004
>>13002I Know right ?
Shes like " loll he died , love chu my old man
Srsly i feel so uncomfortable reading this
No. 13006
I forget when it was
but I think it was a little bit after she got a haircut, and she was talking about how she was putting a pin in her hair and taking a picture at the same time and how its not perfect but she likes it
its probably on her twitter if you search enough wasn't too long ago
No. 13011
>>62278i guess some ppl on here find it annoying how her followers compliment her most likely photoshopped boobs and she gets a fat head about it sometimes. also
>>13008 , even if she did use really thick push-up bras it can only do so much
No. 13013
>>13011DUH it's called photoshop and push up bras
god damn
some of these people on here are soo confused as to how she got those big ass tits– like have they ever went to victoria secret? do they skim over the fact she photoshops?
but the fat head is very understandable
if they really want to talk shit, just p-ost pictures with cleavage openings that look flat.
No. 13017
>>13016yeah i remember that
she was really chubby back then -
i followed her back in 11 and i remember she always posted videos but deleted it a second later
No. 13024
File: 1426374638331.gif (171.03 KB, 415x604, berry.gif)

>in b4 but they're not the exact same angle!
The difference in her shooping style over the years amuses me more than anything. She jumps on every bandwagon.
Someone should find some better photos to compare.
No. 13026
File: 1426374756563.jpg (6.39 KB, 204x247, flip.jpg)

flip this. wasnt these a couple months ago
No. 13027
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No. 13029
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No. 13035
>>13014She doesn't state she photoshops her tits
If you ever ask on what she Photoshops she always says the same thing
lighting, freshen up the skin, and she says she only touches up her eyes a little
No. 13045
>>13042i wouldn't take an anonymous's word about her graduation vid until physical proof.
even if her friends claimed a different seat in the beginning anyone can still change seats no matter who claims which seat etc. no one cares like in hs and it's rare to hear from someone who had a dickbag professor (no matter what year of college you are) who assigns seats.
No. 13058
>>13056>>13057Yes, please upload again! We missed it :'(
Did Korrine get it taken down or something?
No. 13063
>>12050thank you hungry skeleton
>>12053a lot of filipinos and filipinas try to look paler though, it's not wanting to look east asian but the fact that pale skin is coveted there
No. 13071
>>13070i feel like she is 20, and friends with 16 year olds cause she's still in high school.. also the reason why she's kinda immature sometimes(most of the time) ? idk honestly.
If she's 20 in high school or lying about her age (and other bs) either way it's still pretty sad
No. 13072
File: 1426474333986.jpg (75.42 KB, 1028x780, Screenshot_2015-03-15-22-43-59…)

Oh come on. Why post the same sht?? She posted something similar before.
No. 13076
>>13072well yeah id do the same i think tbh like hello
theyve been together for yeaaaaars.
if i was in a relationship id go hard or go home
No. 13079
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No. 13086
File: 1426523510222.gif (1.2 MB, 280x210, large.gif)

Her face looks so dirty here, I wonder if her make up is always this messy IRL.
No. 13088
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>>13086Also compare to this one.
No. 13096
File: 1426535346961.jpg (26.26 KB, 428x367, image.jpg)

Notice how her neck is darker than her face, and it's a different shade. It's not just lighting+shadow casting on her neck.
No. 13110
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No. 13113
File: 1426560336077.png (9.65 KB, 564x133, berry.png)

No. 13115
File: 1426562084210.jpg (147.83 KB, 1078x1150, Screenshot_2015-03-16-23-06-49…)

No. 13119
& this was recent?
No. 13123
>>13100>>13101It's the song from the Touhou video "Marissa stole the precious thing".
Definitely not her voice.
No. 13129
>>13110she looks so much like
>>12023wonder if that's her real face (a little bit older tho)
No. 13131
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Look at her hair on the right side wiggling.. is that normal?
No. 13132
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is it just me or is her upper lip kinda dark? kinda matches her neck color– but then again it might just be shadows
No. 13135
File: 1426640662935.jpg (74.43 KB, 640x480, 1426637934783_副本.jpg)

>>13132tried to shittyshop her skin with xiuxiu
No. 13138
I see people ask what lenses she's using but to me it's really obvious that she just photoshops her lens design heavily? She doesn't tell people what lens she's wearing because her lens doesn't really exist.
In every single photo except
>>11991 the image is low res and the eyes look blurred, the size is shrunk to reduce artifacts and distortion. In the one I linked though you can see her lenses are nothing special (looks like EOS Ice Blue or some name like that, looks very familiar to me) and do not look blurred/smudged whatsoever.
I know someone linked those SFX lenses in the thread but I really, really doubt she actually has a pair of those (or several pairs). They are way too expensive to invest in for something that will last a maximum of a year (being generous. I couldn't find info on the site, it could even be 3-6 months). Plus there are no lenses that looks like what she wears.
IMO this is why she ignores questions asking what her lenses are, she can't answer otherwise she'd have to admit she's been photoshopping.
No. 13141
>>13132it is. i think she has gotten lighter than her younger years, and when you lose your tan, you don't always lose it evenly. i was never as dark as her, but i was pretty tan from swim team, tennis, etc and for two years after i stopped doing swim team, my upper lip area was darker than the rest of my face. it was gross…
>>13133i totally see it
No. 13142
>>13140compliments feel ggoood even if its not tru
i wouldnt do it because im afraid of meeting people and getting labeled as a catfish
but the thing is i dont think berry will actually want to meet anyone online
this is all fake and so is her persona
and shes still in hs so … she wouldnt even have a car to ride
No. 13144
>>13132her mouth area (specifically top tip) always looks dirty to me. I've thought that ever since I first saw her on tumblr & didn't even know who she was.
It's probably some fucked up photoshop/make up going on.
No. 13149
>>13148i dont really mind photoshopping pics cause almost everyone w/ social media edits their photos in some way.
What bothers me is when the creator says that it's what they truly look like and lies/manipulates to people who publicly view their pics. Some people could actually get affected by it just like how teens look at magazines or w/e and dream of a look that isn't even real
No. 13152
>>13137she's more tan but not as much as
>>13135 xiuxiu is shit xD But yeah, def more tanned
No. 13155
>>13150If you actually knew what you were talking about, you'd know that she says she only photoshops her eyes and smooths her skin.
She doesn't admit to all the shit she really does.
No. 13157
>>13156No need to.. almost everybody here knows about it. At least read the thread before posting something.
She claims to only edit the lighting and SOMETIMES edit her skin. Go check her fb photo comments.
No. 13163
>>13159 people who do that almost always lie lmao, shes probably really insecure
>>13160that's so pathetic why would he even do that
No. 13164
>>13161What can i say the guys is WHIPPED, when he still had a fanbase he used to draw monthsary pictures of the two of them guess those stopped too…pity because he was pretty talented.
But what i found most contradictory to that wa sthat she got jealous of female attention he got so he deleted his "profile" sorta. And here she is posting cleavage pictures obviously pointing out the focus to the picture are her "boobs", so guys can go omf BOOOOOOBS and he just takes it ~
No. 13165
>>13162oh please. almost every girl pretend to never get jealous like "most girls" so they seem like a special likkle snowflake.
Yup he turned from a equally almost "famous" bf to a minion
No. 13167
>>13166I feel like the reason those two bonded so well in the beginning was because they were weeaboos.
I remeber somewhere in her tumblr that she said the first time her and ouji will meet is their wedding day… what happened to that huh?
No. 13173
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No. 13178
>>13174seriously, i have friends and family friends that are doctors/have doctor parents. one of my friend's gf drove a porsche in high school, and his dad was like, "when you get your license, do you want an audi or a bmw?" he got a range rover.
No. 13187
>>13159Theres no such a thing in medicine tho
She is sure in highschool
No. 13190
File: 1426825972587.jpg (42.98 KB, 640x399, image.jpg)

she's on fire today with her stupid ass tweets
No. 13195
File: 1426874749602.jpg (14.34 KB, 536x89, T2xRPvXaxcXXXXXXXX-759976099.j…)

My god she's getting dumber and dumber. I remember using "I'll never have children cuz I lack maternal instincts cuz IM SOOO DIFFERENT FROM ALL OF U STUPID ANIMALS" stuff back when I was 16 and I am still kinda embarrassed about it. Not having anything against childfree movement but srsly, screaming stupid shit like this is just retarded.
No. 13198
File: 1426877154249.jpg (23.4 KB, 632x243, l1.jpg)

Actually screen shot this, in case she ever tries to go back on her bullshittery.
I think the smart thing to do is to screen shoot everything you see, that you think oh she said this and she's hypocritical. Because she deletes stuff, just post it here as proof then done.
No. 13200
File: 1426884140455.png (521.87 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2015-03-20-21-34-39…)

>>13198>>13197EXCUSE ME EXCUSE ME but are we really gonna ignore this photo ??
I mean its obvious that she pulled her shirt down ?
No. 13201
File: 1426884175995.png (29.15 KB, 599x179, Screen Shot 2015-03-20 at 4.33…)

>>13198uh lol she's such a hypocrite. like it really frustrates me how hypocritical she is.
like HONESTLY, when i saw her tweet this i thought it was completely fine tbh. wearing a black bra, huge jacket, leggings? seems like a cool fashion statement i guess? but when she completely trashes someone else for rolling up a tank top to their boob, yet she wore just a bra as a top….that's really hypocritical of her to say. what happened to dressing how you please? and OBV if you walk into work with a rolled up tank top that's unprofessional. but they're in SCHOOL, you can pretty much dress how you want to.
No. 13203
File: 1426884332549.jpg (44.31 KB, 500x882, B_ePGHtWcAAT_Rc.jpg)

i'm also surprised no one has mentioned this photo from a while ago. you can see she's darker than in her usual photos
No. 13204
>>13201Wow. Someone please tweet that back to her. How hard is it to put on a t-shirt anyway? I also think it's an okay fashion choice but to say you aren't wearing a shirt out of laziness… what?
Plus she's probably too insecure and chubby to show her stomach without Photoshop
No. 13209
File: 1427043944455.jpg (122.44 KB, 640x864, image.jpg)

Lol how is she nice and sweet?
No. 13212
lmao she got called out on fake cartier bracelet and posted proof?
lol they make fake ones too like that. for example: dont understand why she has to act like she's rich. she's getting sponsored and doesn't have to spend money i think a lot of people would be jealous of that on its own.
No. 13215
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