File: 1461477105088.png (Spoiler Image,1.03 MB, 750x1334, IMG_0933.PNG)

No. 123706 That's Kadees tumblr, doesn't look like it's been updated recently though. That's he gofundme. She lowered the amount to 50k (not happening) and she's gotten a call out comment.
No. 123709
>>123694Thanks for thread. If you dig through her instagram there is some real good milk.. Does a lot of pity party "am I too fat to be anorexic?" shit.
All her latest posts are exactly the dialogue you hear from someone pretending to be anorexic - "I was so worried about the calories…" "Feel so fat after 20 calories…"
No. 123723
>>123718>>123717Yeah I think re-posting them is fine since this a new thread. Or at least linking to them.
I wish this had a different OP pic though, too many of these threads lately, I always scroll past them because I think it's that FAS chick from mfc.
No. 123727
File: 1461482247755.png (220.5 KB, 359x640, IMG_0934.PNG)

No. 123728
File: 1461482266953.png (214.5 KB, 750x1334, IMG_0935.PNG)

No. 123729
File: 1461482283916.png (284.5 KB, 750x1334, IMG_0936.PNG)

No. 123730
File: 1461482305238.png (324.29 KB, 750x1334, IMG_0939.PNG)

No. 123759
>>123728good lord i don't think she could pack in any more drama if she tried
>'my own gramma told me she is going to kill herself because of my eating disorder'sure jan.
>'my parents refuse to help me raise the money to go away'because you don't NEED TO.
No. 123763
File: 1461492634739.jpg (125.58 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg)

This fat cunt pretended to have cervical cancer too. Lasted only two posts before she never spoke about it again. The her next maladies were chronic illness, kidney problems, brain surgery, seizures etc.
No. 123782
>>123767She is definitely not mentally ill enough not to be kept at a ward or hospital. She'd be given a sitter/1:1 companion due to her being suicidal, and she'd have a consult for whoever is on call for psych would evaluate her.
Nothing keeps you out of a hospital. They have restraints if you're too rowdy. Just another bullshit story!
No. 123839
>>123835Was this also the chick that was doped up on all the pain killers and was claiming to be a spoonie? I would actually like to see a fake-spoonie thread pop up around here.
Seems like there would be quite a lot of them, but I don't know the first thing about that community so I wouldn't feel comfortable making a thread/calling people out.
No. 123841
File: 1461514513859.png (246.3 KB, 750x1334, When the Anorexia Story Breaks…)

I'm gonna post what I have.
(Forgive the Platoon quotes on all the pictures, its just she always calls herself an ED Warrior, so I thought it was funny.)
No. 123843
File: 1461514582525.png (693.6 KB, 640x959, You ever seen an Eating Disord…)

>>123842You ever seen an Eating Disorder come apart like that?
Take a good hard look at this lump of shit.
No. 123844
File: 1461514618911.png (737.98 KB, 640x1042, You post this shit to escape R…)

>>123843She posts this shit to escape reality, Fat is her reality.
No. 123845
File: 1461514688921.png (833.1 KB, 640x1043, Anorexia didn't ask you to fig…)

>>123844Food didn't ask you to fight its battles for it, and if their is a treatment facility, and I hope to God there is one, you ain't being treated for Anorexia.
No. 123853
File: 1461515396900.png (1.28 MB, 1393x885, Fucking hell, she's laughing a…)

>>123846I should have gone with Apocalypse Now quotes, given her Colonel Kurtz physique.
No. 123855
She looks disgusting and smelly. How hard is it to wash your face?
>>123853Truly the face of an anorexia patient on the brink of death.
No. 123882
File: 1461519792885.png (410.31 KB, 825x601, 3WZfw5u.png)

old but wow, she can't even make the most basic shots look good. her fingers are so stubby and her hand so wrinkly.
also: friends bringing you iced tea from dunkin donuts when you're supposedly hospitalized for SEVERE ANOREXIA. kek.
No. 123918
File: 1461525710600.png (771.3 KB, 640x1036, Y'all loved your pancakes. I s…)

>>123913She'd post pictures if she self harmed. She Clearly yearns for any sort of legitimacy and posting scars would be so easy.
She's really fat and unhealthy and clearly goes to the hospital over every little thing. (Remember in her video- she went to the Emergency room because her glucose was low)
> Tl;dr She never give details because she has no details to give. No. 123968
>>123963#Battlewounds Yuck.
A Whale Cutting her wrists with a straight razor. That was my dream, that was my nightmare.
No. 123983
>>123968I don't want to get too graphic here, but it looks like whatever she was using was dull as fuck. They almost look like irritated/swollen deep scratches.
It's pretty depressing that instead of getting a new razor blade she used the same one or used something like a broken piece of plastic or mirror to hurt herself.
She's obviously fucked in the head some way or another. I wonder if it's possible that the self-harm is a by-product of Munchasen's instead of depression/suicidal thoughts. Like she wants to appear more mentally ill so she hurts herself in order to be taken more seriously instead of being in so much emotional pain that self-harm is the only way to ease it.
I don't want to get to crazy here. Like I said it's clear she is mentally not well, but I highly doubt she has every mental/physical illness she claims.
No. 124036
>>123727"i dont want to go and get fat"
my sides
No. 124046
>>124035Hmm maybe you're right. It's just that the cuts to me look like they're too large/wide to be from a razor blade. But I'm not an expert or anything.
I kinda feel like an ass if they're actually deep cuts like you say they are.
No. 124086
>>124078She's addicted to being cared for intensely. I've never read up on Munchausen so idek if that's what it is. Loads of these snowflakes appear to be faking illnesses because they want personal attention constantly and want to delay independent living as long as possible. They're at the aphex tier of people I've known who go to their GP every fucking week because they want to have tests and have something to talk about.
That's what I think her problem is. Being obese she's going to have fat people complaints she's going to be overdramatising. Something like self harm is just another sickness that'll get her attention and concern. (Waiting for her to come out ad DID).
No. 124089
>>124078I agree with the anons this time about Kadee but Munchausen's almost seems like the anons' way of pushing away the possibility that any of these cows have any real issues.
Obviously Kadee is obese, and I'm sure those self harm scars look like scratches, I wouldn't be surprised if Kadee actually had depression at the least. Though there's definitely no denying she doesn't have anorexia. No way in hell.
No. 124091
>>124089She's a rather useless person (not even being mean, just objective) Because of that no one in her life loves her romantically (admires) or respects her.
She doesn't feel worthy of that adult love, and so she approaches people like a child. She regressively looks for sympathy and attention, like a toddler.
That's why she wants to be anorexic, she wants to be a weak child that has to be fed.
>Tl;dr She never grew up psychologically. No. 124121
>>123844>>123845She talks constantly about anorexia and eating disorders for someone who supposedly has multiple physical health issues. I have a theory… is it possible she's banging on about the eating disorder so much to shame people telling her to lose weight/eat healthier things into silence. Being that big can worsen all sorts of health issues. I wonder the same about Kelly the 17 year old obese spoonie who sometimes uses a wheelchair and then posts a pic of herself on IG eating a pint of ice cream with the hashtag refeeding.
>>124091Before Kadee went private she had a pic on her IG with a guy saying they got engaged. She had a ring shot too. This was awhile before she was hospitalized. Maybe things didn't work out and this is a way to get attention and care.
No. 124131
>>124027they won't be, they're wide but they're shallow. she's definitely used something like a blunt pair of scissors, these marks will fade into nothing. she's got some decent sized scars there already though so i'd say she's been at it for a while.
i think
>>124086 has pretty much hit the nail on the head. this girl gives me the vibe that she doesn't want to grow up and be an adult, she sees herself as small and frail (like that kelly girl) and thinks she needs to play up being sick so that she can be looked after and put off facing the real world for as long as possible. i don't doubt there's something wrong with her, but i also don't think it's anywhere near bad enough that she needs to be in hospital all the time, she's too self aware about her supposed eating disorder. she needs an apple and some therapy, not the psych ward.
No. 124155
File: 1461582345050.png (288.69 KB, 476x257, image.png)

Kadee be like
No. 124198
>>124154From what I can gather, the "cuts" are on her left arm, and the first 2 pictures show her right arm. The last one does show her left, but only the top of it, so the scars could be hidden.
However, I agree with the others saying that
they looks shallow and more like scraping/eraser burns than actual cuts.
No. 124316
>>124270There aren't many happy mental illnesses. I feel especially bad for her because hospital treatment would likely just feed her weaknesses. The more "support" she gets, the less likely she is to make any real psychological progress.
On the other hand, I really can't stand her self obsession. She wants to be put in Anorexia treatment so badly, without thinking about how bad that would be for the other sufferers who are afraid of becoming fat. Kelly's the same way. They both never talk about other people.
No. 124319
File: 1461626019210.jpeg (192.11 KB, 640x921, image.jpeg)

Apparently her latest update now cries about how she was rejected from starting an ED therapy group because shes "too high risk" , her explanation for this is in the comments included in pic.
No. 124322
>>124319Why doesn't she try to get some general mental help? That's what she actually needs, not refeeding, but a structured environment to learn coping mechanisms and a less self-centered approach to social interaction.
Besides, I thought she was already accepted into IP?
>>123727Furthermore if she's so deathly ill why the hell is she at a Starbucks?
No. 124440
>>124319I think it's so weird how she gives percents for everything, like how she supposedly told by her doctors that she has a 90% chance of dying this year.
I think she thinks that it makes her sound more credible, but it actually does the opposite.
No. 124453
>>123844sage for OT but this is a slightly burnt and nearly ready to be discarded applie pie from McDonald's
back when I worked there as a teen we only gave these shitty pies to people with an attitude. the nice people who bought pies got the pretty golden ones. eat that stale, gross pie you fat slob, I know you would even if it were two days old.
No. 124462
File: 1461653302253.jpg (48.98 KB, 754x272, lower.jpg)

Kadee has lowered he gofundme me amount again. First it was 100k, then 50k and now down to 20k. She also deleted the negative comment she got.
No. 124502
>>123694Posted it in the Pro Ana thread already but there is no one on this board I hate more than this fatass, malingering junkie pig. Reading about her literally brings my blood to a boil.
Sage for raging.
No. 124520
File: 1461672477499.jpg (405.22 KB, 1242x647, ohdear.jpg)

>>123694kek some bitch who browses lolcow and brags about it on mpa had the audacity to defend kadee.
No. 124521
File: 1461672587722.jpg (413.42 KB, 1246x698, EMBER.jpg)

>>124520went to rant about ember right after.
No. 124563
>>gw 1: BMI 21,6>> 15 lbs in 15 daysI mean, whatever, but it really shows what type of girls frequent the ana-thread.
I’m wondering if she's the anon who flooded the threads with ember and emily posts.
No. 124573
>>124520"LW 150"
Really??? So anorexic. Many sick.
No. 124684
File: 1461693653320.jpg (120.74 KB, 748x1120, 9dc42c2e-6b3c-4bd2-a550-ff57ce…)

what a serious, deadly ED. She might starve to death from such a small meal…
No. 124690
>>124316Don't expect hospitals to put their foot down, either. They make their bread and butter through nationalized survey scores. People working in the health care field have been completely neutered, and are scrutinized for not giving the patient the best enviroment possible.
It's disgusting that someone can't just tell her to knock it the fuck off.
No. 124784
>>124641And so do the people on MPA. So many people on MPA cling to the Anorexia board and claim to have "atypical" anorexia when you can tell that they belong more to the OSFED or Bulimia community
The reason why people are being so harsh to Kadee is because she's claiming to be anorexic. She wouldn't even be on here if she just admitted she had OSFED or BED.
No. 124963
File: 1461747645160.jpg (87.67 KB, 741x478, fund.jpg)

She's lowered her gofundme amount again. It's a far cry from the 100k she needed last week because her doctor told her she was going to DIE without treatment.
No. 125027
File: 1461764195028.jpeg (325.65 KB, 1138x1707, image.jpeg)

No. 125105"it would truly mean everything to me and I wouldn’t know how to thank you besides doing what I’ve always dreamed of doing when I get better - going to school to be a psychologist and helping people like me, who have struggled with major depressive disorder, an eating disorder, anxiety problems, post traumatic stress disorder, and self injurious behaviors. I want to get better so I can give back and help all those girls and boys out there that are struggling now, or will be one day in the coming years. Please help me get the help I need and that is being suggested by my treatment team as I cannot afford it."
No. 125116
>>125105I love it when mentally ill people want to become psychologists/social workers/therapists. If Kadee can't even handle life without painkillers and being in the hospital how the hell is she supposed to cope with hearing stories daily about her patients being raped as children, being physically and mentally abused and everything else that comes with it.
You have to be mentally stable and very mentally and emotionally strong for years before you're able to handle giving advice and listening to these stories if you're a survivor of trauma/mental illness yourself. It's not as easy as taking a four year course at your uni and BAM! you're saving people's lives left and right. You see the worst and will always see the worse and hardly ever hear a positive thing or see anyone recover and move on with their lives. It's tough shit.
Ugh. Rant over.
No. 125117
>>125116Same anon as above. I also love that YET AGAIN she's making up some sob story to get more money thrown in her direction for "serious inpatient care". Like fuck off already. There are people who really need that shit and would never start a GoFundMe and take money from people, instead they wait on lists for months and years while suffering even more. Some even continue to live with their abusers during this time because their is no safe place for them in their local community.
Like, fuck. I'm so fucking angry right now.
No. 125144
>>125116She'll just take their stories and claim them as her own. She'll egg them on to get more details in order to tell the story better.
I know this because I knew a girl who did this. Took my roommate's bad childhood story and retold it to a girl down the hall as her own. It was messed up, and it's exactly the type of thing Kadee would do.
No. 125159
File: 1461781070468.jpg (109.73 KB, 281x318, bones.jpg)

Does she really study Criminal Justice and Forensic Psychology?!
No. 125160
File: 1461781341355.jpg (126.84 KB, 1024x768, 1039582_443673599063658_690988…)

No. 125161
File: 1461781487472.jpg (Spoiler Image,163.91 KB, 2048x1356, 178306_285423874888632_6257962…)

No. 125187
File: 1461784003139.jpg (96.64 KB, 960x720, 12369192_876455462452134_60744…)

>>123694what’s up with her friend’s face? she looks like the moon.
No. 125267
File: 1461790172330.jpeg (162.02 KB, 634x998, image.jpeg)

her followers are apparently as delusional as she is
No. 125277
>>125267Wow. I understand trying to raise somebody's self-esteem, but why would you tell her to send her shots to a modeling agency?! That can only end badly, and I'm sure Kadee will make a big shit about how
triggering the experience was and how she's totally going to starve herself forever now.
No. 125293
>>125267Modeling for what?
Muumuus? Before pictures? Toe-fungus-treatment products?
No. 125339
>>124573TOP KEKS!
Sounds like my ex who claimed to be sooooo anorexic at 5'4" and "lowest weight" of 150 fucking pounds. She's an epic hamplanet to this day, well over 200lbs. Total lolcow herself and extremely histrionic.
No. 125342
I bet that's exactly how it went down.
Nice one, anon!
No. 125350
trigger warning was a joke, right? I mean, yeah, it's self harm, but not what I'd personally call extreme.
No. 125357
>>123694>>125105She should never, ever, EVER go into the mental health field. Luckily she seems to be extremely lazy and unintelligent, so maybe we don't have to worry about that.
I had a mental health worker (not going to name the job title because it turned into a big "thing") who fucked me up BIG TIME because of her borderline personality disorder. She was supposedly treated for everything under the sun and "didn't have BPD anymore" and was allowed to work with mental health patients. I am in therapy to this day because of her- no joke.
This Kadee girl can NEVER be allowed to be a mental health professional.
No. 125361
>>125357I 100% agree. I was the Anon who wrote
>>125116 and
>>125117Sadly, if she ends up being serious about this profession choice most schools really like to hear that you have been mentally ill yourself and have recovered because it counts as some sort of relatable, real-life experience. And yes, she should never ever be a mental health professional unless she is absolutely 100% recovered and can have people vouch for her being mentally stable.
Especially because I have a sneaking suspicion she has malingering behaviour and her doctors and treatment team (if she has one) may or may not be aware of it.
It bothers the shit out of me when I see mentally ill people go through schooling to become mental health professions when most of them will not be able to handle it. You have to be completely honest and open with yourself and know yourself really really well before you commit to being in charge of people's lives. Most of these people sadly do not this type of self reflection.
I'm so sorry you were abused and manipulated by someone who was supposed to help you heal. I hope you're in a better spot now and that you're getting the help you need to move forward from all of that.
No. 125390
File: 1461806832660.png (30.71 KB, 613x482, 1461801190175.png)

Is this Kadee too?
I saw it on FPH.
No. 125470
>>125154OP here. You're absolutely right.
But then again, her name is Kadeelyn. It's like davidismus on steriods.
No. 125618
>>125357Shit anon, I'm so sorry about that,
Can I ask what she did? (In broad terms)
No. 125629
>>125361sage for personal blog but I get so irritated with mentally ill people talking about how much they want to recover and be MH workers because I know it's rarely a legitimate dream. Even when you aren't whoring all your disorders out on the internet for attention, I've found that it becomes really easy to get obsessed with the disorders you have when you're doing quite badly with them. I think a lot of those people only want to be mental health workers because that's what their life is currently revolving around.
It's like a kid who loves drawing wanting to be an artist. Except that their "hobby" is their illness.
No. 126139
File: 1461975338122.png (500.94 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

>>126122Ur not missing much anon - shes home & been moaning still bout how IP, ed group therapy & a few more therapists have all rejected her for being "too severe" or "medically compromised"… Which we r all assuming means they cant & wont work with a patient wanting them to reinforce her delusions of being spoopy & ana & on her death bed! Last ig post was this screenshot of a convo between her & her new therapist! Enjoy.
No. 126149
>>126139Who the fuck texts their therapists?
In my country, that's a breach of ethics that will get you fires and never hired again.
No. 126164
File: 1461984110092.png (364.71 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-04-29-22-37-55…)

So… she got "rejected"… from a support group… because she's so severely anorexic? Not inpatient, not outpatient, not residential treatment… but a SUPPORT GROUP.
I've never seen someone this delusional. She has no grasp on reality.
No. 126204
>>126159It was the
>Puh leezethat got me. It's just so unprofessional. It has to be something like
>>126162 said…
No. 126208
>>126164If she actually got rejected from a support group maybe she was being disruptive and they told her the group wasn't suitable for her needs or something like that.
>>126198She's exaggerating how sick she is and little help is being given to her. She has some goal in this like getting money or soaking up support. The thing is her lies are so obvious that it can
look like trolling.
No. 126211
>>126154Wow, in Australia we straight up do not do this. I'm a dual diagnosis social worker and its worth my degrees to even suggest texting with a client.
Damn uk, that's some unprofessional shit. If our clients have a bad day they have psych triage, make an appointment or use the network therapists are supposed to help you build so you don't need them when not in session. Wouldn't being allowed to call your psych just to say 'its a bad day' be counterproductive?
No. 126212
>>126164Was she on it for more than 4 minutes this time?
Does she think ensure has few calories or that wobbling on as home for a few minutes burns thousands or calories?
No. 126223
If they can't go a few hours without needing support(read: being a malingering little bitch) she should be in some shitty little clinic for psych-lifers. She's never gonna choose anything but dependency, why bother with her?
No. 126235
>>126211Anon seems confused, though they did say they're working with a community psychiatric nurse. BACP registered therapists in the UK have the same ethical obligations and boundaries as everywhere else in the Western world. We might confirm appointment times or set emergency appointments if really necessary via the phone or email but we don't chit-chat over text.
>>126139 this is just completely bizarre, and though it might be some kind of professional in the mental health or social work field, I don't believe it's a therapist.
No. 126257
>>126256It's pretty normal here in Canada as well.
It creates a feeling of trust on a first name basis, while calling your therapist "Mr. Smith" puts them in a place of higher authority.
No. 126259
File: 1462021760041.png (19.46 KB, 628x226, kaydeegfm.png)

lol, just saw this comment on her GoFundMe page too.
No. 126289
>>126270I'd love to see 'not my first rodeo' Phyllis take her by the horns, It's clear malingering at this point and any genuinel professionals that spend longer than two minutes with her would catch on to this.
Britfag here btw and see an NHS therapist for trauma and ED related schema therapy. I'm encouraged to e-mail for support but don't, I don't feel it's appropriate and would feel clingy or like a pain for pestering her. It's encouraged but there are obviously boundaries. It's a work/mental health system e-mail address and certain swears/curses are blocked and innapropriate e-mails are taken seriously. They do protect therapists from abusive clients.
It really frustrates me that people with EDNOS/OSFED have to cling to inappropriate diagnostic labels for attention and because certain hashtags and labels garner more sympathy, attention and funds from the gullible idiots who pander to people like Kelly.Sorry for crap blogpost but her posts are so shameless. Speaking from experience, Atypical anorexic (purging subtype)who identifies honestly that their diagnosis is, in fact EDNOS/OFSED; Atypical anorexia (b/p), but y'know… that's not trendy enough. Call a spade a spade and an obese bmi an obese bmi. Other EDs are just as dangerous, she's contributing to the stigma of BED despite clearly suffering with it. She's not exercising that much, either. No way.
No. 126301
"Kick ass work out!"
No. 126307
>>126304idk from my experience with mentally ill people those who act bratty
are bratty.
No. 126348
File: 1462038294971.jpeg (177.81 KB, 640x941, image.jpeg)

Have we discussed the fact she now also has a "service dog" ?? Wtf does she need that for - to remind her to go for a walk 2 x a day to LOSE weight and become healthy?!
And can anyone not just get a dog and stick a special harness/jacket on it & call it a service dog?!
No. 126390
>>126257That's so weird.
No wonder all these crazyingering bitches are American or British. I'm pretty sure they don't even use the harm reduction principles, so they're super backwards.
A personal relationship with a therapist is just wrong. After a long working relationship first names can be okay but everything else should be professional.
What's next, no dual diagnosis?
Back OT, how long until kadee starts scraping the bottom of the DSM barrel and has to try and get attention on just pica and trichotillomania?
No. 126413
File: 1462058299804.png (59.54 KB, 671x313, kaydeetumblr.png)

>>126312Pic related? I don't see why she would want to go to the gym if she can barely hold down food. There's also pictures of plates of vegetables she's been eating on her tumblr, which would all make more sense if she were trying not to binge and lose weight instead.
No. 126650
File: 1462140139003.jpg (65.89 KB, 482x434, meds.jpg)

So she just decided to increase her meds without talking to her doctor. I guess she knows better than everyone who treats her.
No. 126709
>>126704Ahahah what a retard. She'll eventually manage to overdose her gigantic body. She's gonna make herself mentally ill by gobbling down pills as if they were cakes.
She doesn't want doctors she wants enablers with prescription pads and food.
No. 126716
>>126712If I also remember right isn't lamictal also an anticonvulsant, of which fucking with can actually induce seizures? Although given here blatant malingering, she'd probably be thrilled to have that happen then blame it on her ~severe~ anorexia.
I also feel like her physician is ignoring her because they're aware to an extent of her dishonest intentions.
No. 127008
>>126892Binge eating disorder. The one thing she actually has.
Do you guys think she thinks anorexia is 'only eating 1000 calories a day'?
No. 127112
>>126978It's quite alright, anon! They are very similar, but Kadee's drug issues stand out more to me, so I wanted to check.
It's fascinating to me how similar they are too. I'm surprised they aren't best friends or something. Both obese, chronically ill anorexics.
(And best of luck with both your eating disorder and chronic pain condition. I hope you're doing okay.)
No. 127128
might have body dysmorphia in the sense that she thinks she is wasting away. Before she went private on IG she kept talking about her body was rejecting food because it wasn't used to having any. I think at that time she was hospitalized and had recently had surgery which could account for some puking.
No. 127186
>>127147It's really only disordered eating or an eating disorder if you act on it. If you only think about it, it's disordered thoughts, which is probably more along the lines of what Kadee has. She
thinks about not eating, but doesn't act on it.
Of course, I also agree with the idea that she has body dysmorphia in the way of thinking she's wasting away. So her mind seems to be a horrible mess of "omg don't eat" and always followed by "i must b/c i'm so thin!" Yikes.
No. 127340
Actual disabled person here. I approve of making fun of Kadee.
Fuck off nyao~
No. 127369
File: 1462317230679.jpeg (108.35 KB, 612x868, image.jpeg)

This just in, folks- chicken is poultry, not meat
No. 127373
>>127369Kadee gets to live by rules that may not make sense to other people. Like being an obese anorexic who will
DIE within the year without inpatient treatment.
No. 127386
>>127383Trust me, she's not the only one. My bf's mom is the same way. Says she's vegetarian except for the odd piece of fish every now and then. I don't want to tell her she's wrong but well, she is.
I'm vegetarian and haven't had meat for probably a decade or so. It grosses me out.
No. 127446
>>127369Hold the fucking phone.
>tried steak for the very first time ever in my 21 1/2 years>first time everI call bullshit.
>I'm allergic to fishSo would she be eating fish if she wasn't allergic to it? I'd think she'd have said that fish is off-limits to vegetarians if she thought it was.
Has she ever mentioned her vegetarianism previously? I feel like she'd yap about that constantly. Hell, maybe she hasn't eaten beef or pork for the past week so now she's calling herself a vegetarian.
I fucking hate Kaydee.
No. 127449
>>127443She posted a body dysmorphia image on IG that was something along the lines of 'i feel HUGE even though I'm not etc etc' like the typical anorexia thing. And then that picture where she's stretching her pajamas out and says she lost 70 lbs. Just weird.
I don't even think she for sure has BED, just compulsive overeating and convinces herself it's super brave to feel better about it.
No. 127486
File: 1462366062968.jpeg (612.88 KB, 1200x1800, image.jpeg)

Is anyone else as confused as i am about how badly she is doing at keeping up the 'muh anorexia almost killed me' thing? Its been like 2/3 weeks since she was begging drs to give her a feeding tube & for $ to get 'life saving IP treatment' for severe anorexia, yet here she is ever so easily chowig down on all these foods u wouldnt see someone truly entrenched in severe anorexia go near for months if not years into recovery!!
No. 127490
dare you anon?! Thinking about being so anorexic she'd need a feeding tube or risk death made her really, really hungry!
No. 127541
>>127486but don't you think she's being such a
warrior by confronting her demons like that?
she just wants to be encouraged to eat whatever she wants and not feel guilt about it.
No. 127592
File: 1462388871200.jpeg (163.75 KB, 640x709, image.jpeg)

>>127488>>127541It gets worse folks: the more she posts the more i am convinced she is suffering from a delusional disorder. What makes me lol tho is she claims to be still following a meal plan her previous dietician set her in hospital, shes drinking ensures at least once a day & posting junk food for snacks/meals multiple times a day yet she STILL thinks shes not eating enough?! I wonder if her previous dietician was on drugs?
No. 127608
>>127600Omg pls do! im sure she wuld love to aquire a new label!
Talking of labels hav u noticed how shes not even consistent with her #tags? one post its #ednos #bipolar #anxiety. The next its #anorexia #bipolar #depression #ptsd
No. 127614
File: 1462393062729.jpg (25.07 KB, 500x422, muh-ed.jpg)

Oh god I've been dreaming to meet a deluded wannarexic hamplanet like pic related and now I met Kadee and can watch her delusions online everyday thank you Jesus
No. 127628
File: 1462394860095.png (127.77 KB, 630x670, Screen Shot 2016-05-04 at 21.4…)

Are you fucking kidding me she might be halfway delusional but she's also lying
No. 127633
>>127628I feel like I've seen this before… maybe it posted some weeks back in one of the pro-ana scumbags threads? If so judging by this post
>>127486 those baby steps have turned into a full jog towards lots of food! Also she's totally lying. I wonder if this is just online or if she's lying to herself to the point she believes this?
No. 127695
>>127689She'll probably still be chugging ensures with pizza and crying anorexia when she's being fitted for her C-PAP machine and reinforced furniture.
Its as if she thinks feeling hunger is dangerous starvation. She probably missed a snack, felt hunger for the first time since infancy, and decided she was starving to death.
Nobody in her real life appears to be calling her out on her hypochondria.
No. 127718
>>127702Good point.
I think she's probably shopped around for doctors/enablers and if they suggest something that contradicts her personal diagnosis she goes and finds another.
I'm assuming she lives at home still. I wonder what her parents think.
No. 127816
File: 1462447702693.jpg (57.95 KB, 286x425, kadeetumblr.jpg)

1st post: Something terminal is happening to her or someone around her, I wonder if donations will be necessary?? She also has other posts on tumblr within the past day making references to terrible news…
2nd post: It's impressive that someone who said she was dying from anorexia less than a month ago has gotten a job. Good for her seriously but she'll be around food all day.
No. 127828
>>127816She posted that her 'gramma' died, not sure if it's the same one who was threatening to kill herself because of Kadee's life threatening ED or not. She's very demanding of affection on IG. Me, me, me;
I'M having a terrible time, please asspats? I'd cap/screenshot but in a rush.
No. 127960
>>125361Hi anon,
This is the same anon that got fucked up by the BPD mental health worker. Thank you so much for your kind words. I really, really appreciate it. I'm doing better now and have had no contact with her since a brief meeting with her supervisor in which she tried to twist everything so that it was "my fault" (no one fell for it). My therapist is pushing me to submit a formal complaint with APA so that she will get her license revoked. I'm just worried about other vulnerable people who are in my old situation. She should NEVER work with mental health patients. EVER.
Thanks so much for your kind words. I know this is off topic from the actual thread, but I just wanted to say how much I appreciate someone like you taking the time to say those things. I'm in therapy and it's helping to see things in a more realistic perspective. Finally realizing that it WASN'T my fault.
Kadee would ruin a LOT of lives and cause destruction if she were any kind of mental health worker. Luckily she seems too lazy to actually persue that kind of career.
SO yeah. Thanks for responding. Someone in a power position to help someone heal should never be abusive or manipulative or delusional. Kadee would be all of those things and from experience, it REALLY fucks you up. Doing much better now, but it was a good 2.5 years of abuse and manipulation that really didn't need to happen.
Much love to you <3
No. 128172
File: 1462553245708.jpg (499.44 KB, 1052x1508, IMG_20160506_104634.jpg)

She's role-playing so hard. I literally hope this chick gets eaten by a wolf.
No. 128184
File: 1462557133522.jpg (32.72 KB, 425x320, wheat_425x320.jpg)

>>128179Does she even know about calories and macros? Serious question.
No. 128192
>>128178Sadly, this is actually it, there's no mystery or anything to it and seeing all the other tumblr shit here on lolcow she sure isn't alone in this.
I'd pity her if she wouldn't make me rage with the force of a thousand suns with everything she says and does.
No. 128204
>>125159Lol at a community college? Even if there was such a program, she can't do shit with it unless she got
at least a bachelors degree too.
OT but it annoys me that standards for social workers are so low in the UK/Australia. 4 years of uni and some internship? If you don't have a masters, at the very least, you shouldn't be considering yourself a mental health professional of any kind.. Then again these are the countries that let Cassie, Emma, and others use hospitals like hotels :/
No. 128245
>>128229Fat people are fucking hard to dose. They need more than regular people because they're so large and IIRC drugs don't travel so well through fatty tissue.
Plus she's probably got the tolerance of a racehorse anyway since she's a prescription junkie. She'd abuse vitamins as long as the doctor said they're special vitamins.
No. 128247
>>128236"Nothing else works/I'm allergic to other analgesics. I need that IV one, I think it starts with D…?"
Yeah sure buddy, sure. The best is when they just leave a&e because they can't or won't wait any longer.
No. 128302
I was just thinking what if these are old pics and she's not even in the hospital at all. She's just getting attention – but then I remembered she has her sister and friends on their so what's really going on..
>>128296I googled if they can cause pain and nothing came up about them causing pain.
No. 128305
File: 1462609314042.jpg (533.03 KB, 2048x2048, image.jpg)

>>128293Hey Fatty here's a news flash - you don't get surgery for PE. You get anticoagulant therapy aka some drugs to break up the clot. SOMETIMES they will insert a stent like thing that administers the drug directly next to the clot(s) to break them up but otherwise there isn't really a surgery - just a surgical procedure. In fact surgery for PE is VERY uncommon. Once again lying.
No. 128316
>>128307Eh sorry but that's not true. Everybody can have them and even the BC pill increases the chance of getting a blood clot that can lead to a PE. My dad died due to a PE shortly after being woken up from an induced coma and he definitely was not an inactive obese fuck. It's not an uncommon complication from being bed ridden.
Though in Kadee's case it's probably because she doesn't move around much and vegging out in hospital beds is her favourite pastime. Regarding any pain, I've read that PE can cause shortness of breath and such things.
No. 128365
File: 1462631519445.jpg (180.95 KB, 565x989, 'i googled it' yeah bullshit y…)

>>128302Are you mentally challenged?
No. 128375
File: 1462634690017.png (112.65 KB, 480x645, Screenshot_2016-05-07-16-19-11…)

(Caption for above cap)
No. 128376
File: 1462634777129.jpg (19.13 KB, 206x275, image.jpg)

>>128374muh anorexia
Seriously though, it looks like a bug bite.
Open heart surgery, smh.
No. 128382
>>128377She's fat enough to be experiencing serious effects. She's gotta be in the morbidly obese category by now, and thats a serious condition to be in.
When you take into consideration her hypochondriasis and her frequent fake emergencies there's a pretty slim chance anything major is happening.
She knows exactly what symptoms she needs to say she has to get admitted to hospital and has a new diagnosis every few days. Plus, being huge and working herself up into a panic, her blood pressure probably reads stupidly high.
No. 128384
>>128375If there's any truth to this she must be ecstatic! Think of all the care, pills and spoonie points she'll be getting.
>>128376I see a small rash and hand swelling.
No. 128385
>>128382Yeah, I'm thinking the same - it'd be easy for her to exaggerate her obesity related conditions.
Blog posts and comments not long before this would suggest that her family don't believe or sympathise with her 'illness' (or lack thereof…) - I'm sensing passive aggressive "see guise I'm so REALLY sick and you didn't believe me, nuhhhh!" vibes.
She also responds incredibly vaguely to questions in her IG comments. I'm having fun watching the more skeptical questions roll in (some from people with actual medical training based on their own IG bios) - she can't lie to save her life, nor can she keep up with her own tags and she can pray for her own damn self!
Hashtagging 'inpatient'. Should have an 'm', she's just after drugs and attention.
No. 128386
File: 1462637918491.png (68.49 KB, 480x800, Screenshot_2016-05-07-17-15-50…)

>>128385I'm guessing this is why there's the need for so many hospital selfies. She's trying to prove that she's sick since even her family aren't buying it.
No. 128387
File: 1462638006894.jpg (12.89 KB, 289x123, SICK.jpg)

>>128385This was posted just yesterday on her tumblr. Guess she is trying to really prove something to her family.
No. 128483
File: 1462654159932.jpeg (351.49 KB, 1200x1679, image.jpeg)

>>128385Im interested who took this pic of her?? do u reckon she got her mom to do it or did she slyly put her camera on timer. I mean who takes such staged pics of themselves in hosp like this? Its like she is trying to create some artsy pittiful online soap opera !
Also kudos to supersizeskinny instachan cos they r so tactfuly calling her bs & its a beautiful thing to witness. Wonder if they r a farmer ? Saw in another of her replies to someone else questining the detials that she wrote about her "severe blot clot causing me to be unable to breathe on my own". Kek! Having oxygen via nasal canulae is supplementary to improve ur blood oxygen levels snowflake, if she was unable to breathe on her own she wuld be intubated and on an automated respirator!!
The more she writes the more i feel she prob is having treatment for PE but shes just exaggerating everything to the most extreme so she can get more sympathy and appear more legit. Its exactly wat her m.o. Is with her ed.
No. 128489
1-She is clearly NOT sticking to that meal plan, not if she's eating all that shit she posts
2-She does medically need to lose some weight. In a safe, realistic, non-disordered way, yes, but she doesn't need to GAIN WEIGHT.
What the fuck is this? Are we in a alternate dimension right now??!
No. 128535
File: 1462666015959.jpg (35.85 KB, 800x627, housemd.jpg)

>>128533>lupusit's never lupus
No. 128536
>>128533Do you think she's aware of all the shit she's spouting and how ridiculous she sounds, or is she actually delusional?
I just don't understand how she can type all that without cringing.
No. 128540
>>127486That macaroni looks like it's just had milk poured over it, not cheese.
It also looks like the macaroni is the only home cooked meal she has. (disinclining the ensure etc as that's a snack) - when I was disordered I couldn't manage more than a few bites of a pizza or takeaway meal, and when I did it felt like one of Ali's #RECOVERYWIN's. I'd of thought that she would be trying to post more things like the banana & yogurt snack even though it is about 509 calories itself.
It annoys me on a personal note but I'm so fascinated by what her thought process is, is it truly just an attention thing so she's saying whatever for asspats or does she genuinely believe she is fading away to nothing? I follow her on instagram, I'm going to infiltrate one day.
No. 128543
>>128540She lives in a fantasy world inside her head where her weight-related medical issues are all ~mystery~ chronic illnesses, or things relating to her super serious anorexia that leaves her weak and feebly like a delicate baby bird.
She wants attention and she wants it now
No. 128565
>>128562The photos of yourself, assuming you're a normal weight with a bmi under 23 gain massive ass pats, even if you're like 25 bmi you look like a #edwarrior who is #kickinganasbutt. If you're like kadee then the photos are a terrible idea. She's probably just really fucking vain and loves herself, she seems pretty narcissistic in some of her posts.
Also the small healthy portions of food on recovery/ana instagrams take a little bit of work - cutting up all those vegetables and those pesky bits of fruit? No thank you! Takeaway for our recovering mammoth.
No. 128600
File: 1462706930339.jpeg (133.16 KB, 620x770, image.jpeg)

another pity pic.
No. 128606
>>128600I can see her making the nurses wait for her to get a few pity snapshots of herself pretending to sleep before letting them take vitals.
I hope someone at the hospital gets through to her that she's not sick and she's wasting time and care that should be spent on people who actually are unwell by constantly malingering.
No. 128628
File: 1462719381853.jpeg (104.93 KB, 638x469, image.jpeg)

No. 128640
>>128635Me too!! its so cringey watching her say all this stuff. Im genuinely interested to know whether she says this stuff because:
1) shes stupid enough to think she can fool everyone
2) she has a low IQ or some sort of intelligence issue & literally mistakes
everything the drs say to her as facts that r happening to her now, bearing in mind the drs will explain wats wrong with her, all the possible outcomes, all the possible treatments & complications of said treatments etc., so she has informed consent.
3) shes delusional and truely believes shes about to die
4) shes NOT delusional but desperately wishes all this was happening so just like cassie, thinks that the more she talks about it as if it
is real, the more chance there is of it
being real
5) shes got munchausens
No. 128684
>>128628Gotta wonder if she just has munchausen's. My friend told me today her mom had it so my friend had munchausen's by proxy, and she didn't realize it as a little girl what her mom was doing.
Eventually she wisened up and cut off contact with her parents.
No. 128699
File: 1462744418564.jpg (961.42 KB, 2048x2048, image.jpg)

After subtly being called out by her followers re:open heart surgery her story has now changed! She might have a clot in her brain!!!! seems legit
No. 128706
File: 1462745725474.jpeg (83.93 KB, 640x582, image.jpeg)

>>128699U forgot the accompanying pity pic!! Wat is it with grown ass adult snowflakes and cuddly toys?!!
Also if this PE was as life threatening as shes making out it is she would be in the ICU for super close monitoring- iv been googling the shit out of this! Anyways if she WAS in icu we would know all about it, as it would be her ultimate goal acomplished, so she blatently isnt very medically compromised or at least the medics arent concerned shes about to die from this!
No. 128711
File: 1462746303450.gif (455.25 KB, 400x226, image.gif)

>>128699Her ott emoji use is begining to look like another #recoverywarrior we know
No. 128713
>>128702Nope, you're wrong.
>>128687 is right. People with Munchhausen's make themselves sick for attention. People with Munchhausen's-by-proxy make another person–usually their child–sick to get attention. Thus, the mom has Munchhausen's by proxy; your friend does not.
(Deleted and reposted because I misread.)
No. 128805
File: 1462760114960.jpeg (100.47 KB, 640x893, image.jpeg)

Im no professional but i was under the impression if u r on a ventilator , there is a tube down ur throat and u r sedated - but somehow shes able to post about it to ig?!! and surely she wuld hav posted a pic of the actual tubes and ventilator and shit if she was attached to one cos that what she gets off on?!!
No. 128813
>>128805>#collapsedlungWhat the actual fuck.
This bitch will say anything for attention.
Next she'll be claiming the doctors are giving her #24hourstolive lol
No. 128818
>>128811Agreed. Just done more googling (of reputable medical source BMJ) and management of pneumothorax is as follows; observation and supplementary o2 where required. if significant respiratory distress then pressure is relieved with needle aspiration, if this unsuitable or ineffective then they insert a chest drain, if pts obs still unstable they use supplementary high flow o2 - which wuld be with a mask rather than nasal canulae…(probably what she is having but is telling everyone its a ventilator either cos shes that ignorant or she thinks she can make her situation sound more serious). Last resort intervention in life threatening /unresolving cases is thoracic surgery to repair the leakage in lungs.
Btw Kaydee is a smoker, has asthma AND is obese - all of which significantly increase her risk of all this occurring in the first place. It pisses me off cos shes #chronicillness when in reality shes just #chronicallyunhealthy due to lifestyle
No. 128821
>>128807I'm not surprised someone so obviously lazy can't be bothered to read a wiki page on the conditions she's pretending to have.
Does anyone actually believe her?
No. 128881
>>128283>this kind of diagnosis progression in 3 hoursidk what american hospitals are like, but i'm australian and when my appendix was about to explode it took the hospital at least 7 hours to fully test, diagnose and admit me. how the fuck did she get whatever scans/tests needed to find clots in her lungs in under 3 hours??
>>128375if this is legit i'll eat my slippers.
>>128533if she has PCOS she should be losing weight, not gaining it. this complete ridiculousness of this girl amazes me, it's fascinating but also disgusting. jesus i don't visit lolcow for a few days and this bitch just blows up.
No. 128901
>>128892They usually keep you fully sedated for awhile until the body gets strong enough.
>>128898I don't think she's gonna fake her death (yet) but the next post will probably be some shit about how she was fully sedated because of the vent
Her vent story has changed twice already. First she said no sedation, now in the comments she's saying they did use some sedation.
No. 128905
File: 1462806246755.png (79.36 KB, 480x800, Screenshot_2016-05-09-16-02-06…)

…Tumblr posts are a breeze though.
No. 128957
Dilaudid in da house!
No. 128969
File: 1462831188132.jpeg (278.96 KB, 1276x1614, image.jpeg)

Jolt is either the biggest troll or the thirstiest human on the Internet/planet, & I'm starting wonder if she's the one who needs therapy… Or a hug, or something
No. 128979
>>128977>>128978I don't think she's particularly stupid, she just thinks we are.
>turns out it was an oxygen mask not a ventilator oopsiewouldn't someone who's chronically ill and in/out of the hospital all the time know the difference?
No. 128997
File: 1462840582244.png (140.79 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

I've been stalking this cows Facebook because I'm simply just fascinated with her. I noticed this post and apparently she's a rape victim too? Am I an asshole for thinking she's lying about that too? She's a full time "victim" Jesus Christ
No. 128998
>>128997No, I think you're right. She's just a full time victim.
Look at how its written. She might as well have posted 'ask me about my rape :)'
Everything is a
trigger for this fat fuck because being
triggered gives her as excuse to keep acting like a greedy, worthless kid.
No. 129035
File: 1462851852401.jpg (90.89 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg)

Fairly sure I found out who her therapist is. Only 3 "Gretchen" therapists in Connecticut and one specialises in "eating disorders" (as well as addiction & recovery lol)
No. 129077
>>129035I'm pretty much entirely certain that her 'therapist' is her grandma at this point.
Also, does she know that enoxaparin (the "blood thinner injection in my stomach") is given to literally everyone on an extended hospital stay with reduced mobility?
No. 129081
>>128997Maybe it's a
trigger because she's a virgin and isn't going to have sex, and is too stupid to understand that rape isn't a good thing.
No. 129085
>>129003>Penetration wouldn't even be possible wtf. Kadee's not too fat to penetrate. It wouldn't be easy to rape her using sheer physical force, but it's possible.
Also, rape can happen without using any, or minimal, physical force. See: date rape drugs, threats of physical harm, etc.
Kadee is the kind of person that would fuck her boyfriend when she's not really in the mood, without ever showing any sign that she wasn't in the mood, and then later claim it was rape.
She's also the kind of person that would make up a rape, full stop.
>Of ALL the things to lie about, why anorexia and RAPE???Anorexia = dainty angel bby who has lots of self-control, thinness is considered conventionally attractive
rape = gets asspats and called a "survivor" for merely existing, gets to yell "Rape culture!" and accuse people of victim blaming if anyone dares to not treat her with kid gloves or fails to accept her claims as 100% accurate, implies someone (the rapist) found her physically attractive, gets to be a victim all over again by being "
>>128997>Am I an asshole for thinking she's lying about that too?The fact that you asked that question is exactly why perpetual liars like Kadee pretend to have been raped. It's not at all socially acceptable to even consider the possibility that someone would ever lie about being raped (which is fucking stupid, because obviously lots of people are awful pieces of shit - if that wasn't true, rapists wouldn't exist in the first place. Why wouldn't awful pieces of shit be willing to lie about being raped?), meaning it's a relatively easy lie to get away with. This is especially true if the liar keeps the lie nebulous, failing to provide details or give the identity of the supposed rapist.
>>129075Actual therapists don't have cutesy text conversations with, hang out with, or bring presents to their patients. The therapist is either fake or needs to be fired.
No. 129089
>>128969>>128997She's a professional victim, yeah. She gets attention for being ill and rape and having an ED so she uses them all to get followers and sympathy because, let's face it, she has nothing else going for her.
I knew a girl exactly like that. EXACTLY down to the same disorders and pics of her in the hospital lying her ass off that she was in for severe chronic illness or getting beaten up and mugged and a bunch of other shit. And her tumblr 'friends' who eat it up and send her donations. Man, just thinking about this makes me mad.
No. 129123
File: 1462886707770.png (137.46 KB, 480x800, Screenshot_2016-05-10-14-21-44…)

"What are YOU going to do about YOUR recovery?"
Punch you in the face if you carry on?
'My little warriors' - the only little thing she can claim she has and half of her followers and commentors are on here or actively questioning her bull in her comments sections. She's terrifying! Poor imaginary therapist!
No. 129144
File: 1462893123535.png (92.37 KB, 503x433, Screen shot 2016-05-11 at 12.3…)

i have never had such vehement dislike for a person until this cow came along. almost every post on her facebook is a check in at the hospital or some variation of 'pray for me!!!' she's disgusting.
No. 129145
File: 1462893261736.png (82.7 KB, 512x400, Screen shot 2016-05-11 at 12.4…)

and apparently this isn't the first time a machines 'done the breathing for her'
No. 129176
I just looked up the symptoms for Munchasen's and guess who nails almost all the symptoms?
Symptoms may include: clever and convincing medical problems, frequent hospitalizations, vague or inconsistent symptoms, conditions that get worse for no apparent reason, conditions that don't respond as expected to standard therapies, eagerness to have frequent testing or risky operations, extensive knowledge of medical terms and diseases, seeking treatment from many different doctors or hospitals, which may include using a fake name, having few visitors when hospitalized, reluctance to allow health professionals to talk to family or friends or to other health care providers, arguing with hospital staff, and frequent requests for pain relievers or other medications.
I would love if someone could make a bingo card version of this to use for all the "professional sick kids" that will inevitably be talked about here in the future. There's even more tell-tale signs that I didn't include that sum up these people perfectly.
No. 129180
File: 1462899642286.jpg (103.15 KB, 959x620, Capture.JPG)

#Pray for our #strong #anawarrior as she #tackles this #huge #OILY!!! #challengemeal :(
No. 129184
I'm dying to see how Kadee would react if someone outright asked if she has munchasen's. I'd do it but I don't want my sockpuppet acc to get blocked
>>129176she's got everything except the "convincing" part.
No. 129188
>>129180She posted a "snack" of a chobani yogurt (220calories,) banana (89 calories) and an ensure (220 calories)
That's 529 calories for a SNACK but she's moaning over 285 for a whole MEAL?
Girl is fucked.
No. 129196
>>129195Her gofundme was to fund her eating disorder inpatient though, so it's natural that it would talk about just that.
Maybe she felt like if she added in bits about her other, obviously semi-real illnesses she would've been taking away the realism as she would look like she has too many illnesses. She never really talks about all her illnesses at once, so unless you actually pay proper attention you probably won't notice her 320948230 different mental and physical illnesses. Like she has different posts for different conditions, her PE, her ED, her pains etc.
No. 129254
File: 1462916715377.png (113.07 KB, 480x689, Screenshot_2016-05-10-22-43-03…)

Lol at sadthensadder's comment. Tempura dig. Reckon she's lurking or posting here?
No. 129294
>>129269>>129258 No she always gets
triggered in hospital because its the perfect place to get even more attention and care and concern if shes seen or thought to be starving herself - and of course she knows she hasnt got the self control to starve herself, so its making her feel distressed and
triggered for not being able to make the most out of all the attention she could get if she could only starve herself around the people whos jobs it is to care about that sort of thing!! Psycho-analyse THAT bitches ??
No. 129298
File: 1462929461612.png (473.77 KB, 943x455, delete.png)

You're in the hospital and you're asking your followers to tell you what's wrong with your hand.
No. 129301
File: 1462930102624.jpeg (76.92 KB, 640x521, image.jpeg)

>>129298Kek i know!! And look at this follower totally fuelling her bratty 'im definitely the only sick and suffering patient in this hospital so why arent you jumping to my every demand?' Attitude. its a scratch, probably mrsa - GET OVER IT. Theres more than likely a poor soul genuinely dying down the corridor from her, but she wuldnt even think of that wuld she!
No. 129302
File: 1462930159039.jpeg (91.38 KB, 640x546, image.jpeg)

>>129301Forgot to add this bit to last post
No. 129303
File: 1462930525663.jpeg (188.09 KB, 640x702, image.jpeg)

Whats with the random #lupie tag all of
sudden? shes mentioned it before i think but now shes tagging all her diagnonsenses in unrelated posts???
And the ever-changing ed diagnoses is the crown jewel to her charade. yesterday it was #anorexia later on it was #ednos and today its #bulimia. Make ur mind up luv
No. 129304
>>129303I can't sleep
Bitch what you posted three selfies of you supposedly sleeping last week. Keep up.
No. 129308
File: 1462930864572.jpeg (402.51 KB, 1200x1800, image.jpeg)

I mean the entertainment value and never ending cringe factor is brilliant but im not actually sure how much more of this selfish entitled munchausens bitch i can take
No. 129313
>>129258"Nurses won't let me get pizza delivered and mum hasn't given me cake. Not eating is my biggest
trigger so now I will pretend to starve myself.
Oh yes jello for lunch!"
No. 129323
File: 1462932731583.png (56.15 KB, 313x143, cig.png)

>>129318>>129318Yep. If you look closely you can see that she poked her hand with the cig a few times before holding it there to create a burn.
Munchausens as fuck
No. 129324
>>129320Not that anon, but reading posts with "ur" and "wudnt" make you seem really fucking retarded. It's not hard to spell out the word you underage fucktard.
It's not kek, it's "ur" "u" and "cos." You're (it's not that hard to spell out the entire word) the reason this website is shit. You are shit. I hope you die of cancer you fucking human equivalent of feces. Quit giving hand jobs you useless whore and spell out words properly.
No. 129328
>>129324Wow u must b so smart
Wats it like to b a genius?
No. 129341
>>129339. Oops looks like i just discovered
bold text i was wanting the asterix for a different reason!
No. 129375
>>129339THISSS! It's so obviously a cigarette burn. It really bothers me that she feels so entitled to special treatment and instant "wound" specialists. Meanwhile down the hall, someone might be recovering from a stabbing or major surgery. Your little cigarette burn is nothing. Munchausens as fuck. What kind of normal person in the HOSPITAL inflicts teeny injuries on themselves and insists they be seen immediately? It's just weird. And really fucked up.
There are actual sick people in that hospital. People who are dying of cancer or some other awful disease. Kadee needs to find herself a life.
No. 129381
File: 1462950176974.jpeg (220.42 KB, 1237x1740, image.jpeg)

Okay, I went back and looked at this post and the photo behind her on her headboard. Is that of Charles Manson or not?
>>129323It's such a perfect circle shaped burn it has to be a cigarette.
No. 129387
>>129383I'm laughing so much "I think that's Jesus"
It's definitely not Charles Manson
No. 129397
File: 1462958959266.jpg (83.07 KB, 728x546, albany-lecture-03-81-728.jpg)

>>129392I'm more positive it's caused by rubbing her hand. It looks like a self inflicted friction burn. The wound is supposedly new, but it's already scabbed over. I'm not seeing any weeping like you said.
No. 129407
>>129397OCD hand scratcher and I can confirm that it looks 100% like a friction burn.
I also think she's too pussy to actually burn herself with a cigarette. That shit hurts way more.
No. 129410
File: 1462964225721.jpg (130.66 KB, 640x732, image.jpg)

It's old as shit but more relevant that you spelling obsessed retards.
Excellent old photo of kaydee desperately struggling to get her daily calories.
No. 129414
File: 1462964577016.png (684.29 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

still my favorite kadee moment
No. 129416
File: 1462964776413.jpg (41.08 KB, 414x391, image.jpg)

>>129415Dropped the picture
No. 129460
File: 1462979172874.png (121.15 KB, 480x694, Screenshot_2016-05-11-15-53-06…)

I have some caps of someone calling her out after she said her therapist knows she's purging with a collapsed lung in the hospital but neglected to let anyone know but there are a few and I'm only able to post one at a time. Happy to drop 'em but don't wang to spam. She's so defensive and 'me, me, me' people are commenting less on her posts and those who are are getting more dubious and skeptical with each post.
(Apologies for accidental post in PT, hoping I deleted it successfully, spazzing out a bit today - will pay more attention next time :s)
No. 129483
File: 1462984034651.png (128.95 KB, 480x687, Screenshot_2016-05-11-15-53-11…)

No. 129484
File: 1462984111758.png (124.09 KB, 480x687, Screenshot_2016-05-11-15-53-20…)

No. 129485
File: 1462984267735.png (124.59 KB, 480x691, Screenshot_2016-05-11-15-54-42…)

No. 129486
File: 1462984382171.png (118.15 KB, 480x683, Screenshot_2016-05-11-15-54-47…)

Last one
No. 129534
File: 1462993701513.jpeg (191.17 KB, 951x1148, image.jpeg)

Now that nobody seems to be dumb enough to buy her bs and donate her money she's asking for presents and get well messages?
Just who the hell does she think she is? She's no way a celeb (not even a "e-celeb") to expect complete strangers give her shit
No. 129593
File: 1463009036561.png (197.56 KB, 435x595, 02012kadee.png)

>>129568This is what my fuzzy ana-brain remembers:
I found her instagram in 2011/12 and was initially sympathetic because obviously it would take a while for an obese person to lose enough weight to "look" anorexic. Months go by, she's always posting Starbucks selfies and pictures of junk food, she's still huge. I don't remember anyone confronting her, possibly because she was so delusional. She seemed popular judging from the gifts and get well soon letters she would receive, but her only selfies were with her moonfaced sister/ other family, rarely any with a friend, which made me think she was sending shit to herself, especially as the letters would read a lot like her IG posts. She constantly complained about physical illnesses too and was hospitalized a lot and no one wanted to question someone who appeared to be so sick in other ways. The only real milk is that she's been doing this for 4+ years. 2016 Kadee is indistinguishable from 2012 Kadee, she hasn't even got smarter or more convincing.
One weird thing I do remember is she claimed to be pregnant but miscarried. I searched and the only thing I could find was a user called savingkadee on a pregnancy countdown website, I don't know how to link but there's nothing worth seeing on there anyway, just her username and due date of January 2014. I guess she deleted all of that drama.
>>129561Her current tumblr kadeesfight dates back to June 2012. The archive is full of ED/anorexia/self harm/recovery etc posts right from the beginning. She has always used the usernames mentioned in the OP and she was kadeekat/savingkadeekat for a while too. Pic related (if it works) is 2012 Kadee being a #recoverywarrior, the date is in the bottom left
(I'm usually a lurker so sorry for not knowing how to do photos/links properly)
No. 129594
File: 1463009057836.jpeg (296.98 KB, 1200x1707, image.jpeg)

Uk farmer here - for us any supplement/nutritional drinks such as ensure or fortisip are prescription only. I may be wrong but is it true in US that you can just buy them from many stores no prescription needed? Asking as im wondering if shes asking the drs at the hospital to prescribe her them or if shes just decided she needs them and has got a visitor to buy them for her?!
No. 129601
File: 1463009793877.jpeg (281.53 KB, 1200x1707, image.jpeg)

omg she just keeps it coming!! added bonus = joltography and her comment ?>>129596
>>129598Thanks for clarifying
No. 129607
>>129601This convo is so pathetically fake.
That, or she has the world's least professional therapist with no sense of boundaries and the texting habits of a teenager
No. 129617
File: 1463011524486.png (30.88 KB, 717x179, 026.PNG)

she's putting almost no effort into keeping up the lie at this point. and if she's been at it for 4+ years, that makes sense. also lmao at the username change
No. 129620
>>129601>this therapist of minecreepy? your therapist doesn't "belong" to you. unless she's made up i guess
>if that is what u require>m'ladywhat even is this. seconding anon on the John Green book kek
No. 129624
File: 1463013081752.jpg (42 KB, 783x508, 34989.jpg)

>>129617>emotional hospiceAre you fucking kidding me? For anyone unfamiliar, hospice care is for people who have terminal illnesses and are expected to die soon. It focuses on keeping the patient's last days as comfortable as possible and avoiding drastic measures to keep them alive. Obviously there is no such thing as an 'emotional hospice'. I guess she just thinks the word
hospice makes her sound really sick and will get her lots of attention.
No. 129627
File: 1463013910712.jpg (118.82 KB, 540x540, kek.jpg)

I found this on her tumblr. Gotta get that Ensure in every pic to make sure everyone knows you're sooooo sick!
No. 129628
>>129610im inclined to agree with you anon, but didn't someone post recently here that they looked up her 'therapist' online and has worked out who it actually is?! I remember them saying there were only 3 in her area with the first name begining with 'G' (Gretchen). Although, just because a plausible therapist exists in search results, it doesn't mean they are actually working with Kaydee in a professional context - maybe she is actually a friend of a friend or something and when Kaydee heard she was a therapist she begged her to be her friend and this poor woman had no idea what she was letting herself in for and has now become trapped because shes not
actually K's offical therapist but K is manipulating the "friendship" to become a dependent one where shes the patient and this poor woman is the unpaid professional with none of the protection or boundaries that an official patient-therapist relationship would have. ??
No. 129636
File: 1463014854544.jpeg (232.18 KB, 750x924, image.jpeg)

Gotta be a farmer
No. 129638
>>129636She sounds like she's writing a monologue to convince herself she's sick.
Her doctors would be happy she's losing weight, any medical professional would be.
She's probably begged them for a NG tube and mad about not getting one.
No. 129639
>>129638You don't get a NG for
barely eating for a few days unless you're at a weight where that would be life threatening. People don't eat for 5 or more days sometimes when they have the flu you don't see people being shipped in to be tubed. It's completely crazy MAYBE if she hadn't had a single thing since she got there they'd tell her eventually if she doesn't start eating then they are going to tube her but it's just ludicrous what she's suggesting. Not to mention the tube picture is a fucking drainage tube from when she had pancreatitis or whatever the fuck it was which is a complication of obesity
No. 129646
File: 1463016783411.jpeg (35 KB, 400x710, image.jpeg)

No. 129649
>>129639Sage for diary post (sorry guys I promise its relevant)
I got outta hospital a week ago for dental surgery and ate about 1/4 of all my meals post surgery because ew hospital food. Four days of this at low/normal bmi and its no biggie.
Its no big deal to not eat much for a few days unless you're a dying spoop or diabetic. In kaydee's case its a good thing because she needs to lose about 60kg to be healthy. She just wants someone to pat her lumpy ass and say something to make her feel less guilty about being an overeater and malingerer.
No. 129658
>>129646I AM DYING!!!!!!!
When you use the wbesite to create fake iphone conversations, you can't change the battery percentage. It's ALWAYS set at 85%. bAM you've been caught! She uses that fake website 100%.
No. 129660
File: 1463019833708.jpeg (72.96 KB, 750x819, image.jpeg)

>>129658>>129659Seems more likely that she is texting herself and then deleting the doubled responses & put her number in her contacts as 'Gretchen'. These texts had 24% battery, which wouldn't be possible with that website.
No. 129662
File: 1463019998401.jpeg (113.93 KB, 640x855, image.jpeg)

Was just looking back through her ig - anyone else notice how she even has a Bridgeport Hospital hoodie?!! Reinforcing to us all that she cant get enough of anything remotely related with being in the hospital!
No. 129670
File: 1463022531933.png (23.74 KB, 382x300, therapy.png)

>>129660You can change battery level on other sites, but i wouldn't be surprised if she was just texting herself. Probably easier.
No. 129672
File: 1463022843302.jpg (47.23 KB, 488x240, g.jpg)

According to her she only met Gretchen at the end of April and now she texts Kadee daily and tells her she loves her. Sure Jan!
No. 129687
File: 1463024872949.png (124.87 KB, 480x800, wp_ss_20160512_0001.png)

>>129436When worlds collide. Aly is her inspiration…
No. 129689
>>129676'Image wouldn't load. Tap to retry.'
Damnit Damnit Damnit, instagerm, I wanna see the doll vid! Is she flipping out? Clearly after pain meds big time!
(Vid isn't gone, my IG is being a dick and only loading certain posts…)
No. 129690
File: 1463025020363.jpeg (187.36 KB, 750x1095, image.jpeg)

Okay so the 'feeding tube' she had was mysteriously placed for one day, coincidentally the day after her surgery for for gall bladder attack and pancreatitis. (Aka it was a drainage tube) She then claimed she ripped it out and they never replaced it.
Even more proof Kadee is 'secretly' a binge eater:
Pancreatic secretion of digestive enzymes in the body's vital organs, which secrete the pancreatic juice contains a variety of enzymes that can digest protein, fat and carbohydrates. When people eat too much, it will stimulate a large number of secretion of pancreatic juice to the pancreatic duct pressure suddenly increased, causing rupture of pancreatic acinar. They are activated and turned into the digestive enzymes that can digest their own organizations and have different degrees of pancreatic damage and inflammation reaction.
Binge eating or eating excessively large meals. Eating more food than your digestive organs can handle is a risk factor for developing gallstones and a major risk factor for developing a gallbladder attack
No. 129695
File: 1463025539187.jpg (43.8 KB, 490x297, name.jpg)

>>129535I found a reference to her changing her name. Nicole > Kadeelyn
No. 129700
>>129695Is she telling the truth though..? This could just be for attention.
>>129689It wouldn't load for me either but finally it did… This new IG is bugging a bit.
No. 129702
>>129700I found a longer entry talking about the name change: she could be lying, when someone lies as much as she does you become skeptical about everything unless proven.
No. 129715
So, Kadee has another gofundme.
She has the one we know about, here: she also has another one here: the fuck?
No. 129716
>>129715this bitch
And no one's donated in 15months… What.
No. 129733
File: 1463035173711.png (120.63 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

>admits to having an addiction
To food or drugs?
No. 129734
File: 1463035244014.png (607.04 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

In this video she just says ED instead of "muh anorexia!!!!"
No. 129738
File: 1463035818896.png (116.9 KB, 480x690, Screenshot_2016-05-12-07-33-24…)

Ffs. Such lies. Her own boss, no duty of care, no boundaries, no way.
Not a real therapist, surely.
Britfag. Can any US farmers/anons clarify how therapists work with regards to qualifications; can anyone declare themselves a therapist and work without contracts, boundaries and safeguards for themselves and their mentally ill patients? If her therapist was surprised that "given her history" she's in a room without observation, alone, and choose not to inform anyone on her ward/in charge of her care/treatment that she's purging with a collapsed lung; wouldn't the hypothetical therapist have to take some action on behalf of the patient if their supposed mental illness is increasing the risk of a medical emergency? I honestly don't believe a word out of her mouth.
Also wouldn't put it past her to have googled a local therapist for eating disorders and is simply using the name as a basic proof for any skeptics who question the therapist's validity/existence? She's lazy. If anons/farmers found those therapists in a search engine, so could she. She likes to pretend.
No. 129739
File: 1463036685502.png (125.76 KB, 478x655, Screenshot_2016-05-12-08-02-36…)

Errr… think I found 'Gretchen'.
No. 129746
File: 1463037611431.jpeg (56.96 KB, 750x606, image.jpeg)

Who did this
No. 129748
>>129743>>129744 Thought I'd take a look at her Youtub account, saw the name and had to post. I think she's maybe modelled her perfect/ideal therapist out of a fantasy. It's too coincidental, right? It's not
that common a name, is it?
No. 129749
File: 1463038894447.jpg (33.26 KB, 600x450, full (4).jpg)

No. 129755
>>129749Ring or band? (As in gastric)
Why no
true transformation tuesday or genuine
pre-ed pic like most generic ED accounts on IG?
Because it would be obvious that she doesn't suffer from anorexia.
No. 129763
File: 1463048623866.jpg (253.24 KB, 1500x1500, 1613.Jpg)

>>129662she looks like a fucking Chucky doll
No. 129765
>>129763THANKYOU, DEAR ANON! It's been bugging me for ages, knew she reminded me of someone and couldn't place who/what. Nailed it!
Chucky lives!
No. 129768
>>129717I never went to IP or IOP, and the reason was the cost. There were two places close to me, one was a volunteer run hospital who would be charging me 20K for a 3 month program, and the other location was to charge me $250/day for a bed, nutritionists, doctors, psychologists… etc…
During which I've already racked up over 100K in student loan debt.
I don't think the money figures are that far off, but like everybody else is saying, she needs to get treated for BED, not AN…
No. 129772
>>129768Yeah, IP is like 2k+/day, Res 1.5k+/day, and PHP depending on intensity is like 1k+/day.
90 days racked me up to 130,000 (avg 1444/day), so not that off.
No. 129779
File: 1463056275710.jpg (71.41 KB, 600x449, image.jpg)

>>129663don't worry about it. it's not like kadee is particularly believable
No. 129782
>>129777I feel conflicted too. She's clearly mentally ill and her Munchausen's needs treatment alongside her BED/OSFED (though that would require honesty and some insight into her genuine illnesses) It is sad but she is also clearly malingering and taking the piss with pain medication and lies for sympathy.
She's said she wants to discharge herself but they wouldn't let her go if she were that ill(?) so I think they're shipping her out and since she's exaggerated so much about how unwell she is she has to lie and claim a self discharge. It's entertaining, sad and morbidly fascinating all at once. I'd love to know how her brain works! Thought processes etc.
No. 129815
>>129749>>129779these are basically more proof that the ED that "consumed [her] life" was BED and not anorexia. she could probably get genuine support instead of bait comments if she was upfront about the binge eating, since it really does seem to be effecting her health like
>>129690 said
No. 129821
>>129809Goes to show the extent of how much she's faking. A few days ago she was gonna have open heart surgery and surgery to get rid of her PE, but now she's suddenly well enough to discharge herself? I understand that NG tubes are scary (even though she's never had one), but if you were really having that many issues you'd stay in the hospital until you were healthy enough.
The more she posts, the more her story falls apart.
No. 129839
File: 1463068008289.jpeg (29.44 KB, 728x262, image.jpeg)

She liked this movie on FB. I'm dying.
No. 129863
File: 1463072456830.png (937.1 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

does she lie about cancer too? What medical issue would cause you to get an ugly hairstyle?
No. 129882
File: 1463076874637.png (453.24 KB, 1296x699, Screen Shot 2016-05-12 at 7.11…)

weheartit account circa 2013 she says shes in recovery for bulimia No. 129895
File: 1463080587191.jpg (16 KB, 513x147, kadee.jpg)

I wonder if this actress is who she borrowed the name Kadee from?
>>129863 posted that exact pic along with another on her tumblr with the following tags: girlswholikegirls, lesbian, bisexual, gay, girlfriend, sexuality, LGBT and queer
No. 129952
File: 1463088133183.jpg (61.86 KB, 695x547, kadeepig.JPG)

Check out the first thing she makes a beeline for immediately discharge, lmao.
>such ana
>so ED
>much restriction
No. 129966
>>129908 "very ambitious"
clearly not that ambitious about losing weight pahaha
No. 129971
>>129962Yes that's her.thanks
Too bad she is private
No. 129973
File: 1463090929922.png (507.06 KB, 941x600, kb1.png)

>>129971oh i didn't realize she'd gone private, here have some screenshots. her "friend" made this most recent post in our precious fighter's defense while she's away in treatment
No. 129974
File: 1463091007143.png (36.02 KB, 566x416, kb4.png)

>>129973the rest of the caption
No. 129990
>>129988Lol, I missed
that part! She wanted some horrible medical issue oh so bad.
No. 130019
File: 1463099185678.png (132 KB, 480x692, Screenshot_2016-05-13-01-18-32…)

No. 130034
>>130028i've had threads randomly change color on me idk why
(sage OT next time though)
No. 130041
File: 1463105311300.jpg (50.47 KB, 451x451, hollykonstantino.jpg)

I think this is Kadee's mom. I expected her to be hefty, but she's not at all.
No. 130048
File: 1463105853798.png (152.44 KB, 536x589, 2013.png)

No. 130049
File: 1463105968721.png (26.4 KB, 453x379, 2007.png) can't figure out when this was posted, but Kadee mentions her grandma dying as the start of her mental health issues in a few of her monologues.
No. 130064
File: 1463108136652.png (1.42 MB, 1640x2200, k.png) you guys seen her Facebook? Holy. Shit. This isn't even all of the hospital check-ins because I got bored of pasting them. They must know her by name now.
No. 130085
>>129670>>129646The phone companies are different on each screenshot
How does it work in the US? Is it a solid proof that at least one of these are fake?
No. 130088
>>130085>>130086You are both retarded.
>>129670"Eat your Jello Baby"
Is a farmer testing the fake texting app out to show you can change the battery percentage.
No. 130090
File: 1463117792850.png (Spoiler Image,77.14 KB, 362x634, gretch.png)

Wow, Gretchen. Not appropriate for a woman in your profession at all. Sheesh.
No. 130098
>>129660i'm guessing in this one she did what another anon said and texted herself and then just deleted the duplicates. that or it's just someone else and she changed the name momentarily to pretend it was "gretchen"
>>129646now this one is absolutely fake lol some iphones have thicker font than others because you can change the settings for that sort of shit. you notice the percentage in the corner is thick as fuck but then in the real text message above, its back to the skinny font iphones have by default
shes fucking creepy
No. 130100
>>130098 we know that
>>129646 is fake. This has been said literally two posts below it. Do any of you read this fucking thread at all? Can we stop discussing how fake the made up Gretchen texts are that other anons obviously or said they made themselves.
No. 130102
File: 1463122986269.jpg (Spoiler Image,59.87 KB, 400x533, goth chucky.jpg)

>>129895That second picture though…
No. 130110
>>129738> Can any US farmers/anons clarify how therapists work with regards to qualificationsTherapists are required to have a Master's Degree at minimum. Some states require a Doctoral Degree as well. Therapists must also be licensed, but I don't know what the requirements are beyond having earned a Masters's/Doctoral.
Counselors have to be certified/licensed, but, depending on the type of counseling and state, the certificate/license may be laughably easy to obtain.
No. 130173
File: 1463157440176.png (9.82 KB, 558x80, kd1.png)

this makes no sense in conjunction to anything else she's said. she "doesn't want to be in the hospital" but she carted herself back to the emergency room less than 12 hours after a 6-day hospital stay, and the staff refused to admit her. Kadee's story is all over the goddamn place.
No. 130208
>>130173I wonder if she was asked what would she say her exact condition is that she is struggling with right at this very moment? She didn't need heart or lung surgery, she doesn't have a clot in her brain and no one would get admitted for that wound on her hand that she totally did to herself.
>I just don't want to be in the hospital any more.She was allowed to leave yesterday and they wouldn't readmit her a few hours later. Kadee the hospital does not want you there either! Quit stalking the hospital!
No. 130210
>>130209I mean I mostly work with the elderly, so we're pretty ambulance-happy whenever they start to show symptoms like the above because they're already so frail to begin with.
I have no idea what the admission policy is for hysterical obese teenagers claiming they have anorexia through mouthfuls of s'mores frappe, lmao
No. 130264
>>129551"Kadeelyn" definitly
triggers me.
No. 130267
>>130003"Bad Mr Kitty, that's my pot pie!"
>>130057That is one classy fat cow.
>>130064>Send prayers and love, bitchesMaybe people will do that if you deserve it as a person, and you won't have to beg for it you thirsty bitch?
>>130090Top fucking kek!
>>130264Same here.
No. 130434
File: 1463240258385.jpeg (86.24 KB, 640x444, image.jpeg)

Holy shit you guys she's now borderline
Remember earlier in this thread I said I wanted to test the theory that Kadee copies her followers?
I posted "muh bpd" picture on my ig and then went to Kadee's ig and left some likes and comments to make her notice me, and she liked & commented some of my posts back, and the first one she liked was that "muh bpd" one.
And just look at that, now Kadee's got ~abandoned~ by her therapist and her BPD (which she never mentioned before) has gotten worse!
I dunno, maybe she was talking about bipolar disorder, but as diagnosed borderline myself I know constantly getting the feeling of abandonment is one of the very basic borderline signs
No. 130443
>>130435then we need something more ~trendy~ than BPD to get results faster. BPD is pretty well known but it's not even nearly as ~popular~ as anorexia.
In fact, it's been like a week since she liked my bpd post and wrote "muh bpd" post I just posted. I got disappointed in this theory on like the third day of waiting for the results of this little experiment, but now I think she's been studying (= reading articles on the internet) this disorder to decide if it's trendy enough and how many asspats she can get from that and how she should act if she wants to appear borderline.
Also, to me she sounds just TOO self-aware for a borderline. If you're borderline, once you get the feeling of abandonment by someone you really,
really like (like her imaginary therapist), you can't calm down that easily and be like "yeah i felt like shit but that's not surprising, cause i'm a borderline, I'm SO self-aware you know". Normally a borderline person would just burst with anger and then fell into depression absorbed in extreme self-pity.
I mean, even if I didn't know her and just accidentally stumbled across this post, I'd think "wow, she sounds to sane for a borderline, she regulates her emotions so well! Her therapist must be truly amazing"
No. 130477
>>130452do your own research and search through bpd tags on ig vs ed tags before turning your salty mode on.
I'm sorry that in my country it's no way trendy and is so barely known you have hard time seeking professional help, so I'm genuinely unaware how super duper trendy it actually is.
>>130458lol now i'm all for another experiment. Ideas? Volunteers?
No. 130483
>>130477>Do your own researchDoes 5 years in the psychiatric system seeing all the people I know starting to get diagnosed with BPD (whether they fit the criteria or not) count? Or discussing the issue with various psychiatric and medical doctors and professors, who agree there's a huge overdiagnosis problem? Or are they completely irrelevant compared to the wealth of knowledge that can be gained from a look through tumblr tags?
EDs don't go out of style, but snowflakes adding ~BPD~ to their list of self-dxs is recent to the past few years. It's trendy.
>sage for rising to delicious salty bait No. 130486
>>130484I love you
>>130483>>130477Pls stfu panel of experts
No. 130575
File: 1463263785830.png (9.64 KB, 575x68, sperg.png)

I see this person commenting on every ana-chan that gets discussed here. Does anyone know anything about her?
No. 130594
File: 1463267442423.png (58.67 KB, 512x471, kd3.png)
most of her delusions all in one neat text post
No. 130601
>>130594Oh dear god. She collects diagnosis's like a stamp collector.
Is there any post talking more about her DID? I don't believe she's ever mentioned having it before and I think it would be hilarious to see what she comes up with.
No. 130638
Leave the cows in their paddocks to happily munch and moo away and you get a steady supply of milk. Start running around the paddock screaming and flailing around like a retard and you disrupt the whole herd and now the milk is watery and shit.
Stay out of their irl paddocks.
No. 130678
File: 1463280692497.png (995.03 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-05-15-10-47-58…)

She's hitting ~rock bottom~ guys.
No. 130681
File: 1463281675778.png (425.7 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-05-15-11-06-04…)

No. 130684
>>130681What's the big mysterious thing she did?
Ate another 700 calorie lunch? Drank a whole case of ensure and abused more medication?
Will we ever find out?
No. 130705
>>130594'I do not define myself by my illnesses'
No. 130712
>>130681How desperate does she want to look with the screenshot of that rock bottom song…
Anyway, do you guys think she is actually in NYC? Do you think we'll get pics of her actually there to prove it.
No. 130732
>>130727Maybe she read Wasted instead.
Also, I thought at one point she said she had bipolar or hashtagged it or something along those lines? I can't even keep track of all of her 'diagnoses' at this point.
No. 130741
>>130684>>130689Pretty sure she's alluding to suicide.
That's why she says she's surprised she's still here eyeroll.jpg
No. 130752
File: 1463302392862.png (49.43 KB, 308x205, kkkkk.png)

>>130689 I took the bullet and asked lel.
No. 130755
>>130752Holy shit lel dude
What kind of person says that shit
No. 130756
File: 1463303297235.png (688.62 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

No. 130757
File: 1463303311749.jpg (33.12 KB, 206x275, image.jpg)

>>130752Holy shit this is fucking hilarious
No. 130784
>>130756What the actual fuck. That card has nothing to do with disassociation.
I love how as soon as we start talking about her DID diagnosis she starts talking about disassociation. I'm just waiting for her to tag her next posts as #did.
No. 130790
>>130499>she was dating some poor guy back in DecemberDo we know that for sure, or did she simply claim she had a boyfriend and never show a shred of proof?
>>130575>hysterically crying on the train>while using social mediaI love this mental image. Kadee wails and flails dramatically and makes sobbing sounds, all while holding her phone and stealthily keeping an eye on it. When she wants to write something, she tries to keep the "hysteria" going but is too distracted to do a convincing job. She finishes her message, then goes right back to flailing and wailing.
Ever seen a kid throwing a temper tantrum get distracted, then remember oh shit, they're supposed to be pretending to be upset, so they promptly resume screeching and flopping on the floor? It's like that, only it's an obese adult woman.
>>130594>I was 8 years old. I went to my first psychiatrist and therapist then>I've been in and out of treatment since I was in 5th grade
>8 years old>5th gradeNo.
>>130628Or a slightly heavier-than-usual period that was a day late. Or she's making it up whole cloth.
>>130713Not to stand up for Kadee, but I've definitely met a few people who genuinely were suicidal and used the term "ideation."
>>130752Just when I think she can't get any more ridiculous…
No. 130811
>>130807Exactly. Like what did she do, find a gun in the street and decide to end her life? Buy a gun from a store? Have one on hand?
In any of the later cases she would have had to have bullets around somewhere, right? I'm no gun aficionado, but if I was going to commit suicide via gun I would make sure to not fuck it up.
This enrages me so much because it's like she's actively mocking actual mentally ill people that are suicidal, have eating disorders, bpd etc. I want to believe that she's just a really convincing troll because if she's actually like this she's disgusting vile human being. Even if she actually has Munchhausen's that's no excuse to act this ridiculous and manipulate people for money, drugs and attention.
You're still responsible for all the fucked up things you say and do Kadee.
No. 130826
>>130822I disagree. Her mood swings don't present anything like what a person who has bpd would act like. Her sob story instagram posts are more about her "illnesses" and the need for pain medication and less about the actual emotion. The way she writes about her depression, anger, mania, dissociation, etc is very vague and, how do I put this?, lukewarm.
It comes off like she googled what these things meant and how they present themselves and she's trying to describe them without having a clear grasp on what her illnesses mean. It's more Munchhausen's or another factitious disorder than anything else.
No. 130828
>>130827I don't want to get too cruel here, but it's most likely she will pass away from something Munchhausen's or weight related. One of the ways Munchhausen's patients can try to get attention is by harming themselves in order to need medical intervention. This includes overdosing, poisoning themselves, infecting their wounds etc. I remember their being a story about a mother who, I believe, gave their son a deathly infection by messing with his iv by putting things like fecal matter and poison into it.
I can see Kadee messing with her IV or feeding tubes or post-surgery wounds and going too far by accident (she's not the most clever lets be honest). She really needs some psychiatric help. I hope her doctor's are catching on to her or have already labelled her as malingering.
No. 130838
>>130832She's shown in the past that she's willing to hurt herself in order to get medical attention though. For example her cigarette burns that she tried to get a "wound specialist" to see. I'm sure there may be even more stuff that she does in the hospital that she doesn't post on instagram like fiddle with iv's in order to get attention or to get more pain killers or mess with her dosages or drips.
And you're right she's an idiot, but she's proven that she'll actually hurt herself in order to get attention and medical help which is what is so worrying to me.
What's really unnerving about this is that it's really hard to "break it" to a patient that you know they're a malingering piece of shit. And a doctor can never really refuse treatment in an ER setting due to ethics and such. They have to treat the patient even if they know she's faking which just gives her more incentive to get up the behaviour. She could come in every day and they would never be able to outright refuse her.
No. 130853
File: 1463342963883.png (1.35 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

>>130851Just in case anyone not following her wanted to see the post.
No. 130862
>>130853who the fuck actually tags with "#suicidalideation" though? most people who are experiencing suicidal thoughts don't even talk about it with people IRL, let alone parade it throughout the internet on hashtags and histrionic instagram posts
bitch needs to stop stuffing her face and clean her trashy room. i guess that wouldn't grant her the immediate attention she so desperately craves…
No. 130865
>>130853that greasy ass plate tho.
When she got home from fleeing home and "trying to shoot herself" with no bullets,I feel like her mom was like " Oh hun did you have an episode again? want some pizza and mozzarella sticks?they always calm you down" meanwhile kadee is breathing heavily into her phone 4 inches away from her face typing away a storm of #suicidalideation and she says "yeah just bring it to my room when your done" as she slams herself in her room and hides under her preteen-esque blankets
No. 130882
>>130861Unfortunately, there's no "best way" to treat Munchausen's. It's mostly damage control i.e. informing doctors so they don't give into their crazy demands and monitoring their medications. I had a lady whose husband kept all medications locked up in a safe because she thought she needed them all the time.
If a person admits they're lying, they're candidates for psychiatric treatment. But you can't fix someone who is so adamant that they aren't broken in the brain.
That's the odd thing though. Kaydee thinks she IS psychologically broken but for all the wrong reasons. I've honestly never had a patient whose Munchausen's manifested as thinking they were both physically and mentally ill because every Munchausen's patient I've had goes out of their way to try to prove they're NOT crazy. Which makes her case like 10000x worse. Honestly there's probably no hope for her!!!
No. 130893
File: 1463352225138.png (606.8 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-05-15-18-39-07…)

>whale watching
No. 130899
>>130813Gun control doesn't really work that well. I wouldn't be surprised if this actually happened, and by that I mean her unloading it, pulling the ~~
trigger~~, then going online for asspats since she's so #damaged and #dying and #
triggered No. 131051
File: 1463414161693.png (687.56 KB, 646x632, kd4.png)

>going inpatient for ED today
No. 131117
>>130934I meant that the doctor's/nurse at least have to see and assess the patient. Of course they don't have to give them any medication if they don't think there's anything wrong.
This still feeds the munchasen's in these patients because they're still getting attention and validated some way. No doctor is going to outright tell a person to cut the bullshit or say they're malingering because it can cause more problems on both sides.
No. 131148
>>131145She's going to become Kelly.
I wonder how it feels to have absolutely no identity of your own.
No. 131151
File: 1463432438001.png (42.28 KB, 312x424, phonenumber.png)

No. 131177
>>131151Wait.. if she's had a mental breakdown and is suicidal they would give her a bed right away, right? You don't just let a suicidal patient walk out the front doors.
Is she planning it so she's going to "surrender" at the psych ward? She's making it sound so much worse than what it is, surprise, surprise. She's just going to admit herself to a psych ward. And I love that she came somehow muster the ability to type on instagram during her "major breakdown".
No. 131229
>>131131My psychoanalysis of Kadees latest IP holiday, sorry, treatment, is this; she is institutionalised or at the very least, is addicted to being in hospital for the attention, fuss and concern she gets - it makes her feel validated and speshul and has over the years of countless life threatening illnesses (dont forget the cervical cancer 2015 guyz!) has become the best high she can get - better than her actual drug addiction (although having access to #dilaudid in hospital has its own extra high which she never fails to exploit). She lives for her next 'fix' of medical attention, drama and self pity, along with all the snowflake credit thats gets her. So this latest stint in hospital where she "self-discharged" from an admission where dont forget, she was unsure if she was going to make it and was THE sickest person in the entire hospital, then 3 hours after being back at home without medical equipment or drugs or professionals fussing round her, she realised she missed to hospital too much and couldnt wait to get her next fix, so she turns up at ER claiming shes dying again - but wait - they REJECT HER and refuse to admit her !!!!! THE ACTUAL SHOCK !!! She cant get over this rejection and decides shes "going to show them", but mostly she just NEEDS access to her next hosptial fix asap & if the medical stuff has run out of value, shes going to have to induce a mental breakdance, sorry, breakdown, making it as convincing & certain as possible to get a nice 'legit' stint in the psych ward. Its admittedly not as good a fix as she cant have #dialudid on tap, but theres plenty of other perks she can enjoy once she gets through those doors…! Shes orchestrated this last weekends events down to the last degree - she has known exactly what shes been doing and what the outcomes will be.
Sorry for essay- i got a bit carried away, but shes just so milky !!
No. 131290
>>131228Shes saying her followers can contact her sister and she's linked in her sisters ig account. I find it
amazing that she so openly allows her family & friends IRL to witness her cringey, blatant attention-seeking material that is plastered all over her account…but i guess thats actually more proof she is an attention/illness addict - she probably knows it's not the wisest move to let her IRL friends & family full access to her all her munchausen's dirty laundary on ig, but she wont sensor their access or bring herself to lose whatever benefit she feels there is to them seeing all her pity posts because shes
an (attention) addict ! Its the classic denial of the all negative consequences because the current benefits are too good to consider disrupting.
No. 131291
Attention addict
(self admitted) Drug addict
Hospital Addict
FOOD Addict
No. 131293
File: 1463450404021.jpeg (374.33 KB, 1200x1713, image.jpeg)

>>130102>>130064>>129763If any has the skills, maybe it seems like shes earned herself a lolcow banner?!
No. 132070
>>131988>>132022>>131958I think you 3 just nailed it!!
Anyone else wondering how long she's actually going to stay in treatment before they kick her out for malingering there or she gets offended by them because they refuse to treat her for chronic severe life threatening anorexia ( even though her original admission reason was "massive breakdown") ?? Personally i give it 2/3 more days before we get an update via a friend posting on her behalf. Then i reckon another 2 weeks till she rolls back out and into the medical hospital for whatevers next on her list of illnesses to try out.
No. 132352
>>131958yes, this is so true. they don't know what hunger is.
recently a group of fatties on mpa (yes I lurk mpa, kill me. I didn't find lolcow through mpa though) decided to fast. obviously, they all broke their fast on the very first day, one fatty proclaiming "I felt dizzy so I had to eat cheese". Enter spoopy: "I don't understand what you guys are up to, you're
supposed to feel dizzy on a fast. You'll never complete a fast if you always eat cheese as soon as you feel dizzy". Fatties got angry and shouted spoopy out of the thread because thin-privilledge.
No. 135870
File: 1464649765214.png (782.39 KB, 648x680, kd5.png)

kadee's "sister" comes to us with an update. poor horse
No. 135911
File: 1464666279569.png (27.46 KB, 280x339, cassiek04.png)

>>135910Cassiek04 is the real Cassie. If you go back far enough on Kadee's account, they interact.
No. 135912
File: 1464666457661.png (316.27 KB, 928x566, cassiek042.png)

Even if Kadee was impersonating her sister, it's not our job as farmers to clean up her mess.
No. 137240
File: 1465064251969.jpeg (119.79 KB, 640x870, image.jpeg)

>>137232"edrecoverywarrior" yet counts how many times has been to hospital as desperate to prove she is actually such a fragile ana snowflake…
No. 137241
File: 1465064337073.jpeg (186.84 KB, 640x893, image.jpeg)

>>137232My bad, dropped pic from previous post calling out her hospital admission trophy count.
No. 137260
File: 1465066848236.jpg (281.81 KB, 931x599, originalcallout.jpg)

>>137241Here is the original call out, since anon didn't post it.
No. 137273
File: 1465069277359.jpg (119.04 KB, 934x377, nomedsnoway.jpg)

>>137260I know this thread is for Kadee and not Kelly, but I found this on Kelly's insta and thought it was kind of funny. Her dad pulled her out of Timberline Knolls because they TOOK HER OFF HER MEDS! I'm not surprised they did, because TK also treats addictions, and she was on addictive shit, so they did the right thing. Kinda too bad daddy dearest yanked her out of treatment. Getting clean probably would've helped her.
No. 137316
>>137304>And they get the same amount of sympathyNot usually? Even within ED communities there's bias against bulimics (BED too but irrelevant). I don't think many people want to be known for pukey fingers without also being skinny.
Sage because irrelevant.
No. 137359
File: 1465096246004.jpeg (378.38 KB, 1194x1716, image.jpeg)

>>137260kelly replied to being called out on her ip count; 'tis a briliantly BS excuse, she deserves credit for creativeness at least!
No. 137361
>>137273It would've definitely helped her, her tubby little body is completely oversaturated with artificial hormones and narcotics. I'm sure her dad is fat himself, and doesn't understand that negative feelings like withdrawls are actually something towards a positive change. No fucking self control, these people.
Sage for talking about a different cow
No. 137368
>>137273Why would the dad
prefer that his daughter stay doped up on unnecessary amounts of painkillers? Does he understand that that can cause serious long term effects? Or maybe Kelly has horrible temper tantrums or something when she's not a doped-up zombie, who knows?
No. 137432
>>137368I can sort of understand it. I have fairly serious health conditions and am in pain medications daily to be able to function, so people around me would rather have me on them because I can do more.
Kelly definitely has addiction issues, though. Ill people without addiction don't throw fits when they don't get their pain medications.
No. 138055
File: 1465319956172.png (434.99 KB, 663x450, kd6.png)

kadeecow is back!
No. 138210
>>129491wtf whitehouse in an lolcow thread
hell ye anon
No. 138560
File: 1465492140933.png (13.55 KB, 551x148, kd7.png)

Bullshit with a capital B
No. 138759
File: 1465550816623.jpg (25.96 KB, 833x376, 2BSQBvC.jpg)

I searched kadeeandrecovery the other day because I forgot her newer IG username - turned up a great deal of posts from her on healthboards under simply 'kadee'. She seems to have been heavily involved with the addiction recover community there, mentioning alcohol and prescriptions explicitly (but also being deliberately vague at times, I feel).
Pic related is this thread magnitude of asspat.. Serene, poetic, inspirational, honest - Emily fucking Dickinson you are not, Kadee.
No. 138824
File: 1465581976789.jpeg (191.61 KB, 640x949, image.jpeg)

>>138734And just as you thought the milk dried up she posts this gem ?
No. 138894
>>138825Nah she's begging for dilaudid every time she goes in. Makes it harder for actually ill patients to get it when it's needed.
>>138831I find it hard to believe that she would walk that far. That's a longer walk for most people. Someone who had her "lung collapse" and multiple "blood clots", as well as the 50 other things she claims that she has wouldn't be able to complete the entire wall.
No. 138898
File: 1465601810014.png (79.29 KB, 661x294, kd8.png)

oh god she's texting herself again
No. 138910
File: 1465603941534.png (451.29 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

isn't an anorexic supposed to feel obese but look anorexic? Maybe if she had 20 more iq points she could actually be a decent manipulatior. Til then xoxo
No. 138921
>>138910how does that even work
anorexia mind: "i am so fat holy fuck"
obese mind: "i am so fat holy fuck"
No. 138987
>>138884>>138894If she was just an attention seeker and wanted to be in hospitals surely she would just claim she's suicidal or something and enjoy the ride that is mental health detainment (or whatever the US equivalent is).
The fact she's making up all these crazy medical stories and saying she's in pain is because she wants the meds! Whether she's actively drug seeking or just thinks have an IV drug killer makes her look more sick is another story…
No. 138988
File: 1465633647243.png (188.13 KB, 519x495, milkyyyy.png)

some milk from her fb. fuck sake. video about heroin addiction.
No. 139003
>>138987It's not as easy to milk sympathy from people for constant ward admissions, and if you have a history of coming in for other shit and obviously faked suicidality, wards will refuse to take you past triage.
If it's physical illness, no-one can blame her for it, and emergency can't turn you down if you complain of certain things.
That's how I imagine she sees it at least.
No. 139161
File: 1465700210819.jpg (976.07 KB, 1920x1920, PhotoGrid_1465700108738.jpg)

Can we talk about this because I almost died laughing when I first saw it
No. 139169
>>139161A fat woman holding a plate with some monstrous pastry/pancake/whatever (I have no idea what "pizza fritte" might be, but it looks as if it has like 10000 cals, lol) and grinning like a cheshire cat.
Soooo anorexic, now I understand why her doctors think she might not make it to the end of the year. If she continues like that, she´ll be a skeleton soon.
No. 139187
File: 1465712904113.jpg (2.63 MB, 2069x2559, ED.jpg)

what she meant to type was "there is literally no Quest bars, mac n cheese or Ensure in the house, I need to go grocery shopping for some more junk food."
No. 139204
>>139187She's say she has no food at home, so she's saying that she will live off of some bananas and a punnet of strawberries, plus three sugary crap yoghurts…. as if.
Girl does not have a clue about nutrition, where are the greens, the actual wholefoods beans, grains etc it's all junk in that trolley!
No. 139207
>>139161So she's okay eating a dessert that could easily feed six but she has to point out that the ice creams are totally not hers because anorexia>>139187
What the fuck kadee.
No. 139213
>>139161At one point I'd think this is a parody account, but she is dead serious, isn't she ?
What I never understand is, the ignorance of the family/friends of these internet weirdos. How can you ignore that your family member / friend thinks she is an anorexic depsite being a whale of 300lbs ? How can you ignore that your family member/friend makes a fool out of herself with her social media account, public for anyone, world wide ?
This woman does need a strict diet, but what she needs more is threatment for mental issues, I am not talking about an ED, I think she is a case for psychoses.
No. 139225
>>139187So the only non-sweet food she eats is ready made mac&cheese? Jesus christ.
Well, at least she can soon tell her followers she had her first heart attacked followed by bypass surgery.
No. 139282
>>139259>>139204>>139187Looks like the typical dumb fatass eating healthy cart.
-processed "healthy food"
-organic Mac and cheese
- yogurt (with tons of added sugar)
-fruit but no vegetables
-cheat stuff because got to remain balanced
No. 139299
>>139296canned food is still quite unhealthy — at least not home-made — they contain lots of harmful preservatives and other bad stuff. But yeah, that def still would be much better than most of the junk you can see in her cart.
Since we're talking about Kadee there's no hope it is some canned veggies. Just
more junk.
No. 139327
File: 1465768754523.jpeg (180.69 KB, 640x943, image.jpeg)

Loving how she has tagged this post as #relapse because she "restricted" for half a day AND only yesterday she was forcing a deep fried sugary pizza for 4 down as a "snack"! Ignoring the fact her actual 'anorexia' problem is actually bs, if someone with an actual ed uses behaviours for half a day IT IS NOT A FUCKING RELAPSE, its a lapse and needs to be sustained for a decent amount of time before you would even consider it a relapse. Ffs.
No. 139347
File: 1465775457133.png (13.13 KB, 568x94, kd10.png)

i'm assuming
>>139327 is deleted, but pic related and a picture of that pasta dinner is in it's place
No. 139349
File: 1465775825082.png (920.81 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

No. 139350
File: 1465775852081.png (170.91 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

No. 139370
>>139361Don't you think a tiny bite of sad truth will only force her to produce even more delicious milk?
I really want to test that theory.
No. 139395
>>139327I love the "it's insulting if I don't have pasta so I better".
Here's the thing about "real anorexia". They don't give a fuck if it's insulting, they simply won't eat it, will avoid or do anything to get out of eating, hide it etc.
Kadee can't even fucking pretend to be anorexic properly and that is fucking easy. Beginning to think along with all her addiction problems she has a mild form of autism or some shit. This lack of self awareness is fucked.
No. 139417
File: 1465795216732.jpg (16.97 KB, 275x185, image.jpg)

Go back to proana containment thread. Keep your personal gore to yourself at all times plz. Nobody cares what your precious little tummies can or can't handle. Its obvious that her toddler-sized dessert is a lot of food without you guys.
No. 139433
File: 1465805637312.jpg (217.72 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg)

Why does she eat this crap? 520 calories.
She could have something wholesome like 2 slices of wholemeal bread, 2 poached eggs, some avocado and a large coffee for LESS calories than this sugar fest that she calls breakfast.
She would be hungry 1hr after eating this breakfast. Not enough good fats. Too much sugar.
No. 139438
File: 1465806047908.jpg (250.88 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg)

>>139437Sorry, dropped pic
No. 139488
>>139449True. Ensure is usually for the elderly who don't get enough calorie intake. That's why she's showing off with her "high calorie" breakfast. To give the illusion that she restricts, but she doesn't which is why she's obese. When I was a teen, I dealt with depression by not eating, but to avoid weight loss I'd drink ensures. It was incredibly effective. Those things are designed to keep weight on you.
>>139442Most supplements aren't even effective other than the doctor recommended ones for severe deficiencies like iron and Vitamin D. You HAVE to eat healthy. Which is balanced. I swear, us Amerifats should have required nutrition classes with someone certified.
No. 139494
>>139187oh my god Kadee EAT A VEGETABLE
>>139327>ED said that was a better ideano you're just bad with money
>I'm not inspiringWhat would you be inspiring for? Eating giant lumps of fried dough? Never eating a vegetable? Being a giant hypochondriac? Please, enlighten me.
>>139350She is completely delusional.
No. 139537
>>139494b-but anon, vegetables are disordered foods!! ~real recovery~ is all about stuffing yourself with every food that makes you feel bad in one go
>>139448quest bars are 180 calories where tf did you get 400 from
No. 139580
>>139449They're not terrible. I drank the dark chocolate ones when i couldn't eat solid food. But certainly wouldn't drink them by choice. They're also like 350 calories. So with the quest bar and yogurt, bitch is having like 700 calories for breakfast.
Someone send kadee freelees videos. I'd love to see her get into the raw til 4 garbage
No. 139760
File: 1465902824736.jpg (34.68 KB, 493x387, 1450471946403.jpg)

>>139703Where is that taken from?
No. 139824
>>139161HAHAHAHAHA I AM LITERALLY DYING LAUGHING!!!!!!!!!!! My sister just came into my room to see what was so funny. HOLY FUCKING SHIT THAT IS SO FUNNY.
Does she HONESTLY think that anyone needs to eat that??? Does she HONESTLY think she's brave for eating that?? THE WHOLE THING?????????? It's literally the size of an entire pizza and she thinks she's a little ana butterfly who "needs to not purge." Purging would be better for you than ingesting that whole pizza into your fat mouth.
No. 139825
>>139177I think you hit the nail on the head. Same with Kelly. They think "because I think i'm fat, I'm anorexic. Because I'm anorexic, I'm not fat."
You're just FAT. You need to lose weight, BADLY. She's going to die from heart failure before she's even 30.
No. 139826
File: 1465926812986.jpg (51.35 KB, 810x591, Capture.JPG)

Her friend here is actually cute. Is she a ~~recovery warrior~~ too? If Kadee is friends with any people who have actual REDs I'd love to be in on their conversations, lmao.
No. 139827
>>139307Different anon here.
I've never seen such a monstrosity before. I'm from the pacific northwest and we don't eat shit like that…
No. 139851
File: 1465929995439.png (5.46 MB, 1936x1936, image.png)

No. 139890
>>139161when people are huge and bulimic, it leads me to believe they never successfully purge.
they are so set on soveling everything down, they probably dont do the 'best practices' for purging (chewing well, drinking liquids).
why even purge?
and if you dont get all the food out and just ate 10000 calories, you will never be anorexic.
No. 139892
>>139187> "IM TRYING"judging by sheer quantity alone and not even the food choices, i would never think this is an anorexic person. i would actually assume (correctly) this is a fat person trying to be healthy but still sneaking in sugary shit.
those red drinks and ice cream and sugary yogurts… only in amerifat. those things are evil. they pretend to be healthy but have so much sugar.
No. 139893
File: 1465934059252.jpg (138.8 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg)

What the actual fuck. Is she trolling?
No. 139897
File: 1465934144499.jpg (145.88 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg)

Dropped pic
No. 139900
File: 1465934373109.png (260.38 KB, 365x838, kadee.png)

dont know if this has been posted
No. 139902
File: 1465934395508.jpg (54.88 KB, 441x333, image.jpg)

No. 139905
>>139851How can she put this picture out for the world to see? Does she really think she looks good here? Is there anything you can even DO for that level of scarring? She needs to cut sugar out of her diet if not to lose weight then at LEAST so her skin can heal. She already has a mean case of moon face so why would she allow her skin to look like the sea of tranquility and invite more unpleasant comparisons?
>>139900Her family is struggling for money but she's buying overpriced ice cream? Right.
No. 139953
>>139893Whaaaaat?? For anyone this is a terrible breakfast- and I'm assuming she's eating one serving and not the whole bucket?
As an anorexic, I'm honestly horrified. Jesus. Being in recovery means putting good food and nutrients into your body, not literal shit for breakfast.
No. 139954
>>139894It's true, though. Calories in vs. calories out. It's not hard. If someone is bulimic and overweight, it's because they don't purge the majority of food that goes into their body. You're jumping to conclusions and YOU are the one who said "anorexia is the superior ED." Calm your tits.
Someone who is obese and claims to be purging everything they eat is either in denial or lying through their teeth.
No. 140001
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Our dear Kadee is in hospital again, because she tripped over and hurt her ankle. Mind you, the first pic she posted is tagged with #inpatient and #chronicillness. Bitch, really? What's the longest she's gone without a hospital trip?
No. 140019
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From the Wikipedia article on this book
>The book has been criticized for being used primarily by incompetent therapists,[3] for creating in children false memories of abuse,[4] as well as for its authors' lack of qualifications[4][5] for creating an industry which has isolated and separated family members despite having no positive proof the abuse occurred,[6] and for destructively replacing individual identities with that of a "survivor".[7] Bass and Davis have also been criticized for leaping to unwarranted, implausible conclusions with significant consequences and for scientific errors found in the first edition that were not corrected in subsequent reprintings.[4] Bass and Davis responded to the controversy surrounding the book by writing "Honoring the Truth: A Response to the Backlash", a new chapter included the 1994 edition to respond to and rebut criticisms of the book, though this was removed from the 20th anniversary edition.[8] Since its second edition, the book has contained a case study of an individual who was allegedly a victim of satanic ritual abuse, now considered a moral panic.[8] This site is slightly redpill-y, but that makes sense seeing what it's a response to. Super great therapist and super real abuse if she is using this workbook to retrieve repressed memories (aka convince herself she is a sexual abuse "survivor")
No. 140031
>>140029i'm the exact same anon, memory issues and only vague recollections and all
there was one time a few years ago when i suddenky remembered a new detail, but it wasnt like a whole new memory anything
No. 140047
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>>140031>>140045>>140043>>140029>>140027Can you guys make a thread in /b/ or at least sage your personal gore?
Jesus fucking christ
No. 140053
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>>140047I wish I would have not posted that courage to heal Instagram god I hate blogposts on /snow/
Anyway has anyone noticed kadeely's (Kek that name) bio. ((I didn't know her last name until now but searching Kadee Konstantino brings up some pretty cringey results rip her future))
She is trying to make money from selling makeup through a ref link? Huh
No. 140083
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the saga continues
No. 140107
>>140027No, it's been proven to be bullshit. One of my student's family members didn't speak ot her mother for 8 yers because some quack psychiatrist convinced her that she had repressed memories of her special needs brother abusing her. It never happened and it took 8 years for her to come to terms with the fact that someone had planted flase memories in her mind.
So to answer your question, it IS a load of bullshit.
No. 140117
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Not sure if this has been posted before but it gave me a good chuckle. I don't understand why Kadee is so determined to be the most damaged, fragile cow in the pasture.
>>140087it's probably a butterfly needle/subcutaneous line. she must've really spun a good story if they're giving her pain meds that way.
No. 140123
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On Instagram she said she got dizzy and fell over - thus breaking her ankle. But now she just 'stood up the wrong way'? Bitch can't even keep her story straight.
No. 140132
>>140107 THIS
If you're interested in understanding the bullshit that is repressed memories read "Victims of Memory: Incest Accusations and Shattered Lives" - amazing book debunking everyone who claims to have rediscovered repressed memories of childhood sexual abuse
((sage for irrelevant soz))
No. 140181
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>>140177My internet is slow, but I'm getting to it
No. 140182
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No. 140190
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and out of the blue, we have colon surgery
No. 140196
Candice you dumb bitch, stfu. Acting like you give a shit about her "wasting" resources. She's in America. Our system is a for profit joke.
No. 140210
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My precious, untainted milk ;-;
No. 140252
>>140211Jesus, you're a fuck wit too.
It clearly says:
> Candice, you need to sort your story out if you're going to be a professional sick person.>>140218Ok fag, but could you stop putting in the same fucking numbers and just sage like a normal fag?
No. 140271
>>140258I try anon but this fag rustles my jimmies in other threads as well.
Did she say where she's internally bleeding? That's so vague. Related to the broken cankle or not?
No. 140278
>>140196I'm not in America and I care about her wasting resources. I'm not a selfish prick and I think about all the people who can't receive health care because people like Kaydee drain resources and waste everyone's time.
Candice, you are not a dumb bitch. Ignore the idiot who thinks you can't care about people in other countries.
No. 140282
>>140196what the actual fuck? she's still wasting resources. even if everything is paid for by insurance, it makes EVERYONE ELSES policies get more expensive. Our system sucks partly because of people like her who aren't sick, but just want attention. We don't have universal health care (we NEED IT). Healthcare is harder to get/afford because of people like Kaydee. The world would better off without these people.
and one more thing… since when does it matter which country someone lives in when it comes to caring about other people? I'm american, but i'd give several shits if i knew someone in, say new zealand, was making it harder for sick people to get healthcare.
you need help. seriously… if you're that psychopathic that you can't care about people who aren't in the same country as you… you'll hopefully change when you get into the real world.
No. 140306
>>140279No it won't be.
She will probably go private and pretend she's suicidal over us pointing out that she's a morbidly obese malingerer. Why do you retards insist on ruining this delicious full-fat milk?
You never ever go into the cows field.
No. 140315
>>140311From the Gylytely site:
Tell your doctor if you have: heart problems, have a history of seizures, are withdrawing from drinking alcohol. Especially tell your doctor if you take: medicines for blood pressure or heart problems
• medicines for kidney problems
• medicines for seizures
• non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines (NSAID) pain medicines
And only indicated for colonoscopys. What a dumb ass isn't Kadee on all of these and hasn't she allegedly had all these + brain cancer?
I reckon the hospital staff are just trolling her and are gonna make her shit her brain out for wasting their time.
No. 140336
>>140305Okay… so as you know, our healthcare is a total mess. Some people have better insurance plans than others. Sometimes there is a copay (sometimes it is a percentage of the services performed), but usually it is a flat rate. When someone is paying a flat rate copay of like $15 (this is my normal copay now, used to be $5 and I am lucky to have decent insurance), they will get preventative care for free (Obamacare is a step in the right direction) OR all care for that visit will be covered with the $15. Someone like Kaydee (obviously) is still under her parents' insurance plan. She's either not paying percentages of the visit (her parents' insurance payments come out of their paychecks depending on where they work), OR she pays a small flat rate copay.
With that in mind, I'll break it down for you… Kaydee lies about symptoms and/or purposefully injures herself or makes herself ill. When she shows up to different hospitals and doctors offices complaining of severe stomach pain or saying she's had a lung blood clot in the past, they're going to run a shit ton of tests. This costs a fucking fortune. Because her measly $15 (or $0) could be for the thousands of dollars worth of tests they perform (her parents' insurance sounds like it's decent), this makes the insurance company lose money and have to CHARGE EVERYONE ELSE A HIGHER FEE TO PAY FOR KAYDEE'S MEDICAL COSTS. And by Kaydee, I mean any person with Munchausen's who tries to get attention in ANY possible way they can.
Does that make sense? Sorry, it's really late where I live. :( If you need more of an explaination, I'll try to give one! American healthcare is a joke.
No. 140344
>>140339Well thanks for opening your mouth and removing all doubt that you're a fucking retard yourself.
It is the same person because they continuously put in the same numbers instead of properly saging, here and in other threads.
No. 140345
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'Candice' here (not my real name, not my real photo fools)
Interestingly enough, one of Kadee's friends/followers sent me this.
I guess they're not all blind to the bullshit.
+ I aint even sorry for poking the cow. I just wanted her to be aware that people are catching onto her lies - to see what she comes up with next. And Kadee hasn't even blocked me after everything said. Proof that she fucking LOVES the attention.
No. 140354
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No. 140360
>>140357I know this situation is bad but I need to note this:
>you people have PRO eating disorder sites like MPAGuys lolcow is the founder of MPA! Who knew?!
No. 140364
>>123694I absolutely LOVE when these cows play the whole "I'm so above this, you're all 14, living in your mom's basement, how pathetic, get a life, blah blah blah"
Bitch, I have two bachelors degrees and I just graduated with my masters. I've done my hard work. What I choose to do with my free time isn't your business. I've achieved more in my 24 years than you will in your entire life. And nope, I'm not obese, a man living in his mom's basement, whatever you like to tell yourself I am.
I'm a working professional. What are you? An attention whore who has done nothing but cause problems.