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No. 1362733
Old Thread:
>>>/snow/1119974 dump of hot shit, including stuff about that faggot bicflame
Not only did Sam happily hire and work with a transsexual, he also got some art bitch pregnant (will he make her get a late term abortion?)
Meanwhile Sam is spending all his time making shitty podcast and pretending to be a retard on twitter (trying to make money off crypto/nft), will ban/block you if you bring any of this up. thread) No. 1362762
File: 1636173627410.png (559.58 KB, 1299x382, 46534654363456543653465346543.…)

>>1362733kind of a slog to get to the funny stuff, which is all his perversions. the wet blanket tranny crying about not fitting into the drug use culture and shocked that the bigotry was unironic isn't really milk. the links on the bottom of that wordpress have the good shit.
No. 1362775
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>>1362733samuel writes a heartfelt check in with a good friend suffering from traumatic injury
No. 1362787
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>>1362733sam is a closet case control freak sex addict who tricked a bang maid into doing the work for his show, cooking, and cleaning up after him for a year. he pays her in btc which he yoinks back later rather merchantly
No. 1362937
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>>1362733> tranny that's ok with everything he's whining about until he's "misgendered" while looking like this seems pretty milky himself
No. 1365359
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>>1362937He looks like the great value version of Alan Ruck
>>1365287he's absolutely revolting looking though. I understand that some girls can overlook goofy looking fuckers like Pete Davidson because of height, but Sam Hyde legit is repulsive. I can't get my head around willingly letting him nut in you.
No. 1366267
>>1366251Seems like she’s as fucked up as Sam.
What else is new?
No. 1366301
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>>1366267She's just your typical NYC art school she is with her ex she starfuck cheated on Sam with
No. 1366335
>>1366301I bet she’s got main character syndrome.
How boring.
No. 1368894
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>>1362733Some days ago anons were spamming stuff about Fantano not reviewing bicflame's stuff.
Apparently "The Commander" (Jan Rankowski) was airing it out on the thread.
Here's a link to the archive: left a screenshot of the thread just in case.
No. 1368966
On 8chan/kun used to have Sam's dickpics (cockring and other stuff). Seemed legit. Can't see the pictures now though.
It's pretty recursive citing this place, but here it is anyway: used to be here: No. 1369579
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No. 1370887
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real sam hyde hours
No. 1371019
>>1370908He always is. He's actually milky as fuck, but it's a chore to keep track of him.
There's literally too much shit coming from every colleague he's ever worked with. Previous thread missed tons of shit that I'm sadly too lazy to search for.
No. 1374575
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heres his stinky cock guys
No. 1374587
>>1374575This has been a rare occasion I go to lolcow from the main page and i land on this shit from some moidcow I don't care about
Plz sage this shit anon
No. 1375501
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Anyone know this guy who gives Sam money to make things and hang out with him? He’s the child of a Beverly Hills multimillionaire scion and is family friends with Paris Hilton. His social media gives me bad energy
No. 1375702
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Not a milky thing to share. They are still posting on /mu/. No. 1376016
File: 1637894966491.jpeg (Spoiler Image,633.49 KB, 1926x2048, 0109E182-7008-44B2-BA46-51ABF5…)

Here is Sam Hydes ass he posted on Twitter for the world. A proud father, successful comedian, truly making us laugh again.
No. 1376186
File: 1637935630150.jpeg (Spoiler Image,450.37 KB, 2592x1944, received_10155774836087772.jpe…)

this picture must stay in this thread. it shall not be erased (for the 4th time)
change comes from fear. fear is the mind killer. (dune)
No. 1376189
>>1375702The guy keeps putting a daily thread up.
>>1376186Why is it getting deleted if it's part of the shit that adds to the thread?
The anons at 8kun did the magic to link it to him. The pic's real.
No. 1376407
>>1376186a hi cow most likely applies. this dude has a humiliation fetish and he probably thinks he can scrounge up some fresh
victims on terfchan.
No. 1376804
File: 1637983581605.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.92 MB, 1289x2520, pp.jpg)

>>1376403Yeah it's nasty member. There was also another pic with a foot in the shot and it pretty much matched Sam's nasty feet exactly.
No. 1376909
File: 1637998046012.jpg (Spoiler Image,6.47 KB, 250x250, 1572704151865s.jpg)

It doesn't throw doubt on anything. The importance of that infamous pic of Sam and Marky together (shirtless) proves that they intimately knew eachother. If that pic didn't exist people like you and Sam's paid damage control cronies would be saying she was just a fan and they never knew eachother to cover it up.
And if he bashed her nose in for that pic she wouldn't be smiling in it. And besides, she really was prone to nose bleeds. Hard cope on your part.
No. 1376930
>>1376909It throws doubt on everything you insane autistic tard.
It means that Sam didn't give Marky a blood nose and that was an intended lie made to deceive people.
YOU KNOW that people have been claiming Sam bashed Marky in the nose.
Also Sam has his shirt off and Marky isn't naked in that pic. The picture ends at the shoulders.
Your imaginary deep relationship is imaginary.
Also that random 8chan tranny that claimed to be Sams BF….. Yeah that is more crazy garbage…..
(sage your wk-ing) No. 1376952
>>1376930>It means that Sam didn't give Marky a blood nose and that was an intended lie made to deceive people. >YOU KNOW that people have been claiming Sam bashed Marky in the nose.Yeah like people have been claiming Sam is a mass shooter. And is someone is prone to nose bleeds you can certainly give them/
trigger a bloody noise without bashing their face in. (Like rough sex)
Also if you see the other shot of her it's obvious she's not wearing a shirt.
You're either an autist that's utterly incapable of seeing the bigger picture or some faggot on Sam's payroll.
(sage) No. 1377037
>>1376930Ew what is wrong with you, do you not know how to type correctly?
Anyway, it’s weird how scrotes know about this site and also care enough to whiteknight for Sam on here. This shit has been out for years and years, starting with his ex fiancé who called the FBI on him and he explicitly said he couldn’t talk about it in a video. He’s been cowish for a long time.
No one even said that Sam bashed Marky’s nose in either, just that he, you know, groomed a minor because no girl older than 16 would touch him with a ten foot pole after finding out what he’s REALLY like, unless they’re mentally ill.
No. 1377305
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You don't know what you're talking about, sorry. Marky's nosebleed was real, and it was caused by Sam hitting her. It's obviously real because she actually had chronic nosebleeds her entire life and there are videos of her spewing blood for like 5 minutes straight.
Anyway, she's gone on record countless times detailing her sexual, predatory relationship with Sam Hyde. He still tries contacting her. Sounds like you have no real exposure to Marky, honestly.
No. 1377422
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>>1377367the main point is that Sam is some kind of psychopath/sociopath and anyone that's worked with someone that has that type of personality knows that it is a complete nightmare.
sam has always been a passive-aggressive and vindictive weasel of a person, going back decades
it's just how he is
No. 1378146
>>1377422The main thing is that he is something like the O.G'/Proto-incel type….years of being the scrawny “my dad’s rich but has a job and other women that is not my mom so now he doesn’t give me attention like he used to so now i’m gonna act reckless to get the attention back" white kid made him the way he is now: almost killing his best friend? check
thinking he is some kind of martyr so he always gonna end up self sabotaging everything he is in:check
destroying his dad’s favorite car? check
being ultra abusing with every girl? check
trying to turn into the “alpha male “ he was wish he were (That’s actually Nick, one of the only people who Sam kinda of respects, just cause he’s normal and is everything he’s not): check
turning into a white nationalist/“nazi” ( the ultimate contrarian/taboo political/social stance): check
No. 1378150
>>1378084sam strings people along with promises of success, friendship, and fun until they realize that its all a sham. he almost had it back in the day with world peace but fucked it all up. he probably promises bicflame that he'll get to meet joe rogan and then he'll start his own fighting league!!! oh and the video games gonna be a huge success!!!! yea those things aint happening.
its always good in the beginning, but sams success wasnt him, it was his teams of people. sam just runs the show …before he runs it into the ground
No. 1378175
>>1378150how does this answer my question though
why didn't they call him out for being a scammer and a bad working partner
No. 1378199
>>1378175its pretty tough getting people to listen to you when sam is a type of hero in their eyes. when other people believe in him more than your own experiences. what do you do? none of my close circle of friends like him anymore, and we all used to be die hard fans.
sometimes i still think about what could have been, and i want to have hope that he'll turn things around, and i think people want that for him because he is a force. but i dont think thats gonna happen.
people started talking about his abuse back in 2014-2015. like that one chick charlotte who posted on tumblr about rocco and sam fucking with her. obviously marky thing was long ago. then world peace bullshit happened and then everyone he knew dropped him in like 2018 like charls after he jewed people on payments. countless people have come forward, but nothing happens. all of his shiesty t-shirt business. lots of people he fucked over dont want anymore drama with sam. bury it and move on. what can really be done anyways? he blocks anybody that talks about how he fucked everything up with his behavior.
its kinda fun haunting him though here. cant block me here.
No. 1378284
>>1378175Sam's closer coworkers have. The guy is so crazy about keeping control over them that he pretty much resorts to blackmailing.
Most accusations against him aren't as public, but it is known.
No. 1378466
>>1378426slimy as fuck
this does answer my question though thanks anon
No. 1378652
>>1378595sam hyde should hurry up n go the way of lowtax tbqh. one less festering, rotting, repulsive abuser in the world.
your penis is ugly btw
No. 1378831
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how about everybodg just cut him some slack huh? hes a good guy deep deep deep deep deep seep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep down ok?
No. 1379050
>>1378914They’re actually not that bad, I was responding to one last night that was clearly a Samfag and his/her comments are now deleted. I think they’re deleting the most obvious ones.
>>1378856Do you know what she thinks?
No. 1380617
>>1376016yo WTF LMFAO
why would he post this!
(sage your shit) No. 1381756
>>1366380also im just coming here from an outside chan discussing mde but the fact u cant believe beautiful pure looking art ho or w/e would sleep with pervert pedo sam hyde is honestly embarrasingly naif. it makes you look really soyjack, i mean normies know this stuff by heart deep down b/c they are all mildly red pilled but quiet about it as all normies are. you guys have no excuse…
man, having that little insight or intuition for why it's a no brainer how sammy boy is able to fuck young hot art hoes and get them to dump their pretty boy b/fs is disquieting to me. i have to remember all the people in the world who can't figure out even the simplest of behavioral/social patterns…
and i don't even like sam. i'm one state over maybe i'll go and cause a LEGAL ruckus in the parking lot of that stupid studio one day. ah, maybe not. wouldn't want to interrupt the vibe when he's filming GENERIC DINER FOOD 2.0 or
even worse, disrupt bicflame's concentration when he's writing an app to DM as many mildly deformed looking groupies as possible per unit of time.
lord have mercy!!!
(pure autism) No. 1381802
>>1381756doesn't like Sam, and yet apes his way of typing almost to a t AND doesn't really insult him or bicflame at all, just suggests that they are sexually active.
also doesn't understand how "cannot believe" isn't a literal phrase kek
No. 1381856
>>1381756You are the perfect example of a stupid man. Genuinely, from the bottom of my heart, do I mean that. It’s such a weird trend that one of the things you do is switch it to “Sam can get any art ho/whatever he wants”. First of all, you mean Sam can get damaged/fucked up person, I guess. Second of all, I’m talking about the girls.
Also, not everyone on lolcow is as retarded and weird as you are. There are normies browsing right now. Case in point, what the fuck is a naif?
Anyway, I still can’t believe any girl would get with him after so much information detailing how gross he is is online. It’s insane for normal people to imagine how damaged and stupid one would have to be to have a child with Sam.
No. 1381929
>>1381856He has money, and with the amount of wealth he has being fueled by paypigs and crypto, that gets him more than half way there. The other half is his efame (you'd be surprised how even a little efame brings the sluts in). Granted though that makes those broken art hos glorified prostitutes, but the ones he decides to keep around he ends up completely manipulating and wrapping around his finger and indoctrinates into his cult(he is a sociopath after all).
This will only end up biting him in the ass if he actually becomes a dad with those lovechildren he's rumored to have soon. But that wont be for at least 5-10 years down the line when those girls realize what he did to them and stop putting up with him having mistresses and shit, leave him and take him to the cleaners with child support. It's why I think he'll at least make one of them get an abortion (assuming those rumors are true).
No. 1387095
>>1382044No, but the chances of him turning into even more of a disgusting blob as his metabolism slows down as he gets older are pretty high. That, combined with what
>>1381929 said and his efame eventually running out because he's a lazy shit coasting on an aborted Adult Swim show, will leave him in a state sadder than maybe even Lowtax.
No. 1387796
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Sam Hyde cock NFT
No. 1389214
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>>1389123This, plus his shitty advices about learning a trade, how retarded one has to be to buy any of this crap? All these cringe youtube channels posting cuts from hydewars and his podcast making him look like some based redpilled wise man, with comments from retarded zoomer fanboys are so pathetic.
No. 1389330
>>1389214>>1389221>>1389261Reminder that Sam Hyde is the art hipster son of wealthy parents and his Based Rightwing Redpill stuff was always hardcore grift
Dude went to Carnegie Mellon to get a BA in film and landed a gig at Adult Swim. Anyone who bought into his blue collar workin man theme should headbutt a moving bus
No. 1393052
>>1392767God it’s so funny how far he’s fallen lmao. Being compared to a literal homosexual, the type of thing 5 years ago Sam would probably freak out about, but now, as long as he’s getting exposure, it’s fine lol. It must be eating him up inside to know that in 5-10 years, this will be his legacy.
>>1393011It was originally posted by one of his exes years ago now
No. 1393091
>>1377305is this a discord group for girls that were
victims of 4chan scrotes?
No. 1393161
>>13930658ch already matched his dick pics to the bathroom seen in his old apartment vids
>>1376804 )
and Sam's foot is seen in one of them
No. 1393188
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>>1393161I expected Sam's dick I didn't need his butthole too
No. 1393883
victims? Also sage your low quality post
No. 1394721
File: 1639688473255.png (663.9 KB, 1080x2300, Screenshot_20211216-160018.png)

hey team lets make sure he doesnt get to fight epic meal time. time to Spam Harley of epic meal time that sam is a gross degenerate. lets get to work
No. 1396240
File: 1639848995006.jpg (552.18 KB, 1015x969, 1639847953656.jpg)

>>1395685Trannyfaggots probably don't have high standards (over 50% seem to have weird deformed shrimpdicks of their own), like this guy
>>1384967 No. 1396448
back in the day i’d watch a lot of mde
i thought it was really gay when the youtube channel was deleted or when sam deleted it himself right before they went to california to film that shitty cartoon network show
started watching again after sam brought nick onto the podcast… don’t know who that fat joey wigger guy is but he kinda grew on me… really enjoyed a lot of the earlier podcasts with nick Nd paid the 5 bucks for gumroad but boy, have the last few podcasts been garbage
sams pretty gay… who are these fags he pays to be around him? why are they all teens? its not normal… paying gay unfunny spics … what’s up with that… hmm
anyway look at this put this up on the gumroad the other day for a 3 week old episode
its real gay
>>1391183Except Hitler wasn't Jewish. And if the SS saw the grift Sam was putting on in 1930's Germany, I'm afraid he'd be thrown in Dachu.
I remember Sam making fun of disabled people too. Basically, you can judge a person by the fruit they produce. By that I mean do they show empathy and help the less fortunate? Sam does all of those things… oh wait… he does none of them.
Most people are stuck in the cycle of indifference and fo not do anything for others but to comfort and protect themselves, which is fine… Sam on the other hand does this at the expense and sometimes suffering of others.
(namefag) No. 1403030
>>1402713talking about sam's coworkers, what happened to trappped? that guy went away and then zackary took place who also left clearly on bad terms if the 8kun thread is taken seriously.
trappped just disappeared and never said anything anywhere.
No. 1403682
I came here to learn more about Hyde's degenerate proclivities out of curiosity but instead I get just histrionic womenfolk showcasing that apparently they can't even go online without
contriving a way to gossip and vent their hate-fuck feelings for men they're ashamed to be attracted to (like fat old Donnie Tacobowl as another example, gross right?).
And yeah, it's a lot of women posting itt.
Listen I totally love and respect women (:]) but sometimes it's obvious by the way you type.
calm down, and remember the more you try to appear like you don't care, the more it looks like you do.
AND to be fair, all lolcow obsessed types,regardless of sexual organ, are the biggest losers fr what's the fucking deal with that
also sam's literally jewish and his ostensibly held political beliefs should really be taken with a serious grain of salt, considering the previously mentioned faggotry he engages in
(many of you probably live in a cuckoo fruedian fantasy where exactly all those people who disagree with you are the ones unknowingly puppeted by some sexual hang-up,
so Sam is actually a pathological self-hating gay preacher type and not just a grifter who definitely knows he's a faggot and just under a guise of irony and false pretenses for moneygrubbing.).
look basically all those getting genuinely angry over that politcal aspect of it are just wasting their time and emotional energy in a way that is admittedly kinda funny in a cosmic sorta way.
Listen, next time you're about to get heart palpitations over internet celebrity/ infamous individual parasitism or even if you're considering responding to this very post I'm not ever going to look at again.
Stop it nigga seriously. redirect that anger towards working out and losing weight, so you stop doing this. or not.(scrotesplaining)
No. 1404052
File: 1640771905596.gif (2.77 MB, 628x640, dspats.gif)

>>1403682Lmao nobody here is talking about race, we're all making fun of Sam for being a fat slob sex addict, internet has-been and future child support paypig
No. 1404060
File: 1640773182909.png (374.85 KB, 537x645, 1585783960317.png)

>puppeted by some sexual hang-up>a pathological self-hating gay preacher>a grifter who definitely knows he's a faggot>moneygrubbinghe does all the work for us by wildly projecting.
No. 1404445
File: 1640812966079.jpg (291.11 KB, 1400x1810, 1638569003712.jpg)

My favorites have to be
>the more you try to appear like you don't care, the more it looks like you do
>this very post I'm not ever going to look at again
Least projecting moid on lolcow who totally isn't reading this cucks himself into having to seethe in silence
No. 1404591
>>1404345This kinda reminded me of how Sam has no friends his age because, as he said in that one video, he is totally incompatible with functioning adults. Like a dude his age with a family and a job and a healthy marriage would immediately be able to suss out Sam is
toxic, which are literally his words lol. It’s funny because he knows it but his fans are so fucking stupid that they’ll laugh along with his self depreciating humor and continue to pay for his shitty gum road/work for him.
But that also makes me wonder how he’ll continue to be friends with Nick. Nick seems normal but obviously turns a blind eye to all the shit Sam does, so he’s definitely a freak too, but I wonder how he’ll be able to reconcile all of it when his daughter is older. Is Sam really the type of person you want anywhere near your family? I’m only saying that since Nick is a source of revenue for Sam atm. Or imagine if Sam ends up having a daughter - remember when he said he would sniff his own daughter’s panties, and that’s why he didn’t want to have a girl? Because he’s too screwed up in the head to just be, you know, a normal fucking person or dad?
>>1403682Also this is just some guy with a big enough hardon for Sam to try and copy his writing style lol what a freak
No. 1408196
>>1374575>>1376186>>1376804Wow he has a really small dick, especially for someone as tall as him. That's like 4.5-5 inches. Even the shape is ugly.
>>1376867Lol ikr. The anons itt saying they would want his dick must be as insecure and damaged as his
victims. Smh. I feel bad for anyone who chose to fuck a dick as ugly as this one.
No. 1408635
>>1408331No offense but that info is readily available if you just look up Sam Hyde + marky and go on images or if you find that other compilation of the blonde girl who talks about how he wanted to fuck her 14-16yo friend. Also if you click on the link OP provided. No one is going to repost such obvious evidence because you’re lazy and it’s already been done on every single Sam Hyde thread. Plus it’s not even real
proof because it’s just hear say. I still believe those girls and that Sam is a pedo but until someone can recover his destroyed hard drive or those videos he took of his underage gfs, we’ll most like never have solid legal proof.
No. 1409379
>>1408953Fair enough, although I was also interested if there was even just a convo screencap from one of the
victims which clearly said anything about being 15 years old. It wouldnt be good enough for court, but would still be of interest
No. 1409848
>>>calm down, and remember the more you try to appear like you don't care, the more it looks like you do. AND to be fair, all lolcow obsessed types,regardless of sexual organ, are the biggest losers fr what's the fucking deal with that.
So, calm down but also care enough to be a lolcow degenerate loser? I don't get it?
Sam being Jewish and a Trump supporter is all one needs to know. His father, though successful, is a mammon lover and from what I can see, is pretty full of himself. Passed on traits, indeed. Plus, Sam looks like Trotsky and hangs out with fat degenerate Jews,
What really sucks more than anything else is that people are handing over their money to these degenerates. Women who show boobs on JewFans get millions of dollars in a month, and degenerate Jewtube stars are racking in the money doing nothing productive other than streaming, playing video games and showing their private parts.
>>>look basically all those getting genuinely angry over that politcal aspect of it are just wasting their time and emotional energy in a way that is admittedly kinda funny in a cosmic sorta way.
Agreed! The problem is children and teenagers look up to Sammi boy like a father figure.
I guess the moral of the story is bad publicity is good publicity. So, the best option is to ignore this freak and get on with your life.
>>>Stop it nigga seriously. redirect that anger towards working out and losing weight, so you stop doing this. or not.
Also, read New Testement and help the less fortunate. God provides. No better time than today to help those in need in the service of God and work out, lift weights and run. Also, plant a veggie in your yard.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1412022
File: 1641665847204.png (10.23 MB, 2208x1242, 17817481-03D0-4482-BB6A-B9C6B7…)

Screenshot of newest SH vid…. But wtf is this thing
No. 1412084
>>1412022At least half of the girls that get caught up in the Sam maelstrom seem just so trashy. I know that some of them are
victims, but when I look at this girl or the pic of marky or charlotte, I literally get a nasty smell in my nose.
Also Im not saying theyre physically ugly necessarily, it's to do with something else? They just make you feel dirty
I guess it makes sense - Sam Hyde looks like a hobo, so he spends his nights rolling around in the trash.
No. 1412101
>>1412022Couldn't avoid watching the new video lol. Having another cow like iDubbz was a good combo.
I'm pretty sure the whole thing about the weed, lean and shit they talk early on the video could've been damage control. There's no proof they wrote that document before meeting Ian, so this Eve person could still be spilling genuine milk. Also, we can see him/her/whatever in the footage too.
>>1412099Yeah, I'd believe it.
No. 1412108
File: 1641672306462.png (53.03 KB, 287x176, image_2022-01-09_000452.png)

Who is this cuttie ? w
No. 1412187
>>1412022Little summary of thoughts or some shit of what I've wasted my time in:
They're all spergs who can't turn off their characters, so I think most that was shown was actually real. If iDubbz had released the video Sam and his team would've looked stupid.
The Sam's interview with Ian was supposedly going to have no cuts, yet it gets interrupted just when they're going to move unto the good shit. Only a retard would've believed the phone couldn't record his segment on women.
In the end it was a shit video. The novelty died pretty quick. If the official one comes out maybe it'll be better.
No. 1412203
File: 1641678735592.png (45.81 KB, 102x313, image_2022-01-09_014947.png)

He hangs out with really weird people and his reset content is also shit have u seen "great war" ? shit looks like a something that filthyfrank would make on acid
No. 1412341
File: 1641687730169.jpeg (400.89 KB, 1938x1242, 09A5B0E3-55D1-4FF1-97CA-1FD6ED…)

>>1412116LOLLL he looks so ugly, I’m not surprised given it’s a troon but holy shit, those overgrown roots and piss yellow strands. Btw did anyone notice when the troon fixed Sam’s hat? I didn’t know it was him at first but thought that it looked kind of weird.
I find it extremely disconcerting how Sam can switch between character and go serious mode too. Only because it can trick people into relief, like “thank god he’s not fucking with me anymore”. I don’t blame idubbz for not posting the doc lol.
No. 1412390
There is likely a good subset of Sam's paying fanbase that wouldn't/doesn't give a shit about any of this, and would continue to support him until he runs himself into his own grave (for nothing else, the spectacle). It's no secret that he's a scoundrel, and he even shows a bit of it on his videos. This begs the question, why do you guys sit around in this thread "milking" his oh-so-soured milk?
I ask this because it seems that there are a good subset of anons here who want nothing to do with supporting this guy, ironic considering that participants in this thread give him significantly more attention and "press" than any youtuber commenting on the next unpolished hydewars entry (much less anyone that /actually/ matters). Though this is my first time visiting this chan, i've seen this continued sentiment floating around for the better half of a decade now, and I can't help but note that you guys are more dedicated fans to him analyzing his every move than the rando youtuber who's never even visited his gumroad. Sure, this is a general critiq on lolcowism in general, yet this continued interest seems counter-intuitive considering how deep sam seems to cut for y'all.
>>1412187> yet it gets interrupted just when they're going to move unto the good shit Only a retard would've believed the phone couldn't record his segment on actually cut out at a segment on men being feminized (a follow up from his comment on fantano's interview i presume), not sure where you translated that to "on women". Regardless, leaking a peek like that would be a pretty retarded move if idubbbz had the whole interview on hand
(sage your shit) No. 1412556
>>1412203 yeah he may be a pedo who had relations with a 16 year old + stalker + employs a transexual that is part of his "crew" + exposes himself on the internet + has a cockring but he's a comedian first everything else later
He's sure entertaining everyone here, right?
No. 1412645
>>1412390Tracking the lives of famous fuckups gives you a primer on the darker sides of reality. It is fun to observe their absurd lives.
Basically, Sam Hyde is a 36 year old budget Epstein living with his army of retarded minions in a stinky cave where they do drugs and abuse retarded drug-addict women. That would be funny enough, except they also give advice videos that are religiously followed by legions of dumb zoomers who themselves dream of one day being 36 year old adult babies living in a drug den. How do you not get why it's funny?
(sage) No. 1412838
>>1412645this is a good answer, thank you
> How do you not get why it's funny?this question might be better directed at those who want him totally ‘cancelled’ ASAP. ive been enjoying the mayhem 4 a bit now
No. 1412864
>>1412849>Not fakeHe's an obvious sociopath with NPD who lies about everything from his upbringing to the real reason he's got to eliminate "
toxic" people from his life constantly. It's one thing when u reavaluate your friend group as you age and grow apart from ppl…it's quite another when you've burnt every single bridge from your past life and replace your peers with yesmen fans half your age to stroke your ego constantly.
No. 1412882
>>1412864Tha was a smart move that he did. The people who he used to hang out with are the same people who made the stories about him being a pedophile because they got jealous. I'll do the same and cut out the
toxic people too. Do you want to call the people who betrayed you "friends". I don't think so.
No. 1412895
>>1412390My memory fucked up, I pay attention just not close enough because the video was a bore. What I remember though was that at the start they said they would show the stuff as Sam doubted Ian would release the material at this point, so it does seem more like he tries to hide something.
Also now I remember they said they got this girl to pose as Sam's crackhead girlfriend. At first they described her as an actual crackhead, but then later in the video they said she was an actress. There's this inconsistency when he talks about stuff that makes me think Sam is just making up (inconsistent) lies to save face or not be attacked.
No. 1412931
>>1412882Yeah it's really weird how every original collaborator and person who worked on MDE as well as every friend and ex gf Sam has ever had are all the
toxic ones. It couldn't possibly be that there are a million different red flags he gives off that imply that he is indeed an unsavory character and overall scumbag.
No. 1412936
>>1412895Sam does the "lol I was just trolling" thing like every other obnoxious unfunny hack. Says one thing then contradicts it and acts like he's immune to criticism because "lol it was a joke dude". Like how he speaks at length, seriously and without any sarcasm at all, about how he never smokes weed and how it's not good for you, then lights up a joint in the next video. It's not sarcasm or irony and it's not even humor, it's just like he has a number of set pieces that he repeats because he lacks the ability or will to make any actual material.
Even disregarding the drama and his "team" of long haired pothead guys half his age, Sam is pretty fucking pathetic these days. He tries to do something more serious than just being a clown but he can't take anything seriously or interact with people in a way that's anything other than "haha I'm trolling you and being obnoxious lol". It's really cringy seing any of his content with people outside of his team because it's painfully obvious that he lacks a basic level of social competence. He strikes me as the only child and as having been way too spoiled as a child, so now he can only interact with people who will let him have everything his way.
The part in the idubbz video where they watch his "classic material" is funny because it really is so much better than anything he's put out for the last 8 years or so. All he makes is his boring ass talk show which is the same regurgitated discussions with nick or bic or whoever wants to be his prop. A unrehearsed 2 min cell phone video in the bathroom mirror making funny voices about someone taking his chocolates has more comedic value than 10 hours of his recent 5-man team studio productions.
No. 1412952
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Feel like we don't talk enough about how fucking butt-ugly Sam is. Giant honker nose, squinty pig eyes, scraggly homeless-man beard, hair looks like roadkill, puckered anus lips, giant forehead and receeding hairline. Everything about him is just so unattractive. He is a true 0/10.
No. 1413041
>>1412986This anon said >it's quite another when you've burnt every single bridge from your past life
>>1412864 I didn't know that he actually stopped contacting them
No. 1413963
>>1413818i've never seen anything about his parents come out. is it a well-known fact that his parents are rich? where did that come from?
watched his newest video and i hate how he's just trying to draw attention to his podcast using idubbbz name. obviously this isnt new, but it still irks me whenever people do this. it was weird to see him say that he doesn't care about politics in that "interview" w/ ian though.
No. 1414104
>>1413982thank you
No. 1414224
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>>1414208>He's just a comedian leave him alone!lol
Plenty of his retarded fans take him seriously and send him love letters to talk about on his podcast and give advice to them. You can't have your cake and eat it too Sammy.
No. 1414431
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He can be good looking but he is uglymaxxing for comady or someshit idk he sill gets crackhead pussy so why would he care about his looks
No. 1414521
>>1414431this thread is such a fucking embarrassment. No he's not good looking in any sense of the word. He is objectively ugly and even he knows that because scrotes always try to use their flaws as protection. "hurr i know im ugly it's the JOKE guys". ok sam. Nice cope for looking like the local nonce 24/7.
This thread is full of scrotes trying desperately to prop up Sam so they can feel better about themselves. "g-guys sam is kinda hot right?" Nah and either are you, Kevin.
No. 1414618
>>1414526if free sex with idiot teenagers with tragic backstories is all he wants, then he can be ugly all he wants. But these are the same girls incels prey on because no decent woman would look twice at any of them and they need the girl to be borderline brain-damaged.
Sam will never have a real connection with a woman, and you can tell. He needs girls to rely on him and defer to him because he's an insecure mess. He can not take bing challenged on anything, despite insisting on being in the public eye. Listening to that call between him and Tim Heidecker where you can tell how pissed off he is, how hard he's trying to cope with having no control of the situation because Heidecker has a bigger fanbase. His voice wavering and him trying desperately to not sound angry and trying to flip that on Heidecker lol. Listening to this faggot stumble his words on a phone call makes me think it doesn't matter how big he is irl because he's a scared child that would get anxious and start sweating as soon as someone said boo to him.
He is a typical Daddy's boy that was given handouts and every opportunity to improve his life, but instead he pissed it away for the lols and now he has no one or anything of real value. He knows that deep down. Surrounded by hanger-ons and climbers. He can't even talk to iDubbz without all his buddies there to help him "troll". He's absolutely pathetic and a decade past his prime.
No. 1414908
>>1414903Sam's whole schtick is being a scumbag scam artist. People who take him seriously deserved to get ripped off for the $2 a month on or whatever it is.
No. 1415099
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mde is dead. please close this book already.(unsaged autism)
No. 1415309
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>>1414614cant agree
(sage your shit) No. 1415320
>>1415014tell us about he diaper dungeon
>>1415313sam associates with too many trannies for it to be fake. even that he's into his own anal stimulation with dildos is an indication of homosexual behavior.
No. 1415778
>>1415411neck wider than jaw is a good look as long as the guy is muscly and his skull is wider than the neck
fat neck wider than entire head is a look that only works for Patrick Star
No. 1416295
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>>1418919Sorry for repost but this is in his favorites lmao
No. 1419317
>>1419230This is true, but I don't get why it's such a point of contention. He's been open about the fact he was a hormonally banjaxed writeoff from the getgo and has never shied away from that fact. He has the awareness to understand the maladjustment that is or was a reality for a lot of people on the wavelength that gravitated towards MDE pre the alt-right absorption that followed world peace when he got more overtly political. Not rimming him nor am I trying to refute the claims some of you are hitting off with in this thread. He's hitting 40 now and is milking lowbrow self-help shite for money as he has admitted himself numerous times. Regardless, he is a genius and was a definite positive influence for young fellas that were in the same boat as him at one stage one way or another. I can say now that I'm both physically and mentally well-developed, but I've been totally lost as well and coming across tissue box at 12 years old was profoundly uplifting, as stupid as that sounds. I came across this thread by chance and have been lurking with morbid curiosity, which I feel guilty about, but I can tell you lot are on the same wavelength I was referring to. The world is a poisonous place, some people are more susceptible than others in certain respects, yet a certain tenderness can still be gleaned. I understand your grievances and I'll admit Sams surface-level demeanor has probably amounted to a middlefinger both irl and online, but idk if this fully detracts from the sheer affirmative presence both he and the group managed to maintain throughout the years. I'm blocked and am probably talking shite, so I'll conclude by saying up the INLA, Marian Price walks the streets and MDE never dies. Etc etc
No. 1419401
>>1419391ah yes, the two measures of success in life
>how many people you can fuck over>how many teenagers you can abusethe absolute state of scrote life goals kek
No. 1419410
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>>1419391>I'm idolizing this ugly faggot because I'm an ugly faggot men cannot stop posting Ls
No. 1426398
I’m gonna post here and then probably never again. When I was 16/17 I was dating someone who was a huge MDE fan, we both lived in CT and he had started talking to Sam as friends online and even met up with him to go to the mall a couple times, where he mentioned to me that Sam was intimidating. (Apparently Sam had been living in his moms house in CT at the time, so it was easy to meet up). He met Charles too on one of the mall dates and just said that he was “really weird”. Not really any further detail. Sam ended up adding both me and my best friend at the time on Facebook. We were all teenagers. My boyfriend who he hung out with was a year older than me, but Sam was still 10 years older than it us so in my opinion it’s weird that a 27 yo old man was hanging out with kids that young. Anyways, Sam started messaging my best friend when we were at her house, and he convinced us to Skype him. In the Skype call he basically kept just trying to convince us to come to his moms house or to let him come to us. Luckily, we were only talking to him for entertainment purposes because we thought he might be funny and were actually really creeped out by him since he was an ugly, gross, older man to us as teens. Later, after the call, he would message me on fb asking to meet up and asking me if I’m “really dating an MDE fan”. He then reached out to my boyfriend at the time and asked him if he could hook up with me or if that would “put him in the dog house” with him. I always just jokingly answered him and played around with him and he eventually stopped trying to talk to me. I had no interest in that hairy smelly fugly beast at 17 and neither did my friend. (Who was also 16/17). Reading all these stories make me thankful that I didn’t ever actually decide to meet up with him and neither did my friend. Oh one more weird thing: he begged me to make a fake Reddit account to “like” all these posts he linked me to of his on Reddit. Really strange.
No. 1434101
>>1433874No sympathy for Sam, but I'm really curious as to what Ian's angle was with this doc to begin with. Like he can't seriously be so arrogant to believe Sam wouldn't just punk him the entire time? Did he not do any research into the guy whatsoever?
Just let him fade into obscurity. I don't know why anyone with a large platform would think giving this guy a voice is a good idea in any capacity at this point. Seems like nothing more than a way to get views for their own channel. What a miserable life both these dudes must have.
No. 1434512
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>>1432993this still just makes idubz look bad. sam handled himself really well and was towering over Ian the whole time lmao. it's funny how Ian chose to edit the clips of sam talking darker so that he looks more evil
No. 1434754
>>1434690People have been asking this question for like 5 years now LMAO.
Long story short: they had a big falling out and haven't done anything together since 2017.
No. 1437262
>>1435993stupid wrong and embarassingly idiotic
sams fans are laughing at the doc ian released and if u put down your vibrator (boyfriend) for one second and read the comments ud see that lmao
(scrote) No. 1437376
>>1436828he probably can hide it better.
>>1436940right? birds of a feather flock together.
No. 1438182
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Weird motherfucker.
No. 1438226
>>1437302this guy comes off as an autist with emotional problems in part from his struggle with expressing himself and his feelings, but not as crazy as the sam hyde fanatics on the other farms makes him out to be. the fidgeting, punching his doll, very borderline wall-punching stuff. he should have written himself a script to perform to give his side instead of going off the cuff and having to feel it intensely all over again. it does come off as honest this way though. it's good that he's seeing a therapist, it's is more than most of the shitty guys in this community would do. however, he's still nursing his ego by framing himself as a good guy whose deeds have not gone unpunished. he feels sorry for himself that standing up for minors is what cost him a career when it's the people he chose to associate with that did. he's good at music in comparison with the incredibly small pool of competition he has within the racist comedy community, which let's face it, is not very artistically inclined or even values the arts, but broadly he's not doing anything all that special with his sound. it sounds like he's using his own vocals which are too thin and strained to make an appealing tone. it's like continuing to play with an instrument that's out of tune, because it would hurt too much to change. holly herndon released a soundpack of her own vocals called holly+ that other people can use and modulate for free. he can start with trying to continue to improve and to attract an audience more aligned with his values, and maybe question what his values even are in the first place, why he regrets doing the right thing, and why he's so thirsty for recognition in the first place.
No. 1438899
>>1437376nah, nick is definitely normal.
he owns a successful antique mall with his wife and has a kid. they have a nice home and doing pretty well. his wife also seems really nice too.
No. 1439063
>>1438402I’m pretty sure Nick is just, like, a normal dude with a sort of shady past. On an old 8ch thread someone said he does a lot of drugs, or did anyway, but I honestly think other than that he’s probably just a normal guy who’s sort of a scumbag, the latter being because he has to be to hang out with Sam. Dude’s got his life set and has a daughter so I doubt we’ll learn about his skeletons any time soon.
>>1438861I would literally donate to this to make it happen.
No. 1439083
>>1438861Nobody has been able to do this correctly yet. You would have to interview a dozen or more people who worked on MDE in the past. idubbbz didn't bother talking to even one person who was involved before the last year or two besides Nick and Sam, or if he did he conveniently left it out.
>How much of a genuine idiot would I beIf you're really worried, put it out under a different name.
No. 1439090
>>1438861+++ if you can manage to get on record voice interviews with people (channing, don jolly, james price, eve/evan etc, doubt you could get charls but that would sink it)
+++++ if you can somehow bait/punk Sam (dont think this is possible for teh avg joe)
also a plus if you keep people updated about the kind of harassment Sam sends your way, like that guy who was eventually forced to private related vid when he went over the channing stuff (I kno that he got doxxed and they started posting his private info in 4ch threads) (also learn from his mistakes, his vid is kind of shitty).
No. 1439149
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There is something truly horrific about his unshaved face. Minus the strange haircut, he looks like a naked mole rat.
No. 1439173
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>>1439099the problem with this is that institutions like vice and broader neoliberal culture promote pornsick grooming, pushing minors into sex work, legitimizing autogynephilic fetishists as an innate sexuality and protected class. so sam's only crime to this culture is doing all the same while saying no-no words and not giving lip-service to the journalist class. he's already pivoting to calling out the hypocrisy with like the worse degenerates. like when the bumfights guy went on the dr. phil show dressed up as him to make a point that they both exploit people, and like pointing a finger at dr. phil as the worse exploiter because at least the bumfights guy wasn't a hypocrite and was open about being a callous shithead.
>>1439149he associates any kind of grooming with faggotry. ergo bare face = male nurse stupid liberal useful idiot for the powers that be who want to remove the stigma for pedophiles and legitimize them as MAPs( minor attracted people).
His whole new scheme is like, "hey i'm not that bad a guy compared to these people who want to do what i do on a grand scale!" if he was very confident that this stuff wouldn't eventually get push back he would pivot as a MAP and start calling anyone who whined about his predilection for teenage girls "Mapphobic."
No. 1439197
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>>1439173Sam is still stuck with the alt-right/nazi label, so if ur gonna trick Vice or another Bernstein to write about Sam again, it'll be about that, instead of his degeneracy/fan grooming.
No. 1439237
>>1439222That shit doesn't matter so much. Think like a sociopath, think like Sam does. What matters is journos writing about gumroad. That's the key. Reporting Sam's content directly to gumroad for TOS violation doesn't result in anything, gumroad doesn't give a shit. But it would give a shit if the media starts putting pressure on them for their sketchy "nazi content" hosting/platforming.
Without his gumroad Sam would have to rely entirely on crypto donations or waste his own/investor money making a different platform, and he can't pay his zoomer slaves doing that. It would be gg for him, a stake into his kike heart.
(sage) No. 1446293
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No. 1448620
Open question to people who have worked with Sam (that might have a beef with him, him not paying you, etc).
Does Sam run a clean office? As in the major software (OS, big expensive programs like Maya, etc.) is licensed and paid for?
If not then is serious too, if you have solid info/proof they will literally come in and raid his office and give you a cut of what he owes down the line.
No. 1449077
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>>1362733>>1448410it was taken from his twitter before it was purged and before the trans thing started. the dude used to be a crossdresser while dating some egirl and before trooning out.
As for social media he's always used the "rainsfx" handle, but recently deleted everything. used that name on twitter, instagram furaffinity and also artstation
No. 1450066
damn I hadn't looked into Sam Hyde Drama since the days that weird ricardo lopez shitmuncher JMAA spent all day talking to himself about it on /mde/ but that 1team expose is pretty damning. evan being in both docs makes it a super easy redpill
>>1435594appreciate whichever one of you weirdos was trying to psyop /tv/ but "Look the shit up on lolcow" is dead giveaway it's a LARP. side by side 'evan'/'eve' + link to 1team blog = job done
No. 1453278
Hey guys… I was somewhat a fan of Sam's. Not a huge fan or anything but I thought his comedy and social media antics are funny. I pay for his gumroad which me and my friend share.
The other day, I saw a bunch of people on Twitter retweeting one of his tweets and calling him a pedophile and stuff. I decided to see what that was all about so I googled it and found all the drama. I've read just about everything there is. I am completely sickened by Sam, and even more sickened because I sent him a donation once and I've been paying for gumroad.
Everyone has some skeletons in the closet, but not like this. I feel inspired to make a video about Sam which compiles all of the evidence. I am very good at making videos and I have a decent following on Youtube, which I will not discuss here. I will probably need someone else to narrate the video since someone will recognize my voice. I'm good at editing, writing, and making videos that are concise and hold peoples' attention. I'm thinking of a title like "Sam Hyde Exposed! He Can't Keep Getting Away With It".
Other people really need to know who they are supporting. Sam has his audience under the impression that he doesn't watch porn or do drugs, and that he's a pretty decent guy, just with an artistic, eccentric bend. I was never expecting to find what I found about Sam. I believe much of it is true because of the little caveats Sam drops in his videos and instagram stories. Just the other day, he said in his instagram story that he had to go to the doctor once for chlamydea because he had been cheating, and that the Asian doctor said he would cure him quickly so that his girlfriend would never know. His audience thinks these are jokes but these quips come from a sickening reality.
Of course many of his followers will defend him to the end, but many will turn away. Is a little documentary necessary, or will 2 pregnant girlfriends eventually ruin him for us? Anyways, if anyone would like to do that, I think separate threads need to be started. I'm not an expert on all of the Sam lore, but we would have to start from the beginning. Perhaps new evidence will come out in the meantime. I can pull out the best information and story lines from people hashing it out in threads.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1453306
>>1453295Yeah you are probably right. It's hard for me to do the video right because all of the information is so all over the place. I don't know the exact time table of how everything has gone down. If I didn't have a bunch of other things going on, I would probably just get really autistic and figure it out myself. But I don't have time for that. I really don't have time to make a video on Sam either but I would set the time aside. I'm mad that Sam has a practically blemish-free reputation in the alt right sphere. He's a hero to everyone but he's anything but that. I've always restrained myself from getting revenge on people, but I'm especially bothered by this. People need to know that Sam Hyde is a legit pedophile, among other things.
I think it's crazy how Sam has had a live-in girlfriend all this time. It's so weird how he hides her and doesn't give her any credit for her graphic design. It's obvious that it's so he can still attract other girls because they think he's single. So much adds up.
I hate Sam Hyde.
No. 1453329
>>1453278Are males really this stupid? How was it not obvious Sam was a narc attention whore? Of course all narcs with a little bit of fame and money go out and abuse anyone they can.
Getting life advice from an obvious greasy trust fund pedo, just lmfao
No. 1453342
>>1453329Like I said, I wasn't Sam's #1 fan. I listened to his podcast and stuff, because I work from home and listen to all kinds of stuff while I work. I wasn't a huge Sam Hyde fan, which is probably why I'm about 6 years late to this party. I subscribed to his podcast… Whatever, it was entertaining to listen to.
And yes, obviously Sam is an attention whore. You can accuse just about any entertainer of this.
Obviously it was clear that Sam might have some issues, but "pedophile" is not one I would have ever expected. Weird homo-tranny fetish stuff is also not what anyone would ever expect either.
No. 1453396
>>1453342why are you blog posting here you dumb scrote? You roll in here talking about how you have to "expose" him with your videos that you are "really good at making" like we should be thankful? Go make it, why do you need our input?
I know you think you're super smart and are shocked you could be fooled like this, but have you considered you're just a fucking retard? You type like a damn autist.
God, men genuinely think they're all super special, even when they have the IQ of pond scum.
No. 1453845
>>1453382Like was said earlier, unless you have idubbz level fame/following no video on Sam like that is gonna stick, UNLESS you get people on voice/camera connected to him talking on record. People like Channing, James Price, Don Jolly, Zach, etc etc etc. Charls would be the biggest one but I dont think he'd ever do it.
If you can't do that but got the time it to make a vid regardless, it would mainly be an exercise to see how many of his minions Sam would summon to spam your youtube comments saying its fake and issue spurious takedown notices. And probably dox you and harass you all the while. That could be ammo for a different documentary maybe.
No. 1453875
>>1453342I'm sorry, maybe you are legit low IQ and extremely oblivious, but… Do you not know that the majority of /pol/ faggots and alt righters are pedophilic incels and definitely have a trap/femboy fetish?
There's a reason Sam appeals to these people.
No. 1458568
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“Sam Hyde is not a Ukrainian citizen, Sam Hyde is a comedian.”
Y’all. I cannot believe we’re living in a time where nuclear war may happen and we have Tucker Carlson explaining to his boomer viewers that Sam is, in fact, not the “he keeps getting away with it” man they must think he is. Jfc.
No. 1462125
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>>1462090Picrel is me, anon I may not be anorexic but this what the boys like and I’m a curvy goddess uwu
Is anyone else sort of disappointed by the idubbbz documentary? I thought he was actually being exposed. But Sam Hyde was like gotcha lmao it was all an act and then not much else information was given. I’m not sitting through the truth about idubbbz can someone give me a rundown on that?
No. 1463121
>>1462125I thought the idubbbz documentary was stupid too. His analysis of Sam Hyde's comedy was just super basic. Really at this point it isn't even cloaked in irony; Sam Hyde makes racist and misogynistic jokes, end of. He probably really does believe it, as do most of the people who laugh at his jokes. Pre-World Peace cancellation you could've argued it was all irony and dark humor but we don't need pencil-necked idubbb's breaking it down for us. it's retarded.
and also I don't understand why idubbb's acted as if he wasn't a dude saying "niggerfaggot" and tricking Tana Mangoo into saying "nigger" just like, 5 years ago? Why bother trying to analyze Sam Hyde who is obviously not showing you his "true" self, when Ian could just analyze himself and why he liked saying nigger online? Or his buddy h3h3 liked courting the alt-right before Trump got elected? Speak on that, dubz. Sam Hyde's inner core is probably boring guy who didn't get enough attention and acts out now. Same as all the funny e-scrotes out there.
No. 1463708
The moral of the story is that grifters are going to grift. The H3H3 crew are Zionists (National Socialists for Israel, more like it, considering that ism was the very essence espoused by the Basel Zionist Congresses) and they went from being the most atrocious, unfunny YouTube video creators, with no more than 1000 views to their name, to the most atrocious, unfunny, bot-propped up YouTube stars courting Mossadnik Shillman Zio-Right propagandists; and then swithcing tunes and hosting a multi-millionaire "socialist" loser when the shekels dried up. The emancipated Zionist, is neither emancipated or an assimilationist. Their entite schtick of spewing racist "nigger faggot" rhetoric tells you all you need to know. They love the racist state of Israel, enough to pretend they are neutral on the conflict to appease the gentile crowd.
For Sam and Idubbz, they are just grifters, sometimes entertaining but always for the paycheck.
And no, I have nothing against Jews.(moral of this story: sage your shit)
No. 1465201
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No. 1488884
>>1382044>>1387095I think I heard him say on one of his early videos that he has marfan’s syndrome. Which is interesting considering they specifically say to those kids, “no contact sport”.
I think he says it in this video: No. 1491168
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>>1489564I'm still thinking he could be. dr WebMD told me not every case is recognizable visually. remember the HGH he reportedly takes is probably what is beefing up his face.
have a look at this picture of him on his deviantart, he states it was taken when he would have been 20
>>1419140He also has had Borage oil supplements in his house at some point, you can see them in the "Sard0, accent on the ohhhhh" as shown in pic
No. 1497600
>>1491841His fingers/toes are creepy and malformed
I could easily see him having some form of marfans, you see it more in pictures where he was skinny/young before he started roiding.
No. 1498450
>>1497600he looks like he has hitchhiker's thumbs, probably from gaming nonstop from childhood to adult hood,>>1439197 in this pic
>>1439149 extremely small baby hands like trump in this pic. the contrast between the skin on his hands and face is crazy. he has like 5 years of dead skin just sitting on his face. he's doesn't even know how to properly wash himself.
No. 1507354
>>1507157Sadly he has money now so he'll linger for a long time like bad smell because he pays people to shill his sorry ass on socials and 4chan.
Also shouldn't Sam's lovechildren be full term soon? It seems like things would be past the point of abortions being an option this far in.
No. 1510631
>>1504493Maybe, but there's 3 problems
1.) Some of the Sam Hyde detractors are unstable, they give everyone else a bad reputation
2.) Sam Hyde has a lot of credit with the type of people who would be into lolcows, they dont want to believe his background is filled with dirt because he is one of the few figures they look up to and trust
3.) Going against him gets you lots of attention from his servants, as well as a lot of unstable people with nothing to lose. Not worth it when there are easier lolcows
No. 1527554
>>1525158right wing grifter, sperged out when adultswim wouldnt renew his show, now very ugly/fat with a cult of NEET/failed life-type moids who follow his every move online and worship him.
His video editor has cow potential though
(sage your shit) No. 1529144
>>1507157He just did a podcast with shane gillis and nick mullen 2 of the biggest podcasters, cumtown also had rochefort on. People like him he just doesn't like doing stuff.
>>1504493Look at anthony cumia had a way bigger wave of people calling a pedophile going after him (check cumias demented world on youtube good doc) and no one cares, he still does a bunch of stuff because basically everyone in the entertainment world is a total degenerate, you are just more familiar with sam. Our elites are all raping kids it's the norm. (not a good thing but why no one will care)
No. 1538708
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>>1538699yes do that.
came here to post picrel found on 8kun
No. 1539622
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No. 1540267
>>1540073lol nah were gonna make an army and knock the retard on his ass and RUN him out of town. we gossip. but we also fight. HARD.
ARMY! keep reporting all his social medias and make sure he is gone.
spam his social medias with the message that he is a groomer.
all it takes is 1 minute.
(not your personal army) No. 1547732
>>1542946here's an idea: you become a famous youtuber that Sam will want to work with, and then you challenge him to a boxing match. But then again you won't, because instead of just doing shit and putting it out there youre trying to drum up support from imaginary people on some imageboard. we're not even sure you have a following or any videos at all yet alone enough sway to make a video for this particular situation.
Unless you do that then there's probably nothing you can do that will get through this guy's thick head because he only respects strength, but again hes probably been in very few situations where hes had people actually challenge him on that.
No. 1550691
I happened upon this thread a couple days ago, and honestly it fucked me up a bit. I gained alot of value advice from his vlogs, even though I know most of it isn't novel, he has a way of packaging it that gave me new perspectives. I.e "lvl 1 slime trying to beat the boss", get a skill, dont talk people down professionally(ironic), "gifted precocious child", etc.
The main thing that hooked me was some seemingly open he was about his failures and weaknesses. Just as Sam jokes about how young men won't be able to gain anything by listening to millionaires telling you to "just drink kombucha and meditate".
I say all this bc I see former fans getting roasted for ever liking Sam. Not everyone is terminally online, not everyone is refreshing obscure imageboards for new info. Maybe some of you saw it from a mile away, but for the average person who stumbled upon him, they wouldn't know more than what Sam says, and his sycophants in the comments.
I don't have shit to say but vent. I get a pit in my stomach when I think about it. PGL was my go to podcast, mainly bc Nick has god tier wit. Not sure what to do. I even grew to like Joeyy, b9 and bic (based on their online personas)
I can ignore the tranny thing, I can ignore him not actually having his shit together, I can ignore the weird fetishes, but the stuff with Mackey did it for me. I have a daughter so it esp got to me.
I'm done taking anything on the internet seriously, Sam was one of the few I thought I trusted. Plan to disconnect from all fringe internet communities and just focus on family, work etc.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1553371
>>1529142>joeyywhy why did you tell me about this anon
Didn't salem and yung lean do this like 10 years ago? Imagine being like 29 and fat and trying to be Post Malone and Yeat combined for 3k views.
No. 1558530
>>1557955um, isn't hollywood made up of jews?
nonnie. i had a friend who religiously defended and liked sam hyde. when i tried to bring up anything about why sam isnt a good person hed tell me what he did to marky was fake news and sam hyde was just trolling and people take it serious. its so odd how deceived they are by his psuedo intelligence. i just never found him funny. i get what he is trying to do with his humor, but his execution is poor. plus his videos just ring more as horror, always being subjected to his greasy fish lips and bulging bug eyes.
No. 1559435
>>1557936Sam Hyde is literally a kike moron. parents:
Delora Louise Gans and Dr. Frederick Herbert Hyde were married yesterday in the chapel of the Episcopal Church of the Heavenly Rest in New York by the Rev. Beatrice Blair.
The bride, daughter of Del Stone Gans of Seattle and the late Mrs. Gans, is a flight attendant for Trans World Airlines. Dr. Hyde, son of Edythe S. Hyde of New Haven and the late Frederick Herbert Hyde, is a consultant on hospital building to Stephens & Hyde of New York and Los Angeles.
He was formerly associated with the investment banking firm of Smith Barney, Harris Upham and Company, and served as director of the faculty practice plan for the Yale Medical School, vice president for planning at Yale-New Haven Hospital and general counsel of the Connecticut Hospital Association in Wallingford. A magna cum laude graduate of Yale, he received degrees from its Medical and Law Schools. His previous marriage ended in divorce.
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>>1563079A yes, what if the child consented though (and was a whore while at it)!
Talking about children, did everyone see yet what racemixed abominations the aging schizo spawned from his photoshop kween? Can't wait for her to start facetuning them.
I like how they have bags under their eyes already from being tired of existing against God's will.
No. 1564242
>>1564128if nobody cared Sam would have publicly owned up to it
notice how the last several years Sam has been completely avoiding public forums and live engagements where he might be forced to answer to some unsavory accusations
this is Frank Hassle btw: imagine if that happened to Sam directly, lol he'd piss his pants
and that's what makes it funny and it's why Sam will never stop being haunted by it
No. 1564255
>>1564248the time to go to the police was when Sam still had the porno he made with Marky (illegal) but Marky chose the easier path of moving on with her life
Again I still think it's funny that Mr. Masculine and Roided runs away from questions like some pussy politician. Both his pedo stuff and what happened with him and Charls. I still remember when he started banning anyone bringing that shit up in his subreddit and afaik he still block people on social media for it.
Charls so far has managed to ignore people bringing it up in chat because of his schizo larp but Sam doesn't have that luxury.
No. 1564261
>>1564257he just outright ignores it and goes on long winded rants about how his past is behind him and everyone else just goes along with it because they accept Charls's crazy ways.
he's dropped some very angry hints about his past with Sam however No. 1567172
>>1564248That’s not rly true. His fiancé reported him to the FBI. When Sam tells the story you can tell he almost shit himself when they asked him, “Have you had any contact with children?”. This was before Marky, meaning that there are probably other teenagers or kids we have no idea about. Sam obviously ended up being let go but if someone got there hands on something incriminating enough, then yes, the police and the feds would care, as useless as they typically are.
Like if anyone who lived in Georgia around the time the show was filming on adult swim and has access to the messages he sent 14-15yos, then they could submit those as a tip. Maybe he sent dick pics idk.
No. 1570860
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He’s on tiktok and he’s about as funny as his show was. Which is not funny at all. I think people around him are too scared to tell him how unfunny he is given he works with little scrawny troons and short men
No. 1577762
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Here's a screenshot of Sam begging an underage girl for nudes from 2018, when he was also already in a relationship. The girl went by Ember and was a self-poster on /r9k/ much like Marky was. He has a type he likes targeting, desperate 15 year olds surrounding themselves with losers on 4chan who think he's special. Can't help but comment on how fucking pathetic and juvenile his way of writing is.
>>1564242That vocaroo of Frank is so fucking bleak. Confirms what we already knew, all his little minions and fanboys know he's a serial pedo and groomer, and choose to ignore it.
No. 1577767
>>1564128>also marky deleted all her social media like 2 or 3 years agoNot true. She still has plenty of active social media, but she goes by Mir now.
>because she got caught being a moderator on some child porn chan siteAlso not true. She moved to Brazil to live with her Brazilian boyfriend at the time and she found out he owned the site, and she used the admin email to communicate with Ciara Horan. Making Marky out to be the pedo makes no sense, it was her ex that was a pedo, and she left him.
No. 1582552
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Pic 1 of 3
blogpost pedo info dump incoming
I met Sam online in 2012 when I was running shitty ironic meme pages called [Autistic Humor] and tfw no gf on facebook. I would link his videos on the pages because I thought they were funny, the pages had dozens of thousands of likes and gave him a big boost to his viewers. I sent Sam a friend request around this time and he accepted. He appreciated me sharing his videos and for the next year would off and on send me privated videos on an alt channel with 0 views to ask if they were funny before posting. I felt so cool having my idol befriend me, but I was fucking 15. I was talking to a girl at the time who was 14 (we ended up being engaged and living together until 2019) and she also added him on fb. He started messaging her, asking her to meet up with him. Skyping her, and being the weird pedo you already know him to be. He even messaged me to ask if we were together and I lied and said we were to get him to fuck off from her, he didn't care and kept pursuing. Eventually like I said me and this girl got into a real relation and the communication stopped. We both knew it was fucked for him to be talking to either of us but especially her at our age, we never did anything though because we were young and liked his humor. The images I'm posting are the few screenshots I have followed by weird pic he sent her for proof. I've posted it on discord a few times but doubt it's online anywhere.
No. 1582553
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>>1582552Pic 2 of 3
These pages were part of the same ironic fb group that you'll see posters talk about when they mention Alexz Mercury, a girl who Charls tried to groom. I was also acquaintances with her and can attest to that being true.
No. 1582562
>>1582560>not incriminating>could be fakedIf it's not incriminating why would I fake it? I know it's not incriminating, and you know it's not fake.
There are countless better examples of him being a pedophile and actually having physical contact with the girls he preyed on.
I'm not posting this to incriminate him, because like we said it's not incriminating.
I'm posting this to share an example of him being a creepy pedophile to validate others stories, which I can tell at a glance are true based on my interactions with him and the consistency of how he behaves and speaks.
(sage) No. 1582868
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sam hyde is a sociopath heres a nice peak into his private life try reverse image search this crap retard
No. 1582939
>>1582868where the fuck did you get this from?
hello momma hyde
No. 1583015
>>1582560Possibly incriminating a man who is an already known and confirmed pedo tranny fucker… yeah ok
>>1582552real charming dude
No. 1583923
>>1582552>>1582553>>1582554Sick drop. Those look like they're from the same era as when those dick pics were taken, the ones from 8kun
I wonder if he sent that girl u knew them
No. 1588119
>>1582552>if you talk to me and are friends with me and we dont fuck it'd just make me depressed Lmao, god, what a manipulative little freak. Seriously every screenshot reads like a middle schooler fuckboy.
I might know you from the fb community back then. It was such a bad place to be in, I know two women Sam groomed back then as well. I hope you've moved on from that edgy rightoid stuff and I hope your ex isn't too rattled from the attempt at grooming.
>>1582560It all adds up completely and there's plenty of proof of him fucking 14-15 year olds besides this. The Marky screenshots and selfies they took together are more than enough to get him behind bars, it's just that he tried to do the same exact thing with plenty of others.
No. 1589047
>>1588119>I know two women Sam groomed back then as well.>there's plenty of proofI think the Marky testimony and screenshots seem pretty damning. What is the other proof you are referring to? Why haven't Marky and the two women you know gone to the police?
Not saying it's not true, just what's the hold up if it is.
No. 1606686
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confirmed conflict between sam and charls coming right from nick, from mcrumps’ substack No. 1608190
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No. 1609390
>>1608190Is Roisin you,
nonnie? If not, I wonder if the commenter knows Sam because that name sounds similar to something he used in a sketch.
No. 1609549
>>1606221The final configuration of MDE according to some people (and artworks put out around 2017) was Sam,Nick,Charls,James Price and Andy Ruse. Aunty Donna also has two members that are only behind the camera.
Considering Kurush went to go work on other shit Thanks Computer kind of gets merged with MDE at that point I suppose
No. 1610804
>>1610600How is that post in any way positive toward sam? If anything it's doing the opposite, illustrating that charles has wanted nothing to do with sam for years because sam is a piece of shit. No wonder he's not in prison, you retards can't tell up from down when it's spelled out right in front of your face in plain english. Calling a lawyer must seem like booking a trip to the moon to you.
Anyway my point stands - sam and nick are liars, charles hasn't talked to sam for over half a decade, sam likes to groom teens, and there really shouldn't be anyone here with a reason to argue against any of that because it's been said and proven plenty of times.
No. 1633332
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Idk if this is milky but Did anyone suffer through his boxing match? He looks like a roided teletubby with an antennae sticking out of his head. Way too old to be doing this stuff. That, plus the fact that he’s still begging hasan to fight him kek
No. 1633373
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>>1633332I only tuned in for picrel (which was basically the whole fight) lol. Hyde just grosses me out to be honest, always has.
No. 1633427
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>>1633332>>1633373the fight felt rigged, and if not I feel bad for the Aussie that got duped into fighting Sam for his publicity stunt (I think Sam is now retiring his boxing "career", after one fight lol, the Hasan thing is an empty threat to get poltards to shill for him for free)
what's more interested is pic related happened and Sam wasn't invited lol
No. 1634238
>>1633964the timing is interesting, something that important was probably Sam's last opportunity to man up and face charls and mend things
could have easily been arranged before Sam did his boxing thing
aka basically Sam wasn't invited and the old MDE crew doesn't care to associate with him (except for Nick who does it for the money)
No. 1634242
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Does anyone here remember Banjochan/know if this is true? The hapa girl Sam dated who was called out on twitter for catfishing and who also dated a secret service agent, she had a picture at Trump's Christmas party
No. 1634309
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>>1377305moids obsess over pizzagate and then use every excuse to pretend marky was neverabused by sam and that hes not a sexual predator
>>1377305 No. 1634887
>>1634242She lived in Sam's apartment in Fall River, MA, mostly alone after he got the place in Providence. After she left, two female employees were sent to clean the apartment. They both claimed to have found diapers and other "baby shit" in a closet there.
There is also a video of Sam making a phone call, can't remember the details, in which the girl can be just barely seen because she's crawling on her hands and knees. He speaks to her in a tone like one would a young child, but the dialogue is too quiet to make out the specifics of the conversation.
No. 1635435
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>>1634887I believe this is it?
No. 1637040
>>1634309Aww, foids copy Man made insults, how sweet. Reminder that abuse is only bad if it's against boys and men. I see a female "
victim", so it's a non-issue
(XY FAILURE) No. 1639914
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sam hyde telling marky he would die to marry her and then doing this to her, and worse. absolute trash human.
No. 1640398
>>1639914does this not count as cp? is she underage in those and if these have been posted publicly and theres evidence why hasn't he been charged? has this ever been reported? i thought the
victim didn't have to press charges if there was evidence of cp like that out in the open
No. 1640429
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>>1634242Idk about catfish. I remember finding her insta and she looks like herself in her pictures but maybe i'm just too used to some of these other ridiculous photoshoppers threads and the heavy ass filters so many people use her pictures looked relatively normal in comparison. I saved this because I thought it was funny in a cringe way, she was the ultimate pick-me but no worse than Effina. She seemed to love scrotes fetishizing hapas, she'd make jokes about whether or not she'd be let in the ethnostate at this point I wish I saved that too, she'd often jump in on threads other users started on twitter spelling out N I G G * R letter by letter and she also seemed to love the fed comments and encourage them by posting those pictures with the agent. I wonder if this post by anon on pol about her being underage when they dated is true as well, not that it isn't already confirmed Sam is a pedo but it would just add to the list of minors he abused
No. 1640483
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>>1640429plus an archive of her twitter someone saved on 4chan but picrel has most of the posts No. 1640699
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>>1640654>>1640392it's not her i've seen that posted elsewhere with the persons porn username . it's some whore some coomer scrote on 4chan found using facial recognition and made that collage. as someone who has used those it's fairly easy to find someone who looks like someone elses doppelganger from a very specific angle. also if i don't know why anon posted that because if they did in fact believe it was marky and sam it would probably count as cp no?because they had relations when she was 15-16 iirc, and you can tell she's rimming him because it's not really all that censored, so idk why that was posted.
No. 1642895
>>1640699This isn't the first time one of sam's cronies came here to false flag and muddy the waters
in the previous thread they tried to pull the same shit by creating fake fake evidence about him and that Edie tranny
the big irony is that it just reinforces that the original accounts are true
No. 1655478
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No. 1656095
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nonnas i alwyas thought sam
hyde is disgusting but i had a dream that he was my father
we were in curios yet warm conversation in a mosqe out of all places and now i have this weird attraction to him
No. 1714391
>>1709413How do you know Sam doesn’t like Nick’s wife?
But also I agree. Nick is the smartest, scariest one to me. Sam can’t hide anything for his life lol. Literally everyone knows about Marky. Everyone knows he’s a pedo. Everyone knows about the tranny. He’s too wonky looking and weird acting to ever fully blend in with normal people.
Nick is different, though. I don’t know how the hell he developed views adjacent to those of Sam’s since he’s supposed to be, like, a normal guy. Ever seen him when he was younger? He looked like a cute football player dude. But no, turns out he’s not, because he’s comfortable staying friends with a closer fetishist freak who has a propensity for raping underage girls, just because he gets paid. Imagine if Nick’s daughter finds out of this out when she’s older. How the hell do you as a father justify possibly letting your kid around a predator like Sam? Which makes me feel that Nick is probably even scarier because we don’t know what he’s done or will do and yeah, family annihilator sounds about right.
No. 1719825
>>1714391NTA, but in the previous thread someone wrote:
"Now that you mention nick, I had a theory about the mde dinner party sketch where nick violently pushes sam’s wife into a table and she’s bleeding would bet Sam wrote this about nick and his wife, except he’s playing Nick and nick is playing him. The actress they cast is a tall brunette with blue eyes and nick’s wife has all of these features. in the sketch Sam passive aggressively calls her “his field hockey wife”.
No. 1748653
What does everyone think about Charls finally talking about Sammy's betrayal:'s angle on this seems to be blaming it on his Desperado video saying adult swim is full of pedos: sending his underlings to attack Charls's wife on 4chan for some reason.
No. 1757147
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No. 1763110
>>1762678he said on stream he's gonna try to get Mullen and Gillis to act in some sketches, writing seems to be all done though
>>1748653Charls' story doesn't fully make sense, I suspect Effina wants him to not work with Sam for some reason or another
No. 1766472
>>1765939yeah, i was hoping he would present his case in a more reasonable way. he was drunk and came off as a bitter schizo. it won't hurt sam at all. meltdown starts at about 1:30:00
>>1765941major claim you might have missed. at 2:23:21 charls accuses sam of being a faggot and letting guys fuck him up the ass. is this the first time somebody with genuine knowledge of his personal life has made this claim on camera?
No. 1766762
That was hard to watch, kinda feel bad for this charles. At least he has a wife that cares about him
>>1766668I agree this is way too late to come out. Both Sam and nick have already cleared $20k+(if we’re to believe that piece of shit) through donations since the start of their stream back in mid december not counting subs merch etc
So even if something were to come up, he already won. He’s got his second season and thousands to back up expenses
No. 1766964
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Sam Hyde is based for making that retard Charls spazz out. It all started because he saw how much money Sam made from his streams. 2k-3k for 2 hour streams kek
No. 1767076
>>1766964>$100k in two monthsI don’t know whether to be impressed or disappointed at how stupid people can be
I can’t imagine the mindset of people willing to give money to Hyde. Most of them are other morons asking life advice too lmao good for Hyde I guess
No. 1767532
>>1767395kiwis are too biased in favor of their hero-daddy so there's no good speculation going on over there.
that vaerf guy or w/e and charls both having jilted ex spergouts over sam plus sam's content farm boy harem make me think that sam is def bisexual or prefers teens and that fat white trash wiggers are easier to molest because they will be too busy to keep quiet and won't want to lose their job/ only chance to apprentice at being creatives. i also think sam exaggerates the amount he makes since the projected $ is intended to sell being a content creator to others and that he has to whore out commenting on superbowl ads because he has a lot of twinks to pay and that the two girls impregnated rumors were planted by him or his little monkeys to quell the gay speculation and that charls believed both about the money and the kids and then knocked someone up to keep up or look like he was moving on and just now realized his huge mistake and is spiraling. especially if the mistake was predicated on absolute lies. just thinking about sam casting couching joey is making me kek real hard tho
No. 1767950
>>1765941I watched a bit of the rant and he also said that he wasn't in the Moms sketch because he owed Sam rent money.
It's a bit of an odd work relationship in my opinion. The "punishment"/ban sounds like Sam treated Charls like a kid.
Seems like there's a good chance he was trying to be the "daddy figure" to all the weirdos that lived with him. He seems to do the same with the new kids like jetneptune or previous new kid Zachary Waltman.
Even though he was drunk, he seemed pretty transparent about his friendship with him.
No. 1768422
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>>1767950Weird stuff out there about this Jet character..
No. 1768665
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>>1768422Jet Neptune is one of the strangest of the new characters on the MDE crew. This may not be new information but I'm yet to see it mentioned in the thread so here's what I know.
He's a tripfag going by "hack blastard" from /r9k/ which explains the CP on his Worldcorp site. His father, Johnny Neptune, who has been arrested for assault and who I'm pretty sure is also (maybe not so coincidetally) a methhead, used to namefag on there as well. His entire cock and balls pics are uploaded onto the /r9k/ archives for everyone to see. From that time, he used to brag about reporting Eliza/Ciara to the police, an underage b& who was known for selling child porn of herself and other girls that used /r9k/ that she profited from, along with her other pedo orbiters that she was friends with from their discord server. Pretty sure she's dead now of a heroin overdose.
However, Johnny Neptune bragged to /r9k/ that Jet fucked her- His own statements are contradictory, as he's expressed he's not exactly entirely opposed to the idea of fucking her either despite moralizing about reporting her to the cops…
This was all years ago, but Jet Neptune/hack_blastard still displays his poor understanding of women to this day- recently he got blocked by the New Jersey accent egirl (@emmalangevinxo on instagram) for constantly tagging her, trying to pretend he's in a relationship with her, talking about fucking her etc… but I'm pretty sure they only met once briefly at a convention. Anyway, this last part's relatively minor compared to the other stuff, but it demonstrates he's still the same freak.
Some of Johnny Neptune's posts- can search the archives for more if you'd like to see it.
Jet Neptune/hack_blastard-
Jet's dad arrested-
Jet's dad mentioning Sam- orbiting NJ girl (look at his story highlights for more)-
Jet saying he would fuck Ciara to make orbiters jealous-
Jet's dad claiming Jet had sex with Ciara-
Jet's dick pics-
No. 1768999
>>1768665Jet has mentioned a few times on stream that he grew up 'dirt poor' in Georgia and I'm curious to the veracity of these claims. That photo doesn't look 'dirt poor' to me unless that isn't his home. Wonder if he has taken a page out of Sam's playbook and is coy about his family wealth for some reason? Perhaps in an attempt to ingratiate themselves with their impressionable blue-collar audience who wouldn't quite as readily part with their hard earned cash if they knew the truth.
Also the Worldcorp is an interesting rabbit hole and I seem to be fairly late to the party as the project has been throughly 'dissected' by ARG obsessed r*dditors and 'horror' YouTubers. From my cursory research he rejects the claim that he used 'darknet CP' in his edits - apparently the speculated 'child torture' footage was simply just him and his mates bullying one of their younger siblings - forcing him to stand under a scalding hot shower while berating him in a weirdly sexual way. At least that is the narrative he wants spun now that he has to be advertiser friendly on Sam's main channel.
Definitely a weird guy and not surprised he has a dirty history online. more to come I'm sure.
No. 1771460
>>1771312>a gotcha against the gay allegationsit's like people don't know bisexuals exist
99% of women that gets AIDS get it from a dude that also took it up the ass
a bisexual is still faggot regardless
No. 1772246
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>>1772214Charls passes better than any troon can ever imagine
No. 1772395
>>1772246Congrats everyone, Sam was able to shill and hoard enough that it has made Charls literally sell out despite saying on stream: “Pay me 80 million dollars I’d never do it” & “He let’s guys fuck him”
Lol Sammy always wins, but I guess BOTH of these guys being new fathers is the reason for their extreme grifting measures.
No. 1772701
File: 1676921666109.png (979.28 KB, 1800x2700, 1849396_doopiss_the-tranny.png)

>>1772466self-hatred is their default attitude, why do you think they kill themselves so often?
No. 1772708
>>1772466Troons have a cortisol addiction and live off their humiliation fetish, they love this site.
>>1772395I really wonder what Sam said to Charles to make him change his mind.
No. 1772813
>>1772708>I really wonder what Sam said to Charles to make him change his mind.It could be any number of things. First thing to remember that despite the 80million dollar thing Charls said, everyone has a price.
My suspicion may not be that it was Sam but his wife threatening divorce or some shit. Her parents are wealthy and her marrying someone that might end up being a bum for the rest of his life is not a good look for her. So she twisted the knife a bit behind the scenes and here we are.
No. 1772880
>>1772813i think thats a little far fetched
charls constantly breaking down into tears and saying 'we've been through a fucking lot together!' as well as 'he is brilliant' re sam showed that this was about much more than sam getting the show canceled and making people agree not to work with charls - he is clearly deeply emotionally hurt by the loss of the friendship. they were best buds and had a lot of chemistry (not in a homo way, unless, well…)
lets face it sam was manic as fuck and power tripping over getting the show aired, becoming a controversial e celeb, trump getting elected, etc and flew too close to the sun. he is a smart enough guy to realise that and to recognise how he hurt a dear friend. he probably just gave a long sincere apology and charls was more willing to accept it after getting it all off his chest in the stream.
No. 1773375
>>1773363Nah that rant clearly wasn't planned there was a bunch of stuff effina tried bringing up that didn't make sense (orangy who killed himself 2 years before the show) and no one is that good an actor. He literally just got trolled by people in his chat into a breakdown. Sams/charles reactions after were pretty real as well along with the like basic miscommunication underlying a ton of stuff.
In the last stream Sam talked about the sort of big pressure building that now literally everything seems to be going his way, the way for the show to be good as possible, so now it's literally all on him/them to fuck it up or not.
That real edrama stuff is so gay they both clearly didn't want a part in it just got pressured in.
If you want confirmation just watch the last charles and last sam stream. It's just as awkward and nervous and you'd expect if it were real.
You said the stuff charle's said wasn't new though which is wrong, (trapped getting kicked out for one) so I'm guessing you just haven't seen anything and are totally talking out your ass.
(learn2sage) No. 1773391
>>1773367You’re giving them too much credit. They if they were all masterminds they would not be filming a sketch comedy show
>>1772914I wouldn’t be surprised at all if he fucked with charls as revenge for Charls rejecting his sexual advances
No. 1775283
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>>1773446The top is her real face. It’s funny how insecure she is. she edits every picture she posts
No. 1775559
File: 1677213968948.png (1.74 MB, 1224x868, sammy.png)

Roids will lead to twink death
No. 1775716
>>1775662My money's on Sam due to the testosterone he took to reach puberty. He looks like he aged 20 years in a matter of months.
>>1775559What a shame, he looked like he could've been a member of the Thompson twins. A true femboy.
No. 1776658
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Charls goblina wife looks nothing most of her pictures. It’s a tragedy when a goblina can’t accept her real face
No. 1776765
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>>1776658This edit of charls and eff’s baby is being passed around in Sam’s group chat. So mean
No. 1777566
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>>1776066Yo mde fanboy can you ask charls why his wife looks nothing like her Instagram pics?
No. 1778400
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Sam and his crew are roasting her and charls for falling for this beast. Who is gay now?
No. 1783484
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bump for cp don’t scroll
No. 1783558
>>1783484doing god's work nona, thank you.
any of these posts I see I remember how incredible women are and how fucking useless and degenerate men are.
No. 1784675
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>>1784477he's been pretty cranky on stream lately. maybe the responsibility of chestfeeding so many youngling People of HVAC is weighing him down. perhaps poor people would get on his nerves less if he upgraded his living situation or if he went down the path he was supposed to– making chocolate candy bars and soda pop ejaculate in C4D from the comfort of a boutique nyc creative production company.
No. 1788056
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Sam Hyde sycophant Jet Neptune asking for women to agree to be trolled for 6 weeks in some retarded reality show idea. I'm sure Sam's involved too, Jet Neptune couldn't possibly do anything without his wastoid edaddy's assistance. Seeing MDE pickmes be picked on would be kind of funny, but honestly so sick of these fags seething about women. It probably won't happen just like whatever idea they had awhile ago where men were supposed to write in about their relationships or some shit, to be mocked.
No. 1790550
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>>1788056This sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen.
No. 1793424
File: 1679522360888.png (494.21 KB, 1366x768, AIaD4MT.png)

Sam paid money for a spell to breakup idubbbz and his wife! black magic is no joke, he is playing with fire!
No. 1793473
>>1793424Sam's asking for a demonic attachment.
wait he clearly has myriad already, nevermind.
No. 1793484
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>>1792327>>1792162>>1792232>>1791930>>1791919>>1791916>>1791889I saw him on that idubbz video while I was high and I got scared. I was extra spooked by the troon.
No. 1793524
>>1793424sam is so weird about this guys mommy dommy wife, he must be secretly envious.
>>1793484skinny legend! he kind of resembles pete dougherty with an emphasis on the dough in this pic
No. 1794186
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>>1362733This makes me curious if he really does have a daughter, I read about it multiple times in his kf threads but no one ever posts evidence
No. 1796424
>>1714391>How do you know Sam doesn't like Nick's wife?because Sam is a bitter misogytnistic faggot. He hates women in general and a woman "stole" his friend by getting married.
the MDE crew are all psychos in their own right, but Nick is the most normal.
No. 1798389
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Sam and crew watching Anisa's (Idubbbz wife) Onlyfans on stream…too far?
No. 1798587
>>1798560Are you talking about the CC2 boxing match? This whole fucking mess started because Froggy Fresh sought out help from Sam to train and later thanked him for helping him train on twitter. All the fighters were given 15k to train. Froggy has said he received no correspondence from Ian or Anisa until Froggy tweeted about Sam thanking Sam for helping him train. This
triggered Ian and Anisa because they absolutely despise Sam (fair they hate him but Ian also tried to clown on Sam in his "documentary" to look tough like in his CC days and instead got clowned himself). Anisa's mom was shit talking Froggy and Froggy decided to shit talk back. He wrote something along the lines of having to subscribe to Anisa's OF if he loses to Chris Ray Gun. Que Froggy getting kicked off CC2 with no official response until 2 days (Anisa deleted a tweet saying she needed a drink or 5 the day they kicked froggy) later citing he violated terms/conduct without showing what it precisely was that he violated. They want a
heckin wholseome event yet Ian trash talks about his opponent and both he and Anisa still talk trash over Dr. Mike (mad he lost to Dr. Mike). Like the creeps that they are, went to another boxing event Dr. Mike was in and were very nasty about Dr. Mike losing and still trash talking him. They gave money (I think 100k total) to the charities Froggy was going to donate money to just so people will shut up. Now it's gotten messier because Anisa and Ian are threatening Froggy with a lawsuit (life ruination shit) and something about making him sign an NDA over this mess (don't know why they think they can get that now). Froggy just wants to fight since he's trained a long time and it's about 3 weeks away. People are willing to pay for Froggy to get back on the card. Anisa has privated her twitter too. The CC twitter has made it so no one can reply to their "official response". It's a shitshow.
No. 1798715
>>1798389>>1798517Lol it's gross seeing this disgusting group of moids gawking and mocking Anisa's OF but it's a nice reminder that this is the reality of what becoming an OF thot is. This is what Anisa chose, kek.
>>1798615Honestly, after all the nonnas here threw a shit fit over Anisa "not being milky enough" and subsequently canning her threads and ignoring requests to reinstate them, I'd rather just enjoy the milk somewhere else where it's actually appreciated (hate shilling the other farms but that's where Pearfax anon and others migrated to since, and holy shit it's been amazing).
>>1798587 Can't wait to see how deflated Ian and Anisa are come the CC2 day-view - literally the only reason to buy a ticket at this point, kek
No. 1800597
File: 1680378755596.png (91.31 KB, 1080x1961, Screenshot_20230401-154407.png)

another random 19 year old fucking sam hyde in the wild
No. 1800978
>>1796447nick's facebook (public) is full of inanity and insanity, sieved thru his stupid can't-spell-for-shit fogass brain
the 3 MDE boys have decayed in such unique ways across the last 15 years
No. 1801462
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>>1800597i wonder what she meant by this. does he search for sugar babies?
No. 1801885
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>>1800978Holy shit, I was just browsing based off of what you said anon and I found his cousin talking about being in his 'new series' on Amazon kek. What a fucking dickhead to lie to his relatives, and ask them to act "flirty and promiscuous" while dressed as a cheerleader. Creepy, given all of their bizarre attitudes towards sex and women.
No. 1802845
>>1798572They don’t date anyone except for sad sad pick mes who tolerate fat racist pigmen who fuck troons on the side and probably have CP on their computers
>>1802814Dude just look at her, that girl looks like she smokes crack with her cousin
No. 1805705
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saw this and thought of jet
No. 1808337
File: 1681433940844.webm (15.07 MB, 533x886, SamHydeFishtankPromo.webm.webm)
Talking REAL weird about REAL people from his own project. He also mentions he is giving the prize money to a plant in the house who is a friend of his. If somehow there isn’t a misogynist or creep on the show, there certainly are some working and running the show behind the cameras. When will Sams baby mama come out?
No. 1809220
>>1809116Video makes a much better medium for engagement, who tf remembers about that dude from brazil who made the funny post in thread #123456789. Also the whole gfx for MDE and WP is technicaly remarkable.
I guess some schizo takes are fun but no the guy is not a comedic genius, he is just, unfortuantely, unique.
>>1808961Is that date truly going to be remembered? Honest question, is jan 6 the new 9/11? Why don't you guys cheers about the govt being reachable?
> t. drunk frog(sage your shit) No. 1810433
File: 1681756143795.png (96.74 KB, 1125x2155, 1680822658224222.png)

It's kind of messed up Sam and co are making so much money for nothing vs how someone like marky is doing in her life. I wish one of these victims would speak up or go to the police. There is no way Sam has stopped doing this sort of thing and so far there's multiple accusations of producing child porn, human trafficking etc
No. 1810490
File: 1681761491059.jpeg (122.37 KB, 828x1069, 78386318-4434-4627-B651-F61274…)

There are literally more nude photos of Jet Neptune in circulation then there are porn scenes of this random woman.
No. 1810745
>>1810433Who in the fuck are the retards giving this guy money? that’s kinda fucked honestly
Is that $70k just for the month of March or total since January when they started streaming? That’s not even counting the paypal shit and subscriptions right? Either way, euthanize everyone that “donated”
No. 1811172
>>1810862i wish i could actually watch it but i am not paying, hopefully someone posts clips somewhere.
>>1811170pretty sure you have to pay for it
No. 1811697
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Sam's other baby mama
No. 1812558
>>1812499Yes, they literally all know them or know who they are, and like another
nonnie said, they have been doing basically nothing but making fun of each other, eating, hyping up the obviously LARPing autistic girl for the chat, and smoking weed in secret.
No. 1812687
File: 1682089683317.png (29.88 KB, 700x769, 8GkKRGw.png)

(sage your shit)
No. 1812699
>>1812558exactly, it's so fucking obvious these are all major Sam Hyde fans in the fishtank. It would've been so much better if they didn't just recruit a bunch of their own goofy fans to do it, and instead just posted up on Craigslist or whatever. Anyway, I've seen the theory and I like this one, that they've all been told they're the "plant" privately and they're acting accordingly, like the fake autistic girl plant, the based redscarepod anorexic, the … fat crazy girl, the MGTOW Tate-loving retard, the fat loser guy, the chinese one, the aggro Bay Area rapper, and then the "normie" Vance. But they're all being laughed at, but they think they're the ones who are playing a cool character everyone will love. it's pretty dumb but it has/had promise.
No. 1812889
>>1812833lol who is lusting after jon?
>>1812841shes blatantly native.. shes just the typical AZ furry conwhore u know. japanese club type. shes a fan of jets music thats how she found the show.
No. 1812983
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Alice the streamer from IP2 claiming Sam actually got 3 women pregnant
No. 1813030
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>>1811697he's a bonafide lolcow now
No. 1813081
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letta/nina before discord
No. 1813329
>>1812983oh it's three now?
are you sure they're not just fucking with you?
(Sage your shit) No. 1813421
File: 1682203892189.jpg (159.26 KB, 828x1472, image0-132.jpg)

It's not over yet. They've been posting on their socials, so they've had their phones. Letty may not stay after everything that has been found about her
No. 1813422
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No. 1813427
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No. 1813489
>make an instagram account named something like "samisarapist" or "samrapeda15yearold"
>message all of the contestants of fishtank Instagram detailing the shit that sam did
>tell them to say it all outloud in the camera for the sake of the victims of hydeIf enough people do this they'll definitely see it. Its been confirmed that they all have their phones
Heres their instagrams
Josie: and Slyvia probably already know it. don't bother messaging damiel either hes the plant who will win the 10k who is friends with them all. your personal army) No. 1813498
>>1813461This. She's playing all those 4chan moids perfectly.
>SHE IS STIMMING YOU GUYSE SHE IS AUTISTICShes a theater kid playing all the "autism cliffnotes" If you look at her social media, she's just your average weeb/decora-kei lolcow.
Good for her though. She'll have an army of paypigs once this is over and done.
No. 1813504
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>>1813498She wasn’t smart enough to archive posts about her boyfriend before fishtank kek. Chubby white average guy. She has a story highlight with him too. The more incels find out about him the more they’ll drop her and move onto the next “autist azn waifu”
No. 1813508
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>>1813504Inb4 she does archive but looks like some of her fans found these pics going by the comments
No. 1813562
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>>1813489You really think the guy who said “my role models are Jesus and Andrew Tate” and that freak Simmons are going to care about Sam Hyde being a creep? Picrel is an Amazon review for a self published book Simmons wrote called “camp counselor America Dummie Guide”. The fact that part of the book is devoted to flirting with campers is a giant red flag.
No. 1813765
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Ofc one of the men is a troon
No. 1814461
File: 1682363245200.webm (323.44 KB, 772x584, 1682361891133137.webm)
So Damiel is out of the house as a contestant and is now working as one of the hockey mask crew. Hes such a douchebag
No. 1814623
>>1814566They're like the staff, they fuck things up, clean shit up, that kind of stuff. They promised "The Entity" at one point, god knows what that'll be.
Been monitoring the /tv/ gens but really little of note has happened, thus far.
No. 1814678
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No. 1815112
>>1814623the entity is going to be frank hassle.
can all of you tards stop watching the stream and giving sam more attention?
No. 1816141
>>1816036The fuck did I miss lol
Man sometimes the universe has a funny sense of humor
No. 1816143
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Now that sam is rich off the mde brand I'm thinking a class action lawsuit might need to happen
No. 1816948
File: 1682693414848.png (194.14 KB, 2058x1866, JhetNheptune.png)

Jet Neptune's friend/collaborator MoneyGoblin allegedly sexually abused his younger brother for edgy internet content. He allegedly spent time in prison as well, unknown if it is for that same reason. MoneyGovlin is apparently also seen in the iDubbs documentary so they still invite him around.
No. 1817128

This shit is just pure fucking Schadenfreude bait. Jon may be a retard who sees Tate as his hero, but the constant mocking of his lisp, clear autism and religiousness (reading the bible constantly, then fucking kneeling to pray to Allah too, for some reason), but I feel he was just picked for cheap mockery at the sperg/tard. Vid related, could have given him a concussion.
Challenges are boring af, having to sit in a room with Hyde while Vance is drumming Meshuggah shit and having one of Sam's soundclout zoomer minions Ben come in to whinge about losing his gf. Having to make food with your hands taped together, having to look after plastic babies (with a black one of course so they appease the /pol/ crowd).
The Simmons shit was clear projection from Hyde, how vitriolic he was to him, while we all know about Marky.
I'm amazed his fanbase will spend 50 dollars to just sperg out about Josie or Letty on TTS, pay 40 dollars to even use the chat, have to pay to vote in polls too.
This is a disaster, yet it's getting so much attention, sometimes having 32k viewers when the most boring drama goes down and grifters like Keemstar are even getting in on this shit.
I dread the coming of World Peace 2, Hyde's desperately trying to get into the mainstream again after years of grifting on Gumroad.
No. 1817223
>>1817128I remember right after World Peace ended (like when he got Heidecker'd), Sam was so goddamned desperate for cash to the point he became a laughingstock in his own community. it's surprising that he recovered after that. at the time I was certain he'd buried himself in his own desperation, but I guess I underestimated how an edgy """apolitical""" has-been appeals to the post-post-ironic zoomer.
side note: fishtank confirms to me how unfunny Sam is naturally. the man can't deliver anything off-the-cuff. it's actually jarring how awkwardly tryhard he is whenever he makes an appearance
No. 1817443
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>>1817438Unfortunately a troon, but his stories about Sam are important.
He was a guy who did music for MDE Youtube videos, and this is the story of how he got fired from the World Peace show for calling out Sam's pedo shit.
Sam and him had a mutual friend Orangey who OD'd or killed himself. Sam wrote a long rant on an image board blaming this troon guy for Orangey's death, but even the people on that site where it was posted think it's a lie. Sam probably bullied Orangey into killing himself and Sam made that post to spin the story. Just like how his pedo hunting stuff is to manipulate the narrative away from his own offenses.
With Charls' recent emotional breakdown stream, and Sam's entire body of work as evidence I think it's believable that he bullied one of their weak minded friends to suicide.