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No. 1420672
>RevisedNorth Korean defector, grifter, alleged camwhore, consoomer and possible liar.
For those who are her fans; she makes clickbait content about the end of North Korea as well as “top 10 things you can’t do in NK”, or “evil fat dictator Kim Jong-un is dying!!!” while claiming her sources are from former and current NK secret agents yet shows no proof of this.
There are many contradictions about how she escaped North Korea: for example, her Wikipedia article states that she escaped to Mongolia from China as she and her surviving family went undetected by Chinese authorities with the help of Chinese and South Korean Christian missionaries. However, she states that she was being trafficked and sold to a rich Chinese man who financed her escaped to South Korea, not mentioning the missionaries helping her out. Or that her mother contradicted her stories about her father dying in the north when he actually died in China while trying to escape.
She was previously married to an ugly scrote named Ezekiel whom she had a child and but are now divorced as soon as she got her green card. Speaking of which; as of now, she revealed in one of her recent updates that she is now an American citizen.
Socials: commietard) No. 1420699
>>1420672gtfo beijing spy
bauhinia forever
fuck kim jong un, fuck mr. death
No. 1420753
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>>1420728That's fucking hilarious.
I don't know wtf it is about her looks but as soon as I saw her and started reading about the grift, I thought…she was or is in a relationship with a white reject. She just looks like she'd shack up with an unwanted white man. His fucking hair. Not that she doesn't look weird as fuck but him? She looks like his carer. I guess she just really wanted to grift as a citizen.
No. 1420755
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She always looks so pumped up and greasy i can’t watch her anymore
No. 1420851
>>1420839>what do you expect her to do? Promote communism?This is a huge part if why Yeonmi is so controversial. The left
hate Yeonmi because ANY environment that heavily censors opinions she will immediately compare to North Korea. She knows for a fact that communism always turns out bad, she has walked the walk in NK whether she was an elite or not. The elites aren't exempt from Kim's lunacy in the slightest. She often says that the American left deal with things in a way that remind her of how NK deal with things. I fully believe the reason she has switched from saying she's liberal to saying shes conservative is because the left she has been exposed to are Amerimutt "libtards" who just wouldn't stop shit flinging about her negative views on communism or for the story about a black woman stealing her purse
No. 1421041
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>>1420851No, she became a right winger because neocons are paying her to be a China war hawk, she works for think tanks like the Atlas Foundation. Her takes on pronouns and IDpol troons are based and funny as fuck but you can tell she's reading off a script written by a geriatric man.
>>1420839>Also, of course she became a right winger kek I'm not even right wing but she escaped out of the most strict communist regime, what do you expect her to do? Promote communism?I expect her not to lie about how there's only one working train in North Korea and that the government forces a village of starving North Koreans to push that train across the country. I also expect a board director for the Human Rights Foundation not to visit the UAE, a country that openly promotes the sex trafficking of young migrant women and girls.
>>1420810Yeonmi Park and her mother have said they never ate bugs or crickets and were able to eat and afford white rice. Yeonmi grew up during the famine in the 90s and white rice (or any kind of rice) was considered a luxury. Yeonmi was not able to relate to the other defectors because she not poor and was an elite. No. 1421244
wow some of you retards really have a low selfesteem.
>>1421041 so what she was "elite"? If their elite survives on rice intead of bugs it's still worse than the homeless people in the west
No. 1421267
>>1421041Didn't she claim she crossed the Gobi desert in her underwear at -40 degrees?
I remember she claimed she learned about freedom, true love and the evil of authoritarian from The Titanic movie when she was
four years old.
Though my favorite claim of hers is that when she was famous in South Korea, she was called the Paris Hilton of North Korea. This was because her family was really close to the regime. Video related, her childhood pictures which debunk her parents having been in the working camp. Unless of course work camps have wholesome family picture days.
No. 1421277
>>1420839This is true, but she's even among the defectors been called a liar and accused of stealing other survivors stories.
Theres another famous defectors book, Escape from camp 14, which the author has admitted has a lot of lies and embellishments. Funnily enough Yeonmi came out, before the author admitted these, saying the book is 100% true and she can collaborate on them being true.
Her own mum has even called her out on lying on live TV. Video related.
>“We were not to that extent. We were just never in a position where we were starving.”I think she has just embraced this is a way for her to make quick bucks and that boomers will pay big bucks to hear this shit. She gets paid ~41k per speaking engagement. Her ex-husband is some super alt-righter who got her into this.
No. 1421451
>>1421278Salty teenage OP reeing that there's no applause for a cancer thread. It's the most entertaining part of it.
>>1421301I remember that and the red flags it set off for anyone who isn't literally retarded. She's chasing the bucks Candace Owens style.
No. 1421804
>>1420672Can't lie, I think she's a bit tacky but nothing she does comes off as genuinely unhinged. Given her past it's a miracle she's as well-adjusted as she is. This is not threadworthy.
If you think she's a fake defector then fuck off with all the baseless speculation and come back with concrete proof.
No. 1427950
I finally finished the Joe Rogan pod episode with her. It was 3 hours, but I would listen to it in 20 minute bits, not because it was boring or anything, but because it would start to become 'too much'.
I do believe she escaped, and I believe she was raped, and I believe the main line of her survivor story…I believe North Korea is one big horrific gulag where people eat rats and doctors reuse needles, etc.
But some of what she says is so outrageous that my brain is putting up red flags, but I don't understand why she would lie about such details when just the fact that she escaped North Korea alone is already such an incredible survival feat. She really reminds me of my roommate who has BPD and is a pathological liar who embellishes the details of her stories for no seemingly good reason except to seem more interesting.
I was hoping people in this thread would have more nuance than the Redditors who snap at people for dare questioning a North Korean refugee, but that's the thing. Nobody wants to be the asshole to question it. But grow the fuck up because people DO lie about shit. Like with rape survivors, it's pretty awkward to outright accuse them of lying, because people don't want to believe that someone would lie about that…but we've seen time and time again people lying about horrific trauma just for the 'street cred' per se, attention on social media, etc.
I do believe she was raped though, my point is there are some things that are off. Like when she said she walked through the Gobi Desert for 24 hours in -40 degree Celsius with nothing to eat while already being extremely emaciated and malnourished. I'm sorry, but my intuition finds that very hard to believe. Or when she says in North Korea, there's no word for 'love'…I challenge that.
She also talked about getting recently robbed by 3 black women in Chicago and says there were like 20 bystanders watching the whole thing and calling her racist for trying to call the police. Not even after the fact, but as she was getting robbed people witnessing it were shouting 'racist'…? I understand if it was on the internet but no…I find that story very bizarre.
She says the wokeness she experienced at Columbia was worse than North Korea…I find that quite shocking coming from a North Korea survivor. And that liberal news outlets refused to have her on unless it was to talk bad about Trump? I don't think CNN is THAT terrible.
It's these finer details that make me question everything she says.
No. 1427969
>>1427950> She really reminds me of my roommate who has BPD and is a pathological liar who embellishes the details of her stories for no seemingly good reason except to seem more interesting.Maybe she does have BPD and who the fuck would be surprised when considering the trauma she’s experienced?
> I'm sorry, but my intuition finds that very hard to believeLiterally no one gives a tiny rats ass about your intuition. Provide evidence supporting your claims or gtfo
No. 1427982
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>>1427950North Korean defectors are notorious for fabricating stories, especially when there is a financial incentive or severe perceived power imbalance involved, to the point where researchers have to use creative methods in order to approximate the truth about the country; see It makes sense when you consider that they were brought up in a culture where failing to adequately lie and asskiss can get you killed or thrown in a prison camp.
No. 1427989
>>1427969I don't doubt she developed the habit of lying for her own protection and childhood trauma and being taught to be suspicious of everyone but it doesn't take away from the fact that these could be fabrications, especially coupled with going around being paid to be a guest in right-wing spheres and the fact that South Korea offers rewards (now up to $867,000) for North Korean defector stories…do you know how much people make giving speeches? It's mind boggling.
>hurrr no one gives a fuck about your intuition hurrr i need proof hurrrI didn't ask anyone to care, and you asking for evidence from me about someone else's personal anecdote from a completely closed-off country is so intellectually dishonest and immature. Go back to Reddit if you can't handle it.
No. 1427991
>>1427950The robbery in Chicago is such a stupid thing to lie about as that absolutely would have made national headlines. No way that shit happened and no one said anything. I wouldn't be surprised if she was outed for lying about a bunch of stuff because it's not like too many people would know otherwise.
It is also very dumb to compare a liberal college to a totalitarian regime, considering one of those doesn't even let you have a voice. I won't comment on any of her stuff on NK since I'm new to her, but it does seem like she's turning this into a grift. Going 24 hours in sub-zero temps while being emaciated and basically naked is… impressive to say the least.
No. 1428180
>>1428078Let's say her mum was lying. Where do the photos come from? The photos that she herself has acknowledged to be her parents.
Work camps do not have yearly family picture days.
>>1427969Proof has been posted. Chances are she's lying because she makes 40k per speaking engagement. She has nothing more to say about her time in North Korea, so now she just says whatever right wing scrotes want her to for that bag.
Which is in its own way good, scrotes deserve to get hustled out of their money.
No. 1428293
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Yeonmi-chan is going on tour
No. 1428308
>>1428180Unfortunately the scrotes using her as a pawn are probably making way more money off of her than she's getting for speaking engagements; she's a great propaganda tool because NK is objectively a horrible totalitarian country and she can make shit up because of this + it's next to impossible to verify stories from NK. It's kind of sad that she's being used as a pawn because she was raised in a culture where participating in a lie is part of day-to-day life, but then again she's also making a boatload of money off of spreading disinfo so fuck her.
>>1428154I'm stupid and accidentally screenshotted the wrong part of the paper; there's a section on financial and publicity incentives.
No. 1428359
>>1428324Right? Seems like she is milking her NK refugee status to suddenly become "Voice of North Korea" literally her YT channel name, because nobody can disprove her. Hell, I don't even think 99.9% of NK knows what is going on with Kim, only what is happening in their village. So where is she getting this info from? Even if she has family & friends there, how would they communicate with her?
In Rogan's pod, his silence was deafening at times; he knows it's bullshit. But, he wouldn't question her because the outrageousness brings clicks to his channel too, as with all these other lolbertarians she has collab'd with. I notice too when Park began to speak too long and fumble, Rogan would interject and start speaking for her, completing the narrative, and then quickly changing the subject to political correctness, or something more general. Like saving face for her.
No. 1428648
>>1427950>>1427991I don't know about the bystanders part of her story, but someone was arrested for that robbery.'ve lived in Chicago and do think it is unlikely a mob of white people were calling her racist for calling the police. However if it happened as described in the link, Yeonmi ran to catch up with the robber and confronted her. Maybe the robber & her friends instigated some kind of "you crazy bitch, how dare you!" thing. I have no idea, just thinking about what might have happened.
I believe Yeonmi is a survivor and I hate seeing her get involved with right-wing wackjobs. She escaped a dictatorship and witnessed horrific things. She's a vulnerable person still, and these men are eager to make a buck off of her tragedies, her prettiness, and her articulate speech. If she weren't pretty, if she weren't able to speak well, they would not care about NK much if at all. But Trump also promotes Yeonmi, so that's another reason these chodes want to coopt her.
If she has discrepancies in her stories, gotta say I don't care in this case. Other formerly elite citizens have defected. The author of "The Aquariums of Pyongyang" was part of an elite family until they fell from grace and were sent to labor camps.
No. 1428676
>>1428359She also stated as matter-of-fact that Kimmy was losing weight because he’s dying of a terminal illness when that nigga probably had weight loss surgery. I remember back in July/August reading some article (can’t recall if it was scmp or nyp) that wifey was partially responsible because “the children needed their father” or something along the lines.
>>1428639Nta but not everyone who doesn’t trust this bitch is a commie
No. 1429520
>>1428078I wouldn't be surprised if she was lying to downplay the story. Yeonmi says the mother was raped by traffickers and then sold as a sex slave to (in Yeonmis words) "a retarded family". I think a lot of people wouldn't want that trauma to be public knowledge.
And if Yeonmi is actually making that up, holy crap, that is the weirdest shit you could say about your mom
No. 1430397
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Why is she wearing a nazi-affiliated brand? Some “the enemy of my enemy (communism) is my friend” shit.
No. 1430411
NK is full of fake defectors running intelligence ops in different countries at the behest of the current dictatorship. They've been caught and exposed dozens of times in just the last few years alone. All this lady represents is perhaps their boldest attempt in this regard. Consider her endless media tour a way of an insulated country learning how media infrastructure works outside their own propaganda echo chambers so it can be replicated more effectively and efficiently.
It's the same as China cooking up scholarships for students to study abroad but said students are really just being used as operatives to help the CCP stay on top of what universities are progressing in what globally. The same as South Korea being just as totalitarian but strategically amending certain capitalist ideals and modalities making stupid Western countries think they're the more forwardly progressive of the two and just both just the same entity wearing different masks so to speak. It's a new phenomena for the West to deal with but in and of itself is as old as time.
>>1420764Living proof these intelligence grifts work, right here.
No. 1430432
>>1430411Are you insinuating this chick is a North Korean agent or something? I get that she was part of the elite but why send her and her family to talk about how horrible Best Korea? What can fatty and co. gain from this?
At this point, both Koreas should just merge. They’re two sides of the same coin.
No. 1430521
>>1430432The gain isn't a global reappraisal of North Korea. The crossed that line decades ago, were entirely aware of doing so back then just as they still are now. It's just no longer worthy of anymore time and effort to deceptively cultivate a fake positive image of society over there.
The gain is the infiltration of structures they don't yet possess and haven't yet weaponized, and structures they haven't properly kept up with the times in and cannot effectively weaponize anymore. In other words this woman has been on everything from Spotify to YouTube regarding podcast circles (JRE and Lex Fridman are two very big examples), to The New York Times and dozens of other online and offline publications as well as academic circles such as university talks and even TEDx talks. And that's just in the United States alone.
Understanding how all of these different structures work in modernity, how best to weaponize them not only against their own people but globally as well would the best thing that NK could do as far as intelligence operations go currently, and the easiest way they could do it would be just to send out one of their own with a story most wouldn't want to impeach due to the horrific nature of it and would be easily picked up but news organizations salivating for anything new out of that country especially from a "defector" who "lived it". She opened a door, they let her in, and this is how information about about some things work here you don't want in their hands gets pipelined right out.
It's even better for NK that to things so widely in the public eye because for the most part people naturally want to empathize with the good in others; they don't want to be hyper critical of awful things like stories of this nature and I can't blame anyone for that. It's very difficult to do but it's helpful TO do it because that's just the world we live in now. I feel bad for Koreans overall because they've had to eat a shit sandwich for centuries with this avaricious power dynasties that just look at the common people as a slave caste that they can subjugate with horrors and misery endless for no good reason and no matter who gets in power nothing ever really gets all that much better. So in saying "two sides of the same coin" you are right, unfortunately.
(learn2sage) No. 1430527
>>1430521From reading your posts I just realized… what if those sooper sekrit agent connections she boasts about are just obtaining info from the outside world through her and she says the opposite? For example: “they’re telling me the regime is falling u gaiz” while her audience eats it all up.
Although China is doing a better job at infiltrating kek
(sage) No. 1432635
>>1428754>>1428769>>1429800>>1430759Serpentza and laowhy89 are grifters who exploit anti-Chinese sentiment because they became total losers in China thinking they would be treated like celebrities for being white (as a white person who went to China, some are excited to meet foreigners especially if you have light features but some people let it get to their head) and resent it, and are white supremacists who represent a disturbing amount of the white male sexpats with Asian wives. It's a thing.
They will go to the furthest lengths just to shit on China to the point where it gives me second-hand embarrassment, but a lot of it is just pure hypocrisy, and a lot of what they say perpetuate the dehumanization of Asians and just plain racist
>calling Xi Jinping Winnie The Pooh, a yellow bear with beady eyes, because they can't think of any other meme, and they think it's not racist
>they knowingly promote another sexpat English teacher who killed his 2 dogs while making videos about dog abuse in China, and deny it
>says that the Beijing dialect of Mandarin sounds like 'someone with special needs'
>Winston always talking about the glory days of apartheid in South Africa, of course doesn't outright wish for apartheid to come back, but would show pictures of white people sitting on whites only benches, and says the native black people's nouveau riche wealth is undeserved and from corruption and don't know how to run a country, while either oblivious to how and why white people are in Africa in the first place or just won't go full mask off
>calls Chinese people uncivilized for spitting and shitting on the street when people literally do the same thing in every city
>calls Maori politician Nanaia Mahuta who was slightly sympathetic to China in NZ 'chin woman' and won't even say her name and draws on their face mocking her tribal tattoos
>bullied Uyghur women off the internet for not agreeing that China is oppressing them
>they say the worst part of having Chinese wives is having to deal with their families attaching themselves to them 'instead of having the government take care of old people' which is rich coming from them. What did you think would happen when you married a Chinese woman? So they should abandon their family & culture?
>using "my Chinese wife does x, y z etc" for clickbait
>Laowhy seeming disappointed in the hospital literally right after his wife gave birth that the baby looks more Chinese than he thought, and also calls keeps calling her 'it'
>Laowhy makes her wife sit on the floor in the car while visiting family in the US as they make racist jokes towards her
>calls all their Chinese critics "wu-mao" meaning the CCP pays them 5 cents for each comment
>Winston: "sometimes I have Chinese friends too but it's fleeting" hmmm wonder why…
>Winston fradulently presenting himself as a 'trainer of doctors' but turns out he's just like the 'white monkeys' (white people who teach English or do odd jobs like acting in China) he makes fun of, but without the humility.
>not to mention they both present as experts of China when they are either just wrong, too stupid to understand cultural differences, or deliberately doing this to grift to their loser audiencethere's so much more…
No. 1433959
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I feel like a lot of people on lc don't know how wild the stuff she says is. She makes claims like North Korean officials have harems of women that have been detoothed for sexual purposes and that there's no word for love in North Korea. Regardless of what she may or may not have survived through, you'd have to be a retard to take this stuff at face value.
No. 1435565
>>1432635Holy shit CCP shills made it to lolcow, they really do lurk every corner of the internet. Most of your retarded greentexts are intentionally taken out of context or straight out lies and while I don't care about wking for two moids and can confirm that Winston is an edgy autist every now and then (especially about the chin tattoo thing) I do hate tankies simping for CCP just to be contrarian idiots more
>bullied Uyghur women off the internet for not agreeing that China is oppressing themKEK those "uyghur women" ("Guli from Xinjiang"/"Story of Xinjiang from Guli") were literally ethnically han Chinese actresses hired by the government to post propaganda about how "there's no genocide in Xinjiang and we aren't oppressed at all, come see for yourself uwu" when an actual uyghur person couldn't be able to use Youtube OR twitter due to immediately being arrested for using a VPN.
>calls all their Chinese critics "wu-mao" meaning the CCP pays them 5 cents for each comment五毛党/Wu-mao is literally what the Chinese themselves call them kek, there's a goddamn wikipedia article about them
No. 1436387
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>>1433959Wasn’t that nigga dead?
No. 1436388
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>>1436387‘Cause he seems to be alive and kicking
No. 1436403
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Don’t know much about her, seems like a ham, I saw one funny image once after she was on joe rogan which was as much a joke about his show as it was about her stories
No. 1437500
>>1432635>>1435565>>1437282>>1437387Surprised you forgot the time laowhy86 dug up an unmarked grave of human remains in Taiwan while his wife [filming] cries in distress telling him to stop but he laughs the whole time and tells her to shut up and that it would be good for his vlog.
Can't make this shit up. He and his buddy serpentza will do anything for views. And the video is still up on YouTube too. Beyond Logan Paul type of shit.
>>1432635>>1432813I want to comment only on the below part, I don't know these people but I trust that they are shit.
>calling Xi Jinping Winnie The Pooh, a yellow bear with beady eyes, because they can't think of any other meme, and they think it's not racistHaven't the Chinese came up with it in the first place? Winnie The Pooh is banned in China for that reason. It's not racist IMO and it's what
triggers Xi Jinping the most, I assume. Is that some American logic when the Chinese can do that, but if a white person does, it's no-no and racist? Madness
No. 1437746
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One pretty important detail that I feel should be mentioned here, about the claims she makes
most of the claims she makes aren't actually her own creations, rather they are claims that are taken from south korean tabloids
South korea has a direct stake at vilifying the north and cause north korea is closed off and has no real method of communication with south korean news agencies, any ridiculous claim technically could be right and never refuted
so usually what happens is some south korean tabloid makes up a ridiculous exaggerated claim about practices in north korea, which gets up taken by the mainstream press and then gets translated to English and you get articles like this, I'm sure we've all seen these dumb claims that are all likely fake
No. 1439025
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>>1437500god this shit is so fucking old too. go make your own thread then you stupid whore cause this is one is not about ADVchina also taiwan #1 cope and seethe plus imagine giving this much of a shit haha
No. 1442305
>>1437635not banned, I literally went to a mall in shanghai where they had pooh bear plush dolls
>>1440089chronic reddit users
No. 1443527
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I hope she adds this to her future thumbnails kek
No. 1443767
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Sage for major nitpick but I'll never understand why she dresses like this. The oversized fur coat really tops off the pseudo bougie hooker vibe. She must look like a chicken with her skinny legs poking out from under that thing.
No. 1443945
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>>1443919I noticed the majority of her comments and likes are just about her appearance, or her "heavies" as her scrote fanbase would say. I used to wonder why she doesn't delete these comments but I guess she's lowkey fishing for them. Maybe I'm just a cynical prude but the last thing I would want after a lifetime of being exploited by men is more objectification from them.
No. 1445525
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>>1440089>>1442305fuck off with your plebbit obsession and Google for once
No. 1457396
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Found another possible lie: supposedly, the wife and La Ursupadora (is Hyon Song-wol even his side-chick?) are enemies but they seem to get along well, there’s also footage that all three (her, Ri Sol-ju and Kim Yo-Jong) get along or at least don’t mind the other.
I was expecting an irl k-drama, much disappointment. /s
No. 1460096
>>1460016unfortunately I don't think this is reliable at all… seems like a scripted and OTT attempt to discredit her at least to NK citizens
>"Park Yeon Mi is nothing but a poisonous mushroom that grew from a pile of human waste."whoever wrote the script should join lolcow
No. 1460456
>>1460096>>1460097So what do you think her true origin is? Was she just a rich girl who’s family had fallen from favor, hence why they tried to escape or is she a spy secretly working for the regime and supplying them information like that anon and other comments on YouTube claim?
One thing’s for sure, I don’t see her giving her extra money to her fellow countrymen nor has she expressed wanting to help them other than “please US and friends, help free my people from this evil regime!”
No. 1500911
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I…wtf?! Is she going Anna or does she just miss her country?
No. 1508282
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Is there any proof of “Leo Shim” being an actual person? I tried googling her but only results for Kim’s wife show up.
Supposedly, she is rocket-man’s ‘lost love’ who was sent to the gulags because her cousin or uncle escaped nk (guilt by association)
No. 1508320
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…nonnies are you ok? you sound like hostages. are they forcing you to say this about NK defectors? do they have your families?
No. 1508400
>>1508320her biggest critics are actual koreans with lots of knowledge about real defectors, they call her shit out in an instant and so she grifts in the US balancing ugly white men and getting fillers on top of petty book sales.
wouldnt be surprised if she was one of those "korean-speaking chinese" on the border to NK herself and just created this story, she has literally zero evidence and backtracks on her stories all the time and conflicts with her mothers details. Even on the Rogan podcast she claims she was robbed in Chicago in broad daylight and was surrounded by hecklers telling her to not be racist. No police report of course.
the lady knows her audience and gravitates to it, first it was the US then she narrowed it down to alt-right white men
No. 1508748
nonnie finally an informed take ITT
No. 1514528
>>1514463Learn to sage.
nayrt but
>she was robbed in Chicago in broad daylight and was surrounded by hecklers telling her to not be racist>was surrounded by hecklers telling her to not be racistBeing purposely obtuse isn't helping you make your point.
No. 1561433
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Why do former commies think being right-wing is the solution? Hey man, not everyone likes how the left is doing things like with the troons and all but at least students aren’t forced into worshipping creepy Joe. No. 1616661
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Her new book is out, still gritting from her defector status and will probably shit on America’s lack of freedom or something, idk.
No. 1616670
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>>1616661Oh and here’s a candid picture of her kid
No. 1619143
>>1619101I unironically think Kim Jong Un is /snow/ thread material. He's such a weird looking guy and all his lies are hilarious. He's also died like 90 times according to Yeonmi so like
>>1619133My theory is that this is her "hey what's up gamers" youtuber voice. Everyone on YouTube sounds weird in their videos compared to their real life or podcast appearances
No. 1619215
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>>1500911Sorry to reply to something from 4 months ago but Yeonmi has always been a bit anachan, this is from around 3 years ago, saged for very old milk.
No. 1619218
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>>1619215Samefag but another example of Yeonmi's "uwu so smoll and wittle" anachan complex. This one's from around 2 years ago I believe.
No. 1619241
>>1420764Basically all these defectors, if they are even defectors, are liars or at least play it up for a Korean or American audience (what else have they got going? incredibly hard to survive in a new country).
The only actually normal content you'll find about how North Korea works is Chinese tourists talking to them.
No. 1619292
>>1619218Imagine being proud of assembling a chair. Only a total waste of air who has never done anyting worthwhile in their life thinks this is an achievment worth writing about.
No. 1619327
>>1616661It’s crazy to me she’s built a career on her escape from a propaganda ridden cesspool to spreading propaganda for a different cesspool.
I guess having to pay fat alimony checks can make you do the dumbest shit for money.
No. 1619359
>>1619241Lol why do so many gringos refuse to believe that this shit happens, as if it wasn't common in any dictatorship.
OT but
I'm venezuelan and one time we had an "unauthorized reunion" at my college faculty (it was literally just a lame talk about democracy, inside a classroom, organized by students and authorized by the dean) and armed groups led by government officials showed up to our faculty and they beat up students and raped several girls inside campus. I know because I personally know the victims. One of my classmates ended up needing facial reconstruction surgery and allAnd our dictatorship is supposed to be much tamer than North Korea's, this woman might be a cow but I don't doubt for a second that she got raped by police or government officials.
Also lol at gringos believing that rich tourists passing by can even get a grasp of the realities of a dictatorship lmao you guys need to leave the house more.
No. 1619440
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>>1619143>>1619191Make it happen!
>>1619215>>1619218Ironically, the bitch she wants everyone to feel sorry for got fat after her last few pregnancies during the Covid years.
>>1619359She was from the elite class so press x for doubt.
No. 1619475
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spoilered for nippy but this bimbo couldn't even manage to fully tuck her nipple away before using her implant combined nursing titties for male attention, doesn't really seem like a traumatized trafficking victim to me but maybe sexualizing herself for disgusting men helps her cope. she posted this to her own facebook btw and even after people pointed out the nip slip she kept the photo up
No. 1619527
>>1619359it's literally the opposite. almost all of us start off taking stories like yours at face value and then end up not believing it because it keeps being revealed people are bullshitting us constantly.
like younger me would've bought what you are saying 100%
No. 1619688
>>1619440You do realize you make no sense right? "Starting out from zero in a first world country is so hard that she has to lie to survive", but at the same time she was so high class she left her comfortable life in a wonderful country to start out from zero somewhere else?
The reality most likely is (assuming she's really high class, which idk and idc) that she used her connections and money to escape a fucked up country, to be able to live like a free bitch in a normal free country. She has an outspoken attention whore personality that stands out like a sore thumb, that would have made her a sure target for government violence in North Korea.
Having a fucked up past doesn't mean you'll become a good person, in fact I'd say it makes you much more likely to turn into a cow, so her being a cow doesn't neccesarily mean she's lying about what was done to her.
>>1619527Luckily you don't have to take my word for it because the UN carried out an investigation on government abuse and human rights violations against students, children and civilians in my country, and found evidence of not only sexual violence but also torture, forced dissappearances, unlawful and violent house raids, arbitrary imprisonment of children, among many other things. There's also news reports and pictures everywhere that you can look up for yourself if you're oh so skeptic woke freethinker that you can't fathom the possibility that maybe the very same dictatorship that has been in power for what has been the worst 24 years in modern Venezuelan history could actually be evil??? No. 1620599
>>1619703Lol if you had even bothered to glance over the reports you'd see the claims are backed up with links to articles, pictures and videos, in every page the statements are supported with proof. Idk why I was expecting a gringo to at least look at a thing before claiming shit about the thing, my bad.
However I'm fine with posting any proof you want to make it really nice and easy for you, if you take your demands to a more appropiate thread, as to not clog this one with a bunch of pictures completely unrelated to this thread's subject until you're satisfied.
No. 1627331
>>1619241There's a few books about North Korea that are pretty good but the author's normally don't have a strong media presence. I'd recommend 'Without You There Is No Us' and Dear Leader by Jang Jin-sung
DailyNK is also a good source for news normally
I have seen her channel floating around in my recommended a few times but scrolling through here and looking at the titles of her videos… lol. If anything looks like the headline of some scandalised tabloid I'd give it a pass
No. 1629991
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My tinfoil is she’s hooking/sugaring, change my mind!(sage)
No. 1630012
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Here's what her book says about the Paris Hilton thing. I haven't read the rest of her book but this came up in a search. It's pretty well known that tv shows take advantage of vulnerable people and if she was being paid for it (or thought she might make money from it otherwise) it makes sense that she would go along with it since North Koreans have problems getting employment in the south. It's also pretty obvious that a North Korean isn't going to have access to real Chanel (and it made headlines when Kim Jong Un's wife did).
I do think she has exaggerated some things intentionally but I don't think her overall story is a lie.
No. 1630214
>>1626886i like how this started out normal then devolved into screaming and crying within 2 sentences. stay schizo
nonnie, im sure the army grandpa or whoever you're caping for is smiling down at you from the big comfort woman rape dungeon in heaven
No. 1630806
>>1630560Thinking things weren't that bad is a normal trauma response. I'm not trying to defend them, just pointing that out.
I think it was her dad that tried to escape or something and that caused her family's status to fall.
No. 1632424
>>1630806Then he shouldn’t have pissed off the Kim’s in the first place while keeping their cushy lifestyle.
I agree with
>>1630160 why should we feel sorry for North Korean richies, because muh freedom? They have enough money to bribe the authorities to have enough freedom and if they’re caught doing shady shit, they won’t be severely punished unlike the lower classes. So again, why should we feel sorry for the richies?
Fuck them, it’s the defectors with poor backgrounds who suffer the most
No. 1632599
>>1632550It's like they don't realise you can be a grifter and
victim, the two aren't mutually exclusive.
No. 1632607
>>1632550i swear it's always the same type of person. upper middle class usually second gen immigrants who want to suck up to western conservatives while also playing up the identity angle on liberals. they always sperg out when you don't give them any deference or allow them to co-opt the suffering that they are usually at least partially responsible for at home.
they don't even care about people like yeonmi beyond the fact that us not buying her bullshit makes it harder for them to do the same thing.
No. 1638646
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>>1427950>>1433959>>1444067Also found this odd as it is very easy to find North Korean "sarang" and love songs. I've watched a few of her videos but not since that claim. It's such an extreme and obviously false statement about basic human nature that even if there would be a grain of truth in it, it is difficult to take anything she says at face value after it. a classic, even if not human: Computer of Love No. 1641402
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Her son is so cute! He’s an interesting mix of Asian and ginger, reminds me of my own hapa nephew (though he doesn’t have reddish/brown hair)
And kek at this bitch claiming Big Kim wants to kill her, she’s probably at the very bottom of his shitlist
No. 1641438
>>1638646i can't take her seriously at all, maybe she would seem more credible if she was the only defector in the world but like…. other north koreans who have left exist, and most of them who arent trying to sell books will tell you they left because it's a horribly impoverished country who's sovereignty is constantly undermined and cant participate in global trade and it sucks to live like that lol not because its >muh litchrally 1984
anyone who feels the need to run their mouth on korea and doesnt realise south korea would have just sank into the ocean by now if not for the US propping up their govt by pumping it with free money is a lost cause tbh, disregard completely
No. 1729141
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Why can’t she leave her face alone? She was pretty before she decided to butcher her face with muh capitalist $$$$. In a recent video, she stated she has health issues after enduring muh hardships in Best Korea and China, still milking the rags to riches story I see.
>>1452400>not a communist state That might’ve been true in the Kim Jong-il era but norko still consider themselves communist, just not in the traditional sense as with China and Vietnam.
>”In his closing address at the Conference of Cell Secretaries of the Workers’ Party of Korea in late April, Kim mentioned the word “communism” six times. His recent claim that North Korea aims to become a “communist utopia” is a notable change in rhetoric.” No. 1745416
>>1745351Their regime is shitty but there’s definitely a lot of American propaganda garbage bias surrounding the reports about NK.
Shame DPRK citizens aren’t allowed to marry foreigners, I would marry a North Korean moid, some of them are kyoot, the fact they dress in 40s outfits and the entire country is in a timewarp is kind of neat, and they’re pretty much the only men in the whole world who haven’t been raised on porn. This British girl was talking to one of the guards and he seemed so friendly and nice. Sage for my fantasy sperg.
No. 1755876
>>1755859They even make a variety shows/idol shows in S. Korea about these defector women
It's very fucking weird.
No. 1769943
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She’s starting to resemble a sex doll, one that caters to scrotes with yellow fever. Also, her book is one big bitchfest about how wokism is literally juche. No. 1772771
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it's kinda hilarious to think that she's unironically done more damage to her own cause than any kind of North Korean propaganda, all she had to do was write a book, appear in a few TV shows and she'd be set for life, but her story feel apart on account of her contradictions and it's her own damn fault
No. 1773158
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>>1773071all she had to do was keep her story consistent and not make cartoonish claims that could easily be refuted
No. 1789768
>>1789182What are you trying not to understand that this plastic bimbo is a fucking war hawk who sold out her own country for great American cock? Other than “my ppl r suffering”, she hasn’t named a charity or openly helped ‘her people’ with giving food or defection plans yet wants people to be help
her get rich. Thae Young-ho is on the same boat as another sellout defector-war hawk
No. 1791008
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Honestly if she wants us to feel sorry for anyone in tubby’s family, it would probably be his kids. For awhile now, Big Kim’s been dragging his daughter out to missile launches, military photo-ops/parades, etc. while making her pose showing affection to him in a creepy manner. Meanwhile, his bitch wife who’s totally a ~poor victim uwu~ does nothing, allows this and accepts being in the background because she has her own agenda to uphold regarding Kim and their children; it’s evident she’s the type to put her husband over her own children’s comfort.
Dennis Rodman should’ve kept his mouth shut about Ju-ae’s existence in the first place.(sage your shit)
No. 1791019
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It’s so creepy how she’s dressed and showing affection like his wife had at fucking 10 years old. I really hope Kim isn’t like Grease and is waiting to molest his kids when they’re older, I really do.
No. 1812038
>>1789768Retard thinks if yound food to North Korea people actually get it. I'm seriously tinfoiling that there are North Korean shills or agents on here. "Sold her own country" wtf. So if a goverment is
abusive to you, you should still suck it's cock and be a good patritoc slave?
No. 1812421
>>1812038>>1812143nta but when the sanctions
triggered food shortages in NK they just opened the border with china so people could ferry whatever they needed back and forth. Over time they built up enough that China has basically replaced the other aid programs and floats NK through droughts and whatever else. They don't accept aid from the US over the last few decades because of the tendency for countries to use NGOs as cover for their intelligence agencies. So Yeonmi is a huge bullshitter, but they don't want or need her help.
No. 2013480 anyone ever heard of the left wing Korean organization called Nodutdol? They use to organize trips to North Korea before Trump placed a travel ban on US citizens from going there. Listening to the podcast on their website about explaining LGBTQ and being transgender to North Koreans on their visit was kind of funny..
Why do tankies tend to be socially liberal asf despite the countries they support not being like that?