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No. 1551879

These cows have been everywhere from Tiktok to Tumblr, Twitter to instagram.
Rundown of the main cow:
>Tourettes Faker on Tiktok, called out by hoards of 14-year olds for faking tics.
>Sister made call out post on reddit about her faking.
>Biggest outlier in the 'Tiktok is giving people fake tourettes' trend
>Used tics to gain clout for her small buisness.
>Gone from the internet, probably for good.

Most of these cases of faking mental illnesses are quite similar, usually focusing on DID, Tourettes, Autism, ADHD or all of them at once somehow.

Vice article on illness fakers on Tiktok
r/Fakedisordercringe >https://www.reddit.com/r/fakedisordercringe/

No. 1551880

SunnyV2's video on the TicsandRoses situation

No. 1551890

>completely ignores the debilitating childhood trauma aspect of did
I don’t think did is legit

No. 1551894

yeah, many professional doctors even doubt the actual existance of did

No. 1551907

This. You can't just get DID (or something that seems like DID because it's still not well known as a disorder) while living a normal childhood coddled by your middle-upper class parents. DID happens because something (a SEVERELY traumatic event, like repeated sexual or physical violence) happens during your early childhood, while your "personality" and sense of self are beginning to form. The traumatic event disrupts that process and you can have something that looks like a person may have many identities (some examples are the cases of Kim Nobile and Truddi Chase). Traumatic events during adulthood, teenage years or a bit earlier can result in other disorders, but not DID. Plus, every therapist who deals with a DID patient will try to make the "identities" merge instead of encouraging the patient to make tiktoks where every identity conveniently has different make-up and clothes.

No. 1551911

We have SO many illness fakers/DID threads already, do we really need another one?

No. 1551939

This is one for the more specific LARPers of Tiktok/other platforms, rather than them as a whole

No. 1551950

One of the DID-cows have even got lore to their 'System' Aparently there's a full google doc circulating on Tiktok.
Here's the milk:
This shit wildin

No. 1551956

The person in the thumbnail is almost grotesquely ugly, god damn. I’d go crazy too if I had to look at that in the mirror every day kek

No. 1551966

…is the narrator a tranny?

No. 1551975

ex troon, apparently

No. 1552006

What is this nonsense?
>these cows by which I mean one
>gone from the internet anyway
>reddit cringe

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