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No. 1580437

Gabriela Hertsik is a "sacred slut" and "bimbo witch" who used to write for a few women's magazines about astrology, claims to be a jewish mystic (she is the daughter of a rabbi and claims to practice Kabbalah which is reserved for devout married jewish men) and a bruja (yet speaks bad Spanish). She has written several new age witchcraft books, including "sacred sex" which has a condom blessing ritual in it, and does burlesque. As well, she started an only fans to share her "art", while not needing prostitution to be her source of income.
> Is the daughter of a rabbi
> Wrote a condom blessing ritual
> Whipped herself with a flogger while covered in fake period blood to "honor the goddess"
> Speaks bad Spanish while claiming to be a bruja
> Sees Lilith (a baby eating demon) as a feminist icon
> Claims sacred prostitution back in the pagan days was empowering and that sex workers are modern priestesses
> Wrote a prayer to a sex goddess for abortion
> Buys into bimbo feminism (while being rich enough to not be a sex worker
> Sexualizes religion to the point of it being blasphemous to most religious people
> Sells a sacred BDSM ritual guide
> Wrote a column for The High Times about being a weed priestess
> Runs a monthly circle called "kink coven"

No. 1580443

she looks like a fucking fish lmao

No. 1580444

I've tried to look her up and you've misspelled her name, effectively making all the links not work anon

No. 1580446

Was about to say the same thing. Great job OP, can't even be accurate about the name of the person you're trying to drag.

No. 1580450

You can delete/repost with accurate links OP. Once 30 minutes have passed, though, it's too late

No. 1580529

No. 1580550

Lilith is kind of a feminist icon though? The only reason she eats babies is because she was punished by god for wanting to not follow what Adam wanted her to do?

She doesn't really seem milky since there's so many chicks like this online. Instead there should be like a witchy libfem or snow witches of the patriarchy thread for all chicks like this lol

No. 1581075

File: 1657044950481.png (3.1 MB, 2236x1374, rdtfygjkhj.png)

kek all of her digital download ritual guides are priced with angel numbers. The schizophrenia!

No. 1581076

File: 1657044992412.png (2.52 MB, 2224x1280, fghj.png)

graphic design is her passion

No. 1581082

yeah i agree with u on all your points 100%. She IS a feminist icon, who ever wrote this either is unaware of the mythology, or purposely twisted it to make this girl seem worse.
And this type of cringey girl is a dime a dozen now a days. What makes her so different/more milky than others? Might as well make a catch all thread.

No. 1581165

Repeating numbers are called angel numbers now?

No. 1581341

7 and 8 are considered ‘divine’ numbers to some - 777 being the most common. “Spiritual numerology” or whatever it’s called by people in witch/ astrology circles.

No. 1582371

not the OP, Lilith is not from the Hebrew Bible or new Testament, rather she's from the Midrash, or Jewish legends that the rabbis of the last centuries BCE-first centuries CE told to explain aspects of the old testament with moral lessons.


all the later stories involving her come from the Talmud, which seem to refer to Liliths (plural) as some sort of Jinn. There's one reference to Liliths in connection with Adam, but not as his first wife before Eve. Instead, Adam begets various demons (including Liliths). There are somewhat vague references to there being multiple Eves in midrashic literature, but they don't make a connection to Lilith.
Christianity does not place any kind of theological importance on the idea of Adam having a "first wife" before Eve, and Lilith's existence is not taught in most Christian denominations (which makes sense since Christianity was already an established religious tradition with its own theological teachings by the time Lilith began to be tied to the Genesis story); however for someone reason very very stupid people tried to reclaim her as some sort of deep symbol of women's power against patriarchal power, when the first story involving her rejecting Adam being on top comes from 9th century from a mystical anonynous Jewish text, so she would have played no part in the early Abrahamic theology

No. 1582376

samefag also OP is technically right, The Lilith entity is associated with baby stealing and or eating, as stated Lilith is never once mentioned in either the Old nor New Testament; the only occurrence resembling Lilith is in the Book of Isaiah 34:14 describing the desolation of Edom, where she (or something like her) appears as some sort of wilderness sport. The Hebrew word lilit (or lilith) appears in a list of eight unclean animals; the word usually gets translated into English as "the Lilith", but has also been translated as "the lamia"/Lamia (a Indo-European child-eating monster in Greek/Roman mythology) or night-creature; essentially, her existence doesn't start being integrated into Jewish theology until the 9th century or so in The Alphabet of Ben Sira, and then there's just this outpouring of writing about her by Talmudic Scholars starting in the Medieval Period (which is where she is first tied to Jewish theology as the child-stealing first wife of Adam).

https://jwa.org/encyclopedia/article/lilith(intense derail)

No. 1583908

the most ridiculous word salad i’ve seen on this website in a long time. consider swallowing a bottle of wellbutrin.

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