Fi is responding old wheelchair content
wheelchairs have been a returning topic in the last thread
Niamh seems to be losing again and posting body checks again which is causing some infighting
Momsfavdissapointment got really spoopy again, claims her only friend is her dog
Porgies tube is out, now has a medial weed card, which will probably cause munchies cos’ porgie totally needs that
Nikol is posting insane paragraphs as always, and still gaining weight
Zara is trying to trick people into thinking she’s gained when she hasn’t
Ganer joined a muscle competition and lost due to her disordered behaviour (shocker) after losing she instantly went back to disordered eating
Han claims to have no diagnosis’ anymore? this confuses everyone
mariesdiarie went to the hospital
and as always there’s been lots of general attention seeking behaviour
people have brought up some new potential cows, hopefully we will see some fresh milk soon
sorry about the shit thread i just can’t find a new one
social medias thread. try again )