File: 1440461463014.jpg (171.36 KB, 538x613, okc.jpg)

No. 16580
File: 1440461948656.png (31.83 KB, 994x487, 1440452357701.png)

>two spirit
No. 16582
File: 1440462034423.jpg (249.23 KB, 1138x467, cccc.jpg)

No. 16584
>>16580If someone not Native calls themselves "two spirit" is that ~cultural appropriation~?
>>16582What the fuck is an "other" gender?
No. 16589
File: 1440462451906.jpg (228.6 KB, 575x539, gaborpatch.jpg)

>>16588Haha I'm surprised none of them have tried to "explain you a thing"
No. 16592
>>16582So, uh…
Who's the one who matched 74% with this guy?
No. 16595
File: 1440463021956.png (121.9 KB, 565x517, 573920.png)

"just a soul"
No. 16596
>>16593if they try to talk to you then ignore them.
honestly, you should say anti-feminist.
at least it will attract smart people
No. 16599
File: 1440464348064.jpg (266.3 KB, 980x459, gross.jpg)

Just stumbled upon this gem.
No. 16615
File: 1440467425693.png (241.57 KB, 690x580, Tumblrwhy.png)

I think I just found the mother load (pun intended)
No. 16623
File: 1440468126770.png (329.25 KB, 681x448, bestlawyerevar.png)

not to fear, women and racial minorities! this generous lawyer is here to represent you!!!!
No. 16638
File: 1440470663347.jpg (259.35 KB, 915x1062, 2snowflake4u.jpg)

Why do people insist on having dating site profiles to find friends?
No. 17354
>>17353Yes. I want to be
No. 17362
File: 1440480350135.jpg (157.22 KB, 546x517, yowz.jpg)

No. 17368
File: 1440484171028.png (319.85 KB, 661x492, bigender.png)

No. 17379
File: 1440493416401.gif (1.93 MB, 500x281, Several questions.gif)

>>16618>sexual orientation: LesbianWHAT? No. man.. that isn't how it works. You have to be a woman first, then you get to be a lesbian.
No. 17392
File: 1440499573391.jpg (205.3 KB, 543x523, whinybrat.jpg)

I'm a cis dude and I'm older than her. Currently fighting the temptation to message her repeatedly
No. 17400
File: 1440502263816.png (122.33 KB, 522x522, 472932.png)

No. 17402
File: 1440502651130.png (372.36 KB, 662x631, NOTAGIRL.png)

>do not call me a girl or lady
>tumblr??? speech??
Could be worse.
No. 17421
File: 1440510167119.png (132.21 KB, 583x575, wat.png)

26 years old, uses the "xD" and other cringey emoticons and just… why
No. 17434
All this bitches look and behave the same, seriously, I know a chick who's a carbon copy of this one, she also claims to be agender asexual and ~queer~.
Ugh, fucking disgrace.
No. 17463
File: 1440547094693.png (340.16 KB, 657x486, creepi.png)

Again… what actual lesbian would be interested in this individual?
No. 17479
File: 1440556859776.png (101.37 KB, 620x440, 50diffgenders.png)

No. 17481
File: 1440556944851.png (107.05 KB, 514x528, commiepig.png)

No. 17488
>>16584According to tumblr, yes. It's a Native only gender. I've seen a lot of rants on tumblr about it. I had only heard of two spirit once before I first discovered tumblr, I think it was some kind of documentary. It doesn't really come up often outside of tumblr. I'm not even sure what tribe the concept belongs to.
Tumblr will ream you out for using it if they think you are white. But don't you dare tell a blue eyed mayonnaise colored two spirit Cherokee princess that she can't use it.
>>17463OMG it's like CC DeVille knocked up the corpse of Nancy Spungen and this was the horrifying result.
No. 17515
>>17463>transI highly…doubt it.
Why are so many mtfs such creepy perverts?
No. 17538
File: 1440597778423.png (23.65 KB, 585x493, ahhaahhahhha.png)

a bit off topic cause this isn't a snowflake but i think i found my dream husband! a VERY rich engineer!
No. 20330
File: 1440842617620.png (63.1 KB, 418x533, 06_36.png)

Sorry the text is small, I had to zoom out to capture all the cringe
No. 20346
>being this sjw cuck I honestly feel like this a straight dude who doesn't want to admit he's just straight and wants to be a special snowflake. It's cringeworthy jesus christ.
I'm so tired of whiny beta boys jesus.
No. 20392
File: 1440877623397.png (377.7 KB, 913x1481, kaworutan.png)

So edgy desu.
No. 20441
File: 1440899340353.png (293.78 KB, 714x811, pedo.png)

Any 18 year old here interested in a jobless masseur?
No. 20490
File: 1440940682006.png (137.82 KB, 567x490, 07765.png)

This one's a witch, apparently.
No. 20496
>>20480Tell me about it. Tumblr culture is strong here for some reason.
It's a pity I can't access his answers, I've seen the "guy" around in real life and he's cringey as hell.
No. 20498
>>20441Why would a straight guy want to date him? I don't get this at all. Is it because he thinks straight men just flock to gender nonconforming snowflakes because they're just so damn hot?
>>20490Why are so many people who think they are witches or psychics so damn ugly? "it" looks like a 45 year old housewife. Kinda looks like Sally Jessy Raphael too. That's a seriously bad pic and I don't know why anyone would purposely put it on their profile.
What is a grey asexual? I feel like I need to buy a textbook to memorize all these stupid terms for every little snowflake out there.
No. 20542
File: 1440963199086.png (114.04 KB, 523x569, youreafemale.png)

it spends a lot of time thinking about its "hot butt"
No. 20546
File: 1440965301943.png (117.71 KB, 570x621, he has a four year old child.p…)

"My cat meant more to me than anyone else. She died. I will never love that much again."
No. 20547
File: 1440965747975.png (93.79 KB, 472x573, 3dgy.png)

I'm worried about her kid.
No. 20640
File: 1441019084075.jpg (283.65 KB, 675x660, PROBLEMATIC.jpg)

No. 21318
File: 1441180583679.png (240.95 KB, 559x455, ace-flux.png)

No. 22523
File: 1441216655550.png (505.4 KB, 1996x1980, lush compilation.png)

Oh boy do I have a treat for you guys
No. 22524
>>21329I wonder if it's some sort of act against the /fit/ bros "swol" thing. Like, seeking to be the opposite.
Both terms are stupid as fuck
No. 22559
File: 1441238918780.png (332.22 KB, 661x430, 20_55.png)

No. 22599
>>22582"smol" means "small and cute"
"ace flux" means changing perspective on sex, one day "sex is great" the other day "i hate sex" or "i don't care about sex"
my brain died r.i.p
No. 22602
>>22601shhhh, they need to be special on Internet
there is "aro flux", changing perspective on love/romance, damn
No. 22610
File: 1441283535624.png (223.3 KB, 694x839, why.png)

No. 22701
File: 1441331162967.png (169.41 KB, 694x864, Rainbowgay.png)

No. 22742
File: 1441362260935.png (287.84 KB, 598x622, sewage.png)

No. 22748
>>16582>I could never do without>anal stimulationoh
>>16588>>16593You might end up attracting MRAs and Nice Guys though, those are their own special brand of crazy and I wouldn't be surprised if the average dating site is full of them.
>>17379~lesbian in a man's body~
No. 22753
File: 1441369678208.png (373.06 KB, 1100x1044, Euphoria.png)

He talks like this on first dates doesn't he?
No. 22817
What sort of investigation do you have in mind, anon?
No. 22858
File: 1441435681759.png (258.63 KB, 680x746, sadboy-69.png)

No. 22860
>>22858"don't talk to me if you are a christian" lol
i'm weeaboo anime 4life, atheist 4life, i'm so cool, going to the bar, trying to be man, when everyone know that i'm wannabe boy, lying online that i'm beating cis people, when in real life i'm sitting in home 24h
"general piece of human garbage" 100% true
No. 22876
>>22858>Zaynwho wants to bet it's after one direction?
these fakebois piss me off so much, if you want to look androgynous go ahead but it doesnt fucking make you trans. you'll grow out of it in a year and latch on to the next social media trend
No. 23085
File: 1441522907090.png (124.92 KB, 640x485, lizzythepixie.png)

>wants to be a pinup model
No. 23090
>>23085why is every fat tumblr feminist into pinup
you think they'd find it objectifying and ~
No. 23094
File: 1441541703600.png (151.23 KB, 697x585, Uglygirlsyndrome.png)

No. 23179
>>23110I tried before I ended up in a relationship with someone I've known for a long time (and am a lot more happy with her than with anyone I've met on OKC), and honestly, a lot of the people who I met/went out with were massive Tumblrinas.
One of them posted constantly about how much she hated cis people (she was "genderqueer" but dressed/acted/identified as a woman for all intents and purposes, and was born female, so.
Another was huge into Superwholock bullshit and actually told me about Harry Potter slash fanfiction while we were in public, which was mortifying.
So your mileage may vary, I think I just attract people like that, so it was bound not to work.
No. 23181
>>23110It was alright before the whole tumblr pandering bullshit. Though I got a lot of flakes on there. Tbh Anon, try if you want something more serious/mature. Plus they do those group outing things.
>>23168 said, it's mostly luck, but if you aren't looking for tumblr types you'll likely have a better chance with a site that doesn't pander to that crowd.
No. 23198
File: 1441575980718.png (108.26 KB, 698x403, ButByNight.png)

The sissies on OKC are always worth a laugh.
>>23110Personally anon, I've never really had much luck on OKCupid. I've been on like, two dates from it and one the guy flaked out and the other guy was so dull it lasted half an hour but to be honest I wasn't feeling him.
Gay male here, so it might be different for straight girls and lesbians, but it's easier to date online where you have a guarantee that he's gay/bi and most bars and parties are for hookups instead of regular dating.
I keep mine now mostly for things like this, you always get a story out of it at least.
No. 23269
File: 1441591712887.jpg (296.64 KB, 789x590, jammy.jpg)

her profile isn't particularly cringeworthy. i just don't understand why pretty girls insist on ruining themselves
No. 23287
>>23110I put friends only on my profile and said straight up, "I want to meet friends to do tabletop and board games with in (insert city)"
It's pretty okay, but you do have to weed out the crazies.
No. 23449
>>23285Q is for "questioning" which usually just means "straight but I want to play along." Or if the person is extra retarded it can mean "queer" which means "I'm pretentious and self-obsessed"
I is for intersexed, which is something tumblr users are pretending to be in increasing numbers
A is for asexual so I guess that's fair, although obviously "gray ace" is not a thing and most tumblr asexuals actually aren't
No. 23513
File: 1441608114013.jpg (152.57 KB, 597x545, landwhale.jpg)

I guess his mom also told him not to be a fatass
No. 23646
>>23441I don't know, but it truly makes me sad. In America at least, we are really living in a golden age where there is a lot less sexism and women can dress how they want, have short hair, not wear skirts or dresses, etc– and these stupid cunts want to be men…?? Why?
Being a fakeboi is the dumbest trend ever. Just be a woman who is masculine! wtf
No. 23659
File: 1441674536365.jpg (220.05 KB, 533x673, 02827.jpg)

No. 23705
>>23659really wish edgy ~*~anti-capitalist queerpunks~*~ would just go away. also
>thinks about "asceticism">has an OKcupid accountum
No. 23755
>>23094I did that test several times and kept getting INTP. I hate this SJW stuff. It's stupid and backwards and contradicts itself at every turn. It doesn't help any activist movements. But it hurts them greatly.
What's with all these younger women taking pics that make them look like middle aged moms? She looks like she can't decide which national leading brand of fabric softener to buy.
No. 24072
>>24067I'm debating making a tindr, I had one very breifly but never really did anything with it you know?
I would get a grindr, but I keep telling myself I have more respect than that, but I mean it seems like there would be more gay men there than on OKCupid since despite its reputation, Grindr is geared for just gays.
Don't even want hookups, I want to just date and maybe meet a guy, but on OKCupid it's all tumblr, or the decent guys are too far away, or everyone near you is fucking ugly as sin.
No. 24422
File: 1441945827947.jpg (93.59 KB, 686x501, weird-conversation.jpg)

He never bothered to reply.
No. 24452
File: 1441971002276.png (213.43 KB, 549x455, EYEBROWS.png)

i am a little bit terrified of this person
No. 24456
>>24452Jesus fucking Christ those brows.
Like Joan Crawford.
No. 24488
File: 1441994883112.png (100.04 KB, 395x733, okc.png)

No. 24598
File: 1442009855861.jpg (296.76 KB, 560x774, 98038.jpg)

this one isn't that bad, I would just like to point out that emo is still alive and well
No. 24773
File: 1442040017456.png (106.14 KB, 571x426, 02_53.png)

Did someone ask for a weeaboo fakeboi? Order up!
No. 24808
File: 1442056635928.png (125.47 KB, 521x490, why.png)

No. 24826
>>24808Oh my god
That's a troll though, right?
No. 24924
File: 1442093168284.png (268.89 KB, 690x546, ugh.png)

No. 24934
>>24826Well, it does look like it lives under a bridge.
>>24924>"queer">fat>neon hair>hipster glasses>polyamory>kinky>harry potter>"i'm so cynical and sarcastic xD"You could fill out a bingo card with this shit
No. 24938
File: 1442105440932.png (282.96 KB, 689x589, Fluid.png)

Why am I a 91% match with him?
Also his profile says "Into androgynous people" at the bottom and he keeps looking at my profile.
I am not your kawaii uke boy, go away.
No. 24947
File: 1442110015985.png (45.71 KB, 500x508, Screen Shot 2015-09-12 at 9.05…)

>>24934I did make a bingo card of things I hate when people try to describe themselves. If you only have a couple, you're ok. But if you're getting a bingo, you're way too tryhard. Anyone have some suggestions?
No. 24954
>>24947Self-diagnosed autism
Shitty tattoos
Gender Studies or similar bullshit degree
"Don't message me if you're a cis white male"
No. 24962
File: 1442117754923.jpg (164.41 KB, 548x467, nlclarks.jpg)

No. 24992
File: 1442126418209.png (142.64 KB, 591x498, lilaccwonder.png)

>>24452Worse than these brows?
No. 25005
No. 25072
File: 1442164488728.png (29.47 KB, 410x194, WTF.png)

Lol, this is why I don't use OKC anymore. Too much of this.
No. 25121
>>25072People who think they're "quirky" and think this shit will make them stand out.
I guess it probably works on some people.
No. 25142
File: 1442187048435.jpg (209.71 KB, 541x657, so-melancholy-guys.jpg)

No. 28722
File: 1442205338101.jpg (155.46 KB, 579x457, worldsbestmom.jpg)

They're breeding…
No. 28813
File: 1442225710765.png (731.69 KB, 430x1920, tumblr_nun28rgj8Y1r2kpq0o3_128…)

No. 28825
File: 1442230937905.png (121.32 KB, 558x426, yikes.png)

Almost spoilered this because this guy's profile picture legitimately scares me.
Also, what the hell is a "fagslut spacequeen"?
No. 28997
File: 1442269269529.png (19.39 KB, 523x174, whoreunion4lyfe.png)

No. 30041
File: 1442297186754.png (125.41 KB, 543x471, Screenshot.png)

"Fatass gay loser." At least he's self-aware
No. 30404
>>30041I thought that sign said "Emo Removal". Here I went and got my hopes up that we had a handy disposal center available.
No. 30467
File: 1442364049100.png (124.25 KB, 583x505, 5048-.png)

No. 33041
File: 1442490524271.jpg (275.09 KB, 574x854, bashbaq.jpg)

(puking emoji)
No. 33198
File: 1442509929160.jpg (60.24 KB, 640x480, LxBf7iFl.jpg)

>I spend a lot of time thinking about
>Magick and the occult, the tarot, Constellations, art, strange musical instruments i should learn to play, clouds, the fields and mountains of Virginia where i grew up, fairy tales, thunderstorms, the ocean.
No. 33293
>>33198oh god what
i can't even make fun of this, she (is that a tranny?) needs to get her ass to a dermatologist
No. 34028
File: 1442689136728.png (410.67 KB, 543x553, MFW.png)

OK, kind of an OKCupid story
>Boy and I mutual like each other on OKC
>Oh god, he's hot, 6'3, muscles, stong face, artist, smart.
>Talk about artists and TV shows we like, he thinks I'm cute.
>Decide to take it off of OKC and get to know each other on Facebook
>MFW he makes posts like this:
"I had to look up the proper usage of "ship" today, as in "I ship x and y," as in "I am voyeuristically desirous that these two persons or fictional characters should engage in emotional and sexual congress," or some bullshit like that.
I think this is a momento mori for most people, especially people my age, having only just recently grown into formal adulthood, away from the linguistic taste makers; a reminder of their age, moving ever forward, further and further from modern, fashional youth.
I, however, could not care less. I have never been even remotely in style to begin with, so there's really nothing to worry about in falling out of it
smile emoticon
I was quizzically looking up my own generation's slang in middle school, just as often as I do now, with newer terms, scoffing with an outsider's clinical apathy all the while, and I suspect I'll never change. I am decidedly fine with this. Being cool is a fool's game in which the player is destined to fail. What's in fashion today is old hat tomorrow. It's so much better, so much more satisfying, to be yourself, and love what pleases you, personally, rather than simply be a mirror for your time and place."
No. 34037
>>34028top kek
he tries so hard
But why not just date him anyway? As long as he doesn't act like that IRL, some cringy posts shouldn't be a dealbreaker.
No. 34041
>>34037That's the current plan, I mean I'm physically attracted to him, and he's not like that when we're talking, so maybe it's all a show? Maybe that's the thing that bothers me, I tend to not get along with very hipster-y people because they try so hard to seem intelligent and worldly and instead of letting it shine through naturally, they put on this faux-byronic act.
Now I'm the one talking like that, ha.
Oh well, if it doesn't work, it doesn't work, not like I really lose anything.
No. 34751
File: 1442741310820.jpg (157.4 KB, 549x451, ew.jpg)

"trans man"
…yeah fuck off
No. 34756
>>34755She doesn't want to pass for male; she just wants the label so she can pretend to be oppressed and special. The transtrender community has reached the point where a lot of them don't put any effort whatsoever into appearing non-cis.
The word "trans" is just a piece of fashion to these people. That's why most of them use a bunch of redundant and/or conflicting terms for their gender identity. It's like dressing head to toe in Givenchy. Except, in cases like hers, it's knock-off Givenchy bought off a street vendor in Chinatown.
No. 34780
>>34756Yeah, nah, I get you, I'm just sayin
Man, even if they were one of those tumblrinas that just cut their hair short to be ~omg so trans~ they would probably look more male than female
It's almost ironic, really
>Except, in cases like hers, it's knock-off Givenchy bought off a street vendor in Chinatownlmao
No. 34981
File: 1442805053429.jpg (214.89 KB, 574x668, spaceignition.jpg)

Abolish prisons! What a great idea. We'll just send all the murderers and rapists to your house then
No. 35035
File: 1442830594676.png (125.09 KB, 645x518, 612.png)

Cringe level: advanced
No. 35075
>>35018You and the other anons are right, I am being salty and picky. I think I'm one of those people who when I get what I want, I don't believe it and knit-pick.
Today he made a muscadine grape pie from scratch, I think it's worth it for pie.
>>34981What's with all of these tumblr/sjw kids and space? Especially with gender, is it like some try-hard David Bowie thing? Space and sci-fi was big with glam rock in the 70s but I don't think they're trying to copy that.
No. 35128
>>35088Don't worry, as long as you aren't a tumblr type, the space thing shouldn't be a problem. It really seems to be a style with them.
I acutally use a lot of horror/graveyard names for my online stuff, probably going to have to change that since sjws now use "spoopy" as an aesthetic. Brats would know Hammer Horror if it bit them in the ass.
>>35100Not really any long-term success, but some dates and I sometimes will befriend guys I didn't hit it off with. I do more going through messages I get than sending them out.
No. 35688
File: 1442959014795.jpg (224.74 KB, 579x567, opreshun.jpg)

No. 35791
File: 1442980867501.jpg (268.32 KB, 589x661, ew.jpg)

No. 35838
File: 1442997167957.png (82.1 KB, 513x480, 04_12.png)

No. 35900
>>35867It's definitely more common than most would think; intersex conditions do affect around 1 in 100 people total. It's also likely that being brought up in a culture that does place a lot of value/importance on fitting into a sex and gender binary also affects how many intersex people have trouble identifying fully with one gender or the other.
I have a friend who's nonbinary and intersex (who I've known since some 10 or so years before it started being the cool thing to identify as) that, for the reasons I mentioned, identifies the way they do.
Anyway, it's certainly more than possible for these tumblrinas to be faking it, but I just wanted to throw in my 2c.
No. 36129
>>36010Are you also in North Carolina anon?
So I disabled my OKCupid, it's just not worth it. Not enough lolz to justify keeping it for the humor anymore either.
I'd rather just meet someone IRL at this point, and if it doesn't happen, oh well. There have got to be nice guys who like guys outside of the internet right?
No. 36404
File: 1443130286569.jpg (352 KB, 567x980, sparklyloser.jpg)

No. 36535
>>36404tumblr hit me so hard after reading this
they are only thinking about "gender, heteronormativy, racism" also if you are white don't talk to them, even if they are white themselves, they are "white-passing" or some shit
No. 37051
>>22523compartmentalization: the profile
this person is the protagonist in their own movie and might be aware of it, cares way too much about what other people think, is extremely self-centered.
No. 37155
File: 1443393791421.png (133.37 KB, 570x676, wannabesb.png)

Someone should probably inform this guy that you need to actually be cute to be a sugar baby
No. 37547
File: 1443501257626.png (110.96 KB, 518x232, 42.png)

Lord, please end "non-binary"
No. 38047
File: 1443675515101.png (319.44 KB, 661x639, 00_07.png)

How many Bingo points for this one?
No. 38533
File: 1443833878840.png (160.98 KB, 697x589, fakeboi.png)

I'm too lazy to screencap the whole thing but I'll copypaste the profile's best bits.
PLEASEEEE DON'T BE SCARED OFF BY ME AND ALL MY NEW INFORMATION. ;-; (or the fact that I made some odd design box, I had to get your attention somehow… u.u ) Also. Don't message me just to tell me that I need to try more and have a lot of issues. I don't need to listen to your "meet society's standards" talk. Thanks.
I'm only looking for a relationship, no friendships, nor bottoms. I'm looking strictly for a top, FtM is okay with me, too! c: As long as you're dominant as fuck. n.n
I'm extremely honest so before you start liking me, I have a lot of issues. I could never list everything but some of the main ones that are an issue are the agoraphobia, panic attacks, anxiety attacks, my phobia of people, hospitals, doctors, loud noises, needles, pain, and rejection/judgment. When I'm in a relationship I freak the fuck out most of the times thinking that I'm going to fuck up which makes me very emotional. I have virtually no self-confidence left and I always assume people hate me, even when they say they love me. I can't work due to these problems, but if someone's willing to give me a chance to be a writer, and actually help me with it when I ask, I'd love to be an author. u.u
I demand a lot of attention, so if you can't handle bending backwards to a Princely uke, then you can move along. I have very specific wants and I won't stop until I find them (ultimately, I'll probably end up alone and with 300 cats because of it but… ). I never want to settle because that hurts both parties. I know. ;.;'
My ideal man: I've always dreamt of the same man since I started even liking the idea of a relationship. He's tall, accepting, pale, more skinny than muscular, light eyes (preferably blue), dark, long, straight hair (preferably black), with a dash of German and/or "asian", keeps himself well kept/groomed, loves cats, puts his significant other on a pedestal, sadomasochist, seme/dominant, a deep, soothing voice, biologically male, loving, a Mother's boy, okay with either gender/sex/neither/none/all, and would never cheat on me, provide for me and understand me.
I am strictly bottom. Let me explain. The dominant one should get pleasure from pleasing me. I don't give pleasure by submission… Such as, giving blowjobs, handjobs, footjobs, rimjobs, or butt-play. I'm 100% receiver, and I'm looking for someone the opposite of me. Someone willing to do whatever to me, and a lot. I'm searching for someone extremely dominant. nwn (Good luck me, 98% of people are submissive or think I view dominance wrong.) My dominant should know how to initiate and make me feel like royalty. c:
Also if you claim to be a match for me and you're 100% dominant. Then use cute faces like:
c: Q.Q XP nwn u.u OnO
:3 n.n o.o ;p ¶∆¶ ^^
Or any variation of those… I won't believe you're 100% dominant and probably won't find you attractive. :'c
Try to keep up with this: I HATE being called FtM because that's not really true. I'm gender-fluid but I go strictly by male pronouns and although my body may be biologically female, my dream is to be a Hermaphrodite. u.u I also LOVE being a trap, so I look female most of the time but freak the fuck out when someone calls me "she/her/lady/girl".
I'll talk to anyone, but I'll date almost no one.
Good luck, sailor. -Salute- nwn"
No. 38534
What I’m doing with my life
Trying to write… be an artist and not die. ;u;
I write yaoi, even though watching it makes me want to shoot myself. @-@'
And working doesnt seem to work with me… I quit. ;0;''
I’m really good at
Not much, according to me. I've been told art, though.
My English teachers have all told me I have a lot of potential to be a writer, also. n.n
The first things people usually notice about me
I'm a very feminine male– cute, even.
If they get passed that, usually they say my eyes catch their attention because they're "pretty". I barely make eye contact so.
The six things I could never do without
*My kitties
-I have three cats: Sasuke, Artemis, and Jarvis
*My Niichan
-He's my bestest friend and we've lived with each other for… 6ish years. He just helps me by keeping me up when I feel down and he also feeds me and gives me shelter. ._. And doesn't judge me on my issues. u_u He's like a brother to me and to like me, you have to like him. He's saved me MANY times.
*My arts
-I spend a lot of my time writing, drawing, and procrastinating to write and/or draw
-I am a hopeless romantic. ;.; I'm sorry
-I like to kick back and play at least once a week
-This is needed for my existence
I spend a lot of time thinking about
*Love but not leaving my niichan. ;-;
*My issues with myself and relationships
*Alternate worlds/dimensions
*Unanswerable questions
*Why people suck
*Why I suck
*Why I can't stop procrastinating
*My perfect man
*How rare it'd be to find my perfect man
*How even if I do find my perfect man he would have to have some flaws
*How he probably wouldn't like me anyway because I'm a Princely asshole
I'm sad now. I'm going to stop thinking. ._.
On a typical Friday night I am
Gaming, drawing or maybe writing.
I'm usually not big on the gaming anymore. If I had a choice, I'd go to a big, pretty cemetery every Friday night. With food and music. And I'd just sit there. Thinking freely.
Loathing my choice of weekend shift.
The most private thing I’m willing to admit
I'm genderqueer/gender-fluid and am okay with either of the pronouns, but I prefer male (98% of the time). It's cool to me to have a female bottom half but a boy top half- type o' body. I'm sorry I'm confusing. u_u My real dream is to be a hermaphrodite. You can read more about it in the bottom part of the self-summary.
You should message me if
You have any questions! Just ask. And if you think you're my type. I find dominance sexy so initiating the talking is a good step toward us. nwn
I'm GQ/GF. Sometimes I'll switch, if I really like you and you're lucky. Other than that, I'm strictly bottom. You can ask anything. c: I may not respond right away, though. I fear talking. ;_;' So it takes some confidence build up for me to message someone back.
No. 38558
>>38541Update on that, he's not /that/ bad, really into history and a bit conspiratorial, but he's alright. I've started to tease him when he gets haughty and he falls back to earth.
We had a whole conversation about hating tumblr people, how could I say no?
No. 38561
>>38533l m a o
this person's concept of domination and submission is completely fucking retarded on every level
No. 38585
>>38533>>38534just a thirsty heterosexual girl who is trying to be special
"tall, accepting, pale, more skinny than muscular, light eyes (preferably blue), dark, long, straight hair (preferably black), with a dash of German and/or "asian", keeps himself well kept/groomed, loves cats, puts his significant other on a pedestal, sadomasochist, seme/dominant, a deep, soothing voice, biologically male, loving, a Mother's boy, okay with either gender/sex/neither/none/all" she should go back to her yaoi fanfictions
No. 38586
>>38533>>38534read the deviantID I can't believe she is 22 and writes so much stupid things
No. 38652
File: 1443895813896.jpeg (66.25 KB, 450x800, 11284820067570337488.jpeg)

>>38533all of these demands and looking like this
No. 38842
>>38830She has an OKCupid, a DeviantArt, and a Facebook.
So if someone wants to do the honors.
No. 38855
>>38844 she made a fake profile and wrote:
I'm a boy. I have a male roommate that goes by the name "Csyrian". He says if anyone flirts with me. He'll kill them. We're in a three-way relationship with him and his boyfriend, Yoru. That's about all you need to know about that. I don't like females, I won't respond to messages from females. I only like males but again, flirting won't be tolerated. I'm only here for my Master, Csyrian. >__<
Friendly reminder, that "Csyrian" has female parts. She has issues. She is so stupid, someone should make thread about her
No. 38903
File: 1443978203592.png (232.35 KB, 502x518, Screen Shot 2015-10-04 at 10.0…)

>>38855There is a "roommate creeper" pic on Csyrian's page
No. 38907
>>38855Can't believe she didn't list herself as living in Japan too lmao
All the yaoi-loving weeaboo/visual kei fan fakebois of deviantart that existed up til 2011~2013 have become the "totes trans not faking it at all" and/or genderfluids of Tumblr.
No. 39143
>>36129I found my dude on /b/ back in the day, I got lucky as shit though. He's an amazing guy, we've been together for over 5 years now.
Try ooking outside of okcupid but still online, that way there's less pressure to form a couple and you can shop around and be 'friends' with a guy before you want to meet up
No. 39147
>>35035>anticapitalistI'm sure they have a good well thought out reason for saying this with well researched and rich in information arguments to back it up
No. 42251
File: 1444688787264.png (437.31 KB, 927x2068, xerox.png)

No. 42265
>>42251She sounds so annoying holy shit
>>39163TBH 14 is a lot
No. 55195
File: 1446880600603.png (121.04 KB, 555x475, 02_33.png)

I think this individual was posted here before but she had a different username
No. 55924
File: 1447043333707.png (71.96 KB, 291x399, 23_35.png)

I'm afraid to click on this profile.
No. 55936
File: 1447045912711.jpg (149.67 KB, 574x585, wowza.jpg)

actual human debris
No. 56005
File: 1447067253449.jpeg (31.04 KB, 558x558, nippon.jpeg)

>>55924Kevin C. in all his gloriousness.
Say nya!
No. 56018
>>55936I dont know if this is just me, but these people start to all sound the same
>no cis white male uwu>i'm they/them>mention something about capitalism cause they are so politically "woke"It's always all or one of those three.
>>42251>lmao le 4chon xDDD memesSad that this person sounds more tolerable that most of the others on here. At least I wouldn't be walking on eggshells, just suffering from memespeak 24/7 instead.
No. 56038
>>56005From the thumbnail on the front page I honestly got excited that this was an old photo of PT that I had never seen.
I'm disappointed.
No. 67035
>>67034Meant to reply to
>>42251Darn glitch won't let me delete my post
No. 76666
File: 1451558614268.png (114.99 KB, 996x492, slut4shrek.png)

it's obvious????????
No. 78453
File: 1452147266115.png (629.78 KB, 943x1735, kylieabdl.png)

It's not okcupid but holy shit
No. 87521
File: 1454168818104.png (135.98 KB, 1077x458, grimble.png)

>No beta orbiters
No. 88421
>>87521Is it just me or is there a lot of Alberta anons on here?
also it looks like there's something wrong with her right tit, it goes in and bulges out weirdly
No. 88589
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No. 88590
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No. 88591
File: 1454393444015.png (524.47 KB, 791x652, 1444049091408.png)

No. 88592
File: 1454393479616.jpg (351.67 KB, 1200x899, 1444049174856.jpg)

No. 88593
File: 1454393627177.png (63.95 KB, 456x528, 1423915393155.png)

No. 88603
File: 1454397644635.jpeg (59.63 KB, 540x960, received_10203417715791590.jpe…)

No. 98425
File: 1456519040627.jpg (47.17 KB, 736x623, 83f88688506cba0650cad82ce3560a…)

>>88592Is that a fucking female Ricky from Trailer Park Boys?
No. 255942
File: 1487770723333.png (1.65 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170222-133732.png)

Going to necro the thread to post some new content
I just have to share these weirdos with someone kek
No. 255944
File: 1487771295709.png (551.93 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170222-134752.png)

No. 255950
File: 1487772157011.png (685.69 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170222-140205.png)

No. 255984
File: 1487779728766.png (200.96 KB, 1048x514, Screen Shot 2017-02-22 at 11.1…)

way to bring up a dead thread, but I have many. I came across this gem today. I was too scared to click on the actual profile
No. 255988
File: 1487779893984.png (32.02 KB, 461x448, 16831328_1448473851864750_4673…)

No. 256799
>>17660i understood it and no it's not any cooler lol
>>17672"traveling, swallowing, dramamine" are lyrics from the modest mouse song "dramamine"
No. 256894
>>16615This guy added me on fb years ago (I've long since deleted) the top right photo was his old profile pic. The trans shit is all new. Back when I was like 15 and he kept adding all my 15 year old girl friends after I added him which was creepy because I knew I was the only mutual friend he had with any of them so he was just using me to add them. I messaged him like "wtf man I only added you because the one mutual we had was a good friend of mine why are you adding all these young girls I know you don't know because I'm your only mutual with them?(he had to have been a 20 something at the time)?" he was like "Ik its a problem" or something and I pressured him to delete some of them before I unfriended lol. If I hadn't deleted my fb years ago I'd post caps. Seeing how far he's fallen is crazy. Hope he figures his shit out.
>>16629You hit the nail on the head.
>>36010so terrifying
No. 257009
File: 1487946469100.png (322.92 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170224-142650.png)

This was his opening message to me
Nowhere in my profile does it say I'm into weird polygamy shit.
No. 257695
File: 1488010575457.png (116.13 KB, 1638x462, Screen Shot 2017-02-25 at 08.1…)

>>257653this whole website is mean. I think you should reevaluate why you're on here if that's an issue.
No. 259554
File: 1488192475294.png (555.49 KB, 440x766, x5etbz70fxfx.png)

No. 259558
File: 1488192628934.jpg (98.79 KB, 720x960, cal3B1j.jpg)

>>257687Yeah that's probably it.
The creepiest part is they kept viewing my profile all the time. Ewww.
Had to delete my profile. I'm going to just not date for a while lol.