File: 1670385433859.jpeg (128.01 KB, 958x528, 5FAB8548-0B52-4254-BD0A-0A312A…)

No. 1720732
While it’s been a common trend throughout internet history, recently there has been a huge spike of young girls/women falling into the same alt right pipeline young autistic moids go into, but purely for the male validation. This thread is about one of the worst pedobaiters/larpers ive seen, ‘Crimmy’ or real name ‘Crimson’, ranting about this enabling whore, how it is spreading pedo ideologies and how she is pushing this dirty disgusting shit into the public eye now right under our noses. Also her overuse of snow and cringe filters despite being ugly as fuck and just generally trying to look like a kid
Rel is all of her milk links, warning for vomit inducing cringe and gross pedo bullshit, click at your own risk, shes got a kofi where she posts semi nude cosplays but I won’t link because its disgusting!
>Current/old tiktok (2nd or 3rd account because she literally posts borderline cp)>New tiktok>Cringe larp loli voice (very very cringe)>More of the voice>Twitter full of pedobait and self hating misogyny>Gross tweets>Instagram>Orbiter discord general milk and random info:
‘super spoilt full on pedobaiter who has no concept of optics or how bad her fucked up posts are where she literally talks about wanting to get molested, dancing to songs with the word cunny in it while cosplaying as a loli and her orbiters call her their pedobait underage waifu, which she loves. She was also beaten up by a group of black people last year for calling them racist shit online without expecting repercussions. theres about 20 accounts with the same pfp of a lewd loli with the username ‘proudsimpv’ with varying numbers at the end that she interacts with and talks about ‘cunny’ with.
No. 1720739
File: 1670385778032.jpeg (790.64 KB, 828x1338, B922D56E-47CD-4B27-9BEE-D20205…)

She’s had her accounts deleted so many times and still acts shocked, gross filter abusing whore. also does the puffed out cheek thing and thinks shes bonbi
No. 1720851
File: 1670400302950.jpeg (40 KB, 572x803, 086CFE17-24D9-4DF0-93C4-7B5419…)

proud is a known pedophile, this was made known to her and she as well as other cosplayers ignored it due to him being 'nice' and funding some of her cosplays, screenshots are of proud being a pedo
No. 1720853
File: 1670400415859.jpeg (Spoiler Image,27.63 KB, 371x803, IMG_4626.jpeg)

more of proud
No. 1720855
File: 1670400868945.png (53.69 KB, 300x718, image.png)

incredibly anti semitic and racist but plays the victim when she faces consequences (gets banned/muted etc)
No. 1720873
File: 1670402787787.jpeg (122.59 KB, 828x443, A4E1FC15-3624-4543-B8D9-30F56E…)

>>1720870This was today kek, fuck off crimmy
No. 1720876
File: 1670402889441.jpeg (267.53 KB, 828x1223, 41EF3793-5794-48DE-B8BB-31910D…)

>>1720871tfw also calling out the pedos, this is just undeniable larp
No. 1720879
File: 1670402995271.jpeg (295.64 KB, 828x564, 862AF9A3-9B8E-49A2-AEE1-413BF0…)

>>1720877not a scrote i just hate pedobaiters, did u come from her orbit discord?
No. 1720886
File: 1670403252817.jpeg (Spoiler Image,557.56 KB, 828x1121, C3BC1FB2-15BD-43B0-AF53-F71D5F…)

>>1720884So her retweeting cosplays of a literal loli hentai isnt weird at all? wtf kek you guys r crezy
No. 1720887
File: 1670403478954.jpeg (557.97 KB, 828x1022, AD3A7425-6FD7-443C-A860-1DF6EA…)

>>1720884This is on her twt im confused, one of her semi old tiktoks she was cosplaying as a loli and used a sound that said cunny repeatedly
No. 1720903
File: 1670404989951.png (1.09 MB, 1186x776, pedo freak.png)

never heard of her until just now but went to her twitter and she seems so disgusting. mainly cosplaying loli characters, retweeting nsfw art of underaged characters, retweeting gross racist and misogynistic shit and referring to other women as "femcels" for getting her pedo lewd loli garbage taken down, making loli rape jokes, just an absolute horrid mess of a person. the unsaged (likely moid) wk in her thread freaking out is the cherry on top of it all. is she well-known among incel 4channer/altright types? seems like that's who she is trying to pander to. also here is her making a loli rape correction joke while cosplaying a loli character. fucking nasty racist pedo enabler.
No. 1720908
File: 1670405279265.jpeg (214.38 KB, 828x1181, BDCCD3FA-49E4-44D6-AD4E-17FE25…)

>>1720903OP here, i’ve been posting her a little recently just bcs she will not stop coming up in my feed because she’s somewhat local to my area. She’s definitely a newfag and the 4channers she knows are just disgusting coomer pedos, I highly doubt she even knows about any of these sites. I do feel a little bad for her but the fact she deleted her tiktok as soon as the wk started posting says a lot, there was a bunch of incriminating shit on there and her interacting with the person in these screenshots:
>>1720851>>1720853honestly i want more info on this proud guy, he’s terrifying
No. 1720911
File: 1670405757685.png (52.52 KB, 666x350, death to pedos.png)

>>1720908there is some genuine pedo commenting on her asuka cosplay thinking she is actually 14 years old… I feel like she must know about 4chan at the very least considering her being racist, pedo-enabling, and supporting misogyny to appeal to these demented scrotes. the sack of shit wk is probably gonna alert her to this thread sadly
No. 1720914
File: 1670406005378.jpeg (382.77 KB, 828x1091, FF587B3A-9379-4001-92C6-D55EC7…)

>>1720911oh no she knows, i think shes found out recently and started tailoring her cosplays and content directly to them. if you check her ig highlights its just full of gross loli voices and literally pedobait despite wk crying.
Rel, her talking about a child in a movie
No. 1720922
File: 1670406394866.jpeg (861.31 KB, 828x1444, 5D8599B9-C442-4E22-BC0F-E6DED3…)

bcs she deleted all her accounts and gets them banned weekly? fuck off moid
No. 1720930
File: 1670406815635.png (288.16 KB, 828x1430, IMG_7850.png)

Pedos get the rope! Not sure how you can't see this the only logical reason is that you're one of them.
No. 1720939
File: 1670407870095.jpeg (490.06 KB, 828x1404, D5718B44-2090-42E3-893C-26DEDD…)

>>1720934literally gross do you know how old he is?
No. 1720942
File: 1670408217341.png (125.49 KB, 328x452, CAEFA1B8-DA22-4923-AAFB-008EC4…)

>>1720861average pedo babble
No. 1720948
File: 1670408554639.jpeg (597.88 KB, 646x1004, 0C56B3D7-7492-4BE4-80E7-5FA0E2…)

if anymore of her orbiters come and try to claim she doesnt do weird shit, explain this.
scrotes are soo intent on defending girls like this its just so pathetic and sums up my opinion of them all.
any guy who likes this shit is 10x worse than she is, cope
No. 1720956
File: 1670409261351.jpeg (313.06 KB, 644x539, 3A2D022A-2F63-4E57-B0F1-C0CE47…)

the moid replying def told her, she deactivated her tiktok and now its back up, heres the tiktok of her literally cosplaying as a loli with the cunny audio
(also shes so gross/catfishy kek) No. 1720957
File: 1670409281543.png (Spoiler Image,1.07 MB, 1058x1222, filth.png)

>>1720948not the anon I'm replying to but I wanted to add her retweeting lewd asuka art - keep in mind asuka is 14 and she clearly knows that, see
>>1720739 No. 1720963
File: 1670410044627.webm (2.57 MB, 576x1024, ew pedo song dance.webm)
>>1720956she is probably gonna deactivate again, should upload the video here so there is proof. never uploaded a webm before so I hope this works - she is not cosplaying a loli in this webm but is still dancing to a pedo song
No. 1720966
File: 1670410400057.jpeg (281.37 KB, 578x582, 7CCD812D-4E28-4905-8BB2-932E5B…)

>>1720963kek im not a weeb so i wldnt know, ty tho, her entire tiktok is just pedo/racism/misogyny post after post, it doesnt even go as far as a month back and her life could be ruined with that account alone. i do not understand this mentality, poor little retard ugly girl
No. 1720968
File: 1670410872094.png (31.04 KB, 466x194, 17.png)

>>1720966I was going through it and in one of her tiktoks description she says she is 17?! that makes all the pedos obsessing over her even fucking worse if that is her actual age, a 17 year old posting nsfw loli cosplays and catering to creepy pedophile moids is insane. if truly 17 I think she is/was groomed
No. 1720969
File: 1670410900656.png (60.68 KB, 698x370, racism.png)

>>1720968here is her saying she hates minorities
No. 1720970
File: 1670410980567.png (93.15 KB, 1040x440, weird altrighter.png)

>>1720969and her complimenting kanye shortly after he made that weird comment that was supportive of hitler, and being a bible thumper. crazy shit
No. 1720971
File: 1670411042479.jpeg (616.16 KB, 828x1052, 00B08C41-FA94-436A-AFF2-5C80BE…)

>>1720968shes defo underage w this shit, but come on, isnt she a little too old? i think shes gonna end up like those cows in their 30s who try so hard to emulate how she looked at this age because she won’t get the scrote attention anymore.
also this isnt her setup kek, she has a broken laptop and pretends shes a ‘based’ pc neet
No. 1720972
File: 1670411257888.jpeg (544.37 KB, 828x1319, B5A9C549-25AF-461B-90E5-6FAACD…)

>>1720971samefagging bcs i worded it weirdly, shes definitely being groomed and while that is sad and awful, her monetising off of it while also shilling her retarded pedo/racism larp is omegacringe. she knows what shes doing.
>isnt she a little too old?i meant that the underage girls who usually do this public humiliation stuff are usually not bordering on adulthood
No. 1720981
>>1720971is she albanian, because if yes it then it makes a lot of sense since she comes from a misogynistic culture that also doesnt really allow any creativity or dressing alt in their communities otherwise you get immediately shunned.
But to be honest all of balkan is like that if you dont listen to the same music as them which is mostly shitty folk pub music, dress slightly different which means not looking like a village wannabe instahoe, have different religious views aka you dont align with the two popular religions which are orthodox or muslim, be mixed nationality's or race, are nice (this is a bad thing because people there argue all the time and are very judgemental and hateful so you open yourself up to bullying since they see being nice as a vulnerability),are tolerating of women, gays or darker people, have empathy, have a slight different personality than them which involves not being loud all day or hateful … immediately get branded a outcast and shunned.
Balkans are just a shitty place for women and humans in general, and even they move to live abroad to escape their shitty third world countries….they still bring their shitty ignorant behavior even to other countries. They never change or integrate.
The average life goal of a balkan person living abroad is to only get a expensive car so they can go home and flex their car to the other farmers and inbreeds in their country.
Oh and dont get me started on how animals/pets are treated in the balkans……
No. 1720986
>>1720984alot of balkan people live abroad. I know a couple of people personally from balkan countries who now live in australia.
Why out of all the flags in the world would she chose that one, also i think its a trend lately for alt-right pedopandering egirls to show their flags/nationalitys because they want to appeal to polfags.
No. 1720988
File: 1670413171051.jpeg (491.92 KB, 828x1216, DC278DD5-BDB2-4177-8D7A-1B3B8E…)

>>1720986> i think its a trend lately for alt-right pedopandering egirls to show their flags/nationalitys because they want to appeal to polfags.yes this, always albania, poland and germany, or really any european country.
also i’m pretty sure it isn’t her flag considering that isn’t her room
No. 1721030
File: 1670421546313.png (Spoiler Image,1.63 MB, 1280x1816, mesugaki.png)

>>1720903kek, are the western zoomers calling mesugaki "damn brat"? mesugaki correction is a literal lolicon hentai trope that's very popular right now, picrel
No. 1721073
File: 1670426956507.jpg (123.39 KB, 1139x1080, 1656146768106.jpg)

>>1721030I was better off not knowing what that was ….god she's too far gone
No. 1721135
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>>1721030did not need to see this but it definitely makes sense thats what she was referencing.
puffed out cheeks, and i saw someone in the comments say that the caption is a loli dogwhistle, she uses it across half of her posts
No. 1721158
File: 1670433153098.jpeg (366.22 KB, 828x1142, C08DA42D-BE9F-43BC-B40E-0A6A2D…)

i joined her orbiting discord and there is literally too much to even post here, also she found some of the threads and sperged and got her orbiters to circlejerk and make her feel better about it
No. 1721236
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>>1721171compilation, there are 100s more screenshots where this came from.
her entire servers larp is that its all a ‘joke’ and that they ban actual pedos. the only actual pedos they ban are the ones who cross the line with their gOdESs crimmy and try to take her from them. i guess shes sorta smart for covering her tracks by saying its a joke but this is literally undeniable, and the guys in her server are definitely not joking about this shit.
i literally couldnt stop cringing at her baity attentionfaggy messages, this girl clearly lacks attention or validation irl, and just spams her orbiter discord with photos of herself or begging for the members to validate her
No. 1721248
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>>1721239i’m pretty sure she is actually a minor but maybe because of being an anafag she’s gone wrinkly and most likely has too much definition/gauntness for them to believe she was a preteen without the filters/poses
No. 1721255
>>1721248Holy moley burrito face over here, goddamn.
Nah I think she’s at the very youngest probably 21, it’s still not an HD image but you can see she’s got a lot of texture to her skin and some slight lines in her forehead even though she’s not raising her eyebrows. She also has deep deep lines in her neck that are visible even in the shoopy filtered pics. Thin teens don’t get lines in their necks.
No. 1721263
>>1721255>Because of how i look i fuel pedos.Yes im totally sure your prematurely aged face is tempting men,
Absolute kek at this bitch looking exactly the same as the middle aged cosplayers posted here.
>>1721255She does look a lot older, i wouldnt be surprised if this is the new grift for e-girls to pretend to be younger. Honestly even lori lewd could pass younger than her.
No. 1721266
File: 1670437736309.jpeg (Spoiler Image,338.05 KB, 779x580, 57FCA498-AB3B-42FD-8F7E-D8179D…)

warning for loli ish imagery, i censored it to the best of my ability.
shes @moka, watch her and her orbiters self post again and say this is all a joke as well, kek
No. 1721299
File: 1670440107987.jpeg (654.97 KB, 828x1087, 85B8CB6B-6A9A-4EC4-8505-F28D8B…)

oh yes this is totally not pedobaiting and just cosplay and a joke, yes totally for sure mhm
No. 1721344
File: 1670442278685.png (11.39 KB, 493x64, 37206191-C990-43FA-A763-CC0798…)

one of her orbiters schizoing abt the thread
>’Peachy likes Crimmy’
you can’t make this shit up
No. 1721425
File: 1670447507646.jpg (38.09 KB, 564x645, itsher.jpg)

Is it the filter making her look like that? the puffed cheeks? or is her face just deformed
She's literally picrel
No. 1721512
File: 1670453224314.jpeg (217.77 KB, 485x652, DB3955E2-3C8F-4C7F-AA25-3E197A…)

>>1721425i’m asking myself the same thing. heres a photo of her when she was younger and her chin actually has regular proportions. maybe the braces made her chin smaller? or the retarded puffy face she does is making it look dumb like that
No. 1721533
File: 1670454245381.png (130.21 KB, 1256x663, F0C15C04-8DAD-43EE-8902-B6D04E…)

so now shes seen the thread and this is her biiig realisation post. typed like a retarded kid. one of her arguments was
>’i naturally look like this’
if puffing out your cheeks and editing every single photo is natural to her, she’s either coping or just braindead.
as said earlier in thread, she claims its all one big joke, and her server members that are also underage/stupid believe it and dickride her on literally whatever she says.
even when she was trying to defend herself, some of the pedos and creeps were replying with suspect things. but our cow has now realised that she’s got an audience, and refuses to interact. (she still needs the audience and attention, i’d give it a few days)
No. 1721537
File: 1670454406508.jpeg (304 KB, 788x590, 4695B9D5-618B-41C1-A371-90F897…)

if she truly does think its all a joke, why does she brag about her boyfriend, who certainly looks overage, being in college? at least keep your story consistent crimmy
No. 1721570
File: 1670456268227.webm (1.27 MB, 360x640, export_1670455592353.webm)
oh boy…
rn shes spamming these in her discord, many funny screenshots kek
No. 1721591
>>1721537what the fuck so is she dating/aka being groomed by her older pedo bf or is the college bf thing a joke? where are her parents?!
>>1721266these freaks are all definitely pedos and it's not a joke, the loli rape shit was already bad but you don't post photos of actual irl children and make inappropriate comments unless you're an unironic pedophile
No. 1721611
File: 1670458232996.png (4.14 MB, 828x1792, 12E61DDA-A836-47AF-B8FE-AD0345…)

>>1721591Not sure how old he is but he looks like hes over 18, she is constantly talking about being his loli and him impregnating her. Her tiktok bio is
>’Parent Managed @AbrahamDraitz’His actual name is Abraham Diaz as you can see in picrel.
his ig: discord is Stargazer#9227
same guy as quoted
>>1720972 No. 1721641
File: 1670459248760.jpeg (187.1 KB, 1500x2668, D5859BAE-0D30-4D4A-BF8F-411EDB…)

Im not sure if this is true but the guy in the bottom right corner apparently cleared Crimmys wishlist.
No. 1721659
File: 1670459564206.png (189.09 KB, 610x929, chrome_3hiiEBLFhR.png)

>>1721645kek im keeping this up for when the pedos inevitably get banned as proof of their degeneracy
No. 1721680
>>1721570i can't believe this cancerous fucking whore is dipping her grimy racist pedo fingers into danganronpa i wanna a log this fandom already has enough aids
also i hoped the spamming orbiters would at least be funny but these are all shit-tier zoomer memes. you think if they didn't have any reservations about offending people they'd at least come up with something better than what you'd hear in a middle school classroom but no
No. 1721683
File: 1670460214425.png (66.5 KB, 735x573, 570736A0-86C4-4F5C-ABCD-6442C4…)

i think all of the wks started coming after the post about ‘abraham diaz’ he was already freaking out when he first got posted. seethe pedophile. this shit goes deep
No. 1721703
File: 1670460710926.jpeg (266.28 KB, 788x489, 890D1708-2325-41D8-A1A1-94E96D…)

‘iTs AlL a JoKE wE’rE jUSt kIdS’
it doesnt matter either way this is just disgusting and i can guarantee half of her orbiters are 100 percent pedophiles
No. 1721709
File: 1670460966166.jpeg (503.01 KB, 828x1295, 4C759F80-0414-4ECC-A9C0-EC19FE…)

>>1721701one of the ppl spamming the thread gave us a new name, not sure how credible? probably isnt but putting it here just in case
‘Luca Guasto’ kings college
No. 1721719
File: 1670461453979.png (153.95 KB, 1227x647, ks0kdk.png)

one of the moids who spammed also gave their discord. luca#0009
No. 1721729
>>1721722she was posted a few days ago and found it then.
ever since her harem have been refreshing /snow/ everyday waiting for their loli waifu to be posted
No. 1721733
File: 1670462341818.jpeg (337.31 KB, 828x977, 55BF2A96-72FB-4F08-B4E1-BC2363…)

Entered the Moids discord. Theyre all in voice chat, this the Moid spamming, kek. what do we think?
No. 1721737
>>1721733yuck, typical zoomer lolicon chud.
laughable that these r the ppl she gets validation from
No. 1721755
File: 1670463847648.jpeg (299.02 KB, 828x965, 4639E02A-C76B-46BB-907C-62C90C…)

KEK this isnt her but why is this exactly what she does
No. 1721760
File: 1670464212640.jpeg (346.35 KB, 828x1327, FA98CA15-265C-45BB-BF59-E9B925…)

supposed 17 year old ‘non pedobaiter’ talking to her server full of adult men about her ‘innie vagina’ and her superiority to roasties
No. 1721762
File: 1670464396194.png (749.68 KB, 796x717, ijiji.png)

janny was so repulsed just like any normal being would be when they see a pig that escaped the slaughterhouse that they misspelled in a hurry. KEK lmao
No. 1721767
File: 1670465008947.webm (1.52 MB, 576x1024, terrorismlarp.webm)
she worked at burger king recently for a month or two but quit because her retarded zoomer adhd brain couldnt handle having any sort of responsibility.
good for her, pedopandering and getting temporary money from men who wont care about you when you turn 18 is a viable option too i guess.
too bad with her digital footprint she is never going to get a real job if they do any background checks, she's fucked herself for life over this shit, kek its what she deserves
No. 1721771
File: 1670465343201.webm (878.94 KB, 592x1280, crimtard.webm)
crimtard candid from a year or two ago, literally looks balding and like dobby from the side, ew!
No. 1721781
>>1721611He looks early 20s to me. Idk I think this girl is young but probably not 17. More like 19 to early 20s and lying about it. But I can definitely believe she got groomed as an actual minor. Maybe she started her downward spiral at 17 though.
It's sad, she's basically ruined her life to pander to broke moids. She'll wind up in a worse place than big shaynus by 25. Bleak.
No. 1721786
File: 1670466736410.png (215.49 KB, 361x641, chrome_LpwJosUlBk.png)

even after the thread went up she is still doing this spergy attention fag stuff.
i would say her parents didnt love her enough but i'm fairly sure they spoil and coddle her, she's probably crying in her mums bed about this right now.
(she frequently brags in her serv abt lying with her mum in bed, weird)
No. 1721794
File: 1670467220142.webm (692.29 KB, 320x640, cm-chat-media-video-105626a65-…)
No. 1721798
File: 1670467612036.png (13.25 KB, 285x138, chrome_DNRSVL1iiW.png)

i sleep at night happily knowing my entire life doesnt revolve around being attractive to pedos and relying on their compliments and presence to feel any sense of self worth.
her and her wks are gonna keep saying there are no pedos but if you join the discord every moid has 19-21 as their age range and some various assortment of loli imagery or cringe mid 20's moid shit like nfts.
the fact she even has 13 year olds in a server with possible men over the age of 22 is fucking disgusting.
nona over and out
No. 1721864
File: 1670473523022.png (384.75 KB, 391x426, sped.png)

>>1721760the things these uggos do for 10 minutes of attention from fat autistic scrotes
No. 1721870
File: 1670474026009.png (51.49 KB, 469x152, chrome_rsgNwOtUrK.png)

>>1721854just constantly talking about autistic shit to infantilise herself
No. 1721899
File: 1670477888428.png (68.42 KB, 155x275, 1593075955095.png)

>>1721618I'm the retard who replied and I was replying to
>>1720972 anyways I thought kiwithesmol was ugly this chick looks like an even uglier
older version of her kek. "I just look young and petite, that doesn't make me a pedophile. Hoe please you look like you've spent the last 20 years chainsmoking and chewin baccer.
No. 1721901
File: 1670478004624.jpg (561.56 KB, 1079x1190, Screenshot_20221208-003834_Ins…)

>>1721864Margo palermo looking ass bitch kek
No. 1721951
>>1721901ANON! I literally thought the same thing when i saw her especially this video
>>1721767She resembles margaret more than venus herself kek.
No. 1722036
File: 1670496863391.jpeg (318.65 KB, 828x776, 7E027627-483D-4C83-A870-2C3D1F…)

Crimmys never actually agreed with lolicon, if anything publicly anti-lolicon, She just has dumb shock attention seeking “trolling” value humour
No. 1722038
>>1722036posting pics and videos of actual living breathing children like in
>>1721266and thinking it's funny to make "jokes" about raping them is beyond evil. nobody gives a fuck if she tries to use the "b-but it's just a joke/trolling!" excuse to dodge responsibility, nobody is buying it. she and all the disgusting incel freaks that orbit her are pedophiles. raping kids isn't a joke and never will be. it's not humor you pedo-enabling weirdo
No. 1722054
File: 1670498859911.jpg (34.92 KB, 415x739, images.jpeg-7.jpg)

She's friends with multiple racists and pedos yet pretends to be "woke" by claiming its supposed to be trolling (joking about child rape isn't funny asshat). Hide behind any wall crimmy won't change that you're a pedo
No. 1722056
File: 1670499039699.jpeg (99.08 KB, 828x1792, 06FE1FFC-6E1D-420A-9546-74F496…)

‘she hates pedophiles’ ‘she thinks they’re so gross’ ofc she does.
No. 1722064
>>1722056that's the pedo pride flag, how is "joking" about being a proud pedophile funny? normal people who don't support diddling kids wouldn't find this funny at all, there's no way she's retarded enough to think she can keep relying on the "it's just a joke!" excuse
>>1722062looked it up and apparently is the map (minor attracted person aka pedo) pride flag
No. 1722066
>>1722064so true
nonnie, even if it was a bit for her mouth breathing subhuman male fans she has dragged it through the mud by now and genuinely needs to either make amends or bury all evidence of her doing it before it spirals
No. 1722662
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shes also friends with moids who routinely make nazi edits of her with the ugliest photos ever taken which she flaunts on her server or instagram story
No. 1722829
File: 1670571414531.jpeg (444.67 KB, 828x810, 368BA095-E2CA-4A94-BBAB-710C57…)

this is all just proof that scrotes dont care about actual attractiveness or personality, they only care about how childish and vulnerable a woman seems, how willing women are to submit to their desires.
blackpilled again.
No. 1722854
File: 1670574173260.jpeg (408.28 KB, 828x1440, 3D5DEFD3-7755-484C-9F0D-E58FCD…)

>>1721864in this pic and a bunch of other tiktoks shes just doing lowkey racist stuff like making fun of black people and stereotypes, doing a ‘roadman’ cosplay. here she is in her server self posting her tiktoks for attention and literally referring to herself as ‘roadloli’
No. 1722892
File: 1670579140216.jpeg (426.5 KB, 828x1350, AC87C199-CB53-4F58-9C91-84188A…)

kek her pedo discord got nuked because of this thread, good work and good riddance nonnies
No. 1722979
>>1722892eh i think thats worse sinces he will now try to be more discreet in her new one.
Also someone previously mentioned that she goes to the same school as her boyfriend groomer (they deleted their post). If thats true doesnt that mean she is the same age as him or a similiar age?
No. 1723150
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>>1723088Orangutan* and it was a kid
Her boyfriend flirts with other ethots and follows whores and shitty meme pages
No. 1723214
File: 1670614998924.png (283.22 KB, 828x1792, 45DB8A46-0F28-4015-A87D-CDD37A…)

she has another ig that she seems to be more active on, it's private but look at the sheer number of posts she's made on it
No. 1723558
File: 1670635629987.jpeg (283.4 KB, 828x933, FF57D265-3ADC-4DC7-BAD2-CA8A38…)

i really dont think she has a single clue what shes talking about, everything she says is to appeal to zoomer wannabe 4channers and old lolicon scrotes.
i can sympathise with younger girls who really have no idea what they’re doing and grow out of it, but crimtard literally reeks of letting this larp turn into a lifetime of pedo shit, eventually leading into being a pedo herself.
hopefully shes hate reading this thread and finally makes the decision to stop doing this shit for pedos online, otherwise she definitely has a fate like a lot of the other girls posted here kek
No. 1723645
File: 1670644585494.jpeg (257.51 KB, 828x534, 51CC521A-43A8-4DED-921D-0BDF63…)

apparently 17 and looks like a horse… shoops to oblivion and contorts her face into unnatural ways to look childlike, she only ends up looking more disabled
No. 1723657
>>1723558Kek I would rather date a tall qt guy than some ugly Mexican manlet
>>1721709 basic bitch, he has a berserk profile picture and idolizes Patrick Bateman. It’s like he’s an NPC who’s style is just regurgitation of “cool” edits he saw on tiktok. And he’s a pedo. I guess that makes anyone with an ounce of self esteem who doesn’t sit in a discord sharing pedo “jokes” a shallow bitch. I wonder what goes on in these girls’ minds, do they think expressing dissent for older women will stop them from aging?
No. 1723804
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>>1723789yeah she had a severe overbite and got braces, shes posted about it. im curious if thats why her chin disappeared? or maybe its bcs shes always overcompensating for the overbite and does the baby faces that it looks non existent
No. 1723813
>>1720981What the fuck are you talking about? Maybe it's true for Montenegro but the rest of the Balkans are fine with women. You only run into problems in villages or religious nutjobs
Alt kids are a fucking epidemic, especially in Belgrade and Vojvodina.
No. 1723816
>>1720981On a side note, dark skinned people, especially Black people, are seen as desirable and hot. Some Harvard study even showed that the Balkans are the most tolerant to Black people while the Czech are racist
And Orthodox Christians aren't the only ones. You erased Croatia from existence
(not-milk, sage) No. 1724223
File: 1670706115620.jpeg (166.49 KB, 783x347, 8EA2525B-FB03-41DC-8819-46B0A7…)

surprised no one has brought up her fucked up eyebrows, there r better examples in her videos. in some pics u can see the non existent blonde hair underneath and the shitty red pencil drawn on with squiggly lines, its always asymmetrical. side note she once again has privated her tiktok
No. 1724348
>>1724223Kek what the hell, her eyeliner sucks ass too. She must've gotten makeup tips from a pedo tranny.
>>1724237I thought it was shitty editing, but even in this unfiltered video
>>1721248 she has saggy swollen cheeks. I've never seen such an ugly face shape as this before. Looking like a new syndrome. Hideous inside and out.
No. 1725448
File: 1670826018534.jpeg (345 KB, 828x940, 4F183469-B51B-4980-9369-8EA3B3…)

lol new tiktok account and she posted this, doubt shes going to stop but are we worrying you crimmy? your posts are forever
No. 1726063
File: 1670899623640.png (499.4 KB, 503x596, ugly.png)

I love how she's hiding her deformed chin in this photo kek.
No. 1726712
File: 1670970787448.jpeg (26.21 KB, 120x211, BF8393A7-31EE-4018-93D4-DB4433…)

shes removed her linktree because of this thread, made the pedo discord private and started larping that shes ‘changed’ now. heres an unedited pic where you can see her actual chin
No. 1795610
>>1720855why are you crying about someone being "anti semitic"? are you jewish? why do you use some special word that specifically privileges jews over other races? shouldn't saying "racist" be enough? are you jewish?
are you jewish?
are you a jew?
>>1808352shes like 18 and still doing this shit. tradwife larp now, 'christian' to appease you nolife morons in her discord server. she talks in a baby voice, is a year 7 dropout and runs around with baby pacifiers cosplaying as 'lolis'. if she was 15, sure, shes a
victim. 16? cutting it close. shes well past the point of it being excusable. shes practically already ruined her life with this shit, so have fun with your retarded vile girlfriend and her disgusting overbite freak
No. 1808686
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Her head is literally shaped like a bean
No. 1809307
File: 1681597851706.webm (1.34 MB, 405x720, rapidsave.com_hips-zyorr10tl00…)
wasnt even aware of this but her pedo orbiters have a subreddit dedicated to her. its basically null and void aside from actual pedophiles reposting her cosplays as they would with an only fans influencers subreddit. its disturbing, and the content she creates for this shit makes me feel sick No. 1809311
File: 1681598187613.webm (2.8 MB, 405x720, rapidsave.com_vanilla-donvwn1o…)
>>1809307samefagging but i found proof that she fully erased her internet presence solely because of this thread, she might have also contacted the police because 'im being bullied for posting underage hentaiii!!!'
i wanted to include her femboy cosplays, shes fully convinced a large portion of her retard tiktok fans that shes an actual femboy, even though she larps as a racist/conservative/traditional/christian tradwife. its not surprising though, shes ugly enough to be a malnourished boy
No. 1824910
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>>1809311isn't loli nsfw/"underaged hentai" illegal in australia? like facing jail time for possessing it type illegal? she'd be the one getting in trouble with law enforcement if she called the cops kek. also some guy on her subreddit claimed he made a doxx video on her but there's a good chance he's lying so who knows
No. 1846854
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>>1835573censored but there is quite literally a groupchat in her name dedicated to tiktok orbiters sharing basically cp.
she is definitely still online and in these communities lol, just out of the public eye which if anything is scarier, because it isnt for the outward tiktok attention anymore
No. 1847074
File: 1686849908257.png (50.4 KB, 474x453, Die moid.png)

>>1847059Imagine cooming over a lolibaiter totally UWU KAWAII cosplayer who has rotted teeth kek
No. 1847209
File: 1686870080534.jpeg (94.96 KB, 828x895, 20550732-A74D-43D8-AF0F-323CD4…)

>>1847059newsflash, shes 18 now! even her little highschool friend admitted that crimtards a little too old to be doing this shit, ie; posting literal BABIES to servers full of pedos, dressing up and touting herself as under 13 y/o characters, and being a racist pickme on a public platform where literally anyone can see. if anything we’re just observant !
No. 1848379
>>1846854wow that's nasty. the y chromosome is a disease, these pedo scrotes need to be placed on some watchlist or registry
>>1847209I'm amazed she has not yet gotten arrested for saving and distributing lolicon shit, it's very illegal where she lives and since she's an adult she has no excuses anymore
No. 1871017
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GoatCurry Here Ask me questions if u want!(moid)