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No. 1752075
Pretty Pastel Please/PPP/Alex is a 29 year old Australian Youtuber known for her fashion hauls, Japan vlogs, rampant consoomerism and her parrot Archie.
>Used to live with her best friend/ex bf Sam and husband Dan in the same home - frequently milking the situation as content>Vids revolve around fast fashion and designer hauls up to $2000, then her struggling to declutter her hoard >Since the pandemic and her botched nose job PPP has spiralled, binge drinking, mixing meds and booze, not taking her meds for her collection of mental illnesses, and destroying her hair. Thinks that dying her hair a different colour every week during a drinking binge at 2am is quality content>Keeps a flock of doves in her home to shit freely on her floors and bed. Doesn't mind sleeping in a bird shit covered bed>Got a boob job and entered a hypersexual era despite claiming she might be ace >In a bout of mania, Alex decided to move to Tasmania and abandon her husband, flock of 26 birds and dogs in Sydney. Gave Dan an ultimatum of him moving to Tasmania to be with her, even though jobs in his field are scarce in the area>Sets up Gofundme to set up bird rescue/enable her animal hoarding tendencies/pay for move to Tasmania>Found a new group of genderqueer poly orbiters/fans who she calls the "NPCs" to validate and enable her mental breakdown. Her favourite of the group, creepy Clay, seems to be a replacement for Dan and has taken naked photos of her for IG>Claims Dan is moving to Tasmania to join her, but doesn't visit him for his bday and teases Nicole Kidman divorce photos on IG>Got evicted for turning her rental into a biohazard area of dove shit>Stole a chicken from someone's yard as the owners keep it outdoors and not in their bedroomSocials:
Main channel: channel: No. 1752096
File: 1674665376465.jpg (1.18 MB, 3264x2184, alex birds.jpg)

>>1752078She has hours and hours of vlog material about the free roaming birds so its difficult to find exactly what I'm looking for. Here's some caps of her and her birds in bed and in the shower. If you've ever kept birds you'll know they poop all the time and you can't train them to go in a specific area. I recall her or Dan talking about how frequently they need to change the bedsheets because of it.
>>1752079Apparently Sydney is bad for her mental health and she felt better on holiday in Tasmania without responsibilities (no shit) so she ditched Sydney. She did bring the birds over to Tasmania eventually after her husband got fed up of looking after them.
No. 1752128
>>1752124yeah archie has long since been abandoned for her new hoard of pigeons because he's hormonal and bites now i guess. not that she seems to do anything to try and help train him, since she can just share her bed with a bunch of bird lice-ridden pigeons instead to fill that gap.
OP i've been waiting for a thread on her for so long, so I'm glad this is here
No. 1752139
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I don't have the original version of it, but this is the current look of her gofundme that she originally started to buy land in tasmania to start an animal sanctuary. sometime after she decided to move to tasmania full time, she changed it to this and has yet to refund anyone who donated as far as I can tell. No. 1752486
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>>1752075wtf happened here
No. 1752654
>>1752128Very interesting considering Archie used to be in her intro and she'd usually start her videos saying "the bird stays"
Haven't followed her for years at this point but imma have to keep an eye on this thread now
No. 1752714
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>>1752692She said she lost it by doing keto, she was never that big imo but it was speculated that she got a tummy tuck after she lost weight.
I don’t know if she actually is anorexic, or does body checks. What’s the difference between existing/trying on clothes while thin and body checking?
But yeah it seems she’s suffering really bad from BDD either way. Her fucking with her gorgeous hair is the biggest shame.
No. 1752823
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Apparently she raised 60,000 of funds back in 2020 and instead of donating right away (as she promised beforehand) she fucked off to Japan first and people complained
(sourced from gurugossip, just for you guys)
No. 1752834
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also the guys on gg suspected she got a tummy tuck because she lost weight so quickly, it's hard to see in this video but you can spot a faint scar on her lower abdomen
No. 1756131
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>>1752486Wow thats sad, doesnt even look like the same person. Shes turning into the bird lady from alone 2.
No. 1756149
>>1756131there's absolutely no way this is real. she doesn't even remotely look like the same person–it's as if her face blew up and aged all at the same time.
cow behavior aside, this is really sad to see. she's really lost her identity and I honestly just want her to get some proper help.
No. 1756155
>>1752486>>1752589Her nose job was botched and left her nose bigger/swollen and it never went away even after a year, took the doctor way too long to admit how big of a failure it was.
I stumbled upon her nose job video only like a month ago so Im surprised to see her here when she seemed so sane just two years ago. Its really too bad about her surgery going so badly and her doctor lowkey gaslighting her about it. I empathize with her bdd and situation
No. 1756442
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>>1756441and I forget pic ok
No. 1756445
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retarded gg commentary aside
No. 1756448
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>>1756445Her husband is either cuck or they are getting divorced
No. 1756453
>>1756445that scrote is so ugly, he resembles kathys funko pop beast. as someone who has known of her over the years but never really been a viewer i think she looks fine right now. hair breakage aside, if she showered more and stopped dying the hair i think she could look wonderful. she has a nice body. the fake boobs are a little much but i can understand wanting to distract away from the botched nose job. is there any way she could still sue the surgeon? i feel he is partly responsible for this breakdown. also where are her doctors/therapists in all of this?
>>1756442this bird hoard is just out of control. can't be good for her health either. are birds known to carry any parasites that can make people crazy like how cats can cause toxoplasmosis?
>>1756448i don't get the speculation about the collar, as a non-kinkfag it just looks like an artsy minimalist jewelry design to me. i think any other normie would think the same. is kink just so engrained in peoples minds online now or is the necklace actually some sort of deeper signalling i don't know about? if not seems nitpicky/tinfoily to me.
No. 1756467
>>1756460Can she breathe again then?
>>1756453She looks like a hobo. Unstyled grown out greasy hair, strange outfit combinations, no make up which looks bad when you lack eyebrows and lashes, probably covered in bird shit since she hoards them.
ts not a good look, she looks as unstable as she seems, i hope she gets help.
No. 1756498
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Sage for not sure if milk or not, but was going through some of PPP's IG comments and it does seem like her and Sam (the ex, and the roommate at some point) have indeed unfollowed each other
No. 1756541
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Jesus the last video I watched of her was her trying to get the black dye out of her hair and I'd stopped regularly watching her since she seemed to be getting a bit weird/started coming off as really entitled and now she's off the deep end? she always had Holly Conrad or Jillian Vessey vibes to me she used to take it really personally when people would ask her pet questions when they were just curious about them as well as being really stingy about what brands she bought from when people would ask, she also was deleting comments when people were asking where Archie was since he's been such a huge part of her channel but she still kept multiple comments where people are asking if she's divorced
>>1756504not surprised with this she started getting into a weird crowd is she even still friends with that Grace girl she used to make videos with? it seems like she dropped all her pet care and responsibilities on her friends + family and fully ditched all of them especially since most of the captions on her Instagram are all about her new "REAL" friends or how "happy" she is now all these started after her mental breakdown post
No. 1756544
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here's the post she made about her "breakdown"
No. 1756550
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>>1756544Also the fact that the whole moving to Tasmania etc stuff seemed to start to get more intense with her medication changing - and the one she is now on (Luvox) lists mania as a possible side effect. Not saying that's the case, but I wonder if anyone that's been following her more actively has noticed the timing lining up? At least she herself mentions Luvox having changed her life a lot
No. 1756556
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>>1756544last 5 parts still reads like she just up and ditched her family and friends leaving them with the 20+ pigeons and Archie to take care of as well as whatever happened with the eviction
had issues getting this file uploaded for some reason
No. 1756636
Woah I haven't watched her in years. Crazy how so many youtubers have been going off the deep end ever since 2020. So sad to see her in this state. I always thought her and Dan were adorable together with their red hair. She looks fucking grotesque now holy shit.
>>1756621>can i just say btw, he's gotten really hotHe was hot to begin with, so now I'm curious lol.
No. 1756716
>>1756442 over 30 birds in just this picture.
>>1756448 wow, the skin on her nose looks off, maybe it's the lighting but it just doesn't look right. Like a bandaid of different skin
No. 1756722
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>>1756718She posted this today, seems like she will be dragging Archie along to Tasmania with her
No. 1756860
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>>1756722>>1756749I want to know how she thinks she'll be able to afford this apart from the insane cost for the land itself there's all the registration and licencing fees with the general money that goes into upkeeping an animal sanctuary I know she's probably abandoned that idea to shack up with whatever Polycue she's hanging around now but her history of setting these things up and then not coming through or letting any of the backers know what's going on is pretty scummy
No. 1757986
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never forget what they took from you
No. 1758765
>>1757979not the MILKIEST thing on the planet, so apologies if other anons feel this should've been saged, but she's made her instagram private, and has spent her entire day posting about chicken garbage, stupid poems about your classic 'maybe I should've loved you less and loved myself more', and the other host of self love, pitying garbage cesspool poetry. She's also put up a few things that mention being a wife–maybe wants to remind us all that she is, in fact, married?
1. advertises a massive gofundme for a 'rescue sanctuary' after saying that
2. she would no longer be posting on her main channel (with over 700k+ subscribers)
3. Seems to be spiraling more and more–does not have a concrete sense of identity (hair, surgeries, 'aesthetics')
This woman seems miserable.
No. 1759027
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>>1758893This is the only one I thought to grab! It’s been a busy day, so I apologize for the lack of further screenshots. I’ll make sure to grab them next time as I do know this is an image board haha
No. 1765661
File: 1676119337479.png (1.08 MB, 864x1374, Screenshot_20230211-074121.png)

Archie has arrived. The rest of her birds + her husband are still at their old home. Is he no longer going through bird-puberty?
No. 1766166
>>1765661I wonder where he’s better off, with her or with Dan. feel bad for Archie either way, there’s no way you can give enough attention to each when you have over a certain number of animals. I know it was bad that she left him behind when she fucked off to Tasmania, but I kinda worry for him being
with her, too.
No. 1766603
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what the fuck does she keep doing to her poor hair?
No. 1766637
>>1765900yeah she made it public again.
>>1766166archie is going to stay with some random woman she met, he's not even gonna be with alex.
No. 1766825
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Alex is posting unwashed kink lingerie pics again
No. 1768213
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>>1768169Related to Dan perhaps?
No. 1768547
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She posted a picture to her story, is this Dan? It doesn't really look like him
No. 1768595
>>1756445>>1756448>>1768547There's no way her and Dan are still together. It definitely seems she was jumping guy to guy in the past couple weeks, though the most recent one looks the most affectionate.
>>1768585>3rd nosejobShe's had three now? At this point it definitely seems like the damage done to her face was her own lack of proper aftercare
No. 1768596
She also does not need to share the details of every plan she thinks of and then drops never to mention again day themes of thiftmas, taz thrift shops, discord, bird sanctuary, redbubble, bird book, not posting on PPP anymore, changing the channel name of side channel, gaming online, 2nd nose job video, part 2 boob job video, wish wigs, wish shoes, etc.
No. 1768662
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A comment she left on her most recent post, she's talking about anything but what's happened between her and Dan, the NPC's or her old Syd friends
No. 1768776
>>1768690The same reason most people probably watched their preferred hauler. I watched her because her camera quality wasn't terrible compared to some other girls, but I also watched Roxxy and Mia Maples, so I have a specific kind of hauler I like. Usually, it's people who are able to spend on outrageous or specific color scheme-type stuff or even viral clothing items. I didn't like people like Pixie doing hauls or Naomi Jon because their voices and everything were just terrible. I hated how Naomi's camera quality was always all over the place and she thought that made her quirky and Jillian is just.. I stopped watching her over a decade ago.
I also couldn't spend what they did on the more over-the-top clothes at some even though I never wanted to shop at those ones like Roxxy doing whatever clothing brand that always stole Kim Kardashian's designer's designs. I can't remember their name anymore because I never heard about them. I also liked the animal aspect she had going for her, I adored Archie.
No. 1768801
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she's spamming her stories about what people were saying about her birds as well as responding to comments, I'd say she's reading here or the gurugossip thread but i've seen people on twitter and reddit discussing what's going on with her
No. 1768825
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>>1768728she's also deleted all pictures of her with Claye and pinned a post of her and Dan on her IG, I guess trying to hop into that Polycue didn't work out anyone with a working brain can figure out what happened he wouldn't be using "she" for his nonbinary partners, she tried to fuck around with or without Dans knowledge it didn't work out and now she's running back to him
No. 1768850
>>1768690Honestly, because I was living through her because I liked the idea of buying retarded kawiwi clothes, I also liked the parrot tbh.
Like I can't buy those clothes because I have to go out and look decent around people, I also hated how everything looked like it would crumble the moment I put it on, so looking at someone being able to wear those clothes, or being like "oh fuck this shit is crumbling as I'm putting it on" without having to spend any cent myself was nice, I didn't have to be disappointed or have any sorts of expectations on the things people like Alex would buy, I could enjoy the whole "unpacking experience" without having to deal with the many consequences like cleaning up, being disappointed on what I ended up getting, the hoarding aspect that would make anyone's house look like an absolute mess.
Nowadays I can't handle watching any videos like those because I find them utterly boring and soulless, but back then it was nice to watch people like Alex fumble in the portable dumb box so I didn't have to worry about anything else.
No. 1769364
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well, she deleted her Instagram for now
No. 1769506
>>1768690as a terminally poor person, it was fun to live vicariously and marvel at someone wasting all that money. as others have said, i liked her aesthetic, video quality, and archie, too.
i actually only started watching her side quest vlogs because of this thread but i kind of love them and i'm really sad that it all ended up this way, with her joining a queer polycule and blowing her life up. i really loved seeing her living her life and dealing (or not) with mental health struggles. she actually inspired me to go out and do stuff on my own for the first time in a while. I do hope she comes out of this alright, despite the bullshit she's pulled
No. 1770180
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No. 1770183
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Some GG users posted about her having a lolcow thread and she's been making story posts like this since
No. 1770201
>>1770183shes trying to hard to convince her audience its so obvious she's lying….
she has fallen apart and trying to glue the pieces back together
No. 1770212
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>>1770198Lmao this is so funny
No. 1770223
>>17686622 days ago she repeated she would refund the gofundme.
2 months ago she said she would refund the gofundme.
According to gofundme website "Your donors will receive their funds back in an average of 7-10 business days."
She clearly never activated the refund, just another confusing story for people to make rumors about, she could take her free time to return people's money.
No. 1770228
So glad this bint has a thread, I’ve been hatewatching from day 1. Living vicariously through someone else’s shopping addiction was cathartic and I’m not surprised she’s cracked. I think the botched nose job was the straw that broke the camel’s back in that regard
>>1770198>>1770212>I might be using a gossip site but at least it’s not THAT gossip site!Meanwhile they’re shipping PPP’s husband with her childhood friend as if that isn’t the most unhinged fan behaviour
I never had much time for PULL but at least they weren’t under any delusions of self-righteousness. Get a fuckin grip you silly bitches
No. 1770234
>>1766603>>1770183The only accurate information comes from Alex post has an older hairstyle in Alex, her hair was lighter and shorter in the live stream a few days ago.
Even her she is the accurate source post isn't accurate.
(not milk, pls sage) No. 1770254
>>1770212you forgot the "if she is suddenly hopping from dysgenic polyamorous group to group, that's fine! no judgment! and I completely support if she wants to do onlyfans, but also her nudes and lingerie shots are trashy bc uhh… underage fans"
proof that namefagging = virtue signaling, always. at least people on here are honest kek.
No. 1770918
>>1770372you're really proving the GG forum wrong about all their negative lolcow assumptions,
nonnie, great job.
No. 1773401

>>1773179This is am imageboard. next time post caps newfag. Major downgrade with her Tasmanian house and life.
>>1773232She must have been wealthy to afford that house and all of her garbage bought in her hauls because she isn't getting paid enough from YouTube to afford that lifestyle. Although if she is wealthy why would she be ebegging for cash for her birds and that charity thing?
No. 1773442
>>1773436You need to read this and don't put a space between sentences.
(farmhand applications are opening soon) No. 1782324
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>>1781977The house is sold and Dan was there without a wedding ring. I think its definitely divorce saga.
No. 1782377
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she’s back to pass agg trolling in an unsurprising turn of events
No. 1782452
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I thought I was on Lewis capaldi ig stories when this popped up
No. 1782851
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I can’t un see lewis capaldi(newfag)
No. 1782911
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She's publicly beefing with gurugossip now lol. Its also fucking hilarious how GG users talk about lolcow is soo mean to Alex and she should go after us instead but is too scared bc we'll try to get revenge on her. They pick apart every miniscule detail of her life but LC calling her a name or two is abhorrent.
No. 1782912
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Also, Alex is wearing Claye's shirt so all seems to be well in the polycule again. I can't believe she presumably left her husband for this catch of a man.
No. 1783100
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Before unkempt there was high fasHiOn bRanDS. Before that, pastel uwu. Before that, goth.. Before that, country girl!
No. 1783102
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No. 1783105
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Before keto?
No. 1783673
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>>1783653Always with the nooo heccin lolcow bad site!!
No. 1795332
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Alex posted a good morning instagram story in bed with dark curly Claye looking hair laying next to her.
No. 1805275
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No. 1805291
>>1805275Those were a whole lot of words to say nothing except that she's such a attention queen she's posting cry pictures about leaving the house she chose to abandon without explaining why still.
If she ever explains herself I'm curious what happened that supposedly traumatized her to leave her home and bird. The way she's acting I really doubt it's anything serious, if anything she might try and say her husband divorcing her AFTER she left him for Tanzania is the supposedly traumatic event cause I guess she expects him to act like an npc in her life. Was she expecting to keep both properties and Dan would care for it all?
No. 1805299
>>1805291I except she wants to frame it like Dan didn't want to be with her while she was so far away, poor tragic her over him not understanding her needs. Meanwhile shes smooching other dudes and has them in her bed I guess lmao
i would honestly not be surprised if he called her up and said hey our marriage isn't what I expected going into it because you've pissed off out of state with all these birds, I want a new bird of my own, I want a divorce. Then she's had a melt down because she'll "never have kids in the garden under the fruit trees."
Idk maybe should have considered that before abandoning the family home to have a grand time in Tasmania
No. 1805302
>>1805291I except she wants to frame it like Dan didn't want to be with her while she was so far away, poor tragic her over him not understanding her needs. Meanwhile shes smooching other dudes and has them in her bed I guess lmao
i would honestly not be surprised if he called her up and said hey our marriage isn't what I expected going into it because you've pissed off out of state with all these birds, I want a new bird of my own, I want a divorce. Then she's had a melt down because she'll "never have kids in the garden under the fruit trees."
Idk maybe should have considered that before abandoning the family home to have a grand time in Tasmania
>>1790755 it's giving Taylor Nichole Dean lmao
No. 1812462
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Alex has overshared about her failed marriage on her Instagram story, revealing why they split up.
TL;DR she’s blaming it all on her husband not wanting to have kids right now and not wanting to move to Tasmania
No. 1812463
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No. 1812464
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No. 1812465
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No. 1812466
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No. 1812469
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No. 1812471
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No. 1812472
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No. 1812474
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No. 1812475
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No. 1812550
>>1812462She forgot the part where she fucked that hobo looking guy.
Sucks for the abortion though, if true.
No. 1812553
>>1812472This is insane, it seems certain he was intentionally cruel when it gets to the point of holding her belongings hostage while abandoning her pets to the wild
>>1812462Ugh he sounds like a manipulator here, getting her to have an abortion while promising they will buy a house and start a family (directly opposing the first choice of an abortion) and going through the motions before backing out. Dishonest and shitty. Sounds like he strung her along for years with the promise of a family and then bailed.
No. 1812569
>>1812550I’m guessing that’s what the unspecified “incident” that happened over the phone that left her “traumatised and scared” and all her friends ditched her after was about. Why overshare about everything else but keep that one vague? Also “here’s a 10 page novella detailing all the ways my ex was shitty, manipulative, made me terminate my daughter, killed my pets, was responsible for my friends cutting me out of their lives forever, and traumatised me so badly I don’t even know who he is anymore, but let me end it by saying I still want to remain friends with him!” It’s like she asked herself how she could end her public evisceration of her ex who’s not a public figure with an audience like hers still looking like as good a person as possible. I don’t doubt her ex was shitty, but there’s not a single concession from her in there that maybe she was wrong too. Apparently Alex is blameless and always perfectly communicated her feelings and desires to her husband and never led him on either. Which is funny, because I’d bet her ex generally heard fuck all from her when she was busy having fun with her new friends in Tasmania. And I’m not defending it, it’s inexcusable, but that’s probably why he stopped taking care of her pets too. Probably thought “why am I busting my ass to take care of your mess so another guy can take naked photos of you?” She goes on about her mental health but apparently never stopped to consider his and how unfair it is to plop taking care of all those animals for at least 6 months on someone who was also likely stressed and depressed about their financial situation. Don’t get me wrong, fuck this moid, but the way she wrote this just annoyed me
No. 1812589
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She also is showing old screenshots of her and her ex husbands past convos lol
No. 1812591
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No. 1812592
File: 1682066163131.jpeg (264.3 KB, 1170x1999, 5E065C60-C4DB-4F61-B7DC-443AB2…)

Blasted her friend Caitlyn for not replying to her messages for all her followers to see. Kinda sus that her Sydney friends have been ghosting her she is definitely leaving stuff out in her story
No. 1812704
>>1812462He was
abusive and she stayed and then put her pets alone in the that situation. Both terrible people.
No. 1812731
>>1812704tbf in the midst of an
abusive relationship you usually have no clue how fucked the behaviours really are and it's really hard to truly internalize that the person you love who claims to love you back either doesn't or fundamentally can't. I could see her trusting him to care for the animals even if she thought he didn't treat her that well because it's one thing to treat a person like crap vs an innocent animal who depends on you for survival. blogpost but I personally assumed my ex would at least care for his own damn cat if I left because he claimed to love her with ten times the love he had for me. It took me seeing how he treated his own cat to see how evil abusers really are after years of darvo making me think I deserved xyz. Abusers mask their evil by getting a cat or a dog and publicly treating them well then ignoring them the rest of the time unless they decide it's playtime (and it's playtime even if that animal was sleeping soundly at the time). I don't doubt there are some other issues at play and Alex isn't perfect, but she needs to stay far away from this man and probably should just cut ties to the friends who took his side. Who knows how long he's been spreading lies about her to preemptively make her look crazy and him look good for the inevitable breakup
No. 1812763
>>1812757The thing that just doesn't make sense to me is why would she be trying to maintain friendship with Dan months after their falling out? I understand it takes time to realize how
abusive your relationship truly was, but if she is making these posts surely she is aware of it by now, and if the abuse involved her animals as well I feel like most people would not be able to get past that.
No. 1812809
>>1812763Not if she's holding out hope and doesn't see him as unfixable abuser still. She could just see it as a sad, shitty situation all around and while some part knows he's an asshole, she isn't actually calling him an abuser, we're calling it
abusive as third parties seeing what he did. Potentially also she still loves him and thinks they could work things out if he just "sees he's wrong and changes"
which I've seen women think in support groups. There are endless reasons for women to not be totally over or seeing the truth of their
abusive scrote and potentially run back to them, even knowing they're
abusive, if they don't have a good support system keeping them in reality. The brain likes going back to the "known devil" of abuse and ptsd likes to keep you there mentally too tricking you into thinking it's comforting to stay there.
Not trying to white knight though as she's certainly made mistakes but more giving possible explanations for the weird post-abuse behaviours
No. 1812871
>>1812731That makes sense but she clearly had too many pets to keep track of them all. How many if she couldn't fit them all in a car?!
And why leave them there if she had the ability to get them.
Not trying to equate them as clearly he is worse but she is not great either.
No. 1812940
>>1812731>Who knows how long he's been spreading lies about her to preemptively make her look crazy and him look good for the inevitable breakupAgree 100% as someone who has also seen something similar play out irl. You wouldn't believe the dedication some men have to lying their asses off about their supposed partners until you see it happen, and it causes so much shit since all these people have a very longstanding and completely false idea of the
victim. He could have been lying about her for years and definitely threw some whoppers in December for all her friends to suddenly go silent.
The fact he wrote "you don't trust me" in 2016 as a fact, and as if it wasn't a problem, is incredibly telling. Trusting your partner should be step 1, not something to brush off. He knew he was untrustworthy and didn't see a problem with that. Followed by some lovebombing.
No. 1813058
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Throwing shade at I think Lucy? who has been in a few of her videos before, the Instagram story has since been deleted
No. 1813059
File: 1682137225472.png (180.94 KB, 1170x2532, 7C184B63-D699-421F-9AA2-540C91…)

Screenshots of her paying Lucy, this story has also been deleted lol
Alex is airing out everything lol
No. 1813098
>>1813086This is pretty much what I was going to say. ‘Saint Dan’ coerced her into an abortion she clearly didn’t want and has then proceeded to kick the subject of kids into the long grass. I reckon that the ‘traumatising conversation’ was him saying he NEVER wanted kids.
I’d be willing to bet pound to a penny however that he meets, marries (once he’s divorced obvs) and has kids with the next relationship in pretty short order. Tale as old as time.
No. 1813125
>>1813121The abortion lead to depression and the state shes it. That coupled with everytime she thought they were at a place to start a family.
Like his career and her youtube career then Dan would say not yet.
It seems like a lot of their life, she didn't want and it started to wear her down.
Maybe if the narrative had been slightly different she wouldn't have the issues she has now.
Even when women think abortion is the best option many still struggle from long term mental health issues from it due to the what it's. She even stated the abortion caused her to really start having mental health issues.
And no one can deny how actually
abusive it was for Dan to say, either you get an abortion or I'm leaving you. Thats major manipulation.
No. 1813143
>>1812462This is miserably fucked up. It doesnt matter if she was actually "too young" (early 20s) to some of you. The fact of the matter is, that was really upsetting to her to have to terminate it. She didnt want to. but against her wishes, she did it for this man. This man who proceeded to gaslight her and string her further along with the promise of "after THIS we'll have a kid". He just kept pushing it off and actively seeking situations that would keep delaying it even further until she was no longer at an age where giving birth would be safe for her anymore, given her families health history. It was intentional. He knew she wanted kids, and he wanted to keep her, but DIDN'T want kids. So what does he do? Just lie to her. Best of both worlds. He gets to keep fucking her and having her and he never has to worry about anything else. No kids. No taking care of anyone else but himself. The pets probably drove him nuts. It probably infuriated him that he wanted everything from her but she kept finding a way to take care of something else-which she kept impulsively doing because she really just wanted actual children. So to add insult to injury, he just lets her pets out while she's gone. Because he never wanted any of them anyway, he just wanted his permanent flesh-light.
It sucks that it took her this long to figure it out and that she kept trying to appease him, but hopefully she can finally just move on and finding someone who does want kids. Her going batshit makes a little more sense now. Knowing she had to watch others around her have kids clearly was torture to her.
No. 1813223
>>1813058>>1813059What, she thinks because she paid someone
for a job, they owe her for life? Sorry your friend has a life of her own instead of becoming one of your “NPCs”
No. 1813248
Thank god Alex doesn’t have kids. She can’t even take care of her birds or brush her teeth or shower. God forbid she have to change a shitty diaper. Wouldn’t be just bird shit all over that home
>>1813058It’s amazing how Alex manages to find all of these friends who just up and drop her and cut her out of their lives permanently for no reason. What could possibly be the common denominator there?
No. 1813300
>>1813248>What could possibly be the common denominator there?>>1813296>sometimes when everyone drops you maybe the issue is you.Or sometimes they are an easy target for abusers. Once you've been abused once, it's much easier for other abusers to get a hold on you.
Don't know enough about her situation but sometimes people really are surrounded by terrible people.
No. 1813384
>>1813296Sage for no milk but I recall from one of her sidequest vlogs she was the one who pursued Dan. She had major oneitis with him and I think he settled and married her. I feel really badly for her about the abortion and I'm not white knighting for the moid when I say this because fuck men lol. But here's my 2 cents: I feel like she was head over heels for Dan, he didn't get a chance to fuck around like most men his age did since they were together for a while. So he fucked around with Alex and strung her along.
I'm not white knighting for Alex either since she's fucking unhinged for putting her friends on blast when she's YouTuber and influencer.
I feel like she used up all her friend's emotional labor and they couldn't take it anymore. I don't blame them, we all have our limits. Lucy is the only one who has a major social media presence but is savvy enough to where she'll recover. This whole situation is a shitshow.
No. 1813429
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Yeah, I'm not buying all of this either. Making her have an abortion and stringing her along for years is vile,
abusive scrote behaviour and Dan deserves everything he gets. But after everything Alex has done over the past few months why are you all so convinced she's telling the complete truth? She's clearly omitting so much from her story - the animal hoarding, the shagging the first unwashed scrote she laid eyes on in Tasmania, for example. And some of her Sydney friends have known her since school - I don't believe that there wouldn't be a single one that would doubt what Dan's been telling them - if that is what happened - and reach out to her. The abortion is horrible, and like other anons have said, I'm sure it's gone some way to contributing to her being so fucked up now, but her trying to blame it for all of her present shitty behaviour (the aforementioned hoarding and shagging, airing her dirty laundry in public) just seems like she's trying to manipulate her audience again.
>>1813396 I doubt it's Alex herself, just a load of Guru gossipers who need to either go back or learn to sage (as do you)
No. 1813603
>>1813598That's the vibe I get, seems like once her channel grew she stopped even talking to Alex,and now she's doing Japan Vlogs just like Alex did.
People can not like Alex but also realize she was probably used by certain people.
I stumbled on all this crap when I just wanted to know what happened to Archie.
I was never a big fan, just watched her videos occasionally, some people though are way to invested.
No. 1813635
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>>1813603found this post from GG and apparently Lucy inspired Alex to make videos. but Alex's channel blew up lol. they were both kawaii content creators and then became friends. then lucy started working for alex.
No. 1813656
>>1813266This is stupid as hell. Firstly, from the drink screenshot it's obvious alex copied the other girl, not the other way around. Secondly i don't know what planet you're living on but if my spouse spent a year lying in pigeon shit refusing to contribute to the household in any way, then left out of state, fucked a random hobo and posted nudes all over the internet, then came back home and was all shocked pikachu face that her husband and friends were upset about it, i'd consider them the
victims, not her.
lastly she doesn't look like she's starting to take care of herself, she looks like she's glued to imageboards and forums trollposting and shittalking all her former friends.
No. 1813680
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Lucy mopping up bird shit while Alex opens reams of crap she ordered off Amazon (but she was being financially abused apparently)
No. 1813724
>>1813694…"making you live in debt needlessly"? Are you talking about having a mortgage, something completely normal most people have because the vast majority of people don't have the cash to buy houses outright? Something which has multiple financial safeguards built into it and requires a huge amount of income checks and balances to process?
I don't suppose multiple cosmetic surgeries costing tens of thousands of dollars, expensive trips to Japan, and insane amounts of excessive spending on luxury and unneccesary items literally every month don't count as contributing to "needless debt"? If money was so tight why did Alex get a boob job mere months before everything fell apart?
No. 1813726
>>1813724THANK you anon. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills reading this thread. I don't understand people considering a mortgage as such a big deal, especially when one partner has such good job security. Imagine bringing 17 birds to free roam and shit all over your house, abandoning them for your partner to take care of, and then playing
victim about it. We all know Alex is not sane, I don't understand why anons are chomping at the bit to defend her unless her "NPCs" have found this thread.
No. 1813857
hard disagree with dan being the villain tbh, with how manic / bpd / whatever alex is and those text screenshots, plus all her sydney friends removing themselves from her life so abruptly that i wouldn't be surprised if it was a situation of selfish mania and dan doing his best to hold on to someone he loves, but it got to a breaking point.
when you're mentally ill it's hard to see that you're doing something wrong, you think everything is going fine, until it's not, when your partner either tells you and it blows up in your face and you spiral because you dont understand why- once again- a situation is fucked up and its your fault. it has to be HIS fault at some point right? why does he get to be so perfect? etc.
i think dan loved her, got in a bit over his head when her mental illness hit a all time awful scenario and he needed to dip, and her sydney friends were tired of her bpd shit too and up and left as well. it sucks, but it happens.
what i really hate them both for is being irresponsible enough to get knocked up and then having to terminate it, i hope she wasn't trying to baby trap him, but i wouldn't put it past someone with selfish bpd tendencies.
No. 1813918
>>1813874>gg people>cant even sageyou're fucking retarded if you think the state she's in is anything a sane, stable woman would do.
im not saying dan is a saint i'm just saying i don't think hes this megavillain people are siding with, too much of what she's psoted and said points more towards her as a catalyst (and the fact her friends also just up and left), im sure he probably lost his top and was shitty too but it is absolutely draining to live with a partner who has bipolar disorder or any sort of flavor of illness. its not surprising they fell apart but the true villain here is her mental health leading to self destruction, by what information we publically have to go off of.
No. 1813972
>>1813956she literally made her friend miss a flight to save a duck with no remorse, shit talks lucy out of envy or what the fuck ever, while uploading photos of her scraping up bird shit while alex opens packages on the floor, she talked about how dan had to work all day and all he asked was of her to do laundry only for her to be like "i don't know how!" and he, too, having to tackle that while she spiraled from her own admitted mental health of depression, then runs off to tasmania and gets involved with a literal soyboy looking poly duo while still married and parading everything was fine.
alex isn't a
victim, she made her bed and now she has to lie in it. i'm sure dan snapped at her quite a bit which made her paint that
abusive angle, but youd be out of your wits too if you were the one breadwinning while your partner would bitch you out for every little thing whilist moping around in bed and setting forth on a path of self destruction, someone you loved no doubt,and the only thing you get from it is your wife straight up and running off to another state to fuck some other man while claiming she was asexual when with you.
they weren't a good match, but she's no saint, literally with her own fucking reciepts proving so. stop pretending shes amber heard 2.0 or some shit, absolutely ridiculous
No. 1813986
>>1813956Very creepy to keep the focus on Alex and the multitudes of instances where she acted like a selfish turd who was incapable of seeing outside of herself, yeah totally lol. Dan isn't online, he's not the one putting out a consistent
victim narrative. Maybe he IS horrible, but we only have Alex's word for it and she's not like…sane, currently.
No. 1813990
>>1813972Alex may not be 100% a
victim but basically coercing someone into getting an abortion is unbelievably fucked up, more than not doing laundry and 'moping'. The stuff that followed (depression, dysfunctional relationship, lack of sex life) is hardly surprising if she felt like she had been led on/lied about having kids following the abortion. I'm not justifying the cheating or other stuff she's done but telling someone who really wants kids and has a shorter window of opportunity than most to get an abortion or you'll leave, then promising them you'll give them kids and never following through is enough to make anyone spiral
No. 1814037
>>1812618Not to mention she could have paid the fucking mortgage off pretty quickly if she didn't stop making content.
She could have been pumping out bird or animal content, haul content, Tasmania content. Literally anything. She barely posted, which means she was barely working. If I were Dan I'd be mad as fuck that we bought this house on her projected influencer earnings only to have it slow down as she stopped posting.
No. 1814113
>>1814037she made a second channel with long boring vlogs about Tasmania with her new weird spergy nonbinary friends. the content and quality dropped heavily. pretty painful to watch.
she uploaded a hello fresh sponsored video and it look like she put 0 effort into it.
No. 1814149
>>1813956>If you look at her past content she was level headed, calm, funny, kindI don't understand this because I always got bad vibes from her videos, and I've been aware of her clout chasing since she went by ausfoxfashion (she's scrubbed most of this from the internet)
She always justified her unhinged shopping habits as "muh channel" and people took it at face value, but she was spending $1000+ on hauls before her viewership was even big enough to generate much revenue. People would defend her as if it was her sole source of income when she was working a full-time marketing job until mid-2020 at least. She's very eloquent and persuasive and I can see how she could string along family/friends (and viewers) into trusting her judgement in the face of mounting evidence to the contrary. She constantly undermines herself with lots of little lies though and I guess everyone just reached breaking point.
She's often talked about being bullied and moving schools 8+ times. I wonder if her parents fostered a bit of a
victim complex and showered her with gifts/pets in place of modelling appropriate people skills. This is how she seems to approach her own friendships, i.e. showering with gifts & compliments while expecting a lot of one-sided emotional investment in return.
>>1813990>coercing someone into getting an abortionDid it really play out that way though? They were kids. I don't doubt it was traumatic but I also don't believe Dan strung her along. I think the combo of the new house requiring a lot of work & her mental health spiralling after the nose job came him pause for thought. It's a difficult situation.
>>1813857I agree with all this
No. 1814170
>>1813956Nice deflection. No one's pretending Dan's a saint; in fact if you knew how to read you'd see multiple people saying "I don't believe Dan's a saint either", one of which is only two posts above yours.
And no one's ignoring the "clearly spelled out" details of Alex's story. We're just taking it with a gallon of salt because she's a proven liar. You seem confused that we're not immediately accepting her posts as the definitive version of events, but why the fuck would we? She's a delusional narcissist.
No. 1814832
>>18148241. You have to sage when you post non milk (put ”sage” in the email field)
2. If you do post milk, you have to post screenshots of it
If you can’t then go back to GG
No. 1814975
>>1814944Alex copied the pastel aesthetic from the multitude of pastel insta girls circa 2017 when that aesthetic was popular. Lucy’s channel predates hers.
She had the financial means to buy piles of cheap “kawaii” fashion, the best equipment to document it and the freedom to jet off to Japan whenever she wanted, but it was always a superficial interest at best
No. 1815426
>>1815185Alex posted on insta in August 2018 stating she started her channel after watching Lucy's haul vides.
Alex's channel used to be posting.. smoothies/drink recipes.
When they met she said she used to scroll through Lucy's Instagram because it was so uwu calming.
No. 1815480
File: 1682504402953.webm (4.78 MB, 720x1280, more animal hoarding.webm)
>>1814433Here’s the chicken video. This video alone doesn’t capture how deranged she seems to be.
No. 1815511
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>>1815480Here are the rest of the related stories. In my opinion, they highlight how manic she currently (?) is.
No. 1815513
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>>1815512After this one she posted
No. 1815514
File: 1682513122754.webm (3.51 MB, 720x1280, fire.webm)
>>1815513This is the story that follows
No. 1815515
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>>1815514Another animal for her menagerie.
No. 1815586
>>1815515I love it when people post posed selfies of themselves asleep
Mad how she manages to frame buying a puppy from a breeder as some act of altruism. Also putting yourselves on a waitlist for a $2000 (AUD) puppy doesn’t really scream “financial difficulties”, but I’m starting to think her idea of financial difficulties differs slightly from most people’s.
No. 1815879
>>1815592seriously, and you know there's bird shit all over the place. how she doesn't have a parasite already is beyond me
maybe that's what caused the mental breakdown? that or the staph infection she got from her nose job did something fucky to her brain
how a grown adult, with money and apparent "fashion sense" (the de-clutter videos "omg it's designer though! alex wash your fucking hair) could be so filthy is WILD. images you can smell status
No. 1816025
>>1815586jesus, why would anyone pay $2000 and wait 2 years knowing that they could save a dog from death row tomorrow for next to nothing
just why
what sort of sociopath does that, especially one that claims to love animals
No. 1816775
>>1816206sage for dog sperg.
no, being on a wait-list usually means (of course, not 100% of the time) they are not over producing puppies/over breeding the bitch, therefore the individual has to wait and the breeder usually is picky about who they sell to and aids the to be owner to choose the best puppy for them (temperament wise), so even more waiting.
Puppy mills have no wait list and have dirt cheap dogs or over expensive "designer breeds" mutts, that they want to sell fast and dont care wether or not it fits your lifestyle, they whole puppy mill industry depends on impulsive buys. wait lists are good.
2000$ is slightly on the high end but within the norm for this breed of dog from a good breeder.
anyways this dogs are known for being barky as hell and high energy,and since its a herding dog, the puppies are tiny bitey demons she will soon be regretting this.
No. 1818464
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Pretty pastel passive aggression
No. 1818465
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At least she's not shitting on the floor like her birds are
No. 1820383
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I'm fucking dead, someone breaks into her house and the first thought she has is "I should get another pet!"
No. 1820458
>>1820383to be fair getting a dog would be wise if she has psychos trying to scare her like that, men are all shit scared of dogs and even the barking will generally get them to leave in a hurry.
I wonder if it's someone who follows her or just some rando?
No. 1825362
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Jesus christ. Stay on your meds and don't binge drink at 4am every night for 3 years, kids
No. 1826686
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No. 1827854
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According to Alex, person posting about Alex doing Q&A was not Alex and was posting without Alex consent.
No. 1831802
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>>1756445 to the anon on GG who brough up Clayes jacket. Interesting how she responds to a 3 month old comment.
No. 1840177
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prettypastelrpoof reddit got dmca takedown notice on 17 Alex instagram images and Alex started rant claiming it wasn't her.
No. 1840179
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Alex then started instantly reacting to gg comments over and over again, like making fun of someone calling her drunk by immediately taken a photo in bed with 3 empty wine bottles
No. 1857466
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Somebody was lurking
No. 1857468
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Threw out her entire kawiwi fast fashion pastel wardrobe and now spends hours online shopping for twitch views.
No. 1857582
July 3
Cat - Never has owned a tabby cat posted a friend's cat on her story and is not her cat
Archie - Will not bring Archie to new house because 1. it is a construction zone and has nowhere to put him 2. People know her address and come mess around with her animals.
Birds - Dumpling has gone missing (potentially stolen) Errol passed away assumption was of heart break.
Police - Has contacted police about people having address posted and shared around online and community knows about the situation and is supportive of Alex.
Depop - Was slow about shipping items out from depop shipping taking long time but items have made to destinations
Dan - Admits to doing things that hurt Dan. Went into light detail of a vague argument via phone calls and most seem to be misunderstanding.
Financial abuse - Dan took all Alex's belonging and put them into a storage unit Dan would not give location, access to belonging, access code/ key and wouldn't until Alex signed a document signing all her belongings over to Dan. Showed a snippet of a list of items with value of item (which was made by Dan's sister) items included shoes from Asos and Wish. This was so items could be sold and money split between Alex and Dan. Alex's belongings was in storage unit for 5 - 6 months with Alex having no access. Alex does now have access to her belongings again with the agreement of selling high value items to be sold and money split between her and Dan. Thinks that it would have been easier if her and Dan just sold the house and halfed the money instead of selling all of her belongings that Alex bought all with her own money.
Clothes - Since she did not have access to her belongings, she had to borrow people's clothes and people assumed that she slept with/ is sleeping with people because she had to borrow their clothes. Did start buying clothes and started exploring new outfits that aren't pastel due to Arden dressing her in a "goth" outfit and she liked it.
Sam - Is still important to Alex. She has been sending messages to him but no replies. Has been talking to Michelle. Last message received from Sam was in May (no specific date). Doesn't blame Sam for not talking to her due to one sided information given via Dan. Sam contact in person. Was the time Alex was in Sydney before sale of house. Tried to get Sam to talk sense into Dan about keeping her belongings in a storage unit with no access.
Archie - Archie is in Horbart being taken cared of by Nellie. Alex does not currently have a licence to own Archie.
Doves - Can't import Holly and other ring neck doves because Tasmania doesn't allow import of them due to the already established amount of them in Tassie. Ring neck doves currently live with Alex's Mum.
Moving - Alex says she would have moved if Dan had been given a job anywhere in the world in the attempt to keep the marriage together. Dan didn't want to move to Tasmania due to not many jobs/ jobs not paying as much as he earns in Sydney and not in a senior position as he is now.
Tasmania - Says coming to Tasmania saved her life.
Posting - Alex says people assume people posting on reddit and gg in support of her and people assume the posts are Alex when they are not.
Lucy - Alex gave Lucy a USB of content which she was meant to delegate to be edited, then upload it, but she had no time as her channel was growing. Alex went to Tas, met Tas crew who had video editing backgrounds, hired them to help edit videos. Dan told Lucy that Alex was going to fire her and that she was being replaced. Lucy is upset and offended at being replaced. A ‘friend’ told Alex that Dan has feelings for Lucy. Alex asked Lucy to not discuss the separation with Dan as he has feelings for her, and Lucy hasn’t spoken to Alex since. 2 months later, Alex’s dad went to their (now sold) house and Dan somehow knew how much Alex was earning on YouTube. Turns out Lucy still had access to Alex’s accounting software and told Dan what Alex was earning.
Caitlyn - A phone call with Dan was misinterpreted by Alex. She thought Dan was alluding to sleeping with Caitlin. After a later discussion, this apparently wasn’t what he meant. She later asked Caitlin if she was sleeping with Dan. Caitlin ignored her from then on. Also apparently Caitlin was trying to turn Sam and Michelle against Alex.
No. 1857590
File: 1688410184748.png (19.86 KB, 1188x203, ppp31.PNG)

She genuinely thinks this is cute and clever
I'm so embarrassed for her
No. 1857612
File: 1688413529480.png (22.09 KB, 1187x186, ppp30.PNG)

newest defamation lawsuit waiting to happen
No. 1857653
>>1857581>>1857582Thanks for the summary, this thread seems to have a lot of potential
>>1857612Wtf? Is this her? She's delusional
No. 1860079
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Alex reading gossip sites again
No. 1860080
File: 1688793776205.jpg (134.22 KB, 720x1600, her-latest-story-v0-gni1rm2hh8…)

Alex reading gossip sites again, but the next day
No. 1867747
File: 1689759279175.png (44.95 KB, 938x370, samtext.PNG)

^^Sam's text to her, apparently
Her simp backup ex-bf ripping her to shreds is very satisfying ngl. Narcs always have a meltdown when their orbiters stop centering them in their lives.
No. 1868234
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No. 1868988
File: 1689978360856.png (187.73 KB, 496x826, pp.png)

>>1868234>>1867747So the theory that she just dipped out left everyone behind, dropped her animals on them and started shacking up with Claye turned out to be true huh?
Ironic that she's still posting stories like this when she uprooted her entire life dropping all of her friends for her "mental health" and expecting Dan to also leave his entire life behind for a shiny new car she bought him, she really needs to look in a mirror at this point since there's a massive difference between prioritising your own mental health and dropping all your problems and animals on everyone else and then throwing a hissy fit when they rightfully stop talking to you because you make it abundantly clear to them how much you take them for granted and how little you really care about them
No. 1870221
>>1869789Where do you live that restraining orders are handed out for copious meme texts? That's not how any of that works.
The genders don't need to be flipped - the outcome is the same both ways. Zero restraining orders are going to be handed out because of unwanted texts. And if you call the police over them, they're going to be pissed you're wasting their time.
No. 1870553
File: 1690275004870.jpeg (135.28 KB, 498x800, 7E4FC11C-A07F-4131-9530-875F9E…)

The admins of the Discord created for Alex back in October, just announced Discord closure due to Alex ghosting them, you know Alex who hates when people ghost Alex.
No. 1870570
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Happiest she's ever been
No. 1874206
File: 1690893624550.jpg (221.53 KB, 1438x1080, 20230801_054146.jpg)

From Sept 30 PPPSQ youtube, saw on gg
No. 1884482
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What an admin posted in Alex's twitch discord
No. 1886711
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No. 1887340
>>1887292Nah, it was someone from gg.
Nevertheless, it is fucking weird to film a inspector, did he consent to be in her public instagram?
No. 1887964
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This new look is….interesting.
No. 1894873
"Happiest I've ever been"- Alex Dec 5th "No, I don't think I did anything wrong [….] I stand by anything I've done" - Alex July 18th "A summary is my husband abandoned me in the middle of an interstate move lol" - Alex July 31st …
A summary is Alex abandoned her husband in the middle of an interstate holiday lol. Appears Alex has a manic episode from not taking her meds, mixing meds and booze, binge drinking, binge vitamins, bad nutrition, botched nose jobs, not seeking therapy to confirm her diagnosis, overspending, hoarding many objects including now over 150 birds, and being terrible to her long term friends, shorts term friends, fans, and of course ex-husband.
No. 1894893
File: 1694160197831.png (1.79 MB, 1287x737, ppp.png)

>>1887964can you believe these images are only a few years apart lol what the hell happened to her. imagine if she moved to japan or korea not tasmania ahahah
No. 1894910
>>1894893It's actually kinda sad looking this. I remember her being mildly entertaining, moreso than other creators who did the same sort of haul content. Her Japan videos were also fun when she included her friends like Tiasha (wonder what happened with that friendship) but seeing that and reading through everything it makes me wonder how the fuck somebody goes from being married, having a nice home with a good group of friends, to a complete unadulterated Trainwreck who fucked over their entire life in not a very long amount of time. There has to be some sort of
trigger other than she was actually just always secretly a shitty person and was good at hiding it in the past behind a facade of cutesy pastel - girl needs some serious professional help
No. 1894993
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>>1894893She looks like Ranfren
No. 1895171
File: 1694203551348.jpeg (188.92 KB, 1170x1123, IMG_1850.jpeg)

>>1894886The GG PPP thread is almost milkier than PPP herself these days. I’ve never seen so much concern trolling. Pic related is especially delusional - apparently it’s a good thing none of the posters from earlier threads are around anymore because they were all vicious cyberbullies, and the current cohort are innocent former fans who would never call Alex a cunt, or post sensitive information to a gossip site, such as google earth screenshots and excerpts from her mother’s ancestry blog.
>>1894971>>1895154>>1895163That whole saga was so bizarre, and she keeps dragging it up again and again! She needs to rein in the powerlevelling or get off gossip sites altogether.
No. 1895485
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>>1894886Yeah this is the weirdest damage control I’ve ever seen. I guess her whole family’s been using a pseudonym for over 70 years. This is her dad’s Wikipedia page
> No. 1895569
File: 1694275442668.jpg (22.21 KB, 416x459, kick_sandie.jpg)

>>1895485 so this is her mom? i see a resemblance. i really didn't expect her parents to be karate pros kek, how random.
No. 1895654
>>1895485Ha! That’s kinda cool. I wonder if Alex picked up any of the moves throughout her life. She definitely adopted the Japanese lifestyle for a minute there, but lacks the discipline.. as we’ve seen.
I imagined her parents to be some office type people, not karate killaz lmao
(sage your shit) No. 1895800
File: 1694307348195.jpg (829.64 KB, 1079x1095, Screenshot_20230909_163439.jpg)

Posted 12.19.2015, not surprised did not internet clean up by even deleting own old other accounts
No. 1895806
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>>1895485She’s the spitting image of him lol
No. 1900043
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Gg dancingshoes found Alex fb burner account, milky
No. 1900046
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Gg dancingshoes found Alex fb burner account, milky. Jan is post separation Alex Dan, but Jan is PRE separation Claye Zeke. Dan's parents in Sydney, but Claye's parents in Tasmania area
No. 1908313
File: 1696355001345.jpg (255.68 KB, 1170x513, IMG_7692.jpg)

Alex posted part of her own dating profile, advertising cars and pigeons, you know Alex, the Ace, who has "no interest in getting into any official relationship while I am still married like we haven't actually even got divorced yet"
No. 1911715
File: 1696957321340.jpeg (96.75 KB, 770x800, 1578B896-DD70-4EE0-8AE6-4EDA80…)

Alex posted she went on a date with a girl, with a followup 2nd Sushi date
No. 1926328
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Alex claimed entire month of October she moved house again because of doxxing, but appears she might not have moved and is filming in living room of cottage painted blue, a greenscreen room, and someone else's house.
No. 1932990
>>1932363Her obsession with designer shit always rubbed me the wrong way. She started from ali/wish hauls, but then suddenly it was all about finding designer for cheap.
Girl, your birds are going to shit on your gucci. And it is absolutely as unsastainable and wasteful as your previous fast fashion hauls, except MUCH pricier, even secondhand.
Who is she even making this videos for?
Also "stay tuned for part 2, I didn't want this to be long", it's 20 minutes? And for the last years it's been painfully obvious she produces smidgeons of actual content and stretches them out for months and years to not lose her numbers/algorithm relevancy/brand deals.
Remember those video of each and every friend decluttering the same set of clothes for her? Where she comes back at the end and doesn't even try it on and talk it out, just says "no" and puts it back? What was that?
No. 1937595
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No. 1940385
File: 1702101319744.jpg (78.32 KB, 601x456, Snap_Dec.jpg)

Archive ausfoxfashion
No. 1946656
File: 1703363944539.jpg (369.36 KB, 1077x1915, 1000007749.jpg)

PPP tells tiktok sui attempt a year ago due to separation, right at australian divorce filing a year after separation(this isn't tiktok you can type the word)
No. 1947034
File: 1703472248824.mp4 (17.31 MB, “SUI”.mp4)

>>1946656Nona, you can say suicide. Anyway, here’s the TikTok. I don’t follow Alex very closely but this video is misleading. She completely glosses over her behaviour and how it contributed to the demise of her marriage.
No. 1958023
>>1954504She went from looking like a 20 year old to a 40 year old wine aunt, embarrassing
weight ages people like crazy until you're actually in your 50s and then a little extra fills in the wrinkles, before that its stupid as fuck to have excess fat regardless of bmi
No. 1964021
File: 1707435037042.mp4 (8 MB, 720x1280, 1000008375.mp4)

Sage old throwback thursday just saw from PPP instagram stories highlights 2023 Jun 3
No. 1977854
A year later, Alex is claiming the March 26 2023 curly hair in Tasmania bed photo was the dog … who was still living in Sydney at the time.
At 2 minutes 40 seconds into tiktok
No. 1984241
'You want me to unalive myself, uh, to save humanity? Uh, I don't actually need a reason. Just take me now.' -Alex
Also posted a week ago
'idk Why 18 year old me looks older than 30 year old me, but I'm here for it lol' - Alex
No. 1996890
File: 1716424517993.jpg (48.57 KB, 590x328, 1000010628.jpg)

Alex claimed she doesn't lie and is an open book. Alex claimed dozens of times she renovated cottage, moved, and got tenants last October. Alex claimed couldn't stream, youtube, or even discord for months because of move. This week during Alex's stream showed Claye in exact same disheveled unrenovated cottage room Alex streamed in last August.
No. 1996946
Alex is going to do a Shnozathon to fundraise for her 3rd nose job, even though it is a sponsorship requiring her to pay a deposit which would be reurned once video is posted and to pay for travel trip and hotel, which would be paid for by video views and profits.
Alex can't afford it, but is known for videos of I spent thousands of dollars on overconsumption.
Alex just sell BRZ car, WRX car, supposed 2nd house, Gucci Buyee items, designer bags and accessories, designer clothes that don't fit after your boob job, professional camera equipment, Sydney storage unit items, some of the over 100 animals that she is still buying recently.
Alex just work, post sponsored video, post any video for views, post on Twitch for subs and bits, post instagram ads, get a non social media job, or just borrow from parents and pay them back after video comes out.(post proof or sage your shit)
No. 1997825
File: 1716732357031.jpg (55.42 KB, 1215x636, ppp.JPG)

I randomly remembered her today and decided to check her out, what the hell happened to this chick? where's Archie?
No. 2002844
File: 1717978883966.jpg (73.14 KB, 440x800, 1000011348.jpg)

Archie hasn't lived with Alex since October 2022, moved in with a bird behaviorist February 2023, seems to be doing great.
Alex tapes her nose in order to breath better, still needs nose job 3 and money for refundable deposit.
Alex is busy making excuses for her bad behavior, using self and real diagnosis.
No. 2003629
File: 1718168343901.jpg (52.8 KB, 582x463, 1000011549.jpg)

Alex stan, longtime subscriber, from Alex Twitch discord, did a hostile took over PPP reddit thread by taking over mod, deleted a bunch of stuff, banned a bunch of people, made all new posts and comments mod approved only, and then made site private community where no one can view or contribute all in 24 hours
No. 2011473
File: 1720153408394.jpeg (474.8 KB, 828x1035, 79E59657-76A5-4D62-9BD5-14A3F0…)

This is really strange? Why the typo? Is this actually real? She’s passed? Anyone know more about this because I just don’t buy it, and neither does anyone in her comments on IG
No. 2011474
File: 1720153624518.png (1.65 MB, 1582x1570, Screen Shot 2024-07-05 at 2.26…)

>>2011473This can't be real, right?
No. 2011475
>>2011474Came here after seeing the instragram post, they changed the typo to 2024,
its insinuating she killed herself with the..
"If you or anyone you know is affected by this news, please reach out for help. You are not alone. In Australia, you can contact Beyond Blue at 1300 22 46 36 for confidential, free counselling."
pretty shocking if true..
(sage your shit) No. 2011477
File: 1720155542317.jpeg (15.14 KB, 1474x92, lu0tq2i4go9d1.jpeg)

Looked at a reddit page about her and apparently Clay posted this a week ago that "something happened" and hes not going to stream for several weeks, so maybe it is actually true. Cant believe she spiralled that much. it was sad watching her get more and more mentally ill from her vlogs but didnt think she would actually off herself.
No. 2011495
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No. 2011502
File: 1720168467403.jpeg (141.56 KB, 1021x2048, received_1209189457095184.jpeg)

It's real, people she knew irl have confirmed it
No. 2011503
File: 1720168496773.jpeg (120.42 KB, 1021x2048, received_1419102448769474.jpeg)

Another people she knew
No. 2011511
File: 1720174274106.jpeg (480.29 KB, 1170x2147, IMG_0242.jpeg)

Arden posted this. I think it was a sudden heart attack rather than suicide.
No. 2011513
File: 1720174658848.png (1.12 MB, 1080x1562, 1000012779.png)

Posted by Tiasha, I think it's time for the thread lock now
No. 2011523
>>2011511Idk, some places just say that the person suffered a heart attack whenever they don't know what to say, it's a safe way to say that someone died without saying what exactly happened. If this is real, I think it may have been a suicide rather than a sudden heart attack, specially because she was looking really rough last time I checked her thread
>>1984241And what she says this doesn't really sound like ~quirky relatable~ humor.
No. 2011526
>>2011523Yeah I get that, however the post is about heart disease. Everywhere is saying she died suddenly so it makes me think undetected heart disease led to cardiac arrest.
Arden’s post asks people to please go to the doctor and get their heart checked so.. yeah. But that’s just my opinion, apparently the family are releasing a memorial video after the funeral on Alex’s YouTube.
No. 2011533
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>>2011511I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a cardiac event. She alluded to all sorts of physical health issues, and any undetected heart issue would be exacerbated by her eating disorder/medication mismanagement/alcohol abuse.
I feel terrible for her parents though. It was pretty obvious she needed a serious intervention but there’s only so much you can do for your adult child. I can’t think of anything worse than your own child dying before you.
I’ll also be pouring one out for PurplePhoenix who now has to find a new
victim to “hold accountable”.
No. 2011536
>>2011533That last line
nonnie omg. I'm glad that the gg thread got locked rather quick before everyone could offer their grief.
No. 2011541
>>2011537She was very open about it in her side quest videos
>>2011538She was very open about it in her side quest videos
No. 2011543
Well this sucks, RIP Alex. I think a lot of people were rooting for her to bounce back.
>>2011533But who will lubby be victimised by now? She was banking on bringing up that offhand comment for the rest of time.
No. 2011594
>>2011588If her blood pressure was really low then it means her ehart wasnt pumping blood properly, kinda sounds like heart failure/myocarditis.
Either way sad. RIP Alex.
No. 2011628
>>2011511Didn’t really follow this thread but RIP to her, I do feel bad for her family cuz it is hard to lose someone, especially suddenly like that. Then again this may be a Lil Tay situation where the account was hacked by trolls but if so many of her IRL friends and family are posting about this it’s probably not, unless it’s one really dedicated troll but I doubt that
>>2011533Is that person milky enough for a thread cuz of having some obsession with Alex (ie RacistUncle with HollyBrown) or is that just some random GG user who got way too invested in a former cow?
No. 2011805
>>2011792I know I’m responding to bait but like, she was a mentally unwell woman living in a dilapidated cottage alongside hundreds of birds in a particularly cold winter with an already compromised respiratory system from surgery complications, and who’d recently complained about symptoms of low blood pressure. Lest we forget her hammering into walls full of asbestos last year. But it was the vaccine, sure.
>>2011801I just find it a bit mad that all her “fans” are crawling out of the woodwork to prostrate themselves now that she’s dead, when she’d been visibly declining for years and no one really rallied around her, just kinda took her word for it that she was the “happiest she’s ever been.”
I’m not wking her by any means - she was capable of terrible cruelty and her friends were justified in going no contact. It’s just a bit sick to see all these empty platitudes and righteous indignation now that she’s no longer here to benefit from the support.
Also nice to see Santa Fe At Bay monetising her death. She’ll get a good payday out of this lol
No. 2011873
>>2011792Reddit doesn't know the cause of her death yet, but is 100% sure it was suicide, and the ones to blame are all the evil snark and gossip pages, and no one else.
She really had a few fucked up years, and none of that was caused by snark.
No. 2011882
>>2011873Funny thing, she's had all
>>2011805 mentioned clearly going on AND she also had multiple surgeries and going under with an already weak heart for unnecessary procedures can worsen that heart condition considerably.
Most of it she has clearly done to herself, but no one WATCHED her do this to herself, they just watched her well-adjusted vids from years ago and assume suicide because mean boolies.
She did everything she could to worsen her supposed heart condition, even if she never knew of it. Tons of animals, unnecessary surgeries that likely fucked up not only her nose but her heart, drinking, so much more…
Is that really a surprise she'd die of some illness that she unknowingly made worse all her life? Or are bullies more likely? Some detectives.
No. 2011998
>>2011906I thought I didn't need to sage because I mentioned new information, sorry.
I can't believe that PurplePhoenix posted a "last summary", what a ghoul.
No. 2012146
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>>2012101>>2012104Definitely just concerned fans over there
No. 2012148
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No. 2069416
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For closure, we are adding this screenshot of her parents stating the coroner's verdict that PPP died of lymphocytic myocarditis. This post is from her Facebook page: