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No. 1804194
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No. 1804201
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Stumbled across in the wild
No. 1804205
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if this rapist is so happy with his second anus which “has been penetrated countless times and every single time men have ejaculated”, why does he keep writing long schizo rants on reddit?
No. 1804206
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No. 1804211
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of course they are
No. 1804212
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This greasy moid from my uni is harassing a man on his stories (calling him an enbyphobe, literally), all because the other guy wouldn't let males into the women's bathrooms– Specifically because of a 'nb' man had already used his NB status to try and rape a girl in that same bathroom in the past.
No. 1804216
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No. 1804227
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trannies really are crazy
No. 1804230
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No. 1804239
>>1804232it bothers me people think of this as a conspiracy when at least 2 living presidents are directly connected to child sex trafficking along with a ton of other elites through the epstein stuff.
like you meet some people who think literally everything is an op, but if you say "hey isn't it weird the people who got caught buying children made this really convenient loophole that will create something that is both legal and indistinguishable from cp\pedophilia?" you're crazy. they basically found a way to make nambla happen while bypassing the courts entirely.
No. 1804241
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Troon tried to shoot up school-
"Investigators found instructions on how to build homemade bombs and a whiteboard with the floor plan to Timberview Middle School in the bedroom of a former student accused of planning a mass shooting at the Colorado Springs school, according to arrest records obtained by The Gazette.
The Elbert County Sheriff's Office arrested William Whitworth, 19, on March 31 on suspicion of attempted first-degree murder and other charges after Whitworth admitted to wanting to shoot up a school, the affidavit states.
Deputies went to Whitworth's home after Whitworth's sister claimed that Whitworth was behaving violently and made references to school shootings earlier in the day.
Deputies found Whitworth lying in bed, drunk, in a room piled with trash that had several holes in the wall, according to the affidavit.
**The affidavit lists the defendant as male, but Whitworth's sister referred to Whitworth as "lily" and described her sibling as "their sister" when she spoke with investigators.
Eric Ross, a spokesperson for the 18th Judicial District Attorney’s Office, told The Gazette that Whitworth is in the process of transitioning to female.**
When authorities asked why Whitworth wanted to shoot up a school, Whitworth said: "No specific reason." Whitworth also admitted to being “about a third of the way from doing it (committing a mass shooting),”the affidavit states.
**Deputies found a “manifesto” with the names of mass shooters, political commentators and more while searching Whitworth's home, according to the affidavit.
They also found a notebook with instructions on how to make firearms using a 3D printer and how to build homemade bombs. Whitworth admitted to watching a YouTube video on how to build a detonator, according to the affidavit.
The affidavit states that Prairie Hills Elementary and Pine Creek High School, both in Colorado Springs, were also listed as “targets” in one of Whitworth’s notebooks, which also contained a “detailed list of numerous named individuals to be killed.”**
Deputies did not find any weapons in the home, but they did find a liquid that is used to clean firearms.
Whitworth is charged with two counts of attempted first-degree murder, menacing, criminal mischief and interference with staff, faculty or students of educational institutions.
Whitworth is being held on a $75,000 bond. Representatives from Academy District 20 in Colorado Springs did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
No. 1804263
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I didn’t see this posted here yet but apologies in advance if it was and I missed it. Lots of radblr drama going on with these males and their lesbian rape fetishes. This morialecc guy is a special type retard and seeing him be bullied by a bunch of lesbians and radfems these past few days has warmed my heart a bit
No. 1804285
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dem giant hands
No. 1804286
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No. 1804288
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>>1804241>several holes in the wallHe trooned out and it didn't magically cure his aggressive moidness, WHO KNEW
No. 1804292
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No. 1804295
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>>1804292This is him… I think they know dude
No. 1804319
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>>1804241watch how they will respect
his pronouns and non-legal troon name whilst Audrey Hale's haven't been respected once in a media outlet kek
No. 1804332
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>i trust children to know what’s best for them
the retardation is beyond me
No. 1804361
>>1804241This troon is larping so hard>Whitworth said the manifesto was four pages long and had "schizophrenic rants" on them. However, the affidavit states when deputies asked if she was schizophrenic, she replied "I hope not.">According to the affidavit, one of the notebooks also had a list of various mass shooters, serial killers, politicians, and entertainers with commentary on each.Below is how the names were listed in the affidavit:
Eric and Dylan: Losers
Adam Lanza: To smart
Isreal Keyes: Degenerate
Lauren Southern: Pathetic
Vaush: Terrorist
Donald J. Trump: Con-mam
Bad cops: Useless garbage
Stockholm, Name: Liam K.
Fucking name-dropping vaush of all people
No. 1804373
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>>1804321The replies are hilarious. Troons are peaking troons now lmao
No. 1804381
>>1804361>Vaush: TerroristKEK but why? no one loves troons more than him.
>found "The Communist Manifesto" by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engelsand of course he was also larping as a communist. did he skate over the part about material reality?
No. 1804403
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wasn't sure if i should post this here or in the dyldo thread but heres some "comedy" that came up on my fyp
No. 1804404
>>1804397ugh yes. alienating kids from their parents and their peers. teaching them its normal to keep secrets. fuck this cancer.
also allowing ex-offenders to scrub their records through transition and name change, and end up working/volunteering at organisations with children. how many times have we seen this?
No. 1804405
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>>1804403and the cherry on top from the comment section
No. 1804408
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>>1804403>straight woman>lesbianboth male theatre kids. pathtietc. go drink your piss beer and leave women alone.
No. 1804410
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No. 1804439
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Bruh even in a stupid pancakes tik tok they bring up the jkr trans rights bullshit. My god this is insufferable
No. 1804443
>>1804332"I trust children to know whats best for them <3" It has never been the case that children know whats best for them, if we let them do whatever they wanted they'd get fucking minecraft tattoos and eat cookies for every meal. My parents had that kind of "hands-off" approach and now I'm left peeved because I don't feel like anyone was guiding me away from the dumb stuff I did.
And don't get me STARTED on how children don't have a firm grasp on the difference between gender stereotypes, sex, and general insecurity with their bodies. When I was a kid I wanted to troon out cause of Dave Strider, but I was too young too understand that I didn't want to be a male, I wanted to be Dave Strider because he embodied what I wanted to be: attractive, confident, cool. I didn't understand that at the time, or that just because I didn't like dressing as a woman didn't make me any less of one. If someone had given me HRT, ruined my health and fertility over some childhood wish that went away as soon as I grew security and confidence, holy fuck.
No. 1804451
>>1804443Tinfoil but I really do think they’re going to try to slowly normalize pedophilia again in the next decade. I see posts where any criticism is met with “oh so I guess you don’t view kids as humans who deserve autonomy”… They think teachers who encourage kids to be trans are heroes and the parents MUST be
abusive bigots if the kids keep it from them. Separating
victims from families is textbook grooming. But it won’t end here. Men (from all political parties and walks of life) are pissed that they’ve been recently getting shamed or “cancelled” for fucking teenagers or sexually harassing them when it was accepted as recently as the early 2000s. They want it back but with more certainty
No. 1804466
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>>1804232>>1804230The wildest part is this sounds shockingly similar to those "3rd gender" nonsense homophobic cultures used to groom children into being sex slaves.
No. 1804493
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>>1804212wow you go to uni with this guy?
No. 1804495
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No. 1804496
>>1804495This is the most misogynstic thing I've ever seen
Being female is not "collecting and becoming erotic visions" literally how did this guy get away with saying this?
No. 1804506
>>1804337This has always been a thing in all social justice movements tbf, you still find
PoC bringing up "tone policing" to this day
No. 1804508
Nonnies I've been putting it off but I think it’s time to share my experience with a degen MTF that ruined my friends life.
(sorry if the green text is terrible, it’s my first time writing)
> be me at 17 really small group of nerdy weeb friends all my age 3 guys, 3 girls but only 2 are relevant
> One girl (I’ll call her V) is super friendly and sweet, top of the class, very strong willed, really fit and slim. Amazing person 10/10
> One guy (I’ll call S) scrawny nerdy guy, ginger bowlcut , overly protective religious mother, always quiet.
> a few months after meeting V and S started dating, first relationship either had been in, seemed really sweet, everyone supported it (myself included)
> V and S are still together at the end of high school, won cutest couple in yearbook, both go to university together in a different state.
> 2 years later
> Myself and friends hadn’t seen V and S in a while we all kind of drifted apart. V and S didn’t come back to visit the state until now, Neither really used social media aside from discord and steam VoiceChat .
> we meet at a place for dinner, myself and 3 friends waiting for V and S
> V walks in and is unrecognisable, she gained at least 30kg (65 pounds) and was wearing an Ill-fitting dress and messy hair. V always cared a lot about fitness and maintaining her appearance, was a big shock.
> S walks in holding her waist same appearance except longer, scraggly hair.
> V doesn’t talk much all night, every time we try to talk to her about life she changes the subject to vidya or anime
> S talking about his MTG collection and how him and V are going to Japan soon, just weeb stuff. Neither want to talk about life or University.
> my female friends and I try to talk to V and make sure everything’s okay, she says she’s fine and eventually just stops responding. We aren’t that close anymore so didn’t push it (stupid mistake)
> 2 more years later
> barely heard from V but S was posing all this tranny bullshit everywhere all over social media, friends who still played Vidya with him said he was constantly sharing stories of his an V’s sex life, like how he liked being called Ashlee in sex (his mothers name)and some other strange stuff
>V moved back to my state, she was broke, moved in with an aunt and had gained another 20kg. S stayed in the other state, publicly trooned out going by the most typical tranny name ( take a guess)
> V opens up to us a few weeks after coming back, Turns out she dropped out of university a little under 3 years ago, S became incredibly controlling and believed she was talking to men at university and threatened to kill himself if she didn’t drop out, S dropped out a little after.
> S didn’t want V to leave the house Incase she talked to other men, to support them while they where both living in a different state S worked as a manager at a fast food restraunt. V stayed home and watched anime and Vidya as S threatened suicide whenever she spoke of working or moving.
> apparently S trooned out when he left university but did not make it public untill years later.
> V found out that he had this degenerate feeding fetish when they were in high school, she ended up finding his laptop full of images like (PIC REL spoiler cas gross) and he laughed it off saying “it was only fantasy”
> she ended up catching him putting stuff in her food a few times while they where living together. His family owned a restaurant and he was always an excellent cook so he did most of the cooking. He coated everything in oil butter (salads, burgers, curries) alongside everything. Made her ridiculous portions for university lunches.
> He was obsessed with her stomach, constantly playing with it, but always chastising her for her weight gain, he teased her and she was incredibly self-conscious and isolated herself , she said he would refuse to let her buy new clothes because she could “ loose weight to get back into them” and as he was the only one working she didn’t have the finances to afford them very often.
>He made jokes to his friends and coworkers about how he “made his GF fat without her knowing” V was incredibly depressed the whole time she was living with him, she didn’t have close family or friends and didn’t know how to get out of this situation.
> V decides to leave S and move back home when she discovered he had been cheating with numerous women at his work.
>”All the lesbians love my girlcock, teehee”
>S gets angry at V leaving suddenly, spreads her nudes all over feederism sites and reddit (sends some to myself and other friends)
> S is still living in a different state but has a few SA allegations against him from different women, fired from his Fast food job and is couch surfing.
> His big in The trans community in the state, always wearing the most unappealing pink tutus with badly applied drag makeup, Scraggly balding moid hair.
> shoplifted hundreds of dollars worth makeup from a store and had his hideous mugshot posted online when he was caught.
> S is now living with a 17 YO girl (just legal in this state)
> V is rebuilding her life after this moid sucked the life out of her for about 6 years, she’s dating a decent nigel, working and studying
Looking back on it V was definantly naive but I really feel for her, S was a manipulative, controlling degenerate.
\(you tried)
No. 1804515
>>1804451I don't think this is tinfoil at all
nonnie. It's already happening.
No. 1804516
>>1804451I don't think anyone will ever normalize pedophilia, but I'm sure a lot of people think this way. My tinfoil is that the troon agenda is the reason we have so many retarded conservatives now, especially women. They look at this shit and think "Yea conservatives are dumb as fuck and hate women, but at least me and my daughter can use the bathroom or locker room without a naked man masturbating in our stolen underwear in front of us".
>>1804494Tinfoil № 2, most troons, at least all the AGP ones, know they don't pass and that nobody thinks that they are women, they don't actually believe they are women themselves, they just know if they claim they are tannies they will be allowed to harass women in women's spaces. Most of them (minus the ones who troon-trapped their wives) are absolute incels and that is the only way they can get closer to women. Troons know that handmaidens are lying to them to be polite/because they are scared and they like that.
No. 1804559
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>>1804254This state is weird, especially the Eastern side of the state. And Colorado Springs is this weird military city with Focus on the Family. There's no art or subcultures thriving there. Also, apparently, Colorado Springs has the most overall drug use in the US? I found it a bit surprising, but not really. Everyone I know who lives there has/had a drinking or drug problem.
Idk what exactly it is, but the four military bases + NORAD in one place definitely has something to do with it.
No. 1804560
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Anyone else notice how TRAs always tie the hatred of TERFs to SWERFs? It’s so telling left wing men who prioritize trannies also criticize women for being concerned with how dangerous sex work is. I wonder how many allies have gone to brothels?
No. 1804561
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>>1804332>>1804387>>1804451Went out to look for some statements about children consenting from pro-pedo orgs, found something slightly more interesting- these are quotes from david thorstad, the founder of NAMBLA. Tell me this doens't sound eerily familiar to the increasingly-mainstream TRA rethoric. Including lesbians being the voice of reason and being demonized as hysterical.
No. 1804562
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>>1804561samefag, here's the (almost) full article where some of the quotes are from. saging because not directly TRA related but I thought it was interesting enough to post
No. 1804563
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Hmm, idk Jacob. It’s probably A) you’re a man and B) you were diddled as a kid. Or maybe you’re just a pathetic coomer for no reason. Your feelings have literally no relation to feminism or women whatsoever so it’s odd to talk about them as if they do.
No. 1804570
>>1804559The military drags in the most scumfuck of men. Anywhere the military is, expect the most degeneracy and social dysfunction possible. The men at the top obviously can barely keep the lower ranks in line, even with all the durhur strong fambly values propaganda crap. They try to rope in women to be "military wives" just to tame the scrote bullshit, and then scrotes turn around and hate those women, even as they cash in on the bonus pay and benefits just for being married.
>>1804516>most troons, at least all the AGP ones, know they don't pass and that nobody thinks that they are women, I think this is right, from my years being a cool girl around scrote males. They will never admit when they're in the wrong, just gaslight you, and if you give in and agree with them, they'll just sneer and laugh at you. Lying to women is just first nature to men.
No. 1804591
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No. 1804600
>>1804563Men can never figure out why objectification is bad because zero of them truly understand consent. People other than your partner being sexually aroused by you without your wish or permission is a breach of consent. You did not consent to their sexual thoughts, actions, and approaches/communication.
In some societies (e.g. muslim) they put it all on the woman: it's
your fault I thought sexual things about you because you weren't covered up to the eyeballs. They will never understand it is all on them being rapists with absolutely no comprehension of consent or controlling their urges.
No. 1804618
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Fallon Fox fractures yet another women's skull
No. 1804619
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>>1804618is this new? so he has fractured 3 skulls now? wtf
>every woman in this tournament better look out. I'M COMING.and cumming too I bet. reminder that this sick misogynist fuck won a 'Bravest Athlete' award…
No. 1804624
>>1804508that's super sad and creepy, i'm glad your friend could turn her life back around. trannies are really a danger to the public. and idk why so many guys fitting the description of S somehow manage to ruin several girls lives, cheat etc.
>>1804563>why do i, as an ugly unlovable coombrained male who's never been sexually objectified but formed an opinion on the topic by watching porn, want it so badly?real mystery there. go get fucked in the ass and shut the fuck up.
No. 1804662
>>1804640I'm a detrans woman who socially transitioned as a child. So what I personally think would have helped would be getting me used to my body. To focus on what my body can do and not what it looks like. To accept my body, if not to love it, to feel neutral of it. Maybe getting hobbies where the child can use their body would help. Showing celebrities or even people who you know who are gnc could be good to a child, so they know there are other people like them and who they can relate to. If the child is younger, you should just straight up tell them no, you are not the opposite sex. And obviously explain to them that sex isn't a feeling and girls and boys can do and like whatever they want, it doesn't make them a different sex. Getting help from professionals can be difficult, even 10 years ago when I was seeing psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses etc, they told my parents to let me lead.
No. 1804687
>>1804650USA: & NZ: of many of the times women were robbed of first places: (not been updated since last year)
just a few news stories of TIMs injuring women during sports.
>rugby>volleyball>football thing I always bring up in relation to sports is that it's not just offensive, demotivating, unfair, dangerous etc. but it's a scam. it's theft. for professional players, this is their livelihood. and it's not only prize money they are now missing out on to men but also sponsorships with brands which is how a lot of them generate income. women fought so hard for our own leagues and to be taken seriously and we barely got to enjoy it for a second before men took it away.
No. 1804696
>>1804451Idk about the general public becoming more okay with pedophilia, but it will get harder to talk about. I've already seen any talk of protecting children or punishing groomers derided as conservative dog whistling. Men are already disgustingly okay with openly sexualizing teenage girls. I think pushing it to actual little kids would be too far for most people, but maybe I'm being naive.
>>1804618I really wish a man would do what that one guy in a weightlifting(?) competition did recently and identify as a woman just to prove a point and beat the shit out of this loser. He'd probably have to fight through actual women first though, so it wouldn't really work too well. But somebody needs to put this violent cheater in his place.
>>1804405Love that TIFs are just as clueless about what men do as TIMs are about women. Those dudes didn't consider her one of them because she was drinking shitty beer. And room temp beer? Gross. Unless you're a britbong, dudes would make fun of you for drinking it like that (though you guys still drink it cool right? Just not ice cold)
No. 1804703
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Alves wants a womb transplant as he's "so in touch with his feminine side he forgets he doesnt have a womb and wants 2 kids"
Video isnt very interesting except he went to a ferility clinic to discuss options and the doctor started explaining treatments like IVF, Alves was like "i gotta tell you something, im not a biological woman, ive been looking into womb transplants". Doctor says theres been "success" cases but its not worth it yet.
So Alves is going on dates everyday to find a boyfriend and then look into surrogacy and adoption
No. 1804707
>>1804495I am begging these dipshits to take an entry level course in
anything and actually pay attention. Women are featured in art more than men because of
sexism, because just about every culture in the
world sees women as
objects, not as living people; this is why when you see women in art they are rarely ever active but instead are posed,
just like a fucking painting of a bowl of fruit. It's not difficult to understand that the perception of women as passive objects is merely cultural and as one of my favourite radfems used to say "culture is just another word for patriarchy".
>>1804563This is the other side of the spectrum where women's bodies are seen as objects but men's bodies are seen as tools; men need to be objectified in culture more and women need to be seen as people more.
No. 1804713
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So often it feels like they're so close to understanding but then they just fall back into the extremely male belief of everything revolving around them and them only.
No. 1804722
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>>1804618>the Avenging Whiteknight>the world's only good moid>sacrifices his sperm for the greater good and troons out>taking estrogen shots>no surgeries>signs up to be a lady-wrestler>they let him because he is brave and troon>he wins 50 fights in a row by standing still and just pushing his opponent down repeatedly without actually harming her>cuz he ain't here to hurt women>Fallon Fag arrives on stage, excited to maul a tiny woman>in walks the Avenging Whiteknight>standing at 6'6", 300lbs of solid muscle, and perpetually constipated >Fallon screams that making him fight a man is unfair>the crowd REEEEs, as the Avenging Whiteknight is obviously a woman just like him>ROUND ONE, FIGHT!>the Avenging Whiteknight bridges the stage in two steps>picks Femboy Fallon up in one hand>cracks his spine of his knee like a twig>throws him on the ground>body slams him, killing him instantly>the Avenging Whiteknight wins, another victory for transwomen!>little do they know, that night, like every other, the Avenger will take off his wig and z cup fake boobs, make himself a hungry man dinner, for that is what he is, and visit fond yet painful memories of his long-since-passed mother who was killed by a troon, and hopes that somewhere out there, she's proud of him No. 1804735
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I get he's defending his childhood friend but these posts really made me think of Jim sterling and his constant "reaching X subs!" Videos where he acts like he's not bitter, mad and depressed that the lifestyle he claims makes him so happy, isn't bringing in views.
Then a bunch of youtubers cheer him on because what do they care? He's saying he's happy, so he must be! Plus it's woke!
No. 1804747
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No. 1804758
>>1804747I love how this video is reddit and mras favorite talking point about how 'men can't push back's when in reality it just shows how men's boundaries are taken more seriously than womens. A woman disrespects boundaries and gropes a man so she is rightfully thrown out of the situation and he feels empowered to tell her no to her face. Meanwhile men on live tv and rl grope our boobs, asses and kiss us without consent and no action is taken. if we speak up and yell we are seen as being a bitch or too prudish. God forbid we are alone with a guy who feels us up, we'll be chided for freezing and not saying anything when the repercussions for speaking up are literal assault and death.
Also think about how many female celebrities have been kissed (assaulted) on stage at award shows? I don't remember security stepping in to throw men like Jim Carrey out. This is such a moid take and I honest to God hate men more and more everyday, especially mras in dresses.
No. 1804809
>>1804671I used to have a MtF friend and his parents went with a similar route to this, he would tell me about how his “
abusive” parents took away his phone when he came out and were showing him cases of detrans people, it just pushed him into hating them and rebelling against them more. Overall I see a lot of distain from troons towards people showing them detransitioners when trying to help them, especially since they are so hated in the community and are treated like supervillains
No. 1804827
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"Cis women, watch out or you'll be taken in the trans genocide because you don't pass either!!!" Cope
No. 1804831
>>1804827Tbf it’s always retarded conservative women who accuse random celebrities of being troons. They’re embarrassing and we should always distance ourselves from them.
>>1804809 Agree, I’ve seen posts in troon subs of people complaining about this same thing. They consider it abuse even when the parents are well-meaning. Like fuck then for showing the potential dangers, right? When someone enters a cult, all you can do is patiently wait but sometimes they never end up leaving. I’m sure it’s hard for parents but imo live and let die.
No. 1804833
File: 1680893543915.jpg (72.89 KB, 1000x562, intro-1586969837.jpg)

>>1804827The blonde hair and eyebrows arent helping Erin alot in those photos. Either way she is obviosly female and I dunno who all these "transphobes" who claim she is trans are? Ive only seen TRA claiming the transphobes claim it lol
Also some women have more manly features and have been bullied since the crack of dawn for it.. still doesnt mean shit theyre still born women
No. 1804837
>>1804827ugh yet again, trying to make women feel like they're troon-like so they can prove they're "just like us!" it's cruel and pathetic.
also daniel radcliffe is a manlet and makes any woman look taller, even when they are normal height. this woman is perfectly fine looking (even though she looked even better brunette and has awful taste in men)
No. 1804854
>>1804205Men can ejaculate from putting their dicks in McChicken sandwiches. It's not an accomplishment to pleasure a scrote sexually, which is one of many reasons why it shouldn't be a metric on which to judge a person's worth or validity. I don't give a fuck what men get off to. The butchered remains of your penis aren't a vagina simply because some retard was willing to put his dick in it.
You don't have a cervix. You don't have fornices. Your sad little grafted-on chunk of glans has a tiny fraction of the nerve endings that a clitoris does.
No. 1804856
File: 1680895104540.jpg (249.4 KB, 1080x1530, FtHnwUlXwAQTDJa.jpg)

Based parents. Honestly youre 21, if its that big of a problem for you that your parents are trying to save you from mental decline then get a job and move out
No. 1804867
>>1804856How are they based? Their religious zealotry is why their son cannot accept that he is a faggot because they cannot accept him for not bein masculine. It's why he thinks the answer is to pretend he is a woman, because at least he wouldn't be a gay.
These parents will teach him nothing. He will repress his urges for as long as they are alive or until he has an out of their living situation.
No. 1804888
File: 1680898365200.jpeg (455.05 KB, 1536x2048, F88A76D7-7EB9-40EB-AD44-CCE305…)

Most oppressed minority
No. 1804898
>>1804508This is what happens when "the nerdy guy gets the girl" trope. The man lives in eternal fear he's going to lose her, becomes so obsessed he disassociates and wants to become her, then abuses her to put himself in a position of power. Never, ever date a guy that is not in your league. Most moids are only complex when it comes to their insecurities. I feel so bad for your friend and it's sad she couldn't get out sooner. She's still super young and has a lifetime to get things on track with added, hard earned insight most women her age won't get until their 40s. Hopefully she continues to do well, her nigel keeps being decent and she can get back into the fit lifestyle she loved.
>>1804618Anons, what happens when you've already peaked? Where do I go from here? Not to be "nOt ReALlY tRAns!!" but this person doesn't even seem delusional like other trannys. He just straight up starts threatening women, goading the crowd that he's GOING TO COME AFTER WOMEN! Not competitors. He seems like he's perfectly aware that he's male and antagonizes that he can do what he wants.
No. 1804937
>>1804856You can always tell the conservative moids trying to fit in here because they claim
abusive religious parents who beat their kids into trooning out are based. They’re the ones to blame for making their child a mentally ill headcase in the first place, “nonna.”
No. 1804943
File: 1680903871462.png (362.91 KB, 828x1792, 7824970E-A30F-453D-A452-17DED3…)

This scrote again, going into the women's bathroom and taking a video while he's at it
No. 1804945
>>1804898This is so true. I know beautiful brilliant women who dated ugly, broke & poorly educated guys bc they thought these men would be grateful and treat them better, but nope. If anything they’re
more likely to cheat or be
abusive to “put you in your place”, because they subconsciously know you’re better than them and resent you for it. Many low-status men can’t stand to be surpassed by a woman in any area, and will reflexively degrade her to soothe his ego.
No. 1804999
File: 1680911284699.jpeg (33.11 KB, 590x330, Naked-Education-4675624.jpeg)

>>1804392sorry for ot but in the previous thread i was making fun of the dutch for creating that show that shows adults exposing their naked bodies (including male / TIMs) to children
>>>/snow/1799837 but just seen that channel 4 in the UK are basically making a British version called 'Naked Education'. it's ogre.
No. 1805007
File: 1680911998141.png (40.22 KB, 480x304, willyboy.png)

Himdia being an unfunny lesbophobe yet again
No. 1805067
>>1804856Another Dave Muscato in the making. Zero sympathy, he's an adult, he can get a job and a roommate, nobody is obligated to support his NEET lifestyle. The homeless shelter probably refused to help because they don't offer housing to able-bodied young men who just won't work.
>>1804931I've only seen it mentioned directly by trans widows. It's funny, because it shows how males feel no shame for demanding exactly what they want. Nobody tells males that everything they want is frivolous and unnecessary, and the whole family needs the extra money more. They buy the most expensive things they can, to show off. So they aren't reserved or thrifty at all when they decide to buy woman things.
No. 1805099
File: 1680929062400.png (20.18 KB, 891x565, chatgptbs.png)

Chat GPT is fucked, hahahhahaha
No. 1805112
File: 1680933133755.jpg (72.43 KB, 1200x819, empires.jpg)

>>1804672the average age of an empire is 250 years old, guess how old america is going to be in 2026! No. 1805134
File: 1680937632964.jpg (138.91 KB, 700x1158, Screenshot_20230408_100536_Chr…)

No. 1805162
File: 1680944310480.jpeg (103.85 KB, 750x1137, 259A597F-40BF-4F37-A0D4-3009C4…)

looks like we’re in for a wave of tranny terrorism
No. 1805193
>>1804755>Real life socialization is much healthierWhy do some people believe that home school children are completely isolated from the world living in the woods with only their siblings and woodland critters to interact with. Home school kids still play with the neighborhood kids and can participate in their local public school's extracurricular activities.
>The troon contagion comes from the internetWhile it does originate online the contagion is maintained by peer pressure from classmates. We've seen examples in this thread that teachers are also encouraging children to troon out and in some places teachers are instructed by the school board to not disclose their student's trans-identification to their parents.
No. 1805201
File: 1680952040894.jpg (Spoiler Image,517.96 KB, 2021x2048, FsPHSw5XsAEvZdt.jpg)

Another beautiful pic of the stunning and brave threadpic model
No. 1805204
>>1805014> Who is that old actor from Star Trek that started randomly going off about how him being groomed by an older man was "normal"?That would be George Takei. On the Howard Stern Show in 2006 Takei mentioned how he had his first sexual experience at 13 with a camp counselor.
Takei also has sexual assault allegations. No. 1805246
File: 1680959684899.jpeg (143.79 KB, 1062x1460, BC1BDD18-7F12-4F3B-833D-FACF4E…)

I think this Nike collab is a great example of Reddit being completely unable to shut up about supporting trans people while having no clue of what they’re even talking about. The same thing just happened over the sorority court case against the voyeur troon - ALL the posts were defending the guy and shaming the women, if they saw a single photo of him they would have been repulsed
No. 1805262
>>1805246>guessing based on photosKEK
what part of dylan's starving twink body looks like he could be a fitness model? a lot of people can't be bothered to learn the facts / backstory or even look for themselves before voicing an opinion on it
No. 1805288
>>1805210I forget why but in like 2009 he said something on social media (probably misogynistic) that made me think he was gross and blocked him, just before he exploded in popularity it seems. That was extremely annoying.
Same with NPH pretending to gag and be sick when talking about Christina Aguilera. Dude was trying to adopt children, including a girl at the time. Shouldn’t have been allowed,
No. 1805289
File: 1680968193476.png (8.76 KB, 609x282, 91affd65ff60a1fad926006da68219…)

This is just vulgar…
Imagine donating your body to science only for your skin to be grafted into the hole of some freak.
No. 1805290
File: 1680968321462.png (148.5 KB, 598x642, Screenshot 2023-04-08 104444.p…)

It's starting
No. 1805296
>>1805290Whose kid is this and why post a picture of them top down like this?
Pedowood sending audition tapes early?
No. 1805303
File: 1680969859951.jpg (Spoiler Image,198.2 KB, 1080x1223, FsPHSeWXgAEAOH7.jpg)

>>1805282Well jeez arent you just a fun person
(Infight) No. 1805312
File: 1680971075744.png (554.59 KB, 858x966, 2.png)

No. 1805319
File: 1680971861760.png (Spoiler Image,1.38 MB, 1417x1087, totes normal.png)

tranny holding his severed balls in his hand
No. 1805320
File: 1680971962686.png (Spoiler Image,358.82 KB, 1315x781, 1680893249837.png)

>>1805319same tranny gifting it to his TiF friend
No. 1805321
File: 1680971998323.png (182.38 KB, 934x716, 1680892315079.png)

No. 1805324
>>1804672that's very interesting
nonnie, thanks for sharing.
same as
>>1805300 i would also like to read more on it if you have any links and reading recs
No. 1805346
File: 1680973767085.png (136.52 KB, 845x919, article 2.png) the money and the money, in 2023, is trannies
No. 1805360
>>1805348exactly. and there it is. we're right back to where we started. the beginning of the industrial revolution ignored the differences between the sexes and saw men and women as simple 'workers'. women were forced into the male-designed workplace without conditions to allow for pregnancy, child rearing etc. and we had to fight hard for those things (and still are fighting) based on our biology.
now suddenly those differences are being clouded again, now "woman" has returned to an empty signifier, that can be capitalised on by men.
No. 1805364
>>1805047I hate how they always use this argument on us, when it can be turned right back around on them. why do they think every ladies toilet cubicle has a sanitary bin? why are there tampon vending machines? why are there no urinals? it's designed for women's bodies! and we require a greater amount of privacy.
the only argument that makes any sense is that they might feel intimidated in the men's room, dressed in fishnets and high heels, but again, that is not women's problem. and we are not redefining our biological reality just so men can hideout in our spaces. men need to get over it or campaign for more gender neutral spaces.
No. 1805367
>>1805360Fucking exactly. Modern feminism was still just getting its bearings, just getting people to actually listen. Then all of a sudden as soon as moids reach a moment of clarity and understand what women go through they troon out because they want to be oppressed too. Everything feminism has fought for for decades is getting hijacked by fucking men who push their own agendas and don't give a single fuck about actual women. It's so hard trying to stay sane.
>>1805364Troons think women's bathrooms are some sparkly rainbow fun zone where we all hang out and fix each other's hair and makeup and insert tampons for one another. I hope they feel extreme disgust anytime they see a dirty clogged toilet in a women's restroom. The women's room can be just as nasty as the men's.
No. 1805386
File: 1680979162676.jpg (28.55 KB, 250x366, 4991386-265d30528834c6151c9ce1…)

Found this on the other farms. Not sure when Chris posted this but regardless it's very telling.
>>1805293It would be fine if his father wasn't someone like Chris.
No. 1805408
>>1805367 I truly don’t know if this is tinfoil or not but I feel like for a good 2 years or so things were looking good. Body positivity and active feminism were on the rise, predators and abusers being held accountable more than ever. Now every other woman is either trooned out or has filler, buccal fat removal, and can’t take a picture without a filter. Nobody wants to call themselves a feminist anymore bc it sounds synonymous with
terf. We’re letting men steamroll over women in every way they can. How does this happen?
No. 1805431
>>1805408not tinfoil nona, it was definitely happening. I grew up in the early 90s, during the heroin chic era, and it was very much understood that this was unhealthy and there was an understanding among all women
in person that this was not OK. magazines, fashion, TV and films were another thing - they were pushing unhealthy beauty standards as always. but there was a sense that women were aware and on our way to changing things for the better. by the time i was a young teenager, people were rethinking the whole girl = pink, boy = blue shit and tomboys became role models for girls. I don't think TIFs realise how many awesome GNC women we had to look up to before the post-2010 hyper-sexualised hyper-consumerism mainstream culture. plus we didn't have instagram filters and internet communities that
disconnected us from our bodies. (this is a huge factor in all of this imo)
>Body positivity and active feminism were on the risebody acceptance got co-opted into aggressive body "positivity" eg. it's ok to be a little chubby as long as you still wear a ton of makeup and have curves in the
right places. it used to be the norm to criticise plastic surgery, the make up industry and beauty standards but now it's regarded as "shaming" so things have really gone awry.
No. 1805437
File: 1680986418756.jpeg (71.57 KB, 1242x408, IMG_0161.jpeg)

Troon response to a question asked in a women’s sub (as always). How does one suck a dick without treating it like a penis?
No. 1805448
File: 1680987448151.webm (548.37 KB, 320x568, p0bxj2kfcDNhSSO0.webm)
>>1805386That Shadman picture is an autism joke and Chris also filmed an autistic boy without permission. What are the chances that he's going to claim his son is ACTUALLY an autistic transgirl? I hope Chris' ex-wife gets full custody of her child.
>>1805293You really shouldn't give troons the benefit of the doubt.
No. 1805451
File: 1680987666819.png (5.75 KB, 398x187, wtf.png)

>>1805448Same anon, Chris also admitted to getting off to loli.
No. 1805465
File: 1680990346930.gif (777.96 KB, 245x196, deanpelton.gif)

>>1805460lmao well spotted
No. 1805499
File: 1680995262004.jpeg (126.22 KB, 1170x1400, 6A6790BD-ADC7-4FE9-830A-4C754D…)

Trannies are fucking disgusting.
No. 1805503
>>1805474>bisexual youtuber whose name I can't remember he has a mullet,he does icebergs like "tiktok crime iceberg">Foundflix guy, he's very liberal to the point he seemed as if he was getting mad at the characters in "Knives Out">Deadmeat he's woke but also gives me MRA vibes>John Wolfe aka HarshlyCriticalLess likely but maybe
>Linkara he's a chaser>Justin Whang another chaser> That guy that hangs with Vinesauce Vinny, Mike>Moist Critikal Charlie> Shame Dawson's husband > That True Crime guy people thought was a tifPeople I'm still waiting to Trans out but there's still a tiny chance they will
>James Charles>Jeffree Star>Jeffree Stars chaser ex, Nate>Manny (the make up guy)Dudes that would shock me
>jerma>vinny>Joel No. 1805509
>>1804184>>1804735this one is honestly tragic. how, why does this keep happening? does anyone have an answer or even a speculation?
also their favorite response is "ratio" and it's not funny or clever
No. 1805512
>>1805511Say that I'm a woman and I have these addictions, what does that make me?
I don't have em btw, but I'm curious
No. 1805520
File: 1680997365102.jpeg (5.82 KB, 199x253, ACED04E7-2148-4FA8-8849-1A7BEB…)

>>1805503>Dudes that would shock me>jermaNonnie…
No. 1805545
>>1805534I posted this in a another thread but I do feel the reason this is so jarring, is that he objectively looks horrible in the "after" . This post seems like some shit we'd find and go
>omg look at how bad he looks nowAnd it's an unflattering raw picture from a video.
He posted this going, "wow look at how amazing I look vs. Then".
>gained weight >receding hair line>badly styles hair>sloppy outfitEven Philosophy tube went out and got some professional pictures. He just looks depressed and crazy, he's not even smiling it's q downgrade but everyone is going "brave & stunning". It's honestly sad
No. 1805551
>>1805548There is no such thing as a "straight-laced family man," anon. It's a facade. Every man is it least two of the following things: a porn addict, a chauvinist, a deadbeat, unfaithful, lazy, mentally ill, irresponsible, unhygienic, emotionally unintelligent, or selfish. I know men who are superficially very successful; doctors, aerospace engineers, firemen. But in actuality? The doctor thought work was the only thing that mattered, and his wife (also a doctor) was left to basically be his mom at home. The aerospace engineer was a pathological liar and cheater with a cluster B personality disorder. The Firefighter was lazy, irresponsible, and controlling with poor hygiene. These are actual people, my friends and family, who hurt the women in my life. I've only met
one man who was genuinely a good romantic partner, but only because the two of them treated
everyone else like crap, particularly their own kids. So much for that.
Your choices are to either settle for the
least fucked up guy you can scrounge up (a gamble), or just live without men in general.
Sage for pp sperg.
No. 1805553
>>1804508Insane! Im so sorry your friend V had to live through that.
Aside note, I've noticed an overlap of fat fetishists and trannies. Possibly due to shut in life and/or autism? Fat fetishists are aroused to weakness and dependence.
Either way it's best for any woman to keep her distance from pervs.
No. 1805554
File: 1681001418799.jpeg (173.67 KB, 1290x1210, 37C40BEF-732B-4145-8562-808F80…)

is he friends with 7 year olds? what? they’re so lost
No. 1805558
>>1805551I get that men aren’t shit, it’s just that when the Hank Hill types troon out specifically it gets me feeling a special kind of black-pilled. I don’t know why. Like I guess I wouldn’t be as surprised if they were an
abusive partner or something, or if a very outwardly porny and nerdy guy trooned out, it’s just this specific combo that hits me in the gut. And Mr. Beast videos were kind of nice and relaxing because they were largely free of insane politics like everything else is nowadays. After this, it feels like they are infected and ruined. Every time I see Chris looking like a freakish clownshow and all the members feeding into his delusions, I won’t be able to think of anything else.
No. 1805562
File: 1681002026376.jpeg (150.6 KB, 828x1647, 0CA510A2-5836-45A3-993E-67EFA1…)

Not sure if this has been posted already because it was a few weeks ago, but some TIM cut off their balls, put it in resin and gave it to their TIF friend. How I wish i had such thoughtful, delusional friends
No. 1805571
File: 1681002679122.jpg (39.05 KB, 640x484, d2d.jpg)

>>1805562Reminds me of those weirdos who make teddy bears out of placentas.
No. 1805577
File: 1681003145556.jpeg (Spoiler Image,175.28 KB, 828x1124, EE317DCB-2715-440A-BE01-DC4127…)

Don’t worry, it gets so much worse. Don’t open this if you’re eating nonnies, unless you like the look of butchered testicle
No. 1805583
>>1805582No, I mean one of the
main faggots, like Jack or Jeremy.
No. 1805587
File: 1681003539110.jpg (12.84 KB, 336x188, hqdefault.jpg)

>>1805572yes thats his name
No. 1805594
>>1805065Sexual violence soooo funny. God some of you are just as bad as the people you claim to despise.
>>1805162Did they find the terrorism group chat in Audrey hales laptops or no
No. 1805601
>>1805503Same anon also,
>projaredbut this one, I'm locking it in for sure. I already did a prediction,Hila Klein is going to come out Non-binary, then she will fully transition into a FTM. I'm locking this in, it's going to happen. Also one of the Smosh boys
No. 1805619
File: 1681006651120.webm (5.92 MB, 576x1024, Snaptik.App 721130625294796727…)
>build-a-queer kit
bodily harm and mutilation made cute. they're also giving tifs free binders and 'packers'.
No. 1805626
File: 1681007430059.png (66.58 KB, 500x290, 1542302032424.png)

>>1805451Tranny is a anime fag- what a fucking surprise!
No. 1805635
File: 1681008969530.webm (3.74 MB, 576x1024, transgenqueer.webm)
No. 1805636
File: 1681009159025.jpg (210.48 KB, 1077x1914, Screenshot_20230408-204244_Tum…)

No. 1805639
File: 1681009594366.jpg (567.02 KB, 3264x3027, collage (1).jpg)

>>1805636>>1805637i can't say, maybe he's politically flexible but leans to the left. idk i just use what pansexual means but that's the closest synonym i could come up with and also with the word pan kek.
No. 1805646
>>1805619they have "self defense" kits too. If anyone wants to get some pepper spray and metal batons they take applications you can say youre a "poor opwessed
poc twanny" who wants to bludgeon terfs to death and get them for free
No. 1805647
File: 1681010865261.webm (6.64 MB, 576x1024, Snaptik.App 714588869375087748…)
No. 1805649
File: 1681012069727.jpeg (315 KB, 1242x1305, IMG_0170.jpeg)

>>1805554No, as an adult you’d have to go out of your way to dress like a child or anime girl. I highly doubt picrel dressed this way because some woman happened to have a man-sized kawaii pink sailor outfit and donated it to him out of pity. They love playing dumb
No. 1805660
File: 1681014139038.png (76.4 KB, 386x420, FpmjBdtaEAALZZW.png)

>>1805474Ranboo or Dan Howell before or by June.
>>1805549He/they, his fujo fan base is pushing him down the troon pipeline though. I blame Dylan Mulvaney.
No. 1805663
File: 1681014689955.png (482.9 KB, 778x837, omgwhy.png)

I watch Mr. Beast casually and Chris was my favorite member, I remember thinking he was really funny and attractive. Thought the interactions between him and his wife and child were adorable and genuine. I thought he was so mature and well put together. I even assumed he was secretly conservative since he came from the south and settled down so young This all feels so sudden and weird, and I am so mad and disappointed. Mr. Beast is one of the biggest influences of our youth today, and now he's got a troon on crew, further normalizing MTF degeneracy.
No. 1805666
File: 1681015445659.gif (518.38 KB, 320x240, 728d88e12f47591bde8d086d31fb0a…)

>>1804403>>1804418He moves so much like AVGN
No. 1805668
File: 1681015729325.png (1.21 MB, 3640x2140, BC51E28E-581F-4888-9C96-0E99E6…)

>>1805201reminds me of right hand side of picrel… life imitates art
No. 1805680
File: 1681019268845.jpg (111.62 KB, 750x1334, wtf.jpg)

>>1805293One of Chris' old tweets very much opposed to transgenderism. Interesting
No. 1805697
>>1804721Its also bizarre how many liberals in homophonic countries have internalized this belief, that their societies were all supportive of LGTBABC+, until the Europeans came and colonized them
Take this video as e.g, its grasping at straws
>Trickster god taking the form of a woman to mess with demons is interpreted as openness to trans identity >A story of a king who had no sons and raised his daughter as a son so that she could inherit his kingdom is framed as woke is interpreted as openness to trans identity >when Hanuman goes the demon world he see's the demoness engage in sexual acts with each other >and probably my least favorite e.g, Muslim rulers literally just raping with young boys No. 1805700
File: 1681022619737.png (177.18 KB, 985x739, ew.png)

>>1805565Blog but I started to dress on my own when as soon as I was 18 (before my mother used to buy me clothes for her liking). And what did I bought? black clothes. No children-girly clothes. Seeing men in their 30-50's dressing like that (IE Sophie) is quite gross.
>>1805566Thing is that they also have the excuse of "we are going to get the childhood that we denied" too seriously, so that's why they want to dress like kids. If it was a serious "now I can dress like a woman!" they wouldn't have problems in going to thrift stores…
No. 1805713
>>1805685lmfao it’s not me it’s a ss from 4chan hence the cringe anime girl pic
there’s a lot of “offensive” tweets like that one and people keep suggesting that’s why he’s trooning out, despite the fact that most people don’t know or care about his tweets. it’s obvious he is just a porn addict.
No. 1805715
File: 1681026834663.png (284.35 KB, 644x548, 6n3bwfg.png)

This is so fucking pathetic.
No. 1805718
>>1805562Kek the guy went as far as literally castrating himself and still doesn't look like a woman in the slightest.
Also, I know it's debatable, but why do tifs usually pass better? Tims who actually look like women barely exist, but I've seen quite a lot of tifs who look just like balding middle age neckbeards.
No. 1805749
>>1805647ugh his mannerisms are so creepy wtf. that fake coy laugh. is he trying to act "girly"?? and he even admits that he was having predatory feelings towards women. hehe that must mean he
is a woman! plus he wears a plaid shirt and felt offended that lesbians are same-sex attracted so I guess that means he is also a lesbian!
No. 1805757
File: 1681039516401.png (181.97 KB, 1080x1030, Screenshot_20230409-132044.png)

Uh oh, you existing is making me dysphoric…
No. 1805768
File: 1681044148014.png (359.79 KB, 378x619, violetstanza.png)

Stanza, aka Dylan 2.0, next to his TIF girlfriend
No. 1805769
>>1805680nah this is mra shit, blaming the tranny menace on le ebil feminazis instead of recognising it as a disease of moid degeneracy turbocharged by identity capitalism and misogyny. completely unsurprising that this creep would post this sort of thing in 2016, id put money on his likes at that time including shit from milo yiannopoulos et al which if anything is a predictor for current day troonacy
>>1805715dylan just looks like any other faggot under a million filters here. he really is very uncanny and disgusting looking, like a worm alien.
woman on the right is attractive period No. 1805770
File: 1681044352235.jpeg (77.49 KB, 750x508, stanza.jpeg)

>>1805768samefag to add that this guy is also an actor, like Dylan, and after looking on his website it looks like he does/used to do literal drag so I wonder what point he felt this made him a
literal woman for adams apple kek
No. 1805773
File: 1681044651650.jpg (224.31 KB, 1079x1489, FtNq7YoWAAAI68y.jpg)

From a female fashion thread on reddit ofcourse
No. 1805778
File: 1681045917979.png (323.87 KB, 652x620, myrahindley.png)

It literally says in this article (which is a depressing read tbh) that "Fewer than 2% of people on the sex offenders register are women" so the fact still remains that women are faaaaar less likely to be violent or predatory. but this is common sense to most people.
their arguments are always so stupid, they literally have nothing to go on.
No. 1805802
File: 1681048694470.png (25.94 KB, 735x537, fairplayforwomen.png)

>>1805799yep that article even states that but Willyboy can't read.
these numbers will go up, but we all know why…
No. 1805813
>>1805776Now that you explained makes more sense,
nonnie, but that does mean he has a smelly armpit fetish that wants to impose on women? That is actually very creepy and disgusting
No. 1805817
File: 1681051023892.png (339.9 KB, 719x716, The Gateway Pundit on Twitter.…)

The police didn't help at all pretty much.
No. 1805819
File: 1681051141424.png (567.1 KB, 693x892, 23 Twitter.png)

No. 1805823
File: 1681051614267.png (44.6 KB, 677x470, Twitter.png)

This account posts the most disturbing tranny shit imaginable.
No. 1805825
File: 1681051694125.jpg (522.32 KB, 2531x1080, FtPrNDdWYAAzGP1.jpg)

dyldo in 5 years
No. 1805827
File: 1681052377761.png (131.48 KB, 677x794, The Goth on Twitter.png)

his performance, which expected is terrible. No. 1805835
File: 1681053174579.jpg (873.89 KB, 873x655, ejpuVGY.jpg)

>>1805720>>1805718>>1805726It's easier to turn a woman into a man, trying to turn a man into a woman is trying to reverse a change that happened in utero; I know we have a
nonnie who doesn't like the dumbed down "all fetuses start out female" but it
is kind of true and, I've been told, partly why TIFs pass better.
But also like some others said, they're always smaller than men and another giveaway to me is the smiles; women smile in a genuine way (picrel) that men seem to struggle with replicating, there's always something smug about the way men, especially TIMs, smile.
No. 1805837
File: 1681053740798.png (7.8 KB, 756x79, CIAChiefofDisguise.png)

>>1805835It's easier to add larger, more masculine figures than try to minimize or hide them. From the former CIA Chief of Disguise, Joanna Mendez. She seems to make it a point in interviews and talks that you can't easily and effectively disguise a man as a woman. No. 1805846
>>1805829He didn't buy those tampons for his wife
No. 1805859
>>1805819Bridges is one of the worst for me. It's his boohoo
victim attitude and sensationalist claims that he has been BANNED from cycling because he is trans. as if anyone is stopping him from competing (as a man). he recently created a documentary about his "struggles" that was aired on ITV Wales which says a lot about his sense of self-importance.
If men really cared about women, of which they claim to be, they would be campaigning for fairer sports along side us. there are so many other ways to approach this other than blind arrogance and entitlement.
No. 1805878
>>1805875I remember this story and watched a bit of "Sophie" From Mars (yet another TIM breadtuber) video about it where he made out like an ebil
TERF was spreading lies. go onto his socials and you'll see that he is an exhibitionist and loves "exposing" himself. i mean, his twitter pfp right now is basically an up-skirt shot. he knew he was making that woman uncomfortable and he enjoyed it.
No. 1805891
File: 1681061692338.png (45.5 KB, 663x1065, Firefox_Screenshot.png)

Another case of troon using his sisters clothes to fulfill his fetish.
No. 1805901
File: 1681062565070.png (229.08 KB, 670x919, poor man.png)

double good.
No. 1805903
File: 1681062629259.png (361.44 KB, 677x662, 12 Twitter.png)

>>1805899Trannies just proving the stereotype once again.
No. 1805914
>>1805896Samefag, because I am
triggered after reading this kek. Also this fucker is over 30, right? Why is he in a class for young girls? When professional ballerinas reach their 30s, they are in retirement age basically, so a real woman wouldn't even be allowed to attend those classes not even in a million years, he doesn't even have acceptable technique for an amateur because you can be on pointe after 2 years of training as an adult if I am not mistaken. I pray for the poor teen boy who has to do a pas de deux with mighty Hulk. The parents should rightfully sue.
And I didn't even mention how those classes and auditions are a way for girls to have a profession, he is stealing their opportunities and no one cares. Oppresed minority where?
No. 1805921
nonnie i'm dying. the THUDDING on the floor like a giant, causing the camera to shake
No. 1805927
>>1805913Is that supposed to be an entrechat? Kek
And he had been dancing for over 6 years and can't do en dehors properly????!!!
No. 1805929
>>1805715Easy, the one that
doesn't refer to vaginas as "Barbie pouches." Amazing how Dyldo doesn't even pass when he's carefully posed, in washed-out light, and wearing giant sunglasses.
No. 1805930
>>1805924not to do with sports. he is arguing that there are dangerous "cis" women as well as dangerous trans "women" and falling on his face as usual. it's funny that he had to go back to the 1960s in order to think of a woman that might sound bad enough in comparison to the many child rapists and murderer troons in women's prisons right now. he has also misunderstood that while
some women have committed moid-like crimes, they make up a tiny percentage compared to men.
No. 1805931
File: 1681064483645.jpeg (72.91 KB, 856x606, 40C1AAF4-2847-4315-B574-90E0DF…)

>>1805891I can’t even be mad at this tbh, it’s just so, so funny. They paint not having a particular toy as this terrible
abusive scenario they had to survive at. Like yeah, Robert, It’s so sad you couldn’t have a Barbie (trademark, totally not getting mentioned because of the upcoming Barbie movie so the tweets can be seen by random people wanting to read about the doll and the movie) imagine not enjoying the absolute right of having a Barbie, deplorable.
Like, dude, there’s many girls out there that have never had actually toys, girls that don’t even know what’s a Barbie or a doll, and that even if they knew, their parents wouldn’t be even able to afford them because even the cheapest one would cost them the money they have for that week’s food or rent.
I. Can’t. Believe. That there’s people out there actually defending these privileged dudes. God, how fucking blind and retarded do you have to be to not notice??
No. 1805932
File: 1681064519136.png (21.58 KB, 722x561, Myra Hindley - Victims Ian Bra…)

>>1805778Not excusing the killers actions but they're
was a moid involved too in the murders..
No. 1805943
File: 1681066151673.jpeg (268.91 KB, 750x1595, D6F469FC-9315-4394-A9FA-CA173D…)

gnc women, hairy women, women with masculine features, and unattractive women get shit all the time. but that’s called misogyny, not transphobia. transphobia is when you rightfully hate misogynistic scrotes in dresses.
No. 1805948
File: 1681066794010.png (376.17 KB, 633x356, Screenshot 2023.png)

Just the title alone makes me wanna punch him.
No. 1805951
File: 1681066883520.png (381.53 KB, 1171x2236, hmmm.png)

your male features aren't that hard to recognize sir.
No. 1805955
>>1805941Yes, Hinduism has a lot of that in their "homosexual" art because they're just degenerate orgy depicting statues made by degenerate as fuck men. The homosexuality here is seen as equal in ""lewdness"" to bestiality. H
A lot of hindu sects value and worship (male) sexuality and so when you give men unlimited freedom to be as degenerate as they want (and add in religious imperative) you get this shit just like you have them today. Orgies where there would be at least one animal depicted being raped along with moids raping women (depicted in ecstasy as if the guy was pleasing her) and each other. These sects really do represent the tq+ but not how they'd like kek
No. 1805957
Just a lil blog but every time I see this thread pic I get lowkey
triggered. It’s so fucking disgusting it should peak literally everyone who sees it.
>>1805768I discovered them the other day. His mannerisms and everything about him are EXACTLY like Dylan’s. I gasped once I saw his girlfriend, and she looks extremely uncomfortable at all times for some reason kek. Definitely smells like an attempted grift/clout chase on his part
No. 1805959
>>1805951>can't find a single thing to criticise >man in a wigalso why are so many of them stand-up comics? i kinda think they do it just so they have some material. and they don't need to be funny or original, just talk trans stuff and they'll have an audience clapping like seals.
>"nice hair"you wish, Ollie
No. 1805961
File: 1681068213851.png (66.63 KB, 353x511, Screenshot 2023-04-07 105248.p…)

No. 1805964
File: 1681068767811.png (103.38 KB, 887x543, Screenshot 2023-04-09 at 21-31…)

>>1805913I'm dead. LMAO The heavy thuds, the moving of the mirror making it look like the whole building is shaking. This is the best thing I've seen all week. His ballet performances are so shit and he stands out like the average troon.
No. 1805968
>>1805503>deadmeat, woke but has mra vibesglad it's not just me that thinks this
>>1805474Egoraptor but i'm surprised he's held out for so long
No. 1805971
File: 1681069705521.jpeg (6.86 KB, 225x225, download.jpeg)

>>1805968Okay so I was wrong (or right) but I watched dead meat and I was thinking of Czsworld, this scrote. He does the "history of" videos, capes for troons but in a few videos he made me feel like he's kinda odd.
No. 1806015
File: 1681076371803.png (62.96 KB, 1080x702, Screenshot_20230409-223709.png)

>>1805891Who wants to bet he was also stealing her clothes & underwear?
No. 1806018
>>1806015kind of weird he describes her as territorial. I feel like they use that word re womanhood a lot. As something we’re keeping from them. This is a girl who didn’t want to share her own toys with her little brother and he’s complaining about it on Twitter as an adult and ascribing it to
terf logic.
No. 1806040
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No. 1806042
File: 1681081586331.jpeg (179.03 KB, 648x2048, slutty old men.jpeg)

becoming a women = being a slutty teenage girls
every day i become more baffled why we must entertain these creepy men's pedo fetishes
No. 1806045
>>1805827>>1805872sorry for ot but it was tragic timing that just after watching this clumsy man prance around, i came across this article: the pain a real ballet dancer goes through.
No. 1806049
File: 1681082491741.gif (Spoiler Image,1.13 MB, 640x482, ywnbaw.gif)

>>1806043they watch things like picrel (spoiler for stupid coomer brained shit) and think that's what actually happens to them.
>but boobs and hips don’t hurt because they’re growingi mean, boobs can hurt a bit when they grow. and general growing pains are a thing but these are already fully grown men fetishising female puberty, so that doesn't apply to them.
No. 1806057
File: 1681083097173.jpeg (32.49 KB, 563x381, m-n-f-563x381.jpeg)

>>1806052no their hips cannot grow. they might get higher fat percentage but that's about it. it's all cope and fantasy.
>you literally need a uterus to experience a periodyep literally shedding of the womb lining. the hormonal period thing also relies on ovaries which create the actual cycle of hormones. TIMs just take constant hormones and it does not in any way even mimic our cycles. it's disgusting that they try to make out like it does.
No. 1806084
File: 1681086542689.png (Spoiler Image,658.77 KB, 700x791, 75341.png)

>>1806072As if we needed further proof that it's a fetish.
Picrel is the most upvoted post.
No. 1806117
File: 1681090550732.jpeg (67.53 KB, 750x777, CC33DC93-3B58-49EA-A7A8-9E853B…)

he was literally an agp smh
No. 1806120
File: 1681091104128.png (22.15 KB, 734x486, Tranny fan fic.PNG)

The way this is written is so fake. No woman would ever do something like this, he's just projecting what his male brain comes up with onto women. What woman would ever use the words "Girly figure" to describe someone elses body?
No. 1806133
File: 1681093178954.jpeg (139.89 KB, 1125x1146, 8D1ACF7F-FB88-4E2E-848B-66F965…)

>>1806052Nonnie you're just as retarded as the troon who believe their hips can grow, for asking this question.
No. 1806134
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No. 1806136
File: 1681093300960.png (95.43 KB, 677x833, 13 Twitter.png)

No. 1806141
File: 1681093862188.png (958.06 KB, 1046x1386, Screenshot_20230409-193024_(1)…)

>>1806015>>1805891This is what this troon looks like. I feel bad for the sister who has to live with such a fucking creep
No. 1806151
File: 1681095733758.jpeg (101.93 KB, 1242x656, IMG_0187.jpeg)

There was an attempt to make a clever post but this makes no sense
No. 1806161
>>1806151>wouldn't care that trans women call themselves women? They absolutely would that's the entire point.
>[observing someone is male] is enforcing classic gender rolesSex doesn't exist to them once again. lmao.
No. 1806167
>>1806052let's put it this way: if a pile of bones from a dead tranny shows up on a forensic anthropologist's table, they are going to say the
victim is male.
No. 1806190
File: 1681103742977.jpeg (78.24 KB, 750x709, 2DCCD5B6-590D-4CB3-8263-55F560…)

i’m pretty sure gravity and age affect moobs as well. these idiots think they’re being reborn into a younger body, the delusion.
No. 1806191
File: 1681103771390.jpg (125.34 KB, 1080x1219, Screenshot_20230410_011640_Gal…)

>>1805474Quinton Reviews hasnt put out a video in awhile but I know that man be into some weird shit and follows a lot of troons on twitter
No. 1806200
File: 1681105313024.jpeg (220.9 KB, 750x1592, C4DF4BB0-978F-4053-A423-DC6665…)

the guy who got fired was probably a turbo normie boomer who was genuinely confused because you need to be terminally online to understand this bullshit.
No. 1806208
>>1806180They really missed the mark on this one:
>It provided frequently mid-20s-and-30s, smart, nerdy, creative, bullied males with a community, Absolute shit tons of furries are literally retarded retarded. Even outside of furries, I'm tired of people blowing smoke up everybody's ass about how cartoon watchers, softcore porn comic book fans, movie watchers, people who read books exclusively at or below a 5th grade reading level, etc… Are all somehow secretly brilliant troves of creativity and intelligence, because tbh most of these people are below average at best and just obsessive horny losers.
No. 1806223
>>1805944kek you're the anon who's always worried that we're criticizing GNC men. even when it's about a pedotroon forcing his toddler to wear heels (which is fucked up no matter the child's sex).
>>1806141i like how he says "you can just be a girl" and the argument/evidence is just a pic of him after he trooned out (no beard, makeup, and a sparkling top), because that's what
being a girl is about (that and barbies)
No. 1806226
>>1806208Agreed. It's an overlap with the media narrative around autistic males being genius outcasts instead of dangerous failsons.
The fact that furries have their own art scene also makes them sound like a creative subculture, until you see that 99% of them draw like retards and never improve.
The statistic from Plante about furries being 5 times more likely to identify as non-heterosexual may be skewed by trannies identifying as lesbians, because language has lost all meaning.
No. 1806229
>>1806190>extended warranty on the twins>10ish years of prime booby material>ineluctable declineGross. It's so obvious they aren't poor distraught men trying to escape their bodies. They're just talking about boobs like any other misogynistic man, wondering if their own moobs will look porny enough. They are apparently too coombrained and in denial to even google tranny moobs and realize they look nothing like women's breasts.
>>1806134Saving this kek
No. 1806256
File: 1681118185860.webm (1.18 MB, 576x1024, 9f9f3710ac71aed3d86cd2e2ce6aa4…)
>>1805959>>1805951this mia scrote is the one that thinks he's owning "transphobes" on twitter by posting pictures of celebrity women with muscles or unique facial structures like geena davis and sigourney weaver, suggesting they're transgender. he's admitted to being a porn addict, which… duh. i looked at his tiktok and his latest video in vidrel is him "joking" about force feminizing (an extremely common fetish amongst these men) an unsuspecting person. lots of failmales in the comments confirming the gross kink aspect of it
No. 1806257
File: 1681118235821.jpg (22.58 KB, 937x257, Screenshot_20230410_050545_Tik…)

>>1806256coomer misogynists, all of em
No. 1806260
File: 1681119298815.jpg (313.7 KB, 1800x1165, n64.jpg)

>>1805891>>1806015>>1805931>>1806141I always love these kind of posts because they're so laughably phony. Obvious coomers autisticly regurgitating the classic hsts childhood story because they know it garners the most sympathy, oblivious to how others perceive them and how ridiculous the whole thing seems coming from them. You're telling me that smug neckbeard was just a sad little girly boy who only wanted to play with dolls but got bullied because he was just so smol and effeminate? Okay, wonder how your sister remembers it.
Best part of her being the villian in this particular childhood retcon is he probably got way more than her toywise, because boys always do. Mothers do most of the shopping and favor their sons, they get more and what they get is generally more expensive. If little future failson had actually wanted dolls he would have gotten them, nice expensive ones, all of the clothes, and on Christmas his mother would have bought him and his sister a big thousand dollar antique dollhouse "to share" that he would bully her out of using and that would inevitably end up in his room because "she never plays with it."
No. 1806273
>>1805940>>1806198Blog but I'm lucky enough to have a
terf mum and the last time I was talking to her about tranny shit she told me my uncle would often play with her dolls and other 'girly toys', he didn't even end up being gay or gnc - just a run of the mill straight guy.
Kids wanting to play with a variety of different toys is a normal part of childhood development, no one conforms 100% to gender stereotypes at all times thats just retarded
No. 1806275
>>1806120so a
woman, in her own workplace whilst working, squeezed a
customer's ass out of nowhere? and said "girly figure"? kek. also, even in this fantasy story, she implies that he is so clearly a man in a dress otherwise she wouldn't assume he was trans and yet says he "really is a woman"
No. 1806284
File: 1681126559504.webm (523.51 KB, 576x576, 1679843160608.webm)
A new tiktok video edit for pick me handmaidens and retarded trannies to praise
No. 1806285
File: 1681126615838.png (7.14 KB, 396x181, Captura de pantalla 2023-04-10…)

>>1806284Trannies when you call a female school shooter a she:
No. 1806286
File: 1681127271330.png (2.73 MB, 978x12775, kevvie.png)

>where the two of them made out while news coverage of Rowling’s murder played on the television behind them
>There was another mass shooting at a gay bar in Nevada. The victims were primarily transgender women and drag queens, and the shooter was filmed saying “this is what you get for killing JK Rowling” before shooting himself
>Her throat was slit; the murder weapon, an old-fashioned gentleman’s shaving razor, was found beside the bed, directly below the victim’s hand, hanging over the side. Despite no signs that the victim was sexually active prior to her death, the crime scene was scattered with semenMore totally deranged shit from troons. Spoiler: Rowling kills herself to make the poor trannies look bad. No. 1806297
File: 1681130402500.jpg (Spoiler Image,26.06 KB, 300x460, h9991414_001.jpg)

>>1806133there are males who can develop wide hips naturally through a rare condition having an extra x chromosome. I'd figure since TiMs are somewhat artificially making themselves intersex through hormones I'd ask, but no hrt just redistributes fat so it wouldn't be the same as a guy with klinefelters
No. 1806326
File: 1681138210629.jpg (Spoiler Image,132.73 KB, 675x1200, FUb_ZkFUAAATgfi.jpg)

>>1806180Well now that you mention it, his new fursuit does wear a schoolgirl skirt. I always thought his horse fursona was meant to be masculine but maybe not if it is wearing a skirt and giving fuck me eyes.
No. 1806364
>>1806341My brother used to take my stuff without asking and I was a huge mean evil bitch for not being happy about that. It's a total coincidence I ended up in an
abusive relationship as a young adult though. Definitely not connected to a childhood of being conditioned to always take 2nd place. It would be interesting to see how many FtMs are from boy worshiping families. When you're a kid you don't realize there is a pattern of people overvaluing their sons and undervaluing their daughters. You think you're the problem.
No. 1806366
File: 1681144005589.jpg (39.99 KB, 750x400, breh.jpg)

I can't believe he's so retarded. Or is this 3d chess, to claim that the man who raped his elderly, demented mother is a True and Honest transgender and that we should respect her pronouns? I think Geno may troon out one day despite living in China.
No. 1806377
>>1806366Chris is a proven sex pest and these retarded scrote had documented the lengths he went through to get vagina including raping his own mother, but him trooning out hoping his female spirt would get him lesbians "can't be proven?"
This idiot talks about unproven tinfoil all the time. Anyone watched the April Fool episode of the doc? Where towards the end he created a better ending for.Chris where he was trying to get bottom surgery?
So Genos not just respecting pronouns because youtube. He genuinely thinks Chris is a true and honest woman. That he'd be in his best life cutting his dick off.
No. 1806414
File: 1681149706447.jpeg (115.23 KB, 750x1231, 144459C1-E50B-4A25-934B-A70415…)

I don’t know where else to post this but holy shit, this whole time I’ve thought MAPs were just another 4chan sock puppet used to entertain the “lgbt identities are inherently perverse” slippery slope narrative, but I think I’ve stumbled across a TIM autistic enough to proudly identify as one on Instagram. And this one even publicly admits to being in “MAP SUPPORT GROUPS WITH MINORS AS YOUNG AS 14+”. He thinks there are “MAP” minors. Which is dumb as fuck considering the default for minors is to be attracted to someone their age. If someone with a KF account could also xpost this there I’m sure this slimeball would get more attention to hopefully get them off the internet and away from minors. and I’ve checked just to see if it was a troll, it’s not, it’s the same moid in every photo and the art he shares seems legit in the autism way. I am seriously convinced this is a real person and not a troll
No. 1806415
File: 1681149802718.jpeg (202.83 KB, 750x1218, E7A21CFF-03E8-476A-B01A-7F1A86…)

>>1806414sorry for the samefag but needed to share this caption because holy shit this person is so autistic they’re proudly admitting to interacting with minors in MAP discord servers
No. 1806425
File: 1681150397636.jpeg (201.95 KB, 1125x1505, EB4ECB87-4298-4B78-BCC1-064696…)

>>1806415I’m dangerously close to a-logging. I want every pedophile to suffer a horrible fate. I cannot believe we are inching closer to a society where people will be allowed to be out and proud about wanting to rape teens and children.
No. 1806434
File: 1681150778665.jpeg (77.74 KB, 750x625, 93EFD0A7-04C2-4538-BF50-40F371…)

>>1806414the original comment I stumbled upon there profile through. it was posted on a Native American community Instagram page on a post about protesting in America so I’m not even sure why they thought this autistic sperg was relevant but the self victimization, latching on to LGBT identity, and shamelessness of this person sharing their attraction for minors makes me furious
No. 1806451
>>1806443sorry nonna i only know club monocle i wish you good luck
No. 1806461
File: 1681154812349.png (609.22 KB, 720x1223, Screenshot_20230410-151836~2.p…)

A mtf moron tweeted this and I wish I could type out everything I wanted to say in response to it but I had to share it here lmao
No. 1806465
>>1806461Forcing your son to call you mom and watch you prance around in womens clothing all day, not
abusive at all
No. 1806470
>>1806364Nta but based take, female socialization and conditioning primes us for
abusive relationships with greedy sociopathic moids and I hate it.
No. 1806472
>>1806461every time i see a husband + father troon out I think about how gaslit the woman must feel. with any other kind of abuse or betrayal, the woman is supported and affirmed that it's not her fault. in these circumstances, she has to watch her ex - the father of her child - revel in his new life that he chose over them, and be applauded for it. if she doesn't applaud along too she will likely face shame and even more abuse. all of this whilst trying to raise a young child that hopefully won't grow up to be completely fucked in the head.
she has to keep her mouth shut as the child she gestated and birthed calls a man who put his own needs before that same child , "Mom"
fuck that.
No. 1806483
File: 1681157448971.png (111.89 KB, 691x757, ripx4nutmeg on Twitter.png)

Gawd the police are so retarded along with the retards who defend this.
No. 1806485
File: 1681157773397.jpeg (73.74 KB, 1170x701, D207EEC7-2419-4ECE-A628-C97C17…)

I wonder why I haven’t deleted my twitter account yet.
No. 1806495
>>1806483jfc HOW is this allowed to happen? even his own parents are begging police to do something. he isn't even honouring his curfew so what makes them think he isn't going to target another child?
not only is this pedo allowed to enter women's toilets in order to attack young girls but is spared sentencing and referred to as "she/her" at every turn. imagine how that little girl feels knowing her attacker still roams free wtf
No. 1806504
File: 1681159819147.jpeg (219.76 KB, 1170x1889, 79F9FE1A-B172-42DB-B51A-A34DE5…)

>>1806461I came here to post that same cap lol. Here’s his ugly mug.
No. 1806584
File: 1681168171296.jpg (200.22 KB, 1080x1227, FtWXRAoWAAAUKy3.jpeg.jpg)

It's no longer simply social contagion at this point, it's a fucking pandemic.
No. 1806654
File: 1681177587944.png (95.94 KB, 577x603, soaring.png)

>>1805913I am obsessed with the guy. How is he allowed to dance? Ballet is an extremely exclusionary and rigorous sport, one injury can destroy a career. Even for those who do 'make it' in the industry, money is still tight. My dance teacher was helping a dancer who flew in for some stuff relating to the moscow ballet once and said the girl was hardly making any money, and this was someone who was classically trained in some of the most intense schools around. Professionals dedicate their lives, their health, and even their finances toward a volatile career, while a mentally ill scrote in his thirties can jump around and gets articles written about how brave and stunning he is?
This isn't about wanting to fulfill a childhood dream, this is about his fetish and getting attention. Groups like Les Ballets Trockadero are all male dancers who do comedic drag ballets, but even they are actual professionals who take it seriously and train. This retard worms his way into women's section, the children's classes, because women's spaces are the new "gender neutral" spaces and are expected to be easier and not as exclusionary, even at professional levels.
No. 1806658
>>1806584Man discovers he has OCD.
I remember being in an anxiety recovery group and there was one woman there who has pure O OCD, and the intrusive thought of the week was the possibility of her being transgender. She was so distraught by it. Eventually it passed but, Jesus Christ. I can't imagine how many people have followed through with intrusive thoughts.
No. 1806661
File: 1681178148828.png (115.31 KB, 668x864, Bo on Twitter.png)

another day of mandia seething again
No. 1806662
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I hate trannies honestly
No. 1806667
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>>1806584>You're trans nowForever kek at the thought of having your brain hijacked by the mrbeast youtube channel. more milk like this please
No. 1806673
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tranny being racist again
No. 1806676
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No. 1806706
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Another brand down
No. 1806708
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Butthurt tranny?
No. 1806709
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No. 1806711
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No. 1806715
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sadly your taxes pay for this man to get a hole in his dick and pretend it's a vagina.
No. 1806718
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>>1806709If you don’t laugh, you’ll cry
No. 1806730
>>1806590Exactly this. But with affirmation models we now have to affirm this thought and tell him it means he's a woman
>>1806715I don't know why TIMs try to claim they're irl futas when futas are clearly always females with dicks, not dudes with moobs.
No. 1806733
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> i wanted to be a lesbian
you literally can’t.
> i am constantly thinking about detransitioning because i feel like i cannot live like this anymore.
then perish.
No. 1806736
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When Tiktok trolls your FYP
No. 1806741
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i love when trannies post shit like this. it shows how bitter and miserable they are because they just know they’re ugly male larpers and there’s nothing they can do about it kek die mad, scrotes.
No. 1806749
>>1806741I hate to admit it, but there probably aren't enough hate-lurkers for it to significantly affect the upvote ratio on posts. It's probably just a couple dozen people who do it intermittently. There isn't much of a difference even when a post gets linked here.
If a trannypost gets downvoted to hell in ActualTrannies, it's probably because it's so offensive or repulsive that even handmaidens have the sense to downvote it. The call is coming from inside the house, and if they keep crying
TERF at the slightest dissent, they'll continue to bleed support.
No. 1806818
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This and calling us Nazis are their favorite things to circle jerk about. Sorry, I didn’t realize any “terfs” have raped or killed anyone. What’s the worst thing we’ve done again? Said that women can’t have dicks? Pure evil, literally worse than Hitler
No. 1806832
>>1806818It's still so shocking how much they're projecting. They think radical feminists would reduce women to "incubators", are obsessed with purity and genitals? That's the literal opposite of what feminists say and have always said, on what fucking planet are they on?
Meanwhile troons call women uterus havers, birthgivers, menstruatos and so on, and they are so obsessed with genitals they think a botched wound hole is better than their own intact dick and they will mold their entire persona and life around that thought.
No. 1806837
>>1806286lmao that was ridiculously bad from a guy who says he loves murder mysteries cuz he can't write them for shit. I'm sure JKR would get a good laugh out of this garbage. kek at these especially deranged bits
>“Beloved?” Wilhelmina’s face became a deep red and she went on, “that bitch is despicable. She has devoted the last several years of her life to leading a crusade against transgender people. She has convinced thousands that we are nothing but violent predators, a threat to cisgender women. That woman has used her enormous platform to incite hate and violence. Trans women being murdered on the street, mass shootings at queer bars… JK Rowling has instigated these targeted acts of violence, fanning the flames of bigotry. and
>Rowling even published a manifesto about trans people being a danger to women’s rights. Without a doubt, that woman hates transgender people. Of course, her opinion is not a very popular one. What better way to get people to your side than becoming a martyr?>a manifesto No. 1806889
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>>1806326guys, yms already trooned out, he added "any/all" pronouns to his twitter bio months ago and he's talked about how he's not man/woman on his livestreams. tbh i feel a little bad that trannies got to him as a homosexual but i'm not surprised since he's already a furry
No. 1806891
>>1806286The fact that it looks so badly written like the Manhunt book shows that TIMs cannot write for shit, even if it means to be "erotic" and "horror"
>>1806772Glad to see Tiktok did something at least.
No. 1806895
>>1806711Transgender = Conversion therapy for the gender non-conforming. Enforced gender norms and stereotypes. Rampant homophobia. Rape culture. Science denial. Lifelong medicalization. Endless, male-identified attempts at dominance, commodification and control of female biology. Sterilization of the neurodivergent and mentally ill.
This makes me so angry, but I'm glad that they're outright telling us how they really feel. It just makes it even easier to shut down the gaslighting. So many TRAs say "Think about how you'll go down in history, do you want to be on the wrong side?", but how exactly do they think all the shit we see going on right now will look in the future? They will be viewed as butchers and useful idiots who supported horrific abuse. This is just one tiny video, but all this shit is unreal. How can a society become so regressive? Jesus christ.
No. 1806901
>>1806895>but how exactly do they think all the shit we see going on right now will look in the future? They will be viewed as butchers and useful idiots who supported horrific abuse.That's a good point nonna, I think tranny surgeries will be viewed in the future the same way lobotomies a viewed now.
As just senseless butchery.
No. 1806914
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No. 1806920
>>1806667lold at this
nonnie thanks
No. 1806931
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>>1806654>>1805913a comparison to show just how dreadful he truly is. watch her grace and poise compared to his elephant stomping.
and having a giant male body isn't even an excuse, since male ballet dancers need to be fit, precise and elegant in their movements too. he is just shit and 100% being pandered to.
No. 1806933
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Discord moderator that I know
No. 1806936
>>1806902Men really are jealous of women, especially coomers. They really are shallow and stupid enough to believe that if a woman is attractive, she's had a literally perfect life.
>>1806895>How can a society become so regressive?TBH I think it always was, and this just shows you who the weakest links were. Most of us probably assumed that almost all "liberals" were serious about ending sex stereotypes, but tons of liberal moms hate their daughters, and tons just wanted an excuse to coddle their weak sons and make them little piss babies even longer.
No. 1806971
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>>1806711lmao at his greasy ass, did he stick his head in a french fry vat?
No. 1806974
>>1806931rofl he doesn't even try to jump, ol refrigerator lookin ass
thank you for this nonna
No. 1806981
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>>1806931the sickle alone is enough to get literally any dance teacher to grab your foot and forcefully move it. I feel so bad for the teachers, they probably can't give him any corrections because he'll cry transphobia if they tell him he sucks and nobody wants to get near his gross body.
No. 1806992
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>>1806711This is why we call them groomers, also what's the "joke" supposed to be here.
No. 1807004
>>1805112>>1805146Its literally all just cherry picked numbers to fit a pre-existing idea that will be scary to people living under the current hegemon (the USA).
Why does the Ottoman Empire randomly end in 1570 instead of carrying on until the 20th century like in reality? Why does the Roman Republic turn into the Roman Empire but the Romanov dynasty doesn't turn into the Soviet Union? Why is literally nothing outside Europe and the Middle East included?
Trannies will not cause a cataclysmic collapse that will destroy the USA, despite what conspiracy nonnies will say.
No. 1807007
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Saged since not milk but I really thought that an anti trans meme was able to be posted on Pinterest without it being taken down. It took me a hot minute to figure out it wasn't what I thought it was about kek
No. 1807027
>>1806832Tbh I think besides the projecting, they get exposed to blackpill shit on twitter and love using it as ”proof” about radfems. I wish blackpillers would stick to like here or 4chan because their thoughts are way too retarded for normies to consume and not go “Wow all feminists are really like this, they’re just as crazy and irrational as I’ve always suspected!”
>>1807007Love this. OT but very true about the show. Sam Levinson is a pedophile coomer nepo baby who turned his porn fantasies into a show.
No. 1807036
>>1805290The angle he took this photo and the caption are making me mighty uncomfortable, this seems pedo/fetishy
It would be different if the kid was standing up and smiling but this seems weird
No. 1807044
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Written by a handmaiden dating a troon. Just say you’ve never been with a woman but want to be in the lesbian club. These women are almost as bad as the transbians themselves.
No. 1807051
>>1807036Agreed, the top down candid angle with the legs up is creepy. This isn't a kid playing dress up and showing off for the camera, if this was a shot of an adult it would be creepy too if the subject was unaware of the picture and it would easily be taken sexual
>>1807044I think these people legitimately think lesbian sex is just straight sex with a strap on instead (and ~softer~ whatever that means in this porn world). Except even in that world lesbian sex would still be different since both would be pleasuring each other equally and the sex doesn't end when the strap gives up whereas any moid needs to be trained to actually get his partner to cum and reminded to keep going after his dick gives out
No. 1807060
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Offical youtube twitter told mr.beasts friend he's glowing btw
No. 1807068
>>1807060Doesn't he also has a wife and a little kid?
And so many childrean watch that channel to, this really sucks
No. 1807081
>>1806151Another example of troons clearly having no clue what
terf stands for. A radical feminist is about as far from a conservative as you can get. Also yeah no shit terfs aren't gender abolitionists, the entire point of being a radfem is that you care about women.
No. 1807095
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>>1806965Have another, take a look at those chompers. Yeesh.
No. 1807110
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What is it with them and the nazi talk?? Every second they talk about nazi this nazi that
No. 1807112
>>1805827 I just saw the video as a dancer and I’m fucking laughing at how they all clap just for him like he’s a special needs kid and then the other women are en pointe while he’s not which is an obvious display of a skills level difference. There are men who dance en pointe so he really has no excuse. Also his leotard is purposefully different from the others which was probably a narcissistic decision on his part considering it would be so easy to find a basic black leotard to match everyone else’s. That performance really looks like a Make a Wish performance but in the troon’s case he’s got some deadly illness for giants as opposed to childhood cancer. It looks like the women are company dancers who were asked to perform with him for his “wish” in this case. Sorry to kinda necro this but I just am laughing in disbelief at how this is even happening when ballet is fucking horrible to women/girls and many women like myself have life changing injuries and basically no self-esteem from the sport; people are so hard on female dancers yet whenever these hulking ogres join the studio they’ll make legitimate, paying dancers praise and center the moid who clearly has a fetish. I’ve been mad about a lot of casting decisions but I think having to dance around a narcissistic crossdresser who just blatantly cannot dance would be a final straw. I’m not surprised troons gravitate to ballet since it is associated with female beauty but it’s just a disgrace and so annoying because social media kind of made it sort of feel like the dance world might actually start to address widespread issues of sexism, racism, classism, homophobia, etc and now that shit is pushed to the wayside to center none other than a group of predominantly wealthy white men and cancel female dancers who already struggle mentally and physically within the environment.
Sage for potential blogpost, sorry if this is all common sense anyway.
No. 1807120
>>1807110it honestly just comes off as jealously. like if you made a
victim ranking detrans are way higher than trans people. for a detrans person who got tricked into the surgeries the whole "im trapped in the wrong body" thing has an objective and obvious truth to it. to the point where you could almost call trans people fake detrans people.
"yeah dicktendo i ACTUALLY have a female brain in this fucked up male looking body. check it"
No. 1807128
>>1807110>What is it with them and the nazi talk?? When the biggest threat to your ideology has rationality, reality and common sense on their side, your only option is to make such dramatic, exaggerated claims of their moral failings that people won't listen to them in the first place. 'TERFs' as trannies see it are just normal people with normal beliefs based on reality who don't bow down to their every insane demand. All of humanity were TERFs up until like 10 years ago but if you admit it you're a nazi lmao.
I want to know how actual
victims of nazis are reacting to this because it's such an offensive comparison it makes my skin crawl.
No. 1807132
>>1807110It is particularly hateful to me that detrans is met with such disdain. The detrans experiences are treated as misinfo. I got into it recently and they listed detrans support as
terf rhetoric. I understand why they do it (they want their identity to be unquestioned, and detransitioners are a perceived threat to that) but when I see detrans people I feel sad for them. They wasted so much time, went through so much, have to deal with the social ramifications and permanent body changes they now feel responsible for, with not just no support but hatred. It’s like all of the worst parts of transition done twice. The best I’ve come up with is that most detransitioners I’ve seen are women so that is having an effect on how it’s viewed and treated.
No. 1807137
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serious question: when are people gonna notice how many serial killers, pedos and rapists identify as "women"? at what point can they admit this is beyond ridiculous and acknowledge why women don't want to share our spaces with these men?
picrel is Paul Denyer, one of Australia's most notorious serial killer (known as the Frankston Killer) murdered 3 women and is due for parole after 30 years in prison. he is now… you guessed it, "Paula" No. 1807139
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>>1807137samefag to share this extract from a letter he wrote in 2003. why did he brutally murder women? oh it's because he was one all along, silly!
No. 1807142
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>>1807110my brother in christ, it is not that serious
No. 1807171
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sage for non milk but I’m rewatching euphoria and this frame highlights hunter schafer’s male features so bad, when I first saw it I was genuinely repulsed now it’s just so funny to me
No. 1807191
>>1807190The second half of the title just beamed into my head, found it immediately.
Most powerful peaking material, should be in the OP. No. 1807194
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>>1807171There's a BIG difference in his looks s1 vs s2. He looks so masculine in season 2.
For those who haven't seen Euphoria, his character transitioned at 13 and at 16 is having sex with countless adult men from the internet because he thinks that means he's "conquering femininity". They gloss over how fucked up and dangerous that is and make jokes about how he's slutty.
This is echoed by a diagram he posted where he admitted his gender was influenced by wanting to be used by men. He was probably exposed to porn at a young age, or sexually assaulted, or both and now he's a troon who thinks womanhood=being a cum receptacle. It's fucking sad.
No. 1807220
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Under a post about how TERFS are not welcome in “r/actuallesbians.” Plenty of speculation in the comments about how most TERFS are “straight white women.” Lol.
No. 1807238
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>>1806818>reducing women to incubatorssaying this when trannies cry about wanting a frankenvagina and womb transplants.
No. 1807240
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>>1807220Some of my favorite terfs that I follow are black women. One prominent online
terf who dedicates all of her time to anti-gender shit is an Asian woman named K. Yang. I’m biracial myself. Also like half or less are straight. They say this because they are clinging to the cope that all TERFs are conservative trad ladies, who in reality most of us want nothing to do with.
No. 1807254
>>1807110I swear 95% of their posts are made up scenarios. Here they're focusing on detrans people who have spent
years "working with actual nazis" before falling back into the tranny cult. How common are they in comparison to people who either 1) detrans but keep praising troons because they don't want to lose their community, or 2) detrans and leave the cult entirely. Trannies fucking wish detrans ppl were profusely apologizing to them instead of telling the truth about "gender affirming care".
No. 1807256
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I hate this creepy moid more than anything. He got a fair amount of clout from posting videos of old perverted Indian men mistaking him for a female from his shitty low quality webcam on Omegle and asking to see his boobs. he clearly got a huge ego from it and he suddenly started posting his nasty bepimpled ass and moobs as well as sex pest “meme” videos that are just cropped videos of himself jerking off. To his 54k instagram followers (and I don’t have tiktok but I’m sure he has more on there) likely comprised of teenagers who innocently followed him thinking his Omegle videos were funny. he takes every selfie from the same angle with the same horrible quality webcam because he’s instantly clockable as an ugly autistic guy without it.
No. 1807260
>>1807157serial killers cross-dressing is not a new thing tbh, and nowadays this fetish is presented as a
valid "identity" which will even land them in women's prisons, so ofc the number of criminals ID'ing as troons is increasing. even for those who believe in "trutrans", this still proves that self ID is something that predators take advantage of.
No. 1807274
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>best way to market to women
>make a tranny your spokesperson of course!
No. 1807285
>>1807194Yeah, there's also an episode where he's hooking up with a girl who asks him about his transition and I remember being shocked by the answer, it wasn't as fucked up as his IRL reasoning that he posted on instagram, but still misogynistic and retarded.
It's a shame because I like some of the characters in the show (Rue and Maddy mostly lol) and the overall vibe, but they sexualize teenagers so much it's disgusting, there's even a scene where they say that a character who lost her virginity at 14 to a grown-ass man was the one in control of the situation, such bullshit.
No. 1807286
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>>1807274>We're updating our fratty image by sponsoring… a 26 year old white man!Retards. They should've just brought back Spuds
No. 1807292
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Bonus pic of ballerina man
No. 1807299
>>1807128Well nta, obviously I was not in the camps but it seriously pisses me off as a descendant of Holocaust
victims. HOWEVER I’ve also seen shitty awful Jewish troon moids with Jewish ancestors who were probably also killed like mine were and still seem to have no problem calling everyone Nazis including random middle aged women on Twitter who call them men. It is a disgrace to their ancestors. If you just read some historical accounts of the Holocaust and the camps (look up the Hitchcock documentary on the camps) it will show you how far off these people are. Also the genocides in other cases of history like in Rwanda.
No. 1807354
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No. 1807355
>>1805913 I'm trying to be mad as someone who has spent 12 years as a ballerina because yeah it sucks mediocre man literally trying to co-opt ballet from women and just waltz in at 35 but also lol the way he moves
I'm dying. I have never seen such funny fucking ballet in my life. I don't think I could dance this badly on purpose. Little ones dancing this badly is cute and endearing. On him it's just hilarious.
And his performance with other real ballerinas made me die laughing. The one girl having problems putting on his 'flower' crown cuz he's giant and doing all the technical bits while he stood here. Lol. Who let this elephant en pointe when he can't even just do pointe correctly without it? No teacher worth their salt would have let him. Just proving that men get everything handed to them.
No. 1807368
>>1807274Even if they rebranded that piss to look like Belle Epoque champagne, nobody would want to drink it.
>>1807354I'm no Mrbeast fan, but I do feel for him. He has put real time and money into marketing his brand of harmless crap, and this stupid dickhead troon could torpedo everything. There's no fucking way he won't unintentionally
trigger the twitter tranny secret society and bring down gayops on everyone involved in the channel.
No. 1807369
>>1806758>>1805503Joel and Vinny both actively avoid and edit out troon flags from their streams if they're put in by a modder/indie dev so I don't see either of them trooning unless they hide it really, really well.
Mike is the only likely one because he's a coomer.
No. 1807417
>>1807308because nonna, any reasoning to transition are all
valid uwu. yes even the ones who want to live out their hentai dickgirl/futa fantasies
No. 1807418
File: 1681292133514.webm (2.13 MB, 360x640, cantstanza.webm)
>>1806971lmao he deleted this video and posted a cloying apology for it, claiming it was a joke. all the comments were saying "we love you but this is
toxic" and that it was "reinforcing gender stereotypes". everything he does is reinforcing
toxic gender stereotypes, have they only just noticed?
No. 1807459
>>1807274Dylan looks so fucking creepy.
>>1807286Oh God thanks for reminding me of him nona my dad had a shirt of him that I thought was funny as a kid
No. 1807463
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cope and seethe YWNBAW
No. 1807464
>>1807220That thread is hilarious. There are 4 handmaidens in that entire thread 2 talking how terfs are really "incels" not realising they are surrounded by incel AGPs. One of them made a post stating her very intelligent friend went full
terf and she could not understand it. See you here soon girl! lmao
No. 1807468
>>1807425NTA but I'll try and fix
male (as in not TIF)
No. 1807475
>>1807286This TRA movement from Bud Light is particularly interesting to me because I manage a liquor store, and a lot of people have said they won’t drink it and switched to something else because they don’t support all the gender woo, but they don’t have issues with gay people.
Even my beer delivery guys and sales rep is embarrassed about it, it’s been an interesting thing to watch unfold everyday kek.
No. 1807491
>>1807237Nonna this chilled me to the bone and made me furious for you. If he tries again you should physically attack in any way possible or at the very least say “pro tip?
If you’re trying to be ‘a true and honest gal pal’ you don’t pull retarded MALE pervert jokes like that. Ever. Just a little helpful hint.” I’m so fucking sorry that you were violated that way I hope your work takes it seriously before they have an even more serious assault on their hands
No. 1807497
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I hate reddit so much.
No. 1807514
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Why the fuck am I as a woman STILL attracted to Chris even after he transitioned, and almost somehow find him cuter, no matter the angle
God, strike me down already(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1807521
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>>1807514I normally don't say this, and I'm willing to catch a ban for it, but you should honestly consider suicide girlie your box is broken and defective.
No. 1807524
>>1807355Nona he’s not en pointe, they gave him weirdly shiny canvas shoes that sort of mimic pointe shoe satin but look at where the boxes should be. I find it funny that he has these shoes because it’s like they aren’t even preparing him to go en pointe, they just plan to keep him in these shiny slippers among the legit dancers who are en pointe. The shiny slippers are prob because they know he’s not serious about dance enough to strengthen his feet for pointe work. That can take years and he would likely have a narcissistic rage if he had to wait to dance among women. Also just based on how he’s not pointing his toes and turning out his feet, I know there’s people who are just bad at dancing but it also seems like he’s doing the combo really half-assed. I between the shoes and the standard of his dancing it seems as though the Royal Ballet is treating him like an actual special needs case kek.
However, I want to say that the Royal Ballet Theatre may also be doing all of this to keep him away from minors. His skill level is much lower than the standards of that evaluation and the women around him but the lower level you go it’s typically of younger and younger women and girls. Idk it’s just another thought I had.
No. 1807530
>>1806889Oh. Noooooo, though I guess it's about time considering his only friends in the whole world are degenerate animal fuckers and a guy who impulsively makes pedophile 'jokes' aka just saying he wants to fuck kids. Doesn't he also want to fuck animals?
>>1807056He isn't even a femboy, he just has long hair that he's always had.
No. 1807535
>>1807531The same reason why men often cheat or become
abusive during and after pregnancy. They are infantile in nature and become jealous of the mothers attention towards the child and cannot deal with being the second priority in a woman's life. Men often can't even cope with the relatively easier task of being fathers so they find ways to self destruct the entire family unit. It's all for the coom and attention when it comes to troons. Nonna's ENSURE your scrote is normal before procreating please, even better ensure in writing that you will leave and get everything if your nigel troons. It's not worth it
No. 1807536
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I mean 1) Its doubtful this ever happened
2) Play stupid games win stupid prizes. If this story is true then youre an idiot for putting yourself in a situation like that. Men will absolutely go apeshit if they think theyre talking to a woman because of filters and photoshopping, and then a man with a stubble beard shows up
No. 1807550
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No. 1807551
>>1807536You know I just realized that these types of encounters probably made the straight moid feel objectified and creeped on by the sleezy TiM, kind of like how women feel 24/7. I bet this moid felt so disgusted realizing that this freak was jerking off to the thought of him the whole time. How does it feel, scrotes? Have a taste of your own medicine.
Some anons will disagree but it’s good for us when troons stealth them because its really the only chance we have for greater male-controlled society to turn on them. As soon as troons present more of a threat to the average moid they are done.
No. 1807558
>>1807536Don't care, don't lie to violent scrotes to get your booty blasted. No sympathy for either. Scrote on scrote violence. If this did happen, I don't see who to feel bad for. I've seen folks talk about young women who are raped and killed, just going on dates "she should've did this, we have to teach out daughters that"
Yet I'm supposed to feel bad because some scrote got his ass kicked in taking a risk?
No. 1807574
>>1807469Troon brother is usually jealous and I may not be surprised, but given he is a tim, he is consistently a homosexual and may not be as jealous in this case.
Now I have no sympathy for him or any other tranny, but he is the eldest son in my family (My father is the eldest child among the uncles and aunts, so like lineage would pass to eldest sons) and every new year, uncles and aunts kept on egging him to get a girlfriend while not giving a shit about our younger brother. Sometimes he even wanted to stay in the kitchen and wash the plates for an extended period of time instead of helping out the chores for this reason alone, to avoid chit-chat whenever relatives visit.
Having a troon sibling can be mentally taxing, there's no place for me to vent. Sorry for long blogpost nonas.
No. 1807588
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Literally even the subreddits about Aspie womdn have to be raided by these fucking moids.
OP is a tranny who was asking if he "was welcum even if he was twans woman uwu" and these where the replies. These poor brainwashed women.
No. 1807589
>>1807588I like how the comments have multiple downvotes.
I always suspect that troons ask questions like that, not because they expect hostile replies, but because they want to have their asses kissed by handmaidens.
No. 1807613
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>>1807588lmao, he’s arguing in favor of brain sex
also, he’s wrong
No. 1807645
>>1805901Source of what I'm going to post because I never heard about that guy and I got curious:>J'ai très vite été attirée par les hommes. Je me considérais comme une femme, ça me semblait logique d'aimer les hommes. = I was quickly attracted to men. I saw myself as a woman, so it made sense to me that I was attracted to men.>J'ai découvert ma transidentité à l'âge de 7 ans = I discovered my transidentity when I was 7 years old>he comes from a Muslim family and his father is an imamI fucking knew it as soon as I saw your post. Here in France if you're going to see a Black or North African troon it's 99.9999% likely that they're entitled HSTS who troon out because their batshit crazy and retarded Muslim parents would commit a hate crime against them and they internalize that. I have no pity for that guy though, fuck him for trying to screw over actual female athletes.
No. 1807656
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I love how they try to spin this as no big deal when he’s actively lowering the stock price.
No. 1807662
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I usually hate this guy, but the fact that even he is waking up to this shit is giving me a little bit of hope.
No. 1807668
>>1807456>>1807246Sorry to be a Debbie Downer, but police don't do shit for women being sexually harassed or worse.
I was repeatedly raped by a "friend". I was an alcoholic and he would rape me after I passed out and he thought that I wouldn't wake up. He got bolder and started just doing it while I was still awake. I didn't even mention the alcohol to the police and their response was, "well we can call him and if he admits to it". They were useless during a stalking situation too despite gathering a bunch of evidence before going to them.
I'm not saying don't report it, you still should. Just don't expect any justice or protection.
No. 1807685
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>>1807533>>1807540>>1807522Kids, he's popular with kids. If you start hearing about some eceleb constantly overnight that you can't possibly understand the appeal of, the answer is always kids.
No. 1807709
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pls never stop sexually pestering straight men. that’s a sure way to peak the wokebros who aren’t chasers.
No. 1807715
File: 1681340805179.jpeg (724.22 KB, 3000x3000, nonsensethought.jpeg)

apparently an LGBTQ+ youth org carried out a 'study' that found lesbians to be the most supportive of TIMs compared to any other group. the survey was specifically for ages 18-25 and obviously didn't just include "cis-gender" lesbians.
homophobic creeps are now using this as proof that they are justified to invade lesbian spaces. picrel as one example.
what are your thoughts on this though nonas? I know some lesbians support TIMs because they've only known harmless HSTS but they wouldn't date "transbians". I think this is so offensive and dismissive of the many lesbians who have raised concerns, gaslighting them that they are simply wrong to have an aversion to men taking over their spaces.
No. 1807741
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"true selves" my arse
No. 1807744
>don't you see you guys you can totally be whatever you want nowmy pronouns are master and commander
>no not like thatok i don't want to be called cis, latinx or
>:( No. 1807763
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>how filtered do you want your face
No. 1807766
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No. 1807772
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No. 1807789
>>1807563great point. one more contradiction in their behaviors & theories. whether they claim to be scared of men, or that men would be surprised to see them in the restroom because they totally pass, both claims are proved untrue by the fact that they try to stealth men
and fail at it.
No. 1807796
>>1807645He says that he felt like a woman so it made sense for him to like men, but it's obviously the other way around. He was gay, possibly GNC, and in a Muslim family, so he decided that he was a woman. I don't get how anyone can think that this shit is inspiring or endearing, it's clearly just misogyny/homophobia repackaged. And the fact that he tells people to "deal with this" is so entitled.
You deal with your sexual orientation and retarded family and stop stealing from women.
No. 1807798
>>1807762She is, but she makes feminism videos that actually address violence against women and that kind of stuff you would more likely see covered by a radfem rather than a libfem. I am sure some troons would see that as a
terf dog whistle since most libfem youtubers just make videos about trendy shit.
No. 1807809
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This woman still tried to kiss their ass and be a "TIRF" despite being violently raped by a MTF pedophile and she says one thing wrong - not even with bad intentions, and they threaten to rape her. Women can't win. Literally tries to see the best in them even though one raped her and the rest of the community defends her rapist.
No. 1807870
>>1807847if a
terf is a woman who has boundaries, can distinguish between men and women, understands the risk that men pose to her safety, and refuses to enable unstable males drunk on identity politics, then sure, the world is full of terfs.
No. 1807896
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>leave your wife to appease the trans cult
No. 1807906
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>memes mocking the suicide of trans people
>"trans" person pictured was killed by cops after murdering 6 people, 3 of whom were children
No. 1807915
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TiM humor
No. 1807919
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>>1807915>how I sleep being genuinely same sex attracted knowing that trannies will never get to experience what an actual relationship between two women is likegod this one post by the same OP is so bad. the comments are like 'urhhurhur actually your mom might be a heckin egg as well LOL!!! after all why would a woman dislike being a woman if she's not actually a trans man hmmm gotcha'
>Is this a case of you actually secretly having a dad instead of a mom or something else?>Possibly. My mom opened up about some very eggy stuff to me recently after many surface level attempts to talk about my transness and my plans moving forward.>She says she has come to accept being a woman but even of that is true, it still it saddened me to hear that she knows how I feel.>Oh no, the classic internalized transphobia parentyeah. okay. sure. who could ever keep up with this level of extremely factual and nuanced discussion. the only positive emotion I feel is knowing that the only people who agree with shit like this are other equally retarded tims No. 1807922
>>1807715I'm willing to bet almost all of those "lesbians" were troons. Iirc about 80-90% of all troons are straight and would thus call themselves lesbian if asked. If you're a LGBTQ+ group that target a lesbian group for a trans-inclusive survey then you're only going to ask lesbian groups that already accept trans people and that are infested by them.
Anecdotal of course, but I have still yet to this day never seen a woman use the lesbian flag, every single instance has been a troon. They very proudly take over any female-only space, especially lesbian spaces.
No. 1807925
>>1807593>you could probably open a subreddit called r/womenpostingtheircreditcardinfo and scam them out of millions because "omg!! im a wimmins too! does this include transgals?? heres my credit card information teehee girlcock forever"KEk we should try this nonas!
No. 1807928
>>1807237Holy shit nona, you have tell EVERY other woman at the office, he's definitely done it before to them but they might have been too afraid to speak up. If it turns out you were his first
victim then at least all other women will know to be careful around him (because he will do it again since he got away with it the first time) and they'll know they're allowed to speak up about it.
No. 1807939
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they are all so bad at drawing kek
No. 1807952
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idk why but seeing this post has me in tears, something about it is just so retarded it's funny. 18 yr old hsts discord femboys are a particular breed, plus that guy for sure already knows. Also can you imagine a woman making a reddit post like this?
>i'm scared to tell my bf i'm leaving him. he hates me and is abusive and will probably try to kill me (emoji)(rawr) !!!
No. 1807966
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>>1807962Samefag he looks ridiculous
No. 1807967
>>1807952I hate it when they make post like these about men because you know if the transphobe was a woman it would be completely different. Even when a man literally beats them up they still have some type of respect towards him, but if a woman is the tiniest bit "
problematic" she gets the death sentence.
No. 1807969
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>>1807962ive noticed people who wouldnt have earlier, peaking more and more lately. ive been seeing countless tiktoks of regular girls hating on dylan mulvaney and the majority of the comments agree. same with chris!
his wife totally left him in march-august last year, when he started getting more feminine. i honestly think he developed an eating disorder, lost a bunch of weight and realised he didnt look masculine anymore. throw in some pornsickness and agp and its the perfect recipe.
image rel is chris being awfully close with an influencer since they were under 18. the kid just turned 19 today but chris interacts with him on his main and alt twitter, they say things like i love you etc.
No. 1807977
>>1807766>is adoption expensive?This is so obviously just a wank fantasy for him. He hasn’t done the slightest research about what adoption entails besides breastfeeding a teddy bear(!) Men obsessively fetishize every aspect of our lives,
especially motherhood, yet somehow get them comically, ridiculously wrong every time kek
No. 1807978
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There is this woman on tiktok who simply said that woman is an adult human female and some of the comments on her videos are fucking insane. Straight up racism and insulting her appearance for not appealing to crossdressing fags. And if you said this about a tranny all of them would be crying about it. She is standing her ground and insulting them back at least but still. No. 1808018
>>1807962I'm surprised that a video like this doesn't get any backlash. I know nothing about "Chris" but it still baffles me that some normie guy who looked confident, had a wife & kid
and was successful (and rich I presume?) would suddenly troon out. He didn't seem like the kind of guy who has the time to watch porn all day. Could he really have had dysphoria all along? Doesn't seem likely either.
No. 1808031
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No. 1808065
>>1807809Sucks for her, but its important for people to see this and hopefully she peaked.
A number of my good-hearted progressive friends have initiated conversations recently about how extreme and alienating the rhetoric has become. The goalposts are constantly moving, the accepted verbiage changes by the week, no matter how accepting and well-meaning you may be, you're never doing ENOUGH. Particularly if you were cursed with any type of "privilege". The consensus is…they just don't care anymore.
Why go to bat for people who do nothing but demand, criticize, and threaten? And these are the normies you want on your side. I think most trans-supporting people are like this, and haven't yet realized they'd be considered an nazi
terf genocider by TRAs.
No. 1808074
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on the prowl for more Chris milk, it's really refreshing to see that the majority of his comments on instagram are making fun of him, on twitter it's more split. Anyways here's this absolutely cursed image that was in that video posted earlier
No. 1808076
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screenshot from his twitter. this is literally so evil what is with trannies and wanting to drag their kids into this weird virtue signalling shit. poor child
No. 1808084
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>>1807969looking for more here. found this…. this pic makes me so uncomfortable knowing he's 26
No. 1808107
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She looks like she’s being held hostage
No. 1808127
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Totally not a coincidence
No. 1808148
>>1808144The transbians are obsessed with porn, video game, and anime stereotypes of women, the HSTS are obsessed with 2000s teen movie and pop culture stereotypes of women.
>>1808146Except none of them really “pass” ever fully and it doesn’t matter anyways because a man will always be a man.
No. 1808154
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Call me retarded but I dont really get this whole sue thing about Chris.. it was some sort of joke?
No. 1808157
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For once I love Tiktok. Just this once.
No. 1808170
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No. 1808182
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Twitterfags are tinfoiling that Mr.Beast encouraged Chris to troon out for publicity. Honestly it wouldn’t be surprising.
No. 1808196
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>>1808182>>1808186I saw something on Tiktok that was "exposing" him for being against Chris's transition but supporting it publicly because "it's a business" and he had to even though he doesn't support tranny shit. Pic rel. I'd take it with a grain of salt because it seems suspicious he'd be saying this under his real Instagram account, but regardless I doubt he forced him. Mr. Beast never seemed like the tranny-supporting type as much as I hate him, Chris is just a degenerate.
No. 1808197
>>180818890% sure this screenshots were fake
I don’t think he’s thrilled about it though. Once the conservative parents catch wind of this they'll ban their kids from watching and boycott Mr. Beast Burger
No. 1808203
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>>1808179there's some good banter going on in the replies, lol we're not the only ones who've caught on
No. 1808262
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for those concerned regarding the bud light “did it work” question, the answer is finally in: no it didn’t. bud light has dropped $6b in market capitalization with many celebrities (all conservative go figure) were seen shooting at the cans and mocking it.
the heads of bud light have been whispering to news outlets that it was a mistake and they wish that the marketing strategy was shared with them instead of the entire lower department just moving forward with their decision to slap dylan on the cans to achieve “inclusiveness” and they all, implied, openly regret this decision.
what’s even funnier is they’re so desperate to fix their image they are pushing this out onto snapchat news, which is usually all pro-trans garbage
No. 1808267
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>>1808262samefag, but this is what i mean about pro trans. they didn’t want to put the news story of bud light flopping (pic in the reply) without putting dylan’s wannabe introspective speech a story later.
would have put in the dylan thread but i thought this was more relevant here since it’s a stance on trans marketing rather than just dylan being a disgusting freak
No. 1808302
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>>1808179a story in two parts
No. 1808313
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>>1808189I'd hate to see what he's replying too
No. 1808314
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>tranny reasoning to troon out
No. 1808316
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No. 1808320
File: 1681432062552.png (671.27 KB, 832x731, Screenshot.png)

>TDSB school marks International Day of Pink with Stonewall Riots survivor while dozens of protesters rallied outside
>included drag queens
No. 1808332
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No. 1808346
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>>1807962He didn’t like the video
No. 1808353
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>>1808314the odds are good, but the goods are… whoevers sleeping with this
No. 1808377
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At this rate the "Trans people are older than Christianity" is becoming in the new "Noble native" thing, except with an "Electric Bogaloo".
>>1808300I know the poll says yes, but I meant for the fact that there were people voting "no".
No. 1808391
>>1808376Even if society were more accepting of men being feminine, were do you leave the men that take women places like sports, baths, etc because they know that playing the "trans woman" card give them privileges and the AGPs?
Would be amazing for a society more progressive, but that's not going to happen as long the "pro-trannies" sounds like conservatives, "but when we do it, is cute".
No. 1808396
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>>1808395>the two trannies kissing I bet this is a part of their "lesbian" fantasy
No. 1808397
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what a jumpscare
No. 1808398
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No. 1808401
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>>1808395Ugh I still remember when Rachel McKinnon celebrated the death of Magdalen Berns with a skeleton dancing in a cemetery, backing off with "is Friday 13th! is a bad luck thing!". No, trannie. Black cats and bad luck omens are a "Friday 13th" thing. No a skeleton dancing just because an online feminist died in a 13th.
No. 1808405
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No. 1808408
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No. 1808424
File: 1681451014962.gif (1.11 MB, 400x256, costume-skeleton.gif)

>>1808413God forbids a tim celebrating a woman having an incurable illness, but no one dare to call him a "he", that's horrible!
Picrel, the gif he used when Magdalen's death was official, trying to claim "is just a mock for Friday 13th!"
No. 1808441
>>1808376>do you think if society was more accepting or tolerate of men being feminine, we wouldn't have so many men trooning out?Yes, because the HSTS would stop trooning out and the whole movement is only accepted because of them (despite actually being a minority of troons, something like 80% are straight men). They're the ones with "childhood dysphoria", who always liked makeup and dresses, who don't have it as a fetish. If the only troons were AGPs people can't deny that it's a fetish anymore, there's no poor innocent HSTS troon to point to who just wants to wear a pretty dress, all that is left is a big hulking man with his dick out in changing rooms staring at little girls while heavy breathing.
Just look at what handmaidens believe really. They think it's never a fetish because that doesn't exist, that pretty much all trans people know from the age of 4, that they're all sweet and innocent, and would never harm a "fellow woman", that they're the "gay best friend" stereotype etc.
All of that would disappear which means the handmaidens disappear and the AGP illusion falls apart. They'd still try of course, but they wouldn't be nearly as accepted as they are now.
No. 1808460
>>1808446>gay men and drag queens troonig out despite being surrounded by supportive people. Imo it's not only an issue of society not being accepting enough of feminine men because most troons don't even come from super conservative backgrounds.That's because right now trooning out is accepted and encouraged and they think "wearing a dress = must be a woman", we didn't see all gay men and drag queens trooning out before the trans ideology got big. Of course it's by far not the biggest issue, since AGPs clearly are the majority of troons but without the HSTS it wouldn't have gotten to this point of acceptance in the first place. There's a reason even conservatives like Blaire White and why companies push Dylan Mulvaney, they act like gay men rather than gross fetishists. But like
>>1808452 is saying the reason gay and feminine men aren't accepted is because of other men to begin with.
No. 1808485
>>1806717>futa surgery on the NHSreeeeeeeeeeeeeeee is this a fucking joke? Even putting to one side how immoral it is funnelling the crumbling NHS resources towards a surgery that surely everyone can see is pure fetish, the NHS currently has something like six SRS surgeons for the whole country. That plus covid backlog = “transphobic” wait times. Are we flying in some Mengele level experimental butcher from the states for this? People are dying waiting 24+ hours for ambulances for real shit like heart attacks and strokes, and waiting for genuinely lifesaving surgeries like cancer excision, and we’re funnelling taxpayer money into goddamn futa surgery? But this is
terf island on the brink of state-funded nazi trans genocide, okay. Got it.
>>1807550what the fuck is an aroace lesbian? If you’re a women who isn’t sexually or romantically attracted to women then how can you possibly be lesbian? How are they defining this?
>>1808332absolute horrorshow but kek at the fully over-the-clothes sunflower lanyard. Self-diagnosed autism munchie detected.
No. 1808490
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Haven't lurked in a long time, sorry if this was already posted
No. 1808498
>>1808485samefag back with more NHS reeeee but I just went to the pharmacy and saw a poster saying the NHS now do prepay prescription certificates specifically for HRT. The way prescription charges work here is that we pay a flat rate tax of £9.35 for medicine prescribed by GPs (either one offs or a 28 day supply). You can also buy a 3 month PPC for £31.25 or a 12 month PPC for £111.60, either of which covers you in advance for as many prescriptions as you need during the following time period.
April 1st NHS brought in an HRT PPC which costs £19.30 for an entire YEAR. It is ostensibly for menopausal women who need more than two meds in a year, but can also be used by TIMs so long as their titty skittles, gels etc are on the list of meds also approved for menopause.
Surprise surprise, this new PPC benefits TIMs more than anyone else and it’s being marketed as women’s rights.
No. 1808523
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>>1808405lol the one on the bottom left looks like Morgane Oger
No. 1808556
>>1808490Why are they so obsessed with other peoples identities and “cracking eggs”? It’s so creepy.
>>1808520Good point. The gear for this kind of thing can be thousands of dollars, and I do think the majority of people who compete are overwhelming middle- to upper-class whites (speaking as a white person, not trying to racebait here).
No. 1808558
>>1808556Because before they "cracked" they were depressed and miserable and thought being trans would make them feel better. Or they were coomers and being trans lets them live their fetish openly behind of shield from criticism. For the depressed ones, they like fooling other people with the false hope being trans fixed things and making people just as depressed as they are. For the coomers, it's more people to be openly degenerate with and reinforcing the echo chamber.
Then you have the pedo groomers trying to "crack" the eggs of children and teenagers for their own sick sexual desires.
No. 1808560
>>1807962This video currently has 100 000 dislikes, Assmoid has covered it too and it's going mainstream
Of course dudebros are repsectful to trannies, they're the same
No. 1808565
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>>1808556> Why are they so obsessed with other peoples identities and “cracking eggs”? It’s so creepy. It's a cult, they can't really reproduce normally so they have to recruit and convert via grooming.
>>1808523I think someone asked recently why there are so many troons in Canada and as a maple fag I have a theory: Canada is several corporations in a trench coat pretending to be a country. Canada was founded by corporations and is still run by corporations, even more so than many other countries; and troons are the perfect consumers, they're shallow and narcissistic to a fault and desperate for validation. Meanwhile Canadians entire identity seems to boil down to "better than America" which doesn't mean much beyond believing Americans are more bigoted than Canadians, therefore we have to accept the troons or else.
No. 1808574
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The insane confidence
No. 1808575
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No. 1808576
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No. 1808581
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I watched this trion on tiktok (very popular and pushed by the tranny algorithm) swipe tinder for like an hour and he never matched with the people he swiped right on. The funniest part is that he had "standards" when it came to women's looks, these women were lesbians, while he looks like a sweaty stinking cave man who only eats raw sabertooth asshole once a day. Of course he only swiped right on pretty women in their 20s while rejecting troons his age but would get excited seeing a younger tranny while he's in his 30s.
No. 1808584
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>>1808574>C cup boobsI'm sorry nonas
No. 1808587
>>1808562This is part of what started to peak me. I always thought it was only gnc hsts that were trans, then my friend at the time who was a (porn addict, very mentally unstable) gym bro suddenly came out as trans and was very insistent about going on hrt as soon as possible. I was so confused that he had zero interest in doing anything to pass beforehand, like what if he decided he hated the clothes, makeup, hair, or anything he would need to actually put effort in to pass, was he not going to even try before making a major medical decision? Long story short, he went on the hrt, got even more mentally ill, got upset about the hrt making him fat, then detransed. He went through so much agony trying to convince everyone around him he was a woman only for him to go back to being male because his titty skittles made him fat, it really shocked me.
No. 1808605
>>1808604Same anon, my guess is
>Critikal>J aubrey>Turkey TomWill all make videos on Sunny. I already saw someone whining about Sunny a few months ago, so he better be prepared kek.
No. 1808631
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there's a very specific schadenfreude I experience–as a woman who is wholly devoted to other women–when I see deranged y chromoids desperate to convince themselves of their True and Honest Lesbianism. ofc it's infuriating and disgusting the way these males try to colonize our existence, but it will never not be hilarious to me in the most pathetic way. I want to point and laugh at them so bad
No. 1808633
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No. 1808635
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>>1808631ope forgot to include this gem
>I avoid women-only spaces irl to not make them uncomfy but invading them online is fine No. 1808646
>>1808638>>1808641these types are under the delusion that non-white people (particularly black Americans) are their ideological allies for some reason. like he was probably shocked that a black woman 'misgendered' him instead of going 'yaaassss you go kween' or something
>>1808644 yeah this lol
No. 1808658
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Saw a TIM posting this on discord, saying he finds it cute and wholesome.
So here the TIM "evolves" towards putting on a dress and growing his hair out, and the TIF towards wearing shorts and a tank top and cutting her hair. But being a tranny has nothing to do with gender stereotypes, right ?
No. 1808667
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>>1808658That fanart still ignores that both Butterfree and Beedrill have a male and female version, so even if they transition, they're still male (butterfree) and female (beedrill). Besides Pokemon is the worst sample to use for tranny art since no Pokemon can be male to female or viceversa (there are ones without a gender, but not Butterfree and Beedrill).
No. 1808671
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>>1808667they've already claimed sylveon as one because of the colors and dubbed ash's pikachu as mtf because of this scene. don't try arguing logic with them
No. 1808676
>>1808671"Ash and Pikachu have to be women to get a medal in an only-women gym? they're so TIM!" I mean, they are if Ash feel entitled to be a woman to get a medal from an only-woman gym.
And don't remember me about Sylveon. One of the cutest Eeveevolutions and those monsters already think is a trans pokemon.
No. 1808678
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sage for very old milk but I'm re-watching Vanderpump Rules and wanted to sperg about Billie Lee (the HSTS who worked at Sur). throughout his time on the show he always takes the men's side, body-shamed women (commented on their weight and claimed most vaginas were ugly but his was beautiful because he got to "choose" it) and was generally a pos to all the girls on the show but then threw a hissy fit when they didn't bend over backwards to make a fuss over him on "Girl's Night". he called them all transphobic on twitter and there was a huge pile-on at the time.
the scene in picrel made me kek because the way he towers over her with his giant male body is so hard to ignore here. as is his male aggression.
I went to see what he is up to now and looks like he is a stand up comic (why do so many TIMs do stand-up?) and is still addicted to surgeries and turning himself into a blow-up doll.
No. 1808694
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>>1808688Saw this on the other farms, but he was into this anime. Not even once.
No. 1808695
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>>1808694The anime in question is wandering son, about a relationship between 2 mtf and ftm middle schoolers.
No. 1808700
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I'm not that familiar with Dick Materson but I always assumed he was some kinda right wing weirdo? He defends troons a lot. Is he a chaser?
No. 1808701
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>>1808700Same anon, maybe he just hates women and thinks troons are our "curse".
No. 1808741
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>>1807292he seriously reminds me of Shrek, but I actually enjoy Shrek
No. 1808745
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>>1808584looks like he has gynecomastia.
No. 1808747
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No. 1808751
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males can have breasts and estrogen in them too, still doesn't make you a woman.
No. 1808753
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Look at this ugly gorilla trying to groom children into being trans.
No. 1808760
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Was searching around some old Reddit posts regarding AGP and came across this interaction. Everything about it is so fucking funny and telling to me.
No. 1808764
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>>1808751>her biology is literally femaleSure, and this guy’s biology is literally a lizard.
No. 1808768
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>>1808753>I'm a proud he/she/they/them/whatever>bf/gf to three peopleI love when fat retards like this get coverage so parents and kids can see what a "happy trans adult" actually looks like and pull the breaks early.
No. 1808771
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>>1808583lol you're right! Can't unsee it now
No. 1808795
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Behold this fashionista
No. 1808796
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another charity defending males
No. 1808805
>>1808792saging for non milk.
not relevant to the question. original post has a TiM saying he's closer to female because he's artificially increasing his E levels, got gyno tits, and fauxgina. estrogen is the primary female hormone but males have it as well at a much lower level. thats how it's suppose to be. no amount of high estrogen in a natal male will ever make them female lol. regardless of naturally occurring anomalies or self induced. they think taking meds that gives side affects of somewhat female looking secondary sex characteristics and inverting their dick inside out makes them the same as a genetic female. crosssex hormones and surgieries can only change the outward appearance, not the base genetics
No. 1808818
File: 1681529985197.jpg (97.58 KB, 1069x613, stayretarded.jpg)"As defined by existing state law, “gender affirming care” includes but is not limited to the following procedures:
Breast augmentation
Chemical peel
Facial feminization surgeries
Face lift
Facial masculinization surgeries
Forehead brow lift
Genital modification
Hair line modification
Hair removal by electrolysis or laser
Lip enhancement
Reduction thyroid chondroplasty (chondrolaryngoplasty or tracheal shave)
Skin resurfacing
Penile implant
Voice modification"
What is it with the fucking state governments trying to take children away from families? Are these states just run by groomers now?
No. 1808821
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how much work has taftaj got done? he had his bolt-ons updated and they make my skin itch to look at, so weird looking. now I’m curious, does anyone know what else he’s done? his body looks kinda strange. I’m so curious to see an candid/unedited picture of him outside, especially beside a real woman.
Also, I watched a video of him talking and he definitely has a tic with his mouth, plus he acts exactly like an autist TRYING to act like a cute anime girl. I couldn’t stand to watch over a minute, beyond cringe.