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No. 1863585

What’s up with these nazi egirls rising again check out goofballsfatality account on insta.(read the rules)

No. 1863588

Like it’s so weird I’ve been seeing them all over on tiktok aren’t they embarrassed? Most of them get their nudes leaked or get exposed for being a pedo…

No. 1863595

Also why are more then half of them non-white? Like a couple weeks ago I saw some Iraqi alt-right egril, she had that balck sun symbol super imposed on the Iraqi flag.

No. 1863596

Yeah you’re right that one iraqi girl poses as one but isn’t iraqi but she’s a known groomer and pedophile

No. 1863597

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It’s absurd and it’s really popular in Brazil also if you search up #eliteintelectualdainterr on tiktok but these are the most popular egirls that gets clowned at every day

No. 1863602

Pick-mes who are desperate for white cock

No. 1863611


No. 1863623

Shit thread, go back to Tiktok you retarded summerfaggot

No. 1863629

Same, this doesn't seem interesting enough for its own thread and should be put in tiktok hate general threas.

No. 1863641

This sounds like the soyjack moids who raided lolcow recently if they tried to make a thread

No. 1863649

Very likely, just look at the tardthot thread, its obvious with some of the posts.

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