File: 1477340697713.png (651.42 KB, 760x449, aspeckamongdots.png)

No. 187586
Aspeckamongdots or more commonly referred to as "Speck" is a semi-well known figure in the stoner tumblirina community. Started off on tumblr 5 or so years ago posting artsy photos and videos of her self smoking pot, doing art, and travelling, which has garnered herself quite the following. In the past year or so she has documented herself spiraling out of control, becoming a full-blown alcoholic, drug addict, prostitute, and is a proud "sugar baby" to a much older man who has a fetish for girls who abuse substances and has enabled her endeavors. She has been documenting this lifestyle for the past few years glamorizing it to her young audience. You can even tell her looks are changing but blames it on "past trauma of being robbed while dealing drugs, multiple sexual assaults(?) and muh BPD" when it is clearly her dangerous situation that's allowing her to let herself go.
>Was/is an e-beggar. Received hundreds (possibly thousands) in donations and plane tickets for "art supplies and meeting up with friends" but spends it all on drugs and alcohol. Has said numerous times when she ever comes into money, she will pay it all back and share the wealth, has a sugar daddy, flashes cash, paid back no one.
>Posts countless nudes of herself and has tried camwhoring before but never sees any of these projects through, has a private porn blog she overcharges for
>is polyamorous with her sugar daddy but has public shit fits and chases/doxxes friends off the internet after they have sexual contact with him, claiming they exposed her to STDS
>Has public falling outs with family members for being a drunk
>Rates herself an 8/10 and gives out fitness tips, constantly reblogs old pictures even though her looks have changed drastically since then.
>Has anonymous messages turned off because she can't stand any hate, and lashes out hard at anyone who doesn't praise her for the ganja goddess she is
>Has no plans to turn her life around, which at this rate will end in early death
Instagram: Aspeckamongdots
I've been following her for the past few years because she's from my home state of Arkansas, but the state she's in is hard to watch.
No. 187587
File: 1477340986184.jpg (Spoiler Image,52.5 KB, 500x442, cow2.jpg)

The type of content she used to post
No. 187588
File: 1477341054620.jpg (168.14 KB, 500x667, pic.jpg)

What she posts now.
No. 187602
File: 1477344065018.jpg (105.21 KB, 422x750, tumblr_oey77zxqad1qbst9fo1_500…)

Funny how she tried to hide her identity here. But ou can easily follow that to her facebook.
Here her facebook: No. 187909
File: 1477358255522.jpg (Spoiler Image,178.05 KB, 720x1280, 0d91596a-813d-4c85-9005-72d391…)

More gold. She says her tits got bigger since she's been "giving them more love lately". Like, honey, no…
No. 187913
File: 1477358976393.png (396.43 KB, 720x1221, 20161024_212717.png)

>>187910All this right in her "likes" on tumblr. The alcohol bloat probably outweighs the amphetamines. Still gross.
No. 188021
File: 1477377864394.jpg (541.11 KB, 722x776, jsnd.jpg)

random but meth use causes scabs and sores on the face within months. because it causes really bad itching and when they scratch it fails to heal well. she'd look way worse than she does now. just because she likes something about meth because she's a much edge super drug lyfe gurl doesn't mean she's doing it. although she'd probably be flattered if you thought so.
she doesn't look like she hits hard drugs in general. probably because she's afraid of not looking pretty which……. anyway. if anything she's an alcoholic.
No. 188624
File: 1477454728714.jpg (292.56 KB, 960x1280, a808a759-47d9-43a5-9d0b-75cbfe…)

>>188612She lies, cheats, steals, and swindles her way across the country. They must have had some sort of falling out (she broke up his marriage, maybe now that she's out of the way the wife returned?). I don't believe for one second she got an honest, hard-working job. Pic related, the beer she treated herself with after obtaining this mystery job. She was much better off with Adam living in Arkansas attending art school. Her work wasn't even that bad. I doubt she has the brain cells left to paint anymore. I'd feel bad for her if she wasn't such a terrible person.
No. 188627
File: 1477455074697.jpg (265.62 KB, 720x1280, 16a74e6a-c0ff-4df4-aa74-1eb998…)

Samefagging, but she went to London last month and this is how she presented herself. Why?? She used to be cute, fit, long healthy hair and an ok sense of style. What the hell happened?
No. 188686
File: 1477466553358.gif (1.41 MB, 510x205, tumblr_niwxgqFZO41sntui9o1_540…)

>>188624>She lies, cheats, stealsAnon spitting bars out here
No. 190161
>>190145damn that sucks for the wife.
and for speck too, honestly. i mean people can take the sugar daddy route if that's what they want to do, i don't look down on others for that, but to have your entire life revolve around being someone else's fuck toy must suck after a while and probably won't end well for her. i can't see that being very fulfilling.
No. 190448
>>190213yeah the decline of her physical appearance is really obvious and sad. and the worst part is she seems like she has no self awareness? She seems to totally think she's hot shit, her life is something to be envious of, and she even used to talk up her art like it was fucking monumentally unique and amazing.
Like she said her blog was art itself. I just…
No. 190471
File: 1477797227015.png (1.01 MB, 719x764, 20161029_225223.png)

>>190452Fill me in on who that is? In the meantime, here's some sexy, slender, ganja goddess, "art". She went viral for her handstand bong rip pics, now she can hardly hold her self up. Everyone's still just ~jelly~ of her wanderlust, free spirit lifestyle and "Old soul" though..
No. 226457
File: 1483391259287.jpg (245.69 KB, 537x1280, Wtf.jpg)

Sorry for bumping a 2 month old thread, but was just checking out her page and it seems she's been back to posting more and I just… what the hell is going on in this pic? I was hoping she took this hiatus to get her shit together…
No. 227615
>>190471she's soooooo annoying assffgjkll she posted this video once of her smoking a cig with her cat on her lap (it was def a cig not weed but a cig is worse imo) and she blows the smoke right in his face. ppl called her out on it and she was like "well he can move if he wants to" but, it's like you're the human, YOU should know better than to do that in the first place. I hate that shit it's so tacky
I unfollowed her forever ago and lol at her becoming a sugar baby with a NSFW blog. like that WOULD happen I'm not surprised
No. 328451
File: 1496508470011.png (68.54 KB, 493x346, Screen Shot 2017-06-03 at 12.4…)

No. 330081
>>322624yeah meth is okay, can't see how she gained weight on it.
the problems from drugs come from not looking after yourself mostly, she probably isn't washing, eating and excersizing properly.
i can tell shes fucked
No. 330082
File: 1496755046608.png (980.93 KB, 720x992, 2017-06-06 09.13.38.png)

Such a contrast. She keeps reblogging her old pics while peppering in new ones and its like an entirely different person
No. 330084
File: 1496755126594.jpg (234.17 KB, 960x1280, d70b059f-2f7f-43f8-a106-390e8f…)

No. 330085
File: 1496755200003.jpg (273.54 KB, 960x1280, 261845d9-118f-4bfb-8c15-bd8279…)

After (2015-2017)
No. 330390
>>330200Do you know what he does for a living? His house is hella nice…but I can't imagine the kind of person who puts up with this girls shit.
personally i think drugging someone crosses a major fucking line and i'm shocked he allows her to continue to leech off of him.
No. 330392
File: 1496796174649.png (42.68 KB, 505x264, magician.png)

>>330390He's a magician apparently.
He gets off on her drug habit.
No. 330460
>>330392He does computer tech stuff. Have spoken to him personally. He is beyond fucked fucked in the head, his tumblr is girlsundertheinfluence and his name is Devin. He has a serious fetish for girls who get fucked up on anything/ everything all the time. But like, he turned a 6/10 to a 2/10, how is he still attracted to that mess? He'll inevitably leave her for a younger, prettier, drug fiend to enable, leaving her alone completely destroyed, mentally, physically, and emotionally. He'll replace her soon, he also has a fetish for anorexic chicks, so there's no way he's still attracted to this hambeast
No. 330495
File: 1496800920692.png (744.59 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_5673.PNG)

This is the kind of shit he shares. Speck has been known to sit under his desk while he works while he pets her like she's an animal. There's a reason there are so many photos of her with cat ears and collars. That "kitten" crap is another facet of his fetishes. He need for control. She has told people that he forces her to do these things in exchange for drugs and alcohol, on which she is severely dependent but he locks up and doles out for "good behavior."
No. 330699
File: 1496835065911.png (65.13 KB, 497x339, LIVER DISEASE.png)

>>330586>>330581She is a long time HEAVY alcoholic and I think swollen face along with swollen abdomen and limbs is just another sign of her liver disease. She posted this just last month.
No. 331086
File: 1496883645610.jpg (126.64 KB, 800x600, tumblr_or7dkpUx5h1qbst9fo1_128…)

No. 331163
File: 1496891954932.png (2.95 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_5680.PNG)

Here's her and "daddy."
Speaking of her face, was the cross eye something she was born with or a result of damaging her brain with all that alcohol and drugs??
No. 331248
File: 1496910334449.jpg (115.09 KB, 500x667, tumblr_n7skpzSE7a1qbst9fo1_500…)

she has a history of yo-yoing w/ her weight. this is from 2014.
No. 331414
>>330082>>330085She's obviously gained weight and is chubbier than she was, but her body in these photos doesn't look that bad tbh (idk wtf this is tho
>>331086) but her face is so bloated! it has to be from drugs and alcohol to carry all your extra weight in your face must suck
No. 334687
File: 1497315278663.png (340.42 KB, 720x1238, 20170612_204858.png)

Some milk
>marijuana is making her sick
>her "boyfriend" is still her dom, what a way to live (but at least he has money, right?)
>Has no appetite yet has gained more weight in the last week.
If I knew how to embed videos I'd post her new one of her drunk hula hooping with her big fat gut ripping a bong. I LOL'd
No. 334694
File: 1497316108415.png (654.32 KB, 720x1123, 20170612_210505.png)

No. 334695
File: 1497316155341.png (675.18 KB, 720x1135, 20170612_210443.png)

No. 335978
>>335768Nothing comes up for that URL?
>>335796I have a strong feeling Hannah is the one posting the inside information in this thread. I think she tries to keep her distance, she seems to have a good head on her shoulders despite the "spoil me <3" lazy tumblrina bullshit, but Emily Speck is so clingy she ropes her back in by publicly shaming her into replying via tumblr posts
No. 346958
>>346894She's so
triggered and so angry. That fake laugh doe. I can't embed right now but check out the video on her tumblr. I laughed so fucking hard!!! Her and her fat ass, greasy hair and ratchet broken nails. Then has the audacity to say she has "fans". Like, you're a side show attraction. People only watch you to see a crazy bitch crash and burn in real time. Tragic.
No. 346977
>>346958"because you spend so much time talking aboot mE"
~fake laugh~
No. 348594
File: 1499535136999.png (58.03 KB, 720x568, 20170708_132604.png)

LOL confirmed she's not actually in love with her fat, ugly, old sugar daddy because of a special snowflake reason. Bitch, you just like his money (which isn't even that much, it's all smoke n mirrors). Also, confirmed she realizes she's turned into a cheese hog because she's just a gross slob, nothing to do with her little stint with meth (still milking that for sympathy points because she's a professional victim). And lol how she just got her cheap ugly nails redone specifically for us <3 she deserves the shit existence she's living right now. Highly doubt she'll be alive much longer anyways, so she can laugh at lolcow all she wants. We'll be having the last laugh. /rant, sorry guys. I got hot real quick
No. 351240
File: 1499884843098.png (128.63 KB, 704x843, Butthurt.png)

She's really hung up on this thread
No. 351244
File: 1499885037691.jpg (289.2 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_oswdhxKsec1qbst9fo1_128…)

>so weak
>How much of an ass you are
>let's talk FACE TO FACE
>has a face like this
No. 351559
>>351244Wow where to begin here. She looks like she's balding on the side of her head. Maybe all the hair migrated from that mess of a hair style to her eyebrows. That shape isn't flattering, if you can call it a shape. It's like $10 to get your eyebrows threaded at some asian place, do it plz.
The eyeshadow has absolutely no color coordination or technique in placement. I think my favorite part is the purple shadow smudged into the brow and the green smudged on the lower lashes. Was she on heroin or something when she did this? This is Luna levels of makeup fail.
No. 354133
File: 1500314534415.png (Spoiler Image,705.49 KB, 614x530, sad.PNG)

this hair it… i can't tell if it's even good on her or if she's just trying to have two toned hair like some more popular tumblr flakes anyways her red seeemed to be her trademark thing and now…now i cant tell if i want to call her kawaiidabber royallyoily or godshideouscreation
No. 355312
File: 1500474998278.png (15.09 KB, 534x235, Babywahwahhh.png)

This cow is so obsessed with this thread I'm surprised she hasn't tried posting here yet, though I'm sure that's just because she can't figure out how to. kek
keep lurking, Emily
No. 355500
File: 1500488524277.jpg (492.2 KB, 978x1272, Screenshot_20170719-132054.jpg)

No. 360598
File: 1501042544208.png (Spoiler Image,1.02 MB, 1080x1773, IMG_20170725_211430.png)

No. 361751
>>361745Fuck I knew she got in some trouble involving drunk driving but I didn't know her niece was in the car!?
That makes me way less sympathetic towards her. It's bad enough if you get in the car alone when you're intoxicated, but to endanger a child (?) as well? Fuck that.
No. 362921
File: 1501338298884.png (14.19 KB, 545x201, boohoo.png)

I seriously wonder what she did this time
No. 368025
File: 1502070576481.png (57.96 KB, 720x601, 20170806_092629.png)

No. 368026
File: 1502070595904.png (100.23 KB, 720x1025, 20170806_092646.png)

No. 368027
File: 1502070684231.png (75.18 KB, 720x892, 20170806_092703.png)

New milk
>sugar daddy kicked her out
>living with friends in a shit hole
>possible huge breakdown incoming
No. 368028
File: 1502070711069.png (825.37 KB, 720x1233, 20170806_092558.png)

No. 368046
File: 1502071654527.png (674.38 KB, 720x1112, 20170806_220613.png)

She's going to get kicked out soon. After this she literally posted a photo of her smoking in the house lmao
No. 368052
File: 1502072237053.jpg (161.57 KB, 719x1280, ac4a3cde-2ddc-42be-991f-f071cb…)

Peep the cigarette
No. 368091
File: 1502076665667.png (Spoiler Image,992.25 KB, 990x1086, Screenshot_2017-08-06-20-29-36…)

I can't get over how uncomfortable these dogs are with her shoving herself into their presence and spinning them around for her pure enjoyment and an internet thrill what the fuck Emily
No. 369187
File: 1502258171379.png (121.53 KB, 1241x828, IMG_3251.PNG)

>>368382So I was looking at that highsmilin chicks Tumblr and found this gem apparently she isn't living with her. Whoever she is living with seems to be getting annoyed with her stupid antics so I've got a feeling she's gonna be kicked out of there soon as well. Seems no one wants her around for long, that's gotta be a pitiful existence when even animals can't stand being around you. She's also babbling on about being hungry for a "date" more like she's hungry for a new idiot to support her and buy her dope. She says she got her drivers license today as well… thats worrisome hopefully I'll never be on the road when she is since sadly I live in Denver as well. Anyhow I'll shut up now I just wanted to share this with you all!
No. 369695
File: 1502325289046.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.49 MB, 1920x1920, InShot_20170809_173027249.jpg)

I know it's been almost a month but I can not believe how much her hair has faded like she probably spent around $50 if not more (idk I self dye) to get a two tone weeb look. And decided not to do any upkeep with it at all? Even some other recent photos her hair isn't as faded as it is now. Emily what are you doing
No. 369782
>>369695She had mentioned having some well known hairdresser here in Denver do her hair so I'm sure it cost a pretty penny. She doesn't seem to do the proper upkeep on anything. She had it pretty easy with her sugar daddy buying her everything and paying for her to get her nails done and her weed well stocked. She really messed up big! Now she may have to
gasp get a job! After bragging about loving her lifestyle of not having to work. Doesn't seem like her sugar daddy is gonna take her back this time. She is on self destruct mode hoping someone cares enough to save her ??? maybe it's time for her to grow up.
No. 370931
File: 1502497852669.jpg (69.92 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mt0vw7Heos1qbst9fo1_500…)

What a lot of you don't realize is Speck is AN ARTIST! What you see as non-conformist behavior is really her inner artist expressing itself.
She is such a magical, beautiful, gentle spirit that delights in showing us the things she does each day…
No. 370935
>>370931"Speck is beautiful and gentle"
Uses an extremely old picture to provide proof. ooooook. ya. maybe like 3 years ago she was an artist and a "non-conformist" but now she's washed up and an addict. She's lucky she got off meth, and can hope she doesn't go back.
No. 370937
File: 1502498666510.jpg (95.47 KB, 500x667, tumblr_n5h6cbtlYi1qbst9fo1_500…)

NO I am not Speck.
I will however be posting here a lot and if you are smart enough and take the time to analyze my writing style you will determine I am a guy and not a girl and definitely not Emily :)(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 370960
File: 1502500621950.jpg (61.25 KB, 609x668, DB2ztN5UQAAgN6P.jpg)

>>370937ugh so embarrassing, admins!
No. 371253
File: 1502551873991.png (232.5 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-08-12-10-26-22…)

Yeah that alcohol bloat, looks like her liver is a ticking time bomb. Anyway, she's for sure been lurking this thread. Getting pretty triggered it seems. I mean, speck, next time just use cold water on your hair and we won't be able to use that one against you.
No. 373090
File: 1502852223666.png (78.25 KB, 992x643, Screenshot_2017-08-15-19-55-26…)

Apparently she's allowed to do all this goofing off so maybe why not show the companies page her shenanigans. She's actively been a nasty person to people for years even supposed best friends so why the fuck wouldn't this be good bad karma fucking cunt
No. 377126
File: 1503415301360.png (161.98 KB, 989x1052, Screenshot_2017-08-22-08-20-58…)

Don't come back
No. 384492
File: 1505062503370.png (560.1 KB, 950x1551, Screenshot_2017-09-10-09-54-43…)

No. 387999
File: 1505619854293.png (1.01 MB, 1008x951, Screenshot_2017-09-16-20-40-40…)

Hi Leda!!!!
No. 392268
File: 1506318737482.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1242x1885, 8BDEC94D-D890-4B1E-B7DC-74438F…)

Awww. Someone new is hanging out in Daddy’s bathtub and he’s posting the hell out of pictures of her. I see why Bambi feels sad.
No. 392894
File: 1506438829050.png (101.47 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1627.PNG)

>>392268they're not dating, he just photographed her i'm pretty sure. if you go on her profile she seems to be a porn/fetish model
No. 394129
File: 1506606126621.jpg (85.22 KB, 720x767, IMG_20170928_084005.jpg)

I wonder if she's back on meth. She looks like a straight panhandler or someone trying to get into a homeless shelter
No. 399789
File: 1507412688292.jpg (31.15 KB, 640x332, Pathetic.jpg)

Looks like little miss brags-a-lot has worn out her welcome again. I bet she's eating her words right now. Is this rock bottom?
No. 401488
File: 1507643719781.jpg (20.89 KB, 743x117, Capture.JPG)

Found her old twitter. Anachan confirmed.
No. 404986
File: 1508232746492.jpg (61.45 KB, 600x800, IMG_3057.JPG)

No. 404987
File: 1508232787348.jpg (42.3 KB, 401x603, IMG_3058.JPG)

Found some old derp
No. 404988
File: 1508232814698.jpg (47.14 KB, 600x450, IMG_3059.JPG)

No. 404989
File: 1508233260390.jpg (47.26 KB, 600x800, IMG_3065.JPG)

No. 404990
File: 1508233274988.jpg (32.85 KB, 600x450, IMG_3064.JPG)

No. 404991
File: 1508233302403.jpg (51.99 KB, 600x800, IMG_3063.JPG)

No. 404993
File: 1508233316492.jpg (45.34 KB, 600x800, IMG_3062.JPG)

No. 404994
File: 1508233333335.jpg (71.47 KB, 600x800, IMG_3061.JPG)

No. 404995
File: 1508233354479.jpg (93.04 KB, 600x746, IMG_3060.JPG)

No. 404996
File: 1508233367534.jpg (55.74 KB, 600x450, IMG_3066.JPG)

No. 404997
File: 1508233516077.png (2.64 MB, 1125x2001, IMG_3068.PNG)

Also her and "daddy" still see each other
No. 404998
File: 1508233545211.png (3.06 MB, 1125x2001, IMG_3067.PNG)

No. 406471
File: 1508527957037.jpeg (42.47 KB, 640x339, AD1042AA-8565-4507-BFDC-9F217A…)

Emily posted this suicide threat last night
No. 407881
File: 1508718295564.jpg (115.43 KB, 640x1136, tumblr_oy6uk0B4mX1qbst9fo1_128…)

Yeah she's back
No. 411295
File: 1509262630810.jpeg (75.46 KB, 721x768, F0D652AD-B3EA-4195-9A28-199EED…)

No. 411752
File: 1509331845794.jpeg (443.17 KB, 1242x1883, F5599FFE-9E1C-4C84-98CE-F840D3…)

Well…despite deleting her comments, meth, and suicide threats…daddy has her back hanging out at his house. And apparently fulfilling some creepy cheerleader fantasy?
No. 411803
File: 1509340138292.jpg (147.82 KB, 640x1136, tumblr_oym2zvygVz1qbst9fo1_128…)

The meth look is strong in this picture
No. 411964
File: 1509381346290.png (1.8 MB, 927x1628, Screenshot_2017-10-30-12-31-40…)

Her face looks so different
No. 412303
File: 1509432432829.png (2.92 MB, 1125x2001, 785617A2-7E94-476B-B4D9-06C92C…)

Sorry honey but it’s not an accomplishment when it’s the direct result of being homeless and meth abuse ??♀️
No. 412605
File: 1509482682356.png (1.3 MB, 1034x1445, Screenshot_2017-10-31-16-37-49…)

Bet this drives speck up the wall.
No. 413255
File: 1509584473842.png (1.75 MB, 1066x1672, Screenshot_2017-11-01-20-40-01…)

How does she still have a job??
No. 413368
File: 1509610795169.jpeg (153.51 KB, 556x1112, F82C2B53-D5CE-4122-8EC8-9FACF7…)

Oh Jesus and this ones anorexic he sure loves the most fucked up girls he can find lol
No. 413369
File: 1509610815339.png (1.69 MB, 1125x2001, DF05B4F7-CECA-4C80-8AA0-176808…)

No. 413520
File: 1509638087614.jpeg (362.44 KB, 1242x1880, F5DFC91F-DA57-4181-82E7-F2C622…)

She has a girlfriend and they’re all dating each other. She may know about Speck but he certainly didn’t want her stirring the pot which is likely why he deleted all her Instagram comments. He’s moved on to two new people to use up and discard.
No. 413523
File: 1509638230602.jpeg (484.33 KB, 1241x1863, 43F1C2BF-3614-44DB-872F-E142AE…)

No. 413524
File: 1509638246075.jpeg (531.07 KB, 1242x2003, 1463EAC6-F205-473F-A7AB-CD9E67…)

No. 413526
File: 1509638441894.jpeg (1.31 MB, 1242x1877, A0C379F0-921E-4CC9-9F1B-05B58C…)

No. 414287
File: 1509725490957.jpeg (1.28 MB, 1242x1845, 3F007D37-E49D-4A94-84FC-2D6918…)

No. 415189
File: 1509823706402.png (59.46 KB, 987x577, Screenshot_2017-11-04-12-27-52…)

No. 415637
File: 1509850022687.jpeg (399.55 KB, 1242x1668, C17C1499-AE2A-4509-B3E8-E9B388…)

>>415477Here they’re on his couch.
No. 415641
File: 1509850105533.jpeg (256.75 KB, 1233x1812, 8B9E557F-DD85-452D-807E-C09006…)

>>415639Forgot the picture.
No. 415831
File: 1509871231832.png (1.51 MB, 1125x2001, 5895FEAF-53FE-42AC-9D35-EAC865…)

He took purple girl to LA with him, spoiling her, bet specks going crazy
No. 415832
File: 1509871249173.png (2.59 MB, 1125x2001, 6D53FE17-0FFF-4CB2-AEAB-003CD8…)

No. 415833
File: 1509871335595.png (1.82 MB, 1125x2001, 929D7AF9-AB11-47EA-93BA-01B523…)

And this was blue girl tonight with her boyfriend so…
No. 416172
File: 1509991734147.png (1.1 MB, 1034x1574, Screenshot_2017-11-06-12-50-56…)

What a sad photo I wonder what goes through her head when she decides to post stuff like this.
No. 417096
File: 1510069227070.png (1.27 MB, 1080x1452, Screenshot_2017-11-07-10-39-01…)

No. 418626
File: 1510157086672.png (1.49 MB, 1080x1314, Screenshot_2017-11-08-11-02-01…)

>wishes life was different
>still does meth
No. 423985
File: 1510693011673.jpg (814.39 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20171114_125607.jpg)

>>423779>>423754>>423016Meth bongs/rigs
Hmm look familiar hey
No. 424322
>>424294It's not unusual for women to use meth to lose weight and stay up for long periods. Wreaks havoc on their health later, but women who use meth for those purposes aren't the types to think about consequences.
I understand why they do it, I just don't think it's worth it.
No. 424323
>>424294It gets you pretty fucked up… Extreme euphoria. Like scientifically, biologically…
No. 424551
File: 1510761403460.png (1.26 MB, 1066x920, Screenshot_2017-11-15-10-52-33…)

Another pic of her """"dab rig""""
No. 424929
>>424551the white residue is meth. sage for blog but i used to self medicate with meth as it was strangely the only thing that stopped the brain zaps from anti depressant withdrawal (i am not a smart woman, and i have an ""addictive personality"").
it's fantastic until it isn't - keeps you happy, alert, motivated and confident - all the things major depression removes.
eventually the shit times outweigh the good times, and it's time to quit that shit and get clean. and quitting meth is absolutely doable - difficult, but doable. but you need a lot of willpower and a really strong support person/network, which i doubt speck has.
sorry for the wall of text
No. 425598
File: 1510851710931.png (1.98 MB, 1080x1703, Screenshot_2017-11-16-12-00-06…)

I can smell her from here
No. 425981
>>424929Thank you I'm so glad someone pointed out the residue thing. Dab res is yellow then brown, meth res is white.
Does anyone else think she actually might be fun to party with? Or maybe she'd get too fucked up and break your shit
No. 426078
File: 1510882820882.png (678.77 KB, 1067x1182, Screenshot_2017-11-16-20-32-24…)

Idk anon this looks pretty artsy to me ??
No. 426825
File: 1510971109373.png (1.97 MB, 1080x1365, Screenshot_2017-11-17-21-08-08…)

Whisky girl now?
No. 431482
File: 1511574253866.png (1.51 MB, 1080x1421, Screenshot_2017-11-24-20-41-20…)

Welp still has a job. Definitely some characters in colorado…
No. 431535
File: 1511583699222.jpeg (1.25 MB, 1242x1865, 23B1988F-3F95-4E2D-8FB3-400BAA…)

Daddy has moved on. Gross.
Wonder how Speck feels about being used until she had nothing left to give and replaced without a thought.
No. 431846
File: 1511644062065.png (1.02 MB, 1125x2001, 77793320-359F-4035-8416-6B7364…)

No. 431853
File: 1511644293206.png (2.29 MB, 1125x2001, C1E15DC9-DABD-400E-8CDF-D9FFC5…)

Speck used to take selfies in this mirror?
No. 432255
File: 1511719053783.png (Spoiler Image,1.34 MB, 1080x1697, Screenshot_2017-11-26-12-54-37…)

No. 432256
File: 1511719122390.png (Spoiler Image,754.22 KB, 1080x1617, Screenshot_2017-11-26-12-54-44…)

This one is a gif but she's fucking living in that Uhaul van….
No. 432293
File: 1511724268622.png (2.78 MB, 1125x2001, E1DE066F-DB2E-46B3-B1DD-AC6050…)

Specks living out of a truck while new girls being pampered must suck
No. 433135
File: 1511821142174.png (3.26 MB, 1125x2001, 29EEA122-D1FF-484E-8BA0-4B33E2…)

Uh oh
No. 433508
>>433135Great. Another fucking homeless drug addict.
These assholes come here for the “legal pot, my dudes” and think they will own a dispensary by the end of the month. Then they come here and realize rent is astronomical and they can’t just smoke weed in the basement all day. They become homeless and get into harder drugs like heroin and then make everything dirty and unsafe.
Sorry for the rant, guys. Speck is literally just one of thousands of dumb, homeless drug addicts here. She will find no sympathy and no resources; all the homeless shelters are completely full anyway.
She’s trash and I can’t wait for it to snow while she’s out on the streets. Maybe then she’ll realize she should have gone home to her parents when she had a chance.
No. 434151
File: 1511933840992.png (2.89 MB, 1125x2001, B25EF4DB-FE41-45FF-B864-6B29A7…)

Homeless-has money for booze still
She’s also most likely squatting outside whatever building this was taken
No. 434152
File: 1511934055661.png (3.09 MB, 1125x2001, 29E54703-EE4F-4520-A9CF-185E24…)

Why does she have a band tattoo on her ring finger??
No. 434164
>>433761This. I know a lot of people who I went to high school with and my brother went to rehab with who were 'homeless by choice' as I call them. Their parents would have welcomed them home and made sure they got any help that they needed, but they weren't ready to get help so they remained homeless instead. And these weren't even kids from abusive households, even they would admit they weren't, so it isn't like it would be worse for them to go home. It would just be uncomfortable and unbelievably hard and they would have to get sober. It's not something I can understand because I've never experienced it, and I can't imagine making that decision, but fuck man Speck is just going to keep getting worse and worse. She may think it can't get any worse than it is right now, but it can and it will. I've watched this happen to so many people.
Like, for fucks sake Speck, just do yourself a favor and go home.
Is she still friends with Hannah? Coffeepotsmokin or whatever. I wonder if she knows what's going on and has offered to help.
No. 435188
File: 1512076640123.png (376.73 KB, 640x1136, IMG_7725.PNG)

This is gonna be a lot of screenshots, but can we talk about this…strange…video she put on Tumblr? She looks so whacked out. Basically it's her smoking a cig, chugging vodka, and choking on a weak ass bong rip. In the middle, she just walks out of the frame for 20 seconds. What the hell speck
No. 435458
File: 1512107286461.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1242x1810, 64AC5CAA-25B3-439B-8BCC-EFC411…)

>>431853He takes selfies in it too.
Circle of life. Lol.
No. 435532
File: 1512117051173.png (3.7 MB, 1125x2001, 5CF2BF81-90F3-4B21-8854-99E338…)

Wooooow. Or because you’re twacked out
No. 437275
>>436930that's actually kind of a relief. this girl seemed sweet and totally normal so I was hoping she wasn't into the awful shit speck is.
do we know if she's still employed for sure? there's only one liquor Mart in Boulder as far as I know but I don't go by there often, that's why I was surprised when I thought I saw her last night.
No. 438078
File: 1512453525927.png (2.17 MB, 1125x2001, FFEA9D66-CF23-4524-82FC-01ED51…)

No. 438229
>>438078So far we've got a fetish for:
Lazy eyed
Possible pedo??? With the victorious tv show crap
Kitten play
The list goes on
No. 438232
File: 1512491216283.png (1.61 MB, 1076x1562, Screenshot_2017-12-05-11-25-02…)

So they don't follow each other besides her old "blazedbambi" account which I doubt she remembers the login for. But she just went and liked a few of his photos? Creep much speck ?
No. 440305
File: 1512751840648.png (3.15 MB, 1125x2001, 6ED212E6-595B-4CCA-9D72-C6C816…)

Throwback because what a bitch lmao
No. 441879
File: 1512957771261.png (2.93 MB, 1125x2001, 99F13B36-F6BB-4616-8650-871266…)

She finally going home?
No. 442184
File: 1513015180466.png (4.48 MB, 1125x2001, 3EE27D64-1808-4BBA-B460-E33973…)

No. 442657
File: 1513091768927.png (1.25 MB, 1080x1323, Screenshot_2017-12-12-10-13-06…)

Proof this bitch was only with daddy for money and drugs
No. 442772
File: 1513104142696.jpeg (397.78 KB, 1242x1999, 65FA7730-9182-4951-982D-8629A5…)

Someone commented that she has nice abs here. Am I the only one who this she looks distinctively pregnant here? It’s probbaly just bloat but certainly not abs.
No. 442774
File: 1513104345420.jpeg (1.47 MB, 1242x1880, 7B700F3F-14DB-4B8C-A2E2-88A7DA…)

Meanwhile…arm candy cloning process in progress. Pig tails? Check. Nose stud? Check.
No. 443127
File: 1513137462857.png (2.4 MB, 1125x2001, 94DA5BA2-7D4E-4055-8A19-595E91…)

Lmao wow
No. 443520
>>443127Ugh. He’s so twisted.
Note the pig tails. Kitten ears will be next.
No. 443876
File: 1513271579483.png (1.44 MB, 1125x2001, C07E0F6E-6375-4FA0-870E-962F2C…)

LmAo uhmmmm
No. 443878
File: 1513271661077.png (308.22 KB, 1125x2001, 11F4A38A-1DC9-478D-AC77-CDB993…)

No. 447341
File: 1513658540056.png (1.37 MB, 1125x2001, C7631ADA-B949-4CCE-8893-AE9B18…)

More like a bad 10 years lol
No. 448195
File: 1513741043798.png (3.24 MB, 1125x2001, C617CD0B-B528-4D9D-9F76-CD4C9E…)

No. 448196
File: 1513741056754.png (1.52 MB, 1125x2001, 75FA8FC4-A418-4C83-963D-B64213…)

No. 448623
>>448619I agree. I only mentioned if this was a thread on her or the replacements because who knows how far down she is. This could push her. Hopefully not but you never know. Especially if she's on a come down or something.
She barely posts so how is this really milky? Make a thread about the new girls. As annoying as Emily is this is a little rough
No. 448970
File: 1513844329838.png (1.62 MB, 1125x2001, ADA48EAD-0EAA-462C-B7C0-513B41…)

No. 448971
File: 1513844386775.png (2.1 MB, 1125x2001, 9D02C088-E65A-4818-B312-3A1BDF…)

She also consistently likes all his photos still excluding the ones of the replacement
No. 448974
File: 1513844670675.png (714.89 KB, 1125x2001, C80253D4-14FB-4685-AEBC-F66AFB…)

Neon colored hair✅
“Gamer girl”✅
No. 449165
File: 1513878619714.png (1.21 MB, 1080x1601, Screenshot_2017-12-21-12-46-43…)

Lol somebody is in her feelings. We all know you only miss the cash speck. I'm sure there's a liquor store to work at in arkansas..
No. 449177
File: 1513879496077.png (1.7 MB, 1080x1505, Screenshot_2017-12-21-13-04-04…)

Meth head love. So cute
No. 449716
>>449646I think I missed something, who is Ryan? Did she date him in between Adam and 'daddy'? Or after the daddy guy broke up with her the first time?
And I'm assuming that's who introduced her to meth?
No. 449974
>>449745Yes, she lived with him for the few months last year when Daddy needed to go home to MA, alone, and finalize a lot of stuff for his personal shit and moving permanently to CO. That’s the time she got a job at Papa Johns or whatever because Daddy wasn’t sending as much money.
The time she drugged Daddy was so that Ryan could come to the house and do drugs and party with her. That’s when she got kicked out for a couple weeks. One of the many times.
No. 451629
File: 1514137740065.png (3.52 MB, 1125x2001, 6327222A-C32B-44A6-A301-A71A8C…)

No. 454212
File: 1514391462206.png (1.32 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-12-27-11-13-03…)

Back at the rents? Still waiting on a blog post from her about everything but I doubt we will get one. Unless she's tweaking she's gotten a little smarter about what to post.
No. 456837
File: 1514615213930.png (2.66 MB, 1125x2001, 7264168D-D0CE-409A-B23B-89144B…)

Holy shit she looks sober…and so different
No. 457157
File: 1514650525314.png (1 MB, 1080x1599, Screenshot_2017-12-30-11-12-47…)

She says she still lives in CO yet her latest Instagram posts share the location for Arkansas….so…..which is it
No. 457515
File: 1514677858700.png (1.51 MB, 1125x2001, DE205BB5-33E1-4DD9-B40C-1908CF…)

I mean in comparison to this, I’d say she looks sober too.
No. 460837
File: 1515015082255.jpeg (277.69 KB, 750x1044, B473BDC8-69C0-40C2-A361-81A6BC…)

Daddy and his new skank ho have a new skank ho visiting. In addition to std’s, I imagine all daddy’s girls have father issues.
No. 462610
File: 1515162689804.png (2.13 MB, 1080x1700, Screenshot_2018-01-05-09-29-40…)

You couldn't pay this girl to be sober
No. 462815
>>462809>>462751I was lurking her YouTube awhile back and in every single video she drinks a shit ton of ever clear, a huge swig of water afterwards, and then takes a hit.
The amount of drinking in her videos alone disgusted me, can't imagine how much she actually drinks off camera.
I know you're reading this speck, you have fucking issues. Drinking isn't helping, it's just making your skin noticeably worse. You're so white trash it's disgusting.
No. 463027
File: 1515199155799.png (1.04 MB, 750x1334, E77F2B0B-C6D5-4F43-AB44-9FDD9E…)

I am literally LAUGHING So hard at this. What a liar
No. 463319
>>463027"I just realized this without even realizing this!"
God she's such a stupid hick drunk
No. 463320
>>463027I feel like she posted recently about drinking so much her skin was yellowing, and her liver was bloated.
She can't come away from that without horrible withdrawals, and she would've bitched about it on nonstop social media.
Nice try Speck, you're just making it obvious you read this.
No. 463814
File: 1515284962510.png (890.22 KB, 1080x1415, Screenshot_2018-01-06-19-26-40…)

No. 463848
File: 1515288291517.png (761.69 KB, 1080x1638, Screenshot_2018-01-06-20-23-50…)

Oh I can't wait for this
No. 463923
>>463855wouldnt be the first time
She tried to do something like that when she first met her last daddy
She was calling herself Bambi
No. 464004
>>463848She really had the nerve to say her family needed HER help, when she was a homeless tweaker in Colorado living in a Uhaul… yeah Speck I'm sure they REALLY needed you and not the other way around.
Ungrateful bitch.
She just doesn't want to admit her sugar daddy kicked her out.
Probably because of how much she bragged about winning him.
No. 464178
File: 1515340303616.jpeg (177.34 KB, 731x1158, 6393E0B4-C7F0-4484-84C5-0DE5CB…)

Nice meth pipe in her right hand. It’s an old picture, but by reposting it feels like she she’s still on team meth.
No. 466569
File: 1515596798146.png (955.37 KB, 1080x1427, Screenshot_2018-01-10-10-04-19…)

Hannah liked the photo I wonder if speck weasled her way back into her life somehow.
No. 466711
File: 1515606850800.png (1.72 MB, 1080x1415, Screenshot_2018-01-10-12-53-00…)

No. 466713
File: 1515606915853.png (1.24 MB, 1080x1438, Screenshot_2018-01-10-12-53-04…)

More pics of her "art"
No. 467048
File: 1515634832081.png (453.17 KB, 1080x1158, Screenshot_2018-01-10-20-39-34…)

No. 467146
>not gonna unblock just bc some old tumblr girls are obsessing over a drug addicts lifelol no. these are lolcow girls, not tumblr girls
>you lot are still clicking refresh on her life every hourno, us lot are clocking refresh on the entire snow catalogue, which at last count had FORTY active cow threads before running into a locked thread. not just one speck, fucking FORTY other people.
calm down. nobody even asked you to unblock anybody, so perhaps you could just chill yourself a little with the self-importance.
No. 467262
File: 1515655535954.png (Spoiler Image,3.69 MB, 1125x2001, ECBAE75A-9BEC-4948-803E-D35EB0…)

No. 467407
File: 1515682506883.png (2.72 MB, 1125x2001, 3036C2BF-61DE-4ED1-B5BF-9D92AA…)

No. 467432
File: 1515685172903.png (911 KB, 1080x1552, Screenshot_2018-01-11-10-37-56…)

No. 467446
>>467434Like this pole
No. 468017
File: 1515728346111.png (2.05 MB, 1125x2001, 2E357888-ADAA-458C-B26A-495BC5…)

Where the fuck is she painting, an alley?
No. 468622
>>468619not the same anon but everyone lmao
there's even a misandry thread on ot
No. 469489
File: 1515896590746.png (1.01 MB, 1080x1636, Screenshot_2018-01-13-21-22-11…)

Back to this train wreck please
No. 471020
File: 1516043620577.png (941.81 KB, 1125x2001, 5C60D6DA-B352-45CB-A853-0DC142…)

He’s like nah I don’t want to give you a hug bitch ?
No. 472191
>>472004You really need to sage and stop using emojis.
>I'm done dating. >I'm going to find love that I deserve and embrace it whole heartedly >Posts a pic of a dog licking her on the lipsI'm just saying it's not the best look
No. 473432
File: 1516205125050.png (1.47 MB, 1064x1702, Screenshot_2018-01-17-10-54-48…)

Lmao what was that about priding yourself in being the more sober one lately???? Speck you're broke so you can't afford everclear it's like when she was so proud of losing weight lol can't buy food or alcohol when you're a homeless loser
No. 478598
File: 1516687828276.png (1.82 MB, 1125x2001, 017D55C5-CCED-4FCA-87AB-E1D3AA…)

Did it really take her that long to realize this
No. 478895
File: 1516726553095.png (281.68 KB, 1080x1050, Screenshot_2018-01-23-11-52-11…)

Going "back" to Colorado..where to? Her uhaul van?
No. 480184
File: 1516812637460.png (1.96 MB, 1080x1264, Screenshot_2018-01-24-11-47-23…)

She's so cool
No. 481695
File: 1516939655126.png (2.71 MB, 1125x2001, 18AC796D-9989-421F-8BB9-8516EB…)

Smoking in mommy’s house? (Including the nice bed she probably bought her)
No. 481698
File: 1516940320645.png (2.39 MB, 1080x1597, Screenshot_2018-01-25-20-33-04…)

She seems pretty comfotable where she's at so I'm curious about this trip back to CO
No. 481785
File: 1516958676970.png (1.82 MB, 1125x2001, F6913908-C319-4B69-8F10-197279…)

Guess she’s goin for the classy alcoholic look now
No. 483117
File: 1517091423400.png (2.19 MB, 1080x1554, Screenshot_2018-01-27-17-12-51…)

Looking real haggard
No. 483122
File: 1517091496188.png (1.76 MB, 976x1697, Screenshot_2018-01-27-17-14-38…)

>someone who really loves you wouldn't sit back and watch you do drugs
>reblogs drugs
No. 485221
File: 1517239807807.png (1.98 MB, 1080x1692, Screenshot_2018-01-29-10-28-45…)

Looks like a hotel bathroom. Wonder If she's making her way back to CO
No. 486895
File: 1517331743358.png (2.02 MB, 1080x1581, Screenshot_2018-01-30-11-58-56…)

Stays in a hotel/motel but can't use the shower??? Think she's in CO by the looks of it
No. 487220
File: 1517346087551.png (1.76 MB, 1125x2001, 25972FD4-88AD-4380-BC16-6E16DE…)

Who the fuck uses food coloring to dye their hair?
No. 487632
File: 1517369976380.png (2.62 MB, 1125x2001, EC493EFF-C136-4365-A536-243434…)

Her hairs already looking like shit hahaha
No. 487803
File: 1517379166869.png (3.31 MB, 1125x2001, 347B57A1-7E80-4547-B47E-2DB90D…)

Yo is that a syringe next to the butane???
No. 487836
>>487830>>487831Do you realize the needle would be at least 10 gauge if that were a syringe?
It looks like a jewelers screwdriver.
No. 488196
File: 1517417448081.png (585.77 KB, 1080x1057, Screenshot_2018-01-31-11-48-21…)

No. 488242
File: 1517420171496.png (1.26 MB, 1080x1212, Screenshot_2018-01-31-12-33-20…)

She's showing off her hair in this video and it is so beyond dried and thin I don't exactly know what the point of it was
No. 488319
>>488134Anons' thirst for hardcore paraphernalia in this thread is hilarious and cringe-worthy. Sometimes a metal tool is just a metal tool.
Has she been known to use heroin? Hardcore meth users can escalate to injecting as their tolerance increases or if other ROA become
No. 489092
File: 1517465569764.png (2.39 MB, 1125x2001, 93F4C448-B5EF-47BE-9A8B-191110…)

As she’s still drinking lol
No. 489115
>>489102Needles supplied by needle exchanges are insulin syringes which come in lengths of 5/16" and 1/2". Most IV drug users prefer 5/16". IM drug users use 1/2".
Sage for former prescribed IM syringe use and former illicit IM and IV drug use and working in needle exchange.
No. 492853
File: 1517771851464.png (1.77 MB, 1080x1575, Screenshot_2018-02-04-14-15-20…)

Her life motto
No. 495059
File: 1517929807469.png (1017.33 KB, 1080x1289, Screenshot_2018-02-06-10-07-24…)

She lurks this thread harder than we do
No. 498128
File: 1518136816550.png (1.2 MB, 1080x1371, Screenshot_2018-02-08-19-39-19…)

No. 498502
File: 1518158762853.png (831.63 KB, 1080x1558, Screenshot_2018-02-09-01-44-13…)

Getting ready to shoot your first porn speck?
No. 498554
File: 1518164231107.png (Spoiler Image,1.3 MB, 1125x2001, 7D860513-3098-433E-9435-CDDC28…)

Lmfao did she dye her hair red again too?
No. 500059
File: 1518299010718.png (3.44 MB, 750x1334, 1C804BF8-41CB-4AF9-8483-6C7FA0…)

Look at how green that cheap ass jewelry got. Sis just throw it away and buy a new one, it was clearly cheap. lmao.
No. 501534
File: 1518457739272.png (2.3 MB, 1080x1578, Screenshot_2018-02-12-12-46-35…)

Prob the most sober I've ever seen her….wonder where she is staying
No. 507289
File: 1518974294781.png (1.82 MB, 1080x1394, Screenshot_2018-02-18-12-16-57…)

Is she back with that meth head kid??
No. 507441
File: 1518983702462.png (1.29 MB, 1042x1371, Screenshot_2018-02-18-14-50-14…)

No. 507442
File: 1518983722757.png (749.01 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-02-18-14-53-13…)

No. 507443
File: 1518983781557.png (Spoiler Image,613.4 KB, 1055x815, Screenshot_2018-02-18-14-53-34…)

Clearly gonna do something sex work related..I also think she's already back on meth lol if she ever truly gave it up
No. 508277
File: 1519030015209.png (2.7 MB, 1125x2001, B705BA0E-9EB1-4CFE-9726-07BDCC…)

No. 508449
File: 1519057103256.png (1.31 MB, 1071x1744, Screenshot_2018-02-19-11-13-14…)

LOL all that self praise about being so strong yet she's in the exact position she was before she left. Fucking junkie. Probably back to using so she can stop being such a hambeast but girl it is not working
No. 511279
File: 1519288852341.png (1.54 MB, 1125x2001, FAD83264-CC25-4C07-9056-EC06FA…)

No. 517580
File: 1519893775337.png (2 MB, 1125x2001, FC67D1DE-FA0C-449F-9971-2BF038…)

No. 520255
File: 1520145037199.png (1.16 MB, 1125x2001, 1D105CA4-1D0C-44F6-990F-8EDBBB…)

Yep looks like she’s back. That was fast lol.
No. 521284
File: 1520271872492.png (1.2 MB, 1125x2001, 92E655C4-1277-4CB7-9FD6-1E4EB3…)

No. 522111
File: 1520358071458.png (1.9 MB, 1052x1246, Screenshot_2018-03-04-08-52-39…)

Colorado was clearly a fluke
No. 526134
File: 1520749066654.png (708.18 KB, 1125x2001, 9C1AC3C0-9B38-46B2-B69B-88C382…)

No. 526135
File: 1520749088035.png (2.07 MB, 1125x2001, EA16B98B-C854-4899-9002-3B4E71…)

No. 531733
File: 1521390008322.png (1.17 MB, 1080x1401, Screenshot_2018-03-18-09-45-24…)

Pretty sure this is old but she loves to recycle old pics
No. 531734
File: 1521390031285.png (2.2 MB, 1080x1410, Screenshot_2018-03-18-12-18-16…)

No. 531909
File: 1521403758143.png (2.1 MB, 1125x2001, D0633892-3DB5-4755-9D85-4D84A9…)

We back to the meth?
No. 532083
File: 1521415471748.png (1.36 MB, 1077x1408, Capture _2018-03-18-19-22-00.p…)

She's had that tattoo for as long as I can remember from tumblr
No. 532536
File: 1521439591306.png (1.22 MB, 1125x2001, B2DDB033-9CCF-4C38-9D44-328284…)

Not to “make this about her” but I find it ironic daddy’s new girl is an artist too lmao
No. 533400
File: 1521514345197.png (3.53 MB, 750x1334, 44F48052-7A28-4A45-8527-ED8EB4…)

Definitely a wig
No. 540081
File: 1522246378625.png (1.75 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-03-28-10-10-52…)

Amputee bondage painting? Lol she's also clearly still with her family. Hopefully getting her life back to being somewhat normal
No. 556537
File: 1523829478376.png (1.09 MB, 1080x1577, Screenshot_2018-04-15-17-55-07…)

No. 556676
File: 1523837658085.png (1.53 MB, 1080x1436, Screenshot_2018-04-15-20-04-20…)

Apparently these are her new co-workers…..really curious to see what she's doing in pittsburgh
No. 558743
File: 1524058653721.png (1.15 MB, 1125x2001, 93706EC3-ECA5-4D2A-8584-24AD91…)

No. 558766
File: 1524060092652.png (35.84 KB, 819x255, Výstřižek.PNG)

>>558743how? theres no way shes been attending any sort of a program for 2 years
No. 560849
File: 1524244008500.png (308.15 KB, 1075x1478, Screenshot_2018-04-20-13-04-45…)

Still as narcissistic as ever lol she hasn't interacted with her followers in months why the fuck would they want to smoke her out
No. 564367
File: 1524585681513.jpeg (157.86 KB, 961x1280, 57DDF1E4-ACAF-4EB4-AE22-8E6D49…)

This is current lol
No. 564368
File: 1524585699462.png (2.14 MB, 1125x2001, A93716EB-3117-49A5-84B0-624966…)

No. 569704
File: 1525055184009.png (2.11 MB, 750x1334, 8408BC1D-28EC-4D47-843B-9F03B8…)

Is this About Speck? Lmao
No. 571686
File: 1525240347913.jpeg (1.52 MB, 1242x1797, C55C37C6-025D-4FA5-BB51-B4FD94…)

If she’s changing good for her.
Some people are staying exactly the same…
No. 575870
File: 1525707221048.jpeg (501.95 KB, 1071x1544, Screenshot_2018-05-07-11-31-26…)

Samefag but she liked this pic from not even a month ago. I don't understand why she's keeping tabs on him
No. 583154
File: 1526350492882.png (3.3 MB, 1125x2001, 3C5CD785-AFB4-436A-A63F-8B127F…)

No. 585790
File: 1526529888810.jpeg (199.97 KB, 1060x1414, Screenshot_2018-05-17-00-02-26…)

Lol she ended the video with "weak hits good tits"
No. 585807
File: 1526531367506.jpeg (304.71 KB, 1051x1399, Screenshot_2018-05-17-00-21-04…)

Still an alchy
No. 589298
File: 1526829911496.png (2.62 MB, 1125x2001, 546FF04F-7F48-48CD-BC28-AF1590…)

Check out his story with “too many kittens in his bed” lmfao this guys probably got aids. Why does every whore he’s with wear big ass necklaces that say babygirl and shit bahahaha
No. 599084
File: 1527822811809.jpeg (173.15 KB, 1080x640, Screenshot_2018-05-31-23-11-36…)

No. 613326
File: 1529251881262.jpeg (578.09 KB, 1073x1431, Screenshot_2018-06-16-11-15-41…)

Lol at all this talk that speck has changed because she got a job…smoking meth at her parents WOW what a turn around
No. 645114
File: 1532360694976.jpeg (387.05 KB, 1060x1445, Screenshot_2018-07-23-11-41-49…)

No. 722662
File: 1540710740954.jpeg (131.49 KB, 640x853, 9BBC4BA3-53C5-435B-9B08-BDF1C9…)

Did anyone notice this painting she did looks a lot like bo weep lol must be daddy’s dick who she’s obviously still not over
No. 737675
File: 1543110995176.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1242x1889, F32AFA03-4F11-445D-8BC9-39DBE0…)

Same story. Different channel.
No. 746782
>>737675Is that a tranny? This dude is seriously fucked
>>746768Speaking of daddies, I wonder who is the father lol. God bless this baby, he's gonna need some luck
No. 746895
>>746651Does this mean she was showing while she was smoking in
No. 747794
>>746651>>746768Baby looks so much like living_the_life_i_want_to_live especially in the other pics on Speck's insta
>>585807She also drank alcohol during pregnancy. Not surprising but I hope this poor child is okay. Children deserve a healthy start and good parents. I'm not confident Speck can provide that but I really hope so for baby's sake.
No. 749386
File: 1544844209055.jpeg (325.44 KB, 750x743, A85AE545-9311-42F7-8A1C-8AAF19…)

Dad isn’t Devon/living_the-_life_I-want_to_live.
No. 757934
File: 1546465261159.png (2.05 MB, 750x1334, 952C6E4A-5800-4EE4-8454-8EE44A…)

She posted this THREE months ago wtf?!?!?!
No. 758365
File: 1546527340472.png (133.06 KB, 640x882, IMG_9889.PNG)

Says someone who did drugs throughout her entire pregnancy.
No. 773173
File: 1548746344685.png (371.98 KB, 1125x2001, 23E1478A-B279-4EB8-9383-213C22…)

Alright which one of y’all was this haha. But that poor baby probably has so much brain damage from the shit she was doing, especially if she didn’t know she was pregnant. First drink en utero was probably everclear
No. 774139
File: 1549007298208.png (1.18 MB, 1125x2001, AA6B679A-9C76-48D8-A942-A3241D…)

Didn’t even notice lol. I’m curious why that’s a huge thing when she posts him all over social media?
No. 788111
File: 1552968705528.png (2.27 MB, 1125x2001, E3DA347D-4CF0-488B-A3AC-190AD9…)

No. 800847
File: 1556415267845.jpeg (92.34 KB, 750x734, A3DC8C85-F282-4B16-AEF9-C0CF79…)

No. 803123
File: 1557309861808.jpg (245.54 KB, 1000x1000, pjimage.jpg)

>>746782Definitely a tranny, a manly one at that
No. 806660
File: 1557812923000.jpeg (Spoiler Image,190.79 KB, 750x1077, 59F34CA4-996A-4C9A-9B0D-09A61A…)

She already is back on the bottle that didn’t take long. Her poor infant. I wish I could inform cps.(emoji)
No. 1040130
File: 1600302769207.png (3.91 MB, 828x1792, A5263228-01F5-49BB-93D8-603A59…)

Looks like she’s on the bottle again