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No. 1898682
Etheral electronic-alternative hipster musician turned imperialist-friendly space bimbo devoted to whiteknighting Elon Musk and making lame TikToks. Billionaire exploiting his workers and enjoying his cringe celebrity phase.
>Claire looks worse than ever, eyes drooping from botox (?) and trying to hide it behind 80s „antisocial but i’m so smart” glasses >>1884417, >>1893359, >>1893117>Melon wobbling around with a photocamera at Grimes show in Japan pissed off all the Japanese folks who were gracious (masochistic?) enough to attend >>1884577>Melon deletes all videos of him at said event >>1890070>The Ronan article calling Elon out on a lot of shit drops, except farmers knew it all along already >>1885846>Grimeth autism LARP saga continues: she thinks she’s autistic because she „performed worse than her kids on every test” >>1887926 X allegedly has autism, to a surprise of no one >>1896441>Grimes has a huge mental breakdown because most traumatic event of her life had just happened (read: Elon fucked her over again) >>1887926, >>1887493, >>1887649 Breakdown manifests in cancelling all planned musical projects, as per usual>the Great Grimes vs Shivon catfight begins! Let’s take a look at the timeline and all overlaps of this fuckery again >>1895476, >>1895477>also let’s remember this gem, Claire’s emo poem allegedly telling story of evil Shivon stealing her idea of calling her child Valkyrie (never came to fruition though) >>1895190>Shivon mimics Grimes post almost word for word, bitching about the hardest month of her life etc >>1890181 >Rumours say feds raided Elon’s house, so Grimeth and Shivon could’ve been asked to testify against him>Grime likes a post about a woman who’s Jake Munro tier shitty husband is too ashamed to walk any closer to her than 10m away >>1888084>Elon brings X to a Valorant tournament, only to get booed at by the crowd >>1889495>Grimes thanks for awesome Japanese tour, except it was… one DJ event for a handful of mildly uncomfortable semi-fans. Claims she got fanmail, but realiti is nobody likes her in Japan >>1894952
>yet another worthless biopraphy of Elon that nobody asked for scheduled to come out very soon, not much fond mentions about Grimes to be found besides her gloating over Elon playing Elden Ring >>1891677>Shivon showing pretty much same brand of „gamer NLOG gurl” retardation as Grimes, talking about naming her kid after Elden Ring >>1892475 To be honest, Shivon and Grimes talk about their kids identically >>1894480>Grimes big mad at Elon, liking tweets potentially roasting him >>1893077, >>1893083 but worry not, she’s going back to regular schedule of kissing his lard ass soon>our Warnymph ponders if she should choose war or peace (read: eagerly letting Elon shit on her again), Jeff Bezos offers valuable advice >>1893506>hysteric tweet in which Claire implies Apartheid Clyde took away her son and doesn’t let him see her??? >>1894098 Grimes begs Shivon to unblock her on Twitter because she wants to see her and Muskrat’s kids for whatever reason>Shivon beats Grimes big time in a race to become Melon’s Mars Concubine! Melon comes back to her (or at least chooses to show around with her and their Elden Ring spawn at the moment) >>1894098, somebody places the poor child on his lardy lap and Melon visibly suffers >>1894513, >>1894449>Shivon continues to post thinly veiled digs at Grimes. She used to be all private, now she posts overzealous pics and videos of her children playing in a big ass house (while Grimes sits in a leftover anime gaming chair delivery carton box, probably) >>1895204, >>1895227>I’m utterly disappointed but i must inform that Grimes’ compass tattoo doesn’t spell „Love Me Elon” in marsian, it’s „Techno Y X” in Marsian >>1895625>The „make your own Grimes AI song!” project is a scam, there’s no terms of use displayed, you need to pay, then you sign NDA. You cannot publish your song before it’s published by GrimesAI team. You don’t get any money until you hit some threshold, so basically you pay to play, um, pay to make a song so Grimes can rake in the cash anyway >>1895626, >>1895697>as anybody could predict, Elon just wobbled over to Shivon and kindly offered to be her sperm donor because he’s sOoO iNtElLiGent >>1895676 and didn’t tell Claire, ofc>Melon took a pic of Grimes giving birth and sent it to all his family and friends. >>1895692 Yes, you read it right. He sent his family and pedo techbros a photo of her giving birth. And yes, she never dumped him after that. >All farmers’ predictions come true, as usual. Idiots just made a 3rd baby, Techno Mechanicus nicknamed Tau. I have no words >>1895612, >>1896034>pics of X and little Eurodance in new Melon biography >>1896110, >>1896111>some lame ass coward PR move or whatever it is, Grimes lets the world know that throwing a tantrum online worked, she finally talked to Shivon about getting cucked by Elon and they’re totally absolutely ~fine~ now!~ >>1896262 They respect each other so much omg!>Remember: when you’re eager to keep the Mars Concubine title, best way to control the enemy is to befriend the enemy (marsian proverb)>Shivon shits out PR damage control tweet as well, very eagerly promising Grimes they can hang out with their kids in the playground for a bit between maybe 12:00 and 12:05 somewhere, somewhen, some day for sure >>1896273 >Grimes’ „she just wanted to watch the world burn” tier pathetic musing on how Amber Heard „just wanted chaos” and in Dungeons&Dragons alignment she’d be chaotic evil, while she would be noble chaotic good. Of course she’d use D&D reference. Of course >>1896865 >book confirms Melon pretty much lives as 13yo discord kid having autistic tantrums over games, had biggest fight with Grime ever because she surprise attacked him in a game >>1896957 >Elon fucks ups all his schedules and meetings bc he must play Polytopia >>1897000>considers Polytopia better than chess! >>1897000>this is how mighty Polytopia looks >>1897001>Elon liked to make Grimes fatshame him, in hopes he stops binging >>1897064 Wtf Melon. You could’ve just lurked lolcow>meanwhile, Elon happily posts Amber Heard’s sexy cosplay pics! Guess chaotic evil stays winning >>1897499, >>1897500>the problem is, these pics look like private half-dressed bedroom pics, but what do you expect from someone who sends out his concubines birth pics>Grimes planned to have a daughter first (via ivf), and was convinced it would be, but surprise, somehow she had a boy! How oh how could this happen? Ask Elon >>1897670>book revelations (read: made up shit) leave anons wondering if Shivon and Husk even fucked, if Shivon had twins naturally or through surrogate, etc. Farmers remember Shivon’s now deleted pics of her hiking/doing certain sports & activities, flat-bellied, when she was supposed to be deep into pregnancy>more info about broodmare wars When they were born, they had been given her last name. But Musk's estrangement from his daughter caused him to want to change that. "When Jenna deleted Musk from her name, he was just really sad," Zilis says. "And he asked me, 'Hey, would you be open to our twins taking my name?" That's when Grimes discovered that Zilis, whom she considered a friend, had given birth to twins with Musk. When she confronted Musk, he simply said Zilis had the right to do what she wanted. Grimes was outraged.>Shivon disses her new beloved best friend Grime, sadly forgets the joke’s on her, because incidentally she used to do similar shit >>1897951>Shivon posts a video of Elon dancing with their daughter. time to write You Stole My Valkyrae poem part 2, Claire>the book’s author depicts Grimes as drama chasing, chaotic clusterfuck who mistreated house staff >>1898249 but unlike Amber, hers was a chaos that was undergirded by kindness and even sweetness.>looking good at Discussions Club after school >>1897858>Grimeth presents her charisma and erudition infused word salad to the class >>1898209>rumours say Elon dates some married conservative journalist blonde Ashley>Grimes comments on „family values” and „healthy relationships” >>1898563 Girl but you continually choose to stay in a fucked up relationship, have more and more about-to-be-psychologically fucked up kids and refuse to escape the situation bc who cares if kids are endangered by narc father when nothing tastes as good as that slice of pickme fame right>details on Elon & Grime’s first date, and it’s delicious. They just walked the floors and Elon pretended to fix things. Second date, Elon scratched on the walls and held a Lord of The Rings trivia. Amazing >>1898589(Grimes/Shivon/Amber whiteknights, nobody cares that you like them, take it elsewhere. Grimes might be an idiot, Shivon might be about 5% smarter than Grimes and Amber might be based for beating the shit out of Melon, but in the end they're all equally retarded for fucking/breeding with Elon Musk. There's no going lower than that.)
Links: threads:
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>>>/snow/1884242 No. 1898816
>>1898686bless you nonna. Love the threadpic and the name kek
>>1898691the moment it's legal all three of grimes' babies are for sure changing their names, assuming they're (minus x) kicked to the curb and go live in canada with grimes' mom I'm betting the kids are also going to sign up for a different "chosen" name in school (you can request a "school name" that will be on all documents and even your teachers won't have to know your real name,
I knew a girl who didn't use her official name her abusive dad named her and it only came out after a fuck up on her report card showed her official name). Azure is cool on paper but even if it's a blatant lie, they'd probably hate being associated with some random video game spell from a game nobody is going to remember within a decade so I can see that name being changed too. Especially if the kid feels they were named Azure so shivon can larp as "best waifu" (again, regardless of them seemingly being named before the game came out, they're only going to know the narrative fed to them)
Elon's legacy is children distancing themselves from him and the best he can say is he at one point fucked their moms and gave them embryos (except he can't officially to amber kek)
No. 1898819
>>1898811No I agree with you nona, 100%. I was also reading through some of the comments on that sub and it was all so seething and scornful that I genuinely started suspecting it was Claire on her 300 alts or something.
You should be allowed to post your children without being flamed by Grimes fans (same ‘fans’ who constantly shittalk her too.
It’s ridiculous how they’re infantilizing Claire and painting her as the poor scorned wife or something (hello, they were broken up by that point, Elon never fully committed to her and even Claire basically confirmed they were in an open ‘polycule’ relationship at most and fwbs at the least) it’s been obvious Elon never really gave a fuck about her and what they had was painfully casual, people acting like Shivon broke up a sacred marriage bond or something is ridiculous. I bet Claire’s clusterbee ass is loving the victimhood points she’s getting from this. I don’t like Shivon either but the seethe towards her is just getting weird.
No. 1898825
>>1898816Azure and Strider are unusual but not particularly weird names, there’s definitely a few hundred if not a few thousand kids already called that in the US and they are somewhat passable as normie names.
Claire really went overboard trying to be a special snowflake about the kids names, without any consideration for her kids themselves, as was mentioned before it’s blatantly obvious she stole the Sidereal name from Charlotte Free’s siderealfae instagram that was tagged at least year or two before Exa Sidereal Musk was born (Claire still definitely stalks Charlotte). She keeps posting X from the side because he’s kind of ugly from the front (inherited Elon’s sped looks, not that it’s his fault he’s only a child) Anyway, every kid I’ve ever known who had a weird unstable hippie dippie indigo child ultra contrarian mom like Claire turned out trying to be as straight edge and normie as possible and was super embarrassed by their mom’s behavior, in all honestly he’s probably just going to end up as a normal, slightly autistic kid of average intelligence and no real groundbreaking achievements, just like Elon’s previous sons. Elon knows he failed with all his previous children so he’s giving it one last desperate push.
No. 1898833
>>1898811yup the kids are born now and there’s no going back. both women are 35 and fully capable of making their own choices, grimes needs to put on her big girl panties and get over it.
she’s the one who was ranting about much she wanted to be part of a harem polycule with a bunch of sister wives, so enjoy it bitch!
claire you chose to date a 50 year old man with three divorces, six kids and a number of questionable flings with questionable women under his belt. not only that but you also let him prod you with his plastic IVF catheter (also made two other poor women go through pregnancy/labor that had complications too) when he wasn’t even committed or married to you.
she had the opportunity to say no to all of this stuff at ANY point and chose not to. all because you wanted the status and were wrapped up in delusions of grandeur about being in an irl dune movie.
elon hasn’t formally committed to claire or shivon and is still very much on the lookout for his next broodmare, they need to accept this, elon is the one in control and if they don’t like it then they need to walk away, simple as. they’re both using him for his status and bag and mars queen fantasy, while he uses them for attention, narcissistic supply and their wombs, while showing zero commitment to either of them. that’s the deal and they chose to take it. play stupid games win stupid prizes.
No. 1898848
File: 1694811531850.png (1.81 MB, 1080x1764, Tau room1.png)

Claire made new category "Tau room" on her Etsy. These items are not suitable for babies. It seems Claire has decided lil Techno Mechanicus is going to be into dragons. I thought he would be more of a cyberpunk kind of boy. No. 1898849
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Do you think lil Eurodance likes Lord of the Rings and dragons?
No. 1898852
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And of course the old Baby Education list. It has space stuff for X, scull hat + spell book for Tau. Are the notebooks and planners for Y?
No. 1898860
>>1898689>>1898816Thanks nonnas
>>1898803 >>1898827I wondered where she got Tau from. Tau means lion in one of the languages of South Africa, hence all the lions in parks and zoos that get named Tau. Tau is also a letter from Greek alphabet and apparently in ancient times was meant to be a symbol of life or resurrection, so i guess it's pretentious enough for Grimes kek.
No. 1898909
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This was taken in March this year, is she back in LA or what? I can’t imagine Elon has upgraded her living accommodations as she’s been in his bad books for most of the year it seems.
No. 1898910
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Also for the nona saying Elon loves X more because he’s blonde, he’s not blonde, he has brown hair, Claire and Elon usually try to make him take pics in the sun to make him seem like their blawnde aryan son.
No. 1898911
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Claire really looked like Sandy here.
No. 1898914
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Old milk but I can’t stop laughing at this pic of Elon. He looks like a cryptid.
No. 1899062
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she is so dramatic. you went to debate something the internet has been debating for over a decade n favor of a battle already won decades ago. you were familiar with points you were going to make but you are so bad at debating you said "ummm", "like", "uh" a million times even while reading a script that you made a retard like aella proofread. it wasn't an enemy camp, you already mostly agreed with the anti-sexual revolution side, you said it yourself you were almost not going to attend because you agree with many of their points until you realized "children are safer after this revolution"
No. 1899068
>>1898909Shitty curtains and ceiling look fmiliar, maybe its different angle/no egirl pink lights on. BUT i think it might just be a hotel room tbh
>>1898910When you remember she wore the same red dress that Amber the chaotic evil wore before. Kek
No. 1899076
>>1899066But what exactly made him upset? Elon has previously expressed his concern about transgenders not being able to have children. The book revealed Elon's son changing his last name made Elon sad.
Does Elon really care about the kid or is he just disappointed because trans daughter means no grandchildren? Also, changing the last name obviously hurt Elons feelings. So he had an autistic meltdown.
No. 1899079
>>1899076I think he cares about the kid and is also a conservative south african so obviously opposed to what he sees as a life ruining decision to become a troon.
The part in the excerpts about Elon selling his mansions to get the socialist kid to like him again and the kid sending him texts saying "I hate you and everything you stand for" sounds like Elon's feelings were really hurt. I think Elon gave up at some point and that's when he really got deranged with Twitter and everything else in the past couple years. Elon hates his dad and it's probably a nightmare scenario for him to have a kid disown him like that.
No. 1899186
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>>1899165idk, i wouldn't be surprised.
No. 1899191
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I genuinely wonder where Azealia currently is amid this drama- since this is probably the funniest thing for her kek
No. 1899199
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This whole Shivon "the single momma" Zillis thing is getting very weird imo, she's definitely plotting to become concubine #1. Choosing Elon as a sperm donor was purely so she can hang onto him, she did the same thing claire did to secure the Musk Bag. But there's more to these kids…
Why wouldn't Musk agree to let X and Y grow up with them?
Why is he constantly around them and does all this cheesy stuff with them, acting like a dad?
Some nonnies said that Maye and Shivon plotting to get X and Y out of Claire's crack house to raise them 'normal'. I would bet money that her kids don't do well in reading, writing ect., the last pic of X was where he was playing something on his iPad kek. Memba when Grunk said she wants to raise him TV free
No. 1899327
>>1899199Probably at first Shivon wasn’t really romantically or sexually attracted to Elon. She might have been wowed by his wealth and status, and if she wanted kids anyway and he was willing to pay their way, then I can see why that would be a bit tempting for her.
When you have kids with someone, even if it’s through a surrogate, feelings can grow/change. It sounds like she’s become more romantically attracted to him now. I actually don’t think Shivon ever had a master plan or is an evil calculating snake out to get Claire, like some redditards are trying to claim. I think it started off platonic then she simply caught feelings for Elon and wants to get serious with him now. She’s going to get played too, but she seems to be able to control her emotions more than Claire, which is why people are now accusing her of being cold and calculated.
No. 1899364
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Someone posted these replies to pirvate tweets on c's second alt. Not felurian but the other one that I forget. Any twitterites here that can tell how recent they are or see if there are any other milky replies? Sorry for spoonfeeding I refuse make an account that supports fatman's hellsite
No. 1899368
>>1899360>Class doesn’t matter and wealth can’t protect you there. Then they would've killed the Muskies by now. In fact, they should've brutally slaughtered Elon's inbred autistic ass before he went and bred, and the same goes for his geriatric lizard for a father. No one here will ever feel bad for them, cry elsewhere.
>Black women commit homicide in the US more than white men do too, btw.You sperged out and spammed this before, and it turned out to be false moid deflection to try and distract from your DV, rape/sexual assault, murder, gang violence, human trafficking, femicide, etc rates, kek. I know it never ends with you, but it's all still so pathetic. We don't respect autistic failmales with erectile dysfunction, Overwatch addiction and bitch-tits LARPing as le master race.
No. 1899369
>>1899364Such a pretentious wanky way of saying they’re in a
toxic fwb scenario and getting played by a lovebombing narc. Cringing so hard.
Naw sis there are no ‘divine feminine’ or ‘twin flame’ lessons you’re learning here kek you’re just letting some shitty moid take whatever he currently wants from you before he dumps you as soon as a hot 18 year old comes along without a second thought. Love yourselves you utter fucking retards.
No. 1899375
>>1899364BPD-chans are a hoot.
Some NPD asshole gives them tingles because they’re both shitty
toxic people who naturally gravitate to one another, then they romanticize the shit out of the ensuing clusterbee clusterfuck. Every single time, I swear I’ve seen this exact story play out with nearly every single bpdemon cow on this site. Claire is just spergchan 2.0 at this point. Cows gonna cow I guess.
No. 1899379
>>1899373>discredited No it wasn’t. The stats are there for anyone interested.
Also, I would rather swallow broken glass than ever look for or save CP. Don’t project your pedo shit onto others, disgusting tranny freak.
No. 1899384
>>1899379It was, we all saw it, and the "source" was a /pol/tard scrote who omitted gang violence, rape, etc as I said. You lost your mind when people pointed out that it's weird you keep insisting this when female black mass shooters aren't a thing, too.
>pre-emptive tranny accusationsYup, you're definitely the same schizo tranny who had meltdowns about this. He did this to others before spamming, too. Please do swallow broken glass, the world would be a better place.
No. 1899407
>>1899391Yeah, the only reason he resents his father is that he knows he's the least favorite son. They're both racist, misogynistic and
abusive. Errol just clocked him as weak and mentally defective/"off" in some way (ie he makes him and his genes look bad by association), and Elon's been spiralling ever since. A lot of rich, narcissistic boomer moids resent their worse-off sons in this generation, and take no responsibility for how they turned out. Elon doesn't realize he's just perpetuating the same cycle with the tranny son, and never will.
No. 1899418
>>1899396Didn't the earlier threads have that one tranny(?) who made obsessive posts about Grimes being a true and honest lesbian, and called women cunts, dumb bitches, fat feminists,
femcels, etc if they disagreed?
No. 1899426
>>1899409I read her family history and it claims her great great great great great grandmother was an aboriginal woman and a slave of her great great great great great grandfathers. So yeah Claire’s 5x great grandpa raped a poor Native woman and that makes Claire less than 1% Native so now she feels a need to mention her
gross rich rapey colonial slaveowner profound indigenous heritage.
No. 1899429
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Claire should start larping as 1/4 black, she already has the nigger nose.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1899488
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>>1898825> (claire still definitely stalks charlotte) I feel bad for her having the worlds lamest person skinwalking her that hard. charlotte can also actually dj unlike claire kek. It might just be my perception but i feel like she wants to look like her as well. Notice her cheeks before and after the cheek filler… she probably took her pics to whatever groupon filler clinic she went to
I have a theory that Elon has a special plan for his first daughter. I had the premonition as soon as i saw that amber had to fight for their embryos in court. I felt like there was a reason she was rushing to have his daughter. He also tweeted in jul 2021 that next kid will be a daughter. It seems like claire and shivon were racing to have a female with him but shivon won. Very very interesting that they were born 7 weeks prematurely. If they had come on time, exa would have been born first as she was born in dec 2021 and the twins came november 2021. Its almost if S or E or both did it on purpose so azure would be the first girl. Just my tinfoil but lmk what u nonnies think!
No. 1899502
>>1899488I agree she skinwalks her, all she's missing is a rhinoplasty. There are probably multiple talented women she tries to steal the style/interests of, and she's been at it for years. She always comes off as fake, though.
>>1899405>misogynist pedo tranny rages and outs himselfEvery time.
No. 1899508
>>1899382NTA but I edited it with Meitu just for curiosity’s sake kek wanted to see the reactions from those other weird anons
Shivon is unconventionally pretty but I do agree her bulging eyes need to be fixed imo, or wear better makeup that flatters her eye shape
No. 1899564
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>>1899530Highly doubt it, this is her in 2013
>>1899312Didnt AB just say Claire was a sexual predator? I also suspect her taking Jennie to the rockets was to woo her into fucking her and fat elon. Liv probably gets freaky with them at burning man too. They def so molly together.
No. 1899632
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>>1899506Oh, the skull headpiece is for the teacher? I thought it was meant to be used as a punishment like this.
No. 1899652
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>>1899488>I have a theory that Elon has a special plan for his first daughter.I support this theory because having drama about baby names is too retarded even for this trio.
You see, Grimes is the greatest poet of our time. Therefore her masterpiece
A letter for S has multiple layers. Only uncultured plebs would take it literally and assume two girls were named Valkyrie. Future college students will write essays analyzing all the metaphors this poem has. It is also the key for understanding the Epic Battle of the Broodmares.
No. 1899663
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will the next musklets be called alpha, beta, sigma?
No. 1899952
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No. 1900119
>>1899631tbf claire has been building her nerd resume for years, well before elon. never in a million years did claire ever think elon musk would be interested in her, so it's not like she had him in mind during this . There's other stuff like that but she's genuinely very into sci fi nerd shit, not sure why this would be doubtful given her history with drugs etc..
>>1899697the pressure would be insane from her environment and trajectory alone. imagine, one minute you're just a chan meme and the next the world's wealthiest moid picked you to go to the met gala, stand with in front of the press, infinite fountains of cocaine etc.. she was the most interesting toy he ever brought over to play, cow or not, and she wanted to keep her shiny new LA friends and limelight so is doing what it takes to do that, wouldn't be surprised if she has an image consultant (team?) like melon so she can maintain the public interest she craves. she wants to be a celeb forever
No. 1900176
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I feel so bad for having the immediate recoil of disgust for his young son from looks alone but gross. Poor kid
No. 1900201
>>1900180Kek the one on the right has his face, how unfortunate.
>>1900135Source on Miley and Taylor ? I heard about the Sky encounter but not the others.
No. 1900203
>>1900035Grimes wants to LARP as that Games of Thrones Daenerys chick so ofc she has this planned, Eurodisco is scheduled to be autistic about dragons
>>1900176Holy shit, the one on the right. There's no escape from Muskrat curse, he looks identical. He's going to change name into Kyle Smith and move into deep mountains far away from people. OR the opposite come very public and do stuff very much against everything Melon is about (except hopefully getting more creative and NOT trooning out)
No. 1900244
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turkish president questions where elon's wife is since he keeps dragging his toddler to meetings like a prop. elon confirms that he is currently not in a relationship with grimes
No. 1900247
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how is he so fat? all that money he can’t afford liposuction or a trainer? clearly claire’s bullying isn’t strong enough
No. 1900253
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Claire really thought she secured the bag with this one
No. 1900264
>>1900256She not only wanted this lifestyle, she BEGGED for it. But I have to admit, after reading Elons biography, he really did lovebomb her like crazy, made her feel all special and NLOGy to an insane degree.
I just thought if Grimes was more assertive when meeting him, e.g. asking for money, he would've dumped her on the spot. She was too easy for him, semi famous, semi rich and willing to birth an autistic child.
No. 1900270
>>1900265I thought he wanted a pop girl harem. But he's too fat and ugly for Miley or Taylor. Only someone like Grimes, who's on the bottom barrel of Popgirl fame would want him.
OT: grimes is like a trans athelete kind of. She wasn't successful in her Pop girl scheme and wasn't interesting/talented enough for global fame. Now that she switched to DJ sets she finally can headline something. Normally she's the side gig, couldn't even sell tickets for her own concert, always the wallflower. But this fake DJ thing catapulted her to the top with basically zero effort.
No. 1900295
>>1900276He craved EM+CB on some random restaurant table or something on their second date kek
That was definitely over the top red flag behavior and Claire was probably shocked at how dedicated he was towards her. He's Barbie….she's just Claire.
No. 1900297
>>1900272Taylor is addicted to dick stop with these assumptions
She's just a NLOG like Selena and always fighting over love from men like a rabid dog
No. 1900305
>>1900244i dont think the turkish president isnt buying his act at all
>>1900256I'm not really sympathetic to grimes at all because she has herself to blame for tanking her career and public persona. she also espouses the same views as him. she wears her insecurities on her sleeve and seems very naive and stupid in general. the only thing that makes me feel bad for her is that elon took a picture of her giving birth and shared it with his buddies. thats very disgusting behavior and no woman should be treated like that, but the dumb bitch still clings to him.
not to mention we need to keep his baby mama drama grimes vs shivon shit in perspective: elon has what. 11 kids? why did she think she could win him over?
No. 1900377
>>1900307LMFAO what an inspired idea, manifesting this for the brave cow that can commit
>>1900275Elon loves drugs, and he loves giving women drugs so they associate him with the chemical dependency and euphoria. It's that simple.
>>1900270OT gotta remark on this comment, you must not be into music or understand how the industry works, especially for women. Grimes had an independently successful music career. Art Angels in particular is a critically acclaimed album. Her past success is how she's able to coast around touring on this new shitty uninspired music she's doing. Her early success is particularly impressive because of how shit it is to do music as a woman if you aren't interested in selling your body to fat old producers. Like the reason Miley and Taylor are global is because of who Miley's dad is and the fact she was passed around at Disney (like many other global solo female pop stars). Taylor worked way harder for longer, but the only reason anyone knows who she is is because she's beautiful and was a model for A&F first. Pretty much any girl on the mainstream pop scene, especially who get big quick, are prostitutes or prostitute adjacent.
No. 1900430
>>1900425how old is his kid now? he's giving assburger vibes so soon
Elon needs to stop spreading his decrepit sperm around
No. 1900439
>>1900425>>1900435‘Oh haha. She-she-she’s in San Francisco. We’re separated. I take care of him mostly.’
This was kinda weird and damning. Seems like he’s trying to distance himself from Claire as much as possible now. Like he made a point to tell Erdogan that they’re separated and didn’t provide an in for her, without even being asked.
Guess it’s really over for Claire. Evidently Elon still has custody of X almost all the time (in his own words too), so clearly Claire’s twitter apology was forced (probably Elon’s lawyers got involved and threatened her) Elon is still fully in control of the situation and of X.
No. 1900447
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>>1900425oh no no, is muh ubermensch genetics muskrat balding again? are his plugs expired?
No. 1900468
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Elon calls X his "emotional support human" like he's a pet.
>>1900441That's actually a good theory on why he could possibly be dragging X everywhere with him. I wonder if he will do the same with Tau too. Whether he gets the same treatment or not, it will be weird either way. If he doesn't, why would he specifically favor only X and not his other kids? If he does, then what's so special about his sons with Grimes in particular?
No. 1900470
>>1900468X is the largest carryable child and therefore makes the best human shield.
(I’m joking, but I do wonder, I really hope this theory isn’t true because it’s awful to think about)
No. 1900567
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>>1900451He's from SA right? That's just called being Dutch.
No. 1900603
>>1900568This. Take it from an oldfag. Crystal Castles first most iconic album came out in 2008 and they were extremely popular, like wayyyy more than Grimes back in the early 2010s. Pretty much every song from that album was a banger. They were a mainstream alternative band and even appeared on Skins and Gossip Girl which pretty much every single American and European teenager watched back in the day. I would say CC were much more influential and popular at that time, you could barely walk into any establishment meant for young people in europe or NYC/LA like a bar or trendy cafe or whatever without hearing their music playing. Alice was also genuinely beautiful back then (before she sadly also bogged herself) and a lot of people emulated her style and aesthetic a shit ton, people really loved her. She definitely became less relevant as time went on because she didn’t work as hard on promoting herself or make the right connections, and she was a very chaotic person. Compared to Grimes who I would say is very aware of PR and networking and knows how to manipulate her way into the mainstream (by dating Elon for instance)
Grimes was definitely somewhat tumblr famous back then for being that funny faced girl with constantly changing hair color but her music was definitely less popular, her aesthetic was kinda messy and weird and all over the place and people didn’t really try to emulate it as much, she was seen as a quirky alternative pop musician but less edgy than CC and just a quirky ‘nice girl’ (lol). She only became more mainstream when she started dating Elon, before that most of her fans were /mu/cels (and she also used to selfpost and promote herself/samefag about herself being attractive on that board too) and tumblrinas or hipsters I guess.
No. 1900648
>>1900383Oh yeah being the daughter of a successful businessman and state prosecuter for sure helped, but it's just lying to say she benefitted from nepotism the same way Taylor or Miley did lmfao do you know who Billy Ray Cyrus is? Charting doesn't really mean shit as far as quality, like it or not she's a name recognized musician in a lot of circles and she was definitely known before Melon. If she weren't already Grimes he wouldn't have approached her or acknowledged her, totally agree he would have rather had a way more famous trophy popstar girlfriend (and still would)
>>1900465I'm 99% his pasty beached beluga ass has trafficked large quantities of cocaine or other drugs, and has probably had to pay huge sums in bribes and payouts to avoid consequences
>>1900506unfortunately for Elon's precious gene edited sons, his finasteride use will destroy their fertility and limit their genital development. considering he's apparently mr big brain genius man, one can only assume he knew this already and just stayed on his vain hair growth drug. what an awesome father.
>>1900603it's such a bummer that Alice is a cow now as well, love her music. Grimes had clout before Elon but yeah it was certainly because she did some key interviews and was reviewed by respected outlets
No. 1900657
>>1900648Claire being feminist is actually what earned her clout in the beginning of her career imo. She made some pretty bold statements early on in her career about being a female musician and what it entails, as well as all the stuff about not wanting to wear makeup and refusing to shave and such. And because online news and tumblr feminism was beginning to grow huge back then, it made headlines and got her clicks and reblogs and retweets. It definitely helped her name become better known among young women.
It’s sad to think that maybe all that stuff in itself was also simply a cynical career move on her part and not genuine. I don’t see how someone can go from openly being a genuine feminist to saying ‘men are awesome, the patriarchy is great, please pick me mr billionaire and let me suck your dick!’ within a few years. Sad.
No. 1900663
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>>1900657yeah i remember when she used to refused to shave and looking like gremlin was her way of refusing to conform to beauty standards (kinda). i understand what nonnas mean when they claim grimes was always a poser but dam old claire was just so much better and i would be a liar if i said i never liked her. she was a vibe back then, or was simply better at holding up the illusion.
No. 1900666
>>1900664when everyone hates you because of the moid you are dating, the only way to claw back some public sympathy is by claiming that you were a
victim who was manipulated and brainwashed by him and had no control over your own actions or words at the time.
it feels like claire is playing the
victim card now and trying to paint shivon as the bad guy and herself as the innocent hurting
victim in the middle of shivon and elon’s wicked game. i definitely think elon is an absolute piece of shit who treats women like crap and that shivon should not have agreed to have his kids. but that tweet claire made was a very bpdchan move for concern and sympathy. she concern-baits and crisis-baits her fans constantly tbh, only to go straight back to lifting elon’s balls the next week and it’s all so tiresome that even her fans notice it.
No. 1900671
>>1900663Lol back then I didn’t know anything about Grimey’s personal life or views tbh but I still found her quite annoying. I heard a couple of her songs occasionally and I thought they sounded neat but she wasn’t my favorite or anything and on the occasions I would see pics or music zine articles of her online I would just ignore it.
I remember a few years later in 2015 seeing some article with a pic from that photoshoot she did with the red flowers (I think it was the acid reign tour pic where her hands look huge and she’s trying to look as skinny and pale as possible) and she was quoted in the headline saying something like ‘you’ll never be able to pin my style down’ and immediately just thinking ‘damn this person seems pretentious as fuck and up their own ass’ and clicking off the page lol. Got insufferable vibes from her even from the beginning but I never anticipated what a cow she would become lol.
No. 1900695
File: 1695103544187.jpeg (427.09 KB, 1439x1799, F933EA55-867A-47A8-896D-A9C5F0…)

>>1900525The long philtrum gene will remain strong in the musk clan, primarily fortified among the claire-spawn unfortunately for them. Even worse, her face-bogging will absolutely have an effect on the daughter who will grow up wondering why her mother changed the same features which she likely inherited and will be stuck with until adulthood. As a small girl(whos mom looks a lot like me) that would have really fucked me up. Shes going to ask for filler at 12 years old. And ultra progressive claire will probably be the cool-wine-mom who takes her to get it. This is why I would never reproduce with someone who’s hardmaxxed. Its really not fair to the kids, and thats 10x true for female children.
No. 1900698
File: 1695104422801.jpeg (1019.04 KB, 2053x1150, 7CD1B07A-1629-4AE4-B53B-032CCC…)

>>1900695 sorry for samefagging but after taking a closer look at these old pics i think she mightve started getting work done with mom and dads money way earlier than people think.. see this video from before she was famous, her face looks a lot more like the photo above. her lips wax and wane in size a lot from 2011-2017, then they start looking much better in 2018 which was when people first noticed the filler and it was unquestionable by then. But i think before 2018 no one would have ever guessed her to be the type of person to get filler. She def has been doing it for over a decade when you look at photos of her throughout the years though
No. 1900727
>>1900663>>1900671Not to derail, but she was on a lot of covers and no one really brought the magazines cuz of her kek she quite literally payed to be on them, or was forced by her label.
Grimes was niche, normies didn't knew her like that. My boyfriend thought Grimes was a band before all that PR nightmare started with Elon. I remeber she used to open for bigger pop stars yet couldn't even sell all the tickets for her own shows. She's like Andrew Tate who claimed to be worth 900$mil…Grimes also inflated everything about herself so she could sell. Fucking Elon def helped but she's not musically gifted enough to make it to the top.
No. 1900729
>>1900550Uhm I never said her DJ sets were remotely good kek she sucks hardcore and makes all these fucked up orge faces while playing.
But she's one of the biggest acts on edm festivals and headlines even though having no history of DJing…she definitely uses her fame to be #1 at least at something so she can still prove Elon she is a °~thelebrity~~
No. 1900765
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Why don’t they have custody arrangements
No. 1900800
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Elon brings up falling birth rates while talking about a topic that has nothing to do with it. Late Ancient Rome did have a decrease in birth rates but it played no "major part" in the fall of the empire. I remember some of you guys tinfoiling in earlier threads that Elon wants to date this woman. It does seem like he is trying to get her to reproduce with him
No. 1900805
File: 1695131211491.jpg (709.13 KB, 1880x2373, eva.jpg)

>>1900800She is a 27 year old Dutch woman who Elon interacts with on Twitter quite often. She is a "philosopher" and anti-feminist alt-right activist
No. 1900853
>>1900800>>1900831Plague and climate change.
>It turns out that climate had a major role in the rise and fall of Roman civilization. The empire-builders benefitted from impeccable timing: the characteristic warm, wet and stable weather was conducive to economic productivity in an agrarian society. The benefits of economic growth supported the political and social bargains by which the Roman empire controlled its vast territory. The favorable climate, in ways subtle and profound, was baked into the empire’s innermost structure.The end of this lucky climate regime did not immediately, or in any simple deterministic sense, spell the doom of Rome. Rather, a less favorable climate undermined its power just when the empire was imperilled by more dangerous enemies—Germans, Persians—from without. Climate instability peaked in the sixth century, during the reign of Justinian. Work by dendro-chronologists and ice-core experts points to an enormous spasm of volcanic activity in the 530s and 540s CE, unlike anything else in the past few thousand years. This violent sequence of eruptions
triggered what is now called the ‘Late Antique Little Ice Age,’ when much colder temperatures endured for at least 150 years. No. 1900879
File: 1695144636621.jpg (274.02 KB, 1080x2221, Screenshot_20230919_144920_Chr…)

Saged 4 old milk, but is this how Sandy raised claire and her brothers kek? all her threads posts sound so unhinged and out of touch, it's truly entertaining I kinda like Mrs. Jowls
No. 1900891
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>>1900805She got engaged a while back, though
No. 1900907
File: 1695147947001.jpeg (915.18 KB, 828x1438, IMG_9806.jpeg)

>>1900891She stopped wearing her engagement ring last winter. (1/2)
No. 1900921
>>1900698i agree nona, i believe she had been getting subtle work for a while before she decided to just go heavy-handed with it in the last few years
i noticed as well that her lips waxed and waned in size a lot for a long time, and when you compare the picture you posted to this picture
>>1899429 , it's very clear she has been getting procedures far long before she became botched
i watched a Lorry Hill video on grimes plastic surgery, and before all of Lorry's videos, she shows a picture of the subject of the video pre-surgery, and she describes their "natural beauty features", and she used a picture of claire that was definitely after she had multiple surgeries, kek
claire has always been a bitch in sheeps clothing, i don't know why people are still surprised. i hate that people fully blame elon for her current behavior. she's always been a pretentious e-thot with a false image
>>1900664100% agree. everything we are seeing now is the result of her actions coming down on her
>>1900766she isn't holding anyone accountable. she does this passive-aggressive liking tweets thing whenever they're fighting and then she's back in his lap as soon as the fights over.
she's just being petty and is mad that things aren't going her way with the scrote
No. 1900949
File: 1695153538279.jpeg (361.77 KB, 1439x1799, 1C6E05F6-1B80-40EB-A8DC-AEC582…)

>>1900921Heres some photos of before and afters before 2018 when she started going for higher cc’s. There were a few times, or at least one time between 2012 and 2018 when she let it dissolve on its on i will post another pic below to illustrate. She also had a liplift around 2019 or late 2018
No. 1900950
File: 1695153639061.jpeg (282.07 KB, 1799x1285, 58C96AE5-A6DC-4513-8EAB-CF10FA…)

These photos are both 2016, quite a difference
No. 1900976
>>1900805She looks like every upper middle class British girl I see on the street in London, I don’t know why people make such a big fuss about this woman.
>>1900819Her eye colour is pretty but she does have an unfortunate 1000 yard stare that makes her look very cold and mean.
No. 1900977
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>>1900969Claire joined the bulging eye club to please Elon and skinwalk Shivon. Gotta admire her dedication.
No. 1900979
File: 1695156746129.jpeg (72.98 KB, 609x609, 5B341ECA-30EE-4442-A23F-F4691A…)

Idk why in Holland right now there’s a big trend for dyeing your eyebrows dark and then doing big soap/wolfbrows every day even if you are a natural blonde. Its so hard looking. Like they caught onto the scouse brow trend 10 years late.
No. 1900997
File: 1695159544064.jpeg (370.34 KB, 1799x1285, 4E5C6F1E-F418-4BEB-9CFA-A62046…)

Before and after lip lift surgery (2017/2019)
No. 1901079
File: 1695173131951.jpeg (402.9 KB, 1439x1799, 3B7423AD-E23B-49D9-9923-06ECBC…)

>>1901044Are you retarded? There is no concealer here. What youre seeing is the skin between her lips and mustache
No. 1901091
>>1901079 can you
femcel warriors shit up i’m trying to read grimes
(learn2sage) No. 1901095
>>1901043maybe you're the one who's faceblind
>>1900950 >>1900949
there's no way that there isn't a difference in those pictures
claire has nearly no upper lip without fillers, if you go through enough photos of her throughout the years you can see the change in her lip shape very distinctly
No. 1901096
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Idk if this has been posted yet or not but I hate him
No. 1901185
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>>1901141Kek the character model looks like shit. I guess they told him they would throw him in there to appease him and put in minimum effort since it was last minute. Made him creepily standing around in a bathroom. Compare this to Kojima’s cameo that they actually put time into making look like him.
No. 1901192
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No. 1901198
>>1900979Eva is a cow.
>>1901192I can't even imagine what kind of nightmare shit Grimes would set you up with.
No. 1901248
>>1901192Idk why but this is so funny to me. I don’t like Shivon at all but this is exactly what Claire deserved for being such an insufferable cow. Some younger woman will do the same to Shivon for sure one day. But for now it’s hilarious to watch Claire’s karma unfold in real time. She’s already trying to control the narrative as herself an innocent
victim and Shivon an evil demon. Cue more sword whooshing.
>>1901198She probably tried to set her up with trannies because thats Claire’s type kek.
No. 1901252
>>1900941Most women aren’t self respecting unfortunately nona especially when it comes to rich men. Nearly all rich (as well as pretty much every famous actor singer etc you can think of) have open marriages and are unfaithful while their wife turns a blind eye to the whole thing as long as she keeps getting money, take it from someone who used to be around those moids. There are a million desperate Elon fan girls who would literally eat this mans shit on command for a slice of the bag and he knows it, not to mention the billions of other women living in poverty who would do anything to escape it, much less fuck with a billionaire and let him rent their womb.
>>1901192Did Claire actually expect a billionaire scrote to stay faithful and loyal to her? JFL. Broke zero status men have enough difficulty staying faithful, so why would a billionaire be faithful to you? She’s either super arrogant or super retarded.
No. 1901285
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>>1901248claire's actual musician ex before elon trooned out before their relationship ended, right? her "relationship" with chelsea manning after her first breakup with elon felt like exploitation to gain her fanbase back, like oh i'm dating this troon and reading marx books in public in steampunk outfits, i'm not really like elon you guys. i doubt she and manning even saw each other more than a handful of times. also lol'd hard at her wiki page boldly labeling her a liar.
No. 1901296
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>>1901295Another hole in his pocket.
No. 1901362
>>1901173>Why can't both things can be true at once though?They absolutely can. Elon is behaving like a textbook narc here.
He is using triangulation to make Claire and Shivon fight. He was giving Claire silent treatment because of a stupid mobile game. Their first date was walking around an empty factory with Claire watching him fucking up ("fixing") the cars. First dates are usually about interacting and paying attention to eachother. The on and off situationship with Claire is him toying with her feelings.
I don't know if Elon is actually a narc but if he is, he is able to charm his
victims in a way outsiders don't understand.
>He is fat and ugly. >He is not a big spender. (Useless for a gold digger.)>He is old. Abusive relationships can also be very addictive. You can't
just leave.
No. 1901447
>>1901248funniest thing is that shivon is actually older kek
>>1901295how many people from poor countries gonna die or get seriously hurt from this i wonder. i keep forgetting that elon isn’t just a cow that exists inside my mind for my own entertainment, he is an actual rich dipshit with no morals. this shit is so fucked. he should be experimenting on himself before going around doing it on poor people
No. 1901490
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>>1901444I do too ngl, it's not groundbreaking but it's catchy.
I swear the thumbnail for it was changed… somebody at youtube doesn't like her
No. 1901500
>>1901494Putting Asians in her videos doesn’t mean she’s not racist nona, plenty of poltards and Nazis are fine with Asians. They’re high IQ, generally law abiding and viewed as a model minority or ‘the other white meat’ so they get a pass from racists (why do you think so many Chuds love Japan and view it as their ideal country?). Plenty people like Thiel and Elon would be happy with their utopian Mars colony full of blonde Aryan babies and Japanese catgirls. Nazis mostly hate blacks, Indians, Muslims and Mexicans. Elon is an Asiaboo, said he’s going to focus on the Asian Twitter market because he thinks ‘da jooooos’ have less influence and sway in Asian countries which makes Asia more ideal and desirable to him. He’s becoming more and more Nazi every day.
Claire puts Asian women in many of her videos too. But like all tone deaf white savior types she always makes the Asian women silent and voiceless, like dolls or props. Similar to Gwen and her Harajuku girls who were never allowed to say a word.
No. 1901504
>>1901124Oh my god Grimes’ voice acting was so bad as Lizzy Wizzy, it took me out of the game Kek.
>>1901141 I don’t think this is supposed to be Elon, it looks like a generic Asian tough guy
No. 1901511
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>>1901043You can literally see more of her upper front teeth exposed here
>>1900997 even though she’s not smiling and doing almost the exact same expression
She 100% got a lip lift.
The fact she started over lining her lips too shows it’s something that bothered her, so why wouldn’t she get surgery for it too?
She seems to be very self conscious about her philtrum length to the point she still overlines it to this day to a ridiculous degree and tries to give herself a moustache/hare lip.
No. 1901533
File: 1695249781459.jpg (177.26 KB, 1178x1577, FnI6zweaEAA1cSC.jpg)

I hate Elon musk soo much you don't even understand
>>1901511Not once have I said she didn't get it done, just that she didn't have it done before 2016, I'd argue it wasn't until like 2018 when she started blowing her face up.
No. 1901649
File: 1695259750943.png (Spoiler Image,855.74 KB, 1080x1537, Screenshot_20230919-230424~2.p…)

Some anon in the last thread kept bringing up Shivon's eyes as big and way to open. This YouTuber fitness lady is what that eyesperg anon kept painting Shivon as. Spoilered for jump scare.
No. 1901668
File: 1695261717860.jpeg (448.98 KB, 932x1933, 8E71F4CF-1D35-469E-936C-78E8E7…)

>>1901500For real
nonnie. Every white supremacist 4chan poltard moid is obsessed with asain women. Claire is also a creep that posts lolicon manga of pre pubescent sexy girls. Barf.
She has pretty asian women in almost every single music video she has. She wants to be asian so bad. Like when she pulled her eyelids back to look more asian in shinigami vid and vogue china shoot. Her Realiti video is just her trying to illustrate how loved she is in asia, showing women bowing to her and asian fans at her concerts. She isnt that known in asia but she did tour there once.
The zekia cosplay girl is also pedobaity as fuck, all her pics she is desperately trying to look like a child with photoshop contacts and makeup. Google aru rinh before and after to see what i mean, shes an adult who tries to look as much like a child as possible and claire was obsessed with her in 2018/19 and would comment hearts under her pics like a creepy moid. She was def trying to court her, and jennie by taking her to the rockets. She grew up in a very asian neighborhood and would talk about the “pretty japanese girls” at her high school in previous interviews. Shes a creep. Also in her Nusi Quero NPC shoot the one who is wearing the grimes wig and pregnant belly is… you guessed it, the hot asian one.
No. 1901674
File: 1695262391931.jpeg (506.58 KB, 1439x1799, 29458AF0-98D5-47BF-9AB0-3F616F…)

Extremely creepy when you take into account the literal dozens of women who claimed nusi molested them and puts his hands all over womens nakeds bodies when they shoot with him, and how he has to put everything on by hand and doesnt allow underwear. This NPC shoot was demeaning and gross already, but when you realize its literally a sexual predator who put all the costumes on these women and designed them it becomes so much more disgusting. Im also pretty sure claire and nusi dated. Pic above is the cosplay girl from unreleased WAP and idoru. Creepy as hell.
No. 1901675
File: 1695262524923.jpeg (264.46 KB, 1799x1285, 70F3B03C-5DA7-4E1D-A49B-4AFE50…)

>>1901674* pic below i meant to say
Last upload, claire taping her eyes to be more asian appearing. I dont know why she doesnt get more called out for this, she asian fishes more than ariana grande by far
No. 1901681
>>1901675>>1901674>>1901668nona lol how long did this take?
I hope you secretly did this at work so you at least got paid lmfao.
No. 1901722
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Stolen from Reddit, sorry it looks like shit. Some revealing replies to posts from grimes’ scholarsmate alt. The person who posted the mentally ill sounding replies is some schizo named “jezebel” with only 44 followers, who knows why she let them follow her. The two on the left from someone who sounds sane were tweeted only 2 hours ago
No. 1901743
File: 1695271372857.jpeg (221.69 KB, 1242x465, IMG_4004.jpeg)

>>1901722Forgot to add this one. Court date coming. Much milk.
No. 1901747
>>1901675As an Asian, I don't mind photoshoot eyes so much as black people murdering us in public transit with zero accountability.
But hey, that's just me
(racebaiting) No. 1901776
File: 1695276381846.jpg (Spoiler Image,89.9 KB, 940x788, Graves_Eye_Disease_Symptoms_Bu…)

>>1901649People who do this are insane. I think they believe it makes them look cuter or more fresh/awake but it always 100% of the time males them look deranged, you can always subconsciously tell that they are showing too much sclera and holding them open by eyestrain. I hate crazy eyes soo much omg, thyroid disease chic. People always think you can't tell but it's obvious every single time. Stop doing that shit, you are not kawaii.
No. 1901785
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Does Elon have any legal standing here? If grimes is an unfit mother then he should have taken all 3 children. I’ve never heard of a custody battle for one child, not including their siblings. People on Reddit speculate they could have made a formal agreement for him to “raise the boy” but I highly doubt that he convinced her to sign away her parental rights. Even with the best lawyers I don’t see how he could win unless his plan is to take all 3, proving she is unfit.
No. 1901802
>>1901747And not white incels shooting Asians en masse with zero accountability? I’m not saying what you mentioned isn’t happening. But nice bait
I’d agree Claire’s Asian fetishism isn’t that bad considering she does include/token everyone. Those pix above left out other races. She’s a weeb so naturally she’d be more drawn to and feature Asians more prevalently. It’s just a given if you’re apart of anime subculture. She also objectifies slavic and Nordic cultures but that’s not mentioned as much
No. 1901826
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Holy crap, Elon has fully kidnapped X and Grimes is debating calling the cops to get him back
Good job forgetting to delete your replies Mira you idiot
Honestly, I fear for Grimes, probably half her followers on this account are Elon sycophants who are more loyal to him
No. 1901847
>>1901802Every time I see the posts about her blatant asian fetish/fixation I think about how she got famous larping ethereal fairy shit, I think the real difference is she features Asian women's faces in a way she has never done to euros, she does use them as accessories
t. noneen
No. 1901856
>>1901826"Kidnapped" is such a strong word for their situation kek
X is with his main nanny, so he is definitely well taken care of. Claire sleeps all day and let's the nannies do anything for her anyways. What kinda mother is X really missing? Claire was his birth giver, never his mother.
Let's hope Elon takes all the kids and ship them to Maye, Tosca or Shivon. Say no to junkies having literal babies.
No. 1901883
>>1901856Yeah this might be mean but i thought the same thing. X never saw Grimes for longer than 5 mins a day anyway, probably, and her nannies are essentially his mothers tbh. Not saying that its okay, it's very fucked up this whole situation. But then i remember that it's not Elon stealing kid from any woman, it's Grimes we're speaking of. I don't believe she's going to put up a fight to be honest, nonas. Do you believe? There won't be ANY court case, any public callout, any police, anything at fucking all. She's gonna play pity party for Twitter for a few days, but in a week we're all gonna see her sucking Elon's dick online again.
Maybe that's completely cynical of me, but i don't think she's holding on because she's scared of Muskrat, she's scared of losing that concubine association/access to Melon (her safe media clout provider). This idiot probably thinks they're still gonna "make up". I hope i'm wrong and she truly gets that harsh awakening this time. But i really wouldn't be surprised if she cared for clout & Elon more than for her kid.
No. 1901918
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I don't think it's Aella, it's a Gen X/elder millennial Burning Man attendee adjacent to the Silicon Valley community. I think it's probably a woman with the same type of company position as Shivon. In that Medium article the author says her name is Lola and she's Iranian born but that could be a pseudonym. Any nonnies with an encyclopedic knowledge of SV players, any females born in Iran? No. 1901920
>>1901908Not a good example
nonny. Kek
No. 1901968
>>1901847She didnt even start doing that until like 2019? Shes been obsessed with asains since beginning of her career. The elf and viking shit didnt even come until 2019/2020/2021 she didnt get famous for larping ethereal fairy shit. She got famous for being a funky looking feminist with a mustache who made silly tumblr songs and wore jeremy scott.
The ethereal elf viking shirt didnt come until she went heavy handed on the skinwalking. She never wore elf ears or posted a rune until very recently.
>>1901769Shes literally admitted to using the tape u idiot, i swear sm faceblind autists in here
No. 1901970
>>1901826I wonder if Claire has seen this woman I saw on Twitter yesterday, the woman was replying to tweets and news posts about AI and various tech assholes, but she commented under a post about neuralink talking about rape, murder and bestiality. One of these tech guys has apparently been experimenting on mice and humans (children and hospital patients) for decades with similar tech to neuralink, she's saying it works and you can essentially be remote controlled, but based on the reports of animal deaths I kinda doubt that. She also said one of these tech guys was very active on beast forum and he would rape her with horses and dogs. And this guy is buddies with Elon.
maybe just a schitzo but I've seen similar harrowing tales on Youtube from trafficking survivors talking about being raped thousands of times, and veterans talking about disgusting rape and murder they witnessed from their own troops, so it made me feel sorry for Grimes, I don't think she realises what she got herself into if these guys are really that bad. Makes sense since every man with money and power uses it in the worst possible ways.
No. 1901977
>>1901970honestly I think claire is naive and vastly underestimated what she got caught up in. She really believed she could NLOG her way into a billionaire committing to her solely because they share nerdy interests. I do wonder at times if the behaviors we see from her were acts to stay in his good graces or drug fueled based on speculation above about Elon getting girls hooked. Obv her motivations for simping weren't great, but that doesn't mean she isn't in deep shit fighting this custody thing.
People act like she is loaded from her musician days but from what I recall, money is not in streaming but touring which she rarely did or does. I know for sure she doesn't even own rights to one of her albums (Darkbloom?). She grew up wealthy in Canada but that's nothing compared to literal billions.
Imo she has no chance against him unless she gains enough public sympathy, which she may be hushed from doing based on the weird Shivon-make up tweet
No. 1902033
>>1902022Whoever keeps using "junkie" as an insult as if these tech assholes aren't microdosing on LSD or whatever all day long for a "brain boost" like they have been publicly bragging about doing this shit for a decade at least. Even low level programmers and game designers microdose. Grimes is clearly healthy enough to birth a healthy child (X) so she's not a junkie. She seems coherent and stable (no less than musk at least). Man just took her kid because he enjoys watching his MPDGs fighting over him. She just deluded herself into thinking he was committed/monogamous, imagine finding out the father of your children was having secret IVF babies with someone you know while you were still together, and neither of them bothered to tell you.
I definitely feel sorry for her and I hope he gets bored of watching the girls fight and gives X back.
No. 1902055
>>1902033Brittleboned methhead claire has been addicted to abusing speed since high school. She literally chipped her front tooth bcuz that what speed does to your teeth. She is clearly spun out and gurning in most of her interviews and is gurning hard during her dj sets. During her hasanabi stream she undeniably goes to the bathroom to do ketamine with nadya. She still does ketamine, full doses of psychedelics, molly (look at pic of her naked with liv, pupils huge, pupils also very huge in other pics like on her bday etc) probably coke and definitely speed.
> Grimes is clearly healthy enough to birth a healthy child (X) so she's not a junkie. Retarded take. Only heroin and crack junkies have issues with that. Methhead moms give birth to normal children all the time. A healthy(?) baby does not equate to non junkie mother, dumbass. She also hemorrhaged from being ana-chan, because it didnt dawn on her to treat her ED before getting pregant. Ana-chans almost always hemorrhage especially when they remain ana-chan during pregancy. Also what do we even know about X’s health or mental health/ progression? Literally nothing. He could have all sorts of issues we would never know about. We arent even sure he can talk, claire didnt even think she had to teach him to say mom cus she has no room in her brain for anything besides her self-serving agenda and is not fit to be a parent in any way.
>She seems coherent and stable Not even her dearest fans would say this about claire boucher. She is literally neither. It’s really hard not to hi cow with this level of delusional simping in here. Insane lmao
No. 1902065
>>1902022>>1902033i'm on your side. i can't understand how people have such a hateboner for her they're cheering on her child being taken away from her. i don't like grimes very much these days either, but i still am on the womans side when a case like this is going on. elon is worse than grimes and what he's doing with the children is fucked up. a mother who doesn't have any severe problems deserves to see her children. she's not a junkie, as
>>1902062 said she's just using prescription meds like adderall or vyvanse. elon does drugs too. hes all into weed and acid, and is doing ketamine treatment. he's not more fit for the children than her.
No. 1902097
>>1902055>>1902049>>1901883top tier post nonnies, hard agree.
nothing is going to come from this, she's fishing for sympathy and i can't believe a damn thing this pathological lying bitch says.
she over-dramatizes everything to look like a
victim when she's long-since been elon's asslicking MRA sidekick and still pretends like she cares about woman's rights when you know she still hangs with nusi queero.
she's going to be back in elon's lap the second he calls. they're both selfish, shitty, narc druggie parents and their children are indefinitely doomed
to me, it feels very clear that this isn't about X being taken from her. a lot of her actions and things she has said really point to her not caring that much about her children. remember the met gala interview? she uses nannies. it's clear she regrets having children. she cares more about editing her photos to make her dumbass look less bogged. she's a complete self-serving methhead. what is she even doing? she's not making music. she just posts bait on twitter because she's empty and desperate for crumbs of attention
i feel like she's only talked about her kids whenever she uses them as pawns for whatever dumb shit she's trying to accomplish. she acts like she's some cool parent talking about showing them gnarly movies and that time she wanted to hang up one of aella's kink garbage on her walls to use as "talking-points"
i can't feel sorry for her. she will parrot whatever she thinks sounds cool. she cares more about her image than her own children. elons a piece of shit and she was a moron to have not one, not two, but THREE children with this man. i hate them both
No. 1902107
>>1902089This thread has been hijacked by simps and trannies who support claire, ignore them.
>>1902065 no one here is saying she should have them fully removed from her life, just that she shouldnt get full custody. She shouldnt.
No. 1902127
>>1902065Lol your argument might be
valid if Claire was actually a good person and loving mother but we all know she ain’t. Claire doesn’t give a fuck about her children besides what they can get for her from Elon, be that attention, money, another opportunity for manipulation etc etc. Elon doesn’t love his kid either, children are nothing but possessions to clusterbees.
You clearly don’t understand how clusterbee parents work. They dont love their children, kids are dimply possessions to them and a means to an end. A butthurt NPD scrote and a scorned BPD hag in a power struggle for their kids custody? Who could have ever imagined. Bet nobody saw this coming!
No. 1902144
>>1902015Neither Claire nor Elon should have custody tbh. Kinda hoping they throw the kitchen sink at each other and the judge decides both of them are unfit terrible parents. A nice extremely normie nanny who’s wildest activities are happy hour cocktails every other weekend is unironically the best caregiver for a child X’s age. Unfortunately Elon is rich so we know he can just buy custody or have Claire killed. But I bet they have soooo much dirt on each other it’s crazy. I have a feeling that Elon is touting X around so much now so that he has more proof to a judge as to what a great dad he is and how happy and relaxed X is around him.
>>1901722Gloria Vanderbilt is not a good example she was in bed with high profile pedophiles and her son killed himself in front of her by jumping out of a window.
>>1901826The situation seems juicy and dramatic but it’s hard to tell because Claire cries wolf so much and is a typical bpd drama whore. I won’t be surprised if she’s back dickriding Elon and promoting Neuralink by next week.
No. 1902147
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No. 1902170
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Celebrity cow couples really need to stop accusing each other of kidnapping children all the time.
No. 1902175
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grimes deleted her alt again
No. 1902195
>>1902170This is OT but you need to stop believing that fucking Daily Mail articles are an accurate reflection of what's going on. The only thing she has accused him of is refusing to return the passports of their children which he hasn't denied; she has done so through her attorney because they're about to be in a messy custody battle that he, seemingly without any warning, initiated. The reason why he's accused of being shady in this divorce is because him and his PR team first, prior to the divorce having been announced, started planting stories about what a great, attentive father he was taking care of the children whilst Sophie was abroad working. Then, he filed for a divorce without the knowledge of Sophie, who claimed to have found out about it through the media. Sophie has never claimed that he's abducting their children, and you would've known that had you looked into this for more than one second. What she is claiming is that before getting divorced, they had been living in England since April 2023. Now, he's changed his mind and wants the kids to live primarily in the US, which is why he's holding onto their passports.
(derailing) No. 1902210
>>1902127>your argument might be valid if Claire was actually a good person and loving mother but we all know she ain’tDo we though? The truth of the matter is that none of us truly know shit and mostly project our own assumptions and experiences onto the situation, but there are SO many more articles exposing Elon's predatory, callous and
abusive behavior than vice versa, including his drug use. Part of that is obviously because he's in a much more powerful position, but I also think it's because he's legitimately an emotionally dead, cold-hearted sociopath. This is prob going to be a controversial opinion here but I honestly think that Grimes, despite her issues with seemingly severe addiction, arrested development and borderline/codependency/covert narcissism/whatever it is, seems like a better parent than Elon simply because she has the ability to empathize with others.
No. 1902262
>>1901502No I couldn’t. Grimes is a good musician and talented. Doesn’t mean she isn’t a massive lolcow.
>>1902255We are fed up of you all ass licking shivon. I like grimes better than shivon, i love grimes’ music. I don’t give a fuck about shivon, she’s just a bug eyed sci fi kid just like Elon who works for a fucking monkey torture factory.
No. 1902279
>>1902044No. The whole 'but I fell in love' is such BS. He was rich and famous. She would not be dating a 55 year old man if he was not incredibly wealthy and it's such gaslighting to pretend otherwise. His ex wife wrote a whole expose on his behavior and she decided to ignore it. She decided to ignore everything he did to everyone else from hate speech to how he treated other women so long as she got what she wanted. She was not some 20-something still needing to grow her frontal lobe that got taken advantage of - she has been in her 30s for this entire saga. She isn't a helpless
victim who fell in love and couldn't have known. Her fans have been furious with her since X was born because she straight up refused to do anything at all to protect him while she still had the chance. She was literally cosplaying as a distressed concubine with the most important heir being selected and taken from her as some holy rite right before Elon broke it off with her. Now that what everyone said was gonna happen has happened it feels like way too little too late. If you follow the timeline it very much seems like she was genuinely okay with this arrangement until she was pushed out by Elon romantically and now she's like "no deal, I was supposed to be queen and if I'm not getting that then you can't have X like I agreed.' Grimes is going about this in a messed up way too and it's sexist to talk about her like a helpless teen girl who is entirely innocent in all of this. She doesn't deserve it but she sure as hell did nothing to stop it so long as she felt she had something to gain.
No. 1902341
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>>1902262>grimes is a good musician and talentedFor the love of god stop baiting, you’re not even trying anymore.
No. 1902354
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>>1902341I’m not baiting, I love her music and I always have.
>>1902345You’re dyslexic. I clearly said it DOESN’T mean she ISN’T a massive lolcow. You need one of these finger space tools. Not even being horrible to you but you seem to struggle with reading a full sentence.
No. 1902525
>>1902421you and the other white knights can leave then because you can't stop us from talking shit on claire. you can go on any corner of the internet to see people bitching about elon, so why don't you go there?
she cries wolf every week. i'm never believing a single word out of her mouth since she's a documented pathological liar. i can't feel sorry for her. it's likely not that serious and she uses her kids all the time, i don't see this as any different as all the other times she tries to pretend like she's a mother.
since when are we gonna take claires word for it?
i don't remember seeing any nonas claiming that elon is a better parent than her. people who are not feeling sorry for her aren't automatically saying that he should have full custody or that he's a better parent. we have every reason to be suspicious of the garbage she claims. she makes shit up like it's a full time job. he's always paraded X around, what is so different now? because she's not having her way with elon, that's all.
you said it yourself. they're both druggies who rely on nannies. they are both awful and shouldn't have had kids to begin with. they're selfish parents who see children as a means to an end. criticizing one of them isn't automatically saying the other is better. they both can eat shit, they're paving the way for their kids to have miserable lives
No. 1902600
>>1902525You are annoying. Your inability to have a sane discussion is annoying. You can keep screaming about how we are all WKs but we just aren't retarded or obsessive enough to need to shit on this woman 24/7. That isn't what this thread is for, btw. You aren't going to browbeat us into shutting up, you just want this to be your own personal circle jerk where you get off to degrading her and anyone who points out how all these other parties you weirdly choose to compliment (to try to spite her?) is just getting in your way. Get over it.
>>1902421>>1902473Elon is by far the worst person in all of this, no competition. We are able to point this out without wHiTeKnIgHtInG. You can't reason with these faggots, they aren't even farmers. They don't care about the truth or discussing the faults of anyone else in this sphere.
No. 1902636
>>1901970>>1902047This shit is why i want to get better at programming and put an end to this. At least better filters online.
We cannot let the future be shaped by perverts
No. 1902644
>>1902636I believe in you nona! And don’t let them stop you. It’s like their default mode is to gaslight and halt any progress they see as a “domination” over them
>>1902228It’s both hilarious and depressing that this is her legacy now
No. 1902728
>>1902525This, 100x this nona.
Claire always used nannies. She always neglected X, to the point X didn’t even call her mom or recognize her as such. She pretended that she wanted X to call her Claire because she ‘doesn’t feel comfortable with that word’ yeah no wonder because it was just to lessen her own guilt about not spending any time with him and making him confused as to why the woman he calls ‘mom’ is never there (unless it’s for a vacation or Elon photo op ofc) She was always too busy attending Thiel funded zine events, schmoozing right wing creeps like Moldbug, popping pills or chasing kpop girl groups to look after her kids. It was always Elon parading X around while Claire was either AWOL drugged up, or looking on in a drug addled dazed high.
What’s changed now? Oh yeah, Shivon has replaced her as Elon’s main bitch, and Claire can no longer use X to manipulate Elon into paying attention to her. That’s why Claire is having a bpd meltdown. Not because she misses her son that she barely spent any time with anyway.
No. 1902737
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Always makes me laugh how she claimed to be anti drugs despite being high in public to this day. I distinctly remember she mentioned she was taking speed (which is closer to actual meth) during an interview about Visions, then flip flopped about it in other interviews and changed it to adderall. Same with her lying about never eating but then she said her roommate did in fact bring her food in a different interview. She was on concerta for weight loss and appetite suppression, also causes moodswings and erratic behavior. And she regularly does molly which completely fries your brain especially if you do it regularly. She’s always been a junkie and still is to this day.
No. 1902740
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Also pretty sure she’s talking about getting pump and dumped by Diplo here, who is also a massive cow, closeted fag, and gives women STDs (there’s also blinds that he’s HIV positive but idk if that’s true, one of his exes, Gena Tew has AIDS though) what a bunch of disgusting degens.
No. 1902755
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>>1898909Why was she sporting a shiner at that time and in this interview anyway? This was 6 months after her surgery. Guess she must have eaten shit during another meth bender.
No. 1902757
>>1902740Musicians just be like that. Depending on the genre. And I’d say most celebs but I doubt struggling actors have the time to be so messy until they hit it big. Musicians always got that time. Every level of income. EDM and alternative scene types are especially in a constant state of crisis
Even Kurt Cobain who everyone loves these days was apparently a big slut
No. 1902831
>>1902780I was about to say this kek
She also stole his entire aesthetic and made a female version out of it.
>>1902740At least she admits that niche Pictureplane is waaaay more famous than her kek
Nowadays she compares herself to Ariana Grande and Taylor Swift
No. 1902832
>>1902745People always say stuff like "it's not feminist to say her pussy stinks" ummmm Mrs boucher PROUDLY barley showers and is awake on meth for days. Her pussy most likely stinks like rotten milk and iron.
I think Elon prop never ate her out too kek
(sperg) No. 1903035
>>1902421Just admit you only have sympathy for Claire because she’s rich and white kek.
If this was a trailer trash mom or black woman constantly high, letting other people take care of her kids, having mental breakdowns on social media and fighting with other women over her baby daddy’s attention and gibs you’d be saying what a terrible trashy person she is and how she’s unfit to be a mother. Rich suburban white bitches like Claire get a free pass to be shitty people all the time because of enabling simps like you.
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at least claire got to piss him off lol.
shivon keeps coming across sadder and sadder. They're both pathetic but at least grimes is funny haha.
No. 1903158
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>>1903138~BritishColombia PickMe Disorder~
No. 1903161
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>>1902737Not sure if you know this but “speed” is sometimes used to refer to adderall, it’s kind of a blanket term but I think it’s dated and hardly used anymore
No. 1903342
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Saged for possibly old milk, but Shivon allegedly has an IQ of 170, Errol said this in his cringe interview where he called Elon fat and childish kek
Maybe that's why claire is seething about IQs recently, Elon is known for testing his entire employees.
No. 1903433
>>1903395IQ tells nothing about person's emotional capabilities. I would say she is acting very smart if she speaks to Musk in a "low-key intellectual way" and never gets in fights with him. Most scrotes can't deal with women who are more intelligent than them. Elon the
abusive narc scrote probably had a full-blown autistic meltdown when he found out Shivon's IQ.
>>1903160He wrote the biography Musk ordered. You think Musk wanted a book that doesn't praise him?
No. 1903447
>>1903433KEK you guys really are dickriding her. Her not arguing or standing up makes her the ultimate pick me. He is a petulant tard who plays video games all night and cancels his obligations because of them. You really think its
intelligent to just take whatever from that asshole and be agreeable?
No. 1903449
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Shivon posted close-up of the kids' faces
Hate to say they are actually pretty cute despite Elon's rancid genes No. 1903538
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After all these years of absolutely hating grimes, I kind of starting to like her again? She's given so much milk that I'm slowly beginning to realize how entertaining her idiocy truly is. What a shit show, I hope it never ends.
No. 1903544
>>1903538Same. She's so dumb and funny. It's a shame that some nonnies can't just laugh.
I, for one, pray that Elon will keep her close to him, so we could see more of Grimes reactions.
No. 1903547
>>1903546Well, I wouldn't call it tragic. Kids are clothed, fed, and have their nannies.
It's sad, sure. But it could be worse.
No. 1903554
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>>1903551The fact they decided to have more kids together despite their relationship being bad just shows how selfish and terrible both of them really are. I swear if they weren’t rich celebrities people would be comparing them to the scummy Mick Philpotts family. (He also had multiple broodmares who fought amongst themselves and was a pro natalist with 15 children.)
No. 1903562
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>>1903549All the stereotypes in the Isaacson novel are vile. Calling women chaos, Elon making light of the situation and calling it a ‘French Farce’ like a joke, women using babies to try and get leverage over a scrote. How depressing that women are still being talked about this way in the 21st century and encouraged to behave in such a backwards self flagellating manner.
No. 1903566
>>1903449Elon and Maye immediately liked these photos. Maye seems to like Shivon way more than Claire. I think E and S might actually be a couple now. And I think Elon planned this for a while which is why he encouraged Shivon not to make any bonds with Claire because he knew she would be out of the picture soon anyway.
>>1903551All those kids are gonna serious attachment issues. Sad.
No. 1903575
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>>1900135Claire is such a munchie cow kek she literally called an ambulance and asked to be taken to hospital for a panic attack (likely just more stimulant drugs making her heart race again) and she called Elon ‘my beautiful E’ after doing a skit with Miley (the same woman Elon was trying to bang before he settled for Claire) jfc how embarsssing. Elon is so awful.
No. 1903586
>>1903567Yes, Talulah was the 200IQ Stacy. She told Elon whatever she wanted to hear while using him for money and connections so she could write her novels, she made sure she got the ring and title of wife before considering having kids, and decided to bounce before Elon could tie her down with any screaming brats.
I think Talulah coming from a wealthy English family helped her and gave her intuition tbh. A lot of the rich scrotes in wealthy London circles are just as conniving, two faced and manipulative as Elon is and I think she sussed him out as soon as she met him. She played him at his own game, got the bag and alimony, and he still pines for her to this day. She’s a very smart woman. Her only mistake was wasting many of her youthful years on him, but she won in the end.
No. 1903593
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>>1903449Is Shivon hinting at marriage?
No. 1903602
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This Shivon vs Claire shit needs to stop. When are you people gonna admit that Elon, Claire and Shivon are all psychopaths who condone monkey torture, eugenics and unsafe experimenting on humans?
No. 1903740
>>1903432she ruined her own life. she was a bad person before him and she had kids with him, continues to pump out children for him. he didn't ruin her life. she chose this. stop acting like she's a child with no agency. he didn't make her become this way, she's always been a bad person. he's just bringing out the worst in her that already existed.
she has fallen so far as a result of her own actions, and yeah obviously he's going to make that worse because he's also horrible, but she ruined her own life by making poor choices to be with a scrote who has warning signs all over him. she chose this for herself. like the other nona said, stop wking.
No. 1903779
>>1902042if this was even 5 years ago that would be true but fathers rights groups have done so much damage to the family court system in just a few years. i think its a bit better in california still, but im not sure where the court battle will be taking place. also even before fathers right groups doing all that the reason it was so rare for custody to be given to fathers is because they never fucking ask, but in cases where they do the judge is more likely to give custody to the father.
>>1903161i thought speed was amphetamine that you shoot up
No. 1903867
>>1903546this. i'm by no means a "think of the children!" type, but it's like watching a trainwreck when you can clearly observe what type of parents those two are and how that will play a role in the kid's life later on. they just shouldn't have had kids. it's depressing
>>1903547i think you must be out of your mind to think that's all children need for it to not be tragic, or that it "could be worse"…
sure, their physical needs are being met because they aren't poor. but they aren't getting the love of their own parents. actual braindead take
>>1903554>The fact they decided to have more kids together despite their relationship being bad just shows how selfish and terrible both of them really are.this is true, it's like their whole relationship is a failure and yet they keep having children, as if the children are objects that will distract from the main issue: themselves.
their heads are so far up their own asses. they think money solves everything because they always have had it in abundance so they don't understand children need attentive parents who aren't drug addicts.
No. 1903872
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Im convinced elon told her to go blonde just so she is less desirable to other suitors and he can have her all to himself. Its so insanely unflattering on her. Especially when its long. The bob on wired was even an improvement. But the long blonde hair looks seriously horrid on this woman. Ages her 10 years.
No. 1903958
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>>1903571obviously they don't want to get hit with a defamation suit but the mention of amber fighting has a different connotation than grimes fighting.
No. 1903976
>>1903931Fuck them kids.They're inheriting millions so i'm sure they can afford the best therapy in the world.
>>1903958Amber heard rules.
No. 1904164
>>1904024That’s why I never refute the claims that she’s a
victim. I don’t truly think she is but hot DAMN she can throw them down. I’d be afraid to cross her. Grim I think I can take before security gets in the way
No. 1904218
>>1903872I think you’re correct but not in terms of hair color, rather in terms of surgery. Elon knows good surgeons in LA like the ones who did Talulahs nose and boob job, he could easily have recommended a good surgeon to Claire.
But I think when she told him about the idea he encouraged her to go to that quack butcher doc who had a ton of bad reviews on purpose so she would purposely ruin herself and in his mind, be unable to attract other men in the future.
They were already on bad terms and fighting a lot by that point and Elon has spend his whole life sabotaging others and fucking them over, why wouldn’t he do it to the woman he resents and wants to have full control over. It’s weird how he put his foot down about the elf ears surgery but allowed her to do this one, almost like he wanted her to ruin her face on purpose.
No. 1904222
>>1904024Yup. Amber is bpd too but she was extremely beautiful a decade ago (and we all know physical beauty is all scrotes care about) this is why she was so powerful and able to emotionally destroy these rich misogynistic scrotes like Depp and Elon. Unfortunately Claire is bpd but not beautiful enough to wield that real threat and power over moids. Both Elon and Depp stayed with Amber even after she physically abused them because they were desperate not to lose such a beautiful woman who was already way out of their league. Elon aimed lower with Grimes because he knew she would never leave him.
Amber needs to be commended way more for actually socking Depp and Elon in the face. Claire lisping ‘um well akthually my beautiful E, I have to agree to disagree with you on this issue’ is not remotely comparable. Claire acts badass but she’s a pathetic wimp deep down who poses no threat to moids. Amber was an actual threat and treated these men like trash, and they deserved it.
No. 1904306
>>1904222Elon probably took all his pent up rage and misogyny that he felt against Amber out on Claire lol. Elon is the typical Stacy widower who willingly got abused and dumped by a BPD alpha Stacy then takes all his butthurt out on other women for the rest of his life. He’s damaged goods.
>>1904258Yes you’re correct. A supermodel who is nice gets trampled on by moids too. A lot of men enjoy the crazy hot type of woman because it’s a challenge for them to break and cage them. I think Elon likes to take ambitious independent women and break them down and make them totally emotionally and psychologically dependent on them, through babies, drugs, holding his status and money over their heads etc, whatever.
He already turned Claire from a cool feminist indie female artist into a needy pathetic pickme. He’s doing the same to Shivon by changing her from an ambitious intelligent woman in a leadership role to a stay at home mommy begging to be picked, it’s sad to see.
No. 1904308
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Claire’s wrangler is having a breakdown on Twitter too. What’s going on? This is getting weird.
No. 1904314
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>>1904310Claire’s personal assistant. This seems like a sly dig at her. Is Claire really that terrible a person that almost every single person she does business with ends up burnt out, angry towards her, aggrieved, depressed etc? Her private behavior seems to be so different to how she presents herself in public and so many people who’ve dealt with her seem to dislike her. The help at Elon’s mansion also complained about how demanding she was.
No. 1904320
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It would have been funny to see a relationship between these two play out.
No. 1904322
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Dude seems to be close to having a nervous breakdown over the past year.
I’m sure Claire used him to get that gig in Japan too.
No. 1904330
>almost every single person she does business with ends up burnt out, angry towards her, aggrieved, depressed etc?
Anyone find it very interesting how every single person from montreal days, her best friends etc, all hate her now? She burnt every single one of them. Raphaelle from blue hawaii who was her room mate and “taught her to sing” hates her, refuses to (or cant legally??) discuss her. Sebaatian Cowan from arbutus records who started her entire career and remade visions from shitty demo quality work into a fully mixed pop album with updated sounds, drums, etc. basically took her messy scribbles and made it into what got her famous. Jaime her ex who totally didnt produce art angels, her other ex treavor whom she left her cat voignamir with when she became famous[how many pets has this bitch abandoned for fame wtf, also quiet w jaime], who has since died. she never reached out to him again before he died and her narcissistic manipulation and emotional abused made him go insane. She also got a lot of her ideas from him in the beginning, like sounding like a choir of children, etc. her ex Devon who totally didnt help with halfaxa and visions despite multiple claims he was with her when she was producing those albums, can be seen taking her laptop from her to help her on a track in the human heart documentary) , raph, all the arbutus people, etc.
Isnt it amazing how her production always sounds extremely similar to whoever shes fucking at the time? She used all of these people, raphelle, seb cowan and devon— and they ALL HATE her with a passion (i have sources in MTL, know a lot of people in that scene) like there HAS to be a reason for that? Add that to dozens of personal antecdotes about what a bully and pos ana chan rich girl she was in HS…. The only people who dont hate her are hana and bloodpop who have both helped her on stage with live shows and helped her with production (blood pop was using her gear in a lot of her post-visions shows, with claire miming that a couple feet away) and have both been on her payroll. I also think hana was not only helping her with her shitty live shows, and producing music, but also was her unofficial- yet paid- tardwrangler. Claire cant be alone or she chimps out. I think hana was brought on tour largely for this purpose. But everyone besides bloodpop and hana from her past was burned and most of them rightfully hate her for it. There is no way in hell she expects everyone who believe all her old MTL friends are just jealous haters and drug addicts and thats why they dont like her. No claire, they hate you cus you stole their essence and their time only to turn around and burn them as soon as she got any attention. Shes a horrible person as illustrated by all of her ex friends loathing her.(learn2sage)
No. 1904336
>>1903557It’s obvious he’s an
abusive & controlling monster toward every woman in his life. I’d have sympathy for them but they’re involving innocent kids in their bullshit, so they can burn in hell with Jabba the Musk.
No. 1904374
>>1904169siobhan is an Irish name; shivon/sivan is a Hebrew name
they are not related
No. 1904425
>>1903557>>1903602She's more vile by a long mark for her involvement and Yessir'ing daddy Elon at Neuralink. Didn't even argue with him about it since apparently they never argue kek
>>1904222Lower yet with shiv, he's started wrapping her hunched boxy body with red dresses etc and may dye her hair yet but the real beauty that enthralled him in the past probably
triggers him now especially since he's been combing thru old pics of Amber on potty breaks between mobile gaming sessions and photo shoots for his biography and social media. Shiv just stays smiling with that big ol muzzle kek that's what the econ major was for in the first place, meet narc scrotes I suppose
>>1903914Good point, he posted Amber and she got into the red dress for a pic not long after eh. poor shivon doesn't understand that makes him lose respect and now he will resent her and ruin her on purpose just like Claire
>>1903604Yeah except CEO muskmelon lied his ass off the whole time, saying shit like "the monkeys were close to death anyway" damn 170 IQ broodmares wanted to put her name under
that project…
>>1903188uH OH shE's puNjAbi thEy'RE fiGhTers she will do anything to pretend Elon picked her and isn't daydreaming of his exes and posting about it, cannot wait for the wk to try and justify the incoming smilk
No. 1904449
>>1904431The control and breeding thing is definitely a kink for Elon. Making women have their kids is an erotic experience for men like Musk, like you said they get off on permanently altering a woman’s body (through c section scars, stretch marks, other body changes whatever) effectively marking her as ‘theirs’ and also forcing women to occupy a large part of their time and psyche to a child so they will have less chance of thinking about other men and running off. They know that a woman having children dramatically reduces her future dating pool because most men don’t want to date a woman with kids, and that’s also very attractive to insecure moids like Elon who don’t want their broodmares having other dating options.
Elon is a narc who enjoys breaking down independent smart women and turning them into the needy slaveminded baby factory vessels like he wants them to be, before he inevitably grows bored and discards them. He’s a typical primitive moid with a fear of genetic irrelevancy. It’s all just one big fetish born out of deep seated scrote insecurity and it’s gross.
No. 1904473
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>>1903872I think she simply fits androgynous styling better, and the hyper feminine, trophy wife bimbo look just isn't for her. Gamines tend to look good in pixie cuts. I remember we brought up this photoshoot in an earlier thread, and found the way she was styled there flattering.
No. 1904474
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>>1904473I think she is aware that she can carry androgyny, but doesn't know how to approach it. She thinks this picture of her in eyeliner is twinkish for some reason.
No. 1904483
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>>1904474If she absolutely wants to have lighter colored, long hair, she has had some decent looks like that in her earlier career, and even some from recent years. She could go back to that but she got botched. Her current appearance is horrendous.
No. 1904484
>>1903602there are definitely a couple of anons shitting up the thread with this claire vs shivon vs every god damn broodmare elon has. no one wins, every one is selfish, immature and retarded, elon in the end wins because he gets to build his dynasty and keeps failing upwards. azealia cackles in the end because she dodged a bullet.
it legit contributes nothing to the thread, adds no milk and just instigates infighting
No. 1904582
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Apparently Elon feels that the reason Xavier trooned out is because Elon wasn’t controlling enough throughout his teenage years, that’s basically why he’s kidnapping X and doing everything he can to make sure X get absolutely zero gender non conforming influence from hippies like Claire. Elon is literally TERRIFIED of his other kids trooning out on him kek. Claire being pro trans and dating a tranny has made him distrust her and he likely wants to alienate her now completely from his son’s upbringing in case she makes him play with a toy that isn’t blue or some shit. This explains Elon kidnapping X and trying to limit Claire’s input.
As much as I hate troons I have to respect Xavier for mind breaking his dad (although it’s sad to see a teenage boy ruining himself with all kinds of hormonal treatment out of spite, basically he’s self harming to hurt his dad by proxy, just shows how mentally fucked up these poor kids are because of Elon)
No. 1904590
>>1904582>"The issue is I wasnt controlling my kids enough!"of course a raging megalomaniac like him doesnt seem himself as apart of the problem, its every thing and every one else.
Also is it normal for rich assholes like him to "make" a school for his kids? It reminds me of the Duggars when they pulled something similar
No. 1904633
>>1904590Elon’s a control freak psycho even towards kids
nonny, at least everyone can see it now.
>>1904598This, the more you make something forbidden fruit to kids the more they want to try it. Many kids I know whose parents were ultra strict about drugs and alcohol are addicts or alcoholics now.
No. 1904647
>>1904582I bet Elon was super absent and distant for most of his sons childhood cause he was always ‘working’ or busy trying to schmooze new broodmares. Now like a typical autist with no sense of nuance he’s going for the exact opposite approach and trying to smother X and constantly have him on hand.
>>1903602Weaponized autism is unironically the biggest threat to humanity. These aspies have no morals, they are just Chris Chan tier cows with more money and education. I hope we find a cute for autism soon because these are not the people you want in charge of the future of the world.
No. 1904813
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say what you want about schizos, at least they’re (uncharacteristically) consistent. they’ve been claiming the three musketeers have been performing human trials for a while now, there used to be a schizo on twitter under all claires replies claiming elon illegally implanted a chip in their brain.
the only reason I don’t doubt it fully is because all of them are clearly psychopaths kek
No. 1904817
>>1904813it's so funny. when someone replies "can you call a friend? have you taken your meds?" people call em ableist so the shit show carries on.
the one who thought she was being gangstalked has a tumblr lol No. 1904907
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>"associates love with being mean or abusive"
I fucking hate her for having kids with him. what type of idiot gets willingly pregnant by a man they describe as abusive? did she seriously not think about how the babies will grow up and be able to understand the type of guy their father is? clown shit
No. 1904914
>>1904836i'm glad someone brought this up. i have no idea why but every time you check the replies on her tweets there's at least 3 schizos doing some variety of schizoposting.
i remember last year i was seeing the same person posting weird pictures and statements under all of her replies every single day. all of their tweets on their account was them @ing grimes and elon all day saying a bunch of weird shit. i always wondered why she attracts schizos so much
No. 1905050
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>>1904907Sorry for the incoming wall of text but I hate this man so much. The way Elon and Walter Isaacson are trying to restore Elon's damaged reputation by using a
victim narrative disgusts me because of how manipulative it is. "WAHHHHHHH, I'm a sociopath who loves being
abusive towards subordinates and women because of my childhood but I absolutely refuse to do anything about it other than reiterate how much of a piece of shit my dad was because I'm unconsciously terrified of being exactly like him". So according to Elon and his taint-licking biographer, I should feel pity for one of, if not THE richest man alive for having a shitty childhood when he has access to so many services that'd ease his suffering or help him cope better/become a better person, he just doesn't want to because he's a narcissistic sadomasochist who doesn't recognize that there's anything inherently wrong with his behavior.
I should not, however, feel bad for the dozens upon dozens of employees who he has abused or suddenly fired as a result of having one of his bad days or needing to feel a sense of sadistic excitement. He had a bad childhood, for crying out loud! They should accept it because Elon is the only person alive with a troubled past, the king of all
victims. I shouldn't feel bad for Justine, or any of the horrible, evil, difficult women that broke his heart, because Elon is actually a boy and not a sociopathic, adrenaline-seeking billionaire in his 50's. Imagine if the richest person alive was a BPD woman who routinely abused her employees and romantic partners on her bad days, or imagine Amber Heard releasing an autobiography explaining why she is the way she is without taking much responsibility for the fact that some of her unhealthy,
abusive behavioral patterns can be changed. You think the world would put these women on a pedestal and excuse all of their actions because they're so financially successful? Of course not. There should be psychological studies dedicated to understanding why people are so eager to project this heroic wounded father role onto powerful men with anti-social traits and make excuses for them even when their actions are batshit insane.
No. 1905053
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some replies to her alt. is grimey invested in taylor swift's new boyfriend for the sole purpose of gossip or does she want an nfl husbando as well?
No. 1905300
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>>1905053He’s not even good looking. Literally looks like a random spiceboy Chav Neanderthal from a British pub.
No. 1905324
>>1905300The bar for moids is in hell especially to pickmes like Claire and the other Silicon Valley hags
She probably was lurking and read
>>1904211(sage your shit) No. 1905378
>>1905337Nah it’s not a sexual thing, like all narcs he likes provoking people until they snap back at him and then he can use their reaction to justify playing
victim and treating them like shit/cutting them off later because they hurt his feefees. Claire was so worshipping of her beautiful E (puke) that he had to force her to be mean to him so he could justify treating her like garbage and discarding her later. It’s all just part of the twisted narc psyche.
No. 1905407
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Elon and Lil X met the president of Hungary at Tesla factory. She didn't mind him dragging the kid along.
Didn't remember how ugly the cyber truck is. Also, who the fuck carries a child that age everywhere? He can walk.
No. 1905416
>>1905407The fact he’s always carrying him really does make me wonder if the human shield tinfoil is legit lol.
He seems very paranoid about being shot or assassinated, why else would you want to live in a bulletproof house and truck with armoured glass and titanium/stainless steel panels. Also agree the truck design is absolutely hideous but no doubt a bunch of new money low IQ rappers will want it featured in their stupid videos.
(sage your shit) No. 1905418
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Is Lil X really well behaving kid or is he just nonverbal? Must be stressful for a toddler to be constantly traveling. I don't know if being filmed and being the center of attention all the time is good for a kid his age.
Will Elon make his kids compete eachother? He loves drama. He definitely would enjoy some Game of Thrones family dynamics. Kek.
No. 1905420
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>>1905407X is pretty cute but he’s already developing the dumb snotty bully from every kids movie ever made phenotype.
No. 1905607
>>1905461its a dogwhistle
nonnie. claire just enables his ideology
No. 1905679
>>1905461This may be (or may be not) unpopular opinion, but I have a feeling that Elon don't truly believe everything he writes. At first he was your regular techbro, and then he saw that his popularity has decreased, so he latched to right-wing-conservative-trad crap, and when he'll get bored/see that this don't work, he will change his public opinions.
In short, he doesn't have any personality and individuality, and he doesn't care about anything beside his popularity and public image.
No. 1905893
>>1905461The world has a higher population density than any other time in history. When that’s happened the normal mammalian instinct is to stop having kids, what we’re seeing now is a completely normal human reaction. There’s an experiment called Universe 25 involving mice that found when resources are plentiful and lots of mice are living together in an enclosed space, female mice stop wanting to have children. The results of that experiment basically showed the female mice mostly became anti natalist
femcels, male mice became incels, and then a new group of mice called ‘the beautiful ones’ were born which were basically bishie gay mice with no interest in anything except sleeping and eating. They also didn’t want to mate with the female mice.
TLDR: the end result of human evolution is prettyboy bishies and
femcel femsimps who worship them, kind of like what we are seeing in Korea right now
No. 1905897
>>1905878It really depends but those who are more on the eugenics rather than racism side of this bullshit aren't really that concerned about race itself, only so much as it's a proxy for IQ, which they believe is almost entirely genetic and therefore differences between groups must also be genetic too. So 'high IQ' minorities like jews, east asians and high caste indians get a pass or are at least put in a different category to other non-white people.
I do think Elon is probably an antisemite too, but I don't think classical antisemitism clashes too much with this way of thinking.
No. 1905901
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>>1905878I don't think Elon is a racist, he's more of a eugenicist. He wants Asians to have more kids too. He does want Aryan children but he'd rather have "high IQ" children than fully white children, as we've seen. He approached a half brown woman to breed with her because he thought she was smart. He also posted something on his alt account about being interested in Japanese girls. He would've fucked AB if the threesome ended up happening.
No. 1905904
>>1905901Then why he did approach Grimes? Did… did he really thought that she's smart? I don't think so.
I'm still sure Elon isn't a racist nor an eugenicist. He just mindlessly parrots other people opinions and because of this it's hard to understand him and his motivations. There aren't any and his mind is a mess.
No. 1905941
>>1905902When the bible said ‘the meek shall inherit the earth’ it meant the fujos and bishies.
The great incel die off has to happen first tho.
No. 1905947
>>19059012021 was the peak of covid tho which would explain the excess deaths. The white population in the US also has more deaths than births each year since 2017, America has their own problems to worry about.
Plenty of civilisations and peoples have disappeared throughout history btw, same reason Scythians, Aztecs, ancient Egyptians, Minoans, Sumerians etc don’t exist anymore, there might be bloodlines and genetics from the original people but they are not the same as they once were because of cultural and genetic shifts. Whole cultures and peoples dying out or becoming so mixed and integrated that they form a different culture and people is normal and expected. Japanese people themselves are just immigrants from ancient Korea and China, who lightly mixed with the indigenous Ainu peoples or the Japanese islands maybe 2000 years ago or so. Japan and Korea as we know them going extinct in a couple hundred or so years wouldnt be unusual from a historical perspective at all, its just the natural cycle of humanity and the world.
No. 1905978
>>1905949The white vs black thing in south africa where he grew up is quite nuanced. Whites are being genocided by blacks over there. Its not anything like in the US.
And i dont think he hates blacks, but he is still def racist against them and jews even if hes not full on antisemite. He def has racist views like claire and his dad. Claire is becoming friends with people and taking pics/ publicly supporting people who literally think that certain races are more suited to slavery. And we appreciate power is literally about a world run by ai, with elon as the “god ceo” and certain rich mostly white people creating as many babies as possible. Thats what “the mission” is. Its a racist eugenic science-FICTION-based DELUSION dude she drew a photo for his bday party is curtis yarvin- who this thread is about. When i first read this i thought it was a little farfetched until the claire dedicated her “life and music” to “The Mission”, the mission started to reveal itself, the pronatalist stuff came out, and claire attending yarvins bday and drawing him a photo. WAP is literally about elon being a god/ceo and she actually thought she would be the “goddess” of the future world that will be run by ai with elon at the helm. Shes a major fucking idiot and racist cunt.
No. 1905996
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Elon was good friends with this guy
No. 1906188
>>1906186Lmao so true nona. It makes sense when you realise that most men throughout history were subjugated by other men, be it a king, emperor, army leader/general, ideologue, warlord, landlord, boss etc.
Nothing men love submitting more to an ‘alpha’ and following him as his pack, like the stupid dogs they are.
Makes sense why men invented nearly all religions too, if they can’t find a literal alpha male’s dick to suck they will worship some figurative sky daddy instead. Incels spend more time talking about Chad and saving his pictures than women. Men were born to bootlick and worship other men.
No. 1906189
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>>1905996Imagine building a life with a moid who you thought cared about animals only to realize he’s a dogfucker and puppy serial killer with a special rape/torture room in the basement for puppies, 15 years into your marriage, oh my god. Poor woman.
No. 1906260
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>>1905901>he can’t be racist because he had kids with an Indian woman Lol plenty of racist moids exclusively date ethnic women nona. Some of the most racist white guys in existence are married to Asian and Indian women (usually because white women have rejected or heartbroken them kek) they have a colonizer fetish.
No. 1906277
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>>1905978Being killed by criminals isn’t genocide. ‘Black’ South African criminals also murder African immigrants but no one is calling that genocide
No. 1906280
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mostly old milk but i noticed elon's statements about fitness are so lulzy, he is such a lazy fatso
>in 2014, he was drinking one or two diet cokes (saying it used to be eight) and a couple of coffees a day. was trying to cut down on sweet treats and said his problem with calorie consumption came at business dinners where he ate way too much. said he certainly could be slimmer, he should work out more than he does. his workout routine consisted of "a little bit on the treadmill and lifting weights once or twice a week"
>in 2020, he told joe rogan that the older he gets, the harder it is to stay lean because he enjoys eating nice food and dislikes having to balance it out with exercise. he said he'd rather eat tasty food and live a shorter life. "to be totally frank, i wouldn't exercise at all if i could." he hadn't met up with his personal trainer for a while. he doesn't like running either but if he does run on the treadmill, he does it while watching tv. said he is interested in fighting sports like zuck and has given taekwondo, karate, judo, and brazilian jiu-jitsu a go. claimed he still lifts weights by himself from time to time
>in a 2022 tweet, he showed off his fighting skills by saying he threw a sumo wrestler to the floor and this resulted in eight years of "mega back pain" after "smashing his c5-c6 disc"
>in july 2022, topless pictures of him in mykonos, greece, went viral. he said "maybe i should take off my shirt more often." his dad errol didn't find it so funny. he suggested his son take diet pills in an interview. "elon is very well-built and he is very, very strongly built, but he's been eating badly"
>elon took the criticism on board, as by october that year, he revealed his new physique which a fan called "ripped". he told them he achieved his new look by using the weight loss drug wegovy which suppresses the appetite, along with fasting which made him "feel healthier"
>in march 2023, he replied to a tweet saying "sugar is poison" with "i eat a donut every morning. still alive"
>in june, he tweeted "i almost never work out, except for picking up my kids & throwing them in the air"
>isaacson wrote that musk's relationships with women "often involved an unhealthy dose of mutual meanness," detailing an incident where musk called for grimes to "shame him for being fat"
No. 1906298
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If he had the technique to beat a sumo then he wouldn’t have injured his spine to the point of having 8 years of chronic pain lol. What a retard.(fanart)
No. 1906302
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>>1906280He’s built like a medical textbook infographic.
No. 1906309
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>>1906295>>1906298I feel like there's no way he actually beat this guy also what the fuck is he wearing kek
No. 1906343
>>1905878Shivon is everything Musk wants to be. She came from humble backgrounds, I mean her parents were college educated but not wealthy/influential like Claire's/Musks. She went to a regular (public?) high school and craved her way to an ivy league university. Paired with her "high" IQ and real discipline she graduated and was savy enough to land the best jobs afterwards, making her a millionaire with the help of her brain. She's not a scammer unlike Musk, who's daddy helped him flee university because his pea-sized brain can't get a degree in anything. Claire also couldn't take uni longer than 3 months, and it's bothering her. Deep down both of these morons now that they're lacking hardcore and have only surface level understanding of basically everything. It's their complex.
>>1905996This is so utterly disgusting spoiler this shit nonna it literally destroyed my day
>>1906186Your absolutely right, men want to be worshipped by other dicks, it's in their defective DNA.
>>1906295Like how it this fat fuck so fucking huge when all he does is taking drugs with various ana models and junkie claire? Does he binge? I heard taking uppers makes u loose some weight but while high with claire in 2021 he seemed fatter than ever.
No. 1906389
>>1906356She is intelligent, perhaps not in every aspect of her life but Shivon must be insanly smart or dedicated.
Making it in venture capital is hard on itself, and being a half indian woman will not be an advantage. Men in these places systematically exclude women and hate seeing them be successful.
She somehow managed to go from a random ivy league eco student to be the "intellectual companion" of a misogynistic billionaire, she definitely played all her cards right and most likely proved herself. She's a pick me NLOG but it worked insanly well for her, forbes cites her net worth at ~25mil.
No. 1906422
>>1906356>how can anons think Shivon is smart when she has been such a retardI don't post in this thread often but that has been baffling me too. I am neutral towards Shivon but there's something seriously wrong with the choices she made prpfessionally and as a mother, and anyone can see that. I'm just judging her parenting choices here but she seems so retarded and thoughtless with regard to her kids future. Imagine secretly having kids with your literally-megalomaniacal boss??? Parading them as a sort of political-hierarchy insurance? Doesn't look smart from here, seems tactless and desperate if anything to be acting this way.
It's like oldschool medieval aristocracy drama with marraige wars and interpersonal politics but now they have the catalysing addition of social media to manipulate each other and their followers. Wild. Kek imo there is no other gossip on Earth that compares to the subtle intrigue here, and yet they're all so boring and ugly. Becky-on-Becky concubine wars. What a time to be alive.
No. 1906425
>>1906265>>1906268Most racist men have fetishes for women outside their race. Men's principles are about following their dicks, and racists are notoriously retarded, so don't bother trying to make sense of them.
When they say "save the white race", they mean "save my white penis (white women should only have sex with me, and I get to have sex with and impregnate anyone I want and flood the planet with my offspring)".
>he bred with an Indian woman and created more non-white offspring in this increasingly less white world population regardlessIt's not about having a white population, it's about propagating his cursed autistic seed. He also has a blond/blue eyes fetish, but he's not as exclusive about it as he pretends. Being white just makes him feel like he's more entitled to get whatever he wants due to other white people's successes/achievements, much like he thinks his family line gives him inherent value, even though he's a failure and his father hates him.
No. 1906477
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Ugly rat faced bitch
No. 1906524
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>>1906477I was wondering why he went there and looked it up… what’s his game plan? He’s making an awful lot of political moves lately. At least this time it looks like he left X at home judging from other pics
No. 1906629
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>>1906280When hes ‘skinny’ it actually shows even better how gross he is. He has legit gyno (he’s had this even since his twenties), scrawny neck and narrow little sloping shoulders. He’s the complete opposite of the handsome fit Chad Ubermensch he wishes he was.
No. 1906631
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Even in his 20s and 30s when men are supposed to be at peak fitness and physique he was still such a gross skinnyfat little piggy nerd with bitch tits, wide hips and big bum.
No. 1906633
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No wonder he avoids sex and goes down the IVF route when he has bigger tits than his gfs. Gross pig.
No. 1906639
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>>1906635Actually it’s more likely he abuses testosterone replacement therapy and human growth hormone, like most male celebrities. HGH can cause gyno in moids, and too much testosterone supplementation in a mans body actually converts to estrogen. So yeah it’s more like he’s been abusing hormone therapy and roids.
No. 1906641
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>>1906631I always thought Elon had Klinefelter syndrome picrel the primary features are infertility and small, poorly functioning testicles kek this is why he ivf’s his way through life what a cope
next baby will be KS47,XXY as an ode to elons tiny little poorly functioning balls
No. 1906644
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Many moid celebs use HGH because it makes your jaw and bones wider but it also gives you bogged gayface and causes mood swings. Elon has a wide jaw but still looks like a troon, which is a hallmark of HGH use (as well as his cokebloat) This is why men who use roids are often referred to as roidtrannies in the lifting community because men who use roids, testosterone and HGH are actually giving themselves higher estrogen levels and man tits, big pointy Joe Rogan nipples, and swollen guts (palumboism). All of which Elon has.
No. 1906654
>>1906613She didn't choose him, she was his employee. He chose her. He exploited his power over her. She didn't really have a choice.
When will you learn to sage ffs
No. 1906782
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No. 1906881
>>1906782It's so cringey how Shivon and Grimes try to appeal to Elon by naming their kids scifi/fantasy themed names and going on about hOw mUcH tHeY lOvE sPaCe.
It's very obviously forced and annoying. Like we get it, the dad is Elon Musk.
As much as anyone is stupid for getting involved with this man, props to Justine (and Amber if it's true) for just bringing up their kids regularly and not catering to space and nerdy aesthetics just to please daddy Elon.
No. 1906919
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I skimmed through Elon's biography, here are some quotes:
"Musk would later talk about—even joke about—having Asperger’s, a common name for a form of autism-spectrum disorder that can affect a person’s social skills, relationships, emotional connectivity, and self-regulation. “He was never actually diagnosed as a kid,” his mother says, “but he says he has Asperger’s, and I’m sure he’s right.” The condition was exacerbated by his childhood traumas. Whenever he would later feel bullied or threatened, his close friend Antonio Gracias says, the PTSD from his childhood would hijack his limbic system, the part of the brain that controls emotional responses.
As a result, he was bad at picking up social cues. “I took people literally when they said something,” he says, “and it was only by reading books that I began to learn that people did not always say what they really meant.” He had a preference for things that were more precise, such as engineering, physics, and coding."
>South Africa
"When he was twelve, he was taken by bus to a wilderness survival camp, known as a veldskool. “It was a paramilitary Lord of the Flies,” he recalls. The kids were each given small rations of food and water, and they were allowed—indeed encouraged—to fight over them. “Bullying was considered a virtue,” his younger brother Kimbal says. The big kids quickly learned to punch the little ones in the face and take their stuff. Elon, who was small and emotionally awkward, got beaten up twice. He would end up losing ten pounds.
Near the end of the first week, the boys were divided into two groups and told to attack each other. “It was so insane, mind-blowing,” Musk recalls. Every few years, one of the kids would die. The counselors would recount such stories as warnings. “Don’t be stupid like that dumb fuck who died last year,” they would say. “Don’t be the weak dumb fuck.” "
"South Africa in the 1980s was a violent place, with machine-gun attacks and knife killings common. Once, when Elon and Kimbal got off a train on their way to an anti-apartheid music concert, they had to wade through a pool of blood next to a dead person with a knife still sticking out of his brain. For the rest of the evening, the blood on the soles of their sneakers made a sticky sound against the pavement."
"His most searing experiences came at school. For a long time, he was the youngest and smallest student in his class. He had trouble picking up social cues. Empathy did not come naturally, and he had neither the desire nor the instinct to be ingratiating. As a result, he was regularly picked on by bullies, who would come up and punch him in the face. “If you have never been punched in the nose, you have no idea how it affects you the rest of your life,” he says.
At assembly one morning, a student who was horsing around with a gang of friends bumped into him. Elon pushed him back. Words were exchanged. The boy and his friends hunted Elon down at recess and found him eating a sandwich. They came up from behind, kicked him in the head, and pushed him down a set of concrete steps. “They sat on him and just kept beating the shit out of him and kicking him in the head,” says Kimbal, who had been sitting with him. “When they got finished, I couldn’t even recognize his face. It was such a swollen ball of flesh that you could barely see his eyes.” He was taken to the hospital and was out of school for a week. Decades later, he was still getting corrective surgery to try to fix the tissues inside his nose."
No. 1906924
>>1906919>Errol"After the school fight, Errol sided with the kid who pummeled Elon’s face. “The boy had just lost his father to suicide, and Elon had called him stupid,” Errol says. “Elon had this tendency to call people stupid. How could I possibly blame that child?”
When Elon finally came home from the hospital, his father berated him. “I had to stand for an hour as he yelled at me and called me an idiot and told me that I was just worthless,” Elon recalls. Kimbal, who had to watch the tirade, says it was the worst memory of his life. “My father just lost it, went ballistic, as he often did. He had zero compassion.” "
"When I call Errol, he talks to me for almost three hours and then follows up regularly with calls and texts over the next two years. He is eager to describe and send me photos of the nice things he provided to his kids, at least during the periods when his engineering business was doing well. At one point he drove a Rolls-Royce, built a wilderness lodge with his boys, and got raw emeralds from a mine owner in Zambia, until that business collapsed.
But he admits that he encouraged a physical and emotional toughness. “Their experiences with me would have made veldskool quite tame,” he says, adding that violence was simply part of the learning experience in South Africa. “Two held you down while another pummeled your face with a log and so on. New boys were forced to fight the school thug on their first day at a new school.” He proudly concedes that he exercised “an extremely stern streetwise autocracy” with his boys. Then he makes a point of adding, “Elon would later apply that same stern autocracy to himself and others.” "
"There were times when Errol would be jovial and fun, but occasionally he would become dark, verbally
abusive, and possessed by fantasies and conspiracies. “His mood could change on a dime,” Tosca says. “Everything could be super, then within a second he would be vicious and spewing abuse.” It was almost as if he had a split personality. “One minute he would be super friendly,” Kimbal says, “and the next he would be screaming at you, lecturing you for hours—literally two or three hours while he forced you to just stand there—calling you worthless, pathetic, making scarring and evil comments, not allowing you to leave.” "
"Elon’s cousins became reluctant to visit. “You never knew what you were in for,” Peter Rive says. “Sometimes Errol would be like, ‘I just got us some new motorbikes so let’s jump on them.’ At other times he would be angry and threatening and, oh fuck, make you clean the toilets with a toothbrush.” When Peter tells me this, he pauses for a moment and then, a bit hesitantly, notes that Elon sometimes has similar mood swings. “When Elon’s in a good mood, it’s like the coolest, funnest thing in the world. And when he’s in a bad mood, he goes really dark, and you’re just walking on eggshells.”
One day Peter came over to the house and found Errol sitting in his underwear at the kitchen table with a plastic roulette wheel. He was trying to see whether microwaves could affect it. He would spin the wheel, mark down the result, then spin it and put it in a microwave oven and record the result. “It was nuts,” Peter says. Errol had become convinced that he could find a system for beating the game. He dragged Elon to the Pretoria casino many times, dressing him up so that he looked older than sixteen, and had him write down the numbers while Errol used a calculator hidden under a betting card."
"Elon bought a house in Malibu for Errol and his brood, along with the biggest Land Rover he could find, and he arranged for the children to be put into good schools and chauffeured there each day. But things quickly got weird. Elon was getting concerned that Errol, who was then fifty-six, was becoming uncomfortably attentive to one of his stepdaughters, Jana, who was then fifteen.
Elon became furious at his father because of what he perceived as his inappropriate behavior, and he had developed a deep sympathy—and tugging sense of kinship—for Errol’s stepchildren. He knew what they had to live with. So he offered to buy Errol a yacht to be harbored forty-five minutes from Malibu. If he agreed to live there on his own, he could see his family on weekends. That was not only a weird idea but also a bad one. It made the whole situation stranger. Errol’s wife, who was nineteen years younger than he, began deferring to Elon. “She saw Elon now as the provider in her life and not me,” Errol says, “and so it became a
problematic situation.”
One day when Errol was on the boat, he got a message from Elon. “This situation is not working,” he said, and he asked Errol to go back to South Africa. Errol did. A few months later, his wife and family moved back as well. “I tried threats, rewards, and arguments to change my father for the better,” Elon later said. “And he—” Musk breaks off for a long period of silence. “No way, it just got worse.” Personal networks are more complex than digital ones."
"When Elon and his siblings found out, they were creeped out and furious. “I was actually slowly making amends with my father,” Kimbal says, “but then he had a child with Jana and I said, ‘You’re done, you’re out. I never want to speak to you again.’ And I haven’t spoken to him since.” "
"After more than five minutes, Teller went to retrieve him. When Musk returned, he explained to Strauss, “I just broke up with my girlfriend. I was really in love, and it hurt bad.” Later in the interview, he unloaded about his father, but without mentioning the child Errol had just had with Jana. “He was such a terrible human being,” Musk said, starting to cry. “My dad will have a carefully thought-out plan of evil. He will plan evil. Almost every crime you can possibly think of, he has done. Almost every evil thing you could possibly think of, he has done.” In his profile, Strauss noted that Musk would not go into specifics. “There is clearly something Musk wants to share, but he can’t bring himself to utter the words.” "
"In an email to Elon dated “Father’s Day,” Errol wrote, “I’m sitting here freezing cold in a hanger wrapped in blankets and newspapers. There is no electricity. If I’m bothered to write to you like this, you can bother to read it.” That was followed by a rambling screed in which he called Biden a “freak, criminal, pedophile president” who was out to destroy everything that the U.S. stood for, “including you.” Black leaders in South Africa, he said, were engaged in anti-white racism. “With no Whites here, the Blacks will go back to the trees.” Vladimir Putin was “the only world leader talking.” He followed up with a subsequent email showing a picture of a stadium scoreboard saying, “TRUMP WON—FK Joe Biden,” adding the comment, “This is irrefutable.”
Errol’s letter was startling on so many levels, most notably his racism. But one other aspect would have an unsettling resonance later that year: how conspiratorial he had become. He had gone down the alt-right rabbit holes of labeling Biden a pedophile and praising Putin. And in other posts and emails, he denounced COVID as “a lie,” attacked COVID expert Anthony Fauci, and claimed that the vaccines were deadly, positions Elon would later echo.
His description of his cold and impoverished circumstances was meant as a rebuke to his son for no longer supporting him financially. Up until recently, Elon had been sending, off and on, varying amounts of monthly stipends. This began back in 2010, with payments of $2,000 a month to help Errol support his younger children after his second divorce. Over the years, Elon would occasionally provide more funding, then cut back whenever Errol gave interviews aggrandizing his own role in his son’s success. When Errol had heart surgery in 2015, Elon’s support was temporarily increased to $5,000 a month. But he cut off the funds after learning that Errol had impregnated Jana, the stepdaughter he had raised from age four, whom Elon and Kimbal considered a half-sister.
At the end of March 2022, Errol wrote asking that his stipends be restored. “At 76, I cannot generate income easily,” he wrote. “The alternative for me is starvation and unbearable humiliation or death by suicide. Death by suicide does not worry me, but it should worry you. The truth is too well known. You will be ruined, make no mistake, and people will know who you really are, or have become.” He blamed Elon’s attitude on the “National Socialist, cruel, self-serving and cowardly maternal family background,” adding, “Has the wickedness that was the Haldeman’s prevailed?”
Around the time of Father’s Day, Elon resumed the $2,000 monthly payments. But his financial manager Jared Birchall asked Errol to stop making a series of YouTube videos, titled Dad of a Genius, that he had produced with a clinical psychologist. Errol reacted angrily. “My silence to enable the devilish sh,t to continue brewing is not worth $2,000,” he shot back. “It’s also wrong to silence me. I have much to teach people.” "
No. 1906929
>>1906919>Kimbal" He was toughest on Kimbal. “I love, love, love my brother very much, but working with him was hard,” Kimbal says. Their disagreements often led to rolling-on-the-office-floor fights. They fought over major strategy, minor slights, and the name Zip2. (Kimbal and a marketing firm came up with it; Elon hated it.) “Growing up in South Africa, fighting was normal,” Elon says. “It was part of the culture.” They had no private offices, just cubicles, so everyone had to watch. In one of their worst fights, they wrestled to the floor and Elon seemed ready to punch Kimbal in the face, so Kimbal bit his hand and tore off a hunk of flesh. Elon had to go to the emergency room for stitches and a tetanus shot. “When we had intense stress, we just didn’t notice anyone else around us,” says Kimbal. He later admitted that Elon was right about Zip2. “It was a shitty name.” "
"But Kimbal’s frustration with his brother had been building, especially when it took outsiders to convince him to settle with the SEC. A breaking point came in October. His restaurant group was having financing problems, and he needed to raise more money. “So I called Elon and I said, ‘Look, I need you to help fund my business.’ ” The round was going to be about $40 million, and Kimbal needed Elon to do $10 million as a loan. Elon initially agreed. “I remember,” says Kimbal, “writing down in my journal, ‘unconditional love for Elon.’ ” But when Kimbal reached out to get the money transferred, Elon had changed his mind. His personal financial manager, Jared Birchall, had gone over the numbers and advised Elon that Kimbal’s business was not sustainable. “The money Elon was putting into it was getting poured down the drain,” Bi[[]]rchall told me. So Elon gave Kimbal the bad news: “I had my finance guy look at it, and the restaurants are struggling. I think they should die.”
“What did you just say?” Kimbal yelled. “Fuck you. Fuck you! This is not how it works.” He reminded Elon, forcefully, that when Tesla’s finances were struggling, he had come to work by his brother’s side and provided him financing. “If you would’ve looked at Tesla finance, it should have died as well,” Kimbal said. “So this is not how this works.”
Elon eventually relented. “I basically strong-armed him into putting in five million,” says Kimbal. The restaurants survived. But the incident nevertheless caused a rupture. “I was absolutely furious with Elon and didn’t speak to him,” he says. “I felt like I lost my brother. That experience at Tesla had taken him to a place where he lost his mind. At that point I was like, ‘I’m done with you.’ ”
After six weeks of silence, Kimbal reached out to heal the rift. “I decided to go back to being Elon’s brother because I didn’t want to lose him,” he says. “I missed my brother.” I asked how Elon reacted when he reached out to him. “He responded as if nothing had happened,” Kimbal said. “That’s how Elon is.” "
>Justine" Both of them were energized by drama, and they thrived by fighting. “For somebody who was so amorous about me, he never hesitated to let me know that I was wrong about something,” she says. “And I would fight back. I realized that I could say anything to him, and it just did not faze him.” One day they were with a friend in a McDonald’s and started fighting loudly. “My friend was mortified, but Elon and I were used to having big arguments in public. There is a combative element to him. I don’t think you can be in a relationship with Elon and not argue.”
On a trip to Paris, they went to see the Lady and the Unicorn tapestries at the Musée de Cluny. Justine began describing what moved her, and she gave a spiritual interpretation involving the unicorn as a Christ-like figure. Musk called that “stupid.” They began arguing furiously about Christian symbolism. “He was just so adamant and furious that I didn’t know what I was talking about, that I was stupid and crazy,” she says. “It was like the things he told me his father said to him.” "
" On the surface, the ceremony by the hotel swimming pool seemed joyous. Justine looked radiant in a sleeveless white dress and a tiara of white flowers, and Musk looked dapper in a tailored tuxedo. Both Maye and Errol were there, and they even posed for pictures together. After dinner, everyone joined in a conga line, then Elon and Justine took the first dance. He put both arms on her waist. She put her arms around his neck. They smiled and kissed. Then, as they danced, he whispered to her a reminder: “I am the alpha in this relationship.” "
" Musk processed his grief silently. Navaid Farooq, his friend from Queen’s University, flew to Los Angeles and stayed with him right after he returned home. “Justine and I tried to draw him into conversations about what happened, but he did not want to talk about it,” Farooq says. Instead, they watched movies and played video games. At one point, after a long silence, Farooq asked, “How are you feeling? How are you dealing with it?” Musk completely shut down the conversation. “I’ve known him long enough to read his face,” Farooq says. “I could tell he was determined not to talk about it.”
Justine, on the contrary, was very open about her emotions. “He wasn’t very comfortable with me expressing my feelings over Nevada’s death,” she says. “He told me I was being emotionally manipulative, wearing my heart on my sleeve.” She attributes his emotional repression to the defense mechanisms he developed during childhood. “He shuts down emotions when in dark places,” she says. “I think it’s a survival thing with him.” "
" Musk was awkward socially, but he liked to go to celebrity-studded parties and hang out until dawn. “We went to black-tie fundraisers and got the best tables at elite Hollywood nightclubs, with Paris Hilton and Leonardo DiCaprio partying next to us,” Justine says. “When Google cofounder Larry Page got married on Richard Branson’s private Caribbean island, we were there, hanging out in a villa with John Cusack and watching Bono pose with swarms of adoring women.”
But through it all, they fought. He was addicted to storm and stress, and she was swept into the turbulence. During their worst arguments, Justine would express how much she hated him, and he would respond by saying such things as “If you were my employee, I would fire you.” Sometimes he would call her “a moron” and “an idiot,” chillingly channeling his father. “When I spent some time with Errol,” Justine says, “I realized that’s where he’d gotten the vocabulary.”
Kimbal, who used to fight physically with his brother, found it difficult to watch him fight verbally with Justine. “Elon fights in a high-intensity way,” Kimbal says. “And Justine could go to the mat as well. You watch it and you’re like, holy moly, this is brutal. I ended up distancing myself from him for years because of Justine. I just could not be around it.” "
" The entire unsettled lifestyle led to a downward spiral. “It was basically a massive cluster fuck of disruptive things,” says Justine. She felt herself turning into, or being turned into, a “trophy wife,” and, she says, “I sucked at it.” He pushed her to dye her hair blonder. “Go platinum,” he said. But she resisted and began retreating. “I met him when he didn’t have much at all,” she says. “The accumulation of wealth and fame changed the dynamic.”
As he would do with his colleagues at work, Musk could flip instantly from light to dark to light. He would hurl some insults, pause, then his face would melt into an amused grin, and he would make some oddball jokes. “He’s strong-willed and powerful, like a bear,” Justine told Esquire’s Tom Junod. “He can be playful and funny and romp around with you, but in the end you’re still dealing with a bear.”
When Musk was focused on a work issue, he went into a zone, like he had back in grade school, where he was completely unresponsive. Later, when I recounted to Justine all the calamities at SpaceX and Tesla that were hitting him in 2008, she started to cry. “He didn’t share these things with me,” she says. “I don’t think it occurred to him that maybe it would’ve been very helpful. He was in such a combative relationship with the world. All he had to do was clue me in.”
The main thing she missed in him was empathy. “He’s a great man in a lot of ways,” she says, “but it’s that lack of empathy that always gives me pause.” During a drive one day, she tried to explain to him the concept of true empathy. He kept making it something cerebral, and he explained how, with his Asperger’s, he had taught himself to be more psychologically astute."
" Justine’s dissatisfaction with the marriage deepened her depression and made her angry. “She went from having some highs and lows to just being angry every day,” Elon says. He blamed it on Adderall, a cognitive enhancer that her psychiatrist had prescribed, and he would go around the house throwing away the pills. Justine agrees that she was both depressed and reliant on Adderall. “I was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder, and Adderall was an amazing help for me,” she says. “But it wasn’t the reason I was angry. I was angry because Elon shut me out.”
In the spring of 2008, amid the exploding rockets and turmoil at Tesla, Justine was in a car accident. Afterward, she sat on their bed with her knees pulled up to her chest and tears in her eyes. She told Elon that their relationship had to change. “I didn’t want to be a sideline player in the multimillion-dollar spectacle of my husband’s life,” she says. “I wanted to love and be loved, the way we had before he made all his millions.”
No. 1906930
Elon agreed to enter counseling, but after a month and three sessions, the marriage broke up. Justine’s version is that Elon gave her an ultimatum: either she accept the marriage for what it was or he would file for divorce. His version is that she had repeatedly said she wanted to get divorced, and he finally said, “I’m willing to stay married, but you have to promise not to be mean to me all the time.” When Justine made it clear that the current situation was unacceptable to her, he filed for divorce. “I felt numb,” she recalls, “but strangely relieved.” "
>Talulah" What struck Riley most was what she calls “the child within the man.” When he’s happy, this childlike inner self can manifest in a manic way. “When we went to the cinema, he would get so caught up with a silly movie that he would stare in rapture at the screen with his mouth slightly open laughing, then he would actually end up on the floor rolling around, holding his belly.”
But she also noticed that the child within the man could be expressed in a darker way. Early on in their relationship, he would stay up late at night and tell Riley about his father. “I remember one of those nights, he began crying, and it was really horrendous for him,” she says.
During those conversations, Musk would sometimes lapse into a trancelike state and recount things that his father used to say. “He was almost not conscious, not in the room with me, when he told me these things,” she recalls. Hearing the phrases that Errol had used in berating Elon shocked her, not only because they were brutal but because she had heard Elon use some of the same phrases when he was angry."
>Donald Trump"On Trump’s first day as president, Musk went to the White House to be part of a roundtable of top CEOs, and he returned two weeks later for a similar session. He concluded that Trump as president was no different than he was as a candidate. The buffoonery was not just an act. “Trump might be one of the world’s best bullshitters ever,” he says. “Like my dad. Bullshitting can sometimes baffle the brain. If you just think of Trump as sort of a con-man performance, then his behavior sort of makes sense.” When the president pulled the U.S. out of the Paris Accord, an international agreement to fight climate change, Musk resigned from the presidential councils."
No. 1906931
>>1906919>Amber Heard"Her playfulness, however, was accompanied by the type of turmoil that attracted Musk. His brother and friends hated her with a passion that made their distaste for Justine pale. “She was just so
toxic,” Kimbal says. “A nightmare.” Musk’s chief of staff Sam Teller compares her to a comic-book villain. “She was like the Joker in Batman,” he says. “She didn’t have a goal or aim other than chaos. She thrives on destabilizing everything.” She and Musk would stay up all night fighting, and then he would not be able to get up until the afternoon."
>Bipolar"Professionally and emotionally, the summer of 2017 through the fall of 2018 would be the most hellacious period of his life, even worse than the crises of 2008. “That was the time of most concentrated pain I’ve ever had,” he says. “Eighteen months of unrelenting insanity. It was mind-bogglingly painful.”
At one point in late 2017, he was scheduled to be on a Tesla earnings call with Wall Street analysts. Jon McNeill, who was then Tesla’s president, found him lying on the floor of the conference room with the lights off. McNeill went over and lay down next to him in the corner. “Hey, pal,” McNeill said. “We’ve got an earnings call to do.”
“I can’t do it,” Musk said.
“You have to,” McNeill replied.
It took McNeill a half-hour to get him moving. “He came from a comatose state to a place where we could actually get him in the chair, get other people in the room, get him through his opening statement, and then cover for him,” McNeill recalls. Once it was over, Musk said, “I’ve got to lay down, I’ve got to shut off the lights. I just need some time alone.” McNeill said the same scene played out five or six times, including once when he had to lie on the conference room floor next to Musk to get his approval for a new website design.
Around that time, Musk was asked by a user on Twitter if he was bipolar. “Yeah,” he answered. But he added that he had not been medically diagnosed. “Bad feelings correlate to bad events, so maybe the real problem is getting carried away for what I sign up for.” One day, when they were sitting in the Tesla conference room after one of Musk’s spells, McNeill asked him directly whether he was bipolar. When Musk said probably yes, McNeill pushed his chair back from the table and turned to talk to Musk eye to eye. “Look, I have a relative who is bipolar,” McNeill said. “I’ve had close experience with this. If you get good treatment and your meds dialed right, you can get back to who you are. The world needs you.” It was a healthy conversation, McNeill says, and Musk seemed to have a clear desire to get out of his messed-up headspace.
But it didn’t happen. His way of dealing with his mental problems, he says when I ask, “is just take the pain and make sure you really care about what you’re doing.” "
No. 1906933
>>1906919Last one:
>Shivon"One day that October, she led Musk and other top Neuralink executives on a tour of a new facility the company was building in Austin. It included an office and lab in a strip mall near Tesla’s Giga Texas factory and a set of barns nearby to house pigs and sheep used for the chip-implanting experiments. She was visibly pregnant with the twins, though no one there knew that they were also Musk’s. Later, I asked if this made her feel awkward. “No,” she replied, “I was thrilled to be becoming a mother.” "
"She assumed that he would not be very involved in parenting them. “I thought he would play a role like a godfather,” she says, “because the dude’s got a lot going on.” "
No. 1906980
>>1906933What a dumbass.
Also doubling down on this lie she carried and birthed the twins herself, I see. Interesting choice.
I guess it just doesn’t look good on paper to have your bosses kids for $$$, on top of being a monkey torturer AND perpetrating reproductive coercion and abuse against women.
Fucking kek can’t wait til the truth blows this flimsy McMemoir to shit and we see all these criminals behind bars.
No. 1906997
>>1906434She literally participated in an online catfight for his attention, wore the red dress, does these photo ops and interviews that completely reduce her to broodmare status (oh but she is a SMART broodmare), after all this he still publicly pines for his hot ex and probably is hunting for his next
victim. Not to mention the companies she's been involved in are
not prestigious to say the least and wrought with issues that her name is all over, because he manipulated her to shoulder blame that should have been his alone
No. 1907014
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>>1907001Given how many people with actual qualifications would probably murder someone to be able to work under king tard, I don’t doubt a majority of her talents lie in licking elons ass, telling him he’s based anytime he has a brainfart and wrangling him before he starts trying to play fisticuffs with a subordinate, effectively getting nothing done at all. What a shitshow.
>>1907000Yeah cause there’s no proof she was ever pregnant. Unlike Claire who is a different level of dumbass (effectively single handedly destroying her ‘friend to all girls’ image by renting uteruses to become lady jessica), I see Shivon hiding her surrogacy tracks out of fear of further damaging her public image, much like beyonce picrel
>inb4 shivon posts a pic taken today of her wearing a prosthetic pregnant belly titled “throwback to the best 9 months of my life”, with a black and white filter over the top for good measure kek No. 1907016
>>1907014Samefag but just made myself laugh thinking how great it would be if she staged a “throwback to my first ultrasound” pic with the prosthetic belly
“to my surprise - it was twins!” KEK
No. 1907021
>>1906980Thanks for sharing anon. I feel like the author didn't try to make Elon look better tbh, he sounds insufferable based on the information given.
>>1906919>Elon bought a house in Malibu for Errol and his brood, along with the biggest Land Rover he could find, and he arranged for the children to be put into good schools and chauffeured there each day. But things quickly got weird. Elon was getting concerned that Errol, who was then fifty-six, was becoming uncomfortably attentive to one of his stepdaughters, Jana, who was then fifteen.It's so fucked up and unfortunately not surprising, he has been grooming her since she was 15 or possibly even younger.
>>1906929 >"He was just so adamant and furious that I didn’t know what I was talking about, that I was stupid and crazy,” she says. “It was like the things he told me his father said to him.”>Kimbal, who used to fight physically with his brother, found it difficult to watch him fight verbally with Justine. “Elon fights in a high-intensity way,” Kimbal says. “And Justine could go to the mat as well. You watch it and you’re like, holy moly, this is brutal. I ended up distancing myself from him for years because of Justine. I just could not be around it.”God, he is such a headache. Even people who knew him closely notice his "demon mode" is like his father
>Early on in their relationship, he would stay up late at night and tell Riley about his father. “I remember one of those nights, he began crying, and it was really horrendous for him,” she says. During those conversations, Musk would sometimes lapse into a trancelike state and recount things that his father used to say. “He was almost not conscious, not in the room with me, when he told me these things,” she recalls. Hearing the phrases that Errol had used in berating Elon shocked her, not only because they were brutal but because she had heard Elon use some of the same phrases when he was angry.This is the most mentally ill thing I've heard about him. He would trance out talking about his father's abuse, then he would also use the same words when he's angry? He was 40 something and a billionaire, he should've just gone to therapy
>Around that time, Musk was asked by a user on Twitter if he was bipolar. “Yeah,” he answered. But he added that he had not been medically diagnosed. As real as his autism kek. I think Elon might really be traumatized by his
abusive father but it's no excuae to how he acts now. He has apparently mirrored his father's horrible behavior to all of his partners.
No. 1907024
>>1907021Totally agree that it's disgusting that he trauma dumps on the nearest available women around him.
It definitely tries to tidy his image…for instance I think his """bipolar""" is just the normal cyclical mood effects of drug and alcohol abuse, but he's rather be the cool guy that smokes weed and does blow sometimes than the bloated cow that can't even resist abusing the Ambien he's prescribed to sleep after stim binging
No. 1907051
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>>1907010Not gonna lie he looks like a total fed kek. Why are undercover cops/spooks always so easy to spot. Same with Mark Dice. As soon as I saw him I just got cop vibes. I think it’s their haircut or something.
(sage your shit) No. 1907082
>>1907044Yup the lack of self-awareness is hilarious. I wonder how he speaks to his older children if he’s so
toxic with his partners. Maybe he spares them and takes it out on women but it wouldn’t be surprising at all if he treats his sons the same. It’s tragic that he has two daughters now and I hope he continues to mostly stay away from them. Sometimes an absent father is better than having them around. He’s truly a piece of work for pretending to have family values whatsoever and all of those old boomers and trad whores on twitter who fall for his act are retarded
No. 1907203
>>1906924So they're both sociopaths who like inflicting pain onto others, veer towards conspiracy theories where they can project their racist and pedophilic tendencies onto other outgroups (preferably brown or Jewish ones), and use pity ("muh childhood") to manipulate normal people as well as romantically ensnare women who are easy prey. Have you noticed that the women who are branded difficult, crazy, argumentative, etc. are the same ones who fought back and didn't immediately breastfeed him whenever he had one of his demonic toddler tantrums? It's so quintessentially male-brained that these women are considered, according to the narrative of the autobiography (written by a male), nutjobs for not wanting to be abused by a psychopathic bully, but Elon, who goes into
abusive episodes so often that Grimes has a term for it, is… What? An emotionally tortured genius, of course! If this book was about a famous woman, her reputation would forever be tainted because everyone would think she's a psychotic bitch who blames her childhood/parents despite being IN HER FIFTIES but refuses to get therapy, hurts everyone around them but refuses to take proper reponsibility for it, etc..
>>1906931>“She was like the Joker in Batman,” he says. “She didn’t have a goal or aim other than chaos. She thrives on destabilizing everything.” These enablers are a fucking joke. I don't think Amber Heard is a bastion of sanity either, but that description of her being an agent of chaos applies 10000x much better to Elon's antics than hers. At least she was 23 when she met Johnny Depp and slightly older when she met Elon - they were in their late 40's to late 50's
>>1906997Agreed. Even if Shivon is more intelligent than the other broodmares, it makes her behavior look even worse because she's acting in such a pathetic way.
No. 1907214
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Why as a 35 year old woman would you wear this fucking outfit? She wants to be 5??? I always cud tell she was into age regression shit bcuz she tries to sing like a toddler, says baby in every single one of her songs, is obsessed with baby art, has said she looks like a baby (she doesnt) multiple times, posted lolicon of “sexy” child from deadflow who draws kids being r-worded, is obsessed with that cosplay girl who does makeup to look like a child… and is dressing like this? Its so creepy and bizarre. Like i remember my mom being 35. I cant imagine my mom showing up to kindergarden to pick me up dressed like my actual schoolmates i would be so embarassed. I would cry. Her hair also looks so retarded, like, what? The length makes it all flat which makes her face look huge. The extensions and everything is a godforsaken mess. But that outfit is truly getting all my attention lmfao
No. 1907226
>>1907021>He has apparently mirrored his father's horrible behavior to all of his partners.It’s called trauma reenactment or trauma repetition. He would know that or at least realized the impact of it if he just went to therapy. All this sigma grind shit is a distraction towards putting forth any effort into correcting his poor behavior. The real work. He sounds like one of those types who romanticizes his issues. Explains his delusions somewhat. Damaged goods and didn’t we all know it?
Also bless to
nonnie who spoon fed the relevant bits of the novel. Just bless
No. 1907269
>>1907214She's the definition of cheugy, it started even before her dating Elon. Even though I don't "mind" when elder millennials dress the way they did back in 2009, I'm just curious why she's trying so hard to look like an asian zoomer. It makes her look older kinda?
>>1907249She's what, like 35? Claire has no real idea on how young people really dress. She sees pink and ugly dresses and thinks that's what's cool.
No. 1907270
>>1906933Shivon may be academically gifted but she's the biggest idiot of them all. Sure, Claire is dumb too, but what option had C vs S?
Claire was a niche indie artist with a dwindling fan base of old af unwashed millienals who talk about pizza and coffee. If she never met Musk, she'd definitely still be a litetal who to most people.
Look at Alice, she'd be exactly like her, an entitled old af baby brat who thinks she's special.
S had so much potential, maybe she's severely brain damaged from dealing with Elon for so long. But she could've easily married a tech nerd millionaire. What a pick me loser.
No. 1907299
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How are you one of the richest people in the world and still have to compensate for your insecurities with shit like this. Yes, he did post the video and a good chunk of the responses are people roasting him.
No. 1907339
>>1907318Tinfoil but I haven't seen her wear normal non-height adding shoes in soooo long. I get it, looking leaner and taller but idk seems like she can't leave the house without her extra 20inches kek
And it started with Elon too, he's known to prefer tallish women above 5ft7 so she definitely knows what she's doing. It looks retarded tho, her trying to look like a young waif with these giant ass boots on…cmon claire, looking like a whole ass malnourished preschool teacher
No. 1907495
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>>1907471>>1907472>>1907489Epstein, Maxwell and Musk were very well acquainted nonas
No. 1907601
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No. 1907672
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>>1907601I told you guys she's just the same as Grimes
>>1906924Kek, of course he was telling Grimes about this terrible abuse and how he was ~severly boolied~, so now she thinks him exploiting hurting wives, children, workers, animals, environment and whatever the fuck else is totes 100% justified, he's ~damaged~ because he was bullied as a kid uwu. Anyways Errol is an absolute cow too, speaking exactly like Elon, and Elon might hate him but he copy pastes all of his moves. When Elon gets senile 80yo he'll probably get with one of his female cousins and extort his children for 10 dollars a month with that "I'm gonna kms but that's not a problem to me, that's a problem to you" bullshit just like his daddy dearest
>>1906929That moment when you roll on the floor and bite your brother because he didn't like your shitty WinRar name kek
Drama queen father, spoiled 10yos repeatedly slapping each other in the face with their money stacks, wives having meltdowns and playing computer games with a manchild bc there's nothing else they can do with him (besides new batch of IVF kids). Elon really needs to have his own reality tv show, The Muskrats or something. Idk there's just too much to comment on, it's just
chef's kiss thank you book quote anon for this wonderful nutricious fountain of milk
No. 1907692
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>>1907287I've never heard someone sound so dumb while trying to sound smart kek, she clearly doesn't know shit about astronomy and is just a poser for quirky points. and wtf was that reaction to a plane in the beginning? what is she, 3? no musical talent whatsoever, this video is just embarassing. I think she might actually be retarded, but maybe it's just drugs. I honestly think that her appearence was the most interesting thing about her, before she ruined completely
(sage your shit) No. 1907785
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Shivon and Grimes’ feature in the aemon animations elon vid kek
No. 1907796
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Wonder if it’s Zuck or Muskrat. Musk was in Japan recently. But he isn’t married (as far as we know) so idk.
No. 1907803
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Nonas, have you heard of the raelien cult? I was researching them lately and realized they have their own calendar, which is defined as ‘before hiroshima’ and ‘after Hiroshima’. Reminds me of the date in grimeys twitter bio, does she ever explain the relevance of Oppenheimer to her own lore? Why are all these broodmares obsessed with nuclear energy and breeding cults? Kanye would be into it ofc (since he’s an abusive scrote), which would be why he tweeted their symbol, the symbol being almost an exact match of openai’s logo.
No. 1907807
>>1907798Ayrt, I think everyone here loved it when Errol called Melon out on screaming boolied but actually being the one who laughed at a kid who lost his family member to suicide, and got deserved beating for it. Or when Elon said something like "Contest! Find me a person to prove i made money on cobalt mines! I was living in poverty!" and Errol said can i join bc i can prove lol. But that's about all positive that can be said abou Errol. He's the same as Elon or even worse with his factories, shady businesses and of course yucky incest tier grooming relationship.
That being said, i absolutely don't pity Elon that he was oh so berated and fucked up by his father sorry not sorry.
No. 1907880
>>1907672Well he is damaged which is exactly why he shouldn’t be placed in this position of power he’s in. He’s brain damaged from being consistently socked in the head because muh South Afrikaner kuuultura, drug addled and dependent on ketamine and one might argue adrenaline, rageful malignant narc who gets into literal BRAWLS with his leadership team in a professional setting. I’d watch their reality series, wouldn’t even be a guilty pleasure. At least they’ve got that to fall back on if they’re ever deposed. The whole thing is like a never ending series of Succession, on ketamine kek. Everything they do reminds me of some offshoot shanty town variant of an episode.
But are South Africans okay? First Die Antwoord now this monstrosity you’ve unleashed onto the planet. Are you guys mentally okay?
No. 1907983
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>Elon: cries about how his father constantly put him into dangerous situations with zero remorse
>also Elon: purposely puts his kids into dangerous situations with zero remorse
Between this and the fire pit story (X, Maye, Grimes, a Nanny and Elon were all at a party, X rushed up to play with the burning fire pit while Elon encouraged it and not one of the women stood up to him or intervened on behalf of X’s safety) I think Elon is just a psychopath tbh.
No. 1907988
>>1906924>>1907943his dad is truly whack, apple doesn't fall far from the tree as they say. also it sounds like like cocaine runs in the family, finding it very, very hard to believe these wealthy narcissists are simply bipolar or something.
that being said I'd love to see Errol's YouTube series though especially since Elon's Mormon+federal spook handler–er, financial manager stopped him from uploading…somehow…not sure why Errol can't just ignore that guy
No. 1908015
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we have the double whammy: trying to garner sympathy by playing the poor
victim (again) while also trying to appeal to her breeding scrote with the whole "think of the children! parenthood! children! i'm a mother btw"
it really is just two pathetic pickmes trying so hard to gain his attention
>>1907716 this is so accurate
No. 1908059
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This kid gonna be a villain
No. 1908095
>>1907977I like the idea of Errol laying there on his phone, typing this out about himself
>>1908042Kek i saw this posted on deuxmoi and I fucking ran over here
No. 1908136
>>1908128Nta but he groomed her and they had 2 children.
"I found myself getting caught up in Errol’s tangled web. In a series of calls and emails over the course of two years, he gave me varying accounts of his relationship with, and his feelings for, his kids, Maye, and his stepdaughter, with whom he would have two children (more on that later)."
"Elon was getting concerned that Errol, who was then fifty-six, was becoming uncomfortably attentive to one of his stepdaughters, Jana, who was then fifteen."
No. 1908138
>>1908128>>1908131This recent Errol whiteknighting is the most bizarre thing itt. He had kids with Jana's mother, then Jana who he has known since she was a toddler. What is wrong with you guys? He has been inappropriate with her since she was underage.
>"Elon bought a house in Malibu for Errol and his brood, along with the biggest Land Rover he could find, and he arranged for the children to be put into good schools and chauffeured there each day. But things quickly got weird. Elon was getting concerned that Errol, who was then fifty-six, was becoming uncomfortably attentive to one of his stepdaughters, Jana, who was then fifteen.>Elon became furious at his father because of what he perceived as his inappropriate behavior, and he had developed a deep sympathy—and tugging sense of kinship—for Errol’s stepchildren. He knew what they had to live with. So he offered to buy Errol a yacht to be harbored forty-five minutes from Malibu. If he agreed to live there on his own, he could see his family on weekends. That was not only a weird idea but also a bad one. It made the whole situation stranger. Errol’s wife, who was nineteen years younger than he, began deferring to Elon. “She saw Elon now as the provider in her life and not me,” Errol says, “and so it became a problematic situation.” No. 1908212
>>1908207im not sure what you get out of this. elon and kimbal were aware of this. elon may be an
abusive piece if shit, but i think both brothers are telling the truth
No. 1908219
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looks like Shivon is leaving the sinking ship that is Neuralink.. wondering how Melon took this
No. 1908227
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>>1908014This is exactly the reason I didn’t listen to grimes for a good decade until MA. Her ~quirk~ was being the quintessential overbearing millennial pickme with galaxy pants and PUSSY snapback. Only other pickme’s listened to her music, not the “hot austistic women” she has as a cope-fantasy of being her fan base KEK
No. 1908232
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atp i’m convinced grimes fans are actually retarded. still thinking clurr produced any of her own music past putzing around with drum loops on GB and singing ‘baaaaby ooh baby’ over them, how sad. illangelo was not the original producer for weeknd’s HoB anyway, Jeremy Rose was and after they split Abel started straight ripping from other artists, including massive attack who sued him for using their track on Kiss Land AFTER he was denied permission to use it.
weeknd and grimes are both equally as grifty, gross and creepy so it fits they share the same beep-boop ePiC synthwaev prod. maybe illangelo can help grimace pen some tunes about trafficking wombs and they can link their lore to weeknds trilogy kek
if she insists on not writing her own music she could at least hire Gesaffelstein
No. 1908249
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>>1908219>>1908237>>1908247ShieldAI is also just another elon asslicking company, wouldn’t be surprised if he’s pumped money into it given its connections to DoD and Pentagon who’ve been employing their tech since at least 2020
No. 1908253
>>1908219>"they have a strong moral compass"Kek, trying to publicly fix her reputation before even more average normies see the legions of dead animals sacrificed by tech bros fucking with biology they don't understand in a time where people get mad at lipstick on rats eh? Sounds like she's creating a narrative that she cares about ethics in AI research now. Bit late for that
>>1908249"china is netflix; america is blockbuster"
lmao what? Are they claiming that by having the largest military China is somehow surpassing the US? Because active members is the only place where china surpasses America. Not gonna act like americans don't inflate their military capabilities by targetting forces much weaker than them but it's a bit funny to act like china of all places could be ahead of america to the degree of netflix vs blockbuster
No. 1908277
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No. 1908280
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Sorry I have to bring this picture back, but you can place your bets now whether his Stacy assistant is going to be his next broodmare
No. 1908288
>>1908249>china is tesla, us is general motorsThey at least got this one right kek, one is a bubble with delusions of grandeur backed by nothing but the hopes and dreams of manchild fanboys, and the other is well-established, properly organized and relatively level-headed.
>tesla is a bazillion dollars company!1!!1These people really think their monopoly money is real huh?
Tesla is still a microscopic % of all cars sold, they're out of their minds if they think other companies aren't going to speed ahead on EVs with a bit of r&d and decades of operational experience and positive public sentiment on their side.
No. 1908289
>>1908288About Tesla what you said is mega true.
A don't know, maybe it's because I live in a quite poor country, but people prefer cheaper Reno Zoe, or wait for some cheaper reliable Japanese evs, than waste a bag of money on Tesla.
No. 1908300
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>>1908277>Most attractive eugenicist. The forest cryptid one is still my fave though kek. That big klinefelters ass.
No. 1908308
>>1908289I also live in something of a shithole and I don't think even one person in this entire thing owns a Tesla. They do use twitter a lot so before tesla even gets here it's already getting its reputation trashed by the CEO.
>>1908294The foreverwars in random shitholes aren't the only thing american military budget goes to
No. 1908322
>>1908308In my country there are some Teslas, like two of them lol
Normie people would buy Zoe or Leaf. And rich people prefer good old Porsche, BMW, Audi or other brands with a name, image and reputation.
Teslas are too expensive for normies who want an ev, and are too niche and unknown for riches who want to show everyone their wealth.
So I bet Tesla will not live long as a company.
No. 1908332
File: 1696358888992.jpeg (631.26 KB, 1172x1023, 64D62E1E-564B-4C74-B2F0-2AFC6D…)

>>1908205>>1907796I hope his wife punched him.
No. 1908333
File: 1696358975947.jpeg (87.37 KB, 1620x459, 3C2723FC-3961-44F3-8162-8EDD56…)

Hmm everytime I go on Grimes Twitter it seems to be glitching, but Elon’s Twitter and other profiles are working just fine, anyone else noticed this or is it just me?
No. 1908334
File: 1696359047888.jpeg (308.02 KB, 1563x1448, 4862F340-6382-4C40-9727-B00E61…)

I wonder if Elon is messing with her account on purpose but maybe that’s just me tinfoiling. I believe he is petty enough to do something like this though especially after her announcing she’s suing him.
No. 1908335
File: 1696359226060.jpeg (587.31 KB, 1279x1510, FA677CFB-0EFA-4827-A324-BAAA94…)

>>1906260Lol more proof Grimes is lurking, she liked this same racist guys tweet about Aryans/Brahmins and how not being able to read makes you smarter.
No. 1908369
File: 1696364071640.png (298.88 KB, 1024x832, D6DD1A2C-A5C7-4BA1-A9E0-D3B3FF…)

>outsourcing mental faculties will prevent humanity from daydreaming about apples Also clur:
>hey ppls have you heard of or do you know about this groovy thing called ai that can replace everything we do like thinking and physical labor, like, using our faculties is sooo not a vibe No. 1908378
>>1908252Fully disagree
oldfag fan since like 2011, did not like her music based off her image. If anything I found her kinda ugly, especially when she got big on /mu/ around 2012/2013. So no, not all like her because of her ed or quirkiness at the time. Halifaxa is a good record back then, can’t listen to any of her music now because of her image now.
No. 1908396
File: 1696366956435.jpeg (89.05 KB, 1620x494, 88603A13-5C84-4ADC-A0BB-A97205…)

>>19083762 hours later and it’s still not working for me. Hmm.
No. 1908404
File: 1696367855724.jpeg (147.07 KB, 1102x460, 4141593D-2634-4C5F-BB71-9ADA7A…)

We already knew this but yeah.
No. 1908417
>>1908353It is going to be Milkmass. Neither of these cows will demand a private custody hearing. People tend to take the mother's side in these cases, but Grimes has been a bit too open about her drug use.
Elon will go full NPD on her and it will be thousand times worse than Amber vs Johnny.
>>1908396Maybe she deactivated or deleted her account. If she did it to destroy evidence, it's too late.
No. 1908430
>>1908123agreed nona
>>1908305i know right? she's a fucking idiot. i was gonna say a similar thing when i posted the screenshot… this bitch doesn't care about surveillance she cares about herself
she shills ideas that are so devoid of morals and then seeing her claiming surveillance is bad as a "mother" and "abuse
victim" made me laugh
>>1908417>Neither of these cows will demand a private custody hearing.absolute facts. they are both attention whores who are incredibly desperate for ANY relevancy. both incredibly shallow and they love people talking about them, bad or good
>>1908127KEK true
No. 1908435
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>>1908378nona you dropped this
No. 1908467
File: 1696377527298.jpeg (277.77 KB, 828x889, IMG_0058.jpeg)

Did he not put himself on the birth certificates? Also, turns out it’s not true that ~we who carry the name of concubine - history will call us wives~ keke
No. 1908504
File: 1696382210928.jpeg (255.82 KB, 1620x400, 95E5DE03-9E18-4524-AA2D-E1C9CF…)

I think Elon was encouraging Shivon to tweet all this family stuff to make Claire mald tbh. I think it was all Elon’s idea. Just seems strange that Shivon is posting lovey dovey family stuff when Claire is having a breakdown and suing Elon.
No. 1908513
File: 1696383558997.jpeg (526.84 KB, 1611x1526, E9F27D67-2E7A-4ACC-9CD8-BD57F3…)

>>1908463>>1908495This is it 100% Shivon may be being pick me as well but whos to know when the cycle repeats itself with the next broodmare and then takes grimaces place.
No. 1908546
>>1908257>>1908269Yeah alphabet agencies put out tables at career fairs at Brigham Young every year, it's an open secret. Mormons are hard to compromise and easy to investigate.
>>1908508In between yapping about how his personal weapons collection is barely legal or something
No. 1908617
File: 1696404401196.jpeg (373.63 KB, 1125x1147, IMG_8373.jpeg)

Telulu looks identical to grimace idk if that’s a britbong defect. I mean a lot of you defend Telulu ITT for never having kids with Scroteon, yet she married the fucking retard moid TWICE. I feel zero sympathy for any of these broodmares child or not. How can you not see the pattern with Muskrat, whether it’s marriage or a kid, he goes in 3’s. Bet he’ll have one more baby with Shithead, then move on to the next mouth breather pick me who is a descendant of the Hasburgs.
No. 1908632
File: 1696408360662.jpg (52.35 KB, 753x502, grimesfleshwithoutblood1.jpg)

>>1908617the pic you posted was definitely grimes after lip-fillers (at least). i don't really see the resemblance even post fillers/plastic surgery, but i'm with you on having no sympathy for any of the broodmares. maybe some of elon's early partners when he wasn't as well-documented, but now? not a chance. they should know what they're signing up for.
picrel is a good example of grimes nonexistent upper lip btw
No. 1908665
File: 1696413654956.jpg (40.66 KB, 585x256, melontesla.JPG)

Went through a few blind items and a lot seem to be about the elongated muskrat
No. 1908674
File: 1696414406444.jpeg (126.33 KB, 1309x481, 98A9A2A2-F3F2-4E09-B82F-CB26E3…)

>>1908665My guess is he’ll probably pull the addict card and send the court all the videos of her doing drugs to prove she’s a bad mom. I’m sure Claire has a lot of dirt on him, and I’m sure she could also reveal a lot of damning shit about him, but I think after several high profile relationships with blabbermouths, Elon probably knows how to play his legal cards right and was quite careful. If Claire speaks out he could probably have her killed too.
No. 1908677
File: 1696414741229.jpeg (176.83 KB, 1242x451, 158819DF-B11D-4199-8EBD-5A5BC5…)

I’m having a field day going through all his blinds kek.
No. 1908680
File: 1696415196005.jpeg (220.46 KB, 1620x309, F062E35E-0661-44CD-9942-65D138…)

>>1908679Yup, it was brought up in a previous thread.
No. 1908682
File: 1696415451983.jpg (33.38 KB, 569x229, azbshares.JPG)

this is new, sounds like Azealia was given shares by Melon to shut up. ofc Azealia is a hypocrite who would talk trash while stil taking the bag
No. 1908685
File: 1696415575123.jpeg (128.61 KB, 1218x491, 69AE056A-1A49-447A-9E7E-7BF70F…)

I called this too. Jana really looks like Shivon mixed with Amber and seems exactly Elon’s type. I think Elon had a crush on her 100% and tried to separate his dad from her not out of any moral obligation (we all know Elon has no morals anyway) but simply because he was jealous.
No. 1908705
this is so juicy I can't
other blinds:
- Amber got him to pay her legal fees, part of her donation, conned more than 1 million out of him for living expenses and got him to inest 300,000 into Cara Delevingnes enterprise, and apparently he is still paying for her house
- Amber and Elon were using coke about every hour
- Azealia got also investment tips from him (regarding DogeCoin) and later on threatened him so he activated her Twitter again. She still keeps going probably in hopes of money further on
- Melon has to pay for all the drugs since Grimes cant afford it
- drug cartels/ El Chapo ordered 50,000 Tesla cars that were never build for money laundering purposes
- he is not only importing cocaine but also meth from South America via shipping containers and planes and has screwed over the cartels few times, with no repercussions so far, blinds suppose it would be an easy thing to place a bomb in a plane, no wonder he is so paranoid
- Elon thought his engineers were drinking too much coffee and had the coffee machines removed, in meetings only he would be served coffee while his employees watched, such an Elon thing to do kek
- Grimes was seen with track marks, so apparently she is a junkie
No. 1908718
other blinds, take with a grain of salt
- Elon has been orbiting Naomi Biden for years now
- Elon constantly has staff watching him during his drug binges, he’s done stuff and mixed stuff while high that would probably have have killed someone who wasn’t constantly being babysat
- He’s close with El Chapos ex wife, and he’s also fucked the Cartel over a number of times in drug deals, which is why he’s paranoid they’re trying to kill him and why he wants to live in a bulletproof/bombproof house
- His private jet is constantly on trips to pick up drugs which is why he doesn’t want anyone tracking it
- He’s constantly cutting corners on Tesla materials to save money and he doesn’t care how many people die, he also knows if anyone tries to bring lawsuits he’ll just keep it in the court system for years with his lawyers
- Apparently he has a kink for anal sex and possibly even a shit fetish, Grimes and him tried to a number of times but she can’t get used to it, but supposedly Amber was down for it (as long as she got paid heftily for it)
- He apparently carries wetwipes and a washcloth around with him when he knows he’s going to have sex because there will be anal or shit involved, azealia apparently confirmed this
- Elon is still obsessed with Amber and tries to contact her regularly but she ignores him and knows she owes him money too which is even more reason to avoid him
- Amber was never interested in him romantically or sexually she just really wanted the bag and the baggies, Elon literally paid her to spend time with him which is so pathetic
- Apparently Elon can be violent especially when coming down from his drug binges, he has physically abused gfs in the past
- Neuralink is basically a Ponzi scheme to try and get more money from investors who are interested in the technology while putting out barely any results
- He was talking with Annalynne McCord about having an IVF baby together
No. 1908731
File: 1696419473654.jpg (33.8 KB, 575x259, melonpassiveaf.JPG)

more blinds:
- bailed out of Rehab in 2018
- took LSD while pregnant
- wanted to start a microdosing mushroom business
- has overdosed at least on one occasion
- takes Canadian grant/government money she doesnt qualify for
- leaked stuff about Grimes to the press in the hope of having Elon to herself
- as of last year still texting / fucking Elon
- 100 celibrities or more wanted to be instructed to her rituals/voodoo, Elon too kek
- apparahently hooked up with Lindsay Lohan lmao
- he actually proposed to a Chinese representative in LA whether they could do the drug transportation in town for him with diplomatic cover. insane
- all his money is leveraged, he only has about 3,000-4,000 $ each month available
- had to call security to get him out of the handcuffs his girlfriend put him in before she got mad at him and left, doesnt state which gf, I could imagine Amber
No. 1908733
>>1908723True but I really do think he’s a psychopath
>>1908674I saw a blind saying this legal battle between Claire and Elon will end up with Grimes dead from a drug overdose, and Elon will play the
victim and make it all about him. I do have a bad feeling about this legal case, and she’s still in love with Elon, she’s fucked her life up and I can see her spiralling. I can actually see her being one of those celebrities who dies early. As much as I dislike Grimey I hope that doesn’t happen.
No. 1908771
File: 1696425387640.jpg (166.39 KB, 1007x1600, t.jpg)

>>1908617I don't understand why some people think they look alike. Talulah has sharper features and looks more womanly, Grimey looks more androgynous and has a weak chin. I think she wishes she looked like her. Talulah looks more like Justine but they don't look that similar either.
No. 1908852
File: 1696437055786.png (223.74 KB, 306x547, image0(1).png)

anyone else got this on Spotify? why are they suddenly promoting her in the ethereal (EXPLICIT) tag with that horrendous potato snout and swedish fish lips?
No. 1908978
File: 1696458752294.png (3.24 MB, 1172x1526, Screen Shot 2023-10-04 at 3.29…)

>>1908660I always thought Hana was absolutely Elon's "type". She's conventionally attractive and looks kinda like Amber, I'd bet you anything he tried to hook up with her too when she and Grimes filmed We Appreciate Power in Elon's Boring Company tunnel but she's been dating that producer Bloodpop for like 10 years.
No. 1909111
File: 1696487373418.png (1.63 MB, 1248x864, threadddd.png)

OP of most of Grimes threads here, when it gets to 1200 can somebody else make a new thread this time? I'm busy. I can however provide my proposition for a new thread pic
No. 1909140
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>>1909137It’s working for me. She hasn’t tweeted anything juicy anyway. She’s liking tweets about how CPS is bad, I guess because Elon called CPS on her.
No. 1909217
File: 1696506800871.jpg (34.58 KB, 604x490, 9849085437493.JPG)

Grimes defending Britney's knife dance is another level of insanity, maybe she's feeling for her because she also had her kids taken away from her kek
No. 1909422
>>1908632Anyone else thinks Claire/Grimes looks kinda diffrent each year? Idk what it is but her face changed so much and it's not gradual?
Almost as if she gets fillers or something and it never looks like it did before (no permanent surgery?)
Looking back at 2015-2020 grimes she has like 15 diffrent faces…maybe I'm just high idk
Her nose size changes almost every pic, her eye shape too…
No. 1909436
>>1909431It's like her philtrum is insanly long and then short and then long again kek
Like what procedures let's you get uglier than before
No. 1909488
>>1909422 Shes been getting stuff done since 2011
>>1900949 As exemplified here
No. 1909574
>>1909562Speculated in past threads that perhaps shivon did actually use a surrogate, somewhat substantial evidence (several photos and events where she doesn't look pregnant at all), activities at the time, and the way she talks about the whole thing.
Regardless of whether or not she bought another women as an incubator and then purchased the young humans-created-for-profit.. what actually gets me thinking about shivon is how she's somehow involved with nearly every drop of milk here from the family drama occuring now, even initially timing her pregnancy with grimes own one, to the tech stuff, to the monkey torture. It's fecking crazy, I need a schizoanon to compile it someday
No. 1909603
File: 1696570635809.jpeg (523.73 KB, 1211x1410, 64B75439-89B0-4ED9-8121-A2EB36…)

Why would anyone want this? Wechat steals its users photos and personal information, spies on their conversations, censors dissidents and spreads CCP approved disinfo. Maybe thats why Elon is a fan?
No. 1909817
>>1909140Completely believable. The average American can’t read, has the intelligence of a goldfish and gets their life advice from QAnon, why would anyone assume they’re capable of raising another human being?
>t. burgerfagCPS should stay parked outside Musk, Shivon and Grimey’s houses based on their social media feeds alone.
No. 1910002
>>1909537>Musk has 10 known living childrenHow many dead children does he have?
>the Tesla CEO sued his sometimes-girlfriend Grimes Ouch. Was it worth it? She destroyed her career, lost her friends, and botched her face to become a "sometimes-girlfriend".
Also, is that how it works in Burgerland? Someone sues you and you just play the UNO reverse card?
No. 1910216
>>1909849Elon sues for establishment of parent-child-relationship meaning that's not existing yet. this means so far Grimes has sole guardianship and custody of the children as their unwed mother by both tx and ca law.
both lawsuits hold an order that kids may not be moved from their primary residency. Elon claims they're still living with him in Texas, Grimes claims they're living with her in California
(learn to sage) No. 1910238
>>1910002Read previous threads and get the basics ffs
>>1910216Musk is currently embroiled in a handful of legal dramas. He's on that yayo again clearly. Sued for defamation and the lawyer coming for him was the same who won $50M from Alex Jones this summer melon sued twitters former lawyers…and hes still in hot water with the SEC. Looks like Alex Spiro is still musks go to lawyer, wonder if he's helping with the grums case as well and blathering about suing the ADL. Spiro needs to confiscate this flabby windbags speed so he finally stfu like Claire knows he's very busy in court and she wanted to strategize either a way to get time with him, or get something she wanted while he is busy and distracted. Gonna guess it's whatever is the most pickmediotic and harmful to the kids involved
No. 1910242
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turns out Claire’s whole circle is creepy
No. 1910244
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>>1910242Friend to all girlth
No. 1910251
File: 1696665306725.jpg (107.02 KB, 607x467, 347489057849.JPG)

>>1910242I went to her profile and it seems she's a cow herself. Has an onlyfans/does sex work, claims she was "too sick for a standing job" with her ovarian cyst, and an Article in the Intelligencer paints her as full bpd-chan, even mentioning Sam being her favourite brother, he wanting to buy her a house, etc. I call bullshit.
>As Annie tells her life story, she felt special and loved when, as a child, Sam read her bedtime stories. Now those memories feel like abuse. No. 1910281
>>1909299>it seems inevitable that all his gfs and broodmares butt heads, by elon's design.There's nothing a narcissistic man loves more than triangulating and pitting women against each other. It makes him feel alive because he's an aging, unattractive, psychopathic pig blob who knows none of these women would look at him if it wasn't for his social status and wealth
>>1910251I haven't looked into this so I don't know if it's true, but do keep in mind that "batshit insane" women can and often do get raped, and women who have been
victims of child sexual abuse will often exhibit traits of BPD later on. Additionally, Sam Altman is an incredibly wealthy, successful man with a massive social network - if he wanted to discredit his unstable sister in a convincing way, he could absolutely do so by asking journalists to write puff pieces, just like Elon is promoting his "woe is me"-narrative by letting Isaacson write his autobiography. I'm not saying I believe he's done anything, I'm just advising you to be more skeptical when one person has full control of the narrative
No. 1910304
>>1910251>gave her money, wanting to buy her a houseSounds like he was trying to bribe his
victim with guilt gifts
(commentary dumping + lack of sage) No. 1910317
>>1910251Kek your excerpt was antithetical to the point you tried to make. Reads more like Sam wrote a puff piece to preemptively cover his ass.
Wouldn't wanna lose those billions in investments from Sequoia Capital, Andreessen Horowitz, Microsoft, Reid Hoffman, Peter Thiel now would we
No. 1910388
>>1910261thank you for the context. i was seriously confused for a second. anon here
>>1910259 confused me even more, like seriously if you don't know what youre talking about just lurk and find out
No. 1910491
>>1910490>moidViolent chimp toddler by default
>gay daddy issues, hedonistic, insecure
>autistic lack of empathy
No. 1910592
>>1910388Autist alert. No one knows who you are anon. We’re all anon. If you’re confounded that easily maybe you should log off
Looks like nobody got the time to keep the spoiled grimey milk flowing
No. 1910596
File: 1696742509999.jpeg (99.23 KB, 750x952, F03ADAF8-4F05-4876-A90E-200318…)

Grimes either deleted her twitter or Elon deleted it.
I kinda knew this would happen.
No. 1910602
File: 1696743292280.png (436.61 KB, 750x1334, 6F4E3464-1F85-4615-8800-E92818…)

How can anyone still think Claire is a good person when she was part of that pro ana nazi pedophile cult run by an Indian pedophile scrote larping as a Chinese female neo nazi who would get girls to cut swastikas into their bodies and drove a teenage boy to kill himself. She’s an ugly demonic bitch and so is the seppuku eyes monkey torturer.
No. 1910604
File: 1696743584092.jpeg (230.2 KB, 750x765, 4E6165C6-D6CA-409F-830E-FF3162…)

The reason Claire kept popping up everywhere with Dao a few months ago is because Dao was literally one of the main leaders of the cult. Dao deleted their twitter and Claire pretended to distance herself when everyone found out how evil this discord cult is and she realized it was extremely bad optics for herself. But she’s still good friends with all these evil fuckers and interacts with them on her alts. The scrote who runs its parents are close to Washington and the Clintons. These people are literal deep state fucking spooks and demonic pedos.
No. 1910610
File: 1696743819239.jpeg (414.6 KB, 750x1120, 75B9C961-1BAF-4B78-945D-A1AEAB…)

And Claire was there with them and partook every step of the way. She still does. Now we know why she kept shilling Dune, NFTs, Curtis Yarvin and eugenics so much.
No. 1910614
File: 1696744827452.jpeg (579.53 KB, 750x904, 13DCB2A5-8A60-49E2-91D5-C1D930…)

SpiceDAO was literally just a Thiel backed, joint crypto scam/Ponzi scheme, likely controlled between Lan Dao and Grimes. One of their random autistic goals was to acquire an original Dune art book worth around 3 million dollars (hmm I wonder which particular obsessive Dune fan and cult member decided on this?) and claimed they were going to use it to make an original Dune series and get venture capital from investors to make the series (despite owning zero copyrights to do so). They got millions of dollars from an anonymous source to buy the book, while promising that they would repay that person in crypto/NFTs (which they didn’t because it was a massive scam and the NFTs were worthless) so it was essentially a crypto money laundering cult too. Guess that explains why Grimes was gloating about how she’d made millions of dollars from NFTs (and Elon praised her for it) this rabbithole is so weird nonas.
No. 1910619
File: 1696745628604.jpeg (990.69 KB, 1620x1795, 958AE63F-23AD-465B-8C09-1A58CB…)

Of course Claire is a smug braggart idiot who can’t keep her mouth shut which is why she was so proud of herself for scamming people into buying her worthless nfts for millions of dollars. Probably part of her stupid milady cult dealings.
No. 1910622
>>1910614Lan Dao was extremely close to Rohit Okhandiar, the cult founder, I’d even go as far to say she was joint founder. Why? Because they were literally dating at the time.
Dao made multiple tweets about having an Indian bf and how ‘curry fever is the new yellow fever’. Rohit even allowed the Dao project to be named after her. And Rohit in turn was an Asian woman fetishist (looks like him and Grimey have that in common), obsessed with ‘Chinese spirituality and CCP aesthetics’ and would get Lan Dao to write things in Chinese characters to make his larp as an uwu Chinese neo nazi waif seem more convincing. Dao was helping him find and groom underage girls over discord too. No wonder Grimes was cosying up to them both so hard for no apparent reason.
No. 1910626
File: 1696746448414.jpeg (633.87 KB, 1620x998, 23D461BB-4293-4A6A-87B3-AAA18F…)

Lan Dao actually tweeted about going to dinner with Thiel (Rohit was maybe/maybe not there with her too) but at the time people thought it was a joke. But they really were/are on his payroll, as was also revealed about Rohit in the Redscare thread.
No. 1910631
File: 1696747651514.jpeg (952.61 KB, 1272x1465, 9630609D-AED6-4F43-8F28-2DFB65…)

>>1910596>>1910597That’s not her account ffs.
Anyway, she’s still tweeting and defending pederasty, and trying to hop on Jennie’s dick to resuscitate her dead career.
I bet Claire is absolutely seething that the creator of Sailor Moon drew Jennie’s cover art and not hers.
No. 1910641
File: 1696749885073.jpeg (307.18 KB, 1620x351, EC83282B-BEC0-4467-A655-0D51F0…)

>>1910614Elon was involved in shilling the milady pedo cult crypto pump and dump scam too, only 4 months ago.
No. 1910643
File: 1696750426029.jpeg (87.4 KB, 1184x422, 09CF1359-69B0-471D-AF18-5E840E…)

Elon is known for shilling other griftcoins like dogecoin and shamelessly exploiting the idiots and third and second world countries who fell for the crypto meme. Interestingly, found this blind.
No. 1910644
File: 1696751639983.jpeg (221.34 KB, 1069x879, E4189421-6C37-4774-981C-0E666E…)

What do you nonas think of the tinfoil that Grimes and Elon were trying to learn Haitian voodoo and santeria from Azealia? Which is why they invited her to their mansion with no recording studio/equipment to supposedly ‘make a song together’.
No. 1910646
File: 1696751940938.jpeg (376.85 KB, 1179x857, 1B520A39-8E6F-43E5-92DA-F8895C…)

>>1910622> Rohit even allowed the Dao project to be named after her.You are definitely retarded if you think that that it was called “dao” bcus of her. That being her name is a coincidence.
I wanna believe what ur saying but i have to research myself now as youre not a credible source as you just make shit up. I know its lolcow but c’mon.
No. 1910648
File: 1696752196714.jpeg (200.41 KB, 1321x656, 3B8920BF-3650-45E8-8F90-519FC7…)

More blinds about Azealia really being invited over to do sex magick with Elon.
No. 1910649
File: 1696752712951.jpeg (590.9 KB, 2826x1949, FCBB5777-D96C-4024-A436-1FBC56…)

More tinfoils about how Elon asked Azealia to help make a ‘murder closet’ like she uses for sacrifices in his house. And that he wanted to do sex magick practices with her and Grimes but Grimes got too jealous and sabotaged it, which is why Azealia was so angry.
Apparently Azealia posts her rituals publicly so that celebrities will see it and contact her about it so she can make money off them.
Claims she is blackmailing Elon and living off the proceeds which is why she doesn’t have to work anymore, and that Elon had to pay her to shut up through dogecoin and crypto which is why he was pump and dumping it so much.
Also rumors that she wanted embryos and a baby out of the whole thing, and that Elon might have even agreed to it (no evidence of that yet though so I don’t really believe that part)
No. 1910652
File: 1696752867687.jpeg (212.4 KB, 1620x1127, F5EC7A66-9EE0-4BD2-9646-2B4465…)

I actually think there is some truth to the blackmail/shitcoin story because Azealia would post dogecoin memes after the incident, as if she is trolling and teasing Elon into giving her more money or else she’s going to talk.
No. 1910655
File: 1696753144478.jpeg (252.91 KB, 1298x481, 752D4DC7-C038-40F5-931B-B39161…)

One last tinfoil, that Azealia hexed Grimes and her relationship with Elon to fail, and manifesting money from extorting Elon (seems to be working)
No. 1910912
File: 1696801546845.png (836.49 KB, 823x609, 111111111e.png)

Have nothing milky to add but considering recent day wasn't milky in Grimes/Elon retardverse anyway… I looked up debate news articles and wow. Idk if that's the light or what, but she looks very waxy and unhealthy. I'm surprised she decided to give this stupid debate a go during all this drama, she always cancells things whenever things so south.
No. 1910986
File: 1696815439747.jpeg (180.64 KB, 1125x817, IMG_8415.jpeg)

>>1910912Dehydrated Sams club chicken garden gnome vs Scooby Doo Spooky Island chants
No. 1910997
>>1910596Sage for sounding tinfoily but I have a hunch why some of you have issues seeing grimes account on twitter
Elon added a shit ton of new tracking features to the new app and it is highly likely that it sees your browsing history and they tag and flag your account so you can't see her page. I have the old bird app before it became X. I backed up my android apk.
He added biometrics and so much tracking shit to the new app
Also he keeps adding more algo code that shadowbans and punishes users it boggs the CPUs down and no wonder the site runs like ass …
No. 1911104
File: 1696849658083.png (675.58 KB, 828x1539, B6E79906-4A3D-48C3-95E4-103D9B…)

>>1911006Like all racist white moids he’s obsessed with black dicks