File: 1699735333054.jpeg (1.19 MB, 2400x3000, contino.jpeg)

No. 1927025
Nick "Lilly" Contino is a former drug addict and video game developer turned MtF TikTok grifter who films himself being misgendered in restaurants, which he says feels like a "knife to the heart". He often claims to call ahead to request not to be called Sir, and complains when it inevitably happens. He is known for his innovative approach to table manners, combining the sophistication of a wannabe food critic with the primal instincts of a grunting neanderthal and spends half his videos with food hanging out of his mouth. His only dinner companion is his dog 'Nugget' who understandably looks traumatised. Despite being a man in his 30s, Contino likes to refer to himself as a "girl" and is often seen sporting pigtails and dungarees. He offers 1-2-1 "counselling: (?) services on his website, along with other services and merch, in addition to his live stream earnings.
Socials subreddit"News" articles (the incident that made him go viral)
No. 1927036
File: 1699736834377.png (423 KB, 968x517, finn.png)

So I guess Finn died?
No. 1927040
File: 1699737097205.png (114.3 KB, 241x203, nugget.png)

>>1927036hmmm that's a good question. this was only 2020 and it says Finn was a puppy. WHERE IS FINN?
the way he handles Nugget makes me so uncomfortable…
No. 1927055
More things he does:
>gets stuck in an elevator, posts elevator operator "misgendering" him even though he's stuck in an elevator and the operator can't see him
>asks restaurants to turn their music off because of his "misophonia", tells service workers that "2500 people are watching this live right now" so they had better comply
>walks out of restaurant without paying for his drinks because they turned the music down but not enough
>loudly talks about sex and details about surgeries in restaurants but calls staff over to ask other restaurant guests to talk quieter
>berates non-English person for smoking a cigarette in an outdoor area, calls staff over to berate staff about the outdoor customer smoking a cigarette, demands to speak to a manager, shows manager's face on stream, and demands free food
>sends food back three or four times during a single meal, demands free dessert for the inconvenience, then says the dessert is terrible and sends it back also
>pets his white dog in his lap while eating food, finds white dog hair in his food and demands it be sent back and comped, insists it's "too thin" to be his own dogs hair while he aggressively pets it over his food
>brings dog to indoor restaurant seating and lets it slobber all over the table, somehow always finds hair in his food and so must have it comped
I'll try to find the specific videos to post here kek, there's a lot of milk with this dude
No. 1927079
File: 1699742847085.jpeg (111.71 KB, 800x1200, shark.jpeg)

picrel with his "trans sisters" from his linkedin
>shark plushie
every fucking time. the bingo card is full.
No. 1927093
File: 1699745888883.png (116.4 KB, 473x576, linkedin.png)

>>1927089kek i know. he posts pictures of himself in fishnets and a bra for no reason to his
professional colleagues and then cries "transphobia!" when they ask why they are seeing it on their work feed.
i get the impression he also reported a few comments to their managers because he got one DM from a person apologising for a comment from their colleague.
No. 1927102
File: 1699746508964.jpg (670.15 KB, 2880x2880, 20231112_004623.jpg)

>>1927093Kek anon, my sides. What a trainwreck.
Found these on his linkedin too. All the Photoshop, filters, make up, angles and magic of a pro photographer could not save that sorry scrote face. What he truly looks like on pic # 2. Moid's crazy confidence will always be a mystery to me
No. 1927120
File: 1699749052777.mp4 (1.87 MB, 576x1024, Download (3).mp4)

the AGP really jumps out in this one. like it's right there, undeniably
>they bouncethe only thing bouncing are his bollocks and it's disgusting.
>>1927114the link doesn't work
nonnie. i was having trouble posting tiktok videos too for some reason.
No. 1927121
>>1927063I'm HOH and can't hear people talking if the music is too loud, so I just avoid bars and places with loud music or too many people. You just can't make the world conform to your requirements, but this troon is hooked on the narcissist hit from getting people to change their behaviour/surroundings for him.
What's the thing on his choker in all the pictures too? A wireless microphone? Has misophonia but wants us all to hear his gross chewing noises? Thanks for that.
No. 1927130
File: 1699749846997.mp4 (15.72 MB, 576x1024, tranny stuck in elevator.mp4)

>>1927114wont let me embbed either but here i dl the video
No. 1927154
File: 1699754458772.png (1.51 MB, 1136x1448, Screenshot 2023-11-11 at 8.52.…)

he’s been trans for like a year and has already set up a business doing “consultations” and “counseling”.
autogynephelia + grift + male entitlement + ?????? = PROFIT
No. 1927156
File: 1699754508693.mp4 (259.66 KB, 576x1024, sex pest screamer.mp4)

it looks like a serial killer trying to wear the skin of the women he killed
No. 1927160
>>1927159Actually, I take that back. He looked good in the thread pic but not in that one with his dog.
Usually I expect trannies to be disgusting, unwashed autists so my standards are very low.
No. 1927169
File: 1699757779861.png (307.03 KB, 1330x1332, Screenshot 2023-11-11 at 9.51.…)

it appears he doesn’t have a real job anymore, anyone know what happened? also, WHERE IS FINN?
No. 1927171
File: 1699758117667.png (1.62 MB, 1412x1334, Screenshot 2023-11-11 at 10.01…)

he renamed himself Lillly after his WoW character. picrel, because there definitely aren’t enough trans women fighting for inclusivity in gaming: this:
>Recently, at the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco, she was accused of stealing her name badge because the name on her government-issued ID card did not match the name she registered with. >“Maybe if I were someone who didn’t have a platform, or weren’t as persistent, I might have rolled over and waited for the situation to blow over,” she says. But that’s not who Contino is. Not anymore, at least.>“I went to the top of the food chain and made sure that everyone understood what happened,” she says, explaining that she alerted event leadership to what had happened and prompted them to ensure that security teams were educated going forward. Her confidence and ability to act, she says, is a sign that her honesty about her own experience is now having ripple effects. Others, she knows, will see themselves represented in her experience and feel more safe announcing who they are, as well. >“The explosion of my posts has enabled me to make a difference. And even though I’m just one human, it is very fulfilling for me to be able to help people in this way,” Contino says.
>I refuse to put in the bare fucking minimum and people STILL won’t cater to my whims and fetishes! WHY ME? No. 1927175
File: 1699758414123.jpg (52.11 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (4).jpg)

>>1927120he doesn't go outside looking like that right
and he goes to restaurants? if i owned a restaurant he came to i'd kick him out just because he'd ruin the other customers' appetites
>>1927130emily howard looking motherfucker
No. 1927182
>>1927177Sky news is full blown far right now ?
>>1927171The formulation of the article has a bit of a trolling quality if these are direct quotes. As if the writer basically says "this is what he thinks he's doing" rather than "Lilly the delulu is now a figure of trans right blah blah blah"
>“The explosion of my posts" He has about a hundred likes on average, the vast majority of which are other trannies kek. He also has no demonstrable track record of doing business with any client in his "tranny in the workplace" bullshit consulting practice from what I can see.
No. 1927189
File: 1699759651919.jpeg (176.44 KB, 1687x1650, Ep88qNjWwAAtOHI.jpeg)

look at him in his little bowtie. who could have known?
No. 1927194
File: 1699760366543.jpg (132.22 KB, 634x988, 65489841-11528353-By_December_…)

No. 1927234
>>1927130This is such a perfect metaphor for his life I can't believe he didn't see it. He's told the elevator doesn't work, enters anyway, and then acts like he's a
>>1927224It wasn't private just now when I blocked him.
No. 1927249
File: 1699770479887.jpeg (26.91 KB, 640x350, IMG_3503.jpeg)

I love that he has a crusty little buffalo bull dog
No. 1927299
>>1927182Mocking troons and wokies makes you far-right now? Guess we're all far-right, nonas!
>>1927289>>1927290That and AGP!
No. 1927311
>>1927290This. Men are absolutely fucking oblivious and give themselves so much more credit than they objectively deserve. It's always funny how trannies do stuff like that, that are so quintessentially male, that women would not ever do, not in a million years.
>>1927299Come on nonna, don't play stupid. You could find his videos literally anywhere else but you chose this one, where 2/3rd of the video is not even about him or troons. Talking about "climate cult" is retarded, it's not "mocking wokies".
No. 1927313
File: 1699789106162.png (522.68 KB, 756x505, lindalauhuges.png)

>>1927289this reminded me of an episode of Gimme Gimme Gimme where Linda was diagnosed with Reverse Body Dysmorphic Disorder in hospital, because the doctors were so flummoxed that she had such a high opinion of her appearance.
But I just googled it it's a "real" diagnosable thing kek. Maybe reverse BDD + porn = AGP
>>1927249it's perfect. "it calls the sir 'Ma'am' or it gets the complaint"
No. 1927318
>>1927313Linda LaHughes is an icon, though.
As for the "reverse body dysmorphia", it's just autism and/or narcissism. Autistic men are so faceblind they don't recognise when they're still obviously men because to them woman is when dress and lipstick.
No. 1927376
File: 1699801032835.png (311.4 KB, 590x330, women in games.png)

so he transitioned in 2022 and immediately gets signed up for Women in Games mentorship program. one day he is the 95% of men in gaming/esport careers, and then magically the next day he has faced all this hardship and been overlooked for career opportunities like women have and gets to speak on behalf of women, and what it's like for them working in a male-dominated industry.
>>1927318>>1927340ot but i love that james dreyfus (tom) is very vocal about being gender critical now.
No. 1927418
File: 1699807281974.png (287.51 KB, 346x486, dog licking plate.png)

>>1927405i'm guessing they don't want to kick him out in front of the camera. i would love to see it though. if not for his behaviour then surely for something like picrel. this is SO unhygenic and has to be some health code violation, surely?? people eat off those plates ffs.
No. 1927421
File: 1699807488551.png (30.91 KB, 450x247, health code violation.png)

>>1927418samefag. yep just looked it up and he could get that restaurant in trouble (picrel is a similar example)
No. 1927440
>>1927243good point. I’m dying to know this one’s backstory. all I’m finding is that he was a depressed gamer who decided one day to buy a dress and wig (to jerk off in no doubt) and suddenly “realized” he’s been a woman all along.
>>1927418>>1927421urgh. obviously the restaurants should get in trouble for letting this shit fly but it irks me that they
would get in trouble over this entitled fucking freak.
No. 1927484
File: 1699818784184.jpeg (129.76 KB, 1000x1000, patreon contino.jpeg)

I'm dying at the jump from $75 (which is already ridiculous) to $750 a month. the only difference is you get his "undying love and gratitude" in addition. of course he also has "spicy" photos of his moobs if you sign up. the narcissism is off the scale.
No. 1927562
>>1927418I'm more comfortable with the dog licking the plate than the tranny. Hot water and bleach just doesn't seem like enough, the waiters should just smash that shit to the ground right after he's done eating.
You want SuperAIDS? Because that's how you get SuperAIDS.
No. 1927881
File: 1699887433411.png (391.98 KB, 586x782, lillytino_AGP.png)

>>1927156here's the full pic of the costume on the right that he says sparked his his AGP awakening
No. 1927988
File: 1699907251631.png (1.03 MB, 822x754, Screenshot 2023-11-13 at 3.24.…)

he’s live on TikTok right now just watched him move around a restaurant because of his “misophonia" and then leave anyway because he felt misgendered. here’s the clip: he’s trying to figure out which server’s day to ruin next
No. 1928002
File: 1699909267193.png (783.17 KB, 858x642, Screenshot 2023-11-13 at 4.01.…)

>>1927988 is currently sitting in his FOURTH restaurant. the other two, he walked in and immediately told them to turn down the music, but it wasn’t enough. he kept blaming his misphonia and even told the server that’s the problem, but then asking the chat, “what do you think? is this okay? should i go?” like?????? i thought it was YOUR misophonia, not the chat’s?
someone keeps making him into a cowboy kek
No. 1928018
>>1928012he actually has those loop earplugs IN his ears and put headphones OVER his ears. then claimed the server misgendered him but asked the chat “did he misgender me? I’m wearing two ear coverings so I couldn’t hear” …. but muh misophonia
>>1928016“growing things on my body, growing two girls on my body”
now he’s claiming he understands women with PCOS.
No. 1928028
File: 1699912509389.png (2.56 MB, 1080x2262, Screenshot_20231113_135124_Gal…)

>>1928024not only did he eat a whole pizza, but he also ate a whole massive salad before that as well after saying he was going to "go light today". i didn't grab a screenshot but when he was handed his salad someone in the chat asked him how he "could eat so much but still stay so fit" ???? in what world is this man considered "fit"????
No. 1928045
>>1927165A few reasons, mainly that males age faster. The other one is that maleness/virilization is innately "aged" phenotypically. There's a reason "twinkhon" is a thing - you can take a male who's 19 and immediately make him look 45 by putting him in drag. The feminine context immediately makes their rate of biological aging jarring and impossible to ignore.
The other side of this is female troons who pass as males only passing as prepubescent ones.
No. 1928050
>>1928012same nona. and the difference is, we are covering up the noise of eating. he is trying to cover up the noise that would cover the noise of eating. it makes no sense. he just hates music or wants to hear himself talk.
sorry but anyone with misophonia would not film themselves eating so disgustingly and let their dog lick a plate in front of them. i call bullshit.
No. 1928123
>>1927988>some weird pronoun stuff happened with that guy>we're gonna have to watch the replay on thatthe man literally said "you wan't me to call you ma'am? ok that's no problem!" but explained that it wasn't something he automatically checked with people. despite being polite and gracious, he didn't bend over backwards to coddle nick.
>>1928119that's exactly it. he wants the restaurant to not only accommodate his woman-appropriating fetish but adapt to his video-recording requirements too.
No. 1928372
File: 1699980669014.png (201.7 KB, 470x332, can i speak to the manager.png)

>>1928182>>1928351and the thing that made him go viral was being "threatened by a
TERF Karen" (a 70 year old mentally ill woman) but in that same video he was the one who asked to speak to the manager kek
No. 1928877
>>1928028His audience consists of trolls and Slaton-tier genderspecials who also eat a whole pizza as a light snack. He's the picture of borderline anorexia as far as they're concerned.
>>1928351He's peaking half the people who watch this disgusting shit, let's not downplay his contributions to the gender critical movement
No. 1931823
File: 1700614760017.png (182.24 KB, 255x375, sdfsd8g8udk.png)

letting nugget eat from the restaurant's plates again…
No. 1931903
File: 1700626072608.jpeg (205.97 KB, 637x1380, IMG_5529.jpeg)

From Twitter: “AI is a TERF”
No. 1932211
File: 1700682643201.jpeg (647.11 KB, 1450x2048, licensed-image.jpeg)

>>1932207the original AGP TIM was called Lili (Elbe, the guy that The Danish Girl story was based on) the name is a meme at this stage
No. 1932617
>>1931860I don't think TIMs are smart enough to figure that out nonna, men are lazy fucks so they just copy each others' names.
>>1927228Why are so many American Jews prone to trooning out? If this trans epidemic reaches Sephardic Jews I'm jumping off a bridge.
No. 1934651
File: 1701133414889.jpeg (450.42 KB, 1200x1200, gassy hairy pervert.jpeg)

>horned up 24/7
>"pillow princess"
constantly horny but wants this imaginary suitor to do all the work whilst he lies back and farts, burps and sheds hair all over the pillow
>clean freak
what? his apartment looks like a pigsty and he has the worst eating hygiene i've seen
No. 1943114
File: 1702590483551.jpeg (60.16 KB, 465x1007, tino.jpeg)

eww his dating profile
>mommy energy
>be a good girl
i'm gonna hurl
No. 1943141
tiktok is from july, but this video had me rolling, holy kek. him saying "I am not sir" in his man voice. this is some "it's ma'am" type shit
>>1934651>>1943114how is he trying to larp as a submissive pillow princess and a dominatrix at the same time
No. 1943175
>>1943168i love that waitress, she seems based, beautiful and i hope she enjoys browsing his snark subreddit. i feel bad that he had to share her face everywhere and try to get her harassed and fired though.
>Why does this 6'1" 200lbs man need a skinny little woman to protect him from 4 teenage boys?and why does he give her a harder time than the boys? he towers over her and interrogates her, as if she could do anything in that situation. he is just showing how clueless he is about what it's like being a woman. and is furious that a a woman wouldn't be his handmaiden and wouldn't be a literal human shield for him.
>>1943141>submissive pillow princess and a dominatrix at the same timebecause porn
No. 1943177
File: 1702598515771.mp4 (5.67 MB, 576x1280, m2-res_1280p.mp4)

lmao the audacity for him to share his "routine" when it's literally just applying an insane amount of grease to his hair and shaping it into a dog turd on top of his head. he is so disgusting i wanna be sick watching him
No. 1943303
>>1943177Kek love that it cuts out just as it reveals his disgusting ageplay overalls outfit. Why tf do so many handmaidens pretend to not
know just what these troons are doing?
No. 1943544
File: 1702672399027.png (42.69 KB, 156x123, sfjs09d.png)

>>1943397>yanks shit tons of hair out dailyhe already admits he "sheds" a lot of hair
>>1934651 so you would think he might be a bit more delicate with the few strands he has remaining. but we know he is incapable of being delicate, just look at those gorilla fists
No. 1950000
File: 1704242092822.png (402.68 KB, 354x604, emily.png)

does anyone know what the deal with this Emily woman is? 'tino gives the impression they're going on dates but her instagram profile suggests she is engaged to a different man. plus she seems way too cute for him (any woman is too good for him). maybe she is just hanging out with him for the instagram attention idk
No. 1950310
File: 1704304994982.jpg (32.14 KB, 735x542, 8379cd91b4229f44d50bd41bea78a5…)

>>1927189>>1927194Why does he look like Michael Rooker?
No. 1953455
File: 1704921385076.png (67.02 KB, 490x202, tino.png)

Buffallo Grill is asking his followers to donate $7k to fund his 3 day trip to disneyland, and is even asking for connections on LinkedIn (and looks like a few handmaidens are using their connections to help him). this guy has the audacity to have a $750pm tier on his patreon and is constantly begging for donations and charging for stupid shit, but can't afford a trip to disneyland?
No. 1953575
>>1953455there's no way he's not going to try and find a way to make a lawsuit out of this
disney has so much money and he's probably going to try and get some of it by way of wailing about transphobia because he thinks they don't want the negative attention
without realizing he is a literal nobody who lacks the social weight to do anything to disney
No. 1953739
File: 1704987881571.png (Spoiler Image,495.64 KB, 530x675, lilytinosnarkk.png)

spoilered picrel that i stole from the snarkk sub. looking like a terrifying disney villain and poor nugget his unwilling accomplice.
>>1953479oh god imagine the childish outfits. i'm gonna bet he wears his greasy pigtails and dungarees at some point on the trip.
No. 1956668
Nick claims Kurt Cobain was trans and that's probably why he killed himself (not the first TIM to claim this of course). Thankfully he's getting piled on in the comments.
No. 1956839
>>1956673true. he seems like the kind of sociopath who thrives off attention, even if negative.
>>1956789he was subversive by nature. that wouldn't mean following the trans/NB trend.
No. 1958168
File: 1705919528049.png (44.27 KB, 1300x160, Screenshot 2024-01-22 103304.p…)

From the snark subreddit… they're so close to getting it
No. 1960275
>>1958168kek i went to see the comment, which was surprisingly not deleted. it's ok for them to say stuff like this as long as it's framed as "it's actually harmful to the trans community!" like… yeah it's harmful to the trans community because it's showing us how misogynistic and narcissistic it is.
the only different between Nick and other trans tiktok grifters is that he is more
negative and rude to the wrong people, which is off-putting. grifters like Dylan get away with their schtick by aggressively smiling and saying "be kind". other TIMs will reserve their misogynistic outbursts for the
right people ("TERFs" and "Karens"). But their AGP selfies and narc-y opportunism is no different than 'Tinos.
No. 1977002
File: 1710636290597.jpg (64.13 KB, 725x578, Screenshot 2024-03-16 174431.j…)

Since he now has a date set for bottom surgery next month, he took a poll on livestream to see how many people wanted a mold of his soon-to-be-gone dick. 92 votes in favor, 291 votes against: "about what I expected"
No. 1984159
File: 1712711383479.png (800.54 KB, 1280x1204, 1000012507.png)

>>1983854anon is referring to this which was posted on the snark reddit the other day
No. 1994805
File: 1715829687467.jpeg (Spoiler Image,119.11 KB, 592x1120, IMG_7657.jpeg)

he has an onlyfans now and it’s as gross and male as one might expect. spoiler even though these are clearly male nipples.
No. 1994806
File: 1715829712509.jpeg (Spoiler Image,193.79 KB, 1170x1920, IMG_7658.jpeg)

No. 1994807
File: 1715829766126.jpeg (Spoiler Image,238.51 KB, 1170x2106, IMG_7659.jpeg)

No. 1994982
File: 1715888170960.jpg (2.19 MB, 1284x2268, ynwbaw.jpg)

No. 1994983
File: 1715888199234.png (583.32 KB, 975x2372, noncetino.png)

his discord
No. 1994988
>>1994982>chubby man in a crop top and short shorts>visibly receding hairline and bulge in shorts>childish pose, crop top mentioning kids, skimpy outfit at a kids parkkek at the poor woman in the back trying to avert her eyes while having a snack. Her expression says it all.
>>1994983Right under a section for NSFW photos too of course.
No. 1995019
>>1995001>her penis never change daily fail
also he's most likely stalling because he's not actually gonna go through with it in actuality
(sage your shit) No. 1995049
File: 1715902114107.png (174.65 KB, 642x642, of.png)

>>1994805don't get me wrong i'm glad these aren't more explicit because I was preparing myself for an absolute horror show, but it's also typical entitled and delusional behaviour that he would charge $12.99 a month to literally just show male nipples.
No. 1995093
File: 1715920038053.png (512.28 KB, 864x1462, 1000013148.png)

he is currently throwing a shit fit
hey lilly, your nudes are disgusting, everyone hates you, and you will never be a woman ♥
No. 1995102
File: 1715922340152.png (151.44 KB, 863x459, 1000012644.png)

>>1995098i posted them from KF, and that poster said they grabbed them from reddit. but i still wouldn’t put it past him to leak them himself. how many unsolicited dick pics do you reckon this obvious sex pest has sent to actual women, just since trooning out? cry moar, moid.
btw lilly is posting on a new reddit account u/the_real_lilly_ because his last one u/fuckpomegranates was him being a fucking creep, laughing at blackface, period shaming his roommate, all the hits!
No. 1995131
>>1995093Y'all better watch out! He might trace your IP too! kek
>>1995102>>1995106Do you have receipts tying this to him or his new accounts? These are pretty damning caps if so.
No. 1995135
File: 1715935220299.jpeg (68.79 KB, 250x504, nickwork.jpeg)

>>1995079and reminder that he was a teacher, worked at a kids camp and has 'childcare' listed as a skill on one of his old CVs.
No. 1995144
>>1995131The snark subreddit confirmed this was his account, I don’t have the screen caps, but he also posted pictures of himself to this account.
I’m just lazy, but I’ve been following this troon for a while, it’s real.
No. 1995148
File: 1715938999640.mp4 (15.71 MB, 1080x1920, snark.mp4)

>>1995102>>1995131see vidrel. someone made a tiktok video of some of the awful posts from his reddit
No. 1995186
File: 1715948837678.png (1.24 MB, 596x1080, barrelchest.png)

No. 1995197
File: 1715951015357.png (873.7 KB, 1080x756, Screenshot_20240517-075519~2.p…)

>>1995148He's right, what he is going through being yelled at on stream by trolls is JUST like what innocent citizens of color lived through for decades (if not centuries) in America due solely to the color of their skin. The situations are identical. Keep fighting the power, my brave Jewish Queen!
No. 1995219
File: 1715958039454.jpg (95.14 KB, 659x779, 1000013150.jpg)

cute male pattern baldness, sis!
No. 1995287
File: 1715974266265.jpg (13.53 KB, 441x302, WHEEZE.jpg)

>>1995190>If he joined the military he could work as debris on a trench.KEK
No. 1995365
File: 1715988839018.jpeg (914.19 KB, 828x1619, IMG_7693.jpeg)

>>1995346he’s 6’0” and >200 lbs. here he is looking for a bmi calculator that will lie to him: that he’s pretty princess instead of a hulking overweight beast of a MAN three points away from clinical obesity. even if he’s lost weight since then, we can see with our eyes that he’s still fat and disgusting. his “job” is to sit and eat for feeders (men) and chasers (men).
you can find his reddit posts here, just press ‘search’ No. 1995376
File: 1715990669102.jpg (833.62 KB, 2243x3437, 1000016271.jpg)

>>1995365"BMI calculator for transgirl" kek. Thanks nonna, I'm whizzing. The whole superposition of pictures is chef's kiss. He's almost a caricature. Picrel he looks especially retarded. Also he looks like he is in his 40s, yet says 'girl'? Trannies are really covert pedos huh
No. 1995421
File: 1715998666216.jpeg (435.93 KB, 1170x2150, IMG_1845.jpeg)

From other farms. Apparently Nick went to Disneyland with the sad green hair oompa loompa lady from the failed willy wonka experience.
No. 1995451
>>1994982between this and
>>1995421 he definitely got told by staff to wear something less offensive, I bet he bitched and moaned and had to go to a gift shop like
>>1995449 said
No. 1995499
File: 1716025998018.png (1.56 MB, 1038x1050, scottishoompaloompa.png)

>>1995421kek found this on scottishoompaloompa's instagram too. why the fuck were they together… some kind of instagram influencer trip?
No. 1995500
File: 1716026828973.png (1.95 MB, 1600x1442, fuckpomegranates.png)

>>1995365his posts and comments are typical sexist coomer bro shit, then he goes through drug withdrawal and suddenly re-writes his history as always being super feminine uwu
No. 1995653
>>1995649He's right though
>The constant righteous indignation >Attacking people while pretending to be the victim >Delighting in his hideous appearance and unpleasant anti-social behaviorAll extremely Jewish characteristics
(ban evasion, samefagging) No. 1995692
>>1995653>>1995649it’s just male behavior. see also: his blatant misogyny, the way he discovered he was trans and then immediately became the expert, the way he takes up as much space as possible both physically and metaphorically, the sex pest behavior, the way he bosses his own mom around. on and on and on.
>>1995619he used to be a youth camp counselor and claims he was also some kind of teacher. scary.
No. 1995761
>>1995692absolutely correct but the retard you're replying to is a male, they aren't known for being self aware kek
>>1995619definitely agree. his reddit post sounds more like a fantasy and an excuse for him to type about assaulting a three year old
No. 1995795
>>1995619>>1995761i really hope it's a fantasy, as fucked up as that is, because child-on-child sexual assault like that is definitely real. the perpetrators often don't feel bad at all and consider it a funny story or kids being kids while the
victim gets perma fucked up for life. i don't think we should jump to assuming it's a fantasy though. that gives him too much credit. it's just as likely he molested a little girl for real.
No. 1995952
File: 1716143276702.png (1.39 MB, 1424x1424, snark subrredit comments.png)

sage for slightly ot rant but i get so depressed looking on the snark subreddit sometimes. seems like a lot of women there are so close to getting it, what 'tino represents and how it mocks women, but then they just completely miss the mark.
picrel is from two separate posts i noticed recently.
>lily reduces womanhood to vaginas
umm what? he has already stated that he thinks woman = anyone who says they are.
>the political, the spiritual elements
it's shit like this that leads men like him to believe they could "become" a woman in the first place
>to be a woman you have to love women
and "this includes cis women". so cis women aren't women if they don't love other women? and if Nick simply loved women more, he could magically become a real woman.
the way they have to tiptoe around reality and get tangled up in knots that make women sound like mystical fairy creatures, in order to spare the feelings of transvestite males. and i know they have to avoid the ban, so there can't be any real discussion but wish they'd steer clear this subject altogether and just focus on the snark instead. it's pathetic to witness.
No. 1996900
>>1995952the snark subreddits are all like this, they feel like bizarre defanged versions of Kiwifarms and here. I hate it. Why even bother discussing these kinds of freaks if the
really crazy and fucked up part of them is the part you're supposed to not mention kek
No. 1997651
File: 1716668865283.jpeg (9.43 KB, 458x250, scottishoompaloompa.jpeg)

kirsty aka scottishoompaloompa and 'tino are no longer instagram friends. kirsty deleted all the photos of nick from her page, but nick still has all the ones of her up on his.
maybe a delayed reaction to how obviously creepy af he is?
No. 1997842
File: 1716736114970.png (Spoiler Image,918.68 KB, 1200x691, dogsbody.png)

LMAO nick shared this on his story. he modelled nude for a TIF sculptor… and this is the end ended up breaking into pieces after being fired (based kiln)
No. 1997852
>>1997850he said he had a
definite date for April, but then came up with an excuse why he couldn't have it. he will never get it. as long as insane people are donating money to him for this imaginary surgery, he will keep the grift going for as long as possible.
No. 1998492
File: 1716939294903.mp4 (10.88 MB, 480x854, 2B2D7FB3-3893-42C9-8DC2-A7EF60…)

this fucking guy
No. 1998611
File: 1716977195556.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.1 MB, 1284x1931, IMG_6892.jpeg)

>>1998506spoiler for tiny bulge.
the head was the only part that bears a resemblance. she tried to give him an hour glass figure and definitely was generous with other areas (picrel is a screenshot from one of his live vids where you can see the outline of his micro dick)
No. 1998612
>>1998611samefag but reminder that he refers to himself as a "clean freak"
>>1934651 and his place always looks like shit
No. 1998672
File: 1716997767761.jpg (265.8 KB, 841x826, instutional capture.jpg)

>>1998492Classic tranny rage bait. Where are all these so-called scientific studies showing that their moob sludge is "healthy?" I found ONE in picrel, but it seems flimsy and clearly in service of affirming the pervert's fetish. The study mentions the macronutrient content but elides what else is there and the dangers of exposing a newborn to a hormonal chemical cocktail. Most charitably, you could conclude that more research is needed but fuck that. Women are given a litany of caution and recommendations on the foods and substances to consume or avoid when breastfeeding, but hormone-riddled male gunk is fine? Fuck off
No. 1999839
File: 1717287515933.jpg (447.11 KB, 1080x1920, 1000016649.jpg)

>>1998672Yeah this has been debunked in the MtF thread. The gunk they produce is not milk, not to mention that the milk mothers produce is unique and geared for each specific babies they will have, truly providing nutrients and immunity benefits, amazingly tailored for each. This thing that was attempted is gross, instead of helping women who are in pain and struggle to produce milk, we coddle fetishists to realise their perverse kink with no benefit for the infant. One of these freaks had a few articles written on him and spoke of having
"intense sensations" (read : orgasm) when "feeding" his baby. He was taking HIV medication or something so it was also a huge risk for the baby. It was a newborn so there was no need for him to forcefeed his gunk to the baby. The baby's mother could feed him.
It's fucking insane. Woman's health has no importance at all but trust men to give a freak 1 million $ to entertain men's degenerate fetish for ~science~.
Feel free to read the attached to have a comprehensive debunk of that circus.
By the way, the moob gunk discharge has a name, galactorrhoea, which sounds like diarrhea of the moobs, kek. No. 2001762
File: 1717710811428.png (4.31 MB, 1846x1222, so spicy you get indigestion j…)

Nick has a new "spicy" ig page and it's everything you would expect
>AGP smirk>messy af room in the background of every shot>atrocious and pedophilic style choices>sopping greasing wet hair planted to his forehead>that pose where he thinks pushing his pelvis forward makes him look curvy No. 2002126
File: 1717796169508.jpeg (105.93 KB, 640x482, IMG_0293.jpeg)

no hiding from that Y chromosome
No. 2003557
File: 1718140819049.png (65.79 KB, 1086x406, yall.png)

Nick is having a meltdown and posting on the snarkk subreddit dedicated to him. There is a lot going on so will try to summarise quickly>he attempted to dox the woman who leaked his OF account (posted a name and facebook profile)>replying to all the posts about him pretending to find them "hilarious" >Emily (or Nick pretending to be Emily) is also replying >lots of drama about his discord and trans men being targeted. i honestly don't understand whats going on here: No. 2003558
File: 1718140891872.png (73.55 KB, 892x426, hamster dick.png)

>>2003557samefag but this is Emily's account: and picrel is her defending nick's micropenis
No. 2003563
File: 1718141717498.png (928.86 KB, 750x1176, screenshot 1.png)

Also Nick just promoted Emily's alt ig account, referring to her as his girlfriend
No. 2003777
File: 1718220907599.gif (4.04 MB, 220x216, feral Will.gif)

the way he ambles about like a wild ape, with his linebacker shoulders hunched over (take from his recent live video where he celebrates a milestone of followers)
No. 2005290
File: 1718579859114.webm (10.27 MB, 1280x720, nick.webm)

I just came across this rapey af vidrel, which he made when him and emily first started dating. he describes their sex life on stream after 2 months of dating.
>emily is apparently on the "ace" spectrum
>calls her a "brat"
>nick says he likes to pin down women during sex and make them submit
>he likes to call women who submit to him "good girl"
>admits his arms are stronger than hers and she can't move
>tries to suggest they are "evenly matched" because she has strong legs
i don't know what is wrong with this emily woman or her cuck husband/fiance but i hope she gets some kind of trauma therapy
No. 2005310
>>2003777>feral willif this is bc he looks like will ferrel
No. 2006279
File: 1718841820146.jpg (446.72 KB, 1080x2036, 1000001114.jpg)

Nick just doubled down on the whole catering to kids shtick by dressing up as Ms. Rachel to talk about being trans. Even other teams people were turning against him after the Disney bottom surgery video, and the controversy is making him enough money that he decided to dress up as a woman making videos for literal babies. Idiot is peaking so many people for a quick buck.
No. 2006284
>>2003777I literally thought he was going to commit anhero
No. 2006441
File: 1718906844704.mp4 (16.59 MB, 592x1280, rof5z5bzvk7d1.mp4)

Being a tranny is definitely like living as a black person during segregation or a Polish Jew in the holocaust.
No. 2006480
>do you have a house? you're never homeLOL
No. 2006610
>>1997706made me kek. I'd love to caption this or the original
>>1995499 and make it into a proper meme somehow but idk what would be funny.
No. 2006743
File: 1718999286233.mp4 (12.23 MB, 4c7n7t63ms7d1.mp4)

Nick talking about passing and how it isn't his goal (like he could even if he tried kek). He says he doesn't want to "give people the satisfaction" what a psychopath. He just wants to continue harassing people for correctly observing his sex.
No. 2006779
>>2006743these AGP men who pretend it's about "not giving the satisfaction" are really telling on themselves. it reminds me of Grayson Perry talking about his crossdressing fetish, quite openly. He talks about how his goal is not to look exactly like a woman because that would be no fun, but to look like a man dressed like a woman. that's the specific fetish, and part of the attention seeking thrill.
The only difference is now there is an umbrella which gives these fetishistic men a free pass to not only parade their fetish more but to even be applauded for it and have more people partake in it, unwittingly.
No. 2023667
File: 1723116036444.mp4 (2.18 MB, 720x988, OXZ9g8OSl9SUbA-R.mp4)

No knife to the heart this time?
No. 2024192
Tiktoker “Colliebean” just posted a video about a situation with Nick which exemplifies his typical nasty boots boundary stomping
No. 2025430
File: 1723540198521.png (Spoiler Image,2.16 MB, 1146x1372, disease.png)

Nick has posted his bare Hank Hill ass sprawled on a bed to his spicy X account. Don't wanna share here because I don't wanna give him the satisfaction (pretty sure he has a humiliation fetish) but picrel is his bedside cabinet in the background
>vibrators and sex toys strewn across the place
>a STAR WARS novel kek
>cough drops and pills
>a dirty cloth
I thought he was supposed to be a "neat freak"…
No. 2025566
File: 1723572600684.mp4 (12.05 MB, 242930771.mp4)

>>2024192He responded to this video.
>denied having a crush on Colleen>claims collabs are common with "this type of content" but doesn't specifically mention that it's porn, probably bc of the algo>wanted to go to LV to have fun but also "make it more worth our while and do some collaboration on content" for OF>asked Colleen bc Colleen is already on OF and thought it would be a good partnership for their "work">"i thought her content was awesome i really admired her for it and i would have loved a chance to collab with her" (barf)>claims Colleen contradicts herself (even though these details are trivial) and that once Colleen said no, he dropped the topic>received a dm from Colleen's wife stating Colleen's discomfort and Nick says he immediately apologized >next day Colleen posted the video>talks about Colleen's citizenship and Nick claims he only asked bc he was curious "as a friend" and that he wasn't trying to "push and pull" towards collabing for OF>claims people believe Colleen bc they don't like him kek No. 2025572
File: 1723572818075.mp4 (19.16 MB, 242930772.mp4)

>>2024192>>2025566Colleen also uploaded another video with more details.
No. 2026629
>>2026584I never understood this line of thinking of not getting rid of bad apples in your community. If anything, giving even an ounce of respect/defending their character opens the door to MORE pedos, predators, and generally sociopathic people to get into that community because they know there will be gullible dumb fucks that will kneel to them.
It's like cleaning your room, no body benefits from this more than yourself.
No. 2034488
File: 1726446764730.mp4 (Spoiler Image,1.36 MB, 720x1280, 6406549-e4c5a0d9273f72ff3d870e…)

He claims he had bottom surgery but you can clearly see his micropenis in this video of him in a moment of delusion
No. 2034489
File: 1726446789124.jpeg (Spoiler Image,235.98 KB, 1290x2796, 6q5ujww7pfod1.jpeg)

Proof of him claiming he had bottom surgery
No. 2041101
File: 1727818653202.png (233.09 KB, 1462x718, snark subreddit banned.png)

the snark subreddit has been banned, supposedly for 'harassment'
No. 2043268
File: 1728327664496.png (130.58 KB, 1198x912, tinosnark.png)

Looks like a new one has been created. Not very active yet though.
No. 2044064
File: 1728500275339.mp4 (2.56 MB, 576x1024, edenthedoll.mp4)

this is a troon ("Eden The Doll"), but his impression of Nick made me kek(this isn't milk, sage it)
No. 2044077
>>1927130He pets that dog and monologues like a fuckin James Bond villain
>>1934651> Pros of dating me: I'm fat and have nothing to offer except mediocre sex>>1943141Kek at his seething indignant rage when most people would know not to even acknowledge teenaged scrotes making milquetoast comments in the first place
No. 2044229
>>2044064troon on troon crime. Ngl though, I kek'd at the wig pulled back on the bald cap and the teeth.
>>2044077>He pets that dog and monologues like a fuckin James Bond villainkek nonna. this thread is pretty funny despite being dead