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No. 1927468
This thread concerns creators, artists, voice actors and others who work or are connected to the modern Western American animation and comics industry, filled with cows, hacks, groomers, woketards and self inserters who all know each other and/or have dated.
previous thread:
>Disney literally can't do 2D Animation anymore even if they wanted >>1907717>Troons ruining media >>1911731 >>1911942 >>1922653 >>1912043 >>1912416>A look at Eli Roth's Fright Krewe >>1912631>The Amazing Digital Circus discussion >>1913240 >>1915017 >>1915016 >>1916558 >>1916780>Pan Pizza Discussion >>1916254 >>1924297>Tara Strong got fired from a show for being a zionist >>1913303>Misc Helluva Boss/Vivziepop drama and discussion >>1913598 >>1913703 >>1913706 >>1921272>Misc Ang pedo/pro-shipper drama >>1907869 >>1909590 >>1909989 >>1910081 >>1910091 >>1910209Since this is the most active thread on the site for animated content, casual non-milk discussions about comics and other animated topics are also permitted.
No. 1927890
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>amazing digital circus pilot reaches over 100 millions in less then one month
No. 1927999
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>>1927542>>1927746Like half this decade is gonna filled with every recognizable IP being made into a movie franchise.
No. 1928068
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>>1928059Gooseworks originally made a very popular analog horror thing called blue channel so imagine that helped
No. 1928098
>>1928059i think its mostly because of the social media traction and glitch productions. also little kids who think they are sophisticated and edgy for watching it
lmfao sucks because this is genuinely the worst thing gooseworx has ever produced
No. 1928101
>>1928099dorcelessness all day every day
i didn't know he was a troon, i never looked into the creator. oh well
No. 1928171
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>>1927542>How come Lauren Faust was never able to make her own show?She almost had one at Netflix but got canned along with most of other Netflix show. But the good news, she got the rights back but still looking for distributors.
No. 1928323
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I just want LS Mark to release his fucking pilot already. He described it as ''tom and jerry meets bojack horseman'' which sounds laughably bad. I never though someone could be this creatively bankrupt, but i guess it's expected considering he's the worst cartoon reviewer, and doesn't seem to like art and animation besides a very surface level.
No. 1928329
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>>1928323>tom and jerry meets bojack horsemanThat hit me like a damn brick. Every Indie animated series is nothing but a pathetic imitation of one piece of media mashed with another, and that's all there is to it. They don't have an understanding of the media they consume and lack the genuine experience needed to create anything truly authentic.
No. 1928332
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>>1928329It's what miyazaki said, that modern anime is shit because they just try to copy what has already been done rather than being inspired from their own life experiences. The fucking show is set in the early 00s, a fucking time period LS mark wasnt even alive for. He was a toddler by the time the new decade was rolling in. I am super curious about this thing because it just looks terrible and uninspired. It makes a bit salty though because a lot of people would love to have his connections and money to make their passion project come true, but he wasted all of that in the most uninspired garbage concept in existence.
>horrendous animation and art direction>copypasted character designs>dude is already selling plushies of the mouse creature even though it hasnt released yet>made by a dude whose whole career is making white noise 6 hour videos overstimulated zoomies can sleep tothis looks like a fake cartoon they put in a movie to make fun of shitty generic cartoons
No. 1928368
>>1928230The anime girl/breathy voice acting is all over indie animation.
This animated "pilot" made me rage, it's so coomery and while trying to be uwu innocent cute cartoon Network-y girly show. The yellow characters boobs bounce every second she speaks/all the time, it's so off-putting and disgusting (porny). The worst thing of all is the short makes NO sense, like what kind of world is this? They are weird shaped girls in a boarding school for what? Or is this the product of anime disease where the only setting can be school? Everyone has to be a student and go to school, even though it doesn't matter and clearly these characters are meant to be sexualized.
No. 1928373
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>>1928368>characters boobs bounce every second she speakswtf this is so unnecessary and disturbing, especially when combined with the infantilised face and hairstyle
also that red triangle head character looks like if Beelzebot trooned out
No. 1928388
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>>1928368The characters reminded me of picrel. cause they aren't characters, they aren't even clichés or tropes; they're just cut outs from cartoon porn and hentai.
No. 1928401
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>>1928368>pink triangle character designlol why would you ever do that
No. 1928404
>>1927863>characters idea of fun is going to a carnival>a character is sad because he is short>cheesy one-liners>no reference to drugs or alcoholthis felt like a children's cartoon except that the characters are based on religious stereotypes. Im honestly impressed with how dedicated they where to that one joke. The pilot literally ends with a party at a club and they don't even make a coke joke.
tbh i can't see this as a series. it's gimmick is that it only has
one adult element but otherwise feels like an average kids cartoon but thats going to become old quickly. The only way I can see this lasting several episodes is if they gradually make it more edgy but then it would become indistinguishable from every other edgy adult cartoon. They could also flesh out the characters and try to make them deeper but no one is going to take a show that uses stereotypes seriously unless you pander to shippers
hetalia another franchise where the punchline is basically just stereotypes sometimes tries to make you feel sad for the stereotypes but it's just hard to take it seriously because they are literal stereotypes. it's not a concept that is suited for angst>>1927981the animation is really cool. Another anon in this thread said that Digital Circus fails because it wants to feel like uncanny early 3d animation but it looks too modern.
this manages to look like modern 3d, old 3d and claymation at the same time. it's a very pretty style that adds to the uncanny vibe. I feel like Digital Circus wanted to have a style like this
No. 1928440
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>>1928368The red triangle chick feels a bit like a rip off of the mean girl in the "Becky Prim" short.
No. 1928454
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>>1928436And the pattern also alligns with more and more Twitter/terminally online animators becoming transbians - who needs male characters or side characters anymore when it's now all softcore fap material. If you criticize an all female cast in any way then you're a
No. 1928474
>>1928454Women: we want more female characters in anything
>monkey’s paw curls Women: noooo not female characters created by trannies that only exist to be fapbait!!
(moidlet) No. 1928485
>>1928454This kind of character design is so unappealing.
It sucks!
No. 1928519
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>>1928368the designs are so garbage mainly the triangle mc. could this even count as animation? it's barely animated.
i went to check the creator's twitter and as expected, all the females he draws are busty curvy coombaits with the exact same body type while the men look average and boring. picrel is a redraw/redesign he did of the powerpuff girls, he seems to be really inspired by craig mccracken (and giantess fetish art).
No. 1928585
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From ToonHive:
>‘INDIGO’ is an upcoming sci-fi animated series that follows 19-year-old human Max who spent their whole life training their psychic powers in isolation with their tall gray alien caretaker and a robot scientist, until an unexpected event makes them realize they've been lied their whole life.
No. 1928601
>>1928586He's ugly and over designed,why does he have the same hair as that yellow muppet from Welcome Home?
Gosh, everyone is making sexy man bait instead of making a good one cares go make a decent cartoon already .those colors are an eyesore
No. 1928628
>>1928601It’s kind of annoying how sexymen became a trend, back in my day, the women who only cared about these one note weirdly designed characters were genuinely into them in very autistic ways. Now you have sexymen trend hoppers who just want to be the “coolest” of the bunch for liking these boring ass uninspired as fuck characters that with a palette swap they would look normie as fuck, or that are obviously and heavily “inspired” by existing IPs like how the purple rabbit looks like a mix between Five Nights at Freddy’s rabbit and the purple dude.
>>1928586This faggot is literally Steven universe mixed with the purple dude from Five Nights at Freddy’s and Mettaton.
No. 1928641
>>1928454Of course the
most porny out of the 3 is the odd one out by not being 18. Gives them a way to deny being accused of sexualizing teens. The pink triangle is sexualized too, but in a way that is so normalized no one bats an eye. Spongebob is so fucking ridiculous I don’t think people would fall for the age excuse.
No. 1928643
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>>1928586Kek at the resemblance,try harder next time.
No. 1928660
>>1928454>high school setting, lockers (idk couldn't bring myself to watch more than like 30 seconds) >21 year old sure….
thankfully this went nowhere despite a couple of hugboxing comments.
No. 1928707
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>>1928368I hate this so much, literally the only thing that stands out is the art style but that’s not a good thing. The background isn’t even shaded but we get shots of an 18 year old girls back dimples? Painfully coomery.
No. 1928735
>>1928586I’m calling it now his personality will just be Peridot from Steven Universe where he starts out as an antisocial tech nerd and learns humanity is good actually and he will have a queer relationship with the character he did not get along with at first. Still salty about how how they ruined Peridot’s personality and forced Lapidot so god damn much. Feel free to read this in Sarah Z’s voice kek.
Do we know yet if the creator is like Welcome Home and will be
triggered by porn?
No. 1928776
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>>1927863Glad the pigeon from Valiant can still find work.
No. 1928825
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>>1928807idk why you called me a moid, it was clearly a criticism about trannies making "female" characters. dummy
>>1928759big "all or nothing" vibes
No. 1928856
>>1928586>shitty pompadour hairstyle with nothing cool or fun about it (sweet jp weeps)>looks like mettaton>SU belly gem and bad monochrome colour palette>upper eyelid shine>the expression>robot wearing gloves that are boring af and draw the eye too much>popped collar vest AND a croptop with shoulder pads (that unzips! how sexy.)>badly drawn shades that only make the eyes difficult to readwow i hate everything about this, it's basically made of poor design choices with no good ones to prop it up. Its such a blatant blend of the artist's fandom brainrot too.
besides all that, would it have killed them to post better quality art?
No. 1928944
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>>1928942The only successful example I can think of, of a character obviously meant to be a tumblrsexyman and being successful, is Black Hat from Villainous.
No. 1929167
>>1928944I think it’s because they are self-aware and making fun of themselves/the concept so it comes off as more authentic and genuine. BH as a sort of parody of TSM is able to attract more fans than intentional TSM bait.
>>1929153It still has a pretty dedicated fanbase, it just doesn’t have much going on because it’s in production/release limbo. IIRC the second half of the first season is done but being held hostage by the network or something.
No. 1929168
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>>1928825it's my first time hearing about this, nonni what the hell is this?
No. 1929208
>>1929167I think BH also 'works' because of the show's roots as a web animation from 2012 (iirc), it feels more like a developed idea influenced by online cartoon fandom culture and the creator's genuine interests than just someone trying to cash in with a forced sexy-man meme character like with that INDIGO thing (which I looked into and it's just another beginner artist's personal project that isn't really going anywhere, rather than an actual attempt at a pilot/show).
Did not know it was in limbo like that, always unfortunate when that happens with animation. Reminds me of Mao Mao.
No. 1929332
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How the hell do you go from producing The Prince of Egypt to this.
No. 1929442
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>>1929332I fear he may be a right, because like it or not, AI will change the dynamics of the animation industry, both indie and mainstream.
No. 1929455
>>1929442okay cool, they managed to generate the aesthetics of a shot of cheap disney-esque 3D animation, but each one was full of poor movement, none of them were framed particularly well, the lip movements looked like the characters had had a stroke, and the pacing of each clip was shit– I could go on (especially since you know these are the best of the clips they sat there generating and regenerating). I'm not saying AI won't end up being used in animation, but it pisses me off that AI bros and the people making the AI pretend as if the results are actually worthwhile for actual production. This isn't there yet, and it's obvious that it can't make anything truly distinct from the data it's been fed. I also wonder about consistency, considering text based AIs (which have a far simpler job) struggle to maintain a cohesive 'train of thought' across multiple paragraphs of a story.
If the AI crowd want to get me on their side though, they could work out an actually helpful auto-rigger that can work on more than just humans without it becoming painful kek
No. 1929472
>>1929467exactly kek. "here's our AI animation that we had to (barely) pay a score of people to fix!"
ngl I kinda want to see the timeline and graph editor for a piece of animation like this (not to mention the meshes themselves).
I could see a use case for this being shitty animated adds tbh, but not a show or feature film. Don't think it'd work at all for live action cgi either
No. 1929512
>>1927863This is confusing, it feels like satire but I don’t think it’s supposed to be
Also ninjew, lmao
No. 1929516
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The voice actor for Gumball is beefing with fatass Dream
No. 1929532
>>1929518the prompts were generated into animation in less than one minute (as far as we know), sure, but we also don't know how many times it took to generate something that looked passable for six seconds. It's still going to be a shorter time than making the equivalent animation from scratch, but it's less, idk, worrying that this was apparently their highlight reel for this.
and yeah, there definitely needs to be more regulation, AI is starting to infect everything and it's not going to be pretty if ignored.
No. 1929611
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>>1929516Here’s dream’s original call-out post.
No. 1929637
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>>1928440Oh wow you weren't kidding, she totally is. Thank you also for reminding me we'll never get a Becky Prim series.
No. 1929685
>>1929539The industry anons are not speaking up but really there is nothing to worry about, indie moids can't pitch and suck at follow through on their connections. Studio usually want to work with established directors and mentally stable people who can hit deadlines. Say what you want about Vizie but she pitch her show and produced a pilot, got the numbers, and the follow through from A24 to have Bento Box animate her show.
In terms of shit content, it will be up to the parents of young children to regulate and allow them to watch weird stuff like Skibidi Toilet but also introduce them to high quality stuff like Kiki's delivery service and Lion King/etc.
No. 1929690
>>1929685I imagine that big studios are going to heavily invest in AI but in the worst possible way. They've killed off any original IPs, so they can train AI on whatever they want to reboot this time round and get AI to write and sing songs voiced by AI actors. To be fair the writing and character design in animation are so subpar nowadays that AI is probably a step up from whatever genderspecial munchies they'd have hired. AI doesn't spend all day on Twitter shitting itself over cartoons.
But yes, you're right, AI or not, animation is already digging its own grave. AI will only speed up the process.
No. 1929706
>>1929608I agree it's pretty ugly. To be fair AI is improving really fast, I couldn't imagine even a generic animation like this being generated so fast just by inputting text even two years ago. I don't doubt it's gonna get better with every year.
It's sad, I feel like art is actually going to be cheapened a lot by higher quality AI mass-production in future.
No. 1929770
>>1928436I honestly think more TV shows with all female casts are a good thing overall - More female leads that women and girls can see themselves in and less fandoms that worship male characters and analyze every time they blink. It would make browsing fan sites like Tumblr much less of a sausage fest.
My question is why can't we just have a normal girl's show? Why does it have to be poisoned in coom? Why can a friend group of women only be focused on in indie TV shows if they serve as sex objects?
No. 1929853
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Zeurel is going to make Monkey Wrench,an indie animated series,into a motion comic due to budget reasons and not being popular.
No. 1929859
Honestly I'm not surprised at the decision,the animation community didn't give a shit about Monkey Wrench in the first place.No one talked about it even if Zeurel made it,it didn't seem interesting to me the earthworm jim guy looked really annoying tbh.this is why having an audience is extremely important
No. 1929894
>>1929853That's unfortunate, the style and core idea had potential, but it needed more work on the pacing (especially with the jokes, say what you will about Helluva Boss, but it does keep things snappy and doesn't telegraph a joke's beginning too terribly, which is a problem with a lot of online media– not saying HB's humour is actually good, but it is a useful comparison as a web series) and the writing (too much exposition that didn't need to be there right that second or could have been conveyed visually instead, and again the humour is very… 'online dweeb' and might make a kid laugh, at best). The main character needs work too because his VA's delivery is kinda all over the shop (doesn't sound like he's good at doing the high, nasally voice and he has weird enunciation at points that doesn't feel intentional) and everything he does is too… obvious for his archetype. You know exactly what he's going to do before he does it. This sort of stuff is easiest worked out instead of launching into production, which is a trend for a lot of these indie animated shows– I get the feeling they rarely involve script reads and rewrites, multiple drafts and test animatics, or proper directing of VAs.
There's some really nice character acting (for what it is) and what seems like a well thought out world for all of these characters with existing dynamics to interact in, but it wasn't ready to be as ambitious as it was. Ah well.
No. 1929904
>>1929863kek speaking of e-celebs making cartoons, god they all suck.
>LSMark's cartoon sounds incredibly boring and looks like calarts tom and jerry>Mr.enter is autistic and his cartoon idea makes no sense>Pan pizza's cartoon idea got laughed at by genddy and sounds retardeddaftpina's cartoon pilot is the fucking worst by far though, it looks and sounds AI generated. These cartoon critics should spend more time drawing and reading books and less time making 5 hour videos about family guy.
No. 1929927
>>1929770>More female leads that women and girls can see themselves in and less fandoms that worship male characters and analyze every time they blink. It would make browsing fan sites like Tumblr much less of a sausage fest. This is wishful thinking. Women and girls will gravitate towards content with male characters because part of fandom is expressing and exploring their own sexualities. There's enough media with male leads and fandoms focusing on men to last a century.
>My question is why can't we just have a normal girl's show? Why does it have to be poisoned in coom? Why can a friend group of women only be focused on in indie TV shows if they serve as sex objects?MLP:FiM WAS on track to be a normal girl's show, but it became treated like a moe girl anime by men and sexualized. Deranged men have money that can be extracted by catering to them.
No. 1929945
>>1929904holy fuck you weren't lying. the writing is so, so bad, it's overly verbose and thinks it's way smarter and wittier than it actually is, like all terrible online humour. Voice acting is incredibly flat and dead for every character, sounds more like a shitty scripted podcast than an actual show with characters. The visuals are just pathetic, there isn't much to say.
It reminds me of those fan animations putting visuals to a streamer/letsplayer/dnd podcaster's audio, but with all the soul sucked out and even lamer content than someones off-the-cuff bit
No. 1930023
>>1929995Did this anon just discover troons?
>>1929853I had never heard of this before now so I went and skipped through the pilot and the animation is surprisingly well done. Way better than Hazbin Hotel's pilot for example. I'm surprised it has so little views - you'd think the good animation would carry it a little further in artist circles
No. 1930105
>>1930097Not even a minute in and I hate it, this song has no identity of it's own and forgettable as fuck. It's a combination of different popular movie songs and it doesn't even hide that it's You're Welcome 2.0 with it's title, the guy can't even sing. I have to agree with the top comment: "This doesn't even sound like a villain song
This sounds like a millennial talking to their dog"
No. 1930142
>>1928525Kek, I remember that from the juststop video. Her parents even told Mick that they were happy she dumped Mark because he was an autistic manchild and they even thought it was weird that their daughter dated a child and not someone her age.
>>1928323That shit ain't ever coming out. He keeps rewriting it because everyone on /co/ makes fun of it constantly and shat on the leaked storyboards and the fact that he's so uncreative that he ASKS other artists to design simple characters so he can botch them with his art style.
Mark and Veronica want to work on a mascot horror game too. So he's gonna juggle a shit ton of projects that will stay unfinished. At least the people working for him are most likely making the easiest dime of their lives
No. 1930144
>>1929956As another
nonnie said; he makes 6 hour white noise vids for zoomers to consume as background noise. His videos are the equivalent to popcorn. He makes money from doing "I watched this whole series" reviews and I don't think the idiot realizes that if he does it constantly, he'll run out of things to do or make. Mentioning back to how he has all this money, he's only making the cartoon to prove he can make it. He doesn't actually give a fuck about making a genuine cartoon. He's only doing it as a big "fuck you" to people who say he can't.
Mark's the type of dude who would get "revenge" by wasting his time in the most Seinfeld-esque way ever. This dork is gonna get laughed at for his shit pilot, if it EVER comes out.
(unsaged doubleposting) No. 1930152
>>1930142>At least the people working for him are most likely making the easiest dime of their livesWhat I wanna know is how two perma-losers that are
toxic and have burned bridges with everybody in their lives have the ability to hire people to work for them. Where are they getting the money from, is one of them rich?
No. 1930305
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>>1928586YWNBM: You Will Never Be Mettaton.
No. 1930331
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Bryan lee O’Malley is annoying.
He shit all over what the audience wanted for Scott Pilgrim. He based Scott on himself and a few years after the movie came out he and his wife got a divorce. keeping that information in mind you can imagine what happens in the new show that was released today. the new show is a cope and seethe piece for his divorce. Tried to hard to be subversive only for it to fall on its face
No. 1930354
>>1930336The story is literally an incel self-insert moid power fantasy jerk off fest.
A broke piece of shit nerdling who has a minor GF(knives who is also a trope by not only being a minor but is also asian) cheats on her for a literal marysue manic pixie dreamgirl (Ramona) who is totally aloof but then falls for him because he's SOOOO unique and interesting! but he has to fight (and somehow defeats) a bunch of 'chads' (and one chick who they literally say that Ramona dated because of a 'phase' aka what all incels think of bisexual/lesbian women) who are all actually successful adults who have jobs and lives, but Scott is totally so much better than all of them despite being a literal deadbeat loser.
But he's a nerd and is in a band so that redeems all of his literal dog shit behavior!!! (I hope the sarcasm is noted)
No. 1930408
>>1930354Just watching the trailers for the movie that was released back in my days would make me roll my eyes.
>>1930359Exactly, I’m sick of remakes, at this point it’s better to just do literally anything else than consume media at all.
Like seriously, if it isn’t catering to gendercult shit, it’s devoid of any personality or interesting ideas for the sake of not being too crazy so companies don’t lose money after producing the most mind-numbing bullshit.
I know this is just me preaching to the choir but what’s even the point of creating media even? Everything needs to get desperately hooked to some pre-existing IP from any past decade, if you don’t want your shit to flop, then you must add some TQWERTY bullshit even if you don’t really want to, even if your story has nothing to do with that, if for some reason you don’t have any of those things, you’re either a TQWERTY yourself or you use the faint essence of past decades and scream every 5 seconds “IT’S A REFERENCE TO SOMETHING FROM INSERT DECADE!!!! IT’S SO QUIRKY!!!” Or you add some unnecessary political commentary that literally nobody gives a fuck about and if anything, everyone is sick off already.
>inb4 be the change you want to seeNot everyone is a writer or animator or just has the contacts to just get up and say “I got an Idea!!!!” Because as I’ve noticed, animation circles and companies are just teeny tiny clubs full of scared people that are afraid of losing their money, which is
valid I guess, and it’s honestly smart to just recycle stuff because in the end, to a child, animated Cinderella will be the same thing that live action Cinderella is, and that child will want to wear the dress and buy the toys, same as Spider-Man for boys and whichever dead horse companies can keep on beating forever.
Idk, I’m not even frustrated or mad even, it’s more like I’m just disappointed because with how technology has been supposedly advancing, you would expect to see some really crazy and cool new things, like more movies that are clearly made to enjoy with 4D technology, or maybe movies with graphics that look
better on these weird ass curved TVs, make the screen of the cinema curved too even, or VR direct movies where the characters make you follow the plot with them idk, things that wouldn’t necessarily work with plots that everyone already knows of.
So yeah, I’m done with movies and series, it’s like being in a constant groundhog day where all we can do is laugh at the new additions like not so undercover fetishes and cringe dialogues.
No. 1930439
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>>1930354To be fair Scott in the beginning got dumped by Envy and regressed so hard he dated a high schooler because it was “easier” all his friends did judge him and then told him to leave her. Knives is a
victim but I’m glad their relationship didn’t go further than what is shown. At the end of SP he does get a job at a vegan cafe and grows up. Ramona was always running away from her problems and would essentially ghost her exes. The league of exes makes her confront her past.
One thing I really liked about knives in the reimagining is she became a really good musician learning bass and piano in a few hours. Unfortunately she ends up joining Scott’s band as the keyboardist.
No. 1930478
>>1930354Scott and Ramona are
supposed to be jerks. O'Malley has said outright that Scott and Ramona aren't good people. Because the movie was made before the comic was finished, the plot ends prematurely, ostensibly rewarding the characters for being assholes. The characters' arcs are more fully realized in the comic. Also, Michael Cera is fine in the role of Scott, but I think he's a little too dorky and likeable.
No. 1930529
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>>1928171it really looks like what vivziepop wishes she could draw and design like.
alas, modern cartoons are made with the intent of curating a fanbase, and must be "sexy" or appealing to coomers in some way, lauren faust is too skilled and creative and pure for this current world.
No. 1930595
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Anyone else watching the Nicolas Cantu (Gumballs old VA) fight with Dream? I’ll give a summary
>Cantu interacts with parody dream account calling him a pedo (because he is)
>Dream calls him out for assault, racism, and being rude to an Uber driver
>Cantu admits to all except racism
>Everyone sides with Cantu bc Dream is a known liar and groomer
>Dream drops a video of the Uber ride,
>Cantu is being a little dickhead to ths driver, calls dream a faggot, asks dream if he’s Jewish for being greedy
>Dream also drops fake texts with the uber driver (driver has iPhone in video, Dreams texts have green)
>Time during all of this, Cantu was 19, 3 years under the drinking age
>Dream held onto the video of underage Cantu being a dickhead for years until Cantu “betrayed” him, and he posted it publicly
>Cantu has yet to comment
Never thought I’d watch a VA beef with a Minecraft YouTuber but it’s funny
No. 1930596
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No. 1930597
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No. 1930599
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>>1930584Cradle robbers are relentless.
No. 1930600
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No. 1930617
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>>1930604samefagging. Remember to never marry a moid, once you settle they feel comfortable and let themselves go. Even someone like veronica doesnt deserve such a fat piggy husbando.
No. 1930663
>>1930617>let themselves goI feel someone like Mark would be too autist to "let himself go"
ie I don't think a guy with that Sonic shelf and that reviews cartoons for a living would have the social awareness to purposefully work on himself to be attractive.
My bet is on this being the result of not living with his parents anymore, so they can't tell him to not eat mcdonals five days a week and make him proper meals every day.
No. 1930872
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>>1930617I don't understand how moids can get so fat? My dad managed to lose like 20 pounds in just a month by simply cutting out beer and taking daily walks. That's all it took, male metabolism is the one thing I feel gander envy for.
No. 1930943
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No. 1931004
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>>1930354Thank you
nonny, this was so cathartic to read. Basically just confirms every reason for why I've hated this detestable story. Also I'm a firm believer it helped paved the way for bringing the shitty Calarts Style we see in animation today
No. 1931021
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>>1930943Here's on the HH pilot
No. 1931027
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It's been nearly 2 months and no update on Ang from her "EOL" caretaker" since early October other than vague sentiments. I'm not a expert but if Ang couldn't reach food by herself as she claimed at the time of her posts, wouldn't she have died by now? Can't shake off the feeling this is just a elaborate ploy for attention again and she'll be asking for money again any time soon.
No. 1931114
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>>1931109Kek I don’t know how my retard ass fucked up so badly but I forgot the pic. Im talking about Disney’s “Wish”.
No. 1931118
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>>1931109>>1931114I think the worst part is that it's not egregiously horrible or so-bad-its-good, it just terribly mediocre.
And they published and entire book of better ideas from the concept phase and didn't go with any of them!
No. 1931119
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>>1931116>>1930359I have comfy memories of reading the comics back in 2010 when I was 23 years old
>tfw 1997 was as far away from 2010 as 2010 is to now No. 1931121
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>>1931109Taken from the other farms. If this meta shit is true, I'm going to scream.
No. 1931125
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>>1931114It’s getting slammed by critics, I know Disney has been on a bad streak lately but I can’t believe this was the best they could do for their big 100th anniversary film. It must have been a mess in development.
>>1931118 would have been fun and thrown back to the Genie from Aladdin since this movie is supposed to be all about nostalgic references to their past films but I guess shoving in 7 characters who get nothing to do to have as a Snow White easter egg was more important
>>1931121Idk about the last bit but a friend who saw an early screening said that the end credits feature a million character cameos, including ones that no one cares about like the cows from Home on the Range, lol.
No. 1931130
>>1931121Saw Wish preview this weekend.
The King is absolutely an insane narc. Everything in the reddit post frames it ad 'woe! The king did nothing wrong! He SIMPLY wanted to protect his people! Everyone turned against him and he was just trying to restore "order" with his spellbook.'
He is a straight up NPD clusterbee maniac who holds people's wishes over their heads to soft power control the kingdom, blackmails and lies about everything, and is easily corrupted by magic. He is mean to everyone, and even with seemingly unlimited magical powers he every woman in the story overpowers him with bookcases, long-winded questions, mice, and songs. Men be seething. Let woman have their power fantasy (Asha isn't a princess but other than that it's a power fantasy).
No. 1931151
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Sage because this is old, but Thurop Van Orman’s (creator of Flapjack) son who played live action Flapjack in the finale is trans now. I found out because Thurop’s Wikipedia lists him as having two daughters. His twitter is almost entirely TRA posts, specifically supporting child transition. His son was named Leif and now goes by Blossom. Just very depressing all around.
No. 1931183
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>>1931164I can’t tell exactly when his son began transitioning because Thurop went back and edited almost all his old instagram posts referring to him as “she”, “her”, and “Blossom” (unless he has been referring to his son as a girl since 2013, which would be even worse). He turned 18 in June of this year, so he was definitely a child when it started. He’s still credited as “Leif” in Angry Birds 2, which came out in 2019 when he was 14, so my guess is he was trooned between 14 and 17.
>>1931175Yeah Thurop was a storyboard artist and co-writer on PPG
No. 1931268
>>1931244When I first saw Flapjack I was 100% sure that Flapjack was voiced by a woman.
>>1931246Same, and I really enjoyed the show and its humor. I hate that this tranny shit is absolutely everywhere now
No. 1931350
>>1931244That song was in the episode Something’s a Miss where Flapjack thinks he needs to get dangerous surgery to change his voice because people mistake him as a girl. It ends with Flapjack being happy that Dr. Barber could tell he was actually a boy (because he’s a doctor) and he becomes accepting of his voice, as his voice is a boy voice because he’s a boy. Flapjack had a ton of jokes that would be considered transphobic today, like 6:30 of vid related.
>>1931268Flapjack was such a cool GNC character. You’d think the creator of that would understand the whole trans thing is BS. He probably supports fans who headcanon Flapjack as trans now.
No. 1931427
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Toonhive made a tweet about the Ang situation (based on a youtube video with one sub lmfao) but deleted it after the person mentioned in the second half threatened to sue for libel and now proshippers are having a hissy fit because they won't "speak for victims"
No. 1931443
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>>1931435MTF who knew Ang and left her like most of Ang's other friends after finding out she drew shota on a separate account. He made a thread defending himself which Toonhive ended up rting after they retracted the statements.
No. 1931451
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>>1931447He has a thread on the farms along with a fairly traceable internet trail on him. Funny to see pre tra sition pics and then photos with Ang. No. 1931456
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>>1931451Holy shit, that’s Lifeonthefastjane, he’s friends with one of my personal animation industry cows, Malcolm Thomas, a NGMI orbiter wannabe who has literally never improved his art and constantly whines about struggling to find work, lol.
Go figure that Jane’s clique is full of some of the biggest autists in the industry.
No. 1931463
>>1931458TLDR Ang Vondra is animator that worked on Mighty Magiswords and other miscellaneous projects. Around 2019-2020 She got caught with a alt account where she posted shotacon and that whole situation blacklisted her from the industry and made most of her friends leave her. Now Ang's claiming because she doesn't have access to healthcare (she can't get a job) she's going to let herself die though that's been extremely vague last.
Keep in mind she claims to have several chronic illnesses and that she was professionally diagnosed with DID. She's also been known to suibait and then leave her followers in the dust only to come back to beg for money and make wild claims that aliens had abducted her on two separate occasions so yeah she's quite the cow kek
No. 1931465
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>>1931458Maybe he’s just a cow to me but I know enough people in industry circles to be familiar with him because he’s a spergy animation fanboy who orbits anyone who’s ever worked professionally. He has no understanding of fundamentals or draftsmanship but is delusional enough to believe that he’s eventually going to land a steady industry job because people like Kyle and Nico Colaleo take pity on him and occasionally hire him for cleanup work on their projects. I’m fascinated by people that draw for this long and plan their whole careers around art only to NEVER improve.
No. 1931467
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nonnie, no wonder you think of him as a cow, his portfolio is full of garbage. His portfolio really does depress me but puts a fire under my ass, makes me wanna study kek
No. 1931494
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>>1931443>>1931451He's disgusting and racist kek
No. 1931508
>>19314944tran strikes again. The percentage of TIMs who
weren't edgy incels at any point in their lives must be astonishingly low.
No. 1931600
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Vivziepop claims the Helluva Boss pilot is no longer canon.
No. 1931619
>>1931494 is a white man are your eyes broken?
No. 1931624
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>>1931615>What is even going on in the show now?it's the sad imp can't spit it out show. also they're barely putting the most popular character in any more
No. 1931671
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OK SO - After some apprehension, I just watched the first few episodes of Scott Pilgrim Takes Off and I actually really like it. It turns out it's a different, more introspective story from the comics and the movie and I recommend giving it a chance.
SPOILER: There's a big twist at the end of the first episode, and the story takes over from Ramona's perspective as she confronts her exes herself and reflects upon her relationships. I found it really refreshing. Also, apparently the show is making the fanboy moids seethe, which is an added bonus for me, kek.
No. 1931685
>>1931673Yes, Science Saru
>>1931677Your taste is bad
No. 1931693
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>>1931600>>1931652tbf characters are changed from their pilot versions all the time. Sometimes, the changes are more drastic then Helluva Boss. For example, in Avtar Toph was originally planned to be a masculine adult man. This was the plan until one of the writers pointed out that it was weird to have a grown adult man in the main cast with teenagers and all the issues that might present. Additionally, the episodes of him training Aang come across as
abusive. Therefore, they went in the completely opposite direction and made that character into a blind little girl,
No. 1931698
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>>1931671I tapped out after episode 4. But I never liked Scott Pilgrim outside of the game. Painfully boring, hardly any jokes, ost is lacking. The show has an identity crisis because I'm not sure what it's trying to be. Fight scenes could have been amazing and are barely worth the slog. Also has some odd choices on voice acting, one of the characters just mumbles/slurs and I often don't know wtf he just said. Doesn't help that all of the characters are so boring and forgettable while trying to have this deep esoteric story.
No. 1931967
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>>1931955Me too. I'm so sick of seeing the fugly round shit. Give me more anime-inspired cartoons where they're not afraid to give us sharp corners and sexy men with chiseled jawlines
No. 1931968
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>>1931967Samefagging to post more screencaps of this beautiful cartoon
No. 1932042
>>1931968>>1931967>sharp corners and chiseled jawlinesDon't say that too loud, you don't want the autists to hear you and give every character massive jaw implants do you ?
>>1931990Pandemonium, short film from Gobelins school
No. 1932053
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>>1931967fuck no, i hate the voltron style. Bring back UPA styled cartoons like PPG, and cartoons with more interesting, unique styles like samurai jack.
No. 1932092
>>1931888I liked it when it came out. But is it me or does it feels slightly outdated? The humor and delivery reminds me of humor that was popular on tumblr ca. 2012. I know the voice actors aren't professional so maybe that's why it feels like that.
I do think its a shame that it never got picked up. it could work as a character driven dark comedy with some helllore sprinkled in.
But based on this short the dynamic between Socks and Jonathan is meh. they come off as "the sunshine one and the gloomy one but the sunshine one has a dark secret!!" which can get boring fast but to be fair this video is way too short to make judgments regarding character dynamics.
I do like that Socks isn't an edgelord even if he is obsessed with murder. He's an average dorky kid who just happens to have murderous tendencies which adds to the comedy imo. But his name and design is too tryhard quirky
I'm not only talking about his clothes. First time I saw it I thought he was a puppet or something non-human because of his button nose and super round face No. 1932119
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>>1931888I remember this. It's old as hell. I remember being interested in it at the time but looking back, it feels very 'of its time'. Evidently she's still making this thing, and making merch of it judging by her channel.
It's kind of sad to see, but it's kind of the reality, that if you don't have funding or anyone backing you up it really does take more than 10 years to get a project off the ground. At this point, if I was her I'd have moved on.
Side note on picrel, but I hate styles with this stupid upper lip flap.
No. 1932124
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>>1932119>Side note on picrel, but I hate styles with this stupid upper lip flap.ME TOO! That's the main reason why I hate the Owl House design, I absolutely hate it and I have no idea why
No. 1932131
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>>1932124Also side note while looking for examples I found this article calling it the "Best Queer Kids Show". "Queer" or any term regarding sexuality has no place next to the phrase "Kids' show". How does nobody else think it's fucking weird to make the main selling point "sexuality" in a kids' adventure show about dragons and magic and stuff? Like, what? We don't even know some characters' favorite foods, colors, or favorite animals - why do these creators need to fall all over themselves to include who their characters want to fuck? It's creepy, right? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.
No. 1932141
>>1932131Thousands of kids shows with overt love interests are fine when they're heterosexual though and it's totes not about sex because it's not labeled as a straight show therefore it's normal, unlike those disgusting gay cartoons being shoved in our faces.
The aggressive queer marketing and alphabet pride pandering is retarded but the way you argue your point doesn't work both ways.
No. 1932149
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Everything Viv does makes me wanna alog so bad, especially her character designs. From the over designed and hard to look at characters, the obvious furry coom bait, ugly fujo bait, historically inaccurate outfits, retarded outfits and designs that make no sense, the RED, the ugly ass male characters, the lack of color theory and so on. Like what the fuck is this lmao. Why is his collar split into two different shades of green? Why are his sleeves different shades? I mean Jesus Christ it’s so ugly and unnecessary. I’d kill myself if i had to animate this shit.
No. 1932170
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>>1932149Nta,holy crap this is tremendously ugly and abysmal,how they managed to animate this atrocity is beyond one one wants to work with her fat ass because her expectations are too high and she's extremely demanding,that's why a lot of people on her team quit.
No. 1932173
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>>1932149>>1932170I've said this before, but I think her best designs come when she has a guide to go off or any sort of direction. For example, the Goetias were inspired by the Lesser Key of Solomon (although it's likely she did nothing more than a simple Google search). But either way, when she has something to work off of, it results in more interesting and organic designs.
No. 1932357
>>1932124this show is so fucking ugly to look at.
>>1931967>>1931968no thank you. i agree with
>>1932053 No. 1932383
>>1932141NTA, and not arguing against your actual main point, but I do find it kinda weird when kids shows focus a lot on relatiship drama. Something like Regular Show or maybe those awkward girly high school girl shows from the 00's at least seemed a bit more targeted at early teens so it makes a bit more sense, but something more kiddy like SVTFOE that is supposed to be about magic puppies and shit but also wants to do soap opera tier relationship drama and makes ship fodder a main selling point feels weird to me.
>>1932264>>1932337The particular way it's drawn in the Owl House has always made me think of Doraemon.
No. 1932440
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>>1932357>this show is so fucking ugly to look at.i agree, which is a shame because dana tarrace is the only modern western artists in the cartoon industry who can actually draw. I fucking love her art, even though i have never watched the owl house(and refuse to). She's also the only modern cartoon creator who seems to actually enjoy drawing, her twitter is full of pretty art. Meanwhile rebecca sugar/alex hirsch/pendleton ward/jgquintel's twitter and its only unrelated tweets shilling merch or photos with maybe a low effort doodle in the middle. I fucking hate how lazy modern cartoon creators are, they dont see animation as art but as a cheaper more accessible alternative to live action. You can tell most never draw after they finish their shows, because they dont care about art.
No. 1932457
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>>1932440You remember this show have enbies?
(learn to sage) No. 1932498
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So looks like the wish leaks turned out to be true, the king does get turned into the magic mirror
No. 1932507
>>1931121id expect most of this to be true, a boring, safe movie with no conceptual or aesthetic sophistication or reverence is exactly on par for the course. but that last segment hit me like a truck, someone please fucking confirm the goat founds zootopia that is so retarded its outstanding
>>1931130i get where youre coming from but from the first reviews/synopses and the picture book it really seems like a case of "well he doesnt really do anything tangibly damaging because that doesnt focus test well so we'll just give him an annoying faggot personality to show that hes the bad guy". it would be cool if he was actually destructive and threatening. the way you describe him being beaten sounds so fucking boring. like, i dont find it empowering, or interesting, or fulfilling to see female characters handed success in stories, easily brushing past insignificant obstacles. i want female characters who struggle their way to victory, who overcome but not without being changed by their journeys. it would be nice for a story to afford women characters power, agency, and humanity, rather than a little consolation lollipop labelled "empowerment"
No. 1932525
>>1932514Yes I was talking about puppy kek this whole situation is so ridiculous. Like imagine trying to contact an estranged friend bcs you're worried about her well being and her virtual caretaker from outside the country says no kekk
Also this is not the first time Ang said she was going to die and then be radio silent for months.
And puppy tweeted earlier this month saying this situation is dificult for "us" meaning Ang is alive. I wish she would stop treating this as a schrodgner's cat and just confirm she is indeed alive. But no, she took the coward's route and abandoned her Twitter, leaving this on the air for anyone who was curious about Ang. Pathetic, both of them.
No. 1932550
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>>1932507>someone please fucking confirm the goat founds zootopia that is so retarded its outstandingIt's real, also peter pan shows up.
No. 1932558
>>1931109they do it on purpose so they can have an excuse to never write BW characters well or again. People were able to do it in the 90s but not today?
Sus to me
No. 1932590
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>>1932557Rebecca does have an unusual style, but I don't think it's ugly. A lot of her older things looked weird, but her art in general tended to be much darker back then. Some SU episodes from the first season are fucking nuts in that sense, and I think her style fits the type of stories she wants to tell. I don't like the idea that faces have to look pretty all the time, you already have a shitton of same-face anime girls like
>>1932569 said.
No. 1932593
>>1932525Last I checked she (puppy) was still active on her main acct but I can’t remember the username.
>>1932550Ugh this is so corny.
No. 1932594
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>>1932590I am used to japanese animators being able to draw like this. Something that unpolished doesnt impress me much. Rebecca suffers from same-face pretty badly, but instead of pretty button nosed disney princess face its big lips+big nose+round eyes faces. Also, it's funny dana used to hate animu, because her art reminds me of the rkgk i would see from japanese animators on twitter.
No. 1932608
>>1932592That’s not what I meant, my point is that those social media artists who draw nice anime faces and pretty colors are lacking in fundamentals that Rebecca and Dana both have and can’t draw proper perspective, lighting, depth, gesture, backgrounds, bodies, proportions etc. Having an ugly style doesn’t negate the rest. I do think there are many western show runners who are lacking in technical skill, and use weird limbs and ugly stylization to hide poor fundies. For example the Infinity Train creator Owen Dennis, or the Primos creator Natasha Kline. Dana and Rebecca are both very good, I still think Rebecca is slightly better.
No. 1932620
>>1932608I agree and I honestly really like Rebecca’s older work. It’s ugly but it’s interesting ugly, I’m tired of everything being “pretty” all the time. The fact that she has a good understanding of fundamentals helps
As for Dana, she is technically extremely skilled but her work bores me to tears.
No. 1932656
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>>1931494Now he's claiming Ang molested him? Immediately want to call bullshit but Ang IS a documented chaser / "girl dick" worshipper. Also the section where she apparently told him that he looked like her sister and that was hot sounds too much like the other retard shit she's said. Ang doesnt seem know personal space and she admitted to much in her video where she gushes about a girl who she was borderline stalking / obsessed with. If it is true though he's 100% exaggerating.
No. 1932665
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So, people are speculating that the next episode of Helluva Boss(titled Full Moon) will focus on Stolas, because he's been associated with moon imagery before, and the last significant plot development was Stolas acquiring the Crystal to give to Blitzo. So this would be the fourth episode this season centered around Stolas, which is literally half of all the episodes this season. Meanwhile, Millie hasn't received even one episode focused on her, and Loona hasn't even had a single line
No. 1932679
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>>1932665I wouldn't mind it so much if they didn't drag out whatever blitzø's deal is for two seasons
seemingly the only healthy relationship is the straight one
No. 1932684
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>>1932656His twitter seems to be deleted
No. 1932710
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>>1932638yoh yoshinari. He's extremely talented a his style is very flexible, he's actually a huge fan of western animation. Pic rel is fanart of MLATR he did, he's a huge fan.
No. 1932739
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>>1932710speaking of MLaaTR, the Teenage Robot Rebooted people are releasing something this Christmas: No. 1932745
>>1932710I love Yoshinari's work and his own love for cartoons really shines through, it's like the best of both worlds. He's probably like every other scrotey Japanese animator but I can't deny or disrespect his talent, his dynamic style is so eyecatching. I need to look at his more realistic studies. Anime is in for a bad time when his generation of talent all retire and die off.
I don't get why there are so few Western animators who draw this "perfectly", I am a little biased as a former weeb but even modern indies who are considered talented have severe compromises somewhere like low frame rate or lack of shading or the animation equivalent of chicken scratch that make them look worse. Compare Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust and Netflix's Castlevania since they're similar in style and mood, the former is impossible to criticize unlike the latter where people rip on the fight scenes constantly. (FWIW I think anime is slowly going through a talent drain problem of its own, just later than ours, and the 'best' sakuga there is getting worse in the same way: too much movement, weak storyboarding, abuse of digital effects and smears to cover poor colour blocking and anatomy etc)
The only names in Western animation I can recall rn who measure up to the same standards are old Disney, Don Bluth and his crop of talent, and the Dreamworks of The Prince of Egypt.
(learn to sage) No. 1932814
>>1932739interesting. Normally fan projects are super hyped up and end up being dissapointing fanservice(sonic boom), but i like the art direction they went with.
>>1932745most westerners involved in the animation industry dont really like drawing or art. Even the ones that arent amerimutts eventually grow out of it and stop drawing. Meanwhile, Yoh Yoshinari didnt just lend his project over to korean animators, he actually worked on the animation himself. I have also noticed that tons of western animators dont seem to want to get involved in ''low tier'' work after they made a cartoon. Yoh yoshinari and other japanese animators work on their passion projects and then go back to being storyboarders/animators. Anime is purely passion-fuelled and its the reason we can have such high quality animation in such high quantities. I love western animation, but there is such a strange heriarchy amongst creators. Western animators seem to go from storyboarders>writers>creators, and once they create a cartoon they dont tend to go back to ''lesser'' roles. Meanwhile, Japanese animators dont seem to have a trouble by going back to animating/storyboarding after they hit it big. It explains why those big name cartoon creators that graduate out of calarts end up being shitty artists, they dont really like art or drawing.
>>1932779its something he did in his free time its not like he could over polish it
No. 1932830
>>1932820>One PieceOda could've ended OP over a decade ago and be a millionaire living off royalties for the rest of his life yet he's still drawing weekly shonen manga after 25 years.
Weekly manga.
20 pages per week.
25 years.
I'm sorry for really driving this home, but some people don't seem to process just how insane this is. Shueisha has to put him on mandatory breaks just so he won't work himself to literal death.
What is this if not passion?
No. 1932903
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>>1932631Disney has gotten super lazy lately. They posted picrel on their instagram, and it looks AI-generated.
No. 1932904
File: 1700797224453.jpg (1.19 MB, 2350x3000, mickey thanksgiving.jpg)

>>1932903Samefag. Here's the painting it's based on for comparison.
No. 1932997
>>1932976Ang (the woman that “Jane” is throwing the bus) is a mentally ill person who wants to fucks little boys due her
abusive upbringing
So she thinks she has those fake disabilities like DID or whatever and left her public Mastodon of Mac and Frankie rape porn out and open like that
(learn to sage) No. 1933085
>>1931671I enjoyed the show too anon, the art style was so cute that I just had to try drawing it myself kek Not to shit on O'Malley's art style but I think it's cool how the studio managed to tweak it a bit and make it look so appealing.
What did you think of the voice acting? That's something that I'm seeing a lot of dislike for but I personally thought it was fine for the most part. It's true that the acting isn't very hyper or heavily emotive but I think the reason why it doesn't bother me all that much is because I feel like the show has this down to earth vibe.
No. 1933101
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>>1932903the face of my nightmares tonight
No. 1933144
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To the people who want 2D animated films back, I really sympathize with them, and I want them back too (like, so much). But I don't think people realize the very specific factors that drove the death of 2D animation. My old art professor explained it like this: for over a decade (since the late 90s till the 2000s), 3D animated films were performing really well financially. DreamWorks and Pixar's formula of casting recognizable actors and using 3D, for whatever reason, despite the huge difference in film quality, worked. They were outperforming Disney every time. The same thing was happening with in DreamWorks. All of their 2D animation films were just breaking even, while 3D films were performing financially well. All it took was just a few underperforming films due to bad luck, and 3D gradually phased out everything. Now, the institutions for 2d animation just do not exist anymore, and it sucks. But we can only hope that this decade, the few 2D films that are released perform really well for the tide to gradually turn,because%20it%20lowered%20labor%20costs.
this article goes more into this.
No. 1933160
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>>1933144dont worry 2D animation lovers we are getting a brand new 2D animated movie striaght from genndy tartakovsky's mind about a dog's balls, a wonderful family picture that will reignite the flame for the lost art of 2d hand drawn animation. 2D animation kino is back on the menu guys.
No. 1933167
>>1932814I have to agree with
>>1932815 that saying anime is purely passion fueled is a bit silly, but I think I agree with the rest of your logic. I also feel most "animators" in the US side of the industry actually don't care about animating all. Since US studios outsource the actual animation to SK, American animators mostly only actually do storyboarding, and it feels like they don't actually have passion or artistic focus on the art of creating movement itself. It feels like people that go into the animation industry in the US, instead of being people that genuinelly like animating and the animation process, are just people that like creating characters and stories (ie writting), so their end goal is, as you said, storyboarders>writers>creators, not actually animating or getting better at animation. There's also the question of western academia focusing less on actual draftsmanship.
There's also the way western tv cartoons are made to be low budget, but all the high budget (ie movies) productions are in 3D, so there's not really any motivation or proper setting for US artists to git good at animating 2D.
are great western/american animators, but they're mostly old retired guys that occasionally do a guest appearance doing a couple actually well animated shots in random shows, or (mostly also old) guys that left the industry and spend 30 years working on their own project by themselves. Occasionally you also get pseudo-sakuga from some Gobelins student projects.
No. 1933182
>>1933167I can tell you that you're right about most of this and part of the reason why actually animating in 2d isn’t held in greater focus is because institutions will beat it out of you and basically tell you it's either 3d, storyboarding or nothing. You don't need to be a particularly good artist to be either of those things but they still want, storyboard artists in particular, to do everything; timing, editing and audio syncing, even some in-betweening, depending on the project you're on.
If you look at professional boards done 20 years ago, you'll see the bar has raised and they all look different to the standard they expect now. So storyboard artist is the closest thing you'll get to being a 2d animator.
Procreate dreams has been out for a couple days now; what does everyone think about it here? Will it rekindle some interest in making good 2d animation projects, or will making it accessible like this yield a similar affect that Procreate did in that we're in for more crap?
I don't know how good it'll be at making full animation projects, it's definitely giving me the impression it's going to be good for shorter stuff. The tech demos are nice but there are definitely going to be limitations. At best it's like procreate in that it's a neat little scratch board or like a sketchbook. I could be wrong. I've been using it and wishing it wasn't an iPad exclusive, I don't favor touch gestures for shortcuts.
No. 1933204
>>1933144>>1933160The western animators that still are really passionate about 2D and have solid draftmenship skills are either too old to do side hustle passion projects or are all coomery degenerates that make stuff like this.
The video also ties in nicely with the discussion here
>>1929853>>1929863Showing again how indie animators latch onto one idea and never let it die, but instead kill themselves to squeeze another cent out of a concept very few care about (except the creators themselves who have invested their heart and soul into some dumbass half written project).
No. 1933251
>>1933239You could say that about any job dumbass. Do you even know how many frames were needed to get to 20 minutes of animation? And how much of that had to be discarded or reworked? I don't even like Monkey Wrench, but your attitude is the reason why animators get underpaid.
>>Animating frames only takes time not money, retardAlso have you never heard of the expression "time is money"?
No. 1933252
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>>1933239Nonita is on the cusp of learning what "paid labor" is.
No. 1933346
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How are you guys feeling about the new season of Invincible so far? I'm liking it a lot personally, I'm excited to see more of it. The show ended up making me start reading the comics.
No. 1933349
>>1932550the voice is so fucking jarring, holy shit. if the whole movie has this tone, which i am of course certain it will….. actual kekkington.
it looks so fucking UNFINISHED and blobby, its insane. their centennial animation…. gawddamn
>>1932553sora should show up period
>>1933101mickey and goofy's bastard mpreg abortion
No. 1933624
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>>1933008I'd say this is pretty close
No. 1933646
>>1933624sage for OT, I have a personal cow(whom I used to be somewhat friends with at one point). We were both fans of the Walking Dead when it was airing. However, she has devolved in these past few years. She casually talks about how "hot" it is to read about children being raped. And it's not limited to 2D drawings; she refers to actual child actors with adult men, and a few times real case of csa
victims. any attempts to reason with her is useless, she'll reply with "it's just fiction and that you should focus on real children being harmed". she is an echo chamber which normalizes this type of rhetoric. I feel this Ang person was in a similar situation.
No. 1933931
>>1933851that's what I was talking about
>>1933780I think Kate is supposed to be a teen too. Glad I dropped it.
No. 1934201
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>>1933987massive spoilers for the end of the series, none of the things in the pages are presented as bad, enlightened despotism is shown to be more effective and better for everyone then liberal democracy.
No. 1934229
>>1934220ayrt and tbh I wouldn't even disagree that a lot of that stuff is shock value, I just found it entertaining (did hate the timeskip though, but I kinda hate all timeskips because it always either feels like the author is cutting off or out something interesting, or it completely fucks the narrative momentum and both kill my investment). The trauma conga line for Mark did get a bit much too, especially when it just caused interruptions.
>>1933987>>1934201>>1934215I feel like this stuff is almost inevitable when people try to take the superhero concept more 'realistically' (in quotes because what they usually mean is cynically) and try to come up with worldbuilding and situations to justify it. An example is the classic 'if Superman was real he'd be a dictator' take, which ignores the core concept of Superman as a character/person. A lot of these authors are disillusioned turbo nerds who got bullied and should never have power because they'd gleefully take out their frustrations on other people if they could, and their darker or edgier works tend to reflect this.
No. 1934256
>>1934220Different anon here and I also think it felt like a plot device for
Mark/the Viltrumites, especially because his rapist gets no development whatsoever, she basically appears and dies and he just has to accept the child but also doesn’t really? I feel like the writer wanted to dive deeper on certain plot points but yadda yadda 20 year comic, decades of harsh deadlines, etc. They just wanted to wrap it up. I also feel like they really wanted to develop
Bulletproof more but that fizzled out too.
>>1934201This also honestly just read like them trying to figure out how to end it to me. The comic is soap opera tier drama from start to end, and it also shows Mark
slowly evolving into his Viltrumite genes but in a different way. That’s kind of what the different dimension Marks foreshadow, it’s inescapable for him. He grows up and he still kind of behaves like his father pre-earthing, and acting like a less violent and non-genocidal despot is how he does it. The show focuses a lot more on emotional development so I wonder if they’ll make him suffer trying to rationalize it more in later seasons. No. 1934559
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Someone dared made a video jabbing at Helluva Boss and Vivzie of course made of a response out of it and defend her writing and humor. If she can’t handle that then how the hell is she gonna face the critics towards HH?
No. 1934658
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>>1934393I’m surprised Alex Hirsch’s Netflix project isn’t canned yet.
No. 1934734
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>>1934720Because Nick Kroll created it
No. 1934844
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>>1934790This, I liked aspects of the show, but I hated all the side characters, It felt like the writer was trying to make one of them, the next roger from American dad.
No. 1935189
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>>1933740I love how the message of that particular scene was supposed to be "female-on-male rape is
just as bad, guys"—yet the panel for it is one of the porniest things ever kek. It's basically the writer's hidden femdom fetish showing.
No. 1935828
>when it was Hasbro's decisions to turn the show into marketing to sell toys to little girls…nona…this is
Hasbro we're talking about. This is their bread and butter, kek.
No. 1935862
>>1935828yeah, i know. That's why i dont understand why anon is trying to imply lauren faust somehow made the show appeal to bronies isntead of the core audience, when the show never stopped jumping the shark to make new toys to appeal to little girls.
>>1935816the /mlp/ board was made in early 2013, when lauren faust was already off the project
No. 1935887
>>1935549Then pls be my prison les
femcel gf
nonnie>>1935816Nta but come on now. You gotta know that by the point bronies were a thing season 1 was already almost finished animating if not completely post-production. They weren't pandering to the small group of 4channers ironically watching the show, that everyone thought would be a passing fad anyways. Bronies didn't become an actual big thing until season 2, and didn't start getting pandered to until around season 3 and Faust was long gone by then. Bronies only really became a gross menace to society en masse around the time they stopped being fans of the show, and became fans of the fandom, just like every
toxic fandom that ruins shit
No. 1935957
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AFAIK MLP:FiM wasn't even something she fully wanted to work on, she got proposed to work on it by Hasbro after Milky Way got rejected.
No. 1935993
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>>1935862Bronies started popping up before season 1 was even over.
No. 1936243
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>Oye Primos gets delayed
No. 1936325
Why are half of them wearing sandals?
No. 1936362
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>>1935957what do anons think about the redesigns faust posted? imo theyre cute enough but lose a lot of that special late 2000s charm in translation to blobbystyle. the fashion is a lot less inspired. i love the cute silhouettes of the designs with the larger and more central rollerskates, you cant really tell that they are wearing skates in some of the new designs, picrel.
No. 1936383
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>>1936325Um actually I think you mean
chanclas No. 1936393
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>>1936362Huge downgrade and barely make sense. The old designs were really charming and special and the new ones were just bland and generic. I’m not sure why she would take away all of the emphasis on the feet when they’re supposed to be skaters. The last thing I look at the new designs are their feet which in this case is bad.
No. 1936461
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>>1936442I mean I get it to an extent but the show became a shell of itself. The first two seasons were what got them that audience and the pandering because so blatant the show was unwatchable. Faust said she would always focus on the shows little girl audience but by season six they were doing this nastiness.
No. 1936540
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>>1936362>>1936393the redesigns are either bland or just awful. what was the whole point of even redesigning them? picrel is one of the worst imo
No. 1936542
>>1936442Bronies were a cancer. Vidrel
>>1936443As someone who was an ugly child, I feel represented
>>1936461Is this real?? I stopped watching pretty early on
>>1936540”Diversity”, according to Lauren.
No. 1936593
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>>1936291>>1936324this is probably more cohesive than the previous episode actually. Most of the time it is just mindless surrealism but this one feels like a genuine attempt to be deep.
I assume it's trying to talk about joy and the strange forms it comes in. Trying to put on a mask and perform what other view as happiness will make you feel empty. Like how picrel is ghost performers controlled by skeletons
No. 1937226
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>>1928522Has there ever been an "adult cartoon" that ever had an attractive dad or attractive teenage son rather then the usual "hot wife, fat dad and fat teenage son set-up"
No. 1937245
>>1937226If you're talking animated sitcoms, yeah none come to mind. To be honest though, those shows have such ugly art styles that I'm not sure if such a character would even really come across as genuinely attractive rather than a parody of an attractive man that circles back into being ugly. American Dad might be closest because the dad isn't supposed to be a complete schlub iirc kek. Slim pickings.
Something with a more detailed and realistically proportioned art style like Last Man, Archer, or Venture Bros could probably pull off that kind of design if it wanted to without it feeling like a joke in itself, but I doubt it'd ever happen because the sitcom formula is pretty creatively bankrupt– even non-adult, sitcom-structured animation like SU falls into the fat/loser dad and teenage son pattern. Gotta be ~relatable~, I guess.
No. 1937260
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>>1935957I kind of understand why they needed to get redesigns, it would be a pain in the ass to animate some of them because they're detailed, maybe not Vtuber level of unnecessarily detailed, but they had some particular details that would make it harder to animate, plus the highly stylized art with girls wearing crop tops and having huge hips would've worked when the Winx club appeared, now everyone is too busy trying to make characters as not only simple, but also shapeless as possible to avoid having people saying that they're too sexualized to be a children's cartoon.
I think some of the redesigns are cute tbh, they're not cool like the originals, but they're nice for girls, the original designs could've worked better as some sort of comic for teenagers and dolls with, idk, shoelaces for skates.
No. 1937298
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>>1937226Bless the Harts is the only one I can think of that comes close,and even then the art style does none of them justice. Also no son but goth daughter. It was fairly funny but only given two seasons, probably cause it was catered towards women, and not your 18-44 y/o man children.
No. 1937463
>>1936540damn and i thought saturn was bad. i didnt really notice how much of a downgrade the moon is because the base colours and other elements are the same but the comparison really shows how BLAND and uninspired the new designs are. what a shame
>>1936550its definitely this and honestly fair enough, but the new stylisations could have been in keeping with the geometric look of the originals while toning down the stick limbs, imo. the thing that really doesnt make sense to me is why she would de-emphasize the skates. even from a kids toyline perspective thats a terrible move, the skates are cute and fun and unique with fun fashion designs in the og, and are just… nothing in the new ones.
No. 1937464
>>1936832It's a shame only her tumblr sexymen get spotlight. Her female characters are sooo much cuter and have nice nostalgic designs. Like the one-eyed scene girl? She is adorable, idk why she's so neglected.
In general if her work were less "omg all women are evil bitches and my gay babies must be protected" I'd watch it.
No. 1937528
>>1937298i loved this show so much. it was so sweet and cute. i was so sad when i finished it.
>>1937457definitely give it a watch. its really normie and has no coomerism in it which is really hard to find esp nowadays
No. 1937572
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>>1937226I'll preach it until the day I die.
The one cancelled adult cartoon that should have been salvaged and preserved: The Oblongs.
Such creative witty humor and it's aged like fine wine. And the character designs were pretty cleverly done.
No. 1937580
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>>1937514 Still mad about this
>>1934560 I see. Never change, Viv.
No. 1937600
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This sounds really retarded but honestly I would have given TADC a chance if he was the main character not shitty annoying fap bait Pomni.
No. 1937717
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>>1937689Nsa, but in what way? She looks similar enough to characters like ena, and personally I think it’s cute, but scrotes/coomers, as always, come around and ruin everything they touch
No. 1937765
>>1937531>how the fuck does she have money to pay for this level of animation quality when big studios cant even properly animate simple blobs?This baffles me too, especially with Hazbin Hotel. How the fuck can she continuously have her whole indie show animated frame by frame with decent hand animation, but the project that was picked up by an actual studio is the one that gets the tweening treatment?? Did Disney abandoning 2D really salt the earth
this hard for professional 2D animation in the US?
No. 1937823
>>1937765At the time of the Hazbin Hotel pilot phase, the money definitely used to come from merch. She made so much merch of something that wasn't even out yet, and a lot of people bought that shit. Hazbin isn't even out now.
But I agree it's strange just how much money she has to afford good-ish animation and popular voice actors.
No. 1938043
>>1937823do you think maybe she gets any form of discount for this being a passion project and the animators were just hungry for anything remotely close to soul? Yes I know the show I'm referencing but she loves it. Maybe the animators enjoy not having a total corpo project. I know that if production isn't terrible most people say working on a trainwreck can be nicer than a slick hollywood production
>>1937894>Drawn Together lmao wtf is this. This has all the energy of an anime abridged series
>>1937650imagine some 13 year old girl who likes mlp surrounded by bronies then logging onto twitter and seeing the voice actress cater to them in this way. I don't want it to go draconian but if you're involved in children's tv and in a public child-accessible place there should be some rules for decency
No. 1938166
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>>1937717it's basically a moe loli character anon, how new. Coomers love sussie from the ooblongs and they look extremely similar
No. 1938226
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Imagine making this without a hint of irony.
No. 1938299
>>1938226The level of inconsistency in the art across three sequential panels here is depressing. What's the comic this is from even supposed to be about? Is anything important happening in this issue or is it just padding? It looks so dull, even ignoring the soap-boxing.
No wonder people are shifting over to manga
No. 1938406
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>>1937670>not many people are willing to watch a show with such ugly artFriendly reminder that Big Mouth is on its 7th season.
No. 1938576
>>1938406I will never understand why people want to watch a animated show about glassy eyed doll children with adult voices talk about their child genitals and sex.
inb4: "Nick Kroll is a rich jew" I know, I mean the people that actually watch and enjoy this thinly veiled pedophilia.
No. 1938599
>>1937689i checked the profile of a troon on reddit the other day (because he was the mod for a subreddit supposedly meant for mentally ill
women and i just KNEW it would be moderated by a TIM) and he had posted cartoon porn of Pomni to a clown fetish subreddit. personally i think it's her disassociated / traumatised look that appeals to these creeps.
>>1937689>once you know you can't unseei wish i could unsee
No. 1938712
>>1938406what confuses me is: who actually watches this shit enough for them to justify constant new seasons??? the vast majority of people i know dont know it exists, and the entire minority of those who do know it consider it extremely offensive (just from how it looks) and ugly and would never watch it. is it just because the whole nick kroll rich jew thing????
>>1938599trannydom and hypno fetishism are joined at the hip, so any "mindbreak" pandering is directed exactly to the shrivelled boners of disgusting e-scrotes.
No. 1939460
>>1939452I hate how she uses lesser key demons now I feel like I can't draw my own rendition of stolas because every hazbin/helluva/whatever tween will be all over it saying it's not viv's crap. Sick of her one note slop.
>>1939188Nude bodies can only be shown for juvenile laughs and never any other reason. Big mouth is fine but god forbid a woman draws a tit online for money(fine when coomer moids do it though)
Too many people I know have recommended me this damned cartoon trying to convince me how 'funny and poignant' it is but I'm not interested in watching a cartoon about tweens/teens and their puberty I already went through it, it sucks, don't need a reminder.
No. 1939468
>>1939345I would feel the same way except it’s established that they
know they’ll forget their wish when they give it up and there’s a chance it won’t be granted or given back. They should be given back, I guess I just don’t understand why anyone would make that trade in the first place. I feel like they put very little thought into the world building.
No. 1939502
>>1939450The art style for this is ugly as fuck but I don’t really oppose the doomsday scenario because the show is apparently meant to be a “love letter to routine”, where this character finds solace by going to a simulated office with a bunch of people who are working simply not to panic as the end approaches, which feels like a refreshing way to tackle a doomsday scenario, rather than the classic death and rape is rampant humanity le ebil. It feels more optimistic, actually.
That said. Her eyes being so close together is uncanny as fuck. Kinda disappointing cause I do somewhat like that she’s just a dumpy middle aged woman who’s not sexualised or glorified in any one way.
No. 1939981
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>>1939450LMAO wtf is this cathy ass shit
come the fuck on. ACK!
No. 1940077
>>1939464No ones throwing on their cape for her
nonnie. Her pandering was weird and cringy and it shouldn't have flied, I just think she got away with it because it's the generic voice she uses for everything and had already said plenty of degenerate shit in. It was a meme at the time to dub racist and sexual Princess Clara from Drawn Together lines onto Twilight. I'm not defending that or saying I like it, just that that's probably why Hasbro didn't stop her. No one was largely questioning her at the time, it wasn't a big controversy that would affect the bottom line, her brony pandering brought in way more bronybucks, so why stop her from Hasbro's pov. I hope it comes back to bite her in the ass, I remember her doing lots of pandering with the Bubbles voice too, and that's one I have no idea how she got away with
No. 1940238
>>1940112Nta but
>using high ratings as objective proofcome on now. That means Marvel films and all sorts of low quality trash must be "good" then kek.
No. 1940459
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>>1940422god yes thank you for articulating what i’ve been noticing in tv media. especially cartoons. i’ve posted picrel in a
/co/ thread before, i feel like it’s a similar sentiment.
No. 1940505
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>>1938166the crying ribbon girl is a combination of Misery from Ruby Gloom and hexadecimal from Reboot.
No. 1940885
>>1940422this is a good point, and the reason why i hate the last season. it lost all the charm and humour it had because the writers were so focused on making sure you knew bojack was a bad person. we already knew that from the previous 5 seasons, it wasn't subtle. but they had to get their pointless little lessons in morality in there.
>>1940645the ace episodes were boring and annoying. even when they first aired, it was a tired discourse.
No. 1940964
>>1940885I hate that they retconned to make it so that Bojack waited 17 minutes to call the ambulance for Sara Lynn. It's so unsubtle and over the top evil just to force the audience to feel a certain way about something that happened seasons before. Fucking his on-show daughter eventually resulting in her death should have been enough to cancel him in-universe , without also trying to make it into this plot twist thing where he totally groomed her into trying alcohol at 9 and manslaughtered her. I get Bojack is the type of unreliable narrator to hide his biggest sins from even us the viewer but whipping it out last second felt cheap and like trying to get ahead of the "Walter White did nothing wrong" reddit bros, which you're never gonna do.
>>1940645I shouldn't have used the word charming kek. It was annoying as fuck now and then, I just mean if it came out a few years later they would have gone with him being a gendie and I'm grateful it was just a kind of annoying side plot instead of The Trans Toddina Show. At least the axolotl family dinner made me kek
No. 1941169
>>1940964No lie I kind of hc that the Axolotl is like that because of her sex pest parents. Like, it's on hindsight a fairly good reason why someone would be Ace if she just got casually sexually harassed in her formative years ( it was played for laughs but in reality Yolanda's parents would be beyond cringe I'd be genuinely worried for her). It's extra funny because the show shook their fist about being an actual sexuality while giving their female character a decent reason for "asexuality".
But yeah I kind of dislike the fact that the creators just exaggerated the shitness of BJ as a spiteful fuck you to reddit bros while at the same time expecting for us to stick around to care about said character after he does some fucked up shit because he's a Moid so ofc you will care if he like cries about shit lolol.
No. 1941193
>>1941177There were some parts about explaining what asexuality was after Todd realized he didn't like his ex gf that way for starters. It is sort of treated like an actual orientation that the audience needed explaining to do.
Thankfully there not very long tho lol.
No. 1941199
>>1941177Funny enough it's not even what the show is really remembered for per say. All and all it seems to remembered for its depictions of Hollywood and its culture, of mental illness and depression and how the show ends up framing redemption and its attempts at subverting to various degrees of success the whole " silly adult animated sitcom" formula popularized by The Simpsons. Todd's asexuality is given lip service but it's such a nothing burger that its sort of skimmed off. Ironically this + being effectively heterosexual ( he ended the show in an asexual relantioship with a rabbit girl) meant the creators could kinda of eat their cake and have it too; they get patted in the back for featuring a "non heterosexual" or "queer" rep but it's by all intents and purposes a straight white man lmao.
But as other anons have spoken if released now Todd may have been some cringe Enby type at best and thus would have attracted a possibly more cringe fan base than it has and the ensuing bitching and moaning from those fans regardless of the quality of the rep. I just feel the Ace thing is also the only thing that could otherwise date the show since much of the issues they tackled are relevant and culturally a constant. If the show
wanted to be timeless enough Todd would probably could just be heterosexual or they'd gamble and make Todd a quirky gay dude even if not everyone would like it regardless of how it was handled (i want to give the writers
some credit by thinking they'd do a decent job at it).
(sage) No. 1941236
File: 1702260030188.png (302.62 KB, 693x564, 51216754.png)

Sage bc it's not really milk, but Fionna and Cake is getting renewed for a season two. Hopefully they don't run it into the ground.
No. 1941358
>>1940774best character in the show hands down. i love pc she made every plotline she touched gold, even made todd tolerable.
>>1940964i totally agree with you except for the thing about bojack's influence on sarah lynn's addiction, that was consistent with the way they showed the genealogy of the various addictions in the show in a nice way imo.
>>1941193aged so badly that the cringe just knocked the wind out of me kek
>>1941236literally how??? i know, i know, existing IP that everyone ate up like pigs at the trough
self included as it was airing but it was straight up bad. the thing that shook me from my nostalgia stupor was firstly the selfcest jokes, and the thing that awoke me forever was the VERY sketch giantess stuff at the end. shudders.
No. 1941360
>>1939745I recently picked up Bojack and am almost done with it and I've been enjoying it a lot and I'm upset I didn't watch it sooner. The writing may have been depressing but I wasn't bothered by it and I love the continuity and how all the characters have their flaws. And like someone else mentioned, Princess Carolyn was such a great character.
I'm just glad the show came out in 2016 before the trans crap overtook the social climate in media because it would've been horrible to see Diane be a handmaiden for troonism.
No. 1941513
File: 1702317156809.jpg (116.78 KB, 630x1200, MV5BNDFiNGFiOWUtMDU5Ny00Y2I3LW…)

>>1939981>>1939450cathy style is cute tbh, the eyes kinda remind me of picrel instead
No. 1942540
File: 1702505451752.jpg (48.64 KB, 700x394, 1000004833.jpg)

>>1942512Not impressed and gave away what I figured the plot would do. Why must modern writing be so god awful? So this website published an article on HH with 29 images. Flipped through and this one caught my eye. Vaggie appears to have wings.>>1942523Edgy teens and overgrown adult children still stuck in the "screw you, mom and dad" phase. Edgy mad libs dialogue tier garbage.
No. 1942698
File: 1702518929372.jpg (31.9 KB, 600x450, 22432125.jpg)

>>1942512am i just biased or do the new voice actors sound worse? despite being professional actors? or maybe the voice direction is just shit? i can already tell i'll miss alastor's pilot voice. it was just so unique. i'm also sad he doesn't have the constant radio filter. it really went well will the fact that he's a stronger overlord demon. being an alastor fag was the only thing keeping my interest in this. i sleep.
No. 1942706
File: 1702520160341.png (806.51 KB, 1345x705, 0000763521.PNG)

>>1942512is this vaggie? this character looks moth like, like vaggie. same color scheme too. this still appears in the trailer when they mention the angel's threat. so that, coupled with the other still that shows vaggie with wings must mean she's an angel or i guess a fallen angel? why spoil such a big reveal in the fucking trailer?? this trailer is so shit. i can only hope that they use this as a way to make vaggie interesting and give her backstory but it's vivziepop after all so the chances of that are nearly zero. god i can already tell anything remotely interesting will be wasted.
No. 1942740
File: 1702525251909.jpg (98.96 KB, 720x398, Wings.jpg)

>>1942569I still think regardless it could have been enjoyable but we're talking about Vivi here so of course not. I do think it's funny in a sad way that the trailer doesn't hide how shitty it's going to be. Also lol at Vivi credited as
viral creator.
>>1942706>why spoil such a big reveal in the fucking trailer??Guess they think people aren't smart? The way this has been handled is such a mess.
>god i can already tell anything remotely interesting will be wastedYup, think how bad season 2 will be.
No. 1942878
>>1942512The animation is… bad? I mean the drawings look better than the pilot imo but they move like literal paper puppets. Shots like
>>1942740 are awful, they look like they gave up on the style.
That said I think the overall vibe feels better than the shipping fodder Viv was going for (although this is only the trailer so we can't know for sure). It feels like it focuses more on the plot of redemption rather than Angel Dust doing drugs and making endless sex jokes before appearing like a sad gay boi.
>>1942698>constant radio filterI thought it was way too annoying in the original. It's cool for like 3 minutes but him talking and talking and talking with the filter gets tiring.
No. 1943137
File: 1702593461834.jpeg (632.73 KB, 1284x1786, 5897197815.jpeg)

>>1942706I think that's suppose to be Sera.
>>1943102>I wished all of everything vivian made was given to literally anyone else and left in the oven longer to bake so it doesn't come out as 2000s edgy humor half baked bullshit like we getShe still writes like she's in high school. She never got better as a writer but I guess why bother to challenge yourself when you have people ass kissing your every fart?
>I guess its fine no one actually gives a shit about the stuff on prime. It'll be forgotten.There may be a meme or two depending on how bad the writing is but overall yeah I think it'll be mostly forgotten.
No. 1943160
>>1942512the "fuck"s feel so weird and stilted and I can't explain why. Also Vaggie, Angel Dust and Alastor's voices sound like crap.
Edit: Oh it's Stephanie Beatriz, I'm assuming they cast her because "famous latina" I guess
No. 1943548
>>1943121sigh hasn't this film already been made before? i'm sick of this shit. always with the blob art style.
>He sounds flat as hell to metbf that's what the original garfield kinda sounds like, although it was a more purposeful and sarcastic kind of flat. whereas chris pratt's voice is just dull.
No. 1943569
File: 1702675282325.jpg (518.2 KB, 1079x1326, R1adsAW.jpg)

Alex Hirsch is writing a book about Bill Cipher. Apparently it's for the older gravity falls fans
No. 1943754
File: 1702711357282.jpeg (657.63 KB, 1170x1805, IMG_2340.jpeg)

>>1943740>>1943749Found it. Not necessarily proof but this was posted immediately after Alex went viral for one of his “le wacky s&p memos” posts. link because Twitter is down, at least for me.
No. 1943755
File: 1702711625659.jpeg (171.39 KB, 1170x418, IMG_2342.jpeg)

>>1943754Multiple DTVA alumni in that thread
No. 1943893
File: 1702748542694.jpeg (814.48 KB, 1125x1680, IMG_4291.jpeg)

>>1939450The screenshot combined with this quote from one of the staff on tumblr, geez.
No. 1943897
File: 1702748783733.jpeg (687.41 KB, 1125x1684, IMG_4292.jpeg)

>>1943893Also because posts about this series keep showing up on my dash, I don’t know how much these people are paid but it’s sucks how flat and soulless current animation looks versus the really good concept art people are producing for it. I noticed this before with the Summer Camp Island show and things have not improved since then
No. 1944192
File: 1702807636476.png (647.97 KB, 533x904, pacesetter.png)

>>1928586he looks like pacesetter from toontown corporate clash, ironic considering he's tumblr sexyman bait too kek
No. 1944211
File: 1702813660947.png (878.49 KB, 1440x900, Magnifico.png)

So I watched Wish with my family, and it was just okay. However, I can see why it received pretty bad reviews. The animation is choppy, there are TV shows with the same quality of animation. I really disliked how Asha was characterized, she's the worst version of Rapunzel from Tangled i.e just "quirky and awkward". And then there's the villain, again with a really strange characterization. His backstory is very tonally dark compared to the rest of the film. His lands were destroyed by plunderers, he lost his parents at a young age, and he spent the rest of his life learning magic and creating a kingdom for everyone's safety. This backstory is never proven to be false in the entire film, it's just there in the beginning and never revisited. As soon as the star is introduced, Magnifico instantly becomes an arrogant and childish character.
I have no proof, but I feel behind the scenes there were numerous writers and producers who incorporated whatever trope is popular into the story, resulting in a tonally inconsistent mess. It's not awful or offensive, but it is below mediocre.
No. 1944306
File: 1702836643858.png (692.16 KB, 1153x665, 3M4UpYkZFQaBOkxk19s.png)

I cannot be the only one who believes this Daliah character was heavily inspired by Dreamwok's Snow white, am I?
Mind you, I don't care that they look similar but I do wonder what would Disney do if it happened the opposite
No. 1944513
File: 1702868819273.png (683.37 KB, 525x901, SleepingBeautyTransparent.png)

>>1944431Ironically yes! They all look like normal women and are totally badass bitches without being too pretentious and unnatural like Disney.
Whatever they've done back then should be done again
No. 1944599
>>1944211I'd go for an Encanto-style 'villain' with a tragic backstory who really tries to make things good for everyone but fucks up massively than for whatever they shat out. They could have gone with him being paranoid about the consequences of the wishes because of what he's been through. He'd think his subjects are trying to overthrow him by reading way too much into the wishes he gets asked to grant, and spiral into his paranoid selfish villain self over time. I miss the days of evil villains who were actually evil but those days are long gone now. If all villains now need a tragic backstory, can't they at least make the backstory not retarded and somehow relevant?
And while I'm on my soapbox, I hate how all female leads are now Rapunzel. Rapunzel was le awkward quirky girl because she'd been locked in a tower with a bunch of books and one other human to talk to since she was a baby. Asha has all her ugly friends and her family to talk to, what the fuck is her excuse for being uwu awkward? Fucking hell, Disney, have some consistency.
No. 1944600
File: 1702895151071.jpg (59.77 KB, 1920x1080, thumb.jpg)

>>1944365>>1944513Dreamworks was always effortlessly better at portraying women than Disney but I'm not a fan of the hyper realistic style of Shrek. It isn't as egregious as the anime inbred looking freaks like Elsa or Rapunzel but I find it a bit uncanny and dull. I like nice stylisation in my animations.
Any thoughts on Goldilocks? She was designed to fit into the more stylized world of "the last wish" but she still has proportions based on real women. I think she has the best of both worlds. Her character was great too.
No. 1944625
File: 1702903478944.jpg (526.31 KB, 1600x1206, -ek3fy5NqGmY.jpg)

>>1944600Shrek came out at a time where everyone, not only movie producers but the public as well was enamored with the realism 3D tech could do but it doesn't really impress people anymore. Shrek is also a gritty and edgy parody of Disney movies so the realistic style aids it. It wasn't trying to be a cute-looking movie.
I never thought it looked uncanny I like both realistic and stylised 3D animation and both have their place. Honestly I never understood the uncanny valley. Realistic animation age badly but I have never thought it was "scary" looking.
I haven't seen Puss in Boots but I like Goldilocks design and the movies overall stylization. Disneys style is buttugly because it's made with the intention of making toys. Goldilocks has some cute elements to her which the character is traditionally portrayed as but she also have "wild" elements like the dirt on her skirt and her boots.
It's a very refreshing design because you don't doubt it's Goldielocks but they still added some things that made her stand out from other portrayals of the character. I love her buns they are so cute and I have never seen anyone give Goldielocks buns like that before
No. 1944633
File: 1702905570695.png (855.95 KB, 894x894, 095424f3b6b7d80d00cd97af19ea59…)

>>1944624I was mostly referring to her face. It looks a lot more human than Elsa and Anna's cat snouts.
No. 1944653
File: 1702910794608.jpg (401.85 KB, 3673x1615, Cza61dl.jpg)

Originally, both the king and queen were supposed to be classic disney villains. There was nothing subtle about them, and it really could have been great to have a classic disney villain. However, as
>>1944599 pointed out, it seems like some producer wanted the story to be changed to make them more sympathetic. So, both the king and queen were downgraded as being well-meaning people. The king specifically was given a dark backstory, and his motivation was to protect people so that no one suffers and feels trauma like he did. You could have had a decent sad villain with this, someone who wants to do well but takes away the freedom and expression of his people. In the end, he would have realized his mistakes. But then, as this was being done, some other producer saw the success of Puss in Boots and Spiderverse and wanted him to be an over-the-top villain again without erasing the previous well-meaning aspects. As a result, you end up with a really confusing mess of a character, but at least he is a character. Asha, on the other hand, is so flat, and her friends are really meaningless. They have no reason to exist, and nothing about them stands out. I literally forgot about their faces as I was writing this.
No. 1944661
>>1944633Ugly as sin, infantalizing women, and giving little girls insecurities.
Why do they do that? They look like 3d anime. Gross. Idc if its for the sake of making toys. Its not any harder to make toys that are shaped like the shrek princesses than it would be to make this shit into toys. Tinfoil, maybe its porn brained, anime loving men and women infiltrating kids animation. Fujo types.
No. 1944664
File: 1702912452451.jpg (96.71 KB, 754x1006, IMG_20231217_150403_890.jpg)

I feel bad bringing up the pommi is coomer bait thing again but if anyone was still entertaining the idea that it wasn't, this was recently posted to a moidy chat I'm in. It's not paranoia if coomers themselves identify it
No. 1944666
>>1944661>porn brained, anime loving men and women>Fujo typesWhat? You're replying to a pic of Elsa kek. You baiters aren't even trying anymore, it's always fujo this fujo that even with completely unrelated shit.
Although if fujos were the ones doing the designs in fucking disney cartoons we'd have actually cute male characters instead of whatever ugly old-looking motherfucker we usually have like king Magnifico.
No. 1944669
File: 1702914490625.jpeg (84.39 KB, 1192x670, IMG_0674.jpeg)

>>1944625People have pointed out her design is to make her look like she’s part of her bear family which is very cute.
No. 1944681
>>1944599>I hate how all female leads are now Rapunzel. Rapunzel was le awkward quirky girl because she'd been locked in a tower with a bunch of books and one other human to talk to since she was a baby. Asha has all her ugly friends and her family to talk to, what the fuck is her excuse for being uwu awkward? Fucking hell, Disney, have some consistency.kek i like le quirky girl characters but i agree. Children adore Elsa and don't care about Anna
some children even call her "Elsa's sister" which just goes to show how little they care so its weird they arent making more "angsty" characters. The quirky girls dont even appeal to their womenchildren fans since they too adore Elsa and find her relatable.
>>1944653The queen looks really beautiful in the concept art. They didnt change her design much in the movie but I feel like her neck and face is longer in the concept art and her eyes are more narrow? It makes her look more regal.
O dont like the kings design though. Nothing about him reads royalty. Its not like I wanted them to give him a crown and big puff sleeves or an armor, but he looks like a mage npc from a video game not like a king. Maybe if they had given him gloves or medieval inspired jewelry or a more dramatic cape like the evil queen from Snowwhite, or if they didnt give him a fuckboy haircut he would had looked more regal
>>1944661>Its not any harder to make toys that are shaped like the shrek princesses than it would be to make this shit into toys.The reason why Barbie became a phenomenon is because parents realized that children prefer playing adult characters. Back when i was a kid most girls thought that the less "baby-faced" disney girls like Aurora, Meg and Pocahontas where the prettiest Disney girls lol.
Children still like baby-faced characters like Anna and Elsa, but its not like its impossible market a toy/movie with a less-babyfaced girl.
I think Disneys push for infantalised cartoon women is to appeal the asian market. South East Asian countries have alot of consoomers so its a market you want to get into if you want money.
Children in Asia prefer babyfaced toys and characters and dont like playing adult roles. Thats why Barbie never got popular there. Frozen was also a huge hit in Japan. Since asian kids prefer cute characters, and western kids are indifferent it makes most sense to make deformed babyfaced girls
No. 1945024
>>1944739>I don't like them because I can't imagine myself fucking themLiteral moid thinking kek not everything has to be about you and how you want to fuck a cartoon
>>1944741>my husbando!!No one gives a shit, why are you bringing up "your" favourite fictional man that you want to fuck now? You'd still seethe about him canonically being with a girl you don't like (because it's only about you and you can't stay in your lane) so you're not better than fujos. And again unrelated to whatever anon was talking about with Elsa being made by fujos(?)
(infighting) No. 1945125
File: 1703007377335.jpeg (365.14 KB, 1080x1440, marthakelly.jpeg)

>>1939450>>1943893I just realized, she kinda looks like Martha Kelly from Baskets, did she do the voice
Edit: She did, ok the design makes a little more sense now
No. 1945238
File: 1703025409911.jpg (323.49 KB, 2048x2048, yassishrek.jpg)

>>1944973nayrt but I went looking and found this hilarity however I also found this that post that thankfully seems to debunk it. it seems to be a commonly used render of shrek for irl promotion so it's less detailed No. 1945414
File: 1703073006878.jpg (88.13 KB, 1280x720, dreamworks.jpg)

>>1945258>>1945238>>1944780My bet is they'll use the same design as the one in the new intro. I think they'll only simplify the designs slightly, and if there's any complete redesigns it will be of background and side characters
like the princesses, I'm sorry nonnas and probably getting the eye proportions weebyfied
No. 1945694
File: 1703127702451.png (272.28 KB, 437x399, Screen Shot 2023-12-21 at 1.02…)

>>1945414donkey looking scary af here
No. 1946021
File: 1703206371853.gif (343.1 KB, 220x180, IMG_2940.gif)

>>1943893I wan’t to like this so badly but i fucking can’t with the way the humans are drawn. It’s not even the art style i hate. It’s just the humans.
No. 1946754
File: 1703396140189.jpg (458.4 KB, 720x3520, 21928.jpg)

Taken from the other farms, for HH there was a 45 dollar preorder package; one of the things they got was trading cards. These were a few that were posted due to being interesting. I grouped them together.
No. 1947490
File: 1703610330946.jpeg (163.47 KB, 1179x702, IMG_3656.jpeg)

>>1946754I was looking up the trading cards and I saw that the two dragons were actually the two little goat things from the pilot. Kind of cute ngl.
No. 1947599
File: 1703634229720.png (1.52 MB, 3120x1440, 1000005848.png)

>>1947576What the fuck are her boobs
What the fuck is that sock puppet left arm
What the fuck is that vestigial right arm
I can't, I'm actually crying now
No. 1948287
File: 1703835384025.jpg (17.17 KB, 251x250, 5585989-1cf29af1335a7d7eb38dc4…)

Rest of the cast for HH. Go figure with the voice cast for Killjoy.
No. 1948486
File: 1703888153561.jpg (180.08 KB, 720x2251, 51133.jpg)

Apologies for more talk about Hazbin but I found this on the other farms. Take it with a grain of salt. I'll post the supposed leaked audition sheet for Rosie and drawings of Root of All Evil or simply Roo in the next post. And yes Roo is a woman.
No. 1948522
>>1944739>>1944741I'm sorry, They're not "sexually available" to you regardless of who they fuck in canon, because they're drawings. They're
not real. And clearly if you're shipping yourself with them, why worry about their canon sexuality in the first place? Canon compliance is clearly irrelevant if you're shipping a fictional character with a real human on a completely separate plane of existence. Are you concerned that the character would go "no hetero" to you in the extremely unlikely event of Chris-chan-style dimensional merge? I honestly find
that a lot more bizarre than looking at a drawing of two characters from the same story fucking.
And what the fuck does any of that have to do with Elsa's creepy weasel face?
(derailing) No. 1948554
File: 1703905407901.png (15.33 KB, 598x238, gooseworx-because-so-many-supe…)

What did he mean by this?This trannoid can't stop being creepy for 5 minutes.
No. 1948605
>>1948601because it's never a relationship between two men, it's either an idealized or
toxic straight relationship with some change of pronouns and the denial of reality is why the average fujocoomer troons out.
(derailing) No. 1948611
>>1948533I'd be happy if it turns out that Lucifer was just her puppet or something along those lines, but way too often I see the male characters all being redeemable while the women are the true evil and totally irredeemable
>>1948554I bet he dreams of giving them fucked up fetishes subtly like the animators giving kids inflation fetishes and shit in kids shows. We know he likes drill shit so keep an eye out for that. Trannies have been scary bold in public in the last little while. I've been seeing them acknowledge AGP and fetishes on public accounts recently because they feel bold enough to dare people to start calling them out because they know people blindly accept troons claiming transphobia without looking into why the callout happened in the first place.
No. 1948744
File: 1703956139987.jpg (110.12 KB, 350x464, 1667950960659860.jpg)

>>1948611>but way too often I see the male characters all being redeemable while the women are the true evil and totally irredeemable Exactly why I despise Vivi's writing. No nuance whatsoever.
>>1948554Wrote the quiet part out.
>>1948558>Many troons get a sense of thrill or excitement from intentionally exposing children to traumatizing contentAnd gets told he is brave and stunning for doing so. I hate these sick fucks so much.
>>1948639I hate how true this is.
No. 1948861
File: 1703981509211.png (278.12 KB, 1280x832, IMG_0318.png)

>>1948774Vivziepop’s shitty writing skills are most evidently show in her character Queen Stella. Just the fact that even from her origin story with Stolas they show her as being born a sociopathic child. It’s this type “female BAD gay man GOOD” writing that truly astounds me and leaves me surprised that Viv hasn’t trooned out by now
No. 1948875
File: 1703984463220.png (306.92 KB, 1059x367, truscum.png)

>>1948869Unless it's not actually her in this screenshot, and even if it's outdated, it's not easy to stop noticing fakebois
No. 1948994
File: 1704007899881.png (578.11 KB, 809x720, image_2023-12-31_183038956.png)

I hate Viv's male designs so fucking much, but Lucifer isn't a new character and iirc hasn't changed much so the reaction is a bit delayed guys. Picrel is in the background of the pilot.
No. 1949322
>>1949261blog to your blog: went through the exact same thing at my art school
though this was like, a fine arts institution, not an animation or design school. the professor in question, who had been with the school for probably over a decade and is an extremely accomplished artist in her own right, was fired.
she was the best professor there No. 1949436
>>1949322blog chain, but i think this is relevant to why western animation drama has such a consistent flavor to it. my unnamed school billed itself as an up and coming animation school to rival cal arts, and really marketed its "pixar connections" to incoming students. i switched out of the animation and sequential art degrees very soon into my sophmore year, and the behavior i saw in my freshman fundamentals was insanely childish.
my experience improved dramatically when i focused on hanging with normies in the industrial design and graphic design degrees, but the schools these people come from have the same fundamental problem as mine did. no portfolio required to enroll, no portfolio checks throughout the students time there, no low grades or expulsion for objectively low quality (and usually low effort, lets be real) work. its a degree mill at this point.
the people who do make it are like vivzie, for all her faults i do believe she has a passion for what she does. the wishy washy do nothings she would have gone to class with just elevated her, and i think her mentors probably had to pick their battles when directing her. ironically, a more rigorous environment might have really benefited her, both stylistically and interpersonally.
No. 1949651
File: 1704178533758.jpeg (143.29 KB, 529x1250, IMG_9562.jpeg)

Quick question is this chick still playing dead or has she came back yet? It’s been awhile anyone mentions her
No. 1949696
File: 1704194437120.png (303.31 KB, 396x540, qspARtx.png)

any milk on Tyson Hesse?(spoonfeeding request)
No. 1950512
File: 1704336722254.jpeg (199.82 KB, 1260x961, IMG_3106.jpeg)

Not milk but i cant wait to make fun of this thing.
No. 1950932
File: 1704424361897.png (1.18 MB, 1085x794, bentboxwork.png)

what do you think of shit like this? its like the fast food of animation, i dont recognize most of these and i havent heard anyone talk about actually watching these.
No. 1950949
>>1950932Bob's Burgers is the only show that is (was?) wildly popular with the normies, bento box otherwise sucks ass and it's hilarious to see Hazbin in their portfolio it looks out of place among the same no-chin bug eyed flat adult humor animation style.
I wonder how much bento cut corners on the animation because a lot of their library is puppet animation.
No. 1950956
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>>1950932I was looking forward this one because, at first, i though it was going to be paranormal mystery-focused, but they ditched the interesting premise for another generic animated sitcom where dad is a bald retard and hates his family, but this time it has a faggot skeleton isntead of a faggot baby/alien. It was announced years ago, got stuck in development hell, got renewed for a second season in 2022 for some fucking reason, and it's finally releasing this month. I am looking forward to the trainwreck. I feel like i am the only person who cares or even knows about this shit. Loooks ugly as hell too, but way more tolerable than other bentobox shows.
No. 1950999
>>1950992Every single song I've heard from Viv's shows sounds so soulless and unappealing. It's clear that she wants her work to have music that emulates the feeling of 2010s music like the stuff made by Kesha or P!ATD, but every song sounds like a ripoff made by someone who doesn't have any experience of their own to serve as creative inspiration. In a way, I think this goes back to that discussion in an older thread about how Viv loves the
idea of edgy, hedonistic parties, but she blatantly doesn't have any real experience with or knowledge of those parties, at least not beyond what she's seen on TV. Everything about Viv's work reminds me of sheltered teens who try to act more wordly or mature than they actually are, but lose their minds if you don't take them seriously.
No. 1951011
>>1950999Ayrt, you really nailed the issue with her songs. They feel so empty and soulless to the point I'm not sure how much of a success they would have been if they had actually been released during that era, Poison is the worst offender so far. Sure, Addict got a ridiculous amount of plays on both YT and Spotify but it's really forgettable to the point I don't think it would have made it to the club scene she seems to want to mimic (partly because the lyrics would be confusing outside of Hazbin Hotel context).
She also keeps releasing these kinds of songs with Angel Dust so I wonder if she's planning on developing him into some sort of virtual pop star. Would make some sort of sense I guess in the age of v-tubers and Gorillaz released their latest album just last year so there is clearly a market she'd be able to tap into if she learned to play her cards right.
No. 1951020
>>1950992I can never take Viv's attempts to make these edgy "deep" songs with Angel Dust because he's just so cartoony and cringy, even down to his nasal high pitched voice. He's just not written as mature enough to be taken seriously, and he's placed in a context that's just too shallow (stupid dick jokes every two seconds).
>>1950999 is right in saying that Viv wants to make characters with depth and dark lore/experiences but they fall flat because she doesn't know anything about it personally. In a way it reminds me of sheltered tumblr girls making "badass" "rebel" outlaws ocs but coming off as ridiculous because these girls aren't badass or brazen in real life, they're shy sheltered girls who can't take the slightest insult.
>>1951011I doubt she has the intention of making Angel Dust into some virtual idol, her obsession with her characters singing cringy songs comes from her obsession with musicals.
No. 1951029
>>1950992holy shit that's bad
tranny voice on terrible song, did they really think it was good?
No. 1951234
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>>1951232>Quick question is this chick still playing dead or has she came back yet? It’s been awhile anyone mentions herTL;DR to answer your question Ang is playing dead and she is alive. She's living in Los Angeles, Karli and Namie are taking care of her, and her wealthy grandparents are helping Ang with her financial needs.
No. 1951428
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>>1951234He identifies as an “autistic non-binary transfemme” and is just as retarded as ang lmfao
No. 1951429
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Saw this being shared, if this is true then wow.
No. 1951434
>>1951340No. Hazbin is a western cartoon and this is the western animation cow thread, so we can talk about it.
>>1951429They really seem desperate now.
No. 1951443
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>>1951234this entire thing is an insane terminally online “autistic artist” bingo card. karli, a weirdo who draws beavis and butthead porn manages to be the only adult in this whole situation, kek
picrel, “DID” freakout because of course Jane is a “system”
No. 1951455
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>>1951451>lead 2D animator>draws like thisnot only is she a deviant, she isnt even good enough to make up for the degeneracy. No wonder modern cartoons look like trash when this is their lead animator.
No. 1951497
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>>1951460most of them still work for me but the gigajane twitter seems to be gone
>>1951462It gets even better
No. 1951631
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>>1951455this is pretty funny ngl.
bonus is the trannys art, somehow even worse? another person trying to get into animation? No. 1951635
>>1951619There are plenty of cows in the manga and anime industries, we just don't hear about them as much ITT
for obvious reasons. Even just knowing what little that I do about Eiichiro Oda, Shūzō Oshimi, and Kabi Nagata, for example, makes me wonder if there's a Japanese equivalent to lolcow with threads centered around their nation's retarded cartoonists.
No. 1951643
>>1951559Gotta admit, I didn't take that "incel to trans pipeline" video seriously and only made it 10 minutes in. Maybe I need to go back and watch the whole thing. Feels like I've seen more and more of these perpetually online, far right types take on femboy and trans personalities only a few years later. Is this some sort of strange form of self hate or a case of "if you can't beat em might as well join em" kind of shit?
>>1951635I figured Shuzo Oshimi was a weirdo based on his works but I still can't stop from reading his stuff. What's up with Oda and Nagata?
No. 1951664
>>1951640same. seeing her shitty masturbatory pity-me doodles touted as some groundbreaeking lesbian story makes me wanna a-log. fucking riyoko ikeda is straight and made more satisfying stories about relationships between women who actually seem to be attracted to each other, not to mention every actual female yuri author. even adolescence of utena is more appealing to lesbians and that's made by literal men. nagata who doesn't even seem interested in women romantically beyond being non-threatening paid babysitters. hell, even the JP title of the first book spelled it out clearly that she sought out women because of loneliness and mental illness, not because she's a lesbian. if she's trooning out, then good! western audiences will finally stop holding up her below-mediocre books as THE lesbian manga.
sorry for the sperg, i'm just so sick of her.
No. 1951693
>>1951640in one of nagata's comics (i think solo exchange diary) she mentions finding a thread about herself which from her description sounds an awful lot like the jp equivalent of a lolcow thread. naturally, she freaks out and posts a link to it on her twitter lel
i don't think there's any reason to doubt she's an actual lesbian, but she clearly had nothing left to say after her first comic.
recently ANN posted a review of her sixth(!) autobiography where the author criticized her for her constant wallowing, and it got flamed so hard by people exactly like her that they deleted it kek No. 1951698
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>>1951693found it, it's chapter 10
No. 1951705
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>>1951700skipped some pages where she goes on a tangent about self-esteem
No. 1951713
>>1951693if anyone's curious, her thread #37 on 2chan is archived here: they're saying about what you'd expect, that she's pathetic, alcoholism fried her brain of any talent she once had, etc. apparently her latest book sold poorly?
there's also a link to thread 36 but it's full of porn ads so i won't post it. anons were making fun of how she can go out drinking and go to starbucks but apparently makes her parents wipe her ass kek
No. 1951738
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>>1951729didn't know she'd done a photoshoot, but there's a whole bunch of ABDL stuff on her twitter
No. 1951767
>>1951764I was basing that comment not just on the weird ABDL stuff, but the content of her books in retrospect
>only woman she goes out with, she is not attracted to>hired female prostitutes but doesn't really enjoy the sex, just wants to hug and cuddle>the phrase she first says that seemed like she was a lesbian "i want to be pampered by an older woman" (iirc) actually just lines up with her wanting to be babied by adults, which includes her parents who care for her like a child>In a later book she even says "yeah I know I named my first book 'my lesbian experience with loneliness' but i'm not sure i actually like women"It seems like she just got mentally fucked up by her molestation as a child and is now obsessed with remaining one.
No. 1951779
>>1951764oh I don’t doubt that degen and fucked up lesbians exist but my issue is with her reputation being a “lesbian manga author” when, as
>>1951767 points out, she has never shown attraction towards / desire for a relationship with a specific woman. Doesn’t rule out her being a lesbian or at least bi, but I’ll believe it when I see it with these supposedly-traumatized BPD types.
>>1951770 a lot of her naked skinny girl drawings look like idealized self inserts. Maybe she’s a lesbian for her own reflection kek
No. 1951802
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>>1950992The way i cringed at viv trying to make her fujo bait drag troon spider sound emotional at the end
No. 1951812
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>>1951802I couldn't even get all the way through it the last time I tried to listen, so I went back and checked the end of the song to see what you meant. It was so much more embarrassing than I thought it would be. Picrel was my genuine reaction.
No. 1951849
>>1951827 videos talking about this in-depth. both of them are in Russian, unfortunately, so it would be nice if someone translated them.
basically what is says is that both main charas of the short are author's (a russian 20+ yr old age regressor girl) ultimate ddlg fantasy: green cat thing is her self insert and mad scientist is her
abusive irl ex. the entire animation is just a vent created to show off her traumas to the public.
at some point guy in the video says that this weirdo went to another city just to visit her 13-year-old fan who shared bdsm fetish with her.
also he says about how she constantly bullies her fan base of kids and, it seems, once drew them being fucked(???) she's a big fan of age play and lolicon and her social media is full of weird stuff.
No. 1951860
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>>1951855The moid had beef with her back in 2021, got banned, started a VK page shit talking her (also making shit up - like, as far as I know, the only true thing in these two vids is that she's trauma dumping) and writing vague threats
He found her address this spring, started writing shit on the walls and throwing trash up her mailbox. At some point the moid tried to attack her on the streets
No. 1951864
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>>1927468Finally found shit he wrote in his tg channel for the artist who wrote the call out
"Hope you're having fun&smiling smugly shittalking me with Tamakuz. But I won't have any pity for you the moment you'd cry 'cause evil Stalker told you the ugly truth. U schizo."
No. 1951867
>>1951864>grabbed and did not let go in the yardsholy shit.
still, most of what he said in the video is what she herself posted on the internet on her own, isn't it? although it was put together by a batshit crazy stalker, it's a solid proof of her being fucked up, especially auidos. and by fucked up i mean attacking her own friends, bullying kids for no reason as well as projecting as a kid and having borderline pedophilic fantasies. popularizing her "project" might fuck up many kid's minds into thinking that shit shown in the short is actually hot, so i don't feel any sympathy towards her.
No. 1951887
>>1951867>attacking her own friendsHe used literal friendly bantering as a proof in the vid
The dude is unreliable
No. 1952209
>>1952017nah definitely not him. while checking the current state of fanart this shitshort already got, i just scrolled past a twit saying that the creator is a weirdo and then googled more and that's how i found these vids. didn't knew that this guy is a fucking psychopath who stalked her for years, though it was expected. the more you know, huh. tamakuz and her "show" are still disgusting for me, though less than stalker with deranged dedication now. i learned enough about them both. i guess i just find the idea of autistic kids spamming these two ugly ass characters everywhere for the next few months repulsive. this is such a primitive product aimed at brain-dead kids scrolling down tiktok or youtube shorts every second of their life, and it's also just a creator showing off her kinks, traumas and pedophilic tendencies on public (green cat looks and acts like a kid and i cannot see her other way. i will not be surprised if she really is.) you just have to feed them the most boring abuse/
toxic love story and the most primitive stereotypical types of characters (a sexyman killer and a girl who is always cries and shits her pants) and they will lose their shit and drool even more. this whole thing got outside of russia and seeing gigachad asian artists wasting their time and skill on this half-backed 4 minute-long sketchy animation voiced in a wet basement is sad.
No. 1952281
>>1950992You know… I really want to like HH and HoaB. I like the idea of both stories, and despite the hate she gets I really like her art style. But my fucking god does she make it really hard work enjoy her animations. Genuinely, it feels like a chore. It shouldn’t be hard work for me, who WANTS to be a fan, to be a fan. But it is! This fucking sucks. And also how weird of her to shit the bed over FtM trans trenders when she’s the biggest offender of what she’s claiming to hate? Weird vivzie, super weird.
She and everything she makes is so unlikeable at this point I don’t even think I’ll tune in to Hazbin.
No. 1952710
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>>1951497Jane’s friend Malcolm Thomas, best known for being a spergy animation industry orbiter who can’t draw weighs in: to cap the full post, sorry nonnas)
No. 1952750
>>1952710>"We all make edgy jokes when we're teenagers.">The "jokes" in question: >>1951557Idk, I don't remember the part of my youth that included chaining together every horrible slur I could think of for a specific person or calling for the mass rape and genocide of minorities, even as a "joke". That might just be something only bad people do. It's not impossible to become a better person, though. All you have to do is take accountability, apologize, and be willing to start fresh, while accepting that not everyone will be willing to forgive you (nor should they have to). But that's not what's happening here, now is it? He's being expected to act like an adult, but he is
quite literally acting like a child whenever it's convenient for him.
No. 1952771
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>>1952710i like how everyone involved is incapable of drawing above 5th grade level kek
No. 1952794
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>>1952775It’s pretty funny. Ang has some skill and Karli is apparently competent enough to hold a job and then there’s Jane and Malcolm who are also milky but don’t even draw well enough to get away with it and find work.
Bonus Viv “callout”: guy has a reputation for being creepy and awkward with people in the industry, especially women (I don’t think he’s a predator or anything, just a socially inept fanboy) and while Vivzie was extremely cringe in the screencap of their convo I don’t blame her for being cold to him in person. Apparently that’s enough to make him run crying to tumblr, kek
No. 1952798
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Vivzie from Premiere screening, she got even fatter kek
No. 1952803
>>1952801According to
>>1951234 she lives in LA with Karli
No. 1952934
>>1952798I mean yeah, she's a little chubby, her hair is fried and her dress could be improved a little bit just removing those stupid chokers made her look a lot better. Overall she doesn't look too bad.
>>1952925I already know the Charlie/Vaggie dynamic will feel boring and very much like a friendship or a guard/princess thing. Viv has a thing for sad gay bois and dislikes women, Charlie is meant to be her self-insert and she isn't a lesbian so there's no way she was going to write a good lesbian relationship. Even in the pilot she wrote Vaggie as an emotional screaming tard wrangler that gets shat on by her "darlings" (Angel Dust and Alastor) constantly. Charlie/Alastor feel more like an actual couple than Charlie/Vaggie sadly.
No. 1953052
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>>1953028>stop geocoding my people!Kek
No. 1953055
>>1953038lol calm down
>>1953043The pilot had better voices too. It's also canon, episode one is bascially a follow up of the pilot. I hate the tranny voice of the news reporter.
No. 1953085
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>>1952798I think Brandon's photo is funnier.
nonnie, ViVi had to explain that Lucifier is just a misunderstood boi who didn't mean any harm and just wanted to follow his dreams. Anyways besides Alastor being away for 7 years so has Lilith. Go figure.
No. 1953133
>>1950992Wow this is way worse than Addict. I'm not even a hazbinfag and I actually thought the animation and music of addict wasn't bad. I mean it was fun and even catchy, animation was enjoyable.
But this is just a shitty lyric video?? With an even worse song that feels incredibly one dimensional. Like I get they're going for the nostalgic lyric video vibe but it's super boring to watch and doesn't do anything to enhance the flat song.
Why such a big downgrade?? Do they think they can just put out whatever now and it'll get eaten up by tiktok kids or something?
No. 1953205
did anyone else find vaggie's voice SIGNIFICANTLY worse than the pilot? that forced low pitch sounds like shit, and the voice acting doesnt match up with what the character is doing on screen at any given time. who the hell directed the VAs? i also laughed at valentino's voice, wtf was his direction? "sometimes do a vaguely mediteranean accent if you want but it doesnt really matter who gives a shit". extremely inconsistent. animation was dogshit as expected
>>1953085i find lucifers gay fucking top hat SO grating and annoying as a design choice at the best of times but it was hilariously jarring in the stylised intro
>>1953131no, i think lilith will be a major protagonist. this wasnt even subtext. eve however will absolutely be a stella analogue unless she hits us with lilith/eve love story which she wont.
No. 1953225
>>1952985any other alastor fags disappointed? i really don't like that they made alastor arrogant when he was actually not arrogant at all in the pilot. he was more on the eccentric side in the pilot which made him fun to watch. whenever he would show a glimpse of his power it was really intimidating because his inviting/proper personality created a contrast. it's so sad that they fucked that up. he goes around the show flexing his powers like when he tortured that snake guy, whatever his name is. i don't need to be reminded about how strong alastor is all the time. establish it and move on to more characterization or plot.
and really all the characters are just exaggerated versions of their former selves. they managed to make a character that was already annoying and one note like angel dust even worse. it's like they took the critique of "sex joke laugh" that a lot of people had of angel dust and cranked it to ten. a lot of the characters just lack subtlety which is saying a lot for a cartoon. like charlie is a full blown autist and every overlord demon just yells and has their "evil monologues" when it comes across more as tantrums. don't even get me started on the angel adam. he acts no different than the demons or the hell born. again, there's no contrast so it's uninteresting.
No. 1953297
>>1953031>>1952985The characters are all over the place, most of the first episode and a little bit of the second are a retelling of the pilot (intro with Charlie explaining lore/hell, Charlie pitching the hotel idea to Katie/Adam, Charlie and Vaggie welcoming a new suspicious guest) but what's odd to me is how fast-paced and crammed everything is. These are only 2 episodes and we've had like 6? songs already, we've been introduced to the main cast (Charlie, Vaggie, Angel Dust, Alastor, Nifty, Sir Pentious and Husk), then briefly Lucifer, Lilith and Eve at the beginning, and then again Vox, Valentino, Adam and his angel guard. That's a LOT of characters to introduce in just two episodes, and you have to keep in mind that this will maybe have two seasons. Viv's already explaining Vox's and Alastor's lore as well as Valentino's and Angel Dust's, this is all crammed together with maybe 3 songs each episode. It's so much to take in, I imagine how confused someone would be if they didn't watch the pilot.
Also ngl I'm surprised by how blatantly fujo-y it is (I say this as a fujo), especially with the Vox/Alastor rivalry and the Valentino/Angel bits, you can tell Viv really just focused on developing those characters over the main ones.
Some of the voices are bad, Angel Dust sounds dead and is more of a joke than before, Valentino sounds like Jeffree Star or something, Vaggie has this deep fake voice all the time and her singing bit was off, Adam doing the same laugh every two seconds was annoying and his song was completely unnecessary and cringy. Why is he even there so early in the story?
Animation wasn't too bad considering the designs and the fact that it's puppet animation, but I was really distracted by Vaggie's eye kinda attempting to leave her face every now and then kek. Alastor having his voodoo moments so often cheapens his character a little, Vox having a tv face is autistic (and his hypnosis eye thing is also annoying) and yeah, Charlie really does behave like a retard and idk how the audience is supposed to sympathise with her when she comes off as a joke.
No. 1953299
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>>1952985This show infuriates me. It had potential in the beginning. Now it is just fanserving and trying too hard to be edgy. Vaggie has no reason existing other than to remind people that Vivzie hates womens. Her name is Vagatha and even that sounds like the word vagina. Just name her Agatha.Is clear that the relationship was created cause they got too many male x male ships and the need to balance that so people don't complain. Their relationship can be summed up as any other; a supportive wife that stays with a deadbeat partner just because pure love and supports every stupid decision and action causes love. Just a
toxic relationship where one gives all and the other gives nothing is what I see in the future.
No. 1953323
>>1953317Truly. And it's not like the idea of actually redeeming demons isn't a good idea that could be fun, like you could have a show about demons actually feeling bad about being demons and wanting to be angels or some middle ground, or a show about demons being forced to repent and become angels.
But as far as I've seen, hazbin hotel isn't even about any of those two possibilities, it's about wacky characters fucking around and not taking anything seriously.
Like, a retarded asian porn game has a better idea of how to characterize angels and demons than someone that has a better access to translations of content about angels and demons.
Nothing is groundbreaking or unexpected, you could: genderbend, change the setting by saying that the main character wanted to create a some sort of hotel for university drop-outs that want to go back to school, and that's it.
Hell, at least that would mean the characters would need to study or some shit.
No. 1953340
>>1952985- Holy shit the musical angle does NOT work, it's extremely jarring with the entire setting and personalities.
- Vaggies voice is so bad it breaks the immersion, it really sounds like an actress just doing the least to get her paycheck.
- Why do Adam have to swear so much? He's an angel.
- There is literally no difference between the angels and the demons.
- the pacing. THE PACING! The b-story kept jumping all over the place!
No. 1953341
>>1953324People who Graduated HS in the early-mid 00's were influenced by anime, and refused to listen to the critics of their art school professors, went to create the faux anime style of animation that influenced the people who graduated HS in the mid 10's who grew up on tumblr. And those people are the recent hires and creating animation now. It's a snowball effect of people with no talent trying to copy the things they think are cool. People who actually study art, styles, techniques, movements and are able to create something unique, are shadowed by cookie cutter artists who are able to copy and draw something marketable. There's also degree mills and school connections too.
I used to want to be an animator as a teenager, but my dream died when I realized I'd have to move to the USA and go to school there. I live in a 3rd country. Even if I could afford it, it wouldn't be a job guarantee. My friend with rich parents went to live in FL and went to Full Sail but didn't get a job in the industry because of her foreigner looking name/surname.My point is, everything went to shit because it's not about creativity anymore, it's about diversity hire and nepotism. Why hire a cool indie girl with an unique style when you can hire Mr. Smith's queer niece with a style that everybody recognizes? I think the only way an ordinary someone can make a pilot of something unique is taking years to do it themselves with money from a day job or have enough of a social media presence that you can fund it via kickstarter. Then hope and pray a network will want to pick it up.
No. 1953360
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>>1953279considering the writers of the Harley Quinn show are ugly males and one libfem, it makes sense.
No. 1953397
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>>1952985Wait, why is Adam in Heaven? He was famously cast out of the garden of eden along with Eve.
No. 1953475
>>1953297agree with everything you say. its just a big pile of wasted potential.
i find the little "in universe" drawings, eg: charlie's "paperwork" for her pitch to adam, vox's image of alastor during his broadcast/song, etc. very jarring and tonally off, i dont understand what the joke is meant to be with that. charlie's pitch scene would have been magnitudes less retarded if she had had actual "paperwork" with little graphs and shit.
in general it seems like viv is trying to jam jokes into an overstuffed script, but i genuinely cant remember a single one that landed and even just made me smile.
crazy how she speedran flanderisation for alastor kek literally the only interesting thing about her pilot completely undermined
No. 1953524
>>1953341Everything Viv touches is this atrocious combination of Looney Toons exaggerated stylising, over the top busy anime character design, and Disney Pixar mannerisms and movements. It is actually nauseating to watch. I'm not even going to talk about the dialogue (baffling).
It feels so much like when fanfiction authors get published, they just write what they want to see without understanding anything about the actual craft of what makes writing readable and engaging.
I can only conclude that Viv's work is written by and for sheltered, insecure, passive-aggressive tumblr dorks who somehow manage to remain virgins even with a cock inside them. The sad fact is these people aren't even teenagers anymore but the superwholock stink just never comes off. Am I right or am I blinded by past experience lol
No. 1953527
>>1953031>angeldust has a smartphone>he shows his phone to charlie>she asks what a donkey show is>look up donkey show>it's where a woman gets fucked by a donkey in front of an audienceWhat the fuck
>the tiny cyclops is always acting flirtyI thought she was a child desu
>evil generic tv head villain shows up>angeldust porno poster>every woman gets called a bitch at least once>more porno/stripper posters in the back, one featuring a demon with nipple clamps It's just bad. Worse, even. This is just five minutes in, I don't even feel like watching the rest but I guess I will.
No. 1953640
>>1953524>I'm not even going to talk about the dialogue (baffling).kek i could not have said it better anon
>>1953622this has bugged me from the get go, im sure there'll be some gay twist about adam but it would actually be cool and high stakes if they were up against cold inhuman warrior angels rather than a former human who makes dick "jokes" every sentence
No. 1953673
Christ, how do you go from this to this
>>1952985 and this
>>1953031 ?
No. 1953956
>>1953913For once I can't really blame studio meddling kek.
>>1953942 is right that Viv has a history with being a shit writer and showrunner. If anything, I could see studio interference stopping her from throwing the core premise of HH in the trash so that she can make "angsty furry demon yaoi the show ii".
No. 1953979
>>1953780the vox one was okay but the adam one fucking sucked, was a chore to sit through. this
>>1953792 however is true kek
>>1953827it is, anon. sorry.
No. 1954013
>>1953780Adam's song reminds me of a discount Tenacious D song.
>>1953948That it will be. Will her writing be wrangled or will she had gotten little to no push back? I don't have high hopes because of the amount of stuff she crammed in the first 2 episodes as well as her track record on HB.
No. 1954070
>>1953205I was confused by it at first too but I think Valentino is supposed to have two distinct accents, the voicemails he left AD were supposed to show that. It might a "split personalities" thing, or just a fake accent he can't keep up. They better hope they went with the second one or they will become Officially
Problematic for portraying muh DID alters as aboosive.
No. 1954112
>>1954102Tumblr is freaking out over a supposed
rape scene.It’ll be interesting to see the reviews come in as the embargo ends. It’s such a niche project it’s hard to imagine actual normie critics watching for the first time.
No. 1954234
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>>1954217Even the Wonder Bread guy thinks spending 50k for wank material is excessive kek.
No. 1954404
>>1953397There's a christian tradition that adam and eve were liberated from hell by jesus during the 3 days in between the crucifixion and the resurrection. it's not in the bible or anything but it's understood that they'd be in heaven today. But I do agree with
>>1953622 on the michael thing. Having the 3 main archangels play their respective roles would have made the lore a lot less convoluted. michael should be the one exterminating threats to heaven, raphael should be healing the angels that do get injured, and gabriel should be the one charlie has to get things approved through. but this show wants to have its cake and eat it too with regard to its source material. viv doesn't want to show anything that
triggers the fanbase's religious trauma from growing up baptist or catholic or whatever. anything that gets in the way of her queer fans "reclaiming hell", like the angels being compelling, familiar characters, will make them spiral.
No. 1954643
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they look like ass
No. 1954674
File: 1705164239766.png (18.72 KB, 611x236, ennui-Google-Search.png)

>>1954667Seems like another word for boredom
No. 1954717
File: 1705171934631.mp4 (8.49 MB, TwitVd.com_1705009237.mp4)

>>1954216Here's the video that he spent 50k and bankrupted himself on. It's not super nfsw, but it is softcore so it is spoilered regardless.
No. 1954738
File: 1705177129146.jpg (93.28 KB, 566x1024, verbalase.jpg)

>>1954717the video got revealed on his birthday kek (picture from this tweet)