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No. 1949346
Previous four threads:
>>1851781>>1864205>>1870608>> 1905129A 'trad' in this context is a woman with pronounced "traditionalist" values especially around gender which usually shows up as "anti-feminist" attitudes emphasizing how women should be subservient to men and essentially embrace being "barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen." We all know what a 'thot' is and most of these girls in fact show up on social media with photos not-at-all subtly focusing on their looks. Our "tradthots" mostly try to have the best of both worlds, consciously or not. While claiming traditional values they embrace modernity and many of the gains of feminism in their pursuit of grift and clout.
Most have pickme tendencies and are addicted to the dopamine hits off male attention in social media despite the fact that some are (supposedly happily) married and claim to believe that a woman should reserve her sexuality for her husband.
A few examples are:
Estee Williams
>stay at home gf queen of trads>Tried to make a reality tv show of family, model and be an influencer to get as much attention as possible but all else failed because of her stupidity and lack of talent so she became a trad and makes sure her breast implants are in the center of her videos in order to get views on tiktok>Has an army of incel orbiters who get off at her sexualized trad larping>dresses like a 1950s housewife and >Tries to have an aesthetic 1950s love story like the Notebook or something pathetic along those lines, aesthetic posts and moids eat it up >actually can’t cook and pretends to, moids eat it up anyway>Constantly sperges about trad living and tries to one up everyone Verma
>Racially insecure indian girl>Posts unhinged angry rants on twitter about burning women on sticks >White worshipping pick me>Married a white pasty 40 year old scrote who's never around with a huge following list of tiktok teens in bikinis>Got knocked up recently her husband didn't even attend the baby shower >Takes out her anger on random women onlineSocial media links: Elise Chen
>Formerly known as 'Roaming Millennial', is a mixed race white worshipping YouTuber who fancies herself as an Asian Lauren Southern >Believes that IQ is mostly genetic and other scientific racism claims >Interviewed and defended several white supremacist, neo nazi moids such as Richard Spencer ,Nick Fuentes and Stefan Molyneux >Is against feminism (obviously) writes articles for Evie Magazin seething over more successful liberal women aka tradthot daily>Her content recently is mostly just red-pilled incels and MGTOW pandering made several videos calling women with a body count "sluts" >Focuses her rage on women who chose not to have kids mostly made more than 6 or 7 videos seething over them>Defended mass shooter incels like the UK virgin killer and Rodgers blaming the existence of incels on women and feminism>Is an Andrew tate stan >Has a patreon where she coaches incels by repeating Jordan Peterson's advices to them >Her mug looks uncanny from all the botox and filler when she's not heavily filtering it despite claiming to be a 'traditional woman' kek>Married to an ugly fuck 'producer' who lusts over big titted insta thots >Has a useless shit degree in politics and middle eastern studies Social media links: Doe
>Extremely autistic and low IQ>publicly tweets her husband is abusive >husband beat up cat to near death and threatened to beat up the baby>Doesn’t leave, thinks Bible can fix him and says he’s his #1 fan in her bio Southern
>Former costhot>Failed journalist, pissed off both the left and right.>Got famous for her anti-feminist MRA content>Was in multiple anti slutwalk videos>Promoted traditional values and white nationalism>Dated an ethnic man>4chan nazis found out and got big mad>Made multiple shitty documentaries where she misrepresents facts and pushes the far right narrative.>Recently married, husband is allegedly Asian, she hides his identity>Whitewashes her poor baby, insists he has green eyes and a ginger gene>Released a pro-cop documentary>Ended up a single mom living in a trailor Pearl Davis (JustPearlyThings)
>Below average unfortunately shaped woman in her late 20s who constantly larps on the internet as a trad who shits on modern working women despite contradicting her many statements to her scrote orbiters >Comes from a rich family, mother is a modern working woman who literally owns the family company>Pearl used to date a black man (imagine what the scrotes would say) who is also a content creator, he left her because of her high body count apparently >Pearl claims outrageous things like women shouldn’t be able to vote because they don’t have to sign up for the draft, women are unhappy when working and are all medicated despite men being the gender that is more likely to commit suicide, just selective research and bias (etc.)>sperges about statistics even though she’s selective about the data and flat out lies while making overarching generalizations that feed her stupid shock value statements >humiliated on the H3 podcast somehow, see more below: Ethan brings up Pearl stating America was built on good relationships between slaves and their owners, when asked for a source cites “a book I read by Thomas Sowell” and doesn’t follow up
Brings up Pearl’s rich family and mother who owns the family business and is a career woman, despite Pearl claiming to hate career women… this throws Pearly off
Ethan brings up her multiple claims but she gets fussy and starts throwing statistics that aren’t cited and when Ethan actually brings up credible information she looks to the side of her monitor while sighing and stalling, clearly flustered and embarrassed and says “they’re saying the numbers are inflated”
admits to having information spoon fed to her by a group chat on discord during the interview
it’s painfully awkward and Pearl calls the interview “not in good faith” and runs away, abruptly ending the call
>Dwindling views on yt despite spamming algorithm, more views on TikTok Barrett
>She's gained over 10k subs in the last month or so alone >Decided to become traditional after doing some marriage group with her husband and allegedly realizing that she was apparently the one creating all the problems in her marriage>Claims she was a "porn addicted feminist" before marriage>It seems like she was already doing a variety of other trendy types of videos before but her channel was small, now she almost exclusively posts advice content>Makes advice/reaction videos from the perspective of a married woman talking to single women where she criticizes women for things like leaving their husbands for cheating on them, and is always making comments that are obviously meant for a male audience >Gets hilariously visibly mad whenever talking about other women even if the women in question are just some women she made up to be mad at or some low hanging cosmo writer fruit>Went off the deep end with her sexism and attention whoring and made tweets saying 16 year old girls are hotter than adult women only to delete it when the rage got too much for her Riley
>Ex yoga teacher and libfem hippie.>Supports rapist Roosh V>Used to have pink hair and a nose ring and spent her 20s traveling and dating abusive bums.>Born again Christian housewife>Had a baby at 31 married to some Slovakian meat head.>Writes for Evie magazine aka Tradthot daily No. 1949352
>>1949346>I'm sure pur husbands hate working too sometimesHaving a pencil pusher office job for betas like their husbands do doesn't even come close to how hard pregnancy and child care is.
Their scrotes do nothing but browse reddit and jack off to teens during their so called "demanding" jobs.
No. 1949403
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No. 1949406
>>1949403>Women have finally got human rights after so much struggle so i had to start a social media career to remind them of their place as servants to ugly broke wagie moidsWow she really sold it. I'm leaving college to find a wagie so i can buy ugly used furniture and show it on tiktok.
>Tradwife movementDidn't she rant about how it's not a movement ? kek
No. 1949408
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>>1949403>Teach the new generation how to be unpaid bangmaidsGood luck with that Estee. the only reason you got any clout is because the new generation was enraged by your retarded pick me posts kek
No. 1949411
>>1949403Very creepy when you realize "masculine traits" are really just "adult traits". Tradthots play-act as promiscuous children for moid attention, it's sick.
And even if we take her premise at face value, why would the stress of having to manage a career and home be "solved" by women giving up their careers? Clearly the most logical approach would be to encourage(or shame kek) men into taking a more active role in housework and childcare. Home managed, relationship strain decreased, both keep their careers. No need for all women to be bangmaids.
No. 1949416
>>1949411>Clearly the most logical approach would be to encourage(or shame kek) men into taking a more active role in housework and childcare.THIS! and men would get to bond with their children more but
gasp they don't give a fuck about spending more time with their kids and see them as a nuisance and just want to use them to keep women down and easy to fuck over.
No. 1949429
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Ok but why does this bitch have male pattern baldness?
No. 1949577
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No. 1949596
>>1949577If they ever actually read their bible they would know that Jesus hated attention whores and those who crave the approval of other humans lol.
>Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven.
>For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit. For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace. For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God's law; indeed, it cannot. Those who are in the flesh cannot please God.
>But He gives more grace. Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.”
>Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus.
>For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ. How can you believe, when you receive glory from one another and you do not seek the glory that is from the one and only God?
>Let no one seek his own good, but the good of his neighbor. No. 1949692
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Childfree Career women when the moid cheats on them:
No. 1949704
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Those post-wall tradmom grifters riddled with anxiety over their kids’ lives and problems can lie and cope about how easy ‘rvturning to farmwork’ is or ‘motherhood is relaxing’, but in reality some of the most sour-faced, competitive, and bitter women are staunch conservatives who end up doing the brunt of labour and sacrifice in the family though “women were not made to work”. Prime grifter examples on Twitter / X.
Also pro-tip: If your man is not willing to work for your submission but insists you serve first, he’s not “the One”!
True men in love have to sacrifice and labour for a woman’s submission, its the natural law if women are not made to work and the sexes are not equal.
No. 1949729
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No. 1949731
>>1949729>>1949729>The hand that rocks the cradle rules the worldThat's why all presidents and heads of monarchy who rule the world are mothers. Lmfao
>Women can't do critical thinkingThat's why we fought for our rights while society punished us and kept telling us to submit to the gender that makes up 96% of pedophiles.
No. 1949745
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No. 1949783
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No. 1949792
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Another tradthot I’ve been following for a while. Her husband tried to kill her. Luckily she left him but she’s still pining after him and allowing her kids to have contact with him.
No. 1949793
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>>1949792If your scrote tries to kill you it’s still all your fault ofc. The tradthot way.
No. 1949797
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what the fuck did pearl do to her teeth. how is this an improvement, or is it an unfortunate-looking inbetween state ?
ctrl+F'ing her comments gave nothing as well, she may have blocked the keywords.
why is she doing crazy probably painful dental surgeries when her mouth was fine ? she could just hire a stylist to give her sunscreen and good clothes. she's infuriating
No. 1949799
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The thanks you get for raising 5 of a mans kids is him trying to murder you in a parking lot and then ditching you because you hit 40.
No. 1949800
Women with self worth and careers after break up
>>1949692Doormat bangmaids after breaking with their husband who tried to kill them
>>1949792The dichotomie is real kek
No. 1949802
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>>1949799This is her and her scrote that tried to strangle her in front of her kids btw
No. 1949819
>>1949813I hope she dumps the scrote fruit on their dad and leaves the state and starts a new life but it would never happen cause women that smart and based usually don't have 5 kids with
abusive moids
No. 1949842
>>1949836i mean what even is this ?
she agreed to pay thousands in return for long-ass teeth and a front gap what the fuck ?
No. 1949847
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No. 1949939
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No. 1950007
>>1949907Paul wrote that because Jesus repeatedly referred to himself as a groom, and that the people of the world were like his bride. His first miracle was performed at a wedding - the bride/groom motif is supposed to evoke celebration and happiness, because Jesus also represents a "marriage" of the human and the divine.
Paul was in prison at the time he wrote that, and is making a connection between his wrongful incarceration and these women being in oppressive marriages. He believed that the way he could show the Roman jailers how the followers of Jesus behaved was to be overly compliant and obedient, never resisting arrest or protesting his conviction. Similarly, in the passage that says that wives should submit to their husbands, he's responding to a letter that he received in jail from a church in the ancient Greek city of Ephesus, where there were some women who had accepted Christ but their husbands had not. Paul is telling them that in order to get their husbands to see and believe in Christ, and therefore to get to the point of having an equal marriage, the women had to play the long game and be overly compliant even with the unfair situation of a traditional ancient Greek marriage.
Thus, it's essentially an early nonviolent protest strategy from an incarcerated lawyer giving advice. It's not God telling women that they need to submit to their husbands.
(holy derailing) No. 1950012
>>1949847#proverb31wife? Let's see all the ~submissive~ things Proverbs 31 says the ideal wife does:
>She considers a field and buys it>Out of HER earnings she plants a vineyard>Her arms are strong for her tasks>She sees that her trading is profitable>She is clothed in strength and dignity>She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue>Her husband praises her:>"Many women do NOBLE things, but you surpass them all">Honor her and let her works bring her praiseSo, the ideal Biblical woman is strong, dignified, noble, financially independent, knowledgeable about business, and praised by her husband for speaking up and teaching. It says NOTHING about her being meek, submissive, servile, sweet, soft, or devoted to her husband. Tradthots are so retarded istg. Also Proverbs 31 is probably about Israel personified as a woman, and not an actual woman anyway, but I digress.
No. 1950054
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No. 1950094
>>1949403The online trad wife movement was a meme from chronically online scrotes, now perpetuated by girls like etsee who are too scared to make an OF but still want the attention from males and to make money without calling themselves a career woman
>>1950054That biblical gender roles scrote isn’t even married iirc or is divorced. He tries hard to write the worst shit but doesn’t even live by what he writes. At this point I think he just posts rage bait for engagement
No. 1950150
>>1950063I find it funny that most "christian" men decide to completely ignore sexual morality standards for themselves while pointing the finger at every woman when this is the exact kind of behavior Jesus spent the entire gospels criticizing
And if men, like most of these based redpillers think, are to be in charge because they're more like God and more responsible, how much more important wouldn't their sexual morality be?
No. 1950165
>>1950163What about women who don't want to date single dads ?
Do they have no souls and lack humanity and love too ? (not trying to defend scrotes fuck them all)
No. 1950166
>>1950165It's different because being a mother is a lot harder, single dads tend to try to offload all responsibility on the woman they rope in. Most are fully willing though
It's weird that you'd make that false equivalence comparison if you aren't a scrote though
(derailing/scrotefoiling) No. 1950176
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The autism in this post is too dangerous
No. 1950178
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Wtf are they wearing kek
No. 1950179
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No. 1950184
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I'll never understand why some pregnant women decline an ultrasound. Even if not for themselves it could save the child's life. It's a quick, simple and non invasive procedure.
Idiots like this want us to go back to the days where 1 in 7 women died giving birth and half of infants never made it just to stick it to 'modernity'.
I'm not against home birth or low intervention pregnancy and birth but ultrasounds and other simple diagnostic tests like blood pressure and urine swabs are the bare minimum of care.
No. 1950186
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>>1950184These women are so fucking stupid.
If my mom didn't have an ultrasound we would both be dead by now because she had stage 4 placenta previa. Babies can have heart problems and may need surgery while still in the womb. If you choose a homebirth without even having an ultrasound to see if the baby is healthy then you are a world class idiot.
What a joke these women are.
No. 1950213
>>1950186That comment is the dictionary definition of "ignorance is bliss" yeah knowing stuff is good actually because then you can react to the information. These people are so ignorant, she thinks they just do ultrasounds for funsies and if anything's wrong everyone just shrugs.
>they've convinced everyone that it's "safe" and "beneficial">what's an ultrasound gonna do? tell you? lol Literal moron convention happening here.
Something to be said for the most transparently "doing this solely for the moids" trend to also be one with the highest level of pure idiocy on display, even sexworkers have their shit together better than this
No. 1950217
>>1950163I have bad news for you about stepfathers and sexual assault/CSA stats if you think men attach themselves to single moms and their kids for any good reasons. (something like 1 in 5 stepfathers will commit CSA, iirc)
It's a very popular porn category as well, (loophole for straight up incest porn) so they are pretty much conditioned to view stepchildren as potential sexual conquests.
I even see single moms advising each other to not post kids online and not mention or show kids on their dating profiles, and not mention the kids or let the moid meet them until they've been dating a while. They are a target for pedo moids.
At least the nasty men who think single moms are discarded goods obviously have no interest in the kids either. Most men are barely interested in their own children nevermind some other man's.
Men who abandon their families are very aware of the situation they are leaving them in.
(derailing) No. 1950297
>>1950176Of course it’s a weird photo op larp. Her chubby little sugar addicted moidlet brats would fall on the floor crying if they cut their finger. Even if she was serious about this, imagine thinking teaching your kids to larp as knights for le upcoming race war is important when all warfare is machine based and will be (and mostly already is) done remotely anyway
>>1950179Their narcissism, fear of mortality and fear of independence is so funny to witness. No wonder the tradthot movement attracts so many neurotic masochists, narcissists, women with eating disorders, women with dependent personality disorder, womanchildren FTLs, psychopathic control freak scrotes etc. They’re so scared of their own and other peoples freedom and autonomy kek.
>>1950165Stepdads are generally expected to do fuck all and forming a relationship with the kids let alone just being a decent human being towards them is entirely optional for scrotes. 1 in 6 of them also engage in raping the children
Meanwhile prospective stepmothers are expected to take on the entire responsibility of the dead/gone ex wife AND have new children, while risking being shunned as an evil harpy if she puts a foot wrong and doesn’t spoil the brats to death. Major difference.
No. 1950300
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>>1950186Too crunchy to get an ultrasound but hair bleach is absolutely fine.
No. 1950309
>>1949907You're not wrong, but it isn't just abrahamic religions. It's a world wide scrote catastrophe, it boils down to that. There are amazing and powerful goddesses in so many belief systems, women saints, the virgin Mary, empresses/ruling women etc in history. However the scrotes who left offerings for these goddesses/holy women were not any better to the women around them. In the case of the tradthots, the focus is more due to them choosing Christianity without looking at the material in depth, just picking out what they think men want to hear for their little performance. Lots of material there, but they better not dare defend their points, that's the antithesis of submission lol.Too bad that agreeing with men gets you….nothing but shit treatment.It just gives them another reason to laugh at you. The tradthot thinks she's winning when she receives that precious male attention.
Are there Hindu trad women? Bhuddist trad women? The pagan larp trad women are a thing. I just wonder if this "trad" thing extends it's icky fetish-y branches into other types of "traditional values."
No. 1950433
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>>1950179>have a ton of kids when you're still a teenager or you're going to disappear into oblivion and loneliness by the time you're 46okay and using this kind of hyperbolic, shakespearean tone totally doesn't make you sound jealous and hateful kek. every tweet with this language just reads like someone trying to convince themselves they made the right life choices when they obviously didn't. like picrel where she's comparing herself to taylor swift (bcs taylor swift is totally destroying the white race unlike marie, guise).
>i WILL be happy in 50 yearsyou will most likely be contacted/seen twice a year (if not completely cut off) by your kids and otherwise abandoned at the old folks home like every other trad woman before and after you.
>>1950297>Their narcissism, fear of mortality and fear of independence is so funny to witness. No wonder the tradthot movement attracts so many neurotic masochists, narcissists, women with eating disorders, women with dependent personality disorder, womanchildren FTLs, psychopathic control freak scrotes etc. They’re so scared of their own and other peoples freedom and autonomy kek. yep. they want to keep their kids (and in the mens' case, their wives as well) isolated and incapacitated just to have some insurance that they themselves won't be fading into the abyss or whatever when get older. surprise: that will only make your kids hate you even more. all normal children eventually get to grow up and leave the nest, but varg and marie want to avoid that outcome at all costs because their unhinged opinions and lifestyle have left them with nothing outside of each other and their kids (their "tribe" as they like to put it lmao). much like other trad sects such as the FLDS.
No. 1950466
>>1950433When you think about it, regardless of if you're looking at it from an atheist perspective, Christian perspective or, a general spiritual perspective of an afterlife, having kids really doesn't matter.
If atheists are right, then eternal oblivion and no memories regardless if you birthed or not. In the perspective of an afterlife, if you see all your relatives again (according to NDEs/death bed visions that hospice nurses describe patients having) then you're really not dying alone if you're gonna join deceased mom and dad and other relatives in the afterlife.
So what exactly are these tradthots afraid of, when you look at it from a perspective of Pascal's Wager? Very sad they're so attached to such worldly, impermanent things and unaware of their own mortality. Very mentally ill indeed. I couldn't even imagine how neurotic and codependent a mom who had children out of a desperate fear of "dying alone" would be.
No. 1950534
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Marie is definitely lying and coping about going down the tradmom route.
Also, these are 2 other tradthots who are strongly antifem and they still admit to how childrearing is harder and more aging than a normal career.
If “women were not made to work”, then why don’t the “soulmate” hubbies also step up after their little job shifts and help their wives with the domestic labour? Why is she doing it all and not preserving her beauty and stress-free attitude?
Patriarchial men are Liars, they say “women should be relaxed and sweet and not labour”, yet refuse to step up to help preserve their wife’s beauty and aging by pitching in with the domestic work even though men can “endure more” and go through “military training for days”. Notice how these male freaks choose not to use their “toughness” to ease their wife’s burden and make her relaxed. Definitely not “true love”.
No. 1950550
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This from a certain popular spiteful, vocal rightwing antifem who is rumored to be downlow bi or lesbian though she has her own husband - BUT seems to like obsessing over other women’s pregancies, having “stay-ins” with them at their houses, and always blabbing about having a “commune of women friends together” while also claiming female friendship is toxic and mom groups are paranoid cesspools.
She admits:
>she snaps and has tantrums
>has been neglectful and cleans less because childrearing can be too much for other chores at times
>abandoning the house and kids randomly sometimes
>plying her kids with sweets to pacify them though “we are healthy and watch our weight”
Wow, sounds more like a domestic flop, bad parenting. Wonder where her “soulmate” is and how is he not leading the household if he is the “head”. And why not discipline her for tantrums and neglect since it is not becoming of a good wife? Maybe she too married a naturally femme cuck man, and she dare to pass him off as redpill and masculine? Lies. All these tradthots’ “soulmate bois” should be studied on a case by case basis, is not true love for most. They either got with a gay blade to control or arrogant abuser who likes keeping up appearances. It’s all a coping larp.
No. 1950552
>>1950433Like how the man reveals that he's a hoe by writing
>boyfriends: 14>body count: ???As if it's gonna be in triple digits or vary significantly from the boyfriend stat.
also she's obviously gay/bi and the men are beards, but men being shortsighted in their hatred of successful women shockerI don't like taylor (too boring for me) but I think she'll be fine rolling around in her millions/billions for now, moid, keep crying tho
No. 1950636
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>Nooooo i'm so not like the other girlzz
Ma'am you have 7 damn kids with a batshit insane murderer that stabbed someone 20 times and live in a french ghetto on welfare provided by tax payers and yes career/working women included that you keep dissing . It's other girls that be happy af they're not like you, this bitch has some nerve
No. 1950650
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>>1950433>I'm better than Taylor Swift i have ONE husband and SEVEN childrenThe line shifts from "bragging" to absolute mockery when you realize who the husband is kek
No. 1950659
>>1950309>Are there Hindu trad women? Bhuddist trad women?Women are already expected to be homemakers in most Hindu and Bhuddist majority countries. Also I don't know shit about Hinduism but the nihilistic aspect of Bhuddism, the whole compassion thing, the fetishization of martyrdom are definitely used against women. The difference is that they tend to behave more modestly and don't show off like Christian tradthots or Muslim "princesses" (it's too bad they hate each other ! they could be besties) who feel the need to point out all the time that everyone else is degenerate and brag about their refusal to integrate society while leeching of other women's labor
>>1950638If her kids got forced into a normal school it would be fucking wild. Imagine bullying the class retard and he calls you an inferior race southron whatever and engages you in a sword fight kek. It's cruel, but part of me hopes that they won't be fully taken away from their parents so that we can still have milk.
>>1950536You'd think someone who cares about their bloodline would avoid breeding with a weakling yet look at all that. Marie always talks about imaginary ancestors but her entire genealogy has to be weeping, seeing how they ended up. Every time she sleeps with Varg there's a fish up in heaven crying, wishing it never made it out of the water.
No. 1950667
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>>1950659>Imagine bullying the class retard and he calls you an inferior race southron whatever and engages you in a sword fight kekI lmao imagining this scenario with Rowley from diary of a wimpy kid being the retard as he looks identical to Marie's eldest son
No. 1950677
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>>1950659>You'd think someone who cares about their bloodline would avoid breeding with a weakling yet look at all that. Marie always talks about imaginary ancestors but her entire genealogy has to be weeping, seeing how they ended up. Every time she sleeps with Varg there's a fish up in heaven crying, wishing it never made it out of the water.marie
wants to have retarded kids, although she is in denial about it. she doesn't see autism as a disability, both her and varg want their kids to have autism as well and think (cope) that it's just the trve evropean sigma mindset. this comes from the people who also argue their own ethnic group are 100% neanderthals, who live in a moldy hut with a shitbucket toilet and no door, and who complain about not being allowed to cram 10 people into a car and drive around without seat belts like people do in africa. if asked, they would claim retarded/disabled people don't deserve to live, but in reality they are dysgenic retards themselves, of the absolute lowest quality. they have no standards despite being eugenicists. marie happily eloped with a middle aged convict lolcow and varg's criteria for pickable women are literally just blue eyes and intact teeth.
No. 1950709
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Even our resident low-iq neurotic tumblr shipper “soulmates” believer bullshitting “we can force chemistry with men” type Peachy is implying that she knows even the “good” conservative men are a-straying and are not wholly in love with their wives as a person because men’s true love is mostly on beauty, just skin-deep. If he doesn’t love you for more than beauty as a person though you may be less than him, how is he “the One”?
No. 1950716
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>>1950709>Attractive conservative women calendar>All are blonde blue eyed womenLauren Chen:
No. 1950732
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>>1950709Seems like the only 2 commons which bring men to women are sex and beauty. These factors are not a strong foundation to build a “soulmates” type relationship on. Very weak, in fact. All of women’s power and what she can do has to be limited under pleasing men and their erections.
Sex =/= soulmate vibes and feels
Beauty attraction =/= True love
Sometimes using sex appeal and beauty doesn’t work at all and men can still insult you and hurt you over it. Reality is sexist, women’s “superpowers” over men seem very weak and shallow after all. Idiotic women who believe this is enough for “true love” and think men disregarding female personhood is okay should not be trusted.
No. 1950791
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No. 1950795
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No. 1950796
POC pickmes always give me a chuckle, they can sing all the praises of these moids all they want, won't change the fact that their either a beard or the consolation prize for when their fail male can't get a blonde aryan waifu.
No. 1950798
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>>1950791>>1950795Samefagging but this is the megamind forehead , breast implant jiggling, fried hair having whore that wrote this shit y'all can have fun tearing her apart
No. 1950807
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>>1950806Speaking of her ugly moid i seen this comment on a post about her and if this is true (probably is) then she's beyond pathetic
No. 1950813
>>1950807wow thats so sad that people think its ''girly'' and ''
sus'' for a man to compliment his wife
No. 1950977
>>1950433The last time a moid tried to attack taylor over being in her 30s with no kids yet, he just disappeared online. Cooper needs that same treatment he’s such a old scrote bitter over how his wife left, pretty sure his daughter doesn’t see him anymore either. He’s so chronically online
>>1950795 Women just can never win in etsees perfect world
no woman should be single or else she’s a failure but also no woman should be unhappy in a marriage and must have duty sex anytime the husband wants regardless. I wonder how often it’s really her husband typing this shit out
No. 1950985
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>>1950982Just look at him.
No. 1951018
>>1950985>Hairline is higher than her scroteVery feminine indeed.
Remember how Pearl shot her self in the foot when she went off the deep end with that one post "16 year olds are hotter than 25 year olds" i feel like Estee is heading that same way they let the male attention get to them so they start posting disgusting shit to keep it up, Pearl's channel got demonitized short after even tho she deleted that tweet, Estee will end up the same way and the tradwhore trend same as the manosphere is gonna be annihilated as fast as it started. It's gonna be glorious
No. 1951035
>>1951018Pearl sexualized her 15 year old sister and humiliated her in front of her incel fans in a recent stream that's why she got demonitized.
Pearl has expressed sexual interest in young teenagers before. I'm worried about her sister's safety.
No. 1951235
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Starting the new year with a copium overdose larger than the "my baby has a blue eye gene" one KEK
No. 1951238
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No. 1951292
>>1951238I feel so bad for her daughter’s psyche. She’s going to be either a mentally ill hideous raging narcissist like Megha, or the nicest girl ever and low self esteem
victim of narcissistic parents.
No. 1951303
>>1951238>admits she’s so lazy that her mom and female relatives did all the child rearing at first and now a nanny/maid does it Very trad
>admitting she doesn’t have the physical or mental strength to look after 1 child Pretty pathetic even by normie standards tbh
>thinks her scrote getting her decent healthcare, letting her order takeout a couple times a week, paying a cheap third world woman to clean the house and going on vacation is brag worthyBitch…lmao that’s literally just what most moids with a decent income do for their wives. Not anything special.
Holy shit why did she feel the need to post this L and show her ass like that, jfl. It’s so sad that she thinks this is ‘living the high life’ when it’s just normal baseline expectations from a husband, and most husbands have actual love and an emotional connection to their kids on top of that, while hers clearly doesn’t. Sad!
No. 1951311
>>1951035Pearl didn’t sexualise her sister, please stop spreading disinfo it hurts the legitimacy of the thread
>>1951018In a world where billions of people are competing for their 5 minutes of fame, you have to be extreme to stand out from the crowd. That’s why we’re seeing these dumb cunts posting more and more controversial takes. They’re absolutely no different from clout chasing zoomer TikTok attention whores. Gotta be as edgy as possible to get noticed.
>>1950969Agree. What a coincidence that every patriarchal country is a miserable shithole that everyone wants to escape from while feminist countries are happiest and wealthiest every year.
No. 1951330
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>>1951311Just report those posts, it's a tranny shitting up multiple threads
No. 1951478
>>1951266>Not to white knight but it’s the 5th day of the year guys just because they aren’t announcing all this shit in the first week doesn’t mean she isn’t tryingIt's only strange cause Shitsee is a massive attention whore and she would have been posting about it left and right if her 'career' as fetish E-thot wouldn't be destroyed.
>she’s gonna blow up in pregnancy and there’s the end of that cash cow.This is what we're waiting for. When that big forheaded bitch has a kid her snarky posts shitting on women who don't doll themselves up for the husbands enough will bite her in the ass as i doubt she can handle being a mom (cried about burnout from babysitting kek) her orbiters are also gonna drop her since E-whores survive on the delusions of availability their audience has and those are gone once she becomes a mom. We shall see. Either way she digged her self a hole and is fucked either way. Couldn't happen to a nicer girl.
No. 1951483
>>1951311>>1951330>Pearl didn’t sexualise her sister, please stop spreading disinfo it hurts the legitimacy of the thread She DID sexualise other minors tho on the street asking them questions about "bedroom fun" that's why youtube dropped her.
It's further explained in this video.
>>1950632 No. 1951500
>>1951330I never claimed that disgusting cocklover is a lesbian. Because she is exceptionally ugly and scrotes won't give her a chance normally, sexualising kids is the only way her beloved dicks will give her any attention.
She has repeatedly said she finds children more sexually attractive than adults. If that doesn't convince you she's a pedo I don't know what will.
I don't know why some people itt constantly defend her. Is it because you share her looks? She's a shameless cocksucker and I hope she ropes.
(alogging) No. 1951646
>>1951625I can’t wait to be getting drunk and talking shit in the nursing home with all the other
femcels whilst these bitches are rotting in their graves.
No. 1951687
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>>1951646>>1951646There's no such thing as "
femcel". Women can get laid any time any place they want the only time they're not is when they choose not to. Men are the ones paying women for sex/nudes. Stop using retarded incel terms when refering to the superior gender.
No. 1951746
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Another rw woman admitting to the “fake soulmates” LARP.
No. 1951747
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Posted by another well-known conservative Catholic who is even a “matchmaker”, ala voyuer tumblr girl-iq shipper who buttinskys her way to force random strangers to get together in an annoying fashion just to watch “drama and seggsual tension”.
They’re starting to crack and realize reality/nature is inherently sexist, you can’t fix a powerhungry bad guy into a soulmate just on sex and servitude alone - you’re just another tool to him.
No. 1951917
>>1951879The point is not using the term '
femcel' (an incel term men are trying to get off the ground to pretend women are just as bad when reality proves otherwise), not that women can't be virgins. Please learn to read before infighting.
(derailing) No. 1951938
>>1951917I’m still using it cos I think it’s funny. It’s using their own language against them, reclaiming it if you will. Most people with more than a double digit IQ understand that and don’t need some faggot on an imageboard lecturing them about what words to say or not. You actually give weight enough to incel opinions to change your fucking language?? It will never make any difference.
>>1951930The words
nonny and abuse are also redtexted, as well as many others. It means absolutely nothing. And if it does mean something I don’t care.
(infighting/derailing) No. 1952036
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No. 1952037
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No. 1952071
File: 1704661058242.jpeg (775.75 KB, 1144x2130, IMG_3741.jpeg)

This is what Megha feeds her husband. No wonder the poor guy has to order takeout sometimes. This watery shit is supposed to be a stew. In her earlier post she said she’d used good quality meat in there too, RIP
No. 1952122
>>1952071Theres so much I could criticize abut this dish but I won’t because I don’t nag to give Megha free tips on better cooking kek. Holy shit tradthots really only have 3 jobs (cooking, cleaning, child rearing) and so far she’s admitted she can’t do any of them and needs other women to help. Pathetic.
Pro tip Megha: if your cooking was actually good then your scrote wouldnt wanna order takeout regularly in the first place.
>>1951747The second tweet is literally tradthot dogma though?
>all women are naturally rebellious whoreish nagging shrews, but all a woman needs is a masculine caveman who brings meat home for her, marital rapes her and slaps her about a bit and she’ll be fixedThis is literally trad 101 lol
toxic cults always target children because they know they’re stupid and their brains haven’t fully developed yet. Interesting how they always claim liberals are trying to brainwash kids when trads and religions do it even more. My guess is they like having tons of young kids to replace the older ones who los interest in the cult and so they can keep churning out more brainwashed baby sheep for the movement.
>>1951585Tradthots are incredibly ageist and claim a woman’s only value is her looks, cunt and womb. Why would they expect older women to be treated well in their cult?
No. 1952143
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RW “antifeminist” girlboss strategy:
>Be a below-mid 3.5/10 eyes-too-far-apart, weak jawline bitch Candace O
>Get to work even though you lie you’re a SAHM
>The price to pay? Say on your attention-seeking show how you love Andrew Tate’s actions and make bi-weekly segments reeing against “modern wahmen” and “feminism” as simp bait.
>While still repeating most of their “modern actions” on the downlow like getting nannies to do your neglected wifely duties and having one of your kids via surrogate.
>And continue to do job without being called out by your simp army as a Cryptofeminist because you are TECHNICALLY working even though your husband is a millionaire, not being 24/7 domestic, simp-farming, and why allowed to travel alone with another man Vivek on a “political tour” though you have an “alpha” husband??
JK her husband George is a pretty faggot who looks like a bottom. Owens controls his ass, its obvious she doesn’t look up to or obey him.
No. 1952223
File: 1704689128216.jpeg (186.85 KB, 634x731, 50BBD73A-F2B2-43C8-8829-F0CB4D…)

>>1952143Her kid looks so much like her kek. Short Samuel L Jackson nose, long FAS philtrum, dumb spaced apart cow eyes.
Weird how these trads and right wing scrotes decry white birth rates, talk about ‘beigeoids’ ruining Europe and America, call all mixed race kids ‘ugly goblin mutts’ and other disparaging terms, then proceed to racemix with the first black or asian woman who tolerates them. One rule for me another for thee, it’s clear their motivation regarding being anti racemixing is sexual insecurity and wanting to control white women’s wombs, not any kind of ‘race loyalty’, why else would so many of them be married to non white women?
File: 1704689907557.png (455.88 KB, 563x909, D01E8438-0E33-437A-8F1A-68A1C6…)

>>1952223If these poltards weren’t just pathetic larpers and actually read their ancient holy texts, they would know that ‘Aryanism’ or ‘Nordicism’ is canonically passed on through the mother’s bloodline, not the father’s. Similar to the matrilineal principle in other religions. So by their own logic, if the mom isn’t white then their little darlings won’t get into Valhalla, sorry kek.
(pic not mine, found on wignat trve viking twitter)
No. 1952233
>>1952100According to Google she’s 29. That’s the same average age that ‘normie degenerate’ women first give birth in Canada. And so far she’s struggling with basic cooking cleaning and childcare so much that she needs to pay other women to do it for her.
>>1951266She’s been really wanting to get pregnant for over a year now and it’s still not happening. She’s either barren or hubby is gay and the Turkey baster isn’t working.
>>1952066Copium also children have the least melanin in their bodies at birth then darken as they age. If her kid had come out blue eyed and blonde then she would be plastering it all over social media but she’s not because she’s ashamed.
No. 1952329
>>1950433First off, someone needs to start a new Trve Vikings thread. That’s where all the Varg and Marie milk goes. Here is the second thread if anyone is interested:
>>>/snow/1308872Most of what’s posted here is old Varg and Marie milk. But since both are active on twitter now we can have a third thread.
Marie is not really a tradthot, she’s more of a tradwife and she doesn’t post thirst traps on the internet. She has a few pick me moments like giving advice about keeping your hair long, bragging about being a child bride to an old man, but those are few and far in between her usual autistic posts.
Taylor Swift attracts hate from the worst of scrotes and the most miserable pick me’s. She’s beautiful, talented, rich and successful unlike Marie who ripped open her vajay more than enough times for an ex convict to brag about her like cattle. Of course she’s pissed
No. 1952343
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>>1952071This shit belongs on a cursed food page omg lol so gross
No. 1952360
>>1952329You’re right here needs to be a new vikangz thread. Out of all the tradthots I probably respect Marie the most, even though she’s a retard at least she walks the walk and isn’t a lazy hypocrite, she’s also a bit less aggressively misogynistic than other trads and admitted that if her kids want to take different paths to hers growing up then that’s their choice and she won’t try to force them to adhere to her principles.
>>1952347How embarrassing to admit that even taking care of one kid or cooking dinner regularly is too much of a challenge for you. Smegma needs to just admit she’s a lazy parasitic gold digger and nothing else.
>>1952352I guess that’s why her takes are becoming more radical, got to distract her paypigs from her barren womb.
No. 1952371
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>>1952347Whats funny is Megha claims she got kicked out of college for being anti vaxx but it was really because she’d posted so much racist, misogynistic and pro murder stuff on her Twitter for all to see and saying dumb shit like calling for lesbians to be burned at the stake. It’s one thing to be an edgy Chudette, but to do it on a public platform where anyone can see it including your employer/school, then being too spineless to admit you said it is a whole new level of pathetic.
No. 1952384
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She’s such a greasy ugly witch kek.
No. 1952385
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>>1952379It says Meg won some prize as one of three graduate students from Western University’s Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry received the top prize of $20,000 for innovations in artificial intelligence.
So she got kicked out before graduating or what? it says here that she is a graduate student.
Also she looks fugly as hell here No. 1952399
>>1952371It wasn’t just that, she claimed that women in the Middle East live safer and better lives than western women, she also said that Taliban males are more masculine and better at protecting their women, and that Indian men need to man up otherwise Muslim men will start coming to India and raping and taking their women as wives and colonizing them.
She’s really weird and seems to have constant rape/invader fantasies about foreign males raping and colonizing Indian vaginas. She’s definitely one of those weird horny wattpad fanfic girls.
No. 1952415
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>>1952399sounds like pakichan kek
>>1952360>admitted that if her kids want to take different paths to hers growing up then that’s their choice and she won’t trycaps? either way she's not giving them the opportunity to choose another path in lige since she's indoctrinating her kids and not letting them go to school. if you take a look at her youtube channel the boys are allowed to play and explore creatively (the oldest 2 even have their own channel) while the girls are confined to cooking, basically. she's posted videos where their eldest daughter is making crepes, and one where she's preparing crawfish, not much else. meanwhile the older boys can be seen doing all sorts of projects and seem to be allowed much more free time. that's not to say those boys have it easy, since they're all living in a tiny inadequate shack with loony nazi parents. anyway despite varg and marie's bs about not seeing women as submissive as fundie christians do, they obviously share the exact same values and raise their kids in very similar manners and confine them to strict gender roles. varg has even said catholicism is 80% paganism/his own values kek.
No. 1952521
>>1952486She was anorexic (like a lot of these now raw milk and red meat obsessed tradtards) and passed out, hitting her head and was concussed. A lot of people suspect that her concussion changed her personality to be a hateful misogynist… idk.
Someone else who claimed to be friends with her said they invited Megha to their home in NYC as a friend and slutty Megha hit on the host’s boyfriend (maybe around 2019-2020). During the time the former friend said Megha had an ED, barely ate, and was very faint and woozy. I believe this anecdote is mentioned in older tradthots threads too.
A few years later after the concussion she started a PhD.
No. 1952523
>>1952521Doublepost, the PhD application and enrollment was after Megha was rejected from medical school. She initially wanted to be an MD after undergrad and failed.
She also used to flirt with that RW small headed fitness influencer on Twitter with long curly hair.. does anyone remember his name? They would talk over DMs. He, btw, is married to a Desi woman.
No. 1952637
>>1952556Many such cases. Antifeminist pickme girls are all very promiscuous and cockloving lmao, the moids who simp and betabux them online are too stupid to know, she says one thing and does another.
Of course even after securing a husband to pedestalize her, its not enough and she still wants orbiter males as backup and numerous simp armies.
This clip from the whatever podcast comes to mind. All the girls who did porn on there said they are not feminist and don’t believe in equality, BUT if their BFs told them to stop fucking other men they would not obey. Contradictory “submissive” behaviour lol. Pickmes are pickmes because they love cock.
No. 1952732
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Speaking of tradthots who are downlow bisexual/lesbians, here’s another one:
Notsoerudite used to proclaim herself as a “big antifeminist christian tradgirl who fights for men” but has since opened up her marriage with her husband, like Destiny, fucks women in that open marriage and is always the clean-up girl, you know the one who has to eat the pussy out after her man jizzed in it. Not to mention her sketchy past, ew.
Most current cringe of erudite is her trying to start drama with a fresh new antifeminist online (Mary Morgan, the Tim Pool girl) and commenting on her breasts. Ghey. And got called out on it. Doesn’t seem like she was truly “trad and loving men”.
No. 1952745
>>1952450You sound new to Varg and Marie milk. Placentaverse are different anon, as they are not really thots, the women don’t post sexy pics on the internet because “muh honorable ancestors”, there is a lot of racism, delusion and a little bit of pedoph*lia amongst the older males. (And honestly, the placentaladies are so autistic idk if it’s possible to pull the sultry look with those void autismo eyes)
The main issue is they think they are so different from Christians but they brainwash autistic and impressionable teenagers into giving up your life to live in a hut.
Please, I’ve never started a thread before, and i’m ESL so I’m sure some other anon can put together a better thread summary than me
(newfag) No. 1952748
>>1952415Varg had quoted this misogynistic take from his wife in an older video, back when he was actively posting on YouTube. (Old milk I know) So she really said that after all.
Somehow I think it’s not just Marie’s autism. She has educated family who are allegedly engineers, descended from European nobles blah blah, but she must have grown in a very male dominated patriarchal family to still have this much internalized misogyny today as a woman in her thirties.
It’s kind of sad, she thinks her ex convict husband is the prize while everyone with a slightly normal brain can she he’s a bigot who ages in dog years
No. 1952751
>>1952415I’m not the anon who posted that but I remember some guy from their circle was asking if educating the kids in math is really that necessary (because they’re preparing for the post apocalyptic life you know) and she said smt like“my kids must be prepared for all worlds”. She does put the effort in homeschooling. The kids will be messed up with all the indoctrination but at least they’ll have some level of knowledge to fall back on if they decide to integrate into French society later on. I know we are comparing two extremists but Christian families are much worse when it comes to homeschooling.
I don’t have the time to search for caps so you can have a look at her twitter history or no context Varg Vikernes if you really want to read the exact quote
(post caps or don't post at all) No. 1952930
>>1952804Men like him are racist and want a white wife and hate how they can’t attract a white feminist girlboss from 27-35 with anything to offer (I leave out 36-42 bc we know his depraved self wouldn’t be attracted to his same age peer).
For the record, nearly all western born women of color (even if some are self hating) would not settle for Megha’s husband’s terms— being jobless, living in Qatar and raising a child alone there with a middle aged man. Even Megha probably wouldn’t have accepted that if she was younger, given her ranting about community. Now she settled for a life where it costs $2000 to for her mom to see her baby. Sad. Even wealthy Desis do not go back and forth frequently.
Meanwhile Megha is bottom of the barrel and could not attract a normal well earning professional man in Canada in his early 30s. That’s how atrocious either of them are…
No. 1953212
>>1952930Indian men and women in general are very white worshipping and will generally take whatever white partner they can get.
Doesnt matter that he avoids her and the kid as much as possible, spent 3/4 of their marriage so far apart from her, doesnt even get up if he hears their baby crying, didn’t attend the baby shower and shoved Megha onto her mom and sisters for months so he wouldn’t have to deal with any of the post baby drama or problems, can’t stand her cooking and order takeout all the time, blatantly disrespects her, lives in a place full of nouveau riche expat wankers and works for a bunch of nasty backwards Saudi scrotes etc.
Megha is an autistic brain damaged dumbass and doesn’t realize how much she’s exposing both herself and husband when posting these Ls. It’s not looking good.
>>1950433and yet marie cachet looks about 20 years older than taylor, gee I wonder why.
also this is a surprise to no one but the guy who posted the original tweet has been outed as a charlatan many times, even moids are tired of his shit.
No. 1953228
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Goes to show the lie about “men value virtue and good women above all else” is a lie when the woman is mid or ugly.
Men hate ugly virgins, and notice how they will be mean and rude to a plain-looking or ogre-faced woman who is kind to them and tries to take care of them. Especially if she is their wife.
Rich “high value” “alpha” men always go for the high-class sophisticated beautiful escort/model with a body count who plays a little snobbish, high-maintenance and a challenge, gets him to invest in her so he remembers the sunk cost fallacy and is less likely to dump. And she doesn’t even have to do a chore, he loves her beauty so much he’d rather preserve her as his trophy wife than have her lift a finger.
No. 1953363
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Estee giving "tips" on how to attract ugly faggot looking men who can't afford to provide furniture.
No. 1953365
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Masculine manly provider she attracted lmao
No. 1953367
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Her fat ass sitting on that god awful couch her broke faggot husband managed to "provide"
No. 1953368
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More poor cooking and housekeeping skills for everyone to see kek she's lucky her audience is mostly neckbeard incels who know fuck all about cooking and house decoration or else she would roasted daily for her laughable attempts
No. 1953371
File: 1704909743321.jpg (138.49 KB, 1200x1200, bill-melinda-gates.jpg)

>>1953228Yeah, the sad truth is that high value men don't value virtue unless they are very religious. But they do value intelligence. Ogrefaced women can make up for their looks by being giant nerds. Picture related, Bill Gates and the woman he married.
(derailing newfag) No. 1953373
File: 1704910078771.jpg (800.52 KB, 2169x1489, Male-Baldness-1.jpg)

>>1953368that wallpaper is an eye sore soooo outdated.
Seems like the 37 year old scrote tier receding hairline runs in the family lol
No. 1953376
File: 1704911172245.jpg (297.41 KB, 1332x1861, The-Australian-Womens-Weekly-v…)

Can someone explain to me why Evie magazine is so shit? Every article reads like lazy chatgpt clickbait for Facebook boomers. I guess I was expecting articles about trad fashion and homekeeping tips. Old women's magazines are so much better.(unsaged newfag doesn't understand what this thread is for)
No. 1953413
>>1953405>Bill and Melinda Gates married young for lovehave you lost your entire mind? she married her boss’s boss’s boss when she was 30 and he was 49
maybe she loved him, but he was already the CEO of the world’s largest software company when they met, and he was clearly interested in a dynastic marriage and heirs and all
No. 1953414
>>1953228>12 bodiesmeanwhile a tinder study showed that the average male will have more than 300 casual encounters by the age of 30.
Fucking used up whores.
No. 1953423
>>1953371Funny thing is Melinda was dating like 3 different guys at the same time she was seeing Bill and he even said he waited for her to make her mind up about who she was gonna settle for kek.
>>1953376Those old timey magazines are much more brutally honest and upfront about real problems women had. You’ll find all kinds of home remedies for gross shit like haemorrhoids and vaginal tears after birth, stern advice from older women, actual solutions to problems etc.
Stupid fluffy tradthot zines like Evie are made for the male gaze and pretend women’s shit smells like roses and act like we came out of the womb with manicures and flat ironed hair.
No. 1953466
File: 1704922661419.jpeg (501.77 KB, 1280x1067, IMG_3809.jpeg)

She’ll post the wildest takes just to seem edgy. Completely ignoring the fact that infant vaccination programs have saved so many lives.
No. 1953543
File: 1704936849553.jpeg (426.33 KB, 1170x1652, IMG_6124.jpeg)

Megha trying to make it sound like she wasn’t desperate/settled for the first white man she could get and that she wasn’t dumped by her first white moid fiance. I wouldn’t say middle aged has ideal testosterone levels either.
No. 1953580
>>1953543Is she really still pretending her husband is her “one true love” after all her losses and his neglect and his harems of other families?
Megha should stop lying and get her head out of the smut fiction novels she claims as “good literature”, almost all of the “soulmate” fantasy did not happen to her as narrated except for the fact that he’s rich. But behaviour-wise, totally not a prince charming and why does he look low-T in the face? Kek ugly redhead!
Anyway, its amusing how she tries to make girls do the Barbara the builder thing, many such cases where they have built their broke poor little bfs up only to find he gets cocky and dumps them for a model Stacy. Men never appreciate women’s deeds and duty for the most part, it goes out the window as soon as beauty comes up. Men don’t care what women built with them because they don’t see her as a person as in, her skills cannot make up for looks.
No. 1953598
>>1953228if they knew anything about who rich men marry…. they'd pick the girl on the right. Such an insane amount of rich moids marry ex-escorts it's insane
I'm convinced the only type of moids attracted to the "humble trad homely virgin" types are either ultra-religious or don't even make enough to support a family comfortably anyway
No. 1953642
>>1953228The men who fetishize virgin
femcel women like the one on the left are generally 4chan basement dweller losers who are insecure about their dick size and not being able to please a woman after she’s experienced bigger and better dicks.
Men who are rich CEOs and such tend to be arrogant go-getters and believe they are the best. As such they dont care about a woman’s past experiences because they believe they are gonna be the best she’s ever had anyway. The only thing they care about is how attractive she is because it reflects his own status and also makes him look more powerful by proxy. As you said a lot of these women worked as models or actresses who slept their way to the top, escorts, sugar babies etc before and the powerbrokers and ceos who wife them genuinely don’t care. Same with very attractive men like athletes and male models. Chads don’t care about a woman’s bodycount. It’s always the ugly insecure men.
No. 1953669
File: 1704975209157.jpeg (1.25 MB, 1290x1528, IMG_3817.jpeg)

My god this creature is a fountain of cringe. First off, her desperation to be white is so obvious. She constantly uses alt-right terms like “retvrn”. Everybody knows that’s a dog-whistle for white ethnostates, of which Megha would not be a part of. It’s embarrassing how badly she wants to seem like part of a group that does not want her. Secondly, the part in that passage that says women would not be allowed custody of their children in the event of a break up. I thought men doing childcare was gay Megha? So why are you supporting this? And she is implicitly supporting domestic violence here - against children, if the husband wills it? Megha thinks it’s sexy to support this kind of submission (evidence that trad thots are literally just fetishists) and sure, if you’re married to a loving and competent man this kind of dynamic could work. But she forgets that there are many selfish, abusive men out there who would use laws like this to torment their wife and children. That’s why stuff like this was outlawed. In Megha’s world, men are pure and noble creatures and women are all hoes (except for her). She has no nuance whatsoever.
No. 1953767
File: 1704993530242.png (310.4 KB, 931x677, tradthot-drama.png)

Rach4patriarchy got into hot water with another tradthot called Isabella Deluca for making a video where she bakes a cake wearing a tight t shirt that didn't even show any cleavage LMAO
No. 1953768
File: 1704993603409.png (326.48 KB, 819x713, Cake-video.png)

This is the video that got Rachel to chimp out on her for not being modest enough (kek)
No. 1953772
File: 1704994091786.png (269.81 KB, 579x798, tradthot-drama-2.png)

Trad scrote shitting on the tradthots
No. 1953774
File: 1704994186408.png (163.02 KB, 562x750, Isabella response.png)

No. 1953783
File: 1704995129667.png (220.38 KB, 1134x534, 2024-01-11 (4).png)

Another scrote that calls himself the "godfather of the manosphere" attacked her too and got fucked up kek
No. 1953784
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No. 1953786
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No. 1953787
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No. 1953788
File: 1704995704979.png (111.28 KB, 1071x285, 2024-01-11 (10).png)

Pearl joined the drama only to make a dumbass outta her self thinking that sharing public pics of someone's insta is doxxing kek
No. 1953795
>>1953669Reminder Megha’s ‘people’ used to think women throwing themselves and their kids on their husbands funeral pyre was good and normal until British people outlawed the practice and deemed it barbaric.
They were invaded so many times by so many different races and peoples from Greeks and Brits to Central Asians and Muslims that it mindfucked them forever and made them schizophrenic and obsessed with rape and hierarchies and skin color and caste systems.
Sorry, not even being racist but it’s simply in Indians nature to be a bunch of servile scrotum worshipping weirdos with no pride but insane egos. They literally worship dicks in their culture (look up lingams lol it’s literally meant to be Shiva’s dick) just very weird people and mentally ill. And they also believe white people are gods in their culture too, which is part of why Indian men are so rapey towards anyone with blonde hair and many self hating Indian women are desperate to marry white. It’s not Megha’s fault she’s batshit insane, it’s probably just in her genes to be a weird white scrotum washer. Many such cases.
File: 1704996369724.png (250.08 KB, 943x758, Oooof.png)

Isabella calling Rach4patriarchy a whore for having 5 kids from 2 different men (it was 3 men actually kek). Tradthot wars.
No. 1953803
File: 1704996620433.png (108.23 KB, 682x294, DEAD.png)

I'm fucking dying she destroyed Rachel with this one kek
No. 1953804
File: 1704996790501.png (427.62 KB, 831x775, 2024-01-11 (15).png)

No. 1953806
File: 1704997098204.png (354.85 KB, 1452x740, 2024-01-11 (16).png)

Even Megha joined the Tradthot wars lol she's seething cause her moid simps for E-thots with big titts like Isabella
No. 1953824
File: 1705000870180.png (391.06 KB, 907x818, Unhinged .png)

Rach4patriarchy is so fucking unhinged she got her Zombie looking scrote to do an entire 3 hours livestream to further dog pile on the cake tradthot. Summary:
>He called her a "skank" and "slut" >Had another tradthot on there saying she saw her in real life wearing a blue thin straps dress and that she was fat with a fupa>Told her to drop the pictures and show them just to mock her appearance>Guest tradthot was full of shit >Had no actual photos of herLink to post: No. 1953829
File: 1705001082967.jpeg (267.16 KB, 1233x1423, IMG_6151.jpeg)

>>1953669She has been saying “retvrn” for 5+ years, as she fetishizes the past and the conditions women were fighting to escape— megha doesnt “dog whistle” the alt right, she is simply far right, she is simply racist, and she is explicit about it all (eg supporting British colonialism in India, white fetish, etc). There is no subtlety to her, she is not a closeted “alt righter. that accusation belongs to 2018, as it’s quite inadequate to describe people in favor of repealing women’s voting rights and dismantling public schools and ending literacy
No. 1953839
File: 1705002231477.png (212.74 KB, 1203x706, Moody.png)

This whole war over the cake baking video is wild lmao
Remember the tradthot that married a teenagers she met when he was 15 Isabella Riley Moody?
Her husband asked the cake tradthot (Isabella Deluca) to marry him first but she thought he was too young. Now Isabella Riley Moody joined the tradthot wars too to hate on Isabella Deluca and told her simps to attack her on discord.
This is fucking crazy y'all like a cartoon overlap of Tradthots.
No. 1953842
File: 1705002452411.png (690.78 KB, 1120x732, Isabella Riley Moody telling s…)

>>1953839Screenshot of her telling her simps to attack her
No. 1953844
File: 1705002553508.png (848.63 KB, 1376x781, bikinipost.png)

Tradthot wars: Isabella Riley Moody round.
No. 1953847
File: 1705002653307.png (409.16 KB, 696x851, rachel sending feetpics to sim…)

>>1953845She does actually whore her self online for attention
No. 1953853
File: 1705002964618.png (279.32 KB, 1084x475, notlookingfor malevalidationuw…)

>Not looking for male attention unlike those E-whores!
No. 1953858
File: 1705003266472.png (187.25 KB, 1293x566, IsabellaDelucaresponsetoRileyM…)

>>1953839>The woman your husband wanted to marry first kek
No. 1953859
>>1953847>i have dignity, unlike those modern working women!>sends photos of her piglike cankles at the first opportunityso modest and virtuous
>>1953858they aren't fighting over the guy who looks like an eighth grader, are they? seriously?
No. 1953861
File: 1705003703427.png (528.86 KB, 606x832, 2024-01-11 (40).png)

>>1953859This the mf they're fighting over
No. 1953911
>>1953784>>1953774Lmao she's actually funny. It's so hard to believe that somebody like her would be a trathot, just why?
>>1953839>at 15…how?
No. 1954078
>>1953842>she's desperate for a husband>she edits her photos>steals tweetsOh the vendetta is strong, this is hilarious. Editing photos and videos is like 100% of people online these days outside of grandmas, stealing tweets is normal influencer activity.
>>1953847>posting these feet like it's a flexI thought they were men's feet at first
>>1953861Love when women fight over garden variety moids you can find on any street corner
>>1953858It's impossible for the other Isabella to recover from this I'm afraid kek
>>1953844>army of simpsWhere's the anon that said tradthots are closeted lesbians because this is not even an insult, definitely psychosexual crushing between these women
No. 1954137
File: 1705057238067.jpeg (239.13 KB, 1620x672, 1CCF433A-D32A-4472-94AF-E272FB…)

>>1953795This isn’t even racism, self aware indians will admit India worships white people like gods. It’s pathetic. Once they get their white partner Indian men and women do nothing but bash their own race and desperately try to bleach their own genes out of existence.
(racebait) No. 1954149
>>1953669Whoa whoa whoa
Not only condoning but encouraging domestic abuse against women AND their children
Is she mentally ill ??
No. 1954153
>>1953829I’m still too busy laughing at her pen name to take anything she says seriously
>>1954149>is she mentally ill Yes.
No. 1954165
File: 1705063793844.jpeg (323.39 KB, 1290x874, IMG_3879.jpeg)

Megha is really telling on herself here. She’s so shit at being a mother that she can’t trust herself to make decisions while breastfeeding apparently.
No. 1954175
>>1953669I don't think tradthots believe men are pure, I think they have such an extreme case of NLOG they have deluded themselves to think they will be the exception and a man would never harm
them because they are too perfect. The thots scrapping among themselves and comparing traits above is a good display of that, plus the "rules" they constantly encourage (he will not leave/abuse me if I do X and Y)
The worst part is this isn't even ancient thinking, plenty of non tradthots believe if some harm is done to a woman (abandoned, raped, whatever) she must have done something to deserve it. Trads are just the extreme version but plenty of normal-seeming women unironically believe this.
No. 1954180
File: 1705068084034.jpg (27.99 KB, 459x612, curvy-thin-woman.jpg)

>>1954115>Estees figure is probably the best thing about her and it’s much better than some skelly anachans with no curvesI love how trannies and fat bitches cope by thinking just cause a woman is thin they must be twigs with no curves, fat doesn't equal curves plenty of fat women who are shaped like a fridge. Keep coping tho kek
>Shitsee is curvyShe's shaped like a fridge that's why she got those ridiculous fake boobs to give her body more definition. Moids are retarded.
(derailing) No. 1954183
File: 1705068306103.png (562.56 KB, 906x660, Rach4IsFat.png)

>>1954066She sure did it would have been a nightmare scrolling through those tradthot's accounts and losing brain cells. She's also savage af and i'm here for it. She called Rachel fat lmao
No. 1954229
>>1954165the two genders: breastfeeding and spatially aware
also, how does this gel with the "women must raise the children" part of the trad ideal? if women are too flighty to make decisions about their own lives, why is it fine for them to have effectively total control over an impressionable child's life?
No. 1954302
File: 1705089752795.jpeg (566.38 KB, 1620x720, BFE34B66-9822-44CA-A9DD-34D066…)

>>1954165>moids>spatially aware >being trusted to drive cars safelyLMAOOOOOO. Nice meme.
No. 1954352
>>1954165She clearly doesn’t drive tbh (a lot of sheltered
femcels on Twitter never learned, from my experience lurking). Driving to work or 2.4 miles to Target is not some harrowing experience. Everyone knows men are stupidly confident but worse drivers than women (less attentive, less cautious, etc). It reflects in car insurance rates and casualties numbers.
She should probably eat a little more too to account for the breastfeeding if she’s walking around faint. anachans are gonna be ana. If women lose all sense of spatiality and context by BFing, how can they watch a toddler running around when they have a newborn?
No. 1954360
>>1954165The worst part about her is she is such a narcissist she can’t even acknowledge the downsides of her life. The Middle East is a MUCH better place to raise a family than Canada or England /s.
It’s fine, we all know living in the ME, far away from friends and her tight knit family, with only your husband as company as a new mother is awful. She still wears cheap ugly clothes, her mother only visiting once does not give “spoiled by my rich husband.” & she’s literally complained about England turning Muslim through immigration in the past while she moved to the ME KEK. does her moid even have a plan for returning to the west? I can’t believe she’d agree to relocate there if he wasnt on a contract. That said, it’s not like they could afford a good quality of life in England either. Her moid knows that too.
No. 1954366
>>1954360Double and I hate to say this but at least you get insight into Varg’s povo life through his processed welfare food, the tradthot Mrs Midwest discussed her health issues from having babies back to back and she’s talked about being on a tight budget.
Despite her life now being the opposite of everything she’s advocated— being by family and raising kids surrounded by a community of likeminded people, living in a western nation with Christian values etc.
she lacks principles just like any leftist she claims tried on values as a trend. She dropped all her self purported values for an uggo white moid that no woman from his 20s-40s wanted to marry (who followed girls shaking their ass on TikTok)
No. 1954375
File: 1705100105053.jpeg (145.89 KB, 750x733, IMG_1270.jpeg)

Another truthpill about double standards and purity for men and women. Men love to pimp women out and demand they fuck him only without giving commitment, one-sided. They hate women they can’t control, also even the whores that submit and are benefitting men at the moment only get treated nice whenever the sex part is taking place. Outside, or when they are doing other things, the man or pimp will still insult, mock and shame her. No coddling or princess treatment is done. Men are selfish like that, they think women’s only piece of humanity is her sex and purity and once they violate it, they “dehumanize” her. Pieces of shit.
No. 1954392
File: 1705102784183.jpeg (155.74 KB, 750x1624, IMG_1276.jpeg)

Another antifeminist RW girlboss crone who calls herself “Leila”. Rumor has it this hag has glommed on to some backing from a few rich conservative fundings since 2023 and is trying to make a name for herself.
Although she claimed that she thinks careers are bad for women overall and they should just stick to house elf duties only, and how since young she has given up her college degree to marry an older man “for love” and because she had a strong baby fever after her first child. But now doing the opposite. Hypocrite.
Also, get a load of her “soulmate” kek. Do they look like they have much chemistry together? He looks like he cheated sneakily during middle age. And she still dare to creepily DM younger RW tradthots and lie to them about “relying only on struggle love” is enough for marriage and how “men being bad and cases of abuse” do not signal a need for feminism cuz “soulmates” apparently. What a crock of bullshit. She’s the bitch spreading this fantasy enema and should shut down. Shit clown.
No. 1954417
>>1954392ah, the noble tradition of “my full time job is to tell other women they shouldn’t have jobs”
Phyllis Schlafly would be proud
No. 1954458
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No. 1954518
>>1954360I don’t believe that anyone with a choice would want to live with their young family in Qatar or Dubai tbh. Here in the UK the only people I see moving to Dubai or UAE are trashy wahhabi Pakistani Muslims and Slavic women trying to make money through prostitution. Also, Meghas husband is British, and most British people are not wealthy at all, especially compared to Americans, her Nigel is clearly just there for the money and tax breaks and she’s coping about being rich or loving life there. The UAE is horrible tacky Islamist and full of nouveau riche cringe Arabs and Russians, they simply have no choice but to live there because they need the money from his job. He probably isn’t even earning that much. The average American upper middle class person has more money than the top 5% of British people, British STEM wages are generally very low compared to other places like the US.
Megha is thousands of miles away from her female support network and is unable to make friends with other women wherever she goes. Her husband is also thousands of miles away from his own family. The whole thing is very unnatural and not exactly a good foundation for a family.
No. 1954522
>>1954366This. What’s sad is you can tell her moid would have preferred an 18 year old blonde white girl with big boobs but none of the tiktok thots he messaged responded to him kek. So he settled for post wall Megha because she was desperate and responsive (literally replies to a message from a stranger online asking if she’d like a tour of Oxford kek, talk about desperate) and also knew she was Indian who are naturally desperate for white pussy/dick in general.
Also speaks volumes that he couldn’t get an Arab moid to give him their teenage daughter in marriage, either he is a lot broker than he claims to be, or he’s so weird and untrustworthy in real life that not even Arab moids would give him a chance to marry into their families.
No. 1954526
>>1954392Without feminism she would literally be chained to the stove or dead 20 years ago from childbirth kek. The very fact she’s allowed to express opinions without being silenced shows she’s benefited from feminism.
I know women who live in anti feminist countries and they certainly aren’t allowed to post pics of themselves on social media or spout opinions online, they’re too busy popping out kids and cooking meals for their
abusive scrotes, and get threatened with violence from the men in their village anytime they dare make an online presence for themselves.
No. 1954527
>>1954356This lol. In a previous thread a nona pointed out that men are much more naturally antisocial and self centred than women. So why should they be the ones surrounded by people all day at work and mingling?
If anything it’s women who should be out in leadership roles, working with people and collaborating on team projects, mediating and delegating, while the men stay home and wash up and vacuum the floors while ‘being alone with their thoughts’ and ‘getting some peace and quiet’ as they love so much.
No. 1954528
>>1954526It’s always privileged women who grew up in first world feminist countries, were never assaulted or raped because they grew up in a safe environment full of laws that protect women, usually came from money and sheltered backgrounds, and have also greatly benefited from western womens rights and feminism, that are the ones who decry the evils of feminism and wish to retvrn to patriarchal shitholes. Women in the second and third world and who actually live in patriarchal shitholes are desperately fighting for
more feminism.
No. 1954562
>>1954552This anon
>>1954558Is right. This is why rape is illegal in the Middle East and this is why women need multiple male witnesses to prove they were raped. Women themselves aren’t considered trustworthy enough by the courts and are often punished for adultery after being raped. Retards like you consider that feminist because you don’t even know the fucking meaning of the word. You post this utter waffle
>>1954531With your retarded Reddit spacing and when people point out the obvious you gaslight them and make out that they’re shitting on feminism in general. Please go back to Reddit you fucking brainless, arrogant moron and stop shitting up the thread.
No. 1954598
>>1954531You’re insane. “Feminist”? Rape rates are low in the UAE because they literally don’t count it as a crime unless it happens to a rich Emirati woman from a “good” family and the perp is foreign. Rape
victims regularly get arrested for extramarital sex, drinking alcohol or anything else the police can pin on her to discredit her. Domestic workers are raped, trafficked & abused at insane rates and have zero recourse under the law. You can’t go to any nightclub in Dubai without running into dozens of prostituted women from all over the world. Good luck even seeking medical treatment at a hospital if you’re a foreign rape
victim and your attacker(s) are Emirati (personally witnessed that one, fun times!) Please read some feminist literature and stop spreading lies on the internet, it’s embarrassing. No. 1954608
File: 1705153739004.jpg (5.54 KB, 208x242, taxidermy-fail.jpg)

>>1954458She looks like a taxidermy fail but on humans
No. 1954621
File: 1705156397595.png (777.54 KB, 1494x803, roasted1.png)

Shitsee getting roasted in the comment section of her videos.
>People calling her out for monetizing her instagram
>Scrotes calling people who call her out jealous (kek)
>Pick me's calling people who call her out damaged and trauma dumping not all men are so bad trust me sweetie
>Gay husband in the comments hyping her up but it's probably her writing those comments kek
No. 1954626
File: 1705156860808.png (569.37 KB, 1554x611, roasted2.png)

She has such a punchable fat face
No. 1954629
File: 1705157164302.png (426.12 KB, 1211x566, roasted 4.png)

It's only brain dead coomer scrotes who are letting her obvious larp slide cause they like having free Onlyfans fetish content to jerk off to
No. 1954630
File: 1705157738275.png (1017.78 KB, 1514x758, ewwww.png)

She's not even trying she must be baiting us at this point.
No. 1954638
File: 1705158813559.png (1.02 MB, 1579x739, vomit.png)

I can't lmao imagine bragging about how you married a provider then only have one scratched raggedy ass plate to put the slob you cooked in
No. 1954648
>>1954638These all look like painted steel plates meant for letting items cool off/leaving aside before serving, not for eating off, very odd
Also she must be trolling because this all looks awful
No. 1954699
File: 1705167653996.png (13.38 KB, 650x650, 1673650857687.png)

>>1954632Kekekeke i seriously tought this was a meat dish. You know, venison or something that goes well w berries.
But no no, this bitch just made rhe most unappetizing pancakes the world has ever seen. What a feat
No. 1954702
File: 1705168180241.png (765.71 KB, 806x790, The-wizard-of-Tradthots.png)

What did she do to her nose ? kek
No. 1954715
File: 1705171600181.jpg (4.15 KB, 294x172, itt.jpg)

>>1954629She has a huge IT clown forhead kek
>Remember Georgie, marital rape was made up by feminism. No. 1954748
File: 1705178498164.jpeg (337.38 KB, 1136x1385, IMG_6256.jpeg)

Why would you neg your mother online? She’s such a piece of shit
No. 1954755
File: 1705179377476.gif (676.41 KB, 260x195, smh-gif-1.gif)

>>1954748She even hates her own mother for not being white and sucks up to her white MIL at her own mother's expense……god this bitch is so mentally ill and insufferable
No. 1954757
File: 1705179741136.png (716.83 KB, 609x727, muh tall strong man.png)

>>1954748Bitch your
tall stongk man is almost your height kek
No. 1954774
>>1954518Yes, thanks for this perspective on UK/US income.
I’m sure they supplement heavily from Megha’s Substack, Gumroad, and private tutoring. That’s why she mentioned “women working outside the home” in her last tweet.
It reminds me of how tradtard Alex Kaschuta moved from England to her home country of Romania and kept her little email job. Her income from podcasting, Twitter, and substack is significant in Romania.
As for Megha I’m sure they will both financially lean heavy on their families.
>>1954757Girl, this twink is your “post apocalyptic war lord?” Can this strong man even install a door or mini split? Can he lift and change a tire?
No. 1954782
File: 1705182760486.jpeg (184.31 KB, 1040x1610, IMG_6259.jpeg)

Filtered ass selfie aside, I need to know how selling book club memberships “link in bio, subscribe!” at net $13 a pop and writing once a week (when your baby is 7 months old) is a better trade over working and living in England and Canada near family and getting 12month-18month of paid maternity leave (75-100% of pay, depending)?
She started providing tutoring sessions again 2 months after baby. How is that better than taking a 2 year career break to focus on baby and returning to formal workforce FT or PT with mom and aunt giving a couple days of childcare? Or having a remote, low impact job? Or doing part time professional wage work, like consulting?
No. 1954903
File: 1705219029289.jpeg (339.79 KB, 1170x1794, IMG_6299.jpeg)

>>1954757What a weird photograph— they do look happy in this (probably happy to have someone to sleep with) but also like they don’t know each her/are uncomfortable/new to touching eachother. Stiff.
They don’t match or look good together either
>> Attached. Where is the support system of other women to change your baby’s diapers?
No. 1954910
>>1954903Megha might as well admit that ‘soulmates’ are a lie and false concept then. Her moid isn’t faithful or excited to help with his new daughter, his IG follows tiktok teen girls and has a 2nd family in Dubai. Not loving behaviour, just a wallet.
>>Just because someone else is lucky enough to have found a gentlecuck who is masculine yet knows how to PUA talk and “romance” manipulate her feelz plus hormones, likes being a plantation workhorse doesn’t mean that it works out the same for everyone. Women who believe in ‘soulmates’ are so short-sighted and solipsistic, they have the low IQ of a matchmaking shipper Tumblr girl, having stupid OTPs and couple pairings which make no sense or
toxic, but think every relationship has the same experience.
You can’t “force” soulmate connections or chemistry with polarity play gender roles, if a guy gets tired or chooses to be bad he will be bad.
She’s beginning to see the default:
>>Men’s version of “true love” is harems and cheating. They don’t really like staying loyal to one woman. >>Most guys really do use the red pill manosphere techniques to extract sex from girls and manipulate them in LTRs to take advantage while she suffers and call it “struggle love”. If you read you know.>>Why so many stories of guys pumping and dumping girls then, and all the bad abuses cases, rape, catcalling by married men, older men dumping longterm wife for barely legal stripper online thot then, if ‘soulmates’ naturally existed or can fake chemistry?>> If more people treasured longterm marriage and could force “chemistry”, then the Titanic writers would not have wrote Rose still pining after some guy she had a fling with on a ship after finding a 2nd guy as husband and family all these years. (sage your shit) No. 1954913
>>1954910Do we have any evidence of a second family in Dubai or is this just speculation?
The book club thing is telling. She’s begging for people to join it. If her husband were that rich, she wouldn’t need to work. She could just be reading for pleasure but chooses not to because she enjoys her work - which is absolutely fine. But when leftie women work because they enjoy their craft, Megha thinks it’s causing the decay of society. I was shocked when she tweeted she was resuming her writing work on Substack just 2 months after having a baby. Not very trad.
(refuses to sage) No. 1954944
>>1954903Smegma is coping so hard kek. She admitted in the previous tweet (a little up ITT) that at first her husband was supposed to wake up and help when the baby when she was crying in the middle of the night.
Then she admitted that he stopped doing it because ‘he wasn’t any good at it’ but its obviously because he simply couldn’t be bothered, and now he outright refuses to get up when their kid cries.
She can’t handle the glaring red flag that her scrote takes barely anything to do with their child and doesn’t care, so she’d rather talk about how all men who change diapers are gay and effeminate than admit her husband is negligent towards their child and shouldering Smegma with all the responsibility because he’s lazy and doesn’t give a fuck about her or the baby. Classic narc deflection and cope.
No. 1954950
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>>1954748She prefers her mother in law over her own mom because she’s white kek. Megha’s obsession with white women is unsettling to the point she even did everything in her power to try and give birth to a white girl. Average Indian kek they hate themselves so much it’s sad.
>>1954757>tall and stronk>barely a few inches taller than Megha who is a shortarse>narrow sloped shoulders and thin wrists >recessed chin, round angle-less jaw, and weird puffy hairless chud face Uh huh keep coping your husband looks like a prison bitch lol.
No. 1954976
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>>1954952Someone who spotted the both of them said this. Seems real to me just based on the church detail.
No. 1954994
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Does Megha actually think she's white? Does she not realise she's in an interracial relationship and the people she panders to hate her either secretly or not because she's contributing to white replacement or white genocide?
She's obsessed with white people, it's so creepy how she always posts pictures or paintings of white women, girls or couples. She must really think she's white, she often posts pictures of Mediterranean looking or ethnically ambiguous white women as examples of beauty and I'm sure she thinks she looks like them. She's obsessed with white European cultures, literature, art, languages, I'm sure she's learning Italian because she thinks she looks Italian lol. A couple of days ago she posted in her stories how she feels like a muse from a pre Raphaelite painting or something like that. It's so sad how insecure she is. It must be depressing and miserable being her.
No. 1955064
>>1955030This. Megha is 100% one of those former coquette anorexic LDR stan girls lmao. She probably seethed that she was getting fem-mogged in that community constantly by pretty teenage white girls with natural long blonde silky hair and 20 inch waists that she left the movement and decided to become a full time butthurt seether instead with less competition aka the ugly right wing womansphere.
>>1954994Lol conservative moids are funny they’ll go on and on about how only 39% of American babies are born to two white parents anymore and how white genocide is real, then proceed to racemix with the first ethnic woman who shows them any subservience. These self hating ethnic women also have a racial form of tranny dysphoria and think listening to Taylor Swift and swallowing white mens cum will make them blonde white girls. They’re desperate for their daughters to be born as the blonde Regina George Stacies they always wishes they could be, but they never will be because they’re born from dysgenic scrotes and ugly brown pickmes with no self esteem.
(racebaiting) No. 1955069
>>1955014Luckily for Megha that will likely never happen as her husband is very thirsty and desperate yet gets no reciprocation from anyone except her, kek.
>>1954994She’s obviously a lesbian and sexually attracted to white women it’s why her husband looks like a ginger dyke. Also sorry but neither her nor her baby would remotely pass for white in any European country, and I say that as a European.
>>1954782Why the fuck would ANYONE sign up for this lmao she’s retarded and has zero sense for business. At most it will be her and her 3 orbiters circle jerking. I swear these women project their own uselessness onto every other actually capable woman.
>>1954630>>1954632Holy fuck kek that looks beyond disgusting. Estee doesn’t even have a child she literally has 1 job which is cooking decent food and neither her nor Megha can do it right. I love how we don’t even have to expose them as larpers they show their asses every time unprompted kek these bitches never cooked a single mean before they turned 25. Eebil feminist career women could pull tastier looking dishes out of their ass.
>>1954409Tradthots hubbies don’t pay attention to them because they’re ugly boring and useless (and most of their husbands are gay too) so they need to maintain a social media facade through snapchat filters and lip service to keep that sweet validation and grifter paypig bux rolling in. They literally use other men on the internet as pseudohusbands while preaching monogamy and loyalty kek.
No. 1955074
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>>1953426It may be bait, but it's not wrong
No. 1955076
>>1954531This is also the reason behind the widely cited equality paradox, see: the percentage of Iranian women in engineering and physics vs Sweden where most women (supposedly) pursue humanities. If you are born in the right family, societies that enforce gender segregation occasionally allow for a sweet spot between "virgin" and "husband's slave" wherein women are strongly isolated from incessant moidry - typically years before the woman is expected to get married. In liberal "free" societies, the ever-present burden of moid induced social stress is more atomized and unavoidable, which is something Islamic feminists often allude to without realizing. This is consistent with the findings on female educational achievement in mixed vs segregated environment for every age and country, including the US.
Interestingly enough, US boys tend to perform worse in single sex schooling.
(derailing) No. 1955151
>>1954748The ‘meat makes you tall/strong’ thing is absolute horseshit btw. I say this as someone who comes from a country where probably 80-90% of our diet is red meat and probably 95% of people or more have steak for dinner every night. Guess what? The average height for males here is 5ft7 lol.
Look at the tallest countries in the world: they’re all European countries who live off a heavily grain based diet and eat a ton of carbs and sweets. Height is like 90% genetics and the reason people are becoming taller is because women are sexually selecting for taller men. You can thank feminism for that btw. Countries that don’t allow females to sexually select are shorter, another drawback of shitty patriarchal arranged marriage societies.
No. 1955178
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>>1955069>Also sorry but neither her nor her baby would remotely pass for white in any European country, and I say that as a EuropeanThis. Also she needs to realise that the reason why her husband doesn't have a bond with her baby is not because it's gay or whatever for a man to change diapers (what she's been trying to convince people but it's a cope clearly), it's because the baby looks nothing like him. It's actually not surprising at all that a white parent is not able to bond with their non white child, it's because her child looks indian and has her features so it makes sense that her husband doesn't feel close or connected to the baby and doesn't really help like any normal, healthy father would. How can someone's masculinity be threatened by being a loving, helpful, involved father?
(racebaiting) No. 1955181
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>>1955178>>1951235More of Megha admitting her husband can't bond with their baby, but he's providing for them so he's a good father and husband I guess /s.
No. 1955247
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tweet attached: If daycare is inherently abusive, guess she’s never learned about the issues of third culture kids and being culturally homeless. Or even just being biracial and having parents out of their depth.
And these are retards that think anything like child development lit or learning about mixed kids’ identity issues or third culture kids is stupid woke shit. You know Megha’s a stupid romance novel female coomer who thinks this rapid marriage and move is all so cosmopolitan and romantic, to just hornily marry someone and make it work.
Meanwhile who’s the psycho ranting about elite globalists when she herself is uselessly educated and culturally rootless? Megha. Who calls Canada a gay cucked country but 1000% made sure her kid would inherit her Canadiancitizenship? Megha
No. 1955266
>>1955151Without western feminism giving women the right to choose who they want to marry,, Megha would be property of her father and married to a 5ft5 IT consultant from Delhi and scrubbing his skidmarks in the ganges river everyday. How does she not realize this kek.
>>1955247She admitted she pays random Filipino women 8 bucks an hour to look after her baby daughter, married a man who jerks off to 14 year old girls, and chose to live in a country notorious notorious for child sex trafficking and full of rapey Muslim scrotes, who is she to lecture anyone about child safety kek.
>>1955195Lmao Stacy clearly hit a nerve. Cope and seethe Megha, you will never be high E. You will always be a low E autistic
femcel with clunky mannish features and a big potato nose.
>>1955178Holy cope, this is so sad and extremely revealing of her current situation. She’s prepping herself for life as a single mom because she knows it’s inevitable lmao.
(hi cow) No. 1955267
>>1955178Ignoring the elephant in the room (which is that her husband doesn’t love his kid), it’s obvious that Megha also probably feels threatened by the idea of her daughter creating a bond with her father because she knows now the kid is born, her husband could technically just hire maids and nannies to replace Megha completely (and they’d probably cook and clean far better than she does), so she’s trying to keep her daughter 100% dependent on her and keep her away from her father so he doesn’t start preferring her and ignoring Megha even more than he already does, like insecure narc moms often do.
Purely anecdotal but I know a few girls who had self hating ethnic moms and white fathers, and the ethnic moms are often extremely jealous of their mixed daughters bonding with their fathers and getting preferential treatment over them.
Or scrotes in their eternal genetic panic, can’t bond properly with children who don’t closely resemble them. This is quite a common phenomenon among mixed kids, not sure why you got redtexted since anyone who’s been out in the world and talked to mixed kids knows its true.
>>1954748>this person is not an individual, they’re just another version of me This statement reeks of narcissism.
No. 1955272
>>1955191What’s concerning is they’ve only been married like one year (which is supposed to be the honeymoon phase when you’re both emotionally and physically most intimate with each other and the most loved up) and already she’s showing that there’s massive cracks in their relationship and lack of love between father and child.
Didnt Lauren Southern have a similar dynamic with her husband? She did 100% of the mom and wife duties and didn’t let her husband do any childcare. Look how her marriage ended up.
Narcmoms like Megha would rather stay in a loveless sexless dysfunctional marriage than admit there’s problems and get divorced in front of the world.
She probably seethes so hard when she sees women posting videos of their normal loving husbands cuddling and playing with their happy kids on instagram while her own aspie scrote would rather work or sleep than talk to her or hold the baby. Bleak. Men who refuse to spend time with their kids as infants are NEVER good fathers later on, Megha. Just remember that.
No. 1955279
>>1955274Tradthots’ behaviours of simp-farming and power-leeching are most masculine. Being horny for lots of men, especially strangers and ugly groypers online, and willing to entertain/entice them for attention is so similar to the “men will wank off to anything even a female in a burka” and “men like sex with many women” behaviours. Even after married many pickmes still post “modest” selfies and reply to the male orbiters under their posts, you can tell they aren’t loyal or doting on their man.
Also, the fact that these tradthots want a spot in the Boys’ Club and want to gain power from their simp armies by saying antifeminist words but doing feminist actions like monetizing their SM, getting a job as a crypto shill, wanting a special title in a men’s group, etc signifies they are dominant underneath their fake bubbly bimbo personas, and wanting tastes of the same status/authority as men to put women down and elevate themselves as “a special exception who can do it all” is so deceitful and male-coded. If they were really all about submission they’d just agree with all the groypers’ sayings without elevating themselves at all or making a brand/platform or job out of it.
And the fact they make their simp armies fight for them when they start unnecessary drama is giving “headship” behaviour though she claims women are not made to lead.
(sage your shit) No. 1955300
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I feel bad for Megha, it's nice that she appreciates our culture, art and literature and she herself admits their superiority, but do you think she knows her favourite classic author Charles Dickens wished he could exterminate the entire Indian race? That would destroy her I'm sure since she keeps going on and on about how an amazing writer he is and how much she loves his books, would she view him the same way knowing that if he was commander in chief, hypothetically, she wouldn't have been born?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1955311
>>1955151Meat identity politics are closely tied with muh skulinity. There are papers on this, although it's one of those things that are intuitively true anyway.
I try to meme men into being ketocarni tards as often as possible so they get sick and die earlier.
No. 1955331
>>1955300You can reason with self hating people, Megha probably gets horny when she reads stuff like that. She wants to exterminate her own heritage and replace it with European genes. Very mentally ill person, no doubt the product of the
toxic caste system mindset. Many such cases.
>>1955311It’s funny cause I’m pretty sure LatAm countries consume the most red meat per day and LatAm people aren’t exactly known for being tall. But I also support moids slurping down animal fat and giving themselves heart attacks.
>>1955282Pretty sure even from a ‘retvrn’ evopsych perspective, children were basically raised communally with lots of other kids and women around in a big community. They still actually do this in some countries. She’s retarded.
No. 1955334
>>1955247Just feels like she’s trolling for attention nowadays tbh. Megha’s moral compass is entirely dependent on her scrote. Her scrote could start demanding to be pegged and the same day she would go on twitter and write about how it’s trad and wifely to peg your husband. She’s an attention deprived narc troll lol. I don’t care about anything she says.
Tradthots also forget many nonas here have already been married young, grew up in strict trad religious households, had relationships where they were obedient and submissive and did everything their bf/husbands asked of them while he acted as provider etc, and most of us came out the other side hating it. They need to stop acting like the tradthot lifestyle is some oracle waiting to be discovered: a massive amount of women have already lived that lifestyle either by force, choice or through upbringing, and decided they hated it and left.
No. 1955387
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>>1952732Ugh butthole eyes (Mary) is a turbo pickme like Pearl who believes women shouldn't be allowed to vote. Her reasoning being women are apparently more susceptible to group-think and that's why we tend to vote left.
Couldn't be because right wing men and pickmes with low self esteem like her constantly demean our intelligence and want to restrict our rights.
It's funny how she dances around the subject when asked if we should also restrict the voting rights of black/Jewish men who vote left wing 80% of the time. (more than white women btw) Like you had no problem specifically saying women shouldn't vote but are too much of a pussy to say the same about ethnic men? Just goes to show its not even about politics these rw ewhores are just self hating losers that want other women to be as miserable as they are.
No. 1955393
>>1955355>>1955334Yeah I think we talked about it a few threads ago but a lot of us have that perspective (eg sadly my own mom is a SAHM and my dad’s a POS). My mother has always encouraged me to make money, go to grad school, and I’m Megha’s age and she’s not pushing me for marriage or kids
>>1955267One of my close friends is the most well adjusted hapa I know, and it’s bc her ethnic mom is a PhD with high earnings. Her parents are NPR libs who read all the books about mixed race parenting. They’re a really lovely family.
Megha’s household is more dependent on her earnings than we know, I am certain, but it’s still not the same situation
No. 1955424
>>1955247Where does this belief that babies need to be with their mothers 24/7 come from? Literally any new mother will say she wants free time to herself, and no legitimate childhood development expert thinks women should completely give up their lives and let it revolve around the baby. That's a surefire way to ensure both baby and mother are miserable.
And how tf did she manage to wrap surrogacy into this? what the fuck lmao. Most kids born via surrogacy aren't related to their surrogate and are with at least one of their bio parents, isn't that what she wants?
>>1955387What's their proof for women being more suggestible and influenced by emotion? It's men whose policies boil down muh dick to the exclusion of all else. Just look at how republican policies–overwhelmingly considered "masculine"–backfire and leave the places subjected to them in third world-tier squalor.
No. 1955439
>>1955424The belief comes from male effort at increasing female reproductive investment/cuckoldry prevention. It's not meant to benefit the mother of the child, but rather ensure that the male's reproductive interests are met.
In primates, males will usually physically isolate the female to prevent her from re-mating spreading her resources between different offspring. In human moids physical restriction sometimes has consequences, so they use socially parasitic tactics like guilt tripping and cultural messaging. The theme of using social pressure where material force would ordinarily be at play is easily observed in moid mentality no matter the culture.
No. 1955456
>>1955387>butthole eyeskek so true
>women vote left cause muh inferior intellect emotional groupthink yadayadapure bullshit. women will vote left because it benefits them. because leftist politics actually strive towards equal rights which ofc benefits oppressed groups, that is women and minorities. women are also more likely to rely on and work in the public sector and they prioritize issues like education and healthcare, unlike moids who are selfish parasites who dgaf about the future of society.
also, why does she imply that women being more "oriented toward collectivism" would make them unfit decision makers? if anything that suggests they're way better leaders than men. this attention seeking bitch and all the other trad pickmes should shut their dumb mouths about politics, something they according to themselves don't know shit about.
>>1955424>What's their proof for women being more suggestible and influenced by emotion?nonexistent. they just pull it straight out of their asses. when women vote and act in their own interests, they're always called emotional and illogical simply cause men and pickmes believe logic = whatever men want. in reality it's the exact opposite. it's already been proven men in western countries have strayed further and further to the political far right simply because they feel threatened by women gaining more rights, higher wages, advancing academically and in the workplace etc, in these countries. they don't want to have to compete with women (or immigrants) because they're all lazy, insecure retards who could never succeed in life without all the unfair privileges they have carrying them through life.
No. 1955545
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Has someone been lurking here?
No. 1955556
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No. 1955566
>>1955545“Missing out” on what exactly? Most of us reject this lifestyle because of learning from the mistakes of our mothers, grandmothers, and other female peers. Not because some “feminist brainwashing”
Also sage for MBTI sperg, but the whole concept of a tradthot is basically XSFJ women who want to force their own desires and interests on to introverted XNTX women who prefer science over cooking.
No. 1955624
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No. 1955636
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>>1955635Doublepost bc I forgot to attach
No. 1955662
>>1955566kek no you’re right nona. xnfj and xsfj are strongly associated with narcissistic personality disorder and prevalent in many cows and munchies like kiki kannibal kek. in parents it’s usually overbearing smothering mommy types who sulk and suicide bait when their kids don’t call them 10 times a day etc. their j makes them unable to realize that there are women who don’t function like they do nor do they care about their boring basic ass interests.
>>1955624>being raped is better than being unsexy tradthots have some basic self respect challenge
>>1955585most tradthots have extreme mommy issues. pearl said she felt neglected by her mom because she was working a lot which is why she hates career women so much and demonizes them so much. people who know megha irl said her mom is a huge narc and also nutty. tahlia (retired from internet former 4chan tradthot) was mentally abused by her histrionic trad catholic mother and physically abused by her narcissistic military dad. marie’s parents no longer speak to her because she married varg against their wishes and accused them of conspiring against them. i almost feel bad for them because they were doomed from the start, but at the same time these women projecting all their mental illness onto their kids and insist on messing up them too without fixing their own issues first, so fuck them.
No. 1955735
>>1955402I actually don’t believe that men were ever genuinely providers as a rule, until relatively recently in history when society enforced it to placate the modern wagie male masses. I believe that’s presumptive romanticization of male nature and general evopsych nonsense based on very little evidence.
If you go to rural villages in Africa or South America for instance, what you find is far closer to the true ‘retvrn’ lifestyle that likely remained unchanged for thousands of years.
From what I've read about somewhere like West Africa, it's one of the most polygamous places on Earth. A Dutch explorer provided commentary on what he discovered there and it was basically like this:
>A few guys succeed sexually and get like 7+ wives each >The rest of the men are basically his underlings and get thrown scraps now and then like a wife he no longer wants >Because the men aren’t really doing any work anyway, there’s no real resentment there or desire for a ‘beta uprising’ >The soil is easy to till, so the man’s wives do all the labor, while he sits around gossiping like a woman with his male friends, drinking tea and doing no work>Excess children are pawned off on older wives that he no longer wishes to have sex with and act as nurses and nannies to all the kids, or they are palmed off to his female relatives to raise Now it may have changed somewhat through modernity and westernization, but from what I gather reading on Africa, Latin America and other hunter gatherer societies that stayed true to their primitive roots far longer than Christianized Europe, that innate male laziness and polygamous streak is still there. You see a similar phenomenon in the Middle East where the men mostly sit around drinking tea and smoking shisha all day while the women work their fingers to the bone with the little money they have, harems were also traditional with women doing all the cooking, all the child rearing and most of the labor too.
The tradthot ideal of a male provider and a wife relaxing at home all day with the kiddies is a very specifically post industrial revolution lifestyle that appeared in the late 1800s. It has nothing to do with actual biology, evolutionary gender roles or nature.
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>>1955735What’s also funny is that in these ‘trad’ hunter gatherer societies, when building a dwelling, the WOMEN do most of the construction, with the moid frontpoles throwing in a few sticks or a thatched roof now and then because they’re taller and can reach better.
Can you imagine if tradthots were told to retvrn to the tradition of building their own mudhut? They’d have a heart attack lmao.
No. 1955786
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The r/redpillwomen sub is depressing. Pickmes never prosper.
No. 1955808
>>1955786>Pickmes never prosper.Every woman on that sub is with a "captain" that is cheating, addicted to porn, or just straight up hates her. Men will always treat submissive women like garbage and resent them yet rpw think being a surrendered wife or whatever is what will fix their moid's abuse.
>>1955792A lot of shit on Reddit is fake but some of these stories are most likely real, a personal rpw cow of mine who regularly posts about her porn addicted fiancé also posted pics of her wedding dress/ring in other subs.
No. 1955816
>>1955804Kek, this is so true. I found that sub years ago when I was a 19 year old with low self esteem and internalized misogyny. Their advice made me get treated like a doormat by men.
Interesting how when I was very young, submissive, and agreeable (everything men claim they want) males hated me but when I got older and more demanding men do whatever I want. Tbh I think a lot of what men say about women is projecting. They secretly want a bitchy woman that they can submit to and serve.
No. 1955828
>>1955816Right? Moids love women who act like demanding bitches and set high standards. They eat it up. But if you were a slovenly porn addict rape ape with anger problems who couldn't feed himself or wash his own ass, would
you respect anyone stupid enough to submit to your "masculine leadership" and call you her "captain"? I sure wouldn't. These moids couldn't captain a bath toy and they know it. They'd have no genetic legacy at all if they couldn't brainwash women even more retarded than them to breed with them. But deep down they know these women are doormats with no standards, and they resent them for it.
No. 1955841
>>1955807All those women just want to be SAHMs with cute homes and babies. They talk about it in every post. Sadly they bought the cultural propaganda that "femininely submitting" to red pill moids is the best way to make that happen. And then when the moids treat them like shit, knock them up and still refuse to marry them, they get frustrated and ask their idiot sisterhood for advice. And since those women are all also trapped in shitty
abusive relationships or chasing deadbeat moids, their only advice is to "just submit more femininely sis!" They'd all achieve their soft life dreams much quicker if they ditched their moids and raised their children together as a "feminine" community, but then all those smegma-encrusted red pill dicks would go unworshipped and the world would end! That's why it's illegal for pickmes to ever prosper.
No. 1955842
>>1955786Christ that (59M) hit like a truck, only to be followed up with "I've been seeing for a few months now". Isn't it a trad no-no to not only have sex, but
unprotected sex with someone you barely know? Especially since he's fucking ancient and obviously not interested in her.
What exactly is the benefit of this lifestyle? She gives up all her self respect, and for what? To be used as a fleshlight by some shitty grandpa and get knocked up by his mutant old man sperm? I thought the whole point of "feminine" self-abnegation was that it would attract a powerful, accomplished, can-get-hard-without-viagra man who will provide for them? All these bitches get are the scraps no other woman wants.
No. 1955866
>>1955808Attractive confident high value men dont need a woman to validate them through acting like a pathetic doormat. These dumb cunts claim to have ‘superior male brains’ yet don’t understand the slightest thing about male psychology. A woman acting lowly makes a man feel low value by proxy, it’s an insult to his ego that a woman needs to demean herself in order to make him look more powerful by contrast. Most hot athletic ‘Chads’ and rich guys I’ve met are unironically into dominant feisty women, hell, many of them are into literal ball busting and pegging shit, no kidding.
Literally all moids who demand total submission of women are insecure vulnerable narc losers, mommy issues nutcases, and men with tiny circumcised dicks who are scared a woman is going to castrate them fully next time. It’s a cliché but it’s true. Just look at the dom/sub Reddits and the husbands of tradthots, the ‘daddy doms’ ‘captains’ and ‘masters’ are always cringe betas trying to larp as alphas. Same with Abrahamic religions, circumcision has a direct correlation with hatred of women and madonna whore complexes.
No. 1955875
>>1955735Evopsych is largely tea leaf reading by mentally ill men. Evolutionary biology is more reliable.
Males are not "providers" in any primate, it's a bird thing. What's not found in ANY animal, even monogamous ones, is females taking care of males - a waste of maternal resources like that would straight up kill the species in nature.
If I had to guess, male brood parasitism is a malignant product of general male parasitism that went uncountered due to civilization, much like everything else.
No. 1955884
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No. 1955885
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No. 1955896
>>1955893Yeah and that way they get to feel super special about being uwu stongk muscular provider males who build our homes and streets and we no longer have to put up with their testerical nonsense in the work place or politics. Men are so retarded they literally need to feel special over women or they can’t function, and they can’t do that in college since we are
more intelligent and work harder more obedient and better at repeating information.
No. 1955919
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No. 1956003
>>1955545It's pretty ironic how trads will spit the most angry, vile venom towards their usual targets (working women, working moms, feminists, etc) and then curl up into a little ball and come crying to their lonely incel hugbox the second anyone responds or criticizes them.
I thought they all thought we were "lonely miserable spinsters", why do they care so badly?
No. 1956008
>>1955808There are some genuinely insane women on there, like a long time wasn’t there that one girl who had tips on how to hide bruises left by their scrote? And anyone who suggested they leave the relationship got banned or told that they were man hating feminists that promoted broken families.
And then there was that time when some people found out that a lot of posters on that sub were actual scrotes from the red pill sub trying to lure in women to their side. Because they’re all chronically online and can never find a date.
>>1955876I wonder what happened to her kek ? Did she finally get caught by cps
>>1955885Anti intellectualism is popular with these retards because they don’t want to think anymore or do anything. They’re trad because they’re lazy but still demand the world to work and profess to continue. These are the types who demand to stay home instead of college and drink essential oils but will rush to the ER and demand all the doctors who did go to college to take care of them when they inevitably get sick or injured
No. 1956017
>>1955885>>1955919whats the point of bringing children to this world anymore if they cant do anything but be under a tight leash so they dont think for themselves? these retards are
abusive parents on the same level as the libfem troons they loatho. But instead of trooning their children at age 4 and getting them castrated at 12 they instead keep them isolated from their world in mudhuts with letrines. Next generation is going to be so fucked.
No. 1956107
>>1956003Narcs spend their whole lives bullying and abusing randos then as soon as someone hits back at them they cry and scream and play
No. 1956110
>>1955875Human males being parasitic manwhores who make women act as their surrogate mommy while also making women do all the work makes 1000000% more sense biologically, evolutionarily and psychologically speaking, than the idea of men being hardworking monogamist providers. Everyone knows men are far more lazy than women. Look at how many men become loser neet dropouts who play vidya all day compared to women who are killing it educationally and career-wise.
Men are supposed to die in an intertribal chimp war before 25, they were never meant to ‘age like fine wine’ or any other cope. They are useless and expendable in every sense of the word. The world kept turning during WW2 when all the moids got shipped off to murder each other.
No. 1956113
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>infection of host
>genome replication
>viral multiplication
>host cell degeneration
>eventual death or necrosis of host
Why does viral pathology sound exactly like the male reproductive strategy?(derailing)
No. 1956140
>>1956113Because sexual reproduction probably evolved through viral genome transfer, like a lot of things.
Fun fact: males are uniquely equipped to be mutated by every pathogen ever because of roaming behaviors, low disgust threshold, high recklessness, poor genome stability, inferior immune system and, of course, the fact that balls and prostate are immunoprivileged and thus uniquely equipped to serve as a long term repositories of everything the male caught between 6 months to 4 years prior, if not longer. So technically, a human male turns influenza or COVID into STDs - even if the host "cleared" the infection, chances are, it's still alive and well in his literally pozzed loads. It's not an unpopular opinion that in evolutionary terms, harmful pathogens and males are friends because of a shared goal to erode the female immune system.
I wonder if a good chunk of those spoonie autoimmune mystery diseases in women are simply a result of cohabitation with a walking petri dish.
(derailing) No. 1956206
>>1956142Human males are innately parasitic. The idea of them being ‘providers’ is nonsense. They are and have always been leeches.
Go to any ‘hunter gatherer’ society and you’ll find that daily ‘hunts’ just aren’t a thing. Most of the time these people live off livestock animals (which the women mostly tend to) or eat vegetables and forage things they find in trees and the ground.
You’ll find that the women do all the child rearing, cooking, gather the food most days, and also usually end up building their dwellings and doing all the rest of the manual work. The moids are usually useless, sitting around smoking hallucinogenic substances and drinking alcohol or chewing on betel nuts. It’s an absolute myth that males are the workers or providers of the human sexes. That only became a thing in modern society where governments needed a massive expendable workforce to die while making large scale buildings and infrastructure but were also scared men wouldn’t do it unless they were bribed with a guaranteed wife and sex. The very fact that 95% of men never got to breed until the implementation of modern societal structures shows how unnatural, topsy turvy and anti biology modern civilization is. There’s no evolutionary or biological basis to the idea of men as the providers. Women work harder, ensure more, provide more and take care of everything and everyone far more than men do. Men are programmed to do fuck all and leech off women.
No. 1956213
>>1956206It was such a mistake to let you retards out of containment. It's like watching poltards but different drum to beat.
>>1956211>fundies>expecting them to listenThey don't care about the actual why, anon. If you set impossible standards or moving goalposts, you always have someone to look down on.
(infighting) No. 1956215
>>1956211Trads will just the blame the cost of living on working women. According to trads women are evil demons who drive down wages, drive up house costs, smother their babies to death en masse (woke doctors are totally conspiring together to cover this up btw) and generally do nothing but hurt and terrorize poor wittle innocent men. The world would be perfect and beautiful if men were allowed to marry children, own slaves, rape and beat women openly and be allowed to murder people scot-free again
>>1956140Yup this is why the ‘superior’ Y chromosome is degrading more and more every generation. If you think moids are getting uglier, stupider, worse in every general sense, you’re not imagining it. It’s literally happening in real time to their dna.
>>1956142Who said men were supposed to live past 25? There’s a reason their testosterone is prime at that time, they were supposed to go to war and die.
No. 1956216
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No. 1956231
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>>1956226It's usually twitter e girls. I'm half east asian, but I've seen some of them get really mad about east asian women, mostly because their moids will fetishize them. (Sam Hyde, etc..) I think males fetishizing women are annoying, but I find it funny when tradthots get mad about it, because they like to reiterate how "feminine" they are, yet get mad at the fact that the men they pander to still doesn't pick them, instead of the fact that they fetishize them. However, I have seen the opposite of white men getting mad at white women dating asian men, despite white men being #1 for interracial marriages. I think women and men should shame men more for indulging into this kind of stuff if they're hypocritical about it. It's just baffling to me that these women don't understand that right winged men in these spheres or "trad" larpers are just coomers, but they're just better at lying about it.
No. 1956233
>>1956208Which part, the pathogen persistence? Or that penile microbiome is expected to have evolved to facilitate conception? Btw, men's own semen and it's immunosuppressive qualities have been implicated in prostate cancer, which I assume is the rationale behind the whole "not nutting gives you cancer" idea in urology - bad news for the semen retentionists, I suppose., a somewhat relevant idea that the native penile microbiome is the source of bacterial vaginosis has generated a lot of butthurt a while ago kek
>>1956180This is one of those things that are assumed to be true but aren't really directly referred to polite society/academia. It's a little less PC in papers about animals.
If you read enough journals that describe human male parasitism (or, more broadly, the notion that a male W means everyone's L), you'll discover a hilarious tendency to dance around the subject and try to find a benign spin. This article (and the comments kek) will give you a good idea of how it's usually received: No. 1956236
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>>1956233Lmao “it just IS okay, stop asking questions!!!!”
No. 1956245
>>1956228It's because by his very nature a man couldn't give two shits about his sons. Fuck you, got mine.
The phenomenon you're describing is one of the most trivial human examples of uncountered male sexual success being horrible for males. The human male's optimal strategy is to fuck around past his reproductive prime and then reproduce with a young, usually mid woman who displays visual cues of being easily overpowered. If this union produces a son, he will likely have a frail stature, some degree of mental disability (usually autism), as well as overall poor health/looks due to mutation burden in old sperm. If there is no Petersonian "enforced monogamy", or any other artificial means of interfering with female choice, his son will be an evolutionary dead end.
No. 1956257
>>1956224RW men pit white women against Latinas and Asians all the time, saying the former can’t cook, don’t care about the home, etc. it’s just moids way of making women fight for scraps and fosters pickmeism among
Fleshlights like Megha play into this and complain about how young American working women can’t cook, are detached from fam/ grandparents in childrearing (by American, she means white + she has absolutely no room to talk).
All of it is stupid scrotal games to insult women when they can’t even meet the same standard
No. 1956285
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>>1956227Odd, since Asians actually have the lowest estrogen levels. Latinas have the highest estrogen followed by white women.
>>1956300The asterisk/qualifier is that it’s always an (uneducated, poor) immigrant woman of color, because these scrotes know they have little chance with second gens who don’t have to toil for western citizenship. Plus these second gen women who went to college are similar to white western women in feminist POV and liberal views. Which is awesome
>>1956289This is true nonna but never forget that most men would buy an immigrant sex slave if they could afford it. Tons of bride trafficking occurs in nonwhite groups too, Chinese men and Viet brides for example.
No. 1956432
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Another RW persona with the word “tradmom” in her twitter bio has also came clean about the “endure and be kind until he changes from a frog into a prince” pickme discourse. Has admitted this strategy does not work, it only serves to reward and enable the man to continue his cheating and bad behaviour, falsely reaffirming him that you’re still his collateral labour tool at home while he fucks around. If a man chooses to be bad, he can and will, even with a marriage and family.
Don’t marry a man who only loves women’s beauty and the things she can do for him, he does not see you as a person, it’s not your soulmate.
No. 1956445
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>>1956348Women with large breasts and narrow waists with wide hips have 37% higher estrogen levels than average women. Obviously Asian women aren’t known for having big boobs or wide hips. So they aren’t as ‘feminine’ as white and Latina women.
>>1954375Sexual availability will always trump modesty for moids. Men hate modest, sexually inaccessible women. It’s part of why moids hate lesbians so much and do so much mental gymnastics to try and ‘prove’ that lesbians don’t actually exist and everyone secretly wants his rotten old chode.
An example of this: look at the women who are most popular on 4chan. One is MsFiiire who is a literal onlyfans girl. Another is Ciara who has been awol for the past 2-3 years and is supposedly dead from a drug overdose but still has orbiters who pine over her and at her peak probably had countless orbiter moids from 4chan: she was a well known heroin addict who fucked multiple men. Another hall of fame 4chan girl is Kelly Wang: she is also a former hapa pornstar who did two different FacialAbuse shoots and admitted to using drugs and screwing random men ‘to get back at her dad’. Moids still go crazy for her and she’s probably one of the most popular women of all time on that board: many moids, even the most misogynistic ones, talk about how much they would love to gf/wife her and how they can ‘fix’ her. She’s probably the consistently most popular girl on that board for the last decade. Moids don’t care about bodycounts or purity if the girl is pretty enough AND seems sexually accessible to him. That’s literally all men care about.
No. 1956589
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Yes, Dubai really is the bastion of traditional values, where prostitutes throw themselves at any solo or group of men. (is her reasoning the effect of eating 900cal a day from 19-23?)There’s prostitute call cards littered everywhere on the street, left on your car rental, etc it’s far worse than Las Vegas…. She has no clue what her husband experiences when he walks around places alone, I bet.
No. 1956590
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Doublepost but here’s more of Megha pushing her stupid club instead of meeting people in an IRL community via a free neighborhood bookclub.
And no your husband is not an 18th century gentleman— he was a 40 year old unmarried loser no one else wanted….
No. 1956648
>>1956590>um my husband could totally capture the world if he wanted to mmkay! but he chooses to be a wagecuck for Arab scrotes who have 1000 times more wealth than him insteadYour husband is another man’s bitch lol.
>>1956589Yeah a 21st century sandy dystopia full of Russian porta potties, kids who have their eyes gouged out to beg, and Arab pedophiles who buttfuck little boys and rape their maids. A country so stupid that they forgot to put indoor plumbing in their skyscrapers and have to transport a shit truck in and out every day to take away the human sewage. Sounds like paradise. Please stay there you filthy cunt.
(racebaiting) No. 1956660
>>1956590Girl you couldn’t sense that your first relationship was a disaster nor could you foresee that your first fiancé was gonna jilt you at the altar on your wedding day because he didn’t love you. Safe to say your perception of reality and relationships or way of perceiving how your man feels about you are not reliable or astute, you are as delulu as they come.
>>1956472Even when not drinking your precious moids still crash way more. And kill more people. Like WAY more. Stfu retard.
No. 1956905
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Megha couldn’t BE a white girl so she married an ugly old prison lesbian looking white man just so she could give birth to one. But it doesn’t stop there. She posts incessantly about how much she loves colonialism. She will do anything to be accepted by white people and it’s so sad.(racebaiting)
No. 1956906
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Claims not to want to show her daughter’s face online but shows people just enough so that they can see the child is white.
No. 1956907
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Roman catholic wedding whilst already pregnant. I’m not a Christian but isn’t this a big no-no?
No. 1956908
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They look like a lesbian couple
No. 1956914
>>1956907shotgun wedding, very trad. also she looks like a denisovan render: tiny forehead, tranny jaw, big lumpy nose.
>>1956908why does he look like the underside of a stingray kek
i think she’s lurking and trying to prove how happy she is with her fake marriage and dysfunctional family
No. 1956935
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>>1956907Someone needs to tell this bitch that she's not some european blonde doll face whose ancestors were the french nobility and that she's a brown Indian whose ancestors drank cow piss and burned women with their dead husbands kek she's so delusional and self hating it's insane.
>>1956922I’m sure they had a legal ceremony prior to the wedding (esp for visa purposes) but technically they had a sacramental marriage under God while pregnant… most bishops accept it but it does vary church to church. And it’s definitely not a best/ideal practice.
Where did she have the baby? The question of the child’s citizenship is interesting
No. 1956966
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I always feel like throwing up a little when she uses the word "sexy", but maybe I hate it because I associate it with porn brained males
No. 1956978
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>>1956966Here's a Megha classic with her favourite word. She seems like one of those pick mes who think what's wrong with being fetishized as long as he loves me and is with me? I bet her husband has a coloniser fetish, after all he was following lots of ethnic women on tiktok. I really feel bad for her daughter she will be messed up with such parents
No. 1957035
>>1956993shh this makes the race baiters really angry
megha is more narc than self hating imo
No. 1957068
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I looked up what Desi/Indian communities were saying about Megha on Reddit. I found this comment, it could be and likely is totally fake. But given Megha’s husband’s obsession with the ME, fixating on India seems about right too. it could also just be a moid wanting to bash Megha
No. 1957176
>>1957025>I mean, Megha’s husband’s mom is a right wing racist and yet her son ended up with an IndianI don't think she's his endgame at all, he just wanted to get someone locked down before he got too old. He's a more attractive prospect with a partner, since it shows he got
someone to be interested in him making him not a complete failure. My bet is his goal is to keep Megha and the spawn at an arm's length until he can find a white girl he's genuinely interested in, get a nice&quick divorce, then go live the rest of his moidy life burdening the woman he actually wants. Most men have zero issues abandoning the "love of the lives" or children when it suits them, and he's no different.
No. 1957194
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>>1957132You sound like Megha coping hard and wking yourself kek.
>>1956257Mommy issues white scrotes and ethnic women both have a hateboner for white women. They’re deeply jealous and resentful towards white women (if you don’t believe me go look under the comments of a song like Best American Girl by Mitski where it’s a bunch of
woc crying about how they always wished they were white girls a and how jealous the are of white Stacy)
For an ethnic woman marrying a white guy is her trying to prove to herself and social media that she’s as valuable as a white woman by taking one of her men. For the white moid it’s a way of spiting his white mother and the white society he feels rejected by by mixing with a different race and culture far removed from his own without the bad associations of being rejected and bullied by girls from his own race.
(racebaiting) No. 1957199
>>1957176I doubt it nona, even if he wanted to that would be difficult for him. He dm’d multiple women and Megha was the only one who took the bait. Dude isn’t exactly swarming with options. Also her husband looks like the kind of guy white women would bully/reject in school because he’s so ginger and freckly/pale (and also a sexist Chud) White women can afford to be pickier and also aren’t desperate enough that they would need to become a slaveish broodmare to lock down a guy with a good job who doesn’t even care about his kid. Why would they take the hard road for a chuddy sub par firecrotch moid? There’s plenty of beautiful trad white slavic women for instance but they have higher standards and can afford to demand a higher price. Megha’s husband chose her because she’s easily pleased and desperate/self loathing.
Weird that Megha posted a pic spam desperately trying to prove that her baby isn’t brown, that her husband is involved with the kid and that she’s happy with him. She 100% lurks and posts here kek. She wouldn’t need to try so hard to prove it if it was true.
No. 1957233
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>>1957194Moid rejects are hilarious
No. 1957250
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>>1957231This. Her baby isn’t white it’s half Indian. Megha is well known for filtering her own skin tone and her baby’s skin tone to look paler in pics and vids. She’s been lurking the thread and is now trying to prove that her baby looks whiter than she actually does irl by putting her in direct sunlight all the time and filtering her to hell. You can see in an unfiltered pic she used that both Megha and her baby aren’t pale and the baby has black hair too.
No. 1957252
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She is filtering the fuck out of her own and her babys complexion now to spite the haterz kek. Truly sad.
No. 1957265
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This photo was taken by someone else and you can see how dark the baby is despite being censored, also what's with the weird head shape/face?
No. 1957285
>>1957265Not to wk but you're reaching really hard with this one, the head looks normal I think the editing is messing with your perception of the silhouette. Its arm is the only skin you can really see and it looks light.
Starting to sound like a lot of tardthots in here obsessing over this pale ass mixed baby. Like, you can't keep your sperging to the cow because you're rustled the baby got a drop of brown in it?
No. 1957325
>>1957285NTA but you're the one reaching and WK that mentally ill bitch. The only reason anons are talking about how the baby came out brown is cause his unhinged mom went on a posting spree of
my baby might have brown eyes but she carries the blue eye gene SEE and it was autistic, weird and cowish af
(infighting) No. 1957333
>>1957285Lol oh fuck off Megha we know it’s you. The only wk ITT specifically only ever whiteknights any post critiquing you, it’s starting to look
sus and you should stop. It’s embarrassing.
(hi cow) No. 1957347
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Lauren the failed YouTuber with a meme degree seething that people with actual qualifications, knowledge and experience in their fields came to the conclusion that women hunted just as much as men did.
No. 1957348
>>1957347Yes Lauren, believe it or not women have more functions than shitting out babies and weren’t made to sit on their ass all day eating bonbons.
Further debunking the tradthot idea that women are naturally lazy ‘nesters’ and men are hunters. Many archeologists and biologists now believe that prehistoric women probably engaged in hunts just as often as men did.
Pretty obvious I would think. The idea of it being otherwise is, I suppose, the application of modern-day behavior and expectations applied to prehistoric man, which is obviously retarded, and correct me if I'm wrong; was never based on any real evidence. Thousands of years of modern civilization sexual selection for submissive, dumb, childish and weak women is anti survival, and likely was nowhere near as apparent in prehistoric societies (you needed a woman who was going to survive through childbirth naturally and raise your kids to be hunters and warriors, and also be smart enough to survive).
Think about it. If you're hunting, it's likely because easier to come by plant foods are scarce and you're hardly going to have 50% of your available "man"-power sit out in that circumstance. You don’t have to be an expert hunter or particularly agile or athletic to spear a mammoth or wildebeest, especially now we have evidence that early humans often used pitfall style traps to catch large animals, not just ambush killing or chasing animals.
As the article says:
>"There weren't enough people living in groups to be specialised in different tasks. Everyone had to be a generalist to survive,"And there's fossil evidence to back this up, most importantly.
It may sound like cope, but looking it up there does seem to be discussion about women being more optimised for long-distance/endurance running:’s not like the researchers in the article just made it up out of nowhere. As they say;
>Citing an example, oestrogen, which plays an important role in fat metabolism, helps women keep going longer and can delay fatigue.>Wider hip structures also enabled women to rotate their hips and lengthen their steps, said scientists.>"The longer steps you can take, the 'cheaper' they are metabolically, and the farther you can get, faster," they said.>"When you look at human physiology this way, you can think of women as the marathon runners versus men as powerlifters," said study co-author Cara Ocobock, from the University of Notre Dame in the US.So sure, why not. It's not like they're saying women are physically stronger than men, they’re saying women are optimized for rigorous exercise like the kind used in hunting game and wildlife, and also running over long distances.
No. 1957402
>>1957348The idea you're describing exists because of a certain sense of "fairness", as part of the complementary sexes narrative. If women can do something men obviously can't, men must also be good at something women just "can't" do. Since there is physically no such thing, it has to be societally defined and gatekept.
In evolutionary terms females cannot be this specialized, or even specialized at all. Female specialization would mean an almost certain wipeout if something happened to even half the males, and it did - often. Even something like complete asymmetry in the amount of genetic information suggests male specialization and female generalism.
We as a society entertain the idea of each sex having its own unique and equally important function out of a twisted sense of pity for males. This idea isn't possible if the animal gestates internally and one sex bears the valuable, finite gametes while the other doesn't - not with 8 billion of us on the planet.
No. 1957473
>>1957199Him getting someone else is a huge "if", hence why he decided to slum it with Megha for the time being. Unfortunately there are still white women dumb, desperate, or moid-pleasing enough to go for an aging scrote who already has a family, it's just that the numbers are decreasing and moids like Megha's husband have a harder time finding one. If he can't at all, I can see him just checking out of the marriage(as if he hasn't already kek).
>>1957194Performative white woman hatred is annoying, but it's the result of
WoC and white women being pit against one another needlessly. There is no race of man on this planet who doesn't fetishize a "weaker" race of women; Chinese moids whine about Chinese women and dream of getting a submissive Slavic waifu, Latino men prey on Latinas from poorer countries who are almost always more native and/or black by ethnicity, even fucking African moids think "their" women are too uppity and try to traffic poorer ones as wives.
No. 1957492
>>1957476Males do not exist for anything other than reproduction, namely providing genetic diversity (with the appropriate pressure from females - if it's not exerted they will default to inbreeding for the sake of safety from cuckoldry). Any species wide outcome that doesn't involve the individual male's specific reproductive opportunity will always be worse than total extinction in his mind. Fuck you, got mine. And if I'm not getting mine, no one does.
Incels constantly allude to the fact that they have nothing to lose if they have to live without access to hosts. Males know who they are, even when they're (understandably) unable to internalize it.
No. 1957508
>>1957502Hah, yes Vegas conducts stings more than Dubai police do. They completely ignore the issue and do not police it.
If she wants to defend a Middle East Islamic theocracy so much and frame it as better than Canada, she should just stay out and she and her husband can revoke both their western citizenships. Seriously, Canada and England don’t need either of you
No. 1957584
>>1957528Or better yet, the right wingers and tradthots who push for a higher birthrate should move to the impoverished African countries with the high birthrates. They'll hear high birth rate and expect a glamorous 1950s suburb with housewives cooling apple pies on the windowsil and in reality it's insane amounts of poverty and disease.
The west having lower birthrates and "evil careerwomen" are WHY we have such a decent amount of opportunities compared to other countries.
No. 1957729
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Smegma’s faux-smug envy and seething at liberated feminist white Stacy will always be hilarious.(sage your shit)
No. 1957731
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Also I realized why she never smiles with teeth and tries to stay as still as possible during streams, she’s really ugly in motion and her mouth is disabled or something. She has a weird underbite and looks like Lord Farquaad mixed with Osama bin Laden when she smiles kek.
No. 1957735
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This is the bitch saying you aren’t feminine enough. Looks like a rapey Taliban moid in a wig.
No. 1957750
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>>1957735>>1957731>>1957735>Looks like a rapey Taliban moid in a wig.>She has a weird underbite and looks like Lord Farquaad mixed with Osama bin Laden when she smilesKEK i hope she lurks here
No. 1957758
>>1957470He's so fucking gay passing it's hilarious hahahaha
Megha you dumb bitch, you could have never posted pics of him or sperged on how "manly" he is and we would have never known that he looks/talks like a faggot prison bitch
No. 1957808
>>1957587They figured out how useless they were pretty early and spent the next hundreds of years oppressing and brainwashing women into the submissive dogs we are today to make sure they stay relevant despite their low value.
I feel it is just now that women are slowly beginning to wake up and realize that men only make our lives harder and are generally worthless. If men were fully human like us they would turn themselves around and become worthwhile mates. They aren't though, so they'll probably just go apeshit and try to beat us back into subordination.
No. 1957832
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This is so fucking embarrassing. How has she not just deleted her profile?
No. 1957840
>>1957836I thought trads said that all women have to be pretty and made a big deal about how "liberal women are ugly and conservative women are beautiful." like Lauren Chen.
This is a prime example of trad hypocrisy and contradiction. Other examples include.
"Women who work corporate jobs are lazy and get paid a ton to do nothing/go on vacation, while trad motherhood is the most important job in the world" vs. "Women who work corporate jobs are overworked, miserable and exhausted while trad mothers nap in hammocks all day while their husbands make money for them"
"women must be modest and humble and even makeup and heels are sexual" vs "women must make themselves look like 1950s women in full makeup and heels daily or else they're frumpy lesbians"
"We want a higher birthrate no matter what, who cares about child abuse?" vs "How dare you put your child in daycare or have any form of help that allows you to more easily start/raise a family!"
No. 1957845
>>1957825Beta western men envy the fact that men in other countries (like the Middle East, India etc) are allowed to openly display their chauvinism. Which probably explains why her husband ended up moving to a Gulf state full of backwards scrotes. Likewise brown and black women are often masculinized in western media and are never really depicted as the pretty popular girl. So I can see why Megha and her husband are so insecure about their respective femininity/masculinity and desperate to try and prove it to social media.
It’s kinda like the Aella twitter controversy thing where someone pointed out how White and Asian women can do stuff like burp, fart, not shower, dress like hobos etc and still be seen as inherently feminine and attractive by men. But when black or brown girls behave this way they’re seen as dirty, low class and gross.
Likewise when Arab and Indian men behave misogynistically it’s just seen as an expected part of their culture (people even make casual jokes about them beheading and honor killing their daughters, or stoning their wives to death and such), but if a white guy behaves that way he’s seen as an incel,
toxic, told he will never get laid in this town, is generally shunned and seen as a weirdo etc.
I think both sides are generally very butthurt about not being allowed to get away with bad behavior like other races often can.
No. 1957858
>>1957825>The average woman doesn’t need to panic at the thought of her husband changing their child’s nappy and doing other childcare related tasks every once in a whileThe average woman wants her useless husband to do his duty and change diapers more than "every once in a while". It's his job.
>>1957836>entire schtick is going on about how she's so much better than other women because she sloughed out five broodlings>not narcissisticTradthots aren't known for being smart, but how does she not see the hypocrisy? Also, I definitely don't believe she was ever "the smart girl" kek, unless she was educated alongside actual retards and felt smart by comparison.
No. 1957863
>>1956907This is so weird. So she’s basically admitting she baby trapped him? I wonder if she specifically targeted a wealthy religious moid who doesn’t believe in abortion so he wouldnt make her get rid of the kid and basically be forced to marry her. This makes their marriage seem even weirder and more
toxic than previously thought tbh. She’s really scheming.
No. 1957874
>>1957868>are you talking about sniff fetish shitNo? Lol. There’s obviously way more social pressure on black and brown women to present themselves as neat, clean, behave more femininely, try hard to display wealth and being upper class etc because they’re not afforded the perception of being clean, good smelling, feminine, wealthy etc by default like Asian and white (especially attractive young skinny) women generally are. Asian and white women can openly discuss gross personal things like not showering for days or free bleeding or whatever, and still generally be seen as feminine and attractive by default (even if some people are grossed out by it), whereas black and brown women are called smelly dirty slovenly disgusting dusty or whatever when they express such sentiments or present themselves like slobs. Partly because there’s already widespread stereotypes about black and Indian women, that they smell bad and such, and there’s anger from scrotes because they don’t look or behave femininely ‘effortlessly’ and generally have to go through a lot more stuff like body hair removal, wearing wigs, etc to be accepted as looking presentable and clean. When you see Indian women being discussed online by scrotes they almost always bring up their smells and body odor (same with black women) It’s just an example of how brown and black girls are discriminated against by default and understandably that breed insecurity and resentment towards girls who can get away with being slobbish and not bathing.
No. 1957916
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No. 1957950
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>>19575935 million years can't come soon enough tbh
No. 1957969
>>1957937>>1957933>>1957910>>1957882NTA but the copium is strong and I think this is the same person replying 4 times. Attractive slim whites are globally worshipped and upheld as the ideal of beauty, and
poc throw each other under the bus all the time to try and date one. The ‘unseasoned chicken’ and ‘wet dog’ jokes are usually thrown out by sjw brown and black women trying to gatekeep and turn their men off men off from pursuing white women (which doesn’t work anyway, white women continue to be worshipped among brown and black men) and sometimes but less so often by insecure
poc scrotes who don’t want their women dating white men.
No. 1957975
>>1957972you're just wrong, most ethnic men see white women as "recreational use only" and would like to try one out without putting a ring on it partly because they are not feminine enough to be considered for a wife
and no one's said you're a moid afaik but…
(derailing) No. 1957981
Black men choosing obese white women over attractive slim black women is well documented. Brown men treating getting a white woman like a trophy is well known. Asian and Indian women chasing gross schlubby white moids is also well documented. You’re in denial, we get it.
(derailing/racebaiting) No. 1957982
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No. 1957983
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No. 1957984
>>1957969Ayrt I posted
>>1957969 as a white western European remarking on how American whites often don't understand that
POC people don't have any kind of solidarity with eachother outside of the USA. That is quite literally a true observation of Americans and the inability to comprehend that non-whites are not a monolith who all get along in peace, whereas in Europe we are all very aware that racism is thriving between non-white people
(derailing) No. 1957988
>>1957984Lol what? No one mentioned ‘
poc solidarity’. We were talking about how white worship is a common thread amongst all ethnicities. Chinese and Turks (the examples you posted) are well known white worshippers who fetishize light hair and eyes. Not sure why you’re changing the subject or moving goalposts. Anyway, enough derailing already.
(derailing) No. 1957989
>>1957731She is super, super mid. She would look better if she let herself have some sun. She doesn’t look naturally that fair, her neck and forehead have olive shadows. Her husband should buy her braces, pathetic that she isn’t getting more out of him and being a SAHM. He can’t afford $120/monthly braces installments?
>>1957896And she spent summer 2023 in Canada (presumably to have her baby in the gay society she fake despises).
No. 1958007
>>1958003No one cares about your blogpost
>>1957989I don’t think her husband is anywhere near as wealthy as she tries to make out tbh. I saw clips of his UK home on her streams and it looked very very small and basic. Also their condo in Qatar/Dubai or wherever looks very bog standard too. Not fancy at all. I think she was trying to humblebrag about her husband hiring her maids and getting her healthcare (typical Indian mentality, love and marriage = how much money can I squeeze out of my partner, both the men and women are like this tbh) but those things aren’t really expensive or unusual for anyone who’s not super poor tbh.
No. 1958038
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not sure if white tranny or larping brown girl, but your posting is a whole new level of pathetic now. stop embarrassing yourself. get some fucking help.
No. 1958059
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>>1958049Calm down, it's not like it's illegal.
>>1958050She sent it to me and said "us". She likes South Park a lot, please understand. Does this fit your stereotype better?
(derailing) No. 1958067
>>1957916Kek she also mentioned she has to go back to working full time and leave her kids with nannies, I thought the whole benefit of being a red pill woman is that the man pays for everything and you don't have to work?
What exactly do women get out of these arrangements? It seems like they're all miserable yet still retarded enough to ask "uwu how can I submit better?" These morons deserve their sad lives, honestly.
No. 1958070
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Case in point. I actually think the internet fanbase for tradthots is very very small. It seems to be made up of 40% indoctrinated Christian women who want young women to join the cult and ruin their lives too, and 60% attention starved middle aged male simps who will literally tweet and pay any woman to talk to them, treat the tradwife thing like a sexual fetish and escapist fantasy where he isn’t a middle aged divorcé anymore and can start all over again with a woman who won’t cheat on him.
No. 1958073
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The irony is all this effort on tradthots part to win people over to their side is wasted, because most moids, even right wing moids, have absolutely zero interest in being trad husbands. Because that would require them to actually self improve and attract a woman, and they’re not doing that, for guts nor glory, for love nor money.
The trad movement severely overestimates the self control and willpower of the average moid. The average human male is far more content to seek instant gratification, rot in his own filth in his gooncave, wanking himself into a coma or paying hookers to suck him off until he blows his brains out at 50 than actually making effort to work hard, make a career for himself or try to self improve and attract a life partner. This isn’t a modern anomaly, it’s a staple of their dna and design.
Men do not care about wives and children. They’re programmed to be degenerates. It’s in their dna. They are not noble creatures. The odd historical warrior, noble nerd or genius does not represent the average moid. The average moid is a selfish, lowly, parasitic creature with no desire to improve his circumstances and only a desire to eat, sleep and COOM. Fuck you, got mine.
All women could become tradwives overnight by tomorrow and 95% of men STILL wouldn’t rise to the challenge of trying to become a decent husband. Because they simply have no interest in doing so. Anime and porn is what they have chosen, tradthots need to get that through their thick skulls. Nagging and shaming moids into becoming better men doesn’t work, they’d rather drop out of society altogether than make one iota of effort to be decent human beings.
No. 1958074
>>1958007This made me realize how all the trad whores have ugly homes with grandma furnishings because men have no instinct for decor and these tradwives have no money to buy furniture of their choice. Try having to explain to a moid why even Target curtains can be $50 a panel or that rugs start at $200 minimum.
>>1958070With that in mind, the tradwife is not frolicking in acres of wildflowers but a cramped apartment with particle board furniture and yard sale finds
No. 1958078
>>1958074You’re right nona. All tradthots live in plain ass, basic ass, soulless modern apartments with boring ultra cheap furnishings, or mcmansions with hideous outdated 90s decor and plaster cast fake period features.
It’s obvious their scrotes are stingy as hell and refuse to throw them money to actually decorate their apartment nicely. Moids grow very resentful when spending money on things like furniture and tradthots are already tiptoeing around their rape apes 24/7. Sad that they can’t even get a nice house out of the arrangement.
No. 1958081
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It's awfully rich how this bitch that posts videos of her spreading her legs wearing tight ass shorts and promoting bitcoin scams is preaching about trad values and how feminism is a "scam" lol
No. 1958082
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Why is she showing off her disgusting saggy titts for all to see online lmao? also get a load of her faggot husband and his man bun. Are men so retarded they can't see that she's an E-whore larping?(moid-tier sperging and nitpicking)
No. 1958084
>>1958081Grifting is easier on the right because there’s way less hot female competition for male attention. Pretty straightforward.
>>1958082>disgusting saggy titsThose are just what boobs look like after pregnancy. Please stop using scrotey language.
No. 1958086
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It's hilarious how she's using Alain Delon (gorgeous french actor) and his costar from a movie to try to prove her point lol considering that he dated multiple famous actresses and singers who had careers and his wife was a career woman too. As if any of the trad scrotes including her faggot husband have 0.0001% of his looks and money
No. 1958093
>>1958086Alain Delon was a terrible philanderer, abuser (and also likely a murderer) and most of the women he had affairs with were high status gorgeous actresses and models with established careers of their own. His lifestyle was very hedonistic and unconventional (this is a dude born in 1935 btw and was still a huge degenerate, as were many people of that ‘trad’ generation, Christianity became uncool in Europe by the late 1800s and was something mostly only peasants and poor people continued to practice because of needing copes, esotericism and new age stuff as well as just living for the flesh became way more popular especially among upper classes)
I genuinely have no idea why she’s using him as an example. Maybe clickbait because she knows all ugly incels aspire to be him and live in a world where multiple women suck their dicks just for existing and being handsome kek.
No. 1958097
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>>1958070This post is outrageous when you realize that it was made by a literal whore with her nudes plastered all over the internet and can be found with a single google search. Notice how she looks the way she does now in them and doesn't have blue hair or makeup on? She can't even use the excuse Nooo guys i was a feminist onlyfans thot now i'm changed uwu
No. 1958100
>>1958070Tradthots like this are actually kinda based imo(throwing other women under the bus aside ofc) They’re living proof that women hold all the power, that men don’t actually have any standards for female behavior and will generally take anything they can get. I doubt any of the tradthots ITT were virgins before marrying their husbands. But it’s fine because even the chuddiest of men cant afford to be choosey and will take anything they can find, and they know it. You can whore around and party and have fun in your youth then have a husband and kids and a provider, and you don’t even have to save your cooch for him kek. Women can never be
femcels or lonely unless by choice and it’s based.
No. 1958103
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Must feel horrible knowing that there are gorgeous women out there who get money using their intelligence and ambition while you gotta:
>sell pics of yourself ass naked on onlyfans to incels
>promote bitcoin scams on twitter using videos of your spread open ass in shorts
>bash women's rights and feminism
>post videos with your cuck faggot husband with your almost naked boobs in frame
Just to make ends meet cause your ugly gay man-bun wearing scrote is too broke to provide for you.
No. 1958126
>>1958067redpillers demean women, all women infact, including SAHMs even though the job of taking care of triplets suddenly becomes important if they pay someone else too
although I have a feeling she's the breadwinner. A surprising amount of "trad wives" ended up being the money makers of their relationship which is probably why she was able to afford a nanny when most trad moids would've screamed at their wives to stfu and stay home
No. 1958127
>>1958082she has nice boobs, especially for someone whos had kids
>>1958091nta but okay? You can't just call perfectly healthy and normal female breasts "disgusting and saggy" just because shes annoying online kek its like when moids randomly call 90 lb women fat disgusting cows because they rejected them. Just insult what she says not a healthy normal looking organ what
No. 1958188
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>>1958093Alain Delon did so many shady things but gotta admit that him openly prefering his daughter calling her "the love of his life" and giving her half his wealth while only giving his two sons the other half to split was something no trad faggot would do kek he was also the most handsome man in the world unlike these ugly ass "conservative" scrotes
No. 1958208
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>>1958188I just googled her. Her eyes are fascinating.
No. 1958219
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>>1958208His grand daughter is also gorgeous af and like his daughter was born to a model career woman kek he's like one of the 1% of men who's genetics are worth spreading and he happens to hate other men too even his sons. Trad thots and trad scrotes posting their L's as usual by idolizing men who date and marry career stacies and reproduce with them kek
No. 1958609
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>>1956257Correct. Right wing scrotes make collages like pic rel to try and ‘
trigger’ white women and think they’re upsetting us (as if white women are going to be upset over some random WMAF couples with some mid white moid she would never date or meet irl anyway? kek pure mental illness and it doesn’t work because women don’t have the same mentally ill tribal possessiveness over moids like men have over women) it’s just a way of creating a false scarcity mindset (Oh no Baek Kee and Stai Cee are taking my menz! I must become a tradwife to try and show 5/10 white moids that I’m the superior option for him! Except that doesn’t work because like I said women aren’t mentally ill nor do we have the same weird sexual jealousy and possessiveness over our opposite sex racial counterparts like men have)
I’ve also seen black scrotes make collages lik this of BMWF couples with a black femjak crying and Indian scrotes make IMWF couple collages with an Indian femjak crying. It’s just a warped moid psychology method to keep us hating and competing with each other for scraps of mediocre dick, because interracial porn and propaganda works so well on them, they assume it works on us too (it doesn’t kek)
(derailing) No. 1958653
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>>1958609Men genuinely think they are more valuable than they truly are. No woman is jealous of another woman with those uggos.
No. 1958658
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>>1958609NAXALT, but wrt attached pic women like Megha like the stupid “Latinas and Asians are better wives” game bc they need to pretend that they were first pick for their white moid. At least woke
WOC in interracial relationships know to avoid racist RW white men and choose NPR libs. An Indian woman choosing to date a RWer from her racist corner of twitter is insane, and she knows she never was his first choice regardless of her youth.
>>1958100Well said nonna. A former thot who has taken care of herself could clean up and find a man better than anyone in this thread kek. I have a former coworker who cheated on all her exes and has an incredible amount of debt. at age 41 she married a high earning career man and had a baby KEK.
No. 1958669
>>1958662what porn brain does to a mfer.
As to the video she’s QTing, it’s the one where the white woman has project management esque check ins with their relationship. Of course Megha and her 1 year long marriage is a relationship advice guru on how to have a LTR. If moids practiced any relationship reflection, maybe they wouldn’t be so surprised when their wives divorce them.
No. 1958681
>>1958650A fit tall woman with blonde hair, big boobs and blue eyes will be first pick for 99% of moids tbh, and I’m saying this as a brunette who has been blonde before. The amount of attention I got when I was blonde skyrocketed, it was weird. Asian women are rarely mens first pick unless they’re anime addicts or having an extreme yellow fever phase (in which case you don’t wanna be picked by them anyway and those women are taking the one for the team).
Case in point
>>1958653Even a 90 year old woman has more dating options than a 25-40 year old man and moids and tradthots hate it.
>>1958624Narcs generally love to embellish and lie about their backgrounds because they can’t stand the fact they’re painfully mediocre at everything they do. Not surprising in the slightest, all their life decisions, opinions etc are based around how much attention it will garner for themselves.
>>1958658This is really dumb since Latino men marry white women at almost the exact same rate that Latina women marry white men. You could paraphrase this and ask ‘Why are Latino men marrying white women at such high rates?’ There is no answer to either question. It’s not about which women are ‘better’ because they’re all individuals.
Truth is every race of moids loves to bash their own women. You’ll hear Latino men saying they hate Latinas because they’re all bpd and dramatic. You’ll hear Indian men bashing Indian women for not being as pretty or fair skinned as white women or calling them domineering and nagging. You’ll hear Asian men calling Asian women gold diggers and
abusive mothers. You’ll hear Black men bashing Black women and calling them all hoes, tricks, bashing their hair and skin and behavior etc. You’ll hear White guys calling White women whores and saying they don’t cook or clean and whatnot. You’ll hear Slavic moids call their women heartless and cold despite other races of men fawning over them and wanting them as wives etc.
All moids love bashing their own nationality/race of women and talking about how x race of women is superior. Part of it is projection and bitterness and failure to take responsibility for their own inadequacies, part of it is gatekeeping/mateguarding and encouraging other men not to date that group of women. Again it only works on chimpbrain scrotes and narcs like Megha because they are incapable of thinking with nuance.
(derailing) No. 1958685
>>1958662Unfortunately the kind of chuddy white men who want a foreign wife don’t see Latinas as individuals. They see them as a monolith and a stereotype. A Latina = cooks tacos, has a big bunda, is emotional and good at sex, pops out a shit ton of babies. Doesnt matter if she’s not even Mexican, she WILL speak Spanish fast and cook Mexican food. That’s how they see it.
Same with Asian women. Submissive, docile, cooks Chinese food, will indulge his anime obsession. Doesnt matter if she’s actually Korean, or not submissive, or hates anime. He’s living out a fantasy in his head, the woman is just the side character to his own narcissism. A woman’s political stance, interests, hobbies etc are the last thing on these mens minds, they don’t care to know.
No. 1958690
>>1958685There was some dumb tradthot meme, I lost where it was but it was showing a man asking to cook dinner and showing a white wojak woman screaming "that's sexist and oppressive!" and then showing the latina wojak holding a plate of food saying "hola mi amor! welcome home from work!"
What they don't realize is it's not about an oppression complex, it is about how we are tired of being ordered around like servants. We grow up and have expectations placed upon us from scrote-run beauty industries, are picked apart by our peers/family/teachers, have so much pressure on us, when someone barks at us to get back in the kitchen and cook dinner, by that point we're just tired. There's a reason why 1950s housewives took so much drugs and drank so much alcohol. We constantly have to bend over backwards and please everyone and it's emotionally exhausting.
It's like sisyphus and the boulder with women "not being good enough" according to trads. Even if a woman "does it all" and spends 24/7 cooking and cleaning, being sexually available for the husband, and caring for screaming toddlers, if they get dumped it was because "they weren't a good enough wife." How they could say this is appealing in an era of economic inflation and mental health issues is insane to me.
No. 1958694
>>1958690You’re right nona. The whole point of the trad movement is to set women up to fail. They feed women a false narrative
’If you suck a man’s cock enough and don’t get fat and cook for him and pop out kids for him, he’ll never ever leave or cheat on you!’ Then the woman does all that and the moid cheats on or leaves them anyway. Women can’t win because the game is rigged from the start. That’s not a glitch or a flaw, it’s the way the game is designed. And it’s also designed so that the woman will come out blaming herself and the other women will tut and shake their heads at the outcast divorced woman and say ‘That will
never happen to me because I suck dick more/am thinner/cook better/popped out more kids than her’. And so the men will ensure they bear no responsibility whatsoever, and keep women fighting over scraps. Quite ingenious levels of evil, really. Moids know how worthless they are on a biological level, so they set up a whole artificial racket system that near guarantees them pussy and access to wombs. And it’s implemented through religions, patriarchy, cults like tradthottery, etc. Women who know the game is rigged and refuse to join in are attacked, shamed, ostracized, mocked.
No. 1958699
>>1958660This girl says its fine to give up your career to be a tardwife as long as you have an education or "skill" to fall back on but in reality how do you even do that?
If you get a degree that won't help you much in your career if you just become a housewife straight out of college. No employer is going to take a 30 year old with no work experience seriously regardless of whatever degree you have..Even if you do work some before having kids good luck finding a job in this market with gap years in your resume.
I really don't understand these women who had the opportunity to go to university and get well paying jobs only to turn around and throw it all away for a moid. Maybe this is just a trend only with spoiled nepo girls that had everything paid for by their parents so they don't understand the importance of it, idk.
No. 1958706
>>1958699>I really don't understand these women who had the opportunity to go to university and get well paying jobs only to turn around and throw it all away for a moid. These women are still in the scrotum cult indoctrination phase of ‘it could never happen to me’. Pickmes have NLOG disease and lack of empathy to an extreme because most of them are narcs. They literally can’t imagine ending up cheated on, divorced, becoming single moms, broke etc because they’re arrogant + think they’re better than every other woman, coupled with their innate contempt and judgy
victim blaming attitude towards other women and their worship of the scrotal figure that can do no wrong in their eyes. Idolizing your husband while hating all other women and seeing them as competitors and whores is actually very typical clusterbee behavior, tradthots just have a slightly different flavor of the ‘possessive pickme bpd gf who hates all other women, worships her moids and ultimately ends up hurt for it’ trope.
No. 1958713
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>>1958609They literally make threads like this on incel boards like and 4chan everyday kek.
(derailing) No. 1958719
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I like how they inadvertently admit that they’re losers ‘IF I was Chad, I couldn’t find a gf for 30 years until I married an Indian woman’ etc. KEK. You were too autistic/ugly/weird for Stacy so now you seethe about white women 24/7. We get it bro.(derailing)
No. 1958754
>>1958746Nona, men don’t have an ‘ideal’ or base their dating habits around specific features: they’ll try to fuck any human female, animal, set of drawn lines or steam train that makes their dick twitch. Men don’t have ‘types’ they’ll take literally whatever they can get lmao.
The only men who have types are men like incels who know they’re never going to get any woman at all anyway and so they can pretend to be as picky and specific as they like.
(derailing) No. 1958769
>>1958752Well, not quite. They are known to pine for the same thing for decades, in fact most of them have "that one chick that got away" that they stalk on Facebook and know everything about. What they want is something they can't have. Which is by definition unattainable to women who care about male attention, because that makes them something that can be had.
Also, anons pretending moids meaningfully "prefer" anything including Asian women are either vindicta tier women who take moid copes at face value, or a moid doing the whole "anonymously posting as a malding woman I totally rejected" online routine to sell himself on the narrative. From the sheer amount of fruitless parading of Asian women as white women's adversaries, one can see that it's clearly being done for the attention of white women. In a sense it's pretty tragic - not because your race is fetishized as submissive, but because it's seen as one giant, sad rebound farm to show Stacy what she's missing and hope she texts back.
t.Asian/Slav hapa(derailing) No. 1958777
>>1958769yeah, I always thought it was odd how men project their preference for asian women vs when they have preferences for any other women . The sad ones though are men who are already in relationships with white women and then fall for online memes which makes them destroy their relationship. It's like in WWII when soldiers would be drafted to Vietnam or something then ditch their wives and kids for a mail-order bride, then the relationship would fall apart because it was based around novelty and low and behold now the moid is homeless because he has to pay child support and alimony to multiple women like the domino effect of failing relationships.
At least, these moids aren't getting ~too~ serious and it all just seems like teen or young adult relationships being failed. I wouldn't doubt if moids were stupid enough to get milk on their happy families just because 4chan told them asian waifus are chad and white roasties seethe
(derailing) No. 1958798
>>1958681In the same vein, a lot of same race relationship advocacy is a type of mate guarding and pressuring to women in their subgroup. Eg the pressures of “black love” and insisting that bw partner with bm at all costs, including their downward mobility financially. Or Asian men claiming Asian women in wmaf hate themselves and their culture while also pursuing ww themselves and pushing for wfam representation.
Men pretending to care about preserving “the culture” and ethnic genetics crack me up. Men don’t care about a single thing except their dicks
(derailing) No. 1958851
>1958820IMWF/PMWF is quite common here in the UK, at least in heavy south Asian population areas. I’m white but I knew about 12 kids from primary and secondary school who had white mums and Indian or Pakistani dads. And one or two kids who had Indian mums and white dads. One of my fav teachers was a white woman married to an Indian man (always wondered why this super white British woman had such an exotic last name) I remember her mixed son came into school one day before his shift at work, I never found Indian moids hot but her mixed son was super tall and handsome kek sorry for blogposting.
>>1958809Moids of all races put down their own women and idealize other women, the grass is always greener etc. Here I seem to see Slavic men putting down their women the most but I genuinely think it’s just mateguarding because every guy in the world seems to want a Slavic wife and all those Slavic moids are married to Slav women and don’t want anyone else. It’s funny that they’re known as ultra religious tradwives though because most of the Polish, Ukrainian, Russian and Slovenian etc girls I’ve met here dont for that description at all. They like to party.
No. 1958878
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>>1958659>Pretty much nobody wants to raise someone else's unwanted moidlet.lololololo this pretty much means if people could choose the gender of their kids a lot less scrotes would be born imagine being this repulsive even as a helpless baby
No. 1958886
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Estee is still dead silence about her supposed "starting a family in 2024" claim kek this was posted on her gay ass husband's insta account tho which i'm almost certain is ran by her
No. 1958892
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>>1958749>If we can’t physically eradicate them from the gene pool then maybe them having a child who doesn’t look like them with a different race woman will give them the ego death they need.THIS.They're retarded enough to think that it's somehow white women taking a huge L cause some ugly reject male had kids that look nothing like him with a filipina and pretty much exited the gene pool for good while STILL investing money and time into those same kids that cut him out from the gene pool lmao it's hilarious
(derailing) No. 1958895
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>>1958886> this was posted on her gay ass husband's insta account tho which i'm almost certain is ran by herIt's definitely run by her, they type the exact same way and what straight man acts like this especially in public. Plus every single thing on his social media is about her KEK so how is she the submissive one when his entire life revolves around her? Seems like she's the one leading in this relationship.