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No. 1982801

-19 years old
-Pedophile who dated/had sex with a 14 year old
-Later made rape jokes and made himself look like the victim when the 14 year old spoke out on what she did with him
-Later attempted to kill himself after same 14 year old tried to cut him off
-Fully well knowing her age and still deciding to be with her because it is “not pedophila”
-Currently dating a Muslim hajabi named Alaina Kahn who knows about what he did and she has spoke on nothing about about it
-Has just recently switch from Male to female, and is not even trying, besides painted fingernails
-Has zero hygiene, people around him smell his horrid stench from down the halls and have to cover their nose up with shirts
-His hygiene has been like this since highschool and was so bad to the point where even the teachers made fun of him for it
-Room is horrible, invited his friend to his house and lead him into his room fully well knowing there was a 3 large trash bag filled with used tissues he jacked off into
-Has been known to jack off to among us porn
-Currently just now switched to being female (Male to female)
-Currently on discord and Instagram complaining about life is meaningless and holds no value
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jade.lord666/ (privated it due to people constantly calling him out)
Discord: jadelord
Email: jade.lord666@gmail.com
Alina’s instagram: https://www.instagram.com/azel_93/tagged/
Alina's discord: ze_gang(shit thread)

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