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No. 1987088

Dylan Damian, also known as Doyle Valentine, Hamburger Baby, and Babylandy, is a Costa Rican musical artist and photographer, known for his ~sad baby boy~ photography, posting and reblogging cp, and writing songs about child abuse and giving them titles like "Kewpie" and "Baby Grandma."
>posts and reblogs pictures of men and teen boys making out and having sex
>claims to have had anorexia, didn't bring it up until after he "recovered."
>posts about underage crime victims
>writes songs about child rape, child murder, pedophiles, and diseases with titles such as "Baby Grandma" and "I've Written A Letter To Daddy"
>tries to be act like an uwu sad baby despite being a literal 20-something year old man
>shoops his photos in an attempt to look white
>posted people with deformities and diseases on his old blog
>posts pictures of the gravestones of toddlers and babies without their families' consent
>visits the graves of killers dressed as a ~sadbabydoll~
>steals pictures, lyrics, and book/movie titles for his blog and music
>changes his instagram constantly, has changed his account at least 5 times in one year
current tumblr:
old tumblr: (empty and inactive)
old instagram:
babylandy.bandcamp.com(shit thread. Stop remaking it.)

No. 1987130

Soren vibes

No. 1987149

Gross, I thought at first that these were both adults but there is no way. There is so much cp on tumblr that doesn't get reported. This pic is also on his instagram wtf(are you retarded)

No. 1987152

they are clearly both adults. Some of you don't touch grass and it shows.

No. 1987153


No. 1987155

He actually got dressed up as an ~uwu boy babydoll~ to visit the grave of Ed Gein. What the hell.
No I think its a man and a 15-16 ish year old boy.(sage your shit)

No. 1987157

Is there actually milk here? There’s no examples of any of this in the thread and at most he just seems like the gay man version of your typical DDLG chan >>1987149 I couldn’t even find this on either of his Insta accs and even then I doubt it is CP. A bunch of gay porn does the “Strong man on a feminine man” thing since Yaoi stole all their audience kek. >>1987155 Also nonnie if you thought it was CP why did you post it? I feel like farmers are just compensating since the Yungelita thread went dry and got locked so they need their dose of DDLG chans and their variants to be fed somewhere else kek. Just make a thread on the DDLG chans and their variants in general if that’s the case instead of making one on some nobody DDLB scrote that will go dry within a few days

No. 1987159

This looks actually like a teen boy. Tumblr is full of teen boys posting pictures of themselves tied up by some 40 year old rando they met online. Also I think "Dylan" is actually a fakeboi.(Why would you post this if you think it's CSAM??)

No. 1987160

this fag already had a thread and it got locked up

No. 1987161

if you thought this was cp why would you keep posting it?

No. 1987163

Again I ask if this is CP why is it being posted uncensored?
Can’t find it, could you link it please?

No. 1987164

>>1987160 link?

No. 1987165

No. 1987166

Kek sorry anon, I forgot you're supposed to keep it clean here lmao. The ddlg, nd, tif, etc. threads are full of gore and cp and other shit, why would this b any different? Your just mad that someone made a thread about you Dylan

No. 1987167

>what in the Nicole dollanganger calf
That’s the first reply there and it still rings true kek, like I said before this is just not worth a full thread and his Instagram seems inactive not sure about tumblr though

No. 1987168

>The ddlg, nd, tif, etc. threads are full of gore and cp
thats not cp you schizo, it's illegal to host and distribute cp. Get glasses and stop trying to make threads on a literal who edgelord

No. 1987174

Why would you EVER post CP/CSAM if you are ever unsure if the person is underage or not? Are you retarded? This is the second time the thread has been made. Do not make another one. If you have issues email admin or take it to /meta/.

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