File: 1440304539377.jpg (52.76 KB, 533x263, moustache.jpg)

No. 5
File: 1440309960917.jpg (46.91 KB, 312x470, unnamed (13).jpg)

Where are ur tatas burry
No. 13808
File: 1440321362867.jpg (77.08 KB, 543x960, image.jpg)

New Ouji picture.
No. 13818
>>13808He has black roots all of a sudden now when he used to be full blonde
Also if he truly is a muslim then he can't marry / be with someone from another religion and i'm 100% sure Berry isn't muslim lmao
Ouji in your religion you are sinning for a shitty girl, Good luck in hell
No. 13819
File: 1440347005652.gif (36.94 KB, 300x225, tumblr_m7xpffvkI11r3wd4to1_400…)

I'm not sure if only
part of your cheek is supposed to stretch out like that, Berry.
Original: No. 13820
File: 1440347092487.gif (1.3 MB, 360x480, tumblr_mqbbw547v91r3wd4to1_r1_…)

Anyone else notice how odd the scarf and bottom lashes shift?
No. 13826
File: 1440348203683.jpg (100.69 KB, 500x727, image.jpg)

>>13821They don't exist here though
Where her big boobs go
No. 13831
File: 1440348726063.jpg (104.48 KB, 522x849, ss (2015-08-23 at 09.20.21).jp…)

Anyone got any news on her "best friend?"
No. 13834
>> old ex used to be friends with her
i used to be so jealous.
im pretty sure at one point we talked together too
sry i dont have any useful information but she used to be reaaaaally sweet as far as i remember
No. 13835
File: 1440350245975.png (48.88 KB, 531x909, ss (2015-08-22 at 08.02.18).pn…)

Berry and Ouji met before they started dating?
No. 13836
File: 1440350277627.png (6.36 KB, 542x121, ss (2015-08-22 at 08.15.03).pn…)

But I thought you were rich, Berry ..
No. 13839
File: 1440351061269.gif (892.96 KB, 400x300, tumblr_mcdr61bTHl1r3wd4to1_400…)

>>13837Ouji's real. Whether or not they're still together is in question. Theories are that Berry is using his Twitter to keep on with the idea that they're still dating, since their up times are exactly the same despite Ouji living in Indo. However, Ouji is def. a real person.
No. 13842
>>13835 Maybe she tried to pass this poem as their story bc she thought being in a ldr for a long time without actually meeting each other is ridiculous (implying as usual) no this isn't their story. I know Ouji ever since he's dating his ex before burry and i'm sure as hell they met in msn lmao
To those who still doubt that he's real, yeah ouji is a real person and they're really dating. I'm this anon
>>13832 I'm indonesian as well, used to be in his circle. I also know friends which are mutuals with him and have met him irl so I can confirm this much.
No. 13861
File: 1440360695491.png (469.7 KB, 501x500, yoZR0Tg.png)

They're eating some of Korinne's cake here LOL
No. 13867
>>13864i was just jealous because hurr durr shes a female!!!! i was 15 back then btw
>>13859i agree
No. 13869
File: 1440365162431.jpg (100.97 KB, 600x800, 1440232269132.jpg)

>>13861>>13868Here you have it
No. 14047
>>13861Costco pizza and some chocolate cake
She isn't even spenidng her bd with friends…….smh
No. 14051
>>14050yeah it was mentioned before
>>14047people can spend their bday how they want though
No. 14056
>>14055it's not really stupid if the person is in another place and they're like hey it's midnight here! happy birthday burry!
just a diff perspective though.
No. 14058
>>14048I wear glasses and I don't know how she can see through them like that
Unless she just looks down all the time.
No. 14087
>>14085if you've seen her then what does she look like
have you really seen her?
No. 14097
>>14088 said. unless you're really asking about michyuu/bakkyun?
No. 14110
File: 1440391391737.jpg (37.94 KB, 500x667, CNJYmM_WoAAYtFP.jpg)

birthday pic
No. 14115
File: 1440391628516.jpg (Spoiler Image,49.04 KB, 720x720, 11951942_10204985335660922_958…)

OT but myk also posted a new picture and she actually looks like a human and is pretty cute 7/10
No. 14117
>>14110this doesnt' look like any of her normal shoops at all she looks like she's tryig to be neko nyapii
also where her big puss lips that she never shuts up about?? the ones in this pic look like the op thread pic
No. 14119
>>13820All that shit on and in her eyes looks painful.
She looks like she's struggling to blink properly.
No. 15142
>>15140Her nose looks weird and she's giving me Michael Jackson vibes.
Her mouth corners look odd too. I dunno.
No. 15148
>>14110>>14111wow it's like a completely different person lol…she looks crazy/deranged, sigh. why does she do this? she has the capacity to be cute naturally as herself so wtf is this shit. it's not the particular features that make her look creepy, it's that you can sense there's something artificial about her face. (also her crazy circle lenses)
>>15133this could be subtle shade and then they backtracked and called her cute so they wouldnt offend the kween
No. 15153
File: 1440409142242.jpg (29.89 KB, 430x624, tumblr_mua12u4VyE1r3wd4to1_500…)

>>15148I agree. I think this is one of her best pictures because she looks natural but also very cute.
Her face here is more appealing to me; even if her super shooped face was real, I'd still prefer this aesthetically.
I'm sure this pic is still somewhat edited but it's much closer to her true face and nowhere near as edited and fake (also in terms of makeup/circle lenses/fake lashes/wigs/etc.) than her regular pictures.
I dunno, I personally think she doesn't need to go as overboard as she does in changing her appearance when she already looks fine.
It's a shame about her ugly personality though.
No. 15179
>>15158i dont even think she did that much :/
i have a weird feeling that she came out of her room for a little bit to appease her family, had someone take pictures of her licking cake, and then went back to her room to play on twitter and edit her pictures
No. 15192
File: 1440431338868.jpg (155.01 KB, 640x1038, image.jpg)

They know
No. 15193
>>15192Some replied to her tweet "Your hair's long again"
I think this is an old picture
No. 15195
>>15193I noticed her hair is long again when it was really short the other day
so u are saying this pic was taken yesterday ?
No. 16506
>>14110that shooped hairline is ridiculous.
She doesn't look the same as her other photos at all…
No. 16508
File: 1440445554905.jpg (45.38 KB, 440x466, 5837378_orig[1].jpg)

>>15199I think it might be a lacefront wig or maybe even something different. her hairline is blurry all the way around and sometimes in photos the lace front is more visible so she probably shooped it out.
No. 16510
>>14110In person, someone who has this 'look' on is very hard to look at because your eyes just pinpoint something is very off. The combination of huge circle lens, false lashes, strained face, etc is really uncomfortable to view. If they have these features naturally and aren't straining themselves to look cute, it's charming. This however is off putting.
My uni is mostly asians so it's not hard to find girls looking like this and they're not very approachable because it's hard to look at them…and they try so hard to stand out and be cute
No. 16531
File: 1440452117368.jpg (68.92 KB, 500x667, image.jpg)

I remember seeing this picture about 2 years ago
No. 16558
File: 1440456593125.jpg (43.77 KB, 355x604, dmsvx2n1Zzo.jpg)

quite old but
No. 16605
File: 1440465932503.jpg (37.37 KB, 600x399, XUlMrHybdOg.jpg)

>>16531reminds me of her dogs birthday cake
i agree when i first saw this photo on facebook i didnt realize it was her until i scrolled back up
in person she would look really scary
No. 16609
File: 1440466499084.png (23.84 KB, 588x81, Screen Shot 2015-08-24 at 9.32…)

>>16605…someone tell me why her dog is having cake with chocolate on it.
No. 16630
>>16609I assume the dog getting the cake is just for show, and the family (human) eats the cake after. Or they just had the cake, didn't eat it, and saved it for Barry's bday which isn't too far from the dog's bday. Therefore the dog had the cake first, but Berry got it. Somewhat like a hand-me-down.
Only logical way I can see this, tbh.
No. 16640
>>16631Unless they made it themselves out of dog food, would Barry's family have enough money to waste on a cake for a pet*.
*I know some people have a different idea how to treat dogs and cats, but if they don't have money to run rampant (at least upper middle class), and why they would spend money on a pet.
Or probably he had a different treat. Idk
No. 17361
>>17357cheesecake factory dou
her cake is just a cake though seems like one of those wal-mart or cheap costco cakes
No. 17416
In case anyone is new here, just letting you guys know there's tons of evidence back at
No. 17417
File: 1440508105186.jpg (41.71 KB, 600x880, chopsticks.jpg)

Caption: "Im so good at chopsticks
No. 17418
File: 1440508169123.jpg (56.36 KB, 600x1015, sushitwitter.jpg)

Caption: "Brb going to Japan to fight Daisuke."
No. 17427
File: 1440516286965.png (628.68 KB, 511x638, EeZ7Dcr.png)

>meanwhile berry without shoop
No. 17443
File: 1440533052710.jpg (70.24 KB, 569x506, ss (2015-08-25 at 01.03.42).jp…)

Ok but doesn't she go on about how cute Asian guys are all the time and how she needs herself a Japanese sugar Daddy? This tea.
No. 17446
>>17443kind of glad she's posting that tho
shes such a hypocrite though
No. 17449
File: 1440536985844.jpg (37.65 KB, 453x604, 5.12.13.jpg)

This was posted on her twitter on 5/12/2013 according to vk, does anyone knows where this is? Is it possible to be Toms River North HS?
No. 17457
File: 1440541559453.png (16.9 KB, 583x148, ss (2015-08-25 at 03.25.38).pn…)

Wouldn't the stuff addressed to her show she doesn't live in New York? Anyone have a link to her Wishlist and what address (city, state) she uses?
No. 17490
File: 1440569863528.jpg (33.93 KB, 640x171, image.jpg)

Trynna defend her friend in a racist way.
There she go again
Im sure she has white followers tsk tsk
No. 17494
File: 1440571043249.jpg (83.76 KB, 763x897, image.jpg)

Ouji tweeted this
when he tweeted that the current times in
New Jersey is 2 am which is the hour he is saying on his tweet (ironically new jersey time)
Indonesia depening where you are its either 1pm, 2pm or 3pm ….
So is he saying he is actually in New jersey then ?
No. 17504
>>17443Why is she generalizing Asian women though? Some Asian girls are cute and shy– esp considering how they are raised in such a submissive culture… And some aren't. Soo…
That photo is grossing me out though. Is that seriously necessary? I don't use twitter much, but do they allow creepy penis pics like that?
No. 17519
File: 1440579498358.jpg (43.98 KB, 500x900, 1922311_744568798900123_141767…)

What the fuck is going on in this picture? The longer I stare the more I find wrong with it and its really confusing me. Its like one of those "when you see it you'll shit bricks" pictures. On her right arm you can see the dress's sleeves attached by her arm/shoulders. But for some reason, that doesn't exist on the left arm? And then she photoshopped in some weird looking roses to cover up her hand/arm? There's also some weird blur going on around her neck/jawline where her hair is, looks like a really bad content-aware filter.
No. 17520
File: 1440579807951.png (383 KB, 500x900, whatfreshhell.png)

>>17519Looking closer it looks like she tried to cover something up with content-aware on her left arm too. See: left expanded picture. There's that weird mismatching patch of skin on her shoulder.
No. 17523
>>17519what bothers me even more than the bad photoshop is that dumb look she has on her face - that have to be the most retarded and empty pair of eyes I've ever seen
why would anyone want to present themselves like that?
No. 17527
>>17519wow she didn't shoop off as much chin as she always does
(or gained much weight)
(or both)
No. 17537
>>17530lol i just noticed that wtf
it looks like one of her tits is massive and the other is no whereto be seen. gr8 shop burry.
No. 17552
File: 1440608654220.png (241 KB, 499x388, burry.png)

>>17531i meant this part, it's usually pitch black
No. 17559
File: 1440613544178.jpg (173.26 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg)

Has anyone seen this?
This is Berry's screenshot, but it looks like an android phone would….
Wasn't she bragging about getting an iPhone 6?
No. 17561
File: 1440613700758.jpg (40.35 KB, 639x519, image.jpg)

This bitch lol
Always trying to get free stuff from someone
No. 17562
File: 1440613731152.jpg (46.22 KB, 639x510, image.jpg)

And another
No. 17564
>>17563Its on twitter and insta i think
i'll look for it
No. 17566
File: 1440616814867.jpg (141.99 KB, 640x903, image.jpg)

She deleted the one on he Twitter where she claimed she was getting the 6, but u found this one
No. 17575
File: 1440628078891.jpg (109.85 KB, 640x612, image.jpg)

The comments I receive on fakemiruku's Instagram…
No. 17621
File: 1440652254893.jpg (36.93 KB, 600x1015, CNW-B9zUEAEFdSC.jpg)

>>17559>>17566this is an android key board and pop up message too, she posted this screenshot today
didnt she claim to have "bought" myk an iphone 6+? i think she's just using her sisters time to time or just placing it in her photos to make it seem like it is hers. i dont think myk has an instagram either so its easier for berry to keep it underwraps. she might also be using her brothers or parents phone but as far as i know only myk has an iphone 6 plus.
No. 17624
>>17618She un-followed alot of people, even on IG, and followed new ones.
Maybe he wasn't of benefit to her anymore lolol and he is kind of annoying LOL
Or it could be that he was suspicious of her or she was scared he would be suspicious of her? He isn't stupid as far as I know. I think her "best friend" might be the only person who knows berry and some of her secret life. Prolly not her richu desu and shit lies because Berry seem to have dug herself too deep into that and it'd be too embarassing for her at this point to admit.
No. 17630
>>17610then why do you need to say its been proven many times
i just was providing proof of her lies
she said the iphone was hers, and I clearly remember
No. 17632
>>17624oh ngl he really IS annoying in his own way and he doesn't look all that special in his NY pics
i don't blame her for unfollowing if she thought he was annoying
hmm maybe her best friend knows about everything since she knew berry before berry spread out onto tumblr and twitter but we'll never know lol
No. 17662
File: 1440671124121.jpg (80.15 KB, 600x800, image.jpg)

You can see the edge of her phone in this recent photo. Does that look like an iPhone 6?
No. 17709
>>17490What a bitch. It's so annoying when bitches are working on a project/drawing and they have to update the world every step of the way to validate itself..
How is there no backlash for her saying this? Her followers are PUSSIES and now to make it worse theyre all going to be buying her crappy plushies bitch can't even cut out a perfect circle.
No. 18919
File: 1440719731953.jpg (204.45 KB, 913x1024, image.jpg)

Why would you even say this to your dad?
No. 18920
File: 1440719777635.jpg (95.8 KB, 640x691, image.jpg)

She even calls her 'dad' a betch. So edgy!
No. 20178
>>18920>>18919I don't think she sent the bitch message
im' pretty sure she just typed it in and screen shot it w/o sending it bc of the orange bar above the message
No. 20234
>>20217couple? you mean berry and her fake bf account?
it's really a shame that she uses ouji's old pics (+shoop). he surely didn't ask for this.
No. 20235
File: 1440781386332.jpg (44.61 KB, 340x604, tJtWGBhTA4s.jpg)

I found this old pic of her and you can see how fucking huge she is, especially when she photoshops her head so tiny it's ridiculous. I can't even understand how her followers can think this is real
No. 20250
>>17490What is it with this remark? I always see the "white girls are quickly" one being used by Asian girls that will go on a rampage 3 days later on how they don't understand why people like Asian girls so much.
It's racist humblebragging.
No. 20252
>>20235pretty sure her followers all know she shoops and stuff
and they don't give a damn
No. 20268
>>20250I'm having a hard time understanding what you said… bUT yeah. .. I would expect more people to be upset about this ? I'd like to think she just has a dry sense of humor and I always felt bad for her until I read that… I know she said things about blacks too but that's a little more obvious she's joking since most kids who are still in highschool are mild swagfags…
The annoying part is how nobody really cares and just keep kissing her ass .
No. 20269
>>20268Self post I would like to add…
And the aminyan thing too aminyan is clearly shit and likes shit chiptunes so I excused that.
And these days too everyone can praise her and give her false sense of having talent … yah I think I made a pillow in home economics class in middleschool that was better than this.
Oh well ass kisser will be ass kisser we can't change it guise.
No. 20287
>>20286same poster
my point in linking this that, if south east asian's feel isolated like this, then yeah it's a real thing and just because you're not south east asian and you don't feel that way about them doesn't mean that it's not a stigma ???
i'm not asian so w/e but i know that they're not the most talked about topic amongst asian's
it's always japanese and korean
then like chinese and viet
No. 20288
File: 1440816632053.jpg (60.55 KB, 579x1024, image.jpg)

Seems like she's making another one.
No. 20312
>>20309Lol wow, you're ridiculously good at guessing people's ethnicities on an anon board.
And I thought I was Japanese my whole life.
No. 20327
File: 1440841212605.png (128.5 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-08-29-17-39-02…)

No. 20331
File: 1440842907845.png (332.44 KB, 619x543, 48pc2C3.png)

shes been telling this guy how much she'll try her best to learn Japanese and how she wants to practice japanese with him and become fluent. as soon as he speaks japanese to her and it isn't ez google translatable she doesn't even try to understand what he said or respond in japanese, she goes right back to english and proclaims how bad she is at japanese. lol this is embarrassing
No. 20366
damn, i laughed really hard when I sent the wrong link lmao, shooting myself in the foot
ok here's the right one No. 20368
>>20350wah wah wah
boo hooo hoooo
this thread is about berry
not about you trying to change the opinions of if racism against the whities is real take that somewhere else
No. 20370
>>20369seriously, agreed
everyone shut the hell up it's so annoying
No. 20376
File: 1440870831986.jpg (182.17 KB, 956x535, komaru.jpg)

>>20371OR its just from this
No. 20388
>>20385>>20376It's definitely this.
reaaaally desperate to be like Umaru in every aspect possible.
It's embarrassing tbh.
No. 20449
File: 1440901778581.jpg (81.85 KB, 640x779, image.jpg)

I agree, Korinne. Your life is so boring that you've created a fake internet persona to keep you entertained and make you feel better about your real life circumstances (aka no friends, just a fat weeaboo unlike Umaru-chan. Umaru is a fictional character, yet she represents everything you'll never be. She's pretty, Japanese, and naturally pale skinned.) while you lie to thousands of people, aka your followers.
No. 20453
>>20449i have always hated sayings like the bottom retweet. just because you make enemies it does not mean you are doing something right?
you could con people out for their money for a living and make enemies or lie to thousands of people and make enemies and i dont think either is morally right. I think it is some quote to make socially insecure or socially inept people feel better about themselves.
No. 20459
File: 1440904448349.jpg (97.51 KB, 720x540, 2015-08-29-20-12-50_deco.jpg)

No. 20472
>>20459Ah yes because japan is the holy land free of any and all erroneous action that has never done anything
problematic before to any country. Everyone there is free of racism, homophobia, and all other discriminations that plague the US. /sarcasm
weebs/japanophiles are so annoying
No. 20478
>>20459Oh the irony.
I fucking hate it when people who live in America bash it for fucktarded reasons. You're fucking family either risked their lives/spent their hard earned money/left behind everything familiar to them to go into the unknown to get to this country because they believed they had a better chance at survival than they did in their motherland.
No. 20502
File: 1440949128211.jpg (33.72 KB, 640x211, image.jpg)

I laughed so hard at this.
No. 20504
File: 1440950310835.jpg (33.82 KB, 640x305, image.jpg)

This girl wants to be Japanese so bad it's disgusting. Someone redirect her to pixyteri.
No. 20508
File: 1440950766413.jpg (69.11 KB, 640x609, image.jpg)

Do you guys think this is really another room or do you think she rearranged her room? She seems to always take photos with that bear. I'm not sure why she takes her old stuffed animals in her room and then transfer it to another room. Then again, why am I sitting here trying to decipher a lying weeaboo tendencies.
No. 20516
Hasn't fall semester started for most uni students? I'm surprised she hasnt posted anything about her
sugoi college life>>20508I still believe it's her same bedroom. Or maybe her sister's and she moved out so it became an "extra room" who knows
No. 20534
>>20507That has been mentioned in one of the older threads
the person who was strawbewwie was not berry lol it was someone else who took the name.
No. 20554
File: 1440969094614.jpg (146.44 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg)

No. 20555
>>20540 this person is definitely the one that said they were in grade 9.
the other one probably deleted for other reasons but we'll never know for sure
that post is not solid evidence of her lying about her age though, since she didn't say it
No. 20582
File: 1440987837567.jpg (181.31 KB, 573x651, Untitled-2.jpg)

I don't think she gets the point. Not everything is going to be handed to her in life. Just trying to justify herself being lazy af.
No. 20585
File: 1440988253339.jpg (179.16 KB, 1500x900, Untitled-3.jpg)

>>20581I think these were the caps they were talking about?
No. 20590
>>20582paying bills doesn't mean your parents don't love you. It meant they taught you how to be responsible and independent and to be able
to afford things for yourself
No. 20597
File: 1440990926176.jpg (88.25 KB, 640x653, image.jpg)

Already attempting to do damage control now that one of her followers have expressed how displeased they are with Berry's 'harsh' words.
No. 20598
File: 1440990955471.jpg (136.39 KB, 640x1001, image.jpg)

More of the conversation.
No. 20610
>>20582To me what I'm getting from this is
Just because someone getting a job to make their own money and perhaps even building their own credit and such does not mean your parents does not love you. She's generalizing America again yet she lives in America lel hun where have you been? 95% of the people I know and knew from school actually don't get kicked out? They choose to leave. Maybe it varies from communities.
And why would ANYONE wants their parent, who works really hard, to pay for everything? Not to mention her parents have 3 other kids to care for! (Minus her eldest brother) College tuition and all.
As someone from an immigrant family and knows many people from immigrant families, we have jobs and our parents love us in-fact they are proud of us. We are younger or around the same age as Korinne if that is even her right age. Most of our parents didn't want us to get a job but we got one so our parents didnt have to pay for us all the time and so we can work for ourselves.
I might be reaching but I think She really just cornered herself into admitting she is a spoiled brat who does not want to get a job and her excuse is because her parents love her
I think her logic is flawed. Perhaps if she worded differently I would understand her point, if there was one aside from what I said above, better.
No. 20612
>>20600ah I see, thanks for clarifying that for me
well at least she admitted she's spoiled
No. 20614
>>20585Why would she own 2 iphones and an android but not use either iphones? Waste of money, I feel bad for her parents.
Or could be a total lie once again to seem rich. Then I'd just pity Korinne and Zoe and whoever else believes her.
No. 20617
>>20616Probably a lie to fit her animu desu kawaii fake-life.
Her stuff has so much lies in them you never know what is true anymore
No. 20626
File: 1441002835588.jpg (168.73 KB, 720x664, 2015-08-30-23-31-10_deco.jpg)

This was a reply to a tweet about the usage of the 'N' word. Back to being a hypocrite, I see.
No. 20634
>>20626Idk, I've been looking at the nigga tweet, and In wondering if she said it?
It looked more like a quote than anything since she added the '-Tony 2014(15?)' at the end. Probably in this case she's not a hypocrite.
Idk if she said it before or after then again though….
>>20632Jesus, nice to know that your well off, but tone the powerleveling down a bit will ya? Sorry, but to compare our lives to snowflakes seems sad(not really, but I can't find any other words).
No. 20672
>>20634 sorry if i seemed to be powerleveling, didn't mean to.
>>20651 i live in a shitty third world country where i might be dead tomorrow, but sure if you want me to.
>>20658 i said that bc we're not actually rich, more like upper middle really. Hiring man power is cheap here and my parents gave up everything they have to provide me with all these things (sending me abroad, high-end apt) with hope i can get out of this hell hole one day.
No. 20700
>>20632Shows off about rich lifestyle having everything provided for them"But I'm not like you berry I buy things for myself too"
>>20672 "Get out of this hell hole"
Life must be very hard for you
Is this what I'm reading?
No. 20701
>>20672But, just because you're rich in a poor country doesn't mean you're rich in a first world country…..
My bf is eating six figures, but in Cuba, he's a rich motherfucker and can drop w/e amount of money cause everything is so cheap there. The reverse of that doesn't really work the same.
No. 20708
File: 1441049558025.png (19.94 KB, 683x200, 234r5ty67u8.png)

No. 20716
>>20694I remember this. Their convo to each other are always so cringe.
Speaking of hbt did hbt ever send berry her bento/lunch box or whatever? hbt is berry's #1 sugar mamma
No. 20721
>>20717I mean, My opinion is be skewed because I'm still a poor college student living in an expensive metro city.
I'm definitely happy, thanks anon, but when you date a financial analyst who is cheap, you're opinion gets skewed.
No. 20726
File: 1441062111784.jpg (67.26 KB, 500x883, CNv5ZHVUwAEyhqF.jpg)

if she's huge like this imagine if she didn't put her arms like that
No. 20738
>>20732Eh, even if she doesn't only eat that stuff, Filipino foo is VERY greasy and fattening.
And since her parents love her so much, why wouldn't they go home cooking every day? Because you know, she loves being Asian so much she's gotta only eat that.
No. 20756
File: 1441079291002.jpg (18.77 KB, 600x423, image.jpg)

Oops forgot to add photo ^^^^
No. 20760
File: 1441085867343.png (41 KB, 701x268, Screenshot_2015-09-01-12-36-03…)

What about your 2 iphones
No. 20785
>>20782Eh, in this case this joke is pretty old, so we'll never know if its copy pasted or not….unless you copypaste into Google. But I'm on mobile, so I'm lazy.
Now, how does that make her a brat?
No. 20789
File: 1441112974520.jpg (27.12 KB, 599x588, image.jpg)

Look at her tiny wrist/hand. That's not realistic at all.
No. 20790
File: 1441113097375.jpg (35.48 KB, 640x360, image.jpg)

>>20789Reminds me of Hanson from Scary Movie 2…
No. 20885
>>20789You can literally see that the hand is fake
Her head is way more foggy than the entire hand
No. 21333
>>20856>Do you want her to put up a pic of a bowl of rice? Is that what you want?not sure what the anon you're talking to wants, but that's definitely what i want. a food diary would be splendid.
No. 21334
File: 1441195669512.jpg (83.09 KB, 500x667, image.jpg)

She re-edited one of her Umaru photos. Rolling my eyes so hard.
No. 21338
File: 1441198220487.png (953.41 KB, 862x800, borrylips.png)

>>21336>>21334Her lips truly resemble a prune.
No. 21339
File: 1441201105563.jpg (40.96 KB, 600x600, ouji.jpg)

Looks like Ouji finally dyed his hair pink.
No. 22508
>>21339That looks more red to me.. and damn his hairstyle is unappealing
Guess they really are still together?
No. 22512
>>21339Looks like photoshop to me… or maybe photoshopped was used to retouch idk
im still suspicious of them actually being together. Need better proof than this.
No. 22514
File: 1441206872764.jpg (47.28 KB, 543x960, CNBbTfJUcAEFtbb.jpg)

>>22511i swear to god, this isn't the real ouji. someone is cosplaying him for that account.
likely even a female.
even the mole is fake (pic related)
No. 22521
>>22516it is the right color, she just shooped her face nearly pigmentfree and the wig along with it.
she has blue undertones in that pic which looks weird as fuck.
No. 22528
File: 1441219210677.jpg (30.83 KB, 355x344, 51 RnDhRjuL._SX355_[1].jpg)

>>21334you can tell how much she lightened even with the original photo because isn't umarus cloak supposed to be orange? Everyone I've seen even the shitty knockoffs are orange…
No. 22534
File: 1441223172411.png (455.72 KB, 500x667, 10238401.png)

>>22532here you go anon-san
No. 22535
>>22534compare that to this
>>21334 l o l
No. 22537
File: 1441223696423.png (1011.22 KB, 839x856, burry.png)

Based on a pic of the cloak she posted before I made these.
No. 22539
>>22534holy shit look at all the caked on highlighter on the bottom lash line and the blush…
and what is with the weird mustache shadow…
No. 22543
File: 1441230790646.jpg (38.42 KB, 283x394, bbb.JPG)

wheres your massive titties berry
No. 22563
>>22558I don't have an issue with it but you people are the ones that do lol
I am aware she posts pics of junk food but damn everyone does it on their IG
Junk food and outside food look more appealing to take a picture of (wow that grammar sounds weird). Unless your parents make 5 star looking dishes most people don't usually post their home meals up lool
No. 22611
>>22556>heyou mean berry.
>>22563>most people don't usually post their home meals up loolyou are mistaken. for example No. 22620
File: 1441289347707.png (514.26 KB, 929x596, e5345234.png)

>>22619Probably not too long, she can't handle not getting attention. Though it does look like she's trying to get people to follow her by advertising on IG.
No. 22622
>>22512Ouji doesn't post selfies - Omg he's fake, they aren't in a real relationship!
Ouji posts selfies - It's probably someone cosplaying him!! The account is still fake!!
Now it just looks like you're all in denial and won't accept the fact after he posted so many selfies lately lol.
No. 22624
File: 1441292397962.png (19.45 KB, 454x208, aBHfGRh.png)

apparently shes 152cm lmao christ
No. 22626
File: 1441295516935.gif (366.67 KB, 500x667, 901284.gif)

i made a gif
No. 22627
File: 1441296785928.png (548.88 KB, 604x604, 2912490124.png)

her skin looks so fucking gross what the fuck
No. 22636
File: 1441302149557.jpg (90.37 KB, 632x633, image.jpg)

Being interested/appreciating a culture and the people is different from fetishizing it and that's exactly what Korinne is doing. She's obsessing and glamorizing Japan and Japanese people. She even wishes she was Japanese. As if Japanese people would want this tanned overweight Filipino in their country… This stupid insufferable weeaboo.
No. 22640
File: 1441302828375.jpg (124.58 KB, 640x972, image.jpg)

For you information, Korinne… I'm Asian and offended by your stupid fetishizing ass.
No. 22641
File: 1441303565654.jpg (21.56 KB, 540x279, 3242353245324532.jpg)

No. 22642
File: 1441303640748.jpg (10.43 KB, 275x221, 4454444334.jpg)

yeah Berry
No. 22643
File: 1441303701734.jpg (35.82 KB, 540x337, 44543543.jpg)

No. 22645
File: 1441303760685.jpg (16.2 KB, 275x270, 43543543543543.jpg)

No. 22649
File: 1441305203097.gif (327.3 KB, 453x604, 1028410.gif)

mini gif dump
No. 22650
File: 1441305265915.gif (257.41 KB, 453x604, 018941279.gif)

>>22649while editing these i've fully realized just how much she lightens her pictures and its really terrifying
No. 22656
>>22622There is no logic in your argument.
The amount of selfies berry posts as him has nothing to do with the account's credibility.
It's not relevant.
What's more relevant are (among other things) the facts that their twitter posting times coincide and that their writing styles are very alike.
Plus, why the fuck does he have a chubby woman's hand in the recent pics?
>>22627>>22635I think her diet plays a huge role as well.
A lot of people have that kind of skin and it can be easily improved by just cutting down on sugar which is really hard, since it's so prevalent nowadays (snacks, soda, fastfood, instant meals,…).
No. 22659
>>22655> filipino,chinese,SpanishSo just a basic ass pinay.
Because our country was conquered and mixed by all of them anyway.
No. 22664
File: 1441314868034.png (14.47 KB, 573x95, lol.png)

I guess she has been reading our recent posts. We made her sad, you guys.
No. 22666
File: 1441315049262.png (336 KB, 581x461, school.png)

Alright, so she pretty much confirmed school is soon or has already started for her. Does anyone know when New Jersey colleges start? Specifically in Tom River? I still have a feeling she's still in High School… Public schools in Toms River started their first day yesterday.
No. 22682
>>22670I go to UCLA and we start on 9/24. What UCs are you talking about?
>>22674Depends on how you want your schedule to be. Normal classes at CCs are like an he and a half and meet twice a week (Monday & Wednesday, or Tuesday and Thursday). If you have a class on Friday it's probably 3 hours long. Or you have a lab time you have to attend on Friday.
No. 22687
>>22682Accurate ^
I know people who are in UC that went to school the same time our CCs here did, perhaps it depends on area?
No. 22691
>>22682oops i looked at the wrong date. the quarter starts on the 21 but instruction is on 24th.
i'm also going to UCLA this year! :D
No. 22694
>>22666the ocean county college in nj starts on september 8th.
the most expensive college that has over 60k tuition is the Sarah Lawrence college which comes at 65k and it also starts on september 8th. it's located in NY, though.
No. 22712
>>22670OT and interjecting cuz i paid a shit ton of money just for bragging rights
Berkeley started 8/26
No. 22714
>>22712OT as well but if you had high enough grades you could've gone through the blue and gold program which helps you pay your tuition (this goes for all UCs)
ANYWAYS srsly doubt Korrine is going to Sarah Lawrence (the only school with high enough tuition costs for her brag)
No. 22716
File: 1441343638984.jpg (65.9 KB, 500x333, dog.jpg)

>>22715Yeah. I have a feeling she's 16-17. The cake on the picture says 98. So i'm assume that year 1998. Most dogs lifespan is 13 years. it's hard to believe that her dog is 16-17 years old. Well I'm not too sure what type of dog that is. So I'm really starting to think that the cake is HERS. Not her dog.
No. 22719
>>22716Eh, I see where you're coming from, but who puts the year on their cake?
Probably most people and I just didn't know, but I've never seen that. Unless they put their age next to it, and it has no other holes in the cake that can indicate that.
No. 22779
File: 1441377278982.jpg (194.45 KB, 500x500, image.jpg)

>>22649This is all I can see. I am not even saturating anything, I am dead fucking serious. I wonder if she is purposely caking on so much blush so she could lighten it later to get this light pink color.
No. 22799
>>22626i dont get why she insists on using this image everywhere
its not flattering at all, it just shows off how chubby and round her face is kek
No. 22803
File: 1441398312245.png (15.85 KB, 580x98, oksure.png)

No. 22807
>>22803so rich desu
yet everybody can have a tv LOL
No. 22820
File: 1441409681874.jpg (77.88 KB, 600x954, IMG_0587.JPG)

Hey guys I haven't read every thread only the first one and the previous 2 so I'm not sure if you guys have posted these photos. Is this really Ouji, I'm 99% positive she said this was her boyfriend. Sorry if this has already been discussed.
No. 22821
File: 1441409717378.jpg (57.41 KB, 500x736, IMG_0590.JPG)

No. 22843
File: 1441423798659.jpg (75.38 KB, 640x575, image.jpg)

Berry's ass kisser is really trying it.
No. 22877
File: 1441457708678.png (16.09 KB, 350x194, bxQzDVc.png)

didn't she tell ptn325 that her LINE was deleted? LMAO shes so shitty. why won't she just tell him straight up that she doesn't want to talk to him? I wonder if he'll see this and how he'll feel about her lying to him
No. 22900
>>22820Haven't seen.this pic before, but I'm calling it. Her sister (Myk) is cosplaying as ouji in those latest twitter pics (like
No. 22901
File: 1441473989960.jpg (Spoiler Image,5.45 KB, 180x238, 1151aaa.jpg)

>>22899When I was younger I had cavities like that. Its generally from eating a ton of sweet/sugary stuff and not brushing your teeth afterwards. They look like that when you get them on your molars. If they're fillings they'd have to be silver ones but I don't think they do those anymore due to health risks, plus that looks way too dark to be silver fillings, they should be shiny and silver.
Spoiler because sorta gross picture, proceed with caution.
No. 22903
File: 1441474865859.jpg (71.14 KB, 640x588, image.jpg)

I really doubt her parents know what she does on the Internet.
No. 22904
>>22901It's an amalgam filling. If they were rich they'd definitely go for acrylic fillings or golden ones, since amalgam is apparently harmful.
At least where i'm from health care only pays for amalgam, for acrylic or gold you'd have to pay yourself.
No. 22905
File: 1441474937715.jpg (111.04 KB, 640x966, image.jpg)

Look at how cool and funny her dad is! Sugoi!!!
No. 22908
>>22853maybe something happened between them lol you guys.
what image does michyuu even have to save? she's just a normal girl compared to berry.
No. 22920
File: 1441484104217.jpg (29.32 KB, 640x183, image.jpg)

One of Fakemiruku's admins here. Just went on our Instagram and found this gem of a comment. Korinne is too damn poor to even fix up her face that's why she relies on photoshop.
No. 23047
File: 1441505995891.jpg (80.39 KB, 640x629, image.jpg)

Coworker? You don't even have a job Korinne. You sit on your fat tanned ass all day eating pocky and sipping on calpico.
No. 23048
>>23047someone ask for a work photo or uniform but she might just take creep photos of a work place by sneaking behind the counter or fake a uniform kek
learned not to believe this girl ever
No. 23050
File: 1441507490933.jpg (129.52 KB, 500x667, image.jpg)

She posted a new photo of herself.
No. 23055
File: 1441508119125.jpg (195.92 KB, 500x667, duhkawaii.jpg)

>>23050dem pixels though.. lmao
No. 23057
File: 1441508367488.jpg (53.22 KB, 347x411, image.jpg)

>>23055Oh my god. She looks like Lil' Kim.
No. 23058
File: 1441508410142.jpg (66.65 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg)

Zoomed in and you can see her under eyelid blurred while her eye is very sharpened. There's also a weird film on the top left of her eye, near the cornerstone .
No. 23060
File: 1441508606513.jpg (47.62 KB, 636x1014, image.jpg)

Another zoom in… Her nose has melted into her face.
No. 23061
File: 1441508616951.png (30.7 KB, 604x172, bs.png)

"it's not photoshopped but i did use a bunch of filters"
No. 23062
File: 1441508861994.jpg (42.12 KB, 640x414, image.jpg)

LMAO. They pointed out her sweater. When does she not wear a sweater? It's in the fucking 80s in NJ throughout the day.
No. 23064
>>23061Not photoshopped? Uhhh k sure burry
no pores, blurry face, sharpened eyes, your real chin is more round than that
No. 23065
>>23061>>23064&& her nose is not that small, compare it to thread photo
No. 23066
>>23050her lips are always crusty as hell.
try carmex, korinne :)
No. 23068
File: 1441510112549.gif (426.33 KB, 500x667, burry.gif)

totally the same guys
No. 23070
File: 1441511694690.jpg (57.94 KB, 640x456, image.jpg)

Yes, your stupidity is killing my brain cells one by one, Korinne.
No. 23071
File: 1441511708205.png (51.99 KB, 578x238, bs.png)

sometimes i wonder if she over-exaggerates or she's completely aware of this forum. or maybe both
No. 23074
File: 1441512317850.jpg (266.51 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg)

>>23058You can see the edge of her contacts quite easily.
No. 23076
File: 1441516290800.jpg (254.19 KB, 1600x1021, Untitled-5.jpg)

why does this make me laugh so much lmao.
tries so hard to look like GD
No. 23078
File: 1441517902001.jpg (28.29 KB, 640x331, image.jpg)

Yet not lazy enough to not mention how much you want to cry on Twitter. Ok, Korinne.
No. 23080
>>23079One of Fakemiruku's admins here. Can confirm she said we threatened to rape her to cover her tracks (proof here: which was pretty much the last straw for us. We're completely disgusted with her behavior. We knew she'd make up some fake sob story to her friends but we were still shocked she'd go as far as sexual assault. Which we never have done and we dare Berry to find any valid evidence that states we did so. We have yet to see any evidence that backs up her statement because it's fabricated. We simply have posted evidence of her lies and her inconsistency throughout social media platforms. She never fights her own battles and gets her followers to attack us or anyone else she sees as a threat for that matter. She has and will always play the victim card. She's a huge coward and doesn't deal with confrontation too well. We're really interested as to how this will all end. We wonder what will be her next move. More plushies? More pocky and calpico? Going to wawa to get a free kawaii sandwich??? Her calling her sugoi dad a baka bitch? The possibilities are endless…
No. 23092
File: 1441539671548.gif (1.26 MB, 320x180, noticeme.gif)

>>23038pic related
>>23080shit like that makes wonder why she's on /snow/ and not /pt/
No. 23095
File: 1441542552349.png (278.24 KB, 604x342, 9284012.png)

I think this is the closest we can get to her with her un-ps'd/meitu'd skin. Her neck actually matches the rest of her face here.
No. 23096
File: 1441542762269.png (651.92 KB, 500x667, 4018247.png)

Also I did an unshop. That dirty look to her skin is none of my doing, as in I didn't edit that there at all. While I was unbrightening her skin it started to show the actual shadows of her skin, so I guess it just naturally looks really dirty.
No. 23097
>>23092Maybe because shit like that isn't funny, but terribly sad?
I kinda agree with
>>23088 Did Berry say she was getting rape threats, or was that made up using her fans as a rumor and just never said anything about it? Did you ask the person you tested if Berry said she was getting rape threats, or did they hear it from another fan?
Did you rationally (instead of friending her and anyone else, and trying to be sneaky)try to private message Berry, tell her the severity of a rape threat, and ask her for sure if the rape threat came from the fakemiriku account? Or if she saw something on lolcow that prompted that idea? Did she someone with a new Twitter account or spam account something about rape around that time the truth accounts popped up and immediately assumed that it was from you guys?
There is a lot of things you guys have to consider before pointing fingers at Berry all the time, sorry. If she's lying expose her, but if she's technically not….
No. 23101
>>23097No one should have to tell Berry the severity of a rape threat. But, do you really think she'd tell the truth if she was asked about it? Even if she's not the one who outright said it, she's not stopping it either because it increases the severity of the issue and makes it more likely to take the accounts down, which is all berry cares about. I honestly believe that if there was an actual claim of raping her, whether here, on twitter, or whatever, she would have taken a screenshot in five seconds and posted it to twitter. That way she could really cement herself as a victim and any effort at exposing her henceforth would be null. But no screenshots or proof have been posted.
>>23096I think this muddy look is from smoothing and airbrushing her skin. Also, from the attempted contouring she did on her nose. Also, that is a really strange gap between her eye and her tear ducts. I've only seen that on girls who get eye widening surgery (not saying she's gotten surgery)
No. 23105
>>23101>>23101Well I hope so if she wants to save some not of her reputation, if she said it and it wasn't a rumor. Chances are, it could be a rumor.
I see what you're saying, but probably she's trying to hide it, but it's not form the fakemiriku account, but she wants dat sympathy.
Or lying, but I wanna make sure!
>>23098I still don't see how that proves anything since I based my post on that. How do we know she said it? I'm not taking any sides here, I just don't like to point fingers, especially for something like rape. Sorry if I seem like a WK.
>>23096I don't know much about undertones, but could it be that? Like the undertone doesn't match her skin making it look plain or dirty.
Or it could be her makeup, especially if she uses the wrong type of foundation. Finally, usually if you shoop dark skin it sometimes turn gray right?
Sorry I don't shoop my pics so I wouldn't know, but I think I saw someone who wrote that on PULL from another girl who did the same thing.
But honestly, she'll benefit from powder.
No. 23106
>>23088>>23097Fakemiruku here.
She did make those allegations for sure. All her friends contacted us instead of Berry herself. The thing is before Fakemiruku was even up and running she found us and said how she loved seeing old photos of her and then blocked us. She has blocked us on every account we have without us even making any sort of contact with her. She's even blocked us on Instagram when we haven't directed anything to her. We simply post the evidence and hashtag them. So blocking us is her doing… The reason why we say we know she said we threatened to rape her was because of HENTAITHOT. We had a one on one conversation after Berry 'allowed' him to talk to us. He was unsure of Berry himself but Berry was supposedly sending him receipts during our talk. And he sent us barely half of the things she was telling him. He said he found it so hard to believe what we were saying was true since she has so many followers and that would mean she's deceiving every single one of them. He then mentioned how Berry was crying. We kept sending him more evidence and going back and forth until he told us to stop. That Berry had finally told him the whole story. He expressed how disgusted he was of us. We could only imagine what the whole story was, but back then we simply thought she said a few lies as she always tends to do. Nothing too serious. After this whole ordeal we found out there were screenshots floating around with allegations of us threatening to rape her. You can easily start to put the pieces together. We will never know what Berry exactly said to him. We will never know what her sob story consists of but there's no way Berry is innocent in this and she hasn't even come forth to say she didn't make those allegations. She has allowed it. That alone is very telling. Even if she didn't send that in herself she's still just as responsible. This was probably sent through her first seeking her approval and she more than likely approved it. You underestimate how much Berry controls her 'friends'. Every person that came forth to us on Twitter said they were only there because Berry wanted them to 'drag' us. What drag Korinne? I know you read lolcow Korinne so you'll more than likely read this. That drag your friends were speaking of was weak. We are still waiting for this drag they're speaking of. Learn how to fight the our own battles. You made the mess and now it's your time to deal with it. I know you're not good with messes and you make it your dad clean your room, your brother clean your clothes; but this is a mess your family cannot clean for you. This is your doing and your responsibility.
No. 23117
File: 1441555218349.png (100.08 KB, 319x413, bs.png)

I realized that this kid is 18y/o. Doesn't this give you guys some hints? Why is she ranting at people that are supposedly "younger" than her and making them talk or fight back for her "mature" self.
No. 23122
File: 1441557512299.jpg (13.86 KB, 601x209, Clipboard01.jpg)

light skinned asian
No. 23125
i think this just goes to show how obsessed with light skin she is…also calling grade a bullshit on this story.
No. 23128
File: 1441558082712.png (617.61 KB, 1170x954, Screen Shot 2015-09-06 at 12.4…)

uh says the girl trying so hard to be Japanese??? Has Japanese all over her profile and wants to go by berry TSUKASA? I really don't think she has any room to talk. You don't get a free pass just because you're asian.
No. 23129
File: 1441558143623.png (772.73 KB, 618x425, berryeatsthepupu.png)

>>23126In case she ends up deleting this too, here's proof she retweeted this nonsense when she does the same exact thing.
No. 23137
File: 1441558696625.png (77.22 KB, 306x83, friedchickenfatputabitch.png)

Look at this fat weeaboo trying to deflect the situation.
No. 23142
File: 1441559148448.png (66.06 KB, 313x69, ifyousaysoborry.png)

Pretty sure you're just fat, Berry. I find it so odd that this is the one of the first things she says in the morning, lol. Perhaps she was on lolcow reading about our comments on her shoops.
No. 23171
>>23106I was the one who said
That does seem plausible, but HENTAITHOT seems like the type of person to exaggerate things judging from his tweets (if he was the one who said the rape thing, if he isn't then sorry I got mixed up.)
Idk I've read most of the threads, rape doesn't seem like something even she would touch on, it seems a bit out of character but that's my own opinion and everyone is welcome to have their own opinions on her character. I'm not trying to defend her but rape seems like too much of a lie. (inb4 berry lies about everything and blah blah). Since that kevin kid participates in group chats with those people around here, theres a possibility that in the chat they decided to go exaggerate the fuck out of things just to take FakeMiruku down – I forgot where I was going with this. Sorry. If anyone has a differing opinion then feel free to say so. This is just a speculation from me.
No. 23172
File: 1441565557073.jpg (10.02 KB, 275x178, 1427911566386.jpg)

>>23122Berry is the true and only
light-skinned asian in her kawaii world LOL reminds me of that bullshit lie she said about a classmate thinking she was a pop-star back in her middle school days omfg
No. 23175
File: 1441566588802.png (7.28 KB, 582x117, 1428123836682.png)

old tweet but
No. 23177
>>23174I'm very open to changing my mind and I also know that I don't think I can change your mind either. When I said her friends might have exaggerated it I meant it could be them alone thinking "Lets say this in order to make it seem more serious! Yeah! Justice 4 Berry-senpai!" and being stupid teens who are a few years younger than her they go around telling people she was threatened with rape.
But yes, I do agree that she has a hand in this since she didn't do anything towards it. Thanks for not being hostile and whatnot lol
No. 23203
>>23197>>23201Being tan is fine and she might be a little on the lighter side of tan
But being tan would make it hard to get the popularity that she has. Seems like filters to me, whenever I take a selfie I always use a filter or two to make the lighting around me and my skin look better.
She probably uses filters and then shoops anymore "minor" imperfections
No. 23212
We talked about her most recent photoshop mishaps here: free to let us know if we missed anything!
No. 23243
>>23212Photoshopped or not, I like the pic.
And does anyone know where she got that kind of jacket? I would ask her myself but she didn't post it on Insta and I only have an Insta.
I'll save since I didn't post nothing of substance.
No. 23257
File: 1441587193265.jpg (99.48 KB, 604x604, image.jpg)

>>23251Pretty good at caking makeup on her face kek
No. 23262
File: 1441590164263.jpg (54.19 KB, 640x451, image.jpg)

Look guys. Progress.
No. 23263
File: 1441590195582.jpg (60.5 KB, 640x671, image.jpg)

Her comment was directed to this tweet.
No. 23264
File: 1441590231713.jpg (36.36 KB, 640x301, image.jpg)

And their commentary…
No. 23265
File: 1441590833737.jpg (39.31 KB, 640x365, image.jpg)

…And we are back at square one. That progress has disintegrated before our eyes within 15 minutes. Bravo, Berry. Bravo.
No. 23273
File: 1441592550563.jpg (291.2 KB, 1280x1182, 15-09-06-22-19-58-249_deco.jpg)

Why am I finding this buttkisser so annoying
No. 23275
File: 1441593187422.jpg (136.39 KB, 522x675, 15-09-06-22-31-08-220_deco.jpg)

Who cares? Aprilchu looks like a frog anyways. Why is she even bothering to buttkiss berry. Prolly not enough attention kek
No. 23281
File: 1441594792689.jpg (64.42 KB, 636x431, image.jpg)

Did anyone else notice how she added cosplay to her description? lol
No. 23446
File: 1441599108150.jpg (42.28 KB, 635x366, image.jpg)

difference is you can still recognize beyonce in the streets she posts unphotoshopped photos she only uses photoshop for magazine covers etc that she gets paid to do
No. 23497
File: 1441603157215.jpg (33.29 KB, 640x254, image.jpg)

Yeah that's why she's always buying knockoffs on eBay. So rich*~
No. 23506
>>23497>caking on cheap makeup
>treating your skin wellTop kek
I can't imagine being as dumb as her. If she keeps this up by the time she's in her early twenties she'll be looking haggard.
No. 23510
>>23506she's already 21 though (inb4 any of you say she's not)
i'm going by what i've seen on her twitter, if you have actual proof she's not 21 then you can show it but otherwise i think she's over 20
No. 23518
File: 1441612420782.png (295.15 KB, 500x376, side-eye-queen.png)

No. 23519
File: 1441612737968.jpg (74.9 KB, 720x482, image.jpg)

>>23512I've been following her for years on social media and I'm pretty sure she's 21, she's either in a community college or held back in highschool
it doesn't make sense to me if she's 16 now because apparently this pic is from 2010 and if she's 16/17 now then that means she's 10/11 in this picture?
She should be 15 in this picture which means she's 21 now
No. 23533
File: 1441625855405.png (253.53 KB, 1167x944, Screen Shot 2015-09-07 at 7.21…)

>>23262>>23263>>23264Just to add on to these (see pic)
To berrykissu: Maybe it wasn't an issue until berry tried to call out non-Asians for wanting to be Asian, when she has expressed and continues to express how much she wants to be Japanese.
To vu: How can you say she has learned from her mistakes when she's still trying to pass as Japanese, has her profile decorated with kanji, and tries to go by a Japanese surname?
To berry: You're still a dumbass and it increases at exponential rates on a daily basis. Please stop attempting to look clever when it's clear you can't even keep track of the things you say
>>23497Isn't this the same girl that thought MAC was high end, that bought potentially toxic 1$ lip tints on ebay that was knock offs of already 4$ cheap etude lip tints, and stated that you didn't need expensive make up? If she really has 60$ foundation I feel like she wouldve taken a picture to show it off like everything else.
No. 23535
File: 1441627307388.jpg (76.9 KB, 640x821, image.jpg)

>>23273Meanwhile Berry on the streets with no ps
No. 23562
File: 1441642040525.jpg (56.52 KB, 640x463, image.jpg)

What school is she going to that has class on labor day ?
No. 23594
>>23582Yeah book shopping
where atleast in my college u gotta wait to see if you are going to use them or if the professor is just gonna hand lectures.
But high school in general usually assign the books u gotta buy since its "obligated"
So u buy them before even starting school.
No. 23597
>>23521She can also be lying about her school start date though?
And there's also the possibility of taking a couple of gap years and lying about that, that could be why she has all this time to play games
No. 23598
>>23597oops double posting because i saw the rest of the posts
>>23594 i'm in college right now and some of my professors email their syllabus before class starts so we can order/buy the books as soon as possible. i don't know about where you live but in high school we'd have to actually go to school to pick up our books and we don't really buy them?..
No. 23599
>>23598When I was in HS, we had to buy certain books. Like stuff for English class and foreign languages.
>>23597But why would she privatizate her Twitter when it was pointed out she was in school at the time HS started back over there? Like, if she was lying she wouldn't need to do that. Not to mention it's super easy to see when the schools over there started back up. The colleges haven't even began their fall semesters but the high schools have and Tom Rivers HS had just started when she made that tweet. If anything, she would be a HS dropout if she's not actually in HS.
No. 23609
>>23599hmm well it could be a location thing? unless you live near her and know how it works around there.
she still seems active throughout the day though (i don't follow her so correct me if i'm wrong) so if she was in school last week she'd have to be offline more
No. 23612
>>23599What will she do all the other school days though??? She can't privatize her page everytime she has school lol. If this is true that sounds stupid as hell imo idk what she was thinking.
>>23609She is literally always active unless you count the times she is probably sleeping. I mean today she is very active. She got up four hours ago (idk I just went to her twitter) and has been active since. Doubt she's in class and even more so doubt it because it's LABOR DAY lol. Unless she tweeted that shit way after she went on twittee and went to class before but…labor day tho…lol. So we'll see the rest of the week :D
No. 23617
>>23612Actually after today we can't tell if she's in high school or college anymore since that's when OCC (and other schools around there?) starts their fall semester. We'll only know if she's in class.
I personally think she's in college and she was just saying she was in school to fuck people up lol
But I agree with you on the privatizing thing, it seems stupid and I don't think she'd do that EVERY time school is mentioned. Maybe she was just trying to figure out if she should private her twitter or nah.
No. 23746
File: 1441742686628.png (57.29 KB, 772x244, Screen Shot 2015-09-08 at 4.03…)

She tweeted this in the morning and hasn't tweeted all day until now so I'm assuming she had school today
No. 23757
File: 1441748842809.png (31.55 KB, 611x299, ss (2015-09-08 at 05.42.09).pn…)

She tweeted a picture of the TV and she was watching some girl talk about how to eat sushi the right way but she immediently deleted it, I should've screenshot it.
No. 23760
File: 1441749885434.png (37.09 KB, 780x139, Screen Shot 2015-09-08 at 6.04…)

Berry I think you meant to say living room
No. 23785
File: 1441758348475.jpg (73.08 KB, 640x751, image.jpg)

Look at what I found. It looks like hentaithot had a huge roll in the tale accusations.
No. 23786
>>23785Fuck my phone
Look at what I found. It looks like hentaithot had a huge role in the fake accusations.
No. 23793
File: 1441760514601.png (2.48 MB, 1146x1130, Screen Shot 2015-09-08 at 8.58…)

Might be reaching but this is a picture on Ouji's instagram. I found that it resembles the pictures that berry took outside of her house. There are several of them in this vk album No. 23810
File: 1441765931117.jpg (75.79 KB, 604x341, 2okb40iCt-4.jpg)

>>23793they're really similar, here's an example
No. 23825
File: 1441773906159.jpg (287.62 KB, 1242x1702, image.jpg)

Since we are talking about HENTAITHOT or whatever he seems to be really rude and racist. Can't tell if it's a joke but it's gross? The term coon has a really negative connotation to it. Does berry follow this guy? Says lot about her, joke or not. She kinda does the same thing: the chicken nugget thing, black face, wanting to say nigga and trying to be not racist towards blacks but ends up being racist anyways for trying too hard to not ne racist lel. There are pics somewhere of the tweets. Im prolly reaching though, ideas anybody?
No. 23829
>>23825You're not reaching. I've been looking into hentaithot and he is just as (or even more)
problematic as Korinne. He loves to start shit. Him and kungfllu go hand in hand with their Twitter drama. But then again all of Korinnes friends are pretty much
problematic and little pieces of shit. Korinne became friends with hentaithot after he 'dragged' Fakemiruku and she has been kissing his ass ever since. The same exact thing goes for kungfllu. She follows both of them and sits back and watch them 'drag' people on Twitter. We all know how much Korinne loves watching her friends start shit with people while she sits back and watches. She can't even fight her own battles. It's very telling that she's friends with these fools but I'm not surprised.
No. 23834
File: 1441780682549.jpg (70.47 KB, 450x300, cuqegarut.jpg)

Added some pictures for reference..
No. 23836
File: 1441780718971.jpg (19.62 KB, 460x320, images (8).jpg)

No. 23957
File: 1441829314569.png (12.86 KB, 509x77, lolgdouji.png)

LOL. Ok, Korinne. Ouji doesn't look like G-Dragon at all.
No. 24025
File: 1441843549637.jpg (64.28 KB, 599x779, image.jpg)

This doesn't sound like Ouiji tbh. They sound like the same person. Wouldn't be surprised if Berry is back at her bullshit.
No. 24026
File: 1441843634186.jpg (2.12 MB, 2560x2560, 15-09-09-19-32-14-509_deco.jpg)

Imagine being so obsessed with a Korean artist you try to mold your boyfriend into looking like one. If I was Ouji I would have left Korinne years ago.
No. 24038
>>24026Except they're not really together???
Seriously, long distance relationships are a joke.
No. 24044
>>24025Holy fucking shit
Why do people do this
Oh man, you can just tell they're the kind of couple who would interact like this irl in public
implying they'd ever meet implying Ouji is real and you're forced to hold your vomit in until they leave
No. 24045
>>23828Not saying she's innocent but he seems to be the main perp in the message
>>23957you guys don't understand lol if you've been there 4-5 years ago on fb ouji used to have blond hair and looked pretty similar to gd in his heartbreaker era.
No. 24052
>>24048Well, whatever then. I
do agree with you, though.
>I love Ouji so much, my relationship is so perfect, we've been together so long and it's still amazing <3>#richkidsonpoint>Doesn't use rich kid dolla to buy a fucking plane ticket to see your ~*~omg soul mate~*~ but can spend it on Etude House fakes No. 24053
>>24052Kek. Seriously. With all the money she wastes you would think!!!!!
All she needs is a plane ticket. I'm sure he'd let her stay at his place.
No. 24189
>>24132He used to back then, but not anymore. That's what confuses me, what is he doing living like that? I know few of his friends that used to be with him in videos and pictures years ago(his irl friends) they have actually gotten into decent job and looking pretty succesfull.. he's always been this way tho ever since he deleted his facebook page for her. Whether it's his tumblr, twitter or any other social media he's always been focusing on berry, talking only about her and such. I stalked him and found out that he doesn't follow any of his irl friends on his social media, so maybe he just wanted to keep up with berry and therefore created the account just for her. Idk it makes sense to me, and that's why he only talked about things related to berry. Also i'm not even sure if he keeps in touch with his irl friends anymore, they've become kind of estranged.. maybe he threw his social life away, live like a hermit, so that he can stay up and talk to berry?? (Timezones man) idk what do you guys think?
Ouji is realllly stupid.
No. 24196
File: 1441884323406.gif (495.4 KB, 500x240, smh.gif)

>>24189Look at this retard trying to make it out like these ouji accounts are actually run by the real ouji from back in the day.
(While they're cleary berry's sockpuppets)
No. 24218
>>24196So i can't have my own opinion? Look, I did my research.
>>23862 was me as well. If berry is behind the account, could she be speaking in indonesian slang? with real indonesian people? Plus the girl he was talking to seems to know him as well (i'm not sure if she knows the real him or his ol persona tho) which is why i was wondering if this was the case. You don't have to be so rude. It might be berry's sockpuppet, or he might be a retard in love, who knows.
No. 24229
>>24225I don't think she's really ashamed about it since it seems most of her friends are people she's met online.
>maybe she thinks her parents won't approve of them since he lives hella far away.This might be closer to the truth. The chances of the two of them actually meeting and getting together in real life is pretty slim. Also, I don't think her parents are really aware of her online persona. I can't imagine any parent would be Ok with some of the shit she posts.
No. 24236
File: 1441906773700.png (277.36 KB, 676x307, ridiculous.png)

>>24218>in one of the pic he was speaking in indonesian slang with one indonesian girl. I'm assuming the real ouji is behind this acc.THIS (pic related) is the result of your fucking research?
No. 24253
File: 1441914617874.png (17.02 KB, 579x121, schoolbooks.png)

Ah, yes, like pocky and calpico along with Umaru merchandise! Good investment.
No. 24254
File: 1441914860315.png (17.56 KB, 569x116, berryyourealreadytrashthough.p…)

But Berry, you already do wear baggy clothes! In all your photos it's all you wear, even when it's 92 degrees. You are already the trash you desperately want to be.
No. 24255
File: 1441914990284.png (11.83 KB, 509x151, iambaka.png)

私は神です translates to I am God. (Correct me if I'm wrong. I am not fluent in Japanese and used google translate like Korinne herself probably did, kek.)
More like I am baka.
No. 24263
File: 1441917962142.png (28.92 KB, 564x230, tfwyouactuallygiveafuck.png)

Why complain about how someone's doing something that displeases you and then proceed to say you don't care? What kind of logic is that?
No. 24273
>>24253if you're in college you also know the struggle of buying expensive ass books sometimes if it's not on the internet lol
>>24254not trying to WK (and some people are probably gonna come at me for this) but have you considered the fact that she puts on baggy clothes in photos only and it doesn't have anything to do with the weather
No. 24296
File: 1441926969835.png (22.03 KB, 575x103, bs.png)

Well no shit. Even if he's older than you, he has a much more mature mind unlike you- scum.
No. 24308
File: 1441932506592.jpg (57.83 KB, 640x422, image.jpg)

She has a lot of feelings today. She deleted a few things before I could screenshot them which sucks.
No. 24408
File: 1441943434227.png (113.76 KB, 305x383, eJKUg5x.png)

>>24308she also changed her named and completely wiped her bio. i think this thread is starting to get to her LMAO
No. 24412
File: 1441943671398.png (23.85 KB, 376x228, Untitled-9.png)

Was she trying to say she was in classes? At this time of day? Like, she posted these at 9PM eastern………bye
No. 24425
>>24412She can just be talking about school in general. If you talk about school you don't necessarily have to be IN school
>>24421Nah I think she's in college because her tweets were sparse starting this week.
No. 24430
>>24425She is trynna make it seem like that
she could be going to school then back home to her house play video games and pretend she is in college
No. 24446
>>24425She only start doing that after it was pointed out she started posting about school when the high schools there went back in session. Had she actually been in college she wouldn't have been mentioning school until the following week.
>>24430This sounds more like Berry and it lines up with the frequency and times of her tweets.
No. 24451
>>24376>well you can ask that dina girl if you want to make sure tho,Will do.
>>24402Who knows if they were actually (long-distance-) dating. From the looks of it, they just cammed two or three times.
No. 24453
>>24402 The thing is he said okay to the girl telling him to follow her back (polbek) unless you're fluent in indonesian slang, you wouldn't know what it means. The term just emerged a few years ago too. For the record I said I was assuming and that I can't dig any deeper, i know that short conversation doesn't prove anything but still I can have my own theory right?
>>24236 dude if you wanna keep reaching then thats fine lmao sit your rude ass down.
>>24451 please ask her lol, tell me if you need a translator!
Maybe her mother is one of those "no bf till you need to get married" asian mother? Then again she's been trying to show off how cool her mother is so the chance is low right hmm.
Or maybe admitting to "i'm in a relationship with a random guy 1000 thousand miles away" is too ridiculous for her lol.
Or is it the fact that he's muslim and that her kawaii animu dream to be married to animu prince is far too impossible?
Tune in for more details
No. 24480
File: 1441991448561.jpg (24.54 KB, 640x236, image.jpg)

Starting school on the right track!
No. 24496
>>244957:37 am?
shudders who would voluntarily take classes so early
No. 24497
>>24491No I get you I know how it works. It's just that I also know different days probably have different times and her times are pretty typical with high school times according to her tweets. I'm just steadily pushing that she still might be in hs. Which brings me to my reply here.
>>24496The hs everyone thought she was in starts at 7:15am.
No. 24505
File: 1442004259280.png (214.62 KB, 579x415, img236543w45.png)

ok berry tsubaka
No. 24506
File: 1442004323939.png (14.64 KB, 573x108, IMG0150911-153539.png)

that """humble""" brag
No. 24549
File: 1442008465252.png (21.41 KB, 577x127, cde018ce4a8554f53d4f06013541c7…)

>>24296"hi i'm berry and my bf is so annoying just because he's older and questions me every time - like he's my dad. he keeps asking me these questions because he doesn't know any of my guy friends."
well guess what. I bet you don't even know them personally too.
No. 24670
File: 1442015276499.png (143.25 KB, 586x296, loool.png)

her friends lurks here, i saw this pic in venus thread.
No. 24678
>>24505This got deleted ?? hmmm
Theres a lot of theories out there that she just rolled in college & this tweet would explain why she needed help to get to the library because she doesn't know since she just joined.. HMMM HMMM
No. 24680
>>24670While I won't deny she lurks here, we gotta slow down on that 'I bet they lurk here' thing.
Because Venus is pretty well known or at the least, mentioned once or laughed or gawked at once in the online general weeb community.
Or the YT weeb/idoru community.
Probably she didn't want to start trouble with other people/Venus or get you all on her ass for teasing Venus. So she deleted them
No. 24684
File: 1442018493280.png (210.9 KB, 639x296, venus.png)

>>24682pic of the post in the current venus thread lel
No. 24685
>>24682Oh! My bad, sorry.
But another question, was the pictures origin from the Venus thread then?
Sorry to give Berry ideas but I kinda feel bad when her solution is just simple.
Keep Berry as a persona.
Make a personal account you can tell the truth on, tell your closest friends who'll understand, and start over. Done.
No. 24688
>>24670>>24672>>24680>>24682>>24685Hi I'm Michele, someone told me that my deleted tweet was mentioned here.
No I don't lurk her, that was my original pic (can I even call it that……) because I was on youtube and I saw that suggested to me. I bet none of you follow me since I'm not well known but I usually watch scary story videos so thats why when I saw the venus thing next to the suggestions I thought it was funny. I deleted it today because I thought it didn't look nice on the side w/ all my other drink pics and yeah things you all don't care about.
This is literally what I did and if you don't believe me then fine.
On a sidenote I am aware of this thread but I don't really care since it's really none of my business. Believe me or not but yeah. - Michele
No. 24693
>>24691What lies? That really was originally my screenshot.
>>24692I don't care about the thread, I only wanted to clear up my tweet jfc
And before you say why am I still here, of course I'm gonna check back to see if anyone replied to me/is asking anything
No. 24700
>>24697Dude I was out the whole day until I got home to order pizza
And some of you (or one of you?) were saying that I took it from the venus thread and it's actually them who posted my screenie there.
>>24698My screenshot was posted on twitter, and then Berry RT'd it and someone probably saw it and posted it to the venus thread. I'm not active on this site lol the only time I interacted with someone from the thread was when the fakemiruku twitter was up and i talked to whoever that was.
and even if I defended her, you guys would say stuff against it and it'd be an endless back and forth
No. 24710
I always forget she does shit like that
where's that one post where she tweeted "if you piss me off don't be surprised when i come at you with my fist, I won't say anything I'll just throw a punch"
like she never does shit for herself why would she bother for her inturnut fwiendos
No. 24711
>>24709I thought she sounded sketchy about the whole 'i don't lurk!!!11'
She might be lying to save face like Beery during damage control and the fakemiruku twitter incident. i dont know.
No. 24713
>>24711no you're right, she's sketchy in that way just as that hentaithot guy is
they all back track, say shit and then back pedal so that they still seem cool
the other anon doesn't know what theyre talking about
No. 24716
>>24714if you're caught in a lie though, why not just be like yeah ok???????????
own up to your shit
she's not even as bad as berry, the most that would come out of it would probably just be something along the lines of "she secretly has a dislike for her in some way" and that's literally it bc she's not lolcow material
No. 24717
>>24713at least her twitter is less annoying compared to hentaithot's lol
>>24716or's not a lie but really who knows and who cares. but yeah she's nothing special, this is derailing the thread.
No. 24721
>>24718what the fuck
michele what are you still doing here
No. 24723
>>24720>>24721wow you guys i'm just speculating lol
playing "devils advocate" as some of you may call it.
No. 24725
>>24549"how come i dont know him?"
2) ur not real :(
No. 24727
berry's friends having to defend themselves bc she doesn't defend them the way they do for her :'(
No. 24728
one quick last thing to add onto the michele stuff since i was thinking about it from her perspective and inb4 WK again, she probably didn't defend burry since that wouldn't have moved any of you anyways so i see why she didn't bother
i think it's better that she didn't since she would've looked even more foolish.
No. 24735
File: 1442032395119.png (14.95 KB, 527x181, ironic.png)

Funny because she can't even love herself.
No. 24794
File: 1442049664276.jpg (44.98 KB, 640x436, lmaothisfoolishness.jpg)

It must be sad having an internet boyfriend you'll never meet along with him probably being skinnier and shorter than you. But like Korinne says, she has better things to do! She has to focus on being a doctor!
No. 24825
File: 1442062894241.jpg (367.99 KB, 1920x1506, 15-09-12-06-00-13-127_deco.jpg)

No. 24833
>>24688>No I don't lurk heryou do lurk here lol. you even posted in previous berry threads.
>>24789That's because it's not the same person. those aren't the fingers of a male. shouldn't berry as a "doctor to be" at least be aware of human anatomy like that?
No. 24865
File: 1442082708135.png (364.63 KB, 940x548, 2015-09-12_13-08-40.png)

she deleted the photo tweet and her reply to the girl lmao
No. 24866
File: 1442082896303.jpg (20.26 KB, 340x504, COuJ2EUWsAAJA__.jpg)

She also tweeted this but after having it up not even 15 or 20 minutes she deleted it. No. 24870
File: 1442083242196.png (26.32 KB, 339x452, 2015-09-12_13-18-11.png)

AND she deleted this tweet aswell. Shes been tweeting so fucking much today and she just goes back and deletes all of them lmao.
No. 24877
File: 1442087407347.png (19.66 KB, 626x259, 1dyq5su.png)

Why does she feel the need to tweet out her being an ass to her parents? Is it so she looks edgy or something? It makes her look like an ungrateful piece of shit. No. 24880
File: 1442087583018.png (152.71 KB, 581x503, aoWfseK.png)

Deleted this aswell.
No. 24881
File: 1442087699562.jpg (96.3 KB, 600x808, image.jpg)

>>24878Her sausage fingers are going to be fatter lmao
No. 24889
File: 1442088405146.png (36.65 KB, 582x213, 2e88a246c7e11fa64b53e4ba85c14f…)

"delete's twitter"
I'm sure she's just trolling around on Twitter now. I'm also sure that she's reading all this stuff and just making posts about it and tryna mess with you guys
No. 24894
deletes twitter thing wasn't in reference to her deleting her tweets. Its apart of that "DELETE THIS"/"DELETING" joke thing thats going around, I'm pretty sure its from tumblr.
No. 24925
>>24880didnt she say the truck was hers??? hmm
No. 24936
File: 1442104677526.png (5.32 KB, 509x221, berryheightlies.png)

Didn't Berry say she was 5FT and then went on to say she was like 4'11"? I looked on her tumblr and on August 13th, 2012 she stated she was 5'1".
Original post: No. 24940
File: 1442108418389.jpg (70.84 KB, 640x539, image.jpg)

thats because you are problematic :)
But honestly like
When you become known on the internet is not all bad.
But for her she only seems to always point out the bad side of it…
Its like she has a love hate relationship with it
No. 24945
File: 1442108989003.png (27.3 KB, 509x203, thisbitch.png)

Pot calling the kettle black… You are a very annoying and problematic person, Korinne. I thought you were trying to be less of an 'asshole'. How is that working out for you?
No. 24956
File: 1442117091285.png (8.39 KB, 494x149, emoweeabo.png)

She wants to leave America and go to Japan so she can eat her pocky and calpico in peace. Why can't anyone understand?!
No. 24957
File: 1442117139125.jpg (483.18 KB, 1280x956, forkorinne.jpg)

Take notes, Korinne.
No. 24961
File: 1442117717008.png (549.64 KB, 489x627, chineseeyeswhat.png)

What the fuck are Chinese eyes?
No. 24978
File: 1442121018742.jpg (15.22 KB, 632x274, image.jpg)

She has been so moody lately lmao
No. 24982
File: 1442122360518.jpg (26.27 KB, 640x312, image.jpg)

I don't know how colleges work in America, so please forgive me. Is this normal? Do you get homework that you can do earlier or in advance?
No. 24996
File: 1442129139224.png (24.35 KB, 586x221, stfuberry.png)

so edgy!!
No. 25000
File: 1442131326561.jpg (64.78 KB, 640x432, 1441208700893fds.jpg)

berry be like ''It's only the lighting LOL'' and ''I LOOK BETTER WITHOUT PHOTOSHOP LOOOLLL''
No. 25003
>>24889>>24902>trolling you guyswho the fuck even are you? you keep saying stupid shit here all the time.
you must be a special kind of idiot, that you have no idea what "trolling" means.
No. 25004
File: 1442133687924.png (25 KB, 584x214, wth.png)

what is going on with her?
No. 25006
>>25004Maybe she is breaking?
Would be the best thing ever if she started responding to this thread.
No. 25056
>>24982>>25047I'm not American but I don't think that college/university would be all too different from where I am from. IF, Berry is attending a post-secondary institution and IF by some miracle she is actually on the Pre-Med track, she would have to be taking a load of first year science and maths courses (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Calculus).
Usually these courses include weekly assignments (that are almost always turned on online) that are worth about 10% of the final mark. These assignments are good for practice and for gauging weaknesses before a midterm. Some teachers make all of the semester's assignments available at the beginning of the course and others put each assignment up a week in advance.
If the former, she could have "technically" finished 2 weeks of those assignments or "homework" in advance. As for things like: labs, major research papers, or projects, you can only finish so much in advance but you would probably have to revise them anyway as you progress in the course (and labs obviously can't be written before doing the actual lab).
No. 25167
File: 1442201231364.jpg (301.13 KB, 1920x1250, 15-09-13-20-23-38-489_deco.jpg)

No. 25168
File: 1442201306869.jpg (442.47 KB, 1920x1712, 15-09-13-20-24-37-756_deco.jpg)

No. 28723
File: 1442205977715.png (13.44 KB, 333x234, 0M5mpBu.png)

…ok so anyway
No. 28728
>>25004I have this feeling she started med school finally and it's NOTHING like she imagined, so she is kinda pissed off.
Actually does college costs much? She always blabs like she is going to be a plastic surgeon, but what if her parents are only going to pay for her college? And everything above that will either be paid with her own money or not paid at all? I mean, they are not the richest people in their neighborhood.
Her mom is a nurse, so she might think "Well, being a nurse is enough, so there is no point in going higher than that." Imagine Korinne getting her college degree and collecting piss from patients for the rest of her life (because I'm doubting her getting somewhere higher, with all that laziness and her stuck-up personality)? That would be top kek.
No. 28749
File: 1442209634650.png (52.69 KB, 595x507, embarrassing.png)

This is beyond ridiculous. I can't get over how pathetic this girl is.
No. 28762
File: 1442210305462.jpg (10.91 KB, 223x275, CMhOOpUUAAAzECl.jpg)

>>25167Appreciate your oppai? What oppai? You barely have any tits, Korinne.
No. 28768
File: 1442210629130.png (36.57 KB, 592x244, schoolholiday.png)

Isn't it a holiday? I heard schools are closed because of Rosh Hashanah. Correct me if I'm wrong.
No. 28777
>>28768I had to go search it up, but its the Jewish New Year right? So wouldnt it depend on the college/uni you're going to?
For example, one with a relatively large Jewish population. Idk though, could be wrong.
No. 28831
>>28777>>28780I don't know if it depends on where you live, but I do know that the high school everyone thought she went to is closed. Can't say the same for college though since we have no idea if she is even going let alone the college name. All of this doesn't make up for her sounding out of touch whenever she talks about school. She tweeted what class she has tomorrow in
>>28749 and if she really was in college in NY it is probably closed so…wtf lol. She tweets jokes and stuff on days when high school AND college might be off and that just makes her sound extremely out of touch with the school system and makes it sound like she isn't even in school at all??? But who knows, maybe her darling bf Ouji is the one who keeps up with it all! Lazy kawaii queen doesn't need to do do anything.
No. 28865
File: 1442250687672.jpg (22.54 KB, 640x208, image.jpg)

Her entire twitter is basically complaining and showing off
No. 28871
>>28865And yet she wont see her bf
If i was her bf id dumb her lol she has money and has dated him for 5 years and yet theyve never seen eachother
No. 28878
File: 1442251913030.png (19.7 KB, 337x183, querxrV.png)

Can't wait for her to fail her "classes" because all she does is tweet and ignore her professors.
No. 28880
File: 1442252053984.png (12.76 KB, 575x126, U997ti.png)

>>28871Right, but then she posts weird shit like this all the time too…Which is it Berry?! Is Ouiji actually there with you or all the way across the world?
I'm starting to wonder if it's all an elaborate roleplay.
No. 28928
>>28880It IS a roleplay. Seriously, the recent pics she's posting of "ouji" are a fucking woman, i tell ya. Just…look at it, it's a female:
>>13808>>21339Who knows, who this even is, her sister myk maybe? Any recent pics of her?
No. 28933
File: 1442262133697.jpg (138.02 KB, 658x960, 10452329_10202422663915730_396…)

>>28928this is her sister
No. 28986
>>28934This may be a stretch, but have you possibly seen her anywhere?
>>28977I think she tries to be one, but fails.
No. 28991
File: 1442268148880.jpg (44.56 KB, 599x775, image.jpg)

He sounds like a girl more than a man.
Unless he likes acting really femenine
No. 29003
File: 1442270021166.jpg (13.55 KB, 297x395, 11988581_1675732556006474_2971…)

Just came to the horrific realization that Korinne and Ouji probably ero-RP because they'll never get to fuck IRL
No. 29022
File: 1442271272046.png (34.24 KB, 775x108, Screen Shot 2015-09-14 at 6.53…)

but aren't you a genius with 115% gpa?
No. 29301
File: 1442281482909.jpg (124.95 KB, 507x339, berrypoop.jpg)

No. 29989
File: 1442283612907.jpg (46.12 KB, 499x673, CO6OmWRU8AAzdXI.jpg)

caption: lazy to comb hair
No. 29990
>>28865>>28878$2.5k is actually not that much, considering she claimed to be "working" and having "rich parents" not sure why she is humble bragging about this lel i know people who have more than this but don't dare to let strangers know because why be known for having money in your name? It only attracts fake admirers. I also know someonewho has been working in the food industry and made over 6k but has to pay bills. My point is berry must not know wealth, she seems childlike when it comes to money and that "rich" image she tries so hard to achieve.
$2.5k is actually the amount of financial aid most kids in my area get when they need money because their parents aren't wealthy enough. Possibly a correlation here with Korinne!
No. 29994
File: 1442284359131.png (1001.94 KB, 499x673, flip.png)

This is how it looks when I flip it. She has gotten so sloppy with photoshopping.
No. 29998
File: 1442284669798.png (13.44 KB, 364x136, lolplease.png)

This insufferable piece of shit.
No. 30001
File: 1442284828999.png (22.17 KB, 585x173, lolicant.png)

Her friends are even calling out her inconsistency while kissing her ass at the same time.
No. 30003
>>30002>>30001Stalking her "friends" er twitter friends profiles and it looks like they usually have seperate group chats of their own, excluding people like korinne kek
korinne claims to be 22? why are all her twitter friends that she talks to most in highschool
No. 30009
File: 1442287555339.jpg (70.82 KB, 499x673, image.jpg)

Her face and that tiny bit of hands are the most pixelated part in this pics
Obviously we all know why
Nothing new here
No. 30011
File: 1442287800414.png (1.33 MB, 757x608, wheredidyoureargo.png)

Where did her ear go?
No. 30022
>>29998not that anyone believed she was in medical school, but if she was she would say med, at the very least pre-med
if she's really in school I think she would be in community college
No. 30025
File: 1442292276218.jpg (74.26 KB, 500x884, 1623656_927141313976203_434463…)

>>30010Old photo or wig. This photo was posted in January so I highly doubt Korinne can grow 20 inchs in less than a year
No. 30030
File: 1442293490480.jpg (184.72 KB, 900x722, image.jpg)

Sept 5 vs Sept 14
she uses extensions
or a wig
who knows
No. 30037
File: 1442296037630.png (525.96 KB, 517x677, Screen Shot 2015-09-15 at 1.46…)

lol dream on
No. 30049
>>30009she actually looks sorta her age here
you can see her mouth line and some wrinkles and dark spots lol
No. 30055
>>29998I don't get how she's an insufferable price of shit? We can kinda all agree she's way past 'eh' and highly annoying, I don't see what's wrong here. If she agreed and played along to what the person said, you guys would be saying in her dreams and such.
And lol, before she would have said she's a med student.
>>29989If she would just admit that's extensions or a wig, she could freely still call it her hair without the fear or bother of being called out. It would still be "her hair", and she could still say she's too lazy to comb it.
No. 30398
File: 1442354848815.jpg (45.72 KB, 720x557, CO-VbrJUAAA_t_n.jpg)

Comparing the two of them like this makes Berry's deformed face look even more prominent and where the hell are her phones inserted?
No. 30399
File: 1442355056806.jpg (36.89 KB, 640x403, image.jpg)

This fucking fetishizing weeaboo.
No. 30447
>>30057Wow anon this video was really powerful
I hope she watches it.
Really reflects her life sort of.
No. 30617
>>30495I doubt that's berry
Because that girl has a mole on her nose, berry doesnt
No. 32546
File: 1442376249220.jpg (12.01 KB, 200x150, berry.jpg)

im so pale bishes
No. 32551
File: 1442376474287.png (38.65 KB, 332x468, ss (2015-09-16 at 12.04.40).pn…)

No. 32552
File: 1442376610700.png (28.47 KB, 332x406, ss (2015-09-16 at 12.09.47).pn…)

No. 32554
>>32551Haha I saw these she has to be trolling, it's not even an hour before she contradicts herself. She knows lolcow would point this out.
Maybe I'm reaching but it seems weird to say that right after
No. 32555
File: 1442376961145.jpg (38.05 KB, 600x661, CO_szN0WIAA0W7O.jpg)

She has absolutely corrupted this guy. Wtf
No. 32557
>>32552>>32551I think from these it's obvious that she doesn't know shit about med school and what being a doctor entails LOL
if she really is in med school I can't wait until she experiences residency
No. 32564
>>32557That 3 year minimum residency ughhhhh
I thought she wanted to be a surgeon not a doctor
No. 32566
File: 1442378227509.jpg (289.77 KB, 1860x1045, 15-09-15-23-33-59-648_deco.jpg)

Glad to know all it takes is like $40
No. 32568
File: 1442379405977.png (101.33 KB, 642x452, Screen Shot 2015-09-16 at 12.5…)

>>32564yeah she said plastic surgeon. but she should fix herself before fixing others
No. 32593
>>32573I'm pretty sure those moles actually are fake themselves and she draws them on. That's why they've only recently appeared.
And they all just happen to be in the places where people desire them the most and that make them 'beauty spots' (below the eye/on cheekbone and below the bottom lip to one side).
Also they only appear when she's in her Wylona copycat phases.
No. 32604
File: 1442399720921.png (130.07 KB, 1080x866, Screenshot_2015-09-15-22-09-03…)

I think you meant clique, Ms. A+ Med school
No. 32684
>>32551 I love how she is supposedly in Medical School without having ever mentioned all of the hell one has to go through just to get in. She has never mentioned studying for and writing the MCAT or busting her ass to earn top marks in Pre-med. We've never heard about her preparing her applications or traveling to interviews.
In fact, I doubt that she would have the time to even maintain such a intricate online persona in between all of the hours she would have to put into studying, volunteering, shadowing doctors, networking for letters of recommendation, running pre-med society clubs, and doing undergraduate research.
To be a doctor you really have to want it and be ready to fully devote your life to it. Unless she has a major change of heart, this profession is not for her smfh.
No. 32685
File: 1442421110443.jpg (105.73 KB, 736x512, 1419886741504.jpg)

>>32669i was kind of on the fence, whether that's berry or not.
especially you (out of all posters here) saying this stuff, made me dig deeper.
and holy fuck, the similarity is uncanny (pic related).
No. 32703
>>32684Oh just you wait. She's going to randomly start talking about it. Just like when it was pointed out that she most likely in high school because of when she start tweeting abut school and the consist times she was posting those tweets. She then start trying to tweet randomly and mention her "college classes" and the money leftover from books.
Seriously, don't buy into her bullshit. The girl is most likely a stupid high school student who has zero clue as to how college actually works.
No. 32750
>>32704No one is fucking up the facts she's been alluding to her being in med school for the longest time on her twitter. She is the one circulating that shit lol. If what you say is true, she probably changed her (lie) story, once again. She hasn't said she was in pre-med on twitter at all, what does that mean? She's still lying. That is the lie she's going by now. Also if I may ask for receipts? I didn't know this myself.
>>32669They do look really similar but you have a point. Users pointed out she didn't go by Lin so it probably isn't her but saying they don't look similar is not correct because the she does look like a younger, in photoshsopped Berry here
>>32685>>32703Lol seriously. She always becomes more active at 12-3. What kinda med student leaves school everyday at 12-3pm (after getting ~8 hours of sleep it seems which is a laugh itself) and is active the whole rest of the day doing other shit besides her claims of studying 3 hours and essay writing. This truly is classic behavior of a high school student or someone in community college who has classes Monday-Friday from morning to afternoon. I swear you can look at her twitter usage throughout the times of the day. It's consistent with someone in hs or com college that goes on twitter during class break.
No. 32756
File: 1442431295594.jpg (19.52 KB, 600x150, siggy.JPG)

>>32685There's also this"Tsukisaki" was mentioned in one of her images back on the Michelle Tigno photobucket account (image) but as some of you said it can be a copycat. It's strange though that the profile pic and Berry's old pic match quite well.
No. 32779
This one is better tho (sorry for no screencaps ut i cant rn)
No. 32854
File: 1442441371911.jpg (20.25 KB, 598x336, berryeyes.jpg)

"Asians have small eyes"
Me: Say what
No. 32856
>>32854I think she was deffo to being sarcastic anon.
Like saying other people say that Asians have small eyes, and then showing off how big her eyes are (Photoshopped or not).
Could be wrong. Going off on your post.
No. 32865
>>32860Oh okay! I see, I thought the 'Me' in the caption was
you speaking. Very sorry. I don't see anything off, but her skin color (we all know it isn't that light).
I also said that because there is this other anon who posts tweets of Korrine and just curses her and calls her all kind of names when the tweet wasn't even that bad. Sometimes I try to explain stuff, but I fear being called a WK so I delete it. Found this post easier to "explain". Whoops.
>>32864Yeah, she's forcing them open, but I'll give her a slight pass because of her "point" and trying to look over to the side.
No. 32868
File: 1442443270453.png (14.61 KB, 589x122, sure berry.png)

Pretty sure she's reading this thread.
No. 32883
>>32871Pretty sure if she could stop being so damned lazy, she could actually research on her own how colleges work. Some high school freshmen I know who put their all in colleges and getting into the career field they want already know which classes would benefit them, which ones they should take when they get there, how lectures and labs work, planned out how they plan to lessen living expenses and student dept, and know they have to fricking study 24/7. Mostly medical/bio fields.
Makes my blood boil if she's actually wasting her parents money actually playing games when someone else who is dedicated could well have her spot.
I'm not going to rip on her, but Korinne, if you're lurking. Consistency is key!
She could well ask her college/already graduated buddies how things work on campus….if she has any.
No. 32884
File: 1442447543660.jpg (42.11 KB, 1242x303, image.jpg)

I feel like she ain't even at school at all….
All she's talking about is how she completed her 'homework' early just so she can brag about the games she plays…
No. 32893
>>32884is she like in highschool were u can finish ur homework in an hour
I mean college homeworks take ages to do and review
No. 32895
File: 1442450663449.png (1.06 MB, 712x513, what.png)

>>32894Forgot to include the photo.
No. 32910
>>32884What sticks out to me is that she doesn't specify anything about them. Not even what subject or what class she's taking. Also, she's such an amazing student that does amazing work also why not take a pic?
Honestly, my money is on that she's taking online classes.
No. 32942
File: 1442463811258.png (50.79 KB, 339x442, eSJNKeT.png)

why does she feel so special for liking video games? there are millions of people who like video games, not just herself LOL. all she does is play shitty FPS games and shes super garbage at them.
No. 32946
>>32942>METAL GEAR SOLID IS MY FAVORITE VIDEOGAMEYou mean video game…franchise? As Metal Gear? Or just the first MGS?
Because Raiden doesn't appear in the first…
She would name the actual game title/instalment (e.g. 2/3/4/5/Rising) if she knew what she was talking about.
Suddenly she's sperging out over it retweeting Hideo Kojima's tweets and has been for the past hour.
I guess it's her new temporary thing to be obsessed with and pretend she loves for the ~nerd grrl~ image.
>nobody shares the same passion as meAnd if you really were involved in gaming and its community as much as you imply, you would know that is absolute bullshit and wouldn't say that.
No. 32958
>>32684THIS. What's amusing to me is that she thinks that to become a "plastic surgeon" (aka going into med school) all she has to do is get good marks
Which is only part of it!!!! Don't they also look at volunteer work, leadership skills, involvement in the medicine/science field prior to applying to med school (workshops, demos, shadowing etc)????
Yet all she does is brag about being "smart" and play video games… these people dedicate their lives to make their application look good.. because anyone can get good marks but it's the extras that really boost you above everyone else and she literally had never talked about anything like that other than playing video games and as of recently, "studying for 6 hours"
No. 32961
File: 1442468109385.png (38.92 KB, 584x133, Screen Shot 2015-09-17 at 1.33…)

really. like really. ok ~gamer gurl~
No. 32970
>>32946it sucks cause it's painfully obvious she doesn't know what she's talking about.
Also I hate that she has the same " interest" cause I'm a salty bitch that's really passionate about stupid shit like this.
She's dick-riding that MGSV hype train so she looks cool cause girls totally don't play videogames
No. 33027
File: 1442486242961.jpg (103.01 KB, 544x544, 1432634232925-2.jpg)

>>32942are you fucking kidding me?
No. 33032
>>32592 as far as i know "polbek" mean follow back, and "okeh" means okay
without photoshopchan she looks indonesian to me.
not all have that "hard" requirement, i hear at certain place you could really pay to get degree
No. 33285
File: 1442521973045.png (26.59 KB, 580x110, 467a14e64c4fdabbf964ccc53ff1d8…)

I don't know if any of you guys watched Himouto but ever since she started watching this anime, she has been making so much tweets saying similar crap that actually happens in the actual anime. lmao
No. 33286
File: 1442521986748.png (41.02 KB, 581x165, c38dc91bcc49a9f9ebec5e4d7f8b3f…)

+ this
No. 33304
File: 1442527289958.png (45.9 KB, 324x227, hYFk8hg.png)

how she gonna like this tweet when she literally cried because she was getting called out on her shit by some random people on the internet, and then made her ass kissers defend her and claim she was being cyber bullied
No. 33319
>>33301>>33301Twas also talked about and brought up time and time again in this current thread anon.
>relaxI am, I was just saying that the anon was pointing out stuff we already knew. I think I read it wrong though, didn't see the pllast part. Not a big deal. I didn't even curse or anything
>>33303Ah I see. But I think it that was pointed out too, or at least her personality was pointed out to be changing. My bad, didn't mean to seem as if I was attacking anyone.
Sad anyway.
No. 33322
>>33043 hahaha.. no, not that. just a regular doctor (not all of them are "stupid" but well yea almost all of them only look for the doctor title)
>>33155 yeah.. it was expensive as hell.
maybe she was delusional thinking about she was in that would be sad lol
>>33286 more like today from shit that never happened
No. 33357
File: 1442539071864.png (24.13 KB, 579x116, 410fe4d5c8d15299a69c5bb4612abf…)

"oh im in college. actually wait no. i'm in medical school. oh wait no. i'm actually in pre-med." Lol. This is definitely the best way to become a doctor Berry. just stfu already
No. 33358
File: 1442539221832.png (144.8 KB, 326x432, Screen Shot 2015-09-17 at 9.18…)

this girl is delusional. she really thinks shes a Hani doppelganger
No. 33359
>>33358"Fuck Umaru! I'm Hani now qurls uwu"
Is she going to be a mixture of them both or what?
No. 33361
File: 1442539951517.jpg (87.79 KB, 1242x476, image.jpg)

Still at the 'I don't care but I do care' stage
No. 33366
File: 1442541301819.png (330.95 KB, 563x676, Screen Shot 2015-09-17 at 9.53…)

>>33363he wants to be GD. so cringe
No. 33368
File: 1442542446209.png (10.17 KB, 332x70, mU3O6qP.png)

@ them next time, berry
No. 33369
File: 1442542581272.jpg (78.49 KB, 500x667, herlips.jpg)

I was trying to see if I could make Berry's shooped self look a little bit like the OP pic but this creature was created, I wonder how long it takes her to Photoshop tbh
No. 33393
File: 1442551610071.jpg (26.67 KB, 600x750, image.jpg)

Isn't Ouji supposed to be short?
No. 33458
>>33402her sister is fat n that is ouji
i believe her's real and dumb enough to still be with berry
wait why not
photoshop couple
No. 33459
>>30030"i look the same with or without photoshop"
shoops herself a lotok berry ur not a hypocrite at all
No. 33461
File: 1442576565551.jpg (74.5 KB, 466x720, 25107_1234189782469_251093_n.j…)

can berry ever be as small as ouji ?
No. 33484
>>33458>still thinking the ouji accounts are run by the actual ouji and they're a coupleonly an idiot would believe that at this point.
plus, myk isn't as overweight as in that old ass family pic anymore.
>>33464nah, that's a pic of the real ouji, when he was still active.
No. 33485
>>33484Check his instagram, true idiot
He doesnt look like myk at all
Stop being delusional like berry
He's still deceived by her fake boobs
thats all
No. 33659
File: 1442612880602.jpg (77.85 KB, 760x1024, CPM5TYmXAAA632L.jpg)

>>33616probably would've helped to post the picture. i got u tho.
No. 33697
>>33659Yes thank you.
Well I know this is definitely her laptop because the purple is showing, her headphones and that banana case. But who knows where she is at honestly. Looks like some sort of library because I see a couch in the back? Idk.
No. 33785
File: 1442630210378.png (730.37 KB, 957x538, berry.png)

here's a screencap for anyone who can't watch the video
No. 33799
>>33797at my college, freshmen started a week earlier than everyone else… maybe it's like that at occ?
i don't understand why you don't wanna believe she's in college lol, it could be the one thing she isn't lying about (woahh imagine that!!)
No. 33819
>>33814I think those tweets were just of her trying to brag about how '"""""tiny"""""" she is because i think the thread was pinpointing her weight the most during that time kek
she tweets about being underweight as if its a good thing to talk about lawd
No. 33835
>>33800>>33797>>33785Anyone can go in/out of campus pretty much.
Amazing find with the video anon.
No. 33875
>>30030>>30037Just looking at these pics the only similarity they have is their hair
Completely different eyes, mouth, and nose - not to mention Hani's face isn't all bloated and gross
No. 33876
File: 1442646894955.jpg (33.26 KB, 318x334, really.jpg)

>>33485>he doesn't look like myk at allthat's subjective.
plus, the instagram shows that "ouji" doesn't speak indonesian, as pointed out in this thread previously. the account has fake written all over it.
either you're berry trying to damage control here (once again) or you're just that new to the internet.
No. 33887
>>33876 not that anon you're replying to, but i agree he doesn't look similar to myk at all. When you guys say something like that it really pisses me off. But all asians look the same right??
And ofc he wouldn't be speaking indonesian, all he follows are berry's friends and his followers are 99% online people he doesn't know personally (excluding one of his real friend that follows him there and that indonesian chick ) and none of them understand indonesian. So why would he?
It's true that him speaking short slang with that indonesian chick doesn't proof that he's real, and i'm really doubting he's real too, but some of you would attack when presented with diff opinion. Like, me saying this, means i'm berry right?
C'mon guys.
No. 33895
File: 1442652877806.png (654.63 KB, 658x659, oh ok.png)

>>33876lol just because im not blind and think realistically doesnt mean im berry, does it?
>>33887hi smart anon, can i say that you are rare
No. 33919
>>33895dear lord, i never even considered it, but in this pic they look so alike.
any current pics of myk?
No. 33949
>>33947She is.
Anon doesn't know what they're babbling on about.
No. 33966
>>33901Their noses don't look too much alike.
Look at the bridge of it, the area between their eyes, ouji's is higher and myks is completely non-existent.
Ouji's tip is slightly more pronounced, myks is flatter but wider.
plus they have different face shapes, myks is round ouji's is oblong
No. 33999
File: 1442685497060.png (90.4 KB, 827x727, Capture.PNG)

>>33992also someone did post this last thread and it shows on multiple class finder web sites, BUT I don't know if they are even valid because it seems like you can add names as you please, yet it does require you to have a facebook to verify so I don't know.
No. 34007
>>34000yeah thats what i was saying anyone can put their name on the list so she probably did it her self. Ithought about that here
>>33999 , after I saw that you can add it all willy nilly
No. 34029
>>33904Thank you!! This is what I've been trying to say, but my vocab is limited sadly..
For that anon who still insists that ouji/myk are the same person, i posted a handful of photos where ouji posed with his real friends a few threads back. Go check them before spouting nonsense.
>>34003 A is highly possible, which is what i believe. He probably separate his personal life and online life due to the nature of his conversation with berry&the gank (talking about butts, tatas, not to mention his black humour) indonesian ppl are very diff with americans,esp since he's a muslim. He's gonna get judged real hard.
Ofc this is just a theory, i'm reallt curious as well. Why hasn't anybody contacted his real friend yet?? Ask him about the nature of ouji&berry's relationship pls. I can, but I'd rather not.
No. 34135
File: 1442715044714.png (168.32 KB, 589x409, Screen Shot 2015-09-19 at 10.0…)

omg i'm so ~richu-desu~ and I have 2.5k but I can't afford a launcher that probably costs $5.
No. 34141
File: 1442718026053.png (35.3 KB, 770x133, Screen Shot 2015-09-19 at 10.5…)

how is he going to curl your hair when he's on the other side of the planet?
No. 34161
File: 1442724112263.png (21.97 KB, 560x189, whatanignorantshithead.png)

It looks like she hasn't really learned after all.
No. 34722
File: 1442726527072.png (70.49 KB, 596x492, fetishizing.png)

Not only did she made this remark but then also added on and basically told anyone that disagreed with her that they need to chill and eat some ramen. She's so fucking disgusting.
No. 34728
File: 1442727244667.png (15.06 KB, 338x255, ss (2015-09-19 at 07.49.18).pn…)

She's trying to cling onto being Asian so hard, it's like its her only form of identity. "Hey guys, I'm asian! Did you know I was asian! I'm aznnnnnnn :))" when in reality shes just a mutt.
No. 34729
File: 1442727325260.png (85.13 KB, 215x218, 11.png)

"omg im so white my skin so pure praise pls"
No. 34731
File: 1442727379867.png (92.14 KB, 219x220, 22.png)

tell me i look chinese
No. 34732
File: 1442727398314.png (94.55 KB, 215x218, 33.png)

tell me i look japanese
No. 34733
File: 1442727518448.png (190.28 KB, 299x401, stillshit.png)

when her shoop was shit
No. 34735
File: 1442727872998.png (1.4 MB, 972x498, bakastukaka.png)

I'm Baka Tsukaka and I look just like Hani. xDDD Everyone says I do! Did I mention that one time this really cute Korean boy came over and gave me some his calpico and pocky?! Omo!!! xDDDDD
No. 34739
File: 1442730712861.png (22.62 KB, 571x184, rollingmyeyes.png)

…I have no words.