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No. 201127
Onion Troll Account
First, there was the Lainey clone, the anti-o's, Onion's mommy, and now some loser pretending to be Onion and Mrs. Onion 1.0's love child is now joining the snowflakes.
Truth is, nigga's just trollin'. Except… He's letting out more information (about Onion-wife 1.0) than what we've already know.
For example: he's altered some of the names of wife 1.0's relatives and current boyfriend. He also probably knows where she lives (just go to the page and probably do some research afterwards).
In the end, he could just be a schizo and mentally retarded but the shit that's been posted is really bizarre. from the current Onion thread to avoid more derailing.
No. 201146
>>201127Reporting derailing is probably better. Containment works for repeated derails on one subject (like for Lainey's looks).
Schizophrenics do have a way of spilling truth in their hallucinations, it can be quite eery. But not a good thing to try an follow along with.
No. 201194
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No. 201195
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The alleged person behind the account?
No. 201197
>>201194It looks like her, just older-looking…with an Onion-vibe to it (the picture).
>>201195I think it's a troll account acting as a personal fb page as well. It reminded me of this: No. 201205
>>201204It's either the dude's actual mom or another role player/troll as well from what I've seen, not really connected to AJ to say the least.
What's bizarre is how do they know everything about about her/them?
No. 201206
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>>201195that dudes from a disney movie
No. 201274
>>201208Isn't that how exposé journalism works? Finding clues and figuring out what's true and not as well as interviewing the people who knew them to see if their story aligns with the culprit?
Besides, that's why this thread is here, to avoid any more derailing and mainly focus on the Onion topic. It's contained.
No. 201305
>>201274What's the point unless you're interested in details about Skye, what exactly are you trying to get out of this other than that, as there's no other point to it. Lolcow isn't a sleuthing blog, make your own Tumblr if you want to do that.
>>201248Someone posted a screenshot of an anons ask from eoliveson in the onision thread that started this shit rollercoaster.
No. 201334
>>201305It was mostly looking for the oddities posted there. As you know, rumors of said love child are still going strong (seriously, I thought they'd stop) and just started the thread out of curiosity and not derail the Onion thread.
Other than her picture someone else posted, no other (personal) information about her was leaked to the public.
And possible awareness of other role player/troll accounts that might be lolcows themselves.
No. 201363
>>201334Alright, fair enough… I apologize if I sounded a bit harsh in my caution. I'm just concerned considering how often suspicious anons have tried weaseling out personal information such as addresses from other anons in the past (even though none of us know or would share that info if we did anyway) about his exes… the whole thing just sounded strange out out-of-field to begin with.
As far as speculation goes, I don't really believe in the secret love-child theory, something would've been said in the alimony documents otherwise - she also had a restraining order out against him (I think for about a year) until they tried to become friends again when he was on the rebound from his first break up with Shiloh… and even then Onion himself said they had only spoken on the phone a couple of times, they never met in person. It just doesn't really match up if she was pregnant before, during or after the divorce, considering his penchant for drama; I think it would of all came out long ago if she did have a kid to him.
There still hasn't been any concrete evidence, or even circumstantial evidence for that matter - except from some random anon who came into a thread at one time saying they went to school with the two and said their friend thinks that they "might of had a kid" but were in no way certain about it… that's all there is to go on, a grapevine rumor that hasn't even been confirmed or denied.
As for the FB account, it sounds like some weirdo self-poster looking for attention or one of many freaky roleplaying fans (judging from their friends list) who some anon just stumbled upon (I don't buy that, but whatever).
I can't really think of anything more to discuss on the matter, I think we'd be here forever trying to dissect every possible troll out there otherwise, and I just don't think it's worth anyone's time or effort.
No. 201379
>>201363No hard feelings, though you have every right to be concerned. I'm not really sure about the love child conspiracy theory is legit but curiosity aside, I thought it was really strange for that user to know that type of info. His other role playing friends don't even have that type of information on the people they're "trolling" and she's no longer that "famous" anymore. So what gives?
Maybe it's better to leave it alone like you said.
No. 201385
>>201379>>I thought it was really strange for that user to know that type of info.I've been mulling over it for a bit and I can try to offer one possibility at least.
If someone actually knows Skye's FB account and her friends list is available to the public, it might be easy to figure out whether or not she is okay with adding people outside of her immediate social circle/trusted friends to her account. For example; if she has more than 150 friends, it would mean that she's a bit relaxed in who she adds to her friends list, it would give a troll ample opportunity to trawl through her statuses to pick out minute details in regards to her everyday life before she noticed herself that they're rather fucking odd before removing them.
There is/was a rather salty tone to this person's posts, it's possible they were once on her friends list, she caught them roleplaying/sharing personal info/being generally creepy and promptly removed or blocked them.
Otherwise, like you said - there's no real reason to be trolling her.
No. 201426
>>201385Her Facebook acc. is set to 'private', you can only see 2 or 3 photos of her and profile info. It's safe to bet she's being very low key on the Internet and only "chosen ones" are allowed.
As for the troll account, their friends' list is set to private as well. It just adds to the erieness of it all.
>>201399No worries, I was the one who took a screenshot of your post in the first place out of curiosity and to get help investigate this since we know the EO mods won't do it themselves.
No. 201439
>>201399>>201426Are we settled that this was just a mistake then from sheer curiosity?
If there's any more questions though I can help you think about, let me know… but otherwise, I think this is a red herring.
Even if there was anything remotely interesting about Skye from their account - it's really none of our business, she jumped that sinking ship long ago and doesn't deserve any further investigation.
If I was in her position, I'd just want to try and live my life as best as I can without being reminded of a piece of shit who whines and tries to continue to be a part of it purely out of spite.
No. 201445
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>>201439Before we let this discussion r.i.p since the troll's account is deleted (update), there kinda is something that's been bothering me for awhile.
Even before this troll mess started yesterday and waaay before HSAnon's "revelations", there were love-child rumors spreading around due to a 'fake' account in the beginning of the divorce proceedings. I remember seeing them a long time ago while reading old Onion tweets and replies from the past. I wasn't gonna say anything about until now. Would you mind looking into this please? I've went to the account myself but…I'm not sure.
No. 201685
>>201609I noticed they deleted it soon after this thread was created, I wouldn't be surprised if it's the same troll with the fake Skye account on Onision's FB… it also makes me wonder if they're possibly linked to the fake Billie shite a couple of months ago.
I know Admin banned them, but if this is a troll who gets enjoyment from creating fake drama for their own amusement/entertainment, a simple ban is easy to evade if they're determined to stick around.
I mean, Kiki/spergchan is proof of that herself.
No. 201728
>>201685Yeah, you're probably right. Except they've been using that account for two years, given the date they started, so why delete all the hard work on trolling them as well as cutting off your (other troll) connections?
Would that mean Greg is the troll himself then? It doesn't seem like his style though…
No. 201731
>>201728 Samefagging.
And again, why play to be "Skye's kid" when they would've had a variety of 'celebrities' to choose from? Something's really sketchy about this.
No. 205894
>>205889naw, I was just stating the obvious lol
the link still works
No. 207505
>>207393It's been common knowledge for ages that Gurg and his immediate family was/is linked to the Seventh Day Adventist Church, all this information is easy to glean from… it's all easily obtainable and nothing strange or mysterious still hasn't come to attention from this account.
Skye was never a part of that church though, Gurg and his mother denounced the religion and left it when he was 11 years old so this FB fucked that up in pretending to be her for a start.
No. 207522
>>207505>>207506Could have been an Onion troll/roleplayer from the start but who knows. Then again, they've been playing said love-child since 2014, a year before HSAnon "spilled the beans". They have anybody famous to troll, so why target her and the
No. 207533
>>207522>>They have anybody famous to troll, so why target her and the love-child?The same reasons why almost every infamous cow on this site has their own imposters, relative imposters, trolls and roleplay accounts… to start up a rumor mill because they get their shits and giggles from reactions to them such as this.
All the information this account has provided has been around even before HS anon came onto the scene, which is why a lot of anons who frequent the Onision thread don't put much stock into what he said.
No. 207543
>>207533And yet we've just recently discovered this…
>>207527Weren't the anti-o's mostly concerned with the Onion/Shiloh (and Lainey) drama back then? Never really saw them concerned with the love-child conspiracies tbh.
I'm surprised Onion hasn't confirmed nor denied the conspiracy through all these years. Especially since HSAnon "came forward".
Btw are there any Kiki Kannibal/Sheena/Chris-chan trolls out there?