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No. 2022653

Kristian "Varg" Vikernes aka Burzum, Count Grishnackh and Louis Cachet
>infamous black metal musician, murderer and arsonist from norway now living in france with his family
>notorious neonazi and chronically online sperg since the early 2000s
>creator of the failed nazi ttrpg MYFAROG
>author of countless self-published books mostly consisting of unedited, incoherent ramblings about his life and racist ideology
>father of 8 kids including one he had with a norwegian woman at 18 and who he's not in contact with
>huge breeding fetish and freudian obsession with foreskin disguised as ideological and religious beliefs
>list of peoples, things and ideas he hates too long to include and differentiates from day to day

Marie Cachet
>french autistic nazi mostly known for being varg's wife
>met varg when she was a teenager in high school, seeking out contact with him while he was incarcerated
>they got married in prison and had their first kid in 2007 when she was 19 and he was 34
>they have since then had 6 more children together
>homeschools all of the 7 kids out of their moldy, off-grid 65 square meter shitshack house
>like varg she is an author of several self-published books on european paganism and mythology, some of them co-written with varg
>books are all as badly written as varg's if not worse, presents them as factual with legitimate theories when they're all unscientific schizo word salads
>autistic hyperfixation on reproduction, especially the female reproductive organs and the placenta in particular which permeates her entire worldview
https://www.instagram.com/mariecachet/ (private acc)

The Golden One aka Marcus Follin
>swedish bodybuilder and white nationalist
>beefed with varg for years over whether men should be gymbros or not
>self obsessed fruity narc who overcompensates his absolutely laughable looks by roiding himself into oblivion
>used to pose at pride parades but now spouts tradshit rhetoric while larping as a viking skyrim jarl
>has two children with wife julia who is an insane crunchymom influencer and also a trad pagan white nationalist

last thread summary:
>varg released a new sucky low effort burzum album and no one cared >>1987645
>he also released no less than five new autobiographies consisting of his twitter spergs in book format >>1952815, >>1975578, >>1980060, >>2008237
>marie released two new books and is working on another >>1977314, >>1995434
>varg and marie create tiktok accs, reinforcing their terminal onlinedom and contradicting their reject degenerate modernity talking points >>1962891
>cow collusion between varg and kanye west resulting in varg basking in normie attention and putting racism aside to support kanye wearing burzum merch and copying his album covers >>1957043, >>1957291, >>1960321
>varg denying having debt and receiving welfare gibs >>1955719, >>1955784, >>1955815, >>1955847
>varg being a weird sweboo >>1955991, >>1956143, >>1956496, >>1956725, >>1998960, >>2008384
>varg thirsting for egirls >>1974507 >>2009445
>varg making a fool of himself posting his cringe selfies and narcissistic delusions >>1956613, >>1956683, >>1957236, >>1970752, >>1979300, >>1998718, >>2002779
>varg displaying his 12 year old daughter as a trophy tradwife in the making for his pedo followers, announces he's okay with her getting married off to an older man while underage >>1968711, >>1980325, >>1980327, >>1980353
>cue more placentatards self reporting as pedos and supporters of arranged marriages/child brides >>1980373, >>1980375, >>1980402, >>1980407, >>1986708, >>2022311
>cachet family photo looking goofy as hell >>2008247
>everyone in the placentaverse seething at childfree women >>1954963, >>1991006, >>2009952
>varg and marie giving ridiculous crunchy health advice for severe postpartum damage >>1968944, >>1969152, >>1985740
>marie promoting raw dairy consumption >>1968945, >>2020646
>varg and marie displaying the shit diet they feed their family, including several years old expired foods >>1993730, >>1993630, >>2000261
>varg rating the attractiveness of different babies based on ethnicity >>2009796
>the cachet family shitshack is falling apart, varg puts a bandaid on it and marie swoons over his less than half-assed attempts to fix the house >>1969088
>the brown hair is actually blonde coping saga continues >>1969638, >>1976201, >>1976636, >>1976637, >>1976896, >>1977310, >>1985474, >>1985759, >>1999112
>placentatards engaging in historical revisionism, we wuzzing about everything, denying science, schizoposting and just making shit up >>1953698, >>1953899, >>1969729, >>1969745, >>1969821, >>1970158, >>1970304, >>1971373, >>1971511, >>1971756, >>1979487
>>1979492, >>1979495, >>1979691, >>1980758, >>1980957, >>1981471, >>1982774, >>1985782, >>1985902, >>1990350, >>1993251, >>1993429, >>1994578, >>1994886, >>1994910, >>1995204, >>2005769, >>2005827, >>2011569, >>2022306, >>2022308
>golden one released his obligatory narcissist white nationalist manifesto with a roided ken doll on the cover >>1995436
>julia being a weirdo, sexualizing childbirth and her kids >>1954650, >>1986878
>julia gave her daughter inherited herpes >>199818

previous threads:

No. 2022658

samefag, just realized i fucked up one of the links, sorry. correction:
>julia gave her daughter inherited herpes >>1998181

No. 2022702

Wow, Nonna, what a beautiful Trve Viking Universe compendium! Great job!

No. 2022786

Great summary nonnie, thank you!(learn to sage)

No. 2022801

Cant wait until the first daughter has a Lynx and Lamb Gaede style escape from the shitbucket cult and writes a tell-all book about her experiences having such insane parents.

No. 2022957

File: 1722898993348.png (1.19 MB, 748x1744, mental illness.png)

nazis try not to show your underlying self hatred challenge: impossible

No. 2022964

Not surprising that Nazis are hurting and externalize their pain into hate for others. I also find it funny both the long haired girls in that pic have clearly medium to light brown hair that's been artificially lightened with bleach highlights.(sage your shit)

No. 2022971

>"i love our women" he says as though he has any women that belong to him

No. 2022977

>beautiful men and women have no issues with the opposite sex
Spoken like a truly sheltered femcel. Stacies are always getting into abusive or otherwise shitty relationships with men who are beneath them, and often have a history of being sexually abused or preyed on by older men too. Most Chads hate women and are always getting into drama with their gfs, exes and hookups.

No. 2023062

Kek. Snowtep on snowtep violence. Love to see it.

No. 2023751

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angel numbers trve viking edition

No. 2023817

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Placenta cult gospel promo kek
Marie is so gullible it's not even funny sometimes (it's fucking ridiculous)

It's all in the same genre as white people are pleiadians aka the new age supremacist. Wouldn't surprise me if Marie herself came to these conclusions as she mentioned a few times she wants to study and write on astrology too.

Speaking of numerology…
My guilty pleasure is sometimes going to book review pages of cows' and influencers' scribbles and finding gems like this picrel.

No. 2023884

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>My guilty pleasure is sometimes going to book review pages of cows' and influencers' scribbles
me too nonna, it's the best. i always read the amazon reviews for myfarog and speculate on which ones are varg's own sockpuppets kek.
i'd love to see a thorough debunking of their books at some point, i don't think i'm equipped to do one myself even though it probably wouldn't require that much knowledge on any of the subjects covered in them kek. marie's first book is only published in french, so it's sadly not accessible to me anyway but i'm sure it's an absolute goldmine of retardation.
picrel is from one of varg's older blogposts/"books"

No. 2024190

Omg, of course… Barg's reasoning processes are so underwhelming, I get an impression that the more recent ideas about paganism etc. he copied from somewhere. Just like whatever is this nonsense rambling. The cult mind is strong with this one. He literally has the same ideas like mormons and other christian cults. Funnily, he is so undereducated that he doesn't even realise how in support of his supremacist ideas Darwin's theories actually are. All Barg's ideas are based on the headlines and buzzwords. And of course it's the robots that were shot to the earth KEK. I'm sure they're from the Pleiades KEK I'm also sure Barg is familiar with the new age cosmic races lore KEK. What a fucking idiot!

>i'd love to see a thorough debunking of their books at some point

I thought about it too but (1) he is too insignificant for anyone to pay enough attention I think and (2) if I'd to do that I'd suffer brain damage from just deep diving into his shit. I tried reading one of his oldest publications on mythology and he is so retarded, he read 1 (ONE) book from an academic source on mythology, then as always, claimed there is no other research or all of it is bullshit (doesn't fit his bias) and the book was written in such terrible language, I couldn't cope. They are both just as schizophrenic and retarded with Marie. Marie's scribbles are even worse because she doesn't know English that well and Barg translates her writings and he doesn't know French that well. It's comical.

No. 2024603

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the thulean elven race, most noble, kind and intelligent of all peoples kek
yep. the fact that his a lot of varg's books are mostly just copypasted tweets and blogposts by him is so hilarious.

No. 2024621

the first tweet is extremely autistic but somewhat innocent
the reply is just unhinged kek

No. 2025623

File: 1723582298589.png (503.02 KB, 2256x732, varg booktok arc.png)

varg's released a fantasy novel. AI cover as usual and 133 whole pages kekkkk

No. 2025626

that description very much sounds like it was written with ai also

No. 2025684

Sounds like another variant of his autobiography KEK
It's the cult bible kids version.

>Translation of the book description:

I, the white elf Elfwyn, was born into this dangerous destiny where I incite racial hatred since high school and go on burning my home-country's cultural heritage to then cunningly and SO courageously flee to France since the trolls force me to prison and victimise me. I am so courageous now out of prison, inciting racial hatred and placenta & foreskin cult gospel on the internet while the trolls attack me from every direction (I wonder why). But I keep my reserve and continue my bloodline so that there are more copies of me continuing the cult traditions and preserving the purest, the whitest, the most autistic elves. I AM BETTER THAN YOU OGRE. I will outbreed you. Because ELF WINS!
xoxo Elfwyn

KEKK it is 100% Barg could never write something like this.

They preach abandoning advanced tech and agriculture / civilisation because "it is a wheelchair for the abled" and then go to use and praise AI. You'd say they gotta need the intellectual aid kek

No. 2025754

Who is buying this crap…

No. 2025889

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Interesting name choice for his book. There's picrel book already existing and I bet this gorgeously illustrated book for children is thousand times better than anything Barg peddles. But this book has a girl as a protag and trve vikings don't want to read about her.

No. 2025907

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No. 2025908

I wonder if he ripped this off on purpose, not realising that "Elfywn" is a really faggy name for muh manly donut steel OC kek
Next time a moid tries to act quirky and different because he collected sticks as kids, remember this is as far as their imagination goes.

No. 2025935

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i am greek from athens and yeah most greeks i see have dark har, bigger eyes than northerners and ivory skin without pink undertones. I mean we look different but what is the point when we still look white lol i do not get it(blogging)

No. 2027783

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all seven kids share ONE room, they have to resort to sleeping in tents and build their own straw huts for some privacy. such a precious and quirky family uwu

No. 2027785

How is this different than sleeping in their barn

No. 2027812

Their garden always looks so poorly looked-after and messy and the kids are always wearing hand me downs or rags. They are poor as fuck.

No. 2027822

Instead of posting a pic of her ugly ass holding the kid in the tent she opted to only post the child laying down cause it will get more likes from their insane pedo followers.

No. 2027825

For a moment I thought the kid was sick

No. 2028411

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he posted a sneak peek of the book and oof this shit is bad, it doesn't even come across as different from his "non-fiction" books, just more of him sperging about muh ancient woo-woo rituals

No. 2028450

I love when marie posts shit like this. They KNOW how fucking bad it is for their kids. They KNOW that what they're doing is wrong. They are too proud to admit it and change, so they post shit like this to quiet their own fucking conscience. I am getting a feeling like I wanna throw up when I see their posts. The level of mental illness and borderline child abuse is sickening.

Isn't he pathetic? It looks like it was at least corrected by the AI too.

No. 2028516

>It looks like it was at least corrected by the AI too
i doubt that, all of his books are completely unedited bad english and this looks as bad to me. i'm ESL though.

No. 2029923

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varg weeb arc?

No. 2029938

shintoism was a very well-organized religion with a central canon. It was very consistent and was not at all close the religions followed in much of the pre-christian europe

No. 2030008

Huh? Sun Goddess? Aryans always praised the Sun God as male and were patriarchal. Neanderthals were nocturnal matriarchal moon worshippers which is why they're associated with Judaism and Semites.(sage your shit)

No. 2030073

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No. 2030094

The fucking bucket face is killing me

No. 2030100

anon if you made this meme I applaud you kek

No. 2030112

Kek next thread pic please

No. 2030197

Norse mythology has a sun goddess and a moon god.

No. 2030251

>neanderthals nocturnal matriarchal moon worshippers
Lol, sure, whatever you say.

No. 2037639

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some recent milk since the site was down and all

No. 2037826

>dry toilets are much more hygienic than water toilets

so much cope. dry toilets stink like a mf and someone has to break down all the poop and pee that gets sent to the bottom. not sure how coming into physical contact with your own bodily waste is somehow better than using a flush toilet, but whatever, this bitch is a racist retard so she probably thinks her caucasian elf turds don't stink. plus, if you don't want poo particles flying around when flushing, just close the fucking lid dumbass. that's like, toilet hygiene 101. i hope she or varg falls face first into their shit chute but knowing them, they're probably forcing their kids to clean up and compost everything…

>every single piece of land should be (sparsely) populated by europeans or made into a nature reserve

just admit you want to genocide whole groups of people. also, how the hell would this even be done anyways? do they think they're going to somehow magically convince whole governments to exterminate other nations? and what makes them think that people would go down so easily? more dumb dumb racist retardation.

>our time has come, fellow eurotards! winter is coming!!!!

last month it was the sun was going to boil everyone alive. now it's the great ice age. did marie make a deal with the undead to send her children to the other side of the wall like craster in asoiaf? if she thinks she has a divine connection to the gods and that she'll see ragnarok hit france sometime soon, she needs to get out more. or less. i don't know anymore.

>i finally home-schooled my kids and repaired leaks in our roof, which also happens at least 7 times a year

more cope since people were getting on them about varg being lazy and their roof leaking. social services must have paid their monthly visit and got on them as usual for their medieval living conditions and poorly educated children. it's been raining a lot in france again lately so i'm just waiting for another leak to spring up which he won't fix immediately. marie will end up having to dislocate her hips to fix it herself while he's outside doing his stupid kung fu poses in front of his car.

No. 2037855

Varg cries about orcs oppressing aryan elves yet worships Russia (mordor) and their asiatic hordes of orcs…not to mention constant simping for asiatic Russian orc women. Many such cases.

No. 2039567

I love how they are all supposedly amazing elite-gened Nordics yet they want the lifestyles and hardships of their poorest peasant ancestors instead of the richer ones. Big brain moment indeed. /s

No. 2040236

These two thinking they invented Transhumanism is both funny and really face-palm worthy

No. 2043152

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>1488 kids

>doesn't post his wife


No. 2043153

all the children look so miserable

No. 2043173

>himself and a car
>his kids and not wife
I know he's evil but he's so funny

No. 2043174

you know that in nazi times his miserable knock-kneed raggedy children in their crowded hovel would be used as an example of untermenschen lol

No. 2043176

Could he have picked ANY images which made him look slightly less like a cult leader kek

No. 2043184

>miserable, unwashed looking children
>old guy with his car
>no "happy" wife pictured
First time i learnt of these two I refused to believe someone so moronic exists, it was almost funny. To this day I refuse to believe this scrotum zoo escapee is anything but a social experiment. The 2nd pic looks like the car is the wife.

No. 2043208

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the most noble and kind race etc etc
marie is an expired old fat workhorse to him now, she'll never get posted or post herself again i fear. AI generated aryan waifus have replaced her as a symbol of trve european beauty kek.

No. 2043277

>Young Barg encounters white European kids whose parents are dead
>Instead of befriending them and trying to be a good example to them
>Admittedly treats them like theyre subhuman and avoids them
Lol. So much for white community, unity and cohesion, he's a sociopath. Even Hitler had more social graces than this autistic gnome. The fact he dares to be so snobbish while being a broke, welfare claiming, fat bald lolcow who lives in a dilapidated shack. No wonder him and Marie have no friends irl, they're utterly insufferable.

No. 2043278

Do their children ever smile? They always look miserable and have inherited Marie's permanent nose-over-top-lip sour faced grimace. Disturbing.

No. 2043328

What is this moron proud of? This is not a flex like he thinks this is. And it's quite obvious he was bullied as a child

No. 2043330

Most people would have the decency to at least be embarrassed by this once they grew up.

No. 2043342

that car picture must be a decade old by now

No. 2043420

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its amazing how white supremacist males are always the ones who literally never care for other white people. they have to make up so many retarded rules on what "proper" white person looks like and does and acts like that you begin to realize theyre just pulling bullshit excuses out of their ass to avoid people entirely because they have mega insecurities.
like this guy is high-key is living a 3rd world lifestyle in fukin France, yet thinks hes special.

No. 2043605

Asking tradfags to post a happy tradfag is like asking polyfags to post an attractive polyfag. Without fault, they will always deliver something to laugh at.

No. 2043962

y'all remember that movie about a big off-grid family like this where the wife committed suicide because she couldn't cope with this lifestyle anymore? and how varg said proudly that he identifies with the father of that family? yup, I've been telling you, marie is in a burnout and she's only got 30 minutes before she can't take it anymore. then he's gonna be fighting with her parents for the rights to children.

No. 2044132

KEK nailed it

No. 2045619

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holy cringe. why is he always lowkey dissing marie on twitter? also he can't contain his soyboy consoomerism with that amazon middle earth map mousepad lmfao.

No. 2045625

Don't get what hes trying to say here. So Celts are messy, and Germans are autistic cleanliness fags (and voracious poop eaters)?

No. 2045638

I don't know why women who marry older men as teenagers are surprised when their scrote gets bored of them as she ages and starts hunting for younger prey. Varg has always been a creep but he genuinely looks like shit now, so AI girls and google pics of teenage models are all he has to replace her

No. 2045701

or maybe it’s because she’s busy all day and you just sit on your fat ass and post?

No. 2045770

Jokes on him he can’t even leave her and get a fresh 18 year old because, I mean look at him, but also muh ideals ugu
And Marie is the actual autistic one, is he jealous he’s only a sociopath? I think her having autism has protected her from realizing how evil he is towards her.

No. 2045808

The little girl on the left wearing a gray sweater looks like a child beggar.

No. 2045816

that's a boy kek

No. 2045830

a lot of them unfortunately have this mindset that they've snatched some sort of "prize" in an older man, particularly if he's already got a wife or has a bunch of other women pulling after him or has some kind of reputation, good or bad. this only gets fueled even more by the man propping her up and feeding into her delusions about how she's somehow better and prettier than other women.

it's a weird backhanded comment mixed in with a racist dig. he's basically insinuating that cause she's not pure super white like him (aka german/aryan), she's not as clean as he is. it isn't the neatest workspace but to most people, that's the desk of someone who is actually working and doing things, versus the autistic bare nothingness of his side since we all know he spends 99% of the time outside. imagine being so retarded and prejudiced that you start nitpicking your wife cause she reads and takes vitamins. idk but this is a big red flag that he's already doing this mental separation in his mind between her and him, putting her genes down while propping himself up even though they're both white as hell. i'm just waiting for him to start doing this to his kids, too.

No. 2045868

File: 1728918297243.jpeg (338.85 KB, 2048x2048, A45446B4-8755-41F8-BFB7-3C90C4…)

but marie objectively looks far more nordic than varg. varg always had dull dark blue eyes that look brown/black in many pics, and generic brown hair. him and euronymous looked more anglo than nordic. pelle/dead was the only true nordic looking one and even he didnt care that much about race shit. marie was actually very blonde in her youth with glassy clear blue eyes. shes 'purer' than varg for sure.

No. 2045873

>versus the autistic bare nothingness of his side since we all know he spends 99% of the time outside
i feel like it has more to do with him spending his early adult life in cushy norwegian prison where he played computer games inside all day and the staff assumingly implemented strict cleaning rules for the inmates kek

No. 2045874

facts are irrelevant to snowteps

No. 2045876

i know anon, she does look more "aryan" than he does. but like other anons have been pointing out, he's sick of her, so he's trying to find every and any little thing to denigrate her including saying she's not super white like him. he's going to start gradually working up to criticizing other things about her, it won't stop here.

i thought about that when i wrote my post, that his cleanliness may just be a habit he picked up from prison.

No. 2045911

>that his cleanliness may just be a habit he picked up from prison.
ayrt, could also just be that someone else like marie or one of the daughters cleans his desk for him and he just uses it to make up some retarded bullshit racial features

No. 2046020

Her side - an actual workplace, covered with books and notes, a small laptop that does its job. His - used for nothing but posting on twitter and other entertainment, there is nothing to clean

No. 2046027

new(ish) vlog from marie, their "homestead" looks extremely dysfunctional and unhygienic. their oldest son is really starting to look like an obese neckbeard.

No. 2046033

poor guy, and he sounds extremely annoying like Varg, took his mannerisms, you can tell they spend a lot of time together

No. 2046037

totally. other than his siblings, i doubt he has any friends whatsoever. i suspect varg is his absolutely biggest if not only influence, which is very concerning.

No. 2046080

Pelle was so cute, why couldnt Vrag have died instead of him lol(sage your shit)

No. 2046087

File: 1728948108798.jpeg (53.23 KB, 480x326, 0CB28574-2AA6-4729-9203-C57AFD…)

It's usually the Snowteps who are ugly or dont look particularly Nordic who are the most insecure about not being 'racially pure', since they feel like they have something to prove all the time. It's why a lot of Nazis/snowteps are actually Meds or even Latinos or just generic European whites who don't look very Nordic. The actually blond blue eyed Aryan poster children types I've known irl really give a fuck about Nazism or race theory. It's like the neo Nazi beauty contests where none of the women were particularly Nordic looking nor pretty.

No. 2046478

not surprised he acts just like varg. they both always clearly favored him the most for some reason. not sure if it's just because he's the firstborn male or what but varg has always focused on him the most so he's clearly going along with his bullshit thinking. i've also often wondered if they give him the majority of marie's shitty cooking, seeing as he's bigger than all the other kids. of course it could be just genetics and he happened to end up with shitty genes that make him fat but knowing them, i doubt they're giving equal portions to everyone and they seem like the type to spoil their golden child while neglecting everyone else.

No. 2046536

File: 1729032660478.png (1.87 MB, 1262x710, troo thulean perfection.png)

>i've also often wondered if they give him the majority of marie's shitty cooking, seeing as he's bigger than all the other kids. of course it could be just genetics and he happened to end up with shitty genes that make him fat
both marie and varg are fat by european standards. i think the weight of their family is a mix of genetics, maybe a lack of exercise for the kids considering they never get any P.E. being homeschooled all day, and of course the diet consisting mostly of sugary carbs and fat. the older kids would naturally be more fat since they assumingly spend more time inside than the younger kids who run around their hazardous property all day chasing bugs or whatnot for lack of anything else to do. marie seems pretty adamant on not showing herself in vlogs or pictures anymore, like from her latest vlog you could only catch glimpses of her arms and stuff other than this frame where you can see her body's shadow somewhat. ofc she's been through a million pregnancies, no one should expect her to look a certain way after that, but it's funny how often they preach a perfect physical ideal and dunk on fat old lefty childless women etc etc. marie is also constantly out of breath in all her videos, i wonder if she has respiratory issues from inhaling black mold spores all day and being an anti-vaccine, anti-medical care schizo eating poisonous plants to try to fix her problems.

No. 2046544

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(Random sperging about some retardation I noticed)
So apparently they're getting their books on foraging and homesteading from Amazon AND they're published in the current year? How long before they get something AI generated and get poisoned and die.
Also, not only does that halter not fit the horse, it's also a big risk since it could snag on all the random trash they have lying around. Does the horse even have a proper pasture anywhere? And they only have a single horse (fairly sure that's illegal where I'm from). Yeah, I fucking hate these people.

No. 2046550

what….couldnt he just have said “my desk is cleaner than my wife”? stupid dig at his wife, but it became full blown retardation with the weird ethnic dig. christ, does he think at all before posting? is he saying hes whiter than her? well then why doesnt he fucking help out with the chores and general upkeep of the whole property then.
like how insecure do you have to constantly prove your pvre whiteness kek

No. 2046669

Thats a one size fits most type here. Its not too big, she just needs to tighten it. Also you shouldnt let your horses out to pasture at all with halter, it can get caught like youre saying, i was told wether it fit right or not. Its as bad as leaving a collar that doesnt snap off on a cat and letting it outside.
But it seriously shows what she knows when she cant be assed to properly tighten the halter on this horse.

No. 2046808

top kek, truthfully it serves them right if they're both massive out of shape fatties. it's all that negative, hateful, racist energy bouncing back onto them. constantly preaching about bootiful ubermensch aryans, blonde strapping vikangz and ethereal white elvish women, only for them to turn into mr moob and croissant blob. it must hurt to look in the mirror everyday only to see yourself staring back at you when you know you look nothing like what you claim you're supposed to be.

No. 2047308

File: 1729187092390.png (592.11 KB, 1546x1582, secret schizo knowledge.png)

marie the scientist claims she bases her "findings" on "primary sources" such as… fairy tales lmfao
>my interpretation is right because it fits all the myths
actual nazi fandom wars over canon vs fanon. could just as well say loki was a genderfluid tranny because it fits all the norse myths. also her bringing up having a bunch of kids to prove she's right about history and mythology, fucking kek this retard has absolutely nothing going for her.
>mr moob and croissant blob
KEK nonna
>it must hurt to look in the mirror everyday only to see yourself staring back at you when you know you look nothing like what you claim you're supposed to be.
they cope with inventing takes like "troooo evropeans naturally have more fat to store vitamin D in and survive the harsh northern skyrim winters, they have dark blonde hair as natural camo for the deep dark inland forests where their ancestors famously lived just like tarzan, they had dark blue eyes because that's trver and more blue than washed out light blue eyes, and they were balding just like me fr"

No. 2047572

File: 1729211367702.png (493.78 KB, 772x1748, kill yourself.png)

just wow, he is actually the worst. what the actual fuck is this post and how dare he call it "sentimental", slandering his daughter and her mother like this. saying he's tried to not force himself into her life when he's continuously shit talked her to all his insane nazi followers for years, causing them to bully her off the internet and derail her music career, literally calling her a mistake, flat out denying that she's his daughter when pictures of her and that black producer guy surfaced, and then entertaining the men calling her a filthy coalburner by screeching about how she would NEVER race mix or whatever when he admittedly doesn't even know her at all, etc. also what a retarded bunch of excuses for just stopping to bother making any contact with her irl (although thank god he did because, well). she must absolutely hate him. i feel so bad for her and her mom, judging by this insane post she seems like a nice and normal person despite the fact that she dated varg in the first place, and obviously her daughter turned out to be more normal and well adjusted than any of varg's other kids are looking so far. she's also just 4 years younger than marie. god he's such a fucking disgusting psychopath. of course all of the replies are also insane and gross.

No. 2047577

A true quintessential narc parent post. Can't even make himself look sympathetic from his own extremely biased perspective kek

No. 2047590

he only feels this way because she’s pretty and blonde. it’s good she’s far away because he seems like he would be creepy and disgusting toward her.

No. 2047594

if he had the tiniest bit of respect for that girl he would never mention her to his follower scum again.

No. 2047596

File: 1729215407521.jpg (84.67 KB, 837x960, 1565087960255.jpg)

her "research" is literally this meme

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