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File: 1724518244738.jpg (2.98 MB, 4096x2730, 1713618027341.jpg)

No. 2029584

AnieJoy/KillJoy is a cosplayer and Onlyfails E-thot from California USA she was caught under lolcow's radar for her insane sloppy photoshop however her milky antics go beyond just photoshop which warrants her a thread.
Her cow status became more prominent after her spergouts and meldowns over being called out were documented but that was only the tip of the Milkberg.

Aniejoy got knocked up on purpose by her own words only to spend the entire time she was pregnant posting her bump while shooping her self to oblivion and promoting her Onlyfans (in fact even her pregnancy announcement was an Onlyfans promo) plus E-begging for basic shit like rent and all of the baby essentials while admitting her "husband" doesn't help with shit and she pays for everything selling nudes to coomers online. Basically an even more delusional and degenerate Shayna.

Social media links:

Recent milk from the Photoshop threads with proof of claims and screenshots:

>aniejoy goes on a drunk instagram breakdown about being exposed for shooping

>starts deleting posts, comments, and evidence of shooping >>1896295 and >>1896284
>it’s getting worse, she has a tiny ass bean head now >>1938614
>go off anxious queen >>1898315
>REEEEd at the internet and instagram because they called out her shoopwidearm.jpg
>still fat >>1896531
>used her simp money to get the most terrible bolt ons ever. she needs to get her money back (here’s a picture example) >>1965199
>Goes out with pants unzipped cause our Cow is so thick no pants will fit her otherwise kek >>1973017
>got fucking pregnant by some mystery moid/simp/retard >>1962997
>pregnancy announcement was a heavily shooped Onlyfans promo >>1963163
>More unhinged spergouts this time about being sexualized despite posting softcore porn shit like this >>1964981
>they’re not even married or financially and mentally stable to take care of a kid KEK
>The mystery moid doesn’t help her financially, she pays for everything >>1964479
>selling disgusting pregnancy porn pictures on onlyfans >>1978944
>is begging her simps on the internet to buy her basic necessities like diapers and baby bottles >>1979758
>this might be the husbum? (allegedly) >>1982981
>She's so fucked >>1987294
>”it’s so terrible that my simps fetishize my pregnancy” posts thirst traps with her bump out >>1987295
>Someone made an expose account about her posting proof of all the shoops kek >>1987158 get ready for all the meltdowns
>I REFUSE TO MARRY INTO MoNEY!!! coping about letting a bum ass loser nut in her
>posts this stupid shit after claiming “muh simps fetishize muh pregnancy”
>Her simps aren't holding back on roasting her for being a pregnant E-whore my followers are super nice UwU
>this bitch is STILL making content, A WEEK after having her child >>2021064
>E-begging for her 4 bedroom's rent cause new borns of broke E-whores need their own room smh >>2021069
>Made a Gofundme using a pic of her laughter inducing shooped chin cause her simps ~~definitely~~ asked her to make it >>2021462 >>2021378
>Made a badly shooped "proof" video in a corset to show the haterz that she's 100% natural only a couple of days after giving birth >>2021926
>Retarded scrotes are still buying her "pixar mom uwu" body is natural still defending her in the comments >>2025865
>More unhinged twilight zone delulu spergouts over the painfully obvious shoop >>2025868
>Still coping and seething >>2025869
>Nonna posts a recent video from her Onlyfans where you can see the wraped door as clear a daylight kek >>2025887

No. 2029652

I dont think this cow needs her own thread, shes fine in the shoopers thread, not that much milk tbh besides her photoshopping and being an e-whore which is so common and mainstream nowadays

No. 2029662

hey, op anon for photoshoppers #8. imagine stealing my work without permission you dumb retard. oh yeah at least ASK for permission to start a lolcow thread and use info from the last one(unsaged retard)

No. 2029663

also there’s a photoshoppers #8 for aniejoy milk, go there once it opens(sage your shit)

No. 2029667

> imagine stealing my work without permission
>my work
Except all you did was provide a shitty recap of all the milk and screenshots I MYSELF provided in the shoop thread about aniejoy (ask admins to confirm my IP was behind most of the aniejoy unsaged posts) that i improved and edited here. You're the actual lazy retard.
Her milk is more than just photoshop it's a lot of E-begging and unfit mother milk too which can be seen as out of topic for a Photoshop focused thread.

No. 2029709

Shouldn’t this be in /w/? Then again the thread would probably die off and she doesn’t seem to do lolita so idk, Skirby and EmpathChan are in /snow/ and she seems similar to Skirby so maybe not
IMO it’s worth a try, she seems decently milky but if not the thread will just die off and she’ll go back to Ridiculous Photoshoppers

No. 2029722

you retard you took my shit from the threads i made

No. 2029724


if you want to see milk (and not from this faggot who made a thread without permission go here)


No. 2029725

Also thanks for not being able to build your own milk updates unlike the Skirby anon. Mods lock this thread now kek fucking fag(retard)

No. 2029726

how about you just admit that you just copied and pasted what was from the previous threads without adding onto it kek(unsaged infighting)

No. 2029727

Sorry Anon there was a photoshoppers #8. She’s not as milky as Skirby, plus she has a kid now so she might calm down. I’d delete this thread TBH(sage your shit)

No. 2029767

Are you actually retarded enough to think posts on a gossip imageboard are considered "work" and are something that can be stolen? What credit did you expect to receive on an anonymous imageboard where namefagging/avatarfagging is a against the rules. I'm amazed at the level of newfaggotry on display here.

No. 2029774

You're so right… Like what you did was so important that honestly I think it will spawn a new holy religion. And YOU, my blessed queen/king/gender-neutral monarch (please identify yourself, I want to gaze on your divine glory), shall rule all of the newfags! You shall bring in bountiful edicts such as copyrighted anonymous posts, and even insert ways for us all to monetise our supreme intellects (just yours) with shopify links and even, get this, personal paypal accounts!! I can't wait to live under your leadership, my dearest holiest recapping messiah. Please, bless me with your milky prophecy. Bless me! We want it. We NEED it.

No. 2029791

Nobody needs permission to make a thread, lolcow is built upon anonymous collaboration. Get back to discussing milk.

No. 2029824

File: 1724580338305.png (447.8 KB, 483x827, NotToBrag.png)

The text is too small so here is the caption kek
>Not to be weird or anything but i did NOT expect them to grow this much from breastfeeding….despite the stretch marks This is awesome lol

She spergs over moids fetishizing her pregnancy but she will brag about how her bolt ons got bigger from breastfeeding to an audience of scrotes that coom to her

No. 2029825

File: 1724580569376.png (420.71 KB, 475x824, OopsStretchMarks.png)

Now she's asking for remedies for her breast stretch marks on her main Onlyfans insta lmao i doubt the coomers can help you with that anie.
Did she really think her body was going to stay with the same if she rubbed some cocoa butter on it kek

No. 2029826

File: 1724580666170.png (373.24 KB, 493x830, MessyRoom.png)

Her room is a total mess and looks like her simps didn't gift her a baby bed since she showed her new born sleeping in a stroller poor kid lol

No. 2029879

File: 1724594240591.png (617.53 KB, 491x832, NoPregnancyRelatedContent1.png)

>I will NOT make pregnancy related Onlyfans content i respect my son UwU

No. 2029882

File: 1724594304573.png (586.66 KB, 469x819, NoPregnancyRelatedContent2.png)

No. 2029884

File: 1724594469145.png (569.86 KB, 1310x842, ComeWatchMeMilkMyMilkers.png)

Also come jerk off to her pump breast milk for her baby on Onlyfails.
Does this retarded whore even realize what she's posting is regarded as pregnancy fetish content? So unhinged.

No. 2029886

OF whores always live in disgusting trashy hovels or mcmansions, just shows money cant buy class

No. 2029887

So do we know who the father is or did she really just let some rando pump and dump her?

No. 2029891

File: 1724594781236.png (63.55 KB, 1171x246, lactationfetish.png)

Samefag just to clear things out.
Lactation fetish counts as pregnancy fetish so she's really fetishizing her pregnancy for OF despite all the delusional sperging lmao

No. 2029892

She claims he's her husband and she's keeping his identity a secret so her simps don't harass him (Sure jan). So far she's been E-begging for basically everything she needs for the baby even diapers and rent, if this moid actually exists then he's NEET trying to be a famous musician or sound cloud rapper.

No. 2029894

File: 1724595143589.jpeg (Spoiler Image,756.75 KB, 1242x864, 8483028E-4941-4597-9A2A-F19AE2…)

Please post more pictures of what she actually looks like because she's one of the worst shooping offenders I've seen. This is basically financial gain through fraud, the IRS should start cracking down on these whores.(spoiler)

No. 2029905

>Financial gain through fraud

Is the moid-y moid in his angwy fee fees because he feels cheated out of his $$ due to severe retardation and coomerism? I don't condone this shit either, but that's because it harms women's (esp young women) self perception and worth to an insane degree. any money they take from anatomy/sex ed deficient moids is a nice side effect, though.(scrotefoiling)

No. 2029910

Agreed. You might wanna chill out with the scrotefoiling tho before you get banned.

No. 2029961

this is obviously not a man they’re just a little dumb

No. 2030007

>I hate fetishing pregnancy
>also hi I'm an e-whore, i'll be exploiting my body even harder as soon as I give birth
jesus fucking christ

No. 2030102

>you can see me milk my milkers lol
What a disingenuous retard. Clearly not producing fetish content at all kek. Honestly she should just own it if she's going to be this degenerate instead of taking this pseudo-moral stance. I remember she did the same thing when she began to produce porn on OF going on rants subtly dising other women who do the same thing and pretending she's different because it was specifically for charity and to support her musical aspirations.

No. 2030111

I dont think she's pretending to not produce fetish material

No. 2030120

You're retarded, men who pay for this content couldnt care less if its real or not.

No. 2030170

Lurk moar, she's gone on multiple rants claiming not to be.

No. 2030174

File: 1724668725853.png (Spoiler Image,1.14 MB, 1218x790, 2024-08-26.png)

Oh i remember her going on long rants in her stories about how she's so different with higher morals and will only do implied nudity in her OF and telling the moids to respect her boundries when she first started it kek few minutes later and she changed her rants into it's only muh artistic nudity guyzzz how is this shit artistic in any shape or form? Looks like your typical weeb coomer Onlyfans E-whore nudes. Nothing artistic about this. Seems like everytime she rants about NOT doing x and y she's doing the exact thing .

No. 2030219

File: 1724685314986.jpg (2.52 MB, 4096x4096, Cowtipper.jpg)

So I noticed a few weeks back she changed her bio on Instagram to "I hate it here" which I thought was odd after the birth of her child, which according to her, was planned. It might be because she finally noticed and got into multiple arguments with the obvious cow tipper who was mentioned previously in ridiculous photoshoppers.

No. 2030220

File: 1724685393506.jpg (2.78 MB, 4096x3072, Cowtipper1.jpg)

No. 2030221

File: 1724685782953.jpg (2.41 MB, 4096x4096, Cowtipper2.jpg)

No. 2030225

She changed it to that before the cow tipping i know cause i check her tagged for hilarious spergouts like these. I think it was after her simps turned on her for getting pregnant and her landlord kicking her out for not paying rent. This bitch is such a fucking mess she makes Shayna seem hella put together. I seen her in Buena Park before in a ratty wig and rageddy corset thought she looked like a homeless hooker her real name might be Annabelle

No. 2030228

please stop posting porn here

No. 2030231

This idiot can't even use 'finna' correctly and she's trying to cowtip?

No. 2030234

You can post nudes of cows if it's relevant to the milk as long as you spoiler them. It was spoilered YOU CHOSE to unspoiler it. Fuck off.(infighting)

No. 2030236

That account is a burner with like 10 followers lmao and the cow is still having meltdowns in the comments being defensive. She always deletes comments on her posts calling out the shoop why not just ignore/block them? she's so mentally ill.

No. 2030246

Considering she's not really editing her hip dips to be rounded, I wonder how much of it is shopped vs just smoothing out her waist. I don't see warping though, just a lot of skin editing.

No. 2030264

File: 1724691418236.jpeg (98.11 KB, 578x838, OFvideo2.jpeg)

Lurk more retard. She's not even trying to get away with her shoops.

No. 2030267

File: 1724691496352.jpeg (99.48 KB, 581x870, OFvideo.jpeg)

No. 2030268

I'm not referring to this image. I was talking about the one I replied to.

No. 2030335

Are her tits natural? They sit so pretty and look perky asl

No. 2030362

File: 1724702421556.png (677.01 KB, 786x789, babydaddy.png)

This is probably her moid the one with bleached hair and tattooed hand. They make shitty soundcloud music together, she did say that the reason why he doesn't pay for anything is cause he's too busy working on "making it big" probably in soundcloud kek(sage your non milk)

No. 2030372

File: 1724702885019.png (1.22 MB, 802x808, kek.png)


No wonder she never posts him lmao Imagine tearing your crotch to birth this broke ass lil peep skin walking moid's offspring. I'd be embarrassed too.(sage your non milk)

No. 2030382

good lord. this is worse than i thought.. do we know how old she is?

No. 2030383

File: 1724703502427.jpg (40.77 KB, 512x383, unnamed.jpg)

>won't read the thread recap or lurk moar
>WK obvious shooped hips and ugly bolt ons

No. 2030396

Probably early twenties

No. 2030458

you could have censored her roast beef pissy and ass crack, nobody needs to see that and its not milk either(minimodding, infighting)

No. 2030754

It's not their job, that's what the spoiler is for. If you've been here for any amount of time you'd know what you're in for if you choose to unspoiler the image newfag.

No. 2031484

File: 1724863232342.png (374.09 KB, 506x864, christianSchizoSperging1.png)

Caught her schizo christianity spergouts this is just so fucking weird lol
Makes her look more unhinged

No. 2031486

File: 1724863260738.png (277.06 KB, 493x835, christianSchizoSperging2.png)

Image dump coming

No. 2031487

File: 1724863285995.png (282.01 KB, 498x829, christianSchizoSperging3.png)

No. 2031490

File: 1724863648174.png (475.57 KB, 482x850, christianSchizoSperging4.png)

No. 2031493

File: 1724864004229.png (Spoiler Image,675.99 KB, 1203x810, ChristianShoopedLewds.png)

She posted this horrendous photo where she edited herself into a creepy AI generated hentai character not longer after her "i'm a good christian" rant kek pick a struggle.

No. 2031495

File: 1724864060846.png (Spoiler Image,1016.56 KB, 1413x875, CloseUpOfshoop.png)

She will probably delete this shit later so here's a close up of her blurred out waist

No. 2031500

cackling at that stretched arm

No. 2031507

The curly line between her legs is kek inducing too.

No. 2031532

Interesting how all these onlyfans whores have a giant elbow joints almost as wide as their waists. Scientists should look into this strange medical condition and coin a term for it.

No. 2031712

Honestly based. Religion is a joke, but she shouldn't use her porn accounts for this. It's how you lose followers.

No. 2031782

I can't call it based when this is just a symptom of her guilt for monetizing her pregnancy and creating fetish content. She's projecting it's those damn pesky Christians calling her degenerate when it's actually just everyone with a brain.

No. 2031860

Onlyfans or not, she's right about Christianity being hypocritical.

No. 2031987

The issue is not what she said (which was not a controversial opinion kek) but the fact that it's her saying it.

No. 2032025

Forgot to archive her latest disgusting shoop before she deletes it.

You can see her waist and legs flicker even tho she barely moved kek bitch got fat af. The mongoloids in her comments are the usual "You look so thin for 170lb" and "It went into the right places"
it feels like hanging out at a group home for retards.

https://www.instagram.com/reel/C_N866GS7Wk/(this is an imageboard)

No. 2032031

File: 1724948982843.png (569.81 KB, 483x827, deletedAccount.png)

She sperges here on why her first 300K + followers account was deleted.
She lies of course saying it was some jealous girl that took her laptop and deleted it cause she refused to collab with her lmao what a kindergarden level IQ story.

It was gone cause lots of people were calling her out on the photoshop.

No. 2032032

File: 1724949039993.png (613.86 KB, 482x808, autism.png)

She's a diagnosed autist what a surprise.

No. 2032033

File: 1724949068799.png (399 KB, 477x826, selfaware.png)

No. 2032034

File: 1724949159927.png (333.51 KB, 496x850, soTinyuwu.png)

Her shoops were more outrageous back then like picrel.

No. 2032038

Logically it was probably deleted/suspended due to content. A lot fo early 2019/2020 accounts got suspended when OF really started kicking off in the cosplay scene. That's when META started cracking down. Probably got a few flags and it got deleted/suspended or she deleted it herself because she became shadowbanned and lost engagement. has nothing to do with photoshop. Put that tinfoil away when the main thing she does is porn. These websites she posts photos and promotes on don't like that shit.

No. 2032247

she has an anarchy sign tattoo

and a fuck war tattoo under it. a full ass retard.

No. 2033429

File: 1726237051835.png (490.1 KB, 1339x802, 2024-09-13.png)

God i hate this retarded whore. Imagine being this starved for coomer validation you gotta spend your post partum posting shooped videos almost naked jiggling your ass and boltons about how you bounced back implying that women that don't just don't put in the hard work (not a mom or fat got the body of 90s Kate Moss btw). She's such a massive pick me bitch. All cause her precious moids talked about how they would unsub from her OF cause her body is getting ruined by pregnancy.
Archiving cause she deletes posts all the time.

No. 2033430

File: 1726237140105.png (226.86 KB, 1630x864, 2024-09-13 (1).png)

No. 2033431

File: 1726237402977.png (165.53 KB, 1536x864, 2024-09-13 (2).png)

This is some cancerous shit lol

No. 2033434

File: 1726237484723.png (58.6 KB, 1550x402, 2024-09-13 (3).png)


No. 2034071

She's an insufferable pick me so this is completely on character kek.

No. 2034827

File: 1726522534639.png (701.75 KB, 1536x864, noeditsguyyzzz.png)

Still coping and seething over being exposed

No. 2034830

File: 1726522712404.png (761.53 KB, 1536x864, KEK.png)

Dancing nearly naked shaking your bolt ons after having a child not long ago instead of getting a real job kek this whore is so pathetic
Also lmao at the dorrito chin.

No. 2035125

Daily reminder that nobody asked for this thread and you stole information from pohotoshoppwrs 8. There’s a reason why peoooe don’t come on here anymore and it’s because of idiots like you(unsaged/minimodding)

No. 2035128

Stop bumping your own thread Anne

No. 2035133

> stole information from pohotoshoppwrs 8.
Didn't know they don't monitor internet access in group homes.

No. 2035295

You can't "steal text from another thread" are you guys 13 or some shit? This isn't plagiarism you dumb fuck it's an anonymous website, you don't get clout from your anonymous posts.

No. 2035470

holy shit this thread sucks(sage your shit)

No. 2035580

File: 1726644152099.png (352.52 KB, 466x802, lmfao.png)

She's doing the weird freaky waist shoop again lol this puts skirby to shame

No. 2035581

File: 1726644410858.png (330.62 KB, 517x824, Reeeee.png)

This is her 7th post about this. It only took one retarded expose account with 10 followers to push her off the edge kek

No. 2035589

File: 1726646367534.png (150.18 KB, 922x787, 2024-09-18 (6).png)

She deleted the pregnancy fetish crap from her Onlyfails bio possibly cause she lurks here lol

No. 2035640

Her initials really should be L.A. Lard Ass. Even with the shoop that's the body of an overweight pickme with major insecurities(sage your shit)

No. 2035650

Needs to invest in one of those shapewear camisoles to fix the under bust blubber ring. Imagine stuffing into a corset constantly but still managing to look like a popped open can of biscuits.

No. 2035687

She's also not pregnant anymore. The people who pay for that want a pregnant woman, not just someone who does milking fetish. A lot of people who want that aren't necessarily into pregnancy every time.

No. 2035704

File: 1726680799421.jpeg (20.41 KB, 513x422, 19-outrageously-photoshopped-i…)

It's giving this lmao

No. 2035812

This thread sucks you should’ve kept it in photoshoppers 8(unsaged/take it to /meta/)

No. 2035814

Im glad this thread was made, seeing you sperg out every hour is funny as fuck

No. 2035869

This thread is retarded and this cow is boring. There’s literally nothing milky or unique about her and she’s identical to literally every other shooper. I don’t understand why a thread had to be made on her in the first place and why people keep on bumping it every 10 minutes with another 80 pictures of her and her shooped waist. Stinks of vendetta posting(take it to /meta/)

No. 2035900

Honestly I feel like it's Annie herself promoting her OF. Literally almost no one had heard of her until she popped up on lolcow.

No. 2036063

File: 1726746404776.jpg (32.59 KB, 735x670, b16bffa918efe002c04aebfb0804a7…)

Yeah i'm sure she will start a thread here exposing her shooped fat ass so more cow tippers tag her on their posts and ruin her reputation.
Stop acting retarded. The only reason i made this thread is cause we can't post unsaged shit about any non shoop related milk and she has plenty of that. You can put her back in the photoshop thread if y'all really want to idgaf but the retarded spergout seething this hard over how a part of their recap i mean "work" was copied every 2 seconds bumping this thread is getting really fucking annoying. If you're reading this then just know that you're a pathetic autist NEET loser. Rant over. The admins get to decide this cow's fate and i accept their decision.(derailing)

No. 2036231

File: 1726781866533.png (571.96 KB, 1350x384, deranged.png)

Found in her tagged. This bitch is dead ass retarded (besides being autistic)

No. 2036376

I went through her accounts and she doesn't untag herself from the mean shit people post as seen on Anacalove too. Can you post the whole thing and not crop out everything? I can't even find the OG. She is right too, those are two completely different times, one without implants and one with including other surgeries/photoshop. One is also a video and the other isn't.

No. 2036395

She had bolt ons in both of them she's really flat without them and could never fit that bikini top otherwise. Pretty sure your hip bones don't fucking stretch out in a few months as an adult woman kek

No. 2036397

Those tits are not the same implants and I said photoshop, obviously the hips are shopped. Your hips do usually rotate outward when you are pregnant though, so she might actually have wider hip now. Clearly this is shopped, no one said it isn't. Just that these photo are not the same and cannot be compared and kind of reeks like this was bait for her from a user here. This is the same type of comparison photo >>>/snow/2030219 has. Feels like cowtipping.

No. 2036402

File: 1726815839539.png (2.1 MB, 2000x1600, whodiditbetter.png)

Did a side to side with empathchan latest awful shoop kek who did it better ?

The shooped pic was posted BEFORE she got pregnant or even gave birth. The comparaison photos were posted in the photoshop threads some retard took them and posted them then tagged her in all of them it resulted in some funny spergouts and more shooped "proof" videos on her page it's even mentionned in the thread recap that someone cow tipped nobody is saying otherwise. you seem to be reaching so hard to defend this bitch. She's a flat chested fridge shaped delusional BPD cunt that charged money for lactation fetish porn on OF pick a better cow to wk.(derailing/infighting)

No. 2036404

Obviously she shops? What are you even trying to infight about and I haven't defended her besides agreeing that she's right that the photos are not the same or comparable because of the boobs alone. Clearly you have some massive vendetta thing going on. I haven't once said she is natural and no one in this thread has said that either.

No. 2036409

>Your hips do usually rotate outward when you are pregnant though, so she might actually have wider hip now.
>these photo are not the same and cannot be compared

The screenshot is of one her unedited vids (her real body) the photo is a shoop she posted of course you're gonna compare them to highlight the editing ? i just don't get why you're jumping hoops to find excuses for her.

No. 2036513

The hip thing says now, not that the photo had her hips rotated. The point is that naturally her hips might be wider in newer photos. It was just a comment. Can you please read instead of flying off the handle? You even greentext it and still read it wrong.

No. 2037235

File: 1727010779065.png (1.71 MB, 1117x1547, obese.png)

Why are these shoop cows always obese ? kek she posted this candid yesterday to her insta story.(bad shoops are not milk, please sage them)

No. 2037240

File: 1727011061779.png (426.23 KB, 470x813, story.png)

No. 2037270

This person doesn't need her own thread and should have been kept in the photoshopped thread. Some retard keeps bumping this thread with non-milk.(take it to meta)

No. 2037375

Is this her baby daddy?

No. 2037461

No. 2037851

her huge habsburg chin is so funny

No. 2037984

File: 1727167347449.png (536.68 KB, 470x794, moidlet.png)

Imagine posting your baby on your Onlyfails account tho(post proof)

No. 2037986

File: 1727167728493.png (629.97 KB, 456x803, post (2).png)

Wait she's not obese she has that pexar mom body uwu she posted this shit almost the same day as the candid story. Love to hear how akshually they're both from two different times before the queen gained her magnificent hourglass mom shape kek

No. 2038383


(anon you’re a stupid fag)(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2039544

I feel extremely bad for that baby.what a terrible mother.

No. 2039655

The post anon has with the comment that she's posting her baby on her OF isn't even a photo from OF. I highly doubt she's posting with photos of her child on there because that's against the rules and law.

No. 2040100

By Onlyfans account i meant the insta she promotes her OF on. The pic is literally a screencap of a story where she posted her baby on there. >>2039655 you're a fucking retard.(retard)

No. 2040131

That's not the same and incredibly misleading.

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