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No. 2079391

Becky Lilley aka catholica_pandam on Instagram is a 22-year old ''autistic'' tradcath influencer, mom-to-be, stoner, addict and student from Fredericton, Canada. She's married to Ian, an autistic man of Scottish descent. She has amassed a following on IG after her autistic catholic wedding pictures went viral, but has been increasinly scrutinized due to her erratic, attention-seeking behavior, oversharing, inconsistencies, self-infantilization and speculation that her ''autism'' is in reality a badly managed case of BPD. She loves posting about her dog, God, housewife duties, autism, how catholicism saved her from a troubled adolescence and how much she actually hates parasocial relationships and e-fame.

IG: https://www.instagram.com/catholica_pandam/
Fan reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/catholicpandam/
Snark reddit (featuring archived lives): https://www.reddit.com/r/catholicpanda/
Her mother's IG: https://www.instagram.com/old_lady_trudge_/
Ian's IG: https://www.instagram.com/ianswoodworking/

Recent milk
>Has taken several breaks from social media due to mental health emergencies, only to return very quickly afterwards. Kept posting through it via her husband and mom's accounts
>Was admitted to a psychiatric facility after discussing suicide on IG, checked out to access her opiate medication for her endo period
>Has behaved strangely duing her IG lives, prompting speculation about drug use
>Now using a walker part-time, supposedly for her severe grade 4 endometriosis
>Was hacked by some Turkish cryptobro, her account was recovered since
>She's pregnant! Despite regularly complaining about having no money and ''stage 4'' endometriosis (for which she's not seeing a specialist)
>Is already milking her tiny barely existent baby for content
>Her fans and snarkers alike are worried about her ability to be a mother and a possible miscarriage, prompting more suspicions about the severity of her conditions

No. 2079392

OP here, apologizing in advance for possible mistakes, this is my first cow thread. Unfortunately Becky deleted most of her posts in the past few months but her pregnancy (announced 6 days ago) is sure to generate plenty of milk!

No. 2079399

thank you for making this! I remember when her wedding pictures went viral, I had a mutual on tumblr post in the tags that they had known her in school and she was not at all how she presents herself online. Since then I haven't kept up with her but I find her online persona to be off-putting

No. 2079420

Inb4 nonnas claim I’m her or a simp. But I really don’t see anything milky about her. Have casually followed her and she’s just like any other zoomer to claims to be autistic, but the only difference is that she’s Catholic.
Leave her alone, she seems like a nice girl that desperately needs validation and attention online like most do.(whiteknighting)

No. 2079423

i kept seeing her reels and would casually watch her for a bit. her page didnt yield much drama imo; she’s just a mentally ill bored tradcath housewife. bpd theory seems like a tinfoil, she doesn’t sperg out online or fight with others a ton. the one maybe sus thing i do remember is that she did say a while back god cured her endometriosis and it was completely gone and her doctors deemed it a medical miracle, but then she went back to posting about endo like nothing happened. idk if she’s lying or coping. hope this doesn’t come across as WKing but i don’t see her having enough regular milk to sustain a thread

No. 2079426

samefagging… actually let me take that back, scrolling through the snark sub and yeah she does seem cowish. guess i missed a lot kek. she’s totally attention whoring her pregnancy and apparently talks about using cannabis and opiates daily to “manage her endo pain,” while her husband dislikes her online antics.

No. 2079429

Yeah she's unassuming until you start to see the cracks. She was holding herself together before the last couple months
>bpd theory seems like a tinfoil
It's a solid tinfoil imo because she has explained, unprompted, that her BPD diagnosis was her autism 'with a stressed nervous system' (something of that order) and this is such a classic BPD malingerer thing to say. They love to reframe their past diagnosis as another condition entirely, Jill does this aswell. Her telling on herself + her frequent breakdowns + her child LARP point towards BPD, though you can't be 100% sure yet

No. 2079500

New threads should start with pictures of past milk and links to other threads where the cow was discussed. She seems promising so OP please get the discussion going

No. 2079599

Thanks for the thread OP, she's crossed my path on Instagram before and I started watching because of the cowish potential.

No. 2079986

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She seems to be setting the stage for another health crisis saga.

No. 2079992

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Isn’t she like 4 weeks pregnant? She doesn’t seem mentally sufficient to have a baby tbh - unless this is all just for clicks. Don’t ask me how telling the entire world that you’re 4 weeks pregnant is what’s “best” for anyone.

No. 2080007

I went to her school and can confirm she is a diagnosed bippie. To be honest I'm kind of sad for her that this thread was made because she is really mentally unstable and can't even cope with her sanitized instagram comments. My hope for her is she gets off the internet and gets into DBT.

No. 2080010

announcing your pregnancy at 4 weeks screams bpd

No. 2080026

I was following her after her wedding pictures but had to stop because it was non-stop weird drama. Is there still someone posting for her and moderating her comments? Was that ever even true kek

No. 2080132

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I can't say I'm that surprised that she has a thread here, the pregnancy saga is definitely going to yeild some milk. She's only a week (ish) into announcing this pregnancy and nearly every video is about her baby. Picrel is her blessing her baby by rubbing holy water over her stomach.
I thought it was pretty insane that she announced her pregnancy as soon as she found out?! I've never been pregnant myself but I thought that the first trimester can be touch and go and a lot of things can go wrong. I know a few close family members have been through miscarriages and I can't imagine how hard that is. But yeah let's announce your pregnancy of 4 weeks to your 130k followers as soon as you find out. It feels like jinxing it kek

No. 2080135

Eww she needs to brush her hair(nitpicking)

No. 2080136

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why is she pretending to have a baby bump at 4 weeks KEK. is she pushing out her stomach in the photos where she’s showing off her “bump”?

No. 2080171

Second last Twilight film with Bella finding out she’s 1 day pregnant and already having a bump vibes

No. 2080232

She is, in her reels you can clearly see her pushing it out with all her might kekkkk.. why would she make it so obvious

No. 2080259


it's literally endo belly, can spot that shit a mile off

cannot believe she had a get out of pregnancy free card r.e her catholicism by taking birth control to treat endo….AND CHOSE PREGNANCY ANYWAY…girl get a stable HOME lol

No. 2080311

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For anyone curious, picrel is her husband.

As mentioned in the thread OP, he's an autistic scrote named Ian. He works a labour-type job, and is usually on shift for 12-13 hours. I'm not sure how old he is, but I'd reckon that they're similar in age. He is balding.

No. 2080314

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This is old milk, but it's an example of how she does stick to her poorfag LARP pretty hard.

She's frequently begged her followers to buy her fast food in the past, and some of them have obliged her requests. For those not familiar, Smokes is a Canadian chain of fast food restaurants that specialize in selling poutines. The cost of 2 poutines from there is around 30 dollars. She says that she hasn't had it in a year, but she did in fact have it only 2 months before this incident occurred.

No. 2080322

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It's not mentioned in the OP, but to confirm: Becky and Ian did go semi-viral on Twitter in early 2024 after uploading photographs of their "autism friendly traditional Catholic wedding." If Becky looks familiar to you, it's most likely because you saw these photos somewhere on Twitter or Tumblr.

No. 2080357

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>i need his age
ian is 25. this article from last year confirms becky and ian’s ages, its paywalled so i capped relevant parts: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/09/04/tiktok-traditional-trad-catholic-trend/
the veil living business was short lived and i believe she never completed most of the orders, saying it was too stressful for her to try to make money like an adult, due to her autism and endo, and her husband was coming home from 12 hour shifts and doing all the housework while she lay in bed for weeks.

No. 2080358

followed her too and she’s cringe to me now. I haven’t kept up with anything she’s been doing more recently at all but it always rubbed me the wrong way that this autistic(?) woman is hardcore larping as a christian and got married so young, and is simultaneously grifting off of it. i had no idea she was a stoner lol, i always got the impression that she was some cutesy mega autist who literally couldn’t do anything, that’s how she portrayed it.
i’ll go look myself for more milk after posting this.
i need his age, i’ve been wondering for so long now. i think that they’re fairly close to eachothers iirc but he is aging very poorly.
in this >>2080322
picrel he’s really reminding me of an actor but i can’t place it for the life of me kek

No. 2080359

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samefagging got this from the snark sub, ian is a retard. canadian moid celebrating an abortion ban that doesn’t even affect his country

No. 2080361

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becky is also anti vaxx. there’s a lot on the subreddits. i wish the milk was better summarized and catalogued, bc it’s there for sure

No. 2080362

why can the redditors never do this? they always put all the work on us poor nonnas. fuck them.

No. 2080364

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Most people close to her agree that she's faking autism.

As for the stoner bit, most of her posts from that time period were wiped when she last checked out of rehab, but from them we learned that she consumes cannabis everyday with specifically high-concentrations of THC (70-90%). Her preferred method of consumption is to smoke shatter (i.e., dabbing or hot-knifing). She also does drink alcohol, but I'm not sure how often or how much she drinks.

>i’ll go look myself for more milk after posting this.

I'm trying to type out a timeline of events, since (no offense to the OP) the OP recap is kind of shit. She definitely has way more milk out there, but it's hard to gleam it now because of all the un-archived posts that were wiped from her account. She seems to be in the habit of periodically deactivating her social media, purging a lot of posts and content, then reactivating. It should be recommended that any anons that want to milk this cow should be prepared to archive things as they come, in case they get deleted later on.

To add, I believe that he's from Ottawa, ON, too. I saw this a few times on the snark reddit page, but I'm not sure where this information was revealed.

I've been trying to go through the snark reddit to compile a more accurate summary of the milk, but it's genuinely quite difficult because redditards are so bad at this sort of thing. There definitely is milk to her, it's just buried beneath a bunch of random off-topic bullshit that we have to shovel through.

No. 2080365

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stuff on her drug use

No. 2080369

i saw you said he was 25 as well, did that need to be fact checked?

No. 2080373

I never said he was 25 in my post, you're thinking of this anon's post >>2080357 which was published a year ago. In that article, it says he's 24, so this year he should be 25 unless Catholics age differently.

No. 2080375

good post nona, i’m hoping you can piece together a timeline without too much trouble! this thread could have a lot of potential kek

No. 2080390

it’s not showing on my phone for some reason, i thought ta deleted it my bad!

No. 2080402

I wish I still had screenshots of her old posts, I've checked up on her for a year or so now and it was insane to watch her become "more autistic" as the follower count went up. When I found her page she was just a plain looking girl, and everytime I came back she was acting more childish and added a new "sensory toy" to her daily carry. There's something kind of creepy about how childish she acts and her husband just thinks it's cute. God help their baby

No. 2080411

iirc she self diagnosed with autism (reddit says she said she was diagnosed with bpd and ptsd but “is fine now” and no longer meets the criteria?) and got diagnosed with autism properly only shortly before her marriage. of course she could be lying about having a diagnosis, but it does seem she is faking it to some degree or at least exaggerating her symptoms. the symptoms she seems to express like sensory overload have overlap with her other diagnoses, which she was only diagnosed with a few years ago and i doubt just went away. so, my tinfoil is that when she met or was dating her husband (a legit diagnosed male sperg) she decided that autism is what explains her traits, bc it’s quirkier and gave them something in common then her other diagnoses. and now she plays up her autistic traits because he either has a fetish for her childlike retard sperg larp, or to build up her social media brand more and more. now she’s too into it and she almost seems stuck that way mentally. sorry for long armchair but i find this really strange.

No. 2080456

This is absolutely correct. She takes on the personality of whoever she is dating at the moment. One of her ex-boyfriends was a neo-nazi and she leaned hard into being super edgy when they dated. Her husband met her at church and asked her if she was autistic, and she quickly self diagnosed and started the autism larp. How childish she acts is insane, I'll try to find one of her posts where she pretends to not know what an escalator is and calls them 'funny moving staircases' or something. New Brunswick is rural but we have fucking escalators, kek. Also for the anons talking about her stoner past, she used to longboard across campus with a bong, which was infinitely cooler than whatever she's doing right now.

No. 2080470

This is kind of a crazy life for a 23 year old to have? Especially when you add marriage and pregnancy into the mix. So she’s an opiate addict who has been to rehab and a heavy weed user but she’s stopped all that cold turkey now that she’s pregnant right? Right??

No. 2080474

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Oldish milk but found her being super normal on her mom’s instagram - accompanied by a video of her saying her “hacker” edited an email she sent to ask people for money? Honestly sounds like junkie behavior to me. Also the way she looks like and lisps like grimes.

No. 2080514


Okay ngl the photo itself is kind of cool if the moid wasn't in it, and if she wasn't larping autism. Also her moid looks old and schizophrenic.

No. 2080515

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becky posted on threads her crouching on the floor, peeling potatoes into a filled trash can with old food/takeout bags in it, so gross lmao.

>the way she lisps and looks like grimes
kek nonna i couldn’t put my finger on who she reminded me of but, you’re so right. they share the autism larp too. what’s in the water in canada?

No. 2080654

She's going to miscarry or pretend she did, calling it right now. I really hope she does not give birth, she is in no way fit to care for a child. She can barely take care of herself and keeps having mental health episodes in a way or another. Bippies in general shouldn't be allowed to have kids they're a mess.

No. 2080660

>shes a potato girl
also does she constantly live in like oodies and pjs bcs shes a stoner? i imagine shes super lazy and doesn’t help out much.
i still can’t get over her fucking headphones everywhere thing, even though at the time i found her endearing it’s so unbelievably cringe

No. 2080772

>(no offense to the OP) the OP recap is kind of shit
Kekk no offense taken, i couldn't confidently remember her old milk in detail and she nuked her account so i just did a recap of a few key events. And yup, archiving is needed with her.
>the symptoms she seems to express like sensory overload
Sensory overload is the symptom of choice for tiktok malingerers and the like. You're basically correct, it must come down to infantilism and having no ego and "absorbing" her husband's personality.
>One of her ex-boyfriends was a neo-nazi and she leaned hard into being super edgy when they dated.
KEKKK what, i had no idea
Yep, i'm genuinely worried for her kid, no child deserves a bippie mom. She's dabbing too, that's one of the most intense ways to be a stoner, i hope she never goes further than this with drugs

No. 2080891

You can be a completely functioning stoner. Canada has good weed and I know a lot of people who will literally be stoned to some degree from the moment they wake up, every single day, and they have good jobs, families, social lives, are active etc. It's really pretty normal and mostly not viewed as a DRUG in Canada the way it is in other countries.(derailing)

No. 2081013

2nd ayrt and i smoke weed everyday silly nona thats why i say that in the first place, she seems exceptionally lazy. she doesn’t seem to leave the house much, do chores or put much effort into anything. i noticed that when i hardly followed her reels.
>be proud of me for waking up this morning and putting my sensowy headphones on bcs muh autismm
>my laziness has nothing to do with smoking weed all the time i’m just autism!

No. 2081145

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The "big feed" phrasing that she's so fond of really irks me. Her husband looks like a gnarly autistic beast. I think the only thing that she eats is poutine.

No. 2081226

Yea the 'big feed' thing is annoying af. The poutine and the Tater Tots with a load of cheese; not super nutritious but ngl it makes me want it every time.
Is Ian diagnosed with autism? Does he know he has it? (If he does). It seems like he got a raw deal if he actually has a condition that his wife is faking and he has to care for her, do all the driving,(even though she says they each gave their own cars and she can drive), bring in all the money, and now apparently build them a house from scratch. He's doing basically everything whilst actually having autism and who knows what else? That's a lot.

No. 2081229

Does anyone want to see old posts/pics from her psych admission in Oct/NOv 2024? I still have a few that I saved before she nuked everything. Or is that too old? She called it her 'grippy sock vacation' or 'sock jail', which really irks me.

No. 2081246

Post them

No. 2081253

It makes my skin crawl. Everyone has a retarded private vocabulary but 'feed' sounds especially stupid and you know it's part of her little girl LARP, she loves to drag it when she speaks
I believe that he's diagnosed, he sure seems actually autistic next to her. I've always wondered how he feels about Becky's so-called autism

No. 2081739

He’s for sure not LARPing the tism. Back in the account’s earlier months (like 2023) she posted some videos and stories with him that made him appear fully tard. It’s definitely a gypsy-rose ass cow move, Becky hoodwinked a retarded autistic moid into being her carer, breadwinner, builder… and she stays home in her PJs smoking weed and making reels about LARP autism and Jesus. Do I feel sorry for a moid? Kekkkkkkk

No. 2082000

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please post this if you have them i believe the mod of the snark subreddit is looking for them to create a timeline which might also be a good database for the next op

but yeah lmao the woman with these routines (og posted in oct) is now having a child

No. 2082002

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No. 2082004

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there's also this from when she left the supposed rehab she was in for her thc addiction (lol) in rural canada (Double lol) while she was taking heacy painkillers like opiods and they wouldn't let her take them for her endo pain and she left on her own accord (Triple lol)

No. 2082129

File: 1737884632457.mp4 (16.19 MB, 1040x1920, Nevergofullretard.mp4)

Didn't she get a whole autism cake for her official diagnosis? If so that screams BPD… Although I'm not entirely sure I remember correctly, I may just be conflating her with Jill (I wonder why).
Reposting to add wtf is this kek?

No. 2082151

Vladimir Putin in a lacefront

No. 2082183

Is there a reason these people with BPD want to be autistic so bad?

No. 2082188

in my opinion its because of the warranted stigma behind bpd. when you boil it down bpd really just means "I'm such a melodramatic asshole it requires clinical intervention". if they pull the autism card (and they know flat put nothing about it other than fake shit) they now have an excuse to not change and try to get people to accept their ways.

No. 2082208

I haven't been able to find the image but yes she did, I remember her posting a reel with an autism cake too.

No. 2082220

I think I have that. I'll post what I kept.

No. 2082221

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Posting what I can dredge up from my phone that I kept because I found it milky. From Fall 2024.

No. 2082222

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These are end of Oct 2024 I believe. I don't know why I cut the date off of them: that was annoying of me.

No. 2082223

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I missed whatever the erratic behaviour was but it seems everything she does is erratic anyway.

No. 2082224

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I've never seen yellows before.

No. 2082226

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It really irks me when people call it 'grippy sock vacation'.

No. 2082229

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No. 2082232

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I know I have more but I'll have to go back through some stuff later. I have th autism cake for sure but can't find some stuff right now.

No. 2082233

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It keeps saying I'm flooding anyway. I'll have to go through some stuff and come back later.

No. 2082236

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Random though: why did she edit out whatever brand or slogan was on her toque here?

No. 2082237

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No. 2082238

File: 1737907227352.png (2.59 MB, 750x1334, 1000064603.png)

From Jan 2025.
Not sure about this whole 'gay slug' thing and her views on gay people in general.

No. 2082243

this was a part of that erratic behavior saga

i believe she was also posting about going on a manic drive to the middle of nowhere, posting then deleting a bunch of things and i think captioned a post with some suidical song lol

No. 2082245

File: 1737908836145.jpg (692.54 KB, 1080x2115, uhx6q59924wd1.jpg)

sorry i dropped the image lol

No. 2082247

You can see her autism cake pic in the Cluster Bitches 5 thread. Posted about 2 weeks ago. I just can't find what I've done with it right now.

No. 2082249

Ahh I missed a bunch of this.
(Please charge your phone Nonna! kek)!

No. 2082251

File: 1737909591843.jpg (483.65 KB, 1080x2400, RDT_20250125_17115332582012899…)

here is some more from the mental breakdown that caused someone to call the cops on her lol. thanks for all you've posted btw

No. 2082252

File: 1737909684474.jpeg (444.06 KB, 1170x2535, untlg802kiwd1.jpeg)

another personal favourite

No. 2082258

You're welcome. I liked the Moses one too. I have more from when I first started following her out of interest, before I knew she was a cow. I just thought she would be a wholesome and interesting addition to my feed, as a change from cows. KEK!
I will have to go scrolling back on my stuff later….

No. 2082267

File: 1737911413859.jpg (211.11 KB, 749x1102, 1736520149782.jpg)

Found the image from the Cluster Bitches 6 thread, nonnies

No. 2082335

File: 1737925259310.jpg (949.75 KB, 1080x2340, 1000015307.jpg)

2021 which is probably before she started to base her entire personality around ian - she looks so much better! her hair is clean!

No. 2082351

This made me realize fakers create the exact same kind of content exhausted moms make to show what severe autism is, but starring themselves as an actor kekkkkk
Stigma, age regression, nonexistent sense of self leading to LARPing various identities like a teenager
Thanks so much nona. Yeah she looks different, i can't believe even the greasy hair is a LARP

No. 2082364

Why does she call herself Panda? May (Cluster Bitches thread) recently made a new social media account calling herself something or other panda. What's the significance? It just makes me think of PANDAS, the brain inflammation condition, but it's obviously not that (although I'm surprised none of them are larping that yet since it basically mimics every mental health condition. There is a test for it though and treatment since it's a physical issue).

No. 2082365

When the hell does she enjoy the outdoors?

No. 2082366

high functioning autism and bpd share some superficial similarities but autism isn't "bad" per se and can't be cured. so bippies will decide that they're autistic so that they no longer have to work on themselves or take any accountability for what they do. also, people with bpd love to have a pre-set identity to take on, and acting autistic fulfills that need.

your icon is showing, be careful next time.

No. 2082367

She only bathes or showers 3-4 times a week?!

No. 2082371

it's a repost from her subreddit like some of the other screenshots on here, don't worry, thanks though

she just apparently really likes pandas, hence "pandam". she carries around a stuffed panda as part of the tism larp.

No. 2082386

I can assure you that the Rah would want less than nothing to do with you Rebecca.

No. 2082388

Confident that she has worked out she can get away with all of this medication seeking, probably doctor hopping behaviour, under the guise of being the purest little sickly tradcath to ever sit in their office. She's leverageing it because her life revolves around drug use, the only thing that has changed since the pre rehab 'party girl' days is larping orthodoxy. It's clever in a really fucking dumb way.

No. 2082390

I think he sort of looks like Elol

No. 2082397

She carries that panda around everywhere. I don't think she's ever gone to any class or lecture without that stupid panda. It looks gross too, like she needs to wash it more frequently.
She doesn't need to go to a doctor to get weed. In NB, it's legal for everyone over 19 to buy weed from weed stores. Even though she's pregnant, I'm pretty sure she still uses her dab pen.

No. 2082398

Terminal soyjack face

No. 2082400

I wasn't referring to the weed

No. 2082497

girl i was fucking waiting for this after seeing it in the pixie thread i fucking SCREAMED it was like a jumpscare. i knew her in high school and was friends with her. like have seen the inside of her house multiple times and had extracurriculars with her level of friends. she is not fucking autistic period but i never knew about the endometriosis and that's shitty, i don't think she'd lie about that. i don't know if i can even follow this thread because of the fucking cringe. also her last name isn't Lilley, it's McCann.(blogging)

No. 2082498

and girl you told me gays go to hell be SO fucking for real.

No. 2082521

she married a lilley. i know you said she definitely isn't autistic but was there any cluster b signs when you knew her? just curious lel

No. 2082528

Can you fill us in on her behavior?

No. 2082543

File: 1737976881709.jpeg (234.99 KB, 828x1370, IMG_1588.jpeg)

Wasn’t she recently just too poor to afford a thermometer?

No. 2082614

ntayrt but she’s posted before about being addicted to cutting

No. 2082622

File: 1738002202853.png (85.63 KB, 698x837, Screenshot 2025-01-27 182053.p…)

she has deleted all known accounts (instagram, threads and facebook) once again kek

betting she will be back in less than a week or so

No. 2082623

File: 1738002268452.png (41.48 KB, 945x347, Screenshot 2025-01-27 182123.p…)

naturally no one the snark subreddit actually archived the posts in question but here is what she supposedly posted before deleting

No. 2082633

did someone tip the cow…

No. 2082637

File: 1738005574745.png (39.36 KB, 731x471, Screenshot 2025-01-27 191740.p…)

i was thinking that to be honest, she has 100% been lurking in her snark sub as she has alluded to things like "keeping the drama on reddit" when she posted the pro ira reel. she has posted in her own fan reddit before - picrel. looks like she did not delete the reddit account.

i would not be surprised if someone did cowtip but would be equally unsurprised if something upset her on her snark reddit as it is quite active for what it is. or if she just had a mental breakdown for no reason. who knows. shes nuts

No. 2082641

File: 1738005884417.png (53.73 KB, 942x540, Screenshot 2025-01-27 192050.p…)

went through her reddit in case that gets deleted, just archiving

here is her weird response to a follower who sent her a gift to her po box that she just… never opened - this was posted 4 months ago (sept) and she did not even care enough to open fan mail and gifts from "the summer". she had mail at least a month old she could not be bothered enough to open, which just seems insensitive for a relatively small account who probably does not get a ton of mail!

No. 2082645

File: 1738006053031.png (66.73 KB, 1110x269, Screenshot 2025-01-27 192545.p…)

it gets weirder - OP said they sent a gift in june (!) after Becky got married, and again it was not opened as of september

No. 2082682

change ur pfp nonna, u just doxxed ur guinea pig kek

No. 2082742

its ok its a 3 mo old screenshot and my pfp is different. reggie the guinea pig is safe for now despite my inconsistencies on lolcow

No. 2082879

>Like Jesus, I love you all with my whole heart.
Insane narcissism, I don't think a genuine Christian would compare themselves to Jesus like that.

No. 2082914

I think someone cowtipped or she came across this thread somehow. She seems to be the type that can't handle even the slightest criticism. It won't be long until she's back

No. 2082929

File: 1738085165591.jpg (125.7 KB, 1080x1390, 1000015364.jpg)

She will definitely be back as she constantly deactivates and reactivates. I'm pretty sure she was also lurking in her subreddit(s) as she alluded to drama being contained there after she posted her weird IRA reel. Sorry for the bad image quality

No. 2083250

File: 1738156577947.jpg (130.23 KB, 1080x580, Screenshot_20250129_131404.jpg)

Aaand she's back as of an hour ago, at first glance it doesn't seem like anything on her profile was deleted

No. 2083252

File: 1738156908419.jpeg (177.36 KB, 828x975, IMG_1612.jpeg)

I found these comments interesting. I was wondering too about the “gay slug” and how it’s not against her faith. And kek at her admitting to being lazy

No. 2083266

I think her reply re: gay people is actually pretty sensible for a Christian.

No. 2083268

I don't understand this logic - like you don't need to deactivate to focus on your "mental health" you can just not post or open the app kek… then again if she deactivates when she comes back her weird fans give her attention and ask if she's okay

No. 2083272

I'm not wk'ing but if you're going to milk cows who are literally special needs, you can't also expect them to be rational. Being irrational is what makes her crazy. That's why she does these things, she is irrational and crazy.

No. 2083283

She's not special needs, the autism is a BPD larp

No. 2083285

she putting on a stereotypical act for her online persona and you fell for it?

No. 2083286

She has literally claimed to have prayed away a bpd diagnosis - then magically became autistic after getting serious with her sperglord moid to keep him around (as bippies do) + to keep her following invested. i don't think she's rational as bpd isn't a rational illness either but she is actively pretending to be autistic. she's crazy but not because she's special needs.

No. 2083290

File: 1738167010114.jpg (82.93 KB, 900x608, 287714_full.jpg)

Idk how to say this, she looks special needs? There are so many posts that confirm she's legitimately mentally challenged it's confusing >>2080007

I wouldn't put any of this past a diagnosed BPD and after lurking slightly moar, I concede tbh.

Tbf >>2080322 they genuinely look like a special needs couple (like what you would see in an adult group home). It stressed me out to see that they're having kids knowing that

No. 2083297

File: 1738168079674.jpg (221.47 KB, 749x1092, 1000068183.jpg)

Not milk but when she posted about 'cooking up feeds' (urgh) in a reel, one of the screen shots I got was this and it just made me think of hot knifing, KEK.

No. 2083298

File: 1738168083395.jpg (320.26 KB, 1080x1864, 1000015316.jpg)

I agree she looks special needs but she didn't in the past. She doesn't take care of herself anymore to play into the larp imho.

Also see >>2082335

No. 2083302

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No. 2083304

File: 1738168543058.jpg (87.04 KB, 750x912, 1000068089.jpg)

I can certainly believe she's faking autism but she does have some pictures of her doing slightly autistic looking things when she's a little kid. But TBF kids are weird, kek.
Her obsession with this song is really grating on me thought.

No. 2083319

She looks special needs because she's portraying herself that way. In >>2083302 and older photos, she looks completely normal. And again, she has a stoner past before presenting herself as a tradcath aspie, she hasn't always been this way.

No. 2083325

File: 1738171764468.mp4 (2.98 MB, 720x1280, 1000004542.mp4)

new reel

No. 2083329

theres no one look to autism. but bpdtards catering to their ignorant followers think there is.

No. 2083332

Her saying she's super hungry and craving foods made my eyes roll into the back of my head. That is not a thing until the middle to tail end of your second trimester. Also morning sickness doesn't start until around week 10 so she is in for a rude awakening. All that really happens during this period of pregnancy is excessive sleepiness. I don't think she's going to handle pregnancy very well once it starts getting real but will see.

No. 2083334

I had morning sickness start at 5 weeks, it can last til the end too(blogging)

No. 2083370

can confirm, it's often the first symptom after a late period

No. 2083421

Okay? It doesn't mean that it happens to every woman right away. It didn't for me and it clearly hasn't started for her.

No. 2083437

Why “okay?” You said it starts at 10 weeks which is clearly not true

No. 2083450

Nta but this is a silly hill to die on

No. 2083504

Why was she into the IRA?! Is she going to be 'enjoying' Hitler's paintings next?

No. 2083513

I just meant the hand fidgetting as a kid, which she claims is her stimming her whole life. But of course lots of people do stuff like that at any age, especially if they're a bit nervous in a public setting like the picture (from her first c
Communion apparently…..Which brings me to another point: that first Communion makes it seem like she's been Catholic her whole life, but she only got into it a couple of years ago…)

No. 2083534

The IRA aren’t even remotely similar to Hitler or the Nazis come on.

No. 2083608

The IRA burned people in their beds, killed children and bombed maternity hospitals.(derailing)

No. 2083653

i've noticed a lot of idiot catholic converts think the IRA is 'cool' or something without understanding much about them, just because the IRA labelled themselves as catholic too

No. 2083678

Calling a meal a "feed" is a very Australian moid thing to say. Idk if it's also a term used in Canada, but she didn't just come up with it out of the blue or anything kek.

No. 2083681

It does make her sound like a bogan.

No. 2083685

She’s a black belt in taekwondo? I have to wonder if she moves like a stiff retard doing that as she is when she TikTok dances. It seems extremely forced, like she’s making herself looks as childish and inept as possible.

No. 2083687

posting shit on her snapchat crying pretty much every single day about one thing or the other (nigel broke up with me i wanna kms. i failed this test i wanna kms. type shit). IRL she would go between having this really pouty face so people would ask her what's wrong and flip to being very happy. i cant even describe it but the stereotypical mopey GIVE ME ATTENTION thing to fake happy facade BPD people do at the drop of a hat - it's that. she would tell people about her psych ward visits all the time, i kinda remember one time she was telling me her mom was gonna pick her up to take her there and she didn't wanna go because she felt fine. i genuinely believe a lot of this is just her being endlessly enabled and coddled by friends+family. a lot of her friends are retarded pushovers who just go along with anything and have no backbone so it's no surprise she'd be like "i'm autistic!" and they'd all nod their head and agree.

her fixation before the whole autism LARP was self harm and anorexia; she would talk about wanting to become a nutritionist (is that still a thing?) and would journal shit in class like "what i ate today: nothing" for multiple days in a row and calorie counted religiously pun intended. people tried bringing it up to her but she'd flip her shit and deny it but also keep trying to do "subtle" hints that she was starving herself like getting weird around food in an obvious way. kinda forget how she acted about her self harm but i just remember it was an open secret somehow. she didn't show it off or wear short sleeves or anything.

it's hard to come up with things because back then she wasn't one of those absolutely batshit crazy BPD girls who would have a freakout every day but after talking to her for more than a week you'd get this sense that she wasn't quite all there. pretty much everyone i've met who has talked to her has said without prompting that she's nuts so there's that too.

she's probably like this cause almost all her grandparents died of cancer when she was young, everyone taking her then-teenage histrionics WAY too seriously and having schizo catholic parents/family, that would do a number to anyone, let alone someone predisposed to actual BPD or mental issues. she feels guilt over her "party life" (lol, like 40% of our high school did weed/cigs and drank, and that's NOT including the ones who fell into crack and heroin.) and deep down feels like she's going to hell and just went crazy doubling down on trying to redeem herself, but it will never be enough for her, because she's just fucking crazy. she needs help but i don't know if she can be helped if that makes sense.
OT but also, she was never THAT into pandas? she likes them just like most everyone has a favourite animal but it's not like she was constantly sperging about them or always wearing clothes with pandas on them or anything like that. i have never once seen that panda plushie in my life until this moment, it's not like she brought it anywhere. sorry if this isn't much but it's all i can remember ATM, sorry if any of this is known info
BINGO. BEYOND spot on behavior

No. 2083689

ugh fuck i forgot to add but she also went to the Fredericton trucker convoy if that even matters

No. 2083696

File: 1738241159837.png (1.27 MB, 750x1334, IMG_5003.png)

That tradwife bedsheet dress with that ugly apron looks so LARPy and unflattering.
Also the 'mustard seed' thing is getting annoying.

No. 2083705

Thanks so much nona! All of this makes sense. My impression was that she's the kind of person who is on the precipice of being BPD but it's not clear if she qualifies for the disorder or if she's a troubled young woman who has internalized feminine bullshit too hard. The whole "i've redeemed myself please please love me" IG attention seeking tracks with her upbriging

No. 2083715

blogging but i grew up in a similar area as her and everyone had a first holy communion, confirmation, baptism etc but like no one went to church except the elderly, not even like parents etc, but you'd have a first holy communion to appease grandma and grandpa kek

ayrt- thanks so much! yeah this totally tracks, I'm not surprised she was like that back then. I imagine the panda thing might just be part of the autism larp, like it's cute and childish and fits her online persona. I guess she could have picked literally any other animal though lel how weird

No. 2083737

I’m from the west coast but genuinely I’ve never heard anyone in canada say “feed” at all beyond like “go feed the dog” like anyone else would say. The feed stuff she says is really creepy and it seems like she did come up with it herself since it’s not a thing in canada at all. It’s makes them sound like vampires or cultists kek

No. 2083749

It's totally a thing in Newfoundland and Cape Breton so maybe the whole Maritimes isn't much of a stretch. Definitely not Canadian as a whole though.

No. 2083755

File: 1738254991130.jpeg (126.98 KB, 1170x1272, tg95ry5a01ge1.jpeg)

this was one of the posts she made before she deleted her accounts for 48 hours to "focus on her mental health" … definitely lurking

No. 2083757

File: 1738255371212.mp4 (2.63 MB, 720x1280, 1000015411.mp4)

has anyone mentioned her awful fake baby voice yet?

No. 2083806

You know it's just attention-seeking behavior when they go out of their way to make an image of their own quote kek

No. 2083819

Not the semi colon! Ugh.
I noticed that she uses the puzzle piece quite a lot when talking about autism but I'm pretty sure that that symbol was introduced by people who were not autistic, and the autistic community as a whole generally rejects the puzzle piece thing and does not like it because it implies that they have a piece missing and are 'less than'.

No. 2083820

Omg I didn't even notice that! She quoted herself! KEK!

No. 2083861

It's almost offensive how she even tries to "look autistic" when doing dances like this. The awkward hand movements, awkward smile, off beat. None of those are particularly autistic of course, but she seems to think that's how it is. If she was doing all these hobbies and martial arts, her coordination would be there. Her smiles were normal and beautiful before the larp. The thing about autism is, your symptoms never get "worse". You can improve certain social skills and coping mechanisms with treatment, you can get overstimulated and become less functional, but you never become "more" autistic.

No. 2083972

if she really was a black belt in tkd then her coordination degrading to the point it's at in her dancing video indicates some sort of serious medical condition. it's clear it's all an act though.

No. 2083974

I just don't understand why she's done this to herself. She's quite beautiful in older photos. She could have had a nice fun life being 22 and in college, making friends ect. But instead she decided to hitch herself to some creepy autist moid and make herself look disheveled and gross while she larps as an autist herself. What would drive a young girl to do this? What's even scarier is now this broke, mentally ill women is pregnant with a creepy autist child. It can't just be for attention.

No. 2084051

I have a feeling (especially from what anons who said they know her have said) that she struggled with becoming an adult. Seems like she was coddled her whole life and she doesn't want to grow up. Hence the babyified autistic larp and marrying the first sperg who says she can stay at home and do nothing. No idea how she will handle the responsibility that comes with motherhood though, that is so worrisome.

No. 2084069

File: 1738340789239.mp4 (985.43 KB, 720x1280, 1000015426.mp4)

She has claimed she will absolutely not have meltdowns due to a baby crying by the way. Yet other people making noise causes her grief I guess.

No. 2084081

She genuinely is very pretty when she's not doing the retard larp and acting like a sped. All of her aunts facebook profile pictures are pictures of them together over the years and she looks like a very normal pretty girl and doesn't do that autistic smile that she forces now in all her videos.

No. 2084082

It doesn’t help that she’s small, blonde and pretty. I’m sure people have babied her her entire life and continue to do so.

No. 2084196

They say it's different when it's your own but I myself want to have a fucking meltdown when babies scream, and I'm not even autistic kek. I don't know how she'll cope with the frustration and sleep deprivation of a baby.

No. 2084198

Why didn't she just stay with her parents then? She's posted childhood pictures with them and speaks well of them but she doesn't seem close with them at all now. if she didn't want to grow up you'd think she'd be still with them or at least seeing them all the time, calling them all the time etc.

No. 2084203

She is conventionally pretty and apparently talented, has various interests and is not lacking in intelligence. The martial arts picture was really nice. It is odd that this is what she's choosing for her life.

No. 2084211

i'm one of the nonas who knows her. she is very, very mentally ill. she's not autistic but she is seriously sick. that part is not fake. that's what makes her do things that don't make sense–her mind is not working properly. she's not a lolcow to me tbh, i am really sympathetic towards her.

No. 2084214

Why is she not in a group home or anything, do you know? if she is that sick. It seems like she is under some kind of services as she mentioned her psychiatrist and going to 'sensory therapy.' How do they not work out that she isn't autistic and diagnose her actual condition/s? Or maybe they do but she just lies online.

No. 2084228

Not trying to get you banned for armchairing but since you know her I'm very curious, what do you think she has? I've seen bpd tinfoiled here so I'm curious as to what her behavior looks like outside of social media.

No. 2084237

nta but the bpd isn't tinfoil, she's genuinely been diagnosed with it and has confirmed her diagnosis (even if to say she "no longer meets the requirements")

No. 2084252

Who the hell is the @Lani.cookiemonster person who is always the pinned comment under every single post Becky makes?! The comment is always in all caps and some nonsense that sounds like a made up song regarding whatever Becky posted? It is starting to slowly drive me insane.

No. 2084256

File: 1738374777543.png (362.15 KB, 1080x2214, 1000069328.png)

I cannot.

No. 2084258

File: 1738374819875.png (366.61 KB, 1080x2204, 1000069329.png)

No. 2084273

she's professionally diagnosed with bpd and she definitely has it. also whatever typical substance abuse/depression/anxiety comes along with that. i don't know about the eating disorder because i didn't know her in high school.

she's 'functional' in that she can take care of herself and do normal activities. she is just insanely emotionally unstable and can't maintain relationships, so typical bpd stuff. i don't think there are group homes for raging personality disorders, kek. like i said, she was diagnosed with bpd, so that wasn't missed. it's easy to find autism specific clinics that basically only do diagnosis and if you google the symptoms it's not hard to fake the tests or whatever. i'm sure she is actually 'diagnosed' autistic at this point.

No. 2084310

What do you think her parents think about her pregnancy? Do you think the baby will end up with her mother? I am genuinely concerned for the poor thing. Newborns can bring out the worst in you due to sleep deprivation and put massive strain on your relationship with your partner.. and since they're both unstable do you think any family will step in?

No. 2084344

I don't think she has been living with her parents in a while, even before marriage. She's previously alluded that she dealt with abuse growing up but has now posted stuff about how her parents made her a feminist so not sure what is true kek. She doesn't seem to have much of a relationship with her dad. Her mom absolutely enables her though

No. 2084345

I agree it's really weird but she's some 15 year old autistic kid from Germany lol

No. 2084369

"why doesn't she live with her parents" the real question is why does all the videos she post look exactly like different rooms in her parents house. hmmm

No. 2084399

Do they really?! So you know her parents' house then? So maybe they live with them. She did comment something on the mirror post like 'my mom will agree that I keep doing this constantly' and I thought how does her mom know, she never posts that she's gone to see her or wtv.

No. 2084400

Someone make it stop!

No. 2084402

File: 1738424917479.png (136.04 KB, 1080x1110, 1000069338.png)

Her mom can attest that she's constantly doing this?
(And there is the weird commenter too).

No. 2084403

I'd be scared I had a stalker (and fucked off because it's so annoying) if someone did that every time I posted anything.

No. 2084412

File: 1738425508752.jpg (222.67 KB, 1080x1805, 1000015460.jpg)

Apparently her and Ian live in their own 1 bedroom apartment but I think she is still very close to her mom. They don't even have room for a nursery lol I imagine she just hangs out with her mom

No. 2084416

I know she said they live in a 1 bed but who knows? She also said Ian is building them a house from scratch on a parcel of land they bought. Bitch are you poor or not?

No. 2084418

Tbh I wouldn't be surprised if it was like a basement apartment in her mother's place kek.. kinda common for that part of Canada to have a basement apartment in most homes

No. 2084421

That could totally make sense. And honestly no shame if that's true because how many people can actually afford their own home these days, in this economy?

No. 2084456

nothing a baby likes better than a lot of photos of old dudes in robes, A+ decor choice

No. 2084517

Oh sorry I didn't know she was diagnosed. That makes a lot of sense though, much more than autism kek

No. 2084548

That's not even the worst part. They are specifically old dudes who knowingly cover up child abuse by relocating predators so they can continue to molest children… I feel sorry for that kid couldn't she have decorated for them, and not to further her quirky Catholic points on the internet.

No. 2084837

File: 1738524540588.mp4 (1.14 MB, 720x1280, 1000015486.mp4)

her $200 sensory swing came today and they put it inside the papal nursery kek

No. 2084856

wow, marketing anything for "mental illness" or "health health" is so lucrative you can get a dumbass to blow $200 for a swing?

No. 2084904

File: 1738538127153.mp4 (1.37 MB, 720x1280, 1000015496.mp4)

yes, the type of idiot to make like 4 separate posts about the swing itself, including this reel of her sperg cackling like an idiot over making a joke about it being a sex swing.

I sincerely hope she is faking the pregnancy or something because these two should literally not be trusted alone with a child.

No. 2084931

>She made a sex joke so she can’t be trusted to be alone with children
Quick question, how do you think babies are made?

No. 2084951

Ian made the joke but come on; the joke is right there for anyone to voice as soon as they see a swing thing like that. It just writes itself. I don't think that makes either of them perverts. His laugh is disturbing though because it genuinely sounds like a woman.

No. 2084953

Actually surprised she didn't just make one, or get Ian to. It would be pretty easy with the right fabric and some climbing carabineers. Or just get a hammock and some kind of frame and McGiver something.

No. 2084993

File: 1738555613778.jpg (292.89 KB, 1073x1907, 1000008028.jpg)

I can't make out any lines on her pregnancy test and she capped it to make it appear that it's been used. I do think she's pregnant it's just weird that she posted this to begin with.

No. 2085040

Retarded nitpick

No. 2085049

nta but it's not a retarded nitpick when she's faking autism. Spending $200 on something for a condition you don't have is retarded

No. 2085099

not to mention they're supposedly broke and she should be saving for their future child instead of blowing money on a tism swing. no idea why nonas took my comment as a puritan thing when really i just meant this is incredibly immature behavior and they are not prepared to raise a child kek

No. 2085129

Did anyone see her Live just now, praying in the swing? I've never heard her speak much but wow her voice is odd. I know she's far East coast but it's not that. It's the 'De' and 'Dare' instead of 'the' and 'there.'
Sorry to nitpick but it's weird.

No. 2085132

>Prayed from de swing. So Let's do dat. It's de way de Lord wills.

No. 2085139

its a fake voice. the average maritimer does not sound like that. it's sooo grating though. it makes her sound like a retarded infant kek

No. 2085204

File: 1738612670107.jpg (108.91 KB, 1080x1232, Screenshot_20250203_205618_Ins…)

Her merch is so fucking ugly

No. 2085206

File: 1738612693978.jpg (160.47 KB, 1080x1153, Screenshot_20250203_205627_Ins…)

No. 2085208

File: 1738612755787.jpg (519.91 KB, 1080x1851, Screenshot_20250203_205555_Ins…)

Also yet another meltdown

No. 2085209

File: 1738612835506.jpg (473.78 KB, 1080x1835, Screenshot_20250203_205600_Ins…)

No. 2085210

File: 1738613017227.jpg (235.69 KB, 1080x1310, Screenshot_20250203_200049.jpg)

I find this weird. The most basic quote ever and she has the audacity to put her name on it? and only Becky and not her last name? kek

No. 2085234

22 year old with years of prep work to have a child. I assume she has a lot of money saved up, already bought baby items and has child care experience like any adult would. Kek, her shabby apartment and dressing like a cringe 12 year old while infantizing herself says otherwise.

No. 2085238

I can't get over the suicidal semi colon paired with the autistic puzzle piece

Reads like she was suicidal but decided to keep going to larp being an autist instead. How brave!

No. 2085240

The lady doth protest too much methinks.
Who knew acting like an incompetent sped on the internet for attention would rope in a critical crowd, what an idiot.
I feel bad for the baby.

No. 2085338

File: 1738643495852.jpg (345.25 KB, 1079x1764, 1000008112.jpg)

She is such a cow. She says she is keeping her baby off social media but I don't think she can help herself. This post was just annoyingly stupid.

No. 2085340

She is an incompetent sped tho who wants nothing but ass pats. People are rightfully concerned. Speaking from experience she has zero clue what she has signed herself up for. You really can't know until you do it yourself and there is no way this idiot retard will be able to handle it.

No. 2085353

Poor child but I can't wait for the saga. Parenting might be the most difficult thing a person can do and thats for who's mentally healthy. Is she going to wear silencing headphones when the baby screams at night then? Will she have a meltdown because when it starts crawling it will go attempt touching every electrical socket. Will she say no when it needs to be hugged and rocked for hours? Will it grow up to be a toddler and point and ask "what's that" 20 times in a row without her sperging out? And in her attention-hungry state especially: what will she do when she realizes that most family members will now only care about the baby's well being, and random strangers will walk up and ask about the baby, just touch it and even give unsolicited advice? This sped is NOT prepared kek

No. 2085361

She's lucky people are concerned because of autism. She's BPD and will likely use that child as an emotional punching bag to self-regulate. She can't do that to her husband because she depends on him, but a child is perfect for that purpose. There's something so creepy about her intense delectation re:pregnancy, once her child is out she'll probably want to treat him/her as if it's still a part of her, a doll. Thank god she's into trad catholicism because liberal mothers of her kind often troonout their children (IIRC two thirds of trans kids' moms are diagnosed with BPD). It's grim.

No. 2085371

It was made by autism speaks who aut Sts dont like because they said they wanted to cure autism foe all kinds of reasons

No. 2085379

The thing is though, she will do none of that irl because she's not autistic. She'll set up the camera and pretend to be having a mental breakdown over the baby crying but that's just because she's a munchie.

No. 2085405

Kek the blurring of the ultra sound, no reason to post it but gotta prove she's pregnant and get that sweet validation.

No. 2085421

mostly the male autist community who think that being manchildren makes them savants. the puzzle piece is to represent the missing piece to the cure but of course autists take it literally.

No. 2085442

Autism Speaks are also cows and they support all kinds of bullshit treatments that have no scientific basis
every side of autism debates is full of complete flailing idiots

No. 2085462

File: 1738692187875.jpg (700.17 KB, 1080x2340, 1000015529.jpg)

Not the hospital band left on from the night before kek

No. 2085537

definitely the posts of a mentally stable competent adult kek. she's gonna lose her shit when she's faced with the harsh reality of a baby that cries/shits/pukes 24/7, not to mention the sleep deprivation and the financial cost. I don't imagine her ugly retard husband will help her at all

No. 2085625

He is the one who is actually autistic. I wouldn't trust an autist moid around a baby. What if he loses his shit and chimps out from the baby crying? These two are the biggest retards for making a baby together.

No. 2085699

good point nona, i imagine bippies like Becky might be more prone to munching out their kids though unfortunately. would not be surprised if that is the route this takes. she's already munchie enough so would not be shocked if she does it to the child

No. 2085875

File: 1738800078245.jpg (183.72 KB, 1080x1596, 1000008142.jpg)

What the fuck is Halsey doing in her comment section? Lmfao I guess it's fitting since Halsey is a munchie too. I wonder what she is messaging her about.

No. 2085892

And Becky was like 'who tf are you?' KEK. Not exactly like that but yea.

No. 2086008

That dog is so ugly

No. 2086080

Aww Nonnie he's just a dog! And he has to put up with a lot!

No. 2086209

File: 1738882167245.jpg (381.07 KB, 1080x2125, Screenshot_20250207_114553_Ins…)

NTA but, a lot of food?

No. 2086222

I was about to screenshot her shatter cooking when my app got restarted! Her captions said that she was saved from addiction after rehab and finding Jesus. She ranted about how we should not judge her for being a Christian who smokes because it's her stim for 'tism. I was shocked to see the reels because she looked like a 12 year old with a black eye.(sage your shit)

No. 2086242

maybe charity? I know she sends a lot of packages to sick influencers but it’s usually kids with terminal cancer and shit, I would feel really bad if this munchie received a bunch of shit from her rather than someone who is severely ill

No. 2086243

am i the only one who genuinely believes she is not pregnant at all, she’s a munchie that lies about everything and either the other people she interacts with are duped too or they’re placating her because she’s mentally handicapped, nothing she’s saying makes any sense and she probably wouldn’t even know she was pregnant before 6 weeks that’s basically just have like one kind of late period, the fake posing with a nonexistent bump is sus too, she’s probably just planning to announce a miscarriage for extra pity points before it becomes too obvious she was never pregnant

No. 2086257

It's hard to fake an ultrasound, i feel it's legit but i want your theory to be real nona

No. 2086259

Has anyone reverse image searched this >>2085338 ? I would if i wasn’t scrolling at work kek but its literally a generic ass ultrasound pic with the supposed fetus covered up for ‘privacy’ even though it’s a misshapen bean at this stage which honestly feels like an elaborate parody / self troll to me, even if it isn’t taken from somewhere else she could have had an ultrasound at any point for something unrelated to being pregnant, wasn’t she just claiming to have stage 4 endo? Which would make it almost impossible to get pregnant anyways the ultrasound could be from something related to that.

No. 2086265

I had this tinfoil from the start too. Especially with the bump at 5 weeks. In those pictures in the black dress it kind of looks like she could possibly, possibly be wearing a fake bump. I thought I could see lines where it would strap around her waist under the dress. But maybe it was just creasing fabric on the dress and her underwear in a screen cap…..Time went on and I kind of accepted the pregnancy as real I guess. But it's still in the back of my mind that it could be all fake. You can get an ultrasound picture off of Google, someone else's social media, your own friend or family member…..

No. 2086306

I believed it until she posted something that made me raise my eyebrow which she has now deleted. She's claiming she's throwing up so badly that she was convulsing on the floor.. which is bullshit, but she posted a stupid video of herself making bacon. Speaking from experience the smell of raw meats are vomit inducing. Especially in the first trimester but she was just flipping it no big deal while dancing like a sperg. No fucking way is a pregnant woman who's suffering that badly is handling bacon and dancing.

No. 2086326

I have reversed image searched the scan and got nothing. I believe she is truly pregnant and not lying i'm afraid. However, i 100% think that she is lying about having endo. For one, there's no way she got pregnant easily. Also, having stage 4 endo would entail that she should be having some serious UT problems and i am sure she would have been screaming to the heavens about needing procedures to manage her endo. There's zero signs of her experiencing physical discomfort on a daily basis or any mention of how she would manage it.

No. 2086353

Keep in mind that this appears to be a very zoomed-in image with part of it obfuscated (the emoji). Google's reverse image search doesn't work very well with partial or covered images. I'm more in the camp of she's faking this, but I guess only time will tell

No. 2086401

no one on the reddit ever brings this up and i don't have caps but last year i vividly remember a hospital saga wherein she was screeching that nobody believed she was in pain, & finally that culminated in becky claiming that Jesus Christ himself came to her and shrank her endo to 'the size of a pea.' she was gonna get her local priest to help her write a book and have her miracle validated by the pope and everything, she claimed. she deleted every post mentioning it afterwards. ive had this event in the back of my mind ever since and especially lately.

No. 2086434

She might have minimal endometriosis that she's exaggerating for attention.
If she's not pregnant now she's going to keep trying to make a baby with her sperg husband, Catholics are supposed to be 'open to life' after all.

No. 2086499


Oh I remember her claiming that she was going to get her miraculous healing validated by the Vatican. It was right after she left the detox centre because she “needed” to take opiate medication and the detox centre wouldn’t let her. Soon after she got home she went to the emergency room for her endometriosis pain, looking for more pills. She posted about getting a transvaginal ultrasound that didn’t show any endometriosis. First she was pissed saying she disagrees with the doctor and she knows her body better, and then flipped the script and said it was a miraculous healing. This is probably right around the time she conceived.

She also claimed that Jesus healed her Borderline Personality Disorder.

She’s presenting a narrative that she is Saint-like and refers to her Instagram page as a “ministry”.

Before she deactivated her old account because of a “stalker” (imo realizing she just broadcast to the world that she is an opiate addict) she posted a prayer to Saint Dymphna, the patron saint of the survivors of incest and the sufferers of mental illness. Not sure if she was vague-posting that she is a survivor of incest as there are other saints of mental illness she could have posted instead.

No. 2086780

File: 1739042419136.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.15 MB, 1170x2260, 03F451C3-C296-4420-9D76-F1019D…)

She’s a housewife but can only cook slop and eats it out of a kiddy tray? This looks disgusting, surely the whole point of being a trad wife is to get cook at household skills like cooking

No. 2086807

worse yet im pretty sure this is a microwave dinner eaten out of the package tray it comes in. literally just shove it in the microwave - no cooking involved

No. 2086824

File: 1739050544772.jpg (711.5 KB, 1079x1657, 1000004718.jpg)

"anxiety meds" ???
also the carrying around of puke bags gives me munchie vibes

No. 2086834

She kinda looks like gimpgirl, but of course better since she's younger and has hair.

No. 2086840

maybe they do make custom munchie puke bags but that literally looks like the rolled baggies you put dog shit in kek

No. 2086843

File: 1739053248722.jpg (286.12 KB, 1080x1779, 1000015577.jpg)

Good catch lel I'm pretty sure they're literally these aliexpress dog poo bags just in pink. Nasty

No. 2086884

I am pretty sure they're dog shit bags but those things are not always super easy to open quickly; they stick together. Not the best things for a sudden puke emergency. People in the comments were telling her to get emesis bags: the ones with a circular/ring top and someone I know did carry those in her bag during pregnancy because she really was puking so much. Grim.
Also I was wondering what she's doing about her psych meds if she's throwing up that much.

No. 2086911

File: 1739063899303.jpg (284.47 KB, 1500x1500, 1000008673.jpg)

It's a hungry man Nonna kek

No. 2086967

ayrt and those things are so thin, they’re fine for a single animal shit but I can imagine they’re so prone to leakage with liquid in them that is just disgusting, I’m hoping it’s just another larp/a prop for the video

No. 2087150

File: 1739138654185.jpg (133.25 KB, 1080x806, 1000015583.jpg)

hey nonnas can we not namedrop the farms in her subreddit? she totally lurks there and it's just a matter of time before she discovers here as it is, let alone before some whiteknight redditor tips her off or whatever. be careful

No. 2087233

yea i saw this and was thinking to post here. She lurks in the snark all the time if she finds this she'll tip so fast(sage your shit)

No. 2087251

Something about this shade of pink seems to attract lolcows who always look a bit unwashed, and it makes the pink look forever dirty to me.

No. 2087261

File: 1739162339747.jpeg (631.36 KB, 828x1603, IMG_3739.jpeg)

tinfoiling that she reads these threads and posted this to look more normal

No. 2087266

File: 1739163275738.jpg (270.81 KB, 1080x1920, 1000008187.jpg)

She makes this performative video about finding a user in her comment section promoting child porn. She can make this cringe video but is so sick that she can't lay in her bed and report them to the FBI on her phone. I seriously can't stand her anymore.

No. 2087268

File: 1739163324379.jpg (266.81 KB, 1080x1776, 1000008186.jpg)


No. 2087269

Why the fuck would anyone name drop us.. she DFE all of the time and deactivates. It's like an indirect cowtip. Only a matter of time until she has a meltdown now.(sage your shit)

No. 2087319

ayrt. Hopefully that nonna comes here because there is no way becky won't see it imho it is basically cowtipping

plus it will lead a bunch of sensitive redditors to the thread as a mod already posted in reply that she'd have to check it out

No. 2087332

File: 1739184075527.jpg (199.89 KB, 1080x1566, 1000015596.jpg)

So nauseous she apparently passed out and had a seizure or whatever but can swing around like a monkey all day.

Also posting bare feet .. so gross

No. 2087343

Does anyone know how to best archive subscriber only content on Instagram? Sorry if I'm being retarded. I decided I'd give her a buck a month for the potential milk. It doesn't give you an option to share the video which I've done before to download so I'm assuming I'd need a screen recording app. Any nonnas who know better pls let me know. Not new to cows but new to trying to archive content, as this cow really needs archiving as she's so prone to deleting.

So far she has only posted 2 videos, one asking what to post for her subs and another one of her singing to her dog. She hasn't posted a subscriber only video in 3 days since she launched it, which isn't a massive deal I guess as it's like $1/month, but she posts like 5 times a day so you think she'd maybe make a sub only post once a day. The sub only chat is also really boring. Saging because milkless, but thought I'd post.

No. 2087344

File: 1739190393895.jpg (125.91 KB, 1080x2039, 1000015598.jpg)

Sorry im retared and dropped image.

No. 2087362

You can screen record the videos

No. 2087371

Are the barefeet gross because feet gross you out? Or because of perverts online?
The imagery of her inside of this pink thing wearing a different color of pink thing makes this look like a vagina and her head is the clitoris.

No. 2087380

They're gross because she can't even keep her hair clean so I can only imagine how nasty her feet are.

It really does look like a vagina though kek

No. 2087382

File: 1739204502285.jpg (210.39 KB, 1080x2340, 1000015609.jpg)

She's back in the hospital, admits to being a frequent flyer and mentions having a past ED (which I don't think she has done publicly in quite a while?)


No. 2087383

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No. 2087384

File: 1739204629294.jpg (220.62 KB, 1080x2340, 1000015614.jpg)

3/3 - she's now just posting about the various foods she puked which I won't post because that's nasty kek

No. 2087432

wait so this nutcase is actually prescribed meds for her menthol 'elf? While pregnant? That's so disgusting, but everything for the munchie larp I guess

No. 2087445

Munching while pregnant is just fucking evil

No. 2087449

Having a severely disabled child would certainly bring this ghoul more attention. Although maybe the attention being siphoned from her to the baby would deeply wound her, after all. Honestly gross every way you look at it.

No. 2087451

a lot of psychiatric medications are perfectly safe to use during pregnancy, though

No. 2087460

File: 1739221526214.jpg (382.46 KB, 1080x2340, 1000015621.jpg)

She has deactivated again.

Hopefully it's not due to the nonna who mentioned the farms on her subreddit

No. 2087480

soulless bpd eyes

No. 2087482

I mean you could just use another device and make a video of it playing on the first device. Bit ugly but does the job.

No. 2087485

Come on; it's not disgusting to take psych meds. She's mentioned them before and she's apparently seeing a psychiatrist so she's under care. Have you any idea how many women take meds and are mothers? I'm not trying to wk Becky in general but taking meds is not being a cow. Would you rather she just stopped them all? She's obviously unstable.

No. 2087518

unless you REALLY need them (very sad/crazy) they want you to stop most meds for anxiety as they are harmful. You can usually only continue if they think you will hurt yourself or the baby

No. 2087519

So then clearly a doctor wants her to be on them? Or would you rather her “hurt herself or the baby”

No. 2087601

she has never disclosed what she's taking them for. I doubt it's for just anxiety. She's seriously mentally ill, I wouldn't be surprised if they were antipsychotics

No. 2087604

Why are you WKing? It’s clearly a risk to the baby but they think she is more likely to hurt herself or the baby so rather she takes the pills. Agree with the other anon that it isn’t just anti anxiety meds. Poor kid will be fucked up either by the meds or by her parenting.

No. 2087663

sorry for blog and i’ll take my ban kek, but i took zoloft and my dr advised me to stop them before getting pregnant because the small risk of fetal heart malformations was simply not worth it. so yeah, she’s definitely highrisk if they’re fine with her taking psych meds throughout pregnancy. even pretty standard/first line of treatment psych meds have been shown to increase risks of certain birth defects in babies. im pretty sure some antipsychotics are considered teratogens (thalidomide, BPA, mercury, lead, alcohol and tobacco are also considered teratogens)

she is literally insane, im shocked that nobody close to her is telling her how irresponsible this is.

No. 2087682


Antipsychotic use during pregnancy and risk of specific neurodevelopmental disorders and learning difficulties in children: a multinational cohort study
Bruno, Claudia et al.
eClinicalMedicine, Volume 70, 102531

I can't find anything to say antipsychotics are dangerous in pregnancy. This study and others all found no increase in birth defects or neurodevelopmental conditions in children whose mothers took antipsychotics. They're certainly not teratogens

No. 2087683

No. 2087694

File: 1739285445725.jpg (233.24 KB, 1080x2340, 1000015645.jpg)

To add to the tinfoiling about what meds she's on, I forgot to post this yesterday from the subscriber chat. She confirmed it's not an SSRI but a ton of drugs interact with Zofran

No. 2087697

She's probably on antipsychotics and maybe benzos for anxiety.

No. 2087705

ayrt - that's my thought as well. they're also more stigmatized than ssris so she isn't going to come out and say she's on antipsychotics especially because it's a common bpd treatment

No. 2087708

She definitely deactivated because of the retard who name dropped us on reddit. She has people paying her to post so she better pop back up soon. I'd be pissed if I subscribed to her.(sage your shit)

No. 2087715

Even the mod and another girl who replied to that moron deleted their posts mentioning us (one girl asked what the farms was and the mod said she'd check us out) but the OP still has the post up…

Plus Becky deactivated while at the hospital waiting for some testing so what better time than to check out your snark reddit? Kinda tinfoily of me but it's just way too much of a coincidence

No. 2087717

I'm confused. I can still see her page as normal. Not deactivated for me.

No. 2087718

She actually juuuust came back and is posting in her sub chat. She deleted about 24h ago though.

No. 2087719

It never disappeared that I saw.Just no new posts since 2 days ago, compared to her usual 7-8 posts a day these days.

No. 2087721

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No. 2087722

File: 1739288969620.jpg (270.54 KB, 1080x2340, 1000015655.jpg)

this single comment made her deactivate kek

No. 2087725

File: 1739290070620.jpg (194.76 KB, 1080x2340, 1000015662.jpg)

No more tinfoiling needed about her medications

No. 2087728

So an antipsychotic and an SSRI which she just claimed she wasn't taking yesterday kek

No. 2087747

Wow, seroquel can cause GD and withdrawal in baby. She’s so irresponsible to get pregnant.

No. 2087768

Some people should just not reproduce

No. 2087771

>she was gonna get her local priest to help her write a book and have her miracle validated by the pope and everything, she claimed
>Not sure if she was vague-posting that she is a survivor of incest
This is plausible, it would track with her BPD diagnosis and the fact that her father is absent from her socmed and her mother's socmed, IIRC
What a retard

No. 2087804

File: 1739304623188.png (216.01 KB, 1080x1603, 1000072056.png)

Ana queen.

No. 2087807

I do feel bad for her though if she has HG. I've known people who've had it and it's awful. It seems like she is actually pregnant because this would be a lot to fake…..But never say never! She does still seem quite positive and engaging in her posting. The person I'm most close to who had HG basically disappeared from even her family, not talking to anyone except Drs etc she was trying to get help from, not even looking at her phone for family messages or anything. Just head down survival. It sounds shit.

No. 2087815

"15lbs lighter than when i had an ED" …at like, 15 and 5'4 or so. come on

No. 2087821

>>If i lost 25 lbs i’d be 15 lbs lighter than my lowest ED weight
So she’s only 10 lbs more than her lowest weight? Her husband should’ve waited for her to be further in recovery before getting her pregnant, that’s irresponsible and sad.

No. 2087828

File: 1739309529441.png (220.22 KB, 1034x782, bmi.png)

>rattle rattle

No. 2087835

She wasn't 80lb when she had her ed. She said 80lb would be 15lb LESS than her LW. So her LW was 95lb.

No. 2087839

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No. 2087840

File: 1739310648847.png (133.83 KB, 1080x1144, 1000072067.png)

Uurrgghh people.

No. 2087841

Assuming she isnt being a BPDemon and lying, then she was bmi 15 and thats pretty low. So that person is still bone rattling. But im sure she is lying. She seems like the type who would have 100s of photos from that time and constantly reminding people that she almost died of a super serious ED. So i doubt that she was ever 95lbs at 5 foot 4 inches.

No. 2087844

I don’t think she was trying to imply she experienced incest. St. Dymphna is known mostly for being a 'mental health saint' and BPD converts love her.

No. 2087845

File: 1739311435796.png (446.27 KB, 1080x1742, 1000072065.png)

No. 2087847

I don't know where her height info came from so that could be completely wrong. Also when did she have her ed? Doesn't really matter though. 15 or 16 is a BMI that would give an AN DX.
But all this came from a random woman saying she lost 25lb and Becky grabbed into that number. It ended up telling us her CW and LW but other than that it means nothing. Doesn't mean she's going to lose 25lb just because that woman did. Maybe the other woman was bigger than Becky to start with. Probably since Becky is quite petite anyway.

No. 2087856

this meme is kind of funny honestly

No. 2088380

File: 1739451692777.jpg (52.63 KB, 1080x479, 1000015689.jpg)

Why tell this to 100 strangers?

No. 2088384

The fuck? Zofran comes as a sublingual? Google is making me feel like a pervert freak for looking this up because I’m getting zero - what nausea med can even be used vaginally?

No. 2088388

The only meds I’ve ever known to be taken vaginally are abortion pills kek

No. 2088389

I was thinking the same thing. Google doesn't show any for me either. I did find one nausea med that was an anal suppository but it explicitly also said not to use vaginally. I've no idea what she is on about

No. 2088395

kek if you feel violated for taking medicine vaginally by yourself, you are not ready to birth a child

No. 2088396

Not even IV or anally? This sounds fake but why would someone make this shit up? She’s just basking in this munchie shit she created

No. 2088399

File: 1739458129164.jpg (262.66 KB, 1080x2340, 1000015702.jpg)

This is totally how medmal works right kek (1/2)

No. 2088400

File: 1739458181219.jpg (207.89 KB, 1080x2340, 1000015703.jpg)

(2/2) also more number dropping regarding her weight loss

No. 2088408

She's in for a big surprise once so goes into labour, kek

No. 2088415

Wy is se using aave

No. 2088420

> why would someone make this shit up?
I honestly can’t think of any other reason besides a fetish

No. 2088425

I’ve been on ALL of the nausea meds for pregnancy and none of them could be taken vaginally. I think she’s making stuff up, what medicine goes in your vagina that wouldn’t be an anal suppository? She’s so stupid she probably doesn’t realise her vagina isn’t connected to her stomach(learn2reply)

No. 2088460

Reply to what? This is a general conversation lmao

No. 2088463

Where did that nonna say reply? What?

No. 2088483

they’re referring to the redtext.

No. 2088488

Hormone treatment for PMDD you get progesterone pessaries for your vagina or your ass. seems weird to put them in your ass though imo. And seems weird to put nausea meds in your vag but who knows.

No. 2088700

does anyone have videos of her dabbing does she really hotknife on the stove? thats the most ghetto way to dab and most normal people own a rig or nectar collector to smoke out of.

No. 2088807

as a pharmanon i agree. it's obviously very common for people to not be able to keep anti-emetics down so there are other options for administration- most commonly you would take tablets that dissolve sublingually/buccally so you don't have to actually swallow them and they have rapid systemic effect. i'm euro so maybe it's different in the USA but i can't think of a single antiemetic that can be used vaginally. if her doctor is really prescribing things like that that's rather strange.

No. 2088825

File: 1739545503132.jpg (155.33 KB, 1080x1647, 1000015738.jpg)

In what universe is this the bump of a 100 lb, 8 weeks pregnant woman claiming to lose 6lbs a week?

No. 2088833

Tbh her arms look thicker like she’s gaining. Which she should be, but if she reads this as an anachan she’ll probably starve herself to miscarriage.

No. 2088835

I hope she is gaining as anyone should be while pregnant but she has made some very Ana claims due to her nausea lol

No. 2088836

File: 1739547181659.jpg (143.26 KB, 1080x1309, 1000015742.jpg)

Autistic meltdown medication on top of the other two meds she said she was on I guess? Does anyone know what they prescribe for that?

No. 2088840

idk if they give this for autism, but lamotrogine is a mood stabilizer that is safe during pregnancy

No. 2088846

what the fuck is going on with all these BPDemons relabeling their rage attacks as "autistic meltdowns" ???

No. 2088905

I love how she always omits to say it's for BPD meltdowns (probably a mood stabilizer)

No. 2088929

Abilify is sometimes prescribed for tism rage, might be that?

No. 2088944

Shes either going to balloon out of control and be obese, or starve herself and harm her baby and it will end up retarded or compromised. BPD anachan retards should be barred from breeding.

No. 2089121

How is this bitch going to clean after a baby if she can't even wash her hair? That poor baby is going to always be sitting in a soiled diaper. Unwashed, covered in spit up and feces. It makes me shudder.(learn2sage)

No. 2089219

File: 1739630349175.jpeg (372.8 KB, 750x1122, IMG_5388.jpeg)

She’s just bloated.

No. 2089225

So her Mustard Seed is really just Mustard Gas?

No. 2089240

She shouldn't be pregnant. I don't think she'll be a responsible parent.

No. 2089242

an obesity saga would be highly amusing. I hope it happens

No. 2090052

File: 1739820634924.jpeg (294.59 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_2380.jpeg)

is becky softlaunching a pregnancy complications/miscarriage arc? i think we are seeing her transition more into munchie content, possibly by proxy with the kid eventually.

No. 2090058

KEK nona laughed way too hard at this

No. 2090100

File: 1739828868847.jpg (316.32 KB, 1080x1640, Screenshot_20250217-213736_Ins…)

This is nasty as fuck, how do you leave the puke bucket long enough for your dog to try eating it?

No. 2090119

this is awful

No. 2090169

can she really not help but to overshare about every little detail in her life? this is just foul and something i would never admit to a public audience. i feel bad for children that are born to women who reach for attention this hard. if she is really pregnant and has a baby, that poor child's every stage of development is going to be documented and posted for hundreds of thousands of people to see. its really bleak and it disgusts me.

No. 2090174

I agree nonna but also I feel so bad for the child as if she can't keep a puke bucket out of her dogs reach, she sure isn't going to keep her child safe once they become of age. I know dogs can be sneaky but holy shit keep your vomit bowl higher up than the floor to ensure your mini poodle doesn't get into it

No. 2090176

File: 1739843036477.jpg (235.98 KB, 1080x2340, 1000015802.jpg)

I know we had some anons in here who said they knew her as a teen or in uni. She's recently revealed she was a 4chan user and I'm really curious if anyone might known any social media username she used outside of the b3ckymccann or whatever Twitter account. Like a discord or something as /soc/ is archived quite nicely.

No. 2090184

i didn't know she used 4chan but i can confirm she used to be a neo nazi/at least engaged to a neo nazi and talked about hating jews all the time so yeah this tracks.

No. 2090292

i also really highly doubt she’s just dropped those behaviours and beliefs, especially after seeing some of the screenshots from her twitter posted ITT and on reddit
she’s a catholic (albeit a bad one), she got married and pregnant super early, her opinions on gay people are literally “it’s not for me personally!!!”, as someone who was once unfortunately in alt-right spaces also, i said that shit too. in my opinion/my tinfoil, she likely still consumes that content and has those beliefs, maybe even engages with it through alt accounts. twitter is absolutely rife with “tradcath” housewives who are legitimate neonazis and married to them

No. 2090419

You can think this is a disgusting thing to share but come on, this is a retarded nitpick. I'm sure her priority was keeping the sick bucket in an accessable place where she could grab it at a moment's notice. Pregnancy sickness is no joke and she seems to be more ill than average. The dog also isn't going to die from eating a bit of puke. Panda should definitely go to the doctor to get some anti sickness meds if she's feeling this bad.

No. 2090894

File: 1740011182530.jpeg (135.39 KB, 640x1083, IMG_2517.jpeg)

becky is claiming that she almost died from alcoholism previously as well
adding this to the list too kek

No. 2090896

File: 1740011252274.jpeg (148.33 KB, 720x1560, IMG_2518.jpeg)

she’s also already preparing the first baby related merch drop

No. 2090899

File: 1740011405977.jpeg (126.44 KB, 720x1147, IMG_2519.jpeg)

(the subscriber chat screenshots are all from the reddit) and she’s saying she never reported her stalker to the police because she can’t help but contradict her own lies. i distinctly remember she said she reported the very real stalker, and her mom posted (or her on her mom’s account?) saying they were at the fredericton police station about the stalker situation.

No. 2090925

honestly better if she didn't report it because fredericton police are the most incompetent people on this entire fucking planet. she could have said they held her at gunpoint in a basement and they wouldn't care

No. 2090928

Why would anyone buy generic tshirt merch especially ones related to her own baby kek. Tradthots shill alternative products. Buying homeschool looking clothes and crosses at goodwill and reselling would work better than 30$ t-shirts about mustard seeds

No. 2090978

Her name's Becky, anon.

No. 2091133

i doubt that. they actually went ahead and found her when someone called in with just her name and username and supposedly set her up with mental health support

No. 2092020

someone cowtips. she can not come up with an idea that is not self-centered, that's how bpd she is. your products are a good idea and i don't want this bitch to steal it.(sage your shit)

No. 2092090

The pope is dying in hospital yet she says nothing, doesn’t even offer a prayer for him. I guess her “hyper fixation with the pope” is just another lie she says online for attention

No. 2092350

I think she’s previously implied that she doesn’t like Pope Francis because he’s too liberal or something.

No. 2092417

The pope never dies: he just gets reincarnated doesn't he? kek. Or is that just the Dalai lama?

No. 2092424

File: 1740344903786.png (912.92 KB, 1080x1825, 1000074752.png)

No. 2092426

Of course it’s just a hyper fixiation. She even made a reel about how crappy and wild her young life was so now she’s living like a grandma aka Christian mommy at home larp. She just tries to make amends with her shitty past and cope with it through Catholicism. Can’t wait for her to slip up or denounce her religion again.

No. 2092601

Dressing up her dog to honor the pope who’s dying in hospital. Very thoughtful and respectful, kek.
In general it seems like the Catholic LARP is taking the back seat to munching and endless health crises.

No. 2093052

So her HG has totally gone away? I had severe HG from week 5 to 16 of my pregnancy and could barely get out of bed let alone go shopping, do chores or cook. And I had tried ALL the meds.(no1currs)

No. 2093082

As a k-12 catholic school student this seems a bit blasphemous. The pope is God’s representative on earth, dressing a dog up like the pope and bringing him into God’s house is crazy honestly, I don’t think a lot of older Catholics in my church would have been cool with that. As long as Becky gets attention though, I guess it’s cool?(no1currs)

No. 2093232


Is Becky reporting these?

No. 2093688

Learn2integrate and stop blogposting

No. 2093692

It wasn’t me posting that, mods just on a ban trip

No. 2093948

they are so pissy these days that i'm wondering if one is a snowflake of some kind (redtext incoming)

No. 2094021

File: 1740761945362.mp4 (515.45 KB, 720x1280, 1000005106.mp4)

purposely making herself look like a complete sperg

No. 2094050

Or you can just take the food into your house like a human

No. 2094316

Of course fastfood is possible but nothing healthy like oatmeal?

No. 2094375

File: 1740833111832.mp4 (896.72 KB, 720x1280, 1000016004.mp4)

She literally never eats anything healthy lol

No. 2094465

File: 1740861351348.jpg (733.81 KB, 1080x1592, Screenshot_20250301_203250.jpg)

She randomly posted a pic of her arm in a sling with no context, saying it's acting up when she hurt it last year? I stg it's one thing after another with this girl

No. 2094642

Also in the sleeping gown to look more like sick-in-bed? I’m convinced she got pregnant for the munchie larp or attention. Has she once talked about being a mother and raising a child?

No. 2095110

File: 1741029587855.mp4 (1.5 MB, 720x1280, 1000005166.mp4)

the random touching of the non existant bump at the end kek

No. 2095114

File: 1741029864178.mp4 (2.48 MB, 720x1280, 1000005167.mp4)

the arms seems to have magically healed.

No. 2095200

Her mother also commented on this post about the jigsaw, saying they just finished a much bigger one; adds more fuel to the idea that she does live her parents.

No. 2095403

Why is she in a skirt at the gym? Also what’s with the knives??

No. 2095423

wearing a skirt to the gym is a weird performative “modesty” thing that fundies and tradCaths do

No. 2095801

She says she's more comfortable in skirts and her autism doesn't like the feeling on pants between her legs. You're think leggings plus a long skirt would be doubly annoying and I don't know how she manages to run on a treadmill in that long skirt. Track pants might be easier, surely. I'm trying to remember what she wore in the pics she posted of her as a child but I'm pretty sure it wasn't always dresses then, kind of defeats the idea that it's a sensory thing.
The knife things are part of the martial art she used to do (Where she was wearing the traditional top and pants without any issue apparently) but I was really surprised to see her bust them out in a gym! Doesn't seem like that would be allowed, but she says it's an apartment gym in her mother's building so probably not very busy.

No. 2095802

Here is her old martial arts pic. Actually can't see what she's wearing on her legs but I assume pants.

No. 2095999

i saw her live, performing without skirt some years ago. she is a performative, fake drifter. half her advertised issues are made up from hypochondria and the need for attention. she grew up envying her deadly ill relatives for the drama and care they got so her trooma is constantly having to look sickly or be forgotten. i blocked her today because this bragathon is sickening.
>wook at meey iyamz ill lil child wif anotha child in muh belleh but im still stronk!1
the reality is, becky, that you exaggerated period pains and hunger pangs until google helped you larp the endo. you are yet another privileged young girl coasting by on your looks and parents' money.

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