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/snow/ - flakes & mistakes

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File: 1441112249063.jpg (Spoiler Image,188.12 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg)

No. 20823

Blogger who is obsessed with Dakota rose but was force to remove any post about her due to so much hate. She also a xiaxue stalker. She like to lurk here and randomly block people like Kiki.

https://twitter.com › sarahrafika
https://m.facebook.com › theSarahRafika

No. 20824

Fuck its not meant to be a spoiler

No. 20825

Probably for the best. Gave me a bit of a fright looking at it.

No. 20826

File: 1441113397075.png (1.29 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-09-01-06-15-18…)

Crazy eyes So kawaii~~~~~

No. 20827

And why is she a lolcow?

No. 20828

I always feel bad whenever I see people with excessive amounts of PS and still end up being ugly.

No. 52482

you are actually quite funny and I don't get why u were posted. I come here for drama about real lolcows that do bad shit, as far as I can see you did nobody wrong. Maybe op has a personal vendetta against u?

No. 52483

exacty, why again?

No. 52486

come back here when you actually graduate secondary school. No one can understand your broken english, stupid minah

No. 52490

gurl you revived a month-old dead thread just to defend yourself

pls don't lecture others about their use of time

No. 52494

Yeah you re right! Should have ignored this ^^ ! Maybe because , no one wants to be introduce that way.

Well pleasure to know you guys! :)

No. 52523

Selfpost is so strong here.

No. 134116

She called this bullying so she deleted her shop

No. 134121

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