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No. 21015
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Everything you need to know about the blonde chick on the left is on this secret
No. 21020
>>21015I remember this. It ended up to be some salty cunt making up shit pretending to be the blonde-chan and same fagging as victim on btb.
Don't post her please. She already had enough post about someone faking her in attempt to turn everyone against her.
No. 21021
>>21019Oh you mean the mods that were elected in that rigged as hell election that was coded by a friend of theirs? He threw out all the votes that he didn't like and then admitted it after the fact. Can we talk about that??
The comm has been dead ever since they stepped up because they don't give a shit about it any only care about their secret 'J fashion club' or whatever.
I'm not saying the previous mods were any better but at least there were a bunch more meets back then.
No. 21022
>>21021*anymore and only care
fuck it's late
No. 21030
>>21029>>21020Yeah no, Holly is not innocent and she wasn't being framed by someone else, she has self posted shit on cgl about herself and her own friends, made up lies about another member of the comm, made up stories about another person's fucking child, claimed that everyone and their mom has raped her. I'm so sick of everyone kissing this deranged lunatic's ass, I don't care if she is disabled, she is a self absorbed pathological liar, who has to make everything about herself.
And nobody gives a shit about Miya, I don't why there is supposed "drama" about her when she has never been relevant before.
No. 21031
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>>21012AWA stopped having lolita programming because apparently they were disappointed at the lolita com'ms reaction to the crap fashion show and the crap tea party. Not a terribly smart move since all of the more popular cons in the US have fashion tracks now and popular brands attending.
Then again AWA is clearly being run by people with terrible judgement, they wanted to avoid drama or whatever but then sent Nicolas Cage lookalike and aidoru wannabee Hayrii to Japan for free to participate in some idol festival as a representative for AWA. I guess that they didn't know the fact that this chick's selfposted nudes are all over the internet and she's wellknown for talking shit about other idols and doing anything she can to get attention from the opposite sex.
No. 21032
>>21030Miya was probably posted to /cgl/ by Holly in an attempt to drum up attention, notice how she posted that long winded status before Miya even posted her own, and there wasn't even any huge drama either.
In fact, this entire thread has Holly written all over it
No. 21033
>>21032I'd agree with you, but she disappeared to get away from all the drama that followed her after the cgl. Holly did say she wanted to make up for her bullshit and apologized for it.
Also, the impersonation accusation started
during btb drama. I'm not surprised if there was some attention whore that want to use her name to post stupid shit tbh
No. 21036
>>21030how do you know that much detail about Holly? Even her old CGLgate post doesn't give out that much specific information. What do you know about Holly that you don't?
Just curious; post some stories for keks
No. 21037
>>21030Miya's on there because she pretends to be Japanese. It's really cringy to see her make up words and shit to "talk to her mom" on the phone.
Honestly, I don't know why people fall for her scheme, she's obviously not Japanese, obviously underage and obviously not talented enough to to go to SCAD which she brags about
No. 21038
>>21037Is this a joke…?
You and
>>21030 seem to know a whole lot of information but not much proof.
No. 21040
>>21039Another weird thing is what Holly admitted about CGLgate and what's written on CGLgate is somewhat same, but
>>21030 either know more than Holly herself, or is exaggerating.
Who the fuck are you anon? Just curious why you're so obsessed with Holly and know so much about her.
>>21037 samefagging? Clever
No. 21044
>>21034>>21035>>21036>>21038>>21040>>21041>>21042 smells like samefag
geez change up your writing style and stop posting back to back if you want to be taken seriously
No. 21049
>>21044OP and
>>21036 here, but not samefag.
Someone sucks at sight reading.
No. 21051
>>21044That's too much of a stretch, don't you think? They don't even have a same writing style.
I doubt Holly gives a shit about Stephanie now, and >>OP is just looking to stir some shit.
No. 21055
>>21053Logically speaking, only ones who are obsessed with Holly being the bad guy is Kia and Stephanie.
They are the only ones who actively trash talk about her like she's a fucking walking tabloid or some shit.
Which one are you exactly? Why are you so eager to pull her back into shit like this? Are mods in it as well?
Holly wants to move on from that bullshit and she's making an effort.
Fucking christ
No. 21060
>>21032Soooo you think
>>21030 is posted by Holly as well? In that case I think it's easier to call out the mods and drag her out to see if she really did it then?
No. 21064
>>21013AWA is still having a fashion show, it's just not pandering to Lolitas. Someone is also planning a Lolita related panel so AWA didn't really cut anything. I do know they became more strict on what lolita panels are allowed simply because attendance was not great overall for lolita related panels.
I've met both of these girls in person. Holly does seem sketchy to me but Miya is rather nice and relaxed.
No. 21068
>>21032How would you know that it wasn't Stephanie that posted about Miya? I can see her getting pissed off because she rejected her lesbian poly-advances and picked Holly over her.
She did the same shit when Holly refused to sleep with her when she was with Collin, and formed a vendetta against her. it was even Stephanie who encouraged Holly to post about Collin on cgl cuz she thought she could get in then-unstable Holly's pants that way.
At least I know Stephanie knows this board exist while Miya doesn't. Holly might, but I think she would posted all the collin shit here instead of cgl if she knew lolcow existed.
Holly and Stephanie are on the same level of lolcow and really is entertaining to hear them bicker about each other, but I'm just saying that this Holly bullshit probably was all calculated from Stephanie's vendetta.
As for Kia, it's not her this time. She's Japan atm
No. 21074
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>>21073Kia's been in Japan for like 3 days dude.
>>21072Was that the motherfucking John Deere print girl.
No. 21075
Wasn't she like 30 something school teacher or some shit?
I haven't seen her since though.
No. 21079
>>21078anon is talking about Miya taking over the AWA topic on cgl I think.
I want to know who's shitting on her. Is she getting picked on because she's friends with Holly? Or because she's a weaboo? Of both?
No. 21080
>>21079Damn how did I miss that, my bad.
I've met her in person and she's harmless really not much of a weeb. I don't know if she's really half Japanese or what.
No. 21081
>>21080She is. She was raised in Yokohama because her dad was in the navy or sth.
When you talk to her you can tell because her English is broken sometimes.
No. 21082
>>21047that's the joke
it's a meme commonly used on 4chan
maybe YOU are the newfag because i have seen that meme multiple times on this board
No. 23840
>>23837I only asked because others mentioned it, you'te whiyeknighting too hard. I'm not making anything up. With that being said I believe all of the shitposting and rumors is being done by Miya herself. paid her any attention until this point.
No. 24083
>>23840where the fuck did they mention it? I'm not fucking whiteknighting her, I am one of the ppl who think she is selfposting. You're the one who asked a question in a threat that was dead for a fucking week. Asking a question that nobody even brought up.
For your info, no Miya did not get kicked out of any show. She and Holly showed up to it extremely late but they were there and weren't kicked out.
No. 24085
>>24083Calm the hell down cunt. I simply asked a question about something stated on cgl that no one gave details's been stated several times she was kicked out of a panel at DragonCon.
Get some of the sand out of your dried up vagina.Threads move slower here than cgl so it's irrelevant how long the thread hasn't been active. Jfc.
No. 33933
>>23809Calm, Miya didn't get kicked off from fashion show. She got kicked off from the Lolita panel right after while other Lolita's got to stay.
I doubt those rape threats are self post though.
No. 38056
>>37953Potential rape/lunch threats along with Lana Goodbertlet & others, slashing tires, etc
Starting shitty rumors on 4chan and then turning around to accuse low-key Lolita for self posting and shit stirring about something that potentially could end her career that she's so passionate about, just because Miya dresses well for a newbie Lolita and is fluent in Japanese. Probably crosses with being best friends with Holly.
No. 38077
>>37821Seeing as Sylvia isn't a lolita and has never worn lolita, I highly doubt she knows or cares about Holly.
>>37953>>38009Literally nothing, she has no connection to the lolita community at all, she's a cosplayer.
>>38056what the fuck are you talking about?
No. 38083
>>38078If they were lying, they wouldn't open a fucking police case you twat.
What are you concerned about them self posting when they are low key Lolitas to begin with. It's not their fault that other nosy-ass lolitas/cosplayrs are trying to get up in their business so they can exploit what they are trying to handle as adults as "ATL comm" drama.
Stop accusing Holly and Miya of posting and stirring drama. Holly is in hospital and Miya is Too busy to be posting shit on these boards
No. 38085
>>38083So who are they accusing of slashing their tires then?
Holly is not in the hospital, she was at Japanfest and AWA.
No. 38086
>>38085You fucking idiot can you not count the calendar. She left for hospital right after AWA. She can't shit post for attention because that cosplayer screwed her up to the point she can't walk.
If you think Miya's shitposting confront the mods or talk to her directly. I doubt so because she's pretty confrontational when it comes to shit like this. She would've directly messaged Lana/Sylvia/whoever or gave them names to the police.
As of now, neither of this is happening, which means that she isn't aware of All this shit going down yet
No. 38087
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>>38085Japanfest on Sunday.
Two girls from left seen around Holly's cars multiple times by multiple people
No. 38088
>>38086You're going to need better and closer pictures of people if you're going accuse people of slashing tires.
Especially if
A. White girls with brown hair is the most common shit in the world
B. There were thousands of people at Japanfest
C. The parking lot is fucking massive
Does anyone know any of these people, a person named Lana or Sylvia at all? You can't just blindly accuse people of a crime when you don't even know who they are.
No. 38115
>>38090The reason she's on there is that she previously tried to start some dumb rumor about Holly and Miya few months before.
And I've seen you follow them around on Saturday and give them silent treatment Malice. Also, what was up with your cane?
No. 38127
>>38115Give me proof that she started a rumor about them. I don't even think she knows who Miya is? Where the rumor started? Was is heard from her mouth, who was it said to?
"I've seen you follow them around on Saturday"
Follow who? what saturday bitch? What in gods fucking name are you talking about, are you trying to imply that I was stalking these people? At a public event in a food court that half the vendors didn't take card at, meaning we had to walk around in circles a lot? Silent Treatment? Wow I wasn't inclined to believe bullshit on this message board but how are you going to sit there and act like there are problems where there aren't any.
I have fibromyalgia and a job that works me over fulltime hours, I need it for balance because of the pain in my leg and the fatigue, if you want to verify you can ask several of the people on my facebook friend's list Detective-chan, thanks for helping me narrow who this is down
No. 64013
>>59514>>64010Sorry, phone fucked up and didn't let me finish.
Miya was the girl who almost killed herself I think.