Is posting on lolcow a histamine response? This 36-year old anorexic hopped up on 400mg of Benadryl (and Zyrtec, and Claritin, and…) daily would have you think so. All sexual orientations, suicide, rape, violence, depression, PTSD, autism. Everything is an allergic reaction. Of course, she herself claims to have MCAS, MECFS, and a bunch of other autoimmune disorders.
She responds to every innocuous tweet that crosses her timeline like they're directly addressed to her, especially the ones that suggest OP uses detergent so she can accuse them of Literally Killing All Disabled People. Funnily enough, her commitment to the idea that perfume is genocidal action by abled people means that she has no problem being racist in the most bizarre way imaginable, like saying that black women are uniquely murderous because of their bigoted lotion, or chiming in to tell people that racism would be fixed with universal air filtration. Other details include:
>currently homeless and living in her car, has been on-and-off for the past 4 years
>thinks ChatGPT is more reliable than doctors
>has a delusional obsession with an unnamed singer, thinks he stalks her twitter and writes songs to communicate to her. seems milky but i can't find who exactly she's talking about
>at one point actively had an edtwt account to spread her histamine wisdom but is now deletedLink: thread, read the rules before posting)