File: 1481427951423.jpg (28.55 KB, 250x333, 488984040.jpg)

No. 211823
File: 1481428321611.png (Spoiler Image,1.83 MB, 1440x2453, 20161210_195024.png)

if it wasn't for the nipple piercing I would have thought this was a fat 10 year old by the figure and clothing. Gross.
No. 211836
File: 1481431043805.jpg (29.54 KB, 480x490, 1476284472606.jpg)

>>211828this pretty much. and shes p small so she wears kid underwear and brags about it….
says she hates pedophiles but her whole gimmick is appealing to them…
No. 212008
File: 1481469716152.jpg (560.27 KB, 1280x1920, bratgrl.jpg)

hell no
No. 212143
File: 1481490939515.jpg (236.93 KB, 1440x1883, Screenshot_2016-12-11-17-08-51…)

She tries to look young and cute, but she always has awful crack-head makeup that makes her look like a 40 year old hag and those eyebrows are just awful..
No. 212268
File: 1481504132189.jpg (Spoiler Image,147.87 KB, 1439x1465, Screenshot_2016-12-11-17-12-32…)

No. 212273
>>212259What the fuck is up with her areolas?
They look normal in the other pics…did she draw around them with pink marker or something?
No. 212322
File: 1481506987879.png (13.95 KB, 489x119, lol.png)

>posts every detail of her personal life online
>gets upset when other people do it
No. 212333
File: 1481507847004.jpg (23.13 KB, 489x160, skinheads what.jpg)

uhh am I reading this correctly? She likes skinheads?
No. 212338
File: 1481508370107.png (101.45 KB, 500x261, pp.png)

>>212335She's bullshitting for sure. My guess is she lies and says she's been in sex work since she was twelve so she can say she's been at it for 10+ years. Realistically, she's probably in her late 20's at least.
Poking around her tumblr, she also brags about her bf's time in prison, plays up claims that she can't spell (drop out?), said she can't travel due to being bi-polar, claims she can't eat a full portion meal (yeah, okay), etc.
Oh, and she drinks her own pee. (Bonus, her ridiculous eyebrows are all ~natural~)
No. 212344
File: 1481509145527.png (48.97 KB, 247x656, hmm.png)

>>212340>>212341It's amazing how much this girl lies. This story is Ginger level bullshit. Also, I feel like she's slipping up and revealing her age here a bit, she's easily 28 given the age she's alluding to in the story. Also, the dramatic ending of "never seeing her family again".
>>212342Hilarious, she's definitely 140+ if she's 5'4".
No. 212345
File: 1481509180193.png (450.57 KB, 442x497, r11.PNG)

There's something so quintessentially British about her face. You look at that and you can just see the centuries of inbreeding. And hear the trashy chav accent.
No. 212347
File: 1481509284017.png (193.57 KB, 542x497, daddy.png)

she claims to HATE the whole dd/lg thing irl and online, but she reblogs/posts this stuff: (pic related)
No. 212355
File: 1481509846357.png (4.46 KB, 248x69, 001.png)

According to her tumblr, she's known her bf for 7 years now. She started doing sex work at 12, she's 21 now. So she met him when she was 14? And he was 38?
No. 212359
File: 1481510328372.png (12.45 KB, 679x234, gross.PNG)

No. 212360
>>212359>always eating>only eats a handfun of food???
>>212355Gross. She hates pedophilia, but if that's true her boyfriend sounds like some creepy sexual grooming predator
No. 212435
File: 1481522432341.jpg (Spoiler Image,288.87 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_of0fgkw7Qt1v1tktso1_128…)

Her tumblr is a goldmine of horror.
No. 212439
File: 1481522757891.jpg (57.64 KB, 500x327, chunkgrrrl.jpg)

>>212438>>212436She looks like Chunk from the Goonies.
No. 212443
she looks like vicky pollard
No. 212457
File: 1481525588697.jpg (Spoiler Image,259.52 KB, 1280x960, 853d50cc-bc7a-4583-b61d-aa15b9…)

No. 212468
File: 1481528705022.jpg (290.82 KB, 1440x2287, Screenshot_2016-12-12-03-42-07…)

#fatspo kek
Also "mashed potatoes" theres like 8 pounds of various food on that plate.
No. 212480
File: 1481531471611.png (39.1 KB, 640x522, IMG_0519.PNG)

she literally stated that she's 150 pounds where did you guys get the 80 lbs thing?
No. 212485
File: 1481532898848.jpg (426.29 KB, 1440x2261, Screenshot_2016-12-12-04-53-48…)

What the fuck did I just read
No. 212504
>>212485What is this disgusting bullshit and why does it have 375 notes?
Oh right, sexual abuse is so ~romantic~ uwu
No. 212675
File: 1481567898991.png (Spoiler Image,68.17 KB, 640x718, IMG_3123.PNG)

"I think I'd just turned 18"
No. 212708
File: 1481575372873.jpg (1.04 MB, 2048x2048, 1481571601046.jpg)

Also she always brags about being soooo~~ high class and an expensive lay, but wears the tackiest cheap hooker looking clothing/shoes and buys cheap drug store makeup. She apparently makes $2500 in 10 hours(or.. a week?) But she always buys dollar store lookin shit and her house is empty af looking in her pictures. Is she lying about how quickly she makes that money, is she saving up for something? Does she just have really shitty taste?
No. 212710
>>212708she probably charges $250 an hour (multiplied it by 10 to compare to the person) which isn't bad but not like super high class escort good.
also in my experience, guys never take an hour even when they're paying for it.
No. 212771
File: 1481581457592.jpg (323.63 KB, 1440x2274, Screenshot_2016-12-12-18-23-21…)

Dear lord
No. 212825
>>212708"2000 a week isnt that much"
lmao sure if you're a
hot stripper lmao. She'd be lucky to sell two dances a night.
No. 212945
>>212771She takes a photo like that and description like that with a child's photo in the frame behind her. Ew. Probably the guys kid. I feel all kinds of wrong thinking about it. She has no shame.
Is this shit legal where she is? Because where I am prostitution is illegal and can't imagine someone advertising it all over
No. 212950
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No. 215103
File: 1481905956128.jpg (293.47 KB, 4000x3000, brat4.jpg)

sorry for shitty quality pic
No. 215763
File: 1481949315184.png (Spoiler Image,81.3 KB, 640x699, IMG_0523.PNG)

dog dildo
No. 215797
you wish. bimbos are supposed to be hot
No. 216073
>>216050Ah that old classic..
Entertainment. You know the reason anyone goes online. Pretty sure this doesn't indicate that none of us have lives.
No one is saying she's unineresting. Her bullshit is great.
No. 216082
>>216080I think its actually lydia taing the nice pitying way of reacting to this.
Honestly I don't agree with ripping peoples bodies apart either, but the childish posts aren't all there is to this place. Andd to say we all have low self esteem is reaching.
No. 216379
>>216217Something a dog dick does when it's inside you. Like a big bump forms
I hate that I know this cuz of Whitney Wisconsin drama
No. 216566
You people need to see this! then, it's her. Lydia Stainton-Shortt. She goes by the name Lydia Jayne now, to cover it up.
She talks about being kidnapped and shit, but she was clearly selling her body of her accord when she was underage lmao.
Can't believe she wasted valuable police time like this, what a stupid cunt.
No. 216770
>>216760This comment is the best. And I mean,
>>216713, look at her stomach here
>>212259. On her escorting site, it says her dress size is size 12 which is average compared to the fat majority but she's in no way skinny.
No. 216803
File: 1482102739018.png (1.14 MB, 750x1334, IMG_0994.PNG)

In Luna's likes, she loves her of course and this entirely true story about her actual life.,
No. 216805
>>216770it's sad that fatties think you have to be morbidly obese to be considered fat. nah son
>>216803so punk~~ quirky X X X \m/ edgy
No. 216829
>>216817Whiteknight somewhere else. Nobody cares that you have no standards when it comes to looks and find this dog fucking troll doll cute.
>>216805 the way Americans are starting to think that only 500lb+ is entering overweight territory is frightening as shit. I can't believe anyone can see a persons spare tire hanging around their gut and still call them skinny just because they aren't as fat as the monsters all over lifestyle channels and Walmart scooters.
No. 216845
>>216840So are you just fat or are you Lydia?
Why are you so upset about people pointing out how obviously overweight she is?
No. 216855
>>216854Yes, you're Lydia.
No. 216864
>>216854So you're Lydia.
Lydia, you're fat as hell. Get over it, and stop stuffing your face. You'll sell more and be able to keep feeding the 'I wanna fuck 22 year old girls' community for longer. God knows you need them to stay interested. I can't imagine that buying dog dildos and trying to make preteens seem sexy didn't leave you with any real world skills, plus nobody's gonna employ someone who publicly brags about animal cocks.
No. 216909
>>216887Lmao wow if you think a roll of excess fat hanging over her panties even standing isn't fat I feel bad for you fam. You must be stuck in some terrible place where someone's only considered fat once they're immobile or the beetus has rotted off their feet.
Also, getting dudes to fuck her isn't an achievement or indicator of good looks; She's a prostitute.getting cock is her job. It's not like putting out makes someone cute, Jesus Christ.
i get it, it's probably hard to tell what fat is when you're surrounded by disgusting Americans, the majority of whom are dangerously fat. Relatively, she could be considered smaller than average but it's not a good thing when the average is dying of fatness before age 50.
No. 216934
>>216928More like, why should you continue? You get nothing out of this. You're not going to stop people from coming into this thread and talking about her. And this thread isn't a collective hivemind, there's multiple people in this thread - you're addressing no in particular.
>please we can all guess what happened to lydiaYou're the one bringing it up and making assumptions about what happened to her. I wonder if she'd appreciate you saying that, if you aren't her, at least.
No. 216940
>>216936Prostitot refers to child sexual workers, since you think everyone's laughing about Lydia saying she was a child trafficking victim. You can't choose to be one fucknuts.
You're an idiot. Why are you so hurt just because other people are pointing out obvious facts like her being a fatty and attention whoring?
No. 216949
File: 1482116034391.png (9.98 KB, 497x131, bratdrugs.png)

>>216945 You're boring and filling up the thread with nothing. If you don't have anything to say except "omg you guyz are so bad and mean wah wah", then you can leave. Nobody cares about how repulsed or "blown away" you are.
So, let's get back to the topic at hand. I archived some of brat-grrrrl2's post during her last breakdown - which you can see here
Including such gems as this and her talking about her boyfriend trying to break up with her and her being in the hospital and all. Her breakdown posting is always entertaining, it's a shame she baleets everything.
No. 217031
>>216950i don't understand why you want to keep defending her ~childhood. we get it. your point was already made before
>>216601>>216666some anons say dumb things but you keep bringing it up when they're not even arguing with you about it??? you're just being overly butthurt, it was only a few posts when ppl were "shitting on kids dealing with traumatic events"
and for someone who cares about the welfare of children oh so much you seem to have no problem calling her out for appealing to pedos, oh but let me guess, it's a ~harmless fetish~ and ~her coping method~
No. 217145
>>216903lol is is sad that i know everyone you're talking about?
i honestly would not be surprised if tinydoll got accidentally choked to death by them or something. i seriously worry about the girls involved with dudes with kinks like that.
and i hope that owlmansdead steps on a lego every single day.
No. 217191
>>217056>>217179Her stories tend to change with each retelling. She also likes to go back and forth between her childhood being incredibly abusive, and her childhood being treated like a spoiled princess. I guess she can't decide which one better fits her tumblr aesthetic?
While I do think this girl obviously has mental issues, I don't see her entirely as a helpless victim. She wanted this life, and she is only promoting this lifestyle to other young girls via her tumblr. She doesn't want out.
No. 217208's another. same interests, but double the edge, and triple the cunt-y attitude. both her and her sister are into, like, rape porn and teenagers and knives and i think they fuck? wouldn't be surprised if they went that far for their shitty aesthetics tbh. even her own shitty, fucked up followers have called her out on reblogging CP/borderline CP several times. she continues to do it and they continue to ride her dick because she's a
white girl with a halfway-decent body.
No. 217268
>>217253Don't get ahead of yourself, not much has been confirmed besides her running away/going missing when she was a preteen. Like
>>217191 said, she changes how her childhood is viewed all the time - being a spoiled rich kid and being a poor prostitute csa victim. Who even knows the truth with her.
No. 217308
>>216913shitty grammar and "&" symbol
keep whiteknighting yourself, Lydia
No. 217325
>>217303You must be new to that side of Tumblr then.
A lot of people on there claiming to have been trafficked as kids are flat out lying. People on there use it like a badge, representing who is the most damaged uwu. She's a classic example. Child prostitution is heavily traumatizing. It's not something you turn into a career to be proud of. Her behavior demonstrate no shame, a critical element of PTSD for CSA and trafficking victims. That combined with the obvious over embellishing and overly harsh responses to criticism points to her lying. I try not to doubt many trafficking survivors but her I cannot in good conscience believe. She's just way too giddy about being in sex work.
No. 217374
>>217303Look up Ria Pratt if you want to see a real victim of child sex trafficking. No way in hell someone who went through something as traumatic as that would choose a career in exploiting themselves like that.
I really wouldn't mind all the sex positivity on tumblr if it wasn't infested with people like these girls. Why is it that all of them are victims of rape or CSA? Why do they all have at least one mental disorder? It's seriously glamourized in not only the sex worker realm of tumblr, but all of tumblr as well. You get cool points for being a rape victim or being fucked in the head. And you get to use it as an excuse to post grody shit like the age play porn because it's "therapeutic" right?
No. 217477
File: 1482183204491.jpg (Spoiler Image,151.52 KB, 960x1038, f24feac4-5980-411e-9622-0ab9d9…)

The amount of filters she put on this pic almost wiped out her asshole completely
No. 217513
>>217477That's a heavily filtered asshole.
Also, i know pussies come in all shapes and sizes but that's a pretty large fuckhole
No. 217726
>>217298he's her "caretaker" but she always says it's "not in a sexual way". bet she fucks him tho lmao
(according to lydia herself she lives in his house and he pays her bills.)
No. 217737
>>217600i love how he didn't respond to this
def a pedo
No. 217768
>>217750Honestly i'm 100% sure that her bf doesn't even care. They've been together for almost a year and he still lives with his wife, probably lies that he's not cheating anymore and lies to Lydia that he TOTALLY isn't fucking his wife anymore because he loooooves her(easy pussy).
Fake dad is probably a friend of his that gets to fuck his sidepiece too, and that's about it.
No. 218006
>>211822Honestly tinydoll has toned things down and keeps herself to herself recently. She's definitely not the most
problematic kink girl on there right now. What about who posts videos of her head being shaved and her being punched in the face?
No. 218011
>>218008 I agree. Boring now and old news. Irrelevant but still clinging on to the last shred of attention she can get. She's not one of the popular girls anymore and she knows it. Shylittlebaby, rapekittn, shay-gnar are all taking over as tumblrs favorite pathetic idiots.
>>218010What the actual fuck is this girl
No. 218012
File: 1482244290163.png (101.16 KB, 750x1015, IMG_2576.PNG)

What the fuck?
No. 218036
File: 1482251833188.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.03 MB, 1440x2437, Screenshot_20161220-083151.jpg)

Why do people reblog this shit? It's so corny they didn't even bother picking a nice looking font lmao.
>>218012I've seen this head shaving humiliation thing done in japapnese porn (don't ask) and it's really… pathetic and funny? Who gets off to this?
No. 218054
>>216949lol I'm new to this thread/this girl so forgive me if it's been discussed to death already but she's suuuch a liar.
like really? you were addicted to methadone (and all those other drugs) at 12? ya ok. I know kids can get into drugs early, of course and it happens every day. but she's such a bullshitter
No. 218058
File: 1482254389256.jpg (38.93 KB, 225x400, rba.jpg)

>>218051I actually don't know that much about it but basically, these girls became members of RBA and submitted pictures of themselves doing horrible things to themselves and fucked up stories about their life - I remember one girl went into explicit detail about being raped by her father and cousin when she was a kid and a bunch of gross men were reblogging it and calling it hot.
There was also a "Fucktoy Fitness Program" where girls had to lose weight and being degraded for being fat and all. These girls would meet up with the guys (I don't know how many girls did) and basically get beaten up and fucked by them.
I don't remember the names of who was in it except Sid and a few girls, but he's posted videos of it on his blog (degenerate-cowboy3) and you can still find posts about it… don't remember the details of it blowing up but a bunch of popular bloggers called it out and there was some backlash for a while and urls got changed and all. It's a mess.
Also, this. I don't remember Jason's personal url (or if he had one but I think he did) and I'm pretty sure he was the ringleader and ran the official RBA blog. He got the brunt of the backlash.
No. 218070
>>218005You can't remove her romanticizing, embellishing and complete lack of shame though. Emotional reactions to recounting trauma experienced is a critical component in recognizing fact from fiction. Her emotional reactions and the fact that she can't keep her story straight, including adding details that make no logical sense, make it impossible for me to believe it.
Think about it. What trafficker would give a kid access to that many drugs for free? Some here and there, sure, to keep them dependent and coming back so they can keep the trafficking going. But traffickers are driven by control, power and greed. You don't just hand out mass quantities of goods that they can otherwise sell for a /lot/ of money. A 12 year old in child prostitution also definitely wouldn't have the cash to buy the drugs themselves because traffickers wouldn't give it to them. It's not like adults where you have to give them at least some spending money. Finally, that much on a regular basis would have resulted in at least one OD for a child that young. And I can't see where a 12 year old gets access to methadone. But I don't know how clinics are regulated in the UK.
No. 218246
File: 1482287120149.jpg (89.49 KB, 569x571, 12391911_1666132203635437_4378…)

>>218228why. the. fuck? why does these tumblr girls love gifs of men beating up women? sure i get the bdsm thing, but this is just terrible. not even the same ballpark
No. 218406
File: 1482299888305.jpg (Spoiler Image,334.72 KB, 956x1280, tumblr_oi0jftvfVG1vn7q6mo2_128…)>white stoner girl>loves pacifiers>hard into ddlgmeh, she creeps me out a bit but not as much as some others i've seen on tumblr so far.
This side is weird.
sage forgot to spoiler
No. 219809
>>218788I mean, I doubt the average lolcow browser or her whiteknights would do anything to her
If someone was looking to mess up a swer they'd just do it. I doubt it matter much to those types of men who it is.
No. 219888
calm your tits
>>219884 she probably is just having yet another meltdown
No. 219954
bitch doesn't post on tumblr for 4 days and you assume the worst
No. 220638
File: 1482532102522.png (207.02 KB, 723x567, bc.png)

I just found something pretty fucked.
Talks about incest a lot and posted a beastilaity fantasy, but her "daddy" is what's giving me really bad vibes. There's so many posts on her blog talking about how much she hates herself and how mean he is to her when she doesn't want him to be. And to top it all off, she just got raped and this was his reaction…How horrifying.
No. 220800
>>220638She needs therapy, of course, but at the same time I'm like… BITCH, WTF? How do you let a filthy guy like that say such things to you after you were raped? What's wrong with you? Fuck you. Fuck him too.
My self esteem is really low tbh but fuck this shit. Most of these girls seem to be beyond any help, unfortunately.
Sometimes idk if it's just for money, attention or whatever. Girls inserting knife blades in her vaginas (not sure if that was here or in the camwhore thread), allowing guys to shove their heads in the toilet and whatnot. jfc.
Sage cuz I didn't really contribute/rant
No. 220815
>>220800 its called retraumatization.its actually a symptom of ptsd & other trauma caused disorders
its like the person feels the need to go through their traumatic experience again or similar ones (sexual abuse, or "consensual sexual abuse" in this girls case) as self-harm/self-punishment, because they think its all their good for, because they might have forced themselves to learn to enjoy it, because it is "consensual" and "play" now they feel like regaining some sense of control over their trauma etc
hell, most of these girls are even fully aware of this too, just in denial about it
i understand where your first paragraph is coming from if you didnt know this but yea being aware of it just makes it worse because you cant even feel angry at them anymore just really sad & hopeless & fucking livid at the men who use this situation in their favour
No. 220836
>>220815>you cant even feel angry at them anymore just really sad & hopeless & fucking livid at the men who use this situation in their favourthis is why this "scene" is fucking vile. it's emotionally/sexually traumatized mentally ill girls coping with what happened to them and guys sweeping in like vultures claiming them as their personal sex toys. that's not what bdsm is. that's not what a kink is. there's nothing healthy about what they're doing. it's a horrifying cesspool that draws girls with similar traumas into wildly selfdestructive coping mechanisms and inviting perfectly normal underaged girls to engage under the guise that it's normal and healthy. it normalizes abusive behavior from guys and it normalizes pedophilia to the point where these girls are deluded enough into thinking they're feminists for it. meanwhile their autist pencil neck "daddies" are probably laughing on reddit about how easy to take manipulate they are while jacking it in their parent's basement. these girls attract the lowest of the low. the only thing they're doing is providing a breeding ground for pedophilia, abuse, the normalization and
encouragement of extreme power imbalances between men and women, and worst of all the normalization of grown men in their 30s seeking out relationships with teenage girls.
No. 220846
>>220836(im the person you replied to)
thank you for writing this. thank you
ddlg and cg/l (with kink elements, because caregiver/little can be just age regression without sexual elements) is vile.
one of the most heartbreaking parts of it is that there are so many csa & incest survivors who fell into this trap for "comfort" & now came out of it worse than they went in
honestly one of the worst parts is that people in a more general scale (& not only in the internet) are actually associating innate children things as sexual & kinky (especially affecting girls)
age regression, which by itself is a nonsexual coping technique by childhood abuse survivors & anyone else who feels comforted by it, but its important to highlight it is made by & for survivors by default, has become so associated with kink, that age regressors using it to cope with their trauma dont have a safe space anywhere anymore either. like, even on the age regressing internet communities, they keep having to find new & new tags & terms to refer to themselves to distance from kink & explicitly state dont interact if dd/lg nsfw kink etc & yet their communities still get fucking infiltrated (when their blogs are literally just fucking child & baby clothes, toys, food, etc, "regular" children things are literally interpreted as sexual by these disgusting pieces of shit)
i am beyond doubt sure (actual) pedophilia is going to be on the rise these next years & i will never fucking forgive these people for their massive contributing to this
No. 221059
File: 1482611939810.jpg (253.54 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_oinl3pxDw91v1tktso1_128…)

>>221018If you're going to make a post about it, you could at least include the pictures…
No. 221576
>>221060she does have a pretty cute face. it is a shame she won't fix her eyebrows and hair.
I know she is chubbs but I like chubby girls and a bit of belly fat tbh.
the problem with her is her personality, gross childish wardrobe and lack of boobs.
No. 221577
>>221570Well i dont mind them. Im not expert in fashion but she is inspired by the fashion from times when these kind of eyebrows were fashionable tbh. I dont like them either though.
>>221573To me she looks very attractive here. She actually looks her age and doesnt do that fake smile. To each their own i guess.
No. 225212
I have a personal cow who I think may fit into this thread named Cailey Root.
>relatively well known in the Toronto kink scene
>started several facebook nude sharing kink groups which devolved into drama when she refused to be held accountable for adding rapey people
>held a contest on one of her nude sharing groups, with prizes, announced winners, never actually gave any of them the prizes
>is totally tryhard when it comes to kink, boner for dd/lg and ageplay
>has a fetlife account she pushes in everyones face, uses it like an instagram for her floppy tits
>says she's poly, but can't deal with her partners seeing other people, totally obsessive and jealous
>regularly complains about her partners, tells everyone about how terrible and abusive they are (spoiler : they're not)
>claims that she has been raped by several different people, yet is still friends with them
>constantly crying about harassment online, and tells everyone that social media and internet is going to cause her to kill herself
>in spite of these claims, still uses every available form of social media, daily
>started a gofundme campaign for people to help her pay her phonebill because "muh chronic illnesses, muh miscarriage, no monies!" (spoiler : no chronic illness, and the only thing that bothered her about her miscarriage was that she wanted to know who the baby daddy was)
>somehow able to start her own online business selling shit tier sex toys even though she was SO BROKE she couldn't pay a phone bill
>goes to ER all the time for "being suicidal", yet will post pictures of herself the whole time she is there, along with statuses telling everyone about her ~*ER suicide emergency journey*~
>has "gone missing" on at least two seperate occasions, leading people to become super worried and look all over for her, only to be found the next day, drunk at a friends house. knows that people are looking for her but refuses to respond to anyone because she loves the attention
>thinks she's a "celebrity" because she did an interview with the local newspaper about a nude beach she went to, makes herself sound like a prude in said interview even though she's ~*so kinky u guies*~
>claimed after the interview that she regretted it because they used her real name without her permission, which they apparently promised they wouldn't do
>claims she is recovered from an eating disorder and that's why she's fat, but has always been fat (posted photos where she claimed to be "underweight", was just slightly less fat)
I have caps of her Gofundme, as well as her fetlife, and some of her overdramatic rant posts if anyone is interested.
No. 225396
File: 1483232498713.jpg (498.31 KB, 1080x1473, 20161231_194159.jpg)

No. 225398
File: 1483232532927.jpg (659.67 KB, 1079x1687, 20161231_194233.jpg)

2/2 with all her kinks listed.
No. 227148
File: 1483507299148.png (17.5 KB, 417x220, lolololololol.png)

>>225954trolling irc for depressed dick. I honestly thought you were joking. lol.
No. 227984
File: 1483637916912.jpg (119.17 KB, 551x949, y3Om3yh.jpg)

what the actual fuck????
No. 228018
>>228010not that it's pleasant, but it IS JUST spunk… right? hairdressers wear gloves esp during washing (i hope)
tho in my mind i automatically assume that the hair lady is just as gross as Penny Pocket or whatever her real name is so it all cancels out?
No. 228294
File: 1483666667219.png (Spoiler Image,402.6 KB, 541x574, emily1.png)

>>228188No, that's someone completely different. Averyconfusingcouple's second account is thats-disgusting-emily and both are run by Emily and Michael. They used to have a dynamic where Michael was the little and sub and Emily was a dominatrix (professionaly too). Emily used to have headmates and had blogs for them, some of which were underage and had porn on their blogs. Emily is crazy as well, I know she has BPD and there's was recent drama with her posting a bunch of gifs of Michael punching her and people attacking them for it. Also, this.
No. 231253
File: 1484125898287.png (525.57 KB, 956x645, tumblr_o6t5gvcAOX1v1tktso1_128…)

Do you know what? I actually fucking love this bitch.
She's feisty, cheeky and girlfriend has bags of moxie.
It's like imagine the musical 'Oliver Twist' was updated from Victorian Pick-pocketing, to 21st century Sex Workers and Social Injustice she would make an adorable Artful Dodger.
She can play the naive bimbo all she wants, but she's got the gift of the gab and if you read her posts in a cockney/London accent she's got that working-class, spunky, scrappy attitude that exudes confidence and street-smart.
No. 231623
File: 1484185094432.png (Spoiler Image,1009.73 KB, 1060x959, Clown.png)

>>218406is now forreal hate the way Lydia does her lipstick. pic related.
No. 231636
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Why do ddlg bitches always get together with nasty dudes (appearance wise duh)
Just looking at him makes me wanna take a bath
No. 274838
>>228294I just spun off into a hundred different tumblrs and I cannot believe this shit. Women getting punched in the head, girls getting choked out, I feel disgusted and depressed, like all of a sudden I legit feel like guys are all fucked in the head.
sage for blog
No. 366225
>>274838The woman getting punched in the head is cuntzillaa/Penny and she's still at the same tumblr address as earlier in the thread. She left Sid/degenerate-cowboy of rapebait academy because she found out about his wife and his child.
Which made me feel a bit sick to type. That this sickfuck has a kid. I wonder why Penny didn't leave him for hitting her repeatedly in the temple for likes, but I guess the wife and kid got to her.
FWIW, I think Penny is mentally ill.
These are the only cows that I actively follow; I'd like to shoot the guys in the nuts, but I can't look at the blogs too closely. They are some of the worst things I've ever seen and I'm always beyond disturbed that any kid on tumblr can click wrong and see them.
No. 372529
>>372508 tumblr is still up
It's two 'rr' not three.
No. 372575 link
I know what you mean anon
why would someone sexualize this shit? even potty training? you'd think women who have had pedophile encounters/sold into pedo sex trafficking, if that's actually true, WOULDN'T be the one sexualizing it and encouraging it
plus didn't she meet her boyfriend at 14 and run away with him?
but say all this child sex trafficking is true, she needs help instead of enabling pedophiles and sexualizing child molestation
No. 822230
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this thread is dead, but i found something fucking hilarious. found lydia in an article from 2015. she's not a skinhead, she's a bonehead. she's a fan of white power rock bands.
"i'm a right because this is the uk." cool. uk has far right politics with neo/nazis. it ain't any different from the us, so people aren't far off to say she's possibly a neo-nazi. No. 826312
File: 1561446704466.png (137.6 KB, 1440x1190, Screenshot_2019-06-25-00-07-06…)

checked her blog and someone's trying to cow tip.
don't do that.
No. 826317
File: 1561447598176.png (183.73 KB, 1402x1520, Image_2019-06-25-00-22-45.png)

>>372575confirmed they met when she was 14. can't find anything about running away because the porn blog ban caused the search function to break on those specific blogs.
No. 826328
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>>826320happened july 1st.
No. 826330
File: 1561449740453.png (1.99 MB, 1440x2249, Screenshot_2019-06-25-00-46-51…)

>>826328but first, let me take a selfie before breaking out
who the fuck dresses like that for a hike? oh, right, duh. she's goes out walking in mini skirts and torn jeans during winter.
No. 834371
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No. 834372
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aforementioned burned up leg
No. 834391
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>>834378maybe its because shes posting nipless nudes at the same time but i also dont really feel bad for people who self harm
No. 838722
>>834391>>834372nothing milky about this sort of stuff. not to wk, anything involving trauma, self-harm, and mental illness, isn't "entertaining" or milky. i take back talking about anything involving her trauma. this stuff is messed up to be honest.
only interested in her hyprocrisy and contradictions.
No. 1348181
>>1348175The location also seems accurate too.
That’s what I’m going off
No. 1348392
>>1348181 >>1348184>>1348235 Honestly, I assumed she might have gone to jail or prison. She posted about her assault, possession and arson (?) charges on her Tumblr before she dissipated. I guessed she got caught with her jail 'daddy' in a stolen car they tried burning down. Her substance abuse was pretty severe, so at the time it wasn't a big surprise she'd get in severe legal trouble after all her ASBOs.
Hopefully she'll heal if she is brain damaged. Or is having a more stable life if she isn't.
No. 1348469
>>1348377Nta but it’s pretty easy to find from just this thread. This post
>>216566 has her full name in it, google search that and you can find her mom’s name if you do some digging.
No. 1349531
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>>1348392This is old milk but does that mean this is about her ?
She changed her name by deed poll to Lydia Jayne, it's the name on her drivers licence.
No. 1386210
>>1348064Holy shit, i didn't expect things to get that bad with her. I wonder if being charged
>>1349531 caused her to do a botched suicide attempt? I think this means we will no longer see or hear about her on the internet. Her family also sounds kinda weird though, i hope she's okay.
No. 1503279
Oh my god, I know her. I saw this thread a couple of times and thought "she looks familiar", but assumed she just looked like a generic person. However reading this
>>1349531 (albeit old milk) article it clicked. I'm the same age as her and went to University near where she lived and I often saw her around the place. Where she lived was a big neo-nazi area (judging by the address in that article, it was a weird new build part of the city two/three streets away from squats, about 15-20 minutes from where I studied), and I'd often see her walking with old bald guys near the campus of my university and it stuck in my head. I once went to a pub and went to use the bathroom and she was there taking coke on the sink and offered me some. I went again later and she was smashing her head on the bathroom mirror and I immediately left. That was my only interaction with her but I'd keep seeing her in the street/ shops after that until I moved to a different city.
File: 1716712404654.png (15.82 KB, 595x283, lydia tweet.png)

>>1997722ntayrt but heres the tweet from her mother
No. 2003538
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>>2003345Not OP but here
(repost, lurk more) No. 2003765
File: 1718216660024.jpg (236.18 KB, 1076x1505, Screenshot_20230807-170718_Tik…)

heres the most recent photo ive seen of her for anyone curious
No. 2017172
File: 1721570929472.jpg (584.52 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20240617_150314_Gal…)

it's defo her. she's wearing the exact same outfit in this pic. it does look like her just from an unflattering angle, ofc all the photos she used to post were from better angles
No. 2028529
File: 1724272920400.jpg (214.28 KB, 1080x1349, Screenshot_20240821_213903_Fac…)

recent photo
No. 2028530
File: 1724273077870.jpg (208.23 KB, 1075x1433, Screenshot_20240821_214330_Fac…)

different angle
No. 2028729
>>2028718 I know it's from her mum's Facebook profile but that doesn't mean it's her.
It doesn't look like her.
The hair colour is the same but the face is different.
No. 2028735
>>2028698>>2028729Anon, are you retarded? She’s suffered a traumatic brain injury so photos of her these days are going to be very different from the ultra-filtered, posed, made up, provocative selfies she used to take. Look around this site for two minutes a you’ll see how different the cows look in candids than they do in selfies.
But if you must keep bleating about how you “don’t believe it’s her”, at least sage your shit.
No. 2029072
>>2028735First off, I don't even know what 'sage your shit' means.
Someone posted photos, thinking that they are of her and I'm saying that I don't think it's her. What's the problem with that?
Other photos were posted a couple of months ago and someone responded saying that it doesn't look like her at all.
You didn't kick off and call him a retard so what's different this time?
I had the misfortune of meeting her several years ago and she looked like she did in her selfies.
She did not look like the person in the photos posted the other day.
That's why I don't think it's her.
(newfag) No. 2029095
File: 1724416496137.jpg (885.67 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20240823_133349_Chr…)

>>2029078Pimeyes is very accurate. It looks exactly like her?
No. 2029140
>>2029072>>2029073>>2029078You take offense at being called a retard, yet admit you don’t know what saging means even though it’s an integral part of board culture. And then you don’t bother to figure out how to sage before posting again, multiple times.
All hail the king retard.
No. 2029673
>>2029140Now, now… Temper, temper…
No, I didn't know what saging is and I'm still not entirely sure.
I've only posted a few times on here so I'm not familiar with 'board culture'
I hadn't heard of PimEyes but I've since checked the Facebook photos on there and it does indeed bring up photos of 'brat-grrrrl’ and no one else.
However, her nose does look longer and more pointed on Facebook than in her earlier photos.
Those old photos had not been filtered much because that's very much how she looked when I met her.
But the PimEyes results are enough for me to acknowledge that it is her.
No. 2029688
>>2029673 It's true, I don't know how to use the site but I'm not refusing to integrate and follow the rules.
I've looked at the rules and info and I'm still not sure what saging means but I've started posting sage in the email field if that makes any difference.
But I'm certainly not coming on here to defend her.
I've met her and my opinion of her is no higher than anyone else on this board.
No. 2033454
>>2030055What has her mother done?
I think it's her in the picture as well. She's obv been through a lot and those old candids look like her
No. 2036128
>>2034934As I understand her story, she was a bipolar teen who ran away, fell in with groomer adults who “took care of her” and she ended up in the sex trade. Yes her online persona was obnoxious but I very much doubt her “caretaker(?)” were making sure she was properly medicated and were, at least for a time, profiting off her. The sex trade and her bipolar swings became her way of life, until her brain injury.
Again, this is just what I’ve gathered and admittedly I have not “researched” her but if this was her situation, I just think she should now be allowed to fade into obscurity. Unless, of course, she leaves her mother’s care and begins acting out again, in which case - document away.