Jack Posobiec is a Trump twitter troll and Special Projects Director for CitizensForTrump. He is the account pushing #DumpStarWars on twitter right now, and also the twitter account that was pushing the "Donald Trump Assassination Attempt" before the election.
But before all of the shameless shilling for Trump… Jack was well known in the Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire community as ANGRYGOTFAN.
ANGRYGOTFAN was well known in the fandom for harassing show-watchers and producers, being a rape apologist, stealing content from other twitter accounts, and general creepiness. He posted a fake prologue to The Winds of Winter online and made fake claims about the series and to have 'insider knowledge.' He also traveled to George RR Martin's home state and stood outside of his home making twitter videos (he might have taken these down). There are also claims in the community that he creeped on a girl who didn't like his romantic advances. He has also posted cringey videos of him playing guitar on youtube. There is a lot of stuff on this guy if you just do a little digging. All in all I believe him to be a cow worthy of your attention.
Twitter: @JackPosobiec
Website: angrygotfan.com
https://www.facebook.com/JPosobiec/Periscope: @JackPosobiec
Youtube: JackPosobiec & ANGRYGOTFAN