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No. 215442
File: 1465154045818.jpeg (847.34 KB, 1280x1636, image.jpeg)

I follow "them" on tumblr. Thinkingfellersunionlocal282 is her new url. Despite still insisting she's "agender" and "trans", she's actually slowly evolved to be kind of interesting. Apparently she frequents noise and metal shows now and claims to have a med card for epilepsy matinence. I guess thc's the cure for snowflake syndrome. Also her arts genuinely damn good. Good for her
No. 215444
>>215440idk why she's acting so
triggered, i personally dont think it's a bad picture and it's not like it's anything new..
No. 215446
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Still a snowflake despite the choice in merch
No. 215451
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There's a lot of them posted in the Fakeboy General Thread #2, why did you have to make a new thread?
Pic related their attitude stinks, but I do also like their art like other anon, unfortunately had to unfollow them because all that edge
No. 215459
>>215456Shit, she posted the name of lolcow
I was worried this would bring in a few waves of newfags, but since there's nobody here whiteknighting her, I guess not
No. 215464
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>>215452 Honestly the most infuriating thing about this bitch is she's really fucking bangable
No. 215465
File: 1465175138815.gif (724.49 KB, 245x175, Hot-Crazy-Scale-how-i-met-your…)

>>215464Haha are you the girl from the OP? Either she aint "bangable" she's nowhere near hot enough to justify her mental issues and busted face/hair.
No. 215470
This belongs in the fakeboi thread. pretty sure there's already a thread about her. Feel like she's definitely matured since a year ago when she'd post pictures of herself wearing lolita esque dresses and then insist that she's a boy. Shes kinda a /mu/ fag on top of a snowflake now but at least she seems to have cooled down on kawaii Lolita get up.
>>215446 never even heard of "the body" but if she's into them they're probably shit.
No. 215472
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>>215470Her and the guy from lightning bolt? What the fuck
No. 215478
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I don't care about her but this shits cool
No. 215479
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she anorexic too or what?
No. 215484
File: 1465178766756.jpg (70.04 KB, 451x602, tumblr_mqb2wvIoAq1r9iv7mo1_500…)

ok but does anyone remember how they used to look like this…
No. 215490
File: 1465179919289.jpeg (118.21 KB, 640x854, image.jpeg)

ugly? no. sjw? yes
No. 215494
>>215492The fact that she can even sort of pull it off is a testament to her face, which is indeed pretty.
I'm mostly just bothering to compliment her because I feel bad for someone being randomly made into a bitchy banner for no reason except her looks.
No. 215496
>>215490she's not good looking in the old banner but i guess she's learned how to ~own it more since then.
what has she done that's sjw-y?
No. 215503
>>215495this. whoever is bumping her thread with these asslicking comments needs to go. i don't understand why they think a thread here of any kind is good, even if they samefag it with compliments.
>>215502there's only one person giving this girl attention. they're trying so hard to make it seem as though it's multiple people. this is like princess of invitea all over again
No. 215508
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Remember when she looked like this?
No. 215524
>>215519>>215522Lmao of course she remade.
>>215520In what way was my post bait?
No. 215534
>>215478Really? This style is all over Tumblr, there's a cool artist on there who I think is the original (dripping faces, unique shading style, etc.)
If anything, this girl has A LOT of free time where.she can dick around on folder paper for 5 hrs to achieve this. Not necessarily cool or God-tier art.
No. 215537
File: 1471282342714.jpg (722.29 KB, 1200x902, cb9.jpg)

hahah oh my god the samefagging in this thread is so transparent it's fucking embarrassing.
>>215442>>215444>>215448>>215452>>215464>>215469>>215470>>215473>>215474>>215475>>215478>>215479>>215481>>215483>>215486>>215487>>215488>>215489>>215490>>215494>>215496>>215498>>215499>>215500>>215509>>215526>>215529>>215531>>215536You're an ugly, boring, plain piece of shit. You have butchered various aspects of other people's personalities/talents/isms and crudely pasted them onto your own banal husk to make up for a complete lack of culture/personality of your own.
you are nothing but stupid little girl. You are not edgy or interesting. You're pitiful; an embarrassingly vapid addition to a countless wealth of tumblerina train-wrecks that end up on here because of their flagrant self-promotion. You couldn't be more unremarkable if you tried.
everyone's basically laughing at how stupid you are. How's it feel?
No. 215538
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No. 215541
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>>215537That was fucking brutal
No. 215544
File: 1472707777500.png (493.72 KB, 598x600, Screenshot from 2016-09-01 17:…)

i dont understand this eyeliner… like why is one upside down