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No. 216679

Thoughts on this bitch?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 216680

I think it's a brunette white chick.

No. 216681

Is this kaypea or w/e her name is?

No. 216682

You're supposed to include info when you make a thread, anon.

No. 216683

assumed most of you bitter bitches already knew about her

No. 216684

Even if we did all know her you still need to provide information and links newfag

No. 216685

i wanted an already formed opinion, which means you should already know

No. 216686

>assumed most of you bitter bitches already knew about her

said the bitter bitch making vendetta threads

No. 216687

She's cute ! ^_^

No. 216688

Who? Move to manure please admins. This is just some plain Jane wanting attention because she's not getting any.

No. 216689

Looks just like CL!

No. 216997

She seems like a pleasant girl
5 stars, 10/10
I hope she has a good day and life

No. 217081

I think that maybe you're the bitch.

No. 217094

This is either a self-post or a vendetta, but either way it was executed poorly. Plus a lot of this seems like samefagging. Try harder next time.

No. 220334

Only been told of her banging sivhd when she was still living in the Netherlands iirc. Had to fuck off back to where ever she is from when they broke up. Nothing much about her

No. 220347

Is she Asian? She looks Korean ^__^

No. 221927

she's 28 and dating a 19 year old (santorin) which I found pretty lulzy

other than that I know she was dating SivHD though tried hard to hide it online because it would look bad that he essentially made her through HEAVY promotion as part of his Siv Industries brand thing he used to do then she left when she got what she wanted and totally dissociated herself from him

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