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No. 219802
Old thread
>>188302What we know so far:
>Ian/Idubbbz starts dating a dumb as rocks titty streamer
>Anisa started seeing Ian when she was still in a relationship with Anaakian and broke up with him a few days before she started dating edupz
>Ian flies out to visit her, she puts him on stream with her, he treats her like shit and acts like an autist who's never been around a girl before>Ian tells Anisa to not associate with Zoie Burgher who then proceeds to call Anisa out for it publicly
>They both continue to be embarrassing on both twitter and twitch and Ian has plans to move in with her soonWill Anisa be the downfall of Idubbbz? Will she be the one to divide the Filthy Crew? Will his fanboys ever see him for the beta cuck that he really is?
Anisas Social Media:
twitter @Raihnbowkidz
youtube /UCCnL9i3G8vnbQ6mR1DBqvRA
IG raihnbowkidz
twitter @idubbbz
youtube /iDubbbzTV
IG idubbbz
twitter @maxmoefoe
youtube maxmoefoe, maxmoefoetwo, maxmoefoegames
IG maxmoefoeofficial
twitter @sushitrash
youtube /TVFilthyFrank
IG sushitrash
twitter @anything4views
twitch /anything4views
No. 219819
>>218758>idubbbz is just a personality dudeIt's funny because it's basically who he is. Why do people think Ian is pulling a Filthy Frank and using a fake persona?
>if you listen to her more, you'll see she's actually quite similar to IanWait, they actually think she's not desperately trying hard to be edgy?
No. 219821
yooo thanks OP.
fuck my shitty internet i can barely make a correct reply.
>>219806except i'm bashing ian way more than i am george you dumb cunt. most of my comment is about ian/anisa. also i actually do enjoy george's content, i just don't get the hype over his looks.
>>219803i was basing it purely off that image without consideration to anything else about them. ian is a lot uglier to me after finding out all the BTS stuff about him. i will concede george is best boy for personality + videos + music.
No. 219839
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Him doing a Content Cop now is hilarious because he is in no position to dictate what is or isn't good, you can't take anything he says seriously with all the shit around him.
Also him trying to make fun of Casey just seems sad and attention seeking, he met the guy and got a picture with him and still talks shit about him, he seems like he'd backstab Max and Joji if shit went wrong tbh
No. 219851
>>219826who the fuck even. Go away, out-of-touch-chan.
>>219839He was pretty fucking mean about the Fine Bros and he still shook their hands and everything at Vidcon. It just seems like he's hiding behind his "persona" and using it as an excuse to say shitty things about people while still meeting them and making connections/gaining exposure.
No. 219858
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I'm sure you actually do, Ian.
>>219856This has me wondering what Ian's political leaning is. I know Joji pretends to be alt-right as Frank while actually being pretty liberal and Max thinks Trump is an embarrassing buffoon, but Ian seems legit right wing.
No. 219881
>>219826sage for samefag but this post really confuses me because i looked through the kelly thread and anisa was never mentioned when the gross gore drama was discussed? so why would this anon put that and this together.
perhaps anisa really is here lol
No. 219887
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>>219821I don't really get all the "he's so hot" stuff, but I find Joji undeniably cute in the way you'd find a puppy cute. especially when he smiles, webm related.
Max is definitely the best looking of the three, but something about him is a little bland. I also wish he'd not be so involved in stupid youtube drama.
No. 219952
>>219887Max is good looking but his teeth are kind of jacked and he always does the gross puking shit so it's hard for me to really find him attractive. Joji isn't isn't gorgeous but he's definitely not ugly. I've seen better looking haffus but would date/10. Ian is cute in a nerdy way although this shit with Anisa has def brought him down on the attractiveness scale.
I think it's hilarious that Chad is actually sensitive about being called fat all the time. He honestly comes off as really gross and annoying and if he hates it so much he should lose the weight. I'm surprised Max seems to genuinely like him enough to make that tweet about him since he basically bought his friendship with him.
No. 219962
>>219887For me it goes Joji>Max>Ian>>>shit>>>>Chad tho Max is objectively better looking and Ian is pretty ugly esp. when he had his hair shaved.
sage for not drama
No. 219975
>>219962100% agree. Joji seems like a shy and modest guy irl which is endearing, especially with such a large following. Hes also the most talented re: acting and music. Seeing Joji laugh/smile in his natural state is irresistible lol. Sure Ian has a nice bunch of teeth but has he ever let himself fully laugh and enjoy himself? He's self conscious but tries to pretend he's this hardass.
Max is objectively pretty and is 6ft1 but he's quite aggressive and rude sometimes (not acting) and the vomiting is so gross. Same with Ian and burping.
Chad is ugly and fat and rude and acts like he's hot shit. Pisses me off. It's unbelievable when I see hot girls on Twitter hitting on him. If he wasn't in popular YouTube vids they would never give him the time of day.
No. 220065
I love George the best out of them but I think it's just bias, I was a fan of him long before I was a fan of Ian or Max.
>>219952I think Chad actually has been losing weight, though slowly. I'd find him pretty cute if he were in better shape and weren't such an idiot lol.
>>220043inb4 Anisa shows this thread to Ian and he makes a Content Cop on
No. 220110
>>219887Would date/10
Where do they all live btw? Max is from Australia right?
No. 220212
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On Anisa's latest stream she was giving someone relationship advice and said "never date someone who is still emotionally attached to someone else" (in response to someone in the chat who was upset that their SO was still hung up on their ex) and one of her mods said pic related. Idk what's worse, Ian being too dumb to realize that Anisa is bad news, or realizing it and being dumb enough to proceed anyway.
No. 220215
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>>220036Just take a look at his twitter replies. He's a dick to everyone he talks to except for joji & max
pic related
No. 220231
>>220215He wasn't even involved in the conversation and interjected his dumbass into it.
Him and Anisa really are perfect for each other.
Also you can tell Ian relishes the fact he can fuck with people, say awful shit to them and get away with it, because it's his "character"
No. 220235
>>220215I always thought it was just an online persona… Oh fuck, I'm as autistic as his fanboys.
I just figured if he was friends with joji and Ethan, he can't be that bad irl. Like, they're both friends with jontron and he's a sweetheart irl, at least the bit I talked to him. But I guess Ian's just an asshole all around.
No. 220241
>>220235Don't worry anon, I felt the same way, and for mostly the same reasons. He's probably incredibly nice to Ethan and Joji because he admires them. Anyone he deems as not on his level gets the bitch treatment.
>>219862The fact that he's dating a half-Lebanese ex-Muslim with an actively Muslim family makes me think he's not quite alt-right, probably moderate leaning right.
No. 220265
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going through ian's likes and he liked this tweet about onion back in may kek
No. 220275
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The most obnoxious thing about these comments from Ian's fanboys is that I guarantee they would be trashing Anisa hardcore if she weren't dating him. They already despise Zoie for simply being a titty streamer and Anisa is literally no different. I guess they only respect women if their hero is fucking them.
No. 220285
>>220265what the fuck.
>i like his content>he's not afraid to speak his mind!is colossal 12? damn glad i unsubbed a long time ago.
No. 220286
>>220256True. I wonder if he's islamophobic at all. That'd be pretty sad if he looks down on her family for that kind of thing.
>>220275Seriously it's pathetic. If he were to, say, make a collab with someone they think he's too good for, people would freak and call him a hypocrite, but it's fine if it's a hot girl and he's getting pussy.
>>220270I'm a fridgebody-chan and it makes me cringe how unflattering some of the pics she takes are.
No. 220311
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>>220309I thought you were joking but… whew boy.. this is going to be a mess
No. 220342
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Man, she's deluded…she actually thinks a sizable portion of her fanbase gives a shit about her dumbass opinions or personality? Also, didn't she say she didn't want/need Ian helping her out? How else is she going to meet "content creators that push the limits" except through him?
No. 220345
>>220342So she wants to make anti-sjw bullshit? Christ edge on this one is so cringe. I get that she wants to be every fedora's dream girl but come on. She has no intellect to add to the conversation. She's just probably regurgitate all of Ian's opinions.
Taking bets of when she tries making her own version of content cop.
No. 220358
>>220342Anisa isn't fucking smart and the majority of what comes out of her mouth is cringey as fuck "memes, not like other girls xD, edgy" bullshit. I can't fathom listening to an hour of her trying to…what, argue with "sjws" or something? Even if it was on a different topic, she just always sounds really dumb and her streams are boring.
As if her followers give a shit about listening to her talk lol. Why does she act like she makes quality content and has followers who give a shit about anything she does besides show off her pushup bras? Does she not read her Youtube comments?
No. 220389
>>220231>Also you can tell Ian relishes the fact he can fuck with people, say awful shit to them and get away with it, because it's his "character"Absolutely. It's also hard to tell when he's seriously shitting on someone or just doing it for fun, so all people like, say, Philip DeFranco can do is just laugh it off when Ian tweets insulting crap about him or makes a segment about him in one of his videos. Getting mad at him will just make it look like you can't take a joke and provoke his bullshit even further. This kind of behaviour is only going to get worse the more popular he gets.
>>220215Obnoxious attention seeking troll, just like his girlfriend.
No. 220406
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>>220355>Ian just wouldn't date somebody trashtoppest of keks
No. 220451
>>220406Of course you don't see Anisa as trash Sky, that would mean you'd have to accept the fact that you're trash as well.
>>220265Clown is a beta pussy boy, he's friends with Leafy and is willing to still be friends with him (at least last I heard).
>>220342I honestly hope she follows through with this so I can witness as she shows off how dumb and soft willed she is. If she's still anything like
>>220213 when it comes to confrontation, her podcast won't last a month.
No. 220571
>>220511She definitely is that naive.
Nothing she does seems to be well thought out, and she pushes away decent people who were her friends without so much as an explanation. At her age you would expect she'd be able to work things out like an adult but there you go.
No. 220725
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His fanboys are the worst.
No. 220793
>Max saying he misses Katt in his latest vlog D'awww. Anisa and Ian look so dysfunctional compared to them.
>>220762I respect that Joji reprimands his batshit fans and doesn't enable them. He apparently got a lot of fuckboys during the gamergate days telling him to make videos against the "SJW/feminist" side of it and he deliberately did the opposite.
No. 220840
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>>220793Easily one of my favorite Frank videos.
>I respect that Joji reprimands his batshit fans and doesn't enable them.I also like that on the flip side he doesn't straight up make fun of and actually defends his fans for doing embarrassing shit like roleplaying on tumblr and making embarrassing comments on his instagram pics (pic related). Other youtubers (Dex Manning comes to mind) have insulted their fans directly for stuff like that and even though I agree that making "imagines" of real people is stupid I still feel kind of bad for the fans who are just trying to sperg out in semi-private. While embarrassing and wince-inducing, it's ultimately harmless.
No. 220843
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>>220840also, from his instagram. Some girls, including the name censored in green, were roleplaying and spamming his instagram comments with "daddy" comments, and he tried to defend him.
No. 220882
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Holy shit their tumblr fandom is cringy, how little do you love yourself to send nudes to Chad?
No. 220915
>>220882>he was just being decent by sending some back!!!So if some rando sends you nudes while you're in a relationship it's ok if you send some back, it's not cheating, it's just being decent.
Also how low are your standards if you're sending nudes to chad of all people wow
No. 220955
>>220882Oh ew, I thought Chad was autistic but kind of harmless. Some fangirl sends nudes his way and his reaction is to send them his own nudes? Gross.
It's unsettling how so many young girls just throw themselves at basic youtube men (uggos like Alex Day come to mind) and how easy it is for them to be taken advantage of.
No. 221005
>>220996Honestly, I enjoyed the fanedit video, there was a small bit in his newest samurai buyer that made me laugh, and What's in the Box #2 even had it's moments, but I think it's generally the fact he's not sure what to do with his channel that's making him less funny for me.
I know his channel didn't have much of a focus anyway, but I think if he starts relying on things like Content Cop every so often to pull him through (especially considering the precarious nature of it, aka. bullying without fear of being bullied, but dating Anisa at the same time) he's going to start falling
No. 221016
>>221005You make good points and I agree, I'm not a fan of his what's in the box series, he has his moments and I do think he's struggling. I'm curious to see what his next content cop will be on.
He's not as untouchable anymore since he's dating anisa, when it gets more public it could be used against him.
No. 221110
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No. 221221
>>221187The parts in the Frank Samurai Buyer vid where he went off on a tangent about stereotypes in Japan or started threatening Misaki in Japanese were gold.
>>221110I wonder if Anisa is going to start riding Nigri's dick likes she's been doing to Momo.
No. 221451
>>221442He was an admited virgin up until at least a 2 or 3 years ago (you can find proof of this in the previous thread
>>188401 ). It's not confirmed if he has fucked anything since besides Anisa.
Based on how he behaves, it's not a mystery why he was still a virgin.
No. 221533
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Kind of a shame that Ian is turning out to be such an autist. Some of the funniest moments in any of the Cancer Crew vids are from him. Too bad he let the fame get to his head and he turned into an arrogant prick (or more of one).
No. 221543
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Oh god…
No. 221681
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holy fuck anisa's head DOES look like a pear
No. 221715
>>221698if she at least HAD tits to show off it might make some sense for these desperates to spend money on her and drool all over her but she has one of the least attractive bodies I've ever seen + sad pancake tits.
Isn't there enough free gamer girls porn for these poor souls? Aren't there enough hot tit streamers?
>>221673>>221617who cares if they are decently functioning or socially well-adjusted? Don't you think the reason they do yt for a living is to not have to be decently functioning or socially well-adjusted? Bearing in mind that we don't really know how any of them acts off camera, this whole argument is kinda pointless
No. 221761
>>221717ok so? If you make yourself a doormat you get treated like a doormat. Pretty sure she was the one setting the initial mood of their relationship by trying to show him how edgy and not like other girls she is to impress him. And Ian being the inexperienced one went along with
>>221754yea hes the one with actual talent to rely on for his yt content and his actual jobs so he doesn't need to give a shit about yt drama as a source of income. I was talking about Ian and Max in my previous comment
No. 222459
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>>222431really? it came across to me like she was trying too hard to impress him and he wasn't falling for it. she had a falling out with the twitch streamer kelly jean and she also feels this way
No. 223023
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Anyone else find it a little weird that Max retweets/favorites gay fanart of him with Ian or Joji?
No. 223046
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>finally check out Anisa's Instagram
>all these pictures of Ian
>go to Ian's Instagram
>there's fucking nothing of her
>all these gay pictures of him with Max
How does she rationalize this?
No. 223124
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>>223064it's funny 'cause anisa admitted it was hard getting ian to put her in his bio and then she makes fun of other girls who do the same. she tries WAY too hard to be edgy/different
No. 223167
>>223156she joked that her SO not having her name in his bio would mean he was "getting his dick wet else where"
if she didn't have ex on hers, her joke would actually be truth since she cheated on him with idupppz
No. 223335
>>223326yea totally its not like they regularly bring it up and joke about it themselves.
So creepy.
No. 223402
>>223326Well that's your opinion and you're entitled to it.
Seeing their humor and the things they do them reblogging it is just a sign of appreciate and they find it funny? You're looking too deep into it and it comes off as just homophobic and sheltered
No. 223577
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>>223472listen to the podcast he did with philip defranco. he talks about how he just graduated and then defranco asks what he majored in. ian also tweeted this photo last year, which i recognize as ucsd because i go there too
No. 223588
>>223472Business is what people do when they don't know what they want to do but are smart enough not to take Psychology.
>>223570I'm surprised he thinks that, since I'd think that running the YT channel like a business could yield better profits. (Though, I neither have a background in Business nor have a YT channel so idk, really).
No. 223591
>>223588"since I'd think that running the YT channel like a business could yield better profits"
he said on the podcast he feels it would have been better for his channel to take something artsy/technical, like video editing classes
No. 223618
>>223610pffft, Keem is such a stupid fuck.
who in their right mind tries to double cross clown, the commentary genres golden child?
No. 223619
>>223610Oh god, it's so awkward and they're all so unfunny.
Who's the one who sounds like a 12 year old? Never heard of him before.
No. 223625
>>223620He is 25 I believe. I assume he got a bachelor's degree but now that I think about it that is really late to be just finishing up undergrad. I mean not REALLY late but I have to wonder what he was doing before school (or if it did just take him years to finish up his bachelors).
>>223619>>223621I know he can't help it but it's really hard to see Andy as an adult, much less a 40 year old.
No. 223744
>>223614 Why are you spelling like that? But what
>>223616 said. Though I don't think it's viewed as an easy answer, more like a logical one. A business degree is extremely applicable to almost every industry in the US. I don't knock anyone with no career path while having a business degree. Like I said, the stupid choice would be Psychology.
No. 223764
>>223610>I wish he died in the armyow the edge
There's a point when someone's trying way too hard and then there's Chad
No. 223823

>>223593Here's the full Philly D podcast, for people who want to listen.
>>222498>>222607>>223136I'm glad other people are thinking this tbh I always thought he was a robot, but that kinda goes hand in hand with /pol/ and r/redpill anyway tho
>>223623It's meant to be "just a meme" and if you take it seriously then you're actually retarded like when Chad told the story of his family killing a bunch of puppies by holding them up to the car exhaust and people called him out on it and was all "LOLOLOL YOU RETARDS BELIEVE A STORY I TOLD IN A VERY REAL, NON JOKING MANNER SO DUMB" when it probably did happen and he was trying to save face, because his edge didn't come out as liked.
But Ian clearly has no respect for Chad, is probably even disgusted with him that he allows the other boys to push him around and treat him like shit.
>>223631>>223714I think their ott, creepy, invasive fan base would yield more milk then Dan and Phil themselves, all they do is play into their fangirl delusions for money and youtube fame.
No. 224006
>>223823Still kind of creepy that they're nearly 30 and still behaving like tards for their fanbase and being "oh so relatable!!" Being nearly 30 and still sporting emo hair isn't cute. Well whatever milks the most money :v Embarrassing fanbase.
Sage for ot (dan and phil)
(you didn't even sage) No. 224112
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….what could she possibly be filming? Who is the next e celeb she's going to try and coattail ride and backstab, I think other streamers moreso then youtubers, because she isn't known enough and Ian is probably someone mainstream youtube would rather not associate with.
>>223875>>223965there are fangirls who think Chad is a precious sunshine child who is best friends with all of them and believe that Chad getting treated like shit is a hilarious inside joke meme rather then them having no respect and in Ian's case, not actually liking him.
Damn, He actually said it's only a business relationship? what time did he say it? At least he's aware.
>>224006It's very pathetic and sad, Phil is aging like milk and being partially inbred and British isn't helping him, Dan could improve but he's lazy and content with the pure shit they put our, but like you said milk that youtube money any way you can.
No. 224146
>>223823Sounds like Ian doesn't want to be there tbh, it's actually a little awkward to listen to because Phil is really "on" whereas Ian is just being weird and not engaging once again. I think Phil is too clean and not edgy enough for him.
Also, Ian's bias for Max and George becomes more apparent the more I see him interact with other people, he only seems to come to life with them around.
No. 224149
>>224120>>224139god he really is just a fat worthless cunt.
I used to think it was funny but now it's time for him to stop making his entire life part of the joke.
No. 224152
>>224120Christ, what an ugly tattoo.
And he got this one in such a visible place, unlike the brofist one he got.
Is the meme really worth it?
No. 224169
Did anyone watch Keemstar's stream with Chad and Andy? I thought Chad was cringe enough in the podcast but he really outdoes himself in the stream. he's really trying too hard to maintain credibility by insulting Keemstar constantly, when it's painfully obvious he sucks his dick in private for giving him a spot on the show.
No. 224617
>>224300"What other snow pokemon are there?"
>that forced, fake laughthat's as far as i got
No. 224634
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another H3H3 collab. god i hope anisa has no part in it.
No. 224651
>>224300What a sad decline, she's also shit with the camera and didn't take a moment when he asked her to film certain stuff so he could edit it without him asking her to be in there, it's amazing that people from fucking Craigslist are able to achieve this and she cannot do something that simple and if it was for a goof, it just wasn't funny.
>>224598Callinc him a B list YouTuber when the only reason she has followers is because of tits and fangirls sucking up, how is somebody this dumb.
Her and Ian are obsessed with fans, how they think of them and how liked they are, Ian probably reads fangirl comments about how amazing he is and jacks off to them.
No. 224665
>>224634Oh boy, a parody of the hot knife cutting through random objects thing
So this is the new trend all the Youtubers are piggybacking off of?
No. 224666
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>>224654>because he didn't want to have to answer to other peopleNot surprising considering his ego is about as massive as his forehead.
No. 224713
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>>224699I'm finding that I can barely tolerate Ian, Max, and Chad anymore, I wish Joji would drop their smug pasty asses and go back to Japan to hook up with his old crew like Red Dick and Prometheus. The vids he did with them were so comfy.
No. 224725
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>>224713At least we're finally getting Pink Season in Jaunary.
No. 224729
>>224713Same, it's getting harder for me to enjoy Ian, Max, and Chad's content. Their strongest vids are when they're together as a crew. I like the dynamic everyone has with each other. But I don't think they're funny individually, especially Chad. I can't sit through any of his streams or vids without dying from second hand embarrassment.
Joji is strong enough to stand on his own tho and his quality is consistent.
>>224725About time!
No. 224779
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>>224666kek he does answer to people though. basically his viewers are his boss. if he doesnt please him then he has no job.
No. 224784
>>224716sage for ot and somewhat blog but holy shit anon i knew i recognized max from somewhere, turns out i watched some of his prank calls years ago but never saw his face.
can't believe that after three years he's gone from being a generally unfunny australian dude who was in a few of pewdiepie's videos to being an unfunny australian random who leeches off ian + joji's fanbase. top kek
No. 224792
>>224784I knew max before I knew filthy frank and Ian. I'm Australian and max just reminds me of my friends and I guess his constant yelling and swearing won't appeal to everyone.
I actually enjoyed his knife video lmao, Ian's new Pokemon video was painfully unfunny and its sad because I was a huge idubbbz fan. Smh
No. 224828
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She's says she doesn't care, but obsessively reads through comments on a video where the only indication she's in it, is her laugh.
No. 224835
>>224830I don't even think Hila is shy, just reserved (and that's probably in part due to not being 100% fluent in English). She participates in Ethan's retarded antics quite often. She definitely balances him out though and I think they're a sweet couple.
I swear if their retard fans start calling Anisa "Ian's carer" or if she starts wearing a name tag like that, though…
No. 224951
>>224634I wish h3h3 would make more original content videos instead of fucking reaction/trending videos all the time.
It's low effort, boring bullshit.
I think Ethan forgot that OC videos like Vape Nation pretty much made him popular in the first place.
No. 225008
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>>224955I noticed that too, some of the accounts have even gone so far as to upload portions of the video in the hopes that they'll become the next "I'm gay". Stupid shit as well like him coming out of a trashcan and going 'soo-wee'. It's pathetic really.
Sage for no contribution rly
No. 225134
>>224951Yeah the whole ironic trending thing is old and a lot of people are doing it now for easy views.
At least Ethan has professional looking podcast now.
No. 225444
>>224951>I think Ethan forgot that OC videos like Vape Nation pretty much made him popular in the first place.This. The video where Ethan joins a 90s boy band was the first thing by H3H3 I ever saw and I found it hilarious. I was disappointed to find uploads like that were rare for him and he mostly does reaction garbage.
>>224795Joji's about to reach 4 million subs and I'm feeling oddly proud of him. Gotta give him kudos for achieving that without having to rely on trends and doing his own thing.
No. 225458
>>225119This was such a clear trend jumping money grab video and they had so little to try and criticise him for so they come across as extremely bitter and salty that something this simple is getting views and subs.
He heats up a knife and cuts shit, it's not that deep.
No. 225570
Apparently Chad got a kiss with some rando he met on new years eve. is going on where Chad is now a super king pussy slayer?
No. 225587
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>>225570Oh fucking disgusting. That girl needs to have some self-respect.
Guess him riding everyone's coat tails despite being a worthless, fat retard is really working out for him.
No. 225604
>>225458meh. it's topical. there's a lot of discussion right now about how youtube totally whores out certain channels/videos. nothing wrong with taking a trending subject and running with it.
this is off topic and i also stan hardcore for h3 so forgive me
No. 225612
>>225590ngl, if I was drunk enough i'd probably go for it too after that.
But the guy that went in afterwards, repulsive
No. 225627
File: 1483261666410.jpeg (65.38 KB, 557x552, 1479422218901.jpeg)

Fat Cunt is streaming a Tinder date on Twitch right now. It's boring as hell and literally just his date reading shit on her phone.
Okay, we get it, Chad. Some girl with low self-esteem wants to sleep with you. Stop advertising it, because it's pathetic and cringy as hell.
No. 225628
>>225627She just admitted she knew who he was when they matched.
No. 225629
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>>225590>>225612love yourselves damnit
i feel like fat cunt would be full of stds and is probably one of those jerks who dont wear condoms
No. 225642
>>225628He is seen as nothing more then a stepping stone to Ian or moreso Joji, these girls needs to realise that those boys won't want to fuck them if they've fucked Chad and they won't get pseudo Efame from fucking him.
Chad probably knows this, just like how he knows everything he has is built on the backs of Ian, Joji and Max and takes advantage of it to get pussy.
No. 225701
>>225119This is just… so… not funny. I feel like every low-mid tier channel I subscribe to starts going to shit after they get in to the millions or they have a huge viewership surge.
Ian especially needs to get his shit together. Something is just off with him. Maybe he was never funny and I outgrew him, but I could have sworn he had a few decent videos that actually made me laugh. I've never seen someone's quality drop so low, so fast. What the fuck happened?
No. 225796
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>>221681her face shape immediately reminded me of this snapchat filter
No. 225834
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>>224828she even liked a tweet that said "i barely saw any comments about you". wtf i saw ZERO comments about her, she just loves searching for negativity. i guess any attention is still better than none for anisa.
No. 225903
File: 1483316649639.jpg (781.02 KB, 2400x2400, IMG_0909.JPG)

anyone else find it awkward that anisa likes tweets, steals the images, then fails at trying to make a funny meme?
No. 226055
i'm really starting to think anisa does read lolcow. in the old thread a lot of people called her a practice girlfriend and during her last stream with ian she made a joke about him using her for practice. where would she get such an idea by herself? not unless she's searching for posts about her. also
>>188425 pointed out some inconsistencies in anisa's story of first meeting ian and now she's deleted that stream…
No. 226263
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>>225913It actually does. I love how insecure she really is about her avocado face shape.
>>226055I hope she does. She's a horrible person and should be reading the nasty shit we say about her.
No. 226306
>>226242This is true. Ian got big when he went on Franks channel
>>226258I don't really get what people found so funny about the 'old' crew, it was mostly just lolrandom people screaming. The best video imo is still hair cake with Ian and Max
No. 226315
File: 1483362137577.jpg (35.59 KB, 1090x200, rungirl.JPG)

uh oh anisa you better delete this before ian gets mad and has to wrangle you in. who is surprised that trash supports trash tho
blog post ahead:
man i ended up on a small idubbbz binge and i missed how funny i found him before all these shenanigans :( '
i also told my bf about what idubbbz was up to - how his video content was deteriorating, anisa and the zoie burger incident, the mean shit he's been doing, etc. and he was pretty upset, especially about ian bashing casey neistat. now he says he refuses to watch idubbbz at all. so not all guys will give ian a pass for getting some from a titty streamer lol
No. 226321
>>226242George already had the Harlem shake under his belt and some of his most popular vids ("Weeaboos" still being the most popular ever) are ones where he's by himself, he blew up on his own. Ian's profited off Max and George, but he only really blew up when he started attacking youtubers. Wouldn't be surprised if a drama whore like Max gave him the idea though.
>>226306>I don't really get what people found so funny about the 'old' crewWhen people say "Frank's been shit since hooking up with Max/Ian", they typically mean they prefer videos where it's just Frank alone and talking about stuff. Personally I find his "loser reads hater comments" videos far better than anything he's done with the other two.
No. 226647
Rewatching this again and it's just so humiliating? Like he just did it, because he knew he could.
>>225119The moment at 6:36 is so awkward with Ethans reaction, you could Ian thought that was actually funny
No. 226683
File: 1483421284814.png (73.59 KB, 990x542, Screenshot 2017-01-02 21.26.12…)

strong! independent! cheater! infidelity! is! magical!
jfc. I can't decide if I hate Ian's female or male stans more.
No. 226691
>>226315>>226675There was a clip posted in the last thread of her talking about how she enjoys Leafy's humor. She tried to explain how he just has "great delivery with his jokes." (kek, sure)
What I find funny about the tweet is how she tries wording it in a way that makes it sound like she's never actually /liked/ him but has just "had a soft spot for him." That clip proves that's bullshit and that she was a straight up fan of his until Ian's Content Cop video on him was released. Just like she changed her opinion on Zoie according to how Ian felt about her, Anisa just follows her boyfriend's opinion on everyone without deciding for herself who she should or shouldn't associate with.
No. 226705
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>>226691>There was a clip posted in the last thread of her talking about how she enjoys Leafy's humor. She tried to explain how he just has "great delivery with his jokes." How on earth can anyone seriously think this? I will never understand why that unfunny little shit ever became popular.
No. 226926
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>>226683they're both abhorrent
No. 226946
File: 1483484134486.png (323.52 KB, 1440x1304, Screenshot_2017-01-03-15-45-58…)

"Social experiment" tiddy twitch streaming
No. 226980
>>226946A- that's not how Darwinism works
B- There are still plenty of desperate and thirsty ass niggas out there who will pay money for a pair of cheap tits.
No. 227019
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Oh boy, I can't wait to find out what kind of stupid shit she has to announce
inb4 moving in with Ian
No. 227098
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>>227045cheeky, anon. ur thoughts are skipping sraight to the good stuff
No. 227110
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>>227045I don't even wanna think about what kind of creature those two would produce
No. 227171
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>>227045its gotta be pregnant
No. 227313
File: 1483537436552.png (107.86 KB, 1242x815, IMG_5679.PNG)

They shit themselves over some year book picture of Ian getting posted like it's the worst thing when it is the most common thing to happen to any level of famous person, but post and finger themselves over "Joji rares"
Here's a link to where it was originally posted: No. 227341
File: 1483540536174.jpg (70.91 KB, 750x745, IMG_20170104_063225.jpg)

>>227313i mean Max posted pic related on his twitter ages ago, why are they freaking out about some high school photo?
also, going by these pics, i'm not surprised ian never got laid till now
No. 227380
File: 1483548379601.gif (35.32 KB, 253x200, 200_s.gif)

>>227377omfg this is so catchy i shouldnt like this
No. 227470
>>227460basically, streaming isn't "fun" for her anymore so she's gonna move away from it.
This is actually the second girl streamer I've seen this week make some long, teary confession that they don't enjoy streaming and they're leaving. BOO HOO you get paid to sit on your ass. Get a real job and then you can cry about how hard your job is.
Give all your viewers to streamers who actually want them. geeeeeez.
No. 227475
>>227460most of the comments are just roasting her lol.
"this is not about money", sureeeee bitch, not like you cheated on your boyfriend with Ian the autist because he's more successful? Why is she pretending she have never been a titty streamer?
No. 227482
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the lengths people are going to fucking stalk Ian are outrageous.
No. 227497
File: 1483564338022.jpg (67.98 KB, 630x355, 68686.jpg)

>>227482This is why people like I Hate Everything and GradeA need to realize that you can only stay anonymous for so long. Eventually people are going to figure out who you are and are going to demand you show your face and stuff.
>>227480>went to school for psychologyYeah ok. As in, went for a semester or two and then dropped out or gave it up for something easier. I don't even know why people brag about going to school for psychology anymore. Fucking everyone seems to go for that nowadays.
inb4 she still has her fake titties out in her youtube "psychology" videos
No. 227513
>>227497Considering she only went for like a year tops she probably took intro-level psych courses which plenty of people take to satisfy pre-reqs.
>>227507his full info has been out for a while actually. I googled "idubbbz dox" while joking around with a friend but it was actually right there on the first page of google.
No. 227520
>>227331Yeah they are weird as shit when it comes to Joji, the fans who would find them had a little secret club where they would trade their "Joji rares" with each other.
>>227480….She said she went to school for art/history, shes just trying to jump in front of the most likely new YouTube trend to get subs and be able to "make it" on YouTube.
She has the most annoying voice, I can barely listen to her streams let alone a YouTube video talking about serious topics.
>>227513If it's that easy I'm surprised it hasn't been posted here tbh
No. 227521
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>>227517They each posted the others' pic on twitter as a joke but yeah, Colossal is on the left, IHE on the right. sage for not really Cancer Crew related
No. 227538
>>226946oh my god this bitch. "create an interesting dichotomy between viewer and streamer". what dichotomy?? they wanted to see your tits, you showed them your tits. that's more of a unity if anything. i can't believe she's attempting to disguise titty streaming as psychological research.
"i'm smart and self aware! not like the other streamers! i use words like darwinism AND i get my tits out i'm the whole package!"
like i have no problem with anyone boob streaming, and i'm not saying the people who do it aren't smart, they probably are, but anisa is just so desperate and try-hard that this whole thing comes across as extremely fake and purely for image purposes. like she's trying to convince everyone how fuckin SMART she is so they won't judge her the same as other girl streamers, rather than just sharing her thoughts.
sage for rant but shit like this makes me fume
No. 227563
>>227530He looks like those types of gradeschool boys who think they're hot shit (despite being uggo af) and call girls fat right to their face.
>>227341George is so cute aw
Also creepy how Chad basically looks exactly the same, like his face never matured.
No. 227572
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apparently part of ian's family owns an indie comic art publication so they travel to conventions a lot. i bet once anisa finds out she'll want her shitty anime published LMAO
No. 227664
File: 1483585603080.jpg (163.64 KB, 2651x994, IMG_5683.JPG)

>>227563He went from that to full on school shooter and that guy who picks on the special kids because they're the only ones considered socially lower then him.
Side note, a pic popped up of Ian, Vsauce Michael (I think) at McDonald's with Anisa filming them, Hes obviously going to be doing different takes on his razor scooter getting crunch wraps vid.
No. 227731
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No. 227732
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>>227664He looks like Beavis.
No. 227839
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>>227731>>227732you guys have godlike observation
No. 227909
File: 1483620783569.png (371.31 KB, 1242x1816, IMG_5689.PNG)

So, she and maybe Ian also are going on the H3 podcast and so Ian pushing her onto his friends and other youtubers has offically begun.
Bonus Ian bought her/picked out that jacket.
>>227731>that filename No. 227910
>>227909God I'm dumb, she's not actually on it, just sat in on it, read it wrong my apologises.
Sage for my retardation
No. 227911
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>>227449It was number 1 for a while, I'm really happy for him. You can tell music is very important to him, this must mean a lot.
>>227909>and so Ian pushing her onto his friends and other youtubers has offically begunOh god, no. I was honestly starting to think things wouldn't go this far.
No. 228356
>>227572tasty, rare, milk
thanks naon
No. 228378
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bitch you wish.
No. 228379
>>228068This video is so sad. Ian is turning into the things he used to make fun of. Didn't he pride himself on how self aware he supposedly was? This is pathetic.
I sure hope Ethan is getting part of the monetizetion from this video, it would be unwatchable without him.
Farmers, will this be the year the great infallible Idubbbz gets taken down?
No. 228442
>>228378Oh ffs just shut the fuck up. God, why couldn't he have dated anyone else? She's so fucking delusional and retarded.
>>228417I'm sure she knows deep down that no one gives a shit about her or thinks she's funny. Thank God she didn't tweet IHE, because it would've just been awkward for him, I'm sure. lol
No. 228455
>>228410never said that i'd ever want to touch him or anyone like him with a ten foot pole anon. he seems like a narcissistic, autistic, douchebag and the only thing worse than being a girl with self respect in a relationship with him would be being dumb enough to let him put his penis anywhere near me. i just thought he looked cuter than usual, but i have a thing for nerdy white guys so idk
sage for blog
No. 228456
>>228068Ethan flipping Ian and knocking the wind out of him and Ian just struggling whilst being pinned was the best part, the little bitch deserves it and more.
>>227572I wonder if he's been autistic as fuck towards a female cosplayer and has been posted about.
No. 228536
triggered that anon with your post but that shit made me kek so hard
No. 228547
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Interesting to see that parts of tumblr are also getting tired of Ian's shit.
No. 228579
>>228489Uh no? If you actually read through the past few threads, you'll see how everyone is just disappointed in his bullshit. It's as simple as that. Your "durrr u have crush on ian ew XD" is old and annoying.
Are you retarded?
>>228513 isn't even me. Please just fuck off.
>>228491Ah, that's true, I guess. Two little obnoxious peas in a pod.
No. 228666
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Why are his fans like this. They actually think he's untouchable because he's done gross things and that somehow makes him immune to criticism. What people think of him basically determines his whole career.
No. 228868
The Ian type editing, the obviously reading off a loose script on her other screen, the quirky so different thing she tried with a coat hanger, just awful.
She also has a patreon now: No. 228917
File: 1483757201937.png (48.07 KB, 1647x210, Screenshot 2017-01-06 18.42.33…)

I found a comment from Adam (YourMovieSucks) on a video on her old channel. I think they're both from Edmonton actually and only a couple years apart in age so there's a chance they know each other. Sage for mildly interesting but ot.
No. 228920
File: 1483757434302.jpg (559.17 KB, 2400x2400, IMG_0936.JPG)

i'm not condoning sky at all but why does anisa always have to meddle into drama? idk this alexandra girl but sky posted a video explaining his position and saying they worked things out. i guess her "friendship" with him is over lol
No. 228969
>>228868God shes insufferable how on earth did this ugly mug get any exposure on the internet in the first place.
Gotta love how she tries to smoothtalk her switch to yt as if she'd ever taken the risk if it wasn't for Ian backing her up. And instead of actually delivering content now that shes totally a youtuber she just sits there and announces shit like shes done for weeks now
No. 228971
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>>228920update: he's not happy about her meddling
No. 228982
>>228868Ugh, this shit is horrible. All she's doing is copying Ian except somehow making it fucking awkward instead of ironically funny.
>>228917Oh Adam, please no. You're better than this.
No. 229006
>>228989Has he? I knew he was a furry, which I tried to overlook because I enjoy his content, but damn… that's disappointing.
>>228976I wonder if it was Ian or someone she knows closely. Like how people will pledge their own money or a family member's money on their Kickstarter projects to make themselves look better.
No. 229007
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>>228988without her tits she has absolutely no assets and even then those are fake. in that bikini pic on ig she looked so average.
No. 229008
>>229005i'm sorry but your criticism is cracking me up. you're kidding right? "she has ALWAYS started her videos already SAT DOWN!"
but I will say what annoys me the most is her tone/intonation, its very similar to idubbz. she seems very insecure if people are right about her changing her image to suit her current boyfriend.
No. 229013
>>229008Yeah I watched a couple older vids of hers and her tone is generally softer (and more pleasant sounding IMO). I think she was trying to seem more feminine then, though.
>>228982The comment from Adam was 9 years ago lol I doubt he even realizes that "Raihnbowkidz" and "ScrantonFudgeProductions" are the same person.
>>228989He wasn't saying bestiality was illegal, he was saying it's hypocritical to be against bestiality and also eat meat/dairy products because cows are more or less raped (forced breeding) in the food industry. I kinda understand his point but he still took it too far and came off as a total autist LOL. sage for derail
No. 229056
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>>228868>>229007What even is her content? I actually want to see her and idubbbz make videos together because of how forced and shit it will be.
No. 229070
>>229036>it's just you know how ian starts his video where he walks over, slumps down in his chair and does a big sighYes, because Ian totally patented that and is the first youtuber to ever start videos by walking in front of the screen and then sitting down.
There are many legitimate things to criticize her over, but this just sounds like you're reaching while also fellating his dick.
No. 229106
>>229056If ian's whole thing is being the "ironic nerdy autistic guy" then her thing will be the "ironic, self aware hot girl" not calling her hot, but that's what she's going for.
Both seem like they'd bash feminism and support trump for jokes, they reek of that subtle desperation.
No. 229258
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Hmm I wonder if this has anything to do with the Sky thing…I can't wait for her to put her foot in her mouth.
>>229178>>229180>>229181yikes, I'll look into that anons. Maybe we should have an Adam thread lol (although aside from that he really doesn't do anything cow-worthy).
No. 229304
File: 1483824631731.png (39.9 KB, 640x259, IMG_1823.PNG)

Lmfao lurkerino confermerino
No but forreal you can lie all you want Anisa but all you have done is adapt yourself to the boyfriends youve had/have and openly grasp after success/recognition that isnt for your push up bra.
No. 229306
File: 1483824790473.png (121.2 KB, 640x802, IMG_1824.PNG)

This made me laugh… 'career' bitch no you dont pull a legitimate salary from YT, you dont do anything constructive, you have no contractual agreement with anyone, Youre just making below average videos during your spare time.
Thats a hobby.
No. 229323
>>229306>>229304Man this chick is cringy, it's already been said a hundred times before but Idubbz really fell from grace; his own content and hooking up with this living breathing walking example of cringe.
It's actually hilarious how much this girl involves herself in others drama and stirs up shit for the sake of it.
No. 229329
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>>229306She's lucky people are willing to throw money at her Patreon because otherwise she's be completely dependent on her parents'/Ian's money now that her Twitchbux are gone.
No. 229343
File: 1483828051969.jpg (87.33 KB, 640x726, IMG_0945.JPG)

she doesn't want to use ian for personal gain but talks about him in every stream, tagged him in that q&a video, and plasters him all over her instagram when she didn't do that with her ex. she says she's gonna make a video about long distance relationships too. it'll be fun to see how long she keeps her word.
No. 229349
>>229343I honestly think I would like her more if she would use Ian as a way to get started. Its the smart business thing to do.
Also, in
>>228868 she mentions and links her other channel. Has anyone gone and looked? I haven't for fear of cringe…
No. 229354
>>229349Didn't celestial vegas start off by being in a gross gore video, then leaving his ass and starting a twitch channel?
I mean I heard Zoe helped her too but that was after meeting Ali
No. 229366
File: 1483829892011.png (77.58 KB, 640x634, IMG_1822.PNG)

How is her every like third response tweet an ian related meme.
no lie you can track her twitter feed and see her sudden change in language once she got that autismo dick.
Also i reiterate; tf is up with these tweets, i get goosebumps from the social embarassment, stop.
No. 229389
>>229366Holy fuck, who could stand talking with this bitch for more than 2 minutes?
She's so unfunny and embarrassing
No. 229442
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anisa tweeted the video of ian slapping her, calling it her "spirit animal"
No. 229463
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>>229449his dumb idea of a joke most likely.
No. 229518
>>229463My god, what a hilarious meme he is truely a comedy god.
>>229442I love how she's backed herself into a corner where she can't say shit or dislike the "hilarious" stuff he does to her because she'll be called a humourless bitch and get hate from fanboys
No. 229927
File: 1483901635370.jpg (89.83 KB, 640x758, IMG_0954.JPG)

anisa liked this tweet lol. i dont know who brittany venti is but apparently she's a streamer who's had a lot of beef with anisa in the past. if you google both their names their twitter fights pop up.
No. 230334
>>229330Makes me sad.
I usually like YMS but like, animals can't consent and that's why it's against the law to have sex with them. Not because people think "it's gross."
He seems to be under the impression that that is why it's illegal. But kids can't consent either. Like even if your abusing an animal or a child, by having sexual relations with them, neither can consent thus it is abuse but he says having sex with animals isn't abuse. Scares me what he thinks about children.
He also feels sympathy for pedophiles who live their lives without acting on their desires. Watch his nymphomaniac review to see where he says that.
No. 230472
>>230334>>230346Off topic, but same. I liked Adam's reviews to the point of binging them over a couple of days, but, after reading more about him as a person, it's really hard to watch them without bias.
>>228868Her editing is genuinely so bad- even on simple things like timing the popping noise for all the random shit she puts on the screen.
No. 230503
>>230373Yeah Chad, we fucking get it. You've actually managed to find a girl dumb enough to fuck you, despite you being a fat, disgusting pig. Good job.
He hasn't shut up about this girl since he made out with her at that club or whatever it was. It's almost like he was a virgin like Ian beforehand or something. His constant bragging is so cringy.
No. 230517
File: 1483999514882.jpg (223.64 KB, 601x640, lg_281601_1146412047.jpg)

>>228868i used to think that idubbbz could do like a "patreon poop" kind of thing now that patreon is so popular, but he can't now because his girlfriend has the shittiest most bare-bones patreon of all lol
her mannerisms and the way she talks are so cringey too… why is he dating her, again?
No. 230561
>>230482Ian is 26?? Who cares what his religious mother thinks. He lives on his own and makes his own money anyway.
I'm more concerned about that dumb ho destroying what's left of his youtube career
No. 230658
File: 1484027802031.png (127.82 KB, 1242x973, IMG_5701.PNG)

Nice job showing everyone how much you don't care about getting hate Anisa, it wasn't @ her so she was searching her name like the self involved asshole she is.
She also liked a bunch of petty tweets against this girl by "her" dumbass fans.
The girl is probably a teenager and Anisa can't act like an adult who talks a big game about free speech and ignore it, no matter how dumb it is.
No. 230721
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She needs to love herself.
No. 230729
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>>230727I was looking for them as well, I think I found his sister's(?) and maybe an old school pic of his parents.
>>230724I think her not being ugly is the saddest part, the inflation this has had on Chad's ego is fucking insufferable, he needs to get the shit kicked out of him tbh
No. 230979
>>230843Are anons going to say that
this doesn't resemble Ian's videos? lol
No. 230994
File: 1484088949336.jpg (51.88 KB, 488x254, 7565.jpg)

>>230979It literally doesn't, anon! Clearly you're just salty because you have a crush on Ian and are jealous of Anisa's obvious talent and genius! /s
No. 230995
Her room looks so damn ghetto. Her videos could actually be improved (aesthically) by decorating the depressing room. A giant fucking chalkboard that's basically useless? It looks like a institution, so bare.
>Her personality can not compete with that void of a room.Didn't Idubbbz say her room looked ghetto?
Perhaps he was throwing a hint to fix her background to be pleasing and not look like a trap house?
Idubbbz needs new booty STAT.
No. 230998
>>230995>Samefag Makes me uncomfortable that she says that there aren't even five females in our population that could not compete against males on a professional gaming level.
Self projecting her own ability much?
No. 231005
>>230843Fucking grim.
I couldn't get very far. It does look like Idubbbz editing style though.
No. 231013
>>230843This was very idubbbz crossed with Shoe0nhead, I got where she was trying to go with it, but it comes off very insincere and fake considering she was hardcore sucking up to Zoie.
She also said that at 1 million subs Zoie's content should be better, I wouldn't be surprised if that is her thinking for pushing out shitty videos because her sub count is lower.
>>230800Anisa/Ian is probably watching this thread, seeing as how they both watch the tumblr/Instagram fandoms and are very aware of it and made Ian's Mother aware of it and said she should private her social media.
No. 231018
>>2308431) Her opening is cringy as fuck, what the hell is even happening
2) She just comes off mad as fuck that this Zoie chick is making a living off of just showing her body on stream
3) I think its kind of awesome that Zoie is putting money into an all girl CoD team? Like, the whole eSports thing needs more women influencers out there.
No. 231021
>>231018nvm just got to the keem part where the chick says she wouldn't accept anyone who isn't pretty lmao
see, thats a point she should have stuck to in her video. but instead she opens with zoie using her body, and talking about how if you have all women team, you will lose
>>231019i don't know about CoD or LoL, since I don't play those. but considering the demographic for most games are usually around 50:50 between male and female i find it very interesting that men are over represented in the competitive gaming scene.
No. 231060
>>231027My boyfriend is a competitive gamer. He sits in one spot for hours and practices in training mode. I could never do that. And I don't think most female gamers (referring solely to competitive gaming) would do that. iirc, men's brains are wired differently, in that they are able to focus on a single task for a stupid amount of time. Obviously there are exceptions, like Chocoblanka, who is/was a top player in SF.
I like video games, but I personally would never want to put in the work that it takes to play at the competitive level. I honestly don't think 99.9% of female competitive gamers would either and that's because the majority of them are a joke. People like Zoie will never be able to play at the competitive level. No. 231103
>>230995>Idubbbz needs new booty STAT.But they're perfect for each other. Why would you want to inflict his autistic douche ass on an innocent woman or inflict her retarded petty ass on an innocent man? They're sparing others from having to put up with their shit by being with each other.
Also this
>>227731 No. 231171
>I don't think most female gamers (referring solely to competitive gaming) would do that. iirc, men's brains are wired differently, neuro here. there are differences in wiring but this alone isn't a reason why women can't get into competitive gaming. It's more so things like
>>231169 said or even the fact that they don't want to spend so much time doing a solitary activity vs doing things women "generally" do (ie, socialize with other girls, spend time on "girl" activities like makeup/fashion/etc). the community can also be a big reason why a girl may not want to go in or even try to become a professional, and some girls may not be interested in this at all as well.
ESL sorry
No. 231176
>>230843She is such a bad liar/actress. How could she ever expect to come across as genuine with this bullshit, calling out Zoie for making money off of hot gamer girls when that was also her "profession" until a couple of days ago. There must be at least a little bit of self awareness in her. The whole purpose of this vid is to stirr cheap drama and its pathetic.
That or shes secretly salty bc she would never make it into Zoies team.
No. 231179
>>231172you must know nothing about the league pro scene because it's ALL televised and face-focused. teams make money selling posters of their faces. look at bjergson ffs, much less faker. if you followed LCS you'd also know that there was a trans female player in challenger one season who almost quit competitive entirely because of the harassment she received.
sure you can go on the game and play it and be ranked, but you will NEVER touch the competitive scene without your face out there.
No. 231185
>>231179there are female competitive gamers in other e-sports scenes. starcraft, hearthstone, for example. you cannot definitively argue that the reason women don't make it is because people will judge their faces, when we have examples (though, comparatively few) of women playing at a professional level.
it must be something else too, then.
also, for these purposes, i believe the harassment the trans-player received could be related to her particular circumstances.
sage for OT.
No. 231187
>>231185a) all i said was that you don't know shit about league, i'll admit i don't know shit about other esports
b) face and voice are still very very very helpful in monetizing a gaming career (streaming or pro scene) and people _will_ eventually figure out you're a chick at live LAN events (do you think all esports are played from their bedrooms?)
c) there were enough idiots who didn't realize she was trans and bashed her before it hit the news
No. 231188
>>231172>mens brains derive more 'reward' from video games, and are able to understand the goal of the game faster.I'm tempted to believe you on this. I still think there are societal barriers but I don't see a ton of women caring about stuff like speedruns. A lot of guys see that kind of thing (knowing the game inside and out) as rewarding whereas a lot of women see it as unnecessary (I know I do lol).
Sage for not pearcow related.
No. 231191
>>231187i don't deny that women get a lot of shit for doing anything that is seen as traditionally 'male', especially to an impressive level. it's enough to turn women off practicing and pursuing the career.
but i also think there is a biological component that predisposes or gives guys something of a natural advantage in playing a video game to a professional level, especially with stuff like starcraft or speedruns as anon said above.
Not saying women can't get to that level, just that they have other barriers to overcome first (combination of societal attitudes and different disposition towards the activity).
Anyway, I will stop going on this point because it's way OT.
No. 231203
>>231188I do think it is part of a societal thing too, I think boys play games at a younger age and are just naturally more competitive while females tend to be more get along. I think girls are more inclined especially today to actually do something important or meaningful and no matter how you spin it, being a professional gamer isn't that deep. Most of them don't earn enough money to donate a good portion of their income to charities even. And it's a very short-lived career atm.
Camille Paglia in one of her videos on YouTube one time said that there could be no female Leonardo Da Vinci because females don't obsess over things as frequently as men do. And I agree with that men can focus on something in life, regardless of what it is, and aren't as balanced as females usually. Some are, there are renaissance men but not many.
No. 231254
>>230998>>there aren't even five females in our population that could not compete against males on a professional gaming level.Wow what a cunt, why drag your own sex down based on your lame skills. I'm starting to develop palpable resentment towards Anisa.
>>231024She does copy Ians editing techniques but they're quite common than they used to be now for example Lt corbis has similar editing, H3H3 does and Filthy frank does as well they all use jump cuts, burping noises/coughing, random shit and actions but specifically she does seem to mimic Idubbz skit stuff, creepy shit.
>>231044Basically it's this
>>231187>>231172>>231191Couldn't agree with you more anon I also don't think I could form as a cogent precis.
>>231226Playing games is no more time wasting than scrolling through Facebook/instagram/twitter or any other form of social media as well as watching TV, you give games not enough credit for intellectual stimulation that some provide. Pong,pacman and DOOM are never going to be that deep and will only have cathartic purposes but most modern games are narrative driven and stimulate introspection no than ever think gone home Undertale and The Stanley parable, even GTA 4 and onward has plenty of social commentary to drum up thinking and intellectual discussion. I think this may be what is attracting females to gaming, it's no longer the boys club that it once was because of the sheer variability of genres, I can only assume people who believe that women stay away from games due to social convention have not played games enough to realize the variety they provide.
No. 231270
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She also tweeted she that she embraces her pear face.
Hi Anisa.
No. 231282
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She's moving next week. I wonder if they're moving to a new place together, would explain why he hasn't been uploading as much.
No. 231287
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>>230517>why is he dating her, again?You implying this alien looking autist can do better?
No. 231289
File: 1484132038235.webm (2.26 MB, 900x506, lol2.webm)
>>230979Maybe it's just because I used to be super into his videos but some parts of Anisa's vid reminded me of Ian's style immediately.
No. 231298
File: 1484135307479.jpg (23.44 KB, 500x327, 93849493489348.jpg)

>>231290I'm easily amused and no other reason.
No. 231369
>>230998Women who toss their own gender under the bus bother me so fucking much, especially since it's almost always done for the sake of getting male attention. It's the height of demeaning yourself.
Is it true Anisa has previously been in a really abusive relationship before? Because between that, her constant shitting on women (and generally behaving like a damn high school girl despite being in her 20's), and her now being with a douchebag who humiliates her, I'm really wondering where this complete lack of self-respect comes from. The fuck went wrong in her upbringing?
No. 231520
File: 1484173092559.png (784.05 KB, 640x1136, IMG_0964.PNG)

why does she always do this pose with her head tilted & chin tucked into her neck? she looks like she has als lol
No. 231563
File: 1484177099803.png (88.89 KB, 1242x658, IMG_5711.PNG)

>>231560Didn't post the pic
No. 231579
File: 1484178363599.jpg (186.43 KB, 1600x1086, IMG_1851.JPG)

>>231563Does this bitch not read her tweets before posting???
I know canada has some good healthcare but her education and sense of comedic timing seems to have been flushed down the shitter.
A+ sentence. Much fun. Cancer meme. Triggly puff. Im gay. etc
No. 231586
>>231256He's hardly the god of youtube, I don't think anyone here could claim that with a straight face.
>>231255Oh god I meant for recreational purposes, a little competitive is challenging and fun but Esports is a fucking joke. I suppose there is no other medium that allows you to sit on your ass all day to gain prestige and money.
>>231369>>Women who toss their own gender under the bus bother me so fucking muchAgreed fam, the fact that one would think they're speaking for their entire sex is fucking deplorable. It's how red-pillers talk about all women as though they are a colony of bacteria, a collective hive-mind.
>>231270Apologizing won't make it any more original why bother? You are drawing attention to the fact that it is similar and naively admitting to copying, she's a moron for posting this.
No. 231601
>>231525>>231524Kek she used to be such a slut younger.
Ian is truly the biggest cuck.
No. 231700
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>>231673It's becoming more and more obvious that Joji's on a whole other league in terms of success, talent, and aspirations. Watching Ian, Max, and Chad act like immature drama whores on Twitter is embarrassing, like they have no lives outside of youtube.
No. 231712
File: 1484192956930.jpg (20.76 KB, 542x131, 6a230a29-ef6d-40a6-8ed0-64b1d7…)

>>231673I'm excited for more of his serious stuff, I still love the shit out of "Thom", "Plastic Taste", and "Medicine".
No. 231714
>>231700>>231704>>231705Definitely. Outside of youtube he's a real person. He has other friends, he has other talents, he's a socially adjusted person who has a character and found apparently a great way to do viral marketing for his real passion.
Ian? He hired guys off craigslist until he got a bottom barrel attention whore desperate enough to leach off him.
Max? Seemingly normal but immature and not terribly creative or talented.
Chad….? I mean. Chad.
No. 231741
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>>231723>3pmgross mother fucker
No. 231743
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>>230843tfw your mommy has to whiteknight you from the haters
kek i didnt make this comment since it sounds like a butt hurt ian stan but her mom in comments is gold
No. 231766
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>>231737bro/10, would have a beer with.
No. 231787
File: 1484202864620.png (628.01 KB, 1440x819, Screenshot (4).png)

>>231762yeah she drew a bunch of capybaras. this is her best one believe it or not.
No. 231793
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No. 231798
File: 1484205900867.png (889.96 KB, 1393x814, bunt.png)

>>231797wannabe, very low tier youtube and twitter whore.
No. 231799
>>231791She said she went to school for art, so I would assume awhile and she went all "omg I'm such a weeb~~" when she drew those terrible manga pics for her dead podcast with Celestia.
But she also said she went to school to be a police officer, to work in psychology, work in the medical field and probably a bunch of other shit I'm missing, this bitch can never keep a story straight.
>>231737He is the only good one of the bunch, I don't think he'll be leaving the other boys any time right now, but I'm excited for what he will do, when he does.
No. 231835
File: 1484212606974.png (998.75 KB, 954x926, Screen Shot 2017-01-12 at 09.1…)

Saw this on some e-girl's twitter the other day. Pretty sure it's Joji but I could be wrong.
No. 231854
>>231846Oh really? Didn't know, sorry. The girl's name is Mia Rand, Chad talks about her a lot.
Sage for….pointlessness
No. 231859
File: 1484216593680.jpg (Spoiler Image,43.82 KB, 640x480, whatthefuck.jpg)

>>231854Uh sorry for this, but I have to know. Is that Ian and Joji? Btw it's pretty disturbing.
Sage for OT nudity
No. 231860
File: 1484216911529.jpg (Spoiler Image,88.27 KB, 720x701, 1474824206901.jpg)

>>231859Yeah, that's Max, Joji, and Ian, that picture seems to be part of a series they all took together. I think it was taken around the time they filmed the Mario Bros/Gentleman's Guide videos.
The only disturbing thing about this is that this woman printed it off and is now taking nude pictures with it. wtf?
No. 231867
File: 1484217898532.png (383.94 KB, 599x490, 1479286773768.png)

>>231864>So was this a photo book that they sold, or gave out to friends?I doubt it, but I have no idea where they came from. Probably found by Joji stans stalking him and looking for "rares". Or maybe Max uploaded them on his twitter idk.
>>231863She's a butterface.
No. 231868
>>231859Lmao pretty sure this is the same cam whore who fucked another chick covered in ramen with pictures of Filthyfrank in the background.
She's obsessed with the boys, Joji the most I believe but hey they don't seem to mind one bit.
No. 231877
>>231868I didn't want to believe this but
>>231872Doesn't lie, rofl imagine if your employer found out about this shit.
>>231873What made you think that, the plastic covering the furniture or the cardboard frame separating the rest of the room?
No. 232033
>>231872Apparently spaghetti sex is a legit fetish. Is she some type of cam whore?
>>231791Based on her instagram, for years. But honestly she probably considers that by drawing one picture a month, she's a qualified artist. She's shit at drawing because she doesn't practice everyday because she doesn't take it seriously.
>>231787These look like retarded dinosaurs. Not cute at all. This just makes it so much more obvious she heavily references/copies other drawings (especially her animu girl drawings from earlier).
She should just bite the bullet and hire an artist to do her banner artwork.
No. 232240
>>231787Lol the right foot of the left one is a stump.
I see she has a pair of those weab titty streamer overpriced and shitty quality cat ear headphones, as one would expect.
I thought her persona was supposed to be built around genuineness and realness so it irks me that she would promote them. I'm not even much of a audiophile but even I'd much rather have a pair of audio technica or sennheisers over garbage alien-ware gamur grill or cat weaboo headphones, to me those headphones are the quintessential example of her true character;appealing to the lowest common denominator, superficial, and as ostentatious as she laughably is on social media.
No. 232337
File: 1484285669148.png (436.64 KB, 928x589, Screen Shot 2017-01-13 at 1.33…)

Joji is on another fucking level to the rest of these dudes
No. 232486
>>232478Don't worry anon I legit thought he was a qt and thought he was funny. I used to watch his LPs though and his personality came across a lot differently there. Seeing his real personality has made him extremely ugly to me.
inb4 "wow anon love yourself" I have low standards and I hate myself don't tell me what to do.
No. 232492
>>32478Regardless about what I learned about him in this thread, I find his content, including the early ones, generally mediocre but still holding a minimum of entertainment value. Maybe he is really a prick in real life, but I kind of dig the self-conscious and judgmental aspects of his character. He like bullying, acts like a jerk and make a business at bashing and laughing at everything he can, but he still seems genuine and keep bringing production value into his videos.
The thing is that I don't find videos from the filthy gang very funny most of the time, but I'm more interested in how they manage to get fame, millions of views and Youtube revenue while just having fun with friends doing dumb challenges, costuming and getting wasted.
But yeah, no homo but he's not ugly, and the whole "self-hating prick" persona can be funny at time.
No. 232539
>>232534THIS is the "content" she wants to dedicate her career to?
This is just clickbait garbage.
There is nothing creative or unique about it.
It's clear she just wants the clicks… not to make anything really good.
No. 232540
>>232539Clickbait stuff can be career worthy if you put some effort into editing, motion graphics, cinematography, etc. (think Buzzfeed type stuff)
Anisa's stuff is none of that. Just her talking in front of her webcam in a poorly lit room with garbage editing and windows movie maker titles
No. 232584
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No. 232592
>>232534I have to admit, besides the intro, the beginning of the video had my interest. But she just goes on and on describing the video. Yeah I know, they're a bunch of cringe worthy fatties.
If she would condense what she's saying, make better points and buy a quality camera and lighting equipment, I could see her being popular with the younger demographic.
You're welcome, Anisa.
No. 232776
>>232589these types of videos are so boring and basically looks like he put no effort or thought into them but i bet he put several hours of work into trying to be funny.
his viewers want more content cop shit why isnt he doing it? does he really think awkwardly interviewing youtubers is interesting?
honestly i hope he's doing an elaborate set up on making a content cop on anisa. it would be awful even borderline sociopathic but entertaining.
No. 232784
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>>232672lurker confirmed???
No. 232809
>>232784Cows are so pathetic when they check the thread more than farmers do.
These farmers are right, she is obsessed with everything about herself. Reading through every comment seeing if she is mentioned.
I almost feel bad for her.
No. 232817
>>232534Wow this is bad, like actually worse than Leafy bad. Why would a grown ass woman even care about that stupid vid, its obviously supposed to be a shitty parody/joke whats there to comment on. Also her bf eats actual dick and ass hair for fun, whys she acting all affronted bc of the words pussy hair. And good job making fun of the girls weight after she tried to bash Zoie for not accepting fat chicks into her group in her last vid, such girl power right.
Nice to see Ian found himself a female dollarstore version of Leafy.
No. 232845
>>232493His racist caricature of Misaki is not that funny, it's basically just a ching chong ding dong joke dragged out forever.
It's interesting how Filthy Frank is supposed to be "the edgiest man on the internet", yet Ian is far more edgy than him and uses every kind of slur all the time. And whereas Joji openly disapproves of his fandom regurgitating his stuff and taking it seriously, Ian doesn't give a shit. Joji even said in an interview with Anthony Fantano that he wants to move away from the edgy racist humor. Meanwhile Ian makes an unsubtle "nigger" joke on Philip DeFranco's podcast, making him noticeably uncomfortable. And his fanbase just eats it up like this malnourished white autist is so ~brave~ to be combatting the SJW's.
No. 232949
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No. 233532
>>232949>good female commentatorlmao
I feel like she wants to become shoe0nhead really bad.
No. 234547
>>224666nice trips
>>224835shit anon, don't say this, she probably reads this thread and will start doing this for the "edge xD", don't give her ideas to copy…
>>224859not the same anon, but I really enjoyed his older gaming videos, the vomit etc vids of his were really just white noise to me, his gta franklin vid was my shit.
>>228801lmao that's not the fucking point
No. 234565
>>224666nice trips
>>224835shit anon, don't say this, she probably reads this thread and will start doing this for the "edge xD", don't give her ideas to copy…
>>224859not the same anon, but I really enjoyed his older gaming videos, the vomit etc vids of his were really just white noise to me, his gta franklin vid was my shit.
>>228801lmao that's not the fucking point
No. 235000
>>230334I agree fully on your opinion with the beastiality thing, but I understand the pedophile thing, but not to the point where I am a "sympathiser", but I do acknowledge their troubles as sexuality is a very very powerful thing (more commonly between men) and that it is good that they don't act out on it. I watched nymphomaniac too and the point the character brought up was very good.
saged for ot bs
No. 235015
File: 1484469808095.png (175.06 KB, 268x237, monkey.png)

>>231591not to mention it exaggerates her nose which makes her look like a fucking proboscis monkey
No. 235022
>>232486Yeah, I feel the exact same now, I guess I was blinded by "wow he's so funny and unique xD" and thinking he was cute, I had to take a step back and look at the bigger picture.
>>232491Yeah, took me too long to see how genuinely retarded he is tbh, I kinda always just shrugged it off as a shtick.
No. 235116
>>232589I just watched this with my friend (we've both been reading the threads) and it was genuinely enjoyable, I love Michael and to see him having fun in this was nice, and Ian wasn't that cuntish either, and they way he treated the kids was nice, like not being a dick to them. At the start we expected Ian to smash the Vsauce cup, it was good he didn't.
>>235088Thanks for telling me it was actually good
No. 235147
>>235051Nah you do have a point. I was just stating my take on it, and also I think a lot of the people insulting Anisa are the same people calling Ian gross.
>>235116I like that he was nice to the kids as well. One of my favorite idubbbz moments is when he just gives a bunch of random kids milk from mcdonalds in one of his videos because he bought too much. It's kind of concerning that those kids willingly accepted drinks from a creepy gangly man in a jeep but the intent was innocent enough.
I feel like he has this weird dichotomy going where he wants to be a nice person (he was pretty nice in his old videos, he has a fairly normal Christian family, and he mentioned in his old that he's not religious but likes religion and religious people which would suggest that he upholds his family's values to an extent), but he also really likes being a piece of shit because that's what people praise him for and that's what gets him views and money (and I bet he was bullied in high school and now that he gets to be the bully he's having a power trip lol).
No. 235459
File: 1484540674865.png (335.89 KB, 1242x1695, IMG_5727.PNG)

Ian's not going to be ditching Anisa anytime soon if he's moving in with her and publically liking fan rants defending her that he's not tagged in.
It's interesting how fangirl suck ups bring up Katt like "Max is happy!!! So is Ian!!! Don't hate Katt and Anisa!!!!" Nobody hates Katt, she's a normal person with a normal job that loves Max and doesn't have anything to do with youtube, that's why you see nothing about her and yet they're acting as if they get disliked on the same level?
No. 235474
>>235459if this isn't proof that Ian's stans are just riding Anisa's dick for attention and to avoid seeming jealous then idk what is.
>wonderful personality>intelligent>sweetHow??? Where???
No. 235512
>>235502You've probably figured out by now if you've been reading over the threads but Anisa's the only Canadian, Chad and Max are Aussies, Ian's American, and George is Aussie/Japanese living in America.
>>235495Same, anon. I guess I kind of assumed he was playing a character because I found out about him via Filthy Frank, who I knew was a character, so I figured Ian had a similar situation going on.
No. 235524
Not sure if this is really relevant but I found a conspiracy theory about the whats in the box series.
Fucked up if true. No. 236115
File: 1484675852868.png (1.65 MB, 1440x1884, Screenshot_2017-01-17-10-55-16…)

Super excited for the milk after this one!
No. 236427
>>236410not unless you're a chubby 34 year old lesbian, no.
>I am a godless, romanceless NEET see, Ian was just like you. This girl is his first real relationship, that's why he's doing stupid shit.
No. 236451
>>236410Definitely not, her moving in with him after such a short period of time along with them barely being in each other's company for more than 1 day or whatever sends of alarms.
It could have been worse, I guess. They could already be talking about marriage which I think is even worse with couples who haven't been together long or even lived together already. It takes more than a couple months to really get to know someone and then you should probably see if you can even live together.
No. 236902
File: 1484786414321.jpg (34.61 KB, 639x847, IMG_20170117_152953.jpg)

Go, George, go!
No. 236942
>>236281Tbh since this is Ians first relationship, I can see him being really easy to be pressured to do things. Or other way around, wanting to prove something to everyone and going tad too fast.
My money is this babbys first relationship collapsing like house of cards in half an year at most.
No. 237093
>>232785Definitely a Lurker
Dear Anisa,
What the fuck is up with the shitty video quality, no excuse nowadays. Topic is old and irrelevant. Commentating is decent, but commentators are a dime a dozen. Be great at it or not at all.
No. 237097
>>236942>>236410>>236451They've met in person for a couple weeks in total, from what I could tell. Ian has some pent-up aggression and she gets extremely moody when she blows a seal, but she has a submissive personality. She better hope her youtube takes off, because she quit streaming and now makes no money. She's gonna blow through her savings? Get an allowance? Make herself his responsibility?
More stress on a young relationship, my bet is on them having a kid in the next 6 months.
No. 237352
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damn even max is white knighting her. i know he helped her pick out ian's christmas present (evidence that they don't know each other well enough to be moving in & will break up soon imo) but he doesn't have to feed her delusions too. you just can't argue with the fact that anisa was a nobody until she dated idubbbz. her instagram was under 10k when she posted the first photo with him and now its 26k!
No. 237388
>>237352is it normal for a youtuber to do an ama that early? She put up two vids since she officially started her yt career and shes already running out of ideas?
Also wtf is wrong with Max, like what else are people supposed to ask other than Ian related stuff if thats all shes known for.
No. 237445
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Yet another picture of Ian on her Instagram, keep milking it Anisa, it shows how pathetic and desperate for fan attention you are.
>>237352I use to think Max was okay and kinda underrated but fuck that white knighting, money grubbing, annoying little bitch.
No. 237462
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>>237352God dammit, Max. God, at least Joji isn't kissing her ass like everyone else.
RIP filthy crew
No. 237823
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>>237822>>237714Look in the fucking mirror Anisa
No. 237835
>>237714So she's going for a Great Value Content Cop thing.
> These women!!!!There she goes again with that "not like other girls!! ;) " bullshit again.
Why does she hate her own gender so much? This is why she'll never have a prominent female demographic.
No. 237841
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>>237822>she just choose someone less attractive so she can make fun of herHit the nail on the fucking head, she hates her own gender and looks for weaker targets to throw under the bus, to make her look better by comparison for male attention.
No. 238042
>>237823Constructive criticism oh god don't flatter yourself, is she really that delusional?
She just created jet another bully "commentary" reaction channel. At least other reaction channels had some original content that made them somewhat known before shitting out criticism, then along comes this bitch and starts criticizing others without having anything to offer herself.
Also the other girl does not seem to have a hard time at all? She answered quite politely. Why is Anisa so desperate for yt drama? Just bc it worked for her future husband does not mean it will instantly make her famous too.
No. 238206
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>Anisa trying to be deep about Women's March signs
No. 238207
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cant believe shes more offended by a sign than the fact that trump said that. she completely missed the point..
No. 238228
>>238207She just had to make sure she got some tweets in to make sure everyone knows that she DEFINITELY isn't a part of the women's march. No way can she have people thinking she's like "one of them!!!"
Christ, she is fucking pathetic.
No. 238275
>>238207We get it Anisa, you're a doormat that plays the tough anti-sjw gurl part for a living. You're free to be abused and slapped in the face publicly, but ffs don't try to sound deep.
You're the equivalent of Ralph Wiggum but with a padded bra.
No. 238762
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>>238720Luckily, this vlog is from PAX Aus so he didn't bring her, its after the first stream they did together, he was meant to visit her after Australia but on a whim decided beforehand.
So he's uploading this old as shit vlog to keep fans preoccupied whilst he thinks up some shitty Content Cop or kickstarter crap if he still do them with his own girlfriend e begging.
No. 239054
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>>227664>>231287He reminds me of Sid from Toy Story. I can even see him making a video where he blows up toys, if he doesn't have one like that already. Late as hell I know.
No. 239082
File: 1485237758769.png (1.52 MB, 1174x1213, Screenshot 7.png)

making fun of tess daly is just wrong. she's super sweet & way better at makeup than anisa. is her life supposed to have no enjoyment just because she's in a wheelchair?
No. 239105
>>239082I was wondering about this but didn't know who the girl in the pic is. Wow, so she's really low key making fun of someone who's handicapped because she's an untalented, jealous cunt?
And here I thought I couldn't possibly hate her anymore than I already do.
No. 239137
>>239082please someone roast anisa
like completely destroy her for her hypocrisy
like there is so much to work with here.
No. 239152
>>239147Yeah. I'm sensing some hypocrisy here. A lot of the people who like Ian and his offensive shit seem to let it slide when he does it but when a girl does it, godforbid! The nerve of her!
So idk. A lot of 'how can she hate other women!!!?' in this thread and not a lot of calling out Ian for doing the same shit to women?
No. 239205
>>239082She acts really tough for someone who gets publicly mocked and humiliated by her scrawny boyfriend.
Like someone else said before, imagine hating your own gender this much. She reeks of insecurity.
(And yeah, Ian's cancer jokes too have never been funny)
No. 239206
>>239195Side note, what is with Ian stans like
>>239188 going out of their way to bash Joji? Even last thread, all the idiots going "Ian's the hot one, true bae of the group, boyfriend/10, etc." shat on him in their posts. It's like they're threatened by his existence or something.
No. 239233
>>239158>>239147>>239195Ian didn't target an actual individual, post a photo of them, etc on his social media. Anisa did. People make cancer and rape jokes, however Anisa posted a fucking photo of an actual disabled youtuber and mocked her for having 'too many shoes.'
Not even an Ian fan, but there is a huge difference between that.
No. 239289
>>239158I wasn't really defending him in
>>239151 I just think making general lame cancer jokes isn't quite as bad as attacking a specific person, especially someone who is perfectly innocent like Tess. If Ian ever started giving an actual cancer patient grief I'd be equally as disgusted.
>>239188The franku vid about the disabled guy (wheelz) was different because Wheelz is his friend and was in on the joke, also the "joke" was not "haha look at this disabled guy" it was "haha look at Frank being an ignorant fuck about disabled people".
No. 239336
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No. 239339
>>239336the average anisa fan out in the wild
really though, do people unironically think this way? they're just trolling, right?
No. 239500
>>239492boy oh boy, another chubby, semi-retarded looking, bearded white-American man with an enormous audience of preteen boys bravely joins the fight against imaginary evil SJWs. These bros are a dime a dozen, there's an anti-SJW phenomenon on youtube right now and he probably realized he could cash in too after h3h3's successful
triggered videos. Every youtuber this thread is about is sure to follow in his lead if they want more $$$
No. 239520
has anyone else seen how ian apparently interrupted tana manteau's meetup/show (not sure) and said the n word and then apparently tried to make her say it with him or some shit
No. 239524
>>239520What the hell, seriously? That would explain Tana's new video "The N Word"
I didn't watch it but it's probably related. They're both fucking pathetic.
No. 239530
>>239526>>239520I've never heard of this girl but it looks like she's really sweet and caring. Basically Ian and Anisa walked into her VIP meet and greet (she's a youtuber that just finished a tour), Ian grabbed her in essentially a headlock, smiled at the camera, and yelled "Say
n-word!". And he did it over and over trying to get her to do it. They don't even know this woman. Ian can do that shit in his circle of friends. He doesn't need to be """edgy""" and really hurt people have no idea what's going on. I don't see why he wanted to do this
No. 239538
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>>239530From the Twitter page of the person in the video, they said this is probably why Ian did it.
Tana isn't in the right for telling him to kill himself but 1. Ian makes that fucking joke all the time and 2. that doesn't give him the clear to go up to some 18 year old girl and start putting his hands on her and harassing her.
No. 239539
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>>239533I guess we know what the "sudden road trip" was for now and why anisa had the misfortune to run into the San Francisco women's march
No. 239544
File: 1485325083110.png (766.97 KB, 615x835, 333.png) yes, let's make fun of a woman who despite her disability still puts effort into how she looks. What comedy gold.
They truly deserve each other what with how unfunny they are and constantly go for low hanging fruit
No. 239556
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I hate her, him and every single one of their dumbass fans who think this is clever, funny or in any way smart.
No. 239561
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the most savage couple on YouTube<33333
No. 239565
>>239559Pathetic. Tana mentioned in her video that after Ian's headlock, "the girl was just looking at me like this ( :] straight faced, slightly smirking) like, dead in my face, sort of waiting for my reaction or something?"
She said that Ian told her security guard that they were filming so I'm sure we can expect some bullshit video to appear on one of their channels.
>>239561What a couple of uggos lol
No. 239566
>>239544okay, that's really just.. trying to find something to be
triggered about. It was a stupid, light-hearted joke. nothing more
No. 239569
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found this on tumblr about it. honestly what the fuck is wrong with him. is he socially retarded?? he does understand that this can not be excused by "IT WAS JUST A MEME BRO IRONY XD" he's just a massive cunt with too blind of an ego to have any boundaries
No. 239577
>>239555Nobody is
triggered. I'm not personally offended by what she said but there's no denying that it's incredibly unfunny and an easy target to boot.
>>239562At Anisa
No. 239587
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>>239555i was genuinely confused here as to why she didnt recognize him. some people think its fake and are going to great lengths to defend him but i dont think its fake. what do you guys think?
No. 239589
>>239587how do people assume tana remembered his face LOL
white lanky dudes like ian are a dime in a dozen
No. 239590
>>239530Jfc, they're such autists. Is this Ian's attempt at indirectly advocating the use of the word? It seems to roll off his tongue in other videos under the guise of being satirical. Also, what kind of adults go to this extent to harass a highschool girl and her child fans because of a tweet? You would only do this if you're defensive about your degeneracy and think saying "nigger" is funny.
Anisa must really hate """females""" to not have any empathy for Tana and the kids being scared.
No. 239599
>>239595>The fact that people are even debating on whose side to take is mind bogglingb-but Ian's so """"hot"""" and makes such """"funny"""" videos and Tana is a cunt, my husbando can never do anything wrong! ;_; ;_; ;_;
Disgusting what bullshit basic youtube men can get away with.
No. 239600
>>239526i hate this girl. i really, really, hate this girl. i hate that she makes money out of her stupid fake stories and bad acting. i hate that she's so popular and i just really don't like this individual.
with that said, ian was a fucking asshole. thinking about unsubscribing now even. haven't liked a thing since the leafy video came out and he got super popular.
No. 239601
>>239593If she remembered dont you think she wouldve milked his name for the drama to be victimized even more?
knowing tana, she would if she had knew, for the views $$$
No. 239615
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Blaire wasn't raised as a girl so she would have no fucking clue what Tana felt when a random man grabbed her, wouldn't let go the first time she pulled away and told her to say a slur.
No. 239676
>>239526If we only had this video I'd be skeptical, but this
>>239520 clearly corroborates it. Just wow, nothing like a 26 year old man picking on an 18 year old girl. And Anisa looking like such a smug bitch about it. Ian and his stans who are STILL trying to make excuses for him (lmao at
>>239477) are scum tbh.
No. 239693
>>239691when the hell did all these kids get here??
People are only hating on Ian this hard because of Anisa. This dude has always done stuff like this. Since when has this site ganged up on him this hard?
No. 239697
>>239561Don't fuck with idubbz or he'll buy your merch and make a fool of himself in front of your fans
So savage
No. 239699
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>>239693>This dude has always done stuff like thisOh, that makes it okay then, guess that means he's beyond any reproach.
Real talk, are iDubbbz fans just, like, completely bereft of sense and empathy? Is that why they like him so much and shill for him this hard?
No. 239701
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>>239697B-But he was being IRONICALLY stupid!
No. 239704
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>>239699> Real talk, are iDubbbz fans, like, completely bereft of sense and empathy? Is that why they like him so much and shill for him this hard?Yes and they are also genuinely retarded because don't seem to realise that Ian isn't playing a character, that's just who he is as a person.
No. 239707
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Samefagging but I had to share more shit from his retarded fans.
No. 239711
>>239694You clearly have never seen Max's vlogs then. Also stop exaggerating what happened to fit your narrative.
You don't have to be an "Ian fan" to see the blatant autism in this thread. People sucked Ian's dick until he started dating Anisa. Last I recall, everyone hated Tana too.
No. 239716
>>239711I've seen all of their vlogs and I've never seen anything like that happen. Care to cite your sources?
>exaggeratingIt's not exaggeration. That is literally what happened. That is what he did. Anisa liked tweets that confirm it. Nobody is denying that he did what he did not even the dude himself the only people arguing right now are the ones saying it's "just a joke" so if you think my "exaggerated version" sounds bad then maybe you shouldn't shill for him so hard since you clearly recognize it's shit behavior
>Last I recall, everyone hated Tana too.I didn't even know the girl existed until this happened but nice try, I suppose? Also people were blind to his shit before he started dating Anisa for a reason. He had everyone fooled into thinking his spastic edgelord shit was just a persona until he went on his girlfriends stream and confirmed that this is just how he fucking is. You're an embarrassing dumbass and now kindly leave
No. 239717
>>239711>People sucked Ian's dick until he started dating AnisaSpeak for yourself, it was obvious from day one he's the kind of obnoxious guy who thinks he's hot shit. Apparently all the Ian stans last thread are just bad judges of character and thought he wasn't actually this much of a douche. Also,
>whiteknighting IanNothing more autistic than that, champ.
No. 239720
File: 1485354517635.png (218.77 KB, 1242x1333, IMG_5767.PNG)

Don't come for edupz he's WAY 2edgy4u~~~
Same fan as
>>239707 but christ, do they ever reread what they type?
No. 239727
>>239506>>239500>>239492Where the fuck did you oversensitive babies from tumblr come from? Is school on holiday? Seriously, get the fuck out of here.
No1curr if you don't like JonTron, anyway.
No. 239729
>>239725>People like you just hate on anything that's cool and edgy to hate at the momentIt's not cool to hate on Ian, if anything the guy can get away with murder at this point with how often people excuse his actions, act like he's the best thing on youtube, and just generally fellate him. If people criticizing him
triggers you so badly, then fuck off to youtube where everyone will join you in your idubbbz worship.
No. 239755
>>239727>has to rely on ye olde tumblr boogeyman retortNo original thought in your head, huh? Honestly even ignoring his severe butthurt over the SJW menace, Jontron made an ass of himself by thinking an actual celebrity cares about the opinion of some fat "literally who?". You OTOH do seem to care someone is criticizing your schlubby neckbeard boyfriend though.
sage and apologies for ot
No. 239767
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In other news, Chad uploaded a video where a girl he was with did a Nazi salute, got flak for it, and then responded with this.
Dunno how Chad and Ian don't get tired from being ~so edgy~ 24/7
No. 239771
>>239530>Ian grabbed her in essentially a headlocki think she exaggerated that part and that she had to pull hard to "break free".
i might be wrong. we'll know for sure when he publishes the video though.
maybe in a content cop on story time youtubers or on tana mongeau specifically.
he'll probably show the old videos/tweets of her saying things like "you fucking nigger" too.
most of ians videos are shit imo (except for a few) but i'm really looking forward to this one.
No. 239773
>>239771I don't understand how they can be mad that she made the "go kill yourself" comment to him when Ian says shit like that ALL THE TIME?
Just makes me think Mrs. Potato Head is mad that Tana is young, blonde, and is successful on YT.
No. 239780
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>>239773it's probably due to the fact, that she said "kill yourself" right after tweeting the bottom comment (pic related) in regards to a fan of hers killing herself.
>Ian says shit like that ALL THE TIMEthat is precisely why nobody is bothered when he does it. people are used to it.
people get upset when someone does something out of character (or at least the character they're portraying to the public).
also, idubbz uses those expressions lightly, in a comedic sense, when he's doing satire (not that he's that funny).
tana used it with intent and personal emotion behind it (as opposed to when she jokingly says kill yourself to a friend).
they're communicating on two different channels in that case basically.
No. 239794
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Tana posted this tweet
No. 239803
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>>239720his stans are blind. Obviously there is a difference between saying the n word in a video vs buying a ticket to tana's meetup, putting his arms around her, saying the word because he knows it makes her uncomfortable like the sick fuck he is & then try to get her to do it. and then not think it's wrong or apologize. big difference
No. 239805
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>>239790>why would he go to such extentswell, he does frequently crawl through sewers for his videos.
>>239794i do believe she was terrified.
however not for the reason that she stated, rather because she got that he was referring to her saying the n word. and publically at that.
i swear, those racial slurs she made when she was younger are a big blow to her public image.
the thing is, that now she is trying to twist the situation into a scenario which was potentially lifethreatening, INSTEAD of what it really was: a shameful reminder of her own racially insensitive behaviour a few years back.
and that is what she actually fears/feared; to lose face.
that makes more sense imo, rather than a gunman coming up to her wanting her to say "nigger" while being filmed by his gf.
No. 239862
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"I waited in line to harass a girl with my ugly le edgy bf and now everyone is giving me backlash???? Boo hoo!"
No. 239871
>>239805no i do believe she was terrified for her safety. even if you talk shit to someone via the internet you don't expect them to come and harass you in real life. that's crazy and you would question their sanity, especially if they grabbed you and started screaming "nigger" / shit about your past - you don't know what the fuck they're going to do next. she's a teenage girl and he's an adult man, i doubt she'd know how to handle the situation.
i would start fucking panicking if a classmate from college touched me in any way i didn't give them permission to, and they're more familiar to me + closer in age than ian is to tana.
>>239862you hate girls always anisa. harassing them over the internet wasn't enough huh? you gotta join in your retard boyfriend in doing it in real life? fuck off
No. 239875
>>239082I don't get what's so weird about her having lots of shoes tbh. They're all meant to be more stylish than practical so hey, why not? Idk who the girl is but she obviously puts effort into how she presents herself so imo it would be weirder if she just gave up when it came to her shoes.
>>239862Lol the people who go all out to make other people feel uncomfortable are always the same ones that get whiney af when people don't coddle them.
No. 239891
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since i'm a messy bitch who lives for drama i decided to dm akaadian to see how he felt about this situation. he wasn't up for having a private conversation with a complete stranger lmao. but in all seriousness i wonder how he feels about this since he was upset about anisa cheating on him. it must hurt to see her doing stupid stuff with an idiot like ian
No. 239894
>>239727None of those posts are even remotely SJW-ish, every normal functioning person would agree with them. You sound like a shallow retard who lacks any critical thinking skills. Sage for OT.
>>239720Holy shit, how tragic, this really boils down to defending boring lanky white dude #999999 who relies on offensive humor circa-2007 to maintain his channel. If you don't know how to be funny without saying "nigger" and rolling around in a sewer, then just give up dude. Do fangirls think that Ian would treat them any differently from Tana or Anisa if they met IRL, like it would be love at first sight? kek
No. 239925
>>239912His fans that donate to him probably funded this happening.
>>239921Agreed. At that age I don't think anyone wants to interact with teenagers (let alone harass them as a joke) unless they're paedos or mentally challenged. Looks like Ian is looking for any way to feed his superiority complex.
>>239924You think one of the best things he's done is waste money and time to track down a teen just to say 'nigger' in front of a bunch of kids?
No. 239927
>>239925You think one of the best things he's done is waste money and time to track down a teen just to say 'nigger' in front of a bunch of kids?
No. 239930
>>239924>And in a good kind of way. I find it really hard to hate ian for this action in particular, it's one of the better things he's done.Welp, way to prove
>>239699 right. Ian stans are the worst.
No. 239935
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>>239924>I think it's kinda edgy. And in a good way. I find it really hard to hate ian for this action in particular, It's one of the better things he has done.Are you actually retarded?
No. 239937
>>239932It matters to whom it happens, obviously. Seeing as it was such an accusatory tone I didn't bother to either correct or justify exaggerations
>>239935you be the judge of that
No. 239942
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This guy could've made a fortune on just spouting memes but he had to fuck it all up
Does it look like he's had a falling out with George to anyone else?
No. 239957
>>239942ians like that virgin who when he finally gets a girl he ditches all his friends for the pussy….
actually… that's exactly whats happening
No. 239965
>>239957Worst part is the dude was actually pretty good (no meme pls)
He looked happy and things were going good for him
Then he got the pussy and went "I'm a man now, I can't be happy anymore"
His vids were just depressing after that
You can see the shift between the leafy and keemstar content cops
No. 239966
>>239963Because in their trip to vidcon, joji was avoiding him
and joji didn't come to the last trip
No. 239994
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one of the questions "how did u and Ian meet" ok
No. 240002
>>239994"how do you deal with the hate" LMAO oh my lord girl you have no subscribers, stop acting like you are more popular than you are
dont act like you are bombarded with hate when your videos get no views and the only reason we are discussing you here on lolcow is because we are analyzing your effect on the little community you've forced yourself into
No. 240086
>>240077That grip he has on her arm, he's so gross and weird.
It's wasn't the headlock or whatever but it still doesn't mean what he did wasn't disgusting or shitty, he's a piece of shit.
No. 240093
>>240088Wow, he literally is just a male Anisa. What a fucking prick.
The only way for him to get rekt at this point is to pull a Sam Pepper and go too far. Which apparently pranking a teenage girl is totally fine for his edgy 12 year old fanbase. He's the new Leafy.
No. 240095
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>>240088I hope this ugly hydrocephalus man doesn't show up in any of Joji's videos ever again.
No. 240102
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the awkward moment when colossal tried defending ian by making a stupid jab at tana's lack of makeup and then anisa tweets this
No. 240120
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Poor girl was in a chokehold
No. 240129
>illegal slavery means it's not slavery>No one you know is a damn slave.>nobody even said thisAre you actually retarded?
No. 240139
>>240134Oh shit this is actually the first time I've ever been accused of being the Thread Cow this is special.
>>240132Yeah I wasn't even trying to be a dick lol.
>>240120I can't wait to see how fucking hard the subreddit sucks Ians dick after this. SEE HE DIDN'T PUT HER IN A CHOKEHOLD THAT MAKES IT OKAY HE'S STILL NOT A PETTY MANCHILD FOR BUYING THE TICKET AND DRIVING 8 HOURS UP TO SANFRAN IT'S FINE. How do they not realize that they've been fucking played?? Ian bumped Leafy off his throne and sat on it himself and all his dumbass hypocrite fans ate it up.
No. 240142
>>240088I wanna highlight what Tana said about knowing that this won't hurt Ian's career at all and he'll still have tons of fans and supporters.
This genuinely upsets me as well.
No. 240153
>>239871>i would start fucking panicking if a classmate from college touched me in any way i didn't give them permission todoesn't look like a "bad touch" to me tbh:
>>240120>>239912i am looking forward to it, since there will be video evidence and i can base my opinion on that, instead of relying on tana's story.
she is known to be extra.
>>239915you're mixing up two different points. one is that it wasn't out of character for him since he says stupid shit all the time.
and the other is, that it is under the guise of satire.
therefore it's
1) not that shocking for people to hear that from him
2) they don't take it seriously for the most part
that was meant only in regards to perception, not regarding if it's right or wrong.
however, i do agree that it is wrong of them to excuse shitty behaviour, saying that it's meant to be satirical.
No. 240163
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There's this huge ass thread between Max, Sky, this random, psychicpebbles on Twitter about Tana saying nigger AND of course Max defends Ian with "it's a meme!!1!!1"
No. 240167
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Samefagging but Sky doesn't like Ian and hates Anisa, things are getting better, even if Sky is a massive suck up.
I can't link it properly on my mobile, but here is Sky's starting tweet No. 240172
>>240166Shitting on Ian doesn't mean defending Tana. He and Anisa are just beyond the pale in shittiness.
>He said "nigger". Who the fuck cares?? If you really hated it so much you wouldn't give it attentionSound logic there. What are you, 12?
No. 240175
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>>240163The only thing that surprises me about this is that Max didn't jump in to defend his boyfriend sooner.
All I want from this debacle is for Joji to stop having anything to do with these three insufferable losers. He doesn't need 'em.
No. 240178
>>240166Why are you responding with "waaaahhh, why do you like Tana???" when nothing in my comment even mentioned her? You didn't even address anything I said about Ian, other than a pathetic "who cares if he said nigger???" question. Apparently pointing out that it's not cool for a pale white autist to say 'nigger' and act like a smug shit about it is going too far for you?
>Tana still lied and exaggerated what happened for the sake of attentionSure, but that doesn't erase the fact that a 26 year old man still went out of his way (quite literally) to embarrass an 18 year old girl in front of a group of people. He also specifically targeted her because she voiced having an issue with him saying "nigger". So what does he do? Pay money to "prank" her and throw the word back at her in person. Apparently Ian stans are incapable of even comprehending why this is really questionable behavior and instead focus on the "b-but not a headlock!!" defense. Unless y'all are also fans of the super talented epic Fouseytube prankster types, in which case I'm not surprised you enjoy Ian's hack videos.
This whole argument actually started when an anon up thread pointed out that it's hypocritical for anons ITT to constantly attack Anisa while simultaneously giving Ian a pass for doing the same thing as her, and Ian supporters countered that with the rationale that "well, he doesn't attack specific people so he's not as bad", only to have this happen. Needless to say, they deserve to get BTFO.
No. 240183
>>239561they actually look like bullies from school.
Ugly scrawny white dude and manish girl.
Ian's a dickhead. He's a grown adult and should know better. Maybe he has autism or something
No. 240185
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she referenced her head to a pear… lurker confirmed?
No. 240190
>>240185She def lurks, but she's made references to her head being pear shaped before.
>>240183I'm really starting to think Ian is somewhere on the spectrum. That clip where he was just slapping the shit out of Anisa really sealed the deal. (Though in an equally autistic power move, she just sat there and took it instead of….moving her fucking head? These retards are a match made in heaven.)
That said, I feel like the Tana shit is being made out to be more malicious than Ian intended. I think he thought, autistically, that he was pulling some sort of goof n' gaff but it fell flat because it wasn't actually funny. He wasn't menancing her or anything, he was just going "say nigger" in a "say cheese" voice for the camera. He should properly apologize for upsetting Tana but that will never happen.
No. 240195
>>240130neither of these anons, but saying "what the fuck is she wearing" isn't sucking ian's dick bro, if anything it was just OT. fucking chill.
sage for bs
No. 240201
>>240167"the brilliance of his plan"
What did Sky mean by this?
No. 240205
>>240155>It's not like he wasn't a shitty person before this.tana was as well, calling people niggers.
they're both shitty people and i find the drama between them entertaining.
that's it.
>>240156how have i defended him? i merely made a few observations.
i care as much about idubbz as i care about tana or that anisa girl, which is not much at all.
it's the drama between them i'm here for.
No. 240210
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>>240201This is what Sky thinks Ian's brilliance is.
No. 240214
>>240176that's my impression as well.
haven't been in this thread very long, but gee, rational thinking seems foreign to some here.
No. 240226
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>>239082With this, Anisa claims she was only commenting on her large amount of shoes, does she actually think people are that retarded and didn't know what she was actually doing?
She gets called out for her fans saying gross stuff about this girl with her not saying shit and she runs to her hidey hole of muh free speech!!1!!1
No. 240230
>>240226Reminds me of when pedophiles are caught flirting with young girls and they say something like "I was just complimenting her!"
doesn't change the situation at all, people aren't dumb enough to look past your true intentions
No. 240249
>>240077tana seemed uncomfortable but for some reason i was picturing a grown man having a girl in a headlock demanding she say nigger in a forceful way. what ian did is beyond autistic but.. is that really it? like it that all that went down? i'm sure she was scared but from an outsiders view it seems really tame.
ian and anisa can fuck right off though i can just imagine anisa filming with her smug pear face and it makes me cringe
No. 240252
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No. 240259
>>240258His response to it all is beyond cunty too.
>I can do and say whatever I want because I'm iDubbbz lol niggerfaggot XDDDThe people here defending him are only serving to enable his bullshit.
No. 240261
>>240220You can stop with this shit now.
No. 240264
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>anons here are still shitting on Anisa but STILL defending Ian
>now also shitting on another girl to make Ian look less reprehensible
The amount of double standards and apparent hatred of women ITT is getting absurd at this point. What is this hold that this scrawny autistic basic ass school shooter has on you people?
No. 240269
>>240226Bahahaha that backpeddling. I knew it, she's that type of person that first talks shit and when called out or confronted by the person they were talking about backpeddles like crazy because they don't have the courage to say it to someone's face or own up to their words.
What a sad little pear chicken.
No. 240284
>>240226Lmfao "I was just noticing how many shoes she had" what an onision attempt at backpeddling. If you really were impressed by how many shoes she had you could've been like "woah her shoe collection" rather than "that's a lot of…
thinking emoji" it was CLEARLY intended as a joke towards a paralyzed woman.
If ur gonna make fun of her fine but don't be a pussy when people confront you about it lol
Anissa is such a…..dumb cunt?
thinking emoji No. 240337
>>240226"If you don't like it, don't follow me"
But Honey,
if I don't like something you do, I use MY RIGHT to free speech and tell you my fucking opinion on that!
No. 240369
>>240226She can't possibly think that anyone believes her, right?
She wants to be as """fearless""" as Ian, and make offensive jokes without giving a fuck, but as soon as she starts getting called out, she backs down and pretends she didn't mean what she said.
What a dumb bitch.
No. 240460
>>240256So it's bad that she said the nword, therefore it is okay for a grown ass man to pay hundreds of dollars to attend her meet and greet to make fun of her for saying it? Even though his entire brand is comedy is based on saying things a pasty white dude shouldn't be saying?
She was a stupid teenager, and she apologized for it.
Ian fans ITT
>"It's okay to say the nword as long as you're a pasty white guy I want to fuck because I think his edgy sense of humor validates the fact that I'm a shitty person inside and I project on him because most normal men won't pay attention to me!!!" No. 240517
>>240448My assumptions, from an outsider standpoint who is only aware of his content cop videos and the stream with Anisa:
Ian clearly has a superiority complex and sees people around him as lesser, so someone criticizing him is a big no-no which is why he's going all out in his response to Tana.
I honestly feel like he could be sexist as well. Look at how he treats Anisa, she's just there to be his yes-man and he openly disrespected her in front of his fanboys. Now he's attacking another girl, humiliated her in front of her fans and put his hands on her. Would he go this far to do that shit if the target wasn't a young girl he could easily overpower like that? Bullies tend to pick on people who aren't of 'their own size.' He wouldn't dare go laugh at and headlock that one garden gnome guy who's closer to his age and has done much shittier stuff than make one tweet.
Of course, you could say I'm reaching, but that's just how I see it. Not like Ian hangs out with any women aside from Anisa (who actually hates herself). You can easily prove if a pasty autist dude is sexist if he complains about his mom being a bitch, so just find one instance of that and I'll be right.
No. 240560
>>240556It really is the best. Wonder how her ego will manage.
Btw, doesn't that Tana girl already have a thread here?
No. 240561
>>240560Sage for samefagging, but yes she does.
>>100403Anisa child, are you trawling lolcow to find potential CC candidates for Ian?
No. 240631
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>>240443wow, his fans are actually retarded, 12, or both. gee i wonder why black americans don't like other races saying the word nigger it's not like that was a derogatory word used against their enslaved ancestors or something. also thinking nigga == nigger…do u not know what a reclaimed word is
i fucking hate phillip de franco. journalistic integrity my ass what the fuck does Black Lives Matter have to do with the fact that a 26 YEAR OLD MAN BOUGHT A $200 TICKET TO HARASS A TEENAGE GIRL OVER SOME TWEETS. stop deflecting, it's not a genius move for mastermind idubbbz to wait and plot her downfall when she went to sanfran, it's autistic and creepy
>>240618>>240556i'm so glad he hates her, fucking burn her to the ground. she admitted she was only using his friendship for more attention.
No. 240660
>>240657Also the idubbbz dick sucking in the comments are so fucking cringey.
>hurrrr idubbbz is a true legend for pissing away money and time to pick on a fucking kid so edgy king of youtube nothing can stop him xDDDSeriously though, is there any way to stop this obnoxious faggot? Maybe exposing his fans to Anisa might do something.
No. 240664
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When this thread hits the post limit, do we want to keep about Anisa, Ian and still include Joji, Chad and Max?
Possible image for the future thread as well, the pear head Ian and Anisa pic anon posted was too good not to use.
Sage for off topic
No. 240681
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>>240618She's so mad you can just tell, also she's rebranding, no more titty streaming Anisa, just awful youtuber Anisa with piss poor content.
>>240669Go ahead for when it happens anon, just making sure everyone was on the same page with keeping Joji, Max and Chad.
No. 240705
>>240699Hard to tell her expression, but she looks stunned and uncomfortable.
Also, he's a fucking tool.
No. 240709
>>240460>"It's okay to say the nword as long as you're a pasty white guy I want to fuck because I think his edgy sense of humor validates the fact that I'm a shitty person inside and I project on him because most normal men won't pay attention to me!!!"Accurate. Honestly the girls ITT who want to fuck him must really hate themselves. Like come on, this is as pathetic as wanting to fuck Chad.
>>240568I think some just assumed he was playing a character like Joji with Filthy Frank. But I mean it was kinda obvious ian was a weird smug prick just from watching vlogs of him.
No. 240781
>>240712>>240718Yeah this thread in particular is pretty Tumblr already. They are referring to each other as "stans" and trying to shit on each other or religiously defending their favorite member instead of actually focusing on the delicious milk at hand. You don't see this kind of fan shitflinging in the GameGrumps thread.
>>240728>headlockEveryone and there fucking mother on Youtube reporting this shitshow of drama already knows she exaggerated the "headlock"
He clearly had his arm around hers
>inb4 "stop defending him by pointing out obvious video evidence of her not in a headlock you ian stan! Get out!!!" No. 240782
>>240728It's well established he didn't have her in a headlock. We still don't have a full video. Tana is literally freaking out about something it has yet to happen and she is well known for exaggerating things. She should also not give shit to anyone who says the word nigger when she has said it before regardless if she has apologized or not. The Internet doesn't forget and she is well aware there are videos and tweets out there of her saying it.
Let's just wait and see if Ian actually releases a video and stop with the shitty speculations.
No. 240787
>>240555Good video, but I laughed when he told Idubbbz and Tana to not defend their use of the word, rather to just not say it.
As if Idubbbz as anything else to his "comedy".
No. 240789
speculated samefag/Tana vendetta collection? All of these people sound the same, whining about SJWs and Tana being worse or equal to Ian, except for the obvious Anisa post.
>>240166>>240176>>240200>>240214 sounds exactly like Anisa
No. 240793
>>240742Oh, so an 18 year old can't say no when someone tells her to do something she knows isn't right?
>>240789You're way off base, newfag.
>>240681Can someone fill me in on this? How did her dad find out she was a whore
No. 240811
The general consensus here is that people used to like Ian/iDubbbz before he got super famous. His content cop and kickstarter crap videos were amusing because he was brutally honest and sarcastic, condescending about them. A lot of people (including myself) found him attractive because they thought he was a talented video maker who was probably shy and socially awkward behind the scenes.
As iDubbbz got bigger, he appeared in more vlogs with the cancer crew and stuff, acting the same. But what really changed opinions of him was the way he treated his girlfriend. Live on camera he has slapped her, talked down to her disrespectfully, and on her streams acted like a moody bitch and stubbornly wouldn't join in with her jokes, making her look bad.
Sure, Anisa is a desperate fame-hungry dumbass who isn't a nice person, but his behaviour showed him in a new light. It showed that he wasn't actually a shy autist hiding in his bedroom putting on an act for the camera - it showed he really was the same sarcastic, condescending asshole we presumed was a character. Not only that, but he proved that he has no respect for his girlfriend and shows her absolutely no kindness and wouldn't even co-operate in her streams to help her out, and would insult her instead. What a pathetic excuse of a man. I can understand if he felt like she was piggybacking off his fame and this caused him to 'act out' - but why not just avoid streaming with her altogether?
Fast forward to this whole thing with Tana and I can see why people are turning against Ian. He's a massive asshole. I never liked Tana and thought she was a dramatic annoying girl who makes stories up - but what he did was not cool. I used to think he was so funny, but he's just shown his head is so far up his ass he can't see what is socially acceptable in the real world.
How can a 26 year old man think it is okay to grab a teenager and hold her there?! And to the anons who say it "wasn't a headlock" - it probably felt like a headlock since he was holding her arm so tightly. Tana probably said it was a headlock because it was easier to say that to imply she couldn't wriggle out of it. She looks so uncomfortable in the video. I think part of it is because he seemed like he wanted to harm her, but I think most of it (that she didn't mention because bawwww the poor black people get called the N word! I'm a nice person!) is because the N word triggered her and made her think about all the proof out there that she was racist.
When she was crying on YouNow about how "I don't want any of my black fans to ever feel bad sob" it was more about the fact that she knows a content cop is coming and she's shitting herself.
That's my two cents anyway. Basically: they're both cunts but Ian shouldn't have grabbed the poor girl.
No. 240832
>>239128Didn't really have anything to do with gender. It's just the cool new thing to make jokes in poor taste and justify it because "anyone who's offended needs to learn to take a joke"
Unless you're talking about the trump thing, which I can understand. It seems to be the new "thing" That is not agreeing with trump but sucking trump supporters dicks because "people are entitled to their own opinion"
No. 240859
>>240811Why does everyone keep saying that he "held her so tightly"? We don't have a full video with a great angle but he's getting a photo with her and putting his arm around her like most people do at photo ops…. or doesn't look like he's holding her in a knuckle-whitening grip.
I'm not saying Tana was lying when she said she felt menaced (this is the same chick who thought being in the same vicinity as a black guy was a precursor to getting raped - besides, Ian's tall, put her in an uncomfortable position, etc, and while people are saying 18 is old enough to stand up for yourself, how many of us at 18 felt threatened by men who did weird shit? Probably all of us) but she clearly exaggerated the chokehold shit not thinking anyone got a video of what happened.
No. 240933
>>240929Lmao That fucking thumbnail.
Also she obviously didn't give a shit about her ex.
No. 240945
>>240859>Why does everyone keep saying that he "held her so tightly"?I honestly believe it is just one person or group trying to make it look worse than it already is. Look at all the posts ITT that mention the "headlock" and "held tightly" They also keep bringing up how Edgy McEdgedubbbz is " A 26 YEAR OLD MAN" and how Tana is an "POOR 18 YEAR OLD TEENAGER WHO DIDN'T EXAGGERATE A PICTURE POSE". Like holy shit they sound like Leafy "Litcherally a 26 year old man headlocking a litcherally 18 year old teenager"
I mean, he said Nigger very loudly in front of a large group if people, so there is no need to make it worse than it already is. Especially when we have yet to see any video of her "being held tightly"/"headlock" other than that short video.
No. 240956
>>240945and can you stop making it better than it sounds because he still decided to buy a $200 ticket to say "nigger" in public at her fanmeet
there's a bigger number of responses coming in to defend what he did in this thread tbh
No. 241232
>>241206you can refer to
>>188425 in the old thread but basically anisa said on her stream she met ian when some guy was catcalling her outside of twitchcon and ian ~saved~ her and she jumped into his jeep. she made their meeting look like happenstance. mysteriously, she deleted that video after it was posted here. then she added "booking an extra day" and then she backed up the cheating on akaadian claims by admitting she was in ian's dms way before meeting in person.
No. 241325
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he gave her the plushie his fans are saying its cute maybe this can cover up the fact they're dysfunctional lol
No. 243069
I feel like I can easily guess what's going to happen with these two tards:
I once dated a guy similar to Ian (from what I can tell, at least, I don't know Ian personally) who was socially awkward, shitty around women, had only had one girlfriend before (he basically settled for an annoying fat girl just to lose his virginity and not feel alone), he had very little sexual experience despite being in his mid 20's, yet he was still very arrogant and pretentious. I, for some reason, thought he was cute and had redeeming qualities like a great sense of humor, he just needed some work. I helped him dress better, helped him with his social retardation, y'know, took him in like a bird with a broken wing. Finally getting sex on the regular and not dressing like a total slob gave him an insane boost in confidence and other chicks suddenly started finding him attractive after a lifetime of them viewing him as unfuckable.
His ego blew the fuck up, he got it into his head "Why should I stay with this girl when I now have a whole buffet of pussy at my disposal!?"
He ended up cheating on me, though I only found out after the breakup, and he left he me for his co-worker who I had once witnessed give a guy a handjob under a table at a bar. Classy.
Ian's sudden e-fame has gone to his head, him losing his virginity and becoming more sexually experienced will go to his head, the amount of fangirls willing to suck his dick will go to his head and Anisa will basically just have been his practice girlfriend. He'll probably leave her once he feels more secure with himself and realizes he doesn't need to stay with a pear headed, boring, annoying, 2edgy4u hanger-on to feel validated.
That's just my take.
No. 243447
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i found anisa's old twitter (@GoalieLaxtitute) and it's full of cringe. every other word is a hashtag and she tweets about basic shit like teen mom and snookie. funny to see how she acts completely opposite now, and the last tweet was just 2 years ago….
No. 244053
>>243506Hahah! Ah, god, pathetic. It totally is the edgelady herself, isn't it?
Honey, your stories keep changing. Been in his DMs for almost a year? You do know you've basically admitted to being a cheat, right? Albeit, emotional cheating, but still…pretty slimy.
I'm sure Ian's YT persona isn't a completely accurate representation of him, I'm not a fucking idiot like yourself. Every Youtuber hams it up for the camera, but your guy isn't playing a character a la Filthy Frank.
He's a belching autist who just got his dick wet for the first time and is still thrilled by the novelty of ANY girl letting him touch their vag. Your personality is shit, you have nothing interesting to say, your desperation is palpable, you come across as an over eager 16 year old girl who relies on tits and memes to appeal to equally immature men and your meal ticket is going to eventually realize he doesn't need to settle for an attention whore to get blowjobs. There are fangirls lined up around the block to suck that sad ween of his. I can taste your insecurity flaring up from here, it's delicious.
Trust me, cow, you don't have the personality, looks, intelligence, etc. to keep anybody around for long…and, hell, if he does settle for that puss, then the guy has even less self respect than I previously thought possible.
No. 244097
>>243506wait so
- talking for a year
- broke up with past boyfriend in september/october/november
….. if this really is anisa, you realize you just confirmed you are a cheater. all right.
No. 244383
>>243069Seems pretty accurate tbh, I've known guys who give off similar vibes like Ian and they're all trash and follow the same patterns.
>>243506lmao keep telling yourself that, Anisa.
No. 244475
>>244053"Belching Autist" - The burping is actually a medical condition. He has a bacterial infection in his stomach.
Ian the Virgin - He has had fangirls way before I came around… I'm not going anywhere… NaCl
For the rest - Again, don't pretend to know me.