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No. 222185

Elbow-san's face was accidentally revealed in a window reflection at a Christmas dinner party >>220938 So Taylor posted a full pic of them together.

Taylor's brother did a Nazi salute and goose-stepped in the background of her presents video.

Sperging continues to abound.

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TaylorR1488
Instagram: https://instagram.com/taytay_xx/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/iamtay_tay

Last thread reached limit >>221937

No. 222188

More accurate 'last thread' link >>187286

No. 222189

I don't know why she didn't just cut this out (scrub to 14:12).

No. 222190

Huh. Not what I anticipated, but hey, at least he looks normal. I don't know if I'm in the minority or not, but I think that they suit each other.

No. 222192

Is Blake balding?

No. 222193

The Salute is done with the right hand tho for obvious reasons. His left hand was raised

No. 222196

That's where you're wrong. For an Asian he looks pretty old. Money is money though, good for her.

No. 222198


Somehow he looks about the same as I imagined/hoped. They're cute. I was kinda worried that he would be a "shiny guy", you know the type, like a slimy shiny male model or something, that many weebs seem to love, but who are not keepers.

No. 222199

oh rip her boyfriendo is not that cute.

kiki must be happy that her snaggle tooth ex was cuter than this

No. 222200

Making fun of the nazis goes back to WW11 so there's a reason these jokes are still circulating in culture. I'm just saying, for her image this looks kinda shit that she's left it in and showed herself laughing along. By no means am I suggesting he's a neo-nazi. I wouldn't know which hand to raise either, but maybe I'm not edgy enough…

No. 222201

What do you mean keeper? Really annoying how people think fugly people are immediately kind and nice.

No. 222202

thats kind of fucked up actually, wtf?

No. 222203

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This is so petty I love it

No. 222204


do you not know how roman numerals work

No. 222206

I did kind of forget for a moment.

No. 222207

I love how this thread is already degenerating. Cheers, farmers.

Sorry I deleted it then.

No. 222210

kiki fucking wishes, elbow-san is far more attractive
i'd rather fuck a cactus than taco-san

No. 222223

i honestly wouldnt give a shit if the guy was average looking if he bought me any frivolous shit i wanted and a huge house in tokyo

No. 222225

Why try to damage the family's reputation? This stupid hand gesture was clearly not meant to insult or disrespect anyone

No. 222226

She didn't seem surprised at Blake in the least and she didn't cut it out. Not sure if she wants the attention it could cause or if she's so desensitized to her brothers antics it doesn't even register as something in bad taste. The video comments are full of girls thirsty for Blake so prob no one really cares.

Elbow san looks ok. Pretty plain but not shockingly ugly or old. I thought for awhile he was going to be old af.

No. 222231

Ew @ elbow-sans turtle neck and camo pant combo wtf. She could have chose a better photo I think.

No. 222233

Pretty much this. But I wouldn't think they're in love.

No. 222234

I was just shitposting really. I'm not trying to make a big thing of it, sorry if anyone is taking it seriously. We have so little to go on with Taylor and I needed a "scandal" for the OP. Taylor's threads are 80% sperging anyway.

As she knowingly left it in the video, I doubt Taylor feels this brings her family into disrepute.

No. 222235

she just wanted to get a pic of them out as soon as possible so it wouldnt feel as though lolcow and PULL won after the accidental shot of him in the reflection

No. 222239

Aw look at them. They look cute and happy together, that's what really matters. I wish them good luck.

Damn Bro is hot.. crazy but hot. Kek

No. 222241

What's wrong with knights like you who act like they live in her brain and know why she's thinking?

No. 222245

Reaching much?

No. 222248

He looked pretty basic bitch Canadian and not so much crazy as an immature attention whore

No. 222249

No, anon is right.

No. 222251

He's not that bad looking and from the looks of it, he makes her happy. Honestly they're nowhere near as bad as Yumi King and her bf.

No. 222252

Still hot.

No. 222253

is it not clear to see? are you retarded enough to think its just coincidence that she'd post a pic of him just two days after his picture got leaked after 6+ months of not showing his face? kek

No. 222262

people do actually fall in love with people who don't look "perfect". are you a teen?

No. 222263

Maybe it was a surprise for Christmas…

People hunting elbow san are like a VERY sneaky kid trying to figure out what his parents got him for Christmas.

She was going to show a picture of him/ talk about him/ make a video sooner or later.

No. 222264

Don't know what compels you to defend someone with made up shit on a site made for talking shit.

No. 222267

falls in love in money

Tell me that when the dude isn't rich, mmk?

No. 222270

Most likely.
Or a very bitter person.

No. 222276

explain how im defending her? im pointing out how shes extremely defensive about shit posted about her on here and other sites

No. 222281

in possibly the most made-up-shit thread of them all…

No. 222282

he looks like he could be her dad ew

No. 222283

Anons are always desperate to start shit in Taylor threads because there's fucking nothing to talk about. It is completely reasonable to assume she posted the pic as a reaction to the reflection leak.

No. 222284

Does he have a perm?

No. 222291

the fuck does a "young" looking asian look like then? An animu bishi senpai?

No. 222292

Wouldn't you?

No. 222294

tbh, wouldn't you be defensive if people were nitpicking your entire life apart on a hate site?

it makes sense that she's defensive.
and no i'm not white knighting, just being logical.

No. 222296

fair enough.. i do think she takes things to the extreme though what with the daddys credit card xDD joke every single video for months and even making all her friends get in on the joke

No. 222299

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dude looks like asian austin powers

No. 222302

I see it kek

No. 222303

lmao anon, I was trying to pinpoint who he reminded me of and you hit it on the nail

No. 222304


oh god no

No. 222306

Maybe it's because for her and people who actually know her, the accusations seem ridiculous.
As for her defensiveness, money is always a tricky issue. I know I would be annoyed if I hustled for 6-7 years in Hong Kong taking every shit modeling job that came my way in an effort to build the lifestyle I wanted for myself, and then after having done that, had people say that I was a "lazy stupid cunt who never worked hard in her whole life".

No. 222307


omg he does

but the nazi shit is reaching. her brother was just being stupid in the background.

No. 222314

did you read

No. 222316


World War 11? I don't think my country was involved in that little scuffle.

No. 222318

>Really annoying how people think fugly people are immediately kind and nice.

Agreed, but I get why some do it. It's a method to console themselves. By pretending that good looking people who are out of their league == slimy and not ~keepers~, they feel better for not having a chance to begin with.

No. 222319

I feel bad for Tay. She seems sweet but all the other jvloggers seem like frenemies to her.

At least she has Elbow-san who seems to genuinely care.

No. 222323


Posted too soon soz.

Mimei shading Taylor w/ a reference to her dad's credit card.

wouldn't be surprised if Mimei posted here.

No. 222324

That's what you got out of that?
Anon, Mimei's not shading her, she's in on the joke. It's pretty obvious.

No. 222328

it's around 6:38 if you don't want to have to sit through that garbage like I did.

No. 222330

It seems like they plenty of crossover jokes, like Taylor joking she accidentally revealed Sharla's bf (how ironic though).

No. 222332

I'm writing this from the future, anon.

No. 222336

snagging someone super good-looking is not most people's goal in life compared to snagging someone compatible. good looking people can be cunts or nice too.

anyway, let's look on the bright side. she's not getting railed by her boss to pay her rent like Kota is.

No. 222339

they do^ plenty

No. 222344

i was gonna say it must be nice to whore out your brother for views but, he seems like an attention whore anyway so it;s all good i guess

No. 222346

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Actually that's a good idea anon.
I was paying more attention to her brother than her stuff tbh.

No. 222351

If we're going by the standard assumption that Taylor's family is loaded, it would kind of make sense for her to hang around with other rich people? And date within that circle..?

No. 222354

Look$ really don't matter at all. Don't under$tand what$ up with people who think only look$ matter a$ oppo$ed to other more relevant thing$.

No. 222355

Start what shit? She spends her dad's money and now needs another money fund. Ain't nothing wrong with it but stop pretending it's some Disney fairytale.

No. 222356

Explain why she hangs around cheap ass vloggers then.

No. 222358

that's a business thing though, and I'll wager it's temporary in her life.

No. 222359

How do you know this? Don't make definitive statements when you really have no idea.

No. 222363

How do you know it's not? Eat your own advice hun.

No. 222368

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She doesn't need the money

No. 222369

I didn't make any statement (because I don't fucking know). So the rest of your post makes no sense.

No. 222370

he would look good with different glasses/frames and an actual haircut. He has a nice face hiding under all of that.

No. 222376

Can someone clearly point out where exactly daddy's money is going, as the only clothes Taylor seems to buy are barely a step above cheap F21 shit? Literally anyone with any kind of steady income could afford to hoard sweatshop clothes and Zara candles and Kylie kits or whatever the fuck

No. 222379

She has some designer stuff, but you can keep bags like that forever, really. Most of her daily wear seems to be from F21 or Asos.

No. 222381

Read your post, you did make a statement. Sorry that you forget so easily.

No. 222382

not digging the long nails or the jew fro but he seems inoffensive looking enough.

No. 222383

imma guess it's cause she travels a lot and buys new tech and all that shit pretty often. also her house is really huge. just my guess tho, hell if i know.

No. 222384

I thunk Elbow can be cute with a haircut.

No. 222385

There is rent + bills + her expensive vegan groceries + pet on top of that though. Not to mention she gets manicures, hair did and etc. Also her wardrobes changes frequently. It all adds up.

No. 222386

It's fast/cheap fashion for sure but she's probably replacing her wardrobe all of the time. That's where the money goes, into constantly buying new clothes to replace the old ones worn more than twice.

No. 222387

It's so funny how Sharla is the one with the well dressed more attractive fiance, and Taylor is the one with the 'meh'guy with a fro-perm and dumpy sense of fashion boyfriend.

No. 222388

Maybe its not all about looks.

No. 222389

I think the fro is from being half French, though a lot of asians have curly hair.

No. 222397

How even does Sharla have a more handsome boyfriend than Taylor does?

No. 222398

Because love is not about looks…

No. 222399

according to some anons in this thread love is only about looks- or money.

No. 222400

Jesus, what a douche. "Baby, I got two Porsches".

No. 222401

Taylor threads are retarded, and I say that as an anon who thinks Taylor is an insufferable smug twat.

No. 222402

Serious question, what's exactly your problem with Taylor? What did she do?

Damn boy…
Dear santay, is it too late to ask for more hot bro videos?

No. 222404

that was…anticlimactic

No. 222409

Taylor RICHard

No. 222410

>point out money
What problem? I don't know why YOU look down on women who like money and make up fairytale crap on behalf of Taylor, lol.

No. 222415

Yes defending her by making up bullshit. >hurrrr it's luv guise, LOVVVVE.

No. 222416

You don't need looks with money. Don't know why people think it's abhorrent and new that some women throw themselves at rich or famous men. Just because you don't like it does not mean it doesn't happen.

No. 222419

I think it's kind of funny too. Taylor is more fashionable/typically attractive than Sharla who is kind of plain/"dumpy", but dates the plain/"dumpy" guy, and Sharla is dating the more fashionable/typically attractive guy. I suppose it's the whole opposites attract thing? And I guess like other anons have said, looks aren't everything for some people. It is kind of an amusing little detail however…

No. 222420

Not sure if teens or bitter old bitches.

We are just saying they look really happy together and that you are assuming things.

Yeah it happens often anon, but we don't think that's the case.

No. 222423

Plot twist: Sharla is the one with an attractive partner.

No. 222424

I'm with you, they legit look happy together and I think it's kind of sweet? I mean, just look at the way she's looking at him.

I get that he's not typically attractive and he's got money, but it's not like Taylor is strapped for cash or anything. Maybe, just maybe, she actually likes this guy and he has a good personality?

No. 222432

I wouldn't date that fug even if if you paid me 1billion. Y'all though Keeks ex was a fug, elbow san is the bi product of some fucked up experiment or something.

No. 222436

Shut up Kiki. Taku had a snagglr tooth

No. 222438

Mkay Taylor

No. 222446


oops apparently didnt

No. 222448

no worries. this thread has gotten out of hand even without my interference.

No. 222449


when did we see her fiance?

No. 222454

Oh no, Taylor not dating a male model? They seem pretty happy together, and I bet for her the fact that he has money is only a plus, not the sole reason they're dating.

No. 222456

His outfit isn't very flattering.

No. 222468

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Oh, DEAR..

No. 222469

….why does money = unhappy? You're the one assuming things as well. Why can't she aim for money and be happy with the money? You seem to have a very black and white view on money. Money can being happiness.

No. 222472

Wow, Elbow-san looks like an old man.

Sugar daddy theories confirmed.

No. 222473

They seem to like the same thinks, enjoy the same hobbies, and have the same work ambitions. I really don't see why his face/age would have to do with anything… maybe they first connected by talking about life?

No. 222474

He looks at least 45 especially with that stupid perm… I mean I wasn't expecting much but I really wasn't expecting this…sugar daddy theories don't seem so farfetched now..

No. 222476

He doesn't actually even look that old though? He's not good looking or well-styled, sure, but he hardly looks any older than maybe his mid to late 30's tops. I feel like some anons are exaggerating for the sake of wishing for something milkier than a standard boring relationship. She's rich already, she hardly needs a sugar daddy.

No. 222480

>sugar daddy theories
sperg sperg sperg

No. 222481


>sperg sperg sperg

The weird uptick of vitriol in this thread reeks of Ostrenga.

No. 222482

the credit card stuff has been a joke in their friend group for months, what a reach once again

No. 222483

Taylor will be 30 in a year, and the guy looks about 35. How exactly does that make it a sugar daddy situation? She doesn't need his money. She probably just feels comfortable with someone else who has money so neither of them will feel used or pressured by the other.

No. 222486

I hate to pull the "just jelly" card out because usually it's such a bullshit argument. But the amount of nitpicking and reaching that goes down in Taylor threads really alludes to it. What is Taylor's big scandal? Where is her milk? Is it really that difficult to accept that some semi-attractive rich girl lives in a really nice apartment with her average, semi older boyfriend in weeb dreamland? I'm no taylor stan, but how very dull. Especially when there's such a plethora of batty foreign girls actually hooking and sugar babying their way throughout Japan.

No. 222487

MTE especially since the house tour vid, these jelly bitches have been doing the most. There is no milk here, just salty anons.

No. 222490

The reveal was a shock because I expected him to look much different but I think he looks pretty decent. Taylor looks quite young but she's in her late 20's and she probably doesn't want some emo japanese street fashion twink like all the other white girls running loose in Tokyo.

No. 222491

Is there a pic of Sharla's fiance?

No. 222493

Or maybe she does want a guy like that…Idk I actually wish she got with some hot white guy instead. (Replying to myself, sorry.)

No. 222495

I think it's kind of nice that Taylor's priorities are different than most weeb lolcow's. She's not perfect by any means, but I do think she has matured a bit over the course of her videos and I suppose it makes sense for her to go for a more average looking, stable guy with a great career over some young, hot, host type or something. She seems to be heading into her thirties with very mature priorities, maybe thinking of settling down? Who knows…

In the thread over here >>220931
There are some other related posts too.

No. 222496

I think her flaw is in how she preaches about going after your dreams when she's a rich spoiled brat who has the privilege of doing anything she wants. Her and her brother also seem legitimately dumb. idk I can't stand spoiled privileged people who are unaware of how lucky they are.

No. 222497

How exactly is she a "spoiled brat"?
Please explain

No. 222499

Well she was born into an upper middle class family, she doesn't really know any different as annoying as it may come across. What's wrong with her preaching the "live your dreams" message anyways? She's preaching positivity, would you rather her do the opposite?

No. 222500

>What's wrong with her preaching the "live your dreams" message anyways?

It's an empty message coming from someone completely out of touch. It's like a Gwenyth Paltrow effect. She could just, y'know, not preach anything or acknowledge that some people don't have the fortune to do whatever they want like she does.

No. 222501

Her boyfriend looks rather good in my opinion.
I know many girls on here love the K-pop pretty boy shit or are into Host like types but i think this guy looks quite nice and normal.
Also holy fuck the way she looks at him dude might have money but i think these two are genuine

No. 222505

Well nitpick away. I'm pretty sure she has good intentions.

No. 222507

Models don't need to date other models. It must be a fresh of breath air for Taylor to have someone who is genuine and kind. He isn't ugly either, but not attractive. But surely his personality makes him a win for her.

No. 222509

Kek not everyone is a jelly hater, I wouldn't want to be riding that uggos dick for $$.

No. 222510

Plus she takes rides taxis all the time. Yes she may buy little bit cheaper stuff but she does it often. She also eats out a lot, and remember that she had nice big apartment before the house with elbow-san… and she has bought expensive gifts for her friends… yes, she is rich, all of this adds up into a big amount. it's not just about brands.

No. 222512


I can't stand Mimei, she has such an annoying personality but still manages to be a complete bore. She reminds me (visually) so much of someone I couldn't stand in high school who also "spoke" Japanese so maybe I'm just biased against her, very unfortunate looking people.

And I agree, Taylor, at least to me, is the only watchable vlogger in Japan who seems or at least comes off as a very genuinely nice person who means well. I hope she's happy with the elbow dude.

No. 222515


You just seem hateful and jealous then, you expect her to say to her viewers to forget about life if you're not born into money? Many people become successful through smart work and education decisions and a positive outlook. I will never get people who despise others for what they have, if you luster after that life so much why don't you do something about it instead of whining like a little bitch.

No. 222522

This so much thank you

No. 222528

No ofc not but she goes around preaching it as if it's so easy. Life isn't taxis, big houses and doing whatever you want on your daddy's dime. The thing is she doesn't know what it's like. She's a spoilt brat that can break and immediately go out and buy a new $800 camera. That's not a reality most people can relate to.
Ofc she has no obligation to censor content to make herself look more financially relatable but she sure should shut the fuck up about hard work because she's never worked a real hard minute in her life.

No. 222532

>What is Taylor's big scandal? Where is her milk?
Mate, I tried to get the nazi thing off the ground but no-one was biting. This thread exists for absurd reasons. Just go with it.

No. 222533

>preaches about going after your dreams
Where does she do that? I've watched every vlogmas vid and many more besides, she talks about how grateful she is, is all.

No. 222534

Merry Christmas Kaka.

No. 222535

Why do you care though and she did work, I'm still saying the same man, you need to check your priorities, why should she care if you're poor and you struggle or whatever, honestly lol you sound bitter as hell and it's kind of funny but sad at the same time because you're probably a grown adult. I never knew taking a taxi = living the high life. Also living in a big house doesn't always mean you have money, same as people who have fancy cars. For all you know she could be maxing out credit cards. In her Christmas video she didn't get any crazy expensive gifts, at least not on camera and by my own standards their house didn't look that flash either, looking at the interior, I really don't get what you guys are complaining about.

No. 222536

>can break and immediately go out and buy a new $800 camera.
Taylor operates a business. The camera is a business necessity and it's a tax deduction because it's replacing an essential tool that broke in the course of doing business. No sane Youtuber is buying those things out of their own pocket for a hobby (unless their channel is tiny and not monetized).

No. 222539

Exactly lol that person is so desperate to find something to hate about hahahaha and I mean I'm the kind of person who can dislike someone just by the vibe they give off, they don't even have to speak and I just don't find the issue with Taylor with the exception of how she does her makeup but that's just a personal preference and who cares about that. Sharla and Mimei + the rest of those weebs, yes though, painful to watch.

No. 222546

Plus Anon is acting like having $800 saved up is such a big deal. Saving up so you can be ready for emergencies such as replacement for your work tool is basic money management.

No. 222564

For all we know she could've bought it in instalments using a credit card. Not that I think she did that, but 800$ isn't that much.
Their house isn't that luxurious, her clothes aren't that expensive, and in the end - even if her boyfriend did provide for both of them that's just how it is with some couples, especially in Japan. Inferring that she's only with him for the money is ridiculous.

No. 222565

I've been extremely poor at times so I get where anon is coming from, but there's no point taking it out on Taylor.

No. 222571

It's naive to say that a woman shouldn't take money into account when dating men.
I feel like only women with very little experience and salty men say that there's something wrong with it.

No. 222573

Some people on here are so salty. Keep your vendettas to yourself. Why hate on someone because they were born into money and you weren't.

Go out there and change it if you feel so bad. Stop spending your life gossiping about Taylor.

I wasn't born into money and I certainly won't be able to become a kawaii model in Japan like Taylor. but I have done something to change that.

No. 222577

What I learned from this thread is
>if you have money, you will never find anyone who loves you ever because they will only be with you for your money and you have nothing else going for you ever

If that was the case, why would anyone want to be rich? Come on guys

No. 222591

"her house isn't that luxurious" lmao you ever lived in Tokyo? One of the most expensive cities in the world? Maybe from a western point of view it's not that special. In Tokyo standards, it's luxurious. There were even Japanese comments asking how she lives in such a big house in her tour video. Same thing with taxis, in Japan taxis are super expensive. You only take a taxi if you're desperate, super late, or rich.
It is what it is, she comes from money and her boyfriend is rich and is the major contributing factor to her Tokyo lifestyle. If she was single and hustling like a typical gaijin model, she'd living pretty differently. She's just lucky, that's all.

No. 222599

Wow, I had some ex-low tier kpop boy band looking guy in my head, or some kind of stylish/sophisticated and masculine but average looking Asian guy. He can obviously provide a very nice life for her. They both seem happy and to care about each other, so good for them. I'm not sure I could go quite that unattractive for a nice personality and $$$ though.

Yeah, if you ignore her huge (by Tokyo standards) luxury apartment/house, first class flights, constant shopping trips, taxi rides, luxury hotels, constant eating out, pricey vegan food, all the latest tech stuff. I know some disgustingly rich people (think parents buying them £3 million apartments like it's nothing) and all of them happily shop in places like H&M, Zara and Topshop. Plus if she was constantly in nothing but designer clothes she wouldn't be ~relatable. Not hating at all, it's just there's no way she'd be able to afford her lifestyle on her own.

No. 222609

bait harder next time

No. 222612

I was talking about the family home, not the apartment in Tokyo. Look maybe I'm just privileged myself but I honestly have never cared if my friends lived better or worse than me. I have friends who live in multi-million dollar houses, go on family skiing trips overseas every year and others who's family are dirt poor, at the end of the day it's the person who matters and I'm really not sure why people are bothered by these kinds of things but yeah I guess since people are desperate to find something they're going to gossip about this. To me I don't find that she flaunts her wealth, with the exception of first class plane tickets but you can also get those from frequent flyer points so really it's all speculation. If I felt like it I'd take taxis too lol I can't stand public transport, I'm sure with the amount of people in Tokyo it's much more insufferable as well. She used to live in HK right? Maybe she got used to taking taxis everywhere because taxi rides are dirt cheap in HK and she doesn't mind paying crazy prices, who knows I don't care.

Maybe I'm not bothered by Tokyo's prices since my own city is almost on par with the exception of grocery prices but renting where I am is about the same price if not more expensive and eating out is a lot more expensive here as well. And if she does spend crazy amounts of money then good luck to her lol her money she can do what she wants.(nice blog post)

No. 222617

He looks normal to me, not ugly neither handsome, most people is "normal looking" anyway, as long as they are happy everything is fine.

No. 222622

I feel like the picture of Elbow-San is unflattering. If he had his hair done, lost the huge coat, turtleneck and the baggy pants, he'd probably look quite decent.

Most people in the world aren't beautiful OR ugly. Most people are average looking. He is average looking and that is fine!

No. 222623

Her bf is cute in a geeky 70s way. Also he probably has $$$$ and a good personality.

No. 222625

Not going to lie, I imagined the same. I mean, her boyfriend isn't horribly ugly, but he's on the lower side of average. And even though I'm sure his finances aren't the only reason why she's with him, I also don't think she would have stayed with him if he was flat broke. Most people wouldn't.

No. 222632

Why would anyone date an adult man who is flat broke, I feel that just says that they have an unreliable character and aren't level headed. If you're looking to get married or whatever, I mean money isn't the deciding factor but I think the person should have a stable job (both people in a relationship) otherwise how will you build a future together.

No. 222638

>Why would anyone date an adult man who is flat broke

1. Can't do any better
2. They're stupid
3. Both 1 and 2

No. 222694

My dude a sugar daddy doesn't live with you and meet your whole family or take you to meet his family in France.

A sugar daddy is man who provides money or other favors in exchange for sexual relations, that's all.

No. 222703

I always wonder what all those Taylor whiteknights are doing in her thread other than complaining about people "reaching". Like… its not like this page here is known for talking nicely about people. If people reach, let them whats the deal lmao. just leave if you hate it. No one forces you to be here.

No. 222708

Yeah they do, that's when a SB relationship evolves into being a trophy wife. You're thinking of prostitution lol

No. 222711

He's not bad looking. I'm still kind of surprised though as I think Taylor is very pretty, and he wasn't quite what I was picturing. Not that I expected to see her with a boy band pretty boy, but I was picturing more of a classically handsome man. That being said, I think people just have different tastes and I don't think she's with him for the money. He seems like a good guy. I hate to say it, but sometimes the more average-looking people ARE more genuine, and being a beautiful gaijin in a land full of shy dudes…it's probably not as easy for Taylor to find a good relationship as some of us might think.

No. 222716

Not really. Being a sugar baby is more like being a girlfriend, and whatever that may entail, in exchange for money/favours.

No. 222727

Eh, No. Anyway, it's not their case. Enough with that sugar daddy shit.

Some fucks say the same about Dakota and now you want to do the same here.

No. 222746

What's with the "attractive people aren't keepers, are slimy, have bad personalities while unattractive people are normal, sincere, with good personalities" type of comments? Anyway for some reason he looks how I pictured him to be.

No. 222756

I always thought he was going to be some pretty boy. But I guess I was wrong lol. They're cute together tho.

No. 222757

hes not a bad looking person though.

No. 222776

I'm the first person and I was pointing out that you, or whoever made the original sugar daddy comment, defined prostitution and not sugaring. I never said Taylor, or Dakota for that matter, were sugar babies. Please learn how to read girl

I second that. Looking average or frumpy doesn't mean you have a nice personality

No. 222785

blake works at kia cambridge because loaded daddy is the president

No. 222840


I think he's actually quite cute? Not amazing but cute in a weird geeky way

No. 222855



She's got that girl next door look and he's got father of two next door look.

No. 222870

That's not exactly a bad thing. I think he's alright. He suits her. At least he's better than Taco

No. 222876


Wasn't meaning it as a bad thing. He just has a very fatherly look to him.
(Don't remember what TacoBell looks like )

Taylor would probably look more her age if she wasn't doing fillers though.

No. 222877

he looks old but not that bad

No. 222885

Does it really matter what taco looks like when he dumped kaka's ass long ago and is no longer relevant? lol

No. 222887

I get that "good dad" feel from his face too. And yeah if she wasn't doing strange makeup or fillers she'd look more like her mom or sister.

No. 222890

File: 1482895810698.png (656.37 KB, 635x484, gooddadbaddad.png)


I'm so amused that Yumi King's thread is directly below this one…

No. 222896

agreed, Tay looks like she's high-school/early college age and dresses youthfully, of course everyone's going to point out how old her bf looks next to her.

No. 222907

File: 1482898005070.jpg (60.9 KB, 1024x576, well fuck it.jpg)

Taylor Thread everyone abandon ship.


No. 222911

This makes me think.. I wonder if they met during her kotacopy dolly phase.

No. 222913

How old do you guys think he is? I'd say maybe 37, but my friend guessed 50… Which sounds like a stretch.

No. 222920

My guess is 32. 4-5 year age gap.

Who's holding the camera??

No. 222921

I think 32 to 35.

No. 222925

I find Sharla's partner really unattractive and Taylor's partner more attractive, so it goes to show that this is all fairly subjective.

No. 222930

Late 30's to 40's. Look at the eyelid droop. Guy's weathered.

No. 222932

30-35 probably

No. 222934

I'm on board with the 30-35 guesses, though it's possible he's in his late 30's too. I don't think the age gap is a big as some anons were trying to make it out to be earlier. He's definitely not 50 though.

No. 222946

I agree. Elbow-san is kind of average but Sharla's boyfriend is very thin and feminine, kind of dainty. Nothing wrong with that but I prefer more solid guys. Surprised so many people here think he's better looking

No. 222961

I think he's older than 35 because of the face and the fashion sense.

No. 222965

It's snow gear?? Lol you people not all asians look young either

No. 222968

Plus it's suspected he's half (hence the hair texture). And his droopy eyes could could be genetic and not because of old age? His fashion isn't even dad style?

Tbh, I think anons are reaching or have some kind of skewed idea of Asian guys from weeb media.

No. 222970

That's funny because I would actually put him on the younger end of the spectrum (35 max) because of his fashion sense. Not in this pic obviously but in other vlogs he's worn: purposely torn jeans, the skull-bone pants (that he wore out in public)
Also the date to the batting cages and game center.
I mean I'm sure that an older guy having some kind of aging crisis might wear and do that too, but logic kind of points me to someone younger.

No. 222973


I agree he looks older than 35.

This photo already has filters and shit, but you can still see some eyebags and wrinkles.

Nothing wrong with having an older partner though. What matters is that he makes her happy.

No. 223014

I thought he would look like the boyfriend of Kim Dao.

No. 223028

so many delusional taylor stans here, its ok to admit hes ugly as sin
or do you all just have yellow fever

No. 223036

I agree, he's pretty ugly. Whether he's old or not that guy just isn't in the same league as Taylor looks-wise. She seems to be really into him though so, I don't know. Good for her I guess?

No. 223042

Nah maybe not everyone's a cunt and judges only on peoples looks. I agree he isn't the most attractive but he has a kind face so I don't think he's ugly, but I don't find the pretty boy asian look attractive myself, there are exceptions of course but most just look gay to me, like the kpop idols no offence to anyone.

No. 223043

I'm meant to reply to this soz

No. 223049

He looks old and not like the ugliest man ever but he's not good looking or "cute"
Idk why lots of anons are defending him and saying love is the most important thing, this is not pull.

No. 223050


"Maybe not everyone's a cunt" straight to "Kpop boys all look gay". Nah, I'm pretty sure you're a cunt, honey.

No. 223053

I didn't say all, and I don't mean they look ugly either just a bit too feminine in style for me personally.(no1curr)

No. 223121


Gosh, this thread is becoming a kiki's fake positive vibes and love and light thread. I don't understand the arguing … It's all preferences and that's not debatable because everyone's preferences are different. It really comes off like anons are trying to protect Tay and her bfs feefees … I doubt he comes here.

No. 223163

Anon that's ok, we get it and I agree, it's all preferences. Comments like "he looks older" or "I don't find him attractive" are just your preferences or a description of what you see in the picture, but then you read comments like:

>"Ugly! She's with him for the moneyzz!1"

that's a debatable statement.

No. 223166

She totally is though. look at him

No. 223173

You can not say that based on looks.

No. 223175

Not everyone is as vapid as you are

No. 223217

Can we plz stop pretending lolcow is suddenly filled with people who don't care about looks? It's laughable.
Stop trying to police what anons say on the internet about a random guy you don't know who's dating your idol. This thread is dumb

No. 223225

File: 1482960784349.png (282.74 KB, 337x483, latest.png)

He's only cute if you think Wybie is cute then okay there you go

No. 223226

He's not ugly just average. If someone showered with attention and truly loved me I wouldn't give a shit about the way he looks (to a certain point I guess). I dont get people that are like oh hes not a 10 so she must be faking it like geez.. yall obviously never had a real relationship

No. 223227

Lolcow is typically but not exclusively for bitching.

Not everyone has to agree with your unpopular opinion.

No. 223231

That's exactly the point of my post, everyone arguing over disagreement of opinions and taking it personally as if they're Taylor themselves being told that to their face. It's bizarre, and no one cares.

>ITT: 200 opinion posts about elbow's looks from the same few stans and haters

No. 223241

I think he would look adorable with a different hair, would go on a date with. Homely and nerdy looking men are awesome, but different strokes for different folks and stuff

No. 223245

actions really affect how attractive someone is to ppl tbh. and i think a lot of people have a soft spot for elbow-san because of all the nice cute stuff he does in general like he seems very likeable? so no one really wants to call him ugly lmao. we can't lie and act like some of us don't stan celebrities in their 30s and 40s tho.

No. 223252

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To me he's more like an East Asian Austin Powers and that's awesome.

No. 223290

Ohh, you win. That is fucking accurate hahah

No. 223353

Spot on haha if you think austin powers is attractive then I guess he is attractive

No. 223409

Because he isn't qualified for ugly, looks a bit old but not really ugly.

No. 223416

File: 1482978539962.gif (448.48 KB, 490x274, Sexy.gif)

Awesome right? Personality will ALWAYS win over looks, and he's kinda cute anyway.

No. 223428

basically. manaki is young but he's hideous. girls usually go for guys that are older and since taylor is almost 30 it makes sense for her bf to be in his mid 30s.

No. 223434

tbh I wouldn't mind seeing a better picture before fully judging. The turtle neck makes it appear as if he doesn't have a neck, and the overly large and baggy clothing gives the visual that he's flabby ( plus the scrunching of my face)

No. 223444

I don't think he's fat because the legs look skinny.

No. 223448

Huh. Totally not what I thought he'd look like. He looks cute in a dorky way, I guess.
I wonder what her family thinks of him.

No. 223464

taylor looks about just as big and we all know she's very thin. it's just the thick winter clothes. there's been shots of his arm in videos and it looks thin.

No. 223469

And Taylor only looks and dresses young. It works for her modelling and the youtube channel. She is, as you say, older herself.

No. 223471

Manaki looks like a Koopa Troopa.

Well, she said in her bday vlog that her family thanked Elbow san for all the pretty things he does for Taylor so I guess they like him too.

No. 223479

I'm sure this has already been said before, but if she loves him, then who cares what he looks like?

If he treats her well, and she's happy, his looks really shouldn't matter. How would you feel if the roles were reversed? And it was an attractive male youtuber who was always talking about how sweet his girlfriend was, and she was obviously independently successful.. but when he showed her face, she ended up not being as beautiful as him? How would you feel?

If they are happy, if he is kind to her– it shouldn't matter how he looks.

No. 223759

>Awesome right? Personality will ALWAYS win over looks
How did you come to this conclusion over one picture lmao

No. 223801

Japanese and other Asians can have curly hair naturally, without being mixed.

>if she loves him, then who cares what he looks like
Not gonna lie, since I don't follow her at all, I thought she must've had some serious yellow fever for picking this old, average looking dude. Maybe some of the other people here judging his looks thought the same, hence all these discussions and surprised reactions.

Doesn't help that this thread is sandwiched between all those gaijin threads where girls marry for a visa but apparently, this model isn't nearly as crazy as them. She doesn't even seem like a weeaboo, to be honest. Sorry for prematurely judging you, blondie.

No. 223827

Maybe this is all Taylor could attract …

Now I ain't saying she's "ugly", but I can't think of many normal dudes who'd be into 25 plus yr olds that dressed in frilly clothing,contact lenses and ugly makeup and behaves sorta on the childish side. Normal pre dolly Taylor would've had no problem, but in between and now Taylor probably does. I'd almost want to say he's a closet otaku (?) and is into the "dolly/human barbie/anime crap".

Personally I find it odd that so many think she should/could do better. Its complete rubbish to think that "personality trumps over all" … Non of the girls here would date someone they are not physically attracted to, and nor would Taylor. Money and yellow fever can only take you so far.

No. 223832

Will she ever stop with the damn eyelids. She is so pretty and that shit just ruins it.

I don't think I'll ever get used to them. Surely she has got to be tired doing it by now. Tugging at your eyelids constantly gonna give her eyebags so if that's not incentive enough..

No. 223839

Bc he looks like Austin in that specific picture and he seems to be a very good person (according to what we see in the vlogs).

But who says she's not physically attracted to her bf? You're just assuming things based on your personal preferences.. it's a normal couple and actually it's very common to see someone hot dating someone average, even ugly.

No. 223849


Read again. I said " The girls here wouldn't date someone they're not physically attracted to and nor would Taylor" implying that she thinks he's attractive and if she didn't think he was, she would not be with him.

I'm pointing out that the girls claiming that only personality matters and looks don't are stupid. Nobody dates someone they're not physically attracted to. Both her and her boyfriend are attracted to one another.

Those couples you're talking about probably are also attracted to one another. If said attractive one thought their significant other was ugly af they wouldn't be with them.

No. 223853

Taylor's boyfriend isn't very good looking, but hey, it's not the first time for me seeing a pretty girl with a guy like that, and the girl being genuinely in love with the guy. Some girls really don't seem to care that much about looks. Or may just have a taste in men that is different from the standard. I know girls who seriously think a beer belly is attractive and a six pack isn't. Weird but true.

No. 223858

My bad.

>I'm pointing out that the girls claiming that only personality matters and looks don't are stupid.

No one is saying that only the personality matters, that was bc some anons are saying things like "she's with him for the money, look at him!!1". It's a combination of many things and varies from person to person.

No. 223860


Exactly. My best friend thinks mad muscles is hot while I think it's ugly and too much. Some seem to have the habit of thinking if they don't like something then nobody can. Besides Taylor isn't exactly normal herself either. Normal 30 year olds don't wear circle lenses and cutesy clothing and draw/tap eye bags on their faces while frolicking around Japan preaching girl power.

No. 223864

Taylor finally uploaded the Shaylor Sleepover video

No. 223885

Anyone see Taylor in fujishiy's vlog where she makes a fool of herself because she's been in Japan for two years and can't speak any Japanese?

No. 223896

yup. she was so surprised the other 2 girls spoke japanese like, bitch, u do realize where you've lived and for how long?

No. 223897


Such wow.

No. 223898

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No. 223900

Well she's not 30 yet.. Or are 18 year olds also regarded as 20 now?

No. 223907


18 and 20 year olds are both still young adults and 28 and 30 year olds are both mature adults. Is there really that big of a difference between 28 and 30 ?

What is the point to your argument beside being upset that an age got rounded up 2 years ?

No. 223912



No. 223925

I honestly don't know if you are being deliberately obtuse or you genuinely don't know. The gap between late 20's and 30 is a big one. It may come down to only two years, but people's perception of the two is vastly different.That's why some people (like pt) freak out when they reach 30. It's a turning point in life.

No. 223933

Because hitting the 3-0 is a indeed a big deal like >>223925 mentions. And honestly 18-20 is not a big gap either, because you're a young adult at both ages.

No. 223945

Taylor pops up at 1:19. Does ashiya speak English well? Also how long has she been in Japan?

No. 223952

afaik she doesn't speak English well. She's been in Japan for a long time like 6+ years I think. She's also married to a Japanese guy.

No. 223955

This is an older video. Taylor showed her in her vlog when they met, but I don't think she linked Ashiya's yt? It was when her mom was visiting and they went to Asakusa I believe?

No. 223957

I didn't know she was married though, I'm not sure if she ever shows him in her videos

No. 224084

File: 1483076801982.jpg (39.27 KB, 500x374, 1009-shinichiwatanabe_super.jp…)

Guy looks like he could pass as Shinichi Watanabe holy shit

No. 224167

It's possible to have fun after 30. There's loads of people, married/unmarried, with or without kids, that still eat out, travel, blog, wear cute shit, go to Disney, play video games, etc.
Damn it's comments like this that remind me how young y'all are. You don't wake up the morn of your 30th birthday a soccermom

No. 224172

isn't ashiya married since 2011 and ran away lmao

No. 224355


No. 224513

It's kind of funny that some of the younger anons here have borderline PT ideas of what being 30+ is like.

No. 224550

No. 224773

Looks like CL!!!

No. 224873

I kind of expected him to be a bit younger, based on his look and styling I'd think he would be in his mid 30s. But he looks pretty average.

No. 225349

>Because hitting the 3-0 is a indeed a big deal

Why is it a supposedly big deal? What magically changes when you turn 30?

No. 226355


Absolutely nothing … People are just afraid of numbers and "being old".

I think the only time turning thirty truly affects you is when you haven't accomplished anything in your life, and once you're 30 it finally sinks in that you're a nobody. In Taylor's case she's accomplished quite a bit. I don't think she'll turn sour when she finally reaches thirty. She's living life and seems really happy so no way a number will change that. ( Though she will likely continue to hide her age to come off younger to her audience. )

No. 226367

It's not the big 3-0, but Taylor mentioned somewhere she wants to have 2-3 kids so yes, she is starting to get old regarding that matter. Talking about fertility and risk during pregnancy.
You can have all the surgery, fillers or whatnot and wear all the cutesy clothing you want, but regarding this your body won't be #forever21. And Taylor does want this.

No. 226387


We all know she will try flogging her hapa kids on the model market too. But if they're as cute… I dont know. Hapas are a 50/50 thing. Look at Duncan for christ sake…

No. 226407


I don't feel like 30s are that bad to start having children at. A lot of people are now waiting longer to have children, typically from financial stresses and wanting to be stable. ( Also enjoy life and travel before settling down ). It becomes more of a concern after late/mid 30s. She seems to keep herself healthy, so who knows she might be perfectly fine.

I do sorta feel like she's getting closer to having kids with the large house and meeting each others family members and discussion about children and marriage.

No. 226416

If you have a good career and/or high education, starting a family in your thirties is the norm. Typically people who have children in their early twenties are lower on the socioeconomic ladder.

No. 226420


Prepare for seeing those in her vlogs then. There is a handful of people in Japan as j vloggers with families though. Gimmeaflakeman, RamandaDaisuke, ect I can't be assed naming them all but there is a good few. Its just that Taylor is going to be the foreign rich one who spoils her kids.

No. 226499


I absolutely hate family vloggers and their need to let you know their family problems. ( Then again I don't like vloggers in general ) To me non of its really all that interesting to watch people live bland boring lives and talk about it.

I hope she doesn't raise her kids up on camera and lets them live privately, and returns to being a beauty/makeup /diy channel and does planned videos. Let the kids grow up and make their own choice to be on a camera or not.

No. 226511


We will be getting videos of them anon, it's gonna happen. They all do it and her being a model… jesus.

It'll be like Margret Palmero parenting online done right.


No. 226520

Which is funny because RamandaDaisuke also lives off her man's checks while away on business. But I guess that's okay as long as you pop out a kid or two and live as a kawaii black waifu.

No. 226529


Most Japanese women live off what their men make? Its common shit anon. Don't act as if koot doesn't live off Hiroshi's pay checks or Himezawa doesn't ask her kawaii husbando for brando.

She isn't even kawaii. She's pretty but she isn't anything to do with weeb crap. She's just a basic black woman who lived in Japan, had two kids and is now going back to the US with her man and the kids.

No. 226530


One black jvlogger I miss is Saitamaflowers, her and her husband Toshi were adorable. But she died apparently.


No. 226535


Who cares this is the Taylor thread go make a thread for Harambe and talk about her there.(race derailing outside of /sty/)

No. 226560

Edgelord confirmed. You can tell anon to stay on topic without being a racist asshole hiding behind a computer screen. Honestly I don't know why a lot of you people come on here to Judge cows when you are just as bad if not worse.

No. 226586


Its because some racist white weebs dont like blacks being in Japan or having families too lol.

'only white wimmin can have trophy azn model career and husbando'

oh fuck off

No. 226588


Don't asians look like monkeys too though?

The only reason weebs fawn over them is because of anime, the fact that they are associating with the most antisocial race on the planet and "Im so edgy and cool of understanding 100 basic kanji symbols', cute shit and generally cute shit Japan has to offer.(race derailing outside of /sty/)

No. 226601

Man, get some help.

No. 226604

Were you rejected by all of the Japanese men you've been lusting after? Does it hurt your fee fee's seeing black girls living your dream?

Honestly you sound so stupid right now. Racism isn't cute.(don't take the b8)

No. 226605


No. 226610

Racism might not be cute, but this isn't either gg getting triggered by some sperg

No. 226613

kiki has finally gotten to a new stage in grief

No. 226616



Don't start derailing this shit

No. 226754

RamandaDaisuke is a reasonable down to earth human being that simply showcases what it's like to be a mother in Japan, not a fame thirty whore like Taylor and main jvlogger clique of girls. Did Ramanda dance around like a moron to JPOP music? Did she try to be a famous idoru? Did she try to photoshop herself into fame like Dakota? Make embarrassing high pitched Japanese weeb voice videos? No lmao Ramanda is going through the normal motions of life, not embarrassing herself like the other jvlogger assclowns

No. 226762

Nice selfpost

No. 226763

File: 1483447261885.png (1.83 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2016-11-15-19-21-25…)

Tbh looks are for basic bitches. Cute guys will cheat on you, not settle down and treat you like shit. Uggos will crawl naked through fire over broken glass for you.

No. 226764


>Ugly guys will treat you betterr

You'd be surprised

No. 226765

Mimei is so obviously jelly. I would be too if I looked like a tranny corpse.

No. 226766

He's like a more handsome idubbz. He needs his own channel.

No. 226767

File: 1483447832069.png (1.47 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2016-11-15-19-24-06…)

I would argue vegan groceries don't have to be expensive. Especially if you don't eat like a fat cunt. Meat and that sort of shit is more expensive than some carrots, frozen veggies or couscous.

No. 226793

Because it was hilarious?

No. 226794

No it isn't. The Internet has just made you severely melodramatic.

No. 226813


tbh you sound ugly

No. 226823

Wow, must suck to be fug!

No. 227312

That title is embarrassing, she's embarrassing, this entire video was fucking embarrassing. Why just why? KMS

No. 227328

This was even cringier than watching her trying to speak Japanese.

No. 227340

She's more in her element in English speaking countries at least. But I hope her boyfriend is into this stuff bc spending a day in NY like that is boring.

No. 227345

this was so much worse than i thought it would be. why tf was she sitting outside his office for like 10+ minutes?? and then riding the boost-it board out in front… this was some intense second hand embarrassment shit lol

No. 227367

File: 1483546621562.png (2.08 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2017-01-04-17-14-53…)

Honestly, it was kinda cringe but not that bad. She's not american so yeah everything there is exciting and interesting to her.

Ok the skateboard thing was cringe.

No. 227368

I haven't watched the video because it sounds cringe max already but as an answer to
>why tf was she sitting outside his office for like 10+ minutes??
That's a 'thing' amongst Casey's fans. Embarassing. Even more so, because it's crystal clear from his instagram, that he's enjoying life in Cape Town.
Ouch, bet she had him as vlogging 'material' in mind when choosing NYC as destination.

No. 227372

who tf is Casey?

No. 227390

So this is notice me sempai shit is a thing? Terrible. And he has to deal with walking the fine line between hating copycats and being nice to his fans.

No. 227401

Yeah… he was one of the biggest daily vloggers ob yt, quit sometime this autumn(?). Guess Taylor wanted to go get some 'exclusive material'. And failed.

No. 227409

That's not an excuse though. She lives in a big city, she should know how to behave. I understand that it's exciting, but people travel all the time, and don't act ridiculous like that

No. 227415

i'm really not surprised she has no friends aside from jcringe crew. who tf would want to walk around with this embarrassment ? except her bf who i guess finds her pretty enough to ignore this kind of shit lmao

No. 227432

i wonder if anyone goes out of their way (ie crossing the street) to avoid being filmed by her during these antics
and some of you anons were acting like she doesnt act obnoxious in public like in the ikea vid, well what do you say now lulz

No. 227458

I usually like her videos (I know some are quite boring, but I find them pleasant to watch when I get home while chilling), but she needs to stop trying so hard to be funny. She's a bit cringey sometimes but I can't handle that, but this Casey Nestat thing was extra cringey. She could have made just a little joke or something in front of his office and that would've been ok, but all the rest was uninteresting and kinda embarrassing.

No. 227508

What a huge nose.

No. 227531

File: 1483569703192.png (1.15 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2017-01-04-17-13-21…)

I think it fits her face. It's pretty average for a white person.

No. 227541

I thought she was just going to pass by one of his 'regular spots' and be like "Oh this is where Casey blah blah" (I've never watched Casey so I don't know what he does), but she actually went out of her way to stalk his usual hangouts? I know she idolises him but she isn't a 12 year old fan and this whole video was just embarrassing.

No. 227542

her makeup and eyebags always make her look so weird to me, like there's something off about her face that doesn't exist in her candid model photos where she looks normal

No. 227560

File: 1483574020794.jpg (98.32 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

Why doesn't she contour it? Contouring isn't a big thing in Asia but at the very least basic nose and face contouring is.

No. 227638

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It's too big for her face. And it quite bulgy.

No. 227640

File: 1483583019162.jpeg (115.5 KB, 749x730, image.jpeg)

I think the eyebags make her nose slightly smaller, maybe that's why she always insists on doing it. It's still better looking than Kota's L-sculpted nose though.

No. 227642

Her gothic doll photos are the only photos I like of her. I think she suits the gothic look

No. 227643

Jesus christ, that's just disgusting.

No. 227647

She could get more and better roles than Kaka in horror.

No. 227650

You're kidding, right? I don't like neither of them, but Kiki's Axis CM clip had way better (but still bad) acting than Taylor's godawful Rola-wannabe tryhard dramas.

No. 227665

Wtf her nose totally normal sized and it fits her face. I mean if you think her nose is too big than so are like 95% of the snowflakes' noses here. I mean who do you think has a "good" nose?

No. 227690


her nose looks fine I don't know what your preoccupation with it is. If you're going to make fun of her make fun of her for something that actually exists.

No. 227740

smells like kaka in here

No. 227826

tbh i don't mind her nose but her bloody eyes and uneven weird ass lips creep me the fuck out.

No. 227831

I really don't like her make-up especially the lipstick. She has such nicely shaped lips, naturally.

No. 227838

Her nose and eyes are fine, it's her cheeks that are a mess. They always look so jarringly rocky and artificial when she's in natural light. Why did she have to mess up her original pretty face with those implants?

No. 227842

So now we're talking about her perfectly normal nose? What's next? Her right thumb is too big? Geez anons lol (sage for shit posting)

No. 227844


Literally it hurts to look at her for too long

No. 227906


Not the anon that posted above, but her nose IS big to me too. People are allowed to think that? Stop getting so butthurt about it.

No. 227918

Her thumbs are fuckin irritating tbh. How has she not had them removed. Ugh.

No. 227928

New vlog is up, is it me or have her New York vlogs been extremely uneventful and boring so far?

>>227906 Not the same anon as >>227690 btw.
I never said people aren't allowed to think that, get a grip. You're allowed to think her nose is big just like I'm allowed to think it looks normal lol.

>>227918 God her fucking finger nails are too small wtf why can't she get some new fingernails jesus Taytay.

No. 227932

I think it's boring because she doesn't seem to have friends or fam to get her excited about the true culture of places she's visiting. It's all "I read this online" then buying the thing, no passionate commentary.

No. 227936

Yeah it seems like she just looked up everything on yelp. She can at least walk around and explore the city and get out of her comfort zone. She films way too much of herself talking and random footage instead of things that are actually interesting, heck she even made the Moma seem boring.

No. 227946

thats cause she barely recorded MOMA cause she had to constantly record her hamster face. she's really dumb and it's so hard to try and not make fun of her for it. dinosaurs in moma? bitch what?

No. 227959

>dinosaurs in moma? bitch what?

I'm pretty sure that was a joke. People take her way too seriously

No. 227965

or she's such a bad joker.

No. 227966

She seemed pretty serious, should have gone to the museum of natural history if she wanted dinosaurs.

No. 227968

She's not smart and comes off as generally unintelligent so it's hard to understand when she's joking.

No. 227969

You're allowed to have your opinion, and I can have mine. The issue is you're responding to people acting like they're making stuff up

No. 227974

File: 1483636168045.jpg (35.17 KB, 600x575, What in the fuck.jpg)

Jesus anon are you sure you're not the butthurt one? Btw I made one post about her damn nose and it was >>227842 calm your shit.

No. 227993

Lol uh, I have no idea how you gather that I'm butthurt from my post. All I said was we are both allowed to have opinions, and you're acting like other people's opinions are discounted because they're apparently being ~*ridiculous*~

No. 228009

File: 1483642771599.gif (350.8 KB, 250x196, What Is Logic Uguuu~~.gif)

ok and all I said was >So now we're talking about her perfectly normal nose? What's next? Her right thumb is too big? Geez anons lol (sage for shit posting)

yet you implied that I was "butthurt" for making a simple observation…anyways..moving on..continuing…going forward… (sorry admin and farmhands)

No. 228311

I feel like this thread goes in circles. Some minor point is brought up and it becomes a huge argument about opinions vs facts. If someone says anything slightly negative they're suddenly Kiki and it eventually spills over into the Jvlogging thread until something else stupid is brought up and the cycle repeats itself. It's just boring at this point.

No. 228340

Welcome to Taylor threads my friend.

No. 228360

There is also a peachy stan around here and the jvloggers thread who keeps trying to argue with everyone that Taylor is ugly and that peach bitch is so kawaii~

No. 228365


They both could look better. Asian make up/styling suits neither of them.. and imo looks terrible. If they'd just give up the weeb style they'd look hella better

No. 228383

So because someone thinks a person is slightly cuter than Taylor, they're a stan? What kind of logic is that? I can say I've been one person who has voiced distaste over Taylor, but there are certainly others than myself who have been agreeing. It's not just one person that's going around spamming the boards.

No. 228384

this thread is so dry. there's no milk, soda, water or even spit. it's all petty and boring even by /snow/ standards.

No. 228387

It really is, I can almost taste the dust on my tongue.

No. 228391

the thread really just needs to be moved. people act obnoxious and nitpicky for the sake of proving she belongs in this board but the truth is she doesn't.

No. 228395

Doesn't matter people will still bitch about her in the jvlogger thread

No. 228398

the jvlogger thread is still in the /snow/ board. there's enough inter-clique drama to keep the thread interesting. but taylor is essentially just talking to herself alternating between being likeable, boring, and cringey. the thread is plagued by kiki and all the other jvloggers secretly jealous of her because she continues to ignore them. we've moved on from calling her a hamster and are now swearing she has a big nose. it's ridiculous. this shitpost of a topic has gone on long enough. it should be moved to /manure/.

No. 228403

Not a taylor stan here either, but I agree. This thread always seem to be bumped for no particular reason. The closest thing to milk anyone has even had at any point of these taylor threads is what her boyfriend looks like, which she herself revealed. I don't know, seems like there's so little to talk about that it really should all stay compiled in the jvlogger thread?

No. 228405

the only reason the taylor thread got created is because they "claimed" people were complaining they were talking too much about taylor in the jvlogger thread, when literally no one suggested she be moved to her own thread. it's really just girls looking to satisfy their personal vendetta. i'm a longtime farmer who's dabbled in just about every thread, but i cannot for the life of me get on board with the asinine shit that goes on in this thread, especially as of late. it's all so forced and repetitive.

No. 228414

She literally has no milk, she's just a basic ass boring girl compared to the rest of the nippon land crew lol. There's nothing to actually talk about besides how boring she is.

People were talking about her a lot though, same usual crap that always gets discussed nothing new. I guess this thread was created in hopes of getting everyone to stfu about Taytay.

No. 228416

Taylor's lifestyle just triggers people into whining about it tbh zero milk just salt

No. 228433

I think the only salty people are the ones that are getting salty when people talk about her.

No. 228437

Maybe if there was something of substance to even talk about? Overzealous stans are bad, but so are salty anons who bump a garbage thread with literally nothing over and over again.

No. 228440

File: 1483685726981.jpg (27.86 KB, 500x350, God Why.jpg)

aaaannnddd 'round and 'round we go Chist, where are the farmhands/admin? Save us please, kill this shitty thread or at least redirect it to PULL where it belongs.

No. 228450


No. 228469

You could always hide the thread, you know.

No. 228500

srsly just ignore the fucking thread and go. do your thing, pretend it dont exist, shoo.

No. 228507

File: 1483707064835.png (1.64 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2017-01-04-17-13-41…)

It's true. I was watching her the other day and my friend saw her and said something to the effect of "what is up with her cheeks". I thought it was natural but maybe it is surgery.

No. 228509

Her cheeks look normal in this picture though?

No. 228510

File: 1483707474628.png (1.11 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2017-01-06-13-58-10…)

Are you ok anon? Do you see real people in real life? I'm worried about you.

No. 228527


Her cheeks don't appear supper puffy anymore, but they do have a odd round yet stiff look to them which cheek fillers can do. Her cheeks use to be very flat/hallowish ( average white girl cheeks ).

No. 228550

She has weird bumps and indents in various places esp around the mouth, I don't know anyone who has that naturally.

No. 228561


In NYC? I doubt they'd even noticed.

No. 228564

File: 1483719823813.png (707.39 KB, 1024x535, 17f6719efca827a310089a9a25eb39…)

Super close-up selfies and the way the camera lens works on phone front cameras is pretty deceiving about nose size anyway too.

No. 228591


Taylor's nose is average, but I think what gives it the visual of being big is that it has a hump ( beak shape ) that even Taylor mentioned before. It's not wide not super long but the hump gives the illusion of being bigger then it is.

No. 228627

File: 1483729340965.jpg (70.66 KB, 639x595, Well Shit.jpg)

>>228469 b-b-but I want to keep up with what conspiracy theories people have about Tooter and her boring life. It's A1 entertainment… except when it gets repetitive.


Nailed it.

No. 228677

By "average white girl", I assume that you're not including eastern and northern Europeans since wide high cheekbones with rounded cheeks are a pretty common trait among people of that heritage.

Pretty much this. Although, how anyone could argue that it's too big for her face is beyond my imagination.

No. 228786

So I just watched Taylor's most recent vlog. Is anyone else disappointed by her commentary and food choices, where it made it seem like she just ate pizza the whole time? I love New York, and they have good pizza, but there are so many neat food options there! It's such a bummer to see her only eating pizza

No. 228798

Her vlog was the usual boring vlog of her face and random footage, she makes New York look bland to be honest.

No. 228804


She makes everything look bland and boring.

No. 228919

>nazi salute
lmao are they nazis or something

No. 228925

Christ all mighty

No. 228932

was she born in 1988? but the 14 is too convenient

No. 228937

if her birthday is jan 4 1988 its just a REALLY unfortunate coincidence

No. 228939

her bday is sometime in december 1988 lulz

No. 228940

File: 1483758805581.png (20.42 KB, 525x137, 1488.PNG)

Did some google searching and found this. Mystery solved lmao.

No. 228941

File: 1483758849980.png (17.91 KB, 525x140, 14882.PNG)

No. 229122

The whole family are nazis!!

No. 229786

In her latest video Taylor says her and Elbow-san argued a lot on their trip and broke up once. It's around 8mins in the video.

Bets on when it was???

No. 229807

I'm surprised she didn't just say 88 was her birthyear instead of the double 8's thing she probably learned after the fact. Is she ashamed of her age or something?

No. 229833


She likes to spend spend and spend and behaves childish and talks to much. Probably one of the reasons she chose someone who travels for work and is wealthy. This trip was probably the most time he's ever spent with her… I'm not surprised if she drove him crazy and almost to breaking point.


Because she's hiding her age and doesn't want people to know she's almost 30 (28 ) .

No. 229933

I think it must have been when they where about to leve her family again or something. Taylor always gets really emotional when she has to say bye to her family again and always tends to bring up the discussion ''should i move back to Canada to be with them'' topic around that time.

I can see them fight over that makes a lot of sense to me.

No. 229952

88 has a different meaning in Germany lol

No. 229976

It's pretty common for couples to fight while on vacation, I bet they just both got on each others nerves while tired and stressed

Also this >>229933

No. 230068

>It's pretty common for couples to fight while on vacation

Especially during the holidays (Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc)

No. 230094

I agree, where I'm from you go on vacation to "test" if you're ready for marriage. If you can make it through the vacation even with fighting and still like each other then you are good for marriage.

No. 230108

She's been on vacation with him several times and they've been together for years. It's obvious they're at the stage where they need to figure out where they will move and live permanently, she doesn't seem happy in Japan.

No. 230773

File: 1484057149982.png (19.37 KB, 88x87, Screen Shot 2017-01-10 at 8.49…)

She needs to stop making her eyes look like Vags …

No. 230807

New video,it's 28 minutes long.Gave up 2 minutes in because she was rambling,I tried.

No. 230817


She really hates her natural jawline… I've never seen someone try so hard to cover their face with their hair.

I didn't finish the video either .. Ain't nobody got time for that.

No. 230878

Yeah I don't quite understand why she makes them so long. I know she mentioned YouTube or her agency wanted them longer, but surely not thirty minutes?

No. 230920

File: 1484079092473.jpg (300.22 KB, 1287x727, feet.jpg)

It looks like elbow-san suffers from flat feet

No. 230970

another wah wah woe is me, i miss my family and vlogging all day is hard video. how boring.

No. 231342

File: 1484147450304.jpg (103.44 KB, 640x802, image.jpg)

Lurk moar Tay Tay

No. 231345

Same anon, why is she pretending like she doesn't know what 1488 means in the video when this screen cap proves otherwise? >>228941

No. 231348

Lol she's still lying about where she got "88" from. Gurl, we all know it's because you were born Dec 14th in 1988.

No. 231352

Such a strange thing to hide, I don't think her young fans would stop following her because she's a lot older.

No. 231355

She is such a bad actress…

No. 231368

Nazi secret society membership confirmed. Her brother goose-stepping was no mistake!

Sage for ridiculous.

No. 231401

What shocked me most was that she doesn't know what Neo Nazis are! Who the fuck is that dumb/ignorant at her age?!

No. 231430

We'll that and in Chinese 88 does symbolize good luck

No. 231441


In all fairness the whole discussion was the first time I found out that 1488 was a nazi thing. Maybe she didn't know?

No. 231444


Ditto, I didn't know either.

No. 231466

Same, I had no idea either. Props to her for looking into changing her url though.

No. 231475

Don't under estimate the bubble that rich white girls live in lol I'm not surprised she has no clue what a neo-nazi is.

No. 231482

People have told her about it in the past though,in this video she was pretending like she never heard about it when in reality she already knew.Pretty sure she's been lurking here because nobody really mentioned it recently except the anon >>228919
above who was claiming she's a nazi.

No. 231514

>People have told her about it in the past though
>nobody really mentioned it recently except the anon
make up your mind either she already knew about it because she was told and chose to ignore it, or she only found out recently by lurking

correct me if i'm wrong but aren't skinhead neo-nazis more of an american thing? she's been in canada, hk and japan living in a retard weeb bubble most of her life i can believe she'd be ignorant to something that's more based in america and europe.

No. 231519

I like how her recipes are actually interesting. I never had nutritional yeast before but got it because she's dunking it into everything…And it's pretty decent!

No. 231547

> told her IN THE PAST
> nobody mentioned RECENTLY

It's correct.
Not the same anon btw, but I can read

No. 231571

Girl you're acting like Canada is on the other side of the world, far away from the US.

No. 231577

Same. Didn't know that 1488 representsted anything

No. 231605

There's a massive difference between not knowing what 1488 means and what a Nei-Nazi is.

No. 231606

No. 231618

Learn to read please. Neo-Nazism exists outside of America and Europe, google it.

Thank you.

What does it taste like? I've been wanting to try it for a long time but never got a chance

No. 231627

Not that anon, but it's kind of a nutty cheesy taste, it's pretty unique. Delicious though, I put it on kale chips and kidney beans with a dash of olive oil. Sage for OT.

No. 231677

it's not a convincing substitute for cheese like internet vegans would like you to believe, but as its own flavor its good

No. 231683

When I said "she's been lurking here" I meant that the only reason she could have possibly made this video was because she was quite literally, lurking here. She's been throwing subtle shade at "gossip sites" like pull and most likely this one. Damn anon it was a simple sentence. She has been told about the nazi reference ages ago, so for her to pretend like this was something she just heard about in the video with her horrible acting, was shady as fuck.

No. 231720

I agree it seemed really fake.

No. 231732

That 1488 segment in her last video was so fake and dumb. Acting like you are ignorant doesn't make you cute and innocent, makes you ignorant and uneducated.

No. 231748

Is this the downfall of Tay? Is she having a crisis due to gossip sites and her age conflicting with how she wants to look 18 forever (no I'm not calling her old so don't come for me, stans)?

>reveals sugar bf after his reflection gets leaked, when she didn't have to

>makes a video about the nazi numbers digging herself into a deeper hole, looking ignorant, and proving she lurks, when she didn't have to
>jokes about her daddy's money from reading pull and lolcow, when she doesn't have to (although this is trivial, but possibly the start of her lurking)
>will not admit her birth year even though a 2 second google search reveals it
>forever causing a slightly embarrassing scene in public for youtube and being immature in general
>all of this making her look like a spoilt rich white girl stereotype

In the 1488 video she mentions that she "noticed her lips are overdrawn," weren't anons talking about her and Sharla's overdrawn lips earlier? I feel bad for her honestly, she seems like a nice person but also sheltered, and I'm sure she's comfortable that way. She should stop 'slyly' responding to rumors and stick to her basic vlogs. I noticed a few of the top comments on that video are pretty snarky so she's making herself look bad to her fans.

No. 231753


I miss her old self… When she did make tutorials and spoke in a mature manner about health and life. Its like now that she has limitless money she's trying to live her teenage fantasy and make belief that she's still in her teens.

What the actual fuck went wrong in her head or life for her to snap ? Give up her modelling career in HongKong, get cheek fillers, start behaving like a teenager and sudden be so damn insecure about her jaw/face that she's almost alway has half her face covered by it. She's a complete opposite of what she use to be and not exactly all that good either.

No. 231756

All of these things have been directly brought up on her social media (youtube, insta, twitter etc). As much fun as it is to talk about her here, I doubt she cares much about gossip sites.

No. 231764

Her screenshots of the 1488 youtube comments that she used were from 1-2 months ago, and she conveniently posted this video a few days after someone pointed it out again on here. She's been a lot more vocal about reading 'hate comments' est the elbow san leak and being a house-girlfriend with nothing to do all day in Japan except talk to herself on camera could be getting the best of her.

No. 231765

In the older threads the 1488 thing has been brought up. She doesn't come here. She gets hate comments on YouTube and twitter. People always say this and it's so delusional.

Me too. I used to watch all her videos religiously and fall for all her shilling but I rarely watch anything now unless someone posts her video here and talks about something.

But she seems to be on her way to becoming a super successful youtuber now. And Keeks hated her back when she was nothing now she's going to be rolling around in YouTube bucks which she doesn't even need kek.

No. 231788

same. i was really into her early vlogging semi weeb days but now she's really not my thing. but it's like you said, she's getting more subscribers and seems committed to her craft so good for her for expanding. i remember in her hk weeb days she said she wanted to be a professional full time blogger, and it's funny how she became a full time vlogger lol.

No. 231796

What pisses me off the most are all those little tumblr kids who equate Neo Nazi with their so called 'white privilege'! Most Nazis are actually of poor economic and educational background, but they simply have to make everything about tumblr und their oppression. There is literally one comment saying that only white people say that she doesn't have to change the numbers. What bullshit!

Sage for ot(derailing)

No. 231805

>she didn't know what a fucking neo-Nazi is

Christ, she's as dumb and airheaded as her brother.

No. 231820

>I miss her old self… When she did make tutorials and spoke in a mature manner about health and life. Its like now that she has limitless money she's trying to live her teenage fantasy and make belief that she's still in her teens.

I feel exactly the same! Typically i live by the motto 'live and let live' but a lot of times, when taylor does something weird, i am like… woah girl how old are you again?
Like… it comes across kinda strange.
Her vlogs are fAR more interessting than Sharlas though, thats for sure…

What really made me wonder though is, why the heck does she want to make more make up videos? She is wearing her make up literally the same way every day except fo her lips. I found this kind of weird as she has never been known for her super creativ make up looks.

No. 231895

She is getting more and more obnoxious…

No. 231906

i feel like i have such a love hate relationship with taylor.
on one hand i enjoy her videos because she gives me sweet big sister vibe.
on the other hand she is just so stupid and vapid. she has the world in her hands (rich bf) yet she takes advantage of none of it. also no common sense/world knowledge (who the fuck doesnt know what a neo nazi is?)

No. 231907

They're actually grooming her to be the next Eva Braun, but it's gotta stay secret for now.

No. 231910

Is it really such a bad thing that she doesn't take advantage of her boyfriend's wealth?
To me that's a good quality…

No. 231913


Is not like is a bad or a good thing but if you have the money why not taking advantage of it?, go outside your frikin house, explore Japan, educate yourself, learn japanese, do something instead of shopping and playing with your dog.

People like Sharla or Rachel & Jun will be doing a lot of things if they had Taylor's money.

No. 231920



She does take advantage of his wealth, just not in a enriching,educational,worldly,wholesome way.. She uses his wealth to go shopping everyday and buy channel bags and designer shit. The moment he walked in the picture she had zero responsibility left : No bills,no job and no worry for tomorrow. She's behaving a a rich teenager who thinks education and experience is stupid, and all that matters in the world can be found on the front page of Cosmopolitans magazine. ( Whats trending, who gained weight, zodiac signs and whats new/on sale )

I enjoyed her Christmas vloggs, but I'm starting to develop a dislike towards her the more dense and stupid she behaves.

No. 231922

These are probably all things YOU would do if you were her. But she's just living her life, and shouldn't be demonized for having simple interests.

No. 231926

when i said "take advantage" i meant in a way to maximise her potential, not taking advantage of his money (which I think she already does).

she has the potential to go to nice restaurants, do little trips around japan, etc. because the money is at her disposal and she has no job, but she does not take advantage of her rare sitaution.

No. 231938


I'm not demonizing her, if she is happy good for her.

No. 231939

In her "Almost missed out flight to Tokyo" video she said she and her boyfriend had broken up during the trip. That really surprised me. What would Taylor do if suddenly she lost her boyfriend's income and she had to move out of the house?
And yeah the "I don't know what neo nazis are" thing, I don't buy it either. I mean, come on Taylor.

No. 231940

Taylor comes from a rich background she'll survive with or without her boyfriend lol.

No. 231941

her father seems wealthy but not on the same level as her bf

No. 231954

I don't think anyone is demonizing her, but she can be critiqued. As someone who is in the public eye, it would be nice if she had a bit more depth to make her interesting. Otherwise she's just a dumb bimbo with no talent

No. 231957

Have you seen her family and what they live like? They're loaded.

No. 231973


They look like a regular middle class Toronto household.

No. 231974

Not that anon, but I have and I'm not particularly impressed. It seems like a typical upper-middle class suburban lifestyle.

No. 231982

Kind of true, although I don't see how people imply that she won't survive without her boyfriend's money when we barely know anything about him.

No. 231984

Well we know he drops money are shit like drones/designer handbags for Tay/game consoles without blinking an eye. I think we can assume that he's pretty comfortable.

No. 231986

we dont know anything about him but we know he is financing her lifestyle. flying business/first class, huge house in tokyo (if you ever been to tokyo you know how rare this is), dropping cash on clothes and designer items like its nothing. use your brain anon.

No. 231990

That's not what I'm talking about, I'm saying she'll survive with or without him, it's not like she'll end up rotting and dying. Where's the proof for what you're saying and for implying her boyfriend is more wealthy if you're this anon >>231941 ?

No. 232046

They're not in Toronto, they're outside the city where mcmansions are cheap because it's in the middle of nowhere.

If she was beyond upper middle class, she'd be attending charity galas through december but she's not even part of that world. As far as I've seen, she doesn't partake in anything charity or giving back to community which screams new money.

Not that anon, but her boyfriend is nowhere near as wealthy as her father. He's an employee at the mercy of his company while her father is a multiple business and estate owner.

No. 232057

Seconding all this. Can the couple third worlders/Europeans that keep pushing the rich family meme fucking stop already. Her family has a McMansion in the suburbs.

No. 232059

she's stupid and obnoxious as fuck, wow. like, her vlogs are not even tolerable anymore, she legit acts as if she just hit puberty.

No. 232062

How do we know her boyfriend does not own his own business? I have no idea, but he does seem older so I feel like it's not outside the realm of possibility. I'm not sure why, maybe it's the way her dad presents himself, but her BF just seems like he has boatloads of money with all the first class flights and world traveling. Maybe they aren't smart with their money though

No. 232078

He lives in an apartment and travels for temporary visa work a few years at a time. Successful business owners have their own home base and don't sacrifice it to live in an apartment.

They attended a dinner where he is one of a few employees being thanked by his manager. He was not the one hosting. He flies business class (not first) and has a few salaryman style suits that suggest he does busywork. They also don't travel very much compared to middle class DINKs in a large city at the same age.

Business owners on the other hand usually wear whatever they want. Her dad speaks and looks like a senior car dealership owner, which he is. He has the calm pace of voice and confidence that executives who only work on large deals and decisions have.

No. 232081

File: 1484253716407.gif (444.8 KB, 640x360, G_20170112_21142513.thumb.gif.…)

comedy queen Tay kek

No. 232130

So cringey how hard she tries to be #relatable

No. 232137

Not that rare actually. They probably don't live within the 23 districts of Tokyo (23区) and even if then not in an expensive one. She also said that their house quite far away from the train station. Houses like that do exist and while they aren't exactly cheap they also aren't OMG RICH PERSON expensive. Someone I know bought a house like that within 10 minutes of 3 different stations, and it was like 70M yen (570k€/610k$) including the land.

Because he was at a company dinner where Taylor had to play the good girlfriend.

No. 232143

I legit thought that was pretty funny.

No. 232182

fair enough, different tastes. tbh to me she's just really annoying cause it's painfully obvious she's trying to be relatable to younger teenagers. and it doesn't really suit her, she just seems so forced all the time. could be just me tho.

No. 232185

I too cringe.

No. 232190

Her and piinksparkles (only watch her cuz she is my favorite trainwreck please don't judge me) are OBSESSED with the Kardashians. It seems like here in the US people are over them. Is it a Canadian thing?

No. 232191

She has enough confidence to do cringe things for youtube bucks. Remember the anime weeb dance things.

No. 232199

As a Canadian who is the same age as Tay, it honestly might be lol. I live in the US now, but my friends back home are crazy for the whole Kylie lip kit thing and they are all women in their late 20s.

No. 232206

I watched the try on video because I thought there was low chance of cringe but I was cringing the whole time. Her fake sarcastic sassy personality is unbearable.

No. 232210

This video has to be one of her better videos of her exploring Kochi. Granted the places are booked / found by her agency, she can easily do this herself if she could just learn a bit of Japanese. I would just like to see her lean more towards this direction instead of the repetitive "lets go shopping/ eat vegan food / and organize my house!"

No. 232220

Taylor's dad is a biker dude and has a collection of vehicles. Blake works for Kia Cambridge where the dad is president. Also there's that inherited car business that has been running for like 40 years. They need someone in the family to run the business when the dad retires, for sure.

No. 232307

omg @ you 12 year olds who think that business owners = rich

taylor's dad works as a car dealership owner in suburban toronto. taylor's BF works as ???? in probably two of the world's biggest finance sectors, china/HK and japan.

if he's working as even a low-level executive for a company he's probably clearing double what taylor's dad does. keep in mind, he's also somewhat younger = less time to have amassed more money.

i thought it was super obvious her bf makes more lol. you're most likely poor if you think otherwise

No. 232332

Are you a business owner? getting the vibe that this is almost personal to you…

No. 232372

That was quite entertaining. More like this please, Taylor. Learn about the culture, eat weird food, explore the wilderness

No. 232470

Yea her dad works for kia his info is here [Link redacted by Admin](USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 236591

She broke her camera again. And just bought a new one again.

No. 236598

Haven't watched the video yet but if the thumbnail is any indication of COURSE she would cosplay as Hikari

No. 236627


am i the only one who thinks she wouldnt fit cosplay well? she's pretty but she doesn't really seem the type to do it, and she's already almost 30.
not that adults can't cosplay but the ones who usually do have been fans of anime and have cosplayed characters they love since they were teens, or they make their own cosplays.

idk, it feels like she may be trying to pander? maybe i'm thinking too much into it, but i wouldn't expect this from a normie

No. 236640


Maybe she's breaking out from constantly having her hair all over her face and suffocate her zits in layers of makeup everyday.

Anyone else find she's getting greasier and dirtier looking as time goes on ? Crappy makeup and greasy messy hair.

No. 236666

Lol gross. First of all, girl is too old to just now start cosplaying. Second of all, she doesn't even watch anime/play video games. Third, what is she gonna do in these videos? She doesn't show her face when putting on make up, she doesn't know how to sew…so where is the content? Fourth, does anyone else think she's doing this because of peachymilkytea and her cosplaying videos? Home girl is losing it

No. 236667

she's spending too much time with the other j-vloggers

No. 236681

>Fourth, does anyone else think she's doing this because of peachymilkytea and her cosplaying videos?

no, sophie

No. 236686

I'm not 'Sophie'. Responding in such a manner adds absolutely no value to anything. I just thought it was curious Taylor decided to do this once that chick arrived in Japan. I think Taylor is an asshat so I think she steals ideas.

No. 236689

She stated at the end that it was a joke or something and she's not really going to start a cosplay channel

No. 236694

homegirl is really scraping for content these days lmao. and to think her "weight loss" video was quite decent. i cant quite decide if she's really dumb as fuck or if she's just lazy/trolling. welp.

No. 236704

Oh okay, I see, I didn't watch the video. So she went around in Tokyo looking at stuff, but isn't actually taking it on as an endeavor

No. 236727


i just can't take someone who's naturally a 0 seriously. most skelly girls are born this way with a fast metabolism and i'd rather have someone who actually exercises/knows nutrition to give girls tips.

ot but im jealous of her house, being able to jump rope early in the morning on your and see everything around you seems so nice. japan seems pretty nice in the city

No. 236809

This seemed so weird to me as well. Isn't proper cosplaying about making the outfit and then wearing it? If she's just going to Akiba to find shit to buy, that's not good content.
Also, she broker her camera for the second time this year? Had to laugh though when she said they had to draw her a map of how to get from Donki to Yodobashi Camera - had she never been to Akihabara before?

No. 236817

true, but that aside, the video was way more fun to me than her usual content, so i dunno. but then she went right back to boring shit.

No. 236828


All I heard in her " weight loss " video was work out and count calories … " eat only veg and fruit since they're low in Cals" and telling her viewers to not have snacks because it's far to hard to have self control. Then to drink loads of water. I know a lot of ana girls like that.

Girl still struggles with weight even thought she's a tooth pick. Eating mostly salad and plain pasta with a sprinkle of nutrition yeast. I swear the only time she eats something moderately good or interesting is if it's a part of a video.

No. 236832

she did say she was fat as a child, so I wouldn't be surprised if she really has to work hard to maintain her body. better that she be making fitness vids than like, venus or whoever

No. 236846

Japanese cosplayers mostly buy their costumes.
Akiba is porn, electronics, and maid cafe. Not a wanting to go to place. Most otaku is now go Nakano or girls going Ikebukuro

No. 236855


Did literally anyone even watch the video? Jfc. She said she was just joking about the cosplay and we don't even know what she bought from the shops yet.
The reaching in this thread is out of this world even on lolcow standards

No. 236861

No one watches her videos because they're boring as shit?

No. 236864

That's Taylor threads for ya

No. 236867

I thought she meant she was buying a cosplay for a future video. It was clearly just a pandery video for her weeb fans. I mean look, she rarely meets fans in Tokyo and in one day she met like 3, obviously her fans are massive weebs who go to Japan to go to AKUHIABARRAH SUGOI

No. 236877

Fair enough but then please stop speculating without even watching the shit you're talking about, it's like playing the broken phone game without even hearing the original sentence lmao

No. 236879

Yep I do wonder what she actually bought since I doubt it really is a cosplay.

No. 236883

I wish she'd stop with these shitty vlogs and starts working on her New Years resolution of "going outside of Tokyo more" so we can see some decent quality travel vids

No. 236946

>So she went around in Tokyo looking at stuff

I don't even watch the video and I guessed this is basically what it was.

Most the jvloggers are the same. Just buy shit in the hopes that it makes them interesting or have a purpose to leave the house, or a story to tell. Someday they will realize one can't buy the ability to be interesting.

No. 237043

Her cheeks are looking especially bulbous and unnatural at the end of the video. Such a shame she did that to herself.

No. 237051

well, she went outside, in tokyo, in a place she never really visited before. it's a start.

No. 237105

Yeah she was like 5-10 lbs overweight during a time when girls regularly add weight before growing taller. She wasn't obese or even fat. It's ridiculous. Her parents should be ashamed for teaching her to have a low-grade eating disorder in order to become a model.

It's great to eat healthy and exercise. But for her to eat in order to lose weight when she is already very underweight AND no longer a model? That's disordered eating.

Her figure is unnatural and she works to keep it that way. How anyone thinks that is seriously healthy is beyond me. It's clear that she is obsessed with her looks. She knows her face is what makes her money, so she's done stuff to it, and instead of showing scenery or interesting stuff in her vlogs, it's 90% tayface. The girl has an obsession with fame and looks. She's not alone, but it comes across as quite vain.

She looks a little healthier now than she did earlier this year or last year. The stick legs are less prominent. At least there's that.

No. 237131

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Her mum specifically said that she was not fat at that age on camera. I'd not throw the parents under the bus, since she also was already past highschool and was willing to do what it takes to break into the industry. The person who entertained the aim to be a model was her grandmother & father.

I agree with the face thing. Literally everything is about the face even though it's not a beauty vlog. I wonder what happens in someone's mind if they spend days and years editing videos that are mostly of their own face.

No. 237147

fucking thank you. it kinda comes across like bitch just wants to have a "tragic backstory". or like, ugly duckling moment, when in reality she couldn't be more bland. both as a kid and now. i know im beating a dead horse here but homegirl is spoiled to hell and back, like, go out and find some real friends if ur that thirsty for attention kek

No. 237155


Agree, Quality over Quantity would be great bc at this point you have seen pretty much everything about her.

No. 237183

Except that Taylor was chubby and struggled with her weight until she got to this point? And tried to exercise and eat healthy to maintain what she achieved? With that in mind she wouldn't be a naturally 0…

No. 237225

Fat girls will always try to say that thin people are just ~genetics so they don't have to take responsibility for themselves. Taylor threads are always full of people jealous because they think she is too thin, rich, old etc.

The only justified criticism I see here is that her videos are a snooze. How many vlogs can this girl expect people to watch of her boring ass days of waking up, eating healthy, shopping. Repeat.

No. 237236

I think how many friends she has is a red flag. Even the vloggers have their own fun activities outside of her and all of them are fake. She at least bought Sharla.

No. 237239

spotted the lazy fatty
she posted a whole sob story video with pics of her being fat so she is hardly "naturally" skinny.

No. 237287

Her cheeks look like they hurt

No. 237313


Not that anon, but I agree on the she wasn't always skinny part but cut it off at that. Taylor said in that sob video she stayed up late eating her emotions away, so in reality its her own fault for being fat. Almost everyone has been "bullied" for something. I find it annoying that at her age of 28 she's still crying wolf about being fat when she was 10..

Now, excuse me while I go create a YouTube to cry about this boy named Jimmy that called me a booger face when I was 6.


When has Taylor ever appreciated quality over quantity ? Homegirls only hobby is acquiring shit she never gets much use out of.

No. 237314

She also said that she was bullied for being flat, which is odd since she seems very endowed for someone who works hard to be skelly.

No. 237328


Padded bras … Which when she showed off her new bras that were all padded. And boohoo alot of teens are fairly flat when they are 14 or younger.

No. 237407

wonder what she looks like without fillers nowadays

No. 237586

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Lol, she needs to give shopping a break if she's maxing out her credit cards … Maybe Elbow-san decided to not leave his credit card behind for her, because I refuse to believe that someone that shops as much as her and has previously thrown the same amount on cameras the same day she broke it is now suddenly having maxed out credit card(s) problems.

What also crossed my mind is most people i know have limits around 10k-25k at her age … Is she implying thats how in debt she is ? Because I highly doubt she has a dinky small 1k-3k ish limit.

( Idk why but I don't find that dress overly flattering on her … It brings attention to how broad her shoulders are. )

No. 237587

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Front facing angle.

No. 237590


I actually like the dress. As for her shoulders, it might be because they're kinda blending in with the background, but I'm barely noticing them. She should add a necklace and everything will look good.

No. 237594

my only complaint about Taylor is that horrible make up job she keeps doing. That plus the contacts makes it look like she's wearing a human mask.

No. 237595

She's not in debt. It's a pre-authorized card that won't get automatically paid until the month's statement. It happens when you're not keeping track on a specific card you use most of the time.

She can easily get around this by using other cards, increasing limit or paying the balance manually in the meantime. Paying the balance takes 1-2 days to process though.

No. 237599

there's legit like 3 people having a circlejerk satisfying their personal vendetta by putting the effort to nitpick incessantly. they all write the same way back and forth. i'll bet they know taylor irl lol.

No. 237601

I don't understand the hate for her replacing her camera? Youtube is pretty much her career now so if her equipment breaks then yes she needs to replace it then and there. You wouldn't criticize a builder if he broke a tool and replaced it the same day and its basically the same thing. Hate on her for legit reasons at least.

No. 237603

Because the thread has been taken over by Kiki and Sophie.

No. 237605

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sophie as in peachmilkytea? it'd be funny if she was the one earlier in the thread calling taylor's nose too big out of insecurity cuz


No. 237621


Hate ? I was simply pointing out that this happened twice now, and now suddenly she has maxed out credit card issues for the same thing that already happened previously. I'm not hating oh her job or her buying a camera, I just don't understand how someone doesn't notice they're near their limit or for that matter even achieve it in such a short amount of time.

If I'm making huge purchases I check my accounts and credit card first to ensure I won't have issues. Hopefully this makes her pay more attention when she is/has big expenses coming.


Unless she maxed her other cards too, though maybe she only has one credit card with one bank. Perhaps she should apply for an increase since she is fairly clumsy and likely to probably break it again. Though she must be getting lazy since it isn't her first large purchases in close proximity to another.

No. 237624

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I definitely agree with you but I think that's why people like Tay's videos. They're escapist in the sense that nothing too challenging or engaging happens in them. A sunny picture of a beautiful, wealthy young woman's daily life in Japan that we can vicariously experience. Her viewers don't want to learn about history or see shrines, festivals or whatever technology/design/hobby conventions take place in Japan, that's not why people watch her.

I feel the same vague disquiet you mentioned at the thought of how many cultural experiences she has easily available to her and how she doesn't seem to have any interest in any of that.

Obviously she has every right to spend within her (apparently abundant) means if it makes her happy, but, as onlookers, there's something inevitably unsavory about the sheer amount of shopping portrayed in her vlogs (and yet! its hard to look away, for the reasons I mentioned before).

I don't think we have a word for the phenomenon I'm thinking of in English. It's a little like a reverse-schadenfreude.

No. 237632

>I think that's why people like Tay's videos. They're escapist in the sense that nothing too challenging or engaging happens in them. A sunny picture of a beautiful, wealthy young woman's daily life in Japan that we can vicariously experience. Her viewers don't want to learn about history or see shrines, festivals or whatever technology/design/hobby conventions take place in Japan, that's not why people watch her.

this. people aren't looking for educational videos or tourist-friendly videos from taylor. that's what sharla and the other tryhard jvloggers are for. taylor's appeal is that her videos are more or less a dream bff simulator. someone you wake up in a wealthy japanese apartment with and try bath bombs with and go out to dinner in tokyo with. her boring lifestyle is exactly what's appealing to them. it's like half asmr half human nintendogs simulator. and yeah, she can be cringey and embarrassing in public, but ultimately that adds to her "authenticity". i can see how some insecure fat indonesian girl would feel better seeing a pretty girl more or less embarrass herself in public and not care.

it's obvious her fans feel a genuine connection to her and actually feel like she's their friend, to the point where they're all pathetically talking in 2nd pov in her comments. which, really, taylor encourages quite well because she engages back with them and she engages really consistently. it may not be everyone's niche, but a small loyal following is smarter than a large fleeting one.

No. 237650

>she doesn't know how to sew
fyi Cosplayer is not the same as cosmaker, you can be a cosplayer and use bought costumes, or be a cosmaker and make them (and both, make them and wear them, that would make you a cosplayer-cosmaker)

No. 237653

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Taylor has cosplayed before btw and if she wants to cosplay some character she likes, she can do it. You don't have to be a full time cosplayer who cosplays whatever the fuck is trending to have fun with the costumes. And no, I don't think she's jealous of Sophie lol

No. 237654

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No. 237655

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I know this was for the video but it still counts
and before someone points it out, >>237654 was for a job

No. 237669


How sad that this atrocious makeup is still better then her current bulging vag eye makeup. Kek.

I wish she'd start using more eyeliner again and stop with the over dramatic eye bags.

No. 237670

Man there sure are a lot of stans in here. If people want to nitpick her they can, and if you're offended by your precious Taylor getting shat on, then leave the thread.

No. 237676

Awful wigs aside, I thought that was Michelle Phan on the right for a hot second, kek.

No. 237700

Uncanny valley. She looks creepy and cute, but not sure which more so.

No. 237701

Sophie doesnt own cosplay, there as so many cosplay channels on youtube, i doubt Taylor even knows who sophie is

No. 237733


Tay had a 'punchable face' during her weeb days

No. 237754

So does Taylor still even like cute stuff anymore? Like does she watch anime anymore either? I haven't seen her talk about vocaloid or anything of the sort in a while.

No. 237768

I agree.
It's weird that people are even comparing them since the only things they seem to have in common are their age, blonde hair, Japan, and their friends. And it seems like they'll have less and less in common as time goes by since Taylor seems to be gradually moving to a more mature look.

>So does Taylor still even like cute stuff anymore?
I think she does but not like ott cute stuff. She also seems to be more into western style cute stuff now.
>Like does she watch anime anymore either?
It doesn't seem like it. The last time I heard about her watching anime was in the vlog she did watching Yuri on Ice with Sharla.

No. 237773

Their age? How old is Sophie?

No. 237775

taylor has no milk so the stans have taken over the thread. that's what happens. sorry you're butthurt no one's making fun of her with you.

No. 237777

Iirc, she's turning 26 in April.

No. 239669

alright, alright i bet you guys have been through this already but i just saw sharlas latest vlog and peeping her bf getting into the taxi… i don't fucking get it lol, how can he be so fashionable and not want to help her with her style? taylor and sharla should swap dudes lol

No. 239703


Your comment seems more suitable for the Jvlogger thread then that Taylor thread.

>They should swap dudes

Not unless Sharla's dude is filthy rich and can buy Taytay her Channel purses and designer shit. I highly doubt Tay would date someone who makes average.

No. 239719

This. I feel like Sharla and her dude probably like each other for looks (especially if he's really into white girls) while Taylor and elbow are dating each other because they're both rich and need another rich person.

No. 239745

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What's happening to Tay? She's been looking weird lately, kinda ugly. She's starting to look like 2011 Rumer Willis

No. 239749

I can't stand those fucking eyebags man. I've never seen them look good on anyone who doesn't just have them naturally.

No. 239750

>taylor and sharla should swap dudes lol
>because they're both rich and need another rich person.

jfc. why is this thread such a fucking cringefest.

No. 239751

Idk, she still looks pretty to me, but she'd look nicer if she changed her makeup style to something more western but her choice I guess.
I'd love to just be able to sit her down and do her makeup for a day. She has so much potential to look stunning.

No. 239760


The only thing i find ugly is her obnoxious taste in (sun)glasses.

No. 239765

She's white and aging

No. 239774


They look like shit on those that have them naturally too … I have them naturally and honestly I just look haggard if I don't conceal and draw attention away from them.


And has terrible fillers that she should get a refund on.

No. 239779

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No. 239787

she's finally looking human and not like the "uguu kawaii" that you shits constantly complain about

No. 239833

No she isn't. Her eyes and lips are a mess. Once she fixes those, she'll look normal. The cheeks, I feel she can't get those back to normal unfortunately

No. 239874

Her lips are fine and her eyes look great without ayego sal makeup.

Her lips look perfectly normal. No trout pout and not freaky small like Venus. Stop being crazy trying to find milk where there is none.

No. 239882

I agree. I don't like her eye makeup but who cares? If she's comfortable, she should do it.

I know that this has been an ongoing debate… but why do you people keep insisting she's had fillers? I have cheeks like hers and I'm slim, my fat just goes there.
There's also just this one photo where they look crazy and that's it. And this could be alcohol, allergies, even putting on weight.

No. 239917

I'm under the impression she continues to get them. Her face looks great, and then eventually it looks bloated again afterwards

No. 239918

Oh, she over draws her lips, which is why I don't think they look good. She even made a video tutorial on it. I just think they look a bit unnatural

No. 239938

She def had a top-up and various housekeeping at the start of the year. It's when most people do it.

Cheek fillers will fade but if you keep getting them over and over on certain spots, you won't need top ups for quite a while as the body starts to grow its own tissue around it.

No. 239954

>girl is too old to just now start cosplaying
Gtfo with your ageism, she looks better than the average 18~21 year old, so I don't see why she wouldn't try.

OK I do hope she won't do that uncanny eye make-up next time though. That under eye gap triggers me.

No. 239972

she looks her age imo, definitely not like an 18 year old. however her long, unkempt hair makes her look haggard/witchy but she's latching onto it for the "youthful look." she also has a restrictive, borderline-ana diet from the food videos i've seen and dresses in forever 21 fast fashion style, i've never seen her wear a more mature outfit than the overall dress.

No. 240021

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All she needs to do is get her hair cut to a slightly shorter, more manageable length like pic related. It looks so overgrown now

No. 240029

even that length would look bad on her because she said she's into the rolled out of bed hair, so it would never be styled like the pic. she should get a bob as it would suit her

No. 240038

Anon those scene queen slab bangs and hamfisted highlights are truly some Becky from the high school cheerleading team in the rural midwest hair mmkay

Part of taylor's appeal is her stupidly, impractically long hair. It's probably part of the reason she can model as successfully as she does. You know her agency is going to be shilling that sugoi living doll barbie length hair

No. 240040

Does she even model anymore? I know she had that tv show gig where she played a lolita and that fits the long hair aesthetic, but wasn't that before elbow showered her with money or w/e?

No. 240056

isnt she 26? i dont think she looks like 26. she looks like she could be 18-21… she just kind of has a weird face in the first place

No. 240107

You sound like a barrel of laughs.
It's okay anon calorie restricted diets are linked to longer lives so even though she's omg so old, she should be around for many more years for you to complain about nothing.
I'm not one of her stans but this level of nitpicking is unbelievable.

No. 240180

She is 28 years, 1 month and 12 days old.
Her birthday is Dec 14, 1988.

No. 240186

Didn't say she looked like an 18 year old, did say she looked BETTER than the average 18 year old.

No. 240208


I feel like that opinion could easily changed if you stared at said 18 year olds thru the same thick bright filters that Taylor uses in all her videos and 10 pounds of makeup.

Dunno what 18 yr olds live around you, but the ones here look 100% better and more kept then Taylor does.

No. 240219

i don't think you have any idea how obvious it is to point out your posts, and how obvious it is to see you're really personally salty. i think there's better ways to deal with your insecurity, pal.

No. 240223

You sound like an 18 year old who's uglier than Taylor tbh.

No. 240225

Not that anon but I don't feel like Taylor wears that much makeup. And even if I'm wrong and she does, she looks so much better without it anyway.
With a bare face she looks cuter and more youthful than most 18-year-olds I see/know. But that's my personal opinion and experience I guess.

No. 240231

I don't think she wears that much makeup either, but the Asian techniques she uses are simply unflattering for her face and draw too much emphasis to the makeup itself.

No. 240244

>someone casually criticizes goddess tay on anything that other snowflakes here are criticized on all the time

Holy shit, who cares? Never did I say she's too old in my post or that restrictive diets are bad, I'm pointing out things she does to preserve her teenage look for youtube. Sounds like you're in denial that she wants to look like an 18 year old. Chill out and stop cherry picking shit to argue about to defend people you don't know online.

No. 240245

i think she just cakes on a shit ton of foundation cause her face keeps breaking out. tho maybe that foundation just doesnt sit well with her skin, who knows. also, why r u all so salty when someone says she's not pretty? like, fucking chill, she's pretty plain, tho she does look better without makeup. if why u dont like this topic, fuck off and go somewhere else, jeez. no one is keeping u here.

No. 240260

Also samefag >>240244
I'm pretty sure the defense squad for Taylor not being too old to do cosplaying and whatever else just comes out because the comments hit too close to home kek

No. 240267


Salty ? Because I don't think Taylor looks better then most of the 18 yr olds in the world ? Or did you forget to specify that you were making that comparison with 18 yr olds you know personally in your area.

And no, I'm not 18. Sorry.

I'm not calling your beloved Taylor ugly, but I refuse to say that she's SOOOOOO above average that she's prettier then almost all the 18 yr old girls out there. Comparing what you see FACE to FACE to what you see on a filtered/overly brightened video of a girl hiding her face behind her matted hair thats wearing atleast 3 layers of foundation ( concealer/foundation/powder) with mascara, eyeliner,eye shadow,brow powder, eyelid glue with ugly lifeless lenses and bloated cheek fillers with carefully selected angles you see her at … Bitch please, come back to reality.

Why is your head so far up her ass ? Sheeesh, and maybe you should try not being salty when someone doesn't think you idol is godlier then thou.

No. 240275

i wrote one sentence and you wrote a capslock walltext because you got buttblasted lmao. tell me you don't care more than me. people can point out you're exaggerating and taking things personally without being her stan. if you noticed, i didn't even defend her. just pointing out you're bitter.

>I refuse to say that she's SOOOOOO above average that she's prettier then almost all the 18 yr old girls out there. Comparing what you see FACE to FACE to what you see on a filtered/overly brightened video of a girl hiding her face behind her matted hair thats wearing atleast 3 layers of foundation (concealer/foundation/powder) with mascara, eyeliner,eye shadow,brow powder, eyelid glue with ugly lifeless lenses and bloated cheek fillers with carefully selected angles you see her at

when you're horribly insecure and jealous at the same time and need to write all of this to feel better lol

No. 240281

This is textbook jealousy kek

No. 240286

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taylor's cheeks have always reminded me of jennifer lawrence's. there's plenty of people with naturally(and unfortunately) large cheeks like hers. i've never seen someone with a case of bad fillers end up looking like her. fillers go at the front of the face at the nasolabial folds. what would they be doing at the sides?

there's a reason she would never smile in her living doll days, and when she did she would open her mouth to stretch out her features and just barely twitch the corners of her lips.

and this isn't about defending kween tay uwu. this is just a discussion on why it doesn't make sense to say she got fillers. and when you're pairing the fact she got fillers to say they were botched and how she's actually ugly and old etc, then it makes you look biased. shrug.

No. 240294

Taylor is an okay model. Of course she is above average, it's kinda her job.

No. 240299

Jlaw has had a ton of work done, poor example to use..

No. 240303

are you one of those
"if ur over 150 pounds u shud not be allowed 2 wear croptops" people?

No. 240304

Really? Then why does she look so, uh…I mean, I don't think she's ugly, but she kinda has that pre-facelift Renee zellweger moonface thing going on. She looks very girl next door, I guess. I would expect someone with "tons of work" to be more angular.

I don't know enough about fillers and shit to say whether Taytay has had them, but her face does have a very unnatural looking (imo) roundness to it, but it could be the very flat, matte foundation and lack of any sort of contouring contributing to it. Though how you explain away the infamous bloatface from the Sony commercial short of a horrific allergic reaction, idk.

No. 240306

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When you pretend to be two different people, but post the same crappy argument.

> " Must be jealous if not sharing the same beauty stand and view as me … "


People ( me included ) say she had fillers due to pictures like this (pic attached ). I think she changed the volume to a much lower dose since what ever the amount she did in this picture was horrifying. I find people with fillers that keep getting them don't look horrible, but you can still tell as their face has a unnatural stiffness to it.

No. 240309

yeah sorry she doesnt look 28 or even close to 30. she looks like shes in her early 20s. i think without the fillers she would look 30 but she has taken good care of herself.

No. 240313

not me, bud. ease up on that paranoia. anyway her cheek looks the same as it does now. it's a horrible angle that she's never used before. listen, i know you're really really upset. and no one's saying you can't nitpick to feel better about yourself. just don't get butthurt when people point out how obvious it is lmao.

No. 240316

File: 1485457223028.jpg (77.6 KB, 335x500, Photoshoots-Sundance-1-2010-je…)

To me is exactly like Taylor. This is an old picture. Same "moonface" very meaty her cheeks make her hair stick out.

No. 240320

I think jlaw a cute!

No. 240321

Jennifer Lawrence is 26 while Taylor is 28, and Taylor looks younger than Jennifer Lawrence in my opinion.

I think both would look good with shorter, lighter hair. And never smiling.

No. 240323

File: 1485458048206.png (1002.31 KB, 777x440, p.png)

No. 240327

File: 1485458636542.png (450 KB, 475x323, 9.png)

(rip her prime in the left pic)

No. 240328

File: 1485458782737.png (1.42 MB, 866x572, i.png)


No. 240331


What is your point?

I still think Taylor is cute regardless and her cheeks make her look younger. You just spent 30 minutes of your life stitching together pictures of two women who are more successful than you will ever be, regardless of their "chubby" cheeks. You also seem to fail to realize that beauty standards are different all over the globe. Regardless, this is excessive as hell even for you, vendetta-chan

No. 240334

nooooo i'm trying to prove that she didn't get cheek fillers because jennifer lawrence has the exact same cheeks without fillers. people keep calling taylor's cheeks unnatural and bizarre and botched fillers but like, there's thin girls whose faces are built that exact same way. people just wanna nitpick.

No. 240336

She may not have gotten cheek fillers but she definitely has had work done, as we've seen her face previously with a bloated, swollen appearance (like you get after fillers)

No. 240338

File: 1485459465807.png (618.62 KB, 586x360, 9-.png)

point in fact
>pic related

i'm 10000% sure the rest is just an unfortunate camera angle. if you put a camera all up on jlaw's it would look exactly the same.

No. 240375

You need to stop posting these pics, holy shit.

No. 240382

Jen looks like she's wearing a mask, yikes

No. 240390

I don't care if either of them has had fillers or not, that shit looks painful. Like pus would spurt out if you squeezed them.

No. 240391

File: 1485465354694.jpg (259.7 KB, 853x480, white_chicks.jpg)

No. 240393

this made my day, anon. Can't see a single difference

No. 240394

why did you post a picture of bii

No. 240404

ya but it proves she didn't get fillers. she's just got a meaty face.

No. 240418


Thanks Anon… Now thats all I'll be able to see when ever Bii is brought up in the Jvlogg section, and it doesn't help that one of them is wearing a necklace with the letter B on it.

No. 240470

The biggest reason you anons think Tay looks young is because of her uncanny valley eyes with those soulless contacts in that make em too big for her small head. If you compare her to Veenos who is actually 18, you can tell her face has this plasticy look to it a la white chicks. Also Tay's sister is younger than her I think, and doesn't look like a sims 2 character.

this thread is dumb and should be locked, every time it gets bumped a stan starts calling nitpickers jealous of Tays stunning beauty and success!!! and telling them to stop judging people on fucking lolcow kek (why are you on this board being a comment nazi).

No. 240486

this is what happens when you make a thread out of someone who isn't a cow. there's no milk. there's never been any. there's like 2 vendetta-chans plus kiki reaching for milk by nitpicking as much as possible to justify the existence of this boring shitpost of a thread. we all love tearing apart a good cow. but taylor, plainly, is not. lolcow doesn't exist so a handful of people who know her personally can circlejerk while mocking her face until they cry themselves to sleep. this thread is all over the place. there's nothing to fucking talk about unless you're 12 and jealous soz.

No. 240543

the problem is that whenever people try to just bring her back into the jvlogger thread where she belongs, the people there start bitching because of the damage kiki did as spergchan so taylor can't be discussed there without people sperging themselves but she has nowhere near enough milk to have her own thread. I do think that once this thread dies we should just go back to talking about her on the jvlogger thread though, it makes no sense for her to have her own thread.

No. 240553

No. 240570

She's not a cow at all, this thread just exists as a sort of humorous shrine to Kiki's obsession (and to that of the extreme nitpickers).

No. 240574

Couldn't this also be argued in Sharla's case? The only thing people bring up about her is her ugly sweatshirts, her annoying voice, and her vegan eating.
I don't understand why all of the other jvloggers are fair game but making these type of comments is considered nitpicking when it's Taylor.

No. 240580

Well she's in the jvlogger thread which is more or less for discussion's sake. There's been actual drama with all of them because of their interactions but by comparison Taylor has none since she's so sheltered and frankly naive, and a lot less involved with all of them. I have no problem with Taylor being in that thread no one's saying she should be banned. But nothing productive is going on in this thread. There never is. It's aggressive nitpicking and it just doesn't go with how boring Taylor is. And it's always the same topics that have been debunked. They just keep bringing them up because they desperately want something.

I like her but can't imagine myself caring enough to stan. There's people who care enough to find a way to hate her and try to make a snowflake out of her and it's like, why make a thread to just please them? Which is basically all this is. But then again when she's in the jvlogger thread they'll just spam it with autism until people insist she gets her own thread again so they can sperg out like >>240267

No. 240582

I smell Audrey…

No. 240585

No. 240701

I'm the person you replied to and I actually agree with what you said. This thread is a boring cycle. I guess I'm just equally frustrated with the nitpicking as I am with the people who mindlessly defend her against even the smallest criticisms. I mean this is lolcow after all, we're not here to hold her hand when someone says she draws her lips on funny. I'm also sick of people accusing others of being Kiki and other randos constantly. But I agree, Taylor was probably better off in the jvlogging thread and I also like her for the most part.

No. 240738

I thought that everybody already kind of guessed that he is from Honk Kong but ok she said it.

No. 240869

>this thread just exists as a sort of humorous shrine to Kiki's obsession

No. 240934

File: 1485561157406.jpeg (160.92 KB, 1280x1662, emilia-clarke-d-la-repubblica-…)

>Dunno what 18 yr olds live around you, but the ones here look 100% better and more kept then Taylor does.
Then why aren't they models like Taylor? Hence my point. She is more pleasing to look at than a lot of people that do fall in the so-called OK age category. So if you say people above a certain age can't start cosplaying, you might as well say ugly and average looking people aren't allowed to cosplay either. Mind you, my original comment was towards that anon who said she was too old to start cosplaying. And it's not even because she's trying to look young btw. Emilia Clarke is older and looks older than Taylor, but she would beat Taylor in cosplay and all those 18 year olds along with it. Just because: she's that beautiful.

No. 240941

kindly fuck off the thread if u don't like it :^)

No. 240951

Lord, that beginning while dancing on the bed was super cringe-worthy. Her behavior is so strange to me

No. 240994


I never said anything generally about her age or cosplaying. My comment had frankly nothing to do with cosplay, and I have absolutely no idea what your rambling about.

As for what I did say about 18 year olds.. I still don't see Taylor as beyond the bar beautiful, she's pretty, but not outstanding. If she was beyond the bars gorg she'd actually achieve more then just basic catalog modelling. I'm sorry anon, thats all she did was basic catalog modelling. You guys need to stop acting like she's a top model and everything she's done so far couldn't be achieved by another pretty girl. Has it ever crossed your mind that maybe the average 18 yr old doesn't have interest in going to Hong Kong ? or being a catalog model ? that maybe they want a more meaningful educational job ?

No. 241002

the point is that she doesn't meet the criteria for having her own thread on /snow/. nitpicking and making fun of looks is standard for when you're talking about a cow ie an actual piece of shit you hold 0 sympathy for since that's the point of this board. snowflakes. prople who've actually done shit. if we start making threads about people whose makeup we don't like with no actual milk behind it then we might as well be making threads about people from every corner off instagram.

it's purely a shit thread. there will always be stans whiteknighting because she simply does not have that many haters, because she's not a snowflake. she isn't even interesting.

No. 241246

You didn't, but my original comment was towards that anon (>>236666). But I do think Taylor is above average, and her modeling job certainly isn't for the average person. She was in two doramas, and imo that's quite impressive (tbh I envy her, in my old weeb days I wished I could play a part in a dorama).

No. 241287

Nitpicking and making fun of lolcows' looks is the point of this board? Man, I thought we were here to laugh about people doing dumb or despicable things and embarrassing themselves on social media.

No. 241337


Sometimes I forget that alot of the girls on this site were or are weebs and that the people we talk about have the " dream life" that many here dream of…

I never went thru a weeb faze where anything of what her or Dakota did was desirable or worth being envious over. I suppose thats why I'm harsher with my opinions on their accomplishments because I see them as silly and sometimes trivial. Though I do think some of her old work was quite beautiful and elegant, I can't call what she is now "beautiful". Just isn't my taste. ( Also Dakota kinda ruined any good opinion I could have had for low-medium tier catalog models abroad as that hoe should just not be a model in the first place ) Though in all honesty, Taylor isn't a model anymore. I believe this is more then just because she feels done with it, but also because she is stubborn and refuses to change her style/makeup for a job.

No. 241343

It's Kiki's obsession with her, and the endless cycle of nitpicking that make this thread a) worth existing and b) quite fun at times.

reading comprehension 1/10

No. 241348

This! I keep hoping Kiki gets triggered by Taylor's success.

No. 241441

If you guys think this is success thats hilarious tbh.

No. 241447

It is success, if your dreams are to have a relatively carefree life without financial burdens, live in a country solely because of superficial interests, and be attractive (a model sometimes). I'm not insulting Taylor for these things, I think a lot of anons here have this as their ideal lifestyle, which is pretty much just a temporary, meaningless aesthetic, and also something younger weeb girls would dream about. Many other people aspire to do bigger things with their lives, Taylor is still finding herself until she does too, unless her plan is to be a hausuwaifu. I personally don't find her successful yet and loads of anons have pointed out that she doesn't seem happy. She's just living a comfortably dull life in a nice area atm.
inb4 I'm a jealous hater

No. 241454

it is. but nitpicking and mocking looks basically becomes tradition. peep the kota thread, which has more or less been reduced to laughing at her shoops. which no one complains about because she's a cunt and a liar and an iconic snowflake with no real fans.

No. 241456

Honestly when I think of success I think of someone whose like a CFO for a company, having a stable career job. Even on the creative side of it there's still success markers. Look at Mac Demarco or Grimes. They are successful musicians because they have top albums, deals, tours, etc

Its just so hard to put youtubers in thsi category. Idk. Taylor's channel is so boring so idk. Succesful for running a boring channel and being a model in a China, sure. As a 30 year old that's kinda meh.

No. 241458


if we're to get fake deep there's no such thing as a permanent state of happiness. plenty of celebrities who live the epitome of success lead incredibly unhappy lives. even the kardashians with all the money in the world, plagued with bdd and horribly unstable family relationships. people will always find a way to be dissatisfied. but by comparison, taylor's biggest grievance would probably be boredom and loneliness, which is logical since she lives in a foreign country and is a self-proclaimed introvert. and maybe she's struggling to keep with new vlogging content. does that negatively affect her life? of course. we're human beings. we'll always have problems. do i think that makes her an actual unhappy person all around? no. i think she's very happy with her life, since her only problems are so incredibly trivial.

No. 241459

Bitch who said happiness? We're talking about success dumbass

No. 241462

here >>241447
>I personally don't find her successful yet and loads of anons have pointed out that she doesn't seem happy. She's just living a comfortably dull life in a nice area atm.

forgive me for assuming you were following the flow of the conversation

No. 241465

Do you not consider being happy a part of success?

No. 241468

happiness is a temporary state, first of all. no one is perpetually happy. it depends on how long that happiness lasts throughout time i guess that really says if you're a "happy person" or not. emotions don't really care if you have money or not. i'm sure a leading surgeon out there somewhere is miserable because he wishes he could live in the hills of alaska living in a cabin and hunting bears. people always find ways to be miserable even when they have the world in their hands. taylor seems to be one of those rare people who has it easy in life and knows it and is incredibly content, self deprecating humor and standard insecurity aside.

No. 241470

Success is also temporary in the same way, but I see your point.

No. 241570

Taylor has social anxiety ( mild ) which keeps her from doing anything original or unique. She sticks to things that are familiar and safe while also following every single trend out there. Everything the girl claims she's into or loves is in some "top trending" list out there. Whether it be the "books" she claims to read and love to the brands she wears and uses to the very unoriginal content she tries to put out there. Even her editing style is stolen off of someone else thats trending.

Taylor's success is borrowed success. Her recent videos in HK though make me think she's more suited for HK life then Japan life. She comes off more lively and happy there then in Japan, and also her Bf is from HK and probably works there more then Japan. I wonder why she chooses to be in a place that means being away from her significant other for prolonged times. Honestly, her happiness is everywhere else but Japan.

No. 241572

Go fake another audition cold read, kiki

No. 241588


Oh, calling people Kaka again.

Taylor has admitted to having social anxiety and its no secrete to anyone that she follows trends religiously.

Go back to praying to your Taytay shrine, Sharla.

No. 241589

regarding your top paragraph:

every human being on earth follows trends. even if you're trying to be a hipster or a kawaii elf or an art hoe. everything is manufactured and holds a set of requirements you have to meet if you want social validation and attention. calling her a trend hopper as if she's unique for it makes no sense.

in her field of work it's essential that she follows trends. youtube is a social media platform. she's a lifestyle blogger with a heavy emphasis on how she experiences the country as a rich white girl on the opposite side of the world keeping up with her western culture. everyone can see that. she follows trends because her audience is following trends. every youtuber does. they give you classes on how necessary it is that you do that specifically as a youtuber looking to make money. calling her a tryhard for putting work into her craft is hella reachy.


No. 241598


I didn't say its unique that she's a trend hopper, but more or less is doesn't seem like she does anything that isn't " hot & trendy". It'd be nice to see things she likes that aren't just purely following some online trend list. Everyone follows trends, I am aware of that, but everyone has there own likes and hobbies that aren't "trending".

Every top Youtuber follows trends, but they also have there own uniqueness and own personal touch added to everything whether it be odd hobbies or interesting personality corks. Taylor just mimics and mocks everything she sees, and when she realizes it isn't enough she makes whiny comments about how her viewers only follow her out of pity.

TL;DR : I'd just like to see something original to her, that isn't following a trends. A hobbie or talent that wasn't created because someone she idolizes does it.( IE : I do pottery/ ceramics with my spare time which isn't trendy or popular but I enjoy it because its relaxing. ) I'd like to see something that isn't exactly unique or new but is something genuine to her. ( If she was more into fashion it'd be nice to see her make more look books … rather then only seasonal and because her fans bag her to. Rather then just collecting a bunch of shit )

( Your not a whiteknight as you actually argue with actual points and facts )

No. 241755

But you're actually trying to defend her for being a boring basic bitch lmao


No. 241806

File: 1485741706718.png (102.04 KB, 582x408, sfsdfsfsfsd.png)

No. 241810

If this is supposed to be a jab at her, I don't get it. It's a reasonable response.

No. 241813

Maddie, your jealousy is showing.

No. 241818

Am I the only one who thinks it's kind of …irresponsible for someone to indirectly point their 400k+ followers towards a person to talk shit about like this? Okay, a hater left a comment, you replied, move on. They're not the first one - nor the rudest one - to comment about her money, and youtube comments are a cesspool in general, so why single them out?

Pixielocks did the same thing but worse lol

No. 241900

Haha, love that she's reacting a little more snappy with these comments now; she always used to respond to criticism or snarky comments pretty sweetly and completely non-hostile.
I guess you can only be asked where all your money comes from and be accused of spending your dad's money so many times before you snap.

No. 242020

I've seen that user cropping up on Taylor's vlogs often enough im suspecting it's a PULL user at this stage tbh

No. 242045


Probably, but then again Pull watches her religiously and would know she hardly styles her hair. She's into the birds nest bed head style…

Though I do sometimes read her comments I never see any hate comments. Almost never do I see any negative comments and yet when she gets one she makes a fuss about it like thats all she gets from people/fans. Guess Sharla's rubbing off on Tay with all that snarky and whiney attitude.

No. 242057

Calling attention to that one person publicly was probably a kneejerk reaction she will regret, bad move. Tay's probably feeling sore from all the 'boyfriend/daddy bankrolls you' comments again.

Tay is just is a pretty basic girl though?
The most exciting thing she has mentioned in ages was her past at the model house and that is so long behind her, also CNY footage.
I just like listening to her happily talking about nothing important so to me it doesn't matter that her content is boring, because the important value to me is the relaxed vibe of her seemingly perfect life. I prefer boring Tay talking about candles to her attempts to be quirky. I would like to hear more about her agency and how visas and stuff work though.

No. 242092


How does she even keep a visa with her modelling agency when she hasn't had a job since like what ? Halloween was it ? She has even less jobs then Dakota and is even less known then Dakota too.

Does it really only take doing 1-2 gigs a year to keep a contract with a modelling agency ?

No. 242099

She only needs photo/portfolio proof of what she does when applying for the visa. It's just an extension, which only requires stuff like a standard application with her info, and probably signature/info from her Satori Japan representative. Super fucking easy. That's how Dakota is still in Japan.


No. 242110

I would actually love to hear more model stories from when she was an actual model. What's it like working as a model in asia

No. 242114


Damn, so as long as you're pretty living in Japan is easy peasy. ( Though Koots should still not be a model as she just doesn't meet any of the model requirements )


I was watching a live stream of another model in Japan and it really seems like non of them like to talk about their stories… I asked about modelling housing which in turn I only got a " uuugh, just uuugh. I don't even want to talk about it."

I really get the vibe that modelling fucking sucks. The girl did bring up that it ruins your skin and hair and agencies will ask you to lose weight while already being under weight … ( though this girl wasn't in the kawaii train anything goes flow. She also met all requirements )

No. 242198

I think modeling sucks worldwide and people never really talk about the negatives until they are for sure out of the industry. Because its probably easy to ruin your career, or make your life hell.

No. 243386

>Damn, so as long as you're pretty living in Japan is easy peasy.
If only.. You need a working visa (aka another job) first, before you can even apply for a modeling company. And then still you're not allowed to earn sufficient money with modeling, unless you have a special visa that gives permission to do modeling next to your work. Modeling agencies don't even give visas, unless you are of investment value for them. Taylor obviously was of investment value due to her HK experience, and for Dakota, it was due to her e-fame. (so yeah Dakota was just real fucking lucky on that department)

No. 243393

Her modeling agency probably has her listed as a 'talent' or she just labels them as her management (like how EYK is under the Breakers management and stuff) on top of being a model. Or there's just a general 'entertainment' category. If a legit business vouches for you you're pretty much set though, doesn't matter what you do.

No. 246026

This is probably her filter

It makes a lot of sense. She looks rather different in her own productions vs. those shot/posted by others. The sleepover is just one example, but her Tokyo Extra spots shows how strange her makeup and face look in real life.

No. 246641

her face looks hella busted in her latest vids.

No. 246647


I thought it was quite interesting when she said that she wants to visit Kyoto before she "leaves". She didn't say when but I get the vibe that it's in the near future and since everybody else from the jvlogger group is leaving nippon land.

No. 246656

Most of the top lifestyle bloggers use the exact same filter. It's funny when it fails and you see how cakey and unblended their makeup really is. It's why most sponsored makeup careers don't go past youtube since Michelle Phan.

No. 246669

I had no idea. I knew they had tricks, but I didn't know that.

I enjoy her inability to use the English language. Fixed it for her: "Steve Jobs' Fav Sushi Chef"

People don't talk about her grammar and spelling mistakes much, but they are annoying and evident of how uneducated she is.

No. 246671


She's probably going to be going back to HK since that's where her bf is most of the time. I'm even betting that's half the reason they went back to HK for " business" was actually house hunting ( if her bf doesn't already have property out there )

No. 246700

File: 1486497966121.gif (999.99 KB, 400x300, go for it.gif)

he says you can tune it down from that level? call it augmented reality, but i don't really care about the difference between lots of jvloggers/instamodels/youtubers content of themselves that they produce and the real thing. kooter levels are spooky, cheek injections are spooky, but filters aren't so bad.

No. 246715

That video exposed top makeup brands using filters to sell products, which youtubers now do as well. Filters aren't bad but pretending products caused the filter's effect is.

No. 247179

Diffusion filters have existed for decades. Google "Camera diffusion filter" and you can find dozens of them, they're a glass piece that attaches to the end of your lens and basically smooth everything out. However, since we see Taylor's camera pretty often in vlogs etc and it's clear that there's no filter on it, more likely she's using a camera that has a built-in skin smoothing filter. A lot of popular handlehd cameras do these days. It tracks your face and smooths your skin in real time, no after-effects needed.

No. 247192

yesss god I hope this is true

HK taylor is more fun, also bye plain jvloggers

No. 249659

I have to say, I'm totally on board with this friendship continuing. It reminds me a bit of like a big sister/little sister friendship which is really healthy for Venus, plus they seem to genuinely enjoy each others company.

Kek'd at the fact that Venus gave her more gifts and in my opinion cuter ones than her 'close' friends did.

No. 249662

doesn't that just mean they're good at spending money?

No. 249666

You can be thoughtful and get cute stuff without an exorbitant price tag.
Tbf, I didn't take a look at what Venus got Taylor yet.

No. 249669

How dare friends give one another gifts, i guess i should give my friend a give for his birthday

No. 249689

>Kek'd at the fact that Venus gave her more gifts and in my opinion cuter ones
I thought that too. I don't think friendship is measured by how many gifts you get someone but Venus' effort seems more proportionate to Taylor's.

No. 250041

I was a fan of Taylor in her earlier days, I liked how she used to open up about her struggles or whatever and she was doing interesting things with her life. I also found it cozier somehow when she was living alone. Nowadays I find her pretty irritating. Everything she does seems forced, especially all of her ~silly antics~.

No. 250082

Venus has great taste and likely spent more, but I think the friendship and good time Taylor is giving her back is worth the extra effort put into those gifts. I don't think Venus minds, especially since she probably just wanted to make her friend happy.

No. 250100

eh, maybe Taylor didn't want to over step anything or smother Venus with gifts. Sometimes over spoiling can do the very opposite and push the very person you're trying to befriend away. Knowing Venus' history she probably felt simple sweet gifts ( flowers ) and a fun day away from stress was better then fancy items and a dinner with a dress code.

No. 250104

>eh, maybe Taylor didn't want to over step anything or smother Venus with gifts.

this. the big gifts are something we've always pointed out with taylor and i think considering the casual circumstances she wanted to be appropriate regarding the price. we know she's not cheap.

No. 250121

At the end of the video you can see Venus with a gelato pique shopping bag (it's wrapped in the way they wrap presents) so most likely she got it from Taylor.

No. 250129

Venus has never really had a REAL friend, well, other than Manaki. Before that it was only her mother.

This is really super sweet. I hope they continue to do things together.

No. 250159

taylor's like the golden retriever therapy dog in this lmao. i can't help but always remember how sorry i actually feel for venus after videos like this because it sort of removes the veil of her internet persona and puts her in a real life setting.

No. 252169

Idk how it is in your country but flowers arranged like that are pretty expensive over here. But yeah venus seemed to have put some effort into her gift to taylor in comparison to the other jvloggers

No. 252235

File: 1487194266063.jpg (227.18 KB, 1338x1015, IMG_1264.JPG)

Really? I didn't get that vibe at all. It just looked like two friends having fun and being silly together to me. And Venus seemed so much more spontaneous and relaxed than in their previous vlogs together, I think she's getting more comfortable as they get to know each other.

Anyway, it sounds like they're getting together again soon from this comment on Venus's video:

No. 252289

Tay got another $2000 designer backpack. Did she even use the black one she got last year from her boyfriend? (I think it was her birthday or Christmas present?)

No. 252293

i love it. ;; pls continue to support each other

No. 252300

update, that video was extremely cringey though. watching it all the way through would be a test of resolve.

No. 252303


No, she just buys/gets a bunch of shit, shows it on camera, and stuffs it away into a closet.

No. 252305

no yeah exactly lmao. it was such a wholesome video. it's like. wow i forgot normal human firendships like this is something completely new to venus. that's why i said taylor reminded me of a therapy dog because i honestly feel like she's good for venus.

no actual way for you to know that, bud.

No. 252312

i want to see taylor do her overline on venus' lips now

No. 252315

File: 1487201252680.png (486.17 KB, 676x809, veenoos.png)

artist's interpretation. plus teeth whitening.

No. 252320

Actually I saw her wore it a couple of times while traveling in her vlogs

No. 252334

oh then she definitely needs a new one!

No. 252360

Her bf's voice seriously disturbs me, I'm amazed that she can stand to be around it all the time

The power of money, I guess

No. 252361

>normal human firendships like this is something completely new to venus. that's why i said taylor reminded me of a therapy dog because i honestly feel like she's good for venus.
Agree it's a good thing for her but disagree with the implication Taylor's only hanging with her out of pity. Seems to me more like they're getting to be friends and hang out together because they both have fun and genuinely like each other's company, not because it's some kind of "therapy" for Venus.

No. 252443

noooo i wasn't implying that either lol that's just how i can't help but see it. i don't doubt taylor genuinely likes venus. but at the same time i do think she feels sorry for venus and naturally feels inclined to offer her the friendship she basically was deprived of growing up. especially given their age difference i can't help but see venus as a baby tbh and i'm in my mid 20s. i think that's just human nature, really. we all feel bad for venus, given a situation as extreme as hers.

No. 252548

I'm not liking this new style of her vlogs. I used to love putting them on while I was working on something, kind of like white noise. With all those pretty timelapses and chill music, they were kind of relaxing.
Now its all jarring closeups and obnoxious reaction gifs. I'm hoping since she stalks the threads maybe she'll take a step back to her old style of editing, rather than this awful clickbaiting trendy bullshit to 'keep up with the teens'

No. 252561

forgive me if this has already been discussed before but what kind of visa is Taylor on?

No. 252566


No. 252572

Gotta make those YouTube bucks tho
Pandering is what racks in viewers

No. 252918

I completely agree, it's kind of cringey… Like, it was funny at first, but then after three of them within the first 2 minutes of the video it was just.. ugh

No. 252934

everyone in the comments is liking it. common sense says to cater to the consumer to make a profit. you're entitled to your unpopular onion tho.

No. 253885

File: 1487436475577.jpg (829.17 KB, 1795x1795, C48eoE4UYAAb8U7.jpg)

I like Taylor but her fashion sense is shit. How can someone think this looks good? It's like 5 different outfits combined

No. 253886

Well admittedly that is the worst outfit I've seen her wear by far. Most of her stuff is just normal subdued/casual wear.

No. 253897

most of her outfit are random oversized shit she throws on, like that orange jumper or whatever the fuck it was. she should hire a stylist. what's the point of having a super hot body if youre gonna dress like a toddler on drugs?

No. 253933

File: 1487444634810.jpg (64.3 KB, 598x595, tayyy.JPG)


Tay should stick to a very simple "normcore" kind of style. Keep it simple but elegant and maybe one piece like this tacky LV back bag or this fur hat but not all together. Less is more tbh.

And she could stop using make-up colors that make her face look so washed out and go for more vibrant colors like pic related.


Also this.

No. 254011

I think she is testing the waters. Trying out new things and see what sticks or what people favor. Finding her niche

I also think the same way about her "cringy" behavior. She seems more relaxed now and has personality. A lot of people seem to hate it and think its too much, but I find it refreshing. If it's really who she is, then good on her for not hiding herself anymore.
Her fashion sense looks weird at times to a lot of people, but if she likes it then who am I to tell her she can't wear it.

She needs to stop with the aegyo sal though. That I agree with

No. 254066

Since when does looking like a noodle became "super hot"?

No. 254073

It's gonna be okay, fattychan.

No. 254328

ever heard of personal preference you fuckass?
personally I like her body now, she's still thin but not as spoopy as she was at one point.

she looks really cute here, def. should stick to this style. anything form fitting really.

No. 254335

Found the fatty

No. 254962

I like Taylor well enough, but seriously? How can they speak so little Japanese that they don't know what the sign the police was showing says? Like they had to use Google translate for the word パトカー? Also the way she wears her seatbelt is way too dangerous, that's how you fucking die, speeding and not wearing your seatbelt properly.

No. 255064

I'm not surprised about Taylor but I'm surprised about her boyfriend not knowing Japanese as an actual businessman there.

No. 255334

If you work in finance or programming you don't really need to know the language

No. 255337

It's even worse that she couldn't write it properly into Google Translate even though it was right in front of her. But after a few tries even the police car emoji showed up. Is she really that stupid?

No. 255380

I unsubbed after this video. I loved the chill music, the time lapses and everything. As boring as they were, they were pretty and watchable.
Now she is just obnoxious. Even worst than Sharla.

No. 255387

Tay and elbow-san go way back to her HK days, so I wonder if Tay moving to Tokyo was because of elbow-san going to work there and Tay following? Or did elbow-san follow her to Japan? Her previous apartment had a master bedroom that she never showed, so maybe they were already living together there.

No. 255593

OT, sorry.

I can't stand the people that wear long sleeve sweaters with shorts.. It's looks stupid. And generally, if you're outside, they will usually be whining about being cold.

Yeah, you're cold because you're wearing shorts, you dumb bitch..

OT rant over, sorry

No. 255707

I thought she move to Japan because of her living doll phase and elbow-san followed her.

No. 255894

Communication must be interesting for this two, they don't speak Japanese (in Japan) and his English is "modest" to put it nicely. I guess they speak the language of love.

No. 255899

If he's from HK and a professional I'm sure his English isn't that bad. It's obviously accented, but that's something you get used to quite quickly.
Taylor should really speak more Japanese by now though.

No. 256684

i like taylor, but i felt bad for venus in her last video, what was the point of making her feel like an idiot, i don't get it…

No. 256706

Taylor has fucking weird ideas of pranks, reminds me of the "prank" of telling sharla she wanted to be a victoria's secret angel. I guess if you take that and the fact she is one-sidedly generous with present, you could say she's pretty socially retarded.

I thought Venus looked cute anyways, the hat was nice and it was different from her normal clothes so it was interesting.
At least she's pretty socially retarded too so she probably didn't think much of it. Hopefully.

No. 256730

To be fair Venus did a similar outfit for Taylor too, it was all in good fun

No. 256764

Lmao at Taylor thinking she is allowed to give any type of critique on fashion. Bitch dresses like a four year old boy in clothes 2 times too big. Hilarious that she's telling Venus the outfit is "too baggy." Uhhhhh okay…that's literally all you wear Taylor. I don't really keep up sigh Venus, but she did genuinely seem confused, and I felt bad

No. 256785

"thinking she is allowed to give any type of critique on fashion"
Bitch, where?
There's a difference between opinions (I don't like the look of this outfit) and actually being a fashionista and giving critique.
This video is two friends making outfits for each other. Not a fashion show.

You really need some sugar in your salt diet

No. 256824

File: 1487904404835.gif (172.71 KB, 350x350, dancigcat.gif)

i didn't like that, either. having someone try out someone else's tastes, they're naturally going to be polite and thank them for it. then being told "haha it's a prank, bro! i picked ugly clothes out for you and you actually liked them? haHAHAha"– PLUS being venus' senior by eight years.. it's like picking on a younger cousin or something for your own amusement and filming it. i just think it was childish.
(i get that the choice style of vlogging is to convince your audience they're not watching a filmed video, they're there with you hanging out and being friends, but now this example of behavior is online forever and could always be cherrypicked to be used against her.)

No. 256861

I really miss when she was more informative and fashion forward. When she was talking about nutrition and health benefits that X gives you, or where she showed good beauty routines … When she wasn't such a coward to try or do different makeup routines and actually film them up close.

Her current styles since entering Japan has really been making me question if she has any intelligence… Fucking girl can't even melt chocolate to save her life let alone read basic Japanese after how many years of being there ??? She has seriously gone down hill since she's came into money ( boyfriend ) and moved to Japan. Hairs a mess, makeups shit, clothing is oversized and trashy (IMO),intelligence is almost non existent and she can't cook worth shit…

Tf has happened ?

No. 256922

i highly doubt, that she meant it maliciously at all.
compared to her vlogger friends, it seems to me, like she's the only one who has SOME banter (just going by their videos).
it shows confidence in the other person, that they know/trust you enough to take the joke.
also, her posting it online goes a step further, i think.
be it consciously or unconsciously, it in a parallel way challenges the relationship with her viewers, as in multiple other videos.
she shows a certain trust in them, that they can handle the bantz as well basically.

venus' awkward reaction indicates, that she's apparently not used to having close friends, as harsh as that sounds.
therefore taylor is probably a positive influence for her.

No. 256979

They are awkward together, there is very little chemistry, I don't know why they made videos together. In general I don't have a bad opinion about Taylor but I can't help to feel one girl wants a friend the other wants more videos.

No. 256985

No. 256986

Did you even watch the video? Twice in the video Taylor pointed out that "all the pieces individually are good, but together they look ugly" I never heard her say, I think this or in my opinion. It was more just her giving Venus advice on it, which I thought was inappropriate since Taylor dresses like shit, that's all

No. 257111

cause views = money, duh.

literally almost all her outfits look like a retarded child dressed her up, for example that orange pillow thing she wore a few vids back. or the shit she wore in this vid. if u think that's good fashion sense, i'm real sorry for you hun.

No. 258296

Being ignorant of a language and the police telling you to pull over isn't funny anymore when it's two grown ass adults.

Is she trying to appeal to young teens with the old memes and "acting black"? It's hard to watch.

No. 258326

The whole time she's been on YouTube she's been appealing to younger audience. Just look at her old kotaclone bedroom tour video. That was only 2 years ago lol she was like 25-26 then I think? She will end up being a 40 yr old filler faced hag still pretending to be young on YouTube.

No. 258329

I never thought it was funny. I live in Japan as well, and if I spoke that little Japanese I'd feel like an idiot.

Did Taylor do YouTube before moving to Japan? She had this video where she can't wear makeup because she's going to her skin doctor and she looked so much better! I mean her style now looks better than the cutesy shit she wore in 2015, but it's still not very flattering. She also really needs to change her eye makeup, it looks so bad.

No. 258330

isn't that what 90% of youtubers do? Try to appeal to kids? I mean look at pewdiepie lol

No. 258419

I'm surprised the cops forgave them for being stupid foreigners. Probably thought the austin powers looking dude was really Mike Myers or some shit.

No. 258424

No. 258610


She did Youtube back in HK but not as frequently though. She did a lot of beauty tutorials and informative videos about health. Just go to dailymotion and search her name and you'll find them. She deleted all her old HK videos because they made her look to "mature" and looked her age.

btw, I'm dying cause I found her " Rosie moves to Japan" video where she tried aftereffects and failed hardcore.


No. 258704

That looks so fucked up. Please tell me she paid someone to do that and regrets it because it looks insane.

No. 258707

damn watching this video rosy used to look so cute & healthy, like her hair was a pretty chocolate brown colour and it looked really fluffy and nice she was so cute rip

No. 258709

that 5head

No. 258814

Why does rosy look so much smaller now and her hair so patchy now? Wtf. Also Taylor looks so retarded in this video my god what an embarrassment no wonder she deleted

No. 258821

Someone should make a gif out of that video before she finds it and has it taken down

No. 258832

I think the reason for the color change of the fur could just be that the dog is getting older and is not taken to a groomer so often nowadays? That's why she looks smaller too, the fur is not as fluffy as it was.

No. 258888


It's completely normal for poodles to change like that/ they only get their real fur colour at around age 2 and the texture of the coat changes.

No. 262090

I never paid attention to Taylor until lately, I'm surprised she doesn't know any Japanese? Why is she even in Japan? At least Sharla knows Japanese.

Though at least Taylor is smart enough to date someone she can actually talk to unlike Sharla.

No. 262137


Lmao what ? Sharla and her man can't even communicate ??

Taylor's once again back in HK .. I'm getting stronger and stronger vibes that they're moving back to HK. Would make sense anyways since she's familiar with HK and her bf works/lives there most of the time. ( at least more then he does in Japan. )

No. 262161

>Lmao what ? Sharla and her man can't even communicate ??

She said in a video not too long ago that her fiancé is Korean that doesnt speak at English and only basic Japanese and so Japanese is their only common language. Like how awful.

No. 262217

does anyone else find her to look unnatural and repulsive? i can't even look at her for too long. in her pre-surgery pics she was really pretty. why did she fuck up her face?

No. 262226


I don't like her bloated unni face either, but it's pointless talking about the qualities you don't like about her because the taystan-spergs go batshit crazy. ( I sorta personally think Taylor is similar to Dakota and that they both are glorified jizz rags. Only Tay actually gets fancy expensive shit whereas Dakota still looks like a hobo. )

No. 262286

I'm surprised she's not getting married or pregs yet. She's getting up there in age so it's probably going to happen after they move somewhere more permanent, whether HK or Canada.

No. 262305

I feel like she's at least going to get engaged this year since she's been talking about marriage, raising a family, and how she wants to experience new things while she still can a lot lately.

No. 262463


I remember Sharla saying her fiancee Japanese is as good as hers, I don't recall her saying her Japanese is basic. But they seem to communicate in a peculiar way, she said that her personality comes "wrong" when she speaks Japanese so she tries to make direct translation from English to Japanese to show him her true personality, not sure how that works but that's what she said in some of the streams she did with Bii.

Sorry for the off topic.

No. 262496

Sage for OT but of course her personality is different when she speaks Japanese. It's not a new phenomenon, and that doesn't make her Japanese speaking personality fake. It's just that each language comes with a culture and a way of thinking behind it, and Canada and Japan are pretty far removed in that regard.

No. 262497

So basically when she speaks japanese it's just her going 'Yessssssss maaaaaaaaaan' and HURHURHUR OISHII!!!

No. 262529

I'm not sure if you're joking, but people tend to be more low-key and agreeable when speaking Japanese, especially women. It's just how the language works and what's acceptable female behaviour in Japan. Plus I don't know how good her Japanese is, but she might have trouble expressing complicated ideas in Japanese.

No. 262568

Yeah, I have a slightly different personality when I speak another language (in which I'm fluent). It's weird. I'm still "me" but I don't speak as I would in English.

No. 262588


Pretty sure Dakota missed the memo.

No. 262625

That's because she learnt from living with her manager.

No. 262676


Exactly, it also has to do with how you were taught your second language.

When I was in Germany, people always commented on how "formal" I was when talking. I'm not a formal person at all, but that how I was taught when learning German in school so that's how I learned to speak.

No. 262677



No. 268586

Sharla's Avoiding Me (wait people are angry, warning: clickbait)

Can she be more childish?.

No. 268587

File: 1489383223053.png (176.5 KB, 750x1006, IMG_4487.PNG)

She got casted in another drama with Naoto Takenata (old guy in this photo), according to this post, which also says details will come soon. I wonder why she hasn't mentioned it yet, probably building up something so she can make a ~surprise~ video about it.

No. 268592

oh neat

kooter & kaka will love this

No. 268594

yes!! i've been dying to see her do modelling or tv work again.

No. 268603

I hope it brings out Sperg-chan. I want Kiki to crack again. lol

No. 268621

Meanwhile, Keekster thinks she's living the life featuring in shoddy student films. I can hear her angry toucan squawks all the way from California.

No. 268667

>sound of Kiki screeching

No. 268682

File: 1489401893611.png (2.79 MB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_20170301-230332.png)

Kiki is going to eat her own feet out of jealousy. And tay doesn't even acknowledge her existence. This milk is too good.

No. 268683

Can you be any more nitpicky?

No. 268693

taylor looks creepy

No. 268700

remember that time we talked about her thumbs?

No. 268701

Lol, not that poster, but she definitely is childish. That isn't being nitpicky

No. 268711

I dont get the people being angry at this, it's not like she was joking about something serious like someone being dead or whatever. Her fans are more childish imo

No. 268714

From the looks of it all her kiddie viewers complained about it.

Excited for a kaka meltdown!!

No. 268715


I'm happy for her an all …
But how does she get casted for anything when she can't read,write or speak baisc Japanese ? ( Another voice over she'll claim is all her ? )

No. 268727


Sometimes there are restrictions on what they can or can't say regarding the show from the production company. I've seen that from other actors/talent.

It doesn't have any consistency either. depends on the production company for how strict they will be.

No. 268753

I feel like her fans are the most childish if anything. What are people's damage with clickbait titles? It's almost a trend to hate them as much as it is to use them. I don't really get why people sperg out all the time when they see the titles? It's the name of the youtube game. Who cares

No. 268765

compare this with the official photos from kotas Fits gig lel.

No. 268773

i think she's familiar enough with japanese that she could learn basic conversarional for work. if i made a compilation of all the phrases my antisocial ass used while going out shopping it wouldn't even make it to ten words. so i can understand why she doesn't put effort into learning beyond basic conversational. but she does seem to understand japanese when she's being spoken to, and to my knowledge can read hiragana and katakana? i think with a push from her agency she'll learn. never seen her as lazy.

however, if they don't even ask that she learns it's gonna be funny knowing all these people find her pleasant enough to make exceptions.

No. 268821


It works fine for her in her everyday life ( except when being pulled over by police) but how does one "act" if they can't even understand/speak basic convo. She's admitted that she can't and even shown that she struggles even understanding what her taxi driver says.

I personally think they're just going to voice over hers as who wants to listen to scrabbled Japanese ( mispronounced ) I believe thats what they did for her other role as she was shit at speaking then too. They probably hired her mainly just for her image rather than her skills.

No. 268873

Her fans are heavily invested in her well-being, so a clickbait title that implies something is wrong in perfect Taylor land probably made them feel concern. It isn't really a problem with misleading clickbait titles that don't cause negative emotions like that, since she uses them all the time without much complaint.

No. 268880

It's more like her fans see her as their irl friend so when they're PRANKED like this unexpectedly they feel wronged. I don't blame them since this is the relationship Taylor has been building with her audience for a long time. It's only recently that she started to adapt a different persona(wise older sister->sarcastic k00l gurl)

No. 268901

Asians (hell, media companies in general) will always take a pretty face over a fluent or semi-fluent speaker, and there really aren't that many that are arguably as pretty as Taylor running around Tokyo (inb4 there are plenty of other western models that are pretty)

Plus she also has a pretty solid following, a background in media and the biggest in: she has already worked with the team so she knows how they work and they know what to expect from her.

No. 268902

If fans aren't used to it they think it's mean/'unauthentic' to clickbait. No one bats an eye at the bigger vloggers doing shit like "I ALMOST DIED???????" daily because it's what they do but her titles are almost always broing shit like "Going shopping! :)" So it's probably jarring for them. Not saying its idiotic to get upset over clickbait but most of her fans are young and pretty dumb

No. 268904

File: 1489431652395.png (1.63 MB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_20170301-230315.png)

They were talking about that video title somehow being childish

It's nearly as bad as when there were anons saying she has a freakishly huge nose or weird thumbs.

No. 268910

File: 1489432480254.png (389.85 KB, 593x487, Screen Shot 2017-03-13 at 3.12…)


I think you more or less mean she's arguably one of the more prettier "kawaii uggu" models as most ( if not all ) are pretty plain or flat up ugly in that field( kota ). When it comes to regular models Taylor's average to low tier. ( I don't mean that in a insulting way though, but there are sooo many much prettier girls out there in the modelling industry. )

All of her previous roles were ditsy kawaii bimbos that dressed in either all pink or wears lolita fashion. I kinda hope for once the put her in a different role that isn't cringey.

No. 268916

When in one of her recent vlogs she said that she didn't get her favourite lipstick shade and her eyebrows are uneven but that's not gonna matter when she's 70 years old, and she's trying to think like that more
she was completely serious
this pure spoiled child, dear god

No. 268983

The nitpicking. So she can't be sad about anything ? That's a vlog, she talks to her viewers, and personal thoughts are a part of it.

No. 269027

Yeah that's what I meant. She's definitely not the prettiest foreign model in Japan (I personally thought the girl she visited in Hong Kong was much more gorgeous) but for her niche (weeby 'doll' western girl) she's the most attractive of the bunch.

No. 269098

yeah, you're right. Taylor is probably the only one in this living doll, or whatever it's called now that genuinely pulls it off with minimal fakery

No. 269124

There is a very strange subset of people that seem to get really really excited at the chance to criticize, nitpick, and generally make mountains out of molehills when it comes to her. When there was no video for a while multiple people were literally complaining about being bored and wanting a reason to bitch about her.

No. 269147

The whiteknighting. Can't I say anything? It's lolcow, we discuss people, talk to other anons, and personal thoughts are a part of it
>srsly you can't say anything in this thread without someone screaming nitpicking
>I didn't say she can't be sad about it anon, I just stated the fact that's it's so pure?
>I'm just jealous of her fantasy bubble?

No. 269154


It might just be from the lack of Drama in the snow threads. People sometimes come off thirsty for there to be drama that they start nitpicking/discussing small things in all the snow threads. Part of me understands it to a certain degree because we were so blessed with so much flakes years ago ( Dakota,Wylona, Charms,Berry,PixyTeri ect ect ) But now they have all yet to go quiet or vanished leaving people a little deprived of their fav weebs.

No. 269155

The problem is not talking about Taylor or not, it's about having a real subject. It was just useless to point that out when thousands talked about have she's living in a bubble, which made it look like nitpicking.

No. 269160

Tbh I think that Taylor threads should be discontinued and she should be brought back into the jvlogger thread. Her threads are always a ton of nitpicking and her threads were only really ever created due to kaka sperging. She should just be part of the general thread.

No. 269165

No. 269170

Yeah. I wasn't specifically talking about the cow where there seems to be a revolving door of sanity when it comes to her. I mean she is cringe-y as fuck sometimes and says stupid shit worth mocking.
I meant other sites where people get so offended and angry about every little thing she does like she personally killed all of their puppies, fucked their boyfriends, and shit on their rugs for good measure. It's just crazy how someone that fucking boring can manage to invoke so much negative emotion from a group of people.

No. 269179

And somehow we've come full circle again where after all the bickering ends, someone says the thread should be closed. I don't disagree, but the thread is on lolcow. You have to expect that people will nitpick and say bad things about her.

No. 269218

>It's just crazy how someone that fucking boring can manage to invoke so much negative emotion from a group of people.
because jealousy. her biggest most obsessive and disturbingly brutal hater was driven by pure envy. truthfully taylor has moved on from the kawaii niche so i'm disinterested in her at this point, so i can unbiasedly say there's nothing remotely milky or tbh interesting about her. she's like a modern cher horowitz with a much more relatable status. she's nice. lord knows i'm friends with much more obnoxious people who i've grown to like irl. you'd never hate someone like her irl she seems to have a nice personality. the hating and nitpicking is the purest form of jealousy i've seen with someone on this board in a looong time lol like that's something you only say about people when you're like deluded and in denial but it's legit the case with taylor.

it'd bizarre but it's the only interesting thing going on with her tbh. i've always agreed to have her thread shut down but i'm rlly looking forward to outing kiki when she inevitably shows up as taylor achieves more of kiki's dreams.

No. 269229

either all of it is okay or none of it is

No. 269266

then it's all okay. it gives us a chance to hold meet and greets with Kiki at any rate.

No. 269395

Tbh, I'm not jealous of her, but I think she's super obnoxious and immature. So every little thing she does is amplified 100% because I think she's so weird and annoying. Whereas if abnormal person did something stupid, I'd be like oh okay that was a one off. However Taylor is constantly doing and saying stupid shit and it just compiles :(

No. 269396

A normal* autocorrect

No. 269527

File: 1489507560023.jpg (60.93 KB, 1188x374, taylorr.JPG)

Saw this on Rachel and Jun's vid kek please go outside

No. 269804

File: 1489527661008.jpg (302.06 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg)


Jesus. Both Taylor and her fans are such salt babies. So butt hurt about the pettiest of things. She was being all salty on her Ig post too. " just I case I was misleading you".

Why can't this grown woman just ignore those few petty comments and focus on all the positive ones.

No. 269850

File: 1489530301713.png (52.27 KB, 420x294, IMG_7894.PNG)

IA, if Taylor does more acting and Kiki has to go back to moms house I will be waiting by these boring Taylor threads. Or if Taylor and Asian Austin Powers get engaged/married/pop out a hafu bb Kiki will be seething.

The only problem with adding her back to the jvloggers thread is the nitpickers go there to do their weekly nitpick and the regular posters in that thread complain.

Taylor can be immature, her face has weird filler cheeks and she can't speak anything but English after all these years but she is pretty drama free and boring. I don't think she is even Snowflake tier personally, but I can understand why some people want to discuss her videos here because she has the most enviable life of all the jvloggers I've seen. She definitely gets the "this bitch eating crackers" reaction out of ppl, pic related.

No. 269985

Different anon here. I saw your post and I wanted to tell you that I agree with the picture, but tbh I don't even care anymore about this thread… it's annoying af, but nothing to worry about.

No. 269990

sounds like the only salty one here is you, pal. that's a lot of feelings over a hashtag.

No. 269995


Honestly, it just looks like she was making a joke. The quality of the joke wasn't that great, but nothing to get bent out of shape about.

Though she does have a hole in the armpit of her bath robe.

No. 269997

Definitely won't want Taylor posts to shit up the jvlogger thread, especially when Kaka starts stirring.

I thought that the most enviable jvlogger was the one with the ballet body and can speak Japanese so well that's she's an MC.

No. 269998

Who is that?

No. 269999

Melodee, granted I only learnt about her existence from posts here because it seems she's not huge on YT.

No. 270000


That's not even hate or something just trolls say, she does use click bait and it's annoying, even fans tell her.

No. 270002

Oh Melodee is beautiful.

No. 270003

I'm glad I discovered her vids through here. She has so many useful tips and it's obvious she puts a lot of care in her body and life.

No. 270038


She whines every time there is like 5 comments trolling/hating/being petty while the other 650 are ass kissing/positive. Pardon me if I think she could just ignore such petty things and move on with her life or focus on all those who support her. ( Or just block haters/petty people )

Every single Youtuber has haters … Unless they're actually spreading false rumours rapidly and not just whining for the sake of whining, it just seems better to ignore them and move on.

No. 270058

but did you die. i mean you're basically proving her point.

No. 270061

>it just seems better to ignore them and move on.
Truthfully this could be same about you. Instead of getting annoyed that she's getting annoyed at people getting annoyed over something so minor, it seems better to just ignore her and move on.

No. 270408

Yeah but Taylor is a public figure with fans. She should know how to handle her PR. That anon is some random person on the internet..

No. 270534

handle her pr?? she's a fucking NOBODY. did you die? i can't believe there's people out there who still give a shit about this. do you not have anything more important to care about.

No. 272888

Can I ask if Taylor got fillers or fat transfer? Usually fat transfer bloats your face like crazy, unlike fillers, and Taylor goes through stages of that insane swelling.

Asking cause fuck it she's cute and I want to do it.

No. 272891

sigh youll get a million different responses to this. some are positive she has, some positive she hasn't.

personally i think she's had fat transfers. thats my opinion and thats all ill say about it

No. 272980

Lmao what is wrong with you? She's a YouTube with a large following. If she wants to continue gaining more followers, she needs to know how to handle her relationship with them. Stop spazzing out

No. 272984

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I personally think fillers as it'd be fucking crazy to get fat transfers regularly. The point of fat transfers is that its more permanent ( with 30% the fat staying and 70% reabsorbed ) For her to go into a plastic surgery ward just to get lipo then fat transfer seems a little crazy. She also doesn't have much fat on her body that I feel like surgeons might just suggest fillers as they're more quicker in-an-out.

Fillers in a sense are a smarter choice to do first anyways, because the fade faster and if you don't like the results its easier to get rid of. To me Taylor's face looks to stiff, and some on PULL believe she may have had natural looking cheek implants and thats why she swelled so bad durring the beginning.

( Picture is of someone who has natural cheek implants )

No. 273139

it's literally been proven in every single thread that she never got fillers and you goblins always bring it up knowing it's a lie lmao. fat transfers are given to emaciated people and people who are sick. taylor's had a fat face since before her hk days which is why she photoshopped and never smiled. someone made a comparison with jennifer lawrence's meaty face that proves it's possible for a face to naturally look like hers. you're beating a dead horse and you know that lol.

No. 273157

>it's literally been proven

lol no it hasnt. her face has always been meaty yes but the actual shape changed quite a bit.

myself i'm not sure, but lol this is going to devolve into total shit

No. 273167

File: 1489960238611.png (662.69 KB, 723x565, Screen Shot 2017-03-19 at 5.42…)

Prepare your panties mates.

Samurai Gourmet Episode 10 around 9:30mins in Taylor appears.

No fucking wonder she didn't promote it .. Her face looks like a bloated potato.


Calm your tits and no it hasn't been. There are actually photos from HK when her face was frailer looking, so my guess is she started getting something done while still there.

No. 273170

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Why is the video quality so shitty looking ?

No. 273175

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Oh gosh.. Haha.

No. 273176

Her eyes are so fucking scary…

No. 273193

She looks like a housewife from the 1940s

No. 273194

Looked like a still from a video game for a second.

No. 273196

I forgot to mention its on Netflix so anyone can freely view it.

No. 273200

Wow she looks entirely plastic here. It's so weird!

No. 273208

She looks like a blonde magibon here

No. 273210

Shit makeup combined with shit lighting. She's probably used to putting on makeup for her filtered camera/light setup so on pro lighting it comes out like a shiny mess.

No. 273216


It could just be sweat though, anon. It was filmed in a tight spaced restaurant with someone fire roasting (?) kababs (Yakitori ) with limited venting by the looks of it.

tbh though, her makeup always looks horrid no mater the lighting/filters.

No. 273235

She gets cheek and nasolabial fillers topped up every few months, usually a week or two before a shoot. Whoever is doing it must be unfamiliar with white features because there's uneven puckering around the mouth.

No. 273242


And your proof of this?

No. 273289

File: 1489970985260.jpg (560.11 KB, 2448x1836, image.jpg)

How is there so much defending in this thread when it comes to Tay having fillers ? How is that hard to see that those are not her natural cheeks ?

She's been getting something done for a very long I believe. Because really old pictures show her face to be normal, not chubby.

" her face is naturally fat "

No, it's naturally wide and average as fuck.

No. 273304

This. I have a family member who works at a place that does these sort of procedures and even she said that it's definitely filler.

Also, I think if it was all natural, she would've addressed it by now since she already addresses pretty much every other negative comment/rumor about her.

No. 273307

it's just aging/angles/posing reeeeeeee

No. 273311

She used to be pretty hot, too. Damn Taytay what happened?

No. 273312

Until she says something personally, I'll just remain undecided. She was a lot thinner when she was modeling in HK and that makes a difference and where her cheeks are fat now match their distribution in pre-teen/teen photos. It could be fillers though. Not ruling out the possibility.
>>No, it's naturally wide and average as fuck.
Nah.She wouldn't have been signed if she was that average. Tay naturally has nice bone structure and when she was modeling had great angles. V. photogenic plus nice proportions. She was a very solid commercial model, not exotic or mindbogglingly gorgeous, but very pretty.

No. 273316

>Damn Taytay what happened?
-fillers or really unfortunate weight gain and distributions
-horrendous make-up

No. 273317


I didn't mean in attractiveness, but it amount of fat placement on her face is average. ( Nothing like J-Law like others try to argue )

I find her to be actually thinner since HK. And she's still signed as a model so its not like she can pull a Kooter's an gain 10-15 pounds. ( she can't even cut her hair without her agencies permission )

No. 273318

the weeb look is so fucking bad on white people. wish they'd stop. the circle lenses are what REALL make her look so stupid.

No. 273326

No she's definitely gained weight and I only say that because she used to be actively bony. Like prominent hipbones and visible ribcage without sucking in. She doesn't have that anymore, she looks healthy slender. Also in the picture comparison posted her HK face looks gaunt for her. You can tell from how sunken in her eyes are. Not cute.

The weeb look sucks on anyone who doesn't have the features for it.

No. 273343

File: 1489976449206.png (352.29 KB, 402x529, Screen Shot 2017-03-19 at 10.1…)


How would you know ? You never see her stomach or hip bones and she's always in over sized clothing since entering Japan. Plus I've never see a picture from her HK modelling days where she looked like a starved bone rack. Skinny, but never a bone rack with ribs poking out.

She's extremely reserved that she wouldn't even wear a bikini alone at the beach, she cover up with a dress.

>The weeb look sucks on anyone who doesn't have the features for it.

Sooo, basically everyone. I have yet to see anyone pull it off. ( Well I guess V sorta does )

No. 273348

File: 1489976750270.jpg (72.03 KB, 736x919, 84017e0cccc1cbf3760c1d0093405c…)


( samefag )

I wouldn't dare say that she gained over 5 pounds because she still looks equally as thin. Thinner then the above picture, yet her face is thinner at a heavier weight then ? but rounder at a lighter weight now ?

No. 273359

Not a good comparison. Different angle plus posed selfie vs photo taken by someone else. Tay edits herself smaller.
In her workout videos w g here you can see more of her body it looks softer to me. That could be because she used to work out more regularly and be more muscular. I don't know. But she looks hornier to me in HK.

No. 273364

Bonier. Ducking autocorrect

No. 273369

Maybe she will say something about it eventually considering she's been more open and addressing certain problems/rumors lately. I'm on the side that she didn't get fillers simply because pictures exist from "before fillers" that look the same as now. There's a thousand reasons she could have had fucked up cheeks for a while that doesn't include plastic surgery. She did change her makeup style pretty drastically from her HK days to now and she had that goblin editing phase that made her candids even look weird sort of like how Dakota looks fucked in candids now.

No. 273398

Every few months? Lol no. It lasts a long time. I got undereye 2 years ago and there's still filler. Also it stimulates your natural collagen production so you need less over time

No. 273405


Regardless I don't see that much of a difference then to now. She's still really tiny and I highly doubt all the weight she gained went to her face. How does 5ish+ pound weight gain impact the face so much ?

I don't think it makes her evil or anything if she had it done. Nor do I think its something she is obligated to admit to. But to me its obvious she had and still has fillers. Though I don't get why some anons ( not you ) go ape and list A-Z illnesses and causes of facial bloating/ weight gain.


Current Saturo models : W.G difference :

>Bust: 34 ( 1.5 inches )

>waist : 22.5-23inch ( .5 inches )
>Hip: 34 ( .5 inches )

Hk Starz People (old) :

>Bust: 32.5-33

>Waist: 22.5
>Hips: 33.5

No. 273412

No. 273414

Huh. Thanks for the measurements anon.
Guess I'm crazy then cause measurements usually don't lie (unless you're Koots). Maybe I'm just subconsciously seeing her as bigger because of her face. But I think you're probably right.

No. 273418

File: 1489983558062.png (982.45 KB, 842x398, 0.png)

i continue to say it's just kiki and the same 12 year old pulltards insisting it's fillers to sperg out in a jelly vendetta but i digress

No. 273422

You truly can't prove your point without using two pictures in a different angle with completely different lighting lol. Is this a joke?

No. 273427

A+ sleuthing, detective dumbass.

No. 273428

beginning of the video. perfectly normal face.

No. 273429

This is a really good one… She really does look pretty much the same here. wow.
I've seen way too much pull crap.

No. 273430

ah so it's you

No. 273432

This is pretty damn convincing. One of the best comparisons thus far.

No. 273436

File: 1489984537623.jpg (61.59 KB, 540x813, 1478042270042.jpg)

you can see she was never bone chisseled. her face here is very lumpy and soft, even though she was stick thin. it makes sense why she said she had eating disorder tendencies. this girl never smiled because she has large, large cheeks >>273343 it's why she always covered her face and smiled with her mouth half open to try and slim her face. no one with a face that's naturally meaty and fat would ever get fillers on their fucking cheeks. it's common sense. you can compare perfecgt photoshoot pictures to screencaps from studio lighting warehouses where her face is greasy all you want, but ultimately whenever anyone makes fair comparisons >>273418 her face will always look the same.

i'm fine with discussions. but these are just retards knowingly insisting a lie because they're bitter lol. they're the same ones and they type the same way and they samefag with the same faux worry about how she used to be so beautiful uwu and it's completely retarded.

No. 273439

File: 1489984753615.png (248.23 KB, 270x500, 1482603677747.png)

again - stick fucking thin with otherwise large and soft cheeks.

No. 273441

File: 1489984976102.jpg (57.27 KB, 400x633, 1478050337623 - Copy.jpg)

WOW her super harshly defined bony features before she got those botched fillers in korea and lost the sharpness of her face ;// rip hk tay

No. 273449

File: 1489985555494.png (370.57 KB, 781x471, 55cb140720928_fillers25204.png…)

yeah but her cheeks/lower face is a different shape now. similar, but different.

i like taylor but i'm not sure.

what also makes me think she has had something done is she would have addressed it in a video or whatever. she's so quick to correct any rumours she perceives as "wrong" so the fact that this one has gone on so long and nothing has been said is really telling to me.


i think she just gets minor fillers/fat injections/what the fuck ever to prevent nasolabial folds and wrinkles. not to change her face shape. i do not think she has had jaw surgery.

No. 273451

File: 1489985662578.png (93.33 KB, 275x218, 1428598622517.png)

this picture vs

No. 273452

File: 1489985736304.jpg (4.98 KB, 220x185, images.jpg)

this one.

that's not how weight gain or bloating works, thats artificial.

SHE MAY NOT GET THEM ANYMORE. but it's way naive to think that at this point this was natural.

No. 273453

this video will always be brought up but the bottom line is she only looked like this for one day and then that other video where the camera was up in her face from the fucking ground. this literally looks like an allergy. the swelling is all over her face and it was two days after she arrived in japan for the first time.

No. 273454

no this is how two completely different and angles and expressions work you idiot. do you people know how to make comparison photos? you don't take a screencap of her smiling with the camera at a low angle with dark lighting and then compare it to one of her with a straight face, contrast blown up to high heavens, and with the camera propped up at the wall looking down on her. at least try.

No. 273456

I'm not sure either way, but this is a bad comparison for a lot of reasons including but not limited to: lighting, angle, facial expression, kind of film, hairstyle. All of these elements are different between pictures.

No. 273459

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No. 273460

couldnt be fucked spending hours finding two pics with exact angles, i just google imaged tbh, but i get what you're saying it was just to get a general idea

for the record i have a pretty meaty face thats actually really similar to taylor's and i think it's natural now but at one point wasn't. even when my face bloats or i gain weight it bloats around my fucking jawline, not my upper cheek area.

No. 273461

she should just fucking address it. that video would get a lot of views. get that $$ girl i know you lurk!

No. 273464

she's never had bloating on her upper cheek area. every time this argument is used people just use pictures of her smiling wide lmao at an unflattering angle. she's always carried the fat at her lower cheeks. particularly beside the corners of her mouth. i feel like it all just pushes upward when she smiles. jennifer lawrence is the only other person i can think of who gets really extreme upper cheek fat when she smiles. she's worse than taylor and she's never gotten surgery. i mean it's known to happen in the wild. basically.

No. 273465

oh look it was actually already brought up in this thread lmao


cheeks can stick out that way without fillers.

No. 273467

i missed those posts, but yeah that is actually helpful.

i just wish she'd address it. she's scraping for content when there's a good video in this. she can even turn it any way she wants: about how gossip is bad and hurtful, make a point about plastic surgery and self esteem (for her young viewers idk, she could talk about how she didnt get it so her followers shouldnt want it or w/e), talk about aging and the pressure, idk there are many spins she could take on it to make it a good video.

No. 273542

File: 1490002660913.jpg (81.79 KB, 1280x720, meaninfultay.jpg)

I know this video was a few days ago now, but I thought her "is my life meaningful" vlog was probably a way to get less tweens harassing her about their hormonal suicidal problems. She often says that her fans write in with heavy personal stuff, so this was a reasonably well thought out way of telling them en mass to go help themselves instead of just crying to her about it
I am surprised nobody here brought up how she was defending not modelling anymore since that is clearly aimed at PULL and us. It was unlike her that she was so careless in sounding like catalogue work was below her tbh

No. 273586

its funny to me bc catalogue pays way more than high fashion, she just doesnt need the money and probably doesnt like the fact that shes a bland catalogue model rather than a high fashion one. she doesnt want to vlog photoshoots for nothing, low budget brands.

No. 273602

Your milage varies on your existing face, age and the placement. Just because you had it one time on one spot doesn't mean it's the same for everyone. People with less bodyfat percentage and who do lots of expressions really need it topped up more often than heavier people.

No. 273603

Eh. I think she made her peace with not being a high fashion model a long time ago. At least that's what she said in her "how to be a Model". The truth is she is getting older and isn't really striking enough to compete with the younger European girls on the scene. Besides catalogue type modeling is grueling and not very well paid. It's not fun or glamorous. I don't blame her for not wanting to do cattle-call go sees anymore. She spent 5 years doing that in HK.

No. 273845

I like Taylor but damn her fans are dumb as fuck! Just watching her street food video and decided to scroll through the comments, she must still not be wearing her belt properly and people must have commented on it because the comment section if full of people screeching about how hurtful it is to Taylor to point out not wearing her belt properly could kill her.. Like the fuck? It totally could, don't try to say it's a bad thing to point that out.

No. 273853

yeah but catalogue is kind of considered a dead end job. once you're too old you drop off. whereas in high fashion you can make connections, move up social ladders, and find yourself with other job opportunities once you're too old to model.

No. 274146

Taylor's lolcow's catalog model

No. 274195

kek good one

No. 274347

not usually a one to nitpick taylor, I enjoy her content actually.

however today she rode the train for the first time in a long time and it was hard to watch.

>recording on a public metro train

>Being loud/laughing on the night train
>sitting in the handicap seats

I think if this were any other country it would be nbd, but they were really unaware of their surroundings and inconsiderate of their patrons.

No. 274628

People don't really care if you sit in handicap seats if the train is not crowded tbh
Even if it's crowded nobody cares as long as you get up once you spot someone who needs that seat

I agree with the rest though
The loud talking bothered me a lot

No. 274645

I agree, but sitting there compounded with being a gaijin, and obnoxious makes it that much worse

Like from a Japanese perspective: "These gaijins are so rude, do they know that seat is reserved for handicap/mothers?"

No. 274712

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No. 274744

I sit on handicapped seats too and Japanese usually don't bet an eye about that, plenty of young guys and girls sit there and don't even stand up for people who need the seat, usually it's me, the gaijin, who stands up. Nitpicking about that is just dumb.

No. 274756

>I'm a fucking degenerate I don't see a problem with my actions

You are part of the problem

No. 274789

i know this is the tay thread where everything is overblown but
>all this shit over train seats
>still stands up for people anyway
>fucking degenerate

did someone rape you on a handicapped train seat or something anon?

No. 275198

The teehee I'm a dumb loud gaijin schtick is annoying when these jvloggers have lived there for years. Recording and being obnoxious on a train is rude af though, Japan or not.

On a random note, her pants style makes it look like they're on backwards.

No. 275217

I can basically guarantee they don't think about the handicap seat thing. No one moves, almost ever. I have only seen it happen a handful of times with a pregnant woman or a young mum. And older Japanese won't take them if you offer. It's a cultural thing.

No. 275220

The two peeves I have are:
being the loud annoying gaijin on the train. Come on, respect cultural norms.
And watching their videos is nauseatingly because they're all so obsessed with themselves, that they're constantly holding a camera and not making eye contact. I was particularly cringing at the part where Taylor is recording herself record the guy recording himself.

No. 275294

is pet peeves really what this thread has come to lol. pointing out things everyone does in her videos to talk about how you, specifically, have a problem with that.

maybe i should make a thread about my cousin who never closes the cereal bag when she puts it back in the box. god, what a bitch right?

No. 275298

Yeah sure make a thread, snow allows for all threads now yknow

No. 275299

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No. 275311

Everyone wants to hear about your cousin, what a bitch, right?

No. 275314

That was actually my favorite part of the video. If you look at their other vlogs it has them all awkwardly holding their cameras at eachother/themselves

No. 275361

Does your cousin's livelihood depend on the content they post in their videos that they rely on their popularity and content to get people to watch them?
If so, by all means.

No. 275364

So bizarre to me. How painfully awkward this must look in person.

No. 275377


Not a thread for Bii, but I'ma complain about her anyways. She speaks so monotoned and nasally it quite honestly irritates me. I had to skip thru this faster then I would with a Tay video.

They all seems so fake and awkward when they're on camera, and just all talking at the same time. Its like they're all in their own little bubbles and everyone else is just a prop ?

No. 275386

I'm not saying what Taylor does is a pet peeve of mine, but it is disrespectful regardless. She had no awareness of her surroundings and it doesn't seem like she cares. If any other cow were to behave the way she does, people would be pointing it out and bitching, but for some reason with Taylor, people want to overlook it

No. 275396


Taylor is never aware of anything. She's kinda sadly nothing but a pretty face with nothing really going on upstairs. I only follow her IG since there I don't have to see her talk or behave like a autistic child. ( Though I'll make an exception for her cooking videos as its her only reading from a recipe and lookbooks where she doesn't talk at all )

No. 275483

No bc no1 cares about your blogging.

Her videos used to be more helpful. Info about products or how to travel, but I guess she used up all the knowledge she had years ago in her content.

No. 275606

Can't fucking stand the way Bii talks, it's so weird and slow. She almost talks like a transsexual too, which isn't exactly doing her any favors.

No. 275736


RIGHT ? I wish she didn't delete that one video where she talked about nutrition and talked about spirulina,brazil nuts and probiotics and all there benefits. Now all she eats in bland pasta,nutrition yeast and sweet potatoes. I also miss her old makeup tutorials too.

Taylor now compared to Taylor then just looks like old Taylor's autistic sister. She's not doing herself any favours by acting stupid, it just makes it her haters more convinced she's nothing but a rich mans jizz rag.


I sometimes wonder if it burns the other Jvloggers asses that Taylor hardly does anything and yet gained a larger following then them. Also I thought Bii got a nose job, but her nose still looks ugly af. What a waste.

No. 275750

tbh I really like Tay

She's beautiful (I don't care if she did plastic surgery, I'd do too if I could), rich/has super nice parents to help with money, come from a good family, is having a great time in Asia, and so what if she's not a top model and her carreer is not the most brilliant? It's still pretty cool what shes living and sharing with us, imagine when she's older and look back to those adventures shes living now. Awesome yougadulthood, I'd like a bit of that lol she's spending money and enjoying her beauty the way I'd do if I had that all.
Instead of being jealous I just admire and daydream about having that cool life.

Besides she's adorable, have a lovely personality, is super sweet and my favorite: she's super confidant! The wa she talks and socialize and goes out, I wish to be like that!

Yes, she sitted on the disabled sit when the train was empty LOL and was loud, whoa, what a teeerrible person.
She did plastic surgery and is enjoying her look and making a few coins with it. Whoaaaaaa

C'mon, guys, the girl is really cool and sweet!

No. 275760

This will end well.
Are you deliberately taunting the "bitch eating crackers" brigade anon?

No. 275793


She is super confident is debatable, buy you like her that much, good for you.

No. 275802


I just don't get where's her milk or why she's a snowflake.
There's no real drama going on with her, she's not super cringey, there's no big deal, where's dah milk??

No. 275813

oh god. she is ugly. she ruined her face

No. 275850


Go rub that hate-boner

No. 275854

>"bitch eating crackers" brigade
And here they are now.

No. 275860

i'm not that interested in her at all. but plastic sugery faces are always awful

No. 275863

Same tbh. She's pretty and rich, I honestly had no idea what she was doing before these threads took off, thought she was just a Dakota clone, but I subbed to her after a couple of these threads because her vlogs are fun and she is pretty. No idea why these threads are a thing other than to gawk at how perfect her life is. The fact that she's in her late 20s and still looks as good as she does just makes it even better. Seriously what's the problem here?

No. 275889


Right? There's nothing to milk about her, hoes get salty about a rich blond pretty (ok, even if for you she's ugly that doesn't make her a flake or a lolcow) girl enjoying life and showing that on social media. Oh, well, at least it attracts curious people to her channel to check out what's up with her that end up realizing she's actually cool and is just doing her things.

No. 275896


I think some just like to have the thread to either :

a) Taunt Kaka

b) Tinfoil hate and hope the little things turn into drama. "Gasp, she farted. Jamaica shall be struck by a hurricane. Hurricane Taylor. "

c)Simple chatter/nitpicking/debates about her. ( which isn't allowed on Lolcow as its preferred to be more factual ? and about on going drama )

No. 275917


exactly this thread drives kaka insane. i love it

No. 275918


Ok, finally a good enough reason I'll take it kek

No. 275926

Learn how to sage and hide a thread if you don't like it. If it's going to trigger you that much then don't open the thread.

Also this. This thread taunts kaka more than we do in her own thread.

No. 276043


It doesn't trigger me as much Tay trigger some of you guys kek

I just want some good milk not "she sitted on a disabled chair when the train was empty omg"
where's the milk, where's the drama?

it's lolcow

I see a lot of people trying to milk a stone.
where are the lols?

No. 276087

The milk is Kaka being triggered, is this not obvious?

No. 276177

you're not taunting her if you're not actively calling her out for samefagging lmao. otherwise you're just giving her a space to sperg and jerk off. if this thread is just kiki bait then at least try. there's no lulz if you're not calling her out lmao.

No. 276221

Stop typing like a retard. Kaka has her own thread, there's no reason to spam up Taylor's with call-outs.

No. 279218

File: 1490708733813.png (116.03 KB, 750x542, IMG_4915.PNG)

Welp, I guess she finally ran out of content, so she joined the __ in Japan bandwagon.

No. 279220

That's nasty.

No. 279304

Stuff like this cheapens her channel so much. I miss her older videos. Not the full blown weeb ones, although she had some really good ones in there like the workout videos. I mean like her videos when she still lived in Hong Kong which she conveniently deleted from her channel.

No. 279335

I honestly feel like Taylor has a strong enough following that she could make weekly vlogs and maybe a few themed videos, but she doesn't need all of the clickbait that she's been making recently.

No. 279361

File: 1490725225856.jpg (12.19 KB, 309x163, imgres.jpg)


That is all I could thing of reading your response..

No. 279383

From the thumbnail I thought she unironically was wearing seifuku again to get the weeb views but at least she kind of acknowledged the idiocy of the seifuku days.

No. 279394

File: 1490727829255.jpg (113.1 KB, 1000x628, 936.jpg)

the thumbnail is so fucking shitty, dude

No. 279486


Even though those days got her more attention from the weebs. Its so weird to think her most cringey videos were the ones with the most views.

No. 279595

Is her agency pushing these type of videos or something? I don't know much about who controls her content, but this is straight up awful. No insight into her life or anything. The in-jokes were funny but I hate these "omg how weird is Japan?!" type of videos, they are everywhere – almost every white youtuber has one (or several) – and they put Japan in a superficial box of used panty vending machines and maid cafes.

I like watching Taylor because she lives a relatively boring life in Japan without any weeb-y stuff. (Though I do enjoy watching that sort of thing, but not from her.)

No. 279639

Yeah I felt like her videos were unique because they could have been filmed anywhere in the world and still have the same content.

No. 279685

>That clickbait thumbnail.

She really needs the cash now or what?

No. 279713

>I hate these "omg how weird is Japan?!" type of videos

This so much. These kind of videos would get attention on youtube like 10 years ago but not anymore.

No. 279777

Right. I think to some that's sort of boring, particularly because it doesn't seem like she's doing much modeling or work nowadays, but it's refreshing in an ironic way to see someone in Japan sitting at home being a basic bitch who isn't a complete weeaboo obsessing over gacha or, I dunno, the Pokemon Center.

No. 279841

Let me preface with "I'm not trying to defend shitty content." I feel like those weebs who love multiple videos of "weird shit in Japan" are her fan base, hence why she makes them. They get views. At least a cursory glance says so, like the food one, or the cop one.

No. 279925

I don't understand why she had to wear the 'man schoolgirl uniform' and couldn't just talk elbow-san into wearing it. I mean a girl wearing it is kind of redundant.

No. 279926

I agree, even her fans have been complaining about her content and clickbait on the YouTube and instagram comments. She kind of half assedly addressed it in one video "guys it isn't clickbait, it is something that happened in my video" but it felt like a total cop out tbh

No. 282766

the stuff is micaela and sharla is so awkward.

also notice the top comment bitching about "that micaela girl."

No. 282773

her 12 year old fans are so dumb and dont realize its just a joke

No. 282846


I don't understand why they're upset about a joke, that also happens to unfortunately be true.

No. 283590

File: 1491260649314.jpg (88.59 KB, 700x473, IMG_0276.JPG)

Found a future photo of taylor

No. 283617

>It's possible to have fun after 30.
top kek

No. 284987

i wonder if she'll ever figure out she can't act for shit? it's sad to watch her pathetic "skits". also, whats with Rosie licking food in that video with Bii and why didn't anyone call her bitchass out on that? fcking gross.

No. 290744

taylor's youtube account was hacked

No. 290753

It was probably Kiki kek

No. 290765

File: 1492135759444.jpg (13.31 KB, 591x136, 5678900.jpg)

this is an imageboard. can you not fucking post a picture?

No. 291355

anything actually happen or just her saying it's hacked

No. 291356

So are you all going to commit suicide when you're 30 or

No. 291359

you can see they changed the titles and descriptions of all of her videos

No. 291362

File: 1492138084971.jpg (31.65 KB, 860x344, 76543567.jpg)

oh wow shit oh lol

probably some of those hackers that blackmail you into paying them for getting access back. :/

No. 291364

File: 1492138198886.jpg (36.3 KB, 623x439, 34567432456.jpg)

okay lmao, if thats true, thats actually kinda boring.

No. 291365

sage for third samefagging sorry


No. 291371

so do they just let you have your account back?…

No. 291375

Meh, would have been cool if it was the keeks.

No. 291438

lmao, taylor is so attention hungry and retarded that she can't even google who hacked her. bet she's happy that she's cool as micaela now, being hacked and all.

No. 291482

I know the clickbait title of her next video lmao


seems like it. they just hack people for guerilla marketing of their security company.

ikr? i already was excited.

No. 291505


No.. It will be ""I WAS HACKED! IN JAPAN!!"

No. 291547

I can't believe she left in her last video the part where her BF groped her boob. Not scandalized by any means but I wonder what her younger audience is going to think.

No. 291550

You actually made me lol

No. 291561

It was just for a second and he barely touched them. Nitpicking at its finest.

No. 291608

If Tina did it, she's also going to do it lol
Sage for Ot

No. 291612

your post isnt saged………

No. 291744

Report all the newfags who do that.

No. 292024

No. 292033

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No. 292336

that was fucking painful to watch

No. 292400

she looks like a sims character in that thumbnail ffs

No. 292401

The video description looks like an unintentional ad for ourmine. Skipped around the video and it's like watching a mom trying to act like a teen.

No. 292403

File: 1492306058634.gif (497.74 KB, 300x165, tumblr_nm3ygwXVIY1uourf6o1_400…)

things that have been seen cannot be unseen.

No. 292426

Immediately thought of you when I saw it kek

No. 292437

Tay and Krist Yu seem so much more natural as friends than Tay does with Sharla IMO

No. 292460

Probably because the two of them seem to naturally have more in common then just being white, Canadian, and living in Japan making youtube videos, which is what Sharla and Tay started out with. Also Krist seems like a genuinely nicer person than Sharla.

No. 294558

File: 1492615532743.jpg (126.23 KB, 960x960, FB_IMG_1492615392327.jpg)

Her dog disgusts me so much.
It constantly has that retarded face and just looks unnatural and abnormal as fuck. It looks cute at first but like a stuffed animal, when I think this is an actual living breathing creature I get really repulsed.

No. 294559

I think there might be something wrong with you anon

No. 294571

get help.

No. 294572

Anon, there are sources you can go to for help, you just have to go and find it outside of the internet, cause you need it.

No. 294574

Same, tbh, same. I feel bad now, but fucking Christ, those hollow eyes.

No. 294576

I was searching the thread for this post since I was watching that drama the other day, recognized her face and said to myself "Oh. That's the girl from lolcow!"

You know what they cast her to play?
A dumb gaijin overseasoning her food before first tasting it. It becomes a pro-foreigner message when the mc and another old Japanese guy defend her and gay friend from the restaurant cook for doing that. "Let the customer eat how they'd like" or some other dramaticized nonsense.
I didn't think she was a good actress.

No. 294581

Kek. I love animals, especially dogs, but Rosie is fucking weird. Maybe it's because I'm not used to seeing her breed but it looks retarded to me. I realize my post is spergy, but that fucking dog.

Thanks for agreeing lol. Its eyes are the worst part yeah.

No. 294586

This is the breeder where she got Rosie. Rosie does look different compared to the other dogs on her site. http://www.teddybearmommy.com

No. 294587


lol no. they all look like sad inbred designer dogs.

dont pay puppy farms, kids.

No. 294588

Yeeeah, I think I get what you mean. Teacup or "micro" breeds can be sketchy as fuck, a lot of them look like their whole existence is perpetual suffering. Shit like those absurdly small apple head Chihuahuas and dead-eyed teddy bear dogs like Rosie do weird me out a little too. Polite sage for slight derailing.

No. 294590

Fuck, that shit is so wrong and gross. I wonder if Taylor realizes all the implications of getting her dog from such a business. Did she ever adress it? Considering she tries to eat vegan she must be at least a little aware of it, although I'm not sure if her motivations to eat vegan include ethics.

No. 294597

The place taytay got her dog from is absolutely a puppy mill/sketchy breeder. Dogs smaller than "toy" size are typically inbred as fuck or even worse methods like premature c-sections so they stay small. Rosie has had SO many heath problems for a dog as young as she is, and it just lends more credence to her being poorly bred.

She probably doesn't care; most people don't. As long as it's cute they don't bother to research how fucked up teacup dogs are.

No. 294601


I always got the vibe that her whole vegan and gluten-free way of life has been more because it's "trendy" and fits more her ~stylish health guru youtuber~ kind of thing. If she would care about animals so much, she would have already done so much more than just eating vegan ramen.


this is just so sad oh my god.

No. 294679


Yes, she argued with people that the breeder was totally ethical and was totally not puppy mill tier inbreeding. She's too far up her ass to even admit she screwed up and only bought the dog because it fit with the dolly kawaii trend she was chasing.

Poor dog looks constantly ill and almost always unkept just like its owner.

Btw her new video that's up is a complete rip off of popsugar. So original.

No. 294692

>those hundreds of puppies with dead eyes being held to pose for photos
They even have hundred yard stares, some of them.

No. 294707

Yup. Ethical breeders do health checks and often have long waiting lists and fewer litters. You don't "pick your own pup" with reputable breeders. You're vetted by the breeder and you can give them color/sex preferences, but it's not like a pumpkin patch.

Sorry to further derail but there's a better way to buy purebred dogs than this and anyone who was serious about getting a lifelong companion would take that route or adopt from a rescue. I don't care that Rosie exists but Taylor can't pretend like she made the right decision. Hopefully she doesn't make the same mistake in the future.

No. 294726

Fuck you Taylor Stan spergs. Her dog is a tragedy. It always looks like it's in pain or on the verge of crying . Like those dogs whose eyes are gonna pop out

No. 294729


spergs gotta find something to sperg over

No. 294735

I don't hate her dog. I pity Rosie . I hate Taylor stans who fail to see the unethical side of her

No. 294738

Honestly, her dog is creeping me out because it just looks like stuffed animal, not a real dog.
It's so sick that she paid $5000-6000 for it (without transportation I assume, and she flew there to get her).

Yeah, it's definitely a trend thing and because she hangs out with Sharla so much. She spend some more time with a non-vegan YouTuber lately and I think that's why she's more comfortable posting more non-vegan foods now, she didn't do that before. (Why can't they just call it plant-based, anyway?)

She mentioned that they might get another dog sometime and I think she would do the same thing again/ she doesn't care that it's wrong.

No. 294759

>Fuck you Taylor Stan spergs. Her dog is a tragedy. It always looks like it's in pain or on the verge of crying . Like those dogs whose eyes are gonna pop out

Ok. Tell me. Do you think Grumpy Cat is really grumpy all the time?

No. 294766

I meant I think those on the front page look more normal. They also cost less, it seems. On one of the other pages, they listed more expensive "pocket" ones like Rosie. Super squashed looking proportions and they shake and tremble in the videos. Taylor paid more for an abnormal toy poodle because it was "cute." :/

No. 294768

Suck my dick Taylor stan

No. 294769

Grumpy cat has dwarfism and a severe underbite. That other famous cat also has some sort of genetic disorder.

You just proved the other anon's point, dumbass.

No. 294771

Never mind, I'm clearly illiterate and mistook "is" for "looks really grumpy".

No. 294801

taylor did a lot vegan videos because it was trendy and on the rise since her doll shit failed. It was just her easy way of starting a yt channel and getting a solid base. Now she got her base she dont a give a fuck anymore and barely tries to remind everyone she's vegan in her videos anymore. Taylor never cared about animal welfare - gotta get those tacky LV bags

No. 294807


Are you that same white knight that had a spazz attack on the taylor thread on PULL yesterday? lol

No. 294831

You don't have to be a PETAfag to be vegan

No. 294839

Never did she say she was vegan. She has stated numerous times in her videos that she isn't and only eats vegan the majority of the time for health benefits/staying thin. Go away PETA sperg

No. 294887


I saw that ! Kinda oddly reminded me of Kaka with how often they thru around " Omg your all fat jellies"

No. 294890

she's not vegan btw. In the new video she posted she ate ice cream made with diary products.

also is Rosie really that messed up? I don't really keep up with her n i thought she was cute. I'm not an animal person so I just like looking at animals from a distance but not touch them n stuff.
The closest I've been with an animal was my aunt's back in China. It lives in the city, doesn't run, doesn't bark or make any noise at all, and carries my aunt's umbrella for her. It got run over by a car in traffic. it was a hit and run. After it died my aunt tried to get its son back( she gave it away). its adoptee was apparently neglective.
okay that was random and personal but anyway since I've never really been near normal dogs I thought Rosie was normal. But now that you guys said it was born under unethical conditions I feel sorry for it.

No. 294893

I heard Taylor got Rosie in HK or something. People in China don't really care about pets much unless the family's rich. Many kept small dogs in apartments and don't take them out for walks. Many don't even go to the vet. Taylor could have a similar mindset since she lived in HK for years. My aunt used to train her dog by beating it with a broomstick. it's pretty normal there (unless ur rich). people don't care about animal abuse. My mom's dog was shot dead.

No. 294895

sorry about all the dog comments. i'm kinda remembering things and feeling, well, feelings right now, after reading about rosie. haha. I get like this when I drink too much coffee. bye.

No. 294902

File: 1492652128562.png (88.95 KB, 814x696, Page-Shot-2017-4-20 DIY Unicor…)

I saw this comment on her latest video and I notice a difference too, but it must be because of the ponytail, right? I can't tell for sure cause I'm pretty bad with faces…

No. 294908


Her fans don't even remember what her meat head looks like without hair concealing 90% of it.


No. 294910

Yes because of the terrible breeding practices, she most likely will continue to be less healthy (meaning they don't screen for potential hereditary things before breeding dogs, terrible body confirmation, bad hips, bad eyes and etc). She's also the kind of dog that probably can't walk for too long, can't be out when it's too hot/cold, and who knows what other issues she has/will have.

No. 294911


Rosie had to have surgery on her leg(?), I can't remember what the condition was called but I just remember it's pretty common for teacup dogs. Probably because their legs are so brittle and all the inbreeding. Those brown poodles are super popular in Asia for being cute, so makes sense for trend train Taylor to get one despite it being unethical.

No. 294912

…has kaka returned to us?

No. 294917

Nope there's several of us here. You're just a dumb bitch

No. 294922

Nah. We have not been so blessed. But there is a whole lot of samefagging going on. You can tell by the tone and content of the posts.

No. 294945

Thanks for the blogposts, where do I subscribe?

No. 294951

This Rosie shit is getting annoying. Not everyone is hyper aware of animal ethics, I'm sure Taylor just didn't really give it much thought. Nobody rags on people who wear sweatshop clothes because nobody gives it much thought.

On another note why did Taylor have to adopt this typical phony youtuber voice? I used to like her vlogs when she didn't put on a show and shove random memes everywhere. I liked her for being genuine and now she's fake as fuck.

No. 294957

This looks so sketchy. It breaks my heart that people keep buying these poor animals to use as accessories and then the animals just suffer defects.

Then when the pets die after a few years, the owner was already bored and ready to buy whatever is the next trendy breed that fits their lifestyle image.

>now she's fake as fuck

She was always like this. She just deleted most of her old videos with the fake dolly stuff.

No. 294964

>>294558 idk something about Rosie irks me, I feel bad for the poor thing, she looks sick.

No. 295123

we are talking about that thing on netflix with that cooking chef right?
it was so cringey to watch. she was even worse than
those awful asian actors.

idk i think its a little reaching. no one gives a fuck about youtubers with pugs while those are real inbred dumbfucks who cant even breathe properly. or those squinx cats too.

teacup poodles are "just" poodles that are breeded to be small and tiny. still overbred, but jeez.

No. 299297

No. 299313

> thread from 2014

Really, anon? Even Taylor herself is laughing at the dolly shit she did a few years back.

No. 299328

>>"no one gives a fuck about youtubers with pugs"

probably because this is a taylor thread anon…

No. 316385

I like OP's photo, Tay and TomLip-san actually look cute.

No. 319127

I wanted to say that at this point I actually believe Taylor has some money of her own because she mentioned she invested her Money.
Not that she did that on her own, but Tom San probably has been taking care of her money for her, do you guys know what I mean? Like, since the beggining he would invest her Money in the right places and everything.
I think he does this to this day. She doesn't pay a single bill. He probably take care of all her finances, and house bills as well. And so, because of this she brags to have some money on her own.
Also I don't believe she owns a single thing at that house.

No. 319133

File: 1495483394674.png (446.82 KB, 523x691, Screen Shot 2017-05-22 at 3.45…)

- Previously brought up in the Jvlogger thread.

She lowkey looks starved… Worse the Venus and yet people relentlessly harped on V for her weight. Like to wear XS or XXS and have it still look baggy on you.

And before cranky pants argue " omg she's a model" .. NO SHES NOT. She has already specified that she isn't anymore and hasn't been for a while. She only takes random jobs to keep her working Visa.

I agree with previous anon that she sorta has an ugly shape.. How is this the body of 34in Hips-22in waist-34in bust…. You'd think she'd be more hour glass shaped with those measurements.


I don't think the argument was ever that she has no money of her own, but more that she doesn't pay for jack shit when it comes to bills, utilities, travel and luxury accessories that she's always claimed to pay on her own.

No. 319136

How fat are you if you think that looks "lowkey starved?" She looks normal.