File: 1441738148039.jpg (330.35 KB, 800x600, webcam-toy-photo9.jpg)

No. 23707
(The poster and the subject of this thread are the same person. For more information, please see >>48816.)(Posted by Eboni. Click for more info.)>>176839i have a truth blog about Luna Eden on tumblr but im trying to get more people to view her how i do so check out my new thread and give me potential new info or your thoughts and feelings!
cheers guys
(terrible thread)(underage ban) No. 23710
(Posted by Eboni. Click for more info.)>>23709its
(she's such a snowflake that she had to change it from "") wow
No. 23714
(Posted by Eboni. Click for more info.)>>23712 hi luna
no but seriously all you have to do is go through the tags "luna eden" "eboni eden" "ketamai" and "vodket" and you'll know what the fuss is about
even looking through her selfies you can see they're all photoshop
also check out
they have lots of content dedicated to her snowflakeyness
No. 23715
> pretty faceLOL no?? i came into this thread just from that comment, in OP picture she looks like a weird drug user
the nose ring makes her look chunky
No. 23719
>>23715>>23716Nice samefag.
Different strokes m8
No. 23727
>>23714So what I'm getting from the blog you linked is
>she has an ED and calls herself fat sometimes for attention>she sends herself asks>she does drugs >she sends herself anons sometimes>she had dreadlocks at some point>her parents buy her stuffShe's just some boring basic scene bitch. There are a hundred more like her. How is she a snowflake? Where are the photos of her clipped armpit hair? Where are the period blood paintings? Where is the autism? I'm not entertained. Even Libbypunk was more kekworthy than her. Fucking Libbypunk.
I'm willing to bet the maker of that blog and the person who posted this thread are literally one person with a vendetta because I can't find any reason to give a fuck about this bitch unless you got into some shit with her IRL.
If that's the case, spill deets on what she did and maybe things will get more interesting. Until then, shit thread + shit content. You might as well have posted about water m8
No. 23729
(Posted by Eboni. Click for more info.)>>23727i wish you had been on this drama when the "lunaslies" blog was active
No. 23730
File: 1441741405291.jpg (8.87 KB, 225x225, madotsukipuke.jpg)

>>23728>emberAnother irrelevant bitch. I see some people on Tumblr whinge because she's "pro anaaaa" but she's plain as fuck. Who cares and who takes the time to look at her social media?
>nikkiLiterally who
PULL really has invaded if a thread like this can exist, holy fuck.
No. 23734
(Posted by Eboni. Click for more info.)this was so obviously made by Ember… bitch when will you stop you attention hungry whore? stop trying to make us hate your "friends" who are less
problematic than you and actually have people who like them…
No. 23739
>>23736Forgot to add this to the list
>>23735OP is a faggot, and I really do mean that.
>>23737You're not fooling anyone, just give it up and pretend this shit thread never happened.
No. 23795
>>23794?? You're still going with this?
When you save a pic from tumblr it saves as a tumblr url.
No. 23796
(Posted by Eboni. Click for more info.)it never saves as a tumblr url on my laptop? hhm are you sure its meant to do that ive not seen that before?
OP is it the same for you?
No. 23811
File: 1441766336869.jpg (116.08 KB, 800x600, tumblr_nt2zkuuGpw1ub2c1ko2_128…)

(Posted by Eboni. Click for more info.)tfw you're 17 but constantly act like a child..
also notice anything fishy? photoshopped???
10 points to whomever guesses
No. 23812
File: 1441766415646.jpg (92.8 KB, 760x511, tumblr_nt2zkuuGpw1ub2c1ko1_128…)

(Posted by Eboni. Click for more info.)she wrote a post a while back saying how she was purposely going to act like a child since all the truth bloggers talked about was how young she was… i never realised she was that pathetic until that moment omg
No. 23824
>>23812>>23812Well you, if she's 17 and still lives in the US, why not act like a child? She is legally sort of, and I'm pretty sure this a phase in Tumblr period..
But then again, idk her.
Basic, but I think she's cute tho, phtoshop or not.
No. 23833
>>23832Because it is, I only posted about Luna forgetting that posting shit will use the original file name.
In her case, the website she used to edit the picture and save from.
No. 23857
(Posted by Eboni. Click for more info.)>>23856definitely luna, ember is above all this shit
she got better stuff to do
No. 23887
its not ember jesus christ
No. 23923
File: 1441820628645.png (52.71 KB, 1042x590, AHAHAHA.png)

>>23707Omg this is definitely just Eboni/"Luna" self posting hahahaha. She would post about her self all the time in ember whann thread but no one paid her any attention, so she made herself her very own thread lmfao.
Just look at these pathetic self posts:
>>166204>>166787>>166204And lol @ this terrible shoop job she did on her picture to make herself look skinnier.
>>166467Bitch is really fat as fuck though. Totally lolcow worthy.
No. 23925
File: 1441820981121.jpg (29.08 KB, 800x600, webcam-toy-photo1.jpg)

>>23707She used this website to take that picture of herself: and whenever you save the image, it puts the file name as "webcam-toy-photo#" and she uploaded that image straight from her computer, to this thread.
Obvious self post is obvious.
(Picture related - I went to the website, snapped a picture, then saved it which further proves that this bitch is an attention seeking self poster.)
No. 23981
File: 1441834046424.png (369.03 KB, 908x846, 2121212.png)

>>23980And another… just look at that gut!!
Remember, this photo was taken less than a month ago. She's just another wannerexic like Ember.
No. 23984
>>23982This thread is a self post. The chick in the photo
>>23707 is the one who created this thread.
No. 23995
File: 1441835962858.jpg (99.68 KB, 960x720, 10420139_1859278404296280_8853…)

(Posted by Eboni. Click for more info.)she doesnt look fat but she doesnt look twig thin either, id say she just looks average
No. 24002
File: 1441836487553.png (28.77 KB, 1018x304, 3.png)

>>24001idk it just isnt working. what is the girl's actual profile link?
No. 24003
File: 1441836657888.png (8.75 KB, 463x186, l.png)

Found an old post where Eboni is shitting on anti-pro anas
No. 24009
File: 1441837017742.png (32.2 KB, 1491x735, l.png)

eboni's old tumblr url was mudflesh lmfao
No. 24013
>>24012i'm just a random person though, i dont even have a blog. there's no way she would know who i am lol
just a farmer wanting to lurk this trainwreck's life.
No. 24016
File: 1441838597563.jpg (81.81 KB, 640x844, image.jpg)

Is she trying to say that's her actual hair? That's a wig??
No. 24021
>>24016who cares what this bitch says lmao this whole thread is pathetic.
eboni stop self posting already ffs
No. 24022
>>23995this photo is old as shit. she lost weight but then blew the fuck up again. these photos
>>23981>>23980 are super recent and shows how fat she really is lol.
No. 24235
>>24178Yeah yeah no1curr not OD reams people for linking to or mentioning lolcow. She did it to me months ago for mentioning Ash's thread. Heather has been pied-pipering tumblrinas here ever since junky-business got deleted.
This thread is hilarious though, i love this cringy moron's retarded devotion to Ember.
No. 24863
>>24235I love threads that end up being pathetic self posts hahah.
We need more of these but at the same time, we really don't.
No. 33695
File: 1442617111940.jpg (342.91 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-09-18-15-57-37…)

Lmao she's sucking in so hard it's kind of sad tbh. Also good job pandering to pedos.
No. 46492
File: 1445204538871.png (435.75 KB, 730x742, v.png)

>>24016it is. her real hair is diarrhea green and piss yellow.
these pics are only a couple weeks old.
No. 48816
This user has posted 2 threads about herself, including this one, and has frequently brought herself up in unrelated threads to garner attention.
All of her posts across all boards have been marked as
"Eboni Violet Aurora Solar Astral Crystal Luna Skye Princess of Eden vi Britannia, XVIII" "Eboni". You can CTRL+F "Posted by Eboni" in threads to see her posts.
She has also been permanently banned for being under 18.
>Global Rule 8. Do not post threads about yourself in /pt/ or /snow/.Threads she's made:
>>23707>>23789>>24457Other threads she's posted in:
>>13848>>27528 No. 49032
Lol at this thread.
>>23736Was this Admin/a mod posting on anon or is OP just a master at detecting samefagging?
No. 49110
File: 1445808043754.gif (1.33 MB, 355x200, BCDYv.gif)

Legendary thread time!
No. 49113
File: 1445808809151.png (25.74 KB, 165x115, 1440198614301.png)

Roasting the ebin bread
No. 49127
File: 1445811610081.png (57.31 KB, 1060x634, fs1111.png)

>>49123 just told this "morrasea" girl on Tumblr that Eboni was pretending to be her in Ember's old thread for the lulz.
No. 49194
>>49173Because most tumblr twats get ~e-famous~ By being
problematic and usually they are too daft to realize how they're being offensive. Ember, eboni, and Emily stir shit on purpose, knowing that they'll get called out by one of the shitty truth blogs with larger followings, or get put on ECeleb confession blogs.
Negative attention is still attention.
No. 49209
>>49032This was a regular poster. Staff never call out samefags or otherwise take advantage of IP or report knowledge while posting as anon. And when we do do such things with staff capcodes, it's only after a major global rule violation.
Her posts are pretty easy to spot.
No. 49231
File: 1445822633657.jpeg (79.9 KB, 640x751, image.jpeg)

Wow that pathetic bitch is really desperate for attention if she's seeking it on lolcow.
Still, a nice kek has been had.
No. 49237
File: 1445823613043.jpg (15.4 KB, 450x253, wtf.jpg)

>>>/pt/166774>tfw Eboni mindfucked you when you were really highI'm so glad all of these posts are marked now
No. 49248
>>49237>"hope you drink a glass of bleach newfag" are you serious? all because im new to imageboards??kek.
this needs to be a banner. preferably next to Eboni's face.
No. 51636
File: 1446026237305.gif (188.02 KB, 300x100, banner2.gif)

>over 0.75 hours in Paintbrush
No. 51905
>>49123I'm that anon. Notice how all those posts have the same typing style, and that she almost always makes a space right after quoting the post number she's replying to? There aren't that many unique posters who type exactly like that on this site, from what I've seen.
Also, she was posting rather consistently and trying to shill herself really, really hard even though no one was showing any interest.
Samefags are pretty easy to detect as long as they have a specific enough syntax going on.
No. 51976
File: 1446083795592.png (298.87 KB, 445x450, most embarrassing.png)

>>23718>Doxxing yourself on lolcowIt's mind-blowing how low these tumblrinas will stoop for a little attention. They must not get enough from mommy and daddy.
No. 52071
>>52054She was definitely was in on it.
I don't have if any of you are on Tumblr, but there's been a lot of anonymous messages sticking up for Eboni ever since she got called out on here.
No. 52263
File: 1446150821169.png (322.23 KB, 1080x1080, Screenshot_2015-10-29-16-31-05…)

No. 52930
>>52913Tell that to your
friend Eboni. If you hadn't noticed, she's the one who brought you into all this by pretending to be you.
No. 52995
>>52980How are you still posting on here? Don't you have at least a little dignity left that you want to keep? You're just as bad for posting here still after what happened. If you din't self post then don't come here and keep posting, makes it look bad.
>>52975>why would I take anon offbecause you are getting annoying anon messages? So why continue to allow it? let alone whine about it if you aren't going to turn it off? God yall are dumb. Like, can you guys not just walk away from the computer for 2 fucking seconds?