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File: 1485469682768.png (Spoiler Image,384.17 KB, 1024x1024, r_i_p_by_kindredghoul-daw5krp.…)

No. 240436

Ah DeviantART. The place of cancerous art, kids trying to make themselves online sensations with their shitty Sonic and furry fan OCs, and the occasional decent artist who might actually have a job, unlike all of the other losers on the website living in their parents basement.
KindredGhoul is the top of their breed. Literally getting triggered everytime someone mentions Trump, buying their fame and literally paying people to watch them, and having a profile full of stamps the represent their run of the mill opinions that no one seems to care about.
Besides being suicidal emo furry trash, they also enjoy causing drama with other users, and trying to defame anyone who insults them, much less challenges any opinion they have.
Their boyfriend, DarylIsChupacabra, is almost as bad as them, whiteknighting constantly everytime KindredGhoul gets a boo-boo.

No. 240439

File: 1485469927481.jpg (49.61 KB, 999x799, built_for_the_abuse_by_kindred…)

The user is also currently ripe for milking. Expect lolz worthy responses if you bring up any of their drama and whiny SJW hate for Trump.

No. 1865127

For nonas who overuse buzzwords this is what you will sound like in 5 years btw(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1865139


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