File: 1485555571296.jpg (42.82 KB, 480x480, tsuruko.jpg)

No. 242026
>>242013I think she looks cute. And she looks pretty asian for 1/4, I thought she was 1/2 or something at first (but idk if that's cause of the poses/make-up/filters).
Btw from her looks and behavior I'm assuming she's the same age as Venus. They also both have the typical way of talking of weebs in that age group.
No. 242062
File: 1485786397849.png (165.93 KB, 320x350, Screenshot_2017-01-30-09-24-14…)

>>242059dropped pic, sage for samefagging
No. 242100
>>242013>"Potato nose"Gosh, I'm seriously wondering what's a non-potato nose for some people on here. It's like a broken record.
Milk or gtfo.
No. 242106
File: 1485791663855.png (485.13 KB, 795x585, tsurukos cringe friend.png)

>>242100i think she has a good cute nose tbh. ahripop is the one with a potato nose.
is this skyleigh posting tsuruko because she's jealous tsuruko actually has some sort of asian blood in her?
tbh she's nothing special, but she doesn't seem harmful/ a cow. literally just a girl being cute and cosplaying.
i find some of the edits by her thirsty weeb boys funny but most of them are cringey and unfunny. it's like when /b/ was posting that autistic asmr girl and calling her their "Autistic waifu" like just leave these girls alone.
she has this chinese friend tho who literally wants to be a meme and posts pics like this
No. 242161
>>242159tbh her eyes are definitely not white to me. she's in a weird spot to me because she doesn't look like your stereotypical asian or even haffu, but she just doesn't look white to me? it's so weird. i think her eye makeup helps accentuate it, as does the hair. maybe her asian genes dominated those two traits of hers but the rest is white so overall she looks more like it.
her mother is half chinese and looks it, maybe if she wasn't so ghostly pale she would resemble her mother more.
it's weird, i feel like for 1/4th asian she looks more asian than every 1/4th ive seen. my best friend is half thai and you can only really tell with his eyes, the rest of him looks white.
sage for blog post and boring info
No. 242171
>>242168i don't remember that, i just remember an anon posting a picture of her saying "hi tsuruko" but i looked and she wasnt in the thread previously.
>>242164im pretty sure i have hooded eyes and it doesn't look like that. i personally believe she has some sort of monolid eyes because they look different than most white people's eyes
No. 242175
>>242143I did not expect her to have a lisp.
Shes pretty dolly cute though
No. 242199
>>242171? Except that she was in the thread
Check again
No. 242204
File: 1485811278754.png (304.77 KB, 656x1119, Tsu.png)

This is Tsuruko's original post in the eyes thread.
No. 242234
File: 1485815634080.jpg (33.41 KB, 474x473, IMG_2075.JPG)

This whole thread is fucking garbage and reeks of manure.
No. 242238
>>242234It's so nice of Tsuruko that she posted in the eyes thread, admin sama can you check if Tsuruko chan is here with us?
I wouldn't be surprised if she were a regular user bashing other cosplayers.
No. 242250
>>242239Tusurko and all her catty friends, and Venus is now in the process of becoming like her.
Besides having a sailor mouth all of them have a lot in common:
The filthiest bedrooms and bad hygiene/ eating habits.
No. 242293
>>242271Tsuruko and her group definitely post in Bonbon's threads, I remember when Tsuruko sent her friend to defend her ass in PULL.
>>242271It will happen eventually.
No. 242329
>>242236why is she so negative? and who the fuck kept bumping this shit thread?
>>242252the cut looks like she chopped it off with a lawnmower
>>242311she posted in the eye thread in /g/ some time ago but i doubt admin knew or gave a damn who she was at the time
No. 242340
>>242329The OP description is shit but the thread is OK, anons already know her anyway.
>why is she so negative?Idk all these flakes have the urge to talk about their problems in public.
No. 242437
File: 1485835454096.jpg (725.56 KB, 1104x1534, pt2017_01_31_12_58_21.jpg)

>>242204>>242171They're hooded. Not monolids at all. You can literally see the crease in her eyelid in every picture/video, including this one. There are different degeees of "hooded" eyelids
blogpost I have the same thing and am white af. They're pretty common. Jennifer Lawrence has them, Taylor swift, Emma stone.
Pic related monolid vs hooded eyelid
I live in Asia and wouldn't even need a second glance to know she's not Asian. I don't know why everybody here has such a hard time determining of somebody's asian and if thry are, which nationality. It's pretty simple.
No. 242448
File: 1485837805106.jpg (76.36 KB, 1080x1349, 15801918_1654141464886099_7617…)

>>242437she's literally 1/4 asian that top pic is from a full asian. hooded eyes are deep set eyes the crease goes along the nose bridge and under the eyes. she has raised skin all the way across her nose bridge her eyes are not deep set at all. she looks pretty asian to moi in this pic.
No. 242503
>>242437She's only 1/4 Asian, so obviously she's not going to have a monolid going on. If you look at the tear ducts, you'll see that she has an Asian thing going on there, that's not what white people's eyes look like.
I too live in Asia, which makes me a total pro when it comes to eyes /s (at least I know that not all Asians have monolids kek)
No. 242551
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>>242443One way to actually distinguish many Chinese from Japanese.
No. 242598
File: 1485868392022.jpeg (43.98 KB, 740x389, becky_news.jpeg)

>>242437>I live in Asia and wouldn't even need a second glance to know she's not Asian. I don't know why everybody here has such a hard time determining of somebody's asian and if thry are, which nationality. It's pretty simple.Because I'm half Asian, and I know what mixed Asians look like? Most if not all mixed Asians have double eyelid. Take Becky for example. Sure, to Asians it may look White, but in the average White country, people will still call you "that Asian person".
No. 242673
>>242657but aren't literally 95% of weebs/cosplayers on ig boring? most don't even make their own costumes and it's just the same selfies over and over again.
how old is she again?
No. 242691
>>242657she's obnoxious and rude and lazily promotes all the free shit she gets while acting completely ungrateful. she's also besties with venus, and there's tension regarding the fact venus is desperately trying to look asian again while manaki likes every single one of tsuruko's selfies. tsuruko is also taking up youtubing and seems to be looking to grow an audience, this doing more shit for us to see.
she's a cow. the milk will come.
No. 242721
>>242691ngl if there's milk i can wait for it. for some reason weeb milk is the most entertaining to me.
i feel like she's toning down her personality, is hiding it to not seem weird or she's just kind of boring.
am i the only one who liked when she shaded bonbon?
No. 243230
>>242977Those are not monolids. If
>>242204 is really tsuruko, she has Asian hooded eyes.
Western hooded eyes are deep-set but when Asians have hooded eyes, it has something to do with the fat in their eyelids or so.
No. 243936
File: 1486115667961.png (340 KB, 1041x1592, 2017-02-03 20.48.14.png)

I went through her pull thread a bunch of real life friends are on there and when her thread was started a whole bunch of "new accounts" started and defended her and were upvoting each other lol also a friend posted a comment in the past that tsuruko goes to friends houses to cover her ip wouldn't be surprised if she's the one self posting herself everywhere (I'm also going to post a few pics from the thread sorry)
No. 243937
File: 1486115749280.jpg (1.05 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20170203_204656.jpg)

She def photoshops 1
No. 243938
File: 1486115815809.jpg (1.18 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20170203_204737.jpg)

Sorry last one
No. 243955
>>243938>>243937She's cute. I like her freckles.
She's what Suzy wishes she looked like. Really similar features except this girl actually pulls it off.
No. 244298
>>243938To me her eyes+forehead and hairline make her look a bit downs but she seems ok other than being pretty boring and pessimistic.
Actually now that i'm looking at this shit she looks closer to FAS than downs in the upper left pic kek.
In saying all this I still think she's cuter than a lot of the cows on here probably because she's not really a cow ergo this thread shouldn't exist. Snow is shit but i'd think not self-post worthy level of shit.
No. 244967
>>243951agreed. i also looked nothing like my cosplay pictures when i was 11.
but seriously the pic of her on the side compared to the front looks the same except she smoothed out her face which i've seen her mention a while back. i'm glad she can actually admit it but in her eating snack videos her skin looks fine anyways so it's not like misa tier shooping by any means
No. 245635
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without photoshop that stupid lip purse gives her the most unfortunate nasolabial folds
No. 253788
File: 1487409502211.png (73.59 KB, 640x557, IMG_1612.PNG)

Is she laughing at venus?
No. 253790
>>253788Don't mean to bring up irrelevant info but the girl Tsuruko tags used to have this fan page that mysteriously vanished. Which I'm pretty sure was just her self posting just to get more likes. Like I have no clue how she and Tsuruko are close but they're definitely close considering she tags her in a lot of things
Sage for useless info
No. 253812
>>253788Fuck off Venus
She desperately seeks asian approval constantly
No. 253820
>>253812She's reacting to barrage of attacks in the past 24 hours that are related to some blm girl 's page. All non-Japanese girls screeching about yellow facing on Venus' IG.
P.s. Japanese IN JAPAN are not oppressed and they don't cry about gaijin weebs buying anime and looking terrible in kimono. They don't care. Only Americans and non-Japanese Asians project their cultural problems onto Japan and want Japanese to get offended.
No. 253902
>>253790theyre friends irl.
but yeah himeaa is actually really ugly and shoops hardcore. she's one of those potato moonface asians and is jealous tsuruko has gotten fame and has been made into a small meme
No. 390796
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So Venus is promoting her patreon.
No. 390802
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>>390797And here comes Margo
No. 390902
>>245640fuck the nasolabial folds, she has complete white girl lips, I hate the expectation that all asians should either look like ball jointed dolls, jav porn stars, or exotic, tan, with big thick lips and a perfect jaw and smooth thick hair, but I don't see how anyone buys it, her hair is white girlish and doesn't look a hint of asian, her nose looks fine but still looks european, but telling from this girls head shape as well as her lips, she MAY have some asian blood, but waayyyy down the line, not 1/4th
No. 890293
>>890143Idk who she is but it looks like she intentionally filmed the friend from the floor/unflattering angles
and the friend still looks adorableFriend: 1
Mikan: 0
No. 891790
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>>890293Mikan tries to be subtle with her shade towards other women but she really slipped up with this vid kek. She'll put it down to her edgey ~British humour~ that's her favourite defence. Pull only just stopped circle jerking her after she showed up to do damage control multiple times, suspiciously quick. She's the type of cow who takes what people say about her and uses it to better her facade, but it's thinly veiled lol. I don't think she's milky enough for a thread here though, just anther two-faced weeb who treats her followers like cashcows.
Tsuruko is definitely aware of what she did judging by the fact Mikan had to explain in a newer vid Tsuruko won't be appearing in anymore of her vlogs because she's "shy" kek.
>Here's a pic of pre ~uwu internet famous persona~ I don't think I have to spell out the ironySaged for off-topic
No. 896946
>>890143I'm not a tsuruko stan and I don't keep up with Mikan outside of venus's threads but is anyone uncomfortable at her mouth shape and the way mikan speaks? I haven't seen her outside of IG pics but the way she moves her mouth is very bizarre. It also seems very mean the way she's talking about one of her "best friends"? Like the part where she mentions tsuruko doesnt do anything with her life despite being the same age.
I've heard that tsuruko is a stay at home weeb and whatnot but I'd be fairly insulted if my best friend spoke about me in that way? Mikan seems to constantly put her "best friend" down.
No. 897268
>>890143So this Mikan girl was online friends with Tsuruko for a while? And then moved to Japan and set up a day to hang and meet face-to-face? And brought her camera and recorded her friend without asking? For the whole day? And Tsuruko (what is her real name?) allowed this behavior, then later on privately asked not to be in any more videos?
Did I understand correctly? This Mikan chick is a cunt and this makes Tsuuko come off as very gracious. Imagine being treated like that by a friend, as if they are paparazzi trying to trick you or catch you off guard for their own benefit/gains. Tsuruko looked really cute in the video, too… better than her IG photos - she makes herself look generic with the shoop.
Thanks for the drop of milk whoever necro'd this thread
No. 897282
File: 1574619803170.png (1.06 MB, 1080x1620, Screenshot_20191124-102145.png)

Think she's referring to Mikan?
No. 897505
>>897282She is, they're no longer following each other on social media. Welp for "best friends" that sure didn't take long… Tsuruko mustn't have anything Mikan wants kek.
Good for Tsuruko, I've seen the way Mikan's spoken down to her for years now. I even caught her calling a fan of Tsuruko's ugly/won't amount to anything -because she stuck up for Tsuruko when Mikan was using her passive agressive
British humour to publically shame her (as usual). It honestly sounded like she thought she was famous and the girl who confronted her was trash by comparison? This was all in caps with multiple replies mind you, but she caught on after 5 minutes and deleted it before I got a screenshot.
>I still think about the milk that got away with that one :( Although I do sleep well knowing that after the barrage of insults from Mikan, that girl appealed to her superficiality. She brought up the fact her face pics weren't getting half the engagement the ones where she hides her face were. Fucking kek I know she hit a nerve with that one.
No. 899551
File: 1575081806683.jpg (73.62 KB, 236x500, Screenshot_20191129-172026_Ins…)

So what we've been saying has been pretty much confirmed. I'm mean the speculation Piper cut ties with Vina, and of course Vina's personality in general kek. Image dump incoming (1/3)
No. 899552
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No. 899553
File: 1575081980569.png (104.26 KB, 231x500, 63DCBA1B-5184-47E1-ACDA-CF31F5…)

>I'm gonna be a grown up
No. 925207
>>898119Definitely her IRL name, but why call her anything but what her main moniker is? I like her youtube name better (pipuko) but idk…
>>899684You could tell by the end of the video that she was on the verge of crying, she was already tearing up a bit.
>>901149I'm not fond of either girl but they can't both be wrong. Just because Tsuruko is an hypocrite doesn't mean Mikan is anything less than a jerk (which should be evident by now, tbf).
(necro) No. 1279277
File: 1626575684139.jpg (178.8 KB, 929x682, 00098789797897.JPG)

Holy shit, she looks so bad in candids. Her hair looks abysmal with that blunt fringe and the color washes her out so bad. Her eyes are tiny and saggy and she looks like 10 years older. Her head and body look wider too. I knew she edited, but I never realized the extent of her editing. She alters all her features, smooths her face and even slims her whole body. Holy crap lmao. Thank heavens for the mask. It does wonders for this weeb.
No. 1285132
File: 1627358915470.png (670.61 KB, 933x585, candid.png)

>>1279277she doesn't look "so bad" in candids. her makeup was unflattering and her bangs were too short there. at most she looks doughy and not quite as young in her tagged pics.
No. 1286330
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No. 1286333
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The shop is so bad here, her tagged photos vs her own edited post.
No. 1286406
>>1286359Agreed. She's cute and doesn't look that different from her edits minus the bad skin. Can't say I blame her for smoothing out her blemishes. We've already seen what she looks like via Mikan's video here too
>>890143 ?
Is this really worth bumping her thread for? like at least sage the nitpicks. kek
No. 1286743
>>1286406Mikan lurks here and definitely still has a vendetta against Tsuruko so I wouldn't be surprised if the bump was Mikan feeling salty. Tsuruko looks cute in both of these, such a nitpick. Would laugh if this was Mikan because her photos are paled and edited to hell and back and smacked through multiple editing applications. Don't ask me why, but
>>1279277 gives me Mikan energy.