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No. 243233

Morbidly obese Whitney Way Thore shot to viral fame several years ago with a video that maybe contained about two minutes worth of dancing in it (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hj-VmZYcUhQ). Whitney, riding the wave of fat acceptance, body positivity and Health at Every Size (HAES), was able to turn her fifteen minutes of fame into a career with her own TV show: My Big Fat Fabulous Life.

The premise of the show is Whitney telling the same cameras that constantly capture her binge eating, crying and lazing about on the couch how happy and brave she is and that it's a misconception people are fat because they consume more calories than they burn. If recreational rage or schadenfreuden are pastimes of yours you'll probably delight in Whitney's self made train wreck of a life in which everything is everyone else's fault and never her own.

My favorite highlights:
-when was when she kept "inexplicably" gaining weight despite supposedly following her trainers instructions to the T and he caught her red handed and dumped her for wasting his time

-after spending years crowing that fat people can do anything, she becomes paralyzed in pain and squeals like a pig for several minutes when she's unable to stand upright in skis (http://www.tlc.com/tv-shows/my-big-fat-fabulous-life/videos/whitney-goes-skiing/)

-she tried dancing for longer than a minute or two at a time and nearly died (http://people.com/tv/whitney-way-thore-my-big-fat-fabulous-life-star-rushed-to-hospital/)

No. 243246

oops, left out some social media. Apparently she's pregnant now, not that anyone would be able to tell:



No. 243262

The baby probably won't survive. Poor thing.

No. 243267

Do reality TV stars count as cows? Either way, TLC is definitely not going to let her lose weight as long as they can make $$$ off her. And I thought the pregnant thing was a hype rouse? I know she has PCOS (not that it explains her weight lol).

No. 243271

I don't like her because she's a HAES cunt but I can't help but feel a tad sorry for her just because she obviously has an ED and is unhappy with her life.

It certainly doesn't excuse her shitty behavior though. I hope the whole HAES thing dies down at some point because too many people are buying into it now.

No. 243283

Eh, don't feel bad anon. The thing with HAES supporters is, the reason they're so constantly miserable is themselves. They chose to be that miserable, so sympathy is a waste and empathy isn't realistic. Whitney spent years digging her grave so she could tell us all how great it is down there, no need to feel bad just because she's discovered there's worms and dirt and nasty things.

No. 243415

it is possible to have a baby with PCOS, it's just pretty rare

No. 243607

I love this show. It's my guilty pleasure. When is someone going to upload the next episode?

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