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No. 267231

Tumblr user deerdyke is a self diagnosed autistic young trans women who regularly rages about their hatred of women, men, and trans men among other things. Currently goes by Alyssa with sie/hir pronouns. A list of some of their shenanigans:

>changes name and pronouns every other week

>makes up pronouns such as: bun/bunself, sie/hir, etc.
>names have included: cheryl, skye, etc.
>will crucify anyone who calls them the wrong name/pronoun
>flips their shit whenever someone who isn't a trans women follows them on a public tumblr account and will send their followers to harass them until they unfollow
>posts nudes including dick pics
>was homeless several times
>begged on tumblr for money and a place to live
>refused help from anyone that was not a trans women and went absolutely nuts when anyone dared offer help or asked why
>hates women, men, trans men, literally anyone who is not a trans women
>claimed they do not feel safe or mentally able to have a job so they beg for money on tumblr and have previously done sex work

That's all I can remember at the moment. They are pretty lulzy and rage inducing. I had completely forgotten about them until recently and thought they may be worthy of a thread. What do you guys think?
Also I'm on mobile so hopefully I did this right!

No. 267234

OP - just realized their profile now says she/her when just the other day it was sie/hir. Whatever that means.

No. 267241

Any screen grabs?

No. 267242

Sounds like s/he could fit right into the old baeddel crew.

No. 267245

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I will dig for more

No. 267249

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She's got some interesting kinks

No. 267257

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No. 267264

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Open with caution

No. 267267

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I can't seem to find caps of the drama from when they were flipping out on everyone for trying to help but I found some posts about hating 'cis' people

No. 267324

Fucking trans people and their need to show off their "girlcocks".

>so much dysphoria, very trans.

No. 267625

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