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File: 1489439468075.jpg (Spoiler Image,149.02 KB, 1080x1138, 16465438_1663172170644180_4299…)

No. 269019

instagram https://www.instagram.com/pink.fox/
PULL https://prettyuglylittleliar.net/topic/3020-erin-nicole-aka-pinkfox/
private fb https://www.facebook.com/kittenkisses

Infamous for liquifying her whole body, giving herself giant boobs & tiny waist, edits on makeup with beauty apps, but if called out totally freaks out posting shit like "I am real. I am curvy. And I look like an anime girl. I don't need to edit because I'm beautiful."
Gets 1k on patreon every month for nothing but bad shooped selfies, wannabe cosplayer who just buys tacky 1$ taobao cosplays.

No. 269022

File: 1489439590575.jpg (80.01 KB, 528x960, 13557823_556452301201291_59888…)

how she really looks like:

No. 269023

File: 1489439627365.jpg (783.18 KB, 895x1374, 13767378_1764221130521638_9289…)

Awesome cosplay :D

No. 317718

File: 1495328850261.jpg (1.15 MB, 1482x1439, IMG_4811.JPG)

This girl is famous for no reason except for her balloon tits that aren't even real. Here's a side by side of how she looks in real life vs. one of her PS jobs(necromancy)

No. 343436

File: 1498755784487.png (Spoiler Image,342.13 KB, 500x500, IMG_5171.PNG)

So apparently this girl is doing porn now, her exclusives on patreon are literally shitty porn images. This girl isn't even a cosplayer, just somone doing porn for a quick buck

No. 343438

Okay but can we also talk about how her boobs are so small here compared to the balloons she shops on for Instagram

No. 348511

Does anybody have a link or a dump of all of her "porn" images? You know, for science(no)

No. 348553

Fuck off, you have awful taste and find them yourself.

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