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File: 1492848528749.jpeg (159.14 KB, 768x1024, 1454284506850-0.jpeg)

No. 296504

This girl is pretty, but something is wrong, I dunno, she is like, too pretty. Like uncanny valley, creepy doll pretty. I need someone to explain this shit. It it makeup? Contouring? Angles? Photoshop? plastic surgery?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 296505

>weird bulldog face
also, vendetta, post links etc

No. 296506

Nah, clearly a self post. Oh wait I mean…

She looks just like CL!

No. 296507

File: 1492848691476.jpg (123.41 KB, 612x612, 1446757974131.jpg)

No. 296509

Looks like shes a special needs kid

No. 296510

something's wrong with her face but it for sure ain't that she's "too pretty".

No. 296511

She's not cliche pretty, but interesting pretty. At least for me. That kind of look that's not hot on the streets and average irl, but looks 'cool' on pictures.
Apparently she's copying art. And then she goes on accusing others, while she herself is nowhere near original.
Recently she bickered a bit with Lily May Mac on twitter lolz. About being materialistic.

No. 296512

theres already a general for instathots op

No. 296514

File: 1492849686670.png (201.06 KB, 788x825, Screenshot_2016-06-28-11-56-41…)

also this is her; clearly she photoshops her whole face.

No. 296517

i think what you're finding weird is that she's pretty but not in a convential way

anyway, she probably shoops her pics a little (nothing major) and the lips are overlined or have fillers

other than that there's not much milk (she stole artwork but thats covered in the PULL thread) and she's just your typical edgy artsy insta girl who acts holier than thou because of her following

No. 296518


Where are you guys seeing "pretty" in the OP at all? She looks like she's got a severe case of down syndrome.

No. 296520

This is like princess doll v2.0. Stop self posting you fucking n00b

No. 296535

she looks hapa to me

No. 296536

Exactly she has SPED written all over her face. Looks like she fell on her face as a baby

No. 296537

I agree with these anons. Literally no milk, just someone desperate for someone to have SOMETHING they can grab onto about this girl. Pathetic!

No. 296550

>too pretty. Like uncanny valley, creepy doll pretty.
>but interesting pretty
>that she's pretty but not in a convential way

sure, amy

No. 296558

p e r s o n a l v e n d e t t a

No. 296560

File: 1492864275532.gif (471.27 KB, 275x188, 1488639448798.gif)

Who cares

No. 296574

She steals art and overlines the fuck out of her lips but there's really no milk, honestly. Amy is like any other insta/tumblr 'art hoe'.

No. 296580

This is very obviously a self post.

No. 296581

This ain't your mammas board where she tells you the bitches u don like are all fake cuz you ain't pretty enough
bye bye boo

No. 296585

She ugly tho

No. 296592

She looks like CL ^_^

No. 296602

wow so cute! ^.^

No. 296630

File: 1492874181498.jpg (42.3 KB, 640x640, 8b8aa81bce08735626d2493c75dc60…)

Loool this beast good looking?!
Talk about fucking selfpost

No. 296664

Take it to the bank, boys. This one looks just like CL!

No. 296694

>too pretty
her eyes are tiny. she looks disgusting. nice attempt at a self post.

No. 296702


>tiny deep-set beady eyes

>over-filled plastic surgery lips
>chubby cheeks with no definition whatsoever
>alien eyebrows

she ugly af

No. 296705

Wow, just like CL! ^^

No. 296706

What is wrong with her lips? She looks like she got hit in the face with a football

No. 296707

another great irrelvant insta hoe thread made by a pulltard

No. 301688

What did she say to Lily? She deleted the tweet after Lily replied.

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